#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import unicode_literals import os from base64 import urlsafe_b64encode, b16encode from kodi_six.utils import py2_decode from kodi_six import xbmcgui import json import mechanicalsoup import pyxbmct import re import requests from requests.utils import dict_from_cookiejar as dfcj from timeit import default_timer as timer from random import randint from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from hashlib import sha256 from copy import deepcopy from .l10n import * from .logging import * from .configs import * from .common import Globals, Settings, sleep from .metrics import addNetTime try: from urlparse import urlparse, parse_qs from urllib import urlencode, quote_plus except ImportError: from urllib.parse import urlparse, parse_qs, urlencode, quote_plus domain_regex = r'[^\.]+\.([^/]+)(?:/|$)' def _parseHTML(br): soup = br.get_current_page() response = soup.__unicode__() return response, soup def _Error(data): code = data['errorCode'].lower() Log('%s (%s) ' % (data['message'], code), Log.ERROR) if 'invalidrequest' in code: return getString(30204) elif 'noavailablestreams' in code: return getString(30205) elif 'notowned' in code: return getString(30206) elif 'invalidgeoip' or 'dependency' in code: return getString(30207) elif 'temporarilyunavailable' in code: return getString(30208) else: return '%s (%s) ' % (data['message'], code) def getUA(blacklist=False): Log('Switching UserAgent') UAlist = json.loads(getConfig('UAlist', json.dumps([]))) UAblist = json.loads(getConfig('UABlacklist', json.dumps([]))) if blacklist: UAcur = getConfig('UserAgent') if UAcur not in UAblist: UAblist.append(UAcur) writeConfig('UABlacklist', json.dumps(UAblist)) Log('UA: %s blacklisted' % UAcur) UAwlist = [i for i in UAlist if i not in UAblist] if not UAlist or len(UAwlist) < 5: Log('Loading list of common UserAgents') # [{'pt': int perthousand, 'ua': 'useragent string', 'bw': 'detected browser': 'os': 'detected O/S'}, …] rj = getURL('http://www.skydubh.com/pub/useragents.json', rjson=True) UAwlist = [ua['ua'] for ua in rj] UAnew = UAwlist[randint(0, len(UAwlist) - 1)] if UAwlist else \ 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/59.0.3071.115 Safari/537.36' writeConfig('UserAgent', UAnew) Log('Using UserAgent: ' + UAnew) return def mobileUA(content): soup = BeautifulSoup(content, 'html.parser') res = soup.find('html') res = res.get('class', '') if res else '' return True if 'a-mobile' in res or 'a-tablet' in res else False def getTerritory(user): if len(user.get('deviceid', '')) != 32: from uuid import uuid4 user['deviceid'] = uuid4().hex areas = [{'atvurl': '', 'baseurl': '', 'mid': '', 'pv': False, 'country': ''}, {'atvurl': 'https://atv-ps-eu.amazon.de', 'baseurl': 'https://www.amazon.de', 'mid': 'A1PA6795UKMFR9', 'pv': False, 'country': 'de'}, {'atvurl': 'https://atv-ps-eu.amazon.co.uk', 'baseurl': 'https://www.amazon.co.uk', 'mid': 'A1F83G8C2ARO7P', 'pv': False, 'country': 'uk'}, {'atvurl': 'https://atv-ps.amazon.com', 'baseurl': 'https://www.amazon.com', 'mid': 'ATVPDKIKX0DER', 'pv': False, 'country': 'us'}, {'atvurl': 'https://atv-ps-fe.amazon.co.jp', 'baseurl': 'https://www.amazon.co.jp', 'mid': 'A1VC38T7YXB528', 'pv': False, 'country': 'jp'}, {'atvurl': 'https://atv-ps-eu.primevideo.com', 'baseurl': 'https://www.primevideo.com', 'mid': 'A3K6Y4MI8GDYMT', 'pv': True, 'country': 'us'}, {'atvurl': 'https://atv-ps-eu.primevideo.com', 'baseurl': 'https://www.primevideo.com', 'mid': 'A2MFUE2XK8ZSSY', 'pv': True, 'country': 'us'}, {'atvurl': 'https://atv-ps-fe.primevideo.com', 'baseurl': 'https://www.primevideo.com', 'mid': 'A15PK738MTQHSO', 'pv': True, 'country': 'us'}, {'atvurl': 'https://atv-ps.primevideo.com', 'baseurl': 'https://www.primevideo.com', 'mid': 'ART4WZ8MWBX2Y', 'pv': True, 'country': 'us'}] area = areas[Settings().region] if area['mid']: user.update(area) else: Log('Retrieve territoral config') data = getURL('https://atv-ps.amazon.com/cdp/usage/v2/GetAppStartupConfig?deviceTypeID=A28RQHJKHM2A2W&deviceID=%s&firmware=1&version=1&format=json' % user['deviceid']) if not hasattr(data, 'keys'): return user, False if 'customerConfig' in data.keys(): host = data['territoryConfig']['defaultVideoWebsite'] reg = data['customerConfig']['homeRegion'].lower() reg = '' if 'na' in reg else '-' + reg user['atvurl'] = host.replace('www.', '').replace('//', '//atv-ps%s.' % reg) user['baseurl'] = data['territoryConfig']['primeSignupBaseUrl'] user['mid'] = data['territoryConfig']['avMarketplace'] user['pv'] = 'primevideo' in host user['country'] = [a['country'] for a in areas if user['mid'] in a['mid']][0] return user, True def buildUrl(url, previous=None): u = urlparse(url) p = urlparse(previous or '') built = { 'scheme': u.scheme or p.scheme, 'netloc': u.netloc or p.netloc, 'path': u.path, 'query': u.query, 'fragment': u.fragment, } return '{}://{}{}{}{}'.format( built['scheme'], built['netloc'], built['path'], '?