/** * ecobee Suite Smart Circulation * * Copyright 2017-2020 Barry A. Burke * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * * * 1.8.00 - Version synchronization, updated settings look & feel * 1.8.01 - General Release * 1.8.02 - More busy bees * 1.8.03 - No longer LOGs to parent (too much overhead for too little value) * 1.8.04 - New SHPL, using Global Fields instead of atomicState * 1.8.05 - Allow individual un-pause from peers, even if was already paused * 1.8.06 - Enhanced isOkNow() check * 1.8.07 - HOTFIX: Tweaked LOGs to be less chatty * 1.8.08 - Updated formatting * 1.8.09 - Miscellaneous updates & fixes * 1.8.10 - Fix for multi-word Climate names * 1.8.11 - Fix settings descriptive text for minFanOnTime==0 * 1.8.12 - Fix getThermostatModes() * 1.8.13 - Fix for Hubitat 'supportedThermostatModes', etc. * 1.9.00 - Removed all ST code */ import groovy.json.* import groovy.transform.Field String getVersionNum() { return "1.9.00" } String getVersionLabel() { return "Ecobee Suite Smart Circulation Helper, version ${getVersionNum()} on ${getHubPlatform()}" } definition( name: "ecobee Suite Smart Circulation", namespace: "sandood", author: "Barry A. Burke (storageanarchy at gmail dot com)", description: "INSTALL USING ECOBEE SUITE MANAGER ONLY!\n\nAdjust fan circulation time based on temperature delta between 2 or more rooms.", category: "Convenience", parent: "sandood:Ecobee Suite Manager", iconUrl: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SANdood/Icons/master/Ecobee/ecobee-logo-1x.jpg", iconX2Url: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SANdood/Icons/master/Ecobee/ecobee-logo-2x.jpg", iconX3Url: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SANdood/Icons/master/Ecobee/ecobee-logo-3x.jpg", importUrl: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SANdood/Ecobee-Suite/master/smartapps/sandood/ecobee-suite-smart-circulation.src/ecobee-suite-smart-circulation.groovy", documentationLink: "https://github.com/SANdood/Ecobee-Suite/blob/master/README.md#features-smart-circ-sa", singleInstance: false, pausable: true ) preferences { page(name: "mainPage") } // Preferences Pages def mainPage() { boolean maximize = (settings?.minimize) == null ? true : !settings.minimize String defaultName = "Smart Circulation" dynamicPage(name: "mainPage", title: pageTitle(getVersionLabel().replace('per, v',"per\nV")), uninstall: true, install: true) { if (maximize) { section(title: inputTitle("Helper Description & Release Notes"), hideable: true, hidden: (atomicState.appDisplayName != null)) { paragraph(theBeeLogo+"


") paragraph("This goal-seeking Helper tries to converge the ambient temperature of two or more rooms by dynamically adjusting the minimum fan circulation time (minutes per hour).") } } section(title: sectionTitle("Naming${!settings.tempDisable?' & Thermostat and Sensors Selection':''}")) { String defaultLabel if (!atomicState?.appDisplayName) { defaultLabel = defaultName app.updateLabel(defaultName) atomicState?.appDisplayName = defaultName } else { defaultLabel = atomicState.appDisplayName } label(title: inputTitle("Name for this ${defaultName} Helper"), required: false, submitOnChange: true, defaultValue: defaultLabel, width: 6) if (!app.label) { app.updateLabel(defaultLabel) atomicState.appDisplayName = defaultLabel } else { atomicState.appDisplayName = app.label } if (app.label.contains(' 1) { def temps = [] def total = 0.0G int i=0 settings.theSensors.each { def temp = it.currentValue("temperature", true) //def temp = it.currentValue("temperature") if (temp && (temp > 0)) { temp = temp as BigDecimal temps += [temp] // we want to deal with valid inside temperatures only total += temp i++ } } def avg = 0.0G if (i > 1) { avg = roundIt((total / i), 2) if (maximize) paragraph("The current temperature readings for these sensors: ${temps}, average is ${String.format("%.2f",avg)}°${temperatureScale}") } else { paragraph("WARNING: Only 1 of these sensors is reporting valid temperature readings - Smart Circulation requires at least 2 working sensors...") } } else { paragraph("ERROR: Smart Circulation requires at least 2 sensors...") } } } } if (!settings.tempDisable && settings.theThermostat) { section(title: sectionTitle("Configuration")) { input(name: "deltaTemp", type: "enum", title: inputTitle("Select Temperature Delta"), required: true, defaultValue: "2.0", multiple:false, options:["1.0", "1.5", "2.0", "2.5", "3.0", "4.0", "5.0", "7.5", "10.0"], submitOnChange: true, width: 6) if (maximize) paragraph "Circulation time (min/hr) will be increased/decreased when the difference between the maximum and the minimum temperature reading of the above sensors is more/less than the Temperature Delta." if (!maximize) paragraph("", width: 6) input(name: "minFanOnTime", type: "number", title: inputTitle("Minimum fan on time")+" (min/hr - 0-${settings.maxFanOnTime!=null?settings.maxFanOnTime:55})", required: true, defaultValue: 5, /*description: "5",*/ range: "0..${settings.maxFanOnTime!=null?settings.maxFanOnTime:55}", submitOnChange: true, width: 3) // if (settings.minFanOnTime == null) { app.updateSetting('minFanOnTime', 5); settings.minFanOnTime = 5; } input(name: "maxFanOnTime", type: "number", title: inputTitle("Maximum fan on time")+" (min/hr - ${settings.minFanOnTime!=null?settings.minFanOnTime:5}-55)", required: true, defaultValue: 55, /* description: "55",*/ range: "${settings.minFanOnTime!=null?settings.minFanOnTime:5}..55", submitOnChange: true, width: 3) input(name: "fanAdjustMinutes", type: "number", title: inputTitle("Adjustment frequency")+" (minutes - 5-60)", required: true, defaultValue: 10, /*description: "10",*/ range: "5..60", width: 3, submitOnChange: true) input(name: "fanOnTimeDelta", type: "number", title: inputTitle("Adjustment Increments")+" (minutes - 1-20)", required: true, defaultValue: 5, /* description: "5",*/ range: "1..20", width: 3, submitOnChange: true) if (maximize) paragraph "Circulation time includes the Heating, Cooling and Fan Only run time. Adjustments will be made every ${settings?.fanAdjustMinutes?:10} minutes, " + "and the circulation time will change in ${settings?.fanOnTimeDelta?:5} minute increments within the range of ${settings?.minFanOnTime!