/** * ecobee Suite Smart Vents * * Copyright 2017-2020 Barry A. Burke * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * * * 1.8.00 - Version synchronization, updated settings look & feel * 1.8.01 - General Release * 1.8.02 - Option to close vents when contact open and fan only; fixed too many ES sensors error when 0 ES sensors, fix Pause warning * 1.8.03 - More busy bees * 1.8.04 - No longer LOGs to parent (too much overhead for too little value) * 1.8.05 - New SHPL, using Global Fields instead of atomicState * 1.8.06 - Allow individual un-pause from peers, even if was already paused * 1.8.07 - Fix to workaround improper dehumidifyOvercoolOffset setting from thermostat (null when should be 0) * 1.8.08 - Enhanced currentProgram() check * 1.8.09 - Updated formatting * 1.8.10 - Miscellaneous updates & fixes * 1.8.11 - Tweaks for minimumVentLevel type conversions * 1.8.12 - Fix getThermostatPrograms() * 1.8.13 - Added "Hold" as a selectable program * 1.8.14 - Fix getThermostatModes() * 1.8.15 - Fix for Hubitat 'supportedThermostatModes', etc. * 1.9.00 - Removed all ST code */ import groovy.json.* import groovy.transform.Field String getVersionNum() { return "1.9.00" } String getVersionLabel() { return "Ecobee Suite Smart Vents & Switches Helper, version ${getVersionNum()} on ${getHubPlatform()}" } definition( name: "ecobee Suite Smart Vents", namespace: "sandood", author: "Barry A. Burke (storageanarchy at gmail dot com)", description: "INSTALL USING ECOBEE SUITE MANAGER ONLY!\n\nAutomates Hubitat-controlled vents to meet a target temperature in a room.", category: "Convenience", parent: "sandood:Ecobee Suite Manager", iconUrl: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SANdood/Icons/master/Ecobee/ecobee-logo-1x.jpg", iconX2Url: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SANdood/Icons/master/Ecobee/ecobee-logo-2x.jpg", iconX3Url: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SANdood/Icons/master/Ecobee/ecobee-logo-3x.jpg", importUrl: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SANdood/Ecobee-Suite/master/smartapps/sandood/ecobee-suite-smart-vents.src/ecobee-suite-smart-vents.groovy", documentationLink: "https://github.com/SANdood/Ecobee-Suite/blob/master/README.md#features-smart-vents-sa", singleInstance: false, pausable: true ) preferences { page(name: "mainPage") } // Preferences Pages def mainPage() { boolean maximize = (settings?.minimize) == null ? true : !settings.minimize def vc = 0 // vent counter def unit = temperatureScale String defaultName = "Smart Vents & Switches" dynamicPage(name: "mainPage", title: pageTitle(getVersionLabel().replace('per, v',"per\nV")), uninstall: true, install: true) { if (maximize) { section(title: inputTitle("Helper Description & Release Notes"), hideable: true, hidden: (atomicState.appDisplayName != null)) { paragraph(theBeeLogo+"


") paragraph("This Helper dynamically adjusts the vent open percentage based on room temperature relative to an Ecobee Suite Thermostat's setpoints, or to pre-defined cooling & heating setpoints. "+ "It will also automatically register the room's Ecobee Suite Sensor(s) to the chosen ES Thermostat programs while active, and unregister while the Helper is Paused. "+ "There should be one instance of this Helper for each room with a ${getHubPlatform()}-controlled adjustable vent, ideally (but optionally) with an Ecobee Suite Sensor "+ "in the room (multiple sensors will be averaged).") } } section(title: sectionTitle("Naming${!settings.tempDisable?' & Sensor Selection':''}")) { String defaultLabel if (!atomicState?.appDisplayName) { defaultLabel = defaultName app.updateLabel(defaultName) atomicState?.appDisplayName = defaultName } else { defaultLabel = atomicState.appDisplayName } label(title: inputTitle("Name for this ${defaultName} Helper"), required: false, submitOnChange: true, defaultValue: defaultLabel, width: 6) if (!app.label) { app.updateLabel(defaultLabel) atomicState.appDisplayName = defaultLabel } else { atomicState.appDisplayName = app.label } if (app.label.contains('1?'average ':''}temperature for ${settings.theSensors?.size()==1?'this sensor':'these sensors'} is ${getAverageTemperature()}°" } } if (!settings.tempDisable && settings?.theSensors) { section(title: sectionTitle("Configuration")) { paragraph(smallerTitle("Vents")) if (maximize) paragraph("Selected vents will be opened while the HVAC system is heating or cooling until target temperature is achieved, and then closed") input(name: "theEconetVents", type: 'device.EcoNetVent', title: inputTitle("Select EcoNet Vent(s)?"), multiple: true, submitOnChange: true, hideWhenEmpty: true, required: (!settings.theHCEcoVents && !settings.theKeenVents && !settings.theHCKeenVents && !settings.theGenericVents && !settings.theGenericSwitches)) if (settings.theEconetVents) vc = settings.theEconetVents.size() input(name: "theHCEcoVents", type: 'device.HubConnectEcoVent', title: inputTitle("Select HubConnect EcoNet Vent(s)?"), multiple:true, submitOnChange: true, hideWhenEmpty: true, required: (!settings.theEconetVents && !settings.theKeenVents && !settings.theHCKeenVents && !settings.theGenericVents && !settings.theGenericSwitches)) if (settings.theHCEcoVents) vc = vc + settings.theHCEcoVents.size() input(name: "theKeenVents", type: 'device.KeenHomeSmartVent', title: inputTitle("Select Keen Home Smart Vent(s)?"), multiple:true, submitOnChange: true, hideWhenEmpty: true, required: (!settings.theEconetVents && !settings.theHCEcoVents && !settings.theKeenVents && !settings.theHCKeenVents && !settings.theGenericVents && !settings.theGenericSwitches)) if (settings.theKeenVents) vc = vc + settings.theKeenVents.size() input(name: "theHCKeenVents", type: 'device.HubConnectKeenHomeSmartVent', title: inputTitle("Select HubConnect Keen Home Smart Vent(s)?"), multiple:true, submitOnChange: true, hideWhenEmpty: true, required: (!settings.theEconetVents && !settings.theHCEcoVents && !settings.theKeenVents && !settings.theGenericVents && !settings.theGenericSwitches)) if (settings.theHCKeenVents) vc = vc + settings.theHCKeenVents.size() input(name: "theGenericVents", type: 'capability.switchLevel', title: inputTitle("Select Generic (dimmer) Vent(s)"), multiple: true, submitOnChange: true, hideWhenEmpty: true, required: (!settings.theEconetVents && !settings.theHCEcoVents && !settings.theKeenVents && !settings.theHCKeenVents && !settings.theGenericSwitches)) if (settings.theGenericVents) vc = vc + settings.theGenericVents.size() input(name: "theGenericSwitches", type: 'capability.switch', title: inputTitle("Select Switch(es)"), multiple: true, submitOnChange: true, hideWhenEmpty: true, required: (!settings.theEconetVents && !settings.theHCEcoVents && !settings.theKeenVents && !settings.theHCKeenVents && !settings.theGenericVents)) if (settings.theGenericSwitches) vc = vc + settings.theGenericSwitches.size() def s = ((vc == 0) || (vc > 1)) ? 