/** * ecobee Suite Smart Zones * * Copyright 2017-2020 Barry A. Burke * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * * * 1.8.00 - Version synchronization, updated settings look & feel * 1.8.01 - General Release * 1.8.02 - Merged in the 'One at a Time' logic to make this a multi-modal Smart Zones Helper * 1.8.03 - More busy bees * 1.8.04 - No longer LOGs to parent (too much overhead for too little value) * 1.8.05 - New SHPL, using Global Fields instead of atomicState * 1.8.06 - Allow individual un-pause from peers, even if was already paused * 1.8.07 - Better handling of null thermostatHold * 1.8.08 - Updated formatting; added Do Not Disturb Modes & Time window * 1.8.09 - Miscellaneous updates & fixes * 1.8.10 - Fix getThermostatModes() & getThermostatFanModes() * 1.8.11 - Fix for Hubitat 'supportedThermostatModes', etc. * 1.9.00 - Removed all ST code */ import groovy.json.* import groovy.transform.Field String getVersionNum() { return "1.9.00" } String getVersionLabel() { return "Ecobee Suite Smart Zones Helper, version ${getVersionNum()} on ${getHubPlatform()}" } definition( name: "ecobee Suite Smart Zones", namespace: "sandood", author: "Barry A. Burke (storageanarchy at gmail dot com)", description: "INSTALL USING ECOBEE SUITE MANAGER ONLY!\n\nSynchronizes ecobee recirculation fan between two zones", category: "Convenience", parent: "sandood:Ecobee Suite Manager", iconUrl: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SANdood/Icons/master/Ecobee/ecobee-logo-1x.jpg", iconX2Url: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SANdood/Icons/master/Ecobee/ecobee-logo-2x.jpg", iconX3Url: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SANdood/Icons/master/Ecobee/ecobee-logo-3x.jpg", importUrl: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SANdood/Ecobee-Suite/master/smartapps/sandood/ecobee-suite-smart-zones.src/ecobee-suite-smart-zones.groovy", documentationLink: "https://github.com/SANdood/Ecobee-Suite/blob/master/README.md#features-smart-zone-sa", singleInstance: false, pausable: true ) preferences { page(name: "mainPage") } // Preferences Pages def mainPage() { boolean maximize = (settings?.minimize) == null ? true : !settings.minimize String defaultName = "Smart Zones" dynamicPage(name: "mainPage", title: pageTitle(getVersionLabel().replace('per, v',"per\nV")), uninstall: true, install: true) { if (maximize) { section(title: inputTitle("Helper Description & Release Notes"), hideable: true, hidden: (atomicState.appDisplayName != null)) { paragraph(theBeeLogo+"


") paragraph("This multi-modal Helper will either synchronize Ecobee Suite thermostats' Operating State across a multi-zone HVAC system (in Cooperative Mode), or it will turn off all " + "idle thermostats whenever one starts heat/cooling/fan only (Isolated Mode)") } } section(title: sectionTitle("Naming${!settings.tempDisable?' & Thermostat Selection':''}")) { String defaultLabel if (!atomicState?.appDisplayName) { defaultLabel = defaultName app.updateLabel(defaultName) atomicState?.appDisplayName = defaultName } else { defaultLabel = atomicState.appDisplayName } label(title: inputTitle("Name for this ${defaultName} Helper"), required: false, submitOnChange: true, defaultValue: defaultLabel, width: 6) if (!app.label) { app.updateLabel(defaultLabel) atomicState.appDisplayName = defaultLabel } else { atomicState.appDisplayName = app.label } if (app.label.contains(' 1)) { // ISOLATED MODE