/** * Ecobee Suite Smart Mode * * Copyright 2018-2021 Justin Leonard, Barry A. Burke * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * * * 1.8.00 - Version synchronization, updated settings look & feel * 1.8.01 - General Release * 1.8.02 - Fixed Mode selection error & updated WARNING formatting * 1.8.03 - More busy bees * 1.8.04 - Fix update on Location Mode changes * 1.8.05 - Send simultaneous notification Announcements to multiple Echo Speaks devices * 1.8.06 - No longer LOGs to parent (too much overhead for too little value) * 1.8.07 - New SHPL, using Global Fields instead of atomicState * 1.8.08 - Fixed pageLabel issue of CustomNotifications page * 1.8.09 - Fixed appDisplayName in sendMessage * 1.8.10 - Fixed mixed Notification devices in sendMessage * 1.8.11 - Added Ambient Weather Station for both ST & HE * 1.8.12 - Reset states on location mode change (recalculate everything) * 1.8.13 - Refactored sendMessage / sendNotifications * 1.8.14 - Allow individual un-pause from peers, even if was already paused * 1.8.15 - HOTFIX: allow Ambient Weather Station on Hubitat * 1.8.16 - Updated formatting; added Do Not Disturb Modes & Time window * 1.8.17 - HOTFIX: location.mode subscription; sendHoldHours in setThermostatProgram() * 1.8.18 - HOTFIX: updated sendNotifications() for latest Echo Speaks Device version * 1.8.19 - Miscellaneous updates & fixes * 1.8.20 - Fix label display for " (Cool" * 1.8.21 - Fix for multi-word Climate names * 1.8.22 - Fix getThermostatPrograms() * 1.8.23 - Fix getThermostatModes() * 1.8.24 - Fix sendMessage() for new Samsung SmartThings app * 1.8.25 - Fixed setpoint adjustments for "middle" tange * 1.8.26 - Fix whatHoldType for 'holdHours' * 1.8.27 - Fix for Hubitat 'supportedThermostatModes', etc. * 1.9.00 - Removed all ST code */ import groovy.json.* import groovy.transform.Field String getVersionNum() { return "1.9.00" } String getVersionLabel() { return "Ecobee Suite Smart Mode, Programs & Setpoints Helper, version ${getVersionNum()} on ${getHubPlatform()}" } definition( name: "ecobee Suite Smart Mode", namespace: "sandood", author: "Justin J. Leonard & Barry A. Burke", description: "INSTALL USING ECOBEE SUITE MANAGER ONLY!\n\nSet Ecobee Mode, Program and/or Program Setpoints based on temperature & dewpoint", category: "Convenience", parent: "sandood:Ecobee Suite Manager", iconUrl: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SANdood/Icons/master/Ecobee/ecobee-logo-1x.jpg", iconX2Url: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SANdood/Icons/master/Ecobee/ecobee-logo-2x.jpg", iconX3Url: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SANdood/Icons/master/Ecobee/ecobee-logo-3x.jpg", importUrl: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SANdood/Ecobee-Suite/master/smartapps/sandood/ecobee-suite-smart-mode.src/ecobee-suite-smart-mode.groovy", documentationLink: "https://github.com/SANdood/Ecobee-Suite/blob/master/README.md#smart-mode-sa", singleInstance: false, pausable: true ) preferences { page(name: "mainPage") page(name: "customNotifications") } def mainPage() { boolean maximize = (settings?.minimize) == null ? true : !settings.minimize String defaultName = "Smart Mode, Programs & Setpoints" def statModes dynamicPage(name: "mainPage", title: pageTitle(getVersionLabel().replace('per, v',"per\nV")), uninstall: true, install: true) { if (maximize) { section(title: inputTitle("Helper Description & Release Notes"), hideable: true, hidden: (atomicState.appDisplayName != null)) { paragraph(theBeeLogo+"


") paragraph("This Helper will automatically change Ecobee Suite Thermostats' Mode, Program and/or Program Setpoints based on the outdoor temperature and/or dewpoint, and (optionally) "+ "when the indoor temperature falls outside of the setpoints. It can be configured to use many different outdoor weather stations and sources, including Ecobee thermostats.") } } section(title: sectionTitle("Naming${!settings.tempDisable?' & Thermostat Selection':''}")) { String defaultLabel if (!atomicState?.appDisplayName) { defaultLabel = defaultName app.updateLabel(defaultName) atomicState?.appDisplayName = defaultName } else { defaultLabel = atomicState.appDisplayName } label(title: inputTitle("Name for this ${defaultName} Helper"), required: false, submitOnChange: true, defaultValue: defaultLabel, width: 6) if (!app.label) { app.updateLabel(defaultLabel) atomicState.appDisplayName = defaultLabel } else { atomicState.appDisplayName = app.label } if (app.label.contains('0)) { statModes = getThermostatModes() //log.debug "${statModes}" section(title: sectionTitle("Configuration") + smallerTitle("Outdoor Weather Source")) { if (maximize) paragraph("Smart Mode requires access to external weather information (temperature and relative humidity). If you don't have a physical weather station of your own, "+ "there are user-contributed weather drivers for many weather providers. If your provider isn't listed, choose 'Hubitat Sensors' and select your "+ "external weather sensors manually") input(name: 'tempSource', title: inputTitle('Select a Weather Source'), type: 'enum', required: true, multiple: false, width: 6, options: [ 'ecobee':"Ecobee Thermostat's Weather", 'sensors':'Hubitat Sensors', 'station':'Hubitat-based Weather Station Device', ], submitOnChange: true ) if (settings.tempSource) { if (settings.tempSource == 'location') { if (maximize) paragraph "Using The Weather Company weather for the current location (${location.name})." if (!settings.latLon) input(name: "zipCode", type: 'text', title: inputTitle('Zipcode (Default is location Zip code)'), defaultValue: getZIPcode(), required: true, submitOnChange: true, width: 6) if (location.latitude && location.longitude) input(name: "latLon", type: 'bool', submitOnChange: true, width: 6, title: inputTitle("Use Hubitat hub's GPS coordinates?")+" (better precision)") input(name: 'locFreq', type: 'enum', title: inputTitle('Temperature check frequency (minutes)'), required: true, multiple: false, options:['1','5','10','15','30','60','180'], width: 6) } else if (settings.tempSource == 'sensors') { if (maximize) paragraph "Using Hubitat sensors. Note: Both Temperature & Humidity sensors are required for dew point-based actions." input(name: 'thermometer', type: 'capability.temperatureMeasurement', title: inputTitle("Which Temperature Sensor?"), required: true, multiple: false, width: 4) input(name: 'humidistat', type: 'capability.relativeHumidityMeasurement', title: inputTitle("Which Relative Humidity Sensor?"), required: (settings.dewBelowOverride), multiple: false, width: 4) paragraph("", width: 4) } else if (settings.tempSource == "ecobee") { if (maximize) paragraph "Using weather data from the (notoriously inaccurate) Ecobee thermostat${(settings.thermostats.size()==1)?' '+settings.thermostats.displayName:':'}" if (settings.thermostats.size() > 1) { input(name: 'tstatTemp', type: 'enum', title: inputTitle("Which Ecobee Thermostat?"), required: true, multiple: false, submitOnChange: true, options:thermostats.displayName, width: 6) } } else if (settings.tempSource == 'station') { paragraph((maximize ? "Using a Hubitat-based Weather Station - p":"P") + "lease select ONE from the list of the supported Weather Station devices below...") // Ambient Weather Station (https://github.com/KurtSanders/STAmbientWeather) // NOTES: available for both HE & ST, provides temperature & dewpoint input(name: "ambientWeatherStation", type: 'device.AmbientWeatherStation', title: inputTitle("Which Ambient Weather Station?"), required: false, multiple: false, hideWhenEmpty: true, width: 4) // Ambient Weather Device (https://community.hubitat.com/t/ambient-weather-device/3660) // NOTES: provides temperature & dewpoint input(name: "ambientWeatherDevice", type: "device.AmbientWeatherDevice", title: inputTitle("Which Ambient Weather Device?"), required: false, multiple: false, hideWhenEmpty: true, width: 4) // DarkSky.net Weather Driver (https://community.hubitat.com/t/release-darksky-net-weather-driver-no-pws-required/22699) // NOTES: provides temperature & relative humidity, but dewpoint is optional, so we'll calculate it ourselves input(name: "darkSkyNetWeatherDriver", type: "device.DarkSky.netWeatherDriver", title: inputTitle("Which DarkSky.net Weather Driver?"), required: false, multiple: false, hideWhenEmpty: true, width: 4) // Netatmo Outdoor Module (multiple sources - one is here: https://github.com/fuzzysb/Hubitat) // NOTES: provides temperature & relative humidity only input(name: "netatmoOutdoorModule", type: "device.NetatmoOutdoorModule", title: inputTitle("Which Netatmo Outdoor Module?"), required: false, multiple: false, hideWhenEmpty: true, width: 4) input(name: "meteoWeather", type: 'device.MeteobridgeWeatherStation', title: inputTitle('Which Meteobridge Weather Station?'), required: false, multiple: false, hideWhenEmpty: true, width: 4) } else if (settings.tempSource == "wunder") { if (maximize) paragraph "Using a specific Weather Underground Weather Station" input(name: 'stationID', type: 'string', title: inputTitle('Enter WeatherUnderground Station identifier'), defaultValue: "${settings.nearestPWS?getPWSID():''}", required: true) input(name: 'nearestPWS', type: 'bool', title: inputTitle('Use nearest available station'), options: ['true', 'false'], defaultValue: true, submitOnChange: true) href(title: inputTitle("Or, Search WeatherUnderground.com for your desired PWS"), description: 'After page loads, select "Change Station" for a list of weather stations. ' + 'You will need to copy the station code into the PWS field above, in the form of "pws:STATIONID"', required: false, style:'embedded', url: (location.latitude && location.longitude)? "http://www.wunderground.com/cgi-bin/findweather/hdfForecast?query=${location.latitude},${location.longitude}" : "http://www.wunderground.com/q/${location.zipCode}") input(name: 'pwsFreq', type: 'enum', title: inputTitle('Temperature check frequency (minutes)'), required: true, multiple: false, options:['1','5','10','15','30','60','180']) } } } section(title: sectionTitle("Actions") + smallerTitle("Outdoor Temperature 'Above'")) { // need to set min & max - get from thermostat range input(name: "aboveTemp", title: inputTitle("When the outdoor temperature is at or above..."), type: 'decimal', description: "Enter decimal temperature (${settings.belowTemp?'optional':'required'})", range: getThermostatRange(), required: !settings.belowTemp, submitOnChange: true, width: 6) input(name: "dewAboveTemp", title: inputTitle("Or, when the outdoor dewpoint is at or above..."), type: 'decimal', description: "Enter decimal dewpoint (optional)", required: false, submitOnChange: true, width: 6) if (settings.aboveTemp || settings.dewAboveTemp) { input(name: 'aboveMode', title: inputTitle('Set thermostat Mode to'), type: 'enum', required: (!settings.aboveSetpoints && !settings.aboveSchedule), multiple: false, options:getThermostatModes(), submitOnChange: true, width: 6) if (settings.aboveMode == 'off') { if (maximize) paragraph "Note that Ecobee thermostats will still run fan circulation (if enabled) while the HVAC is in Off Mode" } input(name: 'aboveSchedule', title: inputTitle('Set thermostat Program to'), type: 'enum', required: (!settings.aboveSetpoints && ! settings.aboveMode), multiple: false, submitOnChange: true, options:getThermostatPrograms(), width: 6) input(name: 'aboveSetpoints', title: inputTitle('Change Program Setpoints'), type: 'bool', required: (!settings.aboveMode && !settings.aboveSchedule), defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true, width: 6) paragraph("", width: 6) if (settings.aboveSetpoints) { if (!settings.aboveProgram && (!settings.aboveHeatTemp || !settings.aboveCoolTemp)) paragraph "You must select the program to modify and at least one setpoint to change" input(name: 'aboveProgram', title: inputTitle('Change Setpoints for Program'), type: 'enum', required: true, submitOnChange: true, multiple: false, options:getThermostatPrograms(), width: 4) input(name: 'aboveHeatTemp', title: inputTitle("Desired heating setpoint (${getHeatRange()})"), type: 'decimal', description: 'Default = no change...', required: (!settings.aboveCoolTemp), range: getHeatRange(), submitOnChange: true, width: 4) input(name: 'aboveCoolTemp', title: inputTitle("Desired cooling setpoint (${getCoolRange()})"), type: 'decimal', description: 'Default = no change...', required: (!settings.aboveHeatTemp), range: getCoolRange(), submitOnChange: true, width: 4) } } } section(title: smallerTitle("Outdoor Temperature 'Below'")) { input(name: "belowTemp", title: inputTitle('When the outdoor temperature is at or below...'), type: 'decimal', description: "Enter decimal temperature (${settings.aboveTemp?'optional':'required'})", range: getThermostatRange(), required: !settings.aboveTemp, submitOnChange: true, width: 6) paragraph("", width: 6) if (settings.belowTemp) { input(name: 'belowMode', title: inputTitle('Set thermostat Mode to'), type: 'enum', required: (!settings.belowSetpoints && !settings.belowSchedule), multiple: false, options:statModes, submitOnChange: true, width: 6) if (settings.belowMode == 'off') { if (maximize) paragraph "Note that Ecobee thermostats will still run fan circulation (if enabled) while the HVAC is in Off Mode" } input(name: 'belowSchedule', title: inputTitle('Set thermostat Program to'), type: 'enum', required: (!settings.belowSetpoints && !settings.belowMode), multiple: false, submitOnChange: true, options:getThermostatPrograms(), width: 6) input(name: 'belowSetpoints', title: inputTitle('Change Program Setpoints'), type: 'bool', required: (!settings.belowMode && !settings.belowSchedule), defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true, width: 6) paragraph("", width: 6) if (settings.belowSetpoints) { if (!settings.belowProgram && (!settings.belowHeatTemp || !settings.belowCoolTemp)) paragraph "You must select the program to modify and at least one setpoint to change" input(name: 'belowProgram', title: inputTitle('Change Setpoints for Program'), type: 'enum', required: true, submitOnChange: true, multiple: false, options:getThermostatPrograms(), width: 4) input(name: 'belowHeatTemp', title: inputTitle("Desired heating setpoint (${getHeatRange()})"), type: 'decimal', description: 'Default = no change...', required: (!settings.belowCoolTemp), range: getHeatRange(), submitOnChange: true, width: 4) input(name: 'belowCoolTemp', title: inputTitle("Desired cooling setpoint (${getCoolRange()})"), type: 'decimal', description: 'Default = no change...', required: (!settings.belowHeatTemp), range: getCoolRange(), submitOnChange: true, width: 4) } } if (settings.belowTemp && (settings.belowMode == 'off')) { input(name: 'dewBelowOverride', type: 'bool', title: inputTitle('Dewpoint overrides below temp Off Mode?'), required: true, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true, width: 4) if (settings.dewBelowOverride) { input(name: 'dewBelowTemp', type: 'decimal', title: inputTitle('Override Off Mode when dew point is at or above...'), description: "Enter decimal dew point", required: true, submitOnChange: true, width: 4) } } } if ((settings.belowTemp && settings.aboveTemp) && (settings.belowTemp != settings.aboveTemp)) { //section(title: sectionTitle("Actions: Outdoor Temperature 'Between' Actions")) {} section(title: smallerTitle("Outdoor Temperature 'Between'")) { input(name: 'betweenMode', title: inputTitle("Set thermostat Mode to")+" (optional)", type: 'enum', required: false, multiple: false, options:statModes, submitOnChange: true, width: 6) input(name: 'betweenSchedule', title: inputTitle('Set thermostat Program to')+' (optional)', type: 'enum', required: false, multiple: false, options:getThermostatPrograms(), width: 6) input(name: 'betweenSetpoints', title: inputTitle('Change Program Setpoints'), type: 'bool', required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true, width: 6) paragraph("", width: 6) if (settings.betweenSetpoints) { if (!settings.betweenProgram && (!settings.betweenHeatTemp || !settings.betweenCoolTemp)) paragraph "You must select the program to modify and at least one setpoint to change" input(name: 'betweenProgram', title: inputTitle('Change Setpoints for Program'), type: 'enum', required: true, submitOnChange: true, multiple: false, options:getThermostatPrograms(), width: 4) input(name: 'betweenHeatTemp', title: inputTitle('Desired heating setpoint'), type: 'decimal', description: 'Default = no change...', required: (!settings.betweenCoolTemp), range: getHeatRange(), submitOnChange: true, width: 4) input(name: 'betweenCoolTemp', title: inputTitle('Desired cooling setpoint'), type: 'decimal', description: 'Default = no change...', required: (!settings.betweenHeatTemp), range: getCoolRange(), submitOnChange: true, width: 4) } } } if (settings.aboveSchedule || settings.belowSchedule || settings.betweenSchedule) { section(title: smallerTitle("Hold Type")) { input(name: "holdType", title: inputTitle("Hold Type for Program changes (optional)"), type: "enum", required: false, multiple: false, submitOnChange: true, defaultValue: "Ecobee Manager Setting", options:["Until I Change", "Until Next Program", "2 Hours", "4 Hours", "Specified Hours", "Thermostat Setting", "Ecobee Manager Setting"], width: 6) //, "Parent Ecobee (Connect) Setting"]) if (settings.holdType=="Specified Hours") { input(name: 'holdHours', title: inputTitle('How many hours (1-48)?'), type: 'number', range:"1..48", required: true, description: '2', defaultValue: 2, width: 4) } else if (settings.holdType=='Thermostat Setting') { if (maximize) paragraph("Thermostat Setting at the time of hold request will be applied.") } else if ((settings.holdType == null) || (settings.holdType == 'Ecobee Manager Setting') || (settings.holdType == 'Parent Ecobee (Connect) Setting')) { if (maximize) paragraph("Ecobee Manager Setting at the time of hold request will be applied") } } } section(title:smallerTitle('Indoor Temperature')) { if (statModes.contains('cool')) { // && !settings.insideAuto) { input(name: 'aboveCool', title: inputTitle('Set thermostat Mode to Cool if its Indoor Temperature is above its Cooling Setpoint')+' (optional)', type: 'bool', defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true) if (settings.aboveCool) { if (maximize) paragraph "Mode will be set to 'cool' when the indoor temperature reaches the Cooling Setpoint PLUS the Cooling Setpoint Differential MINUS ${((getTemperatureScale()=='F')?'0.1':'0.055')}°" + " - This is just before the thermostat will demand Cool from the HVAC" } } if (statModes.contains('heat')) { // && !settings.insideAuto) { input(name: 'belowHeat', title: inputTitle('Set thermostat Mode to Heat if its Indoor Temperature is below its Heating Setpoint')+' (optional)', type: 'bool', defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true) if (settings.aboveCool) { if (maximize) paragraph "Mode will be set to 'heat' when the indoor temperature reaches the Heating Setpoint MINUS the Heating Setpoint Differential PLUS ${((getTemperatureScale()=='F')?'0.1':'0.055')}°" + " - This is just before the thermostat will demand Heat from the HVAC" } } if (statModes.contains('auto')) { // && !(settings.aboveCool || settings.belowHeat)) { input(name: 'insideAuto', title: inputTitle('Set thermostat Mode to Auto if its Indoor Temperature is between its Heating & Cooling Setpoints')+' (optional)', type: 'bool', defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true) if (settings.insideAuto) { if (maximize) paragraph "Mode will be set to 'auto' when the indoor temperature falls outside the Cooling and Heating Setpoints (adjusted by the appropriate differentials) - This is just before the" + " thermostat will demand Heat or Cool from the HVAC" } } if ((settings.aboveCool || settings.belowHeat || settings.insideAuto) && (settings.aboveMode?.contains('off') || settings.belowMode?.contains('off') || settings.betweenMode?.contains('off'))) { input(name: 'insideOverridesOff', title: inputTitle("Allow the above indoor temperature/setpoint operations to change the Mode when the HVAC is 'off'?"), type: 'bool', defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true) } } section(title: sectionTitle("Conditions")) { input(name: "theModes",type: "mode", title: inputTitle("Perform Actions only when the Location Mode is"), multiple: true, required: false, width: 6) if (settings.theModes) { input(name: 'doneMode', title: inputTitle("When the Location Mode is no longer valid, reset thermostat mode to")+" (optional)", type: 'enum', required: false, multiple: false, options:statModes, submitOnChange: true) } //input(name: 'notify', type: 'bool', title: inputTitle("Notify on Activations?"), required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true) //paragraph HE ? "A 'HelloHome' notification