/** * ecobee Suite Smart Room * * Copyright 2017-2021 Barry A. Burke * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * * * 1.8.00 - Version synchronization, updated settings look & feel * 1.8.01 - General Release * 1.8.02 - More busy bees * 1.8.03 - Send simultaneous notification Announcements to multiple Echo Speaks devices * 1.8.04 - No longer LOGs to parent (too much overhead for too little value) * 1.8.05 - New SHPL, using Global Fields instead of atomicState * 1.8.06 - Fixed appDisplayName in sendMessage * 1.8.07 - Fixed mixed Notification devices in sendMessage * 1.8.08 - Added customized Notifications * 1.8.09 - Refactored sendMessage / sendNotifications * 1.8.10 - Allow individual un-pause from peers, even if was already paused * 1.8.11 - Fixed HelloHome log msg to include room name * 1.8.12 - Updated formatting; added Do Not Disturb Modes & Time window * 1.8.13 - Don't use EcoSensor's occupancy if there are other motion sensors * 1.8.14 - HOTFIX: updated sendNotifications() for latest Echo Speaks Device version * 1.8.15 - Miscellaneous updates & fixes * 1.8.16 - Better active/inactive determinations * 1.8.17 - Even better active/inactive checks * 1.8.18 - Added "Hold" and "Vacation" as valid programs * 1.8.19 - Fix sendMessage() for new Samsung SmartThings app * 1.9.00 - Removed all ST code */ import groovy.json.* import groovy.transform.Field String getVersionNum() { return "1.9.00" } String getVersionLabel() { return "Ecobee Suite Smart Room Helper, version ${getVersionNum()} on ${getHubPlatform()}" } definition( name: "ecobee Suite Smart Room", namespace: "sandood", author: "Barry A. Burke (storageanarchy at gmail dot com)", description: "INSTALL USING ECOBEE SUITE MANAGER ONLY!\n\nAutomates a Smart Room with sensors, adding/removing the room from selected climates and (optionally) controlling vents.", category: "Convenience", parent: "sandood:Ecobee Suite Manager", iconUrl: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SANdood/Icons/master/Ecobee/ecobee-logo-1x.jpg", iconX2Url: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SANdood/Icons/master/Ecobee/ecobee-logo-2x.jpg", iconX3Url: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SANdood/Icons/master/Ecobee/ecobee-logo-3x.jpg", importUrl: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SANdood/Ecobee-Suite/master/smartapps/sandood/ecobee-suite-smart-room.src/ecobee-suite-smart-room.groovy", documentationLink: "https://github.com/SANdood/Ecobee-Suite/blob/master/README.md#features-smart-room-sa", singleInstance: false, pausable: true ) preferences { page(name: "mainPage") page(name: "customNotifications") } // Preferences Pages def mainPage() { def vc = 0 // vent counter boolean maximize = (settings?.minimize) == null ? true : !settings.minimize String defaultName = "Smart Room" dynamicPage(name: "mainPage", title: pageTitle(getVersionLabel().replace('per, v',"per\nV")), uninstall: true, install: true) { if (maximize) { section(title: inputTitle("Helper Description & Release Notes"), hideable: true, hidden: (atomicState.appDisplayName != null)) { paragraph(image: theBeeUrl, title: app.name.capitalize(), "") paragraph("This Helper creates 'Smart Rooms' that are automatically activated based on motion detection and door state. If a door is left open for a specified time, the Smart Room will become active. It will remain active "+ "as long as the door is open. When the door is closed, Smart Room will become inactive after a specified timeout, unless motion is detected within the room while the door is closed.\n\n "+ "When a Smart Room is activated, it will optionally enable (unpause) the associated Smart Vent Helper(s) for the room, or it can open the selected vents directly. If vents are operated directly, the room's Ecobee "+ "Suite Sensor(s) (required) will be registered for the selected thermostat programs, otherwise that will be left to Smart Vent Helper(s) to handle.\n\n"+ "When the room becomes inactive, the Smart Vents Helper(s) are paused, or the vents will be closed and unregistered from their parent thermostat's programs.") } } section(title: sectionTitle("Naming${!settings.tempDisable?' & Room Definition':''}")) { String defaultLabel if (!atomicState?.appDisplayName) { defaultLabel = defaultName app.updateLabel(defaultName) atomicState?.appDisplayName = defaultName } else { defaultLabel = atomicState.appDisplayName } label(title: inputTitle("Name for this ${defaultName} Helper"), required: false, submitOnChange: true, defaultValue: defaultLabel, width: 6) if (!app.label) { app.updateLabel(defaultLabel) atomicState.appDisplayName = defaultLabel } else { atomicState.appDisplayName = app.label } if (app.label.contains(' 1) { paragraph (warningText + (maximize?'Only 1 Ecobee Suite Sensor can be registered for Active/Inactive programs, and you have selected multiple. ':'') + "Only ${settings?.theSensorDevices[0].displayName}, will be included in the "+ "selected program(s).") } input(name: "inactiveProgs", type:"enum", title: inputTitle("Select Inactive programs for this Smart Room")+" (optional)", options: getProgramsList()+["Hold","Vacation"], required: false, multiple: true, width: 6) } } if (!settings?.tempDisable && (settings?.theSensorDevices?.size() > 0)) { section(title: sectionTitle("Configuration")) { if (maximize) paragraph("Smart Room Activation is controlled by how long doors are left open or closed") input(name: "theDoors", title: inputTitle("Select Door contact sensor(s)"), type: "capability.contactSensor", required: true, multiple: true, submitOnChange: true) if (settings.theDoors) { // paragraph("How long should a door be open before the Smart Room is Activated?") input(name: "doorOpenMinutes", title: inputTitle("Activation (open door) Delay")+" (minutes)", type: "number", required: true, defaultValue: 5, description: '5', range: "5..60", width: 4) if (doorOpenMinutes == null) { app.updateSetting('doorOpenMinutes',5); settings?.doorOpenMinutes = 5; } // paragraph("How long should the door${theDoors.size()>1?'s':''} be closed before the room is Inactive (occupied rooms will not be deactivated)?") input(name: "doorClosedHours", title: inputTitle("Deactivation (closed door) Delay")+" (hours)", type: "number", required: true, defaultValue: 12, description: '12', range: "1..24", width: 4) if (doorClosedHours == null) { app.updateSetting('doorClosedHours',12); settings?.doorClosedHours = 12; } } if (maximize) paragraph("Windows will temporarily deactivate a Smart Room while they are open") input(name: "theWindows", type: "capability.contactSensor", title: inputTitle("Select Window contact sensor(s)? (optional)"), required: false, multiple: true) if (maximize) paragraph("Occupancy within the room will stop the Smart Room from being deactivated while the door${theDoors?.size()>1?'s are':' is'} closed") input(name:"moreMotionSensors", type: "capability.motionSensor", title: inputTitle("Select additional motion sensors?"), required: false, multiple: true, submitOnChange: false) def allVentApps = parent.getMyChildren("ecobee Suite Smart Vents") if (allVentApps) { if (maximize) paragraph("If you are using the Smart Vents Helper(s) for this room, this Helper can unpause them when the Smart Room is Active, and pause them when Inactive") input(name: "manageSmartVents", type: "bool", title: inputTitle("Manage Smart Vents Helper(s) for this Smart Room?"), defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true, width: 