{}'.format(built['query']) if built['query'] else '', '#{}'.format(built['fragment']) if built['fragment'] else '', ) def getSessionCookieJar(url): host = getURL.hostParser.search(url) # Try to extract the host from the URL if None is not host: host = host.group(1) if host in getURL.sessions: return getURL.sessions[host].cookies return None def getURL(url, useCookie=False, silent=False, headers=None, rjson=True, attempt=1, check=False, postdata=None, binary=False, allow_redirects=True, redirect_cb=None): if not hasattr(getURL, 'sessions'): getURL.sessions = {} # Keep-Alive sessions getURL.hostParser = re.compile(r'://([^/]+)(?:/|$)') if (redirect_cb): allow_redirects = False # Static variable to store last response code. 0 means generic error (like SSL/connection errors), # while every other response code is a specific HTTP status code getURL.lastResponseCode = 0 # Create sessions for keep-alives and connection pooling host = getURL.hostParser.search(url) # Try to extract the host from the URL if None is not host: host = host.group(1) if host not in getURL.sessions: getURL.sessions[host] = requests.Session() session = getURL.sessions[host] else: session = requests.Session() retval = {} if rjson else '' headers = {} if not headers else deepcopy(headers) if useCookie: cj = MechanizeLogin() if isinstance(useCookie, bool) else useCookie if isinstance(cj, bool): return retval elif isinstance(cj, dict): headers.update(cj) else: session.cookies.update(cj) from .common import Globals, Settings g = Globals() s = Settings() if (not silent) or s.verbLog: dispurl = re.sub('(?i)%s|%s|&token=\\w+|&customerId=\\w+' % (g.tvdb, g.tmdb), '', url).strip() Log('%sURL: %s' % ('check' if check else 'post' if postdata is not None else 'get', dispurl)) if 'User-Agent' not in headers: headers['User-Agent'] = getConfig('UserAgent') """ # This **breaks** redirections. Host header OVERRIDES the host in the URL: # if the URL is web.eu, but the Host is web.com, request will fetch web.com if 'Host' not in headers: headers['Host'] = host """ if 'Accept-Language' not in headers: headers['Accept-Language'] = g.userAcceptLanguages if '/api/' in url: headers['X-Requested-With'] = 'XMLHttpRequest' class TryAgain(Exception): pass # Try again on temporary errors class NoRetries(Exception): pass # Fail on permanent errors try: starttime = timer() method = 'POST' if postdata is not None else 'GET' m = method d = postdata r = session.request(m, url, data=d, headers=headers, verify=s.verifySsl, stream=True, allow_redirects=allow_redirects) while (redirect_cb and (r.status_code in [301, 302, 307, 308])): next = redirect_cb(r.headers['Location']) if not next: break url = buildUrl(next, url) m = m if r.status_code >= 307 else 'GET' d = d if r.status_code >= 307 else None r = session.request(m, url, data=d, headers=headers, verify=s.verifySsl, stream=True, allow_redirects=False) getURL.lastResponseCode = r.status_code # Set last response code response = 'OK' if 400 > r.status_code >= 200 else '' if not check: response = r.content.decode('utf-8') if binary else r.text else: rjson = False if useCookie and 'auth-cookie-warning-message' in response: Log('Cookie invalid', Log.ERROR) g.dialog.notification(g.__plugin__, getString(30266), xbmcgui.NOTIFICATION_ERROR) return retval # 408 Timeout, 429 Too many requests and 5xx errors are temporary # Consider everything else definitive fail (like 404s and 403s) if (408 == r.status_code) or (429 == r.status_code) or (500 <= r.status_code): raise TryAgain('{0} error'.format(r.status_code)) if 400 <= r.status_code: raise NoRetries('{0} error'.format(r.status_code)) if useCookie and not isinstance(useCookie, dict): from .users import saveUserCookies saveUserCookies(session.cookies) except (TryAgain, NoRetries, requests.exceptions.Timeout, requests.exceptions.ConnectionError, requests.exceptions.SSLError, requests.exceptions.HTTPError, requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions.SNIMissingWarning, requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions.InsecurePlatformWarning) as e: eType = e.__class__.__name__ Log('Error reason: %s (%s)' % (str(e), eType), Log.ERROR) if 'SNIMissingWarning' in eType: Log('Using a Python/OpenSSL version which doesn\'t support SNI for TLS connections.', Log.ERROR) g.dialog.ok('No SNI for TLS', 'Your current Python/OpenSSL environment does not support SNI over TLS connections.', 'You can find a Linux guide on how to update Python and its modules for Kodi here: https://goo.gl/CKtygz', 'Additionally, follow this guide to update the required modules: https://goo.gl/ksbbU2') exit() if 'InsecurePlatformWarning' in eType: Log('Using an outdated SSL module.', Log.ERROR) g.dialog.ok('SSL module outdated', 'The SSL module for Python is outdated.', 'You can find a Linux guide on how to update Python and its modules for Kodi here: https://goo.gl/CKtygz', 'Additionally, follow this guide to update the required modules: https://goo.gl/ksbbU2') exit() if (not check) and (3 > attempt) and (('TryAgain' in eType) or ('Timeout' in eType)): wait = 10 * attempt if '429' in str(e) else 0 attempt += 1 Log('Attempt #{0}{1}'.format(attempt, '' if 0 == wait else ' (Too many requests, pause %s seconds…)' % wait)) if 0 < wait: sleep(wait) return getURL(url, useCookie, silent, headers, rjson, attempt, check, postdata, binary) return retval res = response if rjson: try: res = json.loads(response) except