SETTINGS section(title: sectionTitle("Isolated Mode: Actions")) { input(name: "busyStates", type: "enum", title: inputTitle("When any Thermostat's Operating State becomes one of these..."), submitOnChange: true, required: true, width: 6, multiple: true, options: ["cooling": "Cooling", "heating": "Heating", "fan only": "Fan Only"], defaultValue: "cooling") paragraph("", width: 6) input(name: "hvacOff", type: "bool", title: inputTitle("Turn off the idle Thermostat${(settings?.theThermostats?.size() > 2)?'s':''}?"), defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true, width: 4) if (settings?.hvacOff) { input(name: "fanOff", type: "bool", title: inputTitle("Turn off the Fan on the idle systems?"), defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true, width: 6) paragraph("", width: 2) } def statModes = getThermostatModes() if (settings?.hvacOff) input(name: "hvacOn", type: "enum", title: inputTitle("Return HVAC to"), defaultValue: "Prior State", options: statModes, width: 4) if (settings?.fanOff) { if (!settings?.hvacOff) paragraph("", width: 4) def fanModes = getThermostatFanModes() input(name: "fanOn", type: "enum", title: inputTitle("Return Fan to"), defaultValue: "Prior State", options: fanModes, width: 4) if (settings?.fanOn == 'Circulate') input(name: "fanOnTime", type: "number", title: inputTitle("Fan Circulation Time (minutes)"), range: 1..55, defaultValue: 20, submitOnChange: true, width: 4) } } section (title: sectionTitle("Isolated Mode: Conditions")) { paragraph "Choose one or more conditions; thermostat modes will be changed only when ALL of these are true" if (!settings?.busyStates) { app.updateSetting("busyStates", "cool"); settings.busyStates = "cool"; } input(name: "actionDays", type: "enum", title: smallerTitle("Only on these days of the week"), multiple: true, required: false, submitOnChange: true, options: ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"], width: 5) paragraph(smallerTitle("Only during this time period:"), width: 3) input(name: "fromTime", type: "time", title: inputTitle("From:"), required: false, submitOnChange: true, width: 2) //paragraph("", width: 8) input(name: "toTime", type: "time", title: inputTitle("To:"), required: (settings?.fromTime != null), submitOnChange: true, width: 2) //def between = ((settings.fromTime != null) && (settings.toTime != null)) ? myTimeOfDayIsBetween(timeToday(fromTime), timeToday(toTime), new Date(), location.timeZone) : true paragraph(getFormat("note","All thermostats will be returned to the 'on' Mode outside of the above conditions")) } } section(title: sectionTitle("Operations")) { input(name: "minimize", title: inputTitle("Minimize settings text"), type: "bool", required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true, width: 3) input(name: "tempDisable", title: inputTitle("Pause this Helper"), type: "bool", required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true, width: 3) input(name: "debugOff", title: inputTitle("Disable debug logging"), type: "bool", required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true, width: 3) input(name: "infoOff", title: inputTitle("Disable info logging"), type: "bool", required: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true, width: 3) } // Standard footer section() { paragraph(getFormat("line")+"
Copyright \u00a9 2017-2020 Barry A. Burke - All rights reserved.
"+ "Your " + "PayPal Logo" + "donation is appreciated!
