using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using Oxide.Core; using Oxide.Core.Plugins; using Rust; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Playables; using Oxide.Game.Rust; using System.Globalization; using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; using Newtonsoft.Json; using UnityEngine.SceneManagement; using Facepunch; namespace Oxide.Plugins //comments are wide to the right ---> { [Info("BotSpawn", "Steenamaroo", "1.4.6", ResourceId = 2580)] [Description("Spawn tailored AI with kits at monuments and custom locations.")] class BotSpawn : RustPlugin { [PluginReference] Plugin Vanish, Kits; const string permAllowed = "botspawn.allowed"; bool HasPermission(string id, string perm) => permission.UserHasPermission(id, perm); int no_of_AI = 0; System.Random rnd = new System.Random(); static System.Random random = new System.Random(); bool isInAir; #region Data class StoredData { public Dictionary CustomProfiles = new Dictionary(); public StoredData() { } } StoredData storedData; #endregion public double GetRandomNumber(double minimum, double maximum) { return random.NextDouble() * (maximum - minimum) + minimum; } void Init() { JsonConvert.DefaultSettings = () => new JsonSerializerSettings { Formatting = Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.Indented, ReferenceLoopHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore }; var filter = RustExtension.Filter.ToList(); //Thanks Fuji. :) filter.Add("cover points"); filter.Add("resulted in a conflict"); RustExtension.Filter = filter.ToArray(); no_of_AI = 0; Wipe(); LoadConfigVariables(); } void OnServerInitialized() { FindMonuments(); } void Loaded() { lang.RegisterMessages(messages, this); permission.RegisterPermission(permAllowed, this); storedData = Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.ReadObject("BotSpawn"); } void Unload() { var filter = RustExtension.Filter.ToList(); filter.Remove("OnServerInitialized"); filter.Remove("cover points"); filter.Remove("resulted in a conflict"); RustExtension.Filter = filter.ToArray(); Wipe(); } void Wipe() { foreach (var bot in TempRecord.NPCPlayers) { if (bot == null) { TempRecord.NPCPlayers.Remove(bot); Wipe(); return; } var comp = bot.GetComponent(); if (comp != null) comp.Kill(); else continue; } TempRecord.NPCPlayers.Clear(); } bool isAuth(BasePlayer player) { if ( != null) if ( < 2) return false; return true; } object OnEntityTakeDamage(BaseCombatEntity entity, HitInfo info) { NPCPlayerApex Scientist = null; if (entity is NPCPlayerApex) { Scientist = entity as NPCPlayerApex; if (!TempRecord.NPCPlayers.Contains(Scientist)) return null; if (info.Initiator is BasePlayer) { var damagedbot = entity as NPCPlayer; var canNetwork = Vanish?.Call("IsInvisible", info.Initiator); //bots wont retaliate to vanished players if ((canNetwork is bool)) if ((bool)canNetwork) { info.Initiator = null; } if (configData.Options.Peace_Keeper) //prevent melee farming with peacekeeper on { var heldMelee = info.Weapon as BaseMelee; var heldTorchWeapon = info.Weapon as TorchWeapon; if (heldMelee != null || heldTorchWeapon != null) info.damageTypes.ScaleAll(0); } var bData = Scientist.GetComponent(); float multiplier = 100f /; info.damageTypes.ScaleAll(multiplier); } } if (info?.Initiator is NPCPlayer && entity is BasePlayer) //add in bot accuracy { var attacker = info.Initiator as NPCPlayerApex; if (TempRecord.NPCPlayers.Contains(attacker)) { var bData = attacker.GetComponent(); System.Random rnd = new System.Random(); int rand = rnd.Next(1, 10); if (bData.accuracy < rand) //scale bot attack damage { return true; } else { info.damageTypes.ScaleAll(bData.damage); return null; } } } return null; } void OnPlayerDie(BasePlayer player) { string respawnLocationName = ""; NPCPlayerApex Scientist = null; if (player is NPCPlayerApex) { Scientist = player as NPCPlayerApex; if (!TempRecord.NPCPlayers.Contains(Scientist)) return; if (TempRecord.NPCPlayers.Contains(Scientist)) //kill radio effects { var bData = Scientist.GetComponent(); Item activeItem = player.GetActiveItem(); if (bData.dropweapon == true) { using (TimeWarning timeWarning = TimeWarning.New("PlayerBelt.DropActive", 0.1f)) { activeItem.Drop(player.eyes.position, new Vector3(), new Quaternion()); player.svActiveItemID = 0; player.SendNetworkUpdate(BasePlayer.NetworkQueue.Update); } } no_of_AI--; respawnLocationName = bData.monumentName; TempRecord.DeadNPCPlayerIds.Add(Scientist.userID); if (TempRecord.MonumentProfiles[respawnLocationName].Disable_Radio == true) Scientist.DeathEffect = new GameObjectRef(); if(bData.respawn == false) { UnityEngine.Object.Destroy(Scientist.GetComponent()); UpdateRecords(Scientist); return; } foreach (var profile in TempRecord.MonumentProfiles) { if(profile.Key == respawnLocationName) { timer.Once(profile.Value.Respawn_Timer, () => SpawnBots(profile.Key, profile.Value, null)); UnityEngine.Object.Destroy(Scientist.GetComponent()); UpdateRecords(Scientist); } } } } } void UpdateRecords(NPCPlayerApex player) { if (TempRecord.NPCPlayers.Contains(player)) { TempRecord.NPCPlayers.Remove(player); return; } } // Facepunch.RandomUsernames public static string Get(ulong v) //credit Fujikura. { return Facepunch.RandomUsernames.Get((int)(v % 2147483647uL)); } BaseEntity InstantiateSci(Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, bool murd) //Spawn population spam fix - credit Fujikura { string prefabname = "assets/prefabs/npc/scientist/scientist.prefab"; if (murd == true) { prefabname ="assets/prefabs/npc/murderer/murderer.prefab"; } var prefab = GameManager.server.FindPrefab(prefabname); GameObject gameObject = Instantiate.GameObject(prefab, position, rotation); = prefabname; SceneManager.MoveGameObjectToScene(gameObject, Rust.Server.EntityScene); if (gameObject.GetComponent()) UnityEngine.Object.Destroy(gameObject.GetComponent()); if (!gameObject.activeSelf) gameObject.SetActive(true); BaseEntity component = gameObject.GetComponent(); return component; } void SpawnBots(string name, MonumentSettings settings, string type = null) { var murd = settings.Murderer; var pos = new Vector3 (settings.LocationX, settings.LocationY, settings.LocationZ); var zone = settings; int X = rnd.Next((-zone.Radius/2), (zone.Radius/2)); //no need for /2 int Z = rnd.Next((-zone.Radius/2), (zone.Radius/2)); int dropX = rnd.Next(5, 10); int dropZ = rnd.Next(5, 10); int Y = 100; var CentrePos = new Vector3((pos.x + X),200,(pos.z + Z)); Quaternion rot = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 0); Vector3 newPos = (CalculateGroundPos(CentrePos)); NPCPlayer entity = (NPCPlayer)InstantiateSci(newPos, rot, murd); var botapex = entity.GetComponent(); var bData = botapex.gameObject.AddComponent(); TempRecord.NPCPlayers.Add(botapex); if (zone.Roam_Range < 20) zone.Roam_Range = 20; botapex.Spawn(); bData.spawnPoint = newPos; bData.accuracy = zone.Bot_Accuracy; bData.damage = zone.Bot_Damage; = zone.BotHealth; bData.range = (zone.Aggression_Range / 3f); bData.monumentName = name; bData.respawn = true; bData.roamRange = zone.Roam_Range; bData.dropweapon = zone.Weapon_Drop; bData.keepAttire = zone.Keep_Default_Loadout; int suicInt = rnd.Next((configData.Options.Suicide_Timer), (configData.Options.Suicide_Timer + 10)); //slightly randomise suicide de-spawn time if (type == "AirDrop" || type == "Attack") { bData.respawn = false; timer.Once(suicInt, () => { if (TempRecord.NPCPlayers.Contains(botapex)) { if (botapex != null) { Effect.server.Run("assets/prefabs/weapons/rocketlauncher/effects/rocket_explosion.prefab", botapex.transform.position); //fix for manual OnEntityDeath HitInfo nullHit = new HitInfo(); nullHit.damageTypes.Add(Rust.DamageType.Explosion, 10000); botapex.Hurt(nullHit); } else { TempRecord.NPCPlayers.Remove(botapex); Puts("This Shouldn't Happen"); return; } } else return; }); } int kitRnd; if (zone.Kit.Count != 0) { kitRnd = rnd.Next(zone.Kit.Count); if (zone.Kit[kitRnd] != null) { object checkKit = (Kits.CallHook("GetKitInfo", zone.Kit[kitRnd], true)); if (checkKit == null) { PrintWarning($"Kit {zone.Kit[kitRnd]} does not exist - Defaulting to Scientist or Murderer."); } else { bool weaponInBelt = false; if (checkKit != null && checkKit is JObject) { List contentList = new List(); JObject kitContents = checkKit as JObject; JArray items = kitContents["items"] as JArray; foreach (var weap in items) { JObject item = weap as JObject; if (item["container"].ToString() == "belt") weaponInBelt = true; } } if (!weaponInBelt) { PrintWarning($"Kit {zone.Kit[kitRnd]} has no items in belt - Defaulting to Scientist or Murderer."); } else { if(bData.keepAttire == false) entity.inventory.Strip(); Kits?.Call($"GiveKit", entity, zone.Kit[kitRnd], true); TempRecord.kitList.Add(botapex.userID, zone.Kit[kitRnd]); } } } } no_of_AI++; foreach (Item item in botapex.inventory.containerBelt.itemList) //store organised weapons lists { var held = item.GetHeldEntity(); if (held as HeldEntity != null) { if (held as BaseMelee != null || held as TorchWeapon != null) bData.MeleeWeapons.Add(item); else { if (held as BaseProjectile != null) { bData.AllProjectiles.Add(item); if ("m92") ||"pistol") ||"python") ||"waterpipe")) bData.CloseRangeWeapons.Add(item); else if ("bolt")) bData.LongRangeWeapons.Add(item); else