's' : '' if (maximize) paragraph "${vc} vent${s}/switch${s=='s'?'es':''} selected" if (settings.theEconetVents || settings.theHCEcoVents || settings.theKeenVents || settings.theHCKeenVents || settings.theGenericVents ) { if (maximize) paragraph('The default settings are optimized for silent operation of most vents (1-98). However, fully closing too many vents at once may be detrimental to your HVAC system. ' + 'You may want to increase the minimum closed percentage.') input(name: "minimumVentLevel", type: "number", title: inputTitle("Minimum vent level when closed?"), required: true, defaultValue:1, description: '1', range: "0..100") input(name: "maximumVentLevel", type: "number", title: inputTitle("Maximum vent level when open?"), required: true, defaultValue:98, description: '98', range: "0..100") if (settings?.minimumVentLevel == null) {app.updateSetting('minimumVentLevel',1); settings?.minimumVentLevel = 1; } if (settings?.maximumVentLevel == null) {app.updateSetting('maximumVentLevel',98); settings?.maximumVentLevel = 98; } } } section(title: smallerTitle("Windows & Doors")) { if (maximize) paragraph("Open Windows and Doors will temporarily deactivate (close) the vent${vc>1?'s':''}, except during 'Fan Only'") input(name: "theWindows", type: "capability.contactSensor", title: inputTitle("Monitor these Window/Door contact sensor(s)?")+'(optional)', required: false, multiple: true) input(name: "closeFanOnly", type: "bool", title: "Also close during Fan Only?", required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true) } section(title: smallerTitle("Thermostat")) { if (maximize) paragraph("Specify which Ecobee Suite Thermostat to monitor for operating state, mode and setpoint change events") input(name: "theThermostat", type: 'device.EcobeeSuiteThermostat', title: inputTitle("Select Ecobee Suite Thermostat"), multiple: false, required: true, submitOnChange: true) if (maximize) paragraph "If you want the vents to be adjusted at any time, based entirely on the room temperature and target setpoints (ignoring the thermostat's operating state), enable this option" input(name: "adjustAlways", type: 'bool', title: inputTitle("Always adjust vents/switches?"), defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true) if (settings.adjustAlways && maximize) paragraph "NOTE: this setting does not override the Modes or Programs restrictions below" } if (settings?.theThermostat) { section(title: smallerTitle("Modes")) { def modes = getThermostatModes() paragraph input(name: 'theModes', type: 'enum', title: inputTitle("Make vent adjustments only during these thermostat Modes")+' (optional)', required: false, submitOnChange: true, multiple: true, options: modes, width: 6) if (settings?.theModes) { input(name: 'notModeState', type: 'enum', title: inputTitle("Vent state for excluded Modes?"), required: true, submitOnChange: true, defaultValue: 'unchanged', options: ['open', 'closed', 'percentage', 'unchanged'], multiple: false, width: 3) if (notModeState == 'percentage') { input(name: 'notModeLevel', type: "number", title: inputTitle("Vent level for excluded Modes?"), required: true, defaultValue:50, description: '50', range: "0..100", width: 3) } } } section(title: smallerTitle("Programs")) { def programs = getThermostatPrograms() programs = programs + ["Hold","Vacation"] input(name: "theClimates", type: 'enum', title: inputTitle("Make vent adjustments only during these thermostat Programs")+" (optional)", required: false, submitOnChange: true, multiple: true, options: programs, width: 6) if (settings?.theClimates && (settings?.theClimates.size() != programs.size())) { input(name: 'notClimateState', type: 'enum', title: inputTitle("Vent state for excluded Programs?"), required: true, submitOnChange: true, defaultValue: 'unchanged', options: ['open', 'closed', 'percentage', 'unchanged'], multiple: false, width: 3) if (notClimateState == 'percentage') { input(name: 'notClimateLevel', type: "number", title: inputTitle("Vent level for excluded Programs?"), required: true, defaultValue:50, description: '50', range: "0..100", width: 3) } } if (settings.theSensors) { def ecobeeSensors = [] settings?.theSensors.each { if (it.hasCommand('updateSensorPrograms')) { ecobeeSensors << it } } if (ecobeeSensors?.size() == 1) { if (settings.theClimates) input(name: "enrollClimates", type: 'bool', title: inputTitle("Automatically include sensor ${ecobeeSensors[0].displayName} in the above Programs?"), defaulValue: true, submitOnChange: true, width: 12) if (settings.enrollClimates && settings.theClimates) { def notTheseClimates = programs - theClimates - ['Vacation'] - ['Hold'] //def these = settings.theClimates.contains(['Vacation']) ? settings.theClimates - ['Vacation'] : settings.theClimates def these = settings.theClimates - ['Vacation'] - ['Hold'] String notThese = '' if (notTheseClimates) notThese = " and removed from (" + notTheseClimates.toString()[1..-2].replace(',',', ') + ')' if (maximize) paragraph "${ecobeeSensors[0].displayName} will be added to (${these.toString()[1..-2].replace('"','').replace(',',', ')})${notThese} for ${theThermostat.displayName}. " + "It will also be removed from ALL Programs when this Helper is Paused." } } else { if (ecobeeSensors == []) paragraph("You have selected more than 1 Ecobee Suite Sensor. At this time, this Helper only supports automatically enrolling a single sensor into Ecobee Programs.") app.updateSetting('enrollClimates', false) settings.enrollClimates = false } } } section(title: smallerTitle("Thermostat Setpoints")) { def cSetpoint def cHeatSetpoint def cCoolSetpoint def cMode def cProgram def cLastRunMode input(name: "useThermostat", type: "bool", title: inputTitle("Follow the setpoints on ${settings?.theThermostat?settings.theThermostat.displayName:'the thermostat'}?"), required: true, defaultValue: true, submitOnChange: true, width: 6) if (settings.useThermostat == true) { settings.useVirtualStat = false app.updateSetting('useVirtualStat', false) } def heatAt = null def coolAt = null //if (!settings?.useThermostat) { input(name: "useVirtualStat", type: "bool", title: inputTitle("Follow the setpoints on a different thermostat?"), width: 6, required: true, defaultValue: !settings.useThermostat, submitOnChange: true) if (settings?.useVirtualStat == true){ settings.usrThermostat = false app.updateSetting('useThermostat', false) input(name: "theVirtualStat", type: "capability.thermostat", title: inputTitle("Select a thermostat"), multiple: false, required: true, submitOnChange: true) } //} if (settings?.useThermostat && settings?.theThermostat) { cSetpoint = settings.theThermostat.currentValue('thermostatSetpoint', true) cHeatSetpoint = settings.theThermostat.currentValue('heatingSetpoint', true) cCoolSetpoint = settings.theThermostat.currentValue('coolingSetpoint', true) cMode = settings.theThermostat.currentValue('thermostatMode', true) cProgram = settings.theThermostat.currentValue('currentProgram', true) cLastRunMode = settings.theThermostat.currentValue('lastRunningMode', true) if (maximize) paragraph("${settings.theThermostat.displayName} is in '${cMode}' mode running the '${cProgram}' program. The heating setpoint is ${cHeatSetpoint}°${unit}, " + "the cooling setpoint is ${cCoolSetpoint}°${unit}, and the last operation was '${cLastRunMode}'") } else if (settings?.useVirtualStat && settings?.theVirtualStat) { cSetpoint = settings.theVirtualStat.currentValue('thermostatSetpoint', true) cHeatSetpoint = settings.theVirtualStat.currentValue('heatingSetpoint', true) cCoolSetpoint = settings.theVirtualStat.currentValue('coolingSetpoint', true) cMode = settings.theVirtualStat.currentValue('thermostatMode', true) cProgram = settings.theVirtualStat.currentValue('schedule', true) //cLastRunMode = settings.theVirtualStat.currentValue('lastRunningMode', true) if (maximize) paragraph("${settings.theVirtualStat.displayName} is in '${cMode}' mode${(cProgram && (cProgram!