" ) } } } // Main functions void installed() { LOG("Installed with settings ${settings}", 4, null, 'trace') atomicState.HVACModeState = 'unknown' atomicState.runningThermostat = '' initialize() } void updated() { LOG("Updated with settings ${settings}", 4, null, 'trace') unsubscribe() unschedule() initialize() } def initialize() { LOG("${getVersionLabel()} Initializing (${settings?.helperMode})...", 2, "", 'info') atomicState.versionLabel = getVersionLabel() updateMyLabel() boolean isolate = (settings?.helperMode == 'isolate') boolean cooperate = (settings?.helperMode == 'isolate') if (cooperate) { // Get slaves into a known state slaveThermostats.each { stat -> String ncTh= stat.currentValue('thermostatHold', true) if (ncTh == 'hold') { if (state."${stat.displayName}-currProg" == null) { state."${stat.displayName}-currProg" = stat.currentValue('currentProgram', true) if (state."${stat.displayName}-currProg" == 'null') state."${stat.displayName}-currProg" = null // it really IS null! } if (state."${stat.displayName}-holdType" == null) { state."${stat.displayName}-holdType" = stat.currentValue('lastHoldType', true) } } else { state."${stat.displayName}-currProg" = null state."${stat.displayName}-holdType" = null } } } // Now, just exit if we are disabled... if (settings.tempDisable) { LOG("Temporarily Paused", 3, null, 'info') return true } if (settings.debugOff) log.info "log.debug() logging disabled" if (cooperate) { // check the master, but give it a few seconds first runIn (5, "theAdjuster", [overwrite: true]) // and finally, subscribe to thermostatOperatingState changes subscribe( masterThermostat, 'thermostatOperatingState', masterFanStateHandler ) subscribe( slaveThermostats, 'thermostatOperatingState', changeHandler ) subscribe( slaveThermostats, 'temperature', changeHandler ) subscribe( slaveThermostats, 'heatingSetpoint', changeHandler ) subscribe( slaveThermostats, 'coolingSetpoint', changeHandler ) subscribe( slaveThermostats, 'temperature', changeHandler ) // subscribe( slaveThermostats, 'currentProgram', changeHandler ) } else if (isolate) { subscribe(theThermostats, 'thermostatOperatingState', thermostatHandler) updateMyLabel() } LOG("initialize() complete", 3, null, 'trace') } // COOPERATIVE MODE METHODS def changeHandler(evt) { LOG("${evt.displayName} ${evt.name} ${evt.value}",4,null,'trace') runIn(2, 'theAdjuster', [overwrite: true]) // collapse multiple simultaneous events } def masterFanStateHandler(evt=null) { LOG("${evt.displayName} ${evt.name} ${evt.value}",4,null,'trace') runIn(2, 'theAdjuster', [overwrite: true]) // (backwards compatibility } void theAdjuster() { def masterOpState = masterThermostat.currentValue('thermostatOperatingState', true) LOG("theAdjuster() - master thermostatOperatingState = ${masterOpState}", 3, null, 'info') switch (masterOpState) { case 'fan only': // master is fan-only, turn on fan for any slaves not already running their fan if ((settings.shareFan == null) || settings.shareFan) { slaveThermostats.each { stat -> def statOpState = stat.currentValue('thermostatOperatingState', true) if (statOpState == 'idle') { setFanOn(stat) // stat.setThermostatFanMode('on', 'nextTransition') } } } else if (settings.shareHeat || settings.shareCool) { slaveThermostats.each { stat -> setFanAuto(stat) } } break; case 'idle': slaveThermostats.each { stat -> ncCpn = stat.currentValue('currentProgramName', true) if (ncCpn == 'Hold: Fan On') { setFanAuto(stat) } } break; case 'heating': if (settings.shareHeat) { slaveThermostats.each { stat -> def statOpState = stat.currentValue('thermostatOperatingState', true) if (statOpState == 'heating') { setFanAuto(stat) // stat.resumeProgram(true) // should get us back to desired fan mode } else if (statOpState == 'fanOnly') { // See if we are holding the fan but don't need the heat any more String ncCpn = stat.currentValue('currentProgramName', true) if (ncCpn == 'Hold: Fan On') { def heatTo = stat.currentValue('heatingSetpoint', true) if (heatTo != null) { def temp = stat.currentValue('temperature', true) if (temp != null) { def heatAt = stat.currentValue('heatAtSetpoint', true) if (heatAt != null) { if ((temp >= heatTo) || (temp < heatAt)) { // This Zone has reached its target, stop stealing heat setFanAuto(stat) // stat.setThermostatFanMode('on', 'nextTransition') // turn the fan on to leech some heat } } } } } } else if (statOpState == 'idle') { def heatTo = stat.currentValue('heatingSetpoint', true) if (heatTo != null) { def temp = stat.currentValue('temperature', true) if (temp != null) { def heatAt = stat.currentValue('heatAtSetpoint', true) if (heatAt != null) { if ((temp < heatTo) && (temp > heatAt)) { setFanOn(stat) // stat.setThermostatFanMode('on', 'nextTransition') // turn the fan on to leech some heat } } } } } else { // Must be 'cooling' String ncCpn = stat.currentValue('currentProgramName', true) if (ncCpn == 'Hold: Fan On') setFanAuto(stat) // Just make sure fan is in Auto mode } } } else { // not sharing (leeching) heat if ((settings.shareFan == null) || settings.shareFan) { // but we are sharing fan - turn off fan to avoid overheating this zone slaveThermostats.each { stat -> String ncCpn = stat.currentValue('currentProgramName', true) if (ncCpn == 'Hold: Fan On') { setFanAuto(stat) } } } } break; case 'cooling': if (settings.shareCool) { slaveThermostats.each { stat-> def statOpState = stat.currentValue('thermostatOperatingState', true) if (statOpState == 'cooling') { // We are cooling too - double-check that fan is in Auto mode setFanAuto(stat) } else if (statOpState == 'fanOnly') { // Check if we are holding the fan but don't need the cool any more String ncCpn = stat.currentValue('currentProgramName', true) if (ncCpn == 'Hold: Fan On') { def coolTo = stat.currentValue('coolingSetpoint', true) if (coolTo != null) { def temp = stat.currentValue('temperature', true) if (temp != null) { def coolAt = stat.currentValue('coolAtSetpoint', true) if (coolAt != null) { if ((temp <= coolTo) || (temp > coolAt)) { // This Zone has reached its target, stop stealing cool setFanAuto(stat) // stat.setThermostatFanMode('on', 'nextTransition') // turn the fan on to leech some heat } } } } } } else if (statOpState == 'idle') { // Check if we need the cool def coolTo = stat.currentValue('coolingSetpoint', true) if (coolTo != null) { def temp = stat.currentValue('temperature', true) if (temp != null) { def coolAt = stat.currentValue('coolAtSetpoint', true) if (coolAt != null) { if ((temp > coolSp) && (temp < coolAt)) { setFanOn(stat) } } } } } else { // Must be 'heating' String ncCpn = stat.currentValue('currentProgramName', true) if (ncCpn == 'Hold: Fan On') setFanAuto(stat) // Just make sure fan is in Auto mode } } } else { // not sharing (leeching) cool if ((settings.shareFan == null) || settings.shareFan) { // but we are sharing fan - turn off fan to avoid overcooling this zone slaveThermostats.each { stat -> String ncCpn = stat.currentValue('currentProgramName', true) if (ncCpn == 'Hold: Fan On') { // set auto for now, so we don't break fanMinOnTime/Circulation setFanAuto(stat) } } } } break; default: // we ignore the other possible OperatingStates (e.g., 'pendhing heat', etc.) slaveThermostats.each { stat -> String ncCpn = stat.currentValue('currentProgramName', true) if (ncCpn == 'Hold: Fan On') setFanAuto(stat) } break; } } void setFanAuto(stat) { def oldProg = state."${stat.displayName}-currProg" if (oldProg) { String ncCp = stat.currentValue('currentProgram', true) if (ncCp != oldProg) stat.setThermostatProgram(oldProg, state."