/* global Whisper, log */ // eslint-disable-next-line func-names (function() { 'use strict'; window.Whisper = window.Whisper || {}; Whisper.AddModeratorsDialogView = Whisper.View.extend({ className: 'loki-dialog modal', async initialize(convo) { this.close = this.close.bind(this); this.onSubmit = this.onSubmit.bind(this); this.chatName = convo.get('name'); this.chatServer = convo.get('server'); this.channelId = convo.get('channelId'); // get current list of moderators this.channelAPI = await convo.getPublicSendData(); const modPubKeys = await this.channelAPI.getModerators(); const convos = window.getConversations().models; // private friends (not you) that aren't already moderators const friends = convos.filter( d => !!d && d.isFriend() && d.isPrivate() && !d.isMe() && !modPubKeys.includes(d.id) ); this.friends = friends; this.$el.focus(); this.render(); }, render() { const view = new Whisper.ReactWrapperView({ className: 'add-moderators-dialog', Component: window.Signal.Components.AddModeratorsDialog, props: { friendList: this.friends, chatName: this.chatName, onSubmit: this.onSubmit, onClose: this.close, }, }); this.$el.append(view.el); return this; }, close() { this.remove(); }, async onSubmit(pubKeys) { log.info(`asked to add ${pubKeys}`); const res = await this.channelAPI.serverAPI.addModerators(pubKeys); if (res !== true) { // we have errors, deal with them... // how? } }, }); })();