=null?settings.minFanOnTime:5} to " + "${settings?.maxFanOnTime?:10} minutes" } section(title: sectionTitle("Conditions")) { if (maximize) paragraph("To adjust Circulation based on inside/outside temperature difference, first select an outside temperature source\n" + "(the indoor temperature will be the average of the sensors selected above)") input(name: "outdoorSensor", title: inputTitle("Select an Outdoor Temperature Sensor")+" (blank to disable)", type: "capability.temperatureMeasurement", required: false, multiple: false, submitOnChange: true) if (settings.outdoorSensor) { input(name: "adjRange", type: "enum", title: inputTitle("Adjust Circulation when the indoor/outdoor Temperature Difference is:"), multiple: false, required: true, options: ["More than 10 degrees warmer", "5 to 10 degrees warmer", "0 to 4.9 degrees warmer", "-4.9 to -0.1 degrees cooler", "-10 to -5 degrees cooler", "More than 10 degrees cooler"], submitOnChange: true, width: 8) } if (maximize) paragraph("To adjust Circulation based on relative humidity, first select a humidity sensor") input(name: "theHumidistat", type: "capability.relativeHumidityMeasurement", title: inputTitle("Select a Humidity Sensor")+" (blank to disable)", multiple: false, required: false, submitOnChange: true) if (settings.theHumidistat) { input(name: "highHumidity", type: "number", title: inputTitle("Adjust Circulation only when the Relative Humidity is higher than:"), range: "0..100", required: true, width: 10) } if (maximize) paragraph("To adjust Circulation time during Vacation holds, enable this setting (otherwise Circulation time will be what is configured for the Vacation)") input(name: "vacationOverride", type: "bool", title: inputTitle("Adjust Circulation during Vacation holds?"), defaultValue: (settings?.thePrograms && settings.thePrograms.contains('Vacation')), submitOnChange: true) if (settings?.vacationOverride && settings?.thePrograms && !settings?.thePrograms.contains('Vacation')) { def newPrograms = settings.thePrograms + ['Vacation'] app.updateSetting('thePrograms', newPrograms) settings.thePrograms = newPrograms } } section(title: smallerTitle("Modes & Programs")) { def multiple = false input(name: "theModes", type: "mode", title: inputTitle("Adjust when ${location.name}'s Location Mode is"), multiple: true, required: false, submitOnChange: true, width: 4) input(name: "statModes", type: "enum", title: inputTitle("Adjust when the ${settings.theThermostat!=null?settings.theThermostat:'thermostat'}'s Mode is"), multiple: true, required: false, submitOnChange: true, options: getThermostatModes(), width: 4) def programOptions = getThermostatPrograms() + ['Vacation'] input(name: "thePrograms", type: "enum", title: inputTitle("Adjust when the ${settings.theThermostat!=null?settings.theThermostat:'thermostat'}'s Program is"), multiple: true, required: false, submitOnChange: true, options: programOptions, width: 4) if (settings?.thePrograms?.contains('Vacation')) { if (!settings?.vacationOverride) { app.updateSetting('vacationOverride', true) settings.vacationOverride = true } } boolean any = (settings?.theModes || settings?.statModes || settings?.thePrograms) log.debug "${any} and ${settings.thePrograms}" if ((settings.theModes && settings.statModes) || (settings.statModes && settings.thePrograms) || (settings.thePrograms && settings.theModes)) { multiple = true input(name: 'needAll', type: 'bool', title: inputTitle('Require ALL above conditions to be met?'), required: true, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true, width: 6) } if (any) { if (!multiple) { if (maximize) paragraph("Smart Circulation will only make adjustments when the above condition is met") } else { if (maximize) paragraph("Smart Circulation will ${settings.needAll?'only ':''}make adjustments when ${settings.needAll?'ALL':'ANY'} of the above conditions are met") } } else { if (maximize) paragraph "Smart Circulation will make adjustments independent of Modes or Programs" } } section(title: sectionTitle("'Quiet Time' Integration")) { if (maximize) paragraph("You can configure Smart Circulation to integrate with one or more instances of the Ecobee Suite Quiet Time Helper. This helper will stop adjusting Circulation " + "when one or more Quiet Time switch(es) are enabled.") input(name: "quietSwitches", type: "capability.switch", title: inputTitle("Select Quiet Time Control Switch(es)"), multiple: true, required: false, submitOnChange: true) if (settings.quietSwitches) { paragraph("All selected Quiet Time switches must use the same state to turn on Quiet Time.") input(name: "qtOn", type: "enum", title: inputTitle("Disable adjustments when any of these Quiet Time Control Switches is:"), defaultValue: 'on', required: true, multiple: false, options: ["on","off"], width: 8) } } } section(title: sectionTitle("Operations")) { input(name: "minimize", title: inputTitle("Minimize settings text"), type: "bool", required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true, width: 3) input(name: "tempDisable", title: inputTitle("Pause this Helper"), type: "bool", required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true, width: 3) input(name: "debugOff", title: inputTitle("Disable debug logging"), type: "bool", required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true, width: 3) input(name: "infoOff", title: inputTitle("Disable info logging"), type: "bool", required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true, width: 3) } // Standard footer section() { paragraph(getFormat("line")+"
Copyright \u00a9 2017-2020 Barry A. Burke - All rights reserved.