='null')) ? ' running the \''+cProgram+'\' program':''}. The heating setpoint is ${cHeatSetpoint}°${unit} " + "and the cooling setpoint is ${cCoolSetpoint}°${unit}") } ///////////////////////////////////////////// // // TODO // Do I need a setting for non-Program holds (e.g., Temp, Auto, etc.) // //////////////////////////////////////////// if (!settings?.useThermostat && !settings?.useVirtualStat) { paragraph "\n"+smallerTitle("Manual Setpoints") input(name: "heatingSetpoint", type: "decimal", title: inputTitle("Target heating setpoint?"), required: true, submitOnChange: true, width: 4) input(name: "coolingSetpoint", type: "decimal", title: inputTitle("Target cooling setpoint?"), required: true, submitOnChange: true, width: 4) if (settings.heatingSetpoint) heatAt = settings.heatingSetpoint if (settings.coolingSetpoint) coolAt = settings.coolingSetpoint } else { paragraph(smallerTitle("Setpoint Offsets")) if (maximize) paragraph("Setpoint offsets are ADDED to the current thermostat's heating/cooling setpoint. Use negative numbers to reduce the target setpoint, positive to increase it.", width: 9) input(name: "heatOffset", type: "decimal", title: inputTitle("Heating Setpoint Offset?"), defaultValue: 0.0, required: true, range: "-10..10", submitOnChange: true, width: 4) input(name: "coolOffset", type: "decimal", title: inputTitle("Cooling Setpoint Offset?"), defaultValue: 0.0, required: true, range: "-10..10", submitOnChange: true, width: 4) if (!settings?.heatOffset) {settings.heatOffset = 0.0; app.updateSetting('heatOffset', 0.0); } if (!settings?.coolOffset) {settings.coolOffset = 0.0; app.updateSetting('coolOffset', 0.0); } if (cHeatSetpoint && (settings.heatOffset != null)) heatAt = cHeatSetpoint + settings.heatOffset if (cCoolSetpoint && (settings.coolOffset != null)) coolAt = cCoolSetpoint + settings.coolOffset if (heatAt && coolAt && maximize) paragraph "In the '${cProgram}' program, the vent${vc>1?'s':''} will open when the observed ambient temperature at the selected " + "sensor${settings.theSensors?.size()>1?'s':''} is less than ${heatAt}°${unit} or more than ${coolAt}°${unit}" def overCool String overCoolOffset if (settings?.theThermostat) { overCool = theThermostat.currentValue('dehumidifyWithAC') overCool = ((overCool != null) && ((overCool == true) || (overCool == 'true'))) ? true : false if (overCool) { overCoolOffset = theThermostat.currentValue('dehumidifyOvercoolOffset').toString() if ((overCoolOffset == '0') || (overCoolOffset == 'null')) overCool = false // if no offset, or offset is 0.0, then we're not overcooling } if (overCool) { if (maximize) paragraph "${theThermostat.displayName} is configured to dehumidify using the HVAC to over-cool as much as ${overCoolOffset}°${temperatureScale} lower than the cooling setpoint" input(name: "overCoolToo", type: "bool", title: "Would you like to overcool this room also?", required: true, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true, width: 6) } } } } } section(title: smallerTitle("Fan Only State")) { //if (false) input(name: 'closedFanOnly', type: 'bool', title: "Close the vent${vc>1?'s':''} while HVAC is 'fan only'?", defaultValue: false) String foDefault = (settings?.closedFanOnly != null) ? (settings.closedFanOnly ? 'closed' : 'unchanged') : 'unchanged' input(name: 'fanOnlyState', type: 'enum', title: inputTitle("Vent state for 'Fan Only' operation?"), required: true, submitOnChange: true, defaultValue: foDefault, options: ['open', 'closed', 'percentage', 'unchanged'], multiple: false, width: 5) if (fanOnlyState == 'percentage') { input(name: 'fanOnlyLevel', type: "number", title: inputTitle("Fan Only Vent level?"), required: true, defaultValue:50, description: '50', range: "0..100", submitOnChange: true, width: 4) } } } section( title: sectionTitle("Operations")) { input(name: "minimize", type: "bool", title: inputTitle("Minimize settings text"), defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true, width: 3) input(name: "tempDisable", title: inputTitle("Pause this Helper"), type: "bool", defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true, width: 3) if (settings.tempDisable) { if (settings.theEconetVents || settings.theHCEcoVents || settings.theKeenVents || settings.theHCKeenVents || settings.theGenericVents || settings.theGenericSwitches) { input(name: 'disabledVents', type: 'enum', title: inputTitle('Paused vent state'), options:['open': 'open/on','closed': 'closed/off','percentage': 'percentage','unchanged': 'unchanged'], required: true, multiple: false, defaultValue: 'closed', submitOnChange: true, width: 3) if (disabledVents == 'percentage') { input(name: 'disabledLevel', type: "number", title: inputTitle("Paused Vent level?"), required: true, defaultValue:50, description: '50', range: "0..100", submitOnChange: true, width: 3) } else paragraph("", width: 3) } } input(name: "debugOff", title: inputTitle("Disable debug logging"), type: "bool", required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true, width: 3) input(name: "infoOff", title: inputTitle("Disable info logging"), type: "bool", required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true, width: 3) } // Standard footer section() { paragraph(getFormat("line")+"
Copyright \u00a9 2017-2020 Barry A. Burke - All rights reserved.
"+ "Your " + "PayPal Logo" + "donation is appreciated!
" ) } } } // Main functions void installed() { LOG("Installed with settings: ${settings}", 4, null, 'trace') initialize() } void updated() { LOG("Updated with settings: ${settings}", 4, null, 'trace') unsubscribe() unschedule() initialize() } void uninstalled() { // generateSensorsEvents([doors:'default', windows:'default', vents:'default',SmartRoom:'default']) unenrollSensors() } def initialize() { LOG("${getVersionLabel()} Initializing...", 2, "", 'info') atomicState.version = getVersionLabel() // Housekeeping if (settings.closedFanOnly != null) { if (settings.fanOnlyState == null) { def vs = settings.closedFanOnly ? 'closed' : 'unchanged' settings.fanOnlyState = vs app.updateSetting('fanOnlyState', vs) } settings.closedFanOnly = null app.removeSetting('closedFanOnly') } // Now, just exit if we are disabled... if (settings.tempDisable) { if (settings.disabledVents && (settings.disabledVents != 'unchanged')) { if (settings.disabledVents == 'open') { setTheVents('open') } else if (settings.disabledVents == 'closed') { setTheVents('closed') } else if (settings.disabledVents == 'percentage') { setTheVents(settings.disabledLevel ?: 50) } LOG("Temporarily Paused, setting vents to (${atomicState.ventState} ${atomicState.ventLevel})", 3, null, 'info') } else { LOG("Temporarily Paused, vents unchanged", 3, null, 'info') } updateMyLabel() if (settings.theClimates && settings.enrollClimates) { log.trace "initialize(): Calling unenrollSensors()" unenrollSensors() } atomicState.wasAlreadyPaused = true return true } if (settings.debugOff) log.info "log.debug() logging disabled" // Not paused anymore atomicState.wasAlreadyPaused = false // Ecobee sensors are special: we update the vent status there if SmartRoom is enabled on them if (settings.theSensors) { def ecobeeSensors = [] settings.theSensors.each { if (it.hasAttribute('SmartRoom')) { ecobeeSensors << it.deviceNetworkId } } atomicState.ecobeeSensors = ecobeeSensors } def theVents = (settings.theEconetVents ?: []) + (settings.theHCEcoVents ?: []) + (settings.theKeenVents ?: []) + (settings.theHCKeenVents ?: []) + (settings.theGenericVents ?: []) + (settings.theGenericSwitches ?: []) subscribe(settings.theSensors, 'temperature', changeHandler, [filterEvents: true]) subscribe(settings.theThermostat, 'thermostatOperatingState', changeHandler, [filterEvents: true]) //subscribe(theThermostat, 'temperature', changeHandler) subscribe(settings.theThermostat, 'thermostatMode', changeHandler, [filterEvents: true]) //subscribe(theThermostat, 'currentProgram', changeHandler) subscribe(settings.theVents, 'level', changeHandler, [filterEvents: true]) // In case someone changes them on us subscribe(settings.theVents, 'switch', changeHandler, [filterEvents: true]) if (settings.theWindows) { subscribe(settings.theWindows, 'contact', changeHandler, [filterEvents: true]) } if (settings.useThermostat) { subscribe(settings.theThermostat, 'heatingSetpoint', changeHandler, [filterEvents: true]) subscribe(settings.theThermostat, 'coolingSetpoint', changeHandler, [filterEvents: true]) // subscribe(theThermostat, 'thermostatSetpoint', changeHandler) } else if (settings.useVirtualStat) { subscribe(settings.theVirtualStat, 'thermostatOperatingState', changeHandler, [filterEvents: true]) subscribe(settings.theVirtualStat, 'thermostatMode', changeHandler, [filterEvents: true]) subscribe(settings.theVirtualStat, 'heatingSetpoint', changeHandler, [filterEvents: true]) subscribe(settings.theVirtualStat, 'coolingSetpoint', changeHandler, [filterEvents: true]) } // These don't change much, and we need them frequently, so stash them away and track their changes atomicState.heatDifferential = 0.0 // NO LONGER USED theThermostat.currentValue('heatDifferential') atomicState.coolDifferential = 0.0 // theThermostat.currentValue('coolDifferential') def dehumidifyWithAC = settings.overCoolToo ? theThermostat.currentValue('dehumidifyWithAC') : false def overcoolOffset = (settings.overCoolToo && dehumidifyWithAC) ? theThermostat.currentValue('dehumidifyOvercoolOffset') : 0 if (((overcoolOffset != null) && (overcoolOffset != 0)) && (dehumidifyWithAC != null) && ((dehumidifyWithAC == true) || (dehumidifyWithAC == 'true'))) { atomicState.dehumidifyWithAC = true atomicState.dehumidifyOvercoolOffset = overcoolOffset } else { dehumidifyWithAC = false settings.overCoolToo = false app.updateSetting('overCoolToo', false) atomicState.dehumidifyWithAC = false atomicState.dehumidifyOvercoolOffset = 0.0 } //subscribe(theThermostat, 'heatDifferential', atomicHandler) //subscribe(theThermostat, 'coolDifferential', atomicHandler) if (dehumidifyWithAC) { subscribe(theThermostat, 'dehumidifyOvercoolOffset', atomicHandler) subscribe(theThermostat, 'dehumidifyWithAC', atomicHandler) } atomicState.currentStatus = [:] atomicState.heatOrCool = null if (settings.theClimates && settings.enrollClimates) { log.trace "initialize(): Calling enrollSensors()" enrollSensors() } if (atomicState.lastLevel == null) { String ventState = atomicState.ventState if (ventState != null) { ventState = ventState.isNumber()? "${ventState}%" : (ventState == 'open'? "${settings.maximumVentLevel}%" : "${settings.minimumVentLevel}%") atomicState.lastLevel = ventState } } setTheVents(checkTemperature()) updateMyLabel() return true } void atomicHandler(evt) { def value = evt.value if (value == 'true') value = true else if (value == 'false') value = false else if (value == 'null') value = "" atomicState."${evt.name}" = value // Clever, no? } // The following code handles the intricacies of changing the ecobee program.climates maps, without stepping on other Helpers that // might also be doing the same. This is necessary because adding/removing sensors to climates requires modifying and resending the // entire programs.* Map - we need to make sure changes are serialized and atomic... def enrollSensors() { if (settings.theClimates.size() != 0) { settings.theSensors.each { sensor -> // N.B there can only be 1 ES Sensor if (sensor.hasCommand('updateSensorPrograms')) { List notPrograms = getThermostatPrograms() - settings.theClimates LOG(("enrolling ${sensor.displayName} in ${settings.theClimates.toString()[1..-2].replaceAll('"','').replaceAll(',',', ')}"+(notPrograms?" and unenrolling from ${notPrograms.toString()[1..-2]}":'')),3,null,'info') String tid = sensor.currentValue('thermostatId').toString() if (needClimateChange( sensor, settings.theClimates, notPrograms )) { boolean anyReserved = anyReservations( tid, 'programChange' ) if (!anyReserved || haveReservation( tid, 'programChange' )) { // Nobody has a reservation, or the reservation is mine if (!anyReserved) makeReservation(tid, 'programChange') makeClimateChange( sensor, settings.theClimates, notPrograms) if (!notPrograms) notPrograms = ['(none)'] LOG("Sensor ${sensor.displayName} added to ${settings.theClimates.toString()[1..-2].replaceAll('"','').replaceAll(',',', ')} and removed from ${notPrograms.toString()[1..-2]}",3,null,'debug') } else { // somebody else has a reservation - we have to wait atomicState.pendedUpdates = [add: settings.theClimates, remove: notPrograms] subscribe(sensor, 'climatesUpdated', programWaitHandler) if (!notPrograms) notPrograms = ['(none)'] LOG("Delayed: Sensor ${sensor.displayName} will be added to ${settings.theClimates.toString()[1..-2].replaceAll('"','').replaceAll(',',', ')} and removed from ${notPrograms.toString()[1..-2]} when pending changes complete",2,null,'info') } } else { // No changes required cancelReservation( tid, 'programChange' ) } return // only does the first Ecobee Sensor } } } } def unenrollSensors() { settings.theSensors.each { sensor -> // N.B., there can only be 1 ES Sensor if (sensor.hasCommand('updateSensorPrograms')) { List programs = getThermostatPrograms() if (needClimateChange( sensor, [], programs)) { LOG("unenrolling ${sensor.displayName} from all programs (${programs.toString()[1..-2]})",3,null,'info') String tid = sensor.currentValue('thermostatId').toString() boolean anyReserved = anyReservations( tid, 'programChange' ) if (!anyReserved || haveReservation( tid, 'programChange' )) { // Nobody has a reservation, or the reservation is mine if (!anyReserved) makeReservation( tid, 'programChange' ) makeClimateChange( sensor, [], programs ) LOG("Sensor ${sensor.displayName} removed from ${programs.toString()[1..-2]}",3,null,'debug') } else { // somebody else has a reservation - we have to wait atomicState.pendedUpdates = [add: [], remove: programs] subscribe(sensor, 'climatesUpdated', programWaitHandler) // wait until somebody updates the climates LOG("Delayed: Sensor ${sensor.displayName} will be removed from ${programs.toString()[1..