${stat.displayName}-holdType") state."${stat.displayName}-currProg" = null state."${stat.displayName}-holdType" = null } def fanMOT = stat.currentValue('fanMinOnTime', true) if ((fanMOT != null) && (fanMOT != 0)) { String ncTfmd = stat.currentValue('thermostatFanModeDisplay', true) if (ncTfmd != 'circulate') { stat.setThermostatFanMode('circulate') LOG("${stat.displayName} fanMode = circulate", 3) } } else { String ncTfm = stat.currentValue('thermostatFanMode', true) if (ncTfm != 'auto') { stat.setThermostatFanMode('auto') LOG("${stat.displayName} fanMode = auto", 3) } } } void setFanOn(stat) { String ncCpn = stat.currentValue('currentProgramName', true) String ncTfm = stat.currentValue('thermostatFanMode', true) if ((ncCpn != 'Hold: Fan On') || (ncTfm != 'on')) { String ncTh = stat.currentValue('thermostatHold', true) if (ncTh == 'hold') { state."${stat.displayName}-holdType" = stat.currentValue('lastHoldType', true) state."${stat.displayName}-currProg" = stat.currentValue('currentProgram', true) if (state."${stat.displayName}-currProg" == 'null') state."${stat.displayName}-currProg" = null } stat.setThermostatFanMode('on', 'nextTransition') LOG("${stat.displayName} fanMode = on", 3) } } // ISOLATED MODE METHODS def thermostatHandler(evt) { String dni = evt.device.deviceNetworkId as String String tid = getDeviceId(dni) // First make sure we are supposed to be making changes now... boolean notNow = false if (!dayCheck()) { if (atomicState.HVACModeState != 'idle') LOG("Not configured to run Actions today, ignoring", 2, null, 'info') notNow = true } def between = ((settings.fromTime != null) && (settings.toTime != null)) ? myTimeOfDayIsBetween(timeToday(settings.fromTime), timeToday(settings.toTime), new Date(), location.timeZone) : true if (!notNow && !between) { if (atomicState.HVACModeState != 'idle') LOG('Not configured to run Actions at this time, ignoring', 2, null, 'info') notNow = true } if (notNow) { // Make sure that we leave all the systems turned on once we are outside the configured days & time window if (atomicState.HVACModeState == 'off') { theThermostats.each { stat -> turnOnHVAC(stat) } atomicState.HVACModeState == 'idle' // we'll only do this once... } } else if (evt.value.startsWith('idle') && (tid == atomicState.runningThermostat)) { // turn them all back on again atomicState.HVACModeState = 'on' atomicState.runningThermostat = '' theThermostats.each { stat -> if (stat.deviceNetworkId != dni) { turnOnHVAC(stat) } } } else if (settings?.busyStates?.contains(evt.value)) { // turn off all the other thermostats atomicState.runningThermostat = tid atomicState.HVACModeState = 'off' theThermostats.each { stat -> if (stat.deviceNetworkId != dni) { turnOffHVAC(stat) } } } else { LOG("thermostatHandler(): ${evt.name} = ${evt.value} for ${evt.device.displayName} - nothing to do...", 3, null, 'info') } } void turnOffHVAC(therm) { LOG("turnOffHVAC(${therm.displayName}}) entered...", 4,null,'info') if (settings.hvacOff) { String tid = getDeviceId(therm.deviceNetworkId) def tmpThermSavedState = atomicState.thermSavedState ?: [:] if (!tmpThermSavedState || !tmpThermSavedState[tid]) tmpThermSavedState[tid] = [:] // turn off the HVAC & save the state makeReservation(tid, 'modeOff') // make sure nobody else turns HVAC on until I'm ready String thermostatMode = therm.currentValue('thermostatMode', true) String thermostatFanMode = therm.currentValue('thermostatFanMode', true) def fanMinOnTime = (therm.currentValue('fanMinOnTime', true)) ?: 0 if (thermostatMode != 'off') { fanToo = false tmpThermSavedState[tid].mode = thermostatMode tmpThermSavedState[tid].fanMode = thermostatFanMode tmpThermSavedState[tid].fanTime = fanMinOnTime