ValueError: res = retval duration = timer() duration -= starttime addNetTime(duration) Log('Download Time: %s' % duration, Log.DEBUG) return res def getURLData(mode, asin, retformat='json', devicetypeid=g.dtid_web, version=2, firmware='1', opt='', extra=False, useCookie=False, retURL=False, vMT='Feature', dRes='PlaybackUrls,SubtitleUrls,ForcedNarratives', proxyEndpoint=None, silent=False): g = Globals() playback_req = 'PlaybackUrls' in dRes or 'Widevine2License' in dRes url = g.ATVUrl + '/cdp/' + mode url += '?asin=' + asin url += '&deviceTypeID=' + devicetypeid url += '&firmware=' + firmware url += '&deviceID=' + g.deviceID url += '&marketplaceID=' + g.MarketID url += '&format=' + retformat url += '&version=' + str(version) url += '&gascEnabled=' + str(g.UsePrimeVideo).lower() url += "&subtitleFormat=TTMLv2" if 'SubtitleUrls' in dRes else '' url += '&operatingSystemName=Windows' if playback_req and (g.platform & g.OS_ANDROID) and devicetypeid == g.dtid_web else '' # cookie auth on android if extra: url += '&resourceUsage=ImmediateConsumption&consumptionType=Streaming&deviceDrmOverride=CENC' \ '&deviceStreamingTechnologyOverride=DASH&deviceProtocolOverride=Https' \ '&deviceBitrateAdaptationsOverride=CVBR%2CCBR&audioTrackId=all' url += '&languageFeature=MLFv2' # Audio Description tracks url += '&videoMaterialType=' + vMT url += '&desiredResources=' + dRes url += '&supportedDRMKeyScheme=DUAL_KEY' if playback_req else '' if devicetypeid == g.dtid_android: url += '&deviceVideoCodecOverride=H264' + (',H265' if s.uhd else '') url += '&deviceHdrFormatsOverride=' + supported_hdr() url += '&deviceVideoQualityOverride=' + ('UHD' if s.uhd else 'HD') url += opt if retURL: return url data = getURL(url if not proxyEndpoint else 'http://{}/{}/{}'.format(getConfig('proxyaddress'), proxyEndpoint, quote_plus(url)), useCookie=useCookie, postdata='', silent=silent) if data: if 'error' in data.keys(): return False, _Error(data['error']) elif 'AudioVideoUrls' in data.get('errorsByResource', ''): return False, _Error(data['errorsByResource']['AudioVideoUrls']) elif 'PlaybackUrls' in data.get('errorsByResource', ''): return False, _Error(data['errorsByResource']['PlaybackUrls']) else: return True, data return False, 'HTTP Error' def supported_hdr(): g = Globals() hdr = [] if g.addon.getSetting('enable_dovi') == 'true': hdr.append('DolbyVision') if g.addon.getSetting('enable_hdr10') == 'true': hdr.append('Hdr10') if len(hdr) == 0: hdr.append('None') return ','.join(hdr) def getATVData(pg_mode, query='', version=2, useCookie=False, site_id=None): # ids: A28RQHJKHM2A2W - ps3 / AFOQV1TK6EU6O - ps4 / A1IJNVP3L4AY8B - samsung / A2E0SNTXJVT7WK - firetv1 / # ADVBD696BHNV5 - montoya / A3VN4E5F7BBC7S - roku / A1MPSLFC7L5AFK - kindle / A2M4YX06LWP8WI - firetv2 / # PrimeVideo web device IDs: # A63V4FRV3YUP9 / SILVERLIGHT_PC, A2G17C9GWLWFKO / SILVERLIGHT_MAC, AOAGZA014O5RE / HTML5 # TypeIDs = {'GetCategoryList': 'firmware=fmw:15-app:1.1.23&deviceTypeID=A1MPSLFC7L5AFK', # 'GetSimilarities': 'firmware=fmw:15-app:1.1.23&deviceTypeID=A1MPSLFC7L5AFK', # 'All': 'firmware=fmw:22-app:'} # 'All': 'firmware=fmw:045.01E01164A-app:4.7&deviceTypeID=A3VN4E5F7BBC7S'} # TypeIDs = {'All': 'firmware=fmw:17-app:'} _TypeIDs = {True: ['firmware=fmw:28-app:5.2.3&deviceTypeID=A3SSWQ04XYPXBH', 'firmware=fmw:26-app:', 'firmware=default&deviceTypeID=A1FYY15VCM5WG1'], False: ['firmware=fmw:28-app:5.2.3&deviceTypeID=A1C66CX2XD756O', 'firmware=fmw:26-app:', 'firmware=fmw:045.01E01164A-app:4.7&deviceTypeID=A3VN4E5F7BBC7S']} g = Globals() s = Settings() if '?' in query: query = query.split('?')[1] if query: query = '&IncludeAll=T&AID=1&' + query.replace('HideNum=T', 'HideNum=F') pg_mode = pg_mode.split('_')[0] if '/' not in pg_mode: pg_mode = 'catalog/' + pg_mode rem_pos = False if re.search('(?i)rolluptoseason=t|contenttype=tvseason', query) else s.useEpiThumbs if 'asinlist=&' not in query: titles = 0 ids = len(_TypeIDs[rem_pos]) - 1 att = 0 while titles == 0 and att <= ids: deviceTypeID = _TypeIDs[rem_pos][att] parameter = '%s&deviceID=%s&format=json&version=%s&formatVersion=3&marketplaceId=%s' % ( deviceTypeID, g.deviceID, version, g.MarketID) if site_id: parameter += '&id=' + site_id jsondata = getURL('%s/cdp/%s?%s%s' % (g.ATVUrl, pg_mode, parameter, query), useCookie=useCookie) if not jsondata: return False if jsondata['message']['statusCode'] != "SUCCESS": Log('Error Code: ' + jsondata['message']['body']['code'], Log.ERROR) return None titles = len(jsondata['message']['body'].get('titles')) att += 1 if 'StartIndex=0' in query else ids + 1 result = jsondata['message']['body'] return _sortedResult(result, query) if 'asinlist' in query else result return {} def _sortedResult(result, query): asinlist = parse_qs(query.upper(), keep_blank_values=True)['ASINLIST'][0].split(',') sorteditems = ['empty'] * len(asinlist) for item in result.get('titles', []): for index, asin in enumerate(asinlist): if asin in str(item): sorteditems[index] = item break if sorteditems.count('empty') > 0: Log('ASINs {} not found'.format([asinlist[n] for n, i in enumerate(sorteditems) if i == 'empty'])) result['titles'] = sorteditems return result def MechanizeLogin(preferToken=False): if preferToken and g.platform & g.OS_ANDROID: token = getToken() if token: return token # if Token not requested or not avaiable use cookie from .users import loadUser cj = requests.cookies.RequestsCookieJar() cookie = loadUser('cookie') if cookie: try: cj.update(requests.utils.cookiejar_from_dict(cookie)) return cj except: pass return LogIn(preferToken) def LogIn(retToken=False): def _insertLF(string, begin=70): spc = string.find(' ', begin) return string[:spc] + '\n' + string[spc + 1:] if spc > 0 else string def _MFACheck(br, email, soup): Log('MFA, DCQ or Captcha form') uni_soup = soup.