"+ "Your " + "PayPal Logo" + "donation is appreciated!
" ) } } } // Main functions def installed() { LOG("Installed with settings ${settings}", 4, null, 'trace') initialize() } def uninstalled() { clearReservations() } def updated() { LOG("Updated with settings ${settings}", 4, null, 'trace') unsubscribe() unschedule() initialize() } def initialize() { String version = getVersionLabel() LOG("${version} Initializing...", 2, "", 'info') atomicState.versionLabel = getVersionLabel() atomicState.hubPlatform = getHubPlatform def tid = getDeviceId(theThermostat.deviceNetworkId) atomicState.theTid = tid atomicState.amIRunning = null // Now using runIn to collapse multiple calls into single calcTemps() def mode = location.mode updateMyLabel() // Now, just exit if we are disabled... if (settings.tempDisable) { clearReservations() LOG("Temporarily Paused", 3, null, 'info') return true } // Initialize as if we haven't checked in more than fanAdjustMinutes atomicState.lastAdjustmentTime = now() // - (60001 * fanAdjustMinutes.toLong()).toLong() // make sure we run on next deltaHandler event subscribe(theThermostat, "thermostatOperatingState", modeOrProgramHandler) // so we can see when the fan runs if (thePrograms) subscribe(theThermostat, "currentProgram", modeOrProgramHandler) // subscribe(theThermostat, "thermostatHold", modeOrProgramHandler) // subscribe(location, "routineExecuted", modeOrProgramHandler) if (theModes) subscribe(location, "mode", modeOrProgramHandler) if (statModes) subscribe(theThermostat, "thermostatMode", modeOrProgramHandler) if (settings.quietSwitches) { subscribe(quietSwitches, "switch.${qtOn}", quietOnHandler) def qtOff = settings.qtOn == 'on' ? 'off' : 'on' subscribe(quietSwitches, "switch.${off}", quietOffHandler) atomicState.quietNow = (settings.quietSwitches.currentSwitch.contains(settings.qtOn)) ? true : false } else { atomicState.quietNow = false } subscribe(theSensors, "temperature", deltaHandler) if (outdoorSensor) { if (outdoorSensor.id == theThermostat.id) { LOG("Using Ecobee-supplied external weatherTemperature from ${theThermostat.displayName}.",1,null,'info') subscribe(theThermostat, "weatherTemperature", deltaHandler) } else { LOG("Using external temperature from ${outdoorSensor.displayName}.",1,null,'info') subscribe(outdoorSensor, "temperature", deltaHandler) } } Integer fanOnTime = theThermostat.currentValue('fanMinOnTime', true) as Integer Integer currentOnTime = fanOnTime ?: 0 String currentProgramName = theThermostat.currentValue("currentProgramName", true) boolean vacationHold = (currentProgramName == "Vacation") if (settings.vacationOverride && settings.thePrograms) { if (!settings.thePrograms.contains('Vacation')) { def newPrograms = settings.thePrograms + 'Vacation' app.updateSetting('thePrograms', newPrograms) settings.thePrograms = newPrograms } } // log.debug "settings ${theModes}, location ${location.mode}, programs ${thePrograms} & ${programsList}, thermostat ${theThermostat.currentValue('currentProgram')}, currentOnTime ${currentOnTime}, quietSwitch ${quietSwitches.displayName}, quietState ${quietState}" // Allow adjustments if Location Mode or Thermostat Program or Thermostat Mode is currently as configured // Also allow if none are configured boolean isOK = true if (theModes || thePrograms || statModes) { String currentProgram = theThermostat.currentValue('currentProgram', true) if (!currentProgram) currentProgram = 'null' String thermostatMode = theThermostat.currentValue('thermostatMode', true) if (settings.needAll) { isOK = settings.theModes ? settings.theModes.contains(location.mode) : true if (isOK) isOK = settings.thePrograms ? settings.thePrograms.contains(currentProgram) : true if (isOK) isOK = settings.statModes ? settings.statModes.contains(thermostatMode) : true } else { isOK = (theModes && theModes.contains(location.mode)) if (!isOK) isOK = (thePrograms && thePrograms.contains(currentProgram)) if (!isOK) isOK = (statModes && statModes.contains(thermostatMode)) } if (!isOK) LOG("Not in specified Modes ${settings.needAll?'and':'or'} Programs, not adjusting", 3, null, "info") } // Check the humidity? if (isOK && settings.theHumidistat) { def ncCh = settings.theHumidistat.currentValue('humidity', true) if (ncCh.toInteger() <= settings.highHumidity) { isOK == false LOG("Relative Humidity at ${settings.theHumidistat.displayName} is only ${ncCh}% (${settings.highHumidity}% set), not adjusting", 3, null, "info") } else { LOG("Relative Humidity at ${settings.theHumidistat.displayName} is ${ncCh}% (${settings.highHumidity}% set), adjusting", 