## intent:greet - hey - hello - hi - good morning - good evening - hey there - Gracias !! - hii - what can you do? ## intent:start - hey - hello - hi - good morning - good evening - hey there - Gracias !! ## intent:goodbye - bye - goodbye - see you around - see you later - Have a nice day !! - thanks - no thanks ## intent:query - Query: [What is for loop in C](stack_query) - Query: [What is history of C](stack_query) - Query: [How to declare variables in C](stack_query) - Query: [What is range of integer in C](stack_query) - Query: [How to use while loop in C](stack_query) - Query: [How to break out of loop in C](stack_query) - Query: [What is use of continue statment in loop](stack_query) - Query: [What are data types in C](stack_query) - Query: [What are types of error in C](stack_query) - Query: [How to declare variable in C](stack_query) - Query: [break statment in C](stack_query) - Query: [How are variables declared in C](stack_query) ## intent:affirm - yes - indeed - of course - that sounds good - correct ## intent:deny - no - never - I don't think so - don't like that - no way - not really ## intent:bot_challenge - What's your name? - are you a bot? - are you a human? - am I talking to a bot? - am I talking to a human? ## intent:programming - What is programming? - Programming? - What is a Program? - How does a program work? ## intent:about_c - C - C programming - What is C language? - Who developed C? - History of C. - When was C developed? - Which year C was developed? - Tell me something about C programming? - Can you tell me something about C? - Who is the founder of C? - Give me some info about C. - What to do of C? - What are features of C? - C? What is that? - Is it see? or Is it C? - What are the key features in the C programming language? - history of C - History of C ## intent:c_data_types - data types - what are data types in C? - Where is data stored in C? - How can I store my data in C? - Suppose I have some data let's say a number or string. How can I store it? - Storage facilities provied by C? - What about C data stores? - What about C storing? - What are the basic data types associated with C? - data types in C ## intent:know_integer - int - When is int used? - When is int data type used? - Which data type is used to store number? - How can I store a number? - What facilities are provied by C to store a number? - Can a number be stored in C? - Tell me more about int data type? - Tell me about number storing in C. ## intent:know_all_ranges - Tell me ranges of various datatype in C? - Tell me spans of various datatype in C? - What is limit of different datatypes in C? - What is size of data types in C? - What is range of integer data type? - What are limits of int? - What is span of int? - Till where does the integer extend? - What is range of float data type? - What are limits of float? - What is span of float? - Till where does the float extend? - What is range of char data type? - What are limits of char? - What is span of char? - Till where does the char extend? - Range of character datatype. - What is range of double data type? - What are limits of double? - What is span of double? - Till where does the double extend? - c data ranges - C data ranges - data ranges in C - tell me about C ranges ## intent:know_float - float - When is float used? - How to store floating point numbers? - Can we store floating point numbers in C? - When is float data type used? - Which data type is used to store decimal number? - How can I store a decimal number? - What facilities are provied by C to store a decimal number? - Can a decimal number be stored in C? - Tell me more about float data type? - Tell me about decimal number storing in C. - What is float range? - What is float span? - Where to use float? - Where to use double? - When to use double? - How is double used? ## intent:know_char - char - When is character used? - When is character data type used? - Which data type is used to store number? - How can I store a character? - What facilities are provied by C to store a character? - Can a character be stored in C? - Tell me more about character data type? - Tell me about character storing in C. - tell me about char datatype - tell me about character data type - tell me about character datatype ## intent:know_void - void - When is void used? - When is void data type used? - Which data type is used to store void? - How can I store a void? - What facilities are provied by C to store a void? - Can a void be stored in C? - Tell me more about void data type? - Tell me about void storing in C. ## intent:know_variable - variable - What is a variable? - What are rules for naming a variable? - How to name a memory location? - Tell me about variables in C? - What the fuck is variable in C? - What's this thing called variable? ## intent:know_variable_declaration - Declare a variable - How are variables declared in C? - What is variable declaration ? - What is a variable? - How to delcare variable? - What is the method to declare variables? - What is delcaration and initialization? - How to initizalize and declare variables? - tell me about variable declaration in C - Tell me about variable declaration in C ## intent:know_conditions - conditions - conditional statements - What are conditional statements in C? - How to give conditions in C? - Tell me about if else? - how are conditions given in C? - Decision making in C? - How are decisions evaluated in C? - what is if-else decision making? - How can I decide in C? - Is decision making possible in C? ## intent:know_loops - loops - What are loop statements in C? - How to give looping conditions in C? - Tell me about looping? - loop making in C? - How can I loop in C? - is loop making possible