__unicode__() try: form = br.select_form('form[name="signIn"]') except mechanicalsoup.LinkNotFoundError: form = br.select_form() if 'auth-mfa-form' in uni_soup: msg = soup.find('form', attrs={'id': 'auth-mfa-form'}) msgtxt = msg.p.get_text(strip=True) kb = xbmc.Keyboard('', msgtxt) kb.doModal() if kb.isConfirmed() and kb.getText(): br['otpCode'] = kb.getText() else: return None elif 'ap_dcq_form' in uni_soup: msg = soup.find('div', attrs={'id': 'message_warning'}) g.dialog.ok(g.__plugin__, msg.p.get_text(strip=True)) dcq = soup.find('div', attrs={'id': 'ap_dcq1a_pagelet'}) dcq_title = dcq.find('div', attrs={'id': 'ap_dcq1a_pagelet_title'}).get_text(strip=True) q_title = [] q_id = [] for q in dcq.findAll('div', attrs={'class': 'dcq_question'}): if q.span.label: label = q.span.label.get_text(strip=True).replace(' ', '').replace('\n', '') if q.span.label.span: label = label.replace(str(q.span.label.span), q.span.label.span.text) q_title.append(_insertLF(label)) q_id.append(q.input['id']) sel = g.dialog.select(_insertLF(dcq_title, 60), q_title) if len(q_title) > 1 else 0 if sel < 0: return None ret = g.dialog.input(q_title[sel]) if ret: br[q_id[sel]] = ret else: return None elif ('ap_captcha_img_label' in uni_soup) or ('auth-captcha-image-container' in uni_soup): wnd = _Captcha((getString(30008).split('…')[0]), soup, email) wnd.doModal() if wnd.email and wnd.cap and wnd.pwd: form.set_input({'email': wnd.email, 'password': wnd.pwd, 'guess': wnd.cap}) else: return None del wnd elif 'claimspicker' in uni_soup: msg = soup.find('form', attrs={'name': 'claimspicker'}) cs_title = msg.find('div', attrs={'class': 'a-row a-spacing-small'}).get_text(strip=True) cs_quest = msg.find('label', attrs={'class': 'a-form-label'}) cs_hint = msg.find(lambda tag: tag.name == 'div' and tag.get('class') == ['a-row']).get_text(strip=True) choices = [] if cs_quest: for c in soup.findAll('div', attrs={'data-a-input-name': 'option'}): choices.append((c.span.get_text(strip=True), c.input['name'], c.input['value'])) sel = g.dialog.select('%s - %s' % (cs_title, cs_quest.get_text(strip=True)), [k[0] for k in choices]) else: sel = 100 if g.dialog.ok(cs_title, cs_hint) else -1 if sel > -1: if sel < 100: form.set_radio({choices[sel][1]: choices[sel][2]}) else: return None elif 'auth-select-device-form' in uni_soup: sd_form = soup.find('form', attrs={'id': 'auth-select-device-form'}) sd_hint = sd_form.parent.p.get_text(strip=True) choices = [] for c in sd_form.findAll('label'): choices.append((c.span.get_text(strip=True), c.input['name'], c.input['value'])) sel = g.dialog.select(sd_hint, [k[0] for k in choices]) if sel > -1: form.set_radio({choices[sel][1]: choices[sel][2]}) else: return None elif 'fwcim-form' in uni_soup: msg = soup.find('div', attrs={'class': 'a-row a-spacing-micro cvf-widget-input-code-label'}) if msg: ret = g.dialog.input(msg.get_text(strip=True)) if ret: br['code'] = ret else: return None if soup.find('img', attrs={'alt': 'captcha'}): wnd = _Challenge(soup) wnd.doModal() if wnd.cap: submit = soup.find('input', value='verifyCaptcha') form.choose_submit(submit) form.set_input({'cvf_captcha_input': wnd.cap}) else: return None del wnd elif 'validateCaptcha' in uni_soup: wnd = _Challenge(soup) wnd.doModal() if wnd.cap: # MechanicalSoup is using the field names, not IDs # id is captchacharacters, which causes exception to be raised form.set_input({'field-keywords': wnd.cap}) else: return None del wnd elif 'pollingForm' in uni_soup: msg = soup.find('span', attrs={'class': 'transaction-approval-word-break'}).get_text(strip=True) msg += '\n' rows = soup.find('div', attrs={'id': re.compile('.*channelDetails.*')}) for row in rows.find_all('div', attrs={'class': 'a-row'}): msg += re.sub('\\s{2,}', ': ', row.get_text()) pd = _ProgressDialog(msg) pd.show() refresh = time.time() form_id = form_poll = 'pollingForm' per = 0 while True: if per > 99: val = -5 if per < 1: val = 5 per += val pd.sl_progress.setPercent(per) if pd.iscanceled: br = None break if time.time() > refresh + 5: url = br.get_url() br.select_form('form[id="{}"]'.format(form_id)) br.submit_selected() response, soup = _parseHTML(br) form_id = form_poll WriteLog(response.replace(py2_decode(email), '**@**'), 'login-pollingform') stat = soup.find('input', attrs={'name': 'transactionApprovalStatus'})['value'] if stat in ['TransactionCompleted', 'TransactionCompletionTimeout']: parsed_url = urlparse(url) query = parse_qs(parsed_url.query) br.open(query['openid.return_to'][0]) break elif stat in ['TransactionExpired', 'TransactionResponded']: form_id = 'resend-approval-form' else: refresh = time.time() br.open(url) sleep(0.1) pd.close() return br def _setLoginPW(visible): keyboard = xbmc.Keyboard('', getString(30003)) keyboard.setHiddenInput(visible is False) keyboard.doModal(60000) if keyboard.isConfirmed() and keyboard.getText(): password = keyboard.getText() return password return False class LoginLocked(Exception): pass from contextlib import contextmanager @contextmanager def LoginLock(): try: bLocked = 'false' != getConfig('loginlock', 'false') if not bLocked: writeConfig('loginlock', 'true') yield bLocked except LoginLocked: # Already locked pass except Exception as e: # Something went horribly wrong, release and re-raise writeConfig('loginlock', 'false') raise e else: # All fine, release writeConfig('loginlock', 'false') with LoginLock() as locked: if locked: raise LoginLocked g = Globals() s = Settings() Log('Login') from .users import loadUser, addUser user = getTerritory(loadUser(empty=True)) if False is user[1]: return False user = user[0] password = '' keyboard = xbmc.Keyboard('', getString(30002)) keyboard.doModal() if keyboard.isConfirmed() and keyboard.getText(): email = keyboard.getText() password = _setLoginPW(s.show_pass) if password: br = mechanicalsoup.StatefulBrowser(soup_config={'features': 'html.parser'}) br.session.verify = s.verifySsl br.set_verbose(2) clientid = b16encode(user['deviceid'].encode() + b'#' + g.dtid_android.encode()).decode().lower() verifier = urlsafe_b64encode(os.urandom(32)).rstrip(b"=") challenge = urlsafe_b64encode(sha256(verifier).digest()).rstrip(b"=") br.session.headers.update(g.headers_android) params = { "openid.oa2.response_type": "code", "openid.oa2.code_challenge_method": "S256", "openid.oa2.code_challenge": challenge.decode(), "openid.return_to": '{}/ap/maplanding'.format(user['baseurl']), "openid.assoc_handle": "amzn_piv_android_v2_" + user['country'], "openid.identity": "http://specs.openid.net/auth/2.0/identifier_select", "pageId": "amzn_device_common_dark", "accountStatusPolicy": "P1", "openid.claimed_id": "http://specs.openid.net/auth/2.0/identifier_select", "openid.mode": "checkid_setup", "openid.ns.oa2": "http://www.amazon.com/ap/ext/oauth/2", "openid.oa2.client_id": "device:{}".format(clientid), "openid.ns.pape": "http://specs.openid.net/extensions/pape/1.0", "openid.oa2.scope": "device_auth_access", "forceMobileLayout": "true", "openid.ns": "http://specs.openid.net/auth/2.0", "openid.pape.max_auth_age": "0" } caperr = -5 while caperr: def manualRedirects(url): if 'openid.oa2.authorization_code' in url: raise Exception('PANIQ') if '/ap/signin' not in url: return url purl = urlparse(url) query = parse_qs(purl.query) for k, v in params.items(): if k not in query: query[k] = [v] elif query[k][0] == v: pass elif k in ['openid.return_to', 'openid.assoc_handle']: # Prefer the values returned by the official endpoint pass else: Log('Login data conflict on {}: {} => {}'.format(k, query[k], v)) redirectedUrl[0] = '{}://{}{}?{}{}'.format( purl.scheme, purl.netloc, purl.path, '&'.join(['{}={}'.format(k, quote_plus(v[0])) for k, v in query.items()]), '#{}'.format(purl.fragment) if purl.fragment else '' ) return redirectedUrl[0] Log('Connect to SignIn Page %s attempts left' % -caperr) # br.open(user['baseurl'] + ('/ap/signin?' if not user['pv'] else '/auth-redirect/?') + urlencode(params)) loginUrl = user['baseurl'] + ('/ap/signin' if not user['pv'] else '/auth-redirect/') redirectedUrl = [loginUrl] # Mutable to update it within `manualRedirects` pageData = getURL('{}?{}'.format(loginUrl, urlencode(params)), rjson=False, redirect_cb=manualRedirects) cj = getSessionCookieJar(loginUrl) br.set_cookiejar(cj) br.open_fake_page(pageData, redirectedUrl[0]) try: form = br.select_form('form[name="signIn"]') except mechanicalsoup.LinkNotFoundError: getUA(True) caperr += 1 WriteLog(str(br.get_current_page()), 'login-si') xbmc.sleep(randint(750, 1500)) else: break else: g.dialog.ok(getString(30200), getString(30213)) return False form.set_input({'email': email, 'password': password}) if 'true' == g.addon.getSetting('rememberme'): try: form.set_checkbox({'rememberMe': True}) except: pass br.submit_selected() response, soup = _parseHTML(br) WriteLog(response.replace(py2_decode(email), '**@**'), 'login') while any(sp in response for sp in ['auth-mfa-form', 'ap_dcq_form', 'ap_captcha_img_label', 'claimspicker', 'fwcim-form', 'auth-captcha-image-container', 'validateCaptcha', 'pollingForm', 'auth-select-device-form']): br = _MFACheck(br, email, soup) if br is None: return False if not br.get_current_form() is None: br.submit_selected() response, soup = _parseHTML(br) WriteLog(response.replace(py2_decode(email), '**@**'), 'login-mfa') url = br.get_url() if 'accountFixup' in response: Log('Login AccountFixup') skip_link = br.find_link(id='ap-account-fixup-phone-skip-link') br.follow_link(skip_link) response, soup = _parseHTML(br) WriteLog(response.replace(py2_decode(email), '**@**'), 'login-fixup') # Some PrimeVideo endpoints still return you to the store, directly if url.endswith('?ref_=av_auth_return_redir') or ('action=sign-out' in response) or ('openid.oa2.authorization_code' in url): if 'openid.oa2.authorization_code' in url: user = registerDevice(url, user, verifier, clientid) else: # Raw HTML try: name = re.search(r'action=sign-out[^"]*"[^>]*>[^?]