3, null, "info") } } // Quiet Time? if (isOK ){ isOK = settings.quietSwitches ? (atomicState.quietNow != true) : true atomicState.circMinutes = 'quiet time' if (!isOK) LOG("Quiet time active, not adjusting", 3, null, "info") } atomicState.isOK = isOK if (isOK) { if (currentOnTime < settings.minFanOnTime) { if (vacationHold && settings.vacationOverride) { cancelReservation( tid, 'vacaCircOff') theThermostat.setVacationFanMinOnTime(settings.minFanOnTime) currentOnTime = settings.minFanOnTime atomicState.circMinutes = currentOnTime atomicState.lastAdjustmentTime = now() } else if (!vacationHold) { cancelReservation( tid, 'circOff') theThermostat.setFanMinOnTime(settings.minFanOnTime) currentOnTime = settings.minFanOnTime atomicState.circMinutes = currentOnTime atomicState.lastAdjustmentTime = now() } } else if (currentOnTime > settings.maxFanOnTime) { if (vacationHold && settings.vacationOverride) { cancelReservation( tid, 'vacaCircOff') theThermostat.setVacationFanMinOnTime(settings.maxFanOnTime) currentOnTime = settings.maxFanOnTime atomicState.circMinutes = currentOnTime atomicState.lastAdjustmentTime = now() } else if (!vacationHold) { cancelReservation( tid, 'circOff') theThermostat.setFanMinOnTime(settings.maxFanOnTime) currentOnTime = settings.maxFanOnTime atomicState.circMinutes = currentOnTime atomicState.lastAdjustmentTime = now() } } else { atomicState.fanSinceLastAdjustment = true atomicState.lastAdjustmentTime = 0 deltaHandler() currentOnTime = -1 atomicState.circMinutes = currentOnTime } } else if (atomicState.quietNow) { if (currentOnTime != 0) { if (vacationHold && settings.vacationOverride) { makeReservation(tid, 'vacaCircOff') theThermostat.setVacationFanMinOnTime(0) atomicState.circMinutes = 0 } else if (!vacationHold) { makeReservation(tid, 'circOff') theThermostat.setFanMinOnTime(0) atomicState.circMinutes = 0 } } } if (currentOnTime > -1) { def vaca = vacationHold ? " is in Vacation mode, " : " " LOG("thermostat ${theThermostat}${vaca}circulation time is now ${currentOnTime} min/hr",2,"",'info') } updateMyLabel() LOG("Initialization complete", 4, "", 'trace') return true } def quietOnHandler(evt) { LOG("Quiet Time switch ${evt.device.displayName} turned ${evt.value}", 3, null, 'info') if (!atomicState.quietNow) { atomicState.quietNow = true Integer fanOnTime = theThermostat.currentValue('fanMinOnTime', true) as Integer Integer currentOnTime = fanOnTime?: 0 atomicState.quietOnTime = currentOnTime atomicState.circMinutes = 'quiet time' clearReservations() LOG("Quiet Time enabled, ${app.name} will stop updating circulation time", 3, null, 'info') // NOTE: Quiet time will actually pull the circOff reservation and set circulation time to 0 } else { LOG('Quiet Time already enabled', 3, null, 'info') } } def quietOffHandler(evt) { LOG("Quiet Time switch ${evt.device.displayName} turned ${evt.value}", 3, null, 'info') // NOTE: Quiet time will release its circOff reservation and set circulation time to whatever it was if (atomicState.quietNow) { if (!settings.quietSwitches.currentSwitch.contains(settings.qtOn)) { // All the switches are "off" atomicState.quietNow = false LOG("Quiet Time disabled, ${app.name} will resume circulation time updates", 3, null, 'info') modeOrProgramHandler(null) } else { def qtOff = settings.qtOn == 'on' ? 'off' : 'on' LOG("All Quiet Time switches are not ${qtOff}, Quiet Time continues", 3, null, 'info') } } else { LOG("Weird, ${app.name} is not in Quiet Time", 1, null, 'warn') } } def modeOrProgramHandler(evt=null) { // Just exit if we are disabled... if(settings.tempDisable == true) { LOG("${app.name} temporarily disabled as per request.", 2, null, "warn") clearReservations() return true } // Just in case we need to re-initialize anything def version = getVersionLabel() if (atomicState.versionLabel != version) { LOG("Code updated: ${version}",1,null,'debug') atomicState.versionLabel = version runIn(2, updated, [overwrite: true]) return } // Allow adjustments if Location Mode and/or Thermostat Program and/or Thermostat Mode is currently as configured // Also allow if none are configured boolean isOK = true if (theModes || thePrograms || statModes) { String currentProgram = theThermostat.currentValue('currentProgram', true) String thermostatMode = theThermostat.currentValue('thermostatMode', true) if (settings.needAll) { isOK = settings.theModes ? settings.theModes.contains(location.mode) : true if (isOK) isOK = settings.thePrograms ? settings.thePrograms.contains(currentProgram) : true if (isOK) isOK = settings.statModes ? settings.statModes.contains(thermostatMode) : true } else { isOK = (theModes && theModes.contains(location.mode)) if (!isOK) isOK = (thePrograms && thePrograms.contains(currentProgram)) if (!isOK) isOK = (statModes && statModes.contains(thermostatMode)) } if (!isOK) { LOG("Not in specified Modes ${settings.needAll?'and':'or'} Programs, not adjusting", 3, null, "info") clearReservations() } } // Check the humidity? if (isOK && settings.theHumidistat) { def currentHumidity = settings.theHumidistat.currentValue('humidity', true) if ((currentHumidity as Integer) <= settings.highHumidity) { isOK == false LOG("Relative Humidity at ${settings.theHumidistat.displayName} is only ${ncCh}% (${settings.highHumidity}% set), not adjusting", 3, null, "info") } else { LOG("Relative Humidity at ${settings.theHumidistat.displayName} is ${ncCh}% (${settings.highHumidity}% set), adjusting enabled", 3, null, "info") } } // Quiet Time? if (isOK ){ isOK = settings.quietSwitches ? (atomicState.quietNow != true) : true if (!isOK) LOG("Quiet time active, not adjusting", 3, null, "info") } atomicState.isOK = isOK if (evt && (evt.name == "thermostatOperatingState") && !atomicState.fanSinceLastAdjustment) { if ((evt.value != 'idle') && (!evt.value.contains('ending'))) atomicState.fanSinceLastAdjustment = true // [fan only, heating, cooling] but not [idle, pending heat, pending cool] } deltaHandler(evt) } def deltaHandler(evt=null) { // Just in case we need to re-initialize anything def version = getVersionLabel() if (atomicState.versionLabel != version) { LOG("Code updated: ${version}",1,null,'debug') atomicState.versionLabel = version runIn(2, updated, [overwrite: true]) return } // Just exit if we are disabled... if(settings.tempDisable == true) { LOG("deltaHandler() - Temporarily disabled", 2, null, "warn") clearReservations() return true } // Make sure it is OK for us to be changing circulation times if (!atomicState.isOK) return String currentProgramName = theThermostat.currentValue('currentProgramName', true) boolean vacationHold = (currentProgramName && (currentProgramName == 'Vacation')) if (vacationHold && !settings.vacationOverride) { LOG("deltaHandler() - ${theThermostat} is in Vacation mode, but not configured to override Vacation fanMinOnTime, returning", 3, "", 'warn') return } def tid = getDeviceId(theThermostat.deviceNetworkId) Integer fanMinOnTime = theThermostat.currentValue('fanMinOnTime', true) as Integer if (!vacationHold) { if ((fanMinOnTime == 0) && anyReservations(tid, 'circOff')) { // Looks like somebody else has turned off circulation if (!haveReservation(tid, 'circOff')) { // is it me? // Not me, so we can't be changing circulation LOG("Can't get reservation to 'circOff', exiting",1,null,'warn') return } } } else { if ((fanMinOnTime == 0) && anyReservations(tid, 'vacaCircOff')) { // Looks like somebody else has turned off circulation if (!haveReservation(tid, 'vacaCircOff')) { // is it me? // Not me, so we can't be changing circulation LOG("Can't get reservation to 'vacaCircOff', exiting",1,null,'warn') return } } } if (evt) { if (evt.name == 'currentProgram') { LOG("Thermostat Program changed to an enabled Program (${evt.value})",3,null,'info') } else if (evt.name == 'mode') { LOG("Location Mode changed to an enabled Mode (${evt.value})",3,null,'info') } else { LOG("${evt.device} ${evt.name} ${evt.value}",3,null,'debug') } if (settings.minFanOnTime.toInteger() == settings.maxFanOnTime.toInteger()) { if (fanMinOnTime == settings.minFanOnTime.toInteger()) { LOG('Configured min==max==fanMinOnTime, nothing to do, skipping...',2,null,'info') return // nothing to do } else { LOG("Configured min==max, setting fanMinOnTime(${settings.minFanOnTime})",2,null,'info') if (vacationHold && settings.vacationOverride) { cancelReservation( tid, 'vacaCircOff') theThermostat.setVacationFanMinOnTime(settings.minFanOnTime.toInteger()) } else if (!vacationHold) { cancelReservation( tid, 'circOff') theThermostat.setFanMinOnTime(settings.minFanOnTime.toInteger()) } atomicState.circMinutes = settings.minFanOnTime.toInteger() updateMyLabel() return } } else if (fanMinOnTime > settings.maxFanOnTime.toInteger()) { LOG("Current > max, setting fanMinOnTime(${settings.maxFanOnTime})",2,null,'info') if (vacationHold && settings.vacationOverride) { cancelReservation( tid, 'vacaCircOff') theThermostat.setVacationFanMinOnTime(settings.maxFanOnTime.toInteger()) } else if (!vacationHold) { cancelReservation( tid, 'circOff') theThermostat.setFanMinOnTime(settings.maxFanOnTime.toInteger()) } atomicState.circMinutes = settings.maxFanOnTime.toInteger() updateMyLabel() } else