is always sent to the Location Event log whenever an action is taken\n" : "A notification is always sent to the Hello Home log whenever an action is taken\n" } List echo = [] section(sectionTitle("Notifications")) { input(name: "notify", type: "bool", title: inputTitle("Notify on Actions?"), required: true, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true, width: 3) } if (settings.notify) { section(smallerTitle("Notification Devices")) { input(name: "notifiers", type: "capability.notification", multiple: true, title: inputTitle("Select Notification devices"), submitOnChange: true, required: (!settings.speak || ((settings.musicDevices == null) && (settings.speechDevices == null)))) if (settings?.notifiers) { echo = settings.notifiers.findAll { (it.deviceNetworkId.contains('|echoSpeaks|') && it.hasCommand('sendAnnouncementToDevices')) } if (echo) { input(name: "echoAnnouncements", type: "bool", title: inputTitle("Use ${echo.size()>1?'simultaneous ':''}Announcements for the selected Echo Speaks device${echo.size()>1?'s':''}?"), defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true) } } } } if (settings.notify) { section(hideWhenEmpty: (!"speechDevices" && !"musicDevices"), title: smallerTitle("Speech Devices")) { input(name: "speak", type: "bool", title: inputTitle("Speak messages?"), required: !settings?.notifiers, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true, width: 6) if (settings.speak) { input(name: "speechDevices", type: "capability.speechSynthesis", required: (settings.musicDevices == null), title: inputTitle("Select Speech devices"), multiple: true, submitOnChange: true, hideWhenEmpty: true, width: 4) input(name: "musicDevices", type: "capability.musicPlayer", required: (settings.speechDevices == null), title: inputTitle("Select Music devices"), multiple: true, submitOnChange: true, hideWhenEmpty: true, width: 4) input(name: "volume", type: "number", range: "0..100", title: inputTitle("At this volume (%)"), defaultValue: 50, required: false, width: 4) } } } if (settings.notify && (echo || settings.speak)) { section(smallerTitle("Do Not Disturb")) { /* if (settings.parentDND == null) { app.updateSetting('parentDND', false); settings.parentDND = false; } input(name: "parentDND", type: "bool", title: inputTitle("Load ES Manager's Do Not Disturb settings?"), submitOnChange: true, width: 6, defaultValue: false) if (settings.parentDND) { List parentModes = getParentSetting("speakModes") app.updateSetting("speakModes", parentModes); settings.speakModes = parentModes; def parentTimeStart = getParentSetting("speakTimeStart") app.updateSetting("speakTimeStart", parentTimeStart); settings.speakTimeStart = parentTimeStart; def parentTimeEnd = getParentSetting("speakTimeEnd") app.updateSetting("speakTimeEnd", parentTimeEnd); settings.speakTimeEnd = parentTimeEnd; paragraph(width: 6, "ES Manager's Modes: ${parentModes}, Start: ${parentTimeStart}, End: ${parentTimeEnd}") app.updateSetting('parentDND', false); settings.parentDND = false; } else if (HE) paragraph("", width: 6) */ input(name: "speakModes", type: "mode", title: inputTitle('Only speak notifications during these Location Modes:'), required: false, multiple: true, submitOnChange: true, width: 6) input(name: "speakTimeStart", type: "time", title: inputTitle('Only speak notifications
between...'), required: (settings.speakTimeEnd != null), submitOnChange: true, width: 3) input(name: "speakTimeEnd", type: "time", title: inputTitle("
...and"), required: (settings.speakTimeStart != null), submitOnChange: true, width: 3) String nowOK = (settings.speakModes || ((settings.speakTimeStart != null) && (settings.speakTimeEnd != null))) ? (" - with the current settings, notifications WOULD ${notifyNowOK()?'':'NOT '}be spoken now") : '' if (maximize) paragraph(getFormat('note', "If both Modes and Times are set, both must be true" + nowOK)) } } if (maximize) { section(){ paragraph "A 'HelloHome' notification is always sent to the Location Event log whenever an action is taken" } } if ((settings?.notify) && (settings?.pushNotify || settings?.phone || settings?.notifiers || (settings?.speak && (settings?.speechDevices || settings?.musicDevices)))) { section(smallerTitle("Customization")) { href(name: "customNotifications", title: inputTitle("Customize Notifications"), page: "customNotifications", description: "Customize the notification messages", state: isCustomized()) } } } section(title: sectionTitle("Operations")) { input(name: "minimize", title: inputTitle("Minimize settings text"), type: "bool", required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true, width: 3) input(name: "tempDisable", title: inputTitle("Pause this Helper"), type: "bool", required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true, width: 3) input(name: "debugOff", title: inputTitle("Disable debug logging"), type: "bool", required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true, width: 3) input(name: "infoOff", title: inputTitle("Disable info logging"), type: "bool", required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true, width: 3) } // Standard footer section() { paragraph(getFormat("line")+"
Copyright \u00a9 2017-2020 Barry A. Burke - All rights reserved.
"+ "Your " + "PayPal Logo" + "donation is appreciated!
" ) } } } def customNotifications(){ String pageLabel = getVersionLabel() pageLabel = pageLabel.take(pageLabel.indexOf(',')) dynamicPage(name: "customNotifications", title: pageTitle("${pageLabel}\nCustom Notifications"), uninstall: false, install: false) { section(sectionTitle("Customizations")) {} section(smallerTitle("Notification Prefix")) { input(name: "customPrefix", type: "enum", title: inputTitle("Notification Prefix text:"), defaultValue: "(helper) at (location):", required: false, submitOnChange: true, options: ['(helper):', '(helper) at (location):', '(location):', 'none', 'custom'], multiple: false) if (settings?.customPrefix == null) { app.updateSetting('customPrefix', '(helper) at (location):'); settings.customPrefix = '(helper) at (location):'; } if (settings.customPrefix == 'custom') { input(name: "customPrefixText", type: "text", title: inputTitle("Custom Prefix text"), defaultValue: "", required: true, submitOnChange: true) } } section(smallerTitle("Thermostat")) { input(name: "customTstat", type: "enum", title: inputTitle("Refer to the HVAC system as"), defaultValue: "(thermostat names)", options: ['the thermostat', 'the HVAC system', '(thermostat names)', 'custom'], submitOnChange: true, multiple: false) if (settings?.customTstat == 'custom') { input(name: "customTstatText", type: "text", title: inputTitle("Custom HVAC system text"), defaultValue: "", required: true, submitOnChange: true) } if (settings?.customTstat == null) { app.updateSetting('customTstat', '(thermostat names)'); settings.customTstat = '(thermostat names)'; } if (settings?.customTstat == '(thermostat names)') { input(name: "tstatCleaners", type: 'enum', title: inputTitle("Strip these words from the Thermostat display names"), multiple: true, required: false, submitOnChange: true, options: ['EcobeeTherm', 'EcoTherm', 'Thermostat', 'Ecobee'].sort(false)) input(name: "tstatPrefix", type: 'enum', title: inputTitle("Add this prefix to the Thermostat display names"), multiple: false, required: false, submitOnChange: true, options: ['the', 'Ecobee', 'thermostat', 'Ecobee thermostat', 'the Ecobee', 'the Ecobee thermostat', 'the thermostat'].sort(false)) input(name: "tstatSuffix", type: 'enum', title: inputTitle("Add this suffix to the Thermostat display names"), multiple: false, required: false, submitOnChange: true, options: ['Ecobee', 'HVAC', 'HVAC system', 'thermostat']) } } section(title: sampleTitle("Sample Notification Messages"), hideable: true, hidden: false) { String unit = getTemperatureScale() String thePrefix = getMsgPrefix() String theTstats = getMsgTstat() String theTstat = getMsgTstat([thermostats[0]]) String theLowTemp = unit == 'F' ? 62 : 18 String theHighTemp = unit == 'F' ? 80 : 28 String samples = "" def tc = thermostats.size() boolean multiple = false if (settings?.aboveCool || settings?.belowHeat) { String tt = theTstat.endsWith('s') ? theTstat + "'" : theTstat + "'s" samples = (getMsgPrefix() + "${tt} inside temperature is ${theLowTemp}°, so I changed it to 'Heat' mode").replaceAll(':','').replaceAll(' ',' ').replaceAll(' ',' ').trim().capitalize() } samples = samples + "\n" + ("The outside temperature is ${theHighTemp}°${unit}, so I changed ${getMsgTstat()} to 'Cool' mode").replaceAll(':','').replaceAll(' ',' ').replaceAll(' ',' ').trim().capitalize() paragraph samples } } } def isCustomized() { return (customPrefix || customTstat || (useSensorNames != null)) ? "complete" : null } void installed() { LOG("Installed with settings ${settings}", 4, null, 'trace') atomicState.aboveChanged = false atomicState.betweenChanged = false atomicState.belowChanged = false atomicState.dewpoint = null atomicState.humidity = null initialize() } void uninstalled() { clearReservations() } void clearReservations() { thermostats?.each { cancelReservation(getDeviceId(it.deviceNetworkId), 'modeOff' ) } } void updated() { LOG("Updated with settings ${settings}", 4, null, 'trace') unsubscribe() unschedule() atomicState.aboveChanged = false atomicState.betweenChanged = false atomicState.belowChanged = false atomicState.dewpoint = null atomicState.humidity = null initialize() } boolean initialize() { LOG("${getVersionLabel()} Initializing...", 2, "", 'info') updateMyLabel() runEvery15Minutes(updateMyLabel) if (settings.tempDisable) { clearReservations() LOG("Temporarily Paused", 3, null, 'info') return true } if (settings.debugOff) log.info "log.debug() logging disabled" if (settings.aboveCool || settings.belowHeat || settings.insideAuto) { subscribe(thermostats, 'temperature', insideChangeHandler) } else { atomicState.insideOverride = [:] } if (settings.aboveTemp || settings.belowTemp) { subscribe(thermostats, 'thermostatMode', thermostatModeHandler) } def tempNow def gu = getTemperatureScale() switch( settings.tempSource) { case 'location': // SmartThings Only def WUname = (settings.latLon) ? 'getGPSTemp' : 'getZipTemp' if (settings.locFreq.toInteger() < 60) { "runEvery${settings.locFreq}Minute${settings.locFreq!='1'?'s':''}"( "${WUname}" ) } else { def locHours = settings.locFreq.toInteger() / 60 "runEvery${locHours}Hour${locHours!