-2]} when pending changes complete", 3, null, 'info') } } else { // No active climates = nothing to do except cleanup LOG("no active programs",3,null,'info') cancelReservation(tid, 'programChange') } return // Only does the first Ecobee Sensor... } } } def programUpdateHandler(evt) { // Clear our reservation once we know that the Ecobee Cloud has updated our thermostat's climates cancelReservation(evt.device.currentValue('thermostatId') as String, 'programChange') unschedule(clearReservation) unsubscribe(evt.device) if (!settings?.tempDisable) subscribe(evt.device, 'temperature', changeHandler, [filterEvents: true]) def pendingRequest = atomicState.updateSensorRequest if (pendingRequest != null) { atomicState.updateSensorRequest = null LOG("${pendingRequest} operation completed",3,null,'info') } } def programWaitHandler(evt) { unsubscribe(evt.device) if (!settings?.tempDisable) subscribe(evt.device, 'temperature', changeHandler, [filterEvents: true]) String tid = evt.device.currentValue('thermostatId') as String def count = countReservations(tid, 'programChange') if ((count > 0) && !haveReservation( tid, 'programChange' )) { atomicState.programWaitCounter = 0 runIn(5, checkReservations, [overwrite: true, data: [tid:tid, type:'programChange']]) LOG("programWaitHandler(): There are still ${count} reservations for 'programChange', waiting...", 3, null, 'debug') } else { makeReservation(tid, 'programChange') LOG("programWaitHandler(): 'programChange' reservation secured, sending pended updates", 3, null, 'debug') doPendedUpdates() } } void checkReservations(data) { def count = countReservations(data.tid, data.type) def counter = atomicState.programWaitCounter if ((count > 0) && !haveReservation(data.tid, data.type) && (counter <= 60)) { // Try for up to 5.0 minutes... others will clear their reservations after 2.5 minutes // Need to wait longer runIn(5, checkReservations, [overwrite: true, data: [tid: (data.tid), type: (data.type)]]) counter++ atomicState.programWaitCounter = counter if ((counter % 12) == 0) runIn(2, doRefresh, [overwrite: true]) // force a refresh every minute if we don't get updated LOG("checkReservations(): There are still ${count} reservations for 'programChange', waiting...", 3, null, 'debug') } else { makeReservation(data.tid, data.type) atomicState.programWaitCounter = 0 LOG("checkReservation()(): 'programChange' reservation secured, sending pended updates", 3, null, 'debug') doPendedUpdates() } } void clearReservation() { settings.theSensors.each { sensor -> // N.B., there can only be 1 ES Sensor if (sensor.hasCommand('updateSensorPrograms')) { def tid = sensor.currentValue('thermostatId') as String cancelReservation(tid, 'programChange') } } } void doRefresh() { settings?.theThermostat?.doRefresh(true) // do a forced refresh } void doPendedUpdates() { LOG("doPendedUpdates() @ ${now()}: ${atomicState.pendedUpdates}",4,null,'debug') def updates = atomicState.pendedUpdates if (updates?.remove || updates?.add) { // Find the sensor settings.theSensors.each { sensor -> // N.B., there can only be 1 ES Sensor if (sensor.hasCommand('updateSensorPrograms')) { if (needClimateChange( sensor, updates.add, updates.remove )) { makeClimateChange( sensor, updates.add, updates.remove ) } else { // Nothing to do - release the reservation now def tid = sensor.currentValue('thermostatId') as String cancelReservation(tid, 'programChange') } } } atomicState.pendedUpdates = null } } def makeClimateChange( sensor, adds, removes ) { subscribe( sensor, 'activeClimates', programUpdateHandler ) atomicState.updateSensorRequest = adds ? 'enroll' : 'unenroll' sensor.updateSensorPrograms( adds, removes) runIn(150, clearReservation, [overwrite: true]) // failsafe/watchdog - clear the reservation if we don't hear back within 2.5 minutes if (!adds) { LOG("Sensor ${sensor.displayName} removed from ${removes.toString()[1..-2]}",3,null,'info') } else { if (!removes) removes = ['(none)'] LOG("Sensor ${sensor.displayName} added to ${adds.toString()[1..-2]} and removed from ${removes.toString()[1..-2]}",3,null,'info') } // programUpdateHandler will release the reservation for us } boolean needClimateChange(sensor, List adds, List removes) { if (!adds && !removes) return false String ac = sensor.currentValue('activeClimates', true) def activeClimates = ac ? ((ac == '[]') ? [] : ac[1..-2].tokenize(', ').sort(false)) : [] log.debug "activeClimates: ${activeClimates}" boolean updatesToDo = false if (!activeClimates) { // Easy one: no active climates, and we have climates to add if (adds) { updatesToDo = true } } else { // we have some activeClimates - do we need to adjust them? if (!adds && removes) { // Easy one: there are active climates, and we aren't adding any, thus we know that we are removing ALL of them updatesToDo = true } else { // Hardest one: we have some active climates, and we have some adds and some removes to do - figure out if we need to change anything activeClimates.each { climate -> if (!updatesToDo) { if (adds) { // are there any active climates that we don't want active? if (!adds.contains(climate)) updatesToDo = true // need to remove at least one } else if (removes) { // or any active climates that we want inactive? if (removes.contains(climate)) updatesToDo = true // need to remove at least one } } } } } return updatesToDo } //@Field Random rand = new Random() //@Field String lastEvent = "foo" void changeHandler(evt) { //String thisEvent = evt.id LOG("changeHandler(): ${evt.displayName} ${evt.name} ${evt.value}, ${evt.id}", 4, null, 'debug') //def lastEvent = atomicState.lastEvent // if (evt.id != lastEvent) { // lastEvent = evt.id // int randomSeconds = rand.nextInt(40) //log.debug "randomSeconds: ${randomSeconds}" // log.debug "new" updateTheVents() runIn( 2, checkAndSet, [overwrite: true]) // collapse multiple inter-related events into a single thread //atomicState.lastEvent = thisEvent // } else { // log.debug "dup" // } } void checkAndSet() { if (!atomicState.version || (atomicState.version != getVersionLabel())) { LOG('Helper version changed, re-initializing...',1,null,'info') updated() } // log.debug "c&s" setTheVents(checkTemperature()) } String checkTemperature() { // Check if we're supposed to do anything during the currently active Ecobee Program (or the upcoming Program if in Smart Recovery) if (settings?.theClimates) { def currentProgram = theThermostat.currentValue('currentProgram', true) if (!currentProgram) currentProgram = 'null' if (!settings.theClimates.contains(currentProgram)) { // If we are in (Smart Recovery), check to see if we're supposed to be adjusting during the upcoming program def nextProgram = theThermostat.currentValue('nextProgramName', true) if (!nextProgram || !settings.theClimates.contains(nextProgram)) { LOG("${theThermostat.displayName} is currently running a Program (${currentProgram}) that we're not configured for (${settings.theClimates.toString()[1..-2].replaceAll('"','').replaceAll(',',', ')})",3,null,'info') if (settings.notClimateState) { if (settings.notClimateState != 'percentage') { return settings.notClimateState } else { return settings.notClimateLevel ?: 50 } } else { return 'unchanged' } } } } if (settings.theModes) { def currentMode = theThermostat.currentValue('thermostatMode', true) if (!settings.theModes.contains(currentMode)) { LOG("${theThermostat.displayName} is currently running a Mode (${currentMode}) that we're not configured for (${settings.theModes.toString()[1..