Write these words down and keep them safe. Do not lose these words or forget your passphrase. I\'ve written down my words Creating wallet. Please wait... Restoring wallet. Please wait... Decrypting BIP38 password. Please wait... Settings Support Sweep private key PayNyms Activate all archived payment codes Sync all payment codes Whirlpool About Samourai Wallet OK Cancel Block explorer Stealth Remote Wallet Networking About Show mnemonic Show 12-word seed for this wallet. Show BIP44 XPUB Show extended public key for BIP44 account. Show Segwit YPUB Show extended public key for BIP49 Segwit account (P2SH-wrapped). Show Segwit ZPUB Show extended public key for BIP84 Segwit account (Bech32). Show Whirlpool pre-mix ZPUB Show extended public key for BIP84 Segwit account (Bech32) Whirlpool pre-mix. Show Whirlpool post-mix ZPUB Show extended public key for BIP84 Segwit account (Bech32) Whirlpool post-mix. Show Whirlpool bad bank ZPUB Show extended public key for BIP84 Segwit account (Bech32) Whirlpool bad bank. Secure erase wallet Securely erase this wallet from the device. Stealth launcher Remove Samourai from the launcher and home screen. You must dial **YOUR_PIN_CODE# from the phone dialer to launch Samourai. Enable remote commands Allow remote commands via SMS. Block explorer The block explorer used to view transaction details. SIM switch defense Send SMS to a trusted mobile number when the SIM card is changed. Use trusted mobile number for remote Only allow remote commands sent from your trusted mobile phone number. Trusted number A trusted mobile number that you can restrict remote access to (use int\'l format without spaces ex.: +447385555555). APK hash Get SHA-256 hash of this installed APK file (can be copied to clipboard). VPN Launch OpenVPN for Android. Route via Tor? Launch Orbot (Tor). Export wallet backup Change PIN Define a new PIN code; used to unlock your wallet. Stealth launch and remote PIN Define alternative PIN for stealth launch and remote functions. Autosave backup to device storage Periodically save passphrase encrypted backup to device storage. Version Transactions STONEWALL spend Spends will use STONEWALL algorithm for increased obfuscation. Show unspent outputs Set trusted node Specify your own bitcoin node to broadcast transactions. Use trusted node Broadcast transactions from your own node. Spend using RBF Spends will use replace-by-fee to enable fee bumping. Troubleshoot Passphrase/backup test Verify wallet access and backup support. Send backup to tech support Send wallet backup to tech support. Does not contain private key info. Fee Estimation Source Select your preferred transaction fee estimation provider. Broadcast transactions Uncheck (broadcasting OFF) to copy raw signed transaction to the clipboard. Receive to segwit addresses Generate segwit addresses for incoming transactions. Broadcast transaction hex Broadcast signed transaction supplied in hex format. Receive change to like-typed outputs Receive change to same type of address as spend output. Turn OFF to receive only to segwit change addresses. Haptic PIN entry Vibrate each digit on PIN code entry. Prune backup Prune wallet payload and backup files. Address calculator Calculate addresses derived from your wallet seed. PayNym calculator Calculate addresses shared with other PayNyms. Wallet indexes Current index values for this wallet. Pair to Whirlpool GUI Pair to Whirlpool GUI for continuous mixing. Spend from post-mix Whirlpool Send wallet backup to tech support? Does not include any private key, seed, or passphrase info. Today Older Transaction sent Error sending transaction Received Sent Send Receive Cannot select unspent outputs Error determining output address Error determining change address Copied to clipboard Send payment code Are you sure you want to exit Samourai? Yes No Close Your Samourai Wallet device now has a different SIM card corresponding to incoming number of this text message. Create a PIN code between 5 and 8 characters. Confirm PIN code Pin code error No Internet connectivity. Please try again. BIP38 password BIP38 password error Please create a passphrase and keep it secret. You will need this passphrase if you lose access to your wallet. Please confirm your passphrase. Keep it secret. You will need this passphrase if you lose access to your wallet. Enter your mnemonic (or hex entropy) and, if necessary, your BIP39 passphrase. If you do not use a BIP39 passphrase, leave it blank. Your wallet must use a passphrase. Please try again. Passphrase does not match. Please try again. Do not use any space characters in your passphrase. Please try again. You must define a passphrase. Please select... Create wallet Restore wallet Enter your wallet