+\s+([^?]+?)\s*\?', response).group(1) except AttributeError: name = getString(30209) user = { "name": name, "cookie": dfcj(cj) } if s.multiuser: user['name'] = g.dialog.input(getString(30135), user['name']) if not user['name']: return False remLoginData(False) g.addon.setSetting('login_acc', user['name']) if not s.multiuser: g.dialog.ok(getString(30215), '{0} {1}'.format(getString(30014), user['name'])) addUser(user) return getToken(user) if retToken else cj elif 'message_error' in response: writeConfig('login_pass', '') msg = soup.find('div', attrs={'id': 'message_error'}) Log('Login Error: %s' % msg.get_text(strip=True)) g.dialog.ok(getString(30200), msg.get_text(strip=True)) elif 'message_warning' in response: msg = soup.find('div', attrs={'id': 'message_warning'}) Log('Login Warning: %s' % msg.get_text(strip=True)) elif 'auth-error-message-box' in response: msg = soup.find('div', attrs={'id': 'auth-error-message-box'}) Log('Login MFA: %s' % msg.get_text(strip=True)) g.dialog.ok(msg.div.h4.get_text(strip=True), msg.div.div.get_text(strip=True)) elif 'error-slot' in response: msg_title = soup.find('div', attrs={'class': 'ap_error_page_title'}).get_text(strip=True) msg_cont = soup.find('div', attrs={'class': 'ap_error_page_message'}).get_text(strip=True) Log('Login Error: {}'.format(msg_cont)) g.dialog.ok(msg_title, msg_cont) else: g.dialog.ok(getString(30200), getString(30213)) return False def registerDevice(url, user, verifier, clientid): parsed_url = parse_qs(urlparse(url).query) auth_code = parsed_url["openid.oa2.authorization_code"][0] domain = re.compile(domain_regex).search(user['baseurl']).group(1) data = { 'auth_data': { 'client_id': clientid, 'authorization_code': auth_code, 'code_verifier': verifier.decode(), 'code_algorithm': 'SHA-256', 'client_domain': 'DeviceLegacy', }, 'registration_data': deviceData(user), 'requested_token_type': [ 'bearer', 'website_cookies', ], 'requested_extensions': [ 'device_info', 'customer_info', ], 'cookies': { 'domain': '.' + domain, 'website_cookies': [], }, } resp = getURL('https://api.{}/auth/register'.format(domain), headers=g.headers_android, postdata=json.dumps(data)) WriteLog(str(resp), 'login-register') if 'error' in resp['response']: g.dialog.notification(g.__plugin__, resp['response']['error']['message'], xbmcgui.NOTIFICATION_INFO) return False data = resp['response']['success'] bearer = data['tokens']['bearer'] customer = data['extensions']['customer_info'] user['name'] = customer.get('given_name', customer.get('name', getString(30209))) user['token'] = {'access': bearer['access_token'], 'refresh': bearer['refresh_token'], 'expires': int(time.time()) + int(bearer['expires_in'])} user['cookie'] = {c['Name']: c['Value'] for c in data['tokens']['website_cookies']} return user def deviceData(user): return { 'domain': 'DeviceLegacy', 'device_type': g.dtid_android, 'device_serial': user['deviceid'], 'app_name': 'com.amazon.avod.thirdpartyclient', 'app_version': '296016847', 'device_model': 'mdarcy/nvidia/SHIELD Android TV', 'os_version': 'NVIDIA/mdarcy/mdarcy:11/RQ1A.210105.003/7094531_2971.7725:user/release-keys' } def getToken(user=None): from .users import loadUser, addUser if user is None: user = loadUser() token = user.get('token') if token is not None: if int(time.time()) > token['expires']: user['token'] = refreshToken(user) addUser(user) return {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + user['token']['access']} return False def refreshToken(user): domain = re.compile(domain_regex).search(user['baseurl']).group(1) token = user['token'] data = deviceData(user) data['requested_token_type'] = 'access_token' data['source_token_type'] = 'refresh_token' data['source_token'] = token['refresh'] response = getURL('https://api.{}/auth/token'.format(domain), headers=g.headers_android, postdata=data) if 'access_token' in response: token['access'] = response['access_token'] token['expires'] = int(time.time() + int(response['expires_in'])) Log('Token renewed') return token else: Log('Token not renewed, registering device again', xbmc.LOGERROR) return False def remLoginData(info=True): for fn in xbmcvfs.listdir(g.DATA_PATH)[1]: if py2_decode(fn).startswith('cookie'): xbmcvfs.delete(OSPJoin(g.DATA_PATH, fn)) writeConfig('accounts', '') writeConfig('login_name', '') writeConfig('login_pass', '') writeConfig('GenDeviceID', '') if info: writeConfig('accounts.lst', '') g.addon.setSetting('login_acc', '') g.dialog.notification(g.