var _demo = "\n" + "\nwindow.demo = function(message, callback) {" + "\n if (typeof callback !== 'function')" + "\n throw new Error('bad callback: ' + callback);" + "\n info(message + ' (waiting 1s)');" + "\n setTimeout(function() {" + "\n info(message + ' (done!)');" + "\n callback(null, message.length);" + "\n }, 1000);" + "\n}" + "\n"; var _samples = { introSample: "" + "// Demonstrates how 'streamline.js' transforms synchronous-looking code" + "\n// into asynchronous code with callbacks." + "\n//" + "\n// Try one of the samples above, or write your own code below." + "\n// Syntax is simple: just use '_' anywhere a callback is expected" + "\n//" + "\n// The samples compute factorial(4) by different methods." + "\n//" + "\n// Look at the transformed code and run it with the 'execute' button." + "\n//" + "\n// The transformation generates some one-liner auxiliary functions." + "\n// Select the 'show complete code' option to see the whole code." + "\n//" + "\n// The 'beautify' button can help you tidy your code." + _demo + "\ndemo('Straight to the answer: fact(4) = 24', _);" + "\n" + "\n// A few pointers to understand the generated code:" + "\n//" + "\n// * the '_' parameter is the callback. This is where execution will" + "\n// continue on a return or throw statement." + "\n// * the '__then' variable is a 'then' callback. This is where execution will" + "\n// resume at the end of the construct if it didn't encounter a return " + "\n// or throw." + "\n// * the '__cb' function is just a little callback wrapper that deals with " + "\n// error handling and other small matters in a generic way." + "\n// * the '__trap' function handles errors if the callback is missing." + "\n", sequenceSample: "" + "// Multiply one step at a time:" + "\n" + "\nvar fact = demo('1', _);" + "\nfact *= demo('12', _);" + "\nfact *= demo('123', _);" + "\nfact *= demo('1234', _);" + "\ndemo('fact(4) = ' + fact, _);" + "\n", expressionsSample: "" + "// Multiply all at once:" + "\n" + "\nvar fact = demo('1', _) * demo('12', _) * demo('123', _) * demo('1234', _);" + "\ndemo('fact(4) = ' + fact, _)" + "\n", functionsSample: "" + "// Go through intermediate functions: " + "\n" + "\nfunction f(n1, n2, _) {" + "\n return demo(n1, _) * demo(n2, _);" + "\n}" + "\n" + "\nfunction g(_) {" + "\n return f('1', '12', _) * f('123', '1234', _);" + "\n}" + "\n" + "\ndemo('fact(4) = ' + g(_), _);" + "\n", ifElseSample: "" + "// Natural recursive version with if/else test." + "\n" + "\nfunction fact(n, _) {" + "\n if (n == 1) { demo('return: 1', _); return 1; }" + "\n else { demo('recurse: ' + n, _); return n * fact(n - 1, _); }" + "\n}" + "\n" + "\ndemo('fact(4) = ' + fact(4, _), _);" + "\n", loopSample: "" + "// Natural iterative version" + "\n" + "\nfunction fact(n, _) {" + "\n var result = 1;" + "\n for (var str = '-'; str.length <= n; str += '-') {" + "\n result *= demo(str, _);" + "\n }" + "\n return result;" + "\n}" + "\n" + "\ndemo('fact(4) = ' + fact(4, _), _);" + "\n", tryCatchSample: "" + "// Recursive variant with throw/catch." + "\n" + "\nfunction fact(n, _) {" + "\n try {" + "\n demo('try: n = ' + n, _);" + "\n if (n == 0) throw new Error('zero');" + "\n return n * fact(n - 1, _);" + "\n }" + "\n catch (ex) { demo('caught ' + ex.message, _); return 1; }" + "\n finally { demo('finally: n = ' + n, _); }" + "\n}" + "\n" + "\ndemo('fact(4) = ' + fact(4, _), _);" + "\n", lazySample: "" + "// Variant with lazy eval operators." + "\n// Note that fact(3, _) is evaluated but fact(5, _) is not" + "\n" + "\nfunction fact(n, _) {" + "\n demo('n=' + n, _);" + "\n return n == 1 ? demo('!', _) : n * fact(n - 1, _);" + "\n}" + "\n" + "\nvar fact4 = (fact(3, _) - 6) || fact(4, _) || fact(5, _);" + "\n" + "\ndemo('fact(4) = ' + fact4, _);" + "\n", futuresSample: "" + "// Variant with futures." + "\n// Much faster because all futures wait together" + "\n" + "\n// Intermediate function to return future when called" + "\n// without _ (demo does not return future)" + "\nfunction demo2(str, _) { return demo(str, _); }" + "\n" + "\nvar v1 = demo2('1');" + "\nvar v2 = demo2('12');" + "\nvar v3 = demo2('123');" + "\nvar v4 = demo2('1234');" + "\n" + "\ndemo2('fact(4) = ' +v1(_) * v2(_) * v3(_) * v4(_));" + "\n", } var _complete = false; function error(message) { $('#result').removeClass('info').addClass('error').text(message); } function info(message) { $('#result').removeClass('error').addClass('success').text(message); } Streamline.globals.context = { errorHandler: function(err){ error(err.message || err.toString()); } } eval(_demo); // define demo if user does not execute intro function _transform() { var codeIn = $('#codeIn').val(); try { var codeOut = Streamline.transform(codeIn, { noHelpers: !_complete, lines: _complete ? "preserve" : "ignore" }); $('#codeOut').val(codeOut); info("ready") } catch (ex) { console.error(ex); error(ex.message) } } function _execute() { var codeIn = $('#codeIn').val(); try { var codeOut = Streamline.transform(codeIn, { lines: "preserve" }); eval(codeOut); } catch (ex) { error(ex.message); } } function _beautify(str) { try { var str = Narcissus.decompiler.pp(Narcissus.parser.parse(str)); str = str.replace(/}\s*;/g, "}") $('#codeIn').val(str); return true; } catch (ex) { error(ex.message); return false; } } $( function() { $('#codeIn').keyup(_transform); $('.sample').click( function() { $('#codeIn').val(_samples[]); _transform(); }); $('#beautify').click( function() { _beautify($('#codeIn').val()); }) $('#complete').change( function() { _complete = !_complete; _transform(); }) $('#execute').click( function() { _execute(); }) $('#codeIn').val(_samples["introSample"]); _transform(); })