6) if (settings?.manageSmartVents) { input(name: "theVentApps", type: "enum", title: inputTitle("Select Smart Vents Helper(s) to manage"), required: true, multiple: true, submitOnChange: true, options: allVentApps, width: 6) } } if (!allVentApps || !settings?.manageSmartVents) { if (maximize) paragraph("This Helper can open selected Econet, Keen or Generic(dimmer) vents and/or switches while a Smart Room is Active, and close them when Inactive") input(name: "theEconetVents", type: 'device.EcoNetVent', title: inputTitle("Select EcoNet Vent(s)?"), multiple: true, submitOnChange: true, hideWhenEmpty: true, required: (!settings.theHCEcoVents && !settings.theKeenVents && !settings.theHCKeenVents && !settings.theGenericVents && !settings.theGenericSwitches)) if (settings.theEconetVents) vc = settings.theEconetVents.size() input(name: "theHCEcoVents", type: 'device.HubConnectEcoVent', title: inputTitle("Select HubConnect EcoNet Vent(s)?"), multiple:true, submitOnChange: true, hideWhenEmpty: true, required: (!settings.theEconetVents && !settings.theKeenVents && !settings.theHCKeenVents && !settings.theGenericVents && !settings.theGenericSwitches)) if (settings.theHCEcoVents) vc = vc + settings.theHCEcoVents.size() input(name: "theKeenVents", type: 'device.KeenHomeSmartVent', title: inputTitle("Select Keen Home Smart Vent(s)?"), multiple:true, submitOnChange: true, hideWhenEmpty: true, required: (!settings.theEconetVents && !settings.theHCEcoVents && !settings.theKeenVents && !settings.theHCKeenVents && !settings.theGenericVents && !settings.theGenericSwitches)) if (settings.theKeenVents) vc = vc + settings.theKeenVents.size() input(name: "theHCKeenVents", type: 'device.HubConnectKeenHomeSmartVent', title: inputTitle("Select HubConnect Keen Home Smart Vent(s)?"), multiple:true, submitOnChange: true, hideWhenEmpty: true, required: (!settings.theEconetVents && !settings.theHCEcoVents && !settings.theKeenVents && !settings.theGenericVents && !settings.theGenericSwitches)) if (settings.theHCKeenVents) vc = vc + settings.theHCKeenVents.size() input(name: "theGenericVents", type: 'capability.switchLevel', title: inputTitle("Select Generic (dimmer) Vent(s)"), multiple: true, submitOnChange: true, hideWhenEmpty: true, required: (!settings.theEconetVents && !settings.theHCEcoVents && !settings.theKeenVents && !settings.theHCKeenVents && !settings.theGenericSwitches)) if (settings.theGenericVents) vc = vc + settings.theGenericVents.size() input(name: "theGenericSwitches", type: 'capability.switch', title: inputTitle("Select Switch(es)"), multiple: true, submitOnChange: true, hideWhenEmpty: true, required: (!settings.theEconetVents && !settings.theHCEcoVents && !settings.theKeenVents && !settings.theHCKeenVents && !settings.theGenericVents)) if (settings.theGenericSwitches) vc = vc + settings.theGenericSwitches.size() def s = ((vc == 0) || (vc > 1)) ? 's' : '' paragraph "${vc} vent${s}/switch${s=='s'?'es':''} selected" if (vc != 0) { if (maximize) paragraph("Fully closing too many vents at once may be detrimental to your HVAC system. You may want to define a minimum closed percentage") input(name: "minimumVentLevel", type: "number", title: inputTitle("Minimum vent level when closed?"), required: true, defaultValue:0, description: '0', range: "0..100", width: 6) } } } List echo = [] section(sectionTitle("Notifications")) { input(name: "notify", type: "bool", title: inputTitle("Notify on Actions?"), required: true, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true, width: 3) } if (settings.notify) { section(smallerTitle("Notification Devices")) { input(name: "notifiers", type: "capability.notification", multiple: true, title: inputTitle("Select Notification devices"), submitOnChange: true, required: (!settings.speak || ((settings.musicDevices == null) && (settings.speechDevices == null)))) if (settings?.notifiers) { echo = settings.notifiers.findAll { (it.deviceNetworkId.contains('|echoSpeaks|') && it.hasCommand('sendAnnouncementToDevices')) } if (echo) { input(name: "echoAnnouncements", type: "bool", title: inputTitle("Use ${echo.size()>1?'simultaneous ':''}Announcements for the selected Echo Speaks device${echo.size()>1?'s':''}?"), defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true) } } } } if (settings.notify) { section(hideWhenEmpty: (!"speechDevices" && !"musicDevices"), title: smallerTitle("Speech Devices")) { input(name: "speak", type: "bool", title: inputTitle("Speak messages?"), required: !settings?.notifiers, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true, width: 6) if (settings.speak) { input(name: "speechDevices", type: "capability.speechSynthesis", required: (settings.musicDevices == null), title: inputTitle("Select Speech devices"), multiple: true, submitOnChange: true, hideWhenEmpty: true, width: 4) input(name: "musicDevices", type: "capability.musicPlayer", required: (settings.speechDevices == null), title: inputTitle("Select Music devices"), multiple: true, submitOnChange: true, hideWhenEmpty: true, width: 4) input(name: "volume", type: "number", range: "0..100", title: inputTitle("At this volume (%)"), defaultValue: 50, required: false, width: 4) } } } if (settings.notify && (echo || settings.speak)) { section(smallerTitle("Do Not Disturb")) { input(name: "speakModes", type: "mode", title: inputTitle('Only speak notifications during these Location Modes:'), required: false, multiple: true, submitOnChange: true, width: 6) input(name: "speakTimeStart", type: "time", title: inputTitle('Only speak notifications
between...'), required: (settings.speakTimeEnd != null), submitOnChange: true, width: 3) input(name: "speakTimeEnd", type: "time", title: inputTitle("
...and"), required: (settings.speakTimeStart != null), submitOnChange: true, width: 3) String nowOK = (settings.speakModes || ((settings.speakTimeStart != null) && (settings.speakTimeEnd != null))) ? (" - with the current settings, notifications WOULD ${notifyNowOK()?'':'NOT '}be spoken now") : '' if (maximize) paragraph(getFormat('note', "If both Modes and Times are set, both must be true" + nowOK)) } } if (maximize) { section(){ paragraph "A 'HelloHome' notification is always sent to the Location Event log whenever an action is taken" } } if ((settings?.notify) && (settings?.pushNotify || settings?.phone || settings?.notifiers || (settings?.speak && (settings?.speechDevices || settings?.musicDevices)))) { section(smallerTitle("Customization")) { href(name: "customNotifications", title: inputTitle("Customize Notifications"), page: "customNotifications", description: "Customize the notification messages", state: isCustomized()) } } } section(title: sectionTitle("Operations")) { input(name: "minimize", title: inputTitle("Minimize settings text"), type: "bool", required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true, width: 3) input(name: "tempDisable", title: inputTitle("Pause this Helper"), type: "bool", required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true, width: 3) input(name: "debugOff", title: inputTitle("Disable debug logging"), type: "bool", required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true, width: 3) input(name: "infoOff", title: inputTitle("Disable info logging"), type: "bool", required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true, width: 3) } // Standard footer section() { paragraph(getFormat("line")+"
Copyright \u00a9 2017-2020 Barry A. Burke - All rights reserved.