__plugin__, getString(30211), xbmcgui.NOTIFICATION_INFO) def FQify(URL): g = Globals() """ Makes sure to provide correct fully qualified URLs """ base = g.BaseUrl if '://' in URL: # FQ return URL elif URL.startswith('//'): # Specified domain, same schema return base.split(':')[0] + ':' + URL elif URL.startswith('/'): # Relative URL return base + URL else: # Hope and pray we never reach this ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ return base + '/' + URL def GrabJSON(url, postData=None): """ Extract JSON objects from HTMLs while keeping the API ones intact """ try: from htmlentitydefs import name2codepoint except: from html.entities import name2codepoint s = Settings() def Unescape(text): """ Unescape various html/xml entities in dictionary values, courtesy of Fredrik Lundh """ def fixup(m): """ Unescape entities except for double quotes, lest the JSON breaks """ text = m.group(0) # First group is the text to replace # Unescape if possible if text[:2] == "&#": # character reference try: bHex = ("&#x" == text[:3]) char = int(text[3 if bHex else 2:-1], 16 if bHex else 10) if 34 == char: text = u'\\"' else: try: text = unichr(char) except NameError: text = chr(char) except ValueError: pass else: # named entity char = text[1:-1] if 'quot' == char: text = u'\\"' elif char in name2codepoint: char = name2codepoint[char] try: text = unichr(char) except NameError: text = chr(char) return text text = re.sub('&#?\\w+;', fixup, text) try: text = text.encode('latin-1').decode('utf-8') except (UnicodeEncodeError, UnicodeDecodeError): pass return text def Merge(o, n, keys=[]): """ Merge JSON objects with multiple multi-level collisions """ if (not n) or (o == n): # Nothing to do return elif (type(n) == list) or (type(n) == set): # Insert into list/set for item in n: if item not in o: if type(n) == list: o.append(item) else: o.add(item) elif type(n) == dict: for k in list(n): # list() instead of .keys() to avoid py3 iteration errors if k not in o: o[k] = n[k] # Insert into dictionary else: Merge(o[k], n[k], keys + [k]) # Recurse else: # Ignore reporting collisions on metadata we don't care about if keys not in [ ['csrfToken'], ['metadata', 'availability', 'description'], ['metadata', 'availability', 'severity'], ]: k = ' > '.join(keys) if s.dumpJSONCollisions: LogJSON(n, k, optionalName='CollisionNew') LogJSON(o, k, optionalName='CollisionOld') Log('Collision detected during JSON objects merging{}, overwriting and praying (type: {})'.format( ' on key “{}”'.format(k) if keys else '', type(n) ), Log.WARNING) o = n def Prune(d): """ Prune some commonly found sensitive info from JSON response bodies """ if not d: return l = d if isinstance(l, dict): for k in list(l): # list() instead of .keys() to avoid py3 iteration errors if k == 'strings': l[k] = {s: l[k][s] for s in ['AVOD_DP_season_selector'] if s in l[k]} if (not l[k]) or (k in ['context', 'params', 'playerConfig', 'refine']): del l[k] l = d.values() for v in l: if isinstance(v, dict) or isinstance(v, list): Prune(v) def do(url, postData): """ Wrapper to facilitate logging """ if url.startswith('/search/') or url.startswith('/gp/video/search/'): np = urlparse(url) qs = parse_qs(np.query) if 'from' in list(qs): # list() instead of .keys() to avoid py3 iteration errors qs['startIndex'] = qs['from'] del qs['from'] np = np._replace(path='/gp/video/api' + np.path.replace('/gp/video', ''), query=urlencode([(k, v) for k, l in qs.items() for v in l])) url = np.geturl() r = getURL(FQify(url), silent=True, useCookie=True, rjson=False, postdata=postData) if not r: return None try: r = r.strip() if '{' == r[0:1]: o = json.loads(Unescape(r)) if s.refineJSON: Prune(o) return o except: pass matches = [r] if r.startswith('{') else re.findall(r'\s*(?:]+type="(?:text/template|application/json)"[^>]*>|state:)\s*({[^\n]+})\s*(?:,|)\s*', r) if not matches: Log('No JSON objects found in the page', Log.ERROR) return None # Create a single object containing all the data from the multiple JSON objects in the page o = {} for m in matches: m = json.loads(Unescape(m)) if ('widgets' in m) and ('Storefront' in m['widgets']): m = m['widgets']['Storefront'] elif 'props' in m: m = m['props'] if s.refineJSON: # Prune useless/sensitive info for k in list(m): # list() instead of .keys() to avoid py3 iteration errors if (not m[k]) or (k in ['copyright', 'links', 'logo', 'params', 'playerConfig', 'refine']): del m[k] if 'state' in m: st = m['state'] for k in list(st): # list() instead of .keys() to avoid py3 iteration errors if not st[k]: del st[k] elif k in ['features', 'customerPreferences']: del st[k] # Prune sensitive context info and merge into o if s.refineJSON: Prune(m) Merge(o, m) return o if o else None j = do(url, postData) LogJSON(j, url) return j class _Captcha(pyxbmct.AddonDialogWindow): def __init__(self, title='', soup=None, email=None): super(_Captcha, self).__init__(title) if soup.find('div', attrs={'id': 'ap_captcha_img_label'}): head = soup.find('div', attrs={'id': 'message_warning'}) if not head: head = soup.find('div', attrs={'id': 'message_error'}) title = soup.find('div', attrs={'id': 'ap_captcha_guess_alert'}) self.head = head.p.get_text(strip=True) self.head = re.sub('(?i)<[^>]*>', '', self.head) self.picurl = soup.find('div', attrs={'id': 'ap_captcha_img'}).img.get('src') else: self.head = soup.find('span', attrs={'class': 'a-list-item'}).get_text(strip=True) title = soup.find('div', attrs={'id': 'auth-guess-missing-alert'}).div.div self.picurl = soup.find('div', attrs={'id': 'auth-captcha-image-container'}).img.get('src') self._s = Settings() self.setGeometry(500, 550, 9, 2) self.email = email self.pwd = '' self.cap = '' self.title = title.get_text(strip=True) self.image = pyxbmct.Image('', aspectRatio=2) self.tb_head = pyxbmct.TextBox() self.fl_title = pyxbmct.FadeLabel(_alignment=pyxbmct.ALIGN_CENTER) self.username = pyxbmct.Edit('', _alignment=pyxbmct.ALIGN_LEFT | pyxbmct.ALIGN_CENTER_Y) self.password = pyxbmct.Edit('', _alignment=pyxbmct.ALIGN_LEFT | pyxbmct.ALIGN_CENTER_Y) self.captcha = pyxbmct.Edit('', _alignment=pyxbmct.ALIGN_LEFT | pyxbmct.ALIGN_CENTER_Y) self.btn_submit = pyxbmct.Button(getString(30008).split('…')[0]) self.btn_cancel = pyxbmct.Button(getString(30123)) self.set_controls() self.set_navigation() def set_controls(self): self.placeControl(self.tb_head, 0, 0, columnspan=2, rowspan=3) self.placeControl(pyxbmct.Label(getString(30002), alignment=pyxbmct.ALIGN_CENTER_Y | pyxbmct.ALIGN_CENTER), 2, 0) self.placeControl(pyxbmct.Label(getString(30003), alignment=pyxbmct.ALIGN_CENTER_Y | pyxbmct.ALIGN_CENTER), 3, 0) self.placeControl(self.username, 2, 1, pad_y=8) self.placeControl(self.password, 3, 1, pad_y=8) self.placeControl(self.image, 4, 0, rowspan=2, columnspan=2) self.placeControl(self.fl_title, 6, 0, columnspan=2) self.placeControl(self.captcha, 7, 0, columnspan=2, pad_y=8) self.placeControl(self.btn_submit, 8, 0) self.placeControl(self.btn_cancel, 8, 1) self.connect(self.btn_cancel, self.close) self.connect(self.btn_submit, self.submit) self.connect(pyxbmct.ACTION_NAV_BACK, self.close) self.username.setText(self.email) self.username.setEnabled(False) self.password.setType(0 if self._s.show_pass else 6, '') self.tb_head.setText(self.head) self.fl_title.addLabel(self.title) self.image.setImage(self.picurl, False) def set_navigation(self): self.username.controlUp(self.btn_submit) self.username.controlDown(self.password) self.password.controlUp(self.username) self.password.controlDown(self.captcha) self.captcha.controlUp(self.password) self.captcha.controlDown(self.btn_submit) self.btn_submit.controlUp(self.captcha) self.btn_submit.controlDown(self.username) self.btn_cancel.controlUp(self.captcha) self.btn_cancel.controlDown(self.username) self.btn_submit.controlRight(self.btn_cancel) self.btn_submit.controlLeft(self.btn_cancel) self.btn_cancel.controlRight(self.btn_submit) self.btn_cancel.controlLeft(self.btn_submit) self.setFocus(self.password) def submit(self): self.pwd = self.password.getText() self.cap = self.captcha.getText() self.email = self.username.getText() self.close() class _Challenge(pyxbmct.AddonDialogWindow): def __init__(self, msg): self.head = msg.find('title').get_text(strip=True) img = msg.find('img', attrs={'alt': 'captcha'}) box = img.find_parent('div', class_='a-box-inner a-padding-extra-large') if img else None if box is None: self.hint = msg.find('p', class_='a-last').get_text(strip=True) form = msg.find('form').find('div', class_='a-box-inner') self.task = form.h4.get_text(strip=True) self.img_url = pyxbmct.Image(form.find('img')['src'], aspectRatio=2) else: self.hint = '\n'.join([box.find('span', class_=cl).get_text() for cl in ['a-size-large', 'a-size-base a-color-secondary'] if box.find('span', class_=cl)]) self.task = box.find('label', class_='a-form-label').get_text(strip=True) self.img_url = pyxbmct.Image(img['src'], aspectRatio=2) super(_Challenge, self).__init__(self.head) self.setGeometry(500, 450, 8, 2) self.cap = '' self.tb_hint = pyxbmct.TextBox() self.fl_task = pyxbmct.FadeLabel(_alignment=pyxbmct.ALIGN_CENTER) self.ed_cap = pyxbmct.Edit('', _alignment=pyxbmct.ALIGN_LEFT | pyxbmct.ALIGN_CENTER_Y) self.btn_submit = pyxbmct.Button('OK') self.btn_cancel = pyxbmct.Button(getString(30123)) self.set_controls() self.set_navigation() def set_controls(self): self.placeControl(self.tb_hint, 0, 0, 2, 2) self.placeControl(self.img_url, 2, 0, 3, 2) self.placeControl(self.fl_task, 5, 0, 1, 2) self.placeControl(self.ed_cap, 6, 0, 1, 2) self.placeControl(self.btn_submit, 7, 0) self.placeControl(self.btn_cancel, 7, 1) self.connect(self.btn_cancel, self.close) self.connect(self.btn_submit, self.submit) self.connect(pyxbmct.ACTION_NAV_BACK, self.close) self.tb_hint.setText(self.hint) self.fl_task.addLabel(self.task) self.setFocus(self.ed_cap) def set_navigation(self): self.ed_cap.controlUp(self.btn_submit) self.ed_cap.controlDown(self.btn_submit) self.btn_submit.controlUp(self.ed_cap) self.btn_submit.controlDown(self.ed_cap) self.btn_cancel.controlUp(self.ed_cap) self.btn_cancel.controlDown(self.ed_cap) self.btn_submit.controlRight(self.btn_cancel) self.btn_submit.controlLeft(self.btn_cancel) self.btn_cancel.controlRight(self.btn_submit) self.btn_cancel.controlLeft(self.btn_submit) def submit(self): self.cap = self.ed_cap.getText() self.close() class _ProgressDialog(pyxbmct.AddonDialogWindow): def __init__(self, msg): super(_ProgressDialog, self).__init__('Amazon') self.sl_progress = pyxbmct.Slider(textureback=OSPJoin(g.PLUGIN_PATH, 'resources', 'art', 'transp.png')) self.btn_cancel = pyxbmct.Button(getString(30123)) self.tb_msg = pyxbmct.TextBox() self.iscanceled = False self.connect(self.btn_cancel, self.cancel) self.setGeometry(500, 400, 6, 3) self.placeControl(self.tb_msg, 0, 0, 4, 3) self.placeControl(self.sl_progress, 4, 0, 0, 3) self.placeControl(self.btn_cancel, 5, 1, 1, 1) self.tb_msg.setText(msg) self.sl_progress.setEnabled(False) def cancel(self): self.iscanceled = True