-2]})",3,null,'info') if (settings.notModeState) { if (settings.notModeState != 'percentage') { return settings.notModeState } else { return settings.notModeLevel ?: 50 } } else { return 'unchanged' } } } def lastHVAC = atomicState.lastHVAC def cTemp = getAverageTemperature() def vents = 'unchanged' // if not heating/cooling/fan, then no change to current vents if (cTemp != null) { // only if valid temperature readings (Ecosensors can return "unknown") // Be smarter if we are in Smart Recovery mode: follow the thermostat's temperature instead of watching the current setpoint. Otherwise the room won't get the benefits of heat/cool // Smart Recovery. Also, we add the heat/cool differential to try and get ahead of the Smart Recovery curve (otherwise we close too early or too often) String smarter = theThermostat.currentValue('thermostatOperatingStateDisplay', true) boolean beSmart = (smarter?.contains('mart')) // "(Smart Recovery)" boolean beCool = (smarter?.contains('verc')) // "(Overcooling)" String cOpState = theThermostat.currentValue('thermostatOperatingState', true) def cTemperature = theThermostat.currentValue('temperature', true) def coolSP = theThermostat.currentValue('coolingSetpoint', true) def heatSP = theThermostat.currentValue('heatingSetpoint', true) String cMode = theThermostat.currentValue('thermostatMode', true) def nextHeatSP def nextCoolSP if (settings.useThermostat) { nextHeatSP = theThermostat.currentValue('nextHeatingSetpoint', true) nextCoolSP = theThermostat.currentValue('nextCoolingSetpoint', true) } def currentStatus = [s: smarter, bs: beSmart, bc: beCool, op: cOpState, md: cMode, t: cTemp, h: heatSP, c: coolSP, nh: nextHeatSP, nc: nextCoolSP] as HashMap if (cOpState == 'heating') { atomicState.heatOrCool = 'heat' } else if (cOpState == 'cooling') { atomicState.heatOrCool == 'cool' } if (atomicState.heatOrCool == null) atomicState.heatOrCool = cMode if (atomicState.currentStatus == currentStatus) { LOG("Status unchanged...",3,null,'info') return 'unchanged' // ignore - identical to last time } else { atomicState.currentStatus = currentStatus LOG("currentStatus: ${currentStatus}",3,null,'debug') } def offset if ((cOpState == 'heating') || (settings.adjustAlways && (atomicState.heatOrCool == 'heat'))) { offset = settings.heatOffset ?: 0.0 def heatTarget if (settings.useThermostat) { if (beSmart) { // Smart Recovery - we're heating to the "next" heatingSetpoint heatTarget = nextHeatSP + offset // + atomicState.heatDifferential } else { // Normal - just heating to the heatingSetpoint heatTarget = heatSP + offset // + atomicState.heatDifferential } } else if (useVirtualStat) { heatTarget = ((theVirtualStat.currentValue('heatingSetpoint', true)) as BigDecimal) + offset } else { heatTarget = settings.heatingSetpoint } vents = (cTemp <= heatTarget) ? 'open' : 'closed' LOG("${theThermostat.displayName} is heating, target temperature is ${heatTarget}°${beSmart?' (smart recovery)':''}, room temperature is ${cTemp}°",3,null,'info') } else if ((cOpState == 'cooling') || (settings.adjustAlways && (atomicState.heatOrCool == 'cool'))) { offset = settings.coolOffset ?: 0.0 def coolTarget if (settings.useThermostat) { if (beSmart) { // Smart Recovery - we're cooling to the "next" coolingSetpoint coolTarget = nextCoolSP + offset // - atomicState.coolDifferential } else if (beCool) { // Overcooling (to dehumidify) - we're cooling to the current coolingSetpoint - overcoolOffset coolTarget = coolSP + offset - (settings.overCoolToo ? atomicState.dehumidifyOvercoolOffset : 0.0) } else { // Normal - just cooling to the coolingSetpoint coolTarget = coolSP + offset //- atomicState.coolDifferential } } else if (useVirtualStat) { coolTarget = ((theVirtualStat.currentValue('coolingSetpoint', true)) as BigDecimal) + offset } else { coolTarget = settings.coolingSetpoint } vents = (cTemp >= coolTarget) ? 'open' : 'closed' LOG("${theThermostat.displayName} is cooling, target temperature is ${coolTarget}°${beSmart?' (smart recovery)':''}${beCool?' (overcooling)':''}, room temperature is ${cTemp}°",3,null,'info') } else if (cOpState == 'idle') { LOG("${theThermostat.displayName} is idle, room temperature is ${cTemp}°, vents-->unchanged",3,null,'info') vents = 'unchanged' // fix it next time the fan goes on } else if (/*(vents == 'unchanged') && */(cOpState == 'fan only')) { if (!settings.fanOnlyState) { if (!settings.closedFanOnly) { vents = 'unchanged' LOG("${theThermostat.displayName} is running 'Fan Only', room temperature is ${cTemp}°, vents-->unchanged",3,null,'info') } else { vents = 'closed' LOG("${theThermostat.displayName} is running 'Fan Only', room temperature is ${cTemp}°, vents-->closed",3,null,'info') } } else { // New Fan Only selector is in use vents = settings.fanOnlyState if (!vents) vents = 'unchanged' if (vents == 'percentage') vents = (settings.fanOnlyLevel ?: 50) as Integer LOG("${theThermostat.displayName} is running 'Fan Only', room temperature is ${cTemp}°, vents-->${vents}${settings?.fanOnlyState == 'percentage'?'%':''}",3,null,'info') } } if ((vents == 'open') && (settings.adjustAlways || ((cOpState != 'fan only') || settings.closeFanOnly))) { // let 'Fan Only' run even if windows are open, unless overriden in settings (1.8.02) if (settings.theWindows) { boolean openWindows = settings.theWindows*.currentValue('contact', true).contains('open') if (openWindows) { vents = 'closed' // but if a window is open, close the vents LOG("${(theWindows.size()>1)?'A':'The'} window/contact is open",3,null,'info') } } } LOG("Vents should be ${vents?:'unchanged'}",3,null,'info') //return vents } return vents } def getAverageTemperature() { def tTemp = 0.0G Integer i = 0 settings.theSensors.each { def t = it.currentValue('temperature', true) if (t != null) { tTemp += t as BigDecimal i++ } } if (i > 1) tTemp = tTemp / i // average all the sensors, if more than 1 if (i > 0) { return roundIt(tTemp, 1) } else { LOG("No valid temperature readings from ${settings.theSensors}",1,null,'warn') return null } } void setTheVents(ventState) { def newVentState if (!ventState) ventState = 'unchanged' if (ventState == 'open') { allVentsOpen() newVentState = 'open' } else if (ventState == 'closed') { allVentsClosed() newVentState = 'closed' } else if (ventState.toString().isNumber()) { allVentsLevel(ventState as Integer) newVentState = ((ventState as Integer) <= (settings.minimumVentLevel as Integer)) ? 'closed' : 'open' } else if (ventState == 'unchanged') { def theVents = (settings.theEconetVents ?: []) + (settings.theHCEcoVents ?: []) + (settings.theKeenVents ?: []) + (settings.theHCKeenVents ?: []) + (settings.theGenericVents ?: []) + (settings.theGenericSwitches ?: []) def ventSwitch = theVents[0].currentValue('switch', true) // assumption: all vents are in the same state if (ventSwitch == 'on') { newVentState = 'open' def hasLevel = theVents[0].hasAttribute('level') if (hasLevel) { def currentLevel = (theVents[0].currentValue('level', true))?.toInteger() if (currentLevel <= (settings.minimumVentLevel as Integer)) { // while physically 'open', we are set to the minimum vent level, so we are logically 'closed' newVentState = 'closed' } } } else { // assert ventSwitch == 'off' newVentState = 'closed' } LOG("setTheVents('unchanged'), prior ventState: ${atomicState.ventState}, new ventState: ${newVentState}",3,null,'debug') } if (newVentState && (atomicState.ventState != newVentState)) { atomicState.ventState = newVentState runIn(2, updateTheVents, [overwrite: true]) // Update VentState on the ES Sensors, if SmartRoom is active List ecobeeSensors = atomicState.ecobeeSensors if (ecobeeSensors != []) { ecobeeSensors.each { dni -> def sensor = parent.getChildDevice(dni) if (sensor) { def smartRoom = sensor.currentValue('SmartRoom', true) if (smartRoom && smartRoom.contains('active')) { // 'active' or 'inactive' // update vents