if (fanMinOnTime < settings.minFanOnTime.toInteger()) { LOG("Current < min, setting fanMinOnTime(${settings.minFanOnTime})",2,null,'info') if (vacationHold && settings.vacationOverride) { cancelReservation( tid, 'vacaCircOff') theThermostat.setVacationFanMinOnTime(settings.minFanOnTime.toInteger()) } else if (!vacationHold) { cancelReservation( tid, 'circOff') theThermostat.setFanMinOnTime(settings.minFanOnTime.toInteger()) } atomicState.circMinutes = settings.minFanOnTime.toInteger() updateMyLabel() } } else { LOG("deltaHandler() - called directly", 4, null, 'debug') } LOG("deltaHandler() - scheduling calcTemps() in 5 seconds", 3, null, 'debug') runIn(5,'calcTemps',[overwrite: true]) } def calcTemps() { LOG('Calculating temperatures...', 3, null, 'info') // Makes no sense to change fanMinOnTime while heating or cooling is running - take action ONLY on events while idle or fan is running def statState = theThermostat.currentValue("thermostatOperatingState", true) if (statState && (statState.contains('ea') || statState.contains('oo'))) { LOG("${theThermostat} is ${statState}, no adjustments made", 4, "", 'info' ) return } // Check if it has been long enough since the last change to make another... if (atomicState.lastAdjustmentTime) { def minutesLeft = fanAdjustMinutes - ((now() - atomicState.lastAdjustmentTime) / 60000).toInteger() if (minutesLeft >0) { LOG("Not time to adjust yet - ${minutesLeft} minutes left",4,'','info') return } } // parse temps - ecobee sensors can return "unknown", others may return def temps = [] def total = 0.0G def i=0 theSensors.each { def temp = it.currentValue("temperature", true) if (temp && (temp > 0)) { temp = temp as BigDecimal temps += [temp] // we want to deal with valid inside temperatures only total += temp i++ } } def avg = 0.0G if (i > 1) { avg = roundIt((total / i), 2) LOG("Current temperature readings: ${temps}, average is ${String.format("%.2f",avg)}°", 2, "", 'info') } else { LOG("Only recieved ${temps.size()} valid temperature readings, skipping...",1,"",'warn') return } // Skip if the in/out delta doesn't match our settings if (outdoorSensor) { def outTemp = null if (outdoorSensor.id == theThermostat.id) { outTemp = roundIt(theThermostat.currentValue("weatherTemperature", true), 2) LOG("Using ${theThermostat.displayName}'s weatherTemperature (${outTemp}°)",4,null,"info") } else { outTemp = roundIt(outdoorSensor.currentValue("temperature", true), 2) LOG("Using ${outdoorSensor.displayName}'s temperature (${outTemp}°)",4,null,"info") } def inoutDelta = null if (outTemp != null) { inoutDelta = roundIt((outTemp - avg), 2) } if (inoutDelta == null) { LOG("Invalid outdoor temperature, skipping...",1,"","warn") return } LOG("Outside temperature is currently ${outTemp}°, inside temperature average is ${avg}°",4,null,'info') // "More than 10 degrees warmer", "5 to 10 degrees warmer", "0 to 4.9 degrees warmer", "-4.9 to -0.1 degrees cooler", -10 to -5 degrees cooler", "More than 10 degrees cooler" def inRange = false if (adjRange.endsWith('mer')) { if (adjRange.startsWith('M')) { if (inoutDelta > 10.0) { inRange = true } } else if (adjRange.startsWith('5')) { if ((inoutDelta <= 10.0) && (inoutDelta >= 5.0)) { inRange = true } } else { // 0-4.9 if ((inoutDelta < 5.0) && (inoutDelta >= 0.0)) { inRange = true } } } else { if (adjRange.startsWith('M')) { if (inoutDelta < -10.0) { inRange = true } } else if (adjRange.startsWith('-1')) { if ((inoutDelta <= -5.0) && (inoutDelta >= -10.0)) { inRange = true } } else { // -4.9 -0.1 if ((inoutDelta > -5.0) && (inoutDelta < 0.0)) { inRange = true } } } if (!inRange) { LOG("In/Out temperature delta (${inoutDelta}°) not in range (${adjRange}), skipping...", 4, null, "info") return } else { LOG("In/Out temperature delta (${inoutDelta}°) is in range (${adjRange}), adjusting...", 4, null, "info") } } def min = roundIt(temps.min(), 2) def max = roundIt(temps.max(), 2) def delta = roundIt((max - min), 2) Integer currentOnTime if (atomicState.quietOnTime) { // pick up where we left off at the start of Quiet Time currentOnTime = roundIt(atomicState.quietOnTime, 0) as Integer atomicState.quietOnTime = null } else { Integer fanMinOnTime = theThermostat.currentValue('fanMinOnTime', true) as Integer currentOnTime = fanMinOnTime ?: 0 // Ecobee Suite Manager will populate this with Vacation.fanMinOnTime if necessary } Integer newOnTime = currentOnTime String tid = getDeviceId(theThermostat.deviceNetworkId) if (delta >= (settings.deltaTemp as BigDecimal)) { // need to increase recirculation (fanMinOnTime) LOG("Can we