using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using Oxide.Core; using System.Text; using System.Linq; namespace Oxide.Plugins { [Info("Recycle", "Calytic", "2.0.8", ResourceId = 1296)] [Description("Recycle crafted items to base resources")] class Recycle : RustPlugin { #region Configuration private float cooldownMinutes; private float refundRatio; private string box; private bool npconly; private List npcids; private float radiationMax; #endregion #region State private Dictionary recycleCooldowns = new Dictionary(); class OnlinePlayer { public BasePlayer Player; public BasePlayer Target; public StorageContainer View; public List Matches; public OnlinePlayer(BasePlayer player) { } } public Dictionary containers = new Dictionary(); [OnlinePlayers] Hash onlinePlayers = new Hash(); #endregion #region Initialization protected override void LoadDefaultConfig() { Config["Settings","box"] = "assets/prefabs/deployable/woodenbox/woodbox_deployed.prefab"; Config["Settings","cooldownMinutes"] = 5; Config["Settings","refundRatio"] = 0.5f; Config["Settings", "radiationMax"] = 1; Config["Settings", "NPCOnly"] = false; Config["Settings", "NPCIDs"] = new List(); Config["VERSION"] = Version.ToString(); } void Unloaded() { foreach (var player in BasePlayer.activePlayerList) { OnlinePlayer onlinePlayer; if (onlinePlayers.TryGetValue(player, out onlinePlayer) && onlinePlayer.View != null) { CloseBoxView(player, onlinePlayer.View); } } } void Init() { Unsubscribe(nameof(CanNetworkTo)); } void Loaded() { permission.RegisterPermission("recycle.use", this); LoadMessages(); CheckConfig(); cooldownMinutes = GetConfig("Settings","cooldownMinutes", 5f); box = GetConfig("Settings","box", "assets/prefabs/deployable/woodenbox/box_wooden.item.prefab"); refundRatio = GetConfig("Settings", "refundRatio", 0.5f); radiationMax = GetConfig("Settings", "radiationMax", 1f); npconly = GetConfig("Settings", "NPCOnly", false); npcids = GetConfig("Settings", "NPCIDs", new List()); } void CheckConfig() { if (Config["VERSION"] == null) { // FOR COMPATIBILITY WITH INITIAL VERSIONS WITHOUT VERSIONED CONFIG ReloadConfig(); } else if (GetConfig("VERSION", "") != Version.ToString()) { // ADDS NEW, IF ANY, CONFIGURATION OPTIONS ReloadConfig(); } } protected void ReloadConfig() { Config["VERSION"] = Version.ToString(); // NEW CONFIGURATION OPTIONS HERE Config["Settings", "NPCOnly"] = false; Config["Settings", "NPCIDs"] = new List(); Config["Settings", "radiationMax"] = GetConfig("Settings", "radiationMax", 1f); // END NEW CONFIGURATION OPTIONS PrintToConsole("Upgrading configuration file"); SaveConfig(); } void LoadMessages() { lang.RegisterMessages(new Dictionary { {"Recycle: Complete", "Recycling {0} to {1}% base materials:"}, {"Recycle: Item", " {0} X {1}"}, {"Recycle: Invalid", "Cannot recycle that!"}, {"Denied: Permission", "You lack permission to do that"}, {"Denied: Privilege", "You lack permission to do that"}, {"Denied: Swimming", "You cannot do that while swimming"}, {"Denied: Falling", "You cannot do that while falling"}, {"Denied: Wounded", "You cannot do that while wounded"}, {"Denied: Irradiated", "You cannot do that while irradiated"}, {"Denied: Generic", "You cannot do that right now"}, {"Cooldown: Seconds", "You are doing that too often, try again in a {0} seconds(s)."}, {"Cooldown: Minutes", "You are doing that too often, try again in a {0} minute(s)."}, }, this); } private bool IsBox(BaseNetworkable entity) { foreach (KeyValuePair kvp in onlinePlayers) { if (kvp.Value.View != null && == { return true; } } return false; } #endregion #region Oxide Hooks object CanNetworkTo(BaseNetworkable entity, BasePlayer target) { if (entity == null || target == null || entity == target) return null; if (target.IsAdmin) return null; OnlinePlayer onlinePlayer; bool IsMyBox = false; if (onlinePlayers.TryGetValue(target, out onlinePlayer)) { if (onlinePlayer.View != null && == { IsMyBox = true; } } if (IsBox(entity) && !IsMyBox) return false; return null; } void OnPlayerInit(BasePlayer player) { onlinePlayers[player].View = null; onlinePlayers[player].Target = null; onlinePlayers[player].Matches = null; } void OnPlayerDisconnected(BasePlayer player) { if (onlinePlayers[player].View != null) { CloseBoxView(player, onlinePlayers[player].View); } } void OnPlayerLootEnd(PlayerLoot