# Arbon-SwiftARkit An innovative AR app that helps you estimate and visualize your daily carbon footprint. With a quick questionnaire, you can easily calculate your emissions and use augmented reality to place a visual representation of your CO2 output in your own room. See the impact of your daily choices and learn how to reduce your carbon footprint with Arbon. Download now and start making a difference today! Built using SwiftUI, ARKit, and RealityKit, Arbon is based on the carbon footprint calculator data from the EPA. Developed by Sebastian Yang. # Privacy Policy We do NOT collect your data. We physically can't. We have nowhere to store it. We didn't even set up a server. To put the cherry on top, there is NO thrid-party tracking/analytics/advertising in the app that would collect your data. So even if Mark Zuckerberg asked nicely to see your data, we wouldn't have anything to show. # 隐私政策 我们不会收集您的数据。 我们根本做不到。我们没有存储数据的地方。我们甚至没有设置服务器。更重要的是,应用程序中没有第三方跟踪/分析/广告,因此即使马克·扎克伯格请求查看您的数据,我们也没有任何东西可以展示。 # 隱私政策 我們不會收集您的資料。 我們根本做不到。我們沒有存儲資料的地方。我們甚至沒有設置伺服器。更重要的是,應用程式中沒有第三方跟蹤/分析/廣告,因此即使馬克·扎克伯格請求查看您的資料,我們也沒有任何東西可以展示。