tmpThermSavedState[tid].HVACModeState = 'off' tmpThermSavedState[tid].wasAlreadyOff = false //therm.setThermostatMode('off') log.debug "therm.setThermostatMode( 'off' )" if (settings.fanOff) { makeReservation(tid, 'fanOff') //therm.setThermostatFanMode('off') // "Off" will also clear fanMinOnTime log.debug "therm.setThermostatFanMode( 'off' )" fanToo = true } LOG("${therm.displayName} Mode ${fanToo?'and Fan ':''}turned off (was ${thermostatMode}/${thermostatFanMode}-${fanMinOnTime})",3,null,'info') } else { tmpThermSavedState[tid].wasAlreadyOff = true tmpThermSavedState[tid].HVACModeState = 'off' } atomicState.thermSavedState = tmpThermSavedState LOG("turnOffHVAC(${therm.displayName}) - thermSavedState: ${atomicState.thermSavedState}", 4, null, 'debug') } } void turnOnHVAC(therm) { LOG("turnOnHVAC(${therm.displayName}) entered...", 4,null,'info') if (settings.hvacOff) { // turn on the HVAC String tid = getDeviceId(therm.deviceNetworkId) def tmpThermSavedState = atomicState.thermSavedState ?: [:] if (!tmpThermSavedState || !tmpThermSavedState[tid]) tmpThermSavedState[tid] = [:] String currentMode = therm.currentValue('thermostatMode', true) // Better be "off" String thermostatMode String thermostatFanMode def fanMinOnTime = 0 if (settings.hvacOn == "Prior State") { thermostatMode = tmpThermSavedState[tid].mode if (settings.fanOff) { if (settings.fanOn) { if (settings.fanOn == "Prior State") { thermostatFanMode = tmpThermSavedState[tid].fanMode fanMinOnTime = tmpThermSavedState[tid].fanTime }else { thermostatFanMode = settings.fanOn if (settings.fanOn == "Circulate") { fanMinOnTime = settings.fanOnTime ?: 20 } } } } } else { thermostatMode = settings.hvacOn if (settings.fanOff) { if (settings.fanOn) { if (settings.fanOn == "Prior State") { thermostatFanMode = tmpThermSavedState[tid].fanMode fanMinOnTime = tmpThermSavedState[tid].fanTime } else { thermostatFanMode = settings.fanOn if (settings.fanOn == "Circulate") { fanMinOnTime = settings.fanOnTime ?: 20 } } } } } if (currentMode == 'off') { int i = countReservations( tid, 'modeOff' ) - (haveReservation(tid, 'modeOff') ? 1 : 0) if (i > 0) { // Currently off, and somebody besides me has a reservation - just release my reservation cancelReservation(tid, 'modeOff') notReserved = false LOG("Cannot change ${therm.displayName} to ${thermostatMode.capitalize()} - ${getGuestList(tid, 'modeOff').toString()[1..-2]} hold 'modeOff' reservations",1,null,'warn') } else { // Nobody else but me has a reservation cancelReservation(tid, 'modeOff') if (tmpThermSavedState[tid].containsKey('wasAlreadyOff') && (tmpThermSavedState[tid].wasAlreadyOff == false)) { tmpThermSavedState[tid].HVACModeState = 'on' tmpThermSavedState[tid].mode = thermostatMode //therm.setThermostatMode( thermostatMode ) log.debug "therm.setThermostatMode( ${thermostatMode} )" boolean andFan = false if (settings.fanOff) { i = countReservations( tid, 'fanOff' ) - (haveReservation(tid, 'fanOff') ? 1 : 0) if (i > 0) { // Currently off, and somebody besides me has a reservation - just release my reservation cancelReservation(tid, 'fanOff') LOG("Cannot change ${therm.displayName} to ${thermostatFanMode.capitalize()} - ${getGuestList(tid, 'fanOff').toString()[1..