!function(e){function t(o){if(a[o])return a[o].exports;var i=a[o]={i:o,l:!1,exports:{}};return e[o].call(i.exports,i,i.exports,t),i.l=!0,i.exports}var a={};t.m=e,t.c=a,t.i=function(e){return e},t.d=function(e,a,o){t.o(e,a)||Object.defineProperty(e,a,{configurable:!1,enumerable:!0,get:o})},t.n=function(e){var a=e&&e.__esModule?function(){return e.default}:function(){return e};return t.d(a,"a",a),a},t.o=function(e,t){return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e,t)},t.p="",t(t.s=11)}({0:function(e,t){e.exports={booth1:[{type:"break",duration:20},{title:"Metadata-Driven Controls with Rest Services",speaker:"Martin Schaus",type:"Session",duration:40,abstract:"
Concepts of upcoming features of UI5 to ease creation of building blocks and connection of controls to Rest Service Metadata.
",material:{Slides:"https://www.slideshare.net/secret/wMTHxj7t7qk9tU"}},{type:"break",duration:10},{title:"New Demo Kit - Your Way to UI5",speaker:"Petya Begovska",type:"Session",duration:40,abstract:"The starting point for everyone working with UI5 is the Demo Kit Application. Here you can find all the needed information such as API Reference, Developer Guide, Samples and Demo apps.
Now, it is completely redesigned to showcase the innovative, responsive and multi theme capable UI5 framework!
Come and see the new Demo Kit app accessible on any device, with modern look and feel and easy to use. Provide your valuable feedback so we can make it even better!
",material:{Slides:"https://www.slideshare.net/PetyaBegovska/new-demo-kit-your-way-to-ui5",Demo:"https://openui5nightly.hana.ondemand.com"}},{type:"break",duration:10},{title:"Adapting UI @ Runtime",speaker:"Mikhail Benderskiy, Christian Voshage",type:"Session",duration:40,abstract:"Your application users have various good reasons for adapting their UI: to support their own business cases more efficient, to simplify workflows or to improve usability. Join us in this session to learn, why SAPUI5s innovative solution - UI Adaptation at Runtime (RTA) makes at as simple and efficient as never before, discuss your use-cases with our experts and share your own experience about UI extensibility! Complicated was in the past, now comes Flexibility!"},{type:"break",duration:50},{title:"SEO for OpenUI5 Apps",speaker:"Yavor Ivanov",type:"Session",duration:40,abstract:"You use openui5 to build your publicly facing home page and site content. There are few tricks you can use to make sure search engines can find and understand your content. You will learn about structuring your links, JS rendering of dynamic content and more advanced topics like pre-rendering.",material:{Slides:"https://www.slideshare.net/YavorIvanov6/ui5con-seo-for-openui5-apps"}},{type:"break",duration:10},{title:"Components – More Performance!",speaker:"Peter Muessig, Matthias Oßwald",type:"Session",duration:40,abstract:"Describes the components concepts and especially the concept of the descriptor with regards to performance improvements (manifest first, async loading, model preloading, ...)",material:{Slides:"https://de.slideshare.net/PeterMuessig1/ui5con-2017-ui5-components-more-performance"}},{type:"break",duration:10},{title:"Create your own UI5 controls – what’s coming up",speaker:"Andreas Kunz",type:"Session",duration:40,abstract:"Have you developed your own UI5 controls? Yes? It’s getting even easier now! We are working on new ways to bind data within composite controls and to even declare controls by combining others in so-called "FragmentControls"! (straight from the lab, never seen before)
",material:{Slides:"https://www.slideshare.net/andreaskunz/ui5con-2017-create-your-own-ui5-controls-whats-coming-up",GitHub:"https://github.com/akudev/UI5con2017-ControlDevNews",Demo:"https://rawgit.com/akudev/UI5con2017-ControlDevNews/master/www/index.html"}},{type:"break",duration:10},{title:"Time or Money? Time (DateFormat) and Money (NumberFormat)!",speaker:"Jiawei Cao, Malte Wedel",type:"Session",duration:40,abstract:"With UI5, you don’t need to struggle with the dilemmas of happiness which oblige you to choose one from time and money. You can have both of them! Oh, here we mean that you can have both time and money perfectly formatted across different locales.