passphrase BIP39 passphrase BIP39 passphrase verified OK. Wallet passphrase verified OK. Would you like to test decryption of the latest auto backup? Backup file OK. Error reading backup file. Mnemonic or hex entropy Enter PIN code Please wait... Random key error Login failed Wallet created OK. Error creating wallet. Wallet restored OK. Error restoring wallet. You have used this address before! Reusing addresses may result in a loss of privacy. Scan Scan error Enter private key To Address or payment channel Insufficient funds Samourai does not handle transactions over 100KB in size. Please try splitting your transaction. Invalid amount Invalid address Amount Copy this address to the clipboard? If copied, it may be visible to other applications. Copy this transaction id to the clipboard? If copied, it may be visible to other applications. Share this receive address? If shared, it may be read to other applications. Are you sure you want to erase this wallet? Wallet erased from device. Privacy warning: be aware that you have already sent funds to this address. Securely wiping wallet. Please wait. Scramble PIN Screen Use scrambled numerical pad to enter your wallet. You must have Orbot installed and activated to proxy traffic through it. Would you like to install it from Google Play? SSL certificate pinning has failed. This might indicate malicious activity. Please verify your network connection and device before continuing. We are unable to connect to the host to verify the SSL certificate. Please verify your network connection and device before continuing. Retry Exit Create PIN code Confirm PIN code NORMAL FEE PRIORITY FEE LOW FEE Custom sat/b Wallet Shifted Max. available: Select account Received Bitcoin Received Transaction sent Total Export to clipboard Export to email There was an error while encrypting your wallet backup. Please try again. From backup Mnemonic/seed Encrypted wallet data There was an error while decrypting your wallet backup. Please try again. Restore wallet from backup Backup found on device. To restore from existing backup, tap \'OK\', otherwise copy/paste different backup and tap \'OK\'. Choose an Email client: Samourai Wallet cannot be run on this device Are you sure you want to change your PIN? PIN changed Are you sure you want to create an alternative PIN to be used for stealth launch and remote commands? You are not using any alternative PIN code for stealth and remote functions. Wait for stealth launch mode to fully activate before defining an alternative PIN code. Invalid payment code Error generating payment code Your PayNym Add PayNym contact Adding this PayNym to your contacts requires a one-time transaction fee for creating the record on the blockchain. will be deducted from your wallet balance. New contact Scan or paste a payment code to create a new payment channel. Paste Label Next Confirm Payment code Notification transaction sent. Your payment channel is being created. You must supply a label for this payment code Not yet established Pending - 0/1 Confirmations Ready to send Ready to receive Cannot scan your own payment code Send through this payment channel? Sign message Sign message using BIP47 notification address private key? Signed using my BIP47 notification address. This payment channel is waiting for 1 confirmation before sending is activated. Would you like to discard the previous attempt and resend a notification? The incoming transaction is replace-by-fee. View in block explorer? Invalid passphrase Passphrase Your wallet is not protected by a passphrase. Wallet backups are encrypted using your wallet passphrase. If you would like to use encrypted wallet backups and other Samourai Wallet features create your wallet using Samourai Wallet and transfer your funds. A passphrase is required to use this function. Please consider creating a new wallet which will automatically include a passphrase. Samourai APIs cannot be reached. Please verify connection and try again or try later. Samourai APIs are returning an error. Please try again or try later. Invalid API key. Invalid API token. Cannot recognize private key Error sweeping private key Sending transaction, please wait. Processing Ricochet queue, please wait. The change from this transaction is a dust amount. Try again and either modify the spend amount or spend the entire balance. Samourai is routing via Tor. Samourai is not routing via Tor. Tap to activate. Tap to install Orbot and route Samourai through Tor. Premium Addons Ricochet Hop Ricocheted to Ricochet spend to for a total amount of (includes 0.002 BTC fee to Samourai and miners\' fees)? Replay Ricochet Empty Ricochet queue Ricochet - send with 4 extra hops Display Ricochet script Resend Ricochet