require "DamageLib" --[[ ############################### ############################### ############################### ############################### Optimizations and Init ############################### ############################### ############################### ############################### --]] S1mpleLibVersion = 1.9 local os = os local math = math local pairs = pairs local table = table local ipairs = ipairs local string = string math.randomseed(os.clock() + myHero.networkID + GetTickCount()) --[[ ############################### ############################### ############################### ############################### S1mpleLib Menu ############################### ############################### ############################### ############################### --]] local menu_id = tostring(math.floor(math.random(1,22))) if(menu_id:len() == 1)then menu_id = "0"..menu_id end _G.S1mpleLibMenu = MenuElement({type = MENU, id = "S1mpleLib", name = "S1mpleLib [V" .. S1mpleLibVersion .. "]", leftIcon = ""..menu_id..".png"}) --[[ ############################### ############################### ############################### ############################### Common functions ############################### ############################### ############################### ############################### --]] function GetDistanceSqr(p1, p2) assert(p1, "GetDistance: invalid argument: cannot calculate distance to "..type(p1)) p2 = p2 or myHero if not p1.x then p1 = p1.pos end if not p2.x then p2 = p2.pos end return (p1.x - p2.x) ^ 2 + ((p1.z or p1.y) - (p2.z or p2.y)) ^ 2 end function GetDistance(p1, p2) return math.sqrt(GetDistanceSqr(p1, p2)) end local _enemyHeroes = {} function GetEnemyHeroes() if(#_enemyHeroes == 0)then for i=1,Game.HeroCount() do local current = Game.Hero(i) if current and ~= then _enemyHeroes[#_enemyHeroes+1] = current end end end return _enemyHeroes end local _allyHeroes = {} function GetAllyHeroes() if(#_allyHeroes == 0)then for i=1,Game.HeroCount() do local current = Game.Hero(i) if current and == and current.networkID ~= myHero.networkID then _allyHeroes[#_allyHeroes+1] = current end end end return _allyHeroes end function GetObjectsNear(target, objTable, range) local objtbl = {} for i=1,#objTable do local obj = objTable[i] if obj and obj.valid and obj.visible and not obj.dead and GetDistance(target, obj) < range then objtbl[#objtbl+1] = obj end end return objtbl end function GetMinionsNear(target, range, team) local minions = {} for i=1,Game.MinionCount() do local m = Game.Minion(i) if m and m.valid and m.visible and not m.dead and GetDistance(m, target) < range then if(team and == team)then minions[#minions+1] = m elseif(not team)then minions[#minions+1] = m end end end return minions end local _recallTable = {} Callback.Add("ProcessRecall", function(unit, proc) if(proc.isStart)then _recallTable[unit.networkID] = true else _recallTable[unit.networkID] = false end end) function IsRecalling(unit) return _recallTable[unit.networkID] end function GetOrbWalkerMode () --Noddys Orbwalker if(_G.Orbwalker and _G.Orbwalker.myName)then local mode = _G.Orbwalker:GetMode() if(mode == "Clear")then return "Farm" elseif (mode == "Lasthit")then return "LastHit" end return mode end --External Orbwalker if(EOW)then if(EOW:Mode() == "LaneClear")then return "Farm" else return EOW:Mode() end end --Ic's Orbwalker if(_G.SDK and _G.SDK.Orbwalker)then return (_G.SDK.Orbwalker.Modes[_G.SDK.ORBWALKER_MODE_COMBO] and "Combo" or _G.SDK.Orbwalker.Modes[_G.SDK.ORBWALKER_MODE_HARASS] and "Harass" or _G.SDK.Orbwalker.Modes[_G.SDK.ORBWALKER_MODE_LANECLEAR] and "Farm" or _G.SDK.Orbwalker.Modes[_G.SDK.ORBWALKER_MODE_LASTHIT] and "LastHit") or "None" end --Fallback to default if(_G.Orbwalker.Enabled:Value())then return (_G.Orbwalker.Combo:Value() and "Combo") or (_G.Orbwalker.Harass:Value() and "Harass") or (_G.Orbwalker.Farm:Value() and "Farm") or (_G.Orbwalker.LastHit:Value() and "LastHit") or "None" end return "None" end function math.perc(current, max) return current/max*100 end function math.round(num, idp) assert(type(num) == "number", "math.round: wrong argument types ( expected for num)") assert(type(idp) == "number" or idp == nil, "math.round: wrong argument types ( expected for idp)") local mult = 10 ^ (idp or 0) if num >= 0 then return math.floor(num * mult + 0.5) / mult else return math.ceil(num * mult - 0.5) / mult end end function IsFacing(source, target) --Thanks to Bananaraka ( local sD = {x = source.dir.x, z = source.dir.z} local tD = {x = target.dir.x, z = target.dir.z} local sP = {x = source.pos.x, z = source.pos.z} local tP = {x = target.pos.x, z = target.pos.z} local dot = sD.x*tD.x + sD.z*tD.z if(dot < 0)then if (sD.x > 0 and sD.z > 0) then return ((tP.x - sP.x > 0) and (tP.z - sP.z > 0)) elseif (sD.x < 0 and sD.z < 0) then return ((tP.x - sP.x < 0) and (tP.z - sP.z < 0)) elseif (sD.x > 0 and sD.z < 0) then return ((tP.x - sP.x > 0) and (tP.z - sP.z < 0)) elseif (sD.x < 0 and sD.z > 0) then return ((tP.x - sP.x < 0) and (tP.z - sP.z > 0)) end end return false end function GetFacing(source, targets, range) local n = {} for i=1,#targets do if(IsFacing(source, targets[i]) and GetDistance(source, targets[i]) < range)then n[#n+1] = targets[i] end end return n end --[[ ############################### ############################### ############################### ############################### Draw Stuff ############################### ############################### ############################### ############################### --]] function WorldToScreen (obj) if not obj.x then obj = obj.pos end local V = GoSVector(obj.x, obj.y, obj.z) return V:To2D() end function Draw.DrawText3D(text, x, y, z, color, size) size = size or 12 color = color or Draw.Color(255,255,255,255) local wts = WorldToScreen({x = x, y = y, z = z}) Draw.Text(text, size, wts.x, wts.y, color) end function Draw.RectOutline(x, y, width, height, color, borderWidth) local x = math.min(x, x + width) local y = math.min(y, y + width) local width = math.abs(width) local height = math.abs(height) Draw.Rect(x, y, width, borderWidth, color) Draw.Rect(x, y, borderWidth, height, color) Draw.Rect(x, y + height - borderWidth, width, borderWidth, color) Draw.Rect(x + width - borderWidth, y, borderWidth, height, color) end function Draw.LineBorder(x1, y1, x2, y2, size, color, width) local o = { x = -(y2 - y1), y = x2 - x1 } local len = math.sqrt(o.x ^ 2 + o.y ^ 2) o.x, o.y = o.x / len * size / 2, o.y / len * size / 2 local points = { {x = x1 + o.x, y = y1 + o.y}, {x = x1 - o.x, y = y1 - o.y}, {x = x2 - o.x, y = y2 - o.y}, {x = x2 + o.x, y = y2 + o.y}, {x = x1 + o.x, y = y1 + o.y}, } Draw.Lines2(points, width or 1, color or Draw.Color(255,255,255,255)) end function Draw.Lines2(points, width, color) for i=1,#points-1 do local point = points[i] local next = points[i+1] if(not point.nodraw)then Draw.Line(point.x, point.y, next.x, next.y, width, color) end end end function Draw.Arrow(posStartX, posStartY, posEndX, posEndY, size, color, opening) local startPoint = Vector({x = posStartX, y = posStartY}) local endPoint = Vector({x = posEndX, y = posEndY}) local dx = endPoint.x - startPoint.x local dy = endPoint.y - startPoint.y local lenght = math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy) local unitDx = dx/lenght local unitDy = dy/lenght local arrowHeadBoxSize = opening local arrowPoint1 = Vector({x = endPoint.x - unitDx * arrowHeadBoxSize - unitDy * arrowHeadBoxSize, y = endPoint.y - unitDy * arrowHeadBoxSize + unitDx * arrowHeadBoxSize}) local arrowPoint2 = Vector({x = endPoint.x - unitDx * arrowHeadBoxSize + unitDy * arrowHeadBoxSize, y = endPoint.y - unitDy * arrowHeadBoxSize - unitDx * arrowHeadBoxSize}) Draw.Line(startPoint, endPoint) Draw.Line(arrowPoint1, endPoint) Draw.Line(arrowPoint2, endPoint) end --[[ "Enum's" --]] TARGET_SELF = 1 TARGET_TARGETED = 2 TARGET_LINEAR = 3 TARGET_CIRCULAR = 4 TARGET_CONE = 5 TARGET_UNTARGETED = 6 TARGET_SPECIAL = 7 DAMAGE_MAGIC = 1 DAMAGE_PHYSIC = 2 DAMAGE_MIXED = 3 DAMAGE_TRUE = 4 DAMAGE_OTHER = 5 DAMAGE_NONE = 6 TEAM_ALLY = TEAM_ENEMY = ( == 100 and 200 or 100) TEAM_OTHER = 300 --[[ ############################### ############################### ############################### ############################### Spell Class ############################### ############################### ############################### ############################### --]] --[[ SpellSlot = {_Q, _W, _E, _R, ITEM_1, ITEM_2, ITEM_3, ITEM_4, ITEM_5, ITEM_6, ITEM_7, SUMMONER_1, SUMMONER_2} SpellData = { type (number) manacost (function(level)) for non self: range (number) for linear: width (number) for circular: radius (number) for cone: coneAngle (number) coneDistance (number) } --]] class"Spell" function Spell:__init (SpellSlot,SpellData) assert(type(SpellSlot) == "number", "Invalid Spellslot Type. Got: "..type(SpellSlot)) assert(type(SpellData) == "table", "Invalid SpellData Type. Got: "..type(SpellData)) self.slot = SpellSlot self.castSlot = (SpellSlot == 0 and HK_Q) or (SpellSlot == 1 and HK_W) or (SpellSlot == 2 and HK_E) or (SpellSlot == 3 and HK_R) self.spelldata = SpellData end function Spell:Cast(targetorX, Y, Z) --Make sure cursor is over target. .... Gos pls fix if Game.CanUseSpell(self.slot) ~= READY then return end if(type(targetorX) ~= "number" and targetorX ~= nil)then Control.SetCursorPos(targetorX) Control.CastSpell(self.castSlot, targetorX.pos.x,targetorX.pos.y, targetorX.pos.z) elseif(type(targetorX) == "number")then Control.SetCursorPos(targetorX, Z) Control.CastSpell(self.castSlot, targetorX, Y, Z) else Control.CastSpell(self.castSlot) end end function Spell:CanUseSpell(target) if(target and not self.spelldata.type == 1)then return Game.CanUseSpell(self.slot) == READY and GetDistance(target) < self.spelldata.range else return Game.CanUseSpell(self.slot) == READY end end function Spell:GetDamage(target, source, stagedmg, spelllvl) local slots = {_Q = "Q", _W = "W", _E = "E", _R = "R"} return getdmg(slots[self.slot], target, source, stagedmg, spelllvl) end function Spell:GetManaCost (level) level = level or myHero:GetSpellData(self.slot).level return self.spelldata.manacost(level) end function Spell:GetLevel () return myHero:GetSpellData(self.slot).level end --[[ ############################### ############################### ############################### ############################### objManager ############################### ############################### ############################### ############################### --]] local objManager_update_interval = 6 local objManager_next_update = 0 function AddCreateObjectCallbackMenu() S1mpleLibMenu:MenuElement({type = MENU, id = "ObjectCallback", name = "Object Callback"}) S1mpleLibMenu.ObjectCallback:MenuElement({id = "ups", name = "Updates per Second", value = 6, min = 1, max = 10, step = 1, callback = function() if( objManager_update_interval = end end}) objManager_update_interval = end AddCreateObjectCallbackMenu() local objManager_Ccallbacks = {} local objManager_Dcallbacks = {} function AddCreateObjectCallback(func) local l = #objManager_Ccallbacks objManager_Ccallbacks[l+1] = func return l end function AddDeleteObjectCallback(func) local l = #objManager_Dcallbacks objManager_Dcallbacks[l+1] = func return l end function DelCreateObjectCallback(id) objManager_Ccallbacks[id] = nil end function DelDeleteObjectCallback(id) objManager_Dcallbacks[id] = nil end local objManager_objects = {} local objManager_objects_mt = { __len = function() local count = 0 for _ in pairs(objManager_objects) do count = count + 1 end return count end } setmetatable(objManager_objects, objManager_objects_mt) function objManager_OnTick() if