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// group product carousel active $('.group-list-carousel').each(function () { var $this = $(this); var $arrowContainer = $(this).parent().siblings('.section-title-append').find('.slick-append'); $this.slick({ infinite: true, rows: 4, prevArrow: '', nextArrow: '', appendArrows: $arrowContainer, responsive: [{ breakpoint: 992, settings: { slidesToShow: 2, } }, { breakpoint: 768, settings: { slidesToShow: 1, } }] }); }); // blog carousel active start $('.group-list-carousel--3').slick({ autoplay: true, speed: 1000, rows: 3, slidesToShow: 3, adaptiveHeight: true, prevArrow: '', nextArrow: '', responsive: [{ breakpoint: 992, settings: { slidesToShow: 2 } }, { breakpoint: 768, settings: { arrows: false, slidesToShow: 1 } }] }); // blog carousel active start $('.blog-carousel-2').slick({ speed: 1000, dots: true, arrows: false, autoplay: true, }); // testimonial cariusel active js $('.testimonial-content-carousel').slick({ arrows: false, asNavFor: '.testimonial-thumb-carousel' }); // product details slider nav active $('.testimonial-thumb-carousel').slick({ slidesToShow: 3, asNavFor: '.testimonial-content-carousel', centerMode: true, arrows: false, centerPadding: 0, focusOnSelect: true }); // blog carousel active $('.blog-carousel-active').slick({ autoplay: true, speed: 1000, slidesToShow: 3, adaptiveHeight: true, prevArrow: '', nextArrow: '', responsive: [{ breakpoint: 992, settings: { slidesToShow: 2 } }, { breakpoint: 768, settings: { arrows: false, slidesToShow: 1 } }] }); // Hot deals carousel active start $('.deals-carousel-active').slick({ autoplay: true, speed: 1000, slidesToShow: 3, adaptiveHeight: true, prevArrow: '', nextArrow: '', responsive: [{ breakpoint: 992, settings: { slidesToShow: 2 } }, { breakpoint: 768, settings: { arrows: false, slidesToShow: 2 } }, { breakpoint: 576, settings: { arrows: false, slidesToShow: 1 } }] }); // Hot deals carousel active start $('.deals-carousel-active--two').slick({ autoplay: true, speed: 1000, slidesToShow: 4, adaptiveHeight: true, prevArrow: '', nextArrow: '', responsive: [{ breakpoint: 992, settings: { slidesToShow: 2 } }, { breakpoint: 768, settings: { arrows: false, slidesToShow: 2 } }, { breakpoint: 576, settings: { arrows: false, slidesToShow: 1 } }] }); 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$(".minicart-inner").addClass('show') }) $(".offcanvas-close, .minicart-close,.offcanvas-overlay").on('click', function(){ $("body").removeClass('fix'); $(".minicart-inner").removeClass('show') }) // Data countdown active js $('[data-countdown]').each(function () { var $this = $(this), finalDate = $(this).data('countdown'); $this.countdown(finalDate, function (event) { $this.html(event.strftime('
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