bData.MediumRangeWeapons.Add(item); } } } } if (zone.BotName == "randomname") entity.displayName = Get(entity.userID); else entity.displayName = zone.BotName; botapex.Stats.VisionRange = bData.range; = zone.BotHealth; if (zone.Disable_Radio) botapex.GetComponent().CancelInvoke(new Action(botapex.RadioChatter)); timer.Once(1, () => SelectWeapon(botapex, null, false)); } void OnEntitySpawned(BaseEntity entity) { if (entity != null) { if (entity is NPCPlayerCorpse) { var corpse = entity as NPCPlayerCorpse; if (!configData.Options.Allow_Rust_Loot) NextTick(() => { corpse.containers[0].Clear(); corpse.containers[1].Clear(); corpse.containers[2].Clear(); } ); string kit; if (TempRecord.kitList.ContainsKey(corpse.playerSteamID)) { kit = TempRecord.kitList[corpse.playerSteamID]; if (kit == null) return; string[] checkKit = (Kits.CallHook("GetKitContents", kit)) as string[]; var tempbody = GameManager.server.CreateEntity("assets/prefabs/player/player.prefab", (corpse.transform.position - new Vector3(0,-100,0)), corpse.transform.rotation).ToPlayer(); tempbody.Spawn(); Kits?.Call($"GiveKit", tempbody, kit, true); NextTick(() => { var source = new ItemContainer[] { tempbody.inventory.containerMain, tempbody.inventory.containerWear, tempbody.inventory.containerBelt }; for (int i = 0; i < (int)source.Length; i++) { Item[] array = source[i].itemList.ToArray(); for (int j = 0; j < (int)array.Length; j++) { Item item = array[j]; if (!item.MoveToContainer(corpse.containers[i], -1, true)) { item.Remove(0f); } } } tempbody.Kill(); if (configData.Options.Wipe_Belt) corpse.containers[2].Clear(); if (configData.Options.Wipe_Clothing) corpse.containers[1].Clear(); TempRecord.kitList.Remove(corpse.playerSteamID); }); } } if (entity is DroppedItemContainer) { NextTick(() => { if (entity == null || entity.IsDestroyed) return; var container = entity as DroppedItemContainer; ulong ownerID = container.playerSteamID; if (ownerID == 0) return; if (configData.Options.Remove_BackPacks) { if (TempRecord.DeadNPCPlayerIds.Contains(ownerID)) { entity.Kill(); TempRecord.DeadNPCPlayerIds.Remove(ownerID); return; } } }); } Vector3 dropLocation = new Vector3(0,0,0); if (!("supply_drop"))) return; dropLocation = (CalculateGroundPos(entity.transform.position)); List entitiesWithinRadius = new List(); Vis.Entities(dropLocation, 50f, entitiesWithinRadius); foreach (var BaseEntity in entitiesWithinRadius) //check for smoking grenade at proposed airdrop spawn location { if ("grenade.smoke.deployed") && !(configData.Options.Supply_Enabled)) return; } foreach (var profile in TempRecord.MonumentProfiles) { if(profile.Key == "AirDrop" && profile.Value.Activate == true) { timer.Repeat(0f,profile.Value.Bots, () => { profile.Value.LocationX = entity.transform.position.x; profile.Value.LocationY = entity.transform.position.y; profile.Value.LocationZ = entity.transform.position.z; SpawnBots(profile.Key, profile.Value, "AirDrop"); } ); } } } } void SelectWeapon(NPCPlayerApex npcPlayer, BasePlayer victim, bool hasAttacker) { if (npcPlayer == null) return; if (npcPlayer.svActiveItemID == 0) { return; } var active = npcPlayer.GetActiveItem(); HeldEntity heldEntity1 = null; AttackEntity heldGun = null; if (active != null) heldEntity1 = active.GetHeldEntity() as HeldEntity; if (heldEntity1 != null) heldGun = npcPlayer.GetHeldEntity() as AttackEntity; var bData = npcPlayer.GetComponent(); if (hasAttacker == false) { List weapons = new List(); //check all their weapons foreach (Item item in npcPlayer.inventory.containerBelt.itemList) { if (item.GetHeldEntity() as BaseProjectile != null || item.GetHeldEntity() as BaseMelee != null || item.GetHeldEntity() as TorchWeapon != null) { weapons.Add(Convert.ToInt16(item.position)); } } if (weapons.Count == 0) { Puts("No suitable weapon found in kit."); return; } int index = rnd.Next(weapons.Count); var currentTime = TOD_Sky.Instance.Cycle.Hour; if (currentTime > 20 || currentTime < 8) { foreach (Item item in npcPlayer.inventory.containerBelt.itemList) { HeldEntity held = item.GetHeldEntity() as HeldEntity; if (item.ToString().Contains("flashlight")) { if (heldEntity1 != null) heldEntity1.SetHeld(false); var UID = item.uid; ChangeWeapon(npcPlayer, held, UID); return; } } } else { foreach (Item item in npcPlayer.inventory.containerBelt.itemList) //pick one at random to start with { HeldEntity held = item.GetHeldEntity() as HeldEntity; if (item.position == weapons[index]) { if (heldEntity1 != null) heldEntity1.SetHeld(false); var UID = npcPlayer.inventory.containerBelt.GetSlot(weapons[index]).uid; ChangeWeapon(npcPlayer, held, UID); return; } } } } if (hasAttacker == true) { bData.canChangeWeapon ++; if (bData.canChangeWeapon > 3) { bData.canChangeWeapon = 0; if (npcPlayer == null) return; float distance = Vector3.Distance(npcPlayer.transform.position, victim.transform.position); int noOfAvailableWeapons = 0; int selectedWeapon; Item chosenWeapon = null; HeldEntity held = null; int newCurrentRange = 0; var currentTime = TOD_Sky.Instance.Cycle.Hour; bool night = false; if (currentTime > 20 || currentTime < 8) night = true; if (npcPlayer.AttackTarget == null && night) { foreach (var weap in bData.MeleeWeapons) { if (weap.ToString().Contains("flashlight")) { chosenWeapon = weap; newCurrentRange = 1; } } } else { if (distance < 2f && bData.MeleeWeapons != null) { foreach (var weap in bData.MeleeWeapons) { noOfAvailableWeapons++; } if (noOfAvailableWeapons > 0) { selectedWeapon = rnd.Next(bData.MeleeWeapons.Count); chosenWeapon = bData.MeleeWeapons[selectedWeapon]; newCurrentRange = 1; } } else if (distance > 1f && distance < 10f && bData.CloseRangeWeapons != null) { foreach (var weap in bData.CloseRangeWeapons) { noOfAvailableWeapons++; } if (noOfAvailableWeapons > 0) { selectedWeapon = rnd.Next(bData.CloseRangeWeapons.Count); chosenWeapon = bData.CloseRangeWeapons[selectedWeapon]; newCurrentRange = 2; } } else if (distance > 9f && distance < 30f && bData.MediumRangeWeapons != null) { foreach (var weap in bData.MediumRangeWeapons) { noOfAvailableWeapons++; } if (noOfAvailableWeapons > 0) { selectedWeapon = rnd.Next(bData.MediumRangeWeapons.Count); chosenWeapon = bData.MediumRangeWeapons[selectedWeapon]; newCurrentRange = 3; } } else if (distance > 29 && bData.LongRangeWeapons != null) { foreach (var weap in bData.LongRangeWeapons) { noOfAvailableWeapons++; } if (noOfAvailableWeapons > 0) { selectedWeapon = rnd.Next(bData.LongRangeWeapons.Count); chosenWeapon = bData.LongRangeWeapons[selectedWeapon]; newCurrentRange = 4; } } if (chosenWeapon == null) //if no weapon suited to range, pick any random bullet weapon { //prevents sticking with melee @>2m when no pistol is available foreach (var weap in bData.AllProjectiles) { noOfAvailableWeapons++; } if (noOfAvailableWeapons > 0) { selectedWeapon = rnd.Next(bData.AllProjectiles.Count); chosenWeapon = bData.AllProjectiles[selectedWeapon]; newCurrentRange = 5; } } } if (chosenWeapon == null) return; if (newCurrentRange == bData.currentWeaponRange) return; else bData.currentWeaponRange = newCurrentRange; held = chosenWeapon.GetHeldEntity() as HeldEntity; if ( == return; heldEntity1.SetHeld(false); var UID = chosenWeapon.uid; ChangeWeapon(npcPlayer, held, UID); } } else { timer.Once(1, () => SelectWeapon(npcPlayer, victim, false)); } } void ChangeWeapon(NPCPlayer npcPlayer, HeldEntity held, uint UID) { npcPlayer.svActiveItemID = 0; npcPlayer.SendNetworkUpdate(BasePlayer.NetworkQueue.Update); npcPlayer.inventory.UpdatedVisibleHolsteredItems(); npcPlayer.svActiveItemID = UID; npcPlayer.SendNetworkUpdate(BasePlayer.NetworkQueue.Update); held.SetHeld(true); npcPlayer.svActiveItemID = UID; npcPlayer.inventory.UpdatedVisibleHolsteredItems(); AttackEntity heldGun = npcPlayer.GetHeldEntity() as AttackEntity; if (heldGun != null) { if (heldGun as BaseMelee != null || heldGun as TorchWeapon != null) heldGun.effectiveRange = 2; else if ("bolt")) heldGun.effectiveRange = 800f; else heldGun.effectiveRange = 200f; return; } } #region targeting object OnNpcPlayerTarget(NPCPlayerApex npcPlayer, BaseEntity entity) { if (!TempRecord.NPCPlayers.Contains(npcPlayer)) return null; if (npcPlayer == null || entity == null) return null; if (entity is NPCPlayer) return null; BasePlayer victim = null; if (entity is BasePlayer) { victim = entity as BasePlayer; SelectWeapon(npcPlayer, victim, true); var currentTime = TOD_Sky.Instance.Cycle.Hour; var active = npcPlayer.GetActiveItem(); HeldEntity heldEntity1 = null; HeldEntity attackerheldEntity1 = null; if (active != null) heldEntity1 = active.GetHeldEntity() as HeldEntity; if (heldEntity1 != null) { if (currentTime > 20 || currentTime < 8) heldEntity1.SetLightsOn(true); else heldEntity1.SetLightsOn(false); } if (configData.Options.Peace_Keeper) { if (victim.svActiveItemID == 0u) { return 0f; } else { var heldWeapon = victim.GetHeldEntity() as BaseProjectile; var heldFlame = victim.GetHeldEntity() as FlameThrower; if (heldWeapon == null && heldFlame == null) return 0f; } } if (TempRecord.NPCPlayers.Contains(npcPlayer)) { var bData = npcPlayer.GetComponent(); var profile = bData.monumentName; } if(!victim.userID.IsSteamId() && configData.Options.Ignore_HumanNPC) //stops bots targeting humannpc return 0f; } if ("agents/") && configData.Options.Ignore_Animals) //stops