In this session, we will present the most exciting features of core.format.NumberFormat and core.format.DateFormat with interactive examples. We will demonstrate how we tackle the seemingly easy but actual complicated task to perfectly format date and number across different locales.
",material:{Slides:"https://stopcoder.github.io/ui5con2017-formatters"}},{type:"break",duration:10},{title:"Effortless OPA testing with Gherkin Reusable Specs",speaker:"Savio Dimatteo",type:"Session",duration:40,abstract:"One Page Acceptance Tests (OPA5) enable developers to test UI5 applications from the interaction point of view with relative ease. OPA5 can be further combined with Gherkin which provides a framework to describe test scenarios in natural language. With OPA5 and Gherkin in place, the developer must close a gap: translate sentences from natural language into code that runs the OPA tests.
In this talk I show how to bypass this time-consuming activity, and have the developer's focus shifted toward writing the actual test specification in natural language rather than code.
"},{type:"break",duration:20}],booth2:[{type:"break",duration:20},{title:"Behavior-Driven Development with OPA5 automated tests",speaker:"András Kónya, Lóránt Guth",type:"Session",duration:40,abstract:"Imagine a world where development and business can understand each other without using lengthy code lines. Applying human-readable language you will have the possibility to enable everyone in your team, even your customers, to create business driven automated tests.
Our solution will lead your agile workflow towards acceptance testing using OPA5 and Cucumber over Fiori stack which provide basis for behavior driven development.
We are going to present a Cucumber and OPA5-based test automation framework where users write test scenarios adopting human-readable Gherkin language. Additionally, we will talk about the key test concepts of healthy test automation pyramids, appropriate placement of test levels, and misconcepts about TDD and BDD.
",material:{Slides:"https://www.slideshare.net/secret/I8CXYMujuQnVjZ"}},{type:"break",duration:10},{title:"The OpenUI5 Developer Blog - Behind the Scenes",speaker:"Holger Schäfer",type:"Session",duration:40,abstract:"Showcasing the apps and controls behind the blog for further Q&A"},{type:"break",duration:10},{title:"Advanced Charting Controls Coming to UI5",speaker:"Ondrej Bohaciak, Vaclav Vopenka",type:"Session",duration:40,abstract:"We will present newly released and upcoming controls which we have developed in Brno Suite Controls team. We will have prototypes and demos ready for the upcoming controls and demo apps for released controls. We’ll be happy to answer any questions regarding implementation of our controls in your apps.",material:{Slides:"https://www.slideshare.net/OndrejBohaiak/advanced-charting-controls-coming-to-ui5"}},{type:"break",duration:50},{title:"Virtual Tour around a Company Site with UI5",speaker:"Helmut Tammen",type:"Session",duration:40,abstract:"In this session you will see a virtual 3D tour around a company site. The employees of the customer wanted to have a graphical visualization of their huge factory site.
The users can now fly above their production areas. If they have found the production hall of interest they can walk inside and have a look at the production equipment. For further investigation they can dive deeper and deeper. There are two modes of visualization available. The Free Flight and the Egoshooter mode.
Furthermore the users can jump into SAP PM transactions, into OpenText documents and other systems to get more information related to the selected equipment.
All this is achieved by using SAPUI5 and the sap.ui.vk library. Cause the standard library did not completely fulfill the users requirements in respect to usability we enhanced the vk library using some technologies and ideas from WebGL and Three.js
Come to Booth 2 from 2:00 PM to 2:40 PM and I will show you whats possible with UI5 in the field of 3D visualization.
",material:{Slides:"https://www.slideshare.net/HelmutTammen/ui5con-virtual-touraroundacompanysitewithui5"}},{type:"break",duration:10},{title:"Teaser: Implementing Custom Tiles for SAP Fiori Launchpad as SAPUI5 Components",speaker:"Stephan Heyne",type:"Session",duration:40,abstract:"Custom SAP Fiori launchpad tiles can now be developed similar like SAPUI5 apps are created. This session is marked as a teaser as this is a new approach which is not yet available on all Fiori technology stacks.",material:{Slides:"https://de.slideshare.net/StephanHeyne/implementing-custom-tiles-for-sap-fiori-launchpad/StephanHeyne/implementing-custom-tiles-for-sap-fiori-launchpad",GitHub:"https://github.com/heynest/fiori-launchpad-custom-tile"}},{type:"break",duration:10},{title:"Code-free Fiori Apps with SAP Web IDE RAD and Layout Editor",speaker:"Vered Constantin",type:"Session",duration:40,abstract:"Did you know you can create beautiful SAP Fiori applications without any coding?