state unless SmartRoom is 'disabled' or 'default' parent.generateChildEvent(dni, [vents: newVentState]) } } } } updateMyLabel() } } void updateTheVents() { def theVents = (settings.theEconetVents ?: []) + (settings.theHCEcoVents ?: []) + // (settings.theKeenVents ?: []) + (settings.theHCKeenVents ?: []) + // Don't ping the Keen Vents... (settings.theGenericVents ?: []) + (settings.theGenericSwitches ?: []) theVents.each { if (it.hasCommand('refresh')) { it.refresh() } else if (it.hasCommand('poll')) { it.poll() } else if (it.hasCommand('ping')) { it.ping() } } } void allVentsOpen() { def theVents = (settings.theEconetVents ?: []) + (settings.theHCEcoVents ?: []) + (settings.theKeenVents ?: []) + (settings.theHCKeenVents ?: []) + (settings.theGenericVents ?: []) + (settings.theGenericSwitches ?: []) //LOG("Opening the vent${theVents.size()>1?'s':''}",3,null,'info') theVents.each { ventOn(it) } if (theVents*.hasCommand('setLevel')) { atomicState.lastLevel = "${settings.maximumVentLevel ?: 98}%" } else { atomicState.lastLevel = 'on' } } void allVentsClosed() { def theVents = (settings.theEconetVents ?: []) + (settings.theHCEcoVents ?: []) + (settings.theKeenVents ?: []) + (settings.theHCKeenVents ?: []) + (settings.theGenericVents ?: []) + (settings.theGenericSwitches ?: []) //LOG("Closing the vent${theVents.size()>1?'s':''}",3,null,'info') theVents.each { ventOff(it) } if (theVents*.hasCommand('setLevel')) { atomicState.lastLevel = "${settings.minimumVentLevel ?: 1}%" } else { atomicState.lastLevel = 'off' } } void allVentsLevel(level) { def theVents = (settings.theEconetVents ?: []) + (settings.theHCEcoVents ?: []) + (settings.theKeenVents ?: []) + (settings.theHCKeenVents ?: []) + (settings.theGenericVents ?: []) + (settings.theGenericSwitches ?: []) //LOG("Opening the vent${theVents.size()>1?'s':''}",3,null,'info') theVents.each { theVent -> ventLevel(theVent, level) if (level == 0) { ventOff(theVent) } else if (level >= 99) { ventOn(theVent) } } atomicState.lastLevel = "${level}%" } void ventOff( theVent ) { def hasSetLevel = (theVent.hasCapability('switchLevel') || theVent.hasCommand('setLevel')) def minVentLevel = (settings.minimumVentLevel ?: 1) as Integer if (minVentLevel == 0) { def currentSwitch = theVent.currentValue('switch', true) if (currentSwitch == 'on') { if (hasSetLevel) { theVent.off() if (!settings?.theKeenVents?.contains(theVent) && !settings?.theHCKeenVents?.contains(theVent)) { // Don't refresh the Keen Vents - they are quite responsive if (theVent.hasCommand('refresh')) theVent.refresh() } def currentLevel = theVent.currentValue('level', true) // Some vents will leave the level set even when switch is off if (currentLevel?.toInteger() != 0) theVent.setLevel(0) // Belt & suspenders - make sure the level is reset to 0 LOG("Closing ${theVent.displayName}",3,null,'info') } else { theVent.off() LOG("Turning off ${theVent.displayName}",3,null,'info') } //if (theVent.hasCommand('refresh')) theVent.refresh() } else { LOG("${theVent.displayName} is already closed/off",3,null,'info') } } else { if (hasSetLevel) { def currentLevel = theVent.currentValue('level', true) if (currentLevel?.toInteger() != minVentLevel) { theVent.setLevel(minVentLevel) // make sure none of the vents are less than the specified minimum LOG("Closing ${theVent.displayName} to ${minVentLevel}%",3,null,'info') // if (theVent.hasCommand('refresh')) theVent.refresh() } else { LOG("${theVent.displayName} is already closed to ${minVentLevel}%",3,null,'info') } } else { def currentSwitch = theVent.currentValue('switch', true) if (currentSwitch == 'on') { theVent.off() LOG("Turning off ${theVent.displayName}",3,null,'info') //if (theVent.hasCommand('refresh')) theVent.refresh() } else { LOG("${theVent.displayName} is already off",3,null,'info') } } } // Display the contact as "closed", even if we are partially open (so that HomeKit shows open/closed Blinds) if (theVent.hasAttribute('contact') && theVent.hasCommand('closeContact') && (theVent.currentValue('contact', true) != 'closed')) theVent.closeContact() } void ventOn( theVent ) { boolean changed = false def hasSetLevel = (theVent.hasCapability('switchLevel') || theVent.hasCommand('setLevel')) def maxVentLevel = (settings.maximumVentLevel ?: 98) as Integer def minVentLevel = (settings.minimumVentLevel ?: 1) as Integer def currentSwitch = theVent.currentValue('switch', true) def currentLevel = (hasSetLevel ? ( theVent.currentValue('level', true) ) : ((currentSwitch == 'on') ? 100 : 0)) as Integer if (maxVentLevel >= 99) { if ((currentSwitch == 'off') || (currentLevel < maxVentLevel)) { if (hasSetLevel) { if (currentLevel.toInteger() != maxVentLevel) { theVent.setLevel(maxVentLevel) } //some vents don't handle '100' if (!settings?.theKeenVents?.contains(theVent) && !settings?.theHCKeenVents?.contains(theVent)) { // Don't refresh the Keen Vents - they are quite responsive if (theVent.hasCommand('refresh')) theVent.refresh() } currentSwitch = theVent.currentValue('switch', true) if (currentSwitch != 'on') theVent.on() // setLevel will turn on() for some devices, but not all changed = true } else { theVent.on() changed = true } if (changed) { //if (theVent.hasCommand('refresh')) theVent.refresh() LOG("${hasSetLevel?'Opening':'Turning on'} ${theVent.displayName}",3,null,'info') } else { LOG("${theVent.displayName} is already ${hasSetLevel?'open':'on'}",3,null,'info') } } } else { // New feature: use configured maximum level if (hasSetLevel) { if (currentLevel != maxVentLevel) { theVent.setLevel(maxVentLevel) // make sure none of the vents are less than the specified minimum LOG("Opening ${theVent.displayName} to ${maxVentLevel}%",3,null,'info') //if (theVent.hasCommand('refresh')) theVent.refresh() } else { LOG("${theVent.displayName} is already open to ${maxVentLevel}%",3,null,'info') } } else { if (currentSwitch == 'off') { theVent.on() LOG("Turning on ${theVent.displayName}",3,null,'info') } else { LOG("${theVent.displayName} is already on",3,null,'info') } } } // Display the contact as "open", even if we are only partially open (so that HomeKit shows open/closed Blinds) if (theVent.hasAttribute('contact') && theVent.hasCommand('openContact') && (theVent.currentValue('contact', true) != 'open')) theVent.openContact() } void ventLevel( theVent, level=50 ) { if (level == 0) { ventOff(theVent) return } boolean changed = false def hasSetLevel = (theVent.hasCapability('switchLevel') || theVent.hasCommand('setLevel')) def maxVentLevel = (settings.maximumVentLevel ?: 98) as Integer def minVentLevel = (settings.minimumVentLevel ?: 1) as Integer if (level > maxVentLevel) level = maxVentLevel if (level < minVentLevel) level = minVentLevel def currentLevel = (hasSetLevel ? ( theVent.currentValue('level', true) ) : ((currentSwitch == 'on') ? 