=1?'s':''}"( "${WUname}" ) } def t = "${WUname}"() // calls temperatureUpdate() & stores dewpoint if (t != null) tempNow = t as BigDecimal break; case 'sensors': if (settings.dewBelowOverride || (settings.dewAboveTemp != null)) { if (settings.humidistat) { subscribe( settings.humidistat, 'relativeHumidity', humidityChangeHandler) } else { log.error "Dewpoint override(s) enabled, but no humidistat selected - initialization FAILED." return false } } subscribe( settings.thermometer, 'temperature', tempChangeHandler) def latest = settings.thermometer.currentState("temperature", true) def unit = latest.unit def t if (latest.numberValue != null) { t = roundIt(latest.numberValue, (unit=='C'?2:1)) if (dewBelowOverride) { latest = settings.humidistat.currentState('humidity', true) if (latest.value != null) { def h = latest.numberValue atomicState.humidity = h LOG("Outside Humidity is: ${h}%",3,null,'info') def d = calculateDewpoint( t, h, unit ) atomicState.dewpoint = d LOG("Outside Dewpoint is: ${d}°${gu}",3,null,'info') } } tempNow = t temperatureUpdate(tempNow) } break; case 'station': if (settings.ambientWeatherDevice) { // HE only, has temperature & dewpoint def latest if (settings.dewBelowOverride) { subscribe(settings.ambientWeatherDevice, 'dewpoint', dewpointChangeHandler) latest = settings.ambientWeatherDevice.currentState('dewpoint', true) if (latest?.numberValue != null) { def d = roundIt(latest.numberValue, (latest.unit=='C'?2:1)) atomicState.dewpoint = d LOG("Outside Dewpoint is: ${d}°${gu}",3,null,'info') } } subscribe(settings.ambientWeatherDevice, 'temperature', tempChangeHandler) latest = settings.ambientWeatherDevice.currentState('temperature', true) if (latest?.numberValue != null) { tempNow = roundIt(latest.numberValue, (latest.unit=='C'?2:1)) temperatureUpdate(tempNow) } } else if (settings.ambientWeatherStation) { // HE & ST, has temperature & dewpoint def latest if (settings.dewBelowOverride) { subscribe(settings.ambientWeatherStation, 'dewpoint', dewpointChangeHandler) latest = settings.ambientWeatherStation.currentState('dewpoint', true) if (latest?.numberValue != null) { def d = roundIt(latest.numberValue, (latest.unit=='C'?2:1)) atomicState.dewpoint = d LOG("Outside Dewpoint is: ${d}°${gu}",3,null,'info') } } subscribe(settings.ambientWeatherStation, 'temperature', tempChangeHandler) latest = settings.ambientWeatherStation.currentState('temperature', true) if (latest?.numberValue != null) { tempNow = roundIt(latest.numberValue, (latest.unit=='C'?2:1)) temperatureUpdate(tempNow) } } else if (settings.darkSkyNetWeatherDriver) { // HE only, optional dewpoint so we calculate ourselves subscribe(settings.darkSkyNetWeatherDriver, 'temperature', tempChangeHandler) def latest = settings.darkSkyNetWeatherDriver.currentState('temperature', true) def t = latest.numberValue def unit = latest.unit if (t != null) { t = latest.numberValue if (settings.dewBelowOverride) { subscribe(settings.darkSkyNetWeatherDriver, 'relativeHumidity', humidityChangeHandler) latest = settings.darkSkyNetWeatherDriver.currentState('relativeHumidity', true) if (latest?.numberValue != null) { def h = roundIt(latest.numberValue, (unit=='C'?2:1)) LOG("Outside Humidity is: ${h}%",3,null,'info') def d = calculateDewpoint( t, h, unit ) atomicState.dewpoint = d LOG("Outside Dewpoint is: ${d}°${gu}",3,null,'info') } } tempNow = t temperatureUpdate(tempNow) } } else if (settings.netatmoOutdoorModule) { // ST & HE No dewpoint - calculate ourselves subscribe(settings.netatmoOutdoorModule, 'temperature', tempChangeHandler) def latest = settings.netatmoOutdoorModule.currentState('temperature', true) def t = latest.numberValue def unit = latest.unit if (t != null) { t = latest.numberValue if (settings.dewBelowOverride) { subscribe(settings.netatmoOutdoorModule, 'relativeHumidity', humidityChangeHandler) latest = settings.netatmoOutdoorModule.currentState('relativeHumidity', true) if (latest?.numberValue != null) { def h = roundIt(latest.numberValue, (unit=='C'?2:1)) LOG("Outside Humidity is: ${h}%",3,null,'info') def d = calculateDewpoint( t, h, unit ) atomicState.dewpoint = d LOG("Outside Dewpoint is: ${d}°${gu}",3,null,'info') } } tempNow = t temperatureUpdate(tempNow) } } else if (settings.meteoWeather) { // HE & ST, has temperature & dewpoint def latest if (settings.dewBelowOverride) { subscribe(settings.meteoWeather, 'dewpoint', dewpointChangeHandler) latest = settings.meteoWeather.currentState('dewpoint', true) if (latest?.numberValue != null) { def d = roundIt(latest.numberValue, (latest.unit=='C'?2:1)) atomicState.dewpoint = d LOG("Outside Dewpoint is: ${d}°${gu}",3,null,'info') } } subscribe(settings.meteoWeather, 'temperature', tempChangeHandler) latest = settings.meteoWeather.currentState('temperature', true) if (latest?.numberValue != null) { tempNow = roundIt(latest.numberValue, (latest.unit=='C'?2:1)) temperatureUpdate(tempNow) } } break; case "ecobee": def theStat = [] def latest theStat = settings.thermostats.size() == 1 ? settings.thermostats[0] : settings.tstatTemp if (dewBelowOverride) { subscribe(theStat, 'weatherDewpoint', dewpointChangeHandler) latest = theStat.currentState('weatherDewpoint', true) if (latest?.numberValue != null) { def d = roundIt(latest.numberValue, (latest.unit=='C'?2:1)) atomicState.dewpoint = d LOG("Outside Dewpoint is: ${d}°${gu}",3,null,'info') } } subscribe(theStat, 'weatherTemperature', tempChangeHandler) latest = theStat.currentState('weatherTemperature', true) if (latest?.numberValue != null) { tempNow = roundIt(latest.numberValue, (latest.unit=='C'?2:1)) temperatureUpdate(tempnow) } break; case 'wunder': if (settings.pwsFreq.toInteger() < 60) { "runEvery${settings.pwsFreq}Minute${settings.pwsFreq!='1'?'s':''}"( 'getPwsTemp' ) } else { def pwsHours = settings.pwsFreq.toInteger() / 60 "runEvery${pwsHours}Hour${pwsHours!=1?'s':''}"( 'getPwsTemp' ) } def t = getPwsTemp() // calls temperatureUpdate() and updates atomicState.dewpoint if (t != null) tempNow = t as BigDecimal break; } //atomicState.locModeEnabled = settings.theModes ? settings.theModes.contains(location.mode) : true if (settings.theModes) { subscribe(location, "mode", locationModeChangeHandler) atomicState.locModeEnabled = settings.theModes.contains(location.mode) } else { atomicState.locModeEnabled = true } if (tempNow) { atomicState.temperature = tempNow LOG("Initialization complete...current Outside Temperature is ${tempNow}°${gu} - checking...",2,null,'info') atomicTempUpdater() return true } else { LOG("Initialization error...invalid temperature: ${tempNow}°${gu} - please check settings and retry", 2, null, 'error') return false } } def locationModeChangeHandler(evt) { updateMyLabel() if (!settings.theModes || settings.theModes.contains(evt.value)) { LOG("Location mode changed to ${evt.value} (enabled), updating...",3,null,'trace') atomicState.locModeEnabled = true atomicState.aboveChanged = false atomicState.betweenChanged = false atomicState.belowChanged = false if (atomicState.temperature) runIn(2, atomicTempUpdater, [overwrite: true]) } else { atomicState.locModeEnabled = false LOG("Location mode changed to ${evt.value} (disabled), ignoring...",3,null,'trace') } } def insideChangeHandler(evt) { def theTemp = evt.numberValue def unit = getTemperatureScale() def diffAdjust = ((unit == 'F') ? -0.1 : -0.055) as BigDecimal if (theTemp == null) { LOG("Ignoring invalid temperature: ${theTemp}°${unit}", 2, null, 'warn') return } theTemp = roundIt(theTemp, (unit=='C'?2:1)) LOG("${evt.device.displayName} Temperature is: ${theTemp}°${unit}",3,null,'info') def newMode = null def insideOverride = atomicState.insideOverride ?: [:] boolean coolOverride = false boolean heatOverride = false String tid = getDeviceId(evt.device.deviceNetworkId) if (theTemp != null) { def coolSP = evt.device.currentValue('coolingSetpoint', true) as BigDecimal if (coolSP != null) { coolSP += diffAdjust def coolDiff = evt.device.currentValue('coolDifferential', true) as BigDecimal if (theTemp >= (coolSP + coolDiff)) { String cMode = evt.device.currentValue('thermostatMode', true) if (settings.aboveCool) { newMode = 'cool' coolOverride = true } else if (settings.insideAuto && (cMode != 'cool')) { newMode = 'auto' // coolOverride = true } } } if (newMode == null) { def heatSP = evt.device.currentValue('heatingSetpoint', true) as BigDecimal if (heatSP != null) { def heatDiff = evt.device.currentValue('heatDifferential', true) as BigDecimal if (theTemp <= (heatSP - heatDiff)) { heatSP += diffAdjust String cMode = evt.device.currentValue('thermostatMode', true) if (settings.belowHeat) { newMode = 'heat' heatOverride = true } else if (settings.insideAuto && (cMode != 'heat')) { newMode = 'auto' // heatOverride = true } } } } def okMode = settings.theModes ? settings.theModes.contains(location.mode) : true if (okMode) { atomicState.locModeEnabled = true if (newMode != null) { String cMode = evt.device.currentValue('thermostatMode', true) //log.debug "newMode: ${newMode}, cMode: ${cMode}" if (cMode != newMode) { boolean override = ((cMode != 'off') || (settings.insideOverridesOff && (!anyReservations(tid, 'modeOff') || ((countReservations(tid, 'modeOff') == 1) && haveReservation(tid, 'modeOff'))))) if (!override) { // if Anybode else (but not me) has a reservation on this being off, I can't turn it back on insideOverride[tid] = false LOG("${evt.device.displayName} inside temp is ${theTemp}°${evt.unit}, but can't change to ${newMode} since ${getGuestList(tid,'offMode').toString()[1..-2]} have offMode reservations",2,null,'warn') // Here's where we could subscribe to reservations and re-evaluate. For now, just wait for another inside Temp Change to occur } else { // not currently off or there are no modeOff reservations (other than my own), change away! cancelReservation(tid, 'modeOff' ) insideOverride[tid] = (coolOverride || heatOverride) evt.device.setThermostatMode(newMode) LOG("${evt.device.displayName} temperature (inside) is ${theTemp}°${evt.unit}, changed thermostat to ${newMode} mode",3,null,'trace') String theTstat = getMsgTstat([evt.device]) String tt = theTstat.endsWith('s') ? theTstat + "'" : theTstat + "'s" sendMessage("${tt} inside temperature is ${theTemp}°, so I changed it to '${newMode}' mode") } } } else { insideOverride[tid] = false } } else { if (atomicState.locModeEnabled) { // Mode no longer valid, but it once was, so release any reservations and leave the HVAC where it is... LOG("Location Mode (${location.mode}) is no longer valid, releasing reservations${settings.doneMode?', and resetting Thermostat Mode to '+settings.doneMode.toString().capitalize():''}",2,null,'info') cancelReservation(tid, 'modeOff') if (!anyReservations(tid, 'modeOff')) { if (settings.doneMode) thermostats*."