This is now possible with the innovative SAP Web IDE RAD perspective that allows you to view and modify your application using visual editors.
You don't have to deal with complex technologies no more, from now on you can use SAP Web IDE RAD perspective and layout editor to add pages to your app, edit the UI, drag & drop controls, create event handlers, add bindings and much more.
All without a single line of code!
"},{type:"break",duration:10},{title:"Drafts: Extending Two-Way Binding to Provide an Editing Concept",speaker:"Ian Robert Taylor, Dirk Teufel",type:"Session",duration:40,abstract:"In this Demo Booth session we will explain the concepts of Drafts, which enable a concept for editing entities.
Two way binding provides a mechanism to maintain entities, but does not offer the feature to lock an entity during editing nor the option to control the visibility of a changed entity.
In this session we examine the features needed from OData and from Function Imports that provide the mechanism to enable Drafts in a Freestyle Fiori App according to the SAP Fiori UX Guidelines.
",material:{Slides:"https://www.slideshare.net/secret/r2j7FMHv29Ck8f"}},{type:"break",duration:10},{title:"A hitchhiker‘s guide to the UI5 demo apps & tutorials",speaker:"Elena Makarenko",type:"Session",abstract:"There are many hidden gems waiting to be discovered in our demo kit and we consistently update our demo apps and tutorials to reflect the latest recommendations of the UI5 framework. See how you can quickly get up to speed and where to find essential features that you can re-use in your application projects. Enjoy a free tour across our Demo Apps, Tools, Templates, and Tutorials to find out the true meaning of code, the UI5verse, and everything.",duration:40},{type:"break",duration:20}],booth3:[{type:"break",duration:10},{title:"UI5 Controls for Document Handling",speaker:"Pia Kinkel, Christoph Laux",type:"Session",duration:40,material:{"ProcessFlow Sample":"https://sapui5.hana.ondemand.com/explored.html#/entity/sap.suite.ui.commons.ProcessFlow/samples","ProcessFlow UX Guideline":" https://experience.sap.com/fiori-design-web/process-flow/","UploadCollection Sample":"https://sapui5.hana.ondemand.com/explored.html#/entity/sap.m.UploadCollection/samples","UploadCollection UX Guideline":"https://sapui5.hana.ondemand.com/explored.html#/entity/sap.m.UploadCollection/samples"},abstract:"Complex process flows and document flows are clear and understandable when you use the ProcessFlow control. The ProcessFlow control visualizes documents or other items and their dependencies. Attaching documents to an app is easy when you use the UploadCollection control that includes features such as Multiple Upload, Drag&Drop, Sorting, Filtering."},{title:"Embedded Analytics with Charts",speaker:"Pia Kinkel, Christoph Laux, Bohdan Pukalskyi",type:"Session",duration:40,material:{"Microcharts in Table Sample":"https://sapui5.hana.ondemand.com/explored.html#/sample/sap.suite.ui.microchart.sample.MicroChartsInTable/preview","Microcharts UX Guideline":"https://experience.sap.com/fiori-design-web/micro-chart/","InteractiveBarChart Samples":"https://sapui5.hana.ondemand.com/explored.html#/entity/sap.suite.ui.microchart. InteractiveBarChart/samples","InteractiveLineChart Samples":"https://sapui5.hana.ondemand.com/explored.html#/entity/sap.suite.ui.microchart. InteractiveLineChart/samples","InteractiveDonutChart Samples":"https://sapui5.hana.ondemand.com/explored.html#/entity/sap.suite.ui.microchart.InteractiveDonutChart/samples"},abstract:"Learn how to use various types of charts in different sizes and form factors to provide analytical insights in your application."},{title:"Developer Clinic: UI5 Controls",speaker:"Pia Kinkel, Bohdan Pukalskyi, Dominic Holzwarth",type:"Session",duration:60,abstract:"Get answers to your questions about UI5 Controls - such as GenericTile, MicroCharts, ProcessFlow, and many more."