@prefix : . @prefix AIBSTL: . @prefix atom: . @prefix BFO: . @prefix BIRNLEX: . @prefix CHEBI: . @prefix CL: . @prefix dc: . @prefix dcterms: . @prefix definition: . @prefix doap: . @prefix FMA: . @prefix GO: . @prefix hasPart: . @prefix hasRole: . @prefix ILX: . @prefix ilx.hasDbXref: . @prefix ilx.hasRole: . @prefix ilx.partOf: . @prefix ilx.relatedTo: . @prefix ilx.type: . @prefix ilxr: . @prefix ilxtr: . @prefix MIRO: . @prefix NCBIGene: . @prefix NCBITaxon: . @prefix NIFEXT: . @prefix NIFRID: . @prefix NLX: . @prefix NLXANAT: . @prefix NLXMOL: . @prefix NLXORG: . @prefix NLXWIKI: . @prefix npokb: . @prefix OBI: . @prefix obo: . @prefix overlaps: . @prefix owl: . @prefix partOf: . @prefix PATO: . @prefix PAXRAT: . @prefix PAXSPN: . @prefix PR: . @prefix prostate: . @prefix prov: . @prefix PTHR: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix RO: . @prefix SAO: . @prefix semves: . @prefix skos: . @prefix SO: . @prefix TEMPIND: . @prefix UBERON: . a owl:Ontology ; owl:imports , , , obo:bfo.owl ; rdfs:label "The Neuron Phenotype Ontology" ; dc:title "The Neuron Phenotype Ontology" ; dc:description "An ontology of neuron types based on the phenotypic dimensions of cells that can be measure experimentally." ; owl:versionInfo "2024-08-28" ; dc:contributor "Bernard de Bono - https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0638-5274", "Fahim Imam - https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4752-543X", "Ilias Ziogas - https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9210-2455", "Jyl Boline - https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5232-8364", "Mohameth François Sy - https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4603-9838", "Monique Surles-Zeigler - https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2308-8813", "Shreejoy Tripathy - https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1007-9061", "Susan Tappan - https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5120-3770" ; dc:creator "Maryann Martone - https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8406-3871", "Sean Hill - https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8055-860X", "Tom Gillespie - https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7509-4801" ; dcterms:license ; doap:audience "researchers working on cell types and their phenotypes, whether they are collecting raw data, organizing existing data, or creating simulations of cell types" ; doap:bug-database ; doap:GitRespository ; ilxtr:indexNamespace npokb: ; MIRO:axiom_patterns , ; MIRO:competition ; MIRO:dereferenceable_iris "`npokb:' and `ilxtr:' identifiers are not currently dereferenceable, but they are planned to be." ; MIRO:development_community ; MIRO:development_environment "Protégé, FaCT++, ELK, python, pyontutils, neurondm" ; MIRO:entity_deprecation_strategy "Specific ontology ids are never deprecated. If you need to know whether the modeling of a class has changed, neurondm can be used to regenerate the deterministic identifiers that appear as `ilxtr:hasTemporaryId'." ; MIRO:entity_metadata_policy "`rdfs:label' must be present. `skos:prefLabel' must be present for common usage types, and should be present when possible for evidence based models. Since the constituent ontology files that make up the npo are generated using python, provenance is primarily stored in the git repository pointed to via the `prov:wasGeneratedBy' predicate in the `owl:Ontology' header for individual files, in this case that repository is `'" ; MIRO:entity_naming_convention "`rdfs:label' must be automatically generated using neurondm. Labels are generated from the labels of the constituent phenotype values. Only restrictions specifying necessary criteria for defining the type (i.e. those that are contained in an `owl:equivalentClass' statement) are included when generating the name. The ordering of the dimensions is specified in https://github.com/tgbugs/pyontutils/blob/a5e9fcc70d56870e692c17cb7fadce735a281d02/neurondm/neurondm/core.py#L135-L389" ; MIRO:evaluation "No external evaluation has been conducted. See https://doi.org/10.1007/s12021-022-09566-7" ; MIRO:example_of_use ; MIRO:identifier_generation_policy "`npokb:[0-9]+' identifiers are assigned sequentially via https://github.com/tgbugs/pyontutils/blob/a5e9fcc70d56870e692c17cb7fadce735a281d02/nifstd/nifstd_tools/map-identifiers.py#L20-L49. An index of issued identifiers is retained at https://github.com/SciCrunch/NIF-Ontology/blob/neurons/ttl/generated/neurons/npokb-index.ttl. Note that the current implementation currently does not correctly handles cases where the constituent phenotypes of a class change." ; MIRO:knowledge_acquisition_methodology ; MIRO:knowledge_representation_language ; MIRO:methodological_framework ; MIRO:need "There is a need to bridge the gap between historical definitions of cell types from the literature, with cell types being defined using a wide variety of new techniques. There is also a need to be able to bridge and reconcile the wide variety of local terminology used across laboratories and place them on more solid foundations derived from the methodology used to make measurements on cells." ; MIRO:scope_and_coverage "Scope: neuron types, and the dimensions and values of their constituent phenotypes. Coverage: an inventory of common usage types from existing sources, as well as three examples of evidence based models of cell types from recent publications." ; MIRO:source_knowledge_location ; MIRO:sustainability_plan "The npo is maintained as part of the NIF-Ontology." ; MIRO:testing "See `MIRO:axiom_patterns' and paper https://doi.org/10.1007/s12021-022-09566-7" ; MIRO:versioning_policy "Development versions of the ontology are released continuously and are identified by their git commit hashes. Stable versions are released periodically and can be accessed by their git tag." ; prov:wasGeneratedBy . ### Object Properties hasPart: a owl:ObjectProperty, owl:TransitiveProperty ; rdfs:label "has part" ; rdfs:subPropertyOf overlaps: . ilx.partOf: a owl:Class, owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "Is part of" ; definition: "Generic partonomy relationship; does not distinguish among subtypes" ; rdfs:subPropertyOf partOf: ; ilxr:type ilx.type:relationship ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ilx.partOf: ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ilx.partOf: ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ilx.partOf: . partOf: a owl:ObjectProperty, owl:TransitiveProperty ; rdfs:label "part of" ; rdfs:subPropertyOf overlaps: ; owl:inverseOf hasPart: . RO:0002433 a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "contributes to morphology of" ; rdfs:subPropertyOf overlaps: . ### Annotation Properties definition: a owl:AnnotationProperty ; rdfs:label "definition" . skos:hiddenLabel a owl:AnnotationProperty ; rdfs:label "hidden label" . skos:prefLabel a owl:AnnotationProperty ; rdfs:label "preferred label" . ### Classes AIBSTL:301021674 a owl:Class . AIBSTL:543338518 a owl:Class . BIRNLEX:1 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Macromolecular complex" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId BIRNLEX:1, ILX:0106439 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId BIRNLEX:1 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0106439 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId BIRNLEX:1 . CHEBI:5686 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "heterocyclic compound" ; NIFRID:synonym "compuesto heterociclico", "compuestos heterociclicos", "heterocycle", "Heterocyclic compound", "heterocyclic compounds" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:33595 . CHEBI:7872 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "oxytocin" ; NIFRID:synonym "1-({(4R,7S,10S,13S,16S,19R)-19-amino-7-(2-amino-2-oxoethyl)-10-(3-amino-3-oxopropyl)-16-(4-hydroxybenzyl)-13-[(1S)-1-methylpropyl]-6,9,12,15,18-pentaoxo-1,2-dithia-5,8,11,14,17-pentaazacycloicosan-4-yl}carbonyl)-L-prolyl-L-leucylglycinamide", "3-Isoleucine-8-leucine vasopressin", "(1-Hemicystine)oxytocin", "Endopituitrina", "L-Cysteinyl-L-tyrosyl-L-isoleucyl-L-glutaminyl-L-asparaginyl-L-cysteinyl-L-prolyl-L-leucylglycinamide cyclic(1-6)-disulfide", "Ocytocin", "Orasthin", "OT", "oxitocina", "OXT", "Oxytocin", "oxytocin", "oxytocine", "oxytocinum", "Pitocin", "Piton S", "Syntocinon" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:24533, CHEBI:25905 . CHEBI:9937 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "vasopressin" ; NIFRID:synonym "ADH", "Antidiuretic hormone", "arginine vasopressin", "argipressin", "AVP", "beta-Hypophamine", "Inyectable de vasopresina", "Solute injectable de vasopressine", "Vasopressin", "Vasopressini injectio", "VP" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:24533, CHEBI:25905 . CHEBI:15355 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "acetylcholine" ; NIFRID:synonym "2-acetyloxy-N,N,N-trimethylethanaminium", "ACETYLCHOLINE", "Acetylcholine", "acetylcholine", "ACh", "Azetylcholin", "choline acetate", "O-Acetylcholine" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:35287, CHEBI:47622 . CHEBI:15428 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "glycine" ; NIFRID:synonym "Aminoacetic acid", "aminoacetic acid", "Aminoessigsaeure", "aminoethanoic acid", "G", "Gly", "Glycin", "GLYCINE", "Glycine", "glycine", "Glycocoll", "Glykokoll", "Glyzin", "H2N-CH2-COOH", "Hgly", "Leimzucker" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:26650, CHEBI:33704, CHEBI:83813 . CHEBI:15705 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "L-alpha-amino acid" ; NIFRID:synonym "L-2-Amino acid", "L-alpha-amino acid", "L-alpha-amino acids", "L-Amino acid" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:33704 . CHEBI:16015 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "L-glutamic acid" ; NIFRID:synonym "(2S)-2-aminopentanedioic acid", "(S)-2-aminopentanedioic acid", "(S)-glutamic acid", "acide glutamique", "acido glutamico", "acidum glutamicum", "E", "Glu", "Glutamate", "GLUTAMIC ACID", "glutamic acid", "L-Glu", "L-Glutamic acid", "L-glutamic acid", "L-Glutaminic acid", "L-Glutaminsaeure" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:15705, CHEBI:18237, CHEBI:24318, CHEBI:83813 . CHEBI:16670 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "peptide" ; NIFRID:synonym "Peptid", "Peptide", "peptides", "peptido", "peptidos" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:37622, CHEBI:50047 . CHEBI:16865 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gamma-aminobutyric acid" ; NIFRID:synonym "4-Aminobutanoic acid", "4-aminobutanoic acid", "4-Aminobutyric acid", "4-aminobutyric acid", "4Abu", "GABA", "GAMMA-AMINO-BUTANOIC ACID", "gamma-amino-n-butyric acid", "gamma-aminobutanoic acid", "gamma-Aminobuttersaeure", "gamma-Aminobutyric acid", "gamma-aminobutyric acid", "omega-aminobutyric acid", "piperidic acid", "piperidinic acid" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:25384, CHEBI:33707 . CHEBI:18237 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "glutamic acid" ; NIFRID:synonym "2-Aminoglutaric acid", "2-aminopentanedioic acid", "DL-Glutamic acid", "DL-Glutaminic acid", "E", "Glu", "Glutamate", "Glutamic acid", "glutamic acid", "Glutaminic acid", "Glutaminsaeure" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:26167, CHEBI:33704 . CHEBI:18243 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "dopamine" ; NIFRID:synonym "2-(3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)ethylamine", "2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)ethylamine", "3,4-Dihydroxyphenethylamine", "3-Hydroxytyramine", "4-(2-Aminoethyl)-1,2-benzenediol", "4-(2-aminoethyl)-1,2-benzenediol", "4-(2-Aminoethyl)benzene-1,2-diol", "4-(2-aminoethyl)benzene-1,2-diol", "4-(2-aminoethyl)catechol", "4-(2-aminoethyl)pyrocatechol", "Deoxyepinephrine", "Dopamin", "dopamina", "Dopamine", "dopamine", "Dopamine HCl", "dopaminum", "Dophamine", "Hydroxytyramin", "Intropin", "Oxytyramine", "Revimine" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:33567, SAO:1456045859 . CHEBI:22563 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anion" ; NIFRID:synonym "Anion", "anion", "Anionen", "aniones", "anions" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:24870 . CHEBI:22660 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "aspartic acid" ; NIFRID:synonym "2-aminobutanedioic acid", "(+-)-Aspartic acid", "(R,S)-Aspartic acid", "Asp", "Aspartic acid", "aspartic acid", "D", "DL-Aminosuccinic acid", "DL-Asparagic acid" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:26167, CHEBI:33704, CHEBI:66873 . CHEBI:22728 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "benzopyrrole" ; NIFRID:synonym "benzopyrroles" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:27171, CHEBI:38101, CHEBI:38180 . CHEBI:23367 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Molecular entity" ; NIFRID:synonym "entidad molecular", "entidades moleculares", "entite moleculaire", "molecular entities", "molecular entity", "molecule", "molekulare Entitaet" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:24431 ; ilxtr:hasExistingId CHEBI:23367, ILX:0107064 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId CHEBI:23367 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0107064 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId CHEBI:23367 . CHEBI:23449 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "cyclic peptide" ; NIFRID:synonym "cyclic peptides", "Cyclopeptid", "peptide cyclique", "peptido ciclico", "Zyklopeptid" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:16670 . CHEBI:23888 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Drug" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId CHEBI:23888, ILX:0103576 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId CHEBI:23888 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0103576 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId CHEBI:23888 . CHEBI:24318 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "glutamine family amino acid" ; NIFRID:synonym "glutamine family amino acids" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:15705, CHEBI:83813 . CHEBI:24431 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "chemical entity" ; NIFRID:synonym "chemical entity" ; rdfs:subClassOf BFO:0000040 . CHEBI:24532 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "organic heterocyclic compound" ; NIFRID:synonym "organic heterocycle", "organic heterocyclic compounds" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:5686, CHEBI:33285, CHEBI:33832 . CHEBI:24533 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "heterodetic cyclic peptide" ; NIFRID:synonym "heterodetic cyclic peptide", "heterodetic cyclic peptides", "peptide cyclique heterodetique", "peptido ciclico heterodetico" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:23449 . CHEBI:24651 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "hydroxides" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:25806, CHEBI:33608, CHEBI:37577 . CHEBI:24828 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "indoles" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:22728 . CHEBI:24833 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "oxoacid" ; NIFRID:synonym "oxacids", "oxiacids", "oxo acid", "oxoacid", "oxoacids", "oxy-acids", "oxyacids" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:24651 . CHEBI:24870 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ion" ; NIFRID:synonym "Ion", "ion", "Ionen", "ionen", "iones", "ions" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:23367 . CHEBI:25367 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "molecule" ; NIFRID:synonym "molecula", "molecule", "molecules", "Molekuel", "neutral molecular compounds" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:24431, CHEBI:36357 . CHEBI:25375 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "monoamine molecular messenger" ; NIFRID:synonym "monamines", "monoamines" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:63534 . CHEBI:25384 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "monocarboxylic acid" ; NIFRID:synonym "monocarboxylic acids" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:33575 . CHEBI:25696 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "organic anion" ; NIFRID:synonym "organic anions" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:22563, CHEBI:25699 . CHEBI:25697 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "organic cation" ; NIFRID:synonym "organic cations" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:25699, CHEBI:36916 . CHEBI:25699 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "organic ion" ; NIFRID:synonym "organic ions" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:24870, CHEBI:50860 . CHEBI:25741 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "oxide" ; NIFRID:synonym "oxide", "oxides" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:25806, CHEBI:37577 . CHEBI:25806 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "oxygen molecular entity" ; NIFRID:synonym "oxygen molecular entities", "oxygen molecular entity" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:33304 . CHEBI:25905 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "peptide hormone" ; NIFRID:synonym "peptide hormones", "polypeptide hormone" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:16670 . CHEBI:26167 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "polar amino acid" ; NIFRID:synonym "polar amino acid", "polar amino acids", "polar amino-acid", "polar amino-acids" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:33709 . CHEBI:26650 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "serine family amino acid" ; NIFRID:synonym "3-phosphoglycerate family amino acid", "3-phosphoglycerate family amino acids", "serine family amino acids" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:15705, CHEBI:83813 . CHEBI:27162 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "tryptamines" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:24828 . CHEBI:27171 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "organic heterobicyclic compound" ; NIFRID:synonym "heterobicyclic compounds", "organic heterobicyclic compounds" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:33672, CHEBI:38166 . CHEBI:28790 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "serotonin" ; NIFRID:synonym "3-(2-Aminoethyl)-1H-indol-5-ol", "3-(2-aminoethyl)-1H-indol-5-ol", "5-HT", "5-Hydroxytryptamine", "Enteramine", "SEROTONIN", "Serotonin", "serotonine", "thrombocytin", "thrombotonin" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:25375, CHEBI:27162, CHEBI:33853, CHEBI:50994, CHEBI:84729 . CHEBI:29067 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "carboxylic acid anion" ; NIFRID:synonym "a carboxylate", "carboxylic acid anions", "carboxylic anions" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:25696, CHEBI:35406 . CHEBI:32952 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "amine" ; NIFRID:synonym "Amin", "Amine", "amines", "an amine", "Substituted amine" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:50047 . CHEBI:32988 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "amide" ; NIFRID:synonym "Amide", "amides" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:51143 . CHEBI:33243 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "natural product" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:50860 . CHEBI:33256 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "primary amide" ; NIFRID:synonym "primary amide", "primary amides" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:32988 . CHEBI:33273 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "polyatomic anion" ; NIFRID:synonym "polyatomic anions" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:22563, CHEBI:36358 . CHEBI:33285 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "heteroorganic entity" ; NIFRID:synonym "heteroorganic entities", "organoelement compounds" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:50860 . CHEBI:33302 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "pnictogen molecular entity" ; NIFRID:synonym "pnictogen molecular entities", "pnictogen molecular entity" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:33675 . CHEBI:33304 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "chalcogen molecular entity" ; NIFRID:synonym "chalcogen compounds", "chalcogen molecular entities", "chalcogen molecular entity" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:33675 . CHEBI:33308 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "carboxylic ester" ; NIFRID:synonym "a carboxylic ester", "carboxylic acid esters", "Carboxylic ester", "carboxylic esters" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:35701, CHEBI:36586 . CHEBI:33558 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "alpha-amino-acid anion" ; NIFRID:synonym "alpha-amino acid anions", "alpha-amino-acid anion", "alpha-amino-acid anions" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:37022 . CHEBI:33566 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "catechols" ; NIFRID:synonym "1,2-benzenediols", "a catechol", "benzene-1,2-diols" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:33570 . CHEBI:33567 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "catecholamine" ; NIFRID:synonym "Catecholamine", "catecholamines" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:25375, CHEBI:33566, CHEBI:64365 . CHEBI:33570 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "benzenediols" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:33853 . CHEBI:33575 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "carboxylic acid" ; NIFRID:synonym "acide carboxylique", "acides carboxyliques", "acido carboxilico", "acidos carboxilicos", "Carbonsaeure", "Carbonsaeuren", "carboxylic acid", "carboxylic acids", "Karbonsaeure", "RC(=O)OH" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:35605, CHEBI:36586, CHEBI:64709 . CHEBI:33579 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "main group molecular entity" ; NIFRID:synonym "main group compounds", "main group molecular entities" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:23367 . CHEBI:33582 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "carbon group molecular entity" ; NIFRID:synonym "carbon group molecular entities", "carbon group molecular entity" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:33675 . CHEBI:33595 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "cyclic compound" ; NIFRID:synonym "cyclic compounds" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:25367 . CHEBI:33608 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "hydrogen molecular entity" ; NIFRID:synonym "hydrogen compounds", "hydrogen molecular entities" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:33674 . CHEBI:33635 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "polycyclic compound" ; NIFRID:synonym "polycyclic compounds" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:33595 . CHEBI:33636 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "bicyclic compound" ; NIFRID:synonym "bicyclic compounds" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:33595 . CHEBI:33655 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "aromatic compound" ; NIFRID:synonym "aromatic compounds", "aromatic molecular entity", "aromatics", "aromatische Verbindungen" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:33595 . CHEBI:33659 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "organic aromatic compound" ; NIFRID:synonym "organic aromatic compounds" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:33655, CHEBI:33832 . CHEBI:33671 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "heteropolycyclic compound" ; NIFRID:synonym "heteropolycyclic compounds", "polyheterocyclic compounds" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:5686, CHEBI:33635 . CHEBI:33672 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "heterobicyclic compound" ; NIFRID:synonym "heterobicyclic compounds" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:5686, CHEBI:33636 . CHEBI:33674 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "s-block molecular entity" ; NIFRID:synonym "s-block compounds", "s-block molecular entities", "s-block molecular entity" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:33579 . CHEBI:33675 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "p-block molecular entity" ; NIFRID:synonym "p-block compounds", "p-block molecular entities", "p-block molecular entitiy" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:33579 . CHEBI:33694 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "biomacromolecule" ; NIFRID:synonym "biomacromolecules", "biopolymer", "Biopolymere", "biopolymers" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:33839, CHEBI:50860 . CHEBI:33695 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "information biomacromolecule" ; NIFRID:synonym "genetically encoded biomacromolecules", "genetically encoded biopolymers", "information biomacromolecules", "information biopolymers", "information macromolecule", "information macromolecules" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:33694 . CHEBI:33702 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "polyatomic cation" ; NIFRID:synonym "polyatomic cations" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:36358, CHEBI:36916 . CHEBI:33704 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "alpha-amino acid" ; NIFRID:synonym "alpha-amino acid", "alpha-amino acids", "alpha-amino carboxylic acids", "Amino acid", "Amino acids" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:33709 . CHEBI:33707 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gamma-amino acid" ; NIFRID:synonym "gamma-amino acid", "gamma-amino acids" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:83820 . CHEBI:33709 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "amino acid" ; NIFRID:synonym "amino acids", "Aminocarbonsaeure", "Aminokarbonsaeure", "Aminosaeure" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:33575, CHEBI:50047 . CHEBI:33822 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "organic hydroxy compound" ; NIFRID:synonym "hydroxy compounds", "organic alcohol", "organic hydroxy compounds" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:24651, CHEBI:50860 . CHEBI:33832 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "organic cyclic compound" ; NIFRID:synonym "organic cyclic compounds" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:33595, CHEBI:72695 . CHEBI:33833 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "heteroarene" ; NIFRID:synonym "hetarenes", "heteroarenes" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:24532, CHEBI:33659 . CHEBI:33839 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "macromolecule" ; NIFRID:synonym "macromolecule", "macromolecules", "polymer", "polymer molecule", "polymers" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:36357 . CHEBI:33853 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "phenols" ; NIFRID:synonym "a phenol", "arenols", "Aryl alcohol", "phenols" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:33659, CHEBI:33822 . CHEBI:35267 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "quaternary ammonium ion" ; NIFRID:synonym "a quaternary ammonium", "Quaternary amine", "quaternary ammonium ion", "quaternary ammonium ions" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:25697, CHEBI:35274 . CHEBI:35274 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ammonium ion derivative" ; NIFRID:synonym "ammonium ion derivatives", "azanium ion derivative", "azanium ion derivatives" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:33702, CHEBI:51143 . CHEBI:35287 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "acylcholine" ; NIFRID:synonym "acylcholines", "an acylcholine" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:35267 . CHEBI:35352 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "organonitrogen compound" ; NIFRID:synonym "organonitrogen compounds", "organonitrogens" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:33285, CHEBI:51143 . CHEBI:35406 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "oxoanion" ; NIFRID:synonym "oxoacid anions", "oxoanion", "oxoanions" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:25741, CHEBI:33273 . CHEBI:35605 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "carbon oxoacid" ; NIFRID:synonym "carbon oxoacids", "oxoacids of carbon" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:24833, CHEBI:36963 . CHEBI:35692 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "dicarboxylic acid" ; NIFRID:synonym "Dicarboxylic acid", "dicarboxylic acids" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:33575, CHEBI:131927 . CHEBI:35693 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "dicarboxylic acid anion" ; NIFRID:synonym "dicarboxylic acid anion", "dicarboxylic acid anions" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:29067 . CHEBI:35701 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ester" ; NIFRID:synonym "Ester", "Esters", "esters" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:36963 . CHEBI:36080 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "protein" ; NIFRID:synonym "proteins" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:33695, PR:000000001, PR:000018263, PR:000064867 . CHEBI:36357 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Polyatomic entity" ; NIFRID:synonym "polyatomic entities" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:23367 . CHEBI:36358 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "polyatomic ion" ; NIFRID:synonym "polyatomic ions" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:24870, CHEBI:36357 . CHEBI:36586 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "carbonyl compound" ; NIFRID:synonym "carbonyl compounds" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:36587, CHEBI:36963 . CHEBI:36587 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "organic oxo compound" ; NIFRID:synonym "organic oxo compounds", "oxo compounds" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:72695 . CHEBI:36916 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "cation" ; NIFRID:synonym "Cation", "cation", "cationes", "cations", "Kation", "Kationen" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:24870 . CHEBI:36962 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "organochalcogen compound" ; NIFRID:synonym "organochalcogen compound", "organochalcogen compounds" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:33285, CHEBI:33304 . CHEBI:36963 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "organooxygen compound" ; NIFRID:synonym "organooxygen compound", "organooxygen compounds" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:25806, CHEBI:36962 . CHEBI:37022 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "amino-acid anion" ; NIFRID:synonym "amino acid anions", "amino-acid anion", "amino-acid anions" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:29067, CHEBI:35352 . CHEBI:37577 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "heteroatomic molecular entity" ; NIFRID:synonym "chemical compound", "heteroatomic molecular entities" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:36357 . CHEBI:37622 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "carboxamide" ; NIFRID:synonym "carboxamides", "primary carboxamide" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:33256, CHEBI:35352, CHEBI:36963 . CHEBI:38101 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "organonitrogen heterocyclic compound" ; NIFRID:synonym "heterocyclic organonitrogen compounds", "organonitrogen heterocyclic compounds" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:24532, CHEBI:35352 . CHEBI:38166 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "organic heteropolycyclic compound" ; NIFRID:synonym "organic heteropolycyclic compounds" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:24532, CHEBI:33671 . CHEBI:38180 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "polycyclic heteroarene" ; NIFRID:synonym "polycyclic heteroarenes" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:33833 . CHEBI:47622 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "acetate ester" ; NIFRID:synonym "acetate", "acetate esters", "acetates", "Acetic ester", "Acetyl ester", "acetyl esters", "an acetyl ester" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:33308 . CHEBI:48705 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Agonist role" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId CHEBI:48705, ILX:0100414 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId CHEBI:48705 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0100414 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId CHEBI:48705 . CHEBI:50047 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "organic amino compound" ; NIFRID:synonym "organic amino compounds" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:35352, CHEBI:50860 . CHEBI:50860 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "organic molecular entity" ; NIFRID:synonym "organic compounds", "organic entity", "organic molecular entities" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:33582 . CHEBI:50994 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "primary amino compound" ; NIFRID:synonym "primary amino compounds" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:50047 . CHEBI:51143 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nitrogen molecular entity" ; NIFRID:synonym "nitrogen compounds", "nitrogen molecular entities", "Nitrogenous compounds" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:33302 . CHEBI:63534 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "monoamine" ; NIFRID:synonym "monoamines", "naturally occurring monoamine", "naturally occurring monoamines" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:64365 . CHEBI:64365 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "aralkylamino compound" ; NIFRID:synonym "aralkylamino compounds" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:50047 . CHEBI:64628 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "somatostatin" ; NIFRID:synonym "Ala-Gly-cyclo-[Cys-Lys-Asn-Phe-Phe-Trp-Lys-Thr-Phe-Thr-Ser-Cys]", "L-alanyl-N-[(4R,7S,10S,13S,16S,19S,22S,25S,28S,31S,34S,37R)-19,34-bis(4-aminobutyl)-31-(2-amino-2-oxoethyl)-13,25,28-tribenzyl-4-carboxy-10,16-bis[(1R)-1-hydroxyethyl]-7-(hydroxymethyl)-22-(1H-indol-3-ylmethyl)-6,9,12,15,18,21,24,27,30,33,36-undecaoxo-1,2-dithia-5,8,11,14,17,20,23,26,29,32,35-undecaazacyclooctatriacontan-37-yl]glycinamide", "L-alanylglycyl-L-cysteinyl-L-lysyl-L-asparaginyl-L-phenylalanyl-L-phenylalanyl-L-tryptophyl-L-lysyl-L-threonyl-L-phenylalanyl-L-threonyl-L-seryl-L-cysteine cyclic (3-14) disulfide", "somatostatin", "Somatostatin-1", "Somatostatin-14", "somatostatina", "somatostatine", "somatostatinum", "Synthetic growth hormone release-inhibiting hormone" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:24533, CHEBI:25905 . CHEBI:64709 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "organic acid" ; NIFRID:synonym "organic acids" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:50860 . CHEBI:66873 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "C4-dicarboxylic acid" ; NIFRID:synonym "C4-dicarboxylic acids" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:35692 . CHEBI:72695 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "organic molecule" ; NIFRID:synonym "organic compound", "organic compounds", "organic molecules" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:25367, CHEBI:50860 . CHEBI:83813 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "proteinogenic amino acid" ; NIFRID:synonym "canonical amino acid", "canonical amino acids", "proteinogenic amino acids" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:33709 . CHEBI:83820 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "non-proteinogenic amino acid" ; NIFRID:synonym "non-canonical amino acid", "non-canonical amino acids", "non-canonical amino-acid", "non-canonical amino-acids", "non-coded amino acid", "non-coded amino acids", "non-coded amino-acid", "non-coded amino-acids", "non-proteinogenic amino acids", "non-proteinogenic amino-acid", "non-proteinogenic amino-acids" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:33709 . CHEBI:84729 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "hydroxyindoles" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:24828, CHEBI:33822 . CHEBI:131927 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "dicarboxylic acids and O-substituted derivatives" ; NIFRID:synonym "dicarboxylic acids and derivatives" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:36586 . CHEBI:132943 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "aspartate" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:33558, CHEBI:35693 . CL:0000066 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "epithelial cell" . CL:0000069 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "branched duct epithelial cell" . CL:0000115 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "endothelial cell" . CL:0000182 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "hepatocyte" ; rdfs:subClassOf CL:0000066, CL:0000417, UBERON:0004119, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002107 ] . CL:0000417 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "endopolyploid cell" . CL:0002139 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "endothelial cell of vascular tree" ; NIFRID:synonym "cubodial endothelial cell of vascular tree", "vascular endothelial cell" ; rdfs:subClassOf CL:0000115 . CL:0002543 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "vein endothelial cell" . CL:0009094 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "endothelial cell of hepatic portal vein" ; NIFRID:synonym "portal endothelial cell" ; rdfs:subClassOf CL:0002543, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001639 ] . CL:1000488 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "cholangiocyte" ; NIFRID:synonym "epithelial cell of bile duct" ; rdfs:subClassOf CL:0000069, UBERON:0004119, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002394 ] . FMA:5874 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Communicating branch of spinal nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "Communicating branch of spinal nerve", "Rameau communicant", "Ramus communicans" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:5985 . FMA:5875 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "White communicating ramus", "white communicating ramus" ; NIFRID:synonym "Rameau communicant blanc", "Ramus communicans alba", "White communicating ramus", "White ramus", "White ramus communicans" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:5874 . FMA:5876 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Gray communicating ramus", "gray communicating ramus" ; NIFRID:synonym "Gray communicating ramus", "Gray ramus", "Gray ramus communicans", "Grey ramus communicans of spinal nerve", "Ramus communicans grisea" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:5874 . FMA:5884 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "Ganglio", "Ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:11195 . FMA:5889 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Autonomic ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "Autonomic ganglion", "Ganglion autonomicum", "Ganglion du système nerveux autonome" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:5884 . FMA:5890 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Sympathetic ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "Ganglion sympatheticum", "Ganglion sympathicum", "Paraganglion sympathique", "Sympathetic ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:5889 . FMA:5891 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Paravertebral ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "Ganglion of sympathetic trunk", "Ganglion trunci sympathetici", "Ganglion trunci sympathici", "Ganglions du tronc sympathique", "Paravertebral ganglion", "Sympathetic chain ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:5890 . FMA:5983 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Posterior ramus of spinal nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "Dorsal ramus", "Dorsal ramus of spinal nerve", "Posterior branch of spinal nerve", "Posterior primary ramus", "Posterior ramus of spinal nerve", "Ramus posterior" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:7052 . FMA:5985 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Branch of anterior ramus of spinal nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "Branch of anterior ramus of spinal nerve", "Branch of ventral ramus of spinal nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:10982 . FMA:6472 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Lumbar ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "Lumbar ganglion", "Lumbar paravertebral ganglion", "Lumbar sympathetic ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:5891 . FMA:6473 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Sacral ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "Sacral ganglion", "Sacral sympathetic ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:5891 . FMA:6797 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Posterior ramus of cervical nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "Cervical posterior ramus", "Dorsal ramus of cervical spinal nerve", "Posterior cervical ramus", "Posterior ramus of cervical nerve", "Posterior ramus of cervical spinal nerve", "Ramus posterior, nervus cervicale" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:5983 . FMA:7052 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Branch of peripheral segment of spinal nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "Branch of peripheral segment of spinal nerve", "Spinal neural trunk branch" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:10982 . FMA:10982 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Branch of spinal nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "Branch of spinal nerve", "Spinal nerve tree organ part", "Spinal neural branch" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 . FMA:11195 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Segment of neural tree organ" ; NIFRID:synonym "Neural tree organ segment", "Segment of neural tree organ" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:83115 . FMA:11198 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Branch of anterior ramus of lumbar nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "Branch of anterior ramus of lumbar nerve", "Branch of lumbar anterior ramus", "Branch of ventral ramus of lumbar spinal nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:5985 . FMA:14055 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Gray communicating ramus of thoracic nerve", "gray communicating ramus of thoracic nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "Gray communicating ramus of thoracic nerve", "Gray communicating ramus of thoracic ventral ramus", "Gray ramus communicans of thoracic anterior ramus" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:5876 . FMA:14056 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "White communicating ramus of thoracic anterior ramus" ; NIFRID:synonym "White communicating ramus of thoracic anterior ramus", "White communicating ramus of thoracic ventral ramus", "White ramus communicans of thoracic anterior ramus" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:5875 . FMA:16416 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "White communicating ramus of lumbar nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "White communicating ramus of lumbar nerve", "White ramus communicans of lumbar spinal nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:11198 . FMA:49443 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Anatomical cluster" ; NIFRID:synonym "Anatomical cluster", "Anatomischer Block", "Parteng kinumpol", "Racimo anatómico", "Serie di ingranaggi anatomica" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:67135 . FMA:61775 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Physical anatomical entity" ; NIFRID:synonym "Entidad anatómica física", "Entité anatomique physique", "Physical anatomical entity" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 . FMA:62955 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Anatomical entity" ; NIFRID:synonym "Anatomical entity", "Entité anatomique" . FMA:65132 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "Nerf", "Nerv", "Nerve", "Nerve trunk, each instance of which is the tract arising from some optic chiasma, consisting of fiber segments frm some ipsilateral temporal and contralateral nasal retinas, proceeding backward, around some cerebral peduncle, and dividing into a lateral and a medial root; the roots end in some superior colliculus and lateral geniculate body, respectively.", "Nervio", "Nervo", "Nervus", "Neural subtree" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:11195 . FMA:67135 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Postnatal anatomical structure" ; NIFRID:synonym "Postnatal anatomical structure", "Struttura anatomica" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:305751 . FMA:67165 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Material anatomical entity" ; NIFRID:synonym "Entidad anatómica física material", "Entità anatomica fisica materiale", "Entité anatomique physique matériel", "Material anatomical entity", "Materielles körperliches anatomisches Wesen" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:61775 . FMA:83115 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Cell part cluster" ; NIFRID:synonym "Cell part cluster" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:49443 . FMA:305751 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Anatomical structure" ; NIFRID:synonym "Anatomical structure", "Anatomische Struktur", "Biological structure", "Estructura anatómica", "Structure anatomique", "Struttura anatomica" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:67165 . ILX:0100107 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Glutamate receptor" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0100107, SAO:1164727693 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId SAO:1164727693 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0100107 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId SAO:1164727693 . ILX:0100559 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "AMPA-type glutamate-gated cationic channel" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0100559, NIFEXT:5251 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId NIFEXT:5251 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0100559 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId NIFEXT:5251 . ILX:0101528 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "CA2 alveus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002305, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0007639 ] . ILX:0102514 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Continuant" . ILX:0104003 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Excitatory" ; rdfs:subClassOf PATO:0001238 . ILX:0105486 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Inhibitory" ; rdfs:subClassOf PATO:0001238 . ILX:0110092 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Rexed lamina II" ; rdfs:subClassOf NLX:143975 . ILX:0110100 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Rexed lamina X" ; rdfs:subClassOf NLX:143975 . ILX:0728645 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "serratus dorsalis muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "serratus dorsalis", "serratus posterior", "serratus posterior muscle" . ILX:0731180 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "quadratus femoris" . ILX:0731969 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "least splanchnic nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "least thoracic splanchnic nerve", "lowest splanchnic nerve", "nervus splanchnicus imus", "ramus renalis nervus splanchnici minoris", "renal branch of lesser splanchnic nerve", "renal nerve" . ILX:0738290 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "inferior cervical ganglion - middle cervical ganglion interganglionic segment of the sympathetic chain" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000407 . ILX:0738291 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "T1 - inferior cervical ganglion interganglionic segment of the sympathetic chain" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000407 . ILX:0738292 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "middle cervical ganglion - superior cervical ganglion interganglionic segment of the sympathetic chain" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000407 . ILX:0738293 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Ganglioglomerular nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001021 . ILX:0738304 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Wall of arch of aorta" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001062, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001508 ] . ILX:0738308 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "External branch of inferior laryngeal nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001021, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003716 ] . ILX:0738309 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Internal branch of inferior laryngeal nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001021, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003716 ] . ILX:0738312 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Aortic arch depressor nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001021 . ILX:0738313 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Rami glomi carotici" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001062 . ILX:0738316 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Aortic arch baroreceptors" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001062, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001508 ] . ILX:0738317 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Laryngeal mechanoreceptors" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001062, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001737 ] . ILX:0738318 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Epiglottic mechanoreceptors" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001062, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000388 ] . ILX:0738319 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "T1-T2 intercostal muscle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001062 . ILX:0738324 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Phrenic nucleus of C4" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0016850, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0006490 ] . ILX:0738325 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Phrenic nucleus of C5" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0016850, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0006491 ] . ILX:0738372 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "white communicating ramus of first thoracic spinal nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "T1 white ramus" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:14056 . ILX:0738432 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Sixth lumbar spinal cord segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "L6" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001062 . ILX:0738433 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Dome of the Bladder" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001062 . ILX:0738444 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "interscapular brown adipose tissue" ; NIFRID:synonym "iBAT" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001348 . ILX:0739241 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ansa subclavia" ; NIFRID:synonym "Subclavian loop" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001990 . ILX:0739295 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Thirteenth thoracic ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "T13 sympathetic ganglion", "thirteenth thoracic sympathetic ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000961 . ILX:0739296 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "fifth lumbar sympathetic ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "fifth lumbar ganglion", "L5 sympathetic ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001062 . ILX:0739297 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "sixth lumbar sympathetic ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "L6 sympathetic ganglion", "sixth lumbar ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001062 . ILX:0739299 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gray communicating ramus of sixth lumbar nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "L6 gray ramus", "L6 grey ramus" ; rdfs:subClassOf ILX:0794914 . ILX:0739303 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gray communicating ramus of second thoracic nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "T2 gray ramus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001021 . ILX:0739304 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gray communicating ramus of third thoracic nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "T3 gray ramus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001021 . ILX:0741757 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "superior lateral cutaneous nerve of arm" ; NIFRID:synonym "n. cutaneus brachii lateralis superior", "superior lateral brachial cutaneous nerve" . ILX:0741764 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "superficial transverse perineal muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "m. transversus perinei superficialis" . ILX:0741796 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "deep transverse perineal muscle" . ILX:0741799 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "inferior lateral cutaneous nerve of arm" ; NIFRID:synonym "inferior lateral brachial cutaneous nerve", "n. cutaneus brachii lateralis inferior" . ILX:0770759 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Lamina propria mucosae of descending colon" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001062, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001158 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0007177 ] . ILX:0771089 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Serosa of descending colon" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001062, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001158 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003335 ] . ILX:0771304 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "hepatic plexus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001062 . ILX:0773631 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Inferior rectal nerve plexus" . ILX:0773760 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Circular muscle layer of descending colon" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001062, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001158 ] . ILX:0774144 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Wall of neck of urinary bladder" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001062 . ILX:0774266 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "T1 sympathetic ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "First thoracic ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000961 . ILX:0776070 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Longitudinal muscle layer of descending colon" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001062, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001158 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:8410061 ] . ILX:0776616 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "External carotid nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001021 . ILX:0777086 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "T12 - T13 interganglionic segment of the sympathetic chain" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001806 . ILX:0777087 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "T13 - L1 interganglionic segment of the sympathetic chain" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001806 . ILX:0777088 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "L1 - L2 interganglionic segment" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001806 . ILX:0777089 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "L2 - L3 interganglionic segment" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001806 . ILX:0777090 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "L3 - L4 interganglionic segment" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000407 . ILX:0777091 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "L4 - L5 interganglionic segment" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001806 . ILX:0777092 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "L5 - L6 interganglionic segment" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001806 . ILX:0777093 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "L6 - S1 interganglionic segment of the sympathetic chain" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001806 . ILX:0777094 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "T1 - T2 interganglionic segment of the sympathetic chain" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001806 . ILX:0777095 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "T2 - T3 interganglionic segment of the sympathetic chain" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001806 . ILX:0777096 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "T3 - T4 interganglionic segment of the sympathetic chain" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001806 . ILX:0777097 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "T4 - T5 interganglionic segment of the sympathetic chain" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001806 . ILX:0777098 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "T5 - T6 interganglionic segment of the sympathetic chain" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001062 . ILX:0784378 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Ninth thoracic ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000961 . ILX:0784439 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gray communicating ramus of the fifth thoracic nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "gray communicating ramus of the fifth intercostal nerve", "T5 gray ramus", "T5 grey ramus" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:14055 . ILX:0784569 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Tenth thoracic ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000961 . ILX:0784588 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Posterior root of left ninth thoracic nerve" . ILX:0784605 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Posterior root of seventh thoracic nerve" . ILX:0784694 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Fourth intercostal nerve" . ILX:0784721 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Eighth thoracic ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000961 . ILX:0784804 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventral root of the third thoracic spinal cord segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior root of T3", "anterior root of third thoracic nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0014617 . ILX:0784839 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Medial pectoral nerve component of C8 nerve" . ILX:0784992 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Posterior root of left eighth thoracic nerve" . ILX:0785076 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Tenth intercostal nerve" . ILX:0785098 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Posterior root of right twelfth thoracic nerve" . ILX:0785238 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Anterior ramus of second sacral nerve" . ILX:0785370 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Medial pectoral nerve component of T1 nerve" . ILX:0785409 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Left