inventory) { BasePlayer player; if ((player = inventory.GetComponent()) == null) return; OnlinePlayer onlinePlayer; if (onlinePlayers.TryGetValue(player, out onlinePlayer) && onlinePlayer.View != null) { if (onlinePlayer.View == inventory.entitySource) { CloseBoxView(player, (StorageContainer)inventory.entitySource); } } } void OnItemAddedToContainer(ItemContainer container, Item item) { if (container.playerOwner is BasePlayer) { if (onlinePlayers.ContainsKey(container.playerOwner)) { BasePlayer owner = container.playerOwner; if (containers.ContainsKey(container)) { if (SalvageItem(owner, item)) { item.Remove(0f); item.RemoveFromContainer(); } else { ShowNotification(owner, GetMsg("Recycle: Invalid", owner)); item.MoveToContainer(owner.inventory.containerMain); } } } } } void OnUseNPC(BasePlayer npc, BasePlayer player) { if (!npcids.Contains(npc.UserIDString)) return; ShowBox(player, player); } #endregion #region Commands [ConsoleCommand("rec")] void ccRec(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { cmdRec(arg.Connection.player as BasePlayer, arg.cmd.Name, arg.Args); } [ChatCommand("rec")] void cmdRec(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args) { if (npconly) return; ShowBox(player, player); } #endregion #region Core Methods void ShowBox(BasePlayer player, BaseEntity target) { string playerID = player.userID.ToString(); if (!CanPlayerRecycle(player)) return; if (cooldownMinutes > 0 && !player.IsAdmin) { DateTime startTime; if (recycleCooldowns.TryGetValue(playerID, out startTime)) { DateTime endTime = DateTime.Now; TimeSpan span = endTime.Subtract(startTime); if (span.TotalMinutes > 0 && span.TotalMinutes < Convert.ToDouble(cooldownMinutes)) { double timeleft = System.Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(cooldownMinutes) - span.TotalMinutes, 2); if (span.TotalSeconds < 0) { recycleCooldowns.Remove(playerID); } if (timeleft < 1) { double timelefts = System.Math.Round((Convert.ToDouble(cooldownMinutes) * 60) - span.TotalSeconds); SendReply(player, string.Format(GetMsg("Cooldown: Seconds", player), timelefts.ToString())); return; } else { SendReply(player, string.Format(GetMsg("Cooldown: Minutes", player), System.Math.Round(timeleft).ToString())); return; } } else { recycleCooldowns.Remove(playerID); } } } if(!recycleCooldowns.ContainsKey(player.userID.ToString())) { recycleCooldowns.Add(player.userID.ToString(), DateTime.Now); } var ply = onlinePlayers[player]; if (ply.View == null) { OpenBoxView(player, target); return; } CloseBoxView(player, ply.View); timer.In(1f, () => OpenBoxView(player, target)); } void HideBox(BasePlayer player) { player.EndLooting(); var ply = onlinePlayers[player]; if (ply.View == null) { return; } CloseBoxView(player, ply.View); } void OpenBoxView(BasePlayer player, BaseEntity targArg) { Subscribe(nameof(CanNetworkTo)); var pos = new Vector3(player.transform.position.x, player.transform.position.y-0.6f, player.transform.position.z); int slots = 1; var view = GameManager.server.CreateEntity(box,pos) as StorageContainer; view.transform.position = pos; if (!view) return; player.EndLooting(); if(targArg is BasePlayer) { BasePlayer target = targArg as BasePlayer; ItemContainer container = new ItemContainer(); container.playerOwner = player; container.ServerInitialize((Item) null, slots); if ((int) container.uid == 0) container.GiveUID(); if(!this.containers.ContainsKey(container)) { this.containers.Add(container, player.userID); } view.enableSaving = false; view.Spawn(); view.inventory = container; view.SendNetworkUpdate(BasePlayer.NetworkQueue.Update); onlinePlayers[player].View = view; onlinePlayers[player].Target = target; timer.Once(0.1f, delegate() { view.PlayerOpenLoot(player); }); } } void CloseBoxView(BasePlayer player, StorageContainer view) { OnlinePlayer onlinePlayer; if (!onlinePlayers.TryGetValue(player, out onlinePlayer)) return; if (onlinePlayer.View == null) return; if(containers.ContainsKey(view.inventory)) { containers.Remove(view.inventory); } player.inventory.loot.containers = new List(); view.inventory = new ItemContainer(); if (player.inventory.loot.IsLooting()) { player.SendConsoleCommand("inventory.endloot", null); } onlinePlayer.View = null; onlinePlayer.Target = null; view.KillMessage(); if (onlinePlayers.Values.Count(p => p.View != null) <= 