Do you want to rebroadcast this Ricochet spend? There was a problem broadcasting your Ricochet. Do you want to rebroadcast this Ricochet spend? There is no Ricochet to be resent. There is no Ricochet script to display. Your Ricochet has been broadcast. Unable to mask outgoing payment code Unable to compose notification tx Spend failed. Server returned null value. Trusted node rpc user name IP address Port (8332 default) rpc user password Please supply valid info for your trusted node. Trusted node not recognized. Please check installation. Error reaching proposed trusted node. Transaction failed on trusted node. Trusted node is set. Note that Samourai Wallet supports Bitcoin Core 0.13.1 and over. Transaction sent via trusted node. Trusted node not responding. Please check installation. Trusted node cannot be set on a bitcoin client that breaks consensus. Retrieving transactions and balance. Retrieved transactions and balance. Retrieved incoming BIP47 notification transactions. Updated outgoing BIP47 notification transactions. This transaction is awaiting confirmation. Please select an option: View transaction Increase tx fee Cannot retrieve transaction information. Please try again. Be advised that bumping the fee may not be necessary for this transaction. Would you like to increase the miner fee of this transaction for quicker confirmation?\n\nAdditional Miner Fee: Sign message The proof-of-work being reported by your trusted node is not verifying. Please check your installation. Show current miners\' fees Your fee selection is set to: Current high fee: Current normal fee: Current low fee: sat/b Set your custom fee in sat/b. Custom fee is set too low. Custom fee is set too high. CPFP transaction sent. RBF transaction sent. Cannot make transaction with dust output. Cannot create change output. Cannot create CPFP transaction. Error reading payload. Please try again. Sign message Sign message using this private key? Signed using utxo. Signed using utxo. Recovery Checkup Your wallet recovery words and passphrase will be displayed. Do not allow anyone to view your screen. This will NOT be displayed again. Mnemonic I\'VE SECURED MY RECOVERY INFO As a reminder, your PIN code is: Confirmed Balance Private Key VERIFIED Valid private key on device CANNOT VERIFY Cannot validate private key on device VIEW SWEEP TOP UP Select application Samourai: OpenDime Replay protection Unprotected In progress Protected Chain split detected All addresses will be merged into a single transaction and sent to an address in your wallet. This is referred to as merging inputs and may degrade your privacy. ENABLE REPLAY PROTECTION broadcast to network... seen on network... split tx broadcast... Your wallet will send a special transaction to itself that will permanently split your coins from the other chain. This will protect you against replay attacks. waiting for confirmations confirmed confirmations: Bitcoin (Satoshi:0.14.2/UASF-BIP148) Bitcoin Cash (Bitcoin ABC) Replay protection awaiting confirmation DISMISS ALERT Show QR Share QR Send raw transaction Raw transaction too large to display in QR code. Select network... MainNet TestNet Segwit Address Funds deposited in Segwit addresses are more efficient to transact with. Offering reduced miner fees when sending bitcoin from your wallet. A private key has been identified in your clipboard. Delete the clipboard contents? Transaction hex Enter transaction in hex format Broadcast transaction DUST TRANSACTION An unexpected dust transaction into your wallet can indicate an attempt to track your wallet addresses and spending.\n\nMark this dust as unspendable to mitigate against 3rd party tracking attempts. Amount: Hash-Index: Ignore Mark unspendable PAYNYM DUST Do Not Spend This dust transaction is currently blocked from spending. Unblock this unspent entry for possible spending? Mark spendable Mark do-not-spend Make this unspent output spendable? Make this unspent output unspendable? Sign a message Display redeem script View transaction Display private key Batch spend Check box to not warn about repeat sends to this address. Mark the unspent outputs that compose the inputs to this transaction as unspendable? Copy to clipboard Error: This is not a valid bitcoin request. Samourai only supports sending to valid bitcoin addresses. Learn More PayNym PayNyms Claim your paynym Claim your free PayNymID Allow your friends & contacts to find and connect to your PayNym directly through compatible bitcoin wallets. Benefits of a PayNymID Unique name and image generated with a hash of your paynym code. No two will ever be the same! No identity checks! Your name and image are based on your paynym code, not any national ID card. Be found