},{title:"How to Build an Ice Cream Machine with UI5 Controls",speaker:"Christoph Laux, Bohdan Pukalskyi",type:"Session",duration:60,abstract:"In our UI5 demo app, you'll learn to build an ice cream machine. We will show the demo app and a tutorial with a step-by-step explanation of how to build this app using various UI5 Controls."},{title:"Tiles in UI5",speaker:"Christoph Laux, Bohdan Pukalskyi",type:"Session",duration:60,material:{"GenericTile Samples":"https://sapui5.hana.ondemand.com/explored.html#/entity/sap.m.GenericTile/samples","SlideTile Samples":"https://sapui5.hana.ondemand.com/explored.html#/entity/sap.m.SlideTile /samples","Tiles UX Guideline":"https://experience.sap.com/fiori-design-web/tile/"},abstract:"A tile is a container that represents an app on the SAP Fiori launchpad . The Generic Tile control and related content provide a toolbox in UI5 that allows the display of a variety of content, such as news, KPIs or images."},{title:"Smart Micro Charts",speaker:" Bohdan Pukalskyi, Dominic Holzwarth",type:"Session",duration:60,abstract:"Use OData annotation with the SmartMicroChart control to add analytics to your application with less javascript coding."},{title:"Embedded Analytics with Charts",speaker:"Pia Kinkel, Christoph Laux, Bohdan Pukalskyi",type:"Session",duration:60,material:{"SmartMicroChart Samples":" https://sapui5.hana.ondemand.com/explored.html#/entity/sap.ui.comp.smartmicrochart.SmartMicroChart/samples","Microchart UX Guideline":"https://experience.sap.com/fiori-design-web/micro-chart/"},abstract:"Learn how to use various types of charts in different sizes and form factors to provide analytical insights in your application."},{title:"Integrate Feed Capabilities Using UI5 Controls",speaker:"Christoph Laux",type:"Session",duration:60,material:{"FeedInput Samples":"https://sapui5.hana.ondemand.com/explored.html#/entity/sap.m.FeedInput/samples","FeedListItem Samples":"https://sapui5.hana.ondemand.com/explored.html#/entity/sap.m.FeedListItem/samples","Feed UX Guideline":"https://experience.sap.com/fiori-design-web/feedinput/"},abstract:"Social media is ubiquitous, but a feed can also include system events or comments. UI5 provides a set of controls that support you in implementing feed capabilities for your application."}]}},1:function(e,t){e.exports={track1:[{title:"Opening",speaker:"Frederic Berg",type:"",duration:20,abstract:"",material:{Slides:"https://de.slideshare.net/frdrcbrg/ui5con-opening",Recording:"https://youtu.be/AX1y8S8U4FI?list=PLHUs_FUbq4dUb-YahNSkUJgIKOQR4EfIO"}},{title:"News around UI5 that you absolutely have to know",speaker:"Stefan Beck",type:"Key Note",duration:40,abstract:"SAPUI5 is evolving and thus best practices or recommended controls change over time. In this session, you'll get an update on the new supportability tool, the new DemoKit, new and updated controls, news in the framework like our plans towards OData V4 and improved Smart Controls. Finally we'll share some insights into more radical renovation activities that will come early in 2018.
",material:{Slides:"https://www.slideshare.net/StefanBeck13/news-about-ui5-that-you-absolutely-have-to-know-ui5con-2017",Recording:"https://youtu.be/lsLgPwQmOGw?list=PLHUs_FUbq4dUb-YahNSkUJgIKOQR4EfIO"}},{type:"break",duration:10,abstract:""},{title:"UI5 Evolution – performance, architecture, trends",speaker:"Peter Muessig, Andreas Ecker",type:"Lecture",duration:40,abstract:"This session will provide an overview about the UI5 evolution topic. UI5 evolution is thought as the innovation project of OpenUI5/SAPUI5 which focuses on improving the performance, fixing architectural gaps and embracing Open Source technologies. Our challenge will be to do this innovation in a compatible way so that also existing applications will partially benefit.