0) { Unsubscribe(nameof(CanNetworkTo)); } } bool SalvageItem(BasePlayer player, Item item) { var sb = new StringBuilder(); var ratio = item.hasCondition ? (item.condition / item.maxCondition) : 1; sb.Append(string.Format(GetMsg("Recycle: Complete", player),, (refundRatio * 100))); if( == null) { return false; } foreach (var ingredient in { var refundAmount = (double)ingredient.amount /; refundAmount *= item.amount; refundAmount *= ratio; refundAmount *= refundRatio; refundAmount = System.Math.Ceiling(refundAmount); if (refundAmount < 1) refundAmount = 1; var newItem = ItemManager.Create(ingredient.itemDef, (int)refundAmount); ItemBlueprint ingredientBp = ingredient.itemDef.Blueprint; if (item.hasCondition) newItem.condition = (float)System.Math.Ceiling(newItem.maxCondition * ratio); player.GiveItem(newItem); sb.AppendLine(); sb.Append(string.Format(GetMsg("Recycle: Item", player),, newItem.amount)); } ShowNotification(player, sb.ToString()); return true; } bool CanPlayerRecycle(BasePlayer player) { if (!permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, "recycle.use")) { SendReply(player, GetMsg("Denied: Permission", player)); return false; } if (!player.CanBuild()) { SendReply(player, GetMsg("Denied: Privilege", player)); return false; } if (radiationMax > 0 && player.radiationLevel > radiationMax) { SendReply(player, GetMsg("Denied: Irradiated", player)); return false; } if (player.IsSwimming()) { SendReply(player, GetMsg("Denied: Swimming", player)); return false; } if (!player.IsOnGround()) { SendReply(player, GetMsg("Denied: Falling", player)); return false; } if (player.IsFlying) { SendReply(player, GetMsg("Denied: Falling", player)); return false; } if (player.IsWounded()) { SendReply(player, GetMsg("Denied: Wounded", player)); return false; } var canRecycle = Interface.Call("CanRecycleCommand", player); if (canRecycle != null) { if (canRecycle is string) { SendReply(player, Convert.ToString(canRecycle)); } else { SendReply(player, GetMsg("Denied: Generic", player)); } return false; } return true; } #endregion #region GUI public string jsonNotify = @"[{""name"":""NotifyMsg"",""parent"":""Overlay"",""components"":[{""type"":""UnityEngine.UI.Image"",""color"":""0 0 0 0.89""},{""type"":""RectTransform"",""anchormax"":""0.99 0.94"",""anchormin"":""0.69 0.77""}]},{""name"":""MassText"",""parent"":""NotifyMsg"",""components"":[{""type"":""UnityEngine.UI.Text"",""text"":""{msg}"",""fontSize"":16,""align"":""UpperLeft""},{""type"":""RectTransform"",""anchormax"":""0.98 0.99"",""anchormin"":""0.01 0.02""}]},{""name"":""CloseButton{1}"",""parent"":""NotifyMsg"",""components"":[{""type"":""UnityEngine.UI.Button"",""color"":""0.95 0 0 0.68"",""close"":""NotifyMsg"",""imagetype"":""Tiled""},{""type"":""RectTransform"",""anchormax"":""0.99 1"",""anchormin"":""0.91 0.86""}]},{""name"":""CloseButtonLabel"",""parent"":""CloseButton{1}"",""components"":[{""type"":""UnityEngine.UI.Text"",""text"":""X"",""fontSize"":5,""align"":""MiddleCenter""},{""type"":""RectTransform"",""anchormax"":""1 1"",""anchormin"":""0 0""}]}]"; public void ShowNotification(BasePlayer player, string msg) { this.HideNotification(player); string send = jsonNotify.Replace("{msg}", msg); CommunityEntity.ServerInstance.ClientRPCEx(new Network.SendInfo { connection = }, null, "AddUI", send); timer.Once(3f, delegate() { this.HideNotification(player); }); } public void HideNotification(BasePlayer player) { CommunityEntity.ServerInstance.ClientRPCEx(new Network.SendInfo { connection = }, null, "DestroyUI", "NotifyMsg"); } #endregion #region HelpText private void SendHelpText(BasePlayer player) { var sb = new StringBuilder() .Append("Recycle by\n") .Append(" ").Append("/rec - Open recycle box").Append("\n"); player.ChatMessage(sb.ToString()); } #endregion #region Helper methods string GetMsg(string key, BasePlayer player = null) { return lang.GetMessage(key, this, player == null ? null : player.UserIDString); } private T GetConfig(string name, T defaultValue) { if (Config[name] == null) { return defaultValue; } return (T)Convert.ChangeType(Config[name], typeof(T)); } private T GetConfig(string name, string name2, T defaultValue) { if (Config[name, name2] == null) { return defaultValue; } return (T)Convert.ChangeType(Config[name, name2], typeof(T)); } #endregion } }