easily! Compatible wallets can search for new contacts and send private secure payments without leaving a trace. Claim my PayNymID Not interested. Don\'t ask me again. Claim my PayNymID and add my public PayNym code to PayNym.is? Adding a PayNym to your contacts requires a one-time transaction fee for creating the record on the blockchain. Deposit BTC into your wallet and try again. Help I understand that Samourai cannot provide assistance in the case of lost or forgotten passphrases. Samourai never has any knowledge of my passphrase. Confirm pin code Re-enter your PIN code Re-enter a passphrase Create a passphrase Create a secure passphrase for your wallet Set Pin code You need to accept disclaimer Import external wallet Import samourai backup Backup file import an encrypted samourai backup to restore a wallet with all meta-data intact BACK finish choose file Hello blank fragment Add bip39 password Close bip39 password Enter your mnemonic seed to import a wallet from another provider. Last updated Get help Offline mode Import Samourai backup Samourai Bitcoin Wallet Enter your wallet passphrase Start new wallet Create wallet: Get help Restore wallet: Get help Miner fee Low priority: estimated 24 Normal priority: estimated 6 High priority: estimated 2 Custom fee: estimated blocks before confirmation Invalid BIP39 mnemonic word Invalid BIP39 mnemonic Enter your code here I confirm that I have written the above words down and have stored them in a safe and secure location. I understand that anyone who has access to both my passphrase and my recovery words will be able to access my wallet and all my funds. Return to wallet It is not safe to keep these words backed up on your computer or in the cloud. Write these words down on a piece of paper and keep it secret and secure. These words are a backup of all the secret keys in your wallet. RECOVERY WORDS Requesting SMS and Phone state permission Your wallet needs access to SMS send and receive so it can use remote alert features. Requesting process outgoing call permission Your wallet needs access to outgoing calls so it can use the stealth launch feature. Requesting read/write permission Your wallet needs access to file storage so it can automatically save an encrypted backup of your wallet to your device. Requesting camera permission Your wallet needs access to the camera so it can scan QR codes. Use bech32 address A STONEWALL spend could not be composed with your current set of unspents. If you require a STONEWALL spend tap \'NO\' and try again with a modified set of unspents. Be advised that \'Receive change to like-typed outputs\' is OFF and can result in a less optimal transaction structure for your STONEWALL spend. Main3Activity 0.00 Advanced Broadcast with TxTenna Show QR Code Cannot broadcast transaction without a data connection.How would you like to proceed Insufficient fee View amounts by address type Total legacy (p2pkh): Total segwit (p2sh): Total segwit (bech32): Total blocked: Creating transaction... Cannot create transaction Signing transaction... Cannot sign transaction Broadcasting transaction... Cannot broadcast transaction Transaction sent Transaction not sent Prune payload and backup files? Samourai Wallet is in offline mode. Your Samourai Wallet broadcasting is switched off. Transaction in stand-by Display Hex Code txTenna on Android coming soon PayNym Index Receive addresses Send addresses Receive redeem script Receive private key Invalid index Type of address Address chain Receive address Change address Whirlpool Segwit post-mix Encrypted backup detected RESTORE Request Amount Address Type Path SendNewUIActivity Additional hops between your wallet and the final destination for increased fungibility REVIEW TRANSACTION STONEWALL increases deniability and reduces linkability of this transaction. " " Cycling bitcoin through the \n whirlpool will cover the tracks your \n transactions leave behind metadata cleaner end-to-end trustlessness Your private keys never leave the\n device at any point during the\n Whirlpool cycle different cycles for different needs Pay a small fee for a fast cycle or \n earn a small BTC reward when you\n complete a slow cycle Your coins will be added to the top of the queue for immediate processing WhirlPoolMain WhirlpoolMain CycleActivity Your coins will be added to the bottom of the queue but will earn a small BTC reward when the cycle completes Standard 48 hours + FREE 1.50% 0-5 mins Select a cycle type SuperCharge Transaction Broadcast pending Transaction ID Completed " " Pay again Miner fee rate Status TxPrivacyDetails Number of deterministic \ncombinations Transaction Entropy Efficiency score HIDE LOG Copy Show Log Unconfirmed Confirmation Total available amount