",material:{Slides:"https://de.slideshare.net/PeterMuessig1/ui5-evolution-77465160",Recording:"https://youtu.be/vZfxBXu6_Lc?list=PLHUs_FUbq4dUb-YahNSkUJgIKOQR4EfIO"}},{type:"break",duration:10,abstract:""},{title:" SAPUI5 on SAP HANA XSA - SAP Full-stack JavaScript Development",speaker:"HP Seitz",type:"Lecture",duration:40,abstract:"Especially with the availability of SAP HANA Express Edition since September 2016 every developer has the possibility to do full-stack JavaScript development with SAP Backend. The session will demonstrate utilizing SAPUI5 on the SAP HANA Platform with HANA XSA (Node.js) using SAP Web IDE for SAP HANA and also an external IDE like WebStorm.
This is the logical successor of the session "Full-stack JavaScript with OpenUI5" about the NEMO stack from the first UI5Con in Frankfurt.
",material:{Slides:"https://www.slideshare.net/hpseitz/sapui5-in-sap-hana-xsa-sap-fullstack-javascript-development"}},{type:"break",duration:10,abstract:""},{title:"Upcoming – UI5 OData V4 Model",speaker:"Patric Ksinsik, Thomas Chadzelek",type:"Lecture",duration:40,abstract:"Why is there the new OData Version 4.0 and how does UI5 support for it differ from OData V2 support? Learn about the architecture principles of the UI5 OData V4 model, its feature set and the current implementation status.
",material:{Slides:"https://www.slideshare.net/PatricKsinsik/ui5con-presentation-on-ui5-odata-v4-model",Recording:"https://youtu.be/J5L7KpBydSc?list=PLHUs_FUbq4dUb-YahNSkUJgIKOQR4EfIO"}},{type:"break",duration:50,abstract:""},{title:"Easy integrations with UI5",speaker:"Meredith Hassett",type:"Lecture",duration:20,abstract:"New to SAPUI5? Looking to learn more about integrations inside and out of SAP? In my session, we’ll take a look at how to integrate APIs, Business Services, and OData services with UI5. You’ll see how easy it is and be on your way to building an integrated application. We’ll use SAP technologies like Web IDE, Cloud Platform, and API Business Hub to show how easy it is to integrate your SAP world. You’ll come out with an understanding of Destinations, OData, AJAX, and REST APIs and be on your way to creating an application with UI5 using external data. 20 minutes is all you need to get started integrating with SAPUI5!
",material:{Recording:"https://youtu.be/rO8gKAwRLDA?list=PLHUs_FUbq4dUb-YahNSkUJgIKOQR4EfIO"}},{type:"break",duration:10,abstract:""},{title:"Collaborators wanted for UI5Lab - a Custom UI5 Repo",speaker:"Michael Graf, Emanuele Ricci",type:"Lecture",duration:20,abstract:'UI5 makes creation of custom controls and extensions of the framework very easy. With project "UI5Lab" - a community-driven initiative started in April - we created a concept for a public place to share, contribute, and consume these artifacts in your application projects. UI5Lab is an exceptional project where UI5 developers and the Community collaborate interactively on Slack, Trello, and GitHub to discuss best practices and drive the topic. We are jointly working on the project\'s mission and are actively looking for contributors in all areas of the project.
Join @michadelic and @stermi to see the current status of the UI5Lab prototype and learn how to contribute to make it a success!
WebVR is an open standard that makes it possible to experience Virtual Reality in the browser.
In this session I will show an example of OpenUI5 component for VR and a little extension with Mixed Reality.
",material:{Slides:"https://www.slideshare.net/DmitriyBuslov/mixed-reality-with-openui5",Recording:"https://youtu.be/1I24q7uXzWA?list=PLHUs_FUbq4dUb-YahNSkUJgIKOQR4EfIO"}},{type:"break",duration:10,abstract:""},{title:"From native Android to UI5",speaker:"Jan Zaruba, Tomas Krejci",type:"Lecture",duration:20,abstract:"Movement from native Android to UI5 in order to show the way over hybrid application with Cordova using native business logic. Problems, learnings and outlook to move it to JS.",material:{Slides:"https://owncloud.gk-software.com/owncloud/index.php/s/seZrruVRFrUbRkG",Recording:"https://youtu.be/wAKunjUtYqw?list=PLHUs_FUbq4dUb-YahNSkUJgIKOQR4EfIO"}},{type:"break",duration:10,abstract:""},{title:"IoT full stack scenario",speaker:"Mateusz Skadorwa, Tomasz Wilk",type:"Lecture",duration:40,abstract:"IoT is the future, and SAP HANA is already future compatible. Is SAPUI5 the door for the users, to enter?