increase fanMinOnTime, it is currently ${currentOnTime}/${settings.maxFanOnTime} (delta = ${delta})", 4, null, 'info') if (currentOnTime < settings.maxFanOnTime) { newOnTime = currentOnTime + settings.fanOnTimeDelta if (newOnTime > settings.maxFanOnTime) newOnTime = settings.maxFanOnTime if (currentOnTime != newOnTime) { LOG("Temperature delta is ${delta}°/${settings.deltaTemp}°, increasing circulation time for ${theThermostat} to ${newOnTime} min/hr",3,"",'info') if (vacationHold) { cancelReservation( tid, 'vacaCircOff') theThermostat.setVacationFanMinOnTime(newOnTime) } else { cancelReservation( tid, 'circOff') theThermostat.setFanMinOnTime(newOnTime) } atomicState.fanSinceLastAdjustment = false atomicState.lastAdjustmentTime = now() atomicState.circMinutes = newOnTime updateMyLabel() LOG("Done!",3,null,'info') return } else { LOG("Looks like we're maxed out - cur: ${currentOnTime}, new: ${newOnTime}, max: ${settings.maxFanOnTime}",3,null,'info') return } } else { LOG("Current (${currentOnTime}) >= max (${settings.maxFanOnTime}), no adjustment made",3,null,'info') return } } else { LOG("Can we decrease fanMinOnTime, it is currently ${currentOnTime} (delta = ${delta})", 4, null, 'info') if (currentOnTime > settings.minFanOnTime) { def target = settings.deltaTemp as BigDecimal if (delta <= target) { // start adjusting back downwards once we get within 1F or .5556C of the target delta newOnTime = currentOnTime - settings.fanOnTimeDelta if (newOnTime < settings.minFanOnTime) newOnTime = settings.minFanOnTime if (currentOnTime != newOnTime) { LOG("Temperature delta is ${delta}°/${target}°, decreasing circulation time for ${theThermostat} to ${newOnTime} min/hr",3,null,'info') if (vacationHold) { LOG("Calling setVacationFanMinOnTime(${newOnTime})",3,null,'info') cancelReservation( tid, 'vacaCircOff') theThermostat.setVacationFanMinOnTime(newOnTime) } else { LOG("Calling setFanMinOnTime(${newOnTime})",3,null,'info') cancelReservation( tid, 'circOff') theThermostat.setFanMinOnTime(newOnTime) } atomicState.fanSinceLastAdjustment = false atomicState.lastAdjustmentTime = now() atomicState.circMinutes = newOnTime updateMyLabel() LOG("Done!",3,null,'info') return } else { LOG("Looks like we are as close as we can be - curr: ${currentOnTime}, new: ${newOnTime}, min: ${settings.minFanOnTime}",3,null,'info') return } } else { LOG("Looks like we just need to wait - delta: ${delta}, targetDelta: ${target}, curr: ${currentOnTime}",3,null,'info') return } } else { LOG("Current (${currentOnTime}) <= min (${settings.minFanOnTime}), no adjustment made",3,null,'info') return } } } // HELPER FUNCTIONS // Temporary/Global Pause functions void updateMyLabel() { String flag = ' (paused)' if (app.label != newLabel) app.updateLabel(newLabel) } else if (atomicState.minutes == 'quiet time') { newLabel = myLabel + ' (quiet time)' if (app.label != newLabel) app.updateLabel(newLabel) } else if (minutes > -1) { minutes = ' (min/hr: ' + minutes + ')' newLabel = myLabel + '' + minutes + '' if (app.label != newLabel) app.updateLabel(newLabel) } else { if (app.label != myLabel) app.updateLabel(myLabel) } //log.debug "newLabel: " + newLabel + ", myLabel: " + myLabel + ", app.label: " + app.label } def pauseOn(global = false) { // Pause this Helper atomicState.wasAlreadyPaused = settings.tempDisable //!atomicState.globalPause) if (!settings.tempDisable) { LOG("pauseOn(${global}) - performing ${global?'Global':'Helper'} Pause",2,null,'info') app.updateSetting("tempDisable", true) settings.tempDisable = true atomicState.globalPause = global runIn(2, updated, [overwrite: true]) // updateMyLabel() } else { LOG("pauseOn(${global}) - was already paused...",3,null,'info') } } def pauseOff(global = false) { // Un-pause this Helper if (settings.tempDisable) { // Allow peer Apps to individually re-enable anytime // NB: they won't be able to unpause us if we are in a global pause (they will also be paused) if (!global || !atomicState.wasAlreadyPaused) { // LOG("pauseOff(${global}) - performing ${global?'Global':'Helper'} Unpause",2,null,'info') app.updateSetting("tempDisable", false) settings.tempDisable = false atomicState.wasAlreadyPaused = false runIn(2, updated, [overwrite: true]) } else { LOG("pauseOff(${global}) - was already paused before Global Pause, ignoring...",3,null,'info') } } else { LOG("pauseOff(${global}) - not currently paused...",3,null,'info') atomicState.wasAlreadyPaused = false } atomicState.globalPause = global } // Thermostat Programs & Modes List getThermostatPrograms() { def programs = ["Away","Home","Sleep"] if (settings?.theThermostat) { String cl = settings.theThermostat.currentValue('climatesList') if (cl && (cl != '[]')) { programs = cl[1..