program FadyWildernessAgility; {$DEFINE SMART} {$I SRL-6/SRL.Simba} {$I SPS/lib/SPS-RS3.Simba} {$i SRL-6/LIB/MISC/SRLPLAYERFORM.simba} {* JUST PRESS PLAY AND FILL OUT THE FORM JUST PRESS PLAY AND FILL OUT THE FORM JUST PRESS PLAY AND FILL OUT THE FORM JUST PRESS PLAY AND FILL OUT THE FORM JUST PRESS PLAY AND FILL OUT THE FORM JUST PRESS PLAY AND FILL OUT THE FORM JUST PRESS PLAY AND FILL OUT THE FORM JUST PRESS PLAY AND FILL OUT THE FORM *} Const {*Local Version*} Local_Version := 1.1; {*These constants contain the information related to the various obstacles Only Modify these if the script stops working and you know what you're doing*} {*Obstacle Pipe data*} PipeCol := 6180404; pipeTol := 14; pipeHue := 0.14; pipeSat := 0.30; pipeObjW := 25; pipeObjH := 25; {*Swing Rope *} ropeCol := 794145; ropeTol := 2; ropeHue := 0.64; ropeSat := 4.11; ropeObjW := 6; ropeObjH := 40; ropePoint := point(204+randomRange(-2,2),107+randomRange(-2,2)); {*Lava Steps data*} lavaCol := 2107538; lavaTol := 17; lavaHue := 0.07; lavaSat := 0.32; lavaObjW := 10; lavaObjH := 10; {*Wooden Log data*} logCol := 4209978; logTol := 3; logHue := 1.67; logSat := 0.79; logObjW := 12; logObjH := 15; logPoint := point(190+randomRange(-2,2),127+randomRange(-2,2)); {*Dungeon Ladder data*} ladderCol := 3556941; ladderTol := 7; ladderHue := 0.28; ladderSat := 0.81; ladderObjW := 20; ladderObjH := 50; Type TObstacleType = record Name : String; Color, Tol, ObjW, ObjH: Integer; ColSettings: TColorSettings; OverText: TStringArray; recoverPoint: TPoint; end; var b, BreakTime,lapsDone, preHeal: integer; scriptTimer: TTimeMarker; xpGained: extended; surface,dungeon: TSPSArea; outOfFood: Boolean; pipe, rope, lava, log, ladder: TObstacleType; procedure initPlayerForm(); begin with playerForm do begin name := 'Wilderness Agility'; scriptHelpThread := ''; editBoxLabels := ['Preferred World','Play time Till Break','Break Duration','Laps to do','Antiban Chance','Food Key','Brawlers Key','Replacement Glove Key']; editBoxDefaults := ['0','60','10','5000','2400','9','8','7']; editBoxHints := [ 'Pick a world or 0 for random or -1 for "Play Now"', 'Amount of time in minutes till a break is called', 'How long you want your breaks to be, also in minutes', 'How many laps do you want to do', 'The larger the number the lower the chance of antiban', 'Where is the food located on the actionbar', 'Where are the brawler gloves located on the action bar, ignore this if you arent using them', 'Where are the replacement gloves located on the action bar, ignore this if you arent using brawlers']; checkBoxLabels := ['Disable SRL Debug?', 'Disable Script Debug?','Using Agility Brawlers?']; checkBoxDefaults := ['True','True','False']; checkBoxHints := [ 'Do you want to Disable SRL Debug?', 'Do you want to Disable the Script Debug?', 'Are you going to be using Agility Brawlers?']; end; end; procedure declarePlayers(); var i,j: integer; begin players.setup(playerForm.players); currentPlayer := 0; for i := 0 to high(players) do with players[i] do begin for j := 0 to 4 do integers[j] := strToInt(playerForm.players[i].settings[j]); for j := 0 to 2 do booleans[j] := strToBool(playerForm.players[i].settings[j+8]); for j := 0 to 2 do strings[j] := playerForm.players[i].settings[j+5]; world := integers[0]; end; end; procedure TObstacleType.init(_Name: String; _Color, _Tol, _ObjW, _ObjH: Integer; _ColSettings: TColorSettings; _OverText: TStringArray; _recoverPoint: TPoint); begin Self.Name := _Name; Self.Color := _Color; Self.Tol := _Tol; Self.ObjW := _ObjW; self.ObjH := _ObjH; Self.ColSettings := _ColSettings; Self.OverText := _OverText; Self.recoverPoint := _recoverPoint; end; procedure loadStuff(); //Sets up the various obstacles and maps. begin pipe.init('Obstacle Pipe',pipeCol,pipeTol,pipeObjW,pipeObjH,colorSetting(2,pipeHue,pipeSat),['queeze-through','ough Obstacle'],point(0,0)); rope.init('Swing Rope',ropeCol,ropeTol,ropeObjW,ropeObjH,colorSetting(2,ropeHue,ropeSat),['wing-on','on Ropeswing'],ropePoint); lava.init('Lava Steps',lavaCol,lavaTol,lavaObjW,lavaObjH,colorSetting(2,lavaHue,lavaSat),['ross Stepping','pping stone'],point(0,0)); log.init('Wooden Log',logCol,logTol,logObjW,logObjH,colorSetting(2,logHue,logSat),['alk-across','oss Log','og balance'],logPoint); ladder.init('Dungeon Ladder',ladderCol,ladderTol,ladderObjW,ladderObjH,colorSetting(2,ladderHue,ladderSat),['limb-up','up Ladder'],point(0,0)); surface.setup('CourseSurface_0', RUNESCAPE_SURFACE); dungeon.setup('CourseDungeon_0', RUNESCAPE_SURFACE); end; procedure sDebug(Text: string); begin if not players[currentPlayer].booleans[1] then writeLn(Text); end; procedure resetBreakTimer(); //Adapted from The Mayor's VEB Miner var ran: Integer; begin ran := round((players[currentPlayer].integers[1] * 60000) * 0.1); BreakTime := (getSystemTime() + (players[currentPlayer].integers[1] * 60000) + randomRange(-ran, ran)); end; procedure LoginProcedure(); begin if not isLoggedin() then players[currentPlayer].login(); // Log them in closePollWindow(); exitTreasure(); // Exit treasure hunter wait(gaussRangeInt(800, 1200)); minimap.clickCompass(); mainscreen.setAngle(MS_ANGLE_HIGH); end; {*Clicks the Various Obstacles, returns True if successful*} function TObstacleType.Click(): Boolean; var x, y, i: integer; TPA: TPointArray; ATPA: T2DPointArray; logBox : array [0..10] of TBox; logMidPoint: TPoint; begin sDebug('Looking for the colors of the '+self.Name); findColorsSpiralTolerance(x, y, TPA, self.Color, mainscreen.getBounds, self.Tol, self.ColSettings); TPA.excludePointsDist(0,185,mainscreen.playerPoint.X,mainscreen.playerPoint.Y); ATPA := TPA.toATPA(self.ObjW,self.ObjH); ATPA.sortFromMidPoint(mainscreen.playerPoint); FilterTPAsBetween(ATPA,1,20); if (Length(ATPA) <1) then begin sDebug('Failed to find enough colors for the '; exit(false); end; for i := 0 to high(ATPA) do begin if (self.Name = 'Wooden Log') then begin logMidPoint := middleTPA(ATPA[i]); logBox[i] := intToBox(logMidPoint.X-20,logMidPoint.Y-10,logMidPoint.X+3,logMidPoint.Y+10); mouse(logBox[i].getRandomPoint()); end else mouse(ATPA[i].getBounds().getRandomPoint()); wait(gaussRangeInt(80,150)); if isMouseOverText(self.OverText) then begin fastClick(Mouse_Left); result := True; break; end; end; sDebug('Result of click attempt on '+self.Name+' was: '+toStr(result)); end; {*Checks the Health of the Character, heals if less then 70%*} procedure checkHealth(); begin if (not outOfFood) and (actionbar.getHPPercent < 70) then begin preHeal := actionbar.getHPPercent; typeSend(players[currentPlayer].strings[0],false); end; end; {*Recovers from the Dungeon after failing an Obstacle, returns True if successful*} function