using Oxide.Core; using Oxide.Core.Libraries; using Oxide.Core.Plugins; using Rust; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Reflection; using System.Text; namespace Oxide.Plugins { [Info("FriendlyFire", " / dcode", "1.6.0", ResourceId = 840)] public class FriendlyFire : RustPlugin { #region Rust:IO Bindings private Library lib; private MethodInfo isInstalled; private MethodInfo hasFriend; private MethodInfo addFriend; private MethodInfo deleteFriend; private void InitializeRustIO() { lib = Interface.GetMod().GetLibrary("RustIO"); if (lib == null || (isInstalled = lib.GetFunction("IsInstalled")) == null || (hasFriend = lib.GetFunction("HasFriend")) == null || (addFriend = lib.GetFunction("AddFriend")) == null || (deleteFriend = lib.GetFunction("DeleteFriend")) == null) { lib = null; Puts("{0}: {1}", Title, "Rust:IO is not present. You need to install Rust:IO first in order to use this plugin!"); } } private bool IsInstalled() { if (lib == null) return false; return (bool)isInstalled.Invoke(lib, new object[] {}); } private bool HasFriend(string playerId, string friendId) { if (lib == null) return false; return (bool)hasFriend.Invoke(lib, new object[] { playerId, friendId }); } private bool AddFriend(string playerId, string friendId) { if (lib == null) return false; return (bool)addFriend.Invoke(lib, new object[] { playerId, friendId }); } private bool DeleteFriend(string playerId, string friendId) { if (lib == null) return false; return (bool)deleteFriend.Invoke(lib, new object[] { playerId, friendId }); } #endregion private List manuallyEnabledBy = new List(); private List apiBypassedFor = new List(); private List texts = new List() { "%NAME% is your friend and cannot be hurt. To disable this, unshare your location with %NAME% on the live map or type: /ff on", "Usage: /ff [on|off]", "Friendly fire is enabled for your friends:", "Friendly fire is disabled for your friends:", "You do not have any friends currently.", "You may add or delete friends using the live map.", "To toggle friendly fire on or off, type: /ff on|off", "Friendly fire for your friends is already enabled. Take care!", "You have enabled friendly fire for your friends. Take care!", "Friendly fire for your friends is already disabled. They are safe!", "You have disabled friendly fire for your friends. They are safe!", "/ff - Displays your friendly fire status", "/ff on|off - Toggles friendly fire on or off" }; private Dictionary messages = new Dictionary(); private Dictionary notificationTimes = new Dictionary(); // Translates a string private string _(string text, Dictionary replacements = null) { if (messages.ContainsKey(text) && messages[text] != null) text = messages[text]; if (replacements != null) foreach (var replacement in replacements) text = text.Replace("%" + replacement.Key + "%", replacement.Value); return text; } // Loads the default configuration protected override void LoadDefaultConfig() { var messages = new Dictionary(); foreach (var text in texts) { if (messages.ContainsKey(text)) Puts("{0}: {1}", Title, "Duplicate translation string: " + text); else messages.Add(text, text); } Config["messages"] = messages; } // Gets a config value of a specific type private T GetConfig(string name, T defaultValue) { if (Config[name] == null) return defaultValue; return (T)Convert.ChangeType(Config[name], typeof(T)); } [HookMethod("OnServerInitialized")] void OnServerInitialized() { try { InitializeRustIO(); LoadConfig(); var customMessages = GetConfig>("messages", null); if (customMessages != null) foreach (var pair in customMessages) messages[pair.Key] = Convert.ToString(pair.Value); } catch (Exception ex) { Error("OnServerInitialized failed: " + ex.Message); } } private void RestoreDefaults(BasePlayer player) { manuallyEnabledBy.Remove(player.userID); } [HookMethod("OnPlayerInit")] void OnPlayerInit(BasePlayer player) { RestoreDefaults(player); } [HookMethod("OnPlayerDisconnected")] void OnPlayerDisconnected(BasePlayer player) { RestoreDefaults(player); } private object OnAttackShared(BasePlayer attacker, BasePlayer victim, HitInfo hit) { if (lib == null || attacker == victim) return null; if (manuallyEnabledBy.Contains(attacker.userID) || apiBypassedFor.Contains(attacker.userID)) return null; var victimId = victim.userID.ToString(); var attackerId = attacker.userID.ToString(); if (!HasFriend(attackerId, victimId)) return null; DateTime now = DateTime.UtcNow; DateTime time; var