apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1 kind: WorkflowTemplate metadata: name: code-pipeline # executable id, must be unique across all your workflows (YAML files), please modify this to any value (e.g. code-pipeline-12345) if you are not the only user of your SAP AI Core instance. annotations: scenarios.ai.sap.com/description: "Tutorial to add custom code to SAP AI Core" scenarios.ai.sap.com/name: "Code (Tutorial)" executables.ai.sap.com/description: "Trains model on median house prices" executables.ai.sap.com/name: "House Price (Sklearn Example)" labels: scenarios.ai.sap.com/id: "learning-code" ai.sap.com/version: "1.0" spec: imagePullSecrets: - name: credstutorialrepo # your docker registry secret entrypoint: mypipeline templates: - name: mypipeline steps: - - name: mypredictor template: mycodeblock1 - name: mycodeblock1 container: image: docker.io//house-price:01 # Your docker image name command: ["/bin/sh", "-c"] args: - "python /app/src/main.py"