TObstacleType.recover(): Boolean; var recoverTimer: TTimeMarker; p: TPoint; begin result := false; if minimap.findSymbol(p,MM_SYMBOL_DUNGEON,minimap.getBounds()) then exit(True); sDebug('We have fallen into the pit after failing the '+self.Name+' attempting to recover'); minimap.waitPlayerMoving(500); checkHealth(); recoverTimer.start repeat if not (distance(point(213,112),dungeon.getPlayerPos()) < 50) then if dungeon.walkToPos(point(213+randomRange(-2,2),112+randomRange(-2,2)),dungeon.getPlayerPos(),true,500) then sDebug('Walked successfuly to the ladder'); if ladder.Click then repeat wait(gaussRangeInt(200,500)); if (minimap.findSymbol(p,MM_SYMBOL_DUNGEON,minimap.getBounds())) then begin if (not outOfFood) and (not (actionbar.getHPPercent > preHeal)) then begin outOfFood := true; sDebug('We have run out of food'); end; sDebug('We have succesfully come back to the surface'); wait(gaussRangeInt(200,500)); surface.walkToPos(self.recoverPoint,surface.getPlayerPos,false); if minimap.isPlayerMoving(1500) then minimap.waitPlayerMoving(175); exit(true); end; until (recoverTimer.getTime > 45000); until (recoverTimer.getTime > 45000); if (recoverTimer.getTime > 45000) then begin writeLn('Failed to Recover after failing the '+self.Name+', terminating'); terminateScript(); end; end; {*Simple Progress Report*} procedure progressReport(); begin clearDebug; writeLn('XP Gained: '+toStr(xpGained)); writeLn('XP/HR: ' +toStr(round(xpGained/(scriptTimer.getTime()/3600000)))); writeLn('Laps Done: '+toStr(lapsDone)); writeln('Time Running: ' +timeRunning); writeln('Breaks Taken: ' +toStr(b)); end; {*Clicks the obstacle pipe, and waits until the character has reached the end*} procedure courseStart(); var pipeTimer:TTimeMarker; begin pipeTimer.start(); repeat if pipe.Click() then repeat wait(gaussRangeInt(200,500)); until (surface.isInBox(intToBox(193,107,207,115))) or (pipeTimer.getTime > 30000); until (surface.isInBox(intToBox(193,107,207,115))) or (pipeTimer.getTime > 30000); if pipeTimer.getTime > 30000 then begin writeLn('Took too long to complete the '+pipe.Name+', terminating'); terminateScript(); end; sDebug('We have successfuly passed the '+pipe.Name); xpGained := xpGained + (12.5); progressReport; end; {*Clicks the Rope and waits till the attempt is successful. Will initiate Recover if it fails *} procedure ropeSwing(); var ropeTimer: TTimeMarker; p: TPoint; begin ropeTimer.start(); minimap.waitPlayerMoving(250); repeat if rope.Click() then repeat wait(gaussRangeInt(200,500)); if not (minimap.findSymbol(p,MM_SYMBOL_DUNGEON,minimap.getBounds())) then if rope.recover then begin ropeTimer.start; break; end; if conversationBox.isOpen() then begin wait(gaussRangeInt(100,300)); sDebug('Someone was already swinging, trying again'); break; end; until (chatbox.findText(['kilfully swing','wing across'])) or (ropeTimer.getTime > 30000); until (chatbox.findText(['kilfully swing','wing across'])) or (ropeTimer.getTime > 30000); if ropeTimer.getTime > 30000 then begin writeLn('Took too long to complete the '+rope.Name+', terminating'); terminateScript(); end; sDebug('We have successfuly passed the '+rope.Name); xpGained := xpGained + (20); progressReport; end; {*Clicks the Stepping Stones, waits till they have been passed, and walks to the Log. Will Recover if failed*} procedure lavaSteps(); var lavaTimer:TTimeMarker; begin