# Quick start guide Run a trom application in pygame frontend: `./pyg_sbtcvm.py maze` Start SBTCVM XAS interactive shell: `./xas.py` Start TUI Shell (SBTGSH) _(PYGAME FRONTEND ONLY)_: `./pyg_sbtcvm.py sbtgsh` Start GUI 'desktop' (SBTCVM BENCH) _(PYGAME FRONTEND ONLY)_: `./pyg_sbtcvm.py bench` Start SBTCVM DOS: `./pyg_sbtcvm.py dos` Boot into VDI shell (unfinished): `./pyg_sbtcvm.py` Run a trom application in curses frontend: `./cur_sbtcvm.py maze` _**Notice:** curses frontend is somewhat buggy & incomplete. pygame frontend HIGHLY recommended._ Failing both curses and pygame, a barebones, (non-interactive) frontend, the **bare frontend** is available: `./bare_sbtcvm.py counttestprint` ### where does SBTCVM search for applications and source code? In order _(non-bold text describes what applications & source code is kept there)_ - **vmsystem**: assembler standard libs. - **vmsystem/roms**: system roms live here. - **roms**: quite a lot of test troms. - **apps**: Interactive trom applications. - **demos**: a variety of demos, showing off SBTCVM's graphical capabilities. - **vmuser**: your personal directory. Notes: - Any directory within these, prefixed with **`r_`** Will have its contents in the path. i.e. **`r_standard_lib`** in vmsystem - Most trom applications & demos use **`auto directories`**. where a directory name can be used as an argument for a certain SBTCVM filetype, if it contains a file of that type prefixed with **`auto_`** [XAS help](/textdocs/mdhelp/xas.md) has more information on working with directories. ### where should i install 3rd party trom apps and assembler libraries? - vmuser ### more information: - [SBTCVM Technical Glossary](/textdocs/mdhelp/glossary/glossary.md) A, markdown-based, Glossary of various technical terms used in SBTCVM. - [SBTCVM Help Index](/textdocs/mdhelp/index.md) A, markdown-based, set of help documents (main index) - [XAS help](/textdocs/mdhelp/xas.md) Help on SBTCVM's XAS shell/build script system, with detailed command listing. - The [textdocs](/textdocs/) directory in this repository contains both technical and user documentation. - [textdocs/SSTNPL](textdocs/SSTNPL/) contains documentation to the SSTNPL programming language. - [apps/directory.txt](/apps/directory.txt) in this repository, has a guide on the TROM applications available there. #### Before filing bug reports, read the troubleshooting guide: - [Troubleshooting guide](/textdocs/mdhelp/troubleshoot/troubleshoot.md) ### Links: - [Project blog](https://sbtcvm.blogspot.com/) - [FAQ](https://sbtcvm.blogspot.com/p/faqs.html)