/********************************************* Description: CPU Custom module for the Inspector Collect CPU % and report when % over CPU Thresholds which can be configured by changing the values for CPUThreshold in [Inspector].[Settings] Author: Adrian Buckman Revision date: 14/06/2021 Credit: David Fowler for the CPU collection query body as this was a snippt taken from a stored procedure he had called sp_CPU_Time � www.sqlundercover.com MIT License ------------ Copyright 2020 Sql Undercover Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. *********************************************/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON; SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON; SET NOCOUNT ON; DECLARE @MonitorHourStart INT = 0; -- 0 to 23 DECLARE @MonitorHourEnd INT = 23; -- 0 to 23 DECLARE @Revisiondate DATETIME = '20210720'; DECLARE @InspectorBuild DECIMAL(4,2); DECLARE @SQLstmt NVARCHAR(4000); DECLARE @InspectorBuildString VARCHAR(6); IF SCHEMA_ID(N'Inspector') IS NOT NULL BEGIN SET @InspectorBuild = (SELECT TRY_CAST([Value] AS DECIMAL(4,2)) FROM [Inspector].[Settings] WHERE [Description] = 'InspectorBuild'); SET @InspectorBuildString = CAST(@InspectorBuild AS VARCHAR(6)); /* Minimum Inspector version check */ IF (@InspectorBuild < 2.4) BEGIN RAISERROR('Your Inspector version (%s) does not meet the minimum build required required: 2.4',11,0,@InspectorBuildString); RETURN; END IF ((@MonitorHourStart NOT BETWEEN 0 AND 23) OR (@MonitorHourEnd NOT BETWEEN 0 AND 23)) BEGIN RAISERROR('@MonitorHourStart and @MonitorHourEnd must be between 0 and 23',11,0); RETURN; END IF OBJECT_ID('Inspector.ServerSettingThresholds') IS NULL BEGIN RAISERROR('Inspector ServerSettingThresholds table not found - please double check you are using the correct database and the Inspector base install is up to date',11,0); RETURN; END IF OBJECT_ID('Inspector.GetServerModuleThreshold') IS NULL BEGIN RAISERROR('Inspector GetServerModuleThreshold function not found - please double check you are using the correct database and the Inspector base install is up to date',11,0); RETURN; END IF OBJECT_ID('Inspector.MonitorHours') IS NULL BEGIN RAISERROR('Inspector MonitorHours table not found - please double check you are using the correct database and the Inspector base install is up to date',11,0); RETURN; END IF OBJECT_ID('Inspector.CPU',N'U') IS NULL BEGIN CREATE TABLE [Inspector].[CPU] ( Servername NVARCHAR(128), Log_Date DATETIME, EventTime DATETIME, SystemCPUUtilization INT, SQLCPUUtilization INT, OtherCPU AS SystemCPUUtilization-SQLCPUUtilization ); END IF OBJECT_ID('Inspector.PSCPUStage',N'U') IS NULL BEGIN CREATE TABLE [Inspector].[PSCPUStage]( [Servername] [nvarchar](128) NULL, [Log_Date] [datetime] NULL, [EventTime] [datetime] NULL, [SystemCPUUtilization] [int] NULL, [SQLCPUUtilization] [int] NULL ); END IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM sys.indexes WHERE [object_id] = OBJECT_ID('Inspector.CPU',N'U') AND [name] = N'CIX_CPU_EventTime') BEGIN CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX [CIX_CPU_EventTime] ON [Inspector].[CPU] (EventTime ASC); END IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM sys.indexes WHERE [object_id] = OBJECT_ID('Inspector.CPU',N'U') AND [name] = N'IX_CPU_Servername') BEGIN CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_CPU_Servername] ON [Inspector].[CPU] (Servername ASC); END IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM sys.indexes WHERE [object_id] = OBJECT_ID('Inspector.PSCPUStage',N'U') AND [name] = N'CIX_PSCPUStage_EventTime') BEGIN CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX [CIX_PSCPUStage_EventTime] ON [Inspector].