100 : 0)) as Integer if (hasSetLevel) { if (currentLevel != level) { theVent.setLevel(level) changed = true } if (!settings?.theKeenVents?.contains(theVent) && !settings?.theHCKeenVents?.contains(theVent)) { // Don't refresh the Keen Vents - they are quite responsive if (theVent.hasCommand('refresh')) theVent.refresh() } } def currentSwitch = theVent.currentValue('switch', true) if (currentSwitch != 'on') { theVent.on() // setLevel will turn on() for some devices, but not all changed = true } if (hasSetLevel) { if (changed) { LOG("Opening ${theVent.displayName} to ${level}%",3,null,'info') } else { LOG("${theVent.displayName} is already open to ${level}%",3,null,'info') } } else { if (changed) { LOG("Turning on ${theVent.displayName}",3,null,'info') } else { LOG("${theVent.displayName} is already on",3,null,'info') } } // Display the vent's contact as "open", even if we are only partially open (so that HomeKit shows open/closed Blinds) if (theVent.hasAttribute('contact') && theVent.hasCommand('openContact') && (theVent.currentValue('contact', true) != 'open')) theVent.openContact() } // Helper Functions // Ask our parents for help sending the events to our peer sensor devices void generateSensorEvents( Map dataMap ) { LOG("generating ${dataMap} events for ${theSensors}",3,null,'debug') theSensors.each { DNI -> parent.getChildDevice(DNI)?.generateEvent(dataMap) } } // Thermostat Programs & Modes List getThermostatPrograms() { List programs = ["Away","Home","Sleep"] if (settings?.theThermostat) { String cl = settings.theThermostat?.currentValue('climatesList', true) if (cl && (cl != '[]')) { programs = cl[1..-2].split(', ') } else { String pl = settings?.theThermostat?.currentValue('programsList', true) def progs = pl ? new JsonSlurper().parseText(pl) : [] if (progs) programs = progs } } return programs.sort(false) } List getThermostatModes() { List statModes = ["off","heat","cool","auto","auxHeatOnly"] List tm = [] if (settings.theThermostat) { tm = new JsonSlurper().parseText(theThermostat.currentValue('supportedThermostatModes', true)) } if (tm != []) statModes = tm return statModes.sort(false) } // Reservation Management Functions - Now implemented in Ecobee Suite Manager void makeReservation(String tid, String type='modeOff' ) { parent.makeReservation( tid, app.id as String, type ) } // Cancel my reservation void cancelReservation(String tid, String type='modeOff') { // log.debug "cancel ${tid}, ${type}" parent.cancelReservation( tid, app.id as String, type ) } // Do I have a reservation? Boolean haveReservation(String tid, String type='modeOff') { return parent.haveReservation( tid, app.id as String, type ) } // Do any Apps have reservations? Boolean anyReservations(String tid, String type='modeOff') { return parent.anyReservations( tid, type ) } // How many apps have reservations? Integer countReservations(String tid, String type='modeOff') { return parent.countReservations( tid, type ) } // Get the list of app IDs that have reservations List getReservations(String tid, String type='modeOff') { return parent.getReservations( tid, type ) } // Get the list of app Names that have reservations List getGuestList(String tid, String type='modeOff') { return parent.getGuestList( tid, type ) } void updateMyLabel() { String flag = '' + cLevel + '' if (app.label != newLabel) app.updateLabel(newLabel) } else if (atomicState.ventState == 'open') { cLevel = ' (open ' + cLevel + ')' newLabel = myLabel + '' + cLevel + '' if (app.label != newLabel) app.updateLabel(newLabel) } else if (atomicState.ventState == 'closed') { cLevel = ' (closed ' + cLevel + ')' newLabel = myLabel + '' + cLevel + '' if (app.label != newLabel) app.updateLabel(newLabel) } else { if (app.label != myLabel) app.updateLabel(myLabel) } //log.debug "newLabel: " + newLabel + ", myLabel: " + myLabel + ", app.label: " + app.label } // Ask our parents for help sending the events to our peer sensor devices void generateSensorsEvents( Map dataMap ) { LOG("generating ${dataMap} events for ${theSensors}",3,null,'info') theSensors.each { DNI -> parent.getChildDevice(DNI)?.generateEvent(dataMap) } } def pauseOn(global = false) { // Pause this Helper atomicState.wasAlreadyPaused = settings.tempDisable //!atomicState.globalPause) if (!settings.tempDisable) { LOG("pauseOn(${global}) - performing ${global?'Global':'Helper'} Pause",2,null,'info') app.updateSetting("tempDisable", true) settings.tempDisable = true atomicState.globalPause = global runIn(2, updated, [overwrite: true]) // updateMyLabel() } else { LOG("pauseOn(${global}) - was already paused...",3,null,'info') } } def pauseOff(global = false) { // Un-pause this Helper if (settings.tempDisable) { // Allow peer Apps to individually re-enable anytime // NB: they won't be able to unpause us if we are in a global pause (they will also be paused) if (!global || !atomicState.wasAlreadyPaused) { // LOG("pauseOff(${global}) - performing ${global?'Global':'Helper'} Unpause",2,null,'info') app.updateSetting("tempDisable", false) settings.tempDisable = false atomicState.wasAlreadyPaused = false runIn(2, updated, [overwrite: true]) } else { LOG("pauseOff(${global}) - was already paused before Global Pause, ignoring...",3,null,'info') } } else { LOG("pauseOff(${global}) - not currently paused...",3,null,'info') atomicState.wasAlreadyPaused = false } atomicState.globalPause = global } def roundIt( value, decimals=0 ) { return (value == null) ? null : value.toBigDecimal().setScale(decimals, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP) } def roundIt( BigDecimal value, decimals=0 ) { return (value == null) ? null : value.setScale(decimals, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP) } void LOG(message, level=3, child=null, logType="debug", event=true, displayEvent=true) { switch (logType) { case 'error': log.error message break; case 'warn': log.warn message break; case 'trace': log.trace message break; case 'info': if (!settings?.infoOff) log.info message break; case 'debug': default: if (!settings?.debugOff) log.debug message break; } } String getTheBee () { return ''} String getTheBeeLogo() { return ''} String getTheSectionBeeLogo() { return ''} String getTheBeeUrl () { return "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SANdood/Icons/master/Ecobee/ecobee-logo-1x.jpg" } String getTheBlank () { return ''} String pageTitle (String txt) { return getFormat('header-ecobee','

'+(txt.contains("\n") ? ''+txt.replace("\n","\n") : txt )+'

') } String pageTitleOld (String txt) { return getFormat('header-ecobee','


') } String sectionTitle (String txt) { return getTheSectionBeeLogo() + getFormat('header-nobee','


') } String smallerTitle (String txt) { return txt ? ('


') : '' } //
String sampleTitle (String txt) { return ''+txt+'' } String inputTitle (String txt) { return ''+txt+'' } String getWarningText() { return "WARNING: " } String getFormat(type, myText=""){ switch(type) { case "header-ecobee": return "
" break; case "header-nobee": return "
" break; case "line": return "
" break; case "title": return "


" break; case "warning": return "WARNING: ${myText}" break; case "note": return "NOTE: ${myText}" break; default: return myText break; } } // SmartThings/Hubitat Portability Library (SHPL) // Copyright (c) 2019-2020, Barry A. Burke (storageanarchy@gmail.com) String getPlatform() { return 'Hubitat' } // if (platform == 'SmartThings') ... boolean getIsST() { return false } boolean getIsHE() { return true } String getHubPlatform() { return 'Hubitat' } boolean getIsSTHub() { return false } // if (isSTHub) ... boolean getIsHEHub() { return true } // if (isHEHub) ... def getParentSetting(String settingName) { return parent?."${settingName}" } @Field String hubPlatform = 'Hubitat' @Field boolean ST = false @Field boolean HE = true @Field String debug = 'debug' @Field String error = 'error' @Field String info = 'info' @Field String trace = 'trace' @Field String warn = 'warn'