second lumbar spinal ganglion" . ILX:0785421 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventral root of the first lumbar spinal cord segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior root of first lumbar nerve", "anterior root of L1" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0024382 . ILX:0785435 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Third intercostal nerve" . ILX:0785477 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Posterior root of right sixth thoracic nerve" . ILX:0785488 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Posterior root of left tenth thoracic nerve" . ILX:0785659 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Right eleventh thoracic spinal ganglion" . ILX:0785729 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Left ninth thoracic spinal ganglion" . ILX:0785733 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gray communicating ramus of second lumbar nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "L2 gray ramus", "L2 grey ramus" ; rdfs:subClassOf ILX:0794914 . ILX:0785825 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gray communicating ramus of first lumbar nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "L1 gray ramus" ; rdfs:subClassOf ILX:0794914 . ILX:0785932 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gray communicating ramus of third lumbar nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "L3 gray ramus", "L3 grey ramus" ; rdfs:subClassOf ILX:0794914 . ILX:0785947 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Posterior root of right first lumbar nerve" . ILX:0786049 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Fourth sacral ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:6473 . ILX:0786141 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Fifth thoracic ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000961 . ILX:0786163 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventral root of the eighth cervical spinal cord segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior root of C8", "Anterior root of eighth cervical nerve", "anterior root of eighth cervical spinal cord segment" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0014634 . ILX:0786228 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Second thoracic ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000961 . ILX:0786272 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Fourth thoracic ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000961 . ILX:0786362 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Second lumbar nerve" . ILX:0786372 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Right tenth thoracic spinal ganglion" . ILX:0786390 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Thoracodorsal nerve component of C7 nerve" . ILX:0786402 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Posterior root of right eleventh thoracic nerve" . ILX:0786477 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Left first lumbar spinal ganglion" . ILX:0786722 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Third thoracic ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000961 . ILX:0786788 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Posterior root of left first lumbar nerve" . ILX:0786793 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Posterior root of right eighth thoracic nerve" . ILX:0786813 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Posterior root of right ninth thoracic nerve" . ILX:0786933 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Second lumbar ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001062 . ILX:0786989 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Right twelfth thoracic spinal ganglion" . ILX:0787009 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Twelfth thoracic ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000961 . ILX:0787015 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Eleventh thoracic ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000961 . ILX:0787082 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gray communicating ramus of the first thoracic nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "gray communicating ramus of the first intercostal nerve", "T1 gray ramus" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:14055 . ILX:0787227 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Posterior root of third lumbar nerve" . ILX:0787285 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Right first lumbar spinal ganglion" . ILX:0787443 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Fifth intercostal nerve" . ILX:0787520 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventral root of the third lumbar spinal cord segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior root of L3", "anterior root of third lumbar nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0024382 . ILX:0787528 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Second sacral nerve" . ILX:0787562 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gray communicating ramus of the third thoracic nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "gray communicating ramus of the third intercostal nerve", "T3 gray ramus", "T3 grey ramus" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:14055 . ILX:0787665 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Posterior root of twelfth thoracic nerve" . ILX:0787722 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventral root of the first thoracic spinal cord segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior root of first thoracic nerve", "anterior root of T1" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0014617 . ILX:0787779 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Posterior root of first lumbar nerve" . ILX:0787781 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Posterior root of right seventh thoracic nerve" . ILX:0787810 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Left twelfth thoracic spinal ganglion" . ILX:0787946 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gray communicating ramus of sixth thoracic nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "gray communicating ramus of the sixth intercostal nerve", "T6 gray ramus", "T6 grey ramus" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:14055 . ILX:0787969 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Eighth intercostal nerve" . ILX:0788022 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gray communicating ramus of thoracic nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:5876 . ILX:0788026 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventral root of the eighth thoracic spinal cord segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior root of eighth thoracic nerve", "anterior root of T8" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0014617 . ILX:0788280 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Posterior ramus of third cervical nerve" . ILX:0788303 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Lateral pectoral nerve component of C6 nerve" . ILX:0788315 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Third lumbar ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001062 . ILX:0788532 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Anterior ramus of third sacral nerve" . ILX:0788536 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gray communicating ramus of fourth lumbar nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "L4 gray ramus", "L4 grey ramus" ; rdfs:subClassOf ILX:0794914 . ILX:0788647 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Right seventh thoracic spinal ganglion" . ILX:0788675 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventral root of the second lumbar spinal cord segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior root of L2", "anterior root of second lumbar nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0024382 . ILX:0788711 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Right ninth thoracic spinal ganglion" . ILX:0788777 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Anterior ramus of fourth sacral nerve" . ILX:0788896 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Fourth lumbar nerve" . ILX:0788945 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gray communicating ramus of the fourth thoracic nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "gray communicating ramus of the fourth intercostal nerve", "T4 gray ramus", "T4 grey ramus" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:14055 . ILX:0788972 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "First lumbar nerve" . ILX:0788975 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Long thoracic nerve component of C5 nerve" . ILX:0789109 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "First sacral ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001062 . ILX:0789143 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Lateral pectoral nerve component of C5 nerve" . ILX:0789287 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Sixth intercostal nerve" . ILX:0789339 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Pharyngeal branch of glossopharyngeal nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001021, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001649 ] . ILX:0789374 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Third lumbar nerve" . ILX:0789482 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Second intercostal nerve" . ILX:0789580 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Celiac branch of posterior vagal trunk" . ILX:0789741 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Posterior root of ninth thoracic nerve" . ILX:0789839 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Posterior root of left eleventh thoracic nerve" . ILX:0789862 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "First lumbar ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "L1 sympathetic ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001062 . ILX:0789892 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Posterior root of tenth thoracic nerve" . ILX:0789894 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventral root of the second thoracic spinal cord segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior root of second thoracic nerve", "anterior root of T2" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0014617 . ILX:0789947 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Sixth thoracic ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000961 . ILX:0789966 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventral root of the seventh thoracic spinal cord segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior root of seventh thoracic nerve", "anterior root of T7" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0014617 . ILX:0789968 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventral root of the fourth lumbar spinal cord segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior root of fourth lumbar nerve", "anterior root of L4" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0024382 . ILX:0790146 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventral root of the fifth thoracic spinal cord segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior root of fifth thoracic nerve", "anterior root of T5" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0014617 . ILX:0790316 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left nodose ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000045 . ILX:0790338 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Posterior root of eleventh thoracic nerve" . ILX:0790414 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Posterior root of left twelfth thoracic nerve" . ILX:0790472 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Fourth lumbar ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:6472 . ILX:0790482 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Seventh thoracic ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000961 . ILX:0790494 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Left eighth thoracic spinal ganglion" . ILX:0790497 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Gray communicating ramus of cervicothoracic ganglion to first thoracic spinal nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001021 . ILX:0790504 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "First sacral nerve" . ILX:0790553 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Hepatic branch of left vagus nerve" . ILX:0790949 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Lateral pectoral nerve component of C7 nerve" . ILX:0791046 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Twelfth thoracic nerve" . ILX:0791062 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventral root of the sixth thoracic spinal cord segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior root of sixth thoracic nerve", "anterior root of T6" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0014617 . ILX:0791105 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gray communicating ramus of the second thoracic nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "gray communicating ramus of the second intercostal nerve", "T2 gray ramus" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:14055 . ILX:0791148 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventral root of the fifth lumbar spinal cord segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior root of fifth lumbar nerve", "anterior root of L5" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0024382 . ILX:0791153 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Right eighth thoracic spinal ganglion" . ILX:0791512 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Posterior ramus of fourth cervical nerve" . ILX:0791527 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Right sixth thoracic spinal ganglion" . ILX:0791808 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Seventh intercostal nerve" . ILX:0791932 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventral root of the ninth thoracic spinal cord segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior root of ninth thoracic nerve", "anterior root of T9" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0014617 . ILX:0792057 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Left eleventh thoracic spinal ganglion" . ILX:0792058 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Posterior root of second lumbar nerve" . ILX:0792132 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Eleventh intercostal nerve" . ILX:0792193 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "First intercostal nerve" . ILX:0792327 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Fourth sacral nerve" . ILX:0792342 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Posterior root of left second lumbar nerve" . ILX:0792433 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right nodose ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000045 . ILX:0792474 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Gray matter of T1 segment of spinal cord" . ILX:0792508 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Left tenth thoracic spinal ganglion" . ILX:0792543 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Ninth intercostal nerve" . ILX:0792624 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Posterior root of eighth thoracic nerve" . ILX:0792627 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "White communicating ramus of thoracic anterior ramus" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:5875 . ILX:0792838 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventral root of the fourth thoracic spinal cord segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior root of fourth thoracic nerve", "anterior root of T4" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0014617 . ILX:0792853 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventral root of the first sacral spinal cord segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior root of first sacral nerve", "anterior root of S1" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0023623 . ILX:0792995 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Posterior root of right tenth thoracic nerve" . ILX:0793082 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "celiac ganglion- superior mesenteric ganglion complex" ; NIFRID:synonym "coeliac-superior mesenteric ganglion complex", "CSMG" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001806 . ILX:0793141 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "urethral rhabdosphincter" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001062, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000057 ] . ILX:0793178 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "intrapancreatic ganglia" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001805, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001264 ] . ILX:0793208 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "white communicating ramus of second thoracic spinal nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "T2 white ramus" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:14056 . ILX:0793209 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "white communicating ramus of third thoracic spinal nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "T3 white ramus" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:14056 . ILX:0793210 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "white communicating ramus of fourth thoracic spinal nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "T4 white ramus" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:14056 . ILX:0793211 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "white communicating ramus of fifth thoracic spinal nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "T5 white ramus" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:14056 . ILX:0793212 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "white communicating ramus of sixth thoracic spinal nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "T6 white ramus" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:14056 . ILX:0793213 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "white communicating ramus of seventh thoracic spinal nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "T7 white ramus" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:14056 . ILX:0793214 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "white communicating ramus of eighth thoracic spinal nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "T8 white ramus" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:14056 . ILX:0793215 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "white communicating ramus of ninth thoracic spinal nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "T9 white ramus" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:14056 . ILX:0793216 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "white communicating ramus of tenth thoracic spinal nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "T10 white ramus" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:14056 . ILX:0793217 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "white communicating ramus of eleventh thoracic spinal nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "T11 white ramus" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:14056 . ILX:0793218 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "white communicating ramus of twelfth thoracic spinal nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "T12 white ramus" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:14056 . ILX:0793219 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "white communicating ramus of thirteenth thoracic spinal nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "T13 white ramus" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:14056 . ILX:0793220 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "white communicating ramus of first lumbar spinal nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "L1 white ramus" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:16416 . ILX:0793221 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "white communicating ramus of second lumbar spinal nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "L2 white ramus" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:16416 . ILX:0793228 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gray communicating ramus of first sacral nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "S1 gray ramus", "S1 grey ramus" ; rdfs:subClassOf ILX:0794913 . ILX:0793335 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "T5 sympathetic chain" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001062, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000407 ] . ILX:0793336 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "T6 sympathetic chain" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001062, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000407 ] . ILX:0793350 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "S1 sympathetic chain" ; rdfs:subClassOf ILX:0793766 . ILX:0793357 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Thirteenth thoracic spinal cord segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "T13 segment", "T13 spinal cord segment" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001062 . ILX:0793359 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "thirteenth thoracic dorsal root ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "T13 dorsal root ganglia", "thirteenth thoracic spinal ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002835 . ILX:0793360 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "sixth lumbar dorsal root ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "L6 dorsal root ganglia", "L6 dorsal root ganglion", "Sixth lumbar spinal ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002836 . ILX:0793361 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "white communicating ramus of third lumbar spinal nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "L3 white ramus" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:16416 . ILX:0793362 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "White communicating ramus of fourth lumbar anterior ramus" ; NIFRID:synonym "L4 white ramus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001021 . ILX:0793550 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "mediastinal ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001062 . ILX:0793555 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Atrial intrinsic cardiac ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "atrial ganglionated plexus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001062, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0035814 ] . ILX:0793556 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventricular intrinsic cardiac ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "Ventricular ganglionated plexus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001062, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0035814 ] . ILX:0793559 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "bladder nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "nerve of bladder" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001021 . ILX:0793560 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "External branch of superior laryngeal nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "External laryngeal nerve", "external superior laryngeal nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001021, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001759 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0011326 ] . ILX:0793561 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Internal branch of superior laryngeal nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "Internal laryngeal nerve", "Internal superior laryngeal nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001021, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001759 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0011326 ] . ILX:0793563 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "splenic nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "Splenic nerve plexus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001021 . ILX:0793570 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "trachea parasympathetic ganglia" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001808, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003126 ] . ILX:0793571 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "bronchus parasympathetic ganglia" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001808, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002185 ] . ILX:0793572 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "bronchiole parasympathetic ganglia" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001808, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002186 ] . ILX:0793573 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "terminal bronchiole parasympathetic ganglia" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001808, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002187 ] . ILX:0793613 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Epithelium of pancreatic acinus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000483, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001263 ] . ILX:0793615 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventral root of the sixth lumbar spinal cord segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior root of L6", "Anterior root of sixth lumbar nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0024382 . ILX:0793617 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "T2 sympathetic chain" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001062, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000407 ] . ILX:0793618 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "T3 sympathetic chain" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001062, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000407 ] . ILX:0793619 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "T4 sympathetic chain" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001062, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000407 ] . ILX:0793621 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "External carotid nerve plexus" ; NIFRID:synonym "fibers provided by http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/UBERON_0001989" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001810 . ILX:0793626 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventrolateral periaqueductal gray" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001062, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003040 ] . ILX:0793632 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "lumbar colonic nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001021 . ILX:0793641 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Arteriole in circular muscle layer of descending colon" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001980 . ILX:0793642 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Arteriole in lamina propria of mucosa of descending colon" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001980 . ILX:0793643 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Arteriole in longitudinal muscle layer of descending colon" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001980 . ILX:0793644 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Arteriole in myenteric nerve plexus of descending colon" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001980 . ILX:0793645 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Arteriole in serosa of descending colon" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001980 . ILX:0793646 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Arteriole in submucous nerve plexus of descending colon" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001980 . ILX:0793656 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "myenteric nerve plexus of stomach" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001062, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000945 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002439 ] . ILX:0793657 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Myenteric nerve plexus of descending colon" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001810, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001158 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:8410058 ] . ILX:0793659 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Submucosal nerve plexus of descending colon" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001810, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001158 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:8410059 ] . ILX:0793660 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "myenteric nerve plexus of lower esophagus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001810 . ILX:0793663 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Arteriole in connective tissue of bladder neck" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001980, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001258 ] . ILX:0793664 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Arteriole in connective tissue of bladder dome" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001980 . ILX:0793667 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "myenteric plexus of gastric antrum" ; rdfs:subClassOf ILX:0793656, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001165 ] . ILX:0793668 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "myenteric plexus of proximal duodenum" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001062, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:8410063 ] . ILX:0793669 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "basement membrane of pancreatic acinus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0005769, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001263 ] . ILX:0793671 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "adventitia of superior mesenteric artery" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0005734, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001182 ] . ILX:0793673 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Nerve plexus in adventitia of splenic artery" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001810, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001194 ] . ILX:0793674 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nerve plexus in adventitia of inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001810, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001195 ] . ILX:0793675 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "adventitia of celiac trunk" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0005734, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0006637 ] . ILX:0793676 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nerve plexus in adventitia of hepatic artery" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001810, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001193 ] . ILX:0793680 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Perimarginal cavernous sinus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001062, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002106 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003712 ] . ILX:0793681 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Marginal zone network" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001062, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002106 ] . ILX:0793697 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Intermediolateral nucleus of second thoracic segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "T2 intermediolateral cell column", "T2 intermediolateral nucleus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001062, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002175 ] . ILX:0793698 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Intermediolateral nucleus of third thoracic segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "T3 intermediolateral cell column", "T3 intermediolateral nucleus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001062, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002175 ] . ILX:0793699 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Intermediolateral nucleus of fourth thoracic segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "T4 intermediolateral cell column", "T4 intermediolateral nucleus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001062, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002175 ] . ILX:0793700 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Intermediolateral nucleus of fifth thoracic segment" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001062, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002175 ] . ILX:0793701 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Intermediolateral nucleus of sixth thoracic segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "T6 intermediolateral nucleus", "T6 intermediorlateral nucleus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001062, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002175 ] . ILX:0793702 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Greater petrosal nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001021 . ILX:0793711 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Communicating branch of zygomatic nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "Communicating branch to V1", "Communicating branch with zygomatic nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001021 . ILX:0793712 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Zygomatic nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "Zygomatic branch of V2" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001021 . ILX:0793713 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Deep petrosal nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "Sympathetic root of pterygopalatine ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001021 . ILX:0793714 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Mesenteric nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001021 . ILX:0793722 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Lesser petrosal nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001021 . ILX:0793723 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Auriculotemporal nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001021 . ILX:0793734 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "myenteric ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "myenteric plexus ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000045, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002439 ] . ILX:0793735 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Myenteric ganglion of small intestine" ; rdfs:subClassOf ILX:0793734, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:8410063 ] . ILX:0793737 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Nerve fiber from submandibular ganglion to submandibular gland" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011929 . ILX:0793738 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Nerve fiber from submandibular ganglion to mouth mucosa" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011929 . ILX:0793739 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Nerve fiber from submandibular ganglion to sublingual gland" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011929 . ILX:0793766 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "sympathetic chain segment" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001062 . ILX:0793800 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "S2 sacral parasympathetic nucleus" ; rdfs:subClassOf PAXSPN:80 . ILX:0793801 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "S3 sacral parasympathetic nucleus" ; rdfs:subClassOf PAXSPN:80 . ILX:0793802 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "S4 sacral parasympathetic nucleus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001062 . ILX:0793803 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "inferior hypogastric nerve plexus ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001062, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002014 ] . ILX:0793804 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "L6 parasympathetic nucleus" ; NIFRID:synonym "parasympathetic nucleus of sixth lumbar segment" ; rdfs:subClassOf ILX:0793897 . ILX:0793805 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "S1 sacral parasympathetic nucleus" ; rdfs:subClassOf PAXSPN:80 . ILX:0793806 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "prostatic nerve plexus" ; NIFRID:synonym "prostatic plexus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001810 . ILX:0793807 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Penile cavernous nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "Cavernous nerve of penis", "main penile nerve", "penile nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001021 . ILX:0793808 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "uterovaginal nerve plexus" ; NIFRID:synonym "Frankenhauser's ganglion", "Uterovaginal plexus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001810 . ILX:0793809 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Clitoral cavernous nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "cavernous nerve of clitoris" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001021 . ILX:0793811 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Intermediolateral nucleus of seventh thoracic segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "L7 Intermediolateral nucleus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001062, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002175 ] . ILX:0793812 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Intermediolateral nucleus of eighth thoracic segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "T8 Intermediolateral nucleus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001062, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002175 ] . ILX:0793813 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Intermediolateral nucleus of ninth thoracic segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "T9 Intermediolateral nucleus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001062 . ILX:0793814 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Intermediolateral nucleus of tenth thoracic segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "T10 Intermediolateral nucleus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001062, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002175 ] . ILX:0793815 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Intermediolateral nucleus of eleventh thoracic segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "InT11 termediolateral nucleus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001062, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002175 ] . ILX:0793816 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Intermediolateral nucleus of twelfth thoracic segment" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001062 . ILX:0793817 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Intermediolateral nucleus of thirteenth thoracic segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "T13 intermediolateral nucleus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001062 . ILX:0793818 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Intermediolateral nucleus of first lumbar segment" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001062, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002175 ] . ILX:0793819 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Intermediolateral nucleus of second lumbar segment" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001062, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002175 ] . ILX:0793821 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "prevertebral sympathetic ganglion in abdominal aortic plexus" ; NIFRID:synonym "abdominal aortic plexus prevertebral sympathetic ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001062 . ILX:0793822 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Superior ovarian nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "SON" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001021 . ILX:0793823 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "major pelvic ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "MPG", "pelvic ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000045 . ILX:0793826 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior abdominal vagal trunk" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001021, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001759 ] . ILX:0793827 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior abdominal vagal trunk" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001021, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001759 ] . ILX:0793832 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ovarian nerve plexus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001810 . ILX:0793833 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ovarian nerve plexus parasympathetic ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000045 . ILX:0793834 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "accessory pelvic ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000045 . ILX:0793877 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Intermediolateral nucleus of sixth lumbar segment" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001062, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002175 ] . ILX:0793878 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Intermediolateral nucleus of first sacral segment" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001062, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002175 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0006460 ] . ILX:0793879 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Intermediolateral nucleus of second sacral segment" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001062, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002175 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0006461 ] . ILX:0793880 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Intermediolateral nucleus of third sacral segment" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001062, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002175 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0006462 ] . ILX:0793881 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Intermediolateral nucleus of fourth sacral segment" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001062, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002175 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0006463 ] . ILX:0793882 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Dorsal gray commissure of first lumbar segment" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0014631, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0033483 ] . ILX:0793883 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Dorsal gray commissure of second lumbar segment" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0014631, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0033483 ] . ILX:0793884 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "first accessory pelvic ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf ILX:0793834 . ILX:0793897 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "lumbar parasympathetic nucleus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001062 . ILX:0794141 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right cervical vagus nerve" . ILX:0794142 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left cervical vagus nerve" . ILX:0794476 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "abdominal branch of vagus nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001021, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001759 ] . ILX:0794506 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior hepatic branch of vagus nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001759 ] . ILX:0794730 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "aorticorenal ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001805 . ILX:0794731 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "smooth muscle of the cervix" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000002 . ILX:0794732 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "intermesenteric plexus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001810 . ILX:0794733 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ovarian nerve plexus sympathetic ganglion (DEPRECATED)" ; rdfs:subClassOf ILX:0794910 . ILX:0794734 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "blood vessel of the vagina" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000996 . ILX:0794735 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "smooth muscle of the isthmus of the Fallopian tube" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0016632 . ILX:0794736 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "blood vessel of the isthmus of the Fallopian tube" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0016632 . ILX:0794737 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "blood vessel of the uterus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000995 . ILX:0794738 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "blood vessel of the cervix" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000002 . ILX:0794764 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "suprarenal ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000045 . ILX:0794765 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "blood vessel of the upper uterus" ; rdfs:subClassOf ILX:0794737 . ILX:0794766 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "blood vessel of the lower uterus" ; rdfs:subClassOf ILX:0794737 . ILX:0794767 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "smooth muscle of the upper uterus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001296 . ILX:0794768 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "smooth muscle of the lower uterus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000995 . ILX:0794769 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "upper uterine segment" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000995 . ILX:0794770 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "lower uterine segment" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000995 . ILX:0794853 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "esophageal vagus trunk" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001021, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilx.partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001759 ] . ILX:0794910 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ovarian ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000045 . ILX:0794913 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "sacral gray ramus" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:5876 . ILX:0794914 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "lumbar gray ramus" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:5876 . ILX:0794916 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "white ramus communicans" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0017642 . ILX:0794948 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "medial portion of the brachialis muscle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001506 . ILX:0794949 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "recurrent branch of the median nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "thenar branch of the median nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001148 . ILX:0794950 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "articular branch of lateral pectoral nerve" . ILX:0794951 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "lateral cutaneous nerve of the forearm" ; NIFRID:synonym "lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002386 . ILX:0794952 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "medial cutaneous nerve of the arm" ; NIFRID:synonym "lesser internal cutaneous nerve", "medial brachial cutaneous nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001814 . ILX:0794953 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "medial cutaneous nerve of the forearm" ; NIFRID:synonym "medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001814 . ILX:0794954 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "dorsum of the hand" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002398 . ILX:0794955 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "dorsum of ulnar 11/2 fingers" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002398 . ILX:0794956 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "obliquus capitis superior muscle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002377 . ILX:0794957 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "obliquus capitis inferior muscle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002377 . ILX:0794958 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Flexor digiti minimi brevis of the foot" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0014377 . ILX:0794959 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior rami lower cervical nerves" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:6797 . ILX:0794960 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "flexor surface of ulnar 11/2 finger" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002398 . ILX:0794961 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "periosteum of the forearm" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002515 . ILX:0794962 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Interosseous membrane of arm" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002384 . ILX:0794963 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "pronator quadratus muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "Pronator quadratus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004254 . ILX:0794964 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "opponens pollicis muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "Opponens pollicis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0014376 . ILX:0794965 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "subacromial bursa" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001467 . ILX:0794966 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "suprascapular nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001814 . ILX:0794967 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior interosseous nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "Deep branch of radial nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003433 . ILX:0794969 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "deep branch of ulnar nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "Deep terminal branch of ulnar nerve", "Ramus profundus (Nervus ulnaris)" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001494 . ILX:0794970 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "medial head of median nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "C8-T1 root of median nerve", "Medial head of median nerve" . ILX:0794971 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ulnar collateral ligament" ; NIFRID:synonym "Collateral carpal ulnar ligament", "Ligamentum collaterale carpi ulnare (Articulatio radiocarpalis)", "Ulnar collateral ligament of wrist joint" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001461 . ILX:0794972 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "inferior subscapular nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "Lower subscapular nerve" . ILX:0794973 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "upper subscapular nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "Superior subscapular nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001814 . ILX:0794975 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "medial pectoral nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001814 . ILX:0794976 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "long head of triceps brachii muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "Caput longum (Musculus triceps brachii)", "Long head of triceps brachii muscle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001499 . ILX:0794977 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "deep branch of radial nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "Posterior interosseous nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001492 . ILX:0794978 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "extensor indicis muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "Extensor indicis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004254 . ILX:0794979 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "dorsal scapular nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001814 . ILX:0794980 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "rhomboid major muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "Rhomboid major" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002324 . ILX:0794981 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "rhomboid minor muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "Rhomboid minor" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002324 . ILX:0794982 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Subclavian nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "Nerve to subclavius" . ILX:0794983 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "serratus anterior muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym """Boxer's muscle\r Serratus anterior""" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002426 . ILX:0794984 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "deep part of external anal sphincter" ; NIFRID:synonym "Pars profunda (Musculus sphincter ani externus)" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001367 . ILX:0794985 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "superficial part of external anal sphincter" ; NIFRID:synonym "Pars superficialis (Musculus sphincter ani externus)" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001367 . ILX:0794986 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "subcutaneous part of external anal sphincter" ; NIFRID:synonym "Pars subcutanea (Musculus sphincter ani externus)" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001367 . ILX:0794987 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "skin of the perineum" ; NIFRID:synonym "Perineum skin" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002356 . ILX:0794988 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nerve to obturator internus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0034986 . ILX:0794989 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "serratus posterior superior muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "Serratus posterior superior", "Superior serratus posterior", "Superior serratus posterior muscle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002324 . ILX:0794990 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "superior gluteal nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0034986 . ILX:0794991 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "inferior gluteal nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0034986 . ILX:0794992 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "extensor hallucis longus muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "Extensor hallucis longus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001498 . ILX:0794993 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Abductor digiti minimi muscle of foot" ; NIFRID:synonym "Abductor digiti minimi", "Abductor digiti minimi of foot" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001498 . ILX:0794994 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Abductor digiti minimi muscle of hand" ; NIFRID:synonym "Abductor digiti minimi of hand" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001500 . ILX:0794995 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "quadratus plantae muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "Flexor accessorius", "Flexor accessorius muscle", "Flexor digitorum accessorius", "Quadratus plantae" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001498 . ILX:0794996 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Ilioinguinal nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym """Ilio-inguinal nerve\r Nervus ilio-inguinalis""" . ILX:0794997 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "femoral branch of genitofemoral nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "Genitofemoral nerve femoral branch", "Ramus femoralis (Nervus genitofemoralis)" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0034987 . ILX:0794998 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Genital branch of genitofemoral nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "Genitofemoral nerve genital branch", "Ramus genitalis (Nervus genitofemoralis)" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0034987 . ILX:0794999 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Lateral cutaneous nerve of thigh" ; NIFRID:synonym "Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0034987 . ILX:0795000 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh" ; NIFRID:synonym "Posterior femoral cutaneous nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0034986 . ILX:0795001 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "perforating cutaneous nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0034986 . ILX:0795002 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "iliohypogastric nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "Iliopubic nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0034987 . ILX:0795003 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Skin of buttock" ; NIFRID:synonym "Buttock skin", "Skin of gluteal region" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0013691 . ILX:0795004 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Skin of lower abdomen" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000916 . ILX:0795005 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Posterior cutaneous nerve of arm" ; NIFRID:synonym "Posterior brachial cutaneous nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001492 . ILX:0795006 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Suboccipital nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0006839 . ILX:0795008 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior hepatic neural plexus" . ILX:0795009 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior hepatic neural plexus" . ILX:0795010 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "parasympathetic ganglia of the liver" . ILX:0795011 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "periarterial neural plexus of the common hepatic artery" . ILX:0795012 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left celiac-superior mesenteric ganglia" . ILX:0795013 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "smooth muscle of hepatic artery" . ILX:0795014 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right celiac-superior mesenteric ganglia" . ILX:0795015 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "smooth muscle of portal vein" . ILX:0795016 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "peribiliary gland" . ILX:0795017 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "endothelial cell of common hepatic artery" . ILX:0795018 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "palmar digital nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "Proper Palmar Digital Branches of Median Nerve" . ILX:0795023 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "dorsal