#cloud-config prefer_fqdn_over_hostname: true #Add entry in ${fqdn} in /etc/hosts file. manage_etc_hosts: localhost #Set Timezone and Keyboard layout, Update TimeZone and Keyboard layout as per your locality. timezone: Asia/Kolkata keyboard: layout: us #Create users = default users created during deployment process, administrator is admin users created for SafeSquid non-previlaged user, ssquid user created for safesquid service users: #Default user Created during deployment process - default runcmd: #Create Custom LVM Partitions - [ wget, "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SafeSquid-Github/safesquid_cloud-init/main/scripts/makePartitions.sh", -O, /tmp/makePartitions.sh ] - [ bin/bash, /tmp/makePartitions.sh ] #Setup SafeSquid with all required packages and inital setup. - [ wget, "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SafeSquid-Github/safesquid_cloud-init/main/scripts/makeAppliance.sh", -O, /tmp/makeAppliance.sh ] - [ bin/bash, /tmp/makeAppliance.sh ] #Update && Upgrade packages. package_update: true package_upgrade: true