-2].split(', ') } else { String pl = settings?.theThermostat?.currentValue('programsList') def progs = pl ? new JsonSlurper().parseText(pl) : [] if (progs) programs = progs } } return programs.sort(false) } List getThermostatModes() { List statModes = ["off","heat","cool","auto","auxHeatOnly"] List tm = [] if (settings.theThermostat) tm = new JsonSlurper().parseText(theThermostat.currentValue('supportedThermostatModes', true)) if (tm != []) statModes = tm return statModes.sort(false) } // Reservation Management Functions - Now implemented in Ecobee Suite Manager void makeReservation(String tid, String type='modeOff' ) { parent.makeReservation( tid, app.id as String, type ) } // Cancel my reservation void cancelReservation(String tid, String type='modeOff') { // log.debug "cancel ${tid}, ${type}" parent.cancelReservation( tid, app.id as String, type ) } // Do I have a reservation? boolean haveReservation(String tid, String type='modeOff') { return parent.haveReservation( tid, app.id as String, type ) } // Do any Apps have reservations? boolean anyReservations(String tid, String type='modeOff') { return parent.anyReservations( tid, type ) } // How many apps have reservations? Integer countReservations(String tid, String type='modeOff') { return parent.countReservations( tid, type ) } // Get the list of app IDs that have reservations List getReservations(String tid, String type='modeOff') { return parent.getReservations( tid, type ) } // Get the list of app Names that have reservations List getGuestList(String tid, String type='modeOff') { return parent.getGuestList( tid, type ) } def clearReservations() { cancelReservation( getDeviceId(theThermostat?.deviceNetworkId), 'circOff' ) cancelReservation( getDeviceId(theThermostat?.deviceNetworkId), 'vacaCircOff' ) } // Miscellaneous Helpers String getDeviceId(networkId) { return networkId.split(/\./).last() } def roundIt( value, decimals=0 ) { return (value == null) ? null : value.toBigDecimal().setScale(decimals, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP) } def roundIt( BigDecimal value, decimals=0 ) { return (value == null) ? null : value.setScale(decimals, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP) } void LOG(message, level=3, child=null, logType="debug", event=true, displayEvent=true) { switch (logType) { case 'error': log.error message break; case 'warn': log.warn message break; case 'trace': log.trace message break; case 'info': if (!settings?.infoOff) log.info message break; case 'debug': default: if (!settings?.debugOff) log.debug message break; } } String getTheBee () { return ''} String getTheBeeLogo() { return ''} String getTheSectionBeeLogo() { return ''} String getTheBeeUrl () { return "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SANdood/Icons/master/Ecobee/ecobee-logo-1x.jpg" } String getTheBlank () { return ''} String pageTitle (String txt) { return getFormat('header-ecobee','

'+(txt.contains("\n") ? ''+txt.replace("\n","\n") : txt )+'

') } String pageTitleOld (String txt) { return getFormat('header-ecobee','


') } String sectionTitle (String txt) { return getTheSectionBeeLogo() + getFormat('header-nobee','


') } String smallerTitle (String txt) { return txt ? ('


') : '' } //
String sampleTitle (String txt) { return ''+txt+'' } String inputTitle (String txt) { return ''+txt+'' } String getWarningText() { return "WARNING: " } String getFormat(type, myText=""){ switch(type) { case "header-ecobee": return "
" break; case "header-nobee": return "
" break; case "line": return "
" break; case "title": return "


" break; case "warning": return "WARNING: ${myText}" break; case "note": return "NOTE: ${myText}" break; default: return myText break; } } // SmartThings/Hubitat Portability Library (SHPL) // Copyright (c) 2019-2020, Barry A. Burke (storageanarchy@gmail.com) String getPlatform() { return 'Hubitat' } // if (platform == 'SmartThings') ... boolean getIsST() { return false } boolean getIsHE() { return true } String getHubPlatform() { return 'Hubitat' } boolean getIsSTHub() { return false } // if (isSTHub) ... boolean getIsHEHub() { return true } // if (isHEHub) ... def getParentSetting(String settingName) { return parent?."${settingName}" } @Field String hubPlatform = 'Hubitat' @Field boolean ST = false @Field boolean HE = true @Field String debug = 'debug' @Field String error = 'error' @Field String info = 'info' @Field String trace = 'trace' @Field String warn = 'warn'