bots targeting animals return 0f; else return null; } object CanBradleyApcTarget(BradleyAPC bradley, BaseEntity target) //stops bradley targeting bots { if (target is NPCPlayer && configData.Options.APC_Safe) return false; return null; } object OnNpcTarget(BaseNpc npc, BaseEntity entity) //stops animals targeting bots { Puts("OnNpcTargetFired"); //at present this is not working if (entity is NPCPlayer && configData.Options.Animal_Safe) return 0f; return null; } object CanBeTargeted(BaseCombatEntity player, MonoBehaviour turret) //stops autoturrets targetting bots { if (player is NPCPlayer && configData.Options.Turret_Safe) return false; return null; } #endregion void AttackPlayer(BasePlayer player, string name, MonumentSettings profile) { Vector3 location = (CalculateGroundPos(player.transform.position)); timer.Repeat(1f,profile.Bots, () => { profile.LocationX = location.x; profile.LocationY = location.y; profile.LocationZ = location.z; SpawnBots(name, profile, "Attack"); } ); } static BasePlayer FindPlayerByName(string name) { BasePlayer result = null; foreach (BasePlayer current in BasePlayer.activePlayerList) { if (current.displayName.Equals(name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { BasePlayer result2 = current; return result2; } if (current.UserIDString.Contains(name, CompareOptions.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { BasePlayer result2 = current; return result2; } if (current.displayName.Contains(name, CompareOptions.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { result = current; } } return result; } static Vector3 CalculateGroundPos(Vector3 sourcePos) //credit Wulf & Nogrod { RaycastHit hitInfo; if (UnityEngine.Physics.Raycast(sourcePos, Vector3.down, out hitInfo, 800f, LayerMask.GetMask("Terrain", "World", "Construction"), QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore)) { sourcePos.y = hitInfo.point.y; } sourcePos.y = Mathf.Max(sourcePos.y, TerrainMeta.HeightMap.GetHeight(sourcePos)); return sourcePos; } private void FindMonuments() //credit K1lly0u { TempRecord.MonumentProfiles.Clear(); var allobjects = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType(); int warehouse = 0; int lighthouse = 0; int gasstation = 0; int spermket = 0; foreach (var gobject in allobjects) { if ("autospawn/monument")) { var pos = gobject.transform.position; if ("mining_quarry_a")) { AddProfile("QuarryA", configData.Zones.QuarryA, pos); continue; } if ("mining_quarry_b")) { AddProfile("QuarryB", configData.Zones.QuarryB, pos); continue; } if ("mining_quarry_c")) { AddProfile("QuarryC", configData.Zones.QuarryB, pos); continue; } if ("powerplant_1")) { AddProfile("PowerPlant", configData.Zones.PowerPlant, pos); continue; } if ("airfield_1")) { AddProfile("Airfield", configData.Zones.Airfield, pos); continue; } if ("trainyard_1")) { AddProfile("Trainyard", configData.Zones.Trainyard, pos); continue; } if ("water_treatment_plant_1")) { AddProfile("Watertreatment", configData.Zones.Watertreatment, pos); continue; } if ("satellite_dish")) { AddProfile("Satellite", configData.Zones.Satellite, pos); continue; } if ("sphere_tank")) { AddProfile("Dome", configData.Zones.Dome, pos); continue; } if ("radtown_small_3")) { AddProfile("Radtown", configData.Zones.Radtown, pos); continue; } if ("launch_site")) { AddProfile("Launchsite", configData.Zones.Launchsite, pos); continue; } if ("junkyard")) { AddProfile("Junkyard", configData.Zones.Junkyard, pos); continue; } if ("military_tunnel_1")) { AddProfile("MilitaryTunnel", configData.Zones.MilitaryTunnel, pos); continue; } if ("harbor_1")) { AddProfile("Harbor1", configData.Zones.Harbor1, pos); continue; } if ("harbor_2")) { AddProfile("Harbor2", configData.Zones.Harbor2, pos); continue; } if ("gas_station_1") && gasstation == 0) { AddProfile("GasStation", configData.Zones.GasStation, pos); gasstation++; continue; } if ("gas_station_1") && gasstation == 1) { AddProfile("GasStation1", configData.Zones.GasStation1, pos); gasstation++; continue; } if ("supermarket_1") && spermket == 0) { AddProfile("SuperMarket", configData.Zones.SuperMarket, pos); spermket++; continue; } if ("supermarket_1") && spermket == 1) { AddProfile("SuperMarket1", configData.Zones.SuperMarket1, pos); spermket++; continue; } if ("lighthouse") && lighthouse == 0) { AddProfile("Lighthouse", configData.Zones.Lighthouse, pos); lighthouse++; continue; } if ("lighthouse") && lighthouse == 1) { AddProfile("Lighthouse1", configData.Zones.Lighthouse1, pos); lighthouse++; continue; } if ("lighthouse") && lighthouse == 2) { AddProfile("Lighthouse2", configData.Zones.Lighthouse2, pos); lighthouse++; continue; } if ("warehouse") && warehouse == 0) { AddProfile("Warehouse", configData.Zones.Warehouse, pos); warehouse++; continue; } if ("warehouse") && warehouse == 1) { AddProfile("Warehouse1", configData.Zones.Warehouse1, pos); warehouse++; continue; } if ("warehouse") && warehouse == 2) { AddProfile("Warehouse2", configData.Zones.Warehouse2, pos); warehouse++; continue; } if ("warehouse") && warehouse > 2) continue; if ("lighthouse") && lighthouse > 2) continue; if ("gas_station_1") && gasstation > 1) continue; if ("supermarket_1") && spermket > 1) continue; } } TempRecord.MonumentProfiles.Add("AirDrop", new MonumentSettings { Activate = configData.Zones.AirDrop.Activate, Murderer = configData.Zones.AirDrop.Murderer, Bots = configData.Zones.AirDrop.Bots, BotHealth = configData.Zones.AirDrop.BotHealth, Radius = configData.Zones.AirDrop.Radius, Kit = configData.Zones.AirDrop.Kit, BotName = configData.Zones.AirDrop.BotName, Bot_Accuracy = configData.Zones.AirDrop.Bot_Accuracy, Bot_Damage = configData.Zones.AirDrop.Bot_Damage, Disable_Radio = configData.Zones.AirDrop.Disable_Radio, LocationX = 0f, LocationY = 0f, LocationZ = 0f, Respawn_Timer = 10, Aggression_Range = configData.Zones.AirDrop.Aggression_Range, Roam_Range = configData.Zones.AirDrop.Roam_Range, Weapon_Drop = configData.Zones.AirDrop.Weapon_Drop, Keep_Default_Loadout = configData.Zones.AirDrop.Keep_Default_Loadout, }); foreach (var profile in storedData.CustomProfiles) TempRecord.MonumentProfiles.Add(profile.Key, profile.Value); foreach (var profile in TempRecord.MonumentProfiles) { if (profile.Value.Kit == null && Kits == null) { PrintWarning(lang.GetMessage("nokits", this)); return; } if(profile.Value.Activate == true && profile.Value.Bots > 0 && !profile.Key.Contains("AirDrop")) timer.Repeat(2,profile.Value.Bots, () => SpawnBots(profile.Key, profile.Value, null)); } } void AddProfile(string name, CustomSettings monument, Vector3 pos) //bring config data into live data { TempRecord.MonumentProfiles.Add(name, new MonumentSettings { Activate = monument.Activate, Murderer = monument.Murderer, Bots = monument.Bots, BotHealth = monument.BotHealth, Radius = monument.Radius, Kit = monument.Kit, BotName = monument.BotName, Bot_Accuracy = monument.Bot_Accuracy, Bot_Damage = monument.Bot_Damage, Disable_Radio = monument.Disable_Radio, Respawn_Timer = monument.Respawn_Timer, LocationX = pos.x, LocationY = pos.y, LocationZ = pos.z, Aggression_Range = monument.Aggression_Range, Roam_Range = monument.Roam_Range, Weapon_Drop = monument.Weapon_Drop, Keep_Default_Loadout = monument.Keep_Default_Loadout, }); } #region Commands [ConsoleCommand("bot.respawn")] void cmdBotRespawn() { Unload(); Init(); OnServerInitialized(); } [ConsoleCommand("bot.count")] void cmdBotCount() { int total = 0; foreach(var pair in TempRecord.NPCPlayers) { total++; } Puts($"There are {total} bots."); } [ConsoleCommand("botspawn.reset")] //debug precaution - Kill all bots, whether from this plug or not. void cmdDefaultBots() { var allofem = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType(); foreach (var gobject in allofem) { UnityEngine.Object.Destroy(gobject); } var allobjects = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType(); foreach (var gobject in allobjects) { gobject.Kill(); } Unload(); Init(); OnServerInitialized(); } [ChatCommand("botspawn")] void botspawn(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args) { if (HasPermission(player.UserIDString, permAllowed) || isAuth(player)) if (args != null && args.Length == 1) { if (args[0] == "list") { var outMsg = lang.GetMessage("ListTitle", this); foreach (var profile in storedData.CustomProfiles) {outMsg += $"\n{profile.Key}";} PrintToChat(player, outMsg); } else SendReply(player, "" + lang.GetMessage("Title", this) + "" + lang.GetMessage("error", this)); } else if (args != null && args.Length == 2) { if (args[0] == "add") { var name = args[1]; if (storedData.CustomProfiles.ContainsKey(name)) { SendReply(player, "" + lang.GetMessage("Title", this) + "" + lang.GetMessage("alreadyexists", this),name); return; } Vector3 pos = player.transform.position; var customSettings = new MonumentSettings() { Activate = false, BotName = "randomname", LocationX = pos.x, LocationY = pos.y, LocationZ = pos.z, }; storedData.CustomProfiles.Add(name, customSettings); Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.WriteObject("BotSpawn", storedData); SendReply(player, "" + lang.GetMessage("Title", this) + "" + lang.GetMessage("customsaved", this),player.transform.position); } else if (args[0] == "move") { var name = args[1]; if (storedData.CustomProfiles.ContainsKey(name)) { storedData.CustomProfiles[name].LocationX = player.transform.position.x; storedData.CustomProfiles[name].LocationY = player.transform.position.y; storedData.CustomProfiles[name].LocationZ = player.transform.position.z; Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.WriteObject("BotSpawn", storedData); SendReply(player, "" + lang.GetMessage("Title", this) + "" + lang.GetMessage("custommoved", this),name); } else SendReply(player, "" + lang.GetMessage("Title", this) + "" + lang.GetMessage("noprofile", this)); } else if (args[0] == "remove") { var name = args[1]; if (storedData.CustomProfiles.ContainsKey(name)) { foreach (var bot in TempRecord.NPCPlayers) { if (bot == null) return; var bData = bot.GetComponent(); if (bData.monumentName == name) if (bData.transform.parent.gameObject != null) bData.transform.parent.gameObject.GetComponent().Kill(); else continue; } TempRecord.MonumentProfiles.Remove(name); storedData.CustomProfiles.Remove(name); Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.WriteObject("BotSpawn", storedData); SendReply(player, "" + lang.GetMessage("Title", this) + "" + lang.GetMessage("customremoved", this),name); } else SendReply(player, "" + lang.GetMessage("Title", this) + "" + lang.GetMessage("noprofile", this)); } else SendReply(player, "" + lang.GetMessage("Title", this) + "" + lang.GetMessage("error", this)); } else if (args != null && args.Length == 3) { if (args[0] == "toplayer") { var name = args[1]; var profile = args[2]; BasePlayer target = FindPlayerByName(name); if (target == null) { SendReply(player, "" + lang.GetMessage("Title", this) + "" + lang.GetMessage("namenotfound", this),name); return; } if (!(storedData.CustomProfiles.ContainsKey(profile))) { SendReply(player, "" + lang.GetMessage("Title", this) + "" + lang.GetMessage("noprofile", this)); return; } foreach (var entry in storedData.CustomProfiles) { if (entry.Key == profile) { AttackPlayer(target, entry.Key, entry.Value); SendReply(player, "" + lang.GetMessage("Title", this) + "" + lang.GetMessage("deployed", this),profile, target.displayName); } } } else SendReply(player, "" + lang.GetMessage("Title", this) + "" + lang.GetMessage("error", this)); } else SendReply(player, "" + lang.GetMessage("Title", this) + "" + lang.GetMessage("error", this)); } #endregion #region Config private ConfigData configData; class TempRecord { public static List NPCPlayers = new List(); public static Dictionary MonumentProfiles = new Dictionary(); public static List DeadNPCPlayerIds = new List(); public static Dictionary kitList = new Dictionary(); } public class botData : MonoBehaviour { public Vector3 spawnPoint; public bool invincible; public int canChangeWeapon; public float enemyDistance; public int currentWeaponRange; public List AllProjectiles = new List(); public List MeleeWeapons = new List(); public List CloseRangeWeapons = new List(); public List MediumRangeWeapons = new List(); public List LongRangeWeapons = new List(); public int accuracy; public float damage; public float range; public int health; public string monumentName; public bool dropweapon; public bool respawn; public int roamRange; public bool goingHome; public bool keepAttire; NPCPlayerApex botapex; void Start() { botapex = this.GetComponent(); } void Update() { if (botapex.AttackTarget == null && (Vector3.Distance(botapex.transform.position, spawnPoint) > roamRange)) { goingHome = true; } if (Vector3.Distance(botapex.transform.position, spawnPoint) > (10) && goingHome == true) { if (botapex.GetNavAgent.isOnNavMesh) botapex.GetNavAgent.SetDestination(spawnPoint); } else goingHome = false; } } class CustomSettings { public bool Activate = false; public bool Murderer = false; public int Bots = 5; public int BotHealth = 100; public int Radius = 100; public List Kit = new List(); public string BotName = "randomname"; public int Bot_Accuracy = 4; public float Bot_Damage = 0.4f; public int Respawn_Timer = 60; public bool Disable_Radio = true; public int Aggression_Range = 40; public int Roam_Range = 40; public bool Weapon_Drop = true; public bool Keep_Default_Loadout = false; } class MonumentSettings { public bool Activate = false; public bool Murderer = false; public int Bots = 5; public int BotHealth = 100; public int Radius = 100; public List Kit = new List(); public string BotName = "randomname"; public int Bot_Accuracy = 4; public float Bot_Damage = 0.4f; public int Respawn_Timer = 60; public bool Disable_Radio = true; public float LocationX; public float LocationY; public float LocationZ; public int Aggression_Range = 40; public int Roam_Range = 40; public bool Weapon_Drop = true; public bool Keep_Default_Loadout = false; } class AirDropSettings { public bool Activate = false; public bool Murderer = false; public int Bots = 5; public int BotHealth = 100; public int Radius = 100; public List Kit = new List(); public string BotName = "randomname"; public int Bot_Accuracy = 4; public float Bot_Damage = 0.4f; public bool Disable_Radio = true; public int Aggression_Range = 40; public int Roam_Range = 40; public bool Weapon_Drop = true; public bool Keep_Default_Loadout = false; } class Options { public bool Ignore_Animals { get; set; } public bool APC_Safe { get; set; } public bool Turret_Safe { get; set; } public bool Animal_Safe { get; set; } public int Suicide_Timer { get; set; } public bool Supply_Enabled { get; set; } public bool Remove_BackPacks { get; set; } public bool Ignore_HumanNPC { get; set; } public bool Peace_Keeper { get; set; } public bool Allow_Rust_Loot { get; set; } public bool Wipe_Belt { get; set; } public bool Wipe_Clothing { get; set; } } class Zones { public CustomSettings Airfield { get; set; } public CustomSettings Dome { get; set; } public CustomSettings PowerPlant { get; set; } public CustomSettings Radtown { get; set; } public CustomSettings Satellite { get; set; } public CustomSettings Trainyard { get; set; } public CustomSettings Watertreatment { get; set; } public CustomSettings Launchsite { get; set; } public CustomSettings MilitaryTunnel { get; set; } public CustomSettings Junkyard { get; set; } public CustomSettings Harbor1 { get; set; } public CustomSettings Harbor2 { get; set; } public CustomSettings Warehouse { get; set; } public CustomSettings Warehouse1 { get; set; } public CustomSettings Warehouse2 { get; set; } public CustomSettings GasStation { get; set; } public CustomSettings GasStation1 { get; set; } public CustomSettings SuperMarket { get; set; } public CustomSettings SuperMarket1 { get; set; } public CustomSettings Lighthouse { get; set; } public CustomSettings Lighthouse1 { get; set; } public CustomSettings Lighthouse2 { get; set; } public CustomSettings QuarryA { get; set; } public CustomSettings QuarryB { get; set; } public CustomSettings QuarryC { get; set; } public AirDropSettings AirDrop { get; set; } } class ConfigData { public Options Options { get; set; } public Zones Zones { get; set; } } private void LoadVariables() { LoadConfigVariables(); SaveConfig(); } private void LoadConfigVariables() { configData = Config.ReadObject(); } protected override void LoadDefaultConfig() { Puts("Creating a new config file"); var config = new ConfigData { Options = new Options { Allow_Rust_Loot = true, Wipe_Belt = true, Wipe_Clothing = true, Ignore_Animals = true, APC_Safe = true, Turret_Safe = true, Animal_Safe = true, Suicide_Timer = 300, Supply_Enabled = false, Remove_BackPacks = true, Ignore_HumanNPC = true, Peace_Keeper = true, }, Zones = new Zones { Airfield = new CustomSettings{}, Dome = new CustomSettings{}, PowerPlant = new CustomSettings{}, Radtown = new CustomSettings{}, Satellite = new CustomSettings{}, Trainyard = new CustomSettings{}, Watertreatment = new CustomSettings{}, Launchsite = new CustomSettings{}, MilitaryTunnel = new CustomSettings{}, Junkyard = new CustomSettings{}, Harbor1 = new CustomSettings{}, Harbor2 = new CustomSettings{}, GasStation = new CustomSettings{}, GasStation1 = new CustomSettings{}, SuperMarket = new CustomSettings{}, SuperMarket1 = new CustomSettings{}, Warehouse = new CustomSettings{}, Warehouse1 = new CustomSettings{}, Warehouse2 = new CustomSettings{}, Lighthouse = new CustomSettings{}, Lighthouse1 = new CustomSettings{}, Lighthouse2 = new CustomSettings{}, QuarryA = new CustomSettings{}, QuarryB = new CustomSettings{}, QuarryC = new CustomSettings{}, AirDrop = new AirDropSettings{} } }; SaveConfig(config); } void SaveConfig(ConfigData config) { Config.WriteObject(config, true); } #endregion #region messages Dictionary messages = new Dictionary() { {"Title", "BotSpawn : " }, {"error", "/botspawn commands are - list - add - remove - move - toplayer" }, {"customsaved", "Custom Location Saved @ {0}" }, {"custommoved", "Custom Location {0} has been moved to your current position." }, {"alreadyexists", "Custom Location already exists with the name {0}." }, {"customremoved", "Custom Location {0} Removed." }, {"deployed", "'{0}' bots deployed to {1}." }, {"ListTitle", "Custom Locations" }, {"noprofile", "There is no profile by that name in /data/BotSpawn.json" }, {"namenotfound", "Player '{0}' was not found" }, {"nokits", "Kits is not installed but you have declared custom kits." }, }; #endregion } }