${settings.doneMode}"() } atomicState.locModeEnabled = false } } } atomicState.insideOverride = insideOverride updateMyLabel() } def thermostatModeHandler(evt) { // if the mode changes but we didn't do it, reset the atomicState modes as appropriate if ((settings.aboveTemp || settings.dewAboveTemp) && (evt.value == settings.aboveMode) && !atomicState.aboveChanged) { atomicState.belowChanged = false atomicState.betweenChanged = false } else if (settings.belowTemp && (evt.value == settings.belowMode) && !atomicState.belowChanged) { atomicState.aboveChanged = false atomicState.betweenChanged = false } else if (settings.aboveTemp && settings.belowTemp && settings.betweenMode && (evt.value == settings.betweenMode) && !atomicState.betweenChanged) { atomicState.aboveChanged = false atomicState.belowChanged = false } if (evt.value != 'off') { cancelReservation( getDeviceId(evt.device.deviceNetworkId), 'modeOff' ) // we're not off anymore, give up the reservation runIn(5, atomicTempUpdater, [overwrite: true]) // someone else turned the HVAC back on, let's make make sure it is set to the correct mode LOG("Thermostat ${evt.device.displayName}'s Mode was changed to ${evt.value} - revalidating in 5 seconds...",2,null,'info') } updateMyLabel() } def tempChangeHandler(evt) { if (evt.numberValue != null) { def t = roundIt(evt.numberValue, (evt.unit=='C'?2:1)) atomicState.temperature = t if (settings.dewBelowOverride || settings.dewAboveTemp) { // We have to update the dewpoint every time the temperature (or humidity) changes if (atomicState.humidity != null) { // Somebody is updating atomicState.humidity, so we need to calculate the dewpoint // (Sources that provide dewpoint directly will not update atomicState.humidity) if (settings.tempSource == 'sensors') { def latest = settings.humidistat.currentState('humidity', true) if (latest.numberValue != null) { def h = latest.numberValue atomicState.humidity = h LOG("Outside Humidity is: ${h}%",3,null,'info') def d = calculateDewpoint( t, h, evt.unit ) atomicState.dewpoint = d LOG("Outside Dewpoint is: ${d}°${evt.unit}",3,null,'info') runIn(2, atomicTempUpdater, [overwrite: true] ) // humidity might be updated also return } } else if (settings.tempSource == 'station') { def latest if (settings.darkSkyNetWeatherDriver) { // HE only latest = settings.darkSkyNetWeatherDriver.currentState('relativeHumidity', true) } else if (settings.netatmoOutdoorModule) { // both ST & HE latest = settings.netatmoOutdoorModule.currentState('relativeHumidity', true) } if (latest.numberValue != null) { h = latest.numberValue LOG("Outside Humidity is: ${h}%",3,null,'info') def d = calculateDewpoint( t, h, unit ) atomicState.dewpoint = d LOG("Outside Dewpoint is: ${d}°${evt.unit}",3,null,'info') runIn(2, atomicTempUpdater, [overwrite: true] ) // humidity might be updated also return } } } else { runIn(2, atomicTempUpdater, [overwrite: true] ) // wait for dewpoint to be updated also return } } // Aren't doing dewpoint stuff, so we can just update the temp directly temperatureUpdate( t ) } } def dewpointChangeHandler(evt) { if (evt.numberValue != null) { def d = roundIt(evt.numberValue, (evt.unit=='C'?2:1)) atomicState.dewpoint = d LOG("Outside Dewpoint is: ${d}°${evt.unit}",3,null,'info') runIn(2, atomicTempUpdater, [overwrite: true]) // wait for temp to be updated also } } def humidityChangeHandler(evt) { if (evt.numberValue != null) { t = atomicState.temperature u = getTemperatureScale() atomicState.humidity = evt.numberValue LOG("Outside Humidity is: ${evt.numberValue}%",3,null,'info') def d = calculateDewpoint(t, evt.numberValue, u) atomicState.dewpoint = d LOG("Outside Dewpoint is: ${d}°${getTemperatureScale()}",3,null,'info') runIn(2, atomicTempUpdater, [overwrite: true]) } } def atomicTempUpdater() { temperatureUpdate( atomicState.temperature ) } def temperatureUpdate( temp ) { if (temp != null) temperatureUpdate(temp as BigDecimal) } def temperatureUpdate( BigDecimal temp ) { def unit = getTemperatureScale() if (temp == null) { LOG("Ignoring invalid temperature: ${temp}°${unit}", 2, null, 'warn') return false } temp = roundIt(temp, (unit=='C'?2:1)) atomicState.temperature = temp LOG("Outside Temperature is: ${temp}°${unit}",3,null,'info') def okMode = settings.theModes ? settings.theModes.contains(location.mode) : true if (okMode) { atomicState.locModeEnabled = true } else { if (atomicState.locModeEnabled) { LOG("Location Mode (${location.mode}) is no longer valid, releasing reservations${settings.doneMode?', and resetting Thermostat Mode to '+settings.doneMode.toString().capitalize():''}",2,null,'info') // release all the reservations settings.thermostats.each { def tid = getDeviceId(it.deviceNetworkId) cancelReservation(tid, 'modeOff') if (!anyReservations(tid, 'modeOff')) { if (settings.doneMode) thermostats*."${settings.doneMode}"() } } atomicState.locModeEnabled = false } return } //log.trace "start\nokMode: ${okMode}\naboveChanged: ${atomicState.aboveChanged}\nbetweenChanged: ${atomicState.betweenChanged}\nbelowChanged: ${atomicState.belowChanged = false}" def desiredMode = null def desiredProgram = null if ((settings.aboveTemp && (temp >= settings.aboveTemp)) || (settings.dewAboveTemp && (atomicState.dewpoint >= settings.dewAboveTemp))) { if (!atomicState.aboveChanged) { desiredMode = settings.aboveMode desiredProgram = settings.aboveSchedule if (settings.aboveSetpoints) { changeSetpoints(settings.aboveProgram, settings.aboveHeatTemp, settings.aboveCoolTemp) } atomicState.aboveChanged = true atomicState.betweenChanged = false atomicState.belowChanged = false } //log.trace "above\nokMode: ${okMode}\naboveChanged: ${atomicState.aboveChanged}\nbetweenChanged: ${atomicState.betweenChanged}\nbelowChanged: ${atomicState.belowChanged}" } else if (settings.belowTemp && (temp <= settings.belowTemp)) { if (!atomicState.belowChanged) { // We haven't already changed to belowMode/belowSchedule if (settings.belowMode && (settings.belowMode != 'off')) { // not turning off desiredMode = settings.belowMode desiredProgram = settings.belowSchedule if (settings.belowSetpoints) { changeSetpoints(settings.belowProgram, settings.belowHeatTemp, settings.belowCoolTemp) } } else if ((settings.belowMode && (settings.belowMode == 'off')) && (!settings.dewBelowOverride || (settings.dewBelowTemp > atomicState.dewpoint))) { // belowMode is 'off', but we don't need to do dewpointOverride just adjust the Program and/or Setpoints desiredMode = null desiredProgram = settings.belowSchedule if (settings.belowSetpoints) { changeSetpoints(settings.belowProgram, settings.belowHeatTemp, settings.belowCoolTemp) } } else if (!settings.belowMode) { // belowMode changes aren't configured, just do schedule and setpoints desiredMode = null desiredProgram = settings.belowSchedule if (settings.belowSetpoints) { changeSetpoints(settings.belowProgram, settings.belowHeatTemp, settings.belowCoolTemp) } } else { // assert ((settings.belowMode == 'off') && (settings.dewBelowOverride && (settings.dewBelowTemp < atomicState.dewpoint))) // don't turn off desiredMode = null desiredProgram = settings.belowSchedule if (settings.belowSetpoints) { changeSetpoints(settings.belowProgram, settings.belowHeatTemp, settings.belowCoolTemp) } } atomicState.aboveChanged = false atomicState.betweenChanged = false atomicState.belowChanged = true //log.trace "below1\nokMode: ${okMode}\naboveChanged: ${atomicState.aboveChanged}\nbetweenChanged: ${atomicState.betweenChanged}\nbelowChanged: ${atomicState.belowChanged}" } else { // We have prior changed to the belowMode/belowSchedule - now we have to check if dewpoint is still below the limit if ((settings.belowMode == 'off') && settings.dewBelowOverride && (settings.dewBelowTemp <= atomicState.dewpoint)) { // Uh-oh, the dewpoint has risen into the bad land, and we are supposedly off at the moment if (settings.betweenMode || settings.betweenSetpoints || settings.betweenSchedule) { // We have a between mode - let's change back to that desiredMode = settings.betweenMode desiredProgram = settings.betweenSchedule if (settings.betweenSetpoints) { changeSetpoints(settings.betweenProgram, settings.betweenHeatTemp, settings.betweenCoolTemp) } atomicState.aboveChanged = false atomicState.betweenChanged = true atomicState.belowChanged = true // so we don't change it again } else if (settings.aboveMode || settings.aboveSetpoints) { // OK, no between mode. But we have an above mode - switch to that desiredMode = settings.aboveMode desiredProgram = settings.aboveProgram if (settings.aboveSetpoints) { changeSetpoints(settings.aboveProgram, settings.aboveHeatTemp, settings.aboveCoolTemp) } atomicState.aboveChanged = true atomicState.betweeChanged = false atomicState.belowChanged = true // so we don't change it again... } //log.trace "below2\nokMode: ${okMode}\naboveChanged: ${atomicState.aboveChanged}\nbetweenChanged: ${atomicState.betweenChanged}\nbelowChanged: ${atomicState.belowChanged}" } else if (!settings.belowMode || (!settings.dewBelowTemp || (settings.dewBelowTemp > atomicState.dewpoint))) { // No belowMode, or not doing dewpointOverride - return to belowMode settings desiredMode = settings.belowMode desiredProgram = settings.belowSchedule if (settings.belowSetpoints) { changeSetpoints(settings.belowProgram, settings.belowHeatTemp, settings.belowCoolTemp) } atomicState.aboveChanged = false atomicState.betweenChanged = false atomicState.belowChanged = true } //log.trace "below\nokMode: ${okMode}\naboveChanged: ${atomicState.aboveChanged}\nbetweenChanged: ${atomicState.betweenChanged}\nbelowChanged: ${atomicState.belowChanged}" } } else if ((settings.aboveTemp || (settings.dewAboveTemp && (atomicState.dewpoint < settings.dewAboveTemp))) && settings.belowTemp && settings.betweenMode) { if (!atomicState.betweenChanged) { desiredMode = settings.betweenMode desiredProgram = settings.betweenSchedule if (settings.betweenSetpoints) { changeSetpoints(settings.betweenProgram, settings.betweenHeatTemp, settings.betweenCoolTemp) } atomicState.aboveChanged = false atomicState.betweenChanged = true atomicState.belowChanged = false } //log.trace "between\nokMode: ${okMode}\naboveChanged: ${atomicState.aboveChanged}\nbetweenChanged: ${atomicState.betweenChanged}\nbelowChanged: ${atomicState.belowChanged}" } //log.debug "desiredMode: ${desiredMode}, desiredProgram: ${desiredProgram}" if ((desiredMode != null) || (desiredProgram != null)) { String changeNames = "" def changeNamesList = [] String sameNames = "" def insideOverride = atomicState.insideOverride settings.thermostats.each { String cMode = it.currentValue('thermostatMode', true) String cProgram = it.currentValue('currentProgramName', true) String tid = getDeviceId(it.deviceNetworkId) if (!insideOverride || !insideOverride.containsKey(tid) || !insideOverride[tid]) { if ((cMode && (cMode != desiredMode)) || (cProgram && (cProgram != desiredProgram))) { if ((desiredMode == 'off') && (cMode != 'off')) { makeReservation(tid, 'modeOff') it.setThermostatMode( 'off' ) } else { // Desired mode IS NOT 'off' if (cMode == 'off') { cancelReservation(tid,'modeOff') if (countReservations(tid, 'modeOff') == 0) { // nobody else has a reservation on modeOff if (desiredMode && (cMode != desiredMode)) { log.debug "${tid} - currentMode: ${cMode}, desiredMode: ${desiredMode}, changing mode" it.setThermostatMode(desiredMode) } if (desiredProgram && (cProgram != desiredProgram)) { String sendHoldType = whatHoldType(stat) Integer sendHoldHours = null if ((sendHoldType != null) && sendHoldType.isInteger()) { sendHoldHours = sendHoldType.toInteger() sendHoldType = 'holdHours' } LOG("desiredProgram: ${desiredProgram}, sendHoldType: ${sendHoldType}, sendHoldHours: ${sendHoldHours}",3,null,'info') it.setThermostatProgram(desiredProgram, sendHoldType, sendHoldHours) atomicState.modeOffNotified = false } changeNames += changeNames ? ", ${it.displayName}" : it.displayName changeNamesList << it } else { // somebody else still has a 'modeOff' reservation so we can't turn it on def reservedBy = getGuestList(tid,'modeOff') LOG("Reservations: ${reservedBy}", 3, null, 'debug') if (reservedBy == []) reservedBy = ['somebody'] def msg = "The outside temperature is ${temp}°${unit}, but I can't change ${getMsgTstat([it])} to '${desiredMode}' Mode because ${reservedBy.toString()[1..-2]} hold 'modeOff' reservations" LOG(msg,2,null,'warn') if (!atomicState.modeOffNotified) sendMessage(msg) atomicState.modeOffNotified = true // here's where we COULD subscribe to the reservations to see when we can turn it back on. For now, let's just let whomever is last deal with it } } else { // Not off currently, so we can change freely boolean changed = false cancelReservation(tid, 'modeOff') // just in case if (desiredMode && (cMode != desiredMode)) { log.debug "${tid} - currentMode: ${cMode}, desiredMode: ${desiredMode}, changing mode" it.setThermostatMode(desiredMode) changed = true } if (desiredProgram && (cProgram != desiredProgram)) { String sendHoldType = whatHoldType(stat) Integer sendHoldHours = null if ((sendHoldType != null) && sendHoldType.isInteger()) { sendHoldHours = sendHoldType.toInteger() sendHoldType = 'holdHours' } LOG("sendHoldType: ${sendHoldType}, sendHoldHours: ${sendHoldHours}",3,null,'info') it.setThermostatProgram(desiredProgram, sendHoldType, sendHoldHours) atomicState.modeOffNotified = false changed = true } if (changed) { changeNames += changeNames ? ", ${it.displayName}" : it.displayName changeNamesList << it } } } } else { // already running the mode we want (desiredMode == 'off') ? makeReservation(tid, 'modeOff') : cancelReservation(tid, 'modeOff') sameNames += sameNames ? ", ${it.displayName}" : it.displayName } } else { LOG("Inside Temperature has overridden calculated Thermostat Mode, will not change ${it.displayName} to ${desiredMode} mode", 2, null, 'info') } } def multi=0 if (changeNames) { LOG("Temp is ${temp}°${unit}, changed ${changeNames} to ${desiredMode} mode",3,null,'trace') sendMessage("The outside temperature is ${temp}°${unit}, so I changed ${getMsgTstat(changeNamesList)} to '${desiredMode}' mode") } if (sameNames) LOG("Temp is ${temp}°${unit}, ${sameNames} already in ${desiredMode} mode",3,null,'info') } updateMyLabel() } void changeSetpoints( program, heatTemp, coolTemp ) { def unit = getTemperatureScale() settings.thermostats.each { stat -> LOG("Setting ${stat.displayName} '${program}' heatingSetpoint to ${heatTemp}°${unit}, coolingSetpoint to ${coolTemp}°${unit}",2,null,'info') String tid = stat.identifier.toString() boolean anyReserved = anyReservations( tid, 'programChange' ) // need to make sure nobody changes the program Map out from beneath us if (!anyReserved || haveReservation( tid, 'programChange' )) { // Nobody has a reservation, or the reservation is mine if (!anyReserved) makeReservation(tid, 'programChange') if (needSetpointChange(stat, program, heatTemp, coolTemp)) makeSetpointChange(stat, program, heatTemp, coolTemp) } else { // somebody else has a reservation - we have to wait // def pendedUpdates = atomicState.pendedUpdates as Map Map pendedUpdates = [:].withDefault {[]} if (atomicState.pendedUpdates) pendedUpdates = atomicState.pendedUpdates as Map pendedUpdates[tid] = [program: program, heat: heatTemp, cool: coolTemp] atomicState.pendedUpdates = pendedUpdates subscribe(stat, 'climatesUpdated', programWaitHandler) //LOG("Delayed: Sensor ${sensor.displayName} will be added to ${settings.theClimates.toString()[1..-2]} and removed from ${notPrograms.toString()[1..-2]} when pending changes complete",2,null,'info') } } } def getZipTemp() { return getTwcTemp('zip') } def getGPSTemp() { return getTwcTemp('gps') } def getPwsTemp() { return getWUTemp('pws') } // SmartThings-only def getTwcTemp(type) { def isMetric = (getTemperatureScale() == "C") def source = (type == 'zip') ? settings.zipCode : ((type == 'gps')?"${location.latitude},${location.longitude}":null) def twcConditions = [:] try { twcConditions = getTwcConditions(source) } catch (e) { LOG("Error getting TWC Conditions: ${e}",1,null,'error') return null } if (twcConditions) { LOG("Parsing TWC data",3,null,'info') def tempNow def dewpointNow = -999.0 tempNow = twcConditions.temperature dewpointNow = twcConditions.temperatureDewPoint if (tempNow != null) { if (dewpointNow != -999.0) { atomicState.dewpoint = dewpointNow } else { def hum = twcConditions.relativeHumidity if ((hum != null) && hum.contains('%')) hum = (hum-'%') as Integer // strip off the trailing '%' sign if (hum.toString().isNumber()) { dewpointNow = calculateDewpoint( tempNow, hum, (isMetric?'C':'F')) } atomicState.dewpoint = dewpointNow } LOG("Outside Dewpoint is: ${dewpointNow}°${isMetric?'C':'F'}",2,null,'info') temperatureUpdate(tempNow) return tempNow } else { LOG("Invalid temp returned ${newTemp}, ignoring...",2,null,'warn') return null } } LOG("Current conditions unavailable",1,null,'error') return null } // SmartThings only - deprecated def getWUTemp(type) { def isMetric = (getTemperatureScale() == "C") def tempNow def dewpointNow def source = (type == 'zip') ? settings.zipCode : ((type == 'gps')?"${location.latitude},${location.longitude}":settings.stationID) Map wdata = getWeatherFeature('conditions', source) LOG("Requesting WU data for source: ${source}",3,null,'info') if (wdata && wdata.response) { //LOG("conditions: ${wdata.response}",4,null,'trace') if (wdata.response.containsKey('error')) { if (wdata.response.error.type != 'invalidfeature') { LOG("Please check ${type=='zip'?'ZIPcode':((type=='gps')?'Location Lat/Lon':'WU Station')} setting, error:\n${wdata.response.error.type}: ${wdata.response.error.description}" ,1,null,'error') return null } else { LOG("Error requesting weather:\n${wdata.response.error}",2,null,'warn') return null } } } else { LOG("Please check ZIPcode, Lat/Lon, or PWS setting, weather returned: null",2,null,'warn') return null } if (wdata.current_observation) { LOG("Parsing WU data for station: ${wdata.current_observation.station_id}",3,null,'info') if (!isMetric) { if (wdata.current_observation.temp_f?.isNumber()) tempNow = wdata.current_observation.temp_f.toBigDecimal() if (wdata.current_observation.dewpoint_f?.isNumber()) dewpointNow = wdata.current_observation.dewpoint_f.toBigDecimal() } else { if (wdata.current_observation.temp_c?.isNumber()) tempNow = wdata.current_observation.temp_c.toBigDecimal() if (wdata.current_observation.dewpoint_c?.isNumber()) dewpointNow = wdata.current_observation.dewpoint_c.toBigDecimal() } if (tempNow?.isNumber()) { if (dewpointNow != -999.0) { atomicState.dewpoint = dewpointNow } else { def hum = wdata.current_observation.relative_humidity if (hum && hum.contains('%')) hum = (hum-'%').toInteger() // strip off the trailing '%' sign if (hum.isNumber()) { dewpointNow = calculateDewpoint( tempNow, hum, (isMetric?'C':'F')) } atomicState.dewpoint = dewpointNow } LOG("Outside Dewpoint is: ${dewpointNow}°${isMetric?'C':'F'}",2,null,'info') temperatureUpdate(tempNow) return tempNow } else { LOG("Invalid temp returned ${newTemp}, ignoring...",2,null,'warn') return null } } LOG("Current conditions unavailable",1,null,'error') return null } // Calculate a close approximation of Dewpoint based on Temp, Relative Humidity (need Units - algorithm only works for C values) def calculateDewpoint( temp, rh, units) { def t = ((units == 'C') ? temp : (temp-32)/1.8) as BigDecimal def dpC = 243.04*(Math.log(rh/100.0)+((17.625*t)/(243.04+t)))/(17.625-Math.log(rh/100.0)-((17.625*t)/(243.04+t))) return (units == 'C') ? roundIt(dpC, 2) : roundIt(((dpC*1.8)+32), 1) } def roundIt( value, decimals=0 ) { return (value == null) ? null : value.toBigDecimal().setScale(decimals, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP) } def roundIt( BigDecimal value, decimals=0) { return (value == null) ? null : value.setScale(decimals, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP) } // return all the modes that ALL thermostats support List getThermostatModes() { List statModes = [] settings.thermostats?.each { stat -> def tm = stat.currentValue('supportedThermostatModes', true) if (statModes == []) { if (tm && (tm != '[]')) statModes = new JsonSlurper().parseText(tm) // tm[1..-2].tokenize(", ") } else { def nm = (tm && (tm != '[]')) ? new JsonSlurper().parseText(tm) /* tm[1..-2].tokenize(", ") */ : [] if (nm) statModes = statModes.intersect(nm) } } return statModes.sort(false) } // get the combined set of Ecobee Programs applicable for these thermostats List getThermostatPrograms() { List programs = [] if (settings.thermostats?.size() > 0) { settings.thermostats.each { stat -> List progs = [] String cl = stat.currentValue('climatesList', true) if (cl && (cl != '[]')) { progs = new JsonSlurper().parseText(cl) // cl[1..