-2]} hold 'fanOff' reservations",1,null,'warn') } else { // Nobody else but me has a reservation cancelReservation(tid, 'fanOff') currentFanTime = therm.currentValue('fanMinOnTime', true) if (fanMinOnTime != currentFanTime) { andFan = true therm.setFanMinOnTime = fanMinOnTime log.debug "therm.setFanMinOnTime( ${fanMinOnTime} )" } currentFanMode = therm.currentValue('thermostatFanMode', true) if (thermostatFanMode != currentFanMode) { andFan = true therm.setFanMode(thermostatFanMode) log.debug "therm.setThermostatFanMode( ${thermostatFanMode} )" } } } LOG("${therm.displayName} ${thermostatMode.capitalize()} Mode ${andFan?'and Fan':''} restored (was ${currentMode.capitalize()})",3,null,'info') } else { LOG("${therm.displayName} was already off, not turning back on",3,null,'info') } } } else if (currentMode == thermostatMode) { LOG("${therm.displayName} is already in ${thermostatMode.capitalize()}",3,null,'info') tmpThermSavedState[tid].HVACModeState = 'on' } atomicState.thermSavedState = tmpThermSavedState } } // Helper Functions // SmartThings internal function format (Strings instead of Dates) private myTimeOfDayIsBetween(String fromTime, String toTime, Date checkDate, String timeZone) { log.debug "fromTime: ${fromTime}" return myTimeOfDayIsBetween(timeToday(fromTime), timeToday(toTime), checkDate, timeZone) } private myTimeOfDayIsBetween(Date fromDate, Date toDate, Date checkDate, timeZone) { if (toDate == fromDate) { return false // blocks the whole day } else if (toDate < fromDate) { if (checkDate.before(fromDate)) { fromDate = fromDate - 1 } else { toDate = toDate + 1 } } return (!checkDate.before(fromDate) && !checkDate.after(toDate)) } private toDateTime( str ) { return timeToday( str ) } def getShortTime( date ) { Date dt = timeToday( date ) def df = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("h:mm a") df.setTimeZone(location.timeZone) return df.format( dt ) } private boolean dayCheck() { if (!settings.actionDays) return true def df = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("EEEE") // Ensure the new date object is set to local time zone df.setTimeZone(location.timeZone) def day = df.format(new Date()) //Does the preference input Days, i.e., days-of-week, contain today? return (actionDays.contains(day)) } // Reservation Management Functions - Now implemented in Ecobee Suite Manager void makeReservation(String tid, String type='modeOff' ) { parent.makeReservation( tid, app.id as String, type ) } // Cancel my reservation void cancelReservation(String tid, String type='modeOff') { //log.debug "cancel ${tid}, ${type}" parent.cancelReservation( tid, app.id as String, type ) } // Do I have a reservation? Boolean haveReservation(String tid, String type='modeOff') { return parent.haveReservation( tid, app.id as String, type ) } // Do any Apps have reservations? Boolean anyReservations(String tid, String type='modeOff') { return parent.anyReservations( tid, type ) } // How many apps have reservations? Integer countReservations(String tid, String type='modeOff') { return parent.countReservations( tid, type ) } // Get the list of app IDs that have reservations List getReservations(String tid, String type='modeOff') { return parent.getReservations( tid, type ) } // Get the list of app Names that have reservations List getGuestList(String tid, String type='modeOff') { return parent.getGuestList( tid, type ) } void updateMyLabel() { String flag = ' (paused)' if (app.label != newLabel) app.updateLabel(newLabel) } else { if (app.label != myLabel) app.updateLabel(myLabel) } } def pauseOn(global = false) { // Pause this Helper atomicState.wasAlreadyPaused = settings.tempDisable //!atomicState.globalPause) if (!settings.tempDisable) { LOG("pauseOn(${global}) - performing ${global?'Global':'Helper'} Pause",2,null,'info') app.updateSetting("tempDisable", true) settings.tempDisable = true atomicState.globalPause = global runIn(2, updated, [overwrite: true]) // updateMyLabel() } else { LOG("pauseOn(${global}) - was already paused...",3,null,'info') } } def pauseOff(global = false) { // Un-pause this Helper if (settings.tempDisable) { // Allow peer Apps to individually re-enable anytime // NB: they won't be able to unpause us if we are in a global pause (they will also be paused) if (!global || !atomicState.wasAlreadyPaused) { // LOG("pauseOff(${global}) - performing ${global?'Global':'Helper'} Unpause",2,null,'info') app.updateSetting("tempDisable", false) settings.tempDisable = false atomicState.wasAlreadyPaused = false runIn(2, updated, [overwrite: true]) } else { LOG("pauseOff(${global}) - was already paused before Global Pause, ignoring...",3,null,'info') } } else { LOG("pauseOff(${global}) - not currently paused...",3,null,'info') atomicState.wasAlreadyPaused = false } atomicState.globalPause = global } // Thermostat Programs & Modes List getThermostatModes() { def statModes = [] def tm = [] if (settings.theThermostats) { settings.theThermostats?.each { stat -> tm = new JsonSlurper().parseText(stat.currentValue('supportedThermostatModes', true)) if (statModes == []) { if (tm) statModes = tm } else { if (tm) statModes = statModes.intersect(tm) } } } if (statModes == []) statModes = ["off","heat","cool","auto","auxHeatOnly"] return ["Prior State"] + statModes*.capitalize().sort(false) } List getThermostatFanModes() { def fanModes = [] def tfm = [] if (settings?.theThermostats) { settings.theThermostats.each { stat -> tfm = new JsonSlurper().parseText(stat.currentValue('supportedThermostatFanModes', true)) if (tfm) fanModes = (fanModes == []) ? tfm : fanModes.intersect(tfm) } } if (fanModes == []) fanModes = ["off", "auto", "circulate", "on"] return ["Prior State"] + fanModes*.capitalize().sort(false) } String getDeviceId(networkId) { return networkId.split(/\./).last() } void LOG(message, level=3, child=null, logType="debug", event=true, displayEvent=true) { switch (logType) { case 'error': log.error message break; case 'warn': log.warn message break; case 'trace': log.trace message break; case 'info': if (!settings?.infoOff) log.info message break; case 'debug': default: if (!settings?.debugOff) log.debug message break; } } String getTheBee () { return ''} String getTheBeeLogo() { return ''} String getTheSectionBeeLogo() { return ''} String getTheBeeUrl () { return "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SANdood/Icons/master/Ecobee/ecobee-logo-1x.jpg" } String getTheBlank () { return ''} String pageTitle (String txt) { return getFormat('header-ecobee','

'+(txt.contains("\n") ? ''+txt.replace("\n","\n") : txt )+'

') } String pageTitleOld (String txt) { return getFormat('header-ecobee','


') } String sectionTitle (String txt) { return getTheSectionBeeLogo() + getFormat('header-nobee','


') } String smallerTitle (String txt) { return txt ? ('


') : '' } //
String sampleTitle (String txt) { return ''+txt+'' } String inputTitle (String txt) { return ''+txt+'' } String getWarningText() { return "WARNING: " } String getFormat(type, myText=""){ switch(type) { case "header-ecobee": return "
" break; case "header-nobee": return "
" break; case "line": return "
" break; case "title": return "


" break; case "warning": return "WARNING: ${myText}" break; case "note": return "NOTE: ${myText}" break; default: return myText break; } } // SmartThings/Hubitat Portability Library (SHPL) // Copyright (c) 2019-2020, Barry A. Burke (storageanarchy@gmail.com) String getPlatform() { return 'Hubitat' } // if (platform == 'SmartThings') ... boolean getIsST() { return false } boolean getIsHE() { return true } String getHubPlatform() { return 'Hubitat' } boolean getIsSTHub() { return false } // if (isSTHub) ... boolean getIsHEHub() { return true } // if (isHEHub) ... def getParentSetting(String settingName) { return parent?."${settingName}" } @Field String hubPlatform = 'Hubitat' @Field boolean ST = false @Field boolean HE = true @Field String debug = 'debug' @Field String error = 'error' @Field String info = 'info' @Field String trace = 'trace' @Field String warn = 'warn'