Function Get-AccessTokenWithAzIdentity { <# .SYNOPSIS Return an access token independently if you run this function from an Azure VM, an ACI container, an Azure function or an ARC for servers agent (Linux/Windows). .DESCRIPTION Get-AccessTokenWithAzIdentity is a function that try to generate an access to access for specified audience on any Az compute resources. The function helps you to choose (storage, keyvault ...) but you can also specify yours with the CustomScope parameter (api://...) .PARAMETER Audience Specify the audience you're trying to access .PARAMETER CustomScope Specify the custom api scope you're trying to access .EXAMPLE Get-AccessTokenWithAzIdentity -Audience Keyvault .EXAMPLE Get-AccessTokenWithAzIdentity -Audience Custom -CustomScope "api://" .EXAMPLE Get-AccessTokenWithAzIdentity -Audience Keyvault -UserMSIClientId '12345678-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' .OUTPUTS String #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateSet('Keyvault','ARM','GraphAPI','Storage','Monitor', 'LogAnalytics','Custom')] #Add custom api later [string] $Audience, [string] $UserMSIClientId, [string] $CustomScope = $null #https:// ... should be used only with Custom Audience like api:// ) begin { ###Initialization phase### if ([int]$PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -ne 7) { throw 'This is a Powershell 7 function only...' } if ($Audience -eq 'Custom') { if ($null -eq $CustomScope) { Throw "CustomScope parameter should not be null when you're using Custom audience" } } $IsRunningOnAzFunctionApp = $false $IsRunningOnAzVMOrACI = $false $IsRunningOnARCForServers = $false switch ($Audience) { 'Keyvault' { $EncodedURI = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode('');break } 'ARM' { $EncodedURI = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode('');break } 'GraphAPI' { $EncodedURI = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode('');break } 'Storage' { $EncodedURI = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode('');break } 'Monitor' { $EncodedURI = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode('');break } 'LogAnalytics' { $EncodedURI = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode('');break } default { $EncodedURI = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($CustomScope) } } $Headers = $null $Headers = @{ 'Metadata' = 'true' } ###Detection Phase### # Test Az function if ($env:FUNCTIONS_WORKER_RUNTIME -eq 'Powershell') { $IsRunningOnAzFunctionApp = $true } # Test Az VM or ACI elseif ($(try { Invoke-RestMethod -Uri '' -ErrorAction stop }catch { $_.ErrorDetails.Message }) -like '*required metadata header not specified*') { $IsRunningOnAzVMOrACI = $true } #Test ARC try { $null = Get-Process himds -ErrorAction stop $IsRunningOnARCForServers = $true } catch { $null } } process { if ($IsRunningOnAzFunctionApp) { Write-Verbose 'Is running on Azure function' $MSIEndpoint = "$($env:IDENTITY_ENDPOINT)?api-version=2019-08-01" $AudienceURI = '{0}&resource={1}' -f $MSIEndpoint,$([System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlDecode($EncodedURI)) Write-Host "Using uri: $AudienceURI" $Headers.Add('X-IDENTITY-HEADER' , $($env:IDENTITY_HEADER)) #Why 4 ? Why not for ($i = 0; $i -lt 4; $i++) { try{$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $AudienceURI -Headers $Headers -ErrorAction stop}catch{} if ($response) { return $response.access_token } $i++ Write-Verbose "wait 1 second..." #From time to time the IMDS don't reply Start-Sleep 1 } Throw('No access token received') } elseif ($IsRunningOnAzVMOrACI) { Write-Verbose 'Is running on Azure VM or ACI' $MSIEndpoint = '' #According $AudienceURI = '{0}&resource={1}' -f $MSIEndpoint,$EncodedURI Write-Verbose "Using uri: $AudienceURI" if($UserMSIClientId){ $AudienceURI = '{0}&client_id={1}' -f $AudienceURI,$UserMSIClientId } #Why 4 ? Why not for ($i = 0; $i -lt 4; $i++) { try{$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $AudienceURI -Headers $Headers -ErrorAction stop}catch{} if ($response) { return $response.access_token } $i++ Write-Verbose "wait 1 second..." #From time to time the IMDS don't reply Start-Sleep 1 } Throw('No access token received') } elseif ($IsRunningOnARCForServers) { # Keep the generated token in a local cache. AAD does not like when you hammer the service from ARC servers. $MSIEndpoint = 'http://localhost:40342/metadata/identity/oauth2/token?api-version=2020-06-01' $AudienceURI = '{0}&resource={1}' -f $MSIEndpoint,$EncodedURI Write-Verbose "Using uri: $AudienceURI" if ($IsLinux) { Write-Verbose 'Is running on Linux ARC machine' # Add user ubuntu to himds group # sudo usermod -a -G himds ubuntu # Add himds read + execution permission to /var/opt/azcmagent/tokens directory # sudo chmod g+rx /var/opt/azcmagent/tokens [string] $ARCTokensPath = '/var/opt/azcmagent/tokens' #Require read access to /var/opt/azcmagent/tokens } else { Write-Verbose 'Is running on Windows ARC machine' [string] $ARCTokensPath = 'C:\ProgramData\AzureConnectedMachineAgent\Tokens' } # Thi is where keys are generated $ARCTokensPath = Join-Path $ARCTokensPath -ChildPath '*.key' #Why 4 ? Why not for ($i = 0; $i -lt 4; $i++) { $Headers.Add('Authorization',$("Basic $(Get-Content -Path $ARCTokensPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)")) try{$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $AudienceURI -Headers $Headers -ErrorAction stop}catch{} #This is when the agent generate a new key stored in $ARCTokensPath if ($response) { return $response.access_token } $Headers.Remove('Authorization') $i++ Write-Verbose "wait 1 second..." Start-Sleep 1 } Throw('No access token received') } else { Throw 'Unable to generate an access token and/or this usecase is not covered yet' } } }