in C? - What is the process to loop in C? - Explain general form of loop? ## intent:know_for_loops - for - What is for loop in C? - How to use for loop in C? - Tell me about for loop in C? - Explain for loop in C. - What is syntax of for loop in c. - tell me about for loop - tell me about for loop in C ## intent:know_while_loops - while - What is while loop in C? - How to use while loop in C? - Tell me about while loop in C? - Explain while loop in C. - What is syntax of while loop in c. ## intent:know_do_while_loops - do while - What is do while loop in C? - How to use do while loop in C? - Tell me about do while loop in C? - Explain do while loop in C. - What is syntax of do while loop in c. ## intent:break_loops - break - How to jump out of loops? - How to break loops? - How to end loop? - What to do to break normal flow of loop? - What is the process to abrubtly end loops? - What is break and continue? - How to use break? - Easy way for conditional loops - How to stop a loop? - break statement in C ## intent:continue_loops - continue - What are continue statements? - Where to use continue? - How to skip statements? - Easy way for conditional loops ## intent:errors - Errors - Errors in C - Types of errors - What are different types of errors in C? - How do errors occur? - C errors - What types of errors does C programming language have? ## intent:runtime_errors - Runtime error - What are errors that occur at runtime? ## intent:syntax_errors - Syntax error - What are errors that occur at syntax? ## intent:linker_errors - Linker error - Linking error - What are errors that occur at linking? ## intent:logical_errors - Logical error - What are errors that occur at runtime? ## intent:semantic_errors - Semantic error - Symantic errors - What are errors that occur at runtime? ## intent:c_features - Features - C features - What are the features of C? - Advantages of C - C Programming Features ## intent:reserved_words - Reserved words - Keywords - Reserved words in C - What are reserved words? - Words part of library - Words with Predefined meaning - Predefined words in C - auto - break keyword - case - char keyword - const - continue keyword - default - do keyword - double keyword - else keyword - enum - extern - float - for keyword - goto keyword - if keyword - int keyword - long keyword - register keyword - return keyword - short keyword - signed keyword - sizeof keyword - static keyword - struct keyword - switch keyword - typedef keyword - union keyword - unsigned keyword - void keyword - volatile keyword - while keyword ## intent:identifiers - Identifiers - What are identifiers? - name a variable - name a function - name a constant - What is used to identify a value? - How is a variable named? - How are constants named? - How are functions named? - How are user-defined data named? - Naming of keywords in C - How to name a variable? - what are identifiers in C ## intent:switch_case - Switch Case - Case - Case conditions - How to use Switch Case? - What is Switch Case? - Conditional statement using switch case - Conditional statement using case - Other conditional statements - Use of break and continue ## intent:operators - Operators - Operators in C - What are operators? - What are the operators? - What's used to perform operation? - Operations in C - How to use operators? - operators in C ## intent:arithmetic_operators - Arithmetic operators - Arithmetic operations - Addition in C - + operator - - operator - * operator - / operator - % operator - Multiplication in C - Division in C - Subtraction in C - What are arithmetic operators? - How to perform arithmetic operations? - How to perform mathematical operations? - How to use arithmetic operators? ## intent:relational_operators - Relational operators - Relational operations - == operator? - < operator? - > operator? - >= operator? - <= operator? - != operator? - What are Relational operators? - How to use relational operators? - How to compare values using operators? - Comparison of values - How to perform Relational operators? ## intent:logical_operators - Logical operators - Logical operations - && operator? - || operator? - What are logical operators? - How to use logical operators? - How to perform logical operations? - Logical And - Anding - Logical Or - Oring - Logical Xor - Xoring - Logical Not - Noting - Using logical gates in C ## intent:bitwise_operators - Bitwise operators - Bitwise operations - Bit-level operations - Bit operations - Shifting - Shifting operators - << - >> - & - | - ^ - Bitwise And - Bitwise Or - Bitwise Xor - Right shift - Left shift - what are Bitwise operators? - How do Bitwise operators work? - How to use Bitwise operators? - How to perform Bitwise operations? ## intent:assignment_operators - Assignment operators - Assignment operations - How to assign values to a variable? - How to add while assigning? - Add while assigning - Subtract while assigning - Multiply while assigning - Divide while assigning - = operator - += operator - -= operator - *= operator - /= operator - %= operator - what are Assignment operators? - How do Assignment operators work? - How to use Assignment operators? - How to perform Assignment operations? ## intent:conditional_operators - Conditional Operators - Conditional Operations - What are conditional operators? - How to use if as a operator? - ?: Operator - Ternary Operator - How to use Conditional operators? - How do Conditional operators? - How to perform Conditional operations? ## intent:special_operators - Special Operators - Special Operations - How to use Special operators? - How do Special operators work? - How to perform special operations? - Address operator - & address operator - * pointer operator - sizeof - sizeof operator