os.clock() < objManager_next_update then return end objManager_next_update = os.clock()+(10-objManager_update_interval)*0.1 for k,v in pairs(objManager_objects) do if (not v or not v.valid) and == "Seed" then objManager_objects[v.networkID] = nil for i=1,#objManager_Dcallbacks do objManager_Dcallbacks[i](v) end end end for i=1,Game.ObjectCount() do local current = Game.Object(i) if current and current.valid then objManager_objects[current.networkID] = current for i=1,#objManager_Ccallbacks do objManager_Ccallbacks[i](current) end end end end Callback.Add("Tick", function() objManager_OnTick() end) Callback.Add("Load", function() for i=1,Game.ObjectCount() do local obj = Game.Object(i) if obj and obj.valid then objManager_objects[obj.networkID] = obj end end end) --[[ ############################### ############################### ############################### ############################### targetSelector ############################### ############################### ############################### ############################### --]] TARGET_LOW_HP = 1 TARGET_MOST_AP = 2 TARGET_MOST_AD = 3 TARGET_NEAR_MOUSE = 4 TARGET_PRIORITY = 5 TARGET_LOW_HP_PRIORITY = 6 TARGET_CLOSEST = 7 class("TargetSelector") function TargetSelector:__init() self.target_type = TARGET_PRIORITY self:Menu() end function TargetSelector:Menu() S1mpleLibMenu:MenuElement({type = MENU, id = "ts", name = "TargetSelector"}) = S1mpleLibMenu.ts{id = "mode", name = "Target Selection Mode", value = TARGET_LOW_HP_PRIORITY, drop = {"Low HP", "Most AP", "Most AD", "Near Mouse", "Priority", "Low HP Priority", "Closest"}, callback = function(v) if( then self.target_type = end end}) for i=1,#GetEnemyHeroes() do local current = GetEnemyHeroes()[i]{id = "prio"..current.charName, name = current.charName, value = 3, min = 1, max = 5, step = 1}) end end function TargetSelector:GetTarget(range, checkCollision, spellWidth) local possible_targets = {} for i=1,#GetEnemyHeroes() do local enemy = GetEnemyHeroes()[i] if enemy and enemy.valid and not enemy.dead and GetDistance(myHero, enemy) < range then if(checkCollision)then if(not GetMinionCollision(myHero.pos, enemy.pos, spellWidth, GetMinionsNear(myHero, range, TEAM_ENEMY)))then possible_targets[#possible_targets+1] = enemy end else possible_targets[#possible_targets+1] = enemy end end end if(#possible_targets == 0)then return nil end local target = possible_targets[1] local prio =["prio"]:Value() if(self.target_type == TARGET_LOW_HP)then for i=1,#possible_targets do local current = possible_targets[i] if( < target = current end end elseif(self.target_type == TARGET_MOST_AP)then for i=1,#possible_targets do local current = possible_targets[i] if(current.ap > target.ap)then target = current end end elseif(self.target_type == TARGET_MOST_AD)then for i=1,#possible_targets do local current = possible_targets[i] if( > target = current end end elseif(self.target_type == TARGET_NEAR_MOUSE)then for i=1,#possible_targets do local current = possible_targets[i] if(GetDistanceSqr(current, mousePos) < GetDistanceSqr(target, mousePos))then target = current end end elseif(self.target_type == TARGET_PRIORITY)then for i=1,#possible_targets do local current = possible_targets[i] if(["prio"..current.charName]:Value() > prio)then target = current end end elseif(self.target_type == TARGET_LOW_HP_PRIORITY)then for i=1,#possible_targets do local current = possible_targets[i] if(["prio"..current.charName]:Value() > prio)then target = current elseif (["prio"..current.charName]:Value() == prio)then if( < target = current end end end elseif(self.target_type == TARGET_CLOSEST)then for i=1,#possible_targets do local current = possible_targets[i] if(GetDistanceSqr(current, myHero) < GetDistanceSqr(target, myHero))then target = current end end end return target, prio end TargetSelector = TargetSelector() --[[ Credits: - gReY (VectorPointProjectionOnLineSegment) --]]