grey horn of T7" . ILX:0795024 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "dorsal grey horn of T8" . ILX:0795025 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "dorsal grey horn of T9" . ILX:0795026 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "dorsal grey horn of T10" . ILX:0795027 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "dorsal grey horn of T11" . ILX:0795028 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "dorsal grey horn of T12" . ILX:0795029 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "dorsal grey horn of L1" . ILX:0795030 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "dorsal grey horn of L2" . ILX:0795031 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "dorsal grey horn of L3" . ILX:0795032 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "dorsal grey horn of left T8" . ILX:0795033 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "dorsal grey horn of left T9" . ILX:0795034 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "dorsal grey horn of left T10" . ILX:0795035 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "dorsal grey horn of left T11" . ILX:0795036 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "dorsal grey horn of left T12" . ILX:0795037 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "dorsal grey horn of left T13" . ILX:0795038 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "dorsal grey horn of left L1" . ILX:0795039 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "dorsal grey horn of left L2" . ILX:0795040 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "dorsal grey horn of right T6" . ILX:0795041 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "dorsal grey horn of right T7" . ILX:0795042 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "dorsal grey horn of right T8" . ILX:0795043 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "dorsal grey horn of right T9" . ILX:0795044 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "dorsal grey horn of right T10" . ILX:0795045 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "dorsal grey horn of right T11" . ILX:0795046 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "dorsal grey horn of right T12" . ILX:0795047 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "dorsal grey horn of right T13" . ILX:0795048 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "dorsal grey horn of right L1" . ILX:0795049 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Posterior root of right thirteenth thoracic nerve" . ILX:0795050 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Posterior root of left thirteenth thoracic nerve" . ILX:0795051 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Right thirteenth thoracic spinal ganglion" . ILX:0795052 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Left thirteenth thoracic spinal ganglion" . ILX:0795053 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "tunica adventitia of the renal artery" . ILX:0795054 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "upper ureter" . ILX:0795055 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "lower ureter" . ILX:0795056 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "intramural ganglion of the kidney" . ILX:0795057 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "renal nerve plexus ganglion" . ILX:0795058 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "segmental renal artery" . ILX:0795059 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "eccrine sweat gland of the upper limb" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000423 . ILX:0795060 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "eccrine sweat gland of the face" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000423 . ILX:0795061 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "eccrine sweat gland of the trunk" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000423 . ILX:0795062 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "eccrine sweat gland of the lower limb" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000423 . ilxtr:GABAReceptor a owl:Class ; owl:equivalentClass [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty hasRole: ; owl:someValuesFrom NLXMOL:1006001 ] ; rdfs:label "GABA receptor" ; NIFRID:synonym "GABAR" . ilxtr:glutamateReceptor a owl:Class ; owl:equivalentClass [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty hasRole: ; owl:someValuesFrom SAO:1164727693 ] ; rdfs:label "Glutamate receptor" ; NIFRID:synonym "GluR" . NCBIGene:11438 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Chrna4" ; NIFRID:synonym "a4 nicotinic receptor", "acetylcholine receptor alpha 4 neural", "acetylcholine receptor, neuronal, nicotinic, alpha-4 subunit", "Acra4", "Acra-4", "alpha4 nAChR", "cholinergic receptor, nicotinic, alpha polypeptide 4", "EBN1", "ENFL1", "neuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha-4" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:11514 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Adcy8" ; NIFRID:synonym "AC8", "adenylate cyclase 8", "adenylate cyclase type 8", "adenylate cyclase type VIII", "adenylyl cyclase 8", "ATP pyrophosphate-lyase 8", "ca(2+)/calmodulin-activated adenylyl cyclase" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:11515 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Adcy9" ; NIFRID:synonym "AC9", "ACtp10", "adenylate cyclase 9", "adenylate cyclase type 9", "adenylate cyclase type IX", "adenylyl cyclase 9", "adenylyl cyclase type 10", "ATP pyrophosphate-lyase 9", "D16Wsu65e", "mKIAA0520" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:11535 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Adm" ; NIFRID:synonym "adrenomedullin", "AM", "pro-adrenomedullin" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:11548 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Adra1b" ; NIFRID:synonym "[a]1b", "adrenergic receptor, alpha 1b", "alpha1B-adrenergic receptor", "alpha-1B adrenergic receptor", "alpha-1B adrenoceptor", "alpha-1B adrenoreceptor" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:11989 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Slc7a3" ; NIFRID:synonym "amino acid transporter, cationic 3", "Atrc3", "CAT3", "CAT-3", "cationic amino acid transporter 3", "cationic amino acid transporter y+", "SLC7A1", "SLC7A2", "solute carrier family 7 (cationic amino acid transporter, y+ system), member 3", "solute carrier family 7 member 3" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:11998 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Avp" ; NIFRID:synonym "arginine vasopressin", "AVP-NPII", "pre-pro-arginine-vasopressin-neurophysin II", "prepro-AVP-NP II", "vasopressin-neurophysin 2-copeptin", "Vp", "Vsp" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:12307 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Calb1" ; NIFRID:synonym "Brain-2", "Calb", "Calb-1", "calbindin", "calbindin 1", "calbindin 1, 28kDa", "calbindin D28", "calbindin-28K", "calbindin-D (28k)", "CalbindinD28K", "CB", "D-28K", "PCD-29", "spot 35 protein", "vitamin D-dependent calcium-binding protein, avian-type" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:12308 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Calb2" ; NIFRID:synonym "calbindin 2", "calretinin", "CR" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:12310 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Calca" ; NIFRID:synonym "alpha-type CGRP", "CA", "Calc", "Calc1", "calcitonin gene-related peptide 1", "calcitonin gene-related peptide I", "calcitonin/calcitonin-related polypeptide, alpha", "Cgrp", "CGRP1", "CGRP-1", "Ct", "Ctn" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:12424 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Cck" ; NIFRID:synonym "cholecystokinin" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:12426 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Cckbr" ; NIFRID:synonym "CCK2-R", "CCK2/gastrin receptor", "CCK2R", "CCK-B receptor", "CCK-B/gastrin receptor", "CCK-BR", "CCKR-2", "cholecystokinin B receptor", "cholecystokinin-2 receptor", "gastrin/cholecystokinin type B receptor" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:12647 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Chat" ; NIFRID:synonym "B230380D24Rik", "CHOACTase", "choline acetylase", "choline acetyltransferase", "choline O-acetyltransferase" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:12671 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Chrm3" ; NIFRID:synonym "AChR M3", "cholinergic receptor, muscarinic 3, cardiac", "Chrm-3", "M3", "M3R", "mm3 mAChR", "muscarinic acetylcholine receptor 3", "muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M3" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:12801 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Cnr1" ; NIFRID:synonym "brain-type cannabinoid receptor", "cannabinoid receptor 1", "cannabinoid receptor 1 (brain)", "CB1", "CB1A", "CB1B", "CB1R", "CB-R", "striatal cannabinoid receptor type 1 protein" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:12854 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Cort" ; NIFRID:synonym "cortistatin", "CST", "PCST" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:12864 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Cox6c" ; NIFRID:synonym "cytochrome c oxidase polypeptide VIc", "cytochrome c oxidase subunit 6C", "cytochrome c oxidase subunit VIc" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:12889 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Cplx1" ; NIFRID:synonym "921-S", "complexin 1", "complexin I", "complexin-1", "CPX I", "synaphin-2" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:12890 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Cplx2" ; NIFRID:synonym "921-L", "complexin 2", "complexin II", "complexin-2", "CPX II", "Gm34843", "synaphin-1" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:12918 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Crh" ; NIFRID:synonym "corticoliberin", "corticotropin releasing factor", "corticotropin releasing hormone", "CRF", "Gm1347" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:13488 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Drd1" ; NIFRID:synonym "C030036C15Rik", "D1 receptor", "D1A dopamine receptor", "D(1A) dopamine receptor", "dopamine D1 receptor", "dopamine receptor D1", "dopamine receptor D1A", "Drd1a", "Drd-1", "G protein-coupled receptor DRD1", "Gpcr15" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:13489 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Drd2" ; NIFRID:synonym "D2R", "D(2) dopamine receptor", "dopamine receptor 2", "dopamine receptor D2", "Drd-2" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:13603 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Opn3" ; NIFRID:synonym "Ecpn", "encephalopsin", "ERO", "opsin 3", "opsin (encephalopsin)", "opsin-3", "panopsin" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:13616 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Edn3" ; NIFRID:synonym "endothelin 3", "endothelin-3", "ET-3", "ls", "PPET3", "preproendothelin-3", "tmgc48" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:14180 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Fgf9" ; NIFRID:synonym "Eks", "elbow knee synostosis", "Fgf4b", "FGF-9", "fibroblast growth factor 4b", "fibroblast growth factor 9", "GAF", "glia-activating factor", "HBGF-9" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:14394 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Gabra1" ; NIFRID:synonym "GABA(A) receptor subunit alpha-1", "GABAA alpha 1", "GABAA-alpha1", "GABAAR alpha1", "GABAAR subunit alpha-1", "GABAAR-alpha1", "Gabra-1", "gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) A receptor, subunit alpha 1", "gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit alpha-1", "gamma-aminobutyric acid type A receptor subunit alpha 1" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:14397 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Gabra4" ; NIFRID:synonym "GABA(A) receptor subunit alpha-4", "GABAAR subunit alpha-4", "Gabra-4", "gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) A receptor, subunit alpha 4", "gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit alpha-4", "gamma-aminobutyric acid type A receptor subunit alpha 4" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:14403 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Gabrd" ; NIFRID:synonym "GABA(A) receptor subunit delta", "GABAAR subunit delta", "gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) A receptor, subunit delta", "gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit delta" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:14417 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Gad2" ; NIFRID:synonym "65 kDa glutamic acid decarboxylase", "6330404F12Rik", "GAD65", "GAD(65)", "Gad-2", "GAD-65", "glutamate decarboxylase 2", "glutamic acid decarboxylase 2" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:14799 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Gria1" ; NIFRID:synonym "2900051M01Rik", "AMPA-selective glutamate receptor 1", "Glr1", "Glr-1", "GluA1", "Glur1", "Glur-1", "GluR-A", "gluR-K1", "GluRA", "glutamate receptor 1", "glutamate receptor A", "glutamate receptor ionotropic, AMPA 1", "glutamate receptor, ionotropic, AMPA1 (alpha 1)", "HIPA1" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:14802 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Gria4" ; NIFRID:synonym "AMPA-selective glutamate receptor 4", "GluA4", "Glur4", "Glur-4", "GluR-D", "Gluralpha4", "glutamate receptor 4", "glutamate receptor channel alpha 4", "glutamate receptor ionotropic, AMPA 4", "glutamate receptor, ionotropic, AMPA4 (alpha 4)", "spike wave 1", "spkw1" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:15560 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Htr2c" ; NIFRID:synonym "5-HT1C", "5-HT2C", "5-HT2C receptor", "5-HT2cR", "5-HT-1C", "5-HT-2C", "5-HTR2C", "5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 2C", "5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 1C", "5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2C", "5HT1c", "Htr1c", "serotonin receptor 2C", "SR1" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:15561 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Htr3a" ; NIFRID:synonym "5-HT3", "5-HT3A", "5-HT3R", "5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 3A", "5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 3", "5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 3A", "5HT3 serotonin receptor", "serotonin receptor 3A", "serotonin-gated ion channel receptor" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:15567 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Slc6a4" ; NIFRID:synonym "5-HTT", "5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) transporter", "5HT transporter", "5HTT", "Htt", "Sert", "sodium-dependent serotonin transporter", "Sodium-dependent serotonin transporter (5HT transporter) (5HTT)", "solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter transporter, serotonin), member 4", "solute carrier family 6 member 4" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:16000 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Igf1" ; NIFRID:synonym "C730016P09Rik", "Igf-1", "Igf-I", "insulin-like growth factor 1", "insulin-like growth factor I", "somatomedin" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:16324 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Inhbb" ; NIFRID:synonym "activin beta-B chain", "inhibin beta B chain", "inhibin beta-B" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:17260 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Mef2c" ; NIFRID:synonym "5430401D19Rik", "9930028G15Rik", "Mef2", "myocyte enhancer factor 2C", "myocyte-specific enhancer factor 2C" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:18125 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Nos1" ; NIFRID:synonym "2310005C01Rik", "bNOS", "constitutive NOS", "N-NOS", "NC-NOS", "neuronal nitric oxide synthase", "neuronal NOS", "nitric oxide synthase 1", "nitric oxide synthase 1, neuronal", "nitric oxide synthase, brain", "nNOS", "NOS", "NOS type I", "Nos-1", "NOS-I", "peptidyl-cysteine S-nitrosylase NOS1" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:18155 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Pnoc" ; NIFRID:synonym "N/OFQ", "neuropeptide nociceptin 1", "Npnc1", "OFQ/N", "orphanin FQ", "prepronociceptin", "proorphanin" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:18159 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Nppc" ; NIFRID:synonym "C-type natriuretic peptide", "CNP", "lbab", "natriuretic peptide precursor C", "natriuretic peptide precursor type C", "natriuretic peptide type C" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:18166 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Npy1r" ; NIFRID:synonym "neuropeptide Y receptor subtype", "neuropeptide Y receptor type 1", "neuropeptide Y receptor Y1", "NPY1-R", "NPY-1 receptor", "Npyr", "Y1-R" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:18167 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Npy2r" ; NIFRID:synonym "neuropeptide Y receptor type 2", "neuropeptide Y receptor Y2", "NPY2-R", "NPY-Y2 receptor", "Y2 receptor" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:18188 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Nrtn" ; NIFRID:synonym "neurturin", "NTN" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:18195 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Nsf" ; NIFRID:synonym "N-ethylmaleimide sensitive factor", "N-ethylmaleimide sensitive fusion protein", "NEM-sensitive fusion protein", "SKD2", "suppressor of K(+) transport growth defect 2", "vesicle-fusing ATPase", "vesicular-fusion protein NSF" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:18430 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Oxtr" ; NIFRID:synonym "OT-R", "OTR", "oxytocin receptor" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:18573 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Pde1a" ; NIFRID:synonym "61 kDa Cam-PDE", "calcium/calmodulin-dependent 3',5'-cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase 1A", "cam-PDE 1A", "dual specificity calcium/calmodulin-dependent 3',5'-cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase 1A", "phosphodiesterase 1A, calmodulin-dependent" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:18578 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Pde4b" ; NIFRID:synonym "3',5'-cyclic-AMP phosphodiesterase 4B", "Dpde4", "dunce", "phosphodiesterase 4B, cAMP specific" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:18619 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Penk" ; NIFRID:synonym "ENK", "Penk1", "PPA", "preproenkephalin", "preproenkephalin 1", "proenkephalin-A", "spermatogenic-specific proenkephalin" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:19016 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Pparg" ; NIFRID:synonym "Nr1c3", "nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group C member 3", "peroxisome proliferator activated receptor gamma", "peroxisome proliferator activated receptor gamma 2", "peroxisome proliferator activated receptor gamma 4", "peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma", "PPAR-gamma", "PPAR-gamma2", "PPARgamma", "PPARgamma2" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:19017 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Ppargc1a" ; NIFRID:synonym "A830037N07Rik", "Gm11133", "peroxisome proliferative activated receptor, gamma, coactivator 1 alpha", "peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator 1-alpha", "Pgc1", "PGC-1", "Pgc-1alpha", "Pgco1", "PPAR-gamma coactivator 1-alpha", "Ppargc1", "PPARGC-1-alpha" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:19091 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Prkg1" ; NIFRID:synonym "cGK1", "cGK 1", "CGKI", "cGMP-dependent protein kinase 1", "cGMP-dependent protein kinase I", "Gm19690", "Prkg1b", "Prkgr1b", "protein kinase, cGMP-dependent, type I" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:19092 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Prkg2" ; NIFRID:synonym "cGK2", "cGK 2", "cGK-II", "CGKII", "cGMP-dependent protein kinase 2", "cGMP-dependent protein kinase II", "Prkgr2", "protein kinase, cGMP-dependent, type II" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:19227 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Pthlh" ; NIFRID:synonym "parathyroid hormone-like hormone", "parathyroid hormone-like peptide", "parathyroid hormone-like protein", "parathyroid hormone-related peptide", "parathyroid hormone-related protein", "PLP", "PTH-like", "PTH-related peptide", "Pthrp" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:19242 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Ptn" ; NIFRID:synonym "HARP", "HB-GAM", "HBBM", "HBBN", "HBGF-8", "HBNF", "heparin-binding brain mitogen", "heparin-binding growth factor 8", "heparin-binding growth-associated molecule", "heparin-binding neutrophic factor", "OSF", "Osf1", "Osf-1", "osteoblast-specific factor 1", "pleiotrophin" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:19293 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Pvalb" ; NIFRID:synonym "Parv", "parvalbumin", "parvalbumin alpha", "PV", "Pva" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:19339 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Rab3a" ; NIFRID:synonym "RAB3A, member RAS oncogene family", "ras-related protein Rab-3A" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:19734 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Rgs16" ; NIFRID:synonym "A28-RGS14P", "regulator of G-protein signaling 16", "retinal-specific RGS", "retinally abundant regulator of G-protein signaling", "Rgs14", "RGS-R", "Rgsr" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:19736 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Rgs4" ; NIFRID:synonym "ESTM48", "ESTM50", "regulator of G-protein signaling 4" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:19773 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Rln1" ; NIFRID:synonym "prorelaxin 1", "relaxin 1", "Rln", "rlx" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:20508 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Slc18a3" ; NIFRID:synonym "solute carrier family 18 (vesicular monoamine), member 3", "solute carrier family 18 member 3", "VAChT", "VAT", "vesicular acetylcholine transporter" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:20563 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Slit2" ; NIFRID:synonym "b2b1200.1Clo", "downregulated during adipocyte differentiation-1", "Drad-1", "E030015M03Rik", "E130320P19Rik", "mKIAA4141", "neurogenic extracellular slit protein", "Slil3", "slit guidance ligand 2", "slit homolog 2 protein", "slit-2" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:20564 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Slit3" ; NIFRID:synonym "b2b2362.1Clo", "Slil2", "Slit1", "slit guidance ligand 3", "slit homolog 3 protein", "slit-3" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:20604 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Sst" ; NIFRID:synonym "preprosomatostatin", "Smst", "SOM", "somatostatin", "SRIF", "SS" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:20614 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Snap25" ; NIFRID:synonym "Bdr", "blind drunk", "GENA70", "SNAP-25", "sp", "SUP", "super protein", "synaptosomal-associated 25 kDa protein", "synaptosomal-associated protein 25", "synaptosomal-associated protein, 25 kDa" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:20979 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Syt1" ; NIFRID:synonym "G630098F17Rik", "p65", "synaptotagmin I", "synaptotagmin-1", "SytI" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:20980 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Syt2" ; NIFRID:synonym "inositol polyphosphate-binding protein", "IP4-binding protein", "IP4BP", "mKIAA4194", "synaptotagmin II", "synaptotagmin-2", "sytII" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:20983 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Syt4" ; NIFRID:synonym "synaptotagmin IV", "synaptotagmin-4", "SytIV" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:21333 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Tac1" ; NIFRID:synonym "4930528L02Rik", "neurokinin 1", "neurokinin A", "NK1", "NK-1", "Nkna", "PPT-A", "PPTA", "preprotachykinin A", "protachykinin-1", "SP", "substance P", "tachykinin 1" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:21334 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Tac2" ; NIFRID:synonym "neurokinin 2", "neurokinin A", "neurokinin alpha", "neurokinin B-like protein Zneurok1", "neuromedin L", "neuropeptide K", "PPT-B", "preprotachykinin-B", "substance K", "Tac3", "tachykinin 2", "tachykinin-3" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:21336 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Tacr1" ; NIFRID:synonym "neurokinin receptor 1", "Nk1 receptor", "Nk1r", "Spr", "substance P receptor", "substance-P receptor", "Tac1r", "tachykinin receptor 1" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:21809 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Tgfb3" ; NIFRID:synonym "TGF-beta-3", "Tgfb-3", "transforming growth factor beta-3 proprotein", "transforming growth factor, beta 3" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:21823 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Th" ; NIFRID:synonym "tyrosine 3-hydroxylase", "tyrosine 3-monooxygenase", "tyrosine hydroxylase" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:22067 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Trpc5" ; NIFRID:synonym "capacitative calcium entry channel 2", "CCE2", "short transient receptor potential channel 5", "transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily C, member 5", "transient receptor protein 5", "TRP5", "TRP-5", "trp-related protein 5", "Trrp5", "vtransient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily C, member 5" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:22068 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Trpc6" ; NIFRID:synonym "calcium entry channel", "LLHWJM002", "LLHWJM003", "LLHWJM004", "mtrp6", "short transient receptor potential channel 6", "transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily C, member 6", "transient receptor protein 6", "TRP-6", "Trrp6" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:22317 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Vamp1" ; NIFRID:synonym "lew", "Syb1", "Syb-1", "synaptobrevin-1", "VAMP-1", "vesicle-associated membrane protein 1" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:22348 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Slc32a1" ; NIFRID:synonym "GABA and glycine transporter", "mVGAT", "mVIAAT", "solute carrier family 32 (GABA vesicular transporter), member 1", "solute carrier family 32 member 1", "vasicular inhibitory amino acid transporter 10D", "vesicular GABA and glycine transporter", "vesicular GABA transporter a form", "vesicular inhibitory amino acid transporter", "VGAT", "Viaat" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:22353 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Vip" ; NIFRID:synonym "PHI, peptide histidine isoleucine", "vasoactive intestinal polypeptide", "VIP peptides" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:22354 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Vipr1" ; NIFRID:synonym "PACAP type II receptor", "PACAP-R2", "PACAP-R-2", "pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide type II receptor", "vasoactive intestinal peptide receptor 1", "vasoactive intestinal polypeptide receptor 1", "VIP receptor subtype 1", "VIP-R1", "VIP-R-1", "VPAC1" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:22355 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Vipr2" ; NIFRID:synonym "PACAP type III receptor", "PACAP-R3", "PACAP-R-3", "pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide type III receptor", "vasoactive intestinal peptide receptor 2", "vasoactive intestinal polypeptide receptor 2", "Vip2", "VIP receptor subtype 2", "VIP-R-2", "VPAC2", "VPAC2 receptor", "VPAC2R" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:22413 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Wnt2" ; NIFRID:synonym "2610510E18Rik", "Int1l1", "INT-1-related protein", "Irp", "Mirp", "protein Wnt-2", "wingless-related MMTV integration site 2", "wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 2", "Wnt2a", "Wnt-2" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:22418 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Wnt5a" ; NIFRID:synonym "8030457G12Rik", "protein Wnt-5a", "wingless-related MMTV integration site 5A", "wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 5A", "Wnt-5a" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:22784 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Slc30a3" ; NIFRID:synonym "probable proton-coupled zinc antiporter SLC30A3", "solute carrier family 30 (zinc transporter), member 3", "solute carrier family 30 member 3", "zinc transporter 3", "Znt3", "znT-3" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:24012 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Rgs7" ; NIFRID:synonym "regulator of G protein signaling 7", "regulator of G-protein signaling 7", "Regulator of G-protein signaling 7 (RGS7)" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:26381 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Esrrg" ; NIFRID:synonym "ERR3", "Errg", "estrogen receptor-related protein 3", "estrogen-related receptor 3", "estrogen-related receptor gamma", "mKIAA0832", "NR3B3", "nuclear receptor subfamily 3 group B member 3" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:29863 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Pde7b" ; NIFRID:synonym "3',5'-cyclic-AMP phosphodiesterase 7B", "cAMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 7B", "cAMP-specific phosphodiesterase 7B", "phosphodiesterase 7B" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:50501 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Prok2" ; NIFRID:synonym "Bombina variegata 8 kD protein", "Bombina variegata 8kDa protein", "Bv8", "Bv 8 homolog (Bombina variegata)", "PK2", "Prok1", "prokineticin 1", "prokineticin 2", "prokineticin-2", "protein Bv8 homolog" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:50779 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Rgs6" ; NIFRID:synonym "regulator of G-protein signaling 6" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:50787 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Hs6st3" ; NIFRID:synonym "6OST3", "heparan sulfate 6-O-sulfotransferase 3", "heparan-sulfate 6-O-sulfotransferase 3", "HS6ST-3" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:53420 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Syt5" ; NIFRID:synonym "synaptotagmin IX", "synaptotagmin V", "synaptotagmin-5", "SytV" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:54195 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Gucy1b1" ; NIFRID:synonym "beta 1 sGC", "GC-S-beta-1", "GCbeta1", "GCS-beta-1", "GCS-beta-3", "guanylate cyclase 1, soluble, beta 1", "guanylate cyclase 1, soluble, beta 3", "guanylate cyclase soluble subunit beta-1", "guanylate cyclase soluble subunit beta-3", "Gucy1b3", "NO-sensitive guanylyl cyclase beta 1 subunit", "soluble guanylate cyclase beta-1 subunit", "soluble guanylate cyclase small subunit" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:54524 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Syt6" ; NIFRID:synonym "3110037A08Rik", "synaptotagmin VI", "synaptotagmin-6", "sytVI" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:54525 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Syt7" ; NIFRID:synonym "B230112P13Rik", "synaptotagmin VII", "synaptotagmin-7", "sytVII" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:54526 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Syt10" ; NIFRID:synonym "synaptotagmin X", "synaptotagmin-10", "sytX" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:58802 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Kcnmb4" ; NIFRID:synonym "1700058G18Rik", "2900045G12Rik", "BK channel subunit beta-4", "BKbeta4", "calcium-activated potassium channel subunit beta-4", "calcium-activated potassium channel, subfamily M subunit beta-4", "charybdotoxin receptor subunit beta-4", "k(VCA)beta-4", "large conductance calcium-dependent potassium ion channel beta 4 subunit", "maxi K channel subunit beta-4", "potassium large conductance calcium-activated channel, subfamily M, beta member 4", "slo-beta-4", "Slowpoke beta 4" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:60596 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Gucy1a1" ; NIFRID:synonym "1200016O07Rik", "GCS-alpha-1", "GCS-alpha-3", "guanylate cyclase 1, soluble, alpha 1", "guanylate cyclase 1, soluble, alpha 3", "guanylate cyclase soluble subunit alpha-1", "guanylate cyclase soluble subunit alpha-3", "Gucy1a3", "sGC-alpha1", "soluble guanylate cyclase large subunit" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:64378 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Gpr88" ; NIFRID:synonym "G protein-coupled receptor 88", "G-protein coupled receptor 88", "probable G-protein coupled receptor 88", "Strg", "striatum-specific G-protein coupled receptor" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:67792 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Rgs8" ; NIFRID:synonym "6530413N01Rik", "regulator of G-protein signaling 8" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:67865 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Rgs10" ; NIFRID:synonym "2310010N19Rik", "regulator of G-protein signaling 10", "regulator of G-protein signalling 10" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:68939 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Rasl11b" ; NIFRID:synonym "1190017B18Rik", "ras-like protein family member 11B", "RAS-like, family 11, member B" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:71729 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Rgs12" ; NIFRID:synonym "1200016K18Rik", "4632412M04Rik", "E130309H11", "regulator of G-protein signaling 12" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:72413 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Kcnmb2" ; NIFRID:synonym "2700049B16Rik", "3110031N04Rik", "BK channel subunit beta-2", "BKbeta2", "calcium-activated potassium channel subunit beta-2", "calcium-activated potassium channel, subfamily M subunit beta-2", "charybdotoxin receptor subunit beta-2", "k(VCA)beta-2", "maxi K channel subunit beta-2", "potassium large conductance calcium-activated channel, subfamily M, beta member 2", "slo-beta-2" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:76969 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Chst1" ; NIFRID:synonym "2610008E20Rik", "C6ST", "carbohydrate (keratan sulfate Gal-6) sulfotransferase 1", "carbohydrate sulfotransferase 1", "galactose/N-acetylglucosamine/N-acetylglucosamine 6-O-sulfotransferase 1", "Gst1", "GST-1", "keratan sulfate Gal-6 sulfotransferase", "KS6ST", "KSGAL6ST", "KSST", "N-acetylglucosamine-6-O-sulfotransferase 1" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:107448 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Unc5a" ; NIFRID:synonym "mKIAA1976", "netrin receptor UNC5A", "protein unc-5 homolog 1", "protein unc-5 homolog A", "Unc5h1", "unc-5 netrin receptor A" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:107449 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Unc5b" ; NIFRID:synonym "6330415E02Rik", "A630020F16", "D10Bwg0792e", "netrin receptor UNC5B", "protein unc-5 homolog 2", "protein unc-5 homolog B", "unc5 homolog 2", "Unc5h2", "unc-5 netrin receptor B" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:109648 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Npy" ; NIFRID:synonym "0710005A05Rik", "neuropeptide Y", "pro-neuropeptide Y" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:140919 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Slc17a6" ; NIFRID:synonym "2900073D12Rik", "differentiation-associated BNPI", "differentiation-associated Na(+)-dependent inorganic phosphate cotransporter", "DNPI", "solute carrier family 17 (sodium-dependent inorganic phosphate cotransporter), member 6", "solute carrier family 17 (vesicular glutamate transporter), member 6", "solute carrier family 17 member 6", "vesicular glutamate transporter 2", "VGLUT2" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:192199 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Rspo1" ; NIFRID:synonym "cristin-3", "cysteine-rich and single thrombospondin domain-containing protein 3", "mCristin-3", "R-spondin", "R-spondin 1", "R-spondin homolog", "R-spondin-1", "roof plate-specific spondin-1", "Rspondin", "thrombospondin type 1 domain containing gene Rspondin" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:194642 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Slc39a1-ps" ; NIFRID:synonym "IRT1 homologue", "mZIP1", "putative metal transporter", "Slc39a1", "Slc39a1 pseudogene", "Slc39a1p", "solute carrier family 39 (zinc transporter), member 1, pseudogene", "Solute carrier family 39 member 1", "Zinc transporter ZIP1", "Zinc-iron-regulated transporter-like", "Zip1", "ZIP-1", "Zirtl", "Zrt- and Irt-like protein 1" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:207728 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Pde2a" ; NIFRID:synonym "cGMP-dependent 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase", "CGS-PDE", "cGSPDE", "cyclic GMP-stimulated phosphodiesterase", "phosphodiesterase 2A, cGMP-stimulated" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:210044 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Adcy2" ; NIFRID:synonym "adenylate cyclase 2", "adenylate cyclase type 2", "adenylate cyclase type II", "adenylyl cyclase 2", "ATP pyrophosphate-lyase 2", "mKIAA1060" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:210801 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Unc5d" ; NIFRID:synonym "D930029E11Rik", "mKIAA1777", "netrin receptor UNC5D", "protein unc-5 homolog 4", "protein unc-5 homolog D", "unc5 homolog 4", "Unc5h4", "unc-5 netrin receptor D" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:230777 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Hcrtr1" ; NIFRID:synonym "hypocretin (orexin) receptor 1", "hypocretin receptor type 1", "orexin receptor type 1", "orexin/Hypocretin receptor type 1", "ox1-R", "Ox1r", "ox-1-R" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:234094 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Arhgef10" ; NIFRID:synonym "6430549H08Rik", "mKIAA0294", "Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 10", "rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 10", "Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) 10" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:235415 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Cplx3" ; NIFRID:synonym "complexin 3", "complexin III", "complexin-3", "CPX III", "CpxIII", "ERGIC-53L", "ERGL", "Lamn1l", "lectin, mannose-binding, 1 like", "Lman1l" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:239405 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Rspo2" ; NIFRID:synonym "2610028F08Rik", "cristin-2", "cysteine-rich and single thrombospondin domain-containing protein 2", "D430027K22", "ftls", "mCristin-2", "R-spondin 2", "R-spondin 2 homolog", "R-spondin-2", "roof plate-specific spondin-2" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:241489 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Pde11a" ; NIFRID:synonym "6330414F14Rik", "A630086N24Rik", "cAMP and cGMP phosphodiesterase 11A", "dual 3',5'-cyclic-AMP and -GMP phosphodiesterase 11A", "Gm350", "PDE11A1", "phosphodiesterase 11A" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:242202 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Pde5a" ; NIFRID:synonym "Cgbpde", "cGMP-binding cGMP-specific phosphodiesterase", "cGMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase", "Cn5n", "Pde5", "Pde5a1", "PDE5a2", "phosphodiesterase 5A, cGMP-specific" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:242443 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Grin3a" ; NIFRID:synonym "6430537F04", "A830097C19Rik", "GluN3A", "glutamate receptor ionotropic, NMDA3A", "glutamate receptor ionotropic, NMDA 3A", "mKIAA1973", "N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor", "N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor subtype 3A", "NMDAR3A", "NMDAR-L", "NR3A" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:243764 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Chrm2" ; NIFRID:synonym "AChR M2", "AChR-M2", "cholinergic receptor, muscarinic 2, cardiac", "Chrm-2", "M2", "muscarinic acetylcholine receptor 2", "muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M2" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:380684 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Nefh" ; NIFRID:synonym "200 kDa neurofilament protein", "mKIAA0845", "neurofilament 200kDa", "neurofilament heavy polypeptide", "neurofilament triplet H protein", "neurofilament, heavy polypeptide", "NF200", "NF-H", "Nfh" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:432530 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Adcy1" ; NIFRID:synonym "AC1", "adenylate cyclase 1", "adenylate cyclase type 1", "adenylate cyclase type I", "adenylyl cyclase 1", "ATP pyrophosphate-lyase 1", "barrelless", "brl", "Ca(2+)/calmodulin-activated adenylyl cyclase", "D11Bwg1392e", "I-AC" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBIGene:628779 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Hs3st4" ; NIFRID:synonym "Gm6915", "heparan sulfate (glucosamine) 3-O-sulfotransferase 4", "heparan sulfate glucosamine 3-O-sulfotransferase 4" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . NCBITaxon:1 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "root" ; NIFRID:synonym "all" ; rdfs:subClassOf OBI:0100026 . NCBITaxon:2759 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Eukaryota" ; NIFRID:synonym "Eucarya", "Eucaryotae", "eucaryotes", "Eukarya", "Eukaryotae", "eukaryote", "eukaryotes" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:131567 . NCBITaxon:6072 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Eumetazoa" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:33208 . NCBITaxon:7711 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Chordata" ; NIFRID:synonym "chordates" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:33511 . NCBITaxon:7742 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Vertebrata" ; NIFRID:synonym "Vertebrata", "vertebrates" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:89593 . NCBITaxon:7776 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Gnathostomata" ; NIFRID:synonym "Gnathostomata", "jawed vertebrates" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:7742 . NCBITaxon:8287 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Sarcopterygii" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:117571 . NCBITaxon:9347 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Eutheria" ; NIFRID:synonym "eutherian mammals", "placental mammals", "Placentalia", "placentals" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:32525 . NCBITaxon:9443 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Primates" ; NIFRID:synonym "Primata", "primate", "primates" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:314146 . NCBITaxon:9526 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Catarrhini" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:314293 . NCBITaxon:9604 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Hominidae" ; NIFRID:synonym "great apes", "Pongidae" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:314295 . NCBITaxon:9605 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Homo" ; NIFRID:synonym "humans" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:207598 . NCBITaxon:9606 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Homo sapiens" ; NIFRID:synonym "human" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:9605, OBI:0100026 . NCBITaxon:9608 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Canidae" ; NIFRID:synonym "dog, coyote, wolf, fox" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:379584 . NCBITaxon:9611 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Canis" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:9608 . NCBITaxon:9612 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Canis lupus" ; NIFRID:synonym "gray wolf", "grey wolf" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:9611 . NCBITaxon:9615 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Canis familiaris" ; NIFRID:synonym "Canis borealis", "Canis canis", "Canis domesticus", "Canis familiaris", "Canis lupus borealis", "dog", "dogs" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:9612, OBI:0100026 . NCBITaxon:9681 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Felidae" ; NIFRID:synonym "cat family" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:379583 . NCBITaxon:9682 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Felis" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:338152 . NCBITaxon:9685 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Felis catus" ; NIFRID:synonym "cat", "cats", "domestic cat", "Felis domesticus", "Felis silvestris catus" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:9682 . NCBITaxon:9821 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Suidae" ; NIFRID:synonym "boars", "pigs" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:35497 . NCBITaxon:9822 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Sus" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:9821 . NCBITaxon:9823 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Pig" ; NIFRID:synonym "pig", "pigs", "Sus scrofa", "swine", "wild boar" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:9822, OBI:0100026 . NCBITaxon:9825 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Domestic Pig" ; NIFRID:synonym "domestic pig", "Sus domestica", "Sus domesticus", "Sus scrofa domestica" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:9823 . NCBITaxon:9989 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Rodentia" ; NIFRID:synonym "rodent", "rodents" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:314147 . NCBITaxon:10066 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Muridae" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:337687 . NCBITaxon:10088 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Mus " ; NIFRID:synonym "mice", "mouse", "Mus" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:39107 . NCBITaxon:10090 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Mus musculus" ; NIFRID:synonym "house mouse", "mouse" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:862507, OBI:0100026 . NCBITaxon:10114 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Rattus" ; NIFRID:synonym "rat", "rats" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:39107 . NCBITaxon:10116 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Rattus norvegicus" ; NIFRID:synonym "brown rat", "Mus norvegicus", "Norway rat", "rat", "rats" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:10114, OBI:0100026 . NCBITaxon:10139 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Caviidae" ; NIFRID:synonym "cavies" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:33550 . NCBITaxon:10140 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Cavia" ; NIFRID:synonym "guinea pigs", "guinea-pigs" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:10139 . NCBITaxon:10141 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Cavia porcellus" ; NIFRID:synonym "Cavia aperea porcellus", "Cavia cobaya", "domestic guinea pig", "guinea pig", "Mus porcellus" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:10140 . NCBITaxon:32523 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Tetrapoda" ; NIFRID:synonym "tetrapods" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:8287, NCBITaxon:1338369 . NCBITaxon:32524 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Amniota" ; NIFRID:synonym "amniotes" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:32523 . NCBITaxon:32525 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Theria" ; NIFRID:synonym "Theria" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:40674 . NCBITaxon:33154 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Opisthokonta" ; NIFRID:synonym "Fungi/Metazoa group", "opisthokonts" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:2759 . NCBITaxon:33208 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Metazoa" ; NIFRID:synonym "Animalia", "animals", "metazoans", "multicellular animals" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:2759, NCBITaxon:33154 . NCBITaxon:33213 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Bilateria" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:6072 . NCBITaxon:33316 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Coelomata" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:33213 . NCBITaxon:33511 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Deuterostomia" ; NIFRID:synonym "deuterostomes" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:33213, NCBITaxon:33316 . NCBITaxon:33550 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Hystricomorpha" ; NIFRID:synonym "guinea pigs and others", "Hystricognathi" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:9989 . NCBITaxon:33554 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Carnivora" ; NIFRID:synonym "carnivores" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:314145 . NCBITaxon:35497 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Suina" ; NIFRID:synonym "even-toed ungulates", "Suiformes" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:91561 . NCBITaxon:39107 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Murinae" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:10066 . NCBITaxon:40674 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Mammal" ; NIFRID:synonym "Mammalia", "mammals" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:32524 . NCBITaxon:89593 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Craniata" ; NIFRID:synonym "Craniata" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:7711 . NCBITaxon:91561 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Artiodactyla" ; NIFRID:synonym "Cetartiodactyla", "even-toed ungulates & whales" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:314145 . NCBITaxon:117570 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Teleostomi" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:7776 . NCBITaxon:117571 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Euteleostomi" ; NIFRID:synonym "bony vertebrates" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:117570 . NCBITaxon:131567 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "cellular organisms" ; NIFRID:synonym "biota" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:1 . NCBITaxon:207598 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Homininae" ; NIFRID:synonym "Homo/Pan/Gorilla group" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:9604 . NCBITaxon:314145 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Laurasiatheria" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:9347, NCBITaxon:1437010 . NCBITaxon:314146 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Euarchontoglires" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:1437010 . NCBITaxon:314147 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Glires" ; NIFRID:synonym "Rodents and rabbits" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:314146 . NCBITaxon:314293 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Simiiformes" ; NIFRID:synonym "Anthropoidea" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:376913 . NCBITaxon:314295 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Hominoidea" ; NIFRID:synonym "ape", "apes" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:9526 . NCBITaxon:337687 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Muroidea" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:1963758 . NCBITaxon:338152 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Felinae" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:9681 . NCBITaxon:376913 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Haplorrhini" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:9443 . NCBITaxon:379583 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Feliformia" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:33554 . NCBITaxon:379584 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Caniformia" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:33554 . NCBITaxon:862507 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Mus " ; NIFRID:synonym "Mus" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:10088 . NCBITaxon:1338369 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Dipnotetrapodomorpha" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:8287 . NCBITaxon:1437010 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Boreoeutheria" ; NIFRID:synonym "Boreotheria" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:9347 . NCBITaxon:1963758 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Myomorpha" ; NIFRID:synonym "mice and others", "Sciurognathi" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:9989 . NIFEXT:7 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Nitric oxide synthase" ; NIFRID:synonym "Nitric oxide synthase" ; rdfs:subClassOf SAO:1246280606 . NIFEXT:123 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Mammalia olfactory bulb Granule +PV +GABA intrinsic neuron (implies +NMDA +AMPA)" ; NIFRID:synonym "Granule cell of olfactory bulb", "Main olfactory bulb granule cell", "Olfactory bulb (main) granule cell", "Olfactory bulb main granule cell", "Olfactory Granule cell", "Olfactory granule neuron" ; rdfs:subClassOf SAO:1417703748 . NIFEXT:2502 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Multimeric ion channel" ; NIFRID:synonym "Multimeric ion channel" ; rdfs:subClassOf SAO:26622963 . NIFEXT:2505 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Tetrameric ion channel" ; NIFRID:synonym "Tetrameric ion channel" ; rdfs:subClassOf NIFEXT:2502 . NIFEXT:2506 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Multimeric Voltage-gated ion channel" ; NIFRID:synonym "Multimeric Voltage-gated ion channel", "Voltage-gated ion channel" ; rdfs:subClassOf NIFEXT:2502 . NIFEXT:2507 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Tetrameric Voltage-gated ion channel" ; NIFRID:synonym "Tetrameric Voltage-gated ion channel" ; rdfs:subClassOf NIFEXT:2506 . NIFEXT:2516 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Hyperpolarization and cyclic-nucleotide gated channel" ; NIFRID:synonym "HCN channel", "Hyperpolarization and cyclic-nucleotide gated channel" ; rdfs:subClassOf NIFEXT:2507 . NIFEXT:3061 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "HCN1" ; NIFRID:synonym "BCNG1", "HAC2", "HCN1" ; rdfs:subClassOf NIFEXT:2516 . NIFEXT:5000 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Peptide" ; NIFRID:synonym "Peptide" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:33243 . NIFEXT:5092 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Neurotensin" ; NIFRID:synonym "Neurotensin" ; rdfs:subClassOf NIFEXT:5000 . NIFEXT:5124 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Vasopressin" ; NIFRID:synonym "Vasopressin" ; rdfs:subClassOf NIFEXT:5000, TEMPIND:Avp . NIFEXT:5137 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Corticotropin releasing factor" ; NIFRID:synonym "Corticotropin releasing factor" ; rdfs:subClassOf NIFEXT:5000, TEMPIND:Crh . NIFEXT:5236 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Pentameric ion channel" ; NIFRID:synonym "Pentameric ion channel" ; rdfs:subClassOf NIFEXT:2502 . NIFEXT:5237 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Cys-loop ligand-gated ion channel" ; NIFRID:synonym "Cys-loop ligand-gated ion channel" ; rdfs:subClassOf NIFEXT:5236 . NIFEXT:5239 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Glutamate-gated cationic channel" ; NIFRID:synonym "GluR", "Glutamate receptor", "Glutamate-gated cationic channel" ; rdfs:subClassOf NIFEXT:2505, TEMPIND:GluR . NIFEXT:5240 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Anionic cys-loop ligand-gated ion channel" ; NIFRID:synonym "Anionic cys-loop ligand-gated ion channel" ; rdfs:subClassOf NIFEXT:5237 . NIFEXT:5241 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Cationic cys-loop ligand-gated ion channel" ; NIFRID:synonym "Cationic cys-loop ligand-gated ion channel" ; rdfs:subClassOf NIFEXT:5237 . NIFEXT:5242 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "GABA A-gated anionic channel" ; NIFRID:synonym "GABA A receptor", "GABA A-gated anionic channel" ; rdfs:subClassOf NLXMOL:20090604 . NIFEXT:5243 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "GABA C-gated anionic channel" ; NIFRID:synonym "GABA C receptor", "GABA C-gated anionic channel", "GABA(C)", "GABA-C", "GABAC" ; rdfs:subClassOf NLXMOL:20090604 . NIFEXT:5244 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Glycine-gated chloride channel" ; NIFRID:synonym "Glycine receptor", "Glycine-gated chloride channel" ; rdfs:subClassOf NIFEXT:5240 . NIFEXT:5249 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Acetylcholine-gated channel (nicotinic)" ; NIFRID:synonym "Acetylcholine-gated channel (nicotinic)", "nAChR", "Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor" ; rdfs:subClassOf NIFEXT:5241 . NIFEXT:5250 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "NMDA-type glutamate-gated cationic channel" ; NIFRID:synonym "NMDA", "NMDA receptor", "NMDA-type glutamate-gated cationic channel", "NMDAR" ; rdfs:subClassOf NLXMOL:100305 . NIFEXT:5251 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "AMPA-type glutamate-gated cationic channel" ; NIFRID:synonym "AMPA", "AMPA receptor", "AMPA-type glutamate-gated cationic channel" ; rdfs:subClassOf NIFEXT:5239 . NIFEXT:5252 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Kainate glutamate-gated cationic channel" ; NIFRID:synonym "Kainate glutamate-gated cationic channel", "Kainate receptor" ; rdfs:subClassOf NIFEXT:5239 . NLX:96 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Olfactory bulb main external plexiform layer" ; NIFRID:synonym "EPL" ; definition: "Cytoarchitectural part of the olfactory bulb, lying superior to the mitral cell layer and inferior to the glomerular layer. The EPL is mostly neuropil composed almost entirely of mitral and tulfted cell dendrites and granule cell dendrites and their synaptic inputs." ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002616, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002264 ] ; ilx.hasDbXref: NLXWIKI:nlx_96 ; ilx.partOf: UBERON:0002264 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0107937, NLX:96 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId NLX:96 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0107937 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId NLX:96 . NLX:462 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Calcium calmodulin protein kinase II" ; NIFRID:synonym "Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II", "calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase type II", "CAMKII" ; definition: "The 'calcium calmodulin protein kinase II' is a protein with a core domain architecture consisting of a Protein kinase domain and a C-terminal Calcium/calmodulin dependent protein kinase II Association domain." ; rdfs:subClassOf BIRNLEX:1 ; ilx.hasDbXref: NLXWIKI:nlx_462 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0101561, NLX:462 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId NLX:462 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0101561 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId NLX:462 . NLX:12056 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Anterior piriform cortex" ; rdfs:subClassOf NLX:62707, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002590 ] ; ilx.hasDbXref: NLXWIKI:nlx_12056 ; ilx.partOf: UBERON:0002590 ; ILX:0381449 "PMID:632378", "PMID:2906072", "PMID:6200518", "PMID:6200519", "PMID:6306065", "PMID:6853766", "PMID:6863605", "PMID:14991564", "PMID:15282713", "PMID:15924345", "PMID:16320252", "PMID:20235162" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0100739, NLX:12056 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId NLX:12056 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0100739 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId NLX:12056 . NLX:50884 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Ventral nuclei of the lateral lemniscus" ; rdfs:subClassOf NLX:62707 ; ilx.hasDbXref: NLXWIKI:nlx_50884 ; ILX:0381449 "PMID:7860778", "PMID:16856136" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0112320, NLX:50884 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId NLX:50884 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0112320 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId NLX:50884 . NLX:62707 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Brain Subdivisions based on automated term selection" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0101443, NLX:62707 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId NLX:62707 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0101443 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId NLX:62707 . NLX:63363 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Olfactory bulb (main) internal plexiform layer" ; definition: "Lamina of the main olfactory bulb lying deep to the mitral cell layer and superficial to the granule cell layer. (in Shepherd, The Synaptic Organization of the Brain, ed 5, Fig. 5.2, page 167)" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002616, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002264 ] ; ilx.hasDbXref: NLXWIKI:nlx_63363 ; ilx.partOf: UBERON:0002264 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0107931, NLX:63363 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId NLX:63363 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0107931 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId NLX:63363 . NLX:66882 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Mediodorsal thalamus" ; rdfs:subClassOf NLX:62707, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001897 ] ; ilx.hasDbXref: NLXWIKI:nlx_66882 ; ilx.partOf: UBERON:0001897 ; ILX:0381449 "PMID:2913068", "PMID:3624548", "PMID:11774339", "PMID:16196030", "PMID:17348015" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0106729, NLX:66882 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId NLX:66882 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0106729 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId NLX:66882 . NLX:69833 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "GluR3" ; rdfs:subClassOf ILX:0100559 ; ilx.hasDbXref: NLXWIKI:nlx_69833 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0104674, NLX:69833 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId NLX:69833 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0104674 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId NLX:69833 . NLX:70371 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Basal pons" ; rdfs:subClassOf NLX:62707, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000988 ] ; ilx.hasDbXref: NLXWIKI:nlx_70371 ; ilx.partOf: UBERON:0000988 ; ILX:0381449 "PMID:8978476", "PMID:20886621" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0101112, NLX:70371 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId NLX:70371 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0101112 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId NLX:70371 . NLX:143975 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Rexed spinal cord parcellation scheme region" . NLX:149264 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Superior paraolivary nucleus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002616, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002128 ] ; ilx.hasDbXref: NLXWIKI:nlx_149264 ; ilx.partOf: UBERON:0002128 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0111316, NLX:149264 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId NLX:149264 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0111316 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId NLX:149264 . NLX:152184 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Retina outer plexiform layer" ; NIFRID:synonym "external plexiform layer" ; definition: "A layer of neuronal synapses in the retina of the eye, bounded by the inner nuclear layer and the outer nuclear layer. It consists of a dense network of synapses between dendrites of horizontal cells from the inner nuclear layer, and photoreceptor cell inner segments from the outer nuclear layer. It is much thinner than the inner plexiform layer, where amacrine cells cells synapse with retinal ganglion cells (adapted from Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Outer_plexiform_layer)" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0022303, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000966 ] ; ilx.hasDbXref: NLXWIKI:nlx_152184 ; ilx.partOf: UBERON:0000966 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0110022, NLX:152184 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId NLX:152184 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0110022 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId NLX:152184 . NLX:152528 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Olfactory bulb (accessory) external plexiform layer" ; NIFRID:synonym "external plexiform layer of the AOB" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0022303, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004069 ] ; ilx.hasDbXref: NLXWIKI:nlx_152528 ; ilx.partOf: UBERON:0004069 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0107922, NLX:152528 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId NLX:152528 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0107922 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId NLX:152528 . NLX:153849 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Dorsal cochlear nucleus deep layer" ; definition: "Deepest layer of the dorsal cochlear nucleus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0022303, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002829 ] ; ilx.hasDbXref: NLXWIKI:nlx_153849 ; ilx.partOf: UBERON:0002829 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0103425, NLX:153849 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId NLX:153849 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0103425 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId NLX:153849 . NLX:157298 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "NMDA" ; NIFRID:synonym "N-methyl-D-aspartic acid" ; definition: "is an amino acid derivative acting as a specific agonist at the NMDA receptor. - from wikipedia" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:23367 ; ilx.hasDbXref: NLXWIKI:nlx_157298 ; ilx.hasRole: CHEBI:23888, CHEBI:48705 ; ilx.relatedTo: ILX:0100107 ; ILX:0381449 "PMID:14228133" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0107621, NLX:157298 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId NLX:157298 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0107621 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId NLX:157298 . NLXMOL:090801 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Neurofilament 150kD mRNA" ; NIFRID:synonym "Neurofilament 150kD mRNA", "Neurofilament Medium mRNA", "NF-M mRNA" ; rdfs:subClassOf SAO:116515730 . NLXMOL:090808 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Excitatory neurotransmitter" ; rdfs:subClassOf NLXMOL:20090515 . NLXMOL:100304 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Calcium binding protein" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:23367 . NLXMOL:100305 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Neurotransmitter receptor" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:23367 . NLXMOL:100306 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Neurotransmitter" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:23367 . NLXMOL:1006006 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Calbindin 28K" ; NIFRID:synonym "28kDa", "Calbindin", "calbindin 1", "calbindin D28K" ; rdfs:subClassOf SAO:26622963 . NLXMOL:1006008 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Vesicular acetylcholine transporter" ; rdfs:subClassOf SAO:26622963 . NLXMOL:1006009 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Vesicular glutamate transporter 2" ; rdfs:subClassOf SAO:26622963 . NLXMOL:20090303 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Molecule role" ; rdfs:subClassOf BFO:0000023 . NLXMOL:20090405 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Enzyme" ; rdfs:subClassOf NLXMOL:20090303 . NLXMOL:20090503 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor" ; NIFRID:synonym "Glutamate metabotropic", "GRM", "Metabotropic glutamate", "mGluRs" ; rdfs:subClassOf SAO:1164727693 . NLXMOL:20090504 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "MGluR1" ; NIFRID:synonym "GRM1", "Metabotropic glutamate receptor 1" ; rdfs:subClassOf NLXMOL:20090503 . NLXMOL:20090513 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Doublecortin" ; rdfs:subClassOf SAO:26622963 . NLXMOL:20090515 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Neurotransmitter role" ; rdfs:subClassOf NLXMOL:20090303 . NLXMOL:20090604 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "GABA-gated anionic channel" ; NIFRID:synonym "GABA receptor" . OBI:0100026 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "organism" ; rdfs:subClassOf BFO:0000040 . owl:Class a owl:Class . PATO:0000001 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "quality" ; rdfs:subClassOf BFO:0000020 . PATO:0000047 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "biological sex" ; rdfs:subClassOf PATO:0001995 . PATO:0000051 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "morphology" ; rdfs:subClassOf PATO:0001241 . PATO:0000052 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "shape" ; NIFRID:synonym "relational shape quality" ; rdfs:subClassOf PATO:0000051 . PATO:0000060 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "spatial pattern" ; NIFRID:synonym "distribution", "pattern" ; rdfs:subClassOf PATO:0000051 . PATO:0000383 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "female" ; rdfs:subClassOf PATO:0001894 . PATO:0000384 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "male" ; rdfs:subClassOf PATO:0001894 . PATO:0000936 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "truncated" ; NIFRID:synonym "truncate" ; rdfs:subClassOf PATO:0000052 . PATO:0001238 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Quality of related physical entities" . PATO:0001241 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "physical object quality" ; NIFRID:synonym "monadic quality of a continuant", "monadic quality of an object", "monadic quality of continuant", "multiply inhering quality of a physical entity", "quality of a continuant", "quality of a single physical entity", "quality of an object", "quality of continuant" ; rdfs:subClassOf PATO:0000001 . PATO:0001609 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "sparse" ; rdfs:subClassOf PATO:0000060 . PATO:0001894 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "phenotypic sex" ; rdfs:subClassOf PATO:0000047 . PATO:0001995 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "organismal quality" ; rdfs:subClassOf PATO:0001241 . PAXRAT: a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Paxinos rat parcellation label root" ; rdfs:subClassOf ilxtr:parcellationLabel . PAXRAT:794 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "primary somatosensory cortex (paxrat)" ; NIFRID:synonym "primary somatosensory cortex" ; rdfs:subClassOf PAXRAT:, UBERON:0008933, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilxtr:delineates ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0008933 ] . PAXSPN:80 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "sacral parasympathetic nucleus" . PR:000000001 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "protein" ; NIFRID:synonym "native protein", "natural protein" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:36080, PR:000018263, PR:000064867 . PR:000001094 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "rhodopsin-like G-protein coupled receptor" ; NIFRID:synonym "class 1 G-protein coupled receptor", "class A G-protein coupled receptor", "fam:rhodopsin" ; rdfs:subClassOf PR:000000001, PR:000030035 . PR:000001125 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "cannabinoid receptor 1" ; NIFRID:synonym "brain-type cannabinoid receptor", "CANN6", "CB1", "CB-R", "CNR", "CNR1" ; rdfs:subClassOf PR:000001094 . PR:000001130 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "cholecystokinin receptor" ; rdfs:subClassOf PR:000001094 . PR:000001217 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "cholecystokinin receptor 2" ; NIFRID:synonym "CCK2-R", "CCK-B receptor", "CCK-BR", "CCKBR", "CCKRB", "cholecystokinin-2 receptor" ; rdfs:subClassOf PR:000001130 . PR:000001488 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "muscarinic acetylcholine receptor" ; rdfs:subClassOf PR:000001094 . PR:000001562 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "vasopressin/oxytocin receptor" ; NIFRID:synonym "name: vasopressin and oxytocin receptor" ; rdfs:subClassOf PR:000001094 . PR:000001614 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M2" ; NIFRID:synonym "CHRM2", "Chrm-2", "muscarinic acetylcholine receptor 2" ; rdfs:subClassOf PR:000001488 . PR:000001635 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "oxytocin receptor" ; NIFRID:synonym "OT-R", "OXTR" ; rdfs:subClassOf PR:000001562 . PR:000003781 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ADM" ; NIFRID:synonym "ADM", "AM" ; rdfs:subClassOf PR:000000001 . PR:000004967 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "calbindin" ; NIFRID:synonym "CAB27", "CALB1", "calbindin D28", "D-28K", "PCD-29", "spot 35 protein", "vitamin D-dependent calcium-binding protein, avian-type" ; rdfs:subClassOf PR:000000001 . PR:000004968 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "calretinin" ; NIFRID:synonym "29 kDa calbindin", "CAB29", "CALB2", "CR" ; rdfs:subClassOf PR:000000001 . PR:000005110 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "cholecystokinin" ; NIFRID:synonym "CCK" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:36080, PR:000000001 . PR:000005404 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "choline O-acetyltransferase" ; NIFRID:synonym "CHAT", "ChAT", "CHOACTase", "choline acetylase" ; rdfs:subClassOf PR:000000001 . PR:000005767 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "cortistatin" ; NIFRID:synonym "CORT" ; rdfs:subClassOf PR:000000001 . PR:000005867 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "corticoliberin" ; NIFRID:synonym "corticotropin-releasing factor", "corticotropin-releasing hormone", "CRF", "CRH", "Gm1347" ; rdfs:subClassOf PR:000000001 . PR:000006899 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "endothelin-3" ; NIFRID:synonym "EDN3", "ET-3", "PPET3", "preproendothelin-3" ; rdfs:subClassOf PR:000000001 . PR:000007786 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "glutamate decarboxylase 2" ; NIFRID:synonym "65 kDa glutamic acid decarboxylase", "GAD2", "GAD65", "GAD-65", "glutamate decarboxylase 65 kDa isoform" ; rdfs:subClassOf PR:000000001 . PR:000008476 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "orexin" ; NIFRID:synonym "HCRT", "Hcrt", "hypocretin", "OX", "PPORX", "PPOX" ; rdfs:subClassOf PR:000000001 . PR:000008833 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 3A" ; NIFRID:synonym "5-HT3-A", "5-HT3A", "5-HT3R", "5-HT-3", "5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 3", "5ht3", "5HT3R", "HTR3", "HTR3A", "serotonin receptor 3A", "serotonin-gated ion channel receptor" ; rdfs:subClassOf PR:000000001 . PR:000009182 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "insulin-like growth factor I" ; NIFRID:synonym "Igf1", "Igf-1", "IGF-I", "somatomedin" ; rdfs:subClassOf PR:000000001 . PR:000011326 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nitric oxide synthase, brain" ; NIFRID:synonym "bNOS", "constitutive NOS", "N-NOS", "NC-NOS", "neuronal NOS", "nNOS", "NOS1", "NOS type I" ; rdfs:subClassOf PR:000000001 . PR:000011387 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "neuropeptide Y" ; NIFRID:synonym "NPY" ; rdfs:subClassOf PR:000000001 . PR:000012544 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "proenkephalin-A" ; NIFRID:synonym "PENK", "Penk1" ; rdfs:subClassOf PR:000000001 . PR:000013502 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "parvalbumin alpha" ; NIFRID:synonym "Pva", "PVALB" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:36080, PR:000000001 . PR:000014962 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "vesicular glutamate transporter 2" ; NIFRID:synonym "differentiation-associated BNPI", "differentiation-associated Na(+)-dependent inorganic phosphate cotransporter", "DNPI", "SLC17A6", "solute carrier family 17 member 6", "VGluT2" ; rdfs:subClassOf PR:000000001 . PR:000014968 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "vesicular acetylcholine transporter" ; NIFRID:synonym "SLC18A3", "solute carrier family 18 member 3", "VAChT" ; rdfs:subClassOf PR:000000001 . PR:000015040 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "prestin" ; NIFRID:synonym "PRES", "SLC26A5", "solute carrier family 26 member 5" ; rdfs:subClassOf PR:000000001 . PR:000015084 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "vesicular inhibitory amino acid transporter" ; NIFRID:synonym "GABA and glycine transporter", "hVIAAT", "mVGAT", "mVIAAT", "SLC32A1", "solute carrier family 32 member 1", "vesicular GABA transporter", "VGAT", "VIAAT" ; rdfs:subClassOf PR:000000001 . PR:000015189 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "sodium-dependent serotonin transporter" ; NIFRID:synonym "5HT transporter", "5HTT", "HTT", "SERT", "SLC6A4", "solute carrier family 6 member 4" ; rdfs:subClassOf PR:000000001 . PR:000015665 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "somatostatin" ; NIFRID:synonym "growth hormone release-inhibiting factor", "Smst", "SST" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:36080, PR:000000001 . PR:000016301 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "tyrosine 3-monooxygenase" ; NIFRID:synonym "TH", "TYH", "tyrosine 3-hydroxylase" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:36080, PR:000000001 . PR:000017299 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "VIP peptides" ; NIFRID:synonym "vasoactive intestinal peptides", "vasoactive intestinal polypeptides", "vasoactive intestinal polypeptides precursor", "VIP" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:36080, PR:000000001 . PR:000017300 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "vasoactive intestinal polypeptide receptor 1" ; NIFRID:synonym "PACAP type II receptor", "PACAP-R2", "PACAP-R-2", "pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide type II receptor", "VIP-R-1", "VIPR1", "VPAC1" ; rdfs:subClassOf PR:000000001 . PR:000017301 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "vasoactive intestinal polypeptide receptor 2" ; NIFRID:synonym "helodermin-preferring VIP receptor", "PACAP type III receptor", "PACAP-R3", "PACAP-R-3", "pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide type III receptor", "VIP2R", "VIP-R-2", "VIPR2" ; rdfs:subClassOf PR:000000001 . PR:000018263 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "amino acid chain" ; NIFRID:synonym "peptide", "polypeptide" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:50047 . PR:000027222 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "CALCA gene translation product" ; NIFRID:synonym "CALC", "CALCA" ; rdfs:subClassOf PR:000000001 . PR:000030035 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "G-protein coupled receptor" ; NIFRID:synonym "7TM receptor", "fam:GPCR", "seven-transmembrane receptor" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:36080, PR:000000001 . PR:000050567 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "protein-containing material entity" ; NIFRID:synonym "protein", "protein aggregate", "protein complex", "protein-containing complex" ; rdfs:subClassOf BFO:0000040 . PR:000064867 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "protein-containing molecular entity" ; NIFRID:synonym "protein", "protein aggregate", "protein complex", "protein-containing complex" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:23367 . PTHR:10558 a owl:Class . PTHR:11653 a owl:Class . RO:0002577 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "system" ; rdfs:subClassOf BFO:0000040 . SAO:26622963 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Protein" ; NIFRID:synonym "Protein" . SAO:83745184 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Nucleic Acid" ; NIFRID:synonym "Nucleic Acid" . SAO:116515730 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "MRNA" ; NIFRID:synonym "MRNA" ; rdfs:subClassOf SAO:1843715402 . SAO:185580330 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Acetylcholine" ; NIFRID:synonym "Acetylcholine" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:35701, NLXMOL:100306 . SAO:226523927 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Eye Photoreceptor Cell" . SAO:229636300 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "GABA" ; NIFRID:synonym "GABA", "Gamma-Aminobutyric acid" ; rdfs:subClassOf NLXMOL:100306, SAO:1511566913 . SAO:265434492 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "AMPA Receptor" ; NIFRID:synonym "AMPA Receptor" ; rdfs:subClassOf SAO:1164727693 . SAO:289587392 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Tyrosine Hydroxylase" ; NIFRID:synonym "3-Monooxygenase, Tyrosine", "Hydroxylase, Tyrosine", "L-Tyrosine, tetrahydrobiopterin:oxygen oxidoreductase (3-hydroxylating)", "Tyrosine 3 Monooxygenase", "Tyrosine Hydroxylase", "TYROSINE MONOOXYGENASE 003" ; rdfs:subClassOf SAO:1246280606 . SAO:630986029 a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf SAO:2046464388 . SAO:711465902 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Serotonin" ; NIFRID:synonym "5-hydroxytryptamine", "Serotonin" ; rdfs:subClassOf NLXMOL:100306, SAO:1430127373 . SAO:722953401 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Choline Acetyltransferase" ; NIFRID:synonym "Choline acetylase", "Choline Acetyltransferase" ; rdfs:subClassOf SAO:1246280606 . SAO:925531236 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Actin" ; NIFRID:synonym "Actin" ; rdfs:subClassOf SAO:1593305396 . SAO:1057800815 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Morphological Quality" ; NIFRID:synonym "Morphological Quality" ; rdfs:subClassOf BFO:0000019 . SAO:1103104164 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Mammalia retina ONL Cone +Glu intrinsic sensory neuron (implies (with-axon-in NLX:152184))" ; NIFRID:synonym "cone", "Cone cell", "Retina photoreceptor cone cell", "Retinal Cone Cell", "retinal core" ; rdfs:subClassOf SAO:226523927 . SAO:1164727693 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Glutamate Receptor" ; NIFRID:synonym "Glutamate Receptor" ; rdfs:subClassOf SAO:26622963 . SAO:1224657022 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Nervous System Cell" . SAO:1246280606 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Synthetic Enzyme" ; NIFRID:synonym "Synthetic Enzyme" ; rdfs:subClassOf NLXMOL:20090405 . SAO:1278200674 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Cell Morphological Quality" ; NIFRID:synonym "Cell Morphological Quality" ; rdfs:subClassOf SAO:1057800815 . SAO:1390810994 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "GluR2" ; NIFRID:synonym "GluR2" ; rdfs:subClassOf SAO:265434492 . SAO:1417703748 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Neuron" ; NIFRID:synonym "nerve cell", "Neuron", "neuron", "neuron cell" ; rdfs:subClassOf SAO:1224657022 . SAO:1430127373 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Monoamines" ; NIFRID:synonym "Monoamines" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:32952 . SAO:1456045859 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Catecholamine" ; NIFRID:synonym "Catecholamine" ; rdfs:subClassOf SAO:1430127373 . SAO:1511566913 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Amino Acid" ; NIFRID:synonym "Amino Acid", "Amino acids" ; rdfs:subClassOf CHEBI:33675 . SAO:1593305396 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Cytoskeletal Protein" ; NIFRID:synonym "Cytoskeletal Protein" ; rdfs:subClassOf SAO:26622963 . SAO:1744435799 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Glutamate" ; NIFRID:synonym "Glut", "Glutamate" ; rdfs:subClassOf NLXMOL:100306, SAO:1511566913 . SAO:1843715402 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "RNA" ; NIFRID:synonym "RNA" ; rdfs:subClassOf SAO:83745184 . SAO:2046464388 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Hair Cell" . SAO:9271919883 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Stellate" ; NIFRID:synonym "Stellate" ; rdfs:subClassOf SAO:1278200674 . SO:0000001 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "region" ; NIFRID:synonym "sequence" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000110 . SO:0000110 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "sequence_feature" ; NIFRID:synonym "INSDC_feature:misc_feature", "INSDC_note:other", "INSDC_note:sequence_feature", "located sequence feature", "located_sequence_feature", "sequence feature" . SO:0000704 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gene" ; NIFRID:synonym "Genes", "INSDC_feature:gene" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0001411 . SO:0001411 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "biological_region" ; NIFRID:synonym "biological region", "INSDC_misc_feature", "INSDC_note:biological_region" ; rdfs:subClassOf SO:0000001 . UBERON:0000002 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "uterine cervix" ; NIFRID:synonym "canalis cervicis uteri", "caudal segment of uterus", "cervical canal", "cervical canal of uterus", "cervix", "cervix of uterus", "cervix uteri", "neck of uterus", "uterine cervix" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001560, UBERON:0005156, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000995 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000995 ] . UBERON:0000004 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nose" ; NIFRID:synonym "nasal sac", "nasus", "nose", "olfactory apparatus", "peripheral olfactory organ", "proboscis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000475, UBERON:0002268, UBERON:0004121, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001456 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001004 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001456 ] . UBERON:0000006 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "islet of Langerhans" ; NIFRID:synonym "island of Langerhans", "island of pancreas", "islets of Langerhans", "pancreatic insula", "pancreatic islet" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004119, UBERON:0034922, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000016 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000016 ] . UBERON:0000007 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "pituitary gland" ; NIFRID:synonym "glandula pituitaria", "Hp", "hypophysis", "hypophysis cerebri", "pituitary", "pituitary body" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002368, UBERON:0003133, UBERON:0003296, UBERON:0003937, UBERON:0010314, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001894 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001894 ] . UBERON:0000009 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "submucosa" ; NIFRID:synonym "organ submucosa", "region of submucosa", "submucosa of organ", "submucosa of region of organ", "submucous layer", "tela submucosa", "tunica submucosa" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004923 . UBERON:0000010 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "peripheral nervous system" ; NIFRID:synonym "pars peripherica", "PNS", "systema nervosum periphericum" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011216, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001016 ] . UBERON:0000011 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "parasympathetic nervous system" ; NIFRID:synonym "parasympathetic part of autonomic division of nervous system", "pars parasympathica divisionis autonomici systematis nervosi", "PNS - parasympathetic" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0010314, UBERON:0011216, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002410 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002410 ] . UBERON:0000012 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "somatic nervous system" ; NIFRID:synonym "PNS - somatic", "somatic nervous system, somatic division", "somatic part of peripheral nervous system", "somatic peripheral nervous system" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011216, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000010 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001016 ] . UBERON:0000013 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "sympathetic nervous system" ; NIFRID:synonym "pars sympathica divisionis autonomici systematis nervosi", "sympathetic nervous system", "sympathetic part of autonomic division of nervous system" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011216, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002410 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002410 ] . UBERON:0000014 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "zone of skin" ; NIFRID:synonym "portion of skin", "region of skin", "skin", "skin region", "skin zone" ; rdfs:subClassOf PR:000050567, UBERON:0004121, UBERON:0034944, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002097 ] . UBERON:0000016 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "endocrine pancreas" ; NIFRID:synonym "endocrine pancreas", "endocrine part of pancreas", "islets of Langerhans part of pancreas", "pars endocrina pancreatis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000471, UBERON:0004119, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom NCBITaxon:6072 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000949 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001264 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001264 ] . UBERON:0000017 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "exocrine pancreas" ; NIFRID:synonym "exocrine component of pancreas", "exocrine pancreas", "exocrine part of pancreas", "pars exocrina pancreatis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000409, UBERON:0004119, UBERON:0005177, UBERON:0013765, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001007 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001264 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002330 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001264 ] . UBERON:0000019 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "camera-type eye" ; NIFRID:synonym "camera-type eye plus associated structures", "eye", "eyes", "orbital part of face", "orbital region", "regio orbitalis", "vertebrate eye" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000047, UBERON:0004121, UBERON:0010314, UBERON:0015212, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004088 ] . UBERON:0000020 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "sense organ" ; NIFRID:synonym "organ of sense organ system", "organ of sensory organ system", "organ of sensory system", "sense organ system organ", "sensillum", "sensor", "sensory organ", "sensory organ system organ", "sensory system organ", "Sinnesorgan" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000062, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001032 ] . UBERON:0000025 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "tube" ; NIFRID:synonym "anatomical tube", "duct" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004111 . UBERON:0000026 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "appendage" ; NIFRID:synonym "appendages", "extremitaet", "extremity", "limbs/digits/tail" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000475 . UBERON:0000029 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "lymph node" ; NIFRID:synonym "lymph gland", "nodus lymphaticus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0005057, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002465 ] . UBERON:0000030 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "lamina propria" ; NIFRID:synonym "lamina propria mucosa", "lamina propria mucosae", "tunica propria" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004923, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000344 ] . UBERON:0000033 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "head" ; NIFRID:synonym "adult head", "cephalic area", "head (volume)" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011676, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000153 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0007811 ] . UBERON:0000042 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "serous membrane" ; NIFRID:synonym "serosa", "tunica serosa", "wall of serous sac" ; rdfs:subClassOf PR:000050567, UBERON:0000481, UBERON:0004120, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom NCBITaxon:6072 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000060 ] . UBERON:0000044 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "dorsal root ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "dorsal root ganglia", "dorsal root ganglion", "DRG", "ganglion of dorsal root", "ganglion sensorium nervi spinalis", "ganglion spinale", "ganglion spinalis", "posterior root ganglion", "spinal ganglion", "spinal ganglion part of peripheral nervous system" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001800, UBERON:0010313 . UBERON:0000045 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "ganglia", "neural ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000061, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001016 ] . UBERON:0000047 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "simple eye" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000970 . UBERON:0000055 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "vessel" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004111 . UBERON:0000056 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ureter" ; NIFRID:synonym "metanephric duct" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004120, UBERON:0005179, UBERON:0006555, UBERON:0015212, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002355 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0011143 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0036295 ] . UBERON:0000057 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "urethra" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000062, UBERON:0004111, UBERON:0004120, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001556 ] . UBERON:0000058 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "duct" ; NIFRID:synonym "anatomical duct", "ducts", "exocrine duct", "exocrine gland duct" ; rdfs:subClassOf PR:000050567, UBERON:0000063 . UBERON:0000059 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "large intestine" ; NIFRID:synonym "intestinum crassum" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004921, UBERON:0013765, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000160 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004907 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000160 ] . UBERON:0000060 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anatomical wall" ; NIFRID:synonym "organ wall", "wall", "wall of organ" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000064 . UBERON:0000061 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anatomical structure" ; NIFRID:synonym "biological structure", "connected biological structure" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000465 . UBERON:0000062 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "organ" ; NIFRID:synonym "anatomical unit", "body organ", "element" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0010000, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000467 ] . UBERON:0000063 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "organ subunit" ; NIFRID:synonym "organ region with fixed fiat boundary", "organ segment", "segment of organ" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000064 . UBERON:0000064 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "organ part" ; NIFRID:synonym "cardinal organ part", "regional part of organ" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0010000, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000062 ] . UBERON:0000065 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "respiratory tract" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001005, UBERON:0004119, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001004 ] . UBERON:0000072 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "proximo-distal subdivision of respiratory tract" ; NIFRID:synonym "respiratory tract", "subdivision of respiratory tract" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004119, UBERON:0013522, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000065 ] . UBERON:0000073 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Regional part of nervous system" ; NIFRID:synonym "part of nervous system" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000481, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom NCBITaxon:6072 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001016 ] . UBERON:0000075 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "subdivision of skeletal system" ; NIFRID:synonym "skeletal system part", "skeletal system subdivision" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011216, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001434 ] . UBERON:0000077 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "mixed endoderm/mesoderm-derived structure" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004119, UBERON:0004120 . UBERON:0000079 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "male reproductive system" ; NIFRID:synonym "genitalia of male organism", "male genital organ", "male genital system", "male genital tract", "male genitalia", "male genitals", "male organism genitalia", "male organism reproductive system", "male reproductive tract", "reproductive system of male organism", "systema genitale masculinum" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000990, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003101 ] . UBERON:0000101 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "lobe of lung" ; NIFRID:synonym "lung lobe", "pulminory lobe", "pulmonary lobe" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004119, UBERON:0009912, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002048 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002048 ] . UBERON:0000117 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "respiratory tube" ; NIFRID:synonym "airway", "respiratory conducting tube", "segment of tracheobronchial tree", "tracheobronchial tree segment" ; rdfs:subClassOf PR:000050567, UBERON:0000025, UBERON:0004119, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000065 ] . UBERON:0000122 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "neuron projection bundle" ; NIFRID:synonym "funiculus", "nerve fiber bundle", "neural fiber bundle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000061, UBERON:0005162, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001016 ] . UBERON:0000125 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "neural nucleus" ; NIFRID:synonym "nervous system nucleus", "neuraxis nucleus", "neuronal nucleus", "nucleus", "nucleus of CNS", "nucleus of neuraxis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011215, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001017 ] . UBERON:0000126 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "cranial nerve nucleus" ; NIFRID:synonym "cranial neural nucleus", "nucleus nervi cranialis", "nucleus of cranial nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002308, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom RO:0002577 ] . UBERON:0000127 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "facial nucleus" ; NIFRID:synonym "facial nerve nucleus", "facial VII motor nucleus", "facial VII nucleus", "nucleus of facial nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000126, UBERON:0006331, UBERON:0009662, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000988 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000988 ] . UBERON:0000153 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior region of body" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000475 . UBERON:0000154 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior region of body" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000475 . UBERON:0000158 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "membranous layer" ; NIFRID:synonym "membrane", "membranous organ component" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004923 . UBERON:0000160 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "intestine" ; NIFRID:synonym "bowel", "intestinal tract" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004921, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0005409 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001007 ] . UBERON:0000165 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "mouth" ; NIFRID:synonym "adult mouth", "cavital oralis", "cavitas oris", "cavum oris", "mouth cavity", "oral region", "oral vestibule", "regio oralis", "rima oris", "stoma", "stomatodaeum", "trophic apparatus", "vestibule of mouth", "vestibulum oris" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004921 . UBERON:0000168 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "proximal-distal subdivision of colon" ; NIFRID:synonym "segment of colon" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004921, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001155 ] . UBERON:0000170 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "pair of lungs" ; NIFRID:synonym "lungs", "lungs pair", "pulmones", "set of lungs" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0034925, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001558 ] . UBERON:0000171 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "respiration organ" ; NIFRID:synonym "apparatus respiratorius organ", "breathing organ", "gas exchange organ", "organ of apparatus respiratorius", "organ of respiratory system", "respiratory organ", "respiratory system organ" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000062, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001004 ] . UBERON:0000200 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gyrus" ; NIFRID:synonym "cerebral gyrus", "folia", "folium", "folium of brain", "gyri", "gyri of cerebrum", "gyrus of cerebral hemisphere", "gyrus of cerebrum", "gyrus of neuraxis", "neuraxis gyrus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004121, UBERON:0034768, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000956 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001869 ] . UBERON:0000203 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "pallium" ; NIFRID:synonym "area dorsalis telencephali", "dorsal part of telencephalon", "dorsal telencephalic area", "dorsal telencephalon" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002616, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001893 ] . UBERON:0000204 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventral part of telencephalon" ; NIFRID:synonym "area ventralis telencephali", "subpallium", "ventral telencephalon" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002616, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001893 ] . UBERON:0000211 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ligament" ; NIFRID:synonym "ligament organ" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000062 . UBERON:0000303 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "adductor longus" ; NIFRID:synonym "adductor longus muscle", "long adductor muscle", "musculus adductor longus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004252, UBERON:0011144, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000376 ] . UBERON:0000311 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "extensor muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "extensor" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0014892, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000026 ] . UBERON:0000317 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "colonic mucosa" ; NIFRID:synonym "colon mucosa", "colon mucous membrane", "colonic mucosa", "colonic mucous membrane", "large bowel mucosa", "mucosa of colon", "mucosa of large bowel" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001207, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001155 ] . UBERON:0000328 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gut wall" ; NIFRID:synonym "digestive tract wall", "wall of alimentary tract", "wall of digestive tract", "wall of gut" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000060, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001555 ] . UBERON:0000344 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "mucosa" ; NIFRID:synonym "mucosa of organ", "mucosa of organ part", "mucosal region", "mucous membrane", "organ mucosa", "region of mucosa", "tunica mucosa" ; rdfs:subClassOf PR:000050567, UBERON:0004923 . UBERON:0000348 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ophthalmic nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "ciliary nerve", "cranial nerve V, branch V1", "ethmoidal nerve", "first branch of fifth cranial nerve", "first division of fifth cranial nerve", "first division of trigeminal nerve", "nervus ophthalmicus (V1)", "nervus ophthalmicus (Va)", "nervus ophthalmicus [v1]", "nervus ophthalmicus [va]", "ophthalmic division", "ophthalmic division [V1]", "ophthalmic division [Va]", "ophthalmic division of fifth cranial nerve", "ophthalmic division of trigeminal nerve (V1)", "ophthalmic division of trigeminal nerve (Va)", "ophthalmic nerve [V1]", "ophthalmic nerve [Va]", "opthalmic nerve", "profundal nerve", "profundus", "profundus nerve", "ramus opthalmicus profundus (ramus V1)", "rostral branch of trigeminal nerve", "trigeminal nerve ophthalmic division", "trigeminal V nerve ophthalmic division" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004121, UBERON:0011779, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001645 ] . UBERON:0000349 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "limbic system" ; NIFRID:synonym "visceral brain" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004121, UBERON:0011216, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001890 ] . UBERON:0000353 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "parenchyma" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000064 . UBERON:0000366 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "flexor muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "flexor" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0014892, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000026 ] . UBERON:0000368 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "adductor brevis" ; NIFRID:synonym "adductor brevis muscle", "musculus adductos brevis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004252, UBERON:0011144, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000376 ] . UBERON:0000369 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "corpus striatum" ; NIFRID:synonym "striate body", "striated body" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002616, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002420 ] . UBERON:0000370 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "adductor magnus" ; NIFRID:synonym "adductor magnus muscle", "musculus adductor magnus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004252, UBERON:0011144, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000376 ] . UBERON:0000372 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "extensor digitorum brevis pes" ; NIFRID:synonym "extensor digitorum brevis", "extensor digitorum brevis muscle", "musculus extensor digitorum brevis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000311, UBERON:0001498, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002387 ] . UBERON:0000375 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "mandibular nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "inferior maxillary nerve", "mandibular division [V3]", "mandibular division [Vc]", "mandibular division of fifth cranial nerve", "mandibular division of trigeminal nerve [Vc; V3]", "mandibular nerve [V3]", "mandibular nerve [Vc]", "n. mandibularis", "nervus mandibularis", "nervus mandibularis [v3]", "nervus mandibularis [Vc; V3]", "nervus mandibularis [vc]", "ramus mandibularis (ramus V3)", "third division of fifth cranial nerve", "third division of trigeminal nerve", "trigeminal nerve mandibular division", "trigeminal V nerve mandibular division" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011779, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001645 ] . UBERON:0000376 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "hindlimb stylopod" ; NIFRID:synonym "femur", "hind limb stylopod", "hind limb stylopodium", "hind propodium", "hindlimb propodium", "hindlimb stylopod", "hindlimb stylopodium", "proximal segment of free lower limb", "stylopod of hind limb", "stylopod of hindlimb", "stylopod of lower limb", "thigh", "upper leg" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002472, UBERON:0008784, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000978 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002103 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002103 ] . UBERON:0000377 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "maxillary nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "maxillary division [V2]", "maxillary division [Vb]", "maxillary division of fifth cranial nerve", "maxillary division of trigeminal nerve (Vb; V2)", "maxillary nerve [V2]", "maxillary nerve [Vb]", "n. maxillaris", "nervus maxillaris", "nervus maxillaris (Vb; V2)", "nervus maxillaris [v2]", "nervus maxillaris [vb]", "ramus maxillaris (ramus V2)", "second division of fifth cranial nerve", "second division of trigeminal nerve", "trigeminal nerve maxillary division", "trigeminal V nerve maxillary division" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011779, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001645 ] . UBERON:0000379 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "tracheal mucosa" ; NIFRID:synonym "mucosa of organ of trachea", "mucosa of organ of windpipe", "mucosa of trachea", "mucosa of windpipe", "mucous membrane of trachea", "mucous membrane of windpipe", "organ mucosa of trachea", "organ mucosa of windpipe", "trachea mucosa", "trachea mucosa of organ", "trachea mucous membrane", "trachea organ mucosa", "tracheal mucous membrane", "tunica mucosa (tracheae)", "tunica mucosa tracheae", "windpipe mucosa", "windpipe mucosa of organ", "windpipe mucous membrane", "windpipe organ mucosa" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004785, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001005 ] . UBERON:0000383 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "musculature of body" ; NIFRID:synonym "muscle system", "muscle system of body", "muscular system", "musculature system", "muskelsystem", "set of all muscles", "set of muscles of body", "vertebrate muscular system" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011216 . UBERON:0000388 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Epiglottis", "epiglottis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0013522, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001051 ] . UBERON:0000407 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "sympathetic trunk" ; NIFRID:synonym "gangliated cord", "sympathetic chain", "sympathetic ganglionic chain", "truncus sympathicus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000062, UBERON:0015212, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000013 ] . UBERON:0000409 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "serous gland" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002365 . UBERON:0000414 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "mucous gland" ; NIFRID:synonym "glandula mucosa", "muciparous gland", "mucous secreting gland", "mucus gland", "mucus-secreting gland" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002365 . UBERON:0000423 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "eccrine sweat gland" ; NIFRID:synonym "eccrine gland", "glandula sudorifera eccrina", "glandula sudorifera merocrina", "merocrine sweat gland" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001820, UBERON:0010243, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001003 ] . UBERON:0000428 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "prostate epithelium" ; NIFRID:synonym "epithelial tissue of prostate", "epithelial tissue of prostate gland", "epithelium of prostate", "epithelium of prostate gland", "epithelium of prostatic gland", "prostate epithelial tissue", "prostate gland epithelial tissue", "prostate gland epithelium", "prostatic epithelium", "prostatic gland epithelium" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000077, UBERON:0000485, UBERON:0005156, UBERON:0005911, UBERON:0012275, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002367 ] . UBERON:0000429 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "enteric plexus" ; NIFRID:synonym "enteric nerve plexus", "intrinsic nerve plexus", "plexus entericus", "plexus nervosus entericus", "sympathetic enteric nerve plexus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001816, UBERON:0010313, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002005 ] . UBERON:0000446 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "septum of telencephalon" ; NIFRID:synonym "area septalis", "massa praecommissuralis", "Se", "septal area", "septal region", "septum", "septum (NN)", "septum pellucidum (BNA,PNA)", "septum telencephali", "telencephalon septum" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0005401, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001869 ] . UBERON:0000454 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "cerebral subcortex" ; NIFRID:synonym "cerebral medulla", "subcortex" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000064, UBERON:0004121, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000955 ] . UBERON:0000459 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "uterine wall" ; NIFRID:synonym "anatomical wall of uterus", "uterus anatomical wall", "uterus wall", "wall of uterus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000060, UBERON:0005156, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000995 ] . UBERON:0000464 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anatomical space" ; NIFRID:synonym "anatomical spaces", "lumen", "lumen space", "space" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000466 . UBERON:0000465 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "material anatomical entity" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001062 . UBERON:0000466 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "immaterial anatomical entity" ; NIFRID:synonym "immaterial physical anatomical entity" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001062 . UBERON:0000467 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anatomical system" ; NIFRID:synonym "anatomical systems", "body system", "connected anatomical system", "organ system", "system" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000061, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000468 ] . UBERON:0000468 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "multicellular organism" ; NIFRID:synonym "body", "Koerper", "multi-cellular organism", "organism", "whole body", "whole organism" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0010000 . UBERON:0000471 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "compound organ component" ; NIFRID:synonym "compound organ components" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000481, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003103 ] . UBERON:0000473 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "testis" ; NIFRID:synonym "gonad of male genitalia", "gonad of male reproductive system", "male gonad", "orchis", "testes", "testicle", "testiculus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000991, UBERON:0003135, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000079 ] . UBERON:0000474 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "female reproductive system" ; NIFRID:synonym "female genital system", "female genital tract", "female genitalia", "female genitals", "female organism genitalia", "female organism reproductive system", "female reproductive tract", "genitalia of female organism", "gynaecological tissue", "reproductive system of female organism", "systema genitale femininum" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000990, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003100 ] . UBERON:0000475 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "organism subdivision" ; NIFRID:synonym "anatomic region", "body part", "body region", "cardinal body part" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0010000, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000468 ] . UBERON:0000476 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "acellular anatomical structure" ; NIFRID:synonym "acellular anatomical structures" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000061 . UBERON:0000477 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anatomical cluster" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0034923 . UBERON:0000479 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "tissue" ; NIFRID:synonym "portion of tissue", "simple tissue", "tissue portion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000465, UBERON:0010000, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000468 ] . UBERON:0000481 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "multi-tissue structure" ; NIFRID:synonym "multi-tissue structures" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0010000, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom NCBITaxon:6072 ] . UBERON:0000483 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Epithelium", "epithelium" ; NIFRID:synonym "epithelial tissue", "portion of epithelium" ; rdfs:subClassOf PR:000050567, UBERON:0000479 . UBERON:0000485 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "simple columnar epithelium" ; NIFRID:synonym "columnar epithelium", "columnar epithlium", "epithelium simplex columnare", "simple columnar epithelia", "simple columnar epithelium" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000490, UBERON:0012274 . UBERON:0000486 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "multilaminar epithelium" ; NIFRID:synonym "laminated epithelium", "stratified epithelium" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000483 . UBERON:0000487 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "simple squamous epithelium" ; NIFRID:synonym "epithelium simplex squamosum", "simple squamous epithelia" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000490, UBERON:0006914 . UBERON:0000488 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "atypical epithelium" ; NIFRID:synonym "atypical epithelia", "heterogenous epithelium" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000483 . UBERON:0000489 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "cavitated compound organ" ; NIFRID:synonym "cavitated compound organs", "cavitated organ" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003103 . UBERON:0000490 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "unilaminar epithelium" ; NIFRID:synonym "simple epithelium", "unilaminar epithelia" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000483 . UBERON:0000711 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "splenius capitis" ; NIFRID:synonym "musculus splenius capitis", "splenius capitis muscle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002252, UBERON:0002377, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0012477 ] . UBERON:0000915 