# Chick A [Sublime Text 3](http://www.sublimetext.com/) plugin for [esa.io](https://esa.io/). ## Installation ### Manual installation 1. Find "Package Control: Add Repository" in Command Pallete. 2. Input "https://github.com/Satoh-D/Chick". 3. Find "Package Control: Install Package" in Command Pallete. 4. Select "Chick". ## Generating Access Token you can generate API Access Tokens via the Web UI. ### Web UI - Account -> Applications(https://[team].esa.io/user/applications) - Personal access tokens -> Generate new token - "Token description" you should give it a meaningful name, Example: for sublime esa - "Select scopes" check both "Read" and "Write" - click "Save" button Paste the token in the settings section under the token option. ## Options - `"token": ""` You must enter your Esa.io token here. - `"team": ""` You must enter your joining team here. ## Usage All functionality of the plugin is available in the command pallette. ### Creating Document(Save as WIP / Ship It!) Use the `Chick` / `EsaIo` or `Chick` / `EsaIoShip` commands. A EsaIo will be created with contents of current file, URL of that document will be copied to the clipboard. ## Feature - Edit document. - Delete document. - Convert Status (WIP -> Shipped / Shipped -> WIP). - Multiple team (current single team only). etc... ## License MIT. ## Author 2016, [Sato Daiki](http://satoh-d.hatenablog.com/) - Blog: [http://satoh-d.hatenablog.com/](http://satoh-d.hatenablog.com/) - Twitter: [@Satoh_D](https://twitter.com/Satoh_D)