IoT scenario will be presented, using such elements as Arduino, SAP HANA and SAPUI5.
Temperature data are put in the HANA database, they are displayed in UI5 application in a chart, update in real time.
The strong point of this presentation is the full stack development of IoT scenario, SAP makes it happen.
",material:{Recording:"https://youtu.be/JmqUB3bOdGs?list=PLHUs_FUbq4dUb-YahNSkUJgIKOQR4EfIO"}},{type:"break",duration:10,abstract:""},{title:"CI: Build process & automated testing of UI5 Apps",speaker:"Matthias Oßwald, Merlin Beutlberger",type:"Lecture",duration:40,abstract:"Learn how to continuously develop, build and test UI5 Apps using Open Source Node.js based tools.
You will see how to apply dependency loading, bundling, minification und automated testing in your UI5
",material:{Slides:"https://github.com/RandomByte/talks/blob/master/UI5con_at_SAP_2017/UI5con_CI_Lecture.pdf",GitHub:"https://github.com/SAP/openui5-sample-app",Recording:"https://youtu.be/TceM3zf8VSk?list=PLHUs_FUbq4dUb-YahNSkUJgIKOQR4EfIO"}},{type:"break",duration:10,abstract:""},{title:"Real-time Image Processing & Augmented Reality",speaker:"Volker Buzek",type:"Lecture",duration:40,abstract:"It all started with a Proof-of-Concept of a UI5 hybrid application for discrete object recognition on mobile devices. In the course of the PoC, research led to several experiments around the key words in the session title: from real-time Image manipulation via visual object recognition up to Augmented Reality flavors, all of that within the UI5 framework. I'd like to show the results of the experiments and evaluate their sustainability and production readiness.
",material:{Slides:"https://www.metalodge.com/ui5con2017_SAP/",Recording:"https://youtu.be/7jGqjoDJUqs?list=PLHUs_FUbq4dUb-YahNSkUJgIKOQR4EfIO"}},{type:"break",duration:20,abstract:""},{title:"Closing words",speaker:"",type:"",duration:10,abstract:""}],track2:[{title:"Opening (Broadcast)",speaker:"Frederic Berg",type:"",duration:20,abstract:""},{title:"News around UI5 that you absolutely have to know (Broadcast)",speaker:"Stefan Beck",type:"Key Note",duration:40,abstract:"SAPUI5 is evolving and thus best practices or recommended controls change over time. In this session, you'll get an update on the new supportability tool, the new DemoKit, new and updated controls, news in the framework like our plans towards OData V4 and improved Smart Controls. Finally we'll share some insights into more radical renovation activities that will come early in 2018."},{type:"break",duration:10,abstract:""},{title:" Open-sourcing Offline UI5 apps",speaker:" Tom Van Doorslaer",type:"Lecture",duration:40,abstract:"I admit, offline UI5 apps are not exactly "Wow!". It's been done before, many many times.Except that,… well I've done it many times according to the SAP Standards and using the SMP SDK. It’s tedious, and comes at a cost.So I figured: I can improve this.
Bit by bit, we'll tackle each of these issues and introduce:
This session covers the development of custom ESLint rules for UI5 projects.
Expand your static code checks to your specific needs - whether you want to make sure that certain coding standards are followed or some statements are not being used, you can do all of this with custom ESLint Rules integrating into your CI process.
"},{type:"break",duration:50,abstract:""},{title:" UI5 Supportability Reloaded",speaker:"Gergana Kremenska, Stanislava Baltova",type:"Lecture",duration:40,abstract:"In this session we will present the improvements we’ve added to SAPUI5 Supportability :
Since its foundation iTiZZiMO deals with SAP and integrated business apps. As OpenUI5 was released we were perfectly happy to have found a library to fulfill our requirements in terms of optics, performance and robustness. Since the first release of OpenUI5 we use the technology for the frontend design of our platform Simplifier that in turn allows the creation of further UI5 apps.