lavaTimer.start(); repeat minimap.waitPlayerMoving(); if lava.Click() then repeat if (chatbox.findTextOnLines(['he stepping stones'],[0])) then begin sDebug('We have started to cross the lava'); repeat wait(gaussRangeInt(150,350)); if (chatbox.findTextOnLines(['the lava'],[0])) then begin sDebug('We have fallen into the lava'); lavaTimer.start; break; end; until (chatbox.findText(['each the other','ther side safely'])) or (lavaTimer.getTime > 30000); break; end; until (chatbox.findText(['each the other','ther side safely'])) or (lavaTimer.getTime > 30000); until (chatbox.findText(['each the other','ther side safely'])) or (lavaTimer.getTime > 30000); if lavaTimer.getTime > 30000 then begin writeLn('Took too long to complete the '+lava.Name+', terminating'); terminateScript(); end; sDebug('We have successfuly walked across the '+lava.Name+', walking to the '+log.Name); xpGained := xpGained + (20); progressReport; surface.walkToPos(point(190+randomRange(-2,2),127+randomRange(-2,2)),surface.getPlayerPos,false); end; {*Clicks the Wooden Log and waits till it has been passed. Initiates Recovery if failed*} procedure woodenLog(); var logTimer:TTimeMarker; p: TPoint; begin if minimap.isPlayerMoving(1500) then minimap.waitPlayerMoving(175); logTimer.start(); repeat if log.Click() then repeat wait(gaussRangeInt(200,500)); if (not (minimap.findSymbol(p,MM_SYMBOL_DUNGEON,minimap.getBounds()))) and (chatbox.findTextOnLines(['ou slip','nd fall'],[0])) then if log.recover then begin logTimer.start; break; end; until (chatbox.findText(['kilfully edge','dge across'])) or (logTimer.getTime > 30000); until (chatbox.findText(['kilfully edge','dge across'])) or (logTimer.getTime > 30000); if logTimer.getTime > 30000 then begin writeLn('Took too long to complete the '+log.Name+', terminating'); terminateScript(); end; wait(gaussRangeInt(200,400)); sDebug('We have successfuly walked across the '+log.Name+', walking to the Cliffside'); xpGained := xpGained + (20); progressReport; end; {*Clicks the Cliffside, and waits till it reaches the other side, then walks to the starting point*} procedure wallClimb(); var wallTimer: TTimeMarker; begin wallTimer.start; repeat mouseOval(285,317,10,20,MOUSE_MOVE); if not (isMouseOverText(['ttack'],gaussRangeInt(150,250))) then begin fastClick(MOUSE_LEFT); break; end; until (wallTimer.getTime > 30000); if players[currentPlayer].booleans[2] then begin wait(gaussRangeInt(50,200)); typeSend(players[currentPlayer].strings[1],false); end; repeat if isMouseOverText(['limb Cliffside'],300) then begin wait(gaussRangeInt(50,150)); fastClick(MOUSE_LEFT); sDebug('Found and clicked the Cliffside '); break; end; until (wallTimer.getTime > 30000); repeat wait(gaussRangeInt(200,600)); if surface.isInBox(intToBox(150,161,171,175)) then begin sDebug('Succesfuly climbed the Cliffside'); break; end; until (surface.isInBox(intToBox(150,161,171,175))) or (wallTimer.getTime > 30000); if (wallTimer.getTime > 30000) then begin writeLn('Took too long to climb the Cliffside, terminating script'); terminateScript(); end; sDebug('Walking to the '+pipe.Name); surface.walkToPos(point(199+randomRange(-2,2),161+randomRange(-2,2)),surface.getPlayerPos,false); if players[currentPlayer].booleans[2] then begin wait(gaussRangeInt(50,200)); typeSend(players[currentPlayer].strings[2],false); xpGained := xpGained + (1996); end else xpGained := xpGained + (499); inc(lapsDone); progressReport; if minimap.isPlayerMoving(1200) then minimap.waitPlayerMoving(175); end; procedure takeBreak(); //Adapted from The Mayor's VEB Miner var H, M, S, breakFor, timeLeft, ran: Integer; breakDuration: TTimeMarker; begin if (getSystemTime() >= BreakTime) then begin writeLn('Taking a Break'); if random(2) = 0 then players[currentPlayer].logout() else players[currentPlayer].exitToLobby(); ran := round((players[currentPlayer].integers[2] * 60000) * 0.1); breakFor := (players[currentPlayer].integers[2] * 60000) + randomRange(ran, -ran); convertTime(breakFor, H, M, S); writeLn('Taking a Break for: ' + toStr(H)+ 'h ' + toStr(M)+ 'm ' + toStr(S)+ 's'); breakDuration.start(); repeat timeLeft := breakFor - breakDuration.getTime(); convertTime(timeLeft, H, M, S); writeLn('Resuming in: ' + toStr(H)+ 'h ' + toStr(M)+ 'm ' + toStr(S)+ 's'); wait(25000 + random(4000)); until breakFor < breakDuration.getTime(); inc(b); LoginProcedure(); resetBreakTimer(); end; end; {*Checks if the necessary files are present. All Credit goes to The Mayor*} procedure checkForFile(path, url, name: String); var itemName: String; itemFile: LongInt; begin itemName := appPath + path; if fileExists(itemName) then begin sDebug(name + ' already exists'); exit(); end; writeLn('Downloading ' + name); showMessage('You''re missing the ' + name + chr(13) + chr(13) + 'Downloading it now!'); closeFile(createFile(itemName)); itemFile := reWriteFile(itemName, false); writeFileString(itemFile, getPage(url)); closeFile(itemFile); end; {*Will obtain the Latest Version of the script available online*} procedure autoUpdateMe(); var newFile: integer; newScript, newFilePath: string; online_Version: extended; begin sDebug('Checking for updates'); online_Version := strToFloat(getPage('')); sDebug('Local Version ' + toStr(Local_Version) + ', Online Version: ' + toStr(online_Version)+'.'); if online_Version > Local_Version then begin writeLn('Downloading the latest script version from GitHub'); newScript := getPage(''); newFilePath := scriptPath+ 'Fady Wilderness Agility V' + toStr(online_Version) +'.simba'; newFile := rewriteFile(newFilePath, true); if not writeFileString(newFile, newScript) then begin writeLn('Could not write to ' + newFilePath); terminatescript(); end; closeFile(newFile); writeLn('Latest script downloaded to ' + newFilePath); writeLn('Please use the new one to run the latest version!'); terminateScript(); end else sDebug('Local version is already up to date!'); end; begin clearDebug(); initPlayerForm(); runPlayerForm(); if (not playerForm.isScriptReady) then exit; declarePlayers(); autoUpdateMe(); checkForFile('Includes/SPS/img/runescape_surface/CourseSurface_0.png', '', 'Course Surface Map'); checkForFile('Includes/SPS/img/runescape_surface/CourseDungeon_0.png', '', 'Course Dungeon Map'); smartEnableDrawing := True; smartShowConsole := false; disableSRLDebug := players[currentPlayer].booleans[0]; setupSRL(); loadStuff(); loginProcedure(); resetBreakTimer(); scriptTimer.start(); repeat if (actionBar.getHPPercent < 20) then begin writeLn('Health too low, Terminating Script'); terminateScript(); end; courseStart(); ropeSwing(); lavaSteps(); woodenLog(); wallClimb(); takeBreak(); until (lapsDone = players[currentPlayer].integers[3]); end.