You do not yet have any PayNym contacts Experimental #Cahoots Make every spend a CoinJoin. PSBT Partially Signed Bitcoin Transaction. Scan or paste a #Cahoots. Scan or paste a PSBT. Enter #Cahoots text Enter PSBT hex text Create #Cahoots spend Stowaway Stonewall Urgent Normal Low Your staggered Ricochet has been forwarded for broadcast. Please wait until the block height permits the broadcasting of all the transactions in the series. Your staggered Ricochet could not be forwarded for broadcast. Please try again. Label UTXO Boost transaction fee Refund Invalid #Cahoots JSON parsing error Unrecognized #Cahoots Cannot compose #Cahoots Begin Stowaway as spender Begin STONEWALL as spender Enter amount in sats 0 bits N/A Display transaction Unrecognized #Cahoots step Cannot process Stowaway Cannot process STONEWALL Cannot process #Cahoots Networking Powering Samourai Wallet with your own personal node offers the best level of privacy and independence when interacting with the bitcoin network. Dojo makes running a full node easy and simple. - Plug and Play full bitcoin node\n\n -Automatically configured Tor hidden service\n\n -Independence from default Samourai servers If you already have a Dojo Full Node or are \nrunning the free and open source Dojo Software\non your own hardware, scan the pairing QR code\nlocated on the Dojo Maintenance control panel Power Samourai with your own personal DOJO full node Connect to existing Dojo Create wallet and pair to Dojo preorder Add New to automatically generate unique private addresses for sending bitcoin to this contact Follow Wallet Locked Address Samourai is offline Balance and transaction history will not be updated until a working data connection is established You received This fee covers the cost of creating a special type of transaction on the blockchain. This keeps PayNym decentralized A one time connection fee of will be charged to follow contact initializing Tor... Cannot prepare pair to Whirlpool GUI. message copied Scan Code Follows you Edit paynym Syncing payment codes Payment code sync complete Show PayNym indexes BEGIN CYCLE POOL FEE TOTAL FEES MINER FEE Total Whirlpool Balance REVIEW CYCLE DETAILS Cycled Transactions Initial Transaction Progress Waiting for blockchain confirmation Create password Confirm password Define pairing password: (6-255 characters) Error creating password Invalid password Review Whirlpool Details Total selected Cycle Please note that spending from your post-mix account without using STONEWALL will result in a loss of the privacy gained through Whirlpool. Estimated Entropy Share this QR code with your participant Review the transaction before broadcasting Select participant Select cahoots type Tor cannot be stopped since wallet is connected to a Samourai Dojo node. Uninstall Samourai Wallet to unpair from your Dojo node. \'DISABLE\' will be fully activated in a later update. RENEW Continue exchanging QR codes\n until the transaction is broadcast! Confirm that you wish to broadcast this transaction. Begin Stowaway Begin STONEWALLx2 Total Miner Fee : LAUNCH QR Scanner Next Step... Scan the QR CODE that your collaborator provides you. You will contribute Create an on demand CoinJoin transaction for enhanced privacy and surveillance protection Refresh Unspent Outputs Unspent Outputs - Post mix Paste cahoots payload Clipboard empty Premix balance Post mix balance Spendable Reveal the redeem script for this address Coming soon Active Change from postmix spend Your selection contains blocked utxos. please remove and try again. Only a single utxo may be selected for direct spend from post-mix. Only a single change utxo may be selected for direct Whirlpooling from post-mix. Only change utxo\'s allowed utxo is marked as blocked Segwit compatibility (P2SH) Segwit native (bech32) Legacy (P2PKH) BIP49 Segwit BIP84 Segwit BIP44 P2PKH Ricochet Segwit Whirlpool Segwit pre-mix Whirlpool Segwit post-mix Whirlpool Segwit bad bank %1$s : %2$s Doxxic Change The change output from this tx0 will be tagged. Block it to make it unspendable? If so, the amount will not be reflected in the total balance but will be visible within the wallet by consulting the list of unspents. Total Pre-mix Balance Total Post-mix Balance Post-mix transactions Whirlpool SCODE Enter your Whirlpool SCODE. If confirmed by pressing \'OK\' the Whirlpool service will close. Re-enter Whirlpool to activate the SCODE. This UTXO is marked as Spendable This UTXO is marked as Blocked This transaction will spend the entirety of your post-mix wallet which will undo the privacy attained via Whirlpool mixing. Are you sure that you want to do this? Sign transaction Display PSBT Error parsing PSBT Error signing transaction via PSBT