The Simplifier itself consists of three parts, the UI designer, the process designer and the code designer. We use several established elements of UI5 library but also developed own UI5 controls, mainly presented within the process designer. Here, the business logic of the application is created via Visual Scripting.
As most of our customers are SAP customers using OpenUI5 and SAPUI5 they of course prefer the SAP technology due to the trouble-free visualization of SAP-data for mobile devices.
So to say, we created a huge UI5 app creation machine with its UI based on OpenUI5.
We want to present our technology and custom UI5 controls to show the great variety of the UI framework and our own custom framework for process designing.
To get a brief overview, please visit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcZCekNxPhk
",material:{Recording:"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JqlldLNU_Uc&feature=youtu.be"}},{type:"break",duration:10,abstract:""},{title:"UI5 Apps beyond the office",speaker:"Denny Schreber",type:"Lecture",duration:20,abstract:"Session Description: In this session I will discuss options how UI5 web apps can be used as a basis for apps beyond your typical office requirements. While SAP Fiori apps and Fiori LaunchPad are the basis for SAPs Digital Workplace of the future, there exist much more possibilities how the web can be the basis for your digitalization efforts. We are looking into WebAPIs, standards such as WebRTC and 3rd party extensions and how this can be applied in enterprise settings. Adding Cloud APIs into the mix, lots of demand for feature-rich apps can already be fulfilled leveraging the web.",material:{Slides:"https://de.slideshare.net/DennySchreber/ui5-apps-beyond-the-office-ui5con"}},{type:"break",duration:10,abstract:""},{title:"Controlling UI5 Apps and FLP via Speech",speaker:"Aparna Narayanaswamy",type:"Lecture",duration:20,abstract:"Modern browsers provide Web Speech API, enabling the application of speech recognition in web applications.
We have developed an application that demonstrates how this browser capability can be leveraged in the FLP as a control mechanism.
",material:{Slides:"https://www.slideshare.net/AparnaN13/ui5con-controlling-ui5-app-and-flp-via-speech"}},{type:"break",duration:10,abstract:""},{title:"A modern OpenUI5 app project boilerplate",speaker:"Michael Dell, Jascha Quintern",type:"Lecture",duration:40,abstract:"Based on a public OpenUI5 boilerplate project (not published, yet) we want to share our experience and knowledge on how to setup and use a modern OpenUI5 app structure and build process by using Babel, Flow and Gulp (especially addressing non-SAP developers). Furthermore an overview of very useful best practices, does & don'ts and quick enhancements (like new useful methods in the app Component and BaseController) that should speed up your development workflow and that keep the app maintainable and scalable.",material:{Slides:"https://www.slideshare.net/MichaelDell3/ui5consap-2017-a-modern-openui5-app-project-boilerplate",GitHub:"https://github.com/pulseshift/openui5-gulp-starter-kit"}},{type:"break",duration:10,abstract:""},{title:"Keep an eye on SAPUI5 Flexibility",speaker:"Alexander Rauh, Sebastian Wennemers",type:"Lecture",duration:40,abstract:"What is SAP's new extensibility approach all about? Well, the key is flexibility. Partners and customers need to adapt the UIs of SAP apps, for example add, hide or rearrange fields. Sounds technical and complicated? SAPUI5 extensibility changes all that allowing upgrade-safe, modification-free, and role-based UI changes with intuitive and easy-to-use tools – even for non-developers.
What's the strategy behind it, what are the benefits, and what's the roadmap? In this session you'll find out.
"},{type:"break",duration:10,abstract:""},{title:"Leveraging Service Workers",speaker:"Benedikt Schölch, Tobias Sorn",type:"Lecture",duration:20,abstract:"Make your app future proof by taking the advantage of Service Workers in combination with UI5. In this talk you should learn about the new opportunities you have with Service Workers when applied to a UI5 application.",material:{Slides:"https://github.com/bendkt/slides/raw/master/UI5con_2017/UI5con_service_worker_mini_lecture.pdf"}},{type:"break",duration:10,abstract:""},{title:"UI5 Theming explained",speaker:"Matthias Oßwald",type:"Lecture",duration:20,abstract:"Get a deep dive into how theming in UI5 works and how to easily build your own themes.