"+ "Your " + "PayPal Logo" + "donation is appreciated!
" ) } } } def customNotifications(){ String pageLabel = getVersionLabel() pageLabel = pageLabel.take(pageLabel.indexOf(',')) dynamicPage(name: "customNotifications", title: pageTitle("${pageLabel}\nCustom Notifications"), uninstall: false, install: false) { section(sectionTitle("Customizations")) {} section(smallerTitle("Notification Prefix")) { input(name: "customPrefix", type: "enum", title: inputTitle("Notification Prefix text:"), defaultValue: "(helper) at (location):", required: false, submitOnChange: true, options: ['(helper):', '(helper) at (location):', '(location):', 'none', 'custom'], multiple: false) if (settings?.customPrefix == null) { app.updateSetting('customPrefix', '(helper) at (location):'); settings.customPrefix = '(helper) at (location):'; } if (settings.customPrefix == 'custom') { input(name: "customPrefixText", type: "text", title: inputTitle("Custom Prefix text"), defaultValue: "", required: true, submitOnChange: true) } } section(smallerTitle("Room Name")) { input(name: "customRoomName", type: "enum", title: inputTitle("Refer to the Room as"), defaultValue: "(helper name)", options: (['(helper name)', 'the room', 'custom'] + (settings.theSensorDevices.size() == 1?['(sensor name)']:[])).sort(false), submitOnChange: true, multiple: false) if (settings?.customRoomName == 'custom') { input(name: "customRoomText", type: "text", title: inputTitle("Custom Room Name"), defaultValue: "", required: true, submitOnChange: true) } if (settings?.customRoomName == null) { app.updateSetting('customRoomName', '(helper name)'); settings.customTstat = '(helper name)'; } if (['(helper name)', '(sensor name)'].contains(settings?.customRoomName)) { input(name: "roomCleaners", type: 'enum', title: inputTitle("Strip these words from the Room Name"), multiple: true, required: false, submitOnChange: true, options: ['EcobeeSensor', 'EcoSensor', 'Smart', 'Room', 'Bedroom', 'Sensor', 'Contact'].sort(false)) input(name: "roomPrefix", type: 'enum', title: inputTitle("Add this prefix to the Room Name"), multiple: false, required: false, submitOnChange: true, options: ['the', 'Smart', 'Room', 'Smart Room'].sort(false)) input(name: "roomSuffix", type: 'enum', title: inputTitle("Add this suffix to the Room Name"), multiple: false, required: false, submitOnChange: true, options: ['room', 'bedroom', 'Smart Room'].sort(false)) if (settings.roomSuffix == null) {app.updateSetting('roomSuffix', ""); settings.roomSuffix = "";} } } section(title: sampleTitle("Sample Notification Messages"), hideable: true, hidden: false) { String thePrefix = getMsgPrefix() String theRoom = getMsgRoomName() samples = (thePrefix + "I just activated" + theRoom + "\n" + thePrefix + "I just deactivated" + theRoom).replaceAll(':','').replaceAll(' ',' ').replaceAll(' ',' ').trim() paragraph samples } } } def isCustomized() { return (customPrefix || customTstat || (useSensorNames != null)) ? "complete" : null } // Main functions void installed() { LOG("Installed with settings ${settings}", 4, null, 'trace') initialize() } void updated() { LOG("Updated with settings ${settings}", 4, null, 'trace') unsubscribe() unschedule() initialize() } void uninstalled() { generateSensorsEvents([doors:'default', windows:'default', vents:'default',SmartRoom:'default']) } def initialize() { LOG("${getVersionLabel()} Initializing...", 2, "", 'info') updateMyLabel() atomicState.isSmartRoomActive = false atomicState.isWaitingForWindows = false atomicState.isRoomOccupied = false // Now, just exit if we are disabled... if (settings.tempDisable) { generateSensorsEvents([SmartRoom:'disabled',vents:'default',windows:'default',doors:'default']) atomicState.SmartRoom = 'disabled' LOG("Temporarily Paused", 3, null, 'info') return true } if (settings.debugOff) log.info "log.debug() logging disabled" def sensorData = [:] def startTime = now() // Sensors define a Smart Room if (!settings?.theSensorDevices && settings?.theSensors) { def sensorsList = [] settings.theSensors.each { // theSensors was the list of the sensor's DNIs sensorsList << [parent.getChildDevice(it)] // and theSensorDevices is the list of the devices themselves } if (sensorsList) { app.updateSetting('theSensorDevices', sensorsList) settings.theSensorDevices = sensorsList } app.updateSetting('theSensors', []) settings.theSensors = [] } if (settings?.theSensorDevices) { subscribe(settings?.theSensorDevices, "SmartRoom", smartRoomHandler) // Ecobee sensors are very slow to respond, so don't use them for motion if we don't have to if (!settings.moreMotionSensors) subscribe(settings?.theSensorDevices, "motion", motionHandler) } if (settings.moreMotionSensors) subscribe(settings.moreMotionSensors, "motion", motionHandler) // Doors control a Smart Room, so we check here during initialization if we should be active or inactive String doorStatus = 'default' if (theDoors) { subscribe(theDoors, "contact.open", doorOpenHandler) subscribe(theDoors, "contact.closed", doorClosedHandler) checkTheDoors() doorStatus = theDoors.currentContact.contains('open') ? 'open' : 'closed' if (doorStatus == 'open') atomicState.isSmartRoomActive = true } sensorData << [doors: doorStatus] // Windows should only make a SmartRoom inactive if it is active, so nothing to do here during initialization // checkTheDoors() will also check the windows String windowStatus = 'notused' if (theWindows) { subscribe(theWindows, "contact", windowHandler) windowStatus = theWindows.currentContact.contains('open') ? 'open' : 'closed' if (windowStatus == 'open') { // atomicState.isSmartRoomActive = false atomicState.waitingForWindows = true } } sensorData << [windows: windowStatus] log.debug "isSRActive: ${atomicState.isSmartRoomActive}" if (settings?.manageSmartVents && settings?.theVentApps) { settings.theVentApps.each { appId -> LOG("calling parent.pauseChildApp(${appId}, ${(atomicState.isSmartRoomActive != true)})",1,null,'info') parent.pauseChildApp( appId, (atomicState.isSmartRoomActive != true)) // unpause if active, pause if not } } else { def theVents = (settings.theEconetVents ?: []) + (settings.theHCEcoVents ?: []) + (settings.theKeenVents ?: []) + (settings.theHCKeenVents ?: []) + (settings.theGenericVents ?: []) + (settings.theGenericSwitches ?: []) def ventStatus = 'notused' if (theVents != []) { // if any vent is on and open == 100, then open if (theVents.currentSwitch.contains('on')) { def ventsOn = false // we have to check the level, can't just go by on/off here theVents.each { if (it.hasAttribute('contact')) { // It's one of Barry's vent drivers! if (it.currentContact == 'open') { ventsOn = true } else { ventOff(it) } } else { if ((it.currentSwitch == 'on') && (it.currentLevel >= 98)) { // some vents only go to 99, not 100 ventsOn = true } else { ventOff(it) // handles minimumVentLevel for us } } } ventStatus = (ventsOn) ? 