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "thoracic segment of trunk" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior subdivision of trunk", "thorax", "upper body", "upper trunk" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0009569, UBERON:0011676 . UBERON:0000916 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "abdomen" ; NIFRID:synonym "abdominopelvic region", "abdominopelvis", "adult abdomen", "belly", "celiac region" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0009569, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002417 ] . UBERON:0000942 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "frontal nerve (branch of ophthalmic)" ; NIFRID:synonym "frontal nerve", "nervus frontalis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004121, UBERON:0011779, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000348 ] . UBERON:0000945 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "stomach" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior intestine", "gaster", "mesenteron", "stomach chamber", "ventriculus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004921, UBERON:0010039, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001041 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001007 ] . UBERON:0000947 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "aorta" ; NIFRID:synonym "arteria maxima", "dorsal aorta", "trunk of aortic tree", "trunk of systemic arterial tree" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003509, UBERON:0003519, UBERON:0013768, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom RO:0002577 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0010191 ] . UBERON:0000948 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "heart" ; NIFRID:synonym "branchial heart", "cardium", "chambered heart", "vertebrate heart" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004120, UBERON:0005181, UBERON:0007100, UBERON:0010314, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0015410 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004535 ] . UBERON:0000949 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "endocrine system" ; NIFRID:synonym "endocrine glandular system", "endocrine system", "systema endocrinum" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0015204 . UBERON:0000950 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gracilis" ; NIFRID:synonym "gracilis muscle", "musculus gracilis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004252, UBERON:0011144, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000376 ] . UBERON:0000955 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "brain" ; NIFRID:synonym "encephalon", "suprasegmental levels of nervous system", "suprasegmental structures", "synganglion", "the brain" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000062, UBERON:0000465, UBERON:0004121, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001017 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001016 ] . UBERON:0000956 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "cerebral cortex" ; NIFRID:synonym "brain cortex", "cortex cerebralis", "cortex cerebri", "cortex of cerebral hemisphere", "cortical plate (areas)", "cortical plate (CTXpl)", "pallium of the brain" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011215, UBERON:0016548, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000203 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0005401 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001893 ] . UBERON:0000958 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "medulla of organ" ; NIFRID:synonym "medulla" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000471, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom NCBITaxon:6072 ] . UBERON:0000961 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "thoracic ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "ganglion of thorax", "ganglion thoracicum splanchnicum", "thoracic paravertebral ganglion", "thoracic splanchnic ganglion", "thoracic sympathetic ganglion", "thorax ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001807, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004863 ] . UBERON:0000962 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nerve of cervical vertebra" ; NIFRID:synonym "cervical nerve", "cervical nerve tree", "cervical spinal nerve", "nervus cervicalis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001780 . UBERON:0000966 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Retina", "retina" ; NIFRID:synonym "inner layer of eyeball", "Netzhaut", "retina of camera-type eye", "retinas", "tunica interna of eyeball" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004121, UBERON:0005388, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001802 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0019207 ] ; ilxtr:hasExistingId BIRNLEX:1153, FMA:58301, ILX:0109993, UBERON:0000966 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId BIRNLEX:1153, FMA:58301, UBERON:0000966 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0109993 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0000966 . UBERON:0000970 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "eye" ; NIFRID:synonym "light-detecting organ", "visual apparatus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000020, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002104 ] . UBERON:0000974 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "neck" ; NIFRID:synonym "collum", "neck (volume)" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000475, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom RO:0002577 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000153 ] . UBERON:0000978 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "leg" ; NIFRID:synonym "lower extremity", "tetrapod leg" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0006058, UBERON:0008784, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002103 ] . UBERON:0000982 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "skeletal joint" ; NIFRID:synonym "articular joint", "articulation", "joint", "joints" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004905, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004770 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001434 ] . UBERON:0000988 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Pons", "pons" ; NIFRID:synonym "pons cerebri", "pons of Varolius", "pons Varolii" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002616, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001895 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002298 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001895 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002298 ] ; ilxtr:hasExistingId BIRNLEX:733, FMA:67943, ILX:0109019, UBERON:0000988 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId BIRNLEX:733, FMA:67943, UBERON:0000988 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0109019 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0000988 . UBERON:0000989 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "penis" ; NIFRID:synonym "penes", "phallus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004120, UBERON:0008811 . UBERON:0000990 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "reproductive system" ; NIFRID:synonym "animal reproductive system", "genital system", "genital tract", "genitalia", "Geschlechtsorgan", "organa genitalia", "reproductive tissue", "reproductive tract", "systemata genitalia" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000467 . UBERON:0000991 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gonad" ; NIFRID:synonym "gonada", "gonads" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003133, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000990 ] . UBERON:0000992 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ovary" ; NIFRID:synonym "animal ovary", "female gonad", "female organism genitalia gonad", "female organism genitalia gonada", "female organism reproductive system gonad", "female organism reproductive system gonada", "female reproductive system gonad", "female reproductive system gonada", "genitalia of female organism gonad", "genitalia of female organism gonada", "gonad of female organism genitalia", "gonad of female organism reproductive system", "gonad of female reproductive system", "gonad of genitalia of female organism", "gonad of reproductive system of female organism", "gonada of female organism genitalia", "gonada of female organism reproductive system", "gonada of female reproductive system", "gonada of genitalia of female organism", "gonada of reproductive system of female organism", "ovaries", "ovarium", "ovum-producing ovary", "reproductive system of female organism gonad", "reproductive system of female organism gonada" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000991, UBERON:0003134, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000474 ] . UBERON:0000993 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "oviduct" ; NIFRID:synonym "female reproductive tracts", "ovarian duct", "ovarian tube", "oviducts", "tuba uterina", "tuba uterinae", "tubular parts of female reproductive system", "uterine tube" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000025, UBERON:0005156, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000474 ] . UBERON:0000995 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "uterus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0013515, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004175 ] . UBERON:0000996 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "vagina" ; NIFRID:synonym "distal oviductal region", "distal portion of oviduct", "vaginae" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004120, UBERON:0013515, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003975 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003975 ] . UBERON:0000997 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "mammalian vulva" ; NIFRID:synonym "female pudendum", "mammalian vulva", "puboperineal region", "pudendum", "pudendum femininum", "pudendum muliebre", "vulva" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000062, UBERON:0005156, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0005056 ] . UBERON:0000998 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "seminal vesicle" ; NIFRID:synonym "glandula seminalis", "glandula vesiculosa", "gonecyst", "seminal gland", "vas efferens", "vesicula seminalis", "vesiculae seminales", "vesicular gland", "vesicular glands", "vesicular seminalis", "vesiculæ seminales" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004120, UBERON:0006868, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000473 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004054 ] . UBERON:0001003 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "skin epidermis" ; NIFRID:synonym "epidermis", "skin", "vertebrate epidermis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007376, UBERON:3000961, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002097 ] . UBERON:0001004 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "respiratory system" ; NIFRID:synonym "apparatus respiratorius", "Atmungssystem", "respiratory system", "systema respiratorium" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000467 . UBERON:0001005 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "respiratory airway" ; NIFRID:synonym "airway", "airways" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003103, UBERON:0004111, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001004 ] . UBERON:0001007 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "digestive system" ; NIFRID:synonym "alimentary system", "alimentary tract", "gastrointestinal system", "gut" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000467 . UBERON:0001008 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "renal system" ; NIFRID:synonym "excretory system", "renal or urinary system", "renal/urinary system", "systema urinaria", "systema urinarium", "urinary system", "urinary tract" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:8450002 . UBERON:0001009 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "circulatory system" ; NIFRID:synonym "systema cardiovasculare" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000467 . UBERON:0001013 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "adipose tissue" ; NIFRID:synonym "adipose", "bodyfat", "fat", "fat tissue", "fatty depot", "fatty tissue" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011822 . UBERON:0001015 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "musculature" ; NIFRID:synonym "muscle group", "muscle system", "muscles", "muscles set", "musculature", "musculature system", "musculi", "set of muscles", "set of skeletal muscles" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011216, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000383 ] . UBERON:0001016 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nervous system" ; NIFRID:synonym "nerve net", "neurological system", "systema nervosum" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000467 . UBERON:0001017 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "central nervous system" ; NIFRID:synonym "cerebrospinal axis", "CNS", "neuraxis", "systema nervosum centrale" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004121, UBERON:0011216, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001016 ] . UBERON:0001018 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "axon tract" ; NIFRID:synonym "axonal tract", "nerve tract", "neuraxis tract", "tract", "tract of neuraxis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000122, UBERON:0011215, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001017 ] . UBERON:0001019 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nerve fasciculus" ; NIFRID:synonym "fascicle", "fasciculus", "nerve bundle", "nerve fasciculus", "nerve fiber tract", "neural fasciculus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000122 . UBERON:0001021 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "nerves", "neural subtree", "peripheral nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000122, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000010 ] . UBERON:0001032 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "sensory system" ; NIFRID:synonym "organa sensuum", "sense organ subsystem", "sense organs", "sense organs set", "sensory organ system", "sensory subsystem", "sensory systems", "set of sense organs" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0015203, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004456 ] . UBERON:0001033 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gustatory system" ; NIFRID:synonym "gustatory organ system", "taste system" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000467 . UBERON:0001041 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "foregut" ; NIFRID:synonym "praeenteron", "proenteron" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004921 . UBERON:0001042 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "chordate pharynx" ; NIFRID:synonym "pharynx" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0006562, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001004 ] . UBERON:0001043 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "esophagus" ; NIFRID:synonym "gullet", "oesophagus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000062, UBERON:0004921, UBERON:0005178, UBERON:0013765, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom RO:0002577 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004908 ] . UBERON:0001044 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "saliva-secreting gland" ; NIFRID:synonym "glandulae salivariae", "salivary gland" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0010047, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002330 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001007 ] . UBERON:0001051 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "hypopharynx" ; NIFRID:synonym "laryngeal pharynx", "laryngopharynx", "pars laryngea pharyngis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0013522, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001042 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001042 ] . UBERON:0001062 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Anatomical entity", "anatomical entity" ; rdfs:subClassOf BFO:0000004, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003942 ] . UBERON:0001096 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "wall of esophagus" ; NIFRID:synonym "anatomical wall of esophagus", "anatomical wall of gullet", "anatomical wall of oesophagus", "esophageal wall", "esophagus anatomical wall", "esophagus wall", "gullet anatomical wall", "gullet wall", "oesophagus anatomical wall", "oesophagus wall", "wall of gullet", "wall of oesophagus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000328, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001043 ] . UBERON:0001100 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "pectoralis minor" ; NIFRID:synonym "musculus pectoralis minor", "pectoralis minor muscle", "supracoracoideus", "supracoracoideus muscle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001495 . UBERON:0001103 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "diaphragm" ; NIFRID:synonym "diaphragm muscle", "diaphragm of thorax", "midriff", "phren", "thoracic diaphragm" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003830, UBERON:0003831, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000915 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001004 ] . UBERON:0001111 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "intercostal muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "intercostales", "musculus intercostalis", "respiratory muscle", "rib muscle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001630, UBERON:0005175, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom RO:0002577 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001443 ] . UBERON:0001112 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "latissimus dorsi muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "dorsal latissimus muscle", "latissimi dorsi", "latissimus dorsi", "musculus latissimus dorsi" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001482, UBERON:0004120, UBERON:0034908, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0008713 ] . UBERON:0001129 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "subscapularis muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "musculus subscapularis", "subcoracoscapularis", "subscapularis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001482, UBERON:0004120, UBERON:0010891, UBERON:0034908, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003683 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0008713 ] . UBERON:0001134 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "skeletal muscle tissue" ; NIFRID:synonym "skeletal muscle", "skeletal muscle system", "somatic muscle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002036, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0014892 ] . UBERON:0001135 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "smooth muscle tissue" ; NIFRID:synonym "involuntary muscle", "non-striated muscle", "smooth muscle", "textus muscularis levis; textus muscularis nonstriatus", "textus muscularis nonstriatus", "visceral muscle", "visceral muscle tissue" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002385 . UBERON:0001137 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "dorsum" ; NIFRID:synonym "back", "back of body proper", "dorsal part of organism" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000475 . UBERON:0001148 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "median nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "nervus medianus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003433, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001460 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001814 ] . UBERON:0001155 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "colon" ; NIFRID:synonym "hindgut", "large bowel", "posterior intestine" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004921, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000059 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000059 ] . UBERON:0001158 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "descending colon" ; NIFRID:synonym "colon descendens" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000168 . UBERON:0001165 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "pyloric antrum" ; NIFRID:synonym "antrum", "antrum of stomach", "antrum of Willis", "antrum pylori", "antrum pyloricum", "gastric antrum", "stomach antrum", "stomach pyloric antrum" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0009870, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001166 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001166 ] . UBERON:0001166 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "pylorus" ; NIFRID:synonym "pars pylorica", "pars pylorica gastricae", "pyloric part of stomach", "pyloric region", "stomach pyloric region", "valvula pylori" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0009870, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000945 ] . UBERON:0001167 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "wall of stomach" ; NIFRID:synonym "anatomical wall of stomach", "anatomical wall of ventriculus", "gastric wall", "stomach anatomical wall", "stomach wall", "ventriculus anatomical wall", "ventriculus wall", "wall of ventriculus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000328, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000945 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000945 ] . UBERON:0001169 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "wall of large intestine" ; NIFRID:synonym "anatomical wall of large intestine", "large intestinal wall", "large intestine anatomical wall", "large intestine wall" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001262, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000059 ] . UBERON:0001171 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "portal lobule" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004119, UBERON:0009911, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001280 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001280 ] . UBERON:0001172 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "hepatic acinus" ; NIFRID:synonym "liver acinus", "portal acinus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004119, UBERON:0009842, UBERON:0011858, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001280 ] . UBERON:0001173 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "biliary tree" ; NIFRID:synonym "biliary tract" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004119, UBERON:0013765, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002294 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002423 ] . UBERON:0001182 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "superior mesenteric artery" ; NIFRID:synonym "arteria mesenterica superior", "superior mesenteric arterial tree" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0005616 . UBERON:0001184 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "renal artery" ; NIFRID:synonym "arteria renalis", "renal arterial tree", "renal arteries" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0012254 . UBERON:0001190 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ovarian artery" ; NIFRID:synonym "arteria ovarica", "ovarian arterial tree" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001637, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom RO:0002577 ] . UBERON:0001193 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "hepatic artery" ; NIFRID:synonym "arteria hepatica", "arteria hepatica propria" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001637, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom RO:0002577 ] . UBERON:0001194 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "splenic artery" ; NIFRID:synonym "arteria lienalis", "arteria splenica", "lienal artery" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001637, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom RO:0002577 ] . UBERON:0001195 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery" ; NIFRID:synonym "arteriae pancreaticoduodenales inferiores", "inferior pancreatico-duodenal artery" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004573, UBERON:0009658, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001182 ] . UBERON:0001199 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "mucosa of stomach" ; NIFRID:synonym "gastric mucosa", "gastric mucous membrane", "Magenschleimhaut", "mucosa of organ of stomach", "mucosa of organ of ventriculus", "mucosa of ventriculus", "mucous membrane of stomach", "mucous membrane of ventriculus", "organ mucosa of stomach", "organ mucosa of ventriculus", "stomach mucosa", "stomach mucosa of organ", "stomach mucous membrane", "stomach organ mucosa", "tunica mucosa (gaster)", "tunica mucosa gastricae", "tunica mucosa gastris", "ventriculus mucosa", "ventriculus mucosa of organ", "ventriculus mucous membrane", "ventriculus organ mucosa" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004786, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000945 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001167 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001167 ] . UBERON:0001200 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "submucosa of stomach" ; NIFRID:synonym "gastric submucosa", "stomach submucosa", "submucosa of ventriculus", "submucous layer of stomach", "tela submucosa (gaster)", "tela submucosa gastricae", "tela submucosa ventriculi", "ventriculus submucosa" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0018257, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000945 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001167 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001167 ] . UBERON:0001201 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "serosa of stomach" ; NIFRID:synonym "anatomical wall of stomach serosa", "anatomical wall of stomach serous membrane", "anatomical wall of ventriculus serosa", "anatomical wall of ventriculus serous membrane", "gastric serosa", "gastric wall serosa", "gastric wall serous membrane", "serosa of anatomical wall of stomach", "serosa of anatomical wall of ventriculus", "serosa of gastric wall", "serosa of stomach anatomical wall", "serosa of stomach wall", "serosa of ventriculus anatomical wall", "serosa of ventriculus wall", "serosa of wall of stomach", "serosa of wall of ventriculus", "serous coat of stomach", "serous membrane of anatomical wall of stomach", "serous membrane of anatomical wall of ventriculus", "serous membrane of gastric wall", "serous membrane of stomach anatomical wall", "serous membrane of stomach wall", "serous membrane of ventriculus anatomical wall", "serous membrane of ventriculus wall", "serous membrane of wall of stomach", "serous membrane of wall of ventriculus", "stomach anatomical wall serosa", "stomach anatomical wall serous membrane", "stomach serosa", "stomach wall serosa", "stomach wall serous membrane", "tunica serosa (gaster)", "tunica serosa gastricae", "ventriculus anatomical wall serosa", "ventriculus anatomical wall serous membrane", "ventriculus wall serosa", "ventriculus wall serous membrane", "visceral peritoneum of stomach", "wall of stomach serosa", "wall of stomach serous membrane", "wall of ventriculus serosa", "wall of ventriculus serous membrane" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004782, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001167 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001167 ] . UBERON:0001203 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "muscularis mucosae of stomach" ; NIFRID:synonym "gastric muscularis mucosa", "lamina muscularis mucosae (tunica mucosa)(gaster)", "lamina muscularis mucosae gastricae", "lamina muscularis of gastric mucosa", "muscular coat of stomach", "stomach muscularis mucosa", "tunica muscularis gastricae" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004222, UBERON:0006676, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001199 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001199 ] . UBERON:0001207 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "mucosa of large intestine" ; NIFRID:synonym "large intestinal mucosa", "large intestine mucosa", "large intestine mucosa of organ", "large intestine mucous membrane", "large intestine organ mucosa", "mucosa of organ of large intestine", "mucous membrane of large intestine", "organ mucosa of large intestine", "tunica mucosa intestini crassi" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001242, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000059 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001169 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001242 ] . UBERON:0001209 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "serosa of large intestine" ; NIFRID:synonym "large intestinal serosa", "large intestine serosa", "large intestine serous membrane", "serous coat of large intestine", "serous membrane of large intestine", "tunica serosa intestini crassi", "visceral peritoneum of large intestine" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001243, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000059 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001169 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001243 ] . UBERON:0001211 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Peyer's patch" ; NIFRID:synonym "aggregated lymphoid follicle of intestine", "aggregated lymphoid nodule", "noduli lymphoidei aggregati", "Peyers gland", "Peyers patch" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001962, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000030 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001242 ] . UBERON:0001220 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "quadratus lumborum" ; NIFRID:synonym "muscle of posterior abdominal wall" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002378, UBERON:0004518 . UBERON:0001221 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "transversus abdominis muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "musculus transversus abdominis", "transversalis", "transversalis muscle", "transverse abdominal", "transverse abdominal muscle", "transverse abdominis", "transverse abdominus", "transversis abdominus", "transversus", "transversus abdominis", "transversus abdominus", "transversus abdominus muscle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002461, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0006635 ] . UBERON:0001224 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "renal pelvis" ; NIFRID:synonym "kidney pelvis", "p. renallis", "pelvis of ureter", "pyelum" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000064, UBERON:0004111, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002113 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0036295 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000056 ] . UBERON:0001225 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "cortex of kidney" ; NIFRID:synonym "cortex renalis", "kidney cortex", "renal cortex" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001851, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002113 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0008987 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002113 ] . UBERON:0001229 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "renal corpuscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "corpusculum renale", "corpusculum renis", "cortical renal corpuscle", "kidney corpuscle", "Malphigian corpuscle", "Malpighian corpuscle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000063, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001225 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001285 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0007684 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001225 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001285 ] . UBERON:0001230 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "glomerular capsule" ; NIFRID:synonym "Bowman's capsule", "Bowmans capsule", "capsula glomerularis", "capsula glomeruli", "Malphigian capsule", "Malpighian capsule", "Mueller capsule", "Muellerian capsule", "pronephric glomerular capsule", "renal glomerular capsule" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000064, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001229 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001229 ] . UBERON:0001231 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nephron tubule" ; NIFRID:synonym "kidney tubule", "renal tubule", "tubulus renalis", "uriniferous tubule" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004211, UBERON:0009773, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001285 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001285 ] . UBERON:0001235 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "adrenal cortex" ; NIFRID:synonym "adrenal gland cortex", "cortex (glandula suprarenalis)", "cortex glandulae suprarenalis", "cortex of adrenal gland", "cortex of suprarenal gland", "suprarenal", "suprarenal cortex" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001851, UBERON:0004120, UBERON:0010313, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002369 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002369 ] . UBERON:0001236 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "adrenal medulla" ; NIFRID:synonym "adrenal central medulla", "adrenal gland medulla", "chromaffin cells", "medulla (glandula suprarenalis)", "medulla glandulae suprarenalis", "medulla of adrenal gland", "medulla of glandula suprarenalis", "medulla of suprarenal gland", "suprarenal medulla" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000958, UBERON:0004120, UBERON:0010313, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002369 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002369 ] . UBERON:0001242 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "intestinal mucosa" ; NIFRID:synonym "bowel mucosa", "bowel mucosa of organ", "bowel mucous membrane", "bowel organ mucosa", "intestine mucosa", "intestine mucosa of organ", "intestine mucous membrane", "intestine organ mucosa", "mucosa of bowel", "mucosa of intestine", "mucosa of organ of bowel", "mucosa of organ of intestine", "mucous membrane of bowel", "mucous membrane of intestine", "organ mucosa of bowel", "organ mucosa of intestine", "tunica mucosa intestini" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004786, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000160 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001262 ] . UBERON:0001243 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "serosa of intestine" ; NIFRID:synonym "anatomical wall of bowel serosa", "anatomical wall of bowel serous membrane", "anatomical wall of intestine serosa", "anatomical wall of intestine serous membrane", "bowel anatomical wall serosa", "bowel anatomical wall serous membrane", "bowel wall serosa", "bowel wall serous membrane", "intestinal serosa", "intestinal wall serosa", "intestinal wall serous membrane", "intestine anatomical wall serosa", "intestine anatomical wall serous membrane", "intestine serosa", "intestine wall serosa", "intestine wall serous membrane", "serosa of anatomical wall of bowel", "serosa of anatomical wall of intestine", "serosa of bowel anatomical wall", "serosa of bowel wall", "serosa of intestinal wall", "serosa of intestine anatomical wall", "serosa of intestine wall", "serosa of wall of bowel", "serosa of wall of intestine", "serous membrane of anatomical wall of bowel", "serous membrane of anatomical wall of intestine", "serous membrane of bowel anatomical wall", "serous membrane of bowel wall", "serous membrane of intestinal wall", "serous membrane of intestine anatomical wall", "serous membrane of intestine wall", "serous membrane of wall of bowel", "serous membrane of wall of intestine", "visceral peritoneum of intestine", "wall of bowel serosa", "wall of bowel serous membrane", "wall of intestine serosa", "wall of intestine serous membrane" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004782, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000160 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001262 ] . UBERON:0001250 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "red pulp of spleen" ; NIFRID:synonym "pulpa rubra", "pulpa splenica", "red pulp", "spleen red pulp", "splenic red pulp" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:1000023, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002106 ] . UBERON:0001255 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "urinary bladder" ; NIFRID:synonym "bladder", "urocyst", "vesica", "vesica urinaria" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002075, UBERON:0004120, UBERON:0018707, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001556 ] . UBERON:0001258 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "neck of urinary bladder" ; NIFRID:synonym "bladder neck", "cervix vesicae", "cervix vesicae urinariae", "collum vesicae", "neck of bladder", "urinary bladder neck", "vesical neck" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001560, UBERON:0004120, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001255 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001255 ] . UBERON:0001262 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "wall of intestine" ; NIFRID:synonym "anatomical wall of bowel", "anatomical wall of intestine", "bowel anatomical wall", "bowel wall", "intestinal wall", "intestine anatomical wall", "intestine wall", "wall of bowel" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000328, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000160 ] . UBERON:0001263 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "pancreatic acinus" ; NIFRID:synonym "acinus pancreaticus", "pancreas acinus", "pancreatic acinar", "pancreatic acini" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004119, UBERON:0013232, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000017 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0007324 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000017 ] . UBERON:0001264 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "pancreas" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002075 . UBERON:0001267 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "femoral nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior crural nerve", "nervus femoralis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003431, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000978 ] . UBERON:0001271 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "pelvic girdle region" ; NIFRID:synonym "girdle - pelvic", "pelvic girdle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007823, UBERON:0015212, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002355 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0010709 ] . UBERON:0001272 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "innominate bone" ; NIFRID:synonym "basipterygium", "bone of pelvic girdle", "coxal bone", "hip bone", "innominate", "innominate bone", "os coxa", "os coxae", "os innominatum", "pelvic bone" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007830, UBERON:0010428, UBERON:0015212, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001464 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0007832 ] . UBERON:0001273 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ilium" ; NIFRID:synonym "iliac bone", "ilium bone", "illium", "os iliacum", "os ilii", "os ilium" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002513, UBERON:0007830, UBERON:0015054, UBERON:0015212, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001272 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0007832 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0007830 ] . UBERON:0001279 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "portal triad" ; NIFRID:synonym "trias hepatica" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004119, UBERON:0034921, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001172 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001171 ] . UBERON:0001280 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "liver parenchyma" ; NIFRID:synonym "hepatic parenchyma", "hepatic parenchyme", "liver parenchyme", "parenchyma of liver" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000353, UBERON:0004119, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002107 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002107 ] . UBERON:0001281 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "hepatic sinusoid" ; NIFRID:synonym "hepatic sinusoids", "liver hepatic sinusoids", "liver sinusoid", "liver sinusoidal blood vessel", "sinusoid of liver", "sinusoidal blood vessel of liver", "vas capillare sinusoideum", "vas sinusoideum" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003909, UBERON:0005911, UBERON:0015796, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom RO:0002577 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002107 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004647 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0006877 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004647 ] . UBERON:0001285 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nephron" ; NIFRID:synonym "mature nephron", "nephroneum", "tubulus renalis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000064, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0007684 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002113 ] . UBERON:0001295 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "endometrium" ; NIFRID:synonym "tunica mucosa (endometrium)", "tunica mucosa uteri", "uterine endometrium", "uterine mucosa", "uterine mucous membrane" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0019042, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000459 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000995 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000995 ] . UBERON:0001296 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "myometrium" ; NIFRID:synonym "tunica muscularis", "tunica muscularis (myometrium)", "uterine myometrium", "uterine smooth muscle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004923, UBERON:0005156, UBERON:0034933, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000459 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000995 ] . UBERON:0001298 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "psoas major muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "m. psoas major", "psoas major" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0008450 . UBERON:0001300 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "scrotum" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004120, UBERON:0005156, UBERON:0034929, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004053 ] . UBERON:0001305 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ovarian follicle" ; NIFRID:synonym "egg follicle", "follicle of ovary", "follicle of ovary viewed macroscopically", "folliculi ovarici primarii", "folliculi ovarici vesiculosi", "ovary follicle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004120, UBERON:8450001 . UBERON:0001322 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "sciatic nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "ischiadic nerve", "ischiatic nerve", "nervus ischiadicus", "nervus sciaticus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001021, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001815 ] . UBERON:0001323 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "tibial nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "medial popliteal nerve", "n. tibialis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003431, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000978 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001322 ] . UBERON:0001324 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "common fibular nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "common peroneal nerve", "extrernal peroneal nerve", "lateral popliteal nerve", "n. fibularis communis", "n. peroneus communis", "nervus fibularis communis", "nervus peroneus communis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003431, UBERON:0035652, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000978 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001322 ] . UBERON:0001325 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "muscle of pelvis" ; NIFRID:synonym "muscle organ of pelvis", "pelvic muscle", "pelvis muscle", "pelvis muscle organ" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003833, UBERON:0005179, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002355 ] . UBERON:0001327 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "coccygeus muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "coccygeus", "ischiococcygeus", "musculus coccygeus", "musculus ischiococcygeus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001325, UBERON:0015212 . UBERON:0001331 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "skin of penis" ; NIFRID:synonym "penile skin", "penis skin", "penis zone of skin", "zone of skin of penis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000014, UBERON:0004120, UBERON:0005156, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000989 ] . UBERON:0001333 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "male urethra" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000057, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003101 ] . UBERON:0001338 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "urethral gland" ; NIFRID:synonym "gland of urethra", "urethra gland", "urethra gland (male or female)", "urethral mucuous gland" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000414, UBERON:0004120, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000057 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002330 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000057 ] . UBERON:0001339 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ischiocavernosus muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "erector penis", "ischiocavernosi", "ischiocavernosus", "ischiocavernous muscle", "ishiocavernosus", "ishiocavernosus muscle", "musculus ishiocavernosus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002379 . UBERON:0001344 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "epithelium of vagina" ; NIFRID:synonym "epithelial tissue of vagina", "epithelium, vaginal", "vagina epithelial tissue", "vagina epithelium", "vaginal epithelium" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000486, UBERON:0004804, UBERON:0012275, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000996 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000996 ] . UBERON:0001348 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "brown adipose tissue" ; NIFRID:synonym "adipocytus multigutturalis", "BAT", "brown fat", "multilocular adipose tissue", "textus adiposus fuscus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001013 . UBERON:0001353 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anal region" ; NIFRID:synonym "posterior", "posterior end of organism" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000475 . UBERON:0001366 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "parietal peritoneum" ; NIFRID:synonym "parietal serous membrane of peritoneum", "peritoneal cavity lining" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0022351, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom RO:0002577 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002358 ] . UBERON:0001367 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "external anal sphincter" ; NIFRID:synonym "external sphincter ani", "musculus sphincter ani externus", "sphincter ani externus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003898, UBERON:0004519, UBERON:0004832, UBERON:0004916, UBERON:0007522, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0006867 ] . UBERON:0001368 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "obturator externus" ; NIFRID:synonym "external obturator", "external obturatus", "externus obturator", "M. obturator externus", "musculus obturatorius externus", "obturator externus", "obturatorius externus", "obturatus externus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011043, UBERON:0011144, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004470 ] . UBERON:0001369 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "iliacus muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior muscle of pelvic girdle", "iliacus", "iliacus muscle", "musculus iliacus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001497 . UBERON:0001370 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gluteus maximus" ; NIFRID:synonym "glutaeus maximus muscle", "gluteus maximus muscle", "gluteus superficialis", "glutæus maximus", "m.gluteus maximus", "musculus gluteus maximus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002000, UBERON:0011645, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004470 ] . UBERON:0001371 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gluteus medius" ; NIFRID:synonym "gluteus medius muscle", "musculus gluteus medius" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002000, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004470 ] . UBERON:0001372 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "psoas minor muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "m. psoas minor", "psoas minor" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0008450 . UBERON:0001373 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "sartorius muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "ambliens", "M. sartorius", "musculus sartorius", "sartorius" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001630, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom RO:0002577 ] . UBERON:0001374 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "biceps femoris" ; NIFRID:synonym "biceps femoris muscle", "musculus biceps femoris" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002463 . UBERON:0001375 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "semitendinosus" ; NIFRID:synonym "musculus semitendinosus", "semitendinosus muscle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002463 . UBERON:0001376 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "tensor fasciae latae muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "musculus tensor fasciae latae", "tensor fasciae lata", "tensor fasciae lata muscle", "tensor fasciae latae", "tensor of fascia lata" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002000 . UBERON:0001377 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "quadriceps femoris" ; NIFRID:synonym "musculus quadriceps femoris", "quadricep muscle", "quadriceps", "quadriceps femoris muscle", "quadriceps muscle", "quadriceps muscle of the thigh", "quadriceps muscle of thigh" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003663, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002103 ] . UBERON:0001378 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "rectus femoris" ; NIFRID:synonym "musculus rectos femoris" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001377, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001377 ] . UBERON:0001379 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "vastus lateralis" ; NIFRID:synonym "lateralis", "vastus externus", "vastus lateralis muscle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001377, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001377 ] . UBERON:0001380 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "vastus medialis" ; NIFRID:synonym "medialis", "vastus internus", "vastus medialis muscle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001377, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001377 ] . UBERON:0001381 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "semimembranosus muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "musculus semimembranosus", "semimembranosus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002463 . UBERON:0001382 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "pectineus muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "M. pectineus", "musculus pectineus", "pectineus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004252, UBERON:0011144, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000376 ] . UBERON:0001383 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "muscle of leg" ; NIFRID:synonym "leg muscle", "leg muscle organ", "leg skeletal muscle", "leg skeletal muscle tissue", "muscle of hindlimb zeugopod or stylopod", "muscle of thigh or crus", "muscle of upper or lower hindlimb segment", "muscle of upper/lower leg", "muscle organ of leg", "skeletal muscle of leg" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003663, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000978 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004466 ] . UBERON:0001385 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "tibialis anterior" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior tibialis", "ibialis anticus", "musculus tibialis anterior", "tibialis anterior muscle", "tibialis cranialis", "tibilais cranialis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0008230 . UBERON:0001386 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "extensor digitorum longus" ; NIFRID:synonym "extensor digitorum longus muscle", "musculus extensor digitorum longus", "toe extensor", "toe extensor muscle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000311, UBERON:0003663, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002103 ] . UBERON:0001387 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "fibularis longus" ; NIFRID:synonym "fibularis longus", "fibularis longus muscle", "musculus peroneus longus", "peronaei longus", "peronaeus longus", "peroneous longus", "peroneus longus", "peroneus longus muscle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0009132 . UBERON:0001388 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gastrocnemius" ; NIFRID:synonym "gastrocnemius muscle", "m. gastrocnemius", "m.gastrocnemius", "musculus gastrocnemius" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004256, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001665 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003823 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003661 ] . UBERON:0001389 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "soleus muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "soleus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004256, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001665 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003661 ] . UBERON:0001391 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "popliteus muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "m.popliteus", "musculus popliteus", "poplitea", "popliteal", "popliteal muscle", "popliteus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001383 . UBERON:0001392 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "flexor hallucis longus" ; NIFRID:synonym "flexor hallucis longus muscle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000366, UBERON:0001383, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000978 ] . UBERON:0001419 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "skin of limb" ; NIFRID:synonym "limb skin", "limb zone of skin", "zone of skin of limb" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000014, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002101 ] . UBERON:0001421 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "pectoral girdle region" ; NIFRID:synonym "cingulum membri superioris", "girdle - pectoral", "pectoral girdle", "pectoral region", "shoulder girdle", "upper limb girdle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007823, UBERON:0015212, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0010708 ] . UBERON:0001434 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "skeletal system" ; NIFRID:synonym "set of all bones and joints", "skeleton system", "Skelettsystem" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011216, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002204 ] . UBERON:0001443 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "chest" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterolateral part of thorax", "front of thorax", "pectus", "thoracic body wall", "thorax", "ventral part of thoracic region" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0009569, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000915 ] . UBERON:0001444 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "subdivision of head" ; NIFRID:synonym "head region", "head subdivision", "region of head" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000475, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000033 ] . UBERON:0001456 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "face" ; NIFRID:synonym "facia/facies", "visage" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001444, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000033 ] . UBERON:0001460 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "arm" ; NIFRID:synonym "brachium", "upper extremity" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0006058, UBERON:0008785, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002102 ] . UBERON:0001461 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "elbow" ; NIFRID:synonym "articulatio cubiti", "cubital region", "elbow limb segment", "elbow region" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002529, UBERON:0008785, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001460 ] . UBERON:0001463 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "manual digit 1" ; NIFRID:synonym "alula", "digit 1 of fore-paw", "digit 1 of manus", "digitus 1", "digitus I", "digitus primus", "digitus primus [I]", "finger 1", "first digit of hand", "first finger", "fore digit I", "fore limb digit 1", "forelimb dewclaw", "hand digit 1", "manual digit 1", "manual digit I", "pollex", "thumb" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0006048, UBERON:0019231, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002398 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0012141 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:5001463 ] . UBERON:0001464 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "hip" ; NIFRID:synonym "coxa", "hip region", "regio coxae" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000475, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0010709 ] . UBERON:0001465 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "knee" ; NIFRID:synonym "knee region" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0008784, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000978 ] . UBERON:0001467 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "shoulder" ; NIFRID:synonym "articulatio humeri", "shoulder region" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000475, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0010708 ] . UBERON:0001470 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "glenohumeral joint" ; NIFRID:synonym "articulatio humeri", "humeral joint", "humeroscapular joint", "joint of shoulder", "shoulder joint" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011108, UBERON:0011139, UBERON:0016884, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001467 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004753 ] . UBERON:0001474 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "bone element" ; NIFRID:synonym "bone", "bone organ", "bones" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004765, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001434 ] . UBERON:0001476 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "deltoid" ; NIFRID:synonym "common shoulder muscle", "deltoid muscle", "deltoideus", "deltoideus muscle", "m. deltoideus", "musculus deltoideus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001482, UBERON:0004120, UBERON:0034908, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0008713 ] . UBERON:0001477 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "infraspinatus muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "infrascapularis", "infraspinatus", "musculus infraspinatus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001482, UBERON:0010891, UBERON:0034908, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003683 ] . UBERON:0001478 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "teres major muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "musculus teres major", "teres major" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004120, UBERON:0010467 . UBERON:0001482 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "muscle of shoulder" ; NIFRID:synonym "muscle organ of shoulder", "shoulder muscle", "shoulder muscle organ" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0014892, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004476 ] . UBERON:0001483 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "skin of shoulder" ; NIFRID:synonym "shoulder skin", "shoulder zone of skin", "zone of skin of shoulder" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000014, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001467 ] . UBERON:0001489 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "manus joint" ; NIFRID:synonym "articulationes manus", "hand joint", "joint of hand", "joint of manus", "joint of terminal segment of free upper limb", "manual joint" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003839, UBERON:0003841, UBERON:0011139, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002398 ] . UBERON:0001491 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "wrist joint" ; NIFRID:synonym "carpal region joint", "joint of carpal region", "joint of wrist", "radiocarpal joint" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001489, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004452 ] . UBERON:0001492 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "radial nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "nervus radialis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003433, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001460 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001814 ] . UBERON:0001493 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "axillary nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "auxillery nerve", "circumflex humeral nerve", "circumflex nerve", "nervus axillaris" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003433, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001460 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001814 ] . UBERON:0001494 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ulnar nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "nervus ulnaris" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003433, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001460 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001814 ] . UBERON:0001495 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "pectoral muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "breast muscle", "M. pectoralis", "muscle of pectoral part of chest", "muscle of pectoral region", "pectoralis", "pectoralis group muscle", "pectoralis muscle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003830, UBERON:0004120, UBERON:0008196, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004464 ] . UBERON:0001497 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "muscle of pelvic girdle" ; NIFRID:synonym "girdle-pelvic muscle organ", "muscle organ of girdle-pelvic", "muscle organ of pelvic girdle", "muscle organ of pelvic girdle bone", "pelvic girdle muscle", "pelvic girdle muscle organ", "pelvic girdle skeletal muscle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001325, UBERON:0010890, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001271 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004470 ] . UBERON:0001498 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "muscle of pes" ; NIFRID:synonym "foot muscle", "foot muscle organ", "muscle of foot", "muscle organ of foot" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003663, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002387 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004488 ] . UBERON:0001499 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "muscle of arm" ; NIFRID:synonym "arm muscle", "arm muscle system", "arm skeletal muscle", "arm skeletal muscle tissue", "muscle of upper arm or lower arm", "upper arm / lower arm muscle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003662, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001460 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004474 ] . UBERON:0001500 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "muscle of manus" ; NIFRID:synonym "hand muscle", "manus muscle", "manus muscle organ", "muscle of hand", "muscle organ of manus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003662, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002398 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004489 ] . UBERON:0001501 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "lumbrical muscle of manus" ; NIFRID:synonym "hand lumbrical", "hand lumbrical muscle", "lumbrical muscle of hand", "lumbrical of hand", "musculi lumbricales manus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0014375 . UBERON:0001502 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "interosseous muscle of manus" ; NIFRID:synonym "hand interosseous muscle", "interosseous muscle of hand", "manus interosseous muscle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0006508, UBERON:0014375, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002398 ] . UBERON:0001504 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "lumbrical muscle of pes" ; NIFRID:synonym "foot lumbrical", "foot lumbrical muscle", "lumbrical muscle of foot", "lumbrical of foot", "pes lumbrical", "pes lumbrical muscle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0014378 . UBERON:0001505 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "coracobrachialis muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "coracobrachial", "coracobrachialis", "coracobrachialis muscle", "musculus coracobrachialis", "Pirogoff's aponeurosis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001482, UBERON:0004255 . UBERON:0001506 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "brachialis muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "brachialis", "brachialis anticus muscle", "Casserio's muscle", "musculus brachialis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001482, UBERON:0001499 . UBERON:0001507 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "biceps brachii" ; NIFRID:synonym "biceps", "biceps brachii %26 brachialis muscles", "biceps brachii muscle", "biceps cubiti", "biceps muscle", "musculus biceps brachii" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004255, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003822 ] . UBERON:0001508 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Aortic arch", "arch of aorta" ; NIFRID:synonym "aortic arch", "arcus aortae", "thoracic aorta" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001515, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001515 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001515 ] . UBERON:0001509 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "triceps brachii" ; NIFRID:synonym "musculus triceps brachii", "triceps", "triceps brachii muscle", "triceps muscle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001482, UBERON:0004255, UBERON:0034908, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003822 ] . UBERON:0001510 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "skin of knee" ; NIFRID:synonym "knee skin", "knee zone of skin", "zone of skin of knee" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001511, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001465 ] . UBERON:0001511 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "skin of leg" ; NIFRID:synonym "leg skin", "leg zone of skin", "zone of skin of leg" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003532, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000978 ] . UBERON:0001513 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "skin of pes" ; NIFRID:synonym "foot skin", "skin of foot", "skin of hind-paw" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003532, UBERON:0015790, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002387 ] . UBERON:0001514 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "descending aorta" ; NIFRID:synonym "aorta descendens", "pars descendens aortae" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0005800, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000947 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001009 ] . UBERON:0001515 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "thoracic aorta" ; NIFRID:synonym "aorta thoracalis", "aorta thoracica", "pars thoracica aortae", "thoracic part of aorta" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0005800, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000915 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000947 ] . UBERON:0001516 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "abdominal aorta" ; NIFRID:synonym "abdominal part of aorta", "aorta abdominalis", "descending abdominal aorta", "pars abdominalis aortae" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0005800, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001514 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001514 ] . UBERON:0001517 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "skin of elbow" ; NIFRID:synonym "cubital region zone of skin", "elbow skin", "elbow zone of skin", "zone of skin of cubital region", "zone of skin of elbow" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002427, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001460 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001461 ] . UBERON:0001519 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "skin of manus" ; NIFRID:synonym "hand skin", "manus skin", "skin of fore-paw", "skin of hand" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003531, UBERON:0015790, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002398 ] . UBERON:0001520 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "pronator teres" ; NIFRID:synonym "musculus pronator teres", "pronator teres muscle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003662, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002102 ] . UBERON:0001521 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "flexor carpi radialis muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "flexor carpi radialis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000366, UBERON:0004254, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002386 ] . UBERON:0001522 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "flexor carpi ulnaris muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "flexor carpi ulnaris", "musculus flexor carpi ulnaris" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000366, UBERON:0004254, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002386 ] . UBERON:0001523 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "flexor digitorum profundus" ; NIFRID:synonym "flexor digitorum profundus muscle", "musculus flexor digitorum profundus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000366, UBERON:0004255, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003822 ] . UBERON:0001524 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "extensor carpi radialis longus muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "extensor carpi radialis longus", "musculus extensor carpi radialis longus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011867 . UBERON:0001525 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "extensor carpi radialis brevis muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "extensor carpi radialis brevis", "musculus extensor carpi radialis brevis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011867 . UBERON:0001526 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "extensor carpi ulnaris muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "ECU muscle", "extensor carpi ulnaris", "musculus extensor carpi ulnaris" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011024 . UBERON:0001527 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "abductor pollicis longus" ; NIFRID:synonym "abductor pollicis longus muscle", "musculus abductor pollicis longus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011534, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002102 ] . UBERON:0001530 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "common carotid artery plus branches" ; NIFRID:synonym "a. carotis communis", "carotid artery", "carotid artery system", "common carotid artery", "trunk of common carotid tree" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004573, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom RO:0002577 ] . UBERON:0001555 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "digestive tract" ; NIFRID:synonym "alimentary canal", "alimentary tract", "digestive canal", "digestive tube", "enteric tract", "gut", "gut tube" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000025, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001007 ] . UBERON:0001556 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "lower urinary tract" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011216, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001008 ] . UBERON:0001557 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "upper respiratory tract" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000072 . UBERON:0001558 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "lower respiratory tract" ; NIFRID:synonym "lower respiratory system" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000072 . UBERON:0001560 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "neck of organ" ; NIFRID:synonym "organ neck" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0034944 . UBERON:0001567 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "cheek" ; NIFRID:synonym "buccae", "jowl" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0015212, UBERON:0034929, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001456 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004089 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:8480069 ] . UBERON:0001605 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ciliary muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "Bowman`s muscles", "ciliaris", "musculus ciliaris", "musculus ciliarus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003386, UBERON:0010314, UBERON:0011222, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001775 ] . UBERON:0001606 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "muscle of iris" ; NIFRID:synonym "iris muscle", "iris muscle organ", "muscle organ of iris" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011222, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001769 ] . UBERON:0001607 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "sphincter pupillae" ; NIFRID:synonym "circular fibers", "constrictor pupillae", "iris constrictor", "iris constrictor muscle", "iris sphincter", "iris sphincter muscle", "M. sphincter pupillae", "m. sphincter pupillae", "musculus sphincter pupillae", "pupillary constrictor muscle", "pupillary sphincter", "pupillary sphincter muscle", "sphincter muscle of pupil", "sphincter pupillae", "sphincter pupillae muscle", "spincter pupillae" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001606, UBERON:0004234, UBERON:0007521, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom RO:0002577 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001769 ] . UBERON:0001629 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "carotid body" ; NIFRID:synonym "carotid glomus", "glomus caroticum" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004120, UBERON:0034979, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001530 ] . UBERON:0001630 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "muscle organ" ; NIFRID:synonym "muscle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000062, UBERON:0005090, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001015 ] . UBERON:0001637 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "artery" ; NIFRID:synonym "arterial subtree", "arterial system", "arterial tree organ part", "arterial vessel", "arteries" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003509, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004572 ] . UBERON:0001638 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "vein" ; NIFRID:synonym "vascular element", "vena", "venae", "venous subtree", "venous tree organ part", "venous vessel" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003920 . UBERON:0001639 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "hepatic portal vein" ; NIFRID:synonym "hepatic portal tree", "HPV", "liver portal vein", "portal vein", "portal vein of liver", "primary hepatic portal vein", "primary hepatic portal veins", "vena portae hepatis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002017, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0010194 ] . UBERON:0001640 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "celiac artery" ; NIFRID:synonym "arteria coeliaca", "arteria cœliaca", "celiac tree", "celiac trunk", "coeliac artery", "coeliac axis", "coeliac trunck", "coeliac trunk", "truncus coeliacus", "truncus cœliacus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004573, UBERON:0012254 . UBERON:0001643 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "oculomotor nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "3n", "CN-III", "cranial nerve III", "nerve III", "nervus oculomotorius", "nervus oculomotorius [III]", "occulomotor", "oculomotor III", "oculomotor III nerve", "oculomotor nerve [III]", "oculomotor nerve or its root", "oculomotor nerve tree", "third cranial nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001785, UBERON:0004121 . UBERON:0001645 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "trigeminal nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "5n", "CN-V", "cranial nerve V", "fifth cranial nerve", "nerve V", "nervus trigeminus", "nervus trigeminus [v]", "trigeminal nerve [V]", "trigeminal nerve tree", "trigeminal V", "trigeminal v nerve", "trigeminus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001785 . UBERON:0001647 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "facial nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "7n", "branchiomeric cranial nerve", "CN-VII", "cranial nerve VII", "face nerve", "facial nerve [VII]", "facial nerve or its root", "facial nerve tree", "facial nerve/root", "facial VII", "facial VII nerve", "nerve of face", "nerve VII", "nervus facialis", "nervus facialis [vii]", "seventh cranial nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001785, UBERON:0010314, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001033 ] . UBERON:0001649 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "glossopharyngeal nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "9n", "CN-IX", "cranial nerve IX", "glossopharyngeal IX", "glossopharyngeal IX nerve", "glossopharyngeal nerve [IX]", "glossopharyngeal nerve tree", "nerve IX", "nervus glossopharyngeus", "nervus glossopharyngeus [ix]", "ninth cranial nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001785, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001033 ] . UBERON:0001650 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "hypoglossal nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "12n", "CN-XII", "cranial nerve XII", "hypoglossal nerve [XII]", "hypoglossal nerve tree", "hypoglossal nerve/ root", "hypoglossal XII", "hypoglossal XII nerve", "nerve XII", "nervi hypoglossalis", "nervus hypoglossus", "nervus hypoglossus [xii]", "twelfth cranial nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001785 . UBERON:0001665 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "triceps surae" ; NIFRID:synonym "calf muscle", "gastrosoleus", "gastrosoleus complex", "musculus triceps surae", "sural triceps" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004256, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003823 ] . UBERON:0001666 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "flexor digitorum longus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001383 . UBERON:0001667 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "tibialis posterior" ; NIFRID:synonym "ibialis posticus", "musculus tibialis posterior", "posterior tibialis", "tibialis caudalis", "tibialis posterior muscle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0008230 . UBERON:0001678 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "temporal bone" ; NIFRID:synonym "os temporale" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0008193 . UBERON:0001690 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ear" ; NIFRID:synonym "auditory apparatus", "auris" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000020, UBERON:0010314, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000033 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002105 ] . UBERON:0001694 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "petrous part of temporal bone" ; NIFRID:synonym "pars petrosa (os temporale)", "pars petrosa ossis temporalis", "petromastoid part of temporal bone", "petrosal", "petrosal bone", "petrous bone", "temporal bone petrous part" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0005913, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001678 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002517 ] . UBERON:0001701 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "glossopharyngeal ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "ganglion of glossopharyngeal nerve", "ganglion of glosspharyngeal nerve", "gIX", "glossopharyngeal IX ganglion", "petrosal ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0009127 . UBERON:0001703 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "neurocranium" ; NIFRID:synonym "brain box", "brain case", "brain pan", "braincase" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011158, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003128 ] . UBERON:0001705 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nail" ; NIFRID:synonym "claw", "nail/claw", "talon" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0009564, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001003 ] . UBERON:0001710 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "lower jaw region" ; NIFRID:synonym "lower part of mouth", "mandibular part of mouth", "mandibular series" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000475, UBERON:0010314, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0011595 ] . UBERON:0001714 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "cranial ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "cranial ganglia", "cranial ganglion", "cranial ganglion part of peripheral nervous system", "cranial ganglion/nerve", "cranial nerve ganglion", "cranial neural ganglion", "cranial neural tree organ ganglion", "ganglion of cranial nerve", "ganglion of cranial neural tree organ", "head ganglion", "presumptive cranial ganglia" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000045, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom RO:0002577 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000033 ] . UBERON:0001715 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "oculomotor nuclear complex" ; NIFRID:synonym "motor nucleus III", "nIII", "nucleus nervi oculomotorii", "nucleus oculomotorius", "nucleus of oculomotor nerve", "nucleus of oculomotor nuclear complex", "nucleus of third cranial nerve", "oculomotor III nuclear complex", "oculomotor III nucleus", "oculomotor motornucleus", "oculomotor nucleus", "OM", "third cranial nerve nucleus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007245, UBERON:0019267, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001943 ] . UBERON:0001719 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nucleus ambiguus" ; NIFRID:synonym "Amb", "ambiguous nucleus", "ambiguus nucleus", "nucleus innominatus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007635, UBERON:0011775, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001896 ] . UBERON:0001720 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "cochlear nucleus" ; NIFRID:synonym "cochlear nucleus of acoustic nerve", "cochlear nucleus of eighth cranial nerve", "cochlear VIII nucleus", "nucleus of cochlear nerve", "statoacoustic (VIII) nucleus", "vestibulocochlear nucleus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007635, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom RO:0002577 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002610 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002298 ] . UBERON:0001723 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "tongue" ; NIFRID:synonym "glossus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000020, UBERON:0013765, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000165 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001033 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001007 ] . UBERON:0001736 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "submandibular gland" ; NIFRID:synonym "glandula submandibularis", "mandibular gland", "mandibular salivary gland", "maxillary gland", "submandibular salivary gland", "submaxillary gland" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001829, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001710 ] . UBERON:0001737 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "larynx" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000072, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000065 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001004 ] . UBERON:0001744 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "lymphoid tissue" ; NIFRID:synonym "lymphatic tissue", "lymphocytic tissue" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0034769, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002193 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002465 ] . UBERON:0001750 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "lacrimal apparatus" ; NIFRID:synonym "apparatus lacrimalis", "lacrimal drainage system", "lacrymal system", "nasolacrimal drainage system", "nasolacrimal system" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000467, UBERON:0004121, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000019 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0010409 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0035639 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000019 ] . UBERON:0001759 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "vagus nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "10n", "CN-X", "cranial nerve X", "nerve X", "nervus vagus", "nervus vagus [x]", "pneuomgastric nerve", "tenth cranial nerve", "vagal nerve", "vagus", "vagus nerve [X]", "vagus nerve or its root", "vagus nerve tree", "vagus X nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001785, UBERON:0010314, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001033 ] . UBERON:0001768 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "uvea" ; NIFRID:synonym "pars iridica retinae", "tunica vasculatis oculi", "tunica vasculosa bulbi", "tunica vasculosa of eyeball", "uvea", "uveal tract", "vascular layer of eyeball" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004121, UBERON:0004923, UBERON:0010314, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001801 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000019 ] . UBERON:0001769 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "iris" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior uvea", "irides", "irises" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000481, UBERON:0004121, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0011892 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0011892 ] . UBERON:0001774 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "skeletal muscle of trunk" ; NIFRID:synonym "body musculature", "muscle of trunk", "muscle organ of torso", "muscle organ of trunk", "torso muscle organ", "trunk muscle", "trunk muscle organ", "trunk musculature" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0005177, UBERON:0014892, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002100 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004479 ] . UBERON:0001775 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ciliary body" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior uvea", "ciliary bodies", "corpus ciliare", "ocular ciliary body" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000481, UBERON:0004121, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0011892 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0011892 ] . UBERON:0001780 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "spinal nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "backbone nerve", "nerve of backbone", "nerve of spinal column", "nerve of spine", "nerve of vertebral column", "nervi spinales", "spinal column nerve", "spinal nerve tree", "spinal nerves", "spine nerve", "vertebral column nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001021, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom RO:0002577 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000010 ] . UBERON:0001781 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "layer of retina" ; NIFRID:synonym "retina layer", "retina neuronal layer", "retinal layer", "retinal neuronal layer" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004121, UBERON:0022303, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000966 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000966 ] . UBERON:0001785 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "cranial nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "cranial nerves", "cranial neural tree organ", "nervus cranialis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011779, UBERON:0034713 . UBERON:0001789 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "outer nuclear layer of retina" ; NIFRID:synonym "external nuclear layer", "layer of outer granules", "neural retina outer nuclear layer", "ONL", "outer nuclear layer", "retina outer nuclear layer", "retina, outer nuclear layer", "retinal outer nuclear layer", "retinal outer nuclear layers", "stratum nucleare externum (retina)", "stratum nucleare externum retinae" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001781, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003902 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003902 ] . UBERON:0001790 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "outer plexiform layer of retina" ; NIFRID:synonym "external plexiform layer", "OPL", "outer plexiform layer", "retina outer plexiform layer", "retina, outer plexiform layer", "retinal outer plexiform layer", "retinal outer plexiform layers", "stratum plexiforme externum", "stratum plexiforme externum retinae" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001781, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003902 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003902 ] . UBERON:0001791 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "inner nuclear layer of retina" ; NIFRID:synonym "INL", "inner nuclear layer", "intermediate cell layer", "layer of inner granules", "neural retina inner nuclear layer", "retina inner nuclear layer", "retina, inner nuclear layer", "retinal inner nuclear layer", "stratum nucleare internum", "stratum nucleare internum retinae" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001781, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003902 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003902 ] . UBERON:0001792 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ganglionic layer of retina" ; NIFRID:synonym "ganglion cell layer", "ganglionic cell layer of retina", "GCL layer", "retina ganglion cell layer", "retina ganglion layer", "retina, ganglion cell layer", "retinal ganglion cell layer", "retinal ganglion layer", "RGC layer", "stratum ganglionicum (retina)", "stratum ganglionicum retinae" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001781, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003902 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003902 ] . UBERON:0001795 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "inner plexiform layer of retina" ; NIFRID:synonym "inner plexiform layer", "internal plexiform layer of retina", "IPL", "retina inner plexiform layer", "retina, inner plexiform layer", "retinal inner plexiform layer", "retinal internal plexiform layer", "stratum plexifome internum", "stratum plexiforme internum", "stratum plexiforme internum retinae" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001781, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003902 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003902 ] . UBERON:0001800 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "sensory ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "ganglion sensorium" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000045, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom RO:0002577 ] . UBERON:0001801 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior segment of eyeball" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior eye segment", "anterior segment eye", "anterior segment of eye", "anterior segment of the eye", "eye anterior segment", "segmentum anterius (bulbus oculi)", "segmentum anterius bulbi oculi" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000063, UBERON:0004121, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0010230 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000019 ] . UBERON:0001802 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior segment of eyeball" ; NIFRID:synonym "eye posterior segment", "posterior eye segment", "posterior segment eye", "posterior segment of eye", "posterior segment of the eye", "segmentum posterius (bulbus oculi)", "segmentum posterius bulbi oculi" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000063, UBERON:0004121, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0010230 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000019 ] . UBERON:0001805 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "autonomic ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "autonomic nervous system ganglion", "ganglion autonomicum", "ganglion of autonomic nervous system", "ganglion of visceral nervous system", "visceral nervous system ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003338, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom RO:0002577 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002410 ] . UBERON:0001806 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "sympathetic ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "ganglion of sympathetic nervous system", "ganglion of sympathetic part of autonomic division of nervous system", "ganglion sympatheticum", "ganglion sympathicum", "sympathetic nervous system ganglion", "sympathetic part of autonomic division of nervous system ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001805, UBERON:0010313, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000013 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000013 ] . UBERON:0001807 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "paravertebral ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "ganglia of sympathetic trunk", "ganglia trunci sympathici", "ganglion of sympathetic trunk", "ganglion trunci sympathetici", "ganglion trunci sympathici", "paravertebral ganglia", "paravertebral ganglion", "sympathetic chain ganglia", "sympathetic chain ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001806, UBERON:0007134, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000407 ] . UBERON:0001808 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "parasympathetic ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "ganglion parasympathicum" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001805, UBERON:0010313, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000011 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000011 ] . UBERON:0001810 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nerve plexus" ; NIFRID:synonym "plexus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007651, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001016 ] . UBERON:0001813 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "spinal nerve plexus" ; NIFRID:synonym "plexus nervorum spinalium", "plexus of spinal nerves", "somatic nerve plexus", "spinal nerve plexus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001810, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom RO:0002577 ] . UBERON:0001814 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "brachial nerve plexus" ; NIFRID:synonym "brachial plexus", "plexus brachialis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000122, UBERON:0001813 . UBERON:0001815 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "lumbosacral nerve plexus" ; NIFRID:synonym "lumbosacral plexus", "plexus lumbosacralis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000122, UBERON:0001813 . UBERON:0001816 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "autonomic nerve plexus" ; NIFRID:synonym "autonomic plexus", "plexus autonomicus", "plexus nervosus visceralis", "plexus visceralis", "visceral nerve plexus", "visceral plexus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001810, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002410 ] . UBERON:0001817 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "lacrimal gland" ; NIFRID:synonym "glandula lacrimalis", "glandula praeorbitalis", "lacrimal-preorbital gland", "preorbital gland", "tear gland" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002365, UBERON:0004121, UBERON:0004859, UBERON:0015154, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001750 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002330 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001750 ] . UBERON:0001820 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "sweat gland" ; NIFRID:synonym "glandula sudorifera", "sudoriferous gland", "sudoriparous gland" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002365, UBERON:0007771, UBERON:0019319, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001003 ] . UBERON:0001826 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nasal cavity mucosa" ; NIFRID:synonym "mucosa of nose", "mucous membrane of nose", "nasal mucosa", "tunica mucosa nasalis", "tunica mucosa nasi" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000379, UBERON:0004119, UBERON:0004121, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0015788 ] . UBERON:0001829 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "major salivary gland" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001044, UBERON:0015212 . UBERON:0001831 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "parotid gland" ; NIFRID:synonym "glandula parotidea", "parotid" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000409, UBERON:0001829, UBERON:0012102, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001567 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001710 ] . UBERON:0001832 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "sublingual gland" ; NIFRID:synonym "ductus sublingualis", "glandula sublingualis", "Rivinus gland", "Rivinus' gland", "sublingual salivary gland", "submaxillary gland" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001829 . UBERON:0001839 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "bony labyrinth" ; NIFRID:synonym "labyrinthus osseus", "osseous labyrinth", "osseus labyrinth" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004121, UBERON:0034921, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001694 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001846 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004681 ] . UBERON:0001844 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "cochlea" ; NIFRID:synonym "cochleae", "cochlear duct", "cochlear organ", "cochlear part of bony labyrinth", "lagena", "lagenas" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004121, UBERON:0034921, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001839 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001846 ] . UBERON:0001846 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "internal ear" ; NIFRID:synonym "auris interna", "inner ear", "labyrinth", "otocyst" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004121, UBERON:0034921, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001690 ] . UBERON:0001849 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "membranous labyrinth" ; NIFRID:synonym "labyrinthus membranaceus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000062, UBERON:0004121, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001846 ] . UBERON:0001851 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "cortex" ; NIFRID:synonym "cortex", "cortex of organ" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000064 . UBERON:0001855 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "cochlear duct of membranous labyrinth" ; NIFRID:synonym "cochlea duct", "cochlear aqueduct", "cochlear duct", "ductus cochlearis", "membranous cochlea", "Reissner's canal", "Reissners canal", "scala media", "scala medias", "scala of Loewenberg" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000025, UBERON:0004121, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002499 ] . UBERON:0001862 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "vestibular labyrinth" ; NIFRID:synonym "inner ear vestibular component", "labyrinthus vestibularis", "vestibular apparatus", "vestibular component" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000064, UBERON:0004121, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001849 ] . UBERON:0001869 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "cerebral hemisphere" ; NIFRID:synonym "cerebrum", "hemisphere", "hemispheric regions", "hemispherium cerebri", "medial amygdalar nucleus", "nucleus amygdaloideus medialis", "nucleus medialis amygdalae" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000064, UBERON:0004121, UBERON:0015212, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001893 ] . UBERON:0001871 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "temporal lobe" ; NIFRID:synonym "lobus temporalis", "temporal cortex" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0016526, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001893 ] . UBERON:0001872 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "parietal lobe" ; NIFRID:synonym "lobus parietalis", "parietal region", "regio parietalis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0016526, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001893 ] . UBERON:0001875 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "globus pallidus" ; NIFRID:synonym "globus pallidus (Burdach)", "nucleus pallidus", "pale body", "paleostriatum", "pallidium", "pallidum" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0009663, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001869 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002420 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0006514 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0010011 ] . UBERON:0001876 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "amygdala" ; NIFRID:synonym "amygdaloid area", "amygdaloid body", "amygdaloid complex", "amygdaloid nuclear complex", "amygdaloid nuclear group", "amygdaloid nuclear groups", "amygdaloid nucleus", "archistriatum", "corpus amygdalae", "corpus amygdaloideum", "nucleus amygdalae" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002420, UBERON:0005401, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000349 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001869 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001871 ] . UBERON:0001880 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "bed nucleus of stria terminalis" ; NIFRID:synonym "bed nuclei of the stria terminalis", "bed nucleus of the stria terminalis", "bed nucleus stria terminalis (Johnson)", "bed nucleus striae terminalis", "BST", "intercalate nucleus of stria terminalis", "interstitial nucleus of stria terminalis", "nuclei of stria terminalis", "nucleus interstitialis striae terminalis", "nucleus of stria terminalis", "nucleus of the stria terminalis", "nucleus proprius stria terminalis (bed nucleus)", "nucleus striae terminalis", "stria terminalis nucleus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0009663, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002663 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002743 ] . UBERON:0001882 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nucleus accumbens" ; NIFRID:synonym "accumbens nucleus", "colliculus nuclei caudati", "colliculus of caudate nucleus", "nucleus accumbens septi" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0009663, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000349 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001869 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0005403 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0005403 ] . UBERON:0001883 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "olfactory tubercle" ; NIFRID:synonym "tuberculum olfactorium" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000125, UBERON:0009663, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002894 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0005401 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002894 ] . UBERON:0001884 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "phrenic nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "diaphragmatic nerve", "nervus phrenicus", "phrenic" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003443, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000962 ] . UBERON:0001885 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "dentate gyrus of hippocampal formation" ; NIFRID:synonym "area dentata", "dentate area", "dentate area (dentate gyrus)", "dentate gyrus", "fascia dentata", "gyrus dentatus", "hippocampal dentate gyrus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002616, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002421 ] . UBERON:0001890 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "forebrain" ; NIFRID:synonym "FB", "prosencephalon" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002616, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000955 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000955 ] . UBERON:0001891 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "midbrain" ; NIFRID:synonym "MB", "mesencephalon" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002616, UBERON:0010314, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000955 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000955 ] . UBERON:0001893 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "telencephalon" ; NIFRID:synonym "cerebrum", "endbrain", "supratentorial region" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002616, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001890 ] . UBERON:0001894 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "diencephalon" ; NIFRID:synonym "between brain", "betweenbrain", "DiE", "diencephalon", "interbrain", "mature diencephalon", "thalamencephalon" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002616, UBERON:0010314, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001890 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001890 ] . UBERON:0001895 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "metencephalon" ; NIFRID:synonym "epencephalon", "epencephalon-2" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004733, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002028 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002028 ] . UBERON:0001896 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "medulla oblongata" ; NIFRID:synonym "bulb", "bulbus", "medulla", "medulla oblonzata", "metepencephalon" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000064, UBERON:0004121, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002028 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002298 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0005290 ] . UBERON:0001897 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "dorsal plus ventral thalamus", "Thalamus" ; NIFRID:synonym "Th", "thalamencephalon", "thalami", "thalamus", "thalamus opticus", "wider thalamus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002616, UBERON:0015212, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0010225 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001894 ] ; ilxtr:hasExistingId BIRNLEX:954, ILX:0111657, UBERON:0001897 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId BIRNLEX:954, UBERON:0001897 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0111657 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0001897 . UBERON:0001898 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "hypothalamus" ; NIFRID:synonym "Hy", "hypothalamus", "preoptico-hypothalamic area", "preoptico-hypothalamic region" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002616, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000349 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0010225 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001894 ] . UBERON:0001899 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "epithalamus" ; NIFRID:synonym "epithalamus", "ETh" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002616, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001897 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001894 ] . UBERON:0001900 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventral thalamus" ; NIFRID:synonym "perithalamus", "prethalamus", "SbTh", "subthalamic region", "subthalamus", "thalamus ventralis", "ventral thalamus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002616, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001897 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001894 ] . UBERON:0001903 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "thalamic reticular nucleus" ; NIFRID:synonym "nuclei reticulares (thalami)", "nucleus reticularis", "nucleus reticularis thalami", "nucleus reticulatus (thalami)", "nucleus thalamicus reticularis", "reticular nuclear group", "reticular nucleus of thalamus", "reticular nucleus of the thalamus", "reticular nucleus thalamus (Arnold)", "reticular nucleus-2", "reticular thalamic nucleus", "reticulatum thalami (Hassler)" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0015234, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001900 ] . UBERON:0001904 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "habenula" ; NIFRID:synonym "ganglion intercrurale", "ganglion interpedunculare", "habenula complex", "habenulae", "habenular complex", "habenular nuclei", "Hb", "nuclei habenulares", "nucleus habenularis", "pineal peduncle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002616, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001899 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001899 ] . UBERON:0001906 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "subthalamic nucleus" ; NIFRID:synonym "body of Forel", "body of Luys", "corpus Luysi", "corpus subthalamicum", "Luy's body", "Luys' body", "Luys' nucleus", "nucleus of corpus luysii", "nucleus of Luys", "nucleus subthalamicus", "subthalamic nucleus (of Luys)", "subthalamic nucleus of Luys" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0015233, UBERON:0015234, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001900 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002776 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001900 ] . UBERON:0001907 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "zona incerta" ; NIFRID:synonym "nucleus of the zona incerta", "zona incerta proper" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0015234, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001900 ] . UBERON:0001926 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "lateral geniculate body" ; NIFRID:synonym "corpus geniculatum externum", "corpus geniculatum laterale", "corpus geniculatum laterales", "corpus geniculatus lateralis", "external geniculate body", "lateral geniculate complex", "lateral geniculate nucleus", "LGB", "LGN", "nucleus corporis geniculati lateralis", "nucleus geniculatus lateralis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007692, UBERON:0015233, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002704 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001897 ] . UBERON:0001927 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "medial geniculate body" ; NIFRID:synonym "corpus geniculatum mediale", "corpus geniculatus medialis", "internal geniculate body", "medial geniculate complex", "medial geniculate complex of dorsal thalamus", "medial geniculate nuclei", "medial geniculate nucleus", "MGB", "MGN", "nuclei corporis geniculati medialis", "nucleus corporis geniculati medialis", "nucleus geniculatus medialis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007245, UBERON:0019269, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002105 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002704 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001897 ] . UBERON:0001928 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "preoptic area" ; NIFRID:synonym "area hypothalamica rostralis", "area praeoptica", "area preoptica", "nuclei preoptici", "POA", "preoptic hypothalamic area", "preoptic hypothalamic region", "preoptic nuclei", "preoptic region", "preoptic region of hypothalamus", "regio hypothalamica anterior" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002616, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001894 ] . UBERON:0001930 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "paraventricular nucleus of hypothalamus" ; NIFRID:synonym "filiform nucleus", "nuclei paraventriculares", "nuclei paraventricularis hypothalami", "nucleus filiformis", "nucleus hypothalami filiformis", "nucleus hypothalami paraventricularis", "nucleus paraventricularis hypothalami", "Pa", "paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus", "paraventricular nucleus", "paraventricular nucleus hypothalamus (Malone)", "paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus", "parvocellular hypothalamic nucleus", "subcommissural nucleus (Ziehen)" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0006568, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002271 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001898 ] . UBERON:0001931 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "lateral preoptic nucleus" ; NIFRID:synonym "area praeoptica lateralis", "area preoptica lateralis", "lateral preoptic area", "lateral preoptic hypothalamic nucleus", "LPO", "nucleus praeopticus lateralis", "nucleus preopticus lateralis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0006568, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002273 ] . UBERON:0001943 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "midbrain tegmentum" ; NIFRID:synonym "mesencephalic tegmentum", "MTg", "tegmentum", "tegmentum mesencephali", "tegmentum mesencephalicum", "tegmentum of midbrain" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002616, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001891 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002298 ] . UBERON:0001944 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "pretectal region" ; NIFRID:synonym "area praetectalis", "area pretectalis", "nuclei pretectales", "nucleus praetectalis", "praetectum", "pretectal area", "pretectal nuclei", "pretectum", "regio pretectalis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003528, UBERON:0007245, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000955 ] . UBERON:0001945 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "superior colliculus" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior colliculus", "anterior corpus quadrigeminum", "colliculus bigeminalis oralis", "colliculus cranialis", "colliculus rostralis", "colliculus superior", "corpora bigemina", "corpus quadrigeminum superius", "cranial colliculus", "dorsal midbrain", "layers of the superior colliculus", "lobus opticus", "nates", "optic lobe", "optic tectum", "strata (grisea et alba) colliculi cranialis", "strata (grisea et alba) colliculi superioris", "tectal lobe", "tectum", "tectum opticum" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002616, UBERON:0006794, UBERON:0015212, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002259 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002314 ] . UBERON:0001946 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "inferior colliculus" ; NIFRID:synonym "caudal colliculus", "colliculus caudalis", "colliculus inferior", "corpus bigeminalis caudalis", "corpus bigeminum posterioris", "corpus quadrigeminum inferius", "inferior colliculi", "posterior colliculus", "posterior corpus quadrigeminum" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002616, UBERON:0015212, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002259 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002314 ] . UBERON:0001947 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "red nucleus" ; NIFRID:synonym "nucleus rotundus subthalamo-peduncularis", "nucleus ruber", "nucleus ruber tegmenti", "nucleus ruber tegmenti (Stilling)", "R", "red nucleus (Burdach)" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0006331, UBERON:0007414, UBERON:0009661, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001943 ] . UBERON:0001948 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Regional part of spinal cord" ; NIFRID:synonym "spinal cord part" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000073, UBERON:0004121, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002240 ] . UBERON:0001950 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "neocortex" ; NIFRID:synonym "cerebral neocortex", "homogenetic cortex", "homotypical cortex", "iso-cortex", "isocortex", "isocortex (sensu lato)", "neocortex (isocortex)", "neopallial cortex", "neopallium", "nonolfactory cortex", "nucleus hypoglossalis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002616, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000956 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000956 ] . UBERON:0001954 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Ammon's horn" ; NIFRID:synonym "ammon gyrus", "ammon horn", "Ammon horn fields", "Ammon's horn", "Ammons horn", "cornu ammonis", "hippocampus", "hippocampus major", "hippocampus proper", "hippocampus proprius" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002616, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000349 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002421 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002600 ] . UBERON:0001959 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "white pulp of spleen" ; NIFRID:synonym "noduli lymphoidei splenici", "pulpa alba", "spleen white pulp", "splenic white pulp", "white pulp" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:1000023, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002106 ] . UBERON:0001960 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "periarterial lymphatic sheath" ; NIFRID:synonym "PALS", "periarterial lymphoid sheath", "periarteriolar sheath", "spleen periarteriolar lymphatic sheath", "splenic periarteriolar lymphoid sheath", "T cell domain of the splenic white pulp" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004177, UBERON:0005172, UBERON:0010393, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001959 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001959 ] . UBERON:0001961 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue" ; NIFRID:synonym "epithelio-lymphoid tissue", "MALT", "mucosa associated lymphatic tissue", "mucosa