[PSCPUStage] ([EventTime] ASC); END IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM [Inspector].[Settings] WHERE [Description] = 'CPUHistoryRetentionInDays') BEGIN INSERT INTO [Inspector].[Settings] ([Description],[Value]) VALUES('CPUHistoryRetentionInDays','7'); END IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM [Inspector].[Settings] WHERE [Description] = 'CPUThresholdWarningHighlight') BEGIN INSERT INTO [Inspector].[Settings] ([Description],[Value]) VALUES('CPUThresholdWarningHighlight','90'); END IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM [Inspector].[Settings] WHERE [Description] = 'CPUThresholdAdvisoryHighlight') BEGIN INSERT INTO [Inspector].[Settings] ([Description],[Value]) VALUES('CPUThresholdAdvisoryHighlight','85'); END IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM [Inspector].[Settings] WHERE [Description] = 'CPUThresholdInfoHighlight') BEGIN INSERT INTO [Inspector].[Settings] ([Description],[Value]) VALUES('CPUThresholdInfoHighlight','75'); END IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM [Inspector].[Settings] WHERE [Description] = 'CPUBreachedConsecutiveCount') BEGIN INSERT INTO [Inspector].[Settings] ([Description],[Value]) VALUES ('CPUBreachedConsecutiveCount',NULL); END /* We want to make sure your previous config is copied to the new table otherwise we will pop a default row in the new MonitorHours table, we will be dropping CPUConfig */ IF OBJECT_ID('Inspector.CPUConfig') IS NOT NULL BEGIN EXEC sp_executesql N' IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM [Inspector].[CPUConfig]) BEGIN --Grouping to ensure we only get one row per server as the new table will not accept duplicates so assuming the MAX Start and MIN End for the narrowest window INSERT INTO [Inspector].[MonitorHours] (Servername,Modulename,MonitorHourStart,MonitorHourEnd) SELECT [Servername], ''CPU'', MAX([MonitorHourStart]), MIN([MonitorHourEnd]) FROM [Inspector].[CPUConfig] WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM [Inspector].[MonitorHours] WHERE [CPUConfig].[Servername] = [MonitorHours].[Servername] AND [MonitorHours].[Modulename] = ''CPU'') GROUP BY [Servername]; END'; END EXEC sp_executesql N'INSERT INTO [Inspector].[MonitorHours] ([Servername],[Modulename],[MonitorHourStart],[MonitorHourEnd]) SELECT [Servername],''CPU'',@MonitorHourStart,@MonitorHourEnd FROM [Inspector].[CurrentServers] WHERE [IsActive] = 1 AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM [Inspector].[MonitorHours] WHERE [MonitorHours].[Servername] = [CurrentServers].[Servername] AND [Modulename] = ''CPU'' );', N'@MonitorHourStart INT, @MonitorHourEnd INT', @MonitorHourStart = @MonitorHourStart, @MonitorHourEnd = @MonitorHourEnd; IF OBJECT_ID('Inspector.CPUInsert',N'P') IS NULL BEGIN EXEC('CREATE PROCEDURE [Inspector].[CPUInsert] AS'); END IF OBJECT_ID('Inspector.CPUInsert',N'P') IS NOT NULL BEGIN SET @SQLstmt = N'ALTER PROCEDURE [Inspector].[CPUInsert] AS BEGIN --Revision date: 07/12/2019 DECLARE @ts_now BIGINT DECLARE @Frequency INT DECLARE @CPUHistoryRetentionInDays INT SET @CPUHistoryRetentionInDays = (SELECT ISNULL(TRY_CAST([Value] AS INT),7) FROM [Inspector].[Settings] WHERE [Description] = ''CPUHistoryRetentionInDays''); SET @Frequency = (SELECT MAX([Frequency]) FROM Inspector.Modules WHERE Modulename = ''CPU''); SET @ts_now = (SELECT cpu_ticks / (cpu_ticks/ms_ticks) FROM sys.dm_os_sys_info); IF @CPUHistoryRetentionInDays IS NULL BEGIN SET @CPUHistoryRetentionInDays = 7 END; DELETE FROM [Inspector].