'open' : 'closed' } else { theVents.each { ventOff(it) } ventStatus = 'closed' } } sensorData << [vents:ventStatus] } // update the device handler status display String smartStatus = atomicState.isSmartRoomActive ? 'active' : 'inactive' sensorData << [SmartRoom:smartStatus] atomicState.SmartRoom = smartStatus generateSensorsEvents(sensorData) updateMyLabel() } // handles SmartRoom button press on the Sensor (enabled after Smart Room is configured) def smartRoomHandler(evt) { if (evt.value == 'enable') { if (!theWindows || !theWindows.currentContact.contains('open')) { activateRoom() if (theWindows) atomicState.isWaitingForWindows = false } else { if (theWindows) atomicState.isWaitingForWindows = true } // disable the automation for now... if (theDoors.currentContact.contains('open')) { unschedule(openCheck) } else { unschedule(closedCheck) } } else if (evt.value == 'disable') { deactivateRoom() // re-enable the automation, with reset timers if (theDoors.currentContact.contains('open')) { runIn((doorOpenMinutes*60), openCheck, [overwrite:true]) } else { // runIn((doorClosedHours*3600), closedCheck, [overwrite:true]) } } } def doorOpenHandler(evt) { LOG("A door opened: ${evt.device.displayName} is ${evt.value}", 3, null, 'trace') atomicState.doorOpenedAt = now() atomicState.doorClosedAt = 0 Integer i = 0 theDoors.each { if (it.currentContact == 'open') i++ } if (i == 1) { // if we're the first/only door open generateSensorsEvents([doors:'open']) unschedule(closedCheck) if (!atomicState.isSmartRoomActive) { runIn((doorOpenMinutes.toInteger() * 60), openCheck, [overwrite:true]) // schedule the door check } else { unschedule(openCheck) // must have been activated by motion while the door was closed } } } def openCheck() { checkTheDoors() } def doorClosedHandler(evt) { LOG("A door closed: ${evt.device.displayName} is ${evt.value}", 3, null, 'trace') if (!theDoors.currentContact.contains('open')) { // if we are the last door closed... atomicState.doorClosedAt = now() atomicState.doorOpenedAt = 0 generateSensorsEvents([doors:'closed']) unschedule(openCheck) // don't need to schedule the disable check if we are already (still) disabled (door was opened only briefly). if (atomicState.isSmartRoomActive) { runIn((doorClosedHours.toInteger() * 3600), closedCheck, [overwrite:true]) // schedule the door check } else { unschedule(closedCheck) } } } def closedCheck() { checkTheDoors() } def windowHandler(evt) { if (evt.value == 'open') { LOG("Window ${evt.device.displayName} was just opened", 3, null, 'trace') if (atomicState.isSmartRoomActive) { deactivateRoom() atomicState.isWaitingForWindows = true generateSensorsEvents([windows:'open']) } } else { // closed LOG("Window ${evt.device.displayName} was just closed", 3, null, 'trace') if (atomicState.isWaitingForWindows) { if (!theWindows || theWindows.currentContact.contains('open')) { // looks like all the windows are closed activateRoom() atomicState.isWaitingForWindows = false generateSensorsEvents([windows:'closed']) } } } } void ventOff( theVent ) { if (minimumVentLevel.toInteger() == 0) { if (theVent?.currentSwitch == 'on') theVent.off() if (theVent?.hasCommand('setLevel')) theVent.setLevel(0) } else { if (theVent?.currentLevel.toInteger() != minimumVentLevel.toInteger()) { theVent.setLevel(minimumVentLevel.toInteger()) // make sure none of the vents are less than the specified minimum } } // Display the contact as "closed", even if we are partially open (so that HomeKit shows open/closed Blinds) if (theVent.hasAttribute('contact') && theVent.hasCommand('closeContact') && (theVent.currentContact != 'closed')) theVent.closeContact() } void checkTheDoors() { LOG("Checking the doors", 3, null, 'trace') Long startTime = now() // check if the door has been closed long enough to turn // we use State because we will need to know when the door opened or closed def currentDoorStates = theDoors*.latestState('contact') if (currentDoorStates.value.contains('open')) { LOG("A door is open", 3, null, 'trace') // one or more doors are open, so we need to figure out if it has been long enough to turn this room on Long minOpenTime = startTime - (60000 * settings.doorOpenMinutes.toLong()) def openRecently = true currentDoorStates.each { if ((it.value == 'open') && (it.date.getTime() < minOpenTime)) openRecently = false } // log.debug "${atomicState.isSmartRoomActive} ${openRecently} ${atomicState.isWatingForWindows}" if (atomicState.isSmartRoomActive || !openRecently || atomicState.isWaitingForWindows) { // at least 1 of the doors has been open long enough to enable this room, or we were a Smart Room already, OR we want to be a Smart Room, but someone opened a window if (!theWindows || !theWindows.currentContact.contains('open')) { // no windows or no windows are open //log.debug "checkTheDoors - activateRoom" activateRoom() if (theWindows) atomicState.isWaitingForWindows = false } else { // A window is open, so we can't be a Smart Room right now //log.debug "checkTheDoors - deactivateRoom" deactivateRoom() if (theWindows) atomicState.isWaitingForWindows = true } } } else /* if (currentDoorStates.value.contains('closed')) */ { LOG("All doors are closed", 3, null, 'trace') // all doors are closed - long enough to disable the room? Long minClosedTime = startTime - (3600000 * settings.doorClosedHours.toLong()) def closedRecently = false Long closedShortest = 0 currentDoorStates.each { Long timeItClosed = it.date.getTime() // log.debug "timeItClosed ${timeItClosed}" if (timeItClosed > minClosedTime) closedRecently = true if (timeItClosed > closedShortest) closedShortest = timeItClosed } if (!closedRecently) { // all the doors have been closed at least