associated lymphoid tissue", "mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue", "mucosal-associated lymphatic tissue", "mucosal-associated lymphoid tissue" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0012069 . UBERON:0001962 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gut-associated lymphoid tissue" ; NIFRID:synonym "GALT", "gut associated lymphoid tissue" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001961, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001555 ] . UBERON:0001964 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "least splanchnic nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "least thoracic splanchnic nerve", "lowest splanchnic nerve", "nervus splanchnicus imus", "ramus renalis nervus splanchnici minoris", "renal branch of lesser splanchnic nerve", "renal nerve", "thoracic splanchnic nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0018679 . UBERON:0001965 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "substantia nigra pars compacta" ; NIFRID:synonym "compact part of substantia nigra", "nucleus substantiae nigrae, pars compacta", "pars compacta", "pars compacta of substantia nigra", "pars compacta substantiae nigrae", "SNC", "SNpc", "substantia nigra compact part", "substantia nigra compacta", "substantia nigra, compact division", "substantia nigra, compact part", "substantia nigra, pars compacta" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000064, UBERON:0004121, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002038 ] . UBERON:0001966 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "substantia nigra pars reticulata" ; NIFRID:synonym "nucleus substantiae nigrae, pars compacta", "nucleus substantiae nigrae, pars reticularis", "pars compacta of substantia nigra", "pars reticularis", "pars reticularis substantiae nigrae", "pars reticulata", "reticular part of substantia nigra", "SNPR", "SNR", "substantia nigra reticular part", "substantia nigra, pars compacta", "substantia nigra, pars diffusa", "substantia nigra, pars reticulata", "substantia nigra, reticular division", "substantia nigra, reticular part" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000064, UBERON:0004121, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002038 ] . UBERON:0001975 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "serosa of esophagus" ; NIFRID:synonym "esophagus serosa", "esophagus serous membrane", "gullet serosa", "gullet serous membrane", "oesophagus serosa", "oesophagus serous membrane", "serosa of abdominal part of esophagus", "serosa of gullet", "serosa of oesophagus", "serous coat of oesophagus", "serous membrane of esophagus", "serous membrane of gullet", "serous membrane of oesophagus", "tunica serosa oesophageae" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000042, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001043 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001096 ] . UBERON:0001980 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "arteriole" ; NIFRID:synonym "arteriola" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003509, UBERON:8410081, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001637 ] . UBERON:0001981 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "blood vessel" ; NIFRID:synonym "region of vascular tree organ", "vas sanguineum", "vascular element", "vascular tree organ region" ; rdfs:subClassOf PR:000050567, UBERON:0000055, UBERON:0004120, UBERON:0010000, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004537 ] . UBERON:0001982 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "capillary" ; NIFRID:synonym "blood capillary", "capillary vessel" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001981, UBERON:8410081 . UBERON:0001986 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "endothelium" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000487, UBERON:0012275 . UBERON:0001989 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "superior cervical ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "ganglion cervicale superius", "SCG", "superior cervical sympathetic ganglion", "superior sympathetic cervical ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001991 . UBERON:0001990 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "middle cervical ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "ganglion cervicale medium", "middle cervical sympathetic ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001991 . UBERON:0001991 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "cervical ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "cervical sympathetic ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001807 . UBERON:0001997 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "olfactory epithelium" ; NIFRID:synonym "main olfactory epithelium", "MOE", "nasal cavity olfactory epithelium", "nasal epithelium", "nasal sensory epithelium", "olfactory membrane", "olfactory sensory epithelium", "pseudostratified main olfactory epithelium", "sensory olfactory epithelium" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0005384, UBERON:0006934, UBERON:0010499, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000012 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0005386 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000004 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0005725 ] . UBERON:0002000 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gluteal muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "gluteus", "gluteus muscle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001497, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0013691 ] . UBERON:0002005 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "enteric nervous system" ; NIFRID:synonym "enteric PNS", "PNS - enteric" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0010313, UBERON:0011216, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002410 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002410 ] . UBERON:0002010 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "celiac nerve plexus" ; NIFRID:synonym "celiac plexus", "coeliac nerve plexus", "coeliac plexus", "plexus coeliacus", "plexus nervosus coeliacus", "solar plexus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001816, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000916 ] . UBERON:0002012 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "pulmonary artery" ; NIFRID:synonym "arteria pulmonalis", "pulmonary arterial subtree", "pulmonary arterial tree", "pulmonary arterial tree organ part", "truncus pulmonalis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001637, UBERON:0013768, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom RO:0002577 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0008886 ] . UBERON:0002013 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "superior hypogastric nerve plexus" ; NIFRID:synonym "hypogastric plexus", "nervus presacralis", "plexus hypogastricus inferior", "plexus hypogastricus superior", "presacral nerve", "superior hypogastric plexus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001816 . UBERON:0002014 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "inferior hypogastric nerve plexus" ; NIFRID:synonym "inferior hypogastric plexus", "pelvic nerve plexus", "pelvic plexus", "plexus hypogastricus inferior", "plexus nervosus hypogastricus inferior", "plexus nervosus pelvicus", "plexus pelvicus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001816 . UBERON:0002017 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "portal vein" ; NIFRID:synonym "portal venous tree organ part" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001638, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0005806 ] . UBERON:0002019 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "accessory XI nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "accessory nerve", "accessory nerve [XI]", "accessory spinal nerve", "accessory XI", "accessory XI nerve", "cervical accessory nerve", "CN-XI", "cranial nerve XI", "eleventh cranial nerve", "nervus accessorius [XI]", "pars spinalis nervus accessorius", "radix spinalis nervus accessorius", "spinal accessory nerve", "spinal accessory nerve tree", "spinal part of accessory nerve", "Willis' nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0035642, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom RO:0002577 ] . UBERON:0002020 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gray matter" ; NIFRID:synonym "gray mater", "gray matter", "gray matter of neuraxis", "grey matter", "grey matter of neuraxis", "grey substance", "grisea", "neuronal grey matter", "substantia grisea" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011215, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001017 ] . UBERON:0002022 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "insula" ; NIFRID:synonym "central lobe", "cortex insularis", "cortex of island", "iNS", "insula cerebri", "insula lobule", "insula of Reil", "insula Reilii", "insular cortex", "insular gyrus", "insular lobe", "insular region", "insulary cortex", "island of Reil", "lobus insularis", "morphological insula" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0005401, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000956 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001869 ] . UBERON:0002023 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "claustrum of brain" ; NIFRID:synonym "claustrum", "claustrum (Burdach)", "dorsal claustrum", "dorsal portion of claustrum" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002420, UBERON:0005401, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000203 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001869 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0006098 ] . UBERON:0002024 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "internal carotid nerve plexus" ; NIFRID:synonym "internal carotid plexus", "plexus caroticus internus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001816 . UBERON:0002028 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "hindbrain" ; NIFRID:synonym "rhombencephalon" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002616, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000955 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000955 ] . UBERON:0002034 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "suprachiasmatic nucleus" ; NIFRID:synonym "nucleus suprachiasmaticus", "nucleus suprachiasmaticus hypothalami", "SCh", "SCN", "suprachiasmatic nucleus (Spiegel-Zwieg)", "suprachiasmatic nucleus of hypothalamus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0006568, UBERON:0007251, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001928 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002272 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001898 ] . UBERON:0002035 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "medial preoptic nucleus" ; NIFRID:synonym "area praeoptica medialis", "area preopticus medialis", "medial preoptic hypothalamic nucleus", "MPO", "nucleus praeopticus medialis", "nucleus preopticus medialis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0006568, UBERON:0007251, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0007769 ] . UBERON:0002036 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "striated muscle tissue" ; NIFRID:synonym "striated muscle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002385 . UBERON:0002037 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "cerebellum" ; NIFRID:synonym "corpus cerebelli", "epencephalon-1", "infratentorial region", "parencephalon" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002616, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001895 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002028 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001895 ] . UBERON:0002038 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "substantia nigra" ; NIFRID:synonym "nucleus of basis pedunculi", "nucleus pigmentosus subthalamo-peduncularis", "SN", "Soemmering's substance", "substancia nigra", "substantia nigra (Soemmerringi)" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0009661, UBERON:0015212, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001891 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002420 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001891 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0010011 ] . UBERON:0002043 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "dorsal raphe nucleus" ; NIFRID:synonym "cell group b7", "dorsal nucleus of the raphe", "dorsal nucleus raphe", "dorsal raphe", "dorsal raphé", "DR", "DRN", "inferior raphe nucleus", "nucleus dorsalis raphes", "nucleus raphe dorsalis", "nucleus raphe posterior", "nucleus raphes dorsalis", "nucleus raphes posterior", "posterior raphe nucleus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007415, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002639 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004684 ] . UBERON:0002045 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "cuneate nucleus" ; NIFRID:synonym "Burdach's nucleus", "burdachs nucleus", "Cu", "cuneate", "cuneate nucleus (Burdach)", "cuneate nucleus of the medulla", "nucleus cuneatus", "nucleus cuneatus medialis", "nucleus restiformis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0018238, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001896 ] . UBERON:0002047 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "pontine raphe nucleus" ; NIFRID:synonym "nucleus raphe pontis", "nucleus raphes pontis", "raphe (mediana pontina)", "raphe of pons", "raphe pontis", "raphe pontis nucleus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0006331, UBERON:0009662, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003023 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004684 ] . UBERON:0002048 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "lung" ; NIFRID:synonym "pulmo" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000171, UBERON:0004119, UBERON:0005178, UBERON:0015212, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000170 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001004 ] . UBERON:0002049 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "vasculature" ; NIFRID:synonym "vascular network" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000477, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0007798 ] . UBERON:0002058 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "main ciliary ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "ciliary ganglion", "ganglion ciliare" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001714, UBERON:0035783, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004088 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0035639 ] . UBERON:0002059 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "submandibular ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "Blandin`s ganglion", "ganglion submandibulare", "lingual ganglion", "mandibular ganglion", "maxillary ganglion", "submaxillary ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001808, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000011 ] . UBERON:0002075 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "viscus" ; NIFRID:synonym "splanchnic tissue", "viscera", "visceral organ", "visceral organ system", "visceral tissue" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0005177, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002100 ] . UBERON:0002078 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right cardiac atrium" ; NIFRID:synonym "atrium dextrum", "cardiac right atrium", "heart right atrium", "right atrium", "right atrium of heart", "right cardiac atrium" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002081, UBERON:0035554, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom RO:0002577 ] . UBERON:0002079 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left cardiac atrium" ; NIFRID:synonym "atrium sinistrum", "cardiac left atrium", "heart left atrium", "left atrium", "left atrium of heart", "left cardiac atrium" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002081, UBERON:0035553, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom RO:0002577 ] . UBERON:0002080 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "heart right ventricle" ; NIFRID:synonym "cardiac right ventricle", "right cardiac ventricle", "right ventricle", "right ventricle of heart", "ventriculus dexter" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002082, UBERON:0035554, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom RO:0002577 ] . UBERON:0002081 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "cardiac atrium" ; NIFRID:synonym "atria", "atrial tissue", "atrium", "atrium of heart", "cardiac atria", "heart atrium" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004151, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000948 ] . UBERON:0002082 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "cardiac ventricle" ; NIFRID:synonym "heart ventricle", "lower chamber of heart", "ventricle", "ventricle of heart" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004151, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000948 ] . UBERON:0002084 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "heart left ventricle" ; NIFRID:synonym "cardiac left ventricle", "left cardiac ventricle", "left ventricle", "left ventricle of heart", "ventriculus sinister cordis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002082, UBERON:0035553, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom RO:0002577 ] . UBERON:0002091 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "appendicular skeleton" ; NIFRID:synonym "appendicular skeleton", "entire appendicular skeleton", "paired fin skeleton", "skeleton appendiculare" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0010912, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0011249 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001434 ] . UBERON:0002095 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "mesentery" ; NIFRID:synonym "generic mesentery", "mesentery (generic)" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000042 . UBERON:0002097 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "skin of body" ; NIFRID:synonym "entire integument", "entire skin", "integument", "integumental organ", "pelt", "skin", "skin organ" ; rdfs:subClassOf PR:000050567, UBERON:0000062, UBERON:0004121, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002199 ] . UBERON:0002100 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "trunk" ; NIFRID:synonym "Rumpf", "thoracolumbar region", "torso", "trunk region" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011676, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0013702 ] . UBERON:0002101 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "limb" ; NIFRID:synonym "extremities", "extremity", "flipper", "free limb", "limb sensu Vertebrata", "pentadactyl limb", "tetrapod limb" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004708 . UBERON:0002102 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "forelimb" ; NIFRID:synonym "anteriormost limb", "fore limb", "foreleg", "forelimb", "free part of upper limb", "free upper limb", "membrum superius", "pectoral flipper", "pectoral limb", "superior member", "upper extremity", "upper limb" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002101, UBERON:0004710, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000153 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0010708 ] . UBERON:0002103 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "hindlimb" ; NIFRID:synonym "free lower limb", "free part of lower limb", "hind limb", "hind-limb", "hindlimb", "inferior member", "lower extremity", "lower limb", "membrum inferius", "pelvic appendage" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002101, UBERON:0004709, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000154 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0010709 ] . UBERON:0002104 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "visual system" ; NIFRID:synonym "photosensory system", "visual organ system" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001032 . UBERON:0002105 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "vestibulo-auditory system" ; NIFRID:synonym "auditory organ system", "auditory system", "auditory/vestibular system", "vestibuloauditory system" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001032 . UBERON:0002106 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "spleen" ; NIFRID:synonym "lien" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004177, UBERON:0005057, UBERON:0017672, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000916 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002390 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002405 ] . UBERON:0002107 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "liver" ; NIFRID:synonym "iecur", "jecur" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002365, UBERON:0004119, UBERON:0005172, UBERON:0006925, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000916 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000949 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001007 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002330 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002423 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002423 ] . UBERON:0002108 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "small intestine" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior intestine", "intestinum tenue", "mid intestine", "small bowel", "small intestine" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004921, UBERON:0013765, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000160 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000160 ] . UBERON:0002112 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "smooth muscle of esophagus" ; NIFRID:synonym "esophageal smooth muscle", "esophagus involuntary muscle", "esophagus non-striated muscle", "esophagus smooth muscle", "esophagus smooth muscle tissue", "gullet involuntary muscle", "gullet non-striated muscle", "gullet smooth muscle", "gullet smooth muscle tissue", "involuntary muscle of esophagus", "involuntary muscle of gullet", "involuntary muscle of oesophagus", "non-striated muscle of esophagus", "non-striated muscle of gullet", "non-striated muscle of oesophagus", "oesophagus involuntary muscle", "oesophagus non-striated muscle", "oesophagus smooth muscle", "oesophagus smooth muscle tissue", "smooth muscle of gullet", "smooth muscle of oesophagus", "smooth muscle tissue of esophagus", "smooth muscle tissue of gullet", "smooth muscle tissue of oesophagus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001135, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001043 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003832 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001043 ] . UBERON:0002113 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "kidney" ; NIFRID:synonym "reniculate kidney" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000489, UBERON:0005172, UBERON:0015212, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000916 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0011143 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001008 ] . UBERON:0002118 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right ovary" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000992, UBERON:0015212 . UBERON:0002119 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left ovary" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000992, UBERON:0015212 . UBERON:0002126 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "solitary tract nuclear complex" ; NIFRID:synonym "nuclei of solitary tract", "nucleus tractus solitarii", "solitary nuclei" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007245, UBERON:0019263, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001896 ] . UBERON:0002128 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Superior olivary complex", "superior olivary complex" ; NIFRID:synonym "nucleus olivaris superior", "regio olivaris superioris", "superior olivary nuclei", "superior olivary nucleus", "superior olivary nucleus (Barr & Kiernan)", "superior olive" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007245, UBERON:0019263, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003023 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0016490 ] ; ilxtr:hasExistingId BIRNLEX:1307, FMA:72247, ILX:0111309, UBERON:0002128 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId BIRNLEX:1307, FMA:72247, UBERON:0002128 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0111309 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0002128 . UBERON:0002129 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "cerebellar cortex" ; NIFRID:synonym "cortex cerebellaris", "cortex cerebelli", "cortex of cerebellar hemisphere" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0019263, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002037 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002037 ] . UBERON:0002130 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "cerebellar nuclear complex" ; NIFRID:synonym "central nuclei", "cerebellar nuclei", "deep cerebellar nuclear complex", "deep cerebellar nuclei", "intracerebellar nuclei", "intrinsic nuclei of cerebellum", "nuclei cerebellares", "nuclei cerebellaris", "nuclei cerebelli", "roof nuclei-2" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007245, UBERON:0019263, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002037 ] . UBERON:0002136 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "hilus of dentate gyrus" ; NIFRID:synonym "CA4", "dentate gyrus hilus", "field CA4 of hippocampal formation", "hilus gyri dentati", "hilus of the dentate gyrus", "multiform layer of dentate gyrus", "polymorphic later of dentate gyrus", "region CA4" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0005401, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001885 ] . UBERON:0002141 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "parvocellular oculomotor nucleus" ; NIFRID:synonym "accessory oculomotor nucleus", "Edinger-Westphal nucleus", "Edinger-Westphal nucleus of oculomotor nerve", "EW", "nuclei accessorii nervi oculomtorii (Edinger-Westphal)", "nucleus Edinger Westphal", "nucleus Edinger-Westphal", "nucleus nervi oculomotorii Edinger-Westphal", "nucleus nervi oculomotorii parvocellularis", "nucleus rostralis nervi oculomotorii", "nucleus Westphal-Edinger", "oculomotor nucleus, parvicellular part", "oculomotor nucleus, parvocellular part", "PC3" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0006331, UBERON:0007414, UBERON:0009661, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001943 ] . UBERON:0002142 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus" ; NIFRID:synonym "nucleus pedunculopontinus", "nucleus tegmenti pedunculopontinus", "peduncular pontine nucleus", "pedunculopontine nucleus", "PPTg" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007415, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002639 ] . UBERON:0002145 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "interpeduncular nucleus" ; NIFRID:synonym "interpedunclear nucleus", "interpeduncular ganglion", "interpeduncular nuclei", "interpeduncular nucleus (Gudden)", "interpeduncular nucleus of midbrain", "interpeduncular nucleus tegmentum", "IP", "nucleus interpeduncularis", "nucleus interpeduncularis medialis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0006331, UBERON:0007414, UBERON:0009661, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001943 ] . UBERON:0002148 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "locus ceruleus" ; NIFRID:synonym "blue nucleus", "caerulean nucleus", "loci coeruleus", "locus caeruleus", "locus cinereus", "locus coeruleu", "locus coeruleus", "locus coeruleus (Vicq d'Azyr)", "Noradrenergic cell group A6", "nucleus caeruleus", "nucleus loci caerulei", "nucleus of locus caeruleus", "nucleus pigmentosus pontis", "substantia ferruginea" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0006331, UBERON:0009662, UBERON:8440015, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003023 ] . UBERON:0002149 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "superior salivatory nucleus" ; NIFRID:synonym "nucleus salivarius superior", "nucleus salivatorius cranialis", "nucleus salivatorius rostralis", "nucleus salivatorius superior", "superior salivary nucleus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000126, UBERON:0004133, UBERON:0007635, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001896 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003023 ] . UBERON:0002151 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "pontine nuclear group" ; NIFRID:synonym "nuclei brachii pontis", "nuclei pontis", "nucleus pontis", "pontine gray", "pontine gray matter", "pontine grey matter", "pontine nuclear complex", "pontine nuclear group", "pontine nuclei", "pontine nucleus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0006331, UBERON:0009662, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002567 ] . UBERON:0002155 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gigantocellular nucleus" ; NIFRID:synonym "gigantocellular group", "gigantocellular reticular nuclei", "gigantocellular reticular nucleus", "nucleus gigantocellularis", "nucleus reticularis gigantocellularis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007635, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001896 ] . UBERON:0002160 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nucleus prepositus" ; NIFRID:synonym "nucleus praepositus", "nucleus praepositus hypoglossi", "nucleus prepositus hypoglossi", "nucleus prepositus hypoglossus", "prepositus hypoglossal nucleus", "prepositus nucleus", "prepositus nucleus (Marburg)", "PrP" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007635, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000988 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001896 ] . UBERON:0002161 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gracile nucleus" ; NIFRID:synonym "Goll's nucleus", "golls nucleus", "gracile nucleus (Goll)", "gracile nucleus of the medulla", "gracile nucleus, general", "gracile nucleus, principal part", "nucleus gracilis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0018238, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001896 ] . UBERON:0002162 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "area postrema" ; NIFRID:synonym "AP", "chemoreceptor trigger zone" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0010135, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001896 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002422 ] . UBERON:0002175 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "intermediolateral nucleus" ; NIFRID:synonym "intermediolateral nucleus of spinal cord", "nucleus intermediolateralis medullae spinalis", "spinal cord intermediolateral nucleus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011777, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0016578 ] . UBERON:0002180 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventral funiculus of spinal cord" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior funiculus", "anterior funiculus of spinal cord", "anterior white column of spinal cord", "funiculus anterior medullae spinalis", "ventral funiculi", "ventral funiculus", "ventral funiculus of spinal cord", "ventral white column of spinal cord" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0006127, UBERON:0015212 . UBERON:0002185 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "bronchus" ; NIFRID:synonym "bronchi", "bronchial tissue", "bronchial trunk" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000117, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0007196 ] . UBERON:0002186 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "bronchiole" ; NIFRID:synonym "bronchioli", "bronchiolus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000117, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002048 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0007196 ] . UBERON:0002187 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "terminal bronchiole" ; NIFRID:synonym "bronchioli terminalis", "bronchiolus terminalis", "terminal bronchiole tube" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002186, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom RO:0002577 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0010369 ] . UBERON:0002191 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "subiculum" ; NIFRID:synonym "gyrus parahippocampalis", "subicular cortex", "subiculum cornu ammonis", "subiculum hippocampi" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002616, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002421 ] . UBERON:0002193 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "hemolymphoid system" ; NIFRID:synonym "haemolymphoid system", "hematolymphoid system", "lymphomyeloid complex" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000467 . UBERON:0002197 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "median eminence of neurohypophysis" ; NIFRID:synonym "eminentia medialis (Shantha)", "eminentia mediana", "eminentia mediana hypothalami", "eminentia postinfundibularis", "ME", "medial eminence", "median eminence", "median eminence of hypothalamus", "median eminence of posterior lobe of pituitary gland", "median eminence of tuber cinereum" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003296, UBERON:0003937, UBERON:0010134, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002198 ] . UBERON:0002198 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "neurohypophysis" ; NIFRID:synonym "infundibular process", "lobus nervosus", "lobus nervosus neurohypophysis", "lobus posterior", "lobus posterior (glandula pituitaria)", "lobus posterior hypophysis", "neural lobe", "neural lobe of pituitary", "neural lobe of pituitary gland", "neuro hypophysis", "neurohypophysis", "NHP", "pituitary gland neural lobe", "pituitary gland, neural lobe", "pituitary gland, posterior lobe", "posterior lobe of hypophysis", "posterior lobe of pituitary", "posterior lobe of pituitary gland", "posterior pituitary", "posterior pituitary gland" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003296, UBERON:0003937, UBERON:0010134, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000007 ] . UBERON:0002199 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "integument" ; NIFRID:synonym "dermal system", "dermis plus epidermis plus hypodermis", "dermoid system", "integumentum commune", "skin", "skin and subcutaneous tissue", "skin plus hypodermis", "tegument", "the integument", "vertebrate integument" ; rdfs:subClassOf PR:000050567, UBERON:0011216, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002416 ] . UBERON:0002201 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "vasculature of trunk" ; NIFRID:synonym "torso vascular network", "torso vasculature", "trunk vascular network", "trunk vasculature", "vascular network of torso", "vascular network of trunk", "vasculature of torso" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002049, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002100 ] . UBERON:0002204 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "musculoskeletal system" ; NIFRID:synonym "musculo-skeletal system" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000467 . UBERON:0002206 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "mammillary body" ; NIFRID:synonym "corpora mamillaria", "corpora mammillaria", "corpus mamillare", "corpus mamillaris", "corpus mammillare", "mammillary area", "MMB" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000064, UBERON:0004121, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000349 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002272 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002770 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001894 ] . UBERON:0002211 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nerve root" ; NIFRID:synonym "initial segment of nerve", "radix nervi" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000122, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom RO:0002577 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001016 ] . UBERON:0002217 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "synovial joint" ; NIFRID:synonym "articulatio synoviale", "diarthrodial joints", "diarthroses", "diarthrosis", "diarthrosis joint" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000982 . UBERON:0002227 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "spiral organ of cochlea" ; NIFRID:synonym "auditory papilla", "auditory papillae", "basilar papilla", "cochlear spiral organ", "Corti's organ", "organ of Corti", "organum spirale", "papilla basilaris", "spiral organ", "spiral organ of Corti" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000020, UBERON:0004121, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001855 ] . UBERON:0002240 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "spinal cord" ; NIFRID:synonym "cerebro-cerebellar fissure", "cerebrocerebellar fissure", "fissura cerebro-cerebellaris", "fissura cerebrocerebellaris", "medulla spinalis", "SpC", "spinal cord structure", "spinal medulla" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000489, UBERON:0004121, UBERON:0005174, UBERON:0010314, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001017 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001137 ] . UBERON:0002241 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "chondrocranium" ; NIFRID:synonym "calvarium", "neurocranium" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011159 . UBERON:0002252 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "splenius" ; NIFRID:synonym "splenius muscle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002324, UBERON:0004518, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001137 ] . UBERON:0002256 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "dorsal horn of spinal cord" ; NIFRID:synonym "columna grisea posterior medullae spinalis", "cornu dorsale", "cornu posterius medullae spinalis", "dorsal gray column of spinal cord", "dorsal gray horn", "dorsal gray matter of spinal cord", "dorsal grey column of spinal cord", "dorsal grey horn", "dorsal horn", "dorsal horn of the spinal cord", "dorsal horn spinal cord", "dorsal region of mature spinal cord", "dorsal region of spinal cord", "dorsal spinal cord", "posterior gray column of spinal cord", "posterior gray horn of spinal cord", "posterior grey column of spinal cord", "posterior horn of spinal cord", "spinal cord dorsal horn", "spinal cord dorsal horns", "spinal cord posterior horn" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0015212, UBERON:0016550, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002315 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002315 ] . UBERON:0002257 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventral horn of spinal cord" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior column", "anterior column of the spinal cord", "anterior gray column of spinal cord", "anterior gray horn of spinal cord", "anterior grey column of spinal cord", "anterior horn", "anterior horn (spinal cord)", "columna grisea anterior medullae spinalis", "cornu anterius medullae spinalis", "spinal cord anterior horn", "spinal cord ventral horn", "ventral gray column of spinal cord", "ventral gray matter of spinal cord", "ventral grey column of spinal cord", "ventral grey horn", "ventral horn of the spinal cord", "ventral horn spinal cord", "ventral horns spinal cord", "ventral region of spinal cord", "ventral spinal cord" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0015212, UBERON:0016550, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002315 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002315 ] . UBERON:0002258 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "dorsal funiculus of spinal cord" ; NIFRID:synonym "dorsal funiculus", "dorsal funiculus of spinal cord", "dorsal white column of spinal cord", "funiculus dorsalis", "funiculus posterior medullae spinalis", "posterior funiculus", "posterior funiculus of spinal cord", "posterior white column of spinal cord" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0006127, UBERON:0015212 . UBERON:0002259 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "corpora quadrigemina" ; NIFRID:synonym "colliculi", "corpora quadrigemina", "quadrigeminal body", "set of colliculi" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000064, UBERON:0004121, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002314 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002314 ] . UBERON:0002260 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventral root of spinal cord" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior nerve root", "anterior root", "anterior root of spinal nerve", "anterior spinal root", "motor root of spinal nerve", "motor spinal root", "radix anterior (nervus spinalis)", "radix anterior nervi spinalis", "radix motoria (nervus spinalis)", "root motoria nervi spinalis", "root ventralis nervi spinalis", "spinal nerve ventral root", "ventral root", "ventral root of spinal nerve", "ventral roots", "ventral spinal nerve root", "ventral spinal root" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0009623, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001780 ] . UBERON:0002261 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "dorsal root of spinal cord" ; NIFRID:synonym "dorsal root", "dorsal root of spinal nerve", "dorsal roots", "dorsal spinal nerve root", "dorsal spinal root", "posterior root of spinal nerve", "radix dorsalis", "radix posterior", "radix posterior (nervus spinalis)", "radix posterior nervi spinalis", "radix sensoria (nervus spinalis)", "root dorsali nervi spinalis", "root sensoria nervi spinalis", "sensory root of spinal nerve", "sensory spinal root" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0009623, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001780 ] . UBERON:0002262 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "celiac ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "coeliac ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003964 . UBERON:0002264 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Olfactory bulb", "olfactory bulb" ; NIFRID:synonym "bulbus olfactorius", "bulbus olfactorius (Morgagni)", "olfactory lobe", "olfactory lobe (Barr & Kiernan)" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002616, UBERON:0015212, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0005366 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0005366 ] ; ilxtr:hasExistingId BIRNLEX:1137, FMA:77624, ILX:0107921, UBERON:0002264 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId BIRNLEX:1137, FMA:77624, UBERON:0002264 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0107921 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0002264 . UBERON:0002267 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "laterodorsal tegmental nucleus" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterodorsal tegmental nucleus", "lateroposterior tegmental nucleus", "nucleus tegmentalis posterolateralis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0006331, UBERON:0007414, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002298 ] . UBERON:0002268 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "olfactory organ" ; NIFRID:synonym "main olfactory organ", "olfactory neuroepithelium", "olfactory organ", "olfactory sense organ", "olfactory sensory organ", "organ olfactus", "organum olfactorium", "primary olfactory organ" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000020 . UBERON:0002271 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "periventricular zone of hypothalamus" ; NIFRID:synonym "hypothalamus periventricular zone", "periventricular zone of the hypothalamus", "zona periventricularis hypothalamicae" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000064, UBERON:0004121, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001898 ] . UBERON:0002272 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "medial zone of hypothalamus" ; NIFRID:synonym "hypothalamic medial zone behavioral control column", "hypothalamus medial zone", "medial zone of the hypothalamus", "zona medialis hypothalamicae" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000064, UBERON:0004121, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001898 ] . UBERON:0002273 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "lateral zone of hypothalamus" ; NIFRID:synonym "hypothalamic lateral zone", "hypothalamus lateral zone", "lateral zone of the hypothalamus", "zona lateralis hypothalamicae" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000064, UBERON:0004121, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001898 ] . UBERON:0002275 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "reticular formation" ; NIFRID:synonym "brain stem reticular formation", "brainstem reticular formation", "reticular formation (classical)", "reticular formation of the brainstem" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002616, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002298 ] . UBERON:0002294 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "biliary system" ; NIFRID:synonym "biliary apparatus", "biliary tract" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011216, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002423 ] . UBERON:0002298 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "brainstem" ; NIFRID:synonym "accessory medullary lamina of pallidum", "brain stem", "lamella pallidi incompleta", "lamina medullaris accessoria", "lamina medullaris incompleta pallidi", "lamina pallidi incompleta", "truncus encephali", "truncus encephalicus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000481, UBERON:0002616, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000955 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000955 ] . UBERON:0002301 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "layer of neocortex" ; NIFRID:synonym "cerebral cortex layer", "cortical layer", "lamina of neocortex", "layer of neocortex", "neocortex layer" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0022303, UBERON:8440004, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001950 ] . UBERON:0002303 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "juxtaglomerular apparatus" ; NIFRID:synonym "complexus juxtaglomerularis", "juxtaglomerular complex" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000061, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001225 ] . UBERON:0002304 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "layer of dentate gyrus" ; NIFRID:synonym "dentate gyrus cell layer", "dentate gyrus layer" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011215, UBERON:0022303, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001885 ] . UBERON:0002305 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Cytoarchitectural fields of hippocampal formation", "layer of hippocampus" ; NIFRID:synonym "cytoarchitectural fields of hippocampal formation", "hippocampus layer", "hippocampus proper layer", "layer of cornu ammonis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011215, UBERON:0016548, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002421 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002421 ] . UBERON:0002308 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nucleus of brain" ; NIFRID:synonym "brain nuclei", "brain nucleus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000125, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000955 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003528 ] . UBERON:0002309 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "medial longitudinal fasciculus" ; NIFRID:synonym "fasciculus longitudinalis medialis", "medial longitudinal fascicle", "MLF" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0005838 . UBERON:0002313 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "hippocampus pyramidal layer" ; NIFRID:synonym "gyrus occipitalis inferior", "gyrus occipitalis tertius", "hippocampal pyramidal cell layer", "hippocampal pyramidal layer", "hippocampus pyramidal cell layer", "hippocampus stratum pyramidale", "pyramidal cell layer of the hippocampus", "pyramidal layer of hippocampus", "stratum pyramidale", "stratum pyramidale hippocampi" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002305 . UBERON:0002314 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "midbrain tectum" ; NIFRID:synonym "mesencephalic tectum", "neuraxis tectum", "t. mesencephali", "tectum", "tectum mesencephali", "tectum mesencephalicum", "tectum of midbrain" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002616, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001891 ] . UBERON:0002315 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gray matter of spinal cord" ; NIFRID:synonym "gray matter of spinal cord", "gray substance of spinal cord", "grey matter of spinal cord", "grey substance of spinal cord", "spinal cord gray matter", "spinal cord grey matter", "spinal cord grey substance", "substantia grisea medullae spinalis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002020, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002240 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002240 ] . UBERON:0002316 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "white matter" ; NIFRID:synonym "CNS tract/commissure", "CNS tracts and commissures", "CNS white matter", "neuronal white matter", "substantia alba", "white mater", "white matter of neuraxis", "white substance" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011215, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001017 ] . UBERON:0002318 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "white matter of spinal cord" ; NIFRID:synonym "spinal cord white matter", "spinal cord white matter of neuraxis", "spinal cord white substance", "substantia alba medullae spinalis", "white matter of neuraxis of spinal cord", "white substance of spinal cord" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002316, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002240 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002240 ] . UBERON:0002324 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "muscle of back" ; NIFRID:synonym "back muscle", "back muscle organ", "muscle organ of back" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001774, UBERON:0005174, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001137 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004469 ] . UBERON:0002330 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "exocrine system" ; NIFRID:synonym "exocrine glandular system" ; rdfs:subClassOf PR:000050567, UBERON:0000467 . UBERON:0002343 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "abdomen musculature" ; NIFRID:synonym "abdominal musculature", "muscle group of abdomen", "muscles of abdomen", "musculature of abdomen", "musculature of abdominal wall", "set of muscles of abdomen" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004479, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000916 ] . UBERON:0002348 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "epicardium" ; NIFRID:synonym "heart epicardium", "pericardium visceral mesothelium", "visceral serous pericardium of heart", "visceral serous pericardium proper" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000481, UBERON:0004120, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000948 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002425 ] . UBERON:0002355 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "pelvic region of trunk" ; NIFRID:synonym "lesser pelvis", "pelvic region", "pelvis", "pelvis region", "true pelvis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000475, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002417 ] . UBERON:0002356 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "perineum" ; NIFRID:synonym "perineal region", "regio perinealis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0009569, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002417 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0012469 ] . UBERON:0002357 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "serous pericardium" ; NIFRID:synonym "pericardium serosum", "serous portion of pericardium" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000042, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom RO:0002577 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002406 ] . UBERON:0002358 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "peritoneum" ; NIFRID:synonym "peritonaeum" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000042, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003697 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0035820 ] . UBERON:0002365 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "exocrine gland" ; NIFRID:synonym "ducted gland", "glandula exocrina" ; rdfs:subClassOf PR:000050567, UBERON:0002530, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002330 ] . UBERON:0002366 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "bulbo-urethral gland" ; NIFRID:synonym "bulbourethral gland", "Cowper's gland", "Cowper's gland of male", "Cowper's glands", "glandula bulbourethralis", "Mery's gland", "Méry gland" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000414, UBERON:0006868, UBERON:0010147, UBERON:0010186, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001333 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002330 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004054 ] . UBERON:0002367 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "prostate gland" ; NIFRID:synonym "male prostate", "prostata", "prostate" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000077, UBERON:0010147 . UBERON:0002368 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "endocrine gland" ; NIFRID:synonym "ductless gland", "glandula endocrina", "glandulae endocrinae" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002530, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000949 ] . UBERON:0002369 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "adrenal gland" ; NIFRID:synonym "adrenal", "adrenal capsule", "adrenal medulla cell", "atrabiliary capsule", "epinephric gland", "epinephros", "glandula adrenalis", "glandula suprarenalis", "interrenal gland", "suprarenal capsule", "suprarenal gland" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0005172, UBERON:0006858, UBERON:0015212, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000916 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000949 ] . UBERON:0002370 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "thymus" ; NIFRID:synonym "thymus gland", "thymus organ" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000077, UBERON:0002368, UBERON:0004177, UBERON:0005057, UBERON:0005058, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000153 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000949 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002390 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002405 ] . UBERON:0002377 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "muscle of neck" ; NIFRID:synonym "muscle organ of neck", "muscle organ of neck (volume)", "neck (volume) muscle organ", "neck muscle", "neck muscle organ" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0010959, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000974 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004465 ] . UBERON:0002378 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "muscle of abdomen" ; NIFRID:synonym "abdomen muscle", "abdomen muscle organ", "abdominal muscle", "abdominal wall muscle", "abdominal wall musculature", "muscle organ of abdomen" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003833, UBERON:0005172, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000916 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002343 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003697 ] . UBERON:0002379 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "perineal muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "muscle of perineum", "muscle organ of perineal region", "muscle organ of perineum", "perineal region muscle organ", "perineum muscle organ" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001325, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002356 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004486 ] . UBERON:0002380 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "trapezius muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "musculus trapezius", "spinotrapezius", "trapezius" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001482, UBERON:0004120, UBERON:0010313 . UBERON:0002381 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "pectoralis major" ; NIFRID:synonym "musculus pectoralis major", "pectoralis major muscle", "pectoralis major muscle structure" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001482, UBERON:0001495 . UBERON:0002382 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "rectus abdominis muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "m. rectus abdominis", "musculus rectus abdominis", "rectus abdominis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002461, UBERON:0004120, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0006635 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0008777 ] . UBERON:0002383 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "supraspinatus muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "musculus supraspinatus", "supraspinatus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001482, UBERON:0010891, UBERON:0034908, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003683 ] . UBERON:0002384 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "connective tissue" ; NIFRID:synonym "Bindegewebe", "portion of connective tissue", "textus connectivus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000479 . UBERON:0002385 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "muscle tissue" ; NIFRID:synonym "muscular tissue", "portion of muscle tissue", "textus muscularis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000479, UBERON:0004120, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001015 ] . UBERON:0002386 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "forelimb zeugopod" ; NIFRID:synonym "antebrachial region", "antebrachium", "antibrachium", "arm middle limb segment", "arm zeugopod", "brachial region middle limb segment", "brachial region zeugopod", "fore epipodium", "forearm", "forelimb epipodium", "forelimb zeugopodium", "forelimb zygopod", "intermediate segment of free upper limb", "lower arm", "lower segment of arm", "middle limb segment of arm", "middle limb segment of brachial region", "middle limb segment of forelimb", "middle limb segment of proximal segment of free upper limb", "regio antebrachialis", "wing zeugopod", "zeugopod of arm", "zeugopod of brachial region", "zeugopod of forelimb", "zeugopod of proximal segment of free upper limb" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002471, UBERON:0008785, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001460 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002102 ] . UBERON:0002387 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "pes" ; NIFRID:synonym "foot", "hind foot", "hind limb autopodium", "hind paw", "hind-paw", "hindfeet", "hindfoot", "hindfoot of quadruped", "hindlimb autopod", "hindlimb autopodium", "hindlimb distal free limb segment", "hindpaw", "pes", "terminal segment of free lower limb" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002470, UBERON:0008784, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002103 ] . UBERON:0002389 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "manual digit" ; NIFRID:synonym "digit of hand", "digit of manus", "digitus manus", "finger", "fore digit", "forelimb digit", "hand digit", "manual digit (phalangeal portion) plus soft tissue" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002544, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002102 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002398 