[CPU] WHERE [EventTime] < DATEADD(DAY,-@CPUHistoryRetentionInDays,GETDATE()) AND [Servername] = @@SERVERNAME; INSERT INTO [Inspector].[CPU] (Servername,Log_Date,EventTime,SystemCPUUtilization,SQLCPUUtilization) SELECT @@SERVERNAME, GETDATE(), EventTime, ISNULL(system_cpu_utilization_post_sp2, system_cpu_utilization_pre_sp2) AS SystemCPUUtilization, ISNULL(sql_cpu_utilization_post_sp2, sql_cpu_utilization_pre_sp2) AS SQLCPUUtilization FROM ( SELECT record.value(''(Record/@id)[1]'', ''int'') AS record_id, DATEADD (ms, -1 * (@ts_now - [timestamp]), GETDATE()) AS EventTime, 100-record.value(''(Record/SchedulerMonitorEvent/SystemHealth/SystemIdle)[1]'', ''int'') AS system_cpu_utilization_post_sp2, record.value(''(Record/SchedulerMonitorEvent/SystemHealth/ProcessUtilization)[1]'', ''int'') AS sql_cpu_utilization_post_sp2 , 100-record.value(''(Record/SchedluerMonitorEvent/SystemHealth/SystemIdle)[1]'', ''int'') AS system_cpu_utilization_pre_sp2, record.value(''(Record/SchedluerMonitorEvent/SystemHealth/ProcessUtilization)[1]'', ''int'') AS sql_cpu_utilization_pre_sp2 FROM ( SELECT timestamp, CONVERT (xml, record) AS record FROM sys.dm_os_ring_buffers WHERE ring_buffer_type = ''RING_BUFFER_SCHEDULER_MONITOR'' AND record LIKE ''%%'') AS t ) AS t WHERE EventTime > DATEADD(MINUTE,-@Frequency,GETDATE()) AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM Inspector.CPU WHERE CPU.EventTime = t.EventTime AND CPU.Servername = @@SERVERNAME); END'; END EXEC sp_executesql @SQLstmt; IF OBJECT_ID('Inspector.PSGetCPUStage',N'P') IS NULL BEGIN EXEC('CREATE PROCEDURE [Inspector].[PSGetCPUStage] AS'); END IF OBJECT_ID('Inspector.PSGetCPUStage',N'P') IS NOT NULL BEGIN EXEC('ALTER PROCEDURE [Inspector].[PSGetCPUStage] ( @Servername NVARCHAR(128) ) AS BEGIN --Revision Date: 01/02/2020 INSERT INTO [Inspector].[CPU] ([Servername],[Log_Date],[EventTime],[SystemCPUUtilization],[SQLCPUUtilization]) SELECT [Servername],[Log_Date],[EventTime],[SystemCPUUtilization],[SQLCPUUtilization] FROM [Inspector].[PSCPUStage] Stage WHERE [Servername] = @Servername AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM [Inspector].[CPU] Base WHERE [Base].[EventTime] = [Stage].[EventTime] AND [Base].[Servername] = [Stage].[Servername]) END'); END IF OBJECT_ID('Inspector.CPUReport',N'P') IS NULL BEGIN EXEC('CREATE PROCEDURE [Inspector].[CPUReport] AS'); END IF OBJECT_ID('Inspector.CPUReport',N'P') IS NOT NULL BEGIN EXEC('ALTER PROCEDURE [Inspector].[CPUReport] ( @Servername NVARCHAR(128), @Modulename VARCHAR(50), @TableHeaderColour VARCHAR(7) = ''#E6E6FA'', @WarningHighlight VARCHAR(7), @AdvisoryHighlight VARCHAR(7), @InfoHighlight VARCHAR(7), @ModuleConfig VARCHAR(20), @WarningLevel TINYINT, @ServerSpecific BIT, @NoClutter BIT, @TableTail VARCHAR(256), @HtmlOutput VARCHAR(MAX) OUTPUT, @CollectionOutOfDate BIT OUTPUT, @PSCollection BIT, @Debug BIT = 0 ) AS --Revision date: 20/07/2021 BEGIN --Excluded from Warning level control DECLARE @HtmlTableHead VARCHAR(4000); DECLARE @Columnnames VARCHAR(2000); DECLARE @SQLtext NVARCHAR(4000); DECLARE @CPUThresholdWarningHighlight INT DECLARE @CPUThresholdAdvisoryHighlight INT DECLARE @CPUThresholdInfoHighlight INT DECLARE @CPUBreachedConsecutiveCount INT DECLARE @Frequency INT DECLARE @MonitorHourStart INT; DECLARE @MonitorHourEnd INT; IF OBJECT_ID(''tempdb.dbo.#InspectorModuleReport'') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #InspectorModuleReport; CREATE TABLE #InspectorModuleReport ( [@bgcolor] VARCHAR(7), [Servername] NVARCHAR(128), [EventTime] VARCHAR(24), [SystemCPUUtilization] INT, [SQLCPUUtilization] INT, [OtherCPU] INT ); SET @MonitorHourStart = (SELECT [MonitorHourStart] FROM [Inspector].