doorClosedHours if (atomicState.isSmartRoomActive) deactivateRoom() // Matters not if the windows are open if (theWindows) atomicState.isWaitingForWindows = false } else { // One or more doors has been open for less than the required time Integer checkDoorSeconds = ( doorClosedHours.toInteger() * 3600) - ((startTime - closedShortest) / 1000) if (checkDoorSeconds > 0) runIn(checkDoorSeconds, checkTheDoors, [overwrite:true]) // leave isSmartRoomActive and isWaitingForWindows alone } } // else LOG("No door states ${currentDoorStates.device.displayName}, ${currentDoorStates.name}, ${currentDoorStates.value}",1,null, 'error') } void activateRoom() { if (atomicState.isSmartRoomActive) return // Already active, don't repeat ourselves LOG("Activating the Smart Room", 3, null, 'info') def sensorData = [:] atomicState.isSmartRoomActive = true boolean anyInactive = true // turn on vents if (settings?.manageSmartVents && settings?.theVentApps) { sensorData << [SmartRoom:'active'] // Turn on the Smart Room first, so Smart Vents knows to update vent status atomicState.SmartRoom = 'active' generateSensorsEvents( sensorData ) // Let the Smart Vents Helper handle the vents settings.theVentApps.each { appId -> String appName = parent.getChildAppName(appId) LOG("Requesting un-pause for ${appName?:appId}",3,null,'trace') parent.pauseChildApp(appId, false) } } else { String status = 'notused' def theVents = (settings.theEconetVents ?: []) + (settings.theHCEcoVents ?: []) + (settings.theKeenVents ?: []) + (settings.theHCKeenVents ?: []) + (settings.theGenericVents ?: []) + (settings.theGenericSwitches ?: []) if (theVents != []) { theVents.each { theVent -> if (theVent.hasAttribute('contact') && (theVent.currentContact == 'closed')) { if (theVent.currentLevel < 98) theVent.setLevel(98) //if (theVent.currentSwitch != 'on') theVent.on() if (theVent.hasCommand('openContact') && (theVent.currentContact != 'open')) theVent.openContact() } else if (theVent.hasCommand('setLevel')) { if (theVent.currentLevel < 98) theVent.setLevel(98) } if (theVent.currentSwitch != 'on') theVent.on() } status = 'open' } sensorData << [vents:status] // register this room's sensor(s) with the thermostat for the appropriate program(s) anyInactive = false def sensorsRegistered = 0 def sensor = theSensorDevices[0] def smartRoomStatus = sensor.currentValue('SmartRoom', true) if (smartRoomStatus == 'inactive') anyInactive = true if (smartRoomStatus == 'enable') anyInactive = true // we are turning on List notPrograms = getProgramsList() - settings.activeProgs if (needClimateChange(sensor, settings.activeProgs, notPrograms)) { String tid = sensor.currentValue('thermostatId').toString() boolean anyReserved = anyReservations(tid, 'programChange') if (!anyReserved || haveReservation(tid, 'programChange')) { // Nobody has a reservation, or the reservation is mine if (!anyReserved) makeReservation(tid, 'programChange') makeClimateChange(sensor, settings.activeProgs, notPrograms) if (!notPrograms) notPrograms = ['(none)'] LOG("Sensor ${sensor.displayName} added to ${settings.activeProgs.toString()[1..-2]} and removed from ${notPrograms.toString()[1..-2]}",2,null,'info') } else { // somebody else has a reservation - we have to wait atomicState.pendedUpdates = [add: settings.activeProgs, remove: notPrograms] subscribe(sensor, 'climatesUpdated', programWaitHandler) if (!notPrograms) notPrograms = ['(none)'] LOG("Delayed: Sensor ${sensor.displayName} will be added to ${settings.activeProgs.toString()[1..-2]} and removed from ${notPrograms.toString()[1..-2]} when pending changes complete",2,null,'info') } } else { // No changes required cancelReservation(tid, 'programChange') } // all set, mark the sensors' SmartRoom as active if (anyInactive) { sensorData << [SmartRoom:'active']; atomicState.SmartRoom = 'active'; } generateSensorsEvents( sensorData ) } if (anyInactive) sendMessage("I just activated") LOG("Activated",3,null,'info') } void deactivateRoom() { if (!atomicState.isSmartRoomActive) return // do nothing if not currently active LOG("Deactivating Smart Room", 3, null, 'info') def sensorData = [:] boolean anyActive = true atomicState.isSmartRoomActive = false //turn off the vents if (settings?.manageSmartVents && settings?.theVentApps) { // Let the Smart Vents Helper handle everything settings.theVentApps.each { appId -> String appName = parent.getChildAppName(appId) LOG("Requesting pause for ${appName?:appId}",3,null,'trace') parent.pauseChildApp( appId, true) // unpause if active, pause if not } sensorData << [SmartRoom:'inactive'] // Turn off Smart Room last, so Smart Vents knows to reset the vent state atomicState.SmartRoom = 'inactive' } else { String status = 'notused' def theVents = (settings.theEconetVents ?: []) + (settings.theHCEcoVents ?: []) + (settings.theKeenVents ?: []) + (settings.theHCKeenVents ?: []) + (settings.theGenericVents ?: []) + (settings.theGenericSwitches ?: []) if (theVents != []) { theVents.each { theVent -> ventOff(theVent) } status = 'closed' } sensorData << [vents:status] //un-register this room's sensor(s) from the thermostat for the appropriate program(s) //and register this room's sensor(s) with the thermostat for the appropriate program(s) anyActive = false def sensor = theSensorDevices[0] def smartRoomStatus = sensor.currentValue('SmartRoom', true) if (smartRoomStatus == 'active') anyActive = true if (smartRoomStatus == 'disable') anyActive = true List notPrograms = getProgramsList() - settings.inactiveProgs if (needClimateChange(sensor, settings.inactiveProgs, notPrograms )) { String tid = sensor.currentValue('thermostatId').toString() boolean anyReserved = anyReservations( tid, 'programChange' ) if (!anyReserved || haveReservation( tid, 'programChange' )) { // Nobody has a reservation, or the reservation is mine if (!anyReserved) makeReservation(tid, 'programChange') makeClimateChange(sensor, settings.inactiveProgs, notPrograms) if (!notPrograms) notPrograms = ['(none)'] LOG("Sensor ${sensor.displayName} added to ${settings.inactiveProgs.toString()[1..-2]} and removed from ${notPrograms.toString()[1..-2]}",2,null,'info') } else { // somebody else has a reservation - we have to wait atomicState.pendedUpdates = [add: settings.inactiveProgs, remove: notPrograms] subscribe(sensor, 'climatesUpdated', programWaitHandler) if (!notPrograms) notPrograms = ['(none)'] LOG("Delayed: Sensor ${sensor.displayName} will be added to ${settings.inactiveProgs.toString()[1..-2]} and removed from ${notPrograms.toString()[1..-2]} when pending changes complete",2,null,'info') } } else { // No changes required cancelReservation( tid, 'programChange' ) } if (anyActive) { sensorData << [SmartRoom:'inactive']; atomicState.SmartRoom = 'inactive'; } } generateSensorsEvents(sensorData) atomicState.isRoomOccupied = false // this gets turned on the first time motion is detected after the doors are closed if (anyActive) sendMessage("I just deactivated") LOG("Deactivated",3,null,'info',false,false) } def programUpdateHandler(evt) { // Clear our reservation once we know that the Ecobee Cloud has updated our thermostat's climates cancelReservation(evt.device.currentValue('thermostatId') as String, 'programChange') unschedule(clearReservation) unsubscribe(evt.device) if (!settings?.tempDisable) subscribe(evt.device, 'temperature', changeHandler) def pendingRequest = atomicState.updateSensorRequest if (pendingRequest != null) { atomicState.updateSensorRequest = null LOG("programUpdateHandler(): ${pendingRequest} operation completed",4,null,'debug') } } def programWaitHandler(evt) { unsubscribe(evt.device) if (!settings?.tempDisable) subscribe(evt.device, 'temperature', changeHandler) String tid = evt.device.currentValue('thermostatId') as String def count = countReservations(tid, 'programChange') if ((count > 0) && !haveReservation( tid, 'programChange' )) { atomicState.programWaitCounter = 0 runIn(5, checkReservations, [overwrite: true, data: [tid:tid, type:'programChange']]) LOG("programWaitHandler(): There are still ${count} reservations for 'programChange', waiting...", 3, null, 'debug') } else { makeReservation(tid, 'programChange') LOG("programWaitHandler(): 'programChange' reservation secured, sending pended updates", 3, null, 'debug') doPendedUpdates() } } void checkReservations(data) { def count = countReservations(data.tid, data.type) def counter = atomicState.programWaitCounter if ((count > 0) && !haveReservation(data.tid, data.type) && (counter <= 60)) { // Try for five minutes... // Need to wait longer runIn(5, checkReservations, [overwrite: true, data: [tid: (data.tid), type: (data.type)]]) counter++ atomicState.programWaitCounter = counter if ((counter % 12) == 0) runIn(2, doRefresh, [overwrite: true]) // force a refresh every minute if we don't get updated LOG("checkReservations(): There are still ${count} reservations for 'programChange', waiting...", 3, null, 'debug') } else { makeReservation(data.tid, data.type) atomicState.programWaitCounter = 0 LOG("checkReservation()(): 'programChange' reservation secured, sending pended updates", 3, null, 'debug') doPendedUpdates() } } void clearReservation() { settings.theSensors.each { sensor -> // N.B., there can only be 1 ES Sensor if (sensor.hasCommand('updateSensorPrograms')) { def tid = sensor.currentValue('thermostatId') as String cancelReservation(tid, 'programChange') } } } void doRefresh() { settings?.ttheSensorDevices[0]?.doRefresh(true) // do a forced refresh } void doPendedUpdates() { LOG("doPendedUpdates(): ${atomicState.pendedUpdates}",4,null,'debug') def updates = atomicState.pendedUpdates if (updates?.remove || updates?.add) { // Find the sensor settings.theSensors.each { sensor -> // N.B., there can only be 1 ES Sensor if (sensor.hasCommand('updateSensorPrograms')) { if (needClimateChange( sensor, updates.add, updates.remove )) { makeClimateChange( sensor, updates.add, updates.remove ) } else { // Nothing to do - release the reservation now cancelReservation(tid, 'programChange') } } } atomicState.pendedUpdates = null } } def makeClimateChange( sensor, adds, removes ) { subscribe( sensor, 'activeClimates', programUpdateHandler ) atomicState.updateSensorRequest = adds ? 'enroll' : 'unenroll' if (adds) adds = adds - ["Hold", "Vacation"] if (removes) removes = removes - ["Hold", "Vacation"] sensor.updateSensorPrograms( adds, removes) runIn(150, clearReservation, [overwrite: true]) if (!adds) { LOG("Sensor ${sensor.displayName} removed from ${removes.toString()[1..-2]}",3,null,'info') } else { if (!removes) removes = ['(none)'] LOG("Sensor ${sensor.displayName} added to ${adds.toString()[1..-2]} and removed from ${removes.toString()[1..-2]}",3,null,'info') } // programUpdateHandler will release the reservation for us } boolean needClimateChange(sensor, List adds, List removes) { if (adds) adds = adds - ["Hold", "Vacation"] if (removes) removes = removes - ["Hold", "Vacation"] if (!adds && !removes) return false String ac = sensor.currentValue('activeClimates', true) def activeClimates = ac ? ((ac == '[]') ? [] : ac[1..-2].tokenize(', ').sort(false)) : [] log.debug "activeClimates: ${activeClimates}" boolean updatesToDo = false if (!activeClimates) { // Easy one: no active climates, and we have climates to add if (adds) { updatesToDo = true } } else { // we have some activeClimates - do we need to adjust them? if (!adds && removes) { // Easy one: there are active climates, and we aren't adding any, thus we know that we are removing ALL of them updatesToDo = true } else { // Hardest one: we have some active climates, and we have some adds and some removes to do - figure out if we need to change anything activeClimates.each { climate -> if (!updatesToDo) { if (adds) { // are there any active climates that we don't want active? if (!adds.contains(climate)) updatesToDo = true // need to remove at least one } else if (removes) { // or any active climates that we want inactive? if (removes.contains(climate)) updatesToDo = true // need to remove at least one } } } } } return updatesToDo } def climateUpdateHandler(evt) { log.debug "climateUpdateHandler(): $evt.name = $evt.value @ ${now()}" log.debug "evt.device: $evt.device, $evt.device.displayName, ${evt.device.currentValue("thermostatId")}" unsubscribe("climateUpdated") cancelReservation(evt.device.currentValue("thermostatId"), "climateChange") } def motionHandler(evt) { LOG("Motion: ${evt.device.displayName} detected ${evt.value}", 3, null, 'trace') if (evt.value == 'active') { if (theDoors.currentContact.contains('open')) { // one or more doors are still open - do nothing (let the doorOpen logic determine when to activate the room) } else { // all the doors are closed if (atomicState.isSmartRoomActive) { // already Active // stop the doorsClosedHours checks (if any)...don't need to start those until door closes again (occupant leaves) if (!atomicState.isRoomOccupied) { unschedule(checkTheDoors) // don't deactivate while the room is populated atomicState.isRoomOccupied = true } } else { // There's somebody in here and the door is closed, but Smart Room is not Active - activate // TODO: // we could check if it is within the doorOpenMinutes time - that is, someone just opened the door, came in, closed the door...if a new // motion event happens within the doorOpenMinutes then we could activate the room... if (true) { if (!theWindows || !theWindows.currentContact.contains('open')) { // no windows or no windows are open def secondsClosed = (now() - atomicState.doorClosedAt) / 1000 if (secondsClosed > (doorOpenMinutes.toInteger() * 60)) { activateRoom() if (theWindows) atomicState.isWaitingForWindows = false } atomicState.isRoomOccupied = true } else { // A window is open, so we can't be a Smart Room right now // log.debug "motionHandler - deactivateRoom" //deactivateRoom() if (theWindows) atomicState.isWaitingForWindows = true atomicState.isRoomOccupied = true } } } } } else { if (!theDoors.currentContact.contains('open')) { LOG("Motion stopped while door(s) are all shut, ignoring",2,null,'info') } // motion just went inactive // we could check if the doors have been open since we first saw motion while the doors were shut, and if not we could assume our occupant is "sleeping". // for now, don't do anything. } } // Ask our parents for help sending the events to our peer sensor devices void generateSensorsEvents( Map dataMap ) { LOG("generating ${dataMap} events for ${theSensorDevices}",3,null,'debug') theSensorDevices.each { parent.generateChildEvent( it.deviceNetworkId, dataMap) } } String getMsgPrefix() { String thePrefix = "" if (settings?.customPrefix == null) { app.updateSetting('customPrefix', '(helper) at (location):'); settings.customPrefix = '(helper) at (location):'; } switch (settings?.customPrefix) { case '(helper):': thePrefix = atomicState.appDisplayName + ': ' break case '(helper) at (location):': thePrefix = atomicState.appDisplayName + " at ${location.name}: " break case '(location):': thePrefix = location.name + ': ' break case 'custom': thePrefix = settings?.customPrefixText?.trim() + ' ' break case 'none': break } return thePrefix } String getMsgRoomName() { String theRoomName = "" switch (settings?.customRoomName) { case '(helper name)': theRoomName = atomicState.appDisplayName.replaceAll(':','') break case '(sensor name)': theRoomName = settings.theSensorDevices[0].displayName break case 'the room': theRoomName = 'the room' break case 'custom': theRoomName = settings?.customRoomText break } theRoomName = ' ' + theRoomName + ' ' if (settings?.roomCleaners) { settings.roomCleaners.each { theRoomName = theRoomName.replaceAll(it, '') } } String prefix = settings.roomPrefix ?: ' ' String suffix = settings.roomSuffix ?: ' ' theRoomName = (' ' + prefix + ' ' + theRoomName + ' ' + suffix).replaceAll(':','').replaceAll(' ',' ') return theRoomName } boolean notifyNowOK() { // If both provided, both must be true; else only the provided one needs to be true boolean modeOK = settings.speakModes ? (settings.speakModes && settings.speakModes.contains(location.mode)) : true boolean timeOK = settings.speakTimeStart? myTimeOfDayIsBetween(timeToday(settings.speakTimeStart), timeToday(settings.speakTimeEnd), new Date(), location.timeZone) : true return (modeOK && timeOK) } private myTimeOfDayIsBetween(String fromTime, String toTime, Date checkDate, String timeZone) { return myTimeOfDayIsBetween(timeToday(fromTime), timeToday(toTime), checkDate, timeZone) } private myTimeOfDayIsBetween(Date fromDate, Date toDate, Date checkDate, timeZone) { if (toDate == fromDate) { return false // blocks the whole day } else if (toDate < fromDate) { if (checkDate.before(fromDate)) { fromDate = fromDate - 1 } else { toDate = toDate + 1 } } return (!checkDate.before(fromDate) && !checkDate.after(toDate)) } void sendMessage(notificationMessage) { LOG("Notification Message (notify=${settings.notify}): ${notificationMessage + getMsgRoomName()}", 2, null, "trace") if (settings.notify) { String msgPrefix = getMsgPrefix() String msg = msgPrefix + (notificationMessage.trim() + getMsgRoomName()).replaceAll(':','').replaceAll(' ',' ').replaceAll(' ',' ').trim().capitalize() boolean addFrom = (msgPrefix && !msgPrefix.startsWith("From ")) if (settings.notifiers) { sendNotifications(msgPrefix, msg) } if (settings.speak && notifyNow()) { if (settings.speechDevices != null) { settings.speechDevices.each { it.speak((addFrom?"From ":"") + msg ) } } if (settings.musicDevices != null) { settings.musicDevices.each { it.setLevel( settings.volume ) it.playText((addFrom?"From ":"") + msg ) } } } } // Always send to Hello Home / Location Event log sendLocationEvent(name: "HelloHome", descriptionText: msg, value: app.label, type: 'APP_NOTIFICATION') } // Handles sending to Notification devices, with special handling for Echo Speaks devices (if settings.echoAnnouncements is true) boolean sendNotifications( String msgPrefix, String msg ) { if (!settings.notifiers) { LOG("sendNotifications(): no notifiers!",2,null,'warn') return false } List echo = settings.notifiers.findAll { (it.deviceNetworkId.contains('|echoSpeaks|') && it.hasCommand('sendAnnouncementToDevices')) } List notEcho = echo ? settings.notifiers - echo : settings.notifiers List echoDeviceObjs = [] if (settings.echoAnnouncements) { if (echo?.size()) { // Get all the Echo Speaks devices to speak at once echo.each { String deviceType = it.currentValue('deviceType') as String // deviceSerial is an attribute as of Echo Speaks device version String deviceSerial = (it.currentValue('deviceSerial') ?: it.deviceNetworkId.toString().split(/\|/).last()) as String echoDeviceObjs.push([deviceTypeId: deviceType, deviceSerialNumber: deviceSerial]) } if (echoDeviceObjs?.size() && notifyNowOK()) { //NOTE: Only sends command to first device in the list | We send the list of devices to announce one and then Amazon does all the processing def devJson = new groovy.json.JsonOutput().toJson(echoDeviceObjs) echo[0].sendAnnouncementToDevices(msg, (msgPrefix?:atomicState.appDisplayName), echoDeviceObjs) // , changeVol, restoreVol) } } // The rest get a standard deviceNotification if (notEcho.size()) notEcho*.deviceNotification(msg) } else { // No Echo Speaks devices settings.notifiers*.deviceNotification(msg) } } else { // Echo Announcements not enabled - just do deviceNotifications, but only if Do Not Disturb is not on if (echo?.size() && notifyNowOK()) echo*.deviceNotification(msg) if (notEcho.size()) notEcho*.deviceNotification(msg) } return true } def getSensorPrograms(sensor) { def cl = sensor.currentValue('climatesList') return (cl ? ((cl == '[]') ? ['Away', 'Home', 'Sleep'] : cl[1..-2].tokenize(', ').sort(false)) : ['Away', 'Home', 'Sleep']) } def getProgramsList() { def programs = [] if (settings.theSensorDevices) { settings.theSensorDevices.each { sensor -> getSensorPrograms(sensor).each { prog -> if (!programs || !programs.contains(prog)) programs << prog } } } return programs.sort(false) } def getEcobeeSensorsList() { return parent.getEcobeeSensors().sort { it.value } } // Reservation Management Functions - Now implemented in Ecobee Suite Manager void makeReservation(String tid, String type='modeOff' ) { parent.makeReservation( tid, app.id as String, type ) } // Cancel my reservation void cancelReservation(String tid, String type='modeOff') { // log.debug "cancel ${tid}, ${type}" parent.cancelReservation( tid, app.id as String, type ) } // Do I have a reservation? Boolean haveReservation(String tid, String type='modeOff') { return parent.haveReservation( tid, app.id as String, type ) } // Do any Apps have reservations? Boolean anyReservations(String tid, String type='modeOff') { return parent.anyReservations( tid, type ) } // How many apps have reservations? Integer countReservations(String tid, String type='modeOff') { return parent.countReservations( tid, type ) } // Get the list of app IDs that have reservations List getReservations(String tid, String type='modeOff') { return parent.getReservations( tid, type ) } // Get the list of app Names that have reservations List getGuestList(String tid, String type='modeOff') { return parent.getGuestList( tid, type ) } void updateMyLabel() { String flag = '' + smartRoom + '' if (app.label != newLabel) app.updateLabel(newLabel) } else if (smartRoom == 'inactive') { newLabel = myLabel + ' (' + smartRoom + ')' if (app.label != newLabel) app.updateLabel(newLabel) } else if (smartRoom != 'default') { newLabel = myLabel + ' (' + smartRoom + ')' if (app.label != newLabel) app.updateLabel(newLabel) } else { // display nothing if SmartRoom is 'default' if (app.label != myLabel) app.updateLabel(myLabel) } } def pauseOn(global = false) { // Pause this Helper atomicState.wasAlreadyPaused = settings.tempDisable //!atomicState.globalPause) if (!settings.tempDisable) { LOG("pauseOn(${global}) - performing ${global?'Global':'Helper'} Pause",2,null,'info') app.updateSetting("tempDisable", true) settings.tempDisable = true atomicState.globalPause = global runIn(2, updated, [overwrite: true]) // updateMyLabel() } else { LOG("pauseOn(${global}) - was already paused...",3,null,'info') } } def pauseOff(global = false) { // Un-pause this Helper if (settings.tempDisable) { // Allow peer Apps to individually re-enable anytime // NB: they won't be able to unpause us if we are in a global pause (they will also be paused) if (!global || !atomicState.wasAlreadyPaused) { // LOG("pauseOff(${global}) - performing ${global?'Global':'Helper'} Unpause",2,null,'info') app.updateSetting("tempDisable", false) settings.tempDisable = false atomicState.wasAlreadyPaused = false runIn(2, updated, [overwrite: true]) } else { LOG("pauseOff(${global}) - was already paused before Global Pause, ignoring...",3,null,'info') } } else { LOG("pauseOff(${global}) - not currently paused...",3,null,'info') atomicState.wasAlreadyPaused = false } atomicState.globalPause = global } void LOG(message, level=3, child=null, logType="debug", event=true, displayEvent=true) { switch (logType) { case 'error': log.error message break; case 'warn': log.warn message break; case 'trace': log.trace message break; case 'info': if (!settings?.infoOff) log.info message break; case 'debug': default: if (!settings?.debugOff) log.debug message break; } } String getTheBee () { return ''} String getTheBeeLogo() { return ''} String getTheSectionBeeLogo() { return ''} String getTheBeeUrl () { return "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SANdood/Icons/master/Ecobee/ecobee-logo-1x.jpg" } String getTheBlank () { return ''} String pageTitle (String txt) { return getFormat('header-ecobee','

'+(txt.contains("\n") ? ''+txt.replace("\n","\n") : txt )+'

') } String pageTitleOld (String txt) { return getFormat('header-ecobee','


') } String sectionTitle (String txt) { return getTheSectionBeeLogo() + getFormat('header-nobee','


') } String smallerTitle (String txt) { return txt ? ('


') : '' } //
String sampleTitle (String txt) { return ''+txt+'' } String inputTitle (String txt) { return ''+txt+'' } String getWarningText() { return "WARNING: " } String getFormat(type, myText=""){ switch(type) { case "header-ecobee": return "
" break; case "header-nobee": return "
" break; case "line": return "
" break; case "title": return "


" break; case "warning": return "WARNING: ${myText}" break; case "note": return "NOTE: ${myText}" break; default: return myText break; } } // SmartThings/Hubitat Portability Library (SHPL) // Copyright (c) 2019-2020, Barry A. Burke (storageanarchy@gmail.com) String getPlatform() { return 'Hubitat' } // if (platform == 'SmartThings') ... boolean getIsST() { return false } boolean getIsHE() { return true } String getHubPlatform() { return 'Hubitat' } boolean getIsSTHub() { return false } // if (isSTHub) ... boolean getIsHEHub() { return true } // if (isHEHub) ... def getParentSetting(String settingName) { return parent?."${settingName}" } @Field String hubPlatform = 'Hubitat' @Field boolean ST = false @Field boolean HE = true @Field String debug = 'debug' @Field String error = 'error' @Field String info = 'info' @Field String trace = 'trace' @Field String warn = 'warn'