-2].split(', ') } else { String pl = stat.currentValue('programsList', true) progs = pl ? new JsonSlurper().parseText(pl) : [] } if (!programs) { if (progs) programs = progs } else { if (progs) programs = programs.intersect(progs) } } } if (!programs) programs = ['Away', 'Home', 'Sleep'] LOG("getThermostatPrograms: returning ${programs}", 4, null, 'info') return programs.sort(false) } // return the external temperature range def getThermostatRange() { def low def high if (getTemperatureScale() == "C") { low = -20.0 high = 65.0 } else { low = -5.0 high = 150.0 } return "${low}..${high}" } // returns the holdType keyword, OR the number of hours to hold // precedence: 1. this SmartApp's preferences, 2. Parent settings.holdType, 3. indefinite (must specify to use the thermostat setting) String whatHoldType(statDevice) { def theHoldType = settings.holdType def sendHoldType = null def parentHoldType = getParentSetting('holdType') if ((settings.holdType == null) || (settings.holdType == "Ecobee Manager Setting") || (settings.holdType == 'Parent Ecobee (Connect) Setting')) { if ((parentHoldType == null) || (parentHoldType == '')) { // default for Ecobee (Connect) is permanent hold (legacy) LOG('Using holdType indefinite',2,null,'info') return 'indefinite' } else if (parentHoldType != 'Thermostat Setting') { theHoldType = parentHoldType } } def parentHoldHours = getParentSetting('holdHours') switch (theHoldType) { case 'Until I Change': sendHoldType = 'indefinite' break; case 'Until Next Program': sendHoldType = 'nextTransition' break; case '2 Hours': sendHoldType = 2 break; case '4 Hours': sendHoldType = 4 case 'Specified Hours': if ( /*settings.holdHours && */ settings.holdHours?.toString().isInteger()) { sendHoldType = settings.holdHours } else if ((parentHoldType == 'Specified Hours') && (parentHoldHours?.toString().isInteger())) { sendHoldType = parentHoldHours } else if ( parentHoldType == '2 Hours') { sendHoldType = 2 } else if ( parentHoldType == '4 Hours') { sendHoldType = 4 } else { sendHoldType = 2 } break; case 'Thermostat Setting': String statHoldType = statDevice.currentValue('statHoldAction', true) switch(statHoldType) { case 'useEndTime4hour': sendHoldType = 4 break; case 'useEndTime2hour': sendHoldType = 2 break; case 'nextPeriod': case 'nextTransition': sendHoldType = 'nextTransition' break; case 'indefinite': case 'askMe': case null : case '': default : sendHoldType = 'indefinite' break; } } if (sendHoldType) { LOG("Using holdType ${sendHoldType.isNumber()?'holdHours ('+sendHoldType.toString()+')':sendHoldType}",2,null,'info') return sendHoldType as String } else { LOG("Couldn't determine holdType, returning indefinite",1,null,'error') return 'indefinite' } } def getHeatRange() { def low def high settings.thermostats.each { stat -> def lo def hi def setp = stat.currentValue('heatRangeLow', true) lo = lo ? ((setp < lo) ? setp : lo) : setp setp = stat.currentValue('heatRangeHigh', true) hi = hi ? ((setp > hi) ? setp : hi) : setp // if there are multiple stats, we need to find the range that ALL stats can support low = low ? ((lo > low) ? lo : low) : lo high = high ? ((hi < high) ? hi : high) : hi } return "${roundIt(low-0.5,0)}..${roundIt(high-0.5,0)}" } def getCoolRange() { def low def high settings.thermostats.each { stat -> def lo def hi def setp = stat.currentValue('coolRangeLow', true) lo = lo ? ((setp < lo) ? setp : lo) : setp setp = stat.currentValue('coolRangeHigh', true) hi = hi ? ((setp > hi) ? setp : hi) : setp // if there are multiple stats, we need to find the range that ALL stats can support low = low ? ((lo > low) ? lo : low) : lo high = high ? ((hi < high) ? hi : high) : hi } return "${roundIt(low-0.5,0)}..${roundIt(high-0.5,0)}" } String getZIPcode() { return location.zipCode ?: "" } String getPWSID() { String PWSID = location.zipCode LOG("Location ZIP Code ${PWSID}", 3, null, 'debug') // find the nearest PWS to the hub's geo location String geoLocation = location.zipCode // use coordinates, if available if (location.latitude && location.longitude) geoLocation = "${location.latitude},${location.longitude}" LOG("Geolocation: ${geoLocation}", 3, null, 'debug') Map wdata = getWeatherFeature('geolookup', geoLocation) if (wdata && wdata.response && !wdata.response.containsKey('error')) { // if we get good data if (wdata.response.features.containsKey('geolookup') && (wdata.response.features.geolookup.toInteger() == 1) && wdata.location) { //log.debug "wdata ${wdata.location.nearby_weather_stations.pws}" LOG("wdata ${wdata.location.nearby_weather_stations}", 3, null, 'debug') if (wdata.location.nearby_weather_stations?.pws?.station[0]?.id) PWSID = 'pws:' + wdata.location.nearby_weather_stations.pws.station[0].id else if (wdata.location.nearby_weather_stations?.airport?.station[0]?.icao) PWSID = wdata.location.nearby_weather_stations.airport.station[0].icao } else LOG("bad response", 3, null, 'debug') } else LOG("null or error", 3, null, 'debug') LOG("Nearest PWS ${PWSID}", 3, null, 'info') return PWSID } def getDeviceId(networkId) { return networkId.split(/\./).last() as String } def programUpdateHandler(evt) { // Clear our reservation once we know that the Ecobee Cloud has updated our thermostat's setpoints (climates) cancelReservation(evt.device.currentValue('identifier') as String, 'programChange') unsubscribe(evt.device) if (!settings?.tempDisable) { subscribe(evt.device, 'temperature', insideChangeHandler) subscribe(evt.device, 'thermostatMode', thermostatModeHandler) } LOG("programUpdateHandler(): Setpoint change operation completed",4,null,'debug') } def programWaitHandler(evt) { //LOG("climatesWaitHandler(): $evt.name = $evt.value",4,null,'debug') unsubscribe(evt.device) if (!settings?.tempDisable) { subscribe(evt.device, 'temperature', insideChangeHandler) subscribe(evt.device, 'thermostatMode', thermostatModeHandler) } String tid = evt.device.currentValue('identifier') as String def count = countReservations(tid, 'programChange') if ((count > 0) && !haveReservation( tid, 'programChange' )) { def waitCounter = atomicState.programWaitCounter ?: [:] waitCounter[tid] = 0 atomicState.programWaitCounter = waitCounter runIn(5, checkReservations, [overwrite: false, data: [tid:tid, type:'programChange']]) LOG("programWaitHandler(): There are still ${count} reservations for 'programChange', waiting...", 3, null, 'debug') } else { makeReservation(tid, 'programChange') LOG("programWaitHandler(): 'programChange' reservation secured, sending pended updates", 3, null, 'debug') doPendedUpdates(tid) } } void checkReservations(data) { //log.debug "checkReservations(${data}) @ ${now()}" String tid = data.tid.toString() def count = countReservations(tid, data.type) def waitCounter = atomicState.programWaitCounter ?: [:] def counter = ((waitCounter != null) && (waitCounter[tid] != null)) ? waitCounter[tid] : 0 if ((count > 0) && !haveReservation(tid, data.type) && (counter <= 60)) { // Need to wait longer runIn(5, checkReservations, [overwrite: false, data: [tid: tid, type: data.type]]) counter++ waitCounter[tid] = counter atomicState.programWaitCounter = waitCounter if ((counter % 12) == 0) runIn(2, doRefresh, [overwrite: false, data: [tid: tid]]) // force a refresh every minute LOG("checkReservations(): There are still ${count} reservations for 'programChange', waiting...", 3, null, 'debug') } else { makeReservation(tid, data.type) waitCounter[tid] = 0 atomicState.programWaitCounter = waitCounter LOG("checkReservation(): 'programChange' reservation secured for ${tid}, sending pended updates", 3, null, 'debug') doPendedUpdates(tid) } } void doPendedUpdates(tid) { //LOG("doPendedUpdates() @ ${now()}: ${atomicState.pendedUpdates}",4,null,'debug') def updates = atomicState.pendedUpdates if (updates && updates[tid]) { // Find the theremostat settings.thermostats.each { stat -> statTid = stat.currentValue('identifier').toString() if (statTid == tid) { if (needSetpointChange( stat, updates[tid].program, updates[tid].heat, updates[tid].cool )) { makeSetpointChange( stat, updates[tid].program, updates[tid].heat, updates[tid].cool ) updates = atomicState.pendedUpdates // in case we have multiple in parallell } else { // Nothing to do - release the reservation now cancelReservation(tid, 'programChange') } updates[tid] = [:] atomicState.pendedUpdates = updates return } } } } def doRefresh( data ) { settings.thermostats.each { stat -> if (stat.currentValue('identifier').toString() == tid) { stat.doRefresh(true) return } } } def clearReservation( data ) { cancelReservation(data.tid, 'programChange') } def makeSetpointChange( stat, program, heat, cool ) { subscribe( stat, 'climatesUpdated', programUpdateHandler ) stat.setProgramSetpoints( program, heat, cool ) String tid = stat.currentValue('identifier').toString() runIn(150, clearReservation, [overwrite: false, data: [ tid: tid ]]) // programUpdateHandler will release the reservation for us } boolean needSetpointChange(stat, program, heat, cool) { // def tid = stat.currentValue('identifier') as String // need to figure out how to tell if we actually need to make changes return true } // Reservation Management Functions - Now implemented in Ecobee Suite Manager void makeReservation(String tid, String type='modeOff' ) { parent.makeReservation( tid, app.id as String, type ) } // Cancel my reservation void cancelReservation(String tid, String type='modeOff') { //log.debug "cancel ${tid}, ${type}" parent.cancelReservation( tid, app.id as String, type ) } // Do I have a reservation? boolean haveReservation(String tid, String type='modeOff') { return parent.haveReservation( tid, app.id as String, type ) } // Do any Apps have reservations? boolean anyReservations(String tid, String type='modeOff') { return parent.anyReservations( tid, type ) } // How many apps have reservations? Integer countReservations(String tid, String type='modeOff') { return parent.countReservations( tid, type ) } // Get the list of app IDs that have reservations List getReservations(String tid, String type='modeOff') { return parent.getReservations( tid, type ) } // Get the list of app Names that have reservations List getGuestList(String tid, String type='modeOff') { return parent.getGuestList( tid, type ) } // Helper Functions void LOG(message, level=3, child=null, logType="debug", event=true, displayEvent=true) { switch (logType) { case 'error': log.error message break; case 'warn': log.warn message break; case 'trace': log.trace message break; case 'info': if (!settings?.infoOff) log.info message break; case 'debug': default: if (!settings?.debugOff) log.debug message break; } } String textListToString(list) { def c = list?.size() String s = list.toString()[1..