key = attackerId + "-" + victimId; if (!notificationTimes.TryGetValue(key, out time) || time < now.AddSeconds(-10)) { attacker.SendConsoleCommand("chat.add", "", _("%NAME% is your friend and cannot be hurt. To disable this, unshare your location with %NAME% on the live map or type: /ff on", new Dictionary() { { "NAME", victim.displayName } })); notificationTimes[key] = now; } // Clear the HitInfo (we don't want to rely on the return behavior because other plugins may cause conflicts) hit.damageTypes = new DamageTypeList(); hit.DidHit = false; hit.HitEntity = null; hit.Initiator = null; hit.DoHitEffects = false; return false; } [HookMethod("OnPlayerAttack")] void OnPlayerAttack(BasePlayer attacker, HitInfo hit) { try { if (hit.HitEntity is BasePlayer) OnAttackShared(attacker, hit.HitEntity as BasePlayer, hit); } catch (Exception ex) { Error("OnPlayerAttack failed: " + ex.Message); } } [HookMethod("OnEntityTakeDamage")] void OnEntityTakeDamage(BaseCombatEntity entity, HitInfo hit) { try { if (entity is BasePlayer && hit.Initiator is BasePlayer) OnAttackShared(hit.Initiator as BasePlayer, entity as BasePlayer, hit); } catch (Exception ex) { Error("OnEntityTakeDamage failed: " + ex.Message); } } [ChatCommand("ff")] private void cmdChatFF(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args) { if (!IsInstalled()) return; if (args.Length > 1) { SendReply(player, _("Usage: /ff [on|off]")); return; } if (args.Length == 0) { var sb = new StringBuilder(); int n = 0; sb.Append("FriendlyFire "+Version+" by\n"); if (manuallyEnabledBy.Contains(player.userID)) sb.Append(_("Friendly fire is enabled for your friends:")).Append("\n"); else sb.Append(_("Friendly fire is disabled for your friends:")).Append("\n"); var playerId = player.userID.ToString(); foreach (var p in BasePlayer.activePlayerList) { var pId = p.userID.ToString(); if (HasFriend(playerId, pId)) { if (n > 0) sb.Append(", "); sb.Append(p.displayName); ++n; } } foreach (var p in BasePlayer.sleepingPlayerList) { var pId = p.userID.ToString(); if (HasFriend(playerId, pId)) { if (n > 0) sb.Append(", "); sb.Append(p.displayName); ++n; } } if (n == 0) sb.Append(_("You do not have any friends currently.")); sb.Append("\n").Append(_("You may add or delete friends using the live map.")); sb.Append("\n").Append(_("To toggle friendly fire on or off, type: /ff on|off")); SendReply(player, sb.ToString()); } else if (args.Length == 1) { switch (args[0]) { case "on": if (manuallyEnabledBy.Contains(player.userID)) { SendReply(player, _("Friendly fire for your friends is already enabled. Take care!")); } else { manuallyEnabledBy.Add(player.userID); SendReply(player, _("You have enabled friendly fire for your friends. Take care!")); } break; case "off": if (!manuallyEnabledBy.Contains(player.userID)) { SendReply(player, _("Friendly fire for your friends is already disabled. They are safe!")); } else { manuallyEnabledBy.Remove(player.userID); SendReply(player, _("You have disabled friendly fire for your friends. They are safe!")); } break; default: SendReply(player, _("Usage: /ff [on|off]")); return; } } } [HookMethod("SendHelpText")] private void SendHelpText(BasePlayer player) { var sb = new StringBuilder() .Append("FriendlyFire by\n") .Append(" ").Append(_("/ff - Displays your friendly fire status")).Append("\n") .Append(" ").Append(_("/ff on|off - Toggles friendly fire on or off")); player.ChatMessage(sb.ToString()); } [HookMethod("BuildServerTags")] private void BuildServerTags(IList taglist) { taglist.Add("friendlyfire"); } #region API Methods [HookMethod("EnableBypass")] private bool EnableBypass(object playerId) { if (playerId == null) throw new ArgumentException("playerId is null"); if (playerId is string) playerId = Convert.ToUInt64((string)playerId); var uid = (ulong)playerId; if (!apiBypassedFor.Contains(uid)) { apiBypassedFor.Add(uid); return true; } return false; } [HookMethod("DisableBypass")] private bool DisableBypass(object playerId) { if (playerId == null) throw new ArgumentException("playerId is null"); if (playerId is string) playerId = Convert.ToUInt64((string)playerId); var uid = (ulong)playerId; return apiBypassedFor.Remove(uid); } #endregion #region Utility Methods private void Log(string message) { Puts("{0}: {1}", Title, message); } private void Warn(string message) { PrintWarning("{0}: {1}", Title, message); } private void Error(string message) { PrintError("{0}: {1}", Title, message); } #endregion } }