[MonitorHours] WHERE [Servername] = @Servername AND [Modulename] = @Modulename); SET @MonitorHourEnd = (SELECT [MonitorHourEnd] FROM [Inspector].[MonitorHours] WHERE [Servername] = @Servername AND [Modulename] = @Modulename); SET @CPUThresholdWarningHighlight = (SELECT ISNULL(TRY_CAST([Inspector].[GetServerModuleThreshold] (@Servername,@Modulename,''CPUThresholdWarningHighlight'') AS INT),90)); SET @CPUThresholdAdvisoryHighlight = (SELECT ISNULL(TRY_CAST([Inspector].[GetServerModuleThreshold] (@Servername,@Modulename,''CPUThresholdAdvisoryHighlight'') AS INT),85)); SET @CPUThresholdInfoHighlight = (SELECT ISNULL(TRY_CAST([Inspector].[GetServerModuleThreshold] (@Servername,@Modulename,''CPUThresholdInfoHighlight'') AS INT),75)); SET @CPUBreachedConsecutiveCount = (SELECT TRY_CAST([Inspector].[GetServerModuleThreshold] (@Servername,@Modulename,''CPUBreachedConsecutiveCount'') AS INT)); SET @Frequency = (SELECT [Frequency] FROM Inspector.ModuleConfig WHERE ModuleConfig_Desc = @ModuleConfig); SET @Debug = [Inspector].[GetDebugFlag](@Debug,@ModuleConfig,@Modulename); --Set defaults if NULL IF @CPUThresholdWarningHighlight IS NULL BEGIN SET @CPUThresholdInfoHighlight = 90 END; IF @CPUThresholdAdvisoryHighlight IS NULL BEGIN SET @CPUThresholdInfoHighlight = 85 END; IF @CPUThresholdInfoHighlight IS NULL BEGIN SET @CPUThresholdInfoHighlight = 75 END; IF @MonitorHourStart IS NULL BEGIN SET @MonitorHourStart = 0 END; IF @MonitorHourEnd IS NULL BEGIN SET @MonitorHourEnd = 23 END; /********************************************************/ --Your query MUST have a case statement that determines which colour to highlight rows --Your query MUST use an INTO clause to populate the temp table so that the column names can be determined for the report --@bgcolor is used the for table highlighting , Warning,Advisory and Info highlighting colours are determined from --the ModuleWarningLevel table and your Case expression And/or Where clause will determine which rows get the highlight --query example: /* If you have not enabled the consecutive counts threshold then use the original code to just check for any breaches regardless of consecutive duration */ IF (@CPUBreachedConsecutiveCount IS NULL) BEGIN INSERT INTO #InspectorModuleReport ([@bgcolor],[Servername],[EventTime],[SystemCPUUtilization],[SQLCPUUtilization],[OtherCPU]) SELECT CASE WHEN SystemCPUUtilization >= @CPUThresholdWarningHighlight THEN @WarningHighlight WHEN SystemCPUUtilization >= @CPUThresholdAdvisoryHighlight AND SystemCPUUtilization < @CPUThresholdWarningHighlight THEN @AdvisoryHighlight WHEN SystemCPUUtilization > @CPUThresholdInfoHighlight AND SystemCPUUtilization < @CPUThresholdAdvisoryHighlight THEN @InfoHighlight END AS [@bgcolor], Servername, CONVERT(VARCHAR(24),EventTime,113) AS EventTime, SystemCPUUtilization, SQLCPUUtilization, OtherCPU FROM [Inspector].[CPU] WHERE SystemCPUUtilization > @CPUThresholdInfoHighlight AND EventTime >= DATEADD(MINUTE,-@Frequency,GETDATE()) AND Servername = @Servername AND DATEPART(HOUR,EventTime) BETWEEN @MonitorHourStart AND @MonitorHourEnd END ELSE /* Otherwise let crack on and work out how many consecutive CPU recordings there are for the server and if greater than or equal to your threshold then show the results */ BEGIN INSERT INTO #InspectorModuleReport ([@bgcolor],[Servername],[EventTime],[SystemCPUUtilization],[SQLCPUUtilization],[OtherCPU]) EXEC sp_executesql N''WITH CPUForFrequency AS (SELECT [Servername], [Log_Date], [EventTime], [SystemCPUUtilization], [SQLCPUUtilization], [OtherCPU], ROW_NUMBER() OVER( ORDER BY [EventTime] ASC) AS [EventTimeOrderRN], ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY(CASE WHEN [SystemCPUUtilization] > @CPUThresholdInfoHighlight THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) ORDER BY [EventTime] ASC) AS [EventTimeOrderByThreshold] FROM [Inspector].