-2] if (c == 1) return s.trim() // statName if (c == 2) return s.replace(', ',' and ').trim() // statName1 and statName2 int i = s.lastIndexOf(', ')+2 return (s.take(i) + 'and ' + s.drop(i)).trim() // statName1, statName2, (...) and statNameN } String getMsgPrefix() { String thePrefix = "" if (settings?.customPrefix == null) { app.updateSetting('customPrefix', '(helper) at (location):'); settings.customPrefix = '(helper) at (location):'; } switch (settings?.customPrefix) { case '(helper):': thePrefix = atomicState.appDisplayName + ': ' break case '(helper) at (location):': thePrefix = atomicState.appDisplayName + " at ${location.name}: " break case '(location):': thePrefix = location.name + ': ' break case 'custom': thePrefix = settings?.customPrefixText?.trim() + ' ' break case 'none': break } return thePrefix } String getMsgTstat(statList = []) { String theTstat = "" if (settings?.customTstat == null) { app.updateSetting('customTstat', '(thermostat names)'); settings?.customTstat = '(thermostat names)'; } switch (settings.customTstat) { case 'custom': theTstat = settings.customTstatText break case "(thermostat names)": def stats = statList ?: settings?.thermostats def nameList = [] String prefix = "" String suffix = "" if (settings?.tstatSuffix || settings?.tstatPrefix) { def tc = stats.size() if (tc == 1) { def name = stats[0].displayName if (settings.tstatPrefix) name = settings.tstatPrefix + ' ' + name if (settings.tstatSuffix) name = name + ' ' + settings.tstatSuffix nameList << name } else { nameList = stats*.displayName if (settings.tstatPrefix) prefix = settings.tstatPrefix == 'the' ? 'the ' : settings.tstatPrefix + 's ' if (settings.tstatSuffix) suffix = settings.tstatSuffix == 'HVAC' ? ' HVAC' : ' ' + settings.tstatSuffix + 's' } } else { nameList = stats*.displayName } String statStr = textListToString(nameList) if (tstatCleaners != []) { tstatCleaners.each{ if ((!settings?.tstatSuffix || (settings.tstatSuffix != it)) && (!settings?.tstatPrefix || (settings.tstatPrefix != it))) { // Don't strip the prefix/suffix we added above statStr = statStr.replace(it, '').replace(it.toLowerCase(), '') // Strip out any unnecessary words } } } statStr = statStr.replace(':','').replace(' ', ' ').trim() // Finally, get rid of any double spaces theTstat = prefix + statStr + suffix // (statStr + ((stats?.size() > 1) ? ' are' : ' is')) break case 'the HVAC system': theTstat = 'the H V A C system' break case 'the thermostat': def stats = statList ?: settings?.thermostats def tc = stats.size() theTstat = 'the thermostat' + ((tc > 1) ? 's' : '') break } return theTstat } boolean notifyNowOK() { // If both provided, both must be true; else only the provided one needs to be true boolean modeOK = settings.speakModes ? (settings.speakModes && settings.speakModes.contains(location.mode)) : true boolean timeOK = settings.speakTimeStart? myTimeOfDayIsBetween(timeToday(settings.speakTimeStart), timeToday(settings.speakTimeEnd), new Date(), location.timeZone) : true return (modeOK && timeOK) } private myTimeOfDayIsBetween(String fromTime, String toTime, Date checkDate, String timeZone) { return myTimeOfDayIsBetween(timeToday(fromTime), timeToday(toTime), checkDate, timeZone) } private myTimeOfDayIsBetween(Date fromDate, Date toDate, Date checkDate, timeZone) { if (toDate == fromDate) { return false // blocks the whole day } else if (toDate < fromDate) { if (checkDate.before(fromDate)) { fromDate = fromDate - 1 } else { toDate = toDate + 1 } } return (!checkDate.before(fromDate) && !checkDate.after(toDate)) } void sendMessage(notificationMessage) { LOG("Notification Message (notify=${notify}): ${notificationMessage}", 2, null, "info") if (settings.notify) { String msgPrefix = getMsgPrefix() String msg = (msgPrefix + notificationMessage.replaceAll(':','')).replaceAll(' ',' ').replaceAll(' ',' ').trim().capitalize() boolean addFrom = (msgPrefix && !msgPrefix.startsWith("From ")) if (settings.notifiers) { sendNotifications(msgPrefix, msg) } if (settings.speak && notifyNowOK()) { if (settings.speechDevices != null) { settings.speechDevices.each { it.speak((addFrom?"From ":"") + msg ) } } if (settings.musicDevices != null) { settings.musicDevices.each { it.setLevel( settings.volume ) it.playText((addFrom?"From ":"") + msg ) } } } } // Always send to Hello Home / Location Event log sendLocationEvent(name: "HelloHome", descriptionText: notificationMessage, value: app.label, type: 'APP_NOTIFICATION') } // Handles sending to Notification devices, with special handling for Echo Speaks devices (if settings.echoAnnouncements is true) boolean sendNotifications( String msgPrefix, String msg ) { if (!settings.notifiers) { LOG("sendNotifications(): no notifiers!",2,null,'warn') return false } List echo = settings.notifiers.findAll { (it.deviceNetworkId.contains('|echoSpeaks|') && it.hasCommand('sendAnnouncementToDevices')) } List notEcho = echo ? settings.notifiers - echo : settings.notifiers List echoDeviceObjs = [] if (settings.echoAnnouncements) { if (echo?.size()) { // Get all the Echo Speaks devices to speak at once echo.each { String deviceType = it.currentValue('deviceType') as String // deviceSerial is an attribute as of Echo Speaks device version String deviceSerial = (it.currentValue('deviceSerial') ?: it.deviceNetworkId.toString().split(/\|/).last()) as String echoDeviceObjs.push([deviceTypeId: deviceType, deviceSerialNumber: deviceSerial]) } if (echoDeviceObjs?.size() && notifyNowOK()) { //NOTE: Only sends command to first device in the list | We send the list of devices to announce one and then Amazon does all the processing def devJson = new groovy.json.JsonOutput().toJson(echoDeviceObjs) echo[0].sendAnnouncementToDevices(msg, (msgPrefix?:atomicState.appDisplayName), echoDeviceObjs) // , changeVol, restoreVol) } } // The rest get a standard deviceNotification if (notEcho.size()) notEcho*.deviceNotification(msg) } else { // No Echo Speaks devices settings.notifiers*.deviceNotification(msg) } } else { // Echo Announcements not enabled - just do deviceNotifications, but only if Do Not Disturb is not on if (echo?.size() && notifyNowOK()) echo*.deviceNotification(msg) if (notEcho.size()) notEcho*.deviceNotification(msg) } return true } void updateMyLabel() { def opts = [' (paused)', ' (Cool', ' (Heat', ' (Aux', ' (Off', ' (Auto', ' (Emer'] String flag = ' (paused)' if (app.label != newLabel) app.updateLabel(newLabel) } else { String newLabel = myLabel if (settings.thermostats?.size()) { String thermostatMode = thermostats[0].currentValue('thermostatMode', true).capitalize() String modeProgStr = ' (' + thermostatMode + ' - ' + thermostats[0].currentValue('currentProgramName', true) + ')' String color = (thermostatMode == 'Off') ? 'red' : 'green' newLabel = newLabel + '' + modeProgStr + '' } // log.debug "newLabel: ${newLabel}" if (app.label != newLabel) app.updateLabel(newLabel) } } def pauseOn(global = false) { // Pause this Helper atomicState.wasAlreadyPaused = settings.tempDisable //!atomicState.globalPause) if (!settings.tempDisable) { LOG("pauseOn(${global}) - performing ${global?'Global':'Helper'} Pause",2,null,'info') app.updateSetting("tempDisable", true) settings.tempDisable = true atomicState.globalPause = global runIn(2, updated, [overwrite: true]) // updateMyLabel() } else { LOG("pauseOn(${global}) - was already paused...",3,null,'info') } } def pauseOff(global = false) { // Un-pause this Helper if (settings.tempDisable) { // Allow peer Apps to individually re-enable anytime // NB: they won't be able to unpause us if we are in a global pause (they will also be paused) if (!global || !atomicState.wasAlreadyPaused) { // LOG("pauseOff(${global}) - performing ${global?'Global':'Helper'} Unpause",2,null,'info') app.updateSetting("tempDisable", false) settings.tempDisable = false atomicState.wasAlreadyPaused = false runIn(2, updated, [overwrite: true]) } else { LOG("pauseOff(${global}) - was already paused before Global Pause, ignoring...",3,null,'info') } } else { LOG("pauseOff(${global}) - not currently paused...",3,null,'info') atomicState.wasAlreadyPaused = false } atomicState.globalPause = global } String getTheBee () { return ''} String getTheBeeLogo() { return ''} String getTheSectionBeeLogo() { return ''} String getTheBeeUrl () { return "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SANdood/Icons/master/Ecobee/ecobee-logo-1x.jpg" } String getTheBlank () { return ''} String pageTitle (String txt) { return getFormat('header-ecobee','

'+(txt.contains("\n") ? ''+txt.replace("\n","\n") : txt )+'

') } String pageTitleOld (String txt) { return getFormat('header-ecobee','


') } String sectionTitle (String txt) { return getTheSectionBeeLogo() + getFormat('header-nobee','


') } String smallerTitle (String txt) { return txt ? ('


') : '' } //
String sampleTitle (String txt) { return ''+txt+'' } String inputTitle (String txt) { return ''+txt+'' } String getWarningText() { return "WARNING: " } String getFormat(type, myText=""){ switch(type) { case "header-ecobee": return "
" break; case "header-nobee": return "
" break; case "line": return "
" break; case "title": return "


" break; case "warning": return "WARNING: ${myText}" break; case "note": return "NOTE: ${myText}" break; default: return myText break; } } // SmartThings/Hubitat Portability Library (SHPL) // Copyright (c) 2019-2020, Barry A. Burke (storageanarchy@gmail.com) String getPlatform() { return 'Hubitat' } // if (platform == 'SmartThings') ... boolean getIsST() { return false } boolean getIsHE() { return true } String getHubPlatform() { return 'Hubitat' } boolean getIsSTHub() { return false } // if (isSTHub) ... boolean getIsHEHub() { return true } // if (isHEHub) ... def getParentSetting(String settingName) { return parent?."${settingName}" } @Field String hubPlatform = 'Hubitat' @Field boolean ST = false @Field boolean HE = true @Field String debug = 'debug' @Field String error = 'error' @Field String info = 'info' @Field String trace = 'trace' @Field String warn = 'warn'