{ "queries": [ { "name": "All Shortest Path - Owned to HighValue", "queryList": [ { "final": true, "query": "MATCH p=allShortestPaths((O {owned: True})-[r:{}*1..]->(H {highvalue: True})) RETURN p", "props": {}, "allowCollapse": true } ] }, { "name": "All Shortest Path - Owned to HighValue - Exclude Blacklist", "queryList": [ { "final": true, "query": "MATCH p=allShortestPaths((O {owned: True})-[r:{}*1..]->(H {highvalue: True})) WHERE NONE(x IN NODES(p) WHERE x:Blacklist) RETURN p", "props": {}, "allowCollapse": true } ] }, { "name": "Owned - View All", "queryList": [ { "final": true, "query": "MATCH (x {owned: True}) RETURN x", "props": {}, "allowCollapse": true } ] }, { "name": "Owned - Clear All", "queryList": [ { "final": true, "query": "MATCH (x {owned: True}) SET x.owned=False", "props": {}, "allowCollapse": true } ] }, { "name": "HighValue - View All", "queryList": [ { "final": true, "query": "MATCH (x {highvalue: True}) RETURN x", "props": {}, "allowCollapse": true } ] }, { "name": "HighValue - Clear All", "queryList": [ { "final": true, "query": "MATCH (x {highvalue: True}) SET x.highvalue=False", "props": {}, "allowCollapse": true } ] }, { "name": "Blacklist - View All", "queryList": [ { "final": true, "query": "MATCH (x:Blacklist) RETURN x", "props": {}, "allowCollapse": true } ] }, { "name": "Blacklist - Add User", "queryList": [ { "final": false, "query": "MATCH (x:User) RETURN x.name ORDER BY x.name", "props": {}, "allowCollapse": true }, { "final": true, "query": "MATCH (x:User) WHERE x.name={result} SET x:Blacklist", "props": {}, "allowCollapse": true } ] }, { "name": "Blacklist - Add Group", "queryList": [ { "final": false, "query": "MATCH (x:Group) RETURN x.name ORDER BY x.name", "props": {}, "allowCollapse": true }, { "final": true, "query": "MATCH (x:Group) WHERE x.name={result} SET x:Blacklist", "props": {}, "allowCollapse": true } ] }, { "name": "Blacklist - Add Computer", "queryList": [ { "final": false, "query": "MATCH (x:Computer) RETURN x.name ORDER BY x.name", "props": {}, "allowCollapse": true }, { "final": true, "query": "MATCH (x:Computer) WHERE x.name={result} SET x:Blacklist", "props": {}, "allowCollapse": true } ] }, { "name": "Blacklist - Remove User", "queryList": [ { "final": false, "query": "MATCH (x:User:Blacklist) RETURN x.name ORDER BY x.name", "props": {}, "allowCollapse": true }, { "final": true, "query": "MATCH (x:User) WHERE x.name={result} REMOVE x:Blacklist", "props": {}, "allowCollapse": true } ] }, { "name": "Blacklist - Remove Group", "queryList": [ { "final": false, "query": "MATCH (x:Group:Blacklist) RETURN x.name ORDER BY x.name", "props": {}, "allowCollapse": true }, { "final": true, "query": "MATCH (x:Group) WHERE x.name={result} REMOVE x:Blacklist", "props": {}, "allowCollapse": true } ] }, { "name": "Blacklist - Remove Computer", "queryList": [ { "final": false, "query": "MATCH (x:Computer:Blacklist) RETURN x.name ORDER BY x.name", "props": {}, "allowCollapse": true }, { "final": true, "query": "MATCH (x:Computer) WHERE x.name={result} REMOVE x:Blacklist", "props": {}, "allowCollapse": true } ] }, { "name": "Blacklist - Clear All", "queryList": [ { "final": true, "query": "MATCH (x:Blacklist) REMOVE x:Blacklist", "props": {}, "allowCollapse": true } ] } ] }