function [] = niak_write_nifti(hdr,vol) % Write a 3D or 3D+t dataset into a NIFTI file % % SYNTAX: [] = NIAK_WRITE_NIFTI(HDR,VOL) % % INPUTS: % VOL (3D or 4D array) a 3D or 3D+t dataset % HDR.FILE_NAME (string) the name of the file that will be written. % HDR.TYPE (string, default 'nii') the output format (either 'nii' for % NIFTI-1 one file data, 'img' for a couple '*.img'/'*.hdr' in % NIFTI-1 format or 'analyze' for a '*.img'/'*.hdr'/'*.mat') % HDR.INFO (structure) The subfields are optional, yet they give control % on critical space information. See NIAK_WRITE_VOL for more info. % HDR.DETAILS (structure) the fields are the standard list of a NIFTI header. % % OUTPUTS: % The data called VOL is stored into a file called FILENAME written in % nifti format. In the case of ANALYZE 7.5 file format, a file '.MAT' will % also be created with the affine transform. % % SEE ALSO: % NIAK_READ_HDR_NIFTI, NIAK_READ_NIFTI, NIAK_WRITE_VOL, NIAK_READ_VOL % % COMMENTS: % See licensing information in the code. % Maintainer : % Keywords : medical imaging, I/O, writer, nifti % Part of this file is copied and modified under GNU license from % MRI_TOOLBOX developed by CNSP in Flinders University, Australia % % Important parts of this code are copied and modified from a matlab % toolbox by Jimmy Shen (, and reshared here % with agreement under a MIT license. % % 8797&objectType=file % % Copyright (c) Pierre Bellec, Montreal Neurological Institute, 2008. % Centre de recherche de l'institut de griatrie de Montral, % Department of Computer Science and Operations Research % University of Montreal, Qubec, Canada, 2010-2014 % % Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy % of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal % in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights % to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell % copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is % furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: % % The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in % all copies or substantial portions of the Software. % % THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR % IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, % FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE % AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER % LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, % OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN % THE SOFTWARE. %% Checking for the syntax if ~exist('vol','var') || ~exist('hdr','var') error('niak:write','Usage: niak_write_nifti(hdr,vol)'); end %% Setting up default values for the header gb_name_structure = 'hdr'; gb_list_fields = { 'file_name' , 'type' , 'info' , 'details' , 'flag_zip' }; gb_list_defaults = { NaN , 'nii' , struct() , struct() , false }; niak_set_defaults %% Setting up default values for the 'info' part of the header = size(vol); gb_name_structure = ''; gb_list_fields = { 'file_parent' , 'precision' , 'voxel_size' , 'mat' , 'dimension_order' , 'tr' , 'history' , 'machine', 'dimensions' }; gb_list_defaults = { '' , 'double' , [1 1 1] , [eye(3) ones([3 1]) ; zeros([1 3]) 1] , 'xyzt' , 1 , '' , 'native' , size(vol) }; niak_set_defaults %% Avoid trouble with type : convert everything to double. Ugly but safe. = 'double'; vol = double(vol); %% Setting up the name of the header file_name = hdr.file_name; [path_f,name_f,ext_f] = fileparts(file_name); if isempty(path_f) path_f = '.'; end switch hdr.type case 'nii' file_hdr = file_name; case 'img' file_hdr = cat(2,path_f,filesep,name_f,'.hdr'); case 'analyze' file_hdr = cat(2,path_f,filesep,name_f,'.hdr'); file_mat = cat(2,path_f,filesep,name_f,'.mat'); otherwise error('niak:read','Unkown extension type : %s. I am expecting ''.nii'' or ''.img''',ext_f) end %% Updating information of the header = class(vol); precision =; = size(vol); hdr.details.dim = [ndims(vol) ones(1,5) 0 0]; if ndims(vol)<=4 hdr.details.dim(2:(1+ndims(vol))) = size(vol); else error('VOL need to be have less than 4D!'); end hdr.descrip =; hdr.details.srow_x =,1:4); hdr.details.srow_y =,1:4); hdr.details.srow_z =,1:4); hdr.details.sform_code = 1; switch case 'uint8' hdr.details.datatype = 2; hdr.details.bitpix = 8; vol = uint8(vol); case 'int16' hdr.details.datatype = 4; hdr.details.bitpix = 16; vol = int16(vol); case 'int32' hdr.details.datatype = 8; hdr.details.bitpix = 32; vol = int32(vol); case {'float32','float'} hdr.details.datatype = 16; hdr.details.bitpix = 32; vol = single(vol); case 'double' hdr.details.datatype = 64; hdr.details.bitpix = 64; vol = double(vol); end hdr.details.glmax = round(double(max(vol(:)))); hdr.details.glmin = round(double(min(vol(:)))); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Writting the header part %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% fid = fopen(file_hdr,'w'); if fid < 0, msg = sprintf('Cannot open file %s',file_hdr); error(msg); end switch hdr.type case 'nii' hdr.details.vox_offset = 352; hdr.details.magic = 'n+1'; case {'img','analyze'} hdr.details.vox_offset = 0; hdr.details.magic = 'ni1'; end if isfield(hdr.details,'pixdim') pixdim0 = hdr.details.pixdim(1); pixdimextra = hdr.details.pixdim(6:8); else pixdim0 = 1; pixdimextra = [1 0 0]; end hdr.details.pixdim = [pixdim0 pixdimextra]; hdr.details = psom_struct_defaults(hdr.details, ... { 'intent_name' , 'quatern_b' , 'quatern_c' , 'quatern_d' , 'qform_code' , 'qoffset_x' , 'qoffset_y' , 'qoffset_z' , 'sform_code' , 'sizeof_hdr' , 'db_name' , 'extents' , 'session_error' , 'regular' , 'dim_info' , 'intent_p1' , 'intent_p2' , 'intent_p3' , 'intent_code' , 'slice_start' , 'slice_end' , 'slice_duration' , 'slice_code' , 'data_type' , 'pixdim' , 'scl_slope' , 'scl_inter' , 'xyzt_units' , 'cal_min' , 'cal_max' , 'toffset' , 'glmax' , 'glmin' , 'descrip' , 'aux_file' }, ... { '' , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 348 , '' , 0 , 0 , 'r' , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , '' , NaN , 1 , 0 , 10 , 0 , 0 , 0 , max(vol(:)) , min(vol(:)) , , '' },false); if (hdr.details.qform_code == 0) && (hdr.details.sform_code == 0) hdr.details.sform_code = 1; hdr.details.srow_x(1) = hdr.details.pixdim(2); hdr.details.srow_x(2) = 0; hdr.details.srow_x(3) = 0; hdr.details.srow_y(1) = 0; hdr.details.srow_y(2) = hdr.details.pixdim(3); hdr.details.srow_y(3) = 0; hdr.details.srow_z(1) = 0; hdr.details.srow_z(2) = 0; hdr.details.srow_z(3) = hdr.details.pixdim(4); hdr.details.srow_x(4) = (1-hdr.details.originator(1))*hdr.details.pixdim(2); hdr.details.srow_y(4) = (1-hdr.details.originator(2))*hdr.details.pixdim(3); hdr.details.srow_z(4) = (1-hdr.details.originator(3))*hdr.details.pixdim(4); end % struct header_key /* header key */ % { /* off + size */ % int sizeof_hdr /* 0 + 4 */ % char data_type[10]; /* 4 + 10 */ % char db_name[18]; /* 14 + 18 */ % int extents; /* 32 + 4 */ % short int session_error; /* 36 + 2 */ % char regular; /* 38 + 1 */ % char dim_info; % char hkey_un0; /* 39 + 1 */ % }; /* total=40 bytes */ fwrite(fid, hdr.details.sizeof_hdr(1),'int32'); % must be 348. pad = zeros(1, 10-length(hdr.details.data_type)); hdr.details.data_type = [hdr.details.data_type char(pad)]; fwrite(fid, hdr.details.data_type(1:10), 'uchar'); pad = zeros(1, 18-length(hdr.details.db_name)); hdr.details.db_name = [hdr.details.db_name char(pad)]; fwrite(fid, hdr.details.db_name(1:18), 'uchar'); fwrite(fid, hdr.details.extents(1), 'int32'); fwrite(fid, hdr.details.session_error(1), 'int16'); fwrite(fid, hdr.details.regular(1), 'uchar'); % might be uint8 fwrite(fid, hdr.details.dim_info(1), 'uchar'); % Original header structures % struct image_dimension % { /* off + size */ % short int dim[8]; /* 0 + 16 */ % float intent_p1; % char vox_units[4]; /* 16 + 4 */ % float intent_p2; % char cal_units[8]; /* 20 + 4 */ % float intent_p3; % char cal_units[8]; /* 24 + 4 */ % short int intent_code; % short int unused1; /* 28 + 2 */ % short int datatype; /* 30 + 2 */ % short int bitpix; /* 32 + 2 */ % short int slice_start; % short int dim_un0; /* 34 + 2 */ % float pixdim[8]; /* 36 + 32 */ % /* % pixdim[] specifies the voxel dimensions: % pixdim[1] - voxel width % pixdim[2] - voxel height % pixdim[3] - interslice distance % pixdim[4] - volume timing, in msec % ..etc % */ % float vox_offset; /* 68 + 4 */ % float scl_slope; % float roi_scale; /* 72 + 4 */ % float scl_inter; % float funused1; /* 76 + 4 */ % short slice_end; % float funused2; /* 80 + 2 */ % char slice_code; % float funused2; /* 82 + 1 */ % char xyzt_units; % float funused2; /* 83 + 1 */ % float cal_max; /* 84 + 4 */ % float cal_min; /* 88 + 4 */ % float slice_duration; % int compressed; /* 92 + 4 */ % float toffset; % int verified; /* 96 + 4 */ % int glmax; /* 100 + 4 */ % int glmin; /* 104 + 4 */ % }; /* total=108 bytes */ fwrite(fid, hdr.details.dim(1:8), 'int16'); fwrite(fid, hdr.details.intent_p1(1), 'float32'); fwrite(fid, hdr.details.intent_p2(1), 'float32'); fwrite(fid, hdr.details.intent_p3(1), 'float32'); fwrite(fid, hdr.details.intent_code(1), 'int16'); fwrite(fid, hdr.details.datatype(1), 'int16'); fwrite(fid, hdr.details.bitpix(1), 'int16'); fwrite(fid, hdr.details.slice_start(1), 'int16'); fwrite(fid, hdr.details.pixdim(1:8), 'float32'); fwrite(fid, hdr.details.vox_offset(1), 'float32'); fwrite(fid, hdr.details.scl_slope(1), 'float32'); fwrite(fid, hdr.details.scl_inter(1), 'float32'); fwrite(fid, hdr.details.slice_end(1), 'int16'); fwrite(fid, hdr.details.slice_code(1), 'uchar'); fwrite(fid, hdr.details.xyzt_units(1), 'uchar'); fwrite(fid, hdr.details.cal_max(1), 'float32'); fwrite(fid, hdr.details.cal_min(1), 'float32'); fwrite(fid, hdr.details.slice_duration(1), 'float32'); fwrite(fid, hdr.details.toffset(1), 'float32'); fwrite(fid, hdr.details.glmax(1), 'int32'); fwrite(fid, hdr.details.glmin(1), 'int32'); % Original header structures %struct data_history % { /* off + size */ % char descrip[80]; /* 0 + 80 */ % char aux_file[24]; /* 80 + 24 */ % short int qform_code; /* 104 + 2 */ % short int sform_code; /* 106 + 2 */ % float quatern_b; /* 108 + 4 */ % float quatern_c; /* 112 + 4 */ % float quatern_d; /* 116 + 4 */ % float qoffset_x; /* 120 + 4 */ % float qoffset_y; /* 124 + 4 */ % float qoffset_z; /* 128 + 4 */ % float srow_x[4]; /* 132 + 16 */ % float srow_y[4]; /* 148 + 16 */ % float srow_z[4]; /* 164 + 16 */ % char intent_name[16]; /* 180 + 16 */ % char magic[4]; % int smin; /* 196 + 4 */ % }; /* total=200 bytes */ pad = zeros(1, 80-length(hdr.details.descrip)); hdr.details.descrip = [hdr.details.descrip char(pad)]; fwrite(fid, hdr.details.descrip(1:80), 'uchar'); pad = zeros(1, 24-length(hdr.details.aux_file)); hdr.details.aux_file = [hdr.details.aux_file char(pad)]; fwrite(fid, hdr.details.aux_file(1:24), 'uchar'); fwrite(fid, hdr.details.qform_code, 'int16'); fwrite(fid, hdr.details.sform_code, 'int16'); fwrite(fid, hdr.details.quatern_b, 'float32'); fwrite(fid, hdr.details.quatern_c, 'float32'); fwrite(fid, hdr.details.quatern_d, 'float32'); fwrite(fid, hdr.details.qoffset_x, 'float32'); fwrite(fid, hdr.details.qoffset_y, 'float32'); fwrite(fid, hdr.details.qoffset_z, 'float32'); fwrite(fid, hdr.details.srow_x(1:4), 'float32'); fwrite(fid, hdr.details.srow_y(1:4), 'float32'); fwrite(fid, hdr.details.srow_z(1:4), 'float32'); pad = zeros(1, 16-length(hdr.details.intent_name)); hdr.details.intent_name = [hdr.details.intent_name char(pad)]; fwrite(fid, hdr.details.intent_name(1:16), 'uchar'); pad = zeros(1, 4-length(hdr.details.magic)); hdr.details.magic = [hdr.details.magic char(pad)]; fwrite(fid, hdr.details.magic(1:4), 'uchar'); fbytes = ftell(fid); if ~isequal(fbytes,348), msg = sprintf('For some reason, the header size is %i not 348 bytes. That should not be the case...', fbytes); warning(msg); end fclose(fid); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Writting the image part %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% fid = fopen(file_name,'a'); ScanDim = double(hdr.details.dim(5)); % t SliceDim = double(hdr.details.dim(4)); % z RowDim = double(hdr.details.dim(3)); % y PixelDim = double(hdr.details.dim(2)); % x SliceSz = double(hdr.details.pixdim(4)); RowSz = double(hdr.details.pixdim(3)); PixelSz = double(hdr.details.pixdim(2)); x = 1:PixelDim; if strcmp(hdr.type,'nii') skip_bytes = double(hdr.details.vox_offset) - 348; else skip_bytes = 0; end if skip_bytes fwrite(fid, ones(1,skip_bytes), 'uint8'); end fwrite(fid, vol, precision); fclose(fid); %% Adding a .mat file for old versions of SPM if strcmp(hdr.type,'analyze') M=[[diag(hdr.details.pixdim(2:4)) -[hdr.details.originator(1:3).*hdr.details.pixdim(2:4)]'];[0 0 0 1]]; save(file_mat, 'M'); end