[CPU] WHERE [EventTime] >= DATEADD(MINUTE, -@Frequency, GETDATE()) AND [Servername] = @Servername AND DATEPART(HOUR,EventTime) BETWEEN @MonitorHourStart AND @MonitorHourEnd), Consecutives AS (SELECT([EventTimeOrderRN] - [EventTimeOrderByThreshold]) AS [ConsecutiveBucketID], COUNT(*) AS [TotalConsecutives] FROM [CPUForFrequency] WHERE [SystemCPUUtilization] > @CPUThresholdInfoHighlight GROUP BY([EventTimeOrderRN] - [EventTimeOrderByThreshold])) SELECT CASE WHEN [SystemCPUUtilization] >= @CPUThresholdWarningHighlight THEN @WarningHighlight WHEN [SystemCPUUtilization] >= @CPUThresholdAdvisoryHighlight AND [SystemCPUUtilization] < @CPUThresholdWarningHighlight THEN @AdvisoryHighlight WHEN [SystemCPUUtilization] > @CPUThresholdInfoHighlight AND [SystemCPUUtilization] < @CPUThresholdAdvisoryHighlight THEN @InfoHighlight END AS [@bgcolor], [Servername], CONVERT(VARCHAR(24), [EventTime], 113) AS [EventTime], [SystemCPUUtilization], [SQLCPUUtilization], [OtherCPU] FROM [CPUForFrequency] WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM [Consecutives] WHERE [ConsecutiveBucketID] = ([CPUForFrequency].[EventTimeOrderRN] - [CPUForFrequency].[EventTimeOrderByThreshold]) AND [TotalConsecutives] >= @CPUBreachedConsecutiveCount AND [SystemCPUUtilization] > @CPUThresholdInfoHighlight );'', N''@Frequency INT, @Servername NVARCHAR(128), @MonitorHourStart INT, @MonitorHourEnd INT, @CPUThresholdWarningHighlight INT, @CPUThresholdAdvisoryHighlight INT, @CPUThresholdInfoHighlight INT, @WarningHighlight VARCHAR(7), @AdvisoryHighlight VARCHAR(7), @InfoHighlight VARCHAR(7), @CPUBreachedConsecutiveCount INT'', @Frequency = @Frequency, @Servername = @Servername, @MonitorHourStart = @MonitorHourStart, @MonitorHourEnd = @MonitorHourEnd, @CPUThresholdWarningHighlight = @CPUThresholdWarningHighlight, @CPUThresholdAdvisoryHighlight = @CPUThresholdAdvisoryHighlight, @CPUThresholdInfoHighlight = @CPUThresholdInfoHighlight, @WarningHighlight = @WarningHighlight, @AdvisoryHighlight = @AdvisoryHighlight, @InfoHighlight = @InfoHighlight, @CPUBreachedConsecutiveCount = @CPUBreachedConsecutiveCount; END /********************************************************/ SET @Columnnames = ( SELECT STUFF(Columnnames,1,1,'''') FROM ( SELECT '',''+name FROM tempdb.sys.all_columns WHERE [object_id] = OBJECT_ID(N''tempdb.dbo.#InspectorModuleReport'') AND name != N''@bgcolor'' ORDER BY column_id ASC FOR XML PATH('''') ) as g (Columnnames) ); --Set columns names for the Html table SET @HtmlTableHead = (SELECT [Inspector].[GenerateHtmlTableheader] ( @Servername, @Modulename, @ServerSpecific, ''CPU greater than '' +CAST(@CPUThresholdInfoHighlight AS VARCHAR(3)) +''% in the last '' +CAST(@Frequency AS VARCHAR(10)) +''mins between the hours of '' +CAST(@MonitorHourStart AS VARCHAR(10)) +'' and '' +CAST(@MonitorHourEnd AS VARCHAR(10)) +ISNULL('' with consecutive breaches of ''+CAST(@CPUBreachedConsecutiveCount AS VARCHAR(10))+'' or more'',''''), --Title for the HTML table, you can use a string here instead such as ''My table title here'' if you want to @TableHeaderColour, @Columnnames) ); SET @SQLtext = N'' SELECT @HtmlOutput = (SELECT '' +''[@bgcolor],'' +REPLACE(@Columnnames,'','','' AS ''''td'''','''''''',+ '') + '' AS ''''td'''','''''''''' +'' FROM #InspectorModuleReport FOR XML PATH(''''tr''''),Elements);'' --Add an ORDER BY if required EXEC sp_executesql @SQLtext,N''@HtmlOutput VARCHAR(MAX) OUTPUT'',@HtmlOutput = @HtmlOutput OUTPUT; --Optional --If in the above query you populate the table with something like ''No issues present'' then you probably do not want that to --show when @Noclutter mode is on IF (@NoClutter = 1) BEGIN IF(@HtmlOutput LIKE ''%%'') BEGIN SET @HtmlOutput = NULL; END END --If there is data for the HTML table then build the HTML table IF (@HtmlOutput IS NOT NULL) BEGIN SET @HtmlOutput = @HtmlTableHead + @HtmlOutput + @TableTail +''

''; END IF (@Debug = 1) BEGIN SELECT OBJECT_NAME(@@PROCID) AS ''Procname'', @Servername AS ''@Servername'', @Modulename AS ''@Modulename'', @TableHeaderColour AS ''@TableHeaderColour'', @WarningHighlight AS ''@WarningHighlight'', @AdvisoryHighlight AS ''@AdvisoryHighlight'', @InfoHighlight AS ''@InfoHighlight'', @CPUThresholdWarningHighlight AS ''CPUThresholdWarningHighlight'', @CPUThresholdAdvisoryHighlight AS ''CPUThresholdAdvisoryHighlight'', @CPUThresholdInfoHighlight AS ''CPUThresholdInfoHighlight'', @CPUBreachedConsecutiveCount AS ''CPUBreachedConsecutiveCount'', @ModuleConfig AS ''@ModuleConfig'', @WarningLevel AS ''@WarningLevel'', @NoClutter AS ''@NoClutter'', @TableTail AS ''@TableTail'', @HtmlOutput AS ''@HtmlOutput'', @HtmlTableHead AS ''@HtmlTableHead'', @SQLtext AS ''@SQLtext'', @CollectionOutOfDate AS ''@CollectionOutOfDate'', @PSCollection AS ''@PSCollection'' END END') END IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM [Inspector].[Modules] WHERE [Modulename] = 'CPU') BEGIN INSERT INTO [Inspector].[Modules] ([ModuleConfig_Desc], [Modulename], [CollectionProcedurename], [ReportProcedurename], [ReportOrder], [WarningLevel], [ServerSpecific], [Debug], [IsActive], [HeaderText], [Frequency], [StartTime], [EndTime]) VALUES('Default','CPU','CPUInsert','CPUReport',5,2,1,0,1,'CPU has exceeded your threshold',15,'00:00','23:59'); END --Update PS Config centralisation stage information UPDATE [Inspector].[PSConfig] SET [StageTablename] = N'PSCPUStage', [StageProcname] = N'PSGetCPUStage', [TableAction] = '3', [InsertAction] = '3', [RetentionInDays] = (SELECT ISNULL([Value],5) FROM [Inspector].[Settings] WHERE [Description] = 'CPUHistoryRetentionInDays') WHERE [Modulename] = 'CPU'; IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM [Inspector].[MultiWarningModules] WHERE [Modulename] IN ('CPU')) BEGIN INSERT INTO [Inspector].[MultiWarningModules] ([Modulename]) VALUES('CPU'); END IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM sys.columns WHERE [object_id] = OBJECT_ID(N'Inspector.InspectorUpgradeHistory') AND name = 'RevisionDate') BEGIN ALTER TABLE [Inspector].[InspectorUpgradeHistory] ADD RevisionDate DATE NULL; END EXEC sp_executesql N' INSERT INTO [Inspector].[InspectorUpgradeHistory] ([Log_Date], [PreserveData], [CurrentBuild], [TargetBuild], [SetupCommand], [RevisionDate]) VALUES(GETDATE(),1,@InspectorBuild,@InspectorBuild,''Inspector_CPU_CustomModule.sql'',@Revisiondate);', N'@InspectorBuild DECIMAL(4,2), @Revisiondate DATE', @InspectorBuild = @InspectorBuild, @Revisiondate = @Revisiondate; IF (@@ERROR = 0) BEGIN IF EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM sys.tables WHERE name = 'CPUConfig' AND schema_id = SCHEMA_ID('Inspector')) BEGIN EXEC sp_executesql N'DROP TABLE [Inspector].[CPUConfig];'; END END END ELSE BEGIN RAISERROR('Inspector schema not found, ensure that the Inspector is installed then try running this script again',11,0); END GO