This includes
Writing reliable application tests for web applications has never been easy. Modern JavaScript-centric frameworks like UI5 have made this even more complicated as the application UI is generated completely asynchronously by JavaScript code. The main challenge for an application test creator is to write a test that does not suffer from sporadic failures that dismiss its value as a testing tool. Together with all its enterprise qualities, OpenUI5 provides a state-of-the-art application testing framework called OPA. Using it, everyone can write application tests that synchronize with the state of the UI5 framework and provide inherent reliability without any explicit efforts from the test. Together with support for backend mocking provided from the MockServer one could build extensive, self-contained test suites that cover most UI interactions supported by the application.
In this session we will start from an existing UI5 application and build an OPA test for some of its UI interaction scenarios. We will cover all aspects of test setup, selecting and interacting with UI5 controls, execution and debugging. We will also touch some advanced topics like structuring the tests in page objects and journeys, custom matchers and interaction with composite controls.
As this session involves live coding, please make sure you have a local or remote development setup. For local development you will need: browser, Git client, nodejs (preferred v6.11.0 LTS). Or you can use SAP WebIDE by registering a SAP Cloud trial account at: https://cloudplatform.sap.com/try.html
",material:{Slides:"https://github.com/UI5con2017/opaintro/raw/master/UI5con%202017.pptx",GitHub:"https://github.com/UI5con2017/opaintro"}},{type:"break",duration:10,abstract:""},{title:"Writing a real-time geolocation map with OpenLayers 3",speaker:"Manuel Blechschmidt",type:"Hands-On",duration:60,abstract:"In this session we will use a custom component (https://github.com/ManuelB/openui5-ol/) that wraps the OpenLayers v3 API (http://www.openlayers.de) for showing a map. This map will be bound to a XMPPJsonPatchSyncModel (https://github.com/ManuelB/XMPPJSONPatchSyncModel) to make it possible to track other people in real time on the map.
You should pre-install the following software on your notebook:
Functional programming techniques allow you to write solid-state code, more stable and easier to reason about. In this session you'll get the chance to learn what it's like to use functional programming techniques in your code. Rather than look at code on slides, you'll write it yourself, guided by the session lead, to get a feel for the code under your fingertips and how it works. We'll take some standard UI5 demo apps and replace sections by introducing mechanisms such as currying, partial application and point-free coding, with a healthy dose of list-orientation and immutability.
",material:{Worksheet:"https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Nx2PFqObMtir0rSzjU804PAAVkC3j4lZTtfRRoLSocQ/edit"}},{type:"break",duration:10,abstract:""},{title:"FLP Meets SAPUI5 – Extending the Fiori Launchpad",speaker:"Thilo Seidel",type:"Hands-On",duration:60,abstract:"Let's build a simple FLP plugin (based on a UI5 Component) together. Once deployed to a FLP on Cloud Platform we will start to use the renderer extension api of FLP to place SAPUI5 controls into the FLP UI to improve the user experience of the Lauchpad AND learn that SAPUI5 and Fiori Launchpad are actually of the same kind.
Find out everything you need to know about the new version of SAP Fiori. Learn what makes Fiori 2.0 different and which are the new UI5 features empowering Fiori 2.0 experience.
In this session we will show and tell how to develop your Fiori 2.0 app from scratch and even more - how to migrate your existing app to Fiori 2.0.
You will work in SAP WebIDE, trial accounts are already created for you, so you do not need anything else than your laptop. In case of network issues, we would fall back to using nodejs, NPM and Git, so you should preferably have those installed.
",material:{Slides:"https://www.slideshare.net/StanislavaBaltova/ui5con-fiori20-for-your-application",Worksheet:"https://github.com/d3xter666/2017-ui5con-fiori/raw/master/fiori-2.0-script.pdf",GitHub:"https://github.com/d3xter666/2017-ui5con-fiori"}},{type:"break",duration:20,abstract:""},{title:"Getting started with UI5 on Cloud Foundry",speaker:"Frederic Berg",type:"Hands-On",duration:60,abstract:"In this session, we will demonstrate how to get started on cloud foundry. We will see how to onboard onto the platform, install the necessary tools and deploy a UI5 application which makes use of platform services to persist its data.
Please have Node.js installed on your laptop and your own hanatrial account ready.
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