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0012141 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:5002389 ] . UBERON:0002390 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "hematopoietic system" ; NIFRID:synonym "Blutbildungssystem", "haematological system", "haematopoietic system", "haemopoietic system", "hematological system", "hematolymphoid system", "hemopoietic system", "organa haemopoietica" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000467, UBERON:0004120, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002193 ] . UBERON:0002394 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "bile duct" ; NIFRID:synonym "bile tube", "biliary duct", "gall duct", "hepatic duct" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000025, UBERON:0003928, UBERON:0004119, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001173 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001173 ] . UBERON:0002398 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "manus" ; NIFRID:synonym "fore foot", "fore paw", "fore-paw", "forefeet", "forefoot", "forefoot of quadruped", "forelimb autopod", "forelimb autopodium", "forepaw", "hand", "hand region", "terminal segment of free upper limb" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002470, UBERON:0008785, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002102 ] . UBERON:0002403 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "internal intercostal muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "intercostal muscle internal layer", "intercostales internus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001111 . UBERON:0002404 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "transversus thoracis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002426 . UBERON:0002405 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "immune system" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0015203 . UBERON:0002406 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "pericardial sac" ; NIFRID:synonym "pericardium" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0005181, UBERON:0005906, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001009 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002407 ] . UBERON:0002407 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "pericardium" ; rdfs:subClassOf PR:000050567, UBERON:0000481, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom NCBITaxon:6072 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0015410 ] . UBERON:0002410 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "autonomic nervous system" ; NIFRID:synonym "ANS", "autonomic division of peripheral nervous system", "autonomic part of peripheral nervous system", "divisio autonomica systematis nervosi peripherici", "pars autonomica systematis nervosi peripherici", "peripheral autonomic nervous system", "visceral nervous system" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011216, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000010 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001016 ] . UBERON:0002411 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "clitoris" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000062, UBERON:0004120, UBERON:0005156, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000997 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0005056 ] . UBERON:0002416 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "integumental system" ; NIFRID:synonym "body surface", "dermal system", "external covering of organism", "integumentary system", "integumentum commune", "organism surface", "surface" ; rdfs:subClassOf PR:000050567, UBERON:0000467 . UBERON:0002417 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "abdominal segment of trunk" ; NIFRID:synonym "abdomen/pelvis/perineum", "lower body", "lower trunk", "lumbar region" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0009569, UBERON:0011676 . UBERON:0002419 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "skin gland" ; NIFRID:synonym "glandulae cutis", "set of skin glands", "skin glands", "skin glands set" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003297, UBERON:0004121, UBERON:0006003, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002097 ] . UBERON:0002420 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "basal ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "basal ganglia", "basal ganglion of telencephalon", "basal nucleus", "nuclei basales" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003528, UBERON:0007245, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0010011 ] . UBERON:0002421 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "hippocampal formation" ; NIFRID:synonym "archipallium", "formatio hippocampi", "hippocampus", "hippocampus (Crosby)", "major hippocampus", "primal cortex", "seahorse" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002616, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000203 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000956 ] . UBERON:0002422 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "fourth ventricle" ; NIFRID:synonym "4th ventricle", "fourth ventricle proper", "hindbrain ventricle", "IVth ventricle", "rhombencephalic ventricle", "rhombencephalic vesicle", "ventricle IV", "ventricle of hindbrain", "ventricle of rhombencephalon", "ventriculus quartus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004086, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002028 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002028 ] . UBERON:0002423 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "hepatobiliary system" ; NIFRID:synonym "hepaticobiliary system", "liver and biliary system", "liver/biliary system" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011216, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001007 ] . UBERON:0002425 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "visceral serous pericardium" ; NIFRID:synonym "epicardium", "lamina visceralis pericardii serosi", "pericardium visceral mesothelium", "serous visceral pericardium", "visceral lamina of serous pericardium", "visceral layer of serous pericardium", "visceral pericardium" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0022350, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002357 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002407 ] . UBERON:0002426 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "chest muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior thoracic region muscle organ", "anterolateral part of thorax muscle organ", "chest muscle organ", "front of thorax muscle organ", "muscle of thorax", "muscle organ of anterior thoracic region", "muscle organ of anterolateral part of thorax", "muscle organ of chest", "muscle organ of front of thorax", "musculus thoracicus", "thoracic muscle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003830, UBERON:0005175, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001443 ] . UBERON:0002427 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "arm skin" ; NIFRID:synonym "brachial region skin", "skin of arm" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003531, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001460 ] . UBERON:0002430 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "lateral hypothalamic area" ; NIFRID:synonym "area hypothalamica lateralis", "area lateralis hypothalami", "lateral division of hypothalamus", "lateral group of hypothalamic nuclei", "lateral hypothalamic area (Nissl 1913)", "lateral hypothalamic area proper", "lateral hypothalamic group", "lateral hypothalamic nucleus", "lateral hypothalamic region", "lateral hypothalamic zone (Crosby)", "LH" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002616, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002273 ] . UBERON:0002435 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "striatum" ; NIFRID:synonym "caudate putamen", "corpus striatum", "corpus striatum (Zilles)", "dorsal striatum", "neostriatum", "neuraxis striatum", "striate nucleus", "striated nucleus", "striatum", "striatum of neuraxis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011300, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000204 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000369 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002420 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0006098 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0010011 ] . UBERON:0002437 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "cerebral hemisphere white matter" ; NIFRID:synonym "cerebral hemisphere white matter", "cerebral white matter", "hemisphere white matter", "region of cerebral white matter", "substantia medullaris cerebri", "white matter structure of cerebral hemisphere" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011299, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001869 ] . UBERON:0002439 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "myenteric nerve plexus" ; NIFRID:synonym "Auberbach plexus", "Auberbach's plexus", "Auberbachs plexus", "Auerbach's plexus", "Meissner's plexus", "myenteric plexus", "plexus myentericus", "plexus nervosus submucosus", "plexus submucosus", "Remak's plexus", "submucous plexus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000429, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0012367 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002005 ] . UBERON:0002440 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "inferior cervical ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "cervico-thoracic", "cervico-thoracic ganglion", "ganglion cervicale inferioris", "ganglion cervicale inferius", "stellate ganglion", "variant cervical ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001991 . UBERON:0002441 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "cervicothoracic ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "cervicothoracic sympathetic ganglion", "ganglion cervicothoracicum", "ganglion stellatum", "stellate ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001991 . UBERON:0002461 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior abdominal wall muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "muscle of anterior abdominal wall", "ventral abdominal wall muscle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002378, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0006635 ] . UBERON:0002463 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "muscle of posterior compartment of hindlimb stylopod" ; NIFRID:synonym "hamstring", "hamstring muscle", "muscle of posterior compartment of thigh", "muscularis compartimentum femoris posterius", "posterior fascial compartment of thigh", "posterior femoral muscle", "posterior femoral muscles", "set of hamstring muscles" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004252, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000376 ] . UBERON:0002464 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nerve trunk" ; NIFRID:synonym "peripheral nerve trunk", "trunk of nerve", "trunk of peripheral nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000122, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001021 ] . UBERON:0002465 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "lymphoid system" ; NIFRID:synonym "lymphatic circulatory system", "lymphatic drainage system", "lymphatic system", "systema lymphoideum" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000467, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002193 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002405 ] . UBERON:0002470 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "autopod region" ; NIFRID:synonym "autopod", "autopodial element", "autopodial limb segment", "autopodial segment", "autopodium", "autopodium region", "distal free limb segment", "distal segment of free limb", "distal segment of limb", "manus/pes", "paw", "paw/hand/foot/hoof", "pod" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002529, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002101 ] . UBERON:0002471 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "zeugopod" ; NIFRID:synonym "epipodium", "middle free limb segment", "middle limb segment", "middle part of limb", "middle segment of free limb", "zeugopod limb segment", "zeugopodial limb segment", "zeugopodium", "zygopod", "zygopodium" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002529 . UBERON:0002472 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "stylopod" ; NIFRID:synonym "propodium", "proximal free limb segment", "proximal part of limb", "proximal segment of free limb", "stylopodial limb segment", "stylopodium" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002529, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002101 ] . UBERON:0002476 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "lateral globus pallidus" ; NIFRID:synonym "external globus pallidus", "external pallidum", "external part of globus pallidus", "globus pallidus (rat)", "globus pallidus extermal segment", "globus pallidus external segment", "globus pallidus externus", "globus pallidus lateral part", "globus pallidus lateral segment", "globus pallidus lateralis", "globus pallidus, external segment", "globus pallidus, lateral part", "globus pallidus, lateral segment", "globus pallidus, pars externa", "lateral division of globus pallidus", "lateral pallidal segment", "lateral pallidum", "lateral part of globus pallidus", "lateral segment of globus pallidus", "lateral segment of the globus pallidus", "nucleus lateralis globi pallidi", "pallidum dorsal region external segment", "pallidum I", "pallidus II", "pars lateralis globi pallidi medialis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0005401, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001875 ] . UBERON:0002477 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "medial globus pallidus" ; NIFRID:synonym "entopeduncular nucleus", "entopeduncular nucleus (monakow)", "globus pallidus inernal segment", "globus pallidus interna", "globus pallidus internal segment", "globus pallidus internus", "globus pallidus medial part", "globus pallidus medial segment", "globus pallidus medialis", "globus pallidus pars medialis", "globus pallidus, internal segment", "globus pallidus, medial part", "globus pallidus, medial segment", "globus pallidus, pars interna", "internal globus pallidus", "internal pallidum", "internal part of globus pallidus", "medial division of globus pallidus", "medial globus pallidus (entopeduncular nucleus)", "medial pallidal segment", "medial part of globus pallidus", "medial segment of globus pallidus", "medial segment of the globus pallidus", "mesial pallidum", "nucleus medialis globi pallidi", "pallidum dorsal region internal segment", "pallidum I", "pallidum II", "pallidus I", "pars medialis globi pallidi", "principal medial geniculate nucleus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0005401, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001875 ] . UBERON:0002493 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "uterine artery" ; NIFRID:synonym "arteria uterina" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001190, UBERON:0005156, UBERON:0015212, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000995 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000995 ] . UBERON:0002495 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "long bone" ; NIFRID:synonym "os longum" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001474, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002091 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002091 ] . UBERON:0002499 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "cochlear labyrinth" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000064, UBERON:0004121, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001849 ] . UBERON:0002507 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "abdominal lymph node" ; NIFRID:synonym "abdomen lymph node", "lymph node of abdomen", "parietal abdominal lymph node" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000029, UBERON:0005172, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000916 ] . UBERON:0002509 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "mesenteric lymph node" ; NIFRID:synonym "mesenteric node", "nodi lymphoidei mesenterici" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004120, UBERON:0015860, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002095 ] . UBERON:0002513 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "endochondral bone" ; NIFRID:synonym "cartilaginous bone", "endochondral bones", "ossified chondrogenic bone" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001474, UBERON:0010363 . UBERON:0002515 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "periosteum" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000158, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001474 ] . UBERON:0002517 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "basicranium" ; NIFRID:synonym "base of cranium", "base of skull", "basis cranii", "cranial base" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000075, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001703 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002241 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003128 ] . UBERON:0002529 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "limb segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "extremity part", "free limb segment", "limb region", "region of limb", "segment of limb", "subdivision of limb" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0010538, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002101 ] . UBERON:0002530 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gland" ; NIFRID:synonym "Druese", "glandula", "glandular organ" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000062 . UBERON:0002544 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "digit" ; NIFRID:synonym "acropodial unit", "digit (phalangeal portion) plus soft tissue", "limb digit" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0005881, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0012140 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0012354 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:5002544 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002470 ] . UBERON:0002551 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "interstitial nucleus of Cajal" ; NIFRID:synonym "ICjl", "interstitial nucleus", "interstitial nucleus of Cajal", "interstitial nucleus of medial longitudinal fasciculus", "interstitial nucleus of medial longitudinal fasciculus (Crosby)", "interstitial nucleus of the medial longitudinal fascicle (Boyce 1895)", "interstitial nucleus of the medial longitudinal fasciculus", "NIC", "nucleus interstitialis", "nucleus interstitialis Cajal", "nucleus of the posterior commissure (Kvlliker)" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0006331, UBERON:0007414, UBERON:0009661, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001943 ] . UBERON:0002567 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "basal part of pons" ; NIFRID:synonym "basal part of the pons", "basal portion of pons", "base of pons", "basilar part of pons", "basilar pons", "basis pontis", "pars anterior pontis", "pars basilaris pontis", "pars ventralis pontis", "pons proper", "ventral pons", "ventral portion of pons" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002616, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000988 ] . UBERON:0002573 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "pontine reticular formation" ; NIFRID:synonym "formatio reticularis pontis", "pons of varolius reticular formation", "pons reticular formation", "pontine reticular nucleus", "pontine reticular nucleus rostral part", "reticular formation of pons", "reticular formation of pons of varolius" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007245, UBERON:0019263, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002275 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003023 ] . UBERON:0002580 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "brachium of superior colliculus" ; NIFRID:synonym "brachium colliculi cranialis", "brachium colliculi rostralis", "brachium colliculi superioris", "brachium of the superior colliculus", "brachium quadrigeminum superius", "superior brachium", "superior collicular brachium", "superior colliculus brachium", "superior quadrigeminal brachium" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000122, UBERON:0011215, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0006786 ] . UBERON:0002581 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "postcentral gyrus" ; NIFRID:synonym "gyrus centralis posterior", "gyrus postcentralis", "post central gyrus", "postcentral convolution", "posterior central gyrus", "postrolandic gyrus", "somatosensory cortex" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000200, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001872 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001872 ] . UBERON:0002587 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nucleus subceruleus" ; NIFRID:synonym "nucleus subcaeruleus", "nucleus subcoeruleus", "subcaerulean nucleus", "subceruleus nucleus", "subcoeruleus nucleus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002308 . UBERON:0002590 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Prepyriform area", "prepyriform area" ; NIFRID:synonym "(pre-)piriform cortex", "area prepiriformis", "eupalaeocortex", "gyrus olfactorius lateralis", "lateral olfactory gyrus", "palaeocortex II", "piriform cortex (price)", "piriform olfactory cortex", "prepiriform cortex", "prepiriform region", "prepyriform cortex", "pyriform area", "regio praepiriformis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002616, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000956 ] ; ilxtr:hasExistingId BIRNLEX:1097, FMA:62484, ILX:0109236, UBERON:0002590, UBERON:0004725 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId BIRNLEX:1097, FMA:62484, UBERON:0002590, UBERON:0004725 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0109236 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0004725 . UBERON:0002597 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "principal sensory nucleus of trigeminal nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "chief sensory nucleus", "chief sensory trigeminal nucleus", "chief trigeminal sensory nucleus", "main sensory nucleus", "main sensory nucleus of cranial nerve v", "nucleus pontinus nervi trigeminalis", "nucleus pontinus nervi trigemini", "nucleus principalis nervi trigemini", "nucleus sensibilis superior nervi trigemini", "nucleus sensorius principalis nervi trigemini", "nucleus sensorius superior nervi trigemini", "pontine nucleus", "pontine nucleus of the trigeminal nerve", "primary nucleus of the trigeminal nerve", "principal sensory nucleus", "principal sensory nucleus of the trigeminal", "principal sensory nucleus of the trigeminal nerve", "principal sensory nucleus of trigeminal nerve", "principal sensory trigeminal nucleus", "principal trigeminal nucleus", "superior trigeminal nucleus", "superior trigeminal sensory nucleus", "trigeminal nerve superior sensory nucleus", "trigeminal V chief sensory nucleus", "trigeminal V principal sensory nucleus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004132, UBERON:0006331, UBERON:0009662, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003023 ] . UBERON:0002600 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "limbic lobe" ; NIFRID:synonym "fornicate convolution", "fornicate gyrus", "fornicate lobe", "grande lobe limbique of Broca", "gyrus fornicatus", "limbic lobe (carpenter)", "lobus limbicus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0016526 . UBERON:0002601 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "fasciolar gyrus" ; NIFRID:synonym "fasciola cinerea", "fasciola cinerea (Reil, Arnold)", "fasciola cinereum", "FC", "gyrus fasciolaris", "gyrus retrosplenialis hippocampi", "retrosplenial gyrus of hippocampus", "splenial gyrus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000064, UBERON:0004121, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002600 ] . UBERON:0002604 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventral nucleus of lateral lemniscus" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior nucleus of lateral lemniscus", "nucleus anterior lemnisci lateralis", "nucleus lemnisci lateralis pars ventralis", "nucleus lemnisci lateralis ventralis", "nucleus of the lateral lemniscus ventral part", "nucleus of the lateral lemniscus, ventral part", "ventral nucleus of the lateral lemniscus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0006331, UBERON:0006840, UBERON:0009662, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003023 ] . UBERON:0002610 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "cochlear nuclear complex" ; NIFRID:synonym "cochlear nuclei", "nuclei cochleares" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0019263, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001896 ] . UBERON:0002616 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Regional part of brain", "regional part of brain" ; NIFRID:synonym "anatomical structure of brain", "biological structure of brain", "brain anatomical structure", "brain biological structure", "brain part", "neuraxis segment", "neuroanatomical region", "segment of brain" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000073, UBERON:0004121, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000955 ] ; ilxtr:hasExistingId BIRNLEX:1167, FMA:55676, ILX:0109835, UBERON:0002616 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId BIRNLEX:1167, FMA:55676, UBERON:0002616 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0109835 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0002616 . UBERON:0002625 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "median preoptic nucleus" ; NIFRID:synonym "median preoptic nucleus (Loo)", "MnPO", "nucleus praeopticus medianus", "nucleus preopticus medianus", "periventricular nucleus, preventricular portion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007251, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001928 ] . UBERON:0002633 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "motor nucleus of trigeminal nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "motor nucleus", "motor nucleus of cranial nerve v", "motor nucleus of the trigeminal", "motor nucleus of the trigeminal nerve", "motor nucleus of trigeminal", "motor nucleus of trigeminal nerve", "motor nucleus V", "motor trigeminal nucleus", "nucleus motorius nervi trigeminalis", "nucleus motorius nervi trigemini", "nucleus motorius trigeminalis", "nV", "trigeminal motor nuclei", "trigeminal motor nucleus", "trigeminal V motor nucleus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000126, UBERON:0002925, UBERON:0006331, UBERON:0009662, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000988 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002925 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003023 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000988 ] . UBERON:0002639 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "midbrain reticular formation" ; NIFRID:synonym "formatio reticularis mesencephali", "formatio reticularis tegmentalis", "formatio reticularis tegmenti mesencephali", "MBRF", "reticular formation of midbrain", "substantia reticularis mesencephali", "tegmental reticular formation" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007245, UBERON:0019267, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001943 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002275 ] . UBERON:0002663 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "septal nuclear complex" ; NIFRID:synonym "nuclei septales", "parolfactory nuclei", "septal nuclei", "septal nucleus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0005401, UBERON:0007245, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000446 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002743 ] . UBERON:0002665 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "supracallosal gyrus" ; NIFRID:synonym "gyrus supracallosus", "hippocampus supracommissuralis", "supracommissural hippocampal rudiment", "supracommissural hippocampus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000200, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002600 ] . UBERON:0002682 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "abducens nucleus" ; NIFRID:synonym "abducens motor nuclei", "abducens motor nucleus", "abducens nerve nucleus", "abducens nucleus proper", "abducens VI nucleus", "abducent nucleus", "motor nucleus VI", "nucleus abducens", "nucleus nervi abducentis", "nucleus of abducens nerve", "nucleus of abducens nerve (VI)", "nVI", "sixth cranial nerve nucleus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000126, UBERON:0006331, UBERON:0009662, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000988 ] . UBERON:0002691 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventral tegmental area" ; NIFRID:synonym "a10a", "area tegmentalis ventralis", "area tegmentalis ventralis (Tsai)", "tegmentum ventrale", "ventral brain stem", "ventral tegmental area (Tsai)", "ventral tegmental area of tsai", "ventral tegmental nucleus (Rioch)", "ventral tegmental nucleus (tsai)", "ventral tegmental nucleus of tsai", "ventromedial mesencephalic tegmentum", "VTA" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000481, UBERON:0002616, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001943 ] . UBERON:0002704 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "metathalamus" ; NIFRID:synonym "corpora geniculata", "geniculate group of dorsal thalamus", "geniculate group of the dorsal thalamus", "geniculate thalamic group", "geniculate thalamic nuclear group (metathalamus)", "MTh", "nuclei metathalami" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0015233, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004703 ] . UBERON:0002711 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nucleus of posterior commissure" ; NIFRID:synonym "Darkshevich nucleus", "Darkshevich's nucleus", "nucleus commissura posterior", "nucleus commissuralis posterioris", "nucleus interstitialis of posterior commissure", "nucleus of Darkschewitsch", "nucleus of the posterior commissure", "PCom", "posterior commissure nucleus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0006331, UBERON:0007414, UBERON:0009661, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001943 ] . UBERON:0002712 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "premammillary nucleus" ; NIFRID:synonym "nuclei premamillaris", "nucleus premamillaris hypothalami", "PMm", "premamillary nucleus", "premammillary nuclei" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0006568, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002770 ] . UBERON:0002722 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "trochlear nucleus" ; NIFRID:synonym "fourth cranial nerve nucleus", "motor nucleus IV", "nIV", "nucleus nervi trochlearis", "nucleus of trochlear nerve", "trochlear IV nucleus", "trochlear motor nucleus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000126, UBERON:0006331, UBERON:0007414, UBERON:0009661, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001943 ] . UBERON:0002726 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "cervical spinal cord" ; NIFRID:synonym "cervical segment of spinal cord", "cervical segments of spinal cord [1-8]", "cervical spinal cord", "pars cervicalis medullae spinalis", "segmenta cervicalia medullae spinalis [1-8" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0005844 . UBERON:0002728 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "entorhinal cortex" ; NIFRID:synonym "area entorhinalis (28,34)", "area entorhinalis ventralis et dorsalis", "Brodmann's area 28", "cortex entorhinalis", "entorhinal area", "entorhinal cortex" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000064, UBERON:0004121, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002973 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004725 ] . UBERON:0002736 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "lateral nuclear group of thalamus" ; NIFRID:synonym "lateral group of nuclei", "lateral group of the dorsal thalamus", "lateral nuclear group", "lateral nuclear group of dorsal thalamus", "lateral nuclear group of thalamus", "lateral nucleus of thalamus", "lateral thalamic group", "lateral thalamic nuclear group", "lateral thalamic nuclear region", "lateral thalamic nuclei", "lateral thalamic nucleus", "LNG", "nuclei laterales thalami", "nucleus lateralis thalami" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000125, UBERON:0015233, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004703 ] . UBERON:0002743 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "basal forebrain" ; NIFRID:synonym "basal forebrain area", "pars basalis telencephali" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002616, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001890 ] . UBERON:0002753 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior spinocerebellar tract" ; NIFRID:synonym "dorsal spinocerebellar tract", "dorsal spinocerebellar tract of the medulla", "flechsig's tract" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001018, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0005413 ] . UBERON:0002770 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior hypothalamic region" ; NIFRID:synonym "hypothalamus posterior", "mammillary level of hypothalamus", "mammillary region", "PHR", "posterior hypothalamus", "regio hypothalamica posterior" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002616, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001898 ] . UBERON:0002776 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventral nuclear group" ; NIFRID:synonym "dorsal thalamus, ventral group", "nuclei ventrales thalami", "ventral dorsal thalamic nuclear group", "ventral group of dorsal thalamus", "ventral group of the dorsal thalamus", "ventral nuclear group", "ventral nuclear group of thalamus", "ventral nuclear mass", "ventral nuclei of thalamus", "ventral thalamus nucleus", "ventral tier thalamic nuclei", "VNG" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0015233, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004703 ] . UBERON:0002778 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventral pallidum" ; NIFRID:synonym "fibrae nervi vagi", "globus pallidus ventral part", "pallidum ventral region", "ventral globus pallidus", "ventral pallidum" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0005401, UBERON:0006514, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001875 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002743 ] . UBERON:0002779 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "lateral superior olivary nucleus" ; NIFRID:synonym "accessory olivary nucleus", "accessory superior olivary nucleus", "accessory superior olive", "inferior olivary complex dorsalaccessory nucleus", "lateral superior olive", "LSON", "nucleus olivaris superior lateralis", "superior olivary complex, lateral part", "superior olivary nucleus, lateral part", "superior olive lateral part" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007247, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0022434 ] . UBERON:0002782 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "medial superior olivary nucleus" ; NIFRID:synonym "chief nucleus of superior olive", "chief superior olivary nucleus", "main superior olivary nucleus", "medial superior olive", "MSO", "nucleus laminaris", "nucleus olivaris superior medialis", "principal superior olivary nucleus", "superior olivary complex, medial part", "superior olivary nucleus, medial part", "superior olive medial part", "superior paraolivary nucleus", "superior parolivary nucleus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007247, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0022434 ] . UBERON:0002790 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "dorsal acoustic stria" ; NIFRID:synonym "dorsal acoustic stria (Monakow)", "posterior acoustic stria", "stria cochlearis posterior", "striae acusticae dorsalis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0013199, UBERON:0019293, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003023 ] . UBERON:0002792 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "lumbar spinal cord" ; NIFRID:synonym "lumbar segment of spinal cord", "lumbar segments of spinal cord [1-5]", "lumbar spinal cord", "pars lumbalis medullae spinalis", "segmenta lumbalia medullae spinalis [1-5]", "spinal cord lumbar segment" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0005844, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0005462 ] . UBERON:0002812 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left cerebral hemisphere" ; NIFRID:synonym "left hemisphere" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001869 . UBERON:0002813 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right cerebral hemisphere" ; NIFRID:synonym "right hemisphere" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001869 . UBERON:0002824 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "vestibular ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "nucleus nervi oculomotorii, pars medialis", "Scarpa's ganglion", "vestibular part of vestibulocochlear ganglion", "vestibulocochlear ganglion vestibular component", "vestibulocochlear VIII ganglion vestibular component" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001714, UBERON:0001800, UBERON:0010313, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001862 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002827 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004681 ] . UBERON:0002827 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "vestibulocochlear ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "acoustic ganglion", "acoustic ganglion VIII", "acoustico-vestibular VIII ganglion", "auditory ganglion", "ganglion VIII", "gVIII", "nucleus nervi oculomotorii ventrolateralis", "nucleus nervi oculomotorii, pars ventralis", "SAG", "statoacoustic (VIII) ganglion", "statoacoustic ganglia", "statoacoustic ganglion", "statoacoustic VIII ganglion", "vestibulocochlear ganglia", "vestibulocochlear VIII ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001714, UBERON:0010313, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002105 ] . UBERON:0002828 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventral cochlear nucleus" ; NIFRID:synonym "accessory cochlear nucleus", "anterior cochlear nucleus", "c1281209", "nucleus acustici accessorici", "nucleus cochlearis anterior", "nucleus cochlearis ventralis", "VCo", "ventral cochlear nuclei", "ventral cochlear nucleus", "ventral coclear nucleus", "ventral division of cochlear nucleus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001720, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002610 ] . UBERON:0002829 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Dorsal cochlear nucleus", "dorsal cochlear nucleus" ; NIFRID:synonym "DCo", "dorsal cochlear nucleus", "dorsal coclear nucleus", "dorsal division of cochlear nucleus", "nucleus cochlearis dorsalis", "nucleus cochlearis posterior", "posterior cochlear nucleus", "tuberculum acousticum" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001720, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002610 ] ; ilxtr:hasExistingId BIRNLEX:2569, FMA:54624, ILX:0103424, UBERON:0002829 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId BIRNLEX:2569, FMA:54624, UBERON:0002829 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0103424 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0002829 . UBERON:0002833 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "medial nucleus of trapezoid body" ; NIFRID:synonym "MNTB" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007633, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0022434 ] . UBERON:0002834 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "cervical dorsal root ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "cervical dorsal root ganglion", "cervical spinal ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000044 . UBERON:0002835 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Thoracic dorsal root ganglion", "thoracic dorsal root ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "dorsal root ganglion of thorax", "ganglion of dorsal root of thorax", "ganglion spinalis of thorax", "thoracic dorsal root ganglion", "thoracic spinal ganglion", "thorax dorsal root ganglion", "thorax ganglion of dorsal root", "thorax ganglion spinalis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000044, UBERON:0000961 . UBERON:0002836 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Lumbar dorsal root ganglion", "lumbar dorsal root ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "lumbar dorsal root ganglion", "lumbar spinal ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000044 . UBERON:0002837 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "sacral dorsal root ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "sacral dorsal root ganglion", "sacral spinal ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000044 . UBERON:0002842 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "fifth cervical dorsal root ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "C5 dorsal root ganglion", "fifth cervical dorsal root ganglion", "fifth cervical spinal ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002834 . UBERON:0002843 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "seventh cervical dorsal root ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "C7 dorsal root ganglion", "seventh cervical dorsal root ganglion", "seventh cervical spinal ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002834 . UBERON:0002844 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "eighth cervical dorsal root ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "eighth cervical dorsal root ganglion", "eighth cervical spinal ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002834 . UBERON:0002845 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "first thoracic dorsal root ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "first thoracic dorsal root ganglion", "first thoracic spinal ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002835 . UBERON:0002846 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "second thoracic dorsal root ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "second thoracic dorsal root ganglion", "second thoracic spinal ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002835 . UBERON:0002847 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "third thoracic dorsal root ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "third thoracic dorsal root ganglion", "third thoracic spinal ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002835 . UBERON:0002848 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "fifth thoracic dorsal root ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "fifth thoracic dorsal root ganglion", "fifth thoracic spinal ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002835 . UBERON:0002849 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "sixth thoracic dorsal root ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "sixth thoracic dorsal root ganglion", "sixth thoracic spinal ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002835 . UBERON:0002850 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "seventh thoracic dorsal root ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "seventh thoracic dorsal root ganglion", "seventh thoracic spinal ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002835 . UBERON:0002851 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "eighth thoracic dorsal root ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "eighth thoracic dorsal root ganglion", "eighth thoracic spinal ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002835 . UBERON:0002852 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ninth thoracic dorsal root ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "ninth thoracic dorsal root ganglion", "ninth thoracic spinal ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002835 . UBERON:0002853 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "tenth thoracic dorsal root ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "tenth thoracic dorsal root ganglion", "tenth thoracic spinal ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002835 . UBERON:0002854 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "eleventh thoracic dorsal root ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "eleventh thoracic dorsal root ganglion", "eleventh thoracic spinal ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002835 . UBERON:0002855 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "twelfth thoracic dorsal root ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "twelfth thoracic dorsal root ganglion", "twelfth thoracic spinal ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002835 . UBERON:0002856 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "second lumbar dorsal root ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "second lumbar dorsal root ganglion", "second lumbar spinal ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002836 . UBERON:0002857 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "first lumbar dorsal root ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "first lumbar dorsal root ganglion", "first lumbar spinal ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002836 . UBERON:0002858 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "third lumbar dorsal root ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "third lumbar dorsal root ganglion", "third lumbar spinal ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002836 . UBERON:0002859 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "fifth lumbar dorsal root ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "fifth lumbar dorsal root ganglion", "fifth lumbar spinal ganglion", "L5 dorsal root ganglion", "L5 ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002836 . UBERON:0002860 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "first sacral dorsal root ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "first sacral dorsal root ganglion", "first sacral spinal ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002837 . UBERON:0002861 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "second sacral dorsal root ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "second sacral dorsal root ganglion", "second sacral spinal ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002837 . UBERON:0002862 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "third sacral dorsal root ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "third sacral dorsal root ganglion", "third sacral spinal ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002837 . UBERON:0002865 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "arcuate nucleus of medulla" ; NIFRID:synonym "ArcM", "arcuate hypothalamic nucleus medial part", "arcuate hypothalamic nucleus of medulla", "arcuate nucleus (medulla)", "arcuate nucleus of hypothalamus of medulla", "arcuate nucleus of the medulla", "arcuate nucleus, medial part", "arcuate nucleus-1", "arcuate nucleus-2 of medulla", "arcuate periventricular nucleus of medulla", "infundibular hypothalamic nucleus of medulla", "infundibular nucleus of medulla", "infundibular periventricular nucleus of medulla", "medial arcuate nucleus", "medulla arcuate hypothalamic nucleus", "medulla arcuate nucleus", "medulla arcuate nucleus of hypothalamus", "medulla arcuate nucleus-2", "medulla arcuate periventricular nucleus", "medulla infundibular hypothalamic nucleus", "medulla infundibular nucleus", "medulla infundibular periventricular nucleus", "nuclei arcuati", "nucleus arciformis pyramidalis", "nucleus arcuatus myelencephali", "nucleus arcuatus pyramidalis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007635, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001896 ] . UBERON:0002870 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "dorsal motor nucleus of vagus nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "dorsal efferent nucleus of vagus", "dorsal motor nucleus", "dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus", "dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus (vagal nucleus)", "dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve", "dorsal motor nucleus of vagus", "dorsal motor nucleus of vagus nerve", "dorsal motor nucleus of vagus X nerve", "dorsal motor vagal nucleus", "dorsal nucleus of the vagus nerve", "dorsal nucleus of vagus nerve", "dorsal vagal nucleus", "nucleus alaris", "nucleus alaris (Oertel)", "nucleus dorsalis motorius nervi vagi", "nucleus dorsalis nervi vagi", "nucleus posterior nervi vagi", "nucleus vagalis dorsalis", "posterior nucleus of vagus nerve", "vagus nucleus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007635, UBERON:0011778, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001896 ] . UBERON:0002871 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "hypoglossal nucleus" ; NIFRID:synonym "hypoglossal nerve nucleus", "hypoglossal nucleus", "hypoglossal XII nucleus", "nucleus hypoglossalis", "nucleus nervi hypoglossi", "nucleus of hypoglossal nerve", "twelfth cranial nerve nucleus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000126, UBERON:0007635, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001896 ] . UBERON:0002872 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "inferior salivatory nucleus" ; NIFRID:synonym "inferior salivary nucleus", "inferior salivatary nucleus", "nucleus salivarius inferior", "nucleus salivatorius caudalis", "nucleus salivatorius inferior", "nucleus salivatorius inferior nervi glossopharyngei" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000126, UBERON:0004133, UBERON:0007635, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001896 ] . UBERON:0002881 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "sublingual nucleus" ; NIFRID:synonym "inferior central nucleus", "nucleus of roller", "nucleus parvocellularis nervi hypoglossi", "nucleus Roller", "nucleus sublingualis", "Roller's nucleus", "SLg" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007635, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001896 ] . UBERON:0002883 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "central amygdaloid nucleus" ; NIFRID:synonym "amygdala central nucleus", "central amygdala", "central amygdalar nucleus", "central nuclear group", "central nucleus amygdala", "central nucleus of amygda", "central nucleus of amygdala", "central nucleus of the amygdala", "nucleus amygdalae centralis", "nucleus amygdaloideus centralis", "nucleus centralis amygdalae" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0009663, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001876 ] . UBERON:0002886 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "lateral amygdaloid nucleus" ; NIFRID:synonym "lateral amygdala", "lateral amygdalar nucleus", "lateral nucleus of amygdala", "lateral nucleus of the amygdala", "lateral principal nucleus of amygdala", "medial principal nucleus", "nucleus amygdalae lateralis", "nucleus amygdaloideus lateralis", "nucleus lateralis amygdalae" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0009663, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001876 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0006107 ] . UBERON:0002892 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "medial amygdaloid nucleus" ; NIFRID:synonym "medial amygalar nucleus", "medial amygdala", "medial amygdalar nucleus", "medial amygdaloid nucleus principal part", "medial nucleus of amygdala", "medial nucleus of the amygdala", "nucleus amygdalae medialis", "nucleus amygdaloideus medialis", "nucleus medialis amygdalae" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0009663, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001876 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0006108 ] . UBERON:0002894 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "olfactory cortex" ; NIFRID:synonym "archaeocortex", "archeocortex", "olfactory areas", "olfactory lobe" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002616, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000956 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0005366 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0005366 ] . UBERON:0002925 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "trigeminal nucleus" ; NIFRID:synonym "nucleus mesencephalicus nervi trigemini", "nucleus mesencephalicus trigeminalis", "nucleus of trigeminal nuclear complex", "nucleus tractus mesencephali nervi trigeminalis", "trigeminal nuclear complex nucleus", "trigeminal nucleus", "trigeminal V nucleus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000126, UBERON:0002308, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0007641 ] . UBERON:0002932 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "trapezoid body" ; NIFRID:synonym "corpus trapezoides", "corpus trapezoideum", "trapezoid body (Treviranus)", "TZ" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0019293, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003023 ] . UBERON:0002934 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventral oculomotor nucleus" ; NIFRID:synonym "nucleus nervi oculomotorii ventrolateralis", "nucleus nervi oculomotorii, pars ventralis", "V3", "ventral nucleus of oculomotor nuclear complex", "ventral oculomotor cell column" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0006331, UBERON:0007414, UBERON:0009661, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001715 ] . UBERON:0002952 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "intermediate acoustic stria" ; NIFRID:synonym "commissure of held", "intermediate acoustic stria (held)", "intermediate acoustic stria of held", "striae acusticae intermedius" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0013199, UBERON:0019293, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003023 ] . UBERON:0002953 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "lateral lemniscus" ; NIFRID:synonym "central acoustic tract", "lateral fillet", "lateral lemniscus (Reil)", "lemniscus acusticus", "lemniscus lateralis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003001 . UBERON:0002956 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "granular layer of cerebellar cortex" ; NIFRID:synonym "cerebellar granular layer", "cerebellar granule cell layer", "cerebellar granule layer", "cerebellum granule cell layer", "cerebellum granule layer", "granular layer of cerebellum", "granule cell layer of cerebellar cortex", "stratum granulosum cerebelli", "stratum granulosum corticis cerebelli" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004130 . UBERON:0002968 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "central gray substance of pons" ; NIFRID:synonym "central gray of pons", "central gray of the pons", "griseum centrale pontis", "pontine central gray" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0019263, UBERON:0035011, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000988 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002573 ] . UBERON:0002971 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "periolivary nucleus" ; NIFRID:synonym "nuclei periolivares", "nucleus periolivaris", "peri-olivary nuclei", "peri-olivary nucleus", "periolivary nuclei", "periolivary region", "POI", "superior olivary complex periolivary region" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007247, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002128 ] . UBERON:0002973 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "parahippocampal gyrus" ; NIFRID:synonym "gyrus hippocampi", "gyrus parahippocampalis", "gyrus parahippocampi", "hippocampal convolution", "hippocampal gyrus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000200, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000349 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001871 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002600 ] . UBERON:0002974 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "molecular layer of cerebellar cortex" ; NIFRID:synonym "cerebellar molecular layer", "cerebellum molecular cell layer", "cerebellum molecular layer", "fasciculi thalami", "stratum moleculare corticis cerebelli", "thalamic fiber tracts" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004130 . UBERON:0002979 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Purkinje cell layer of cerebellar cortex" ; NIFRID:synonym "cerebellar Purkinje cell layer", "cerebellum Purkinje cell layer", "cerebellum Purkinje layer", "nuclei reticulares (thalami)", "nucleus reticularis", "nucleus reticulatus (thalami)", "nucleus thalamicus reticularis", "Purkinje cell layer", "reticular nucleus thalamus (Arnold)", "reticulatum thalami (Hassler)" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004130 . UBERON:0002981 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "pulvinar nucleus" ; NIFRID:synonym "nuclei pulvinares", "nucleus pulvinaris", "nucleus pulvinaris thalami", "posterior nucleus (P)", "Pul", "pulvinar", "pulvinar nuclei", "pulvinar thalami", "pulvinar thalamus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007692, UBERON:0015233, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002736 ] . UBERON:0002983 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "lateral posterior nucleus of thalamus" ; NIFRID:synonym "lateral posterior complex", "lateral posterior nucleus", "lateral posterior nucleus of thalamus", "lateral posterior nucleus of the thalamus", "lateral posterior thalamic nucleus", "laterodorsal nucleus, caudal part", "LP", "nucleus dorso-caudalis", "nucleus dorsocaudalis (Hassler)", "nucleus lateralis posterior", "nucleus lateralis posterior thalami", "nucleus lateralis thalami posterior", "posterior lateral nucleus of thalamus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0015233, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002736 ] . UBERON:0002987 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior spinocerebellar tract" ; NIFRID:synonym "Gower's tract", "Gowers' tract", "tractus spinocerebellaris anterior", "tractus spinocerebellaris ventralis", "ventral spinocerebellar tract", "ventral spinocerebellar tract (Gowers)" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007702, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001896 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0005413 ] . UBERON:0002989 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anconeus muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "aconeus", "anconeus", "m. anconeus", "musculus anconaeus", "musculus anconeus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004255 . UBERON:0003001 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nervous system lemniscus" ; NIFRID:synonym "lemniscus", "neuraxis lemniscus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000122, UBERON:0011215, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002316 ] . UBERON:0003004 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "median raphe nucleus" ; NIFRID:synonym "cell group b8", "medial raphe nucleus", "median nucleus of the raphe", "MRN", "nucleus centralis superior", "nucleus raphes medianus", "superior central nucleus", "superior central nucleus raphe", "superior central tegmental nucleus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007415, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002639 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004684 ] . UBERON:0003011 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "facial motor nucleus" ; NIFRID:synonym "branchiomotor nucleus of facial nerve", "facial motor nucleus", "facial nerve motor nucleus", "facial nucleus", "motor nucleus of facial nerve", "motor nucleus of VII", "motor nucleus VII", "n. nervi facialis", "nucleus facialis", "nucleus motorius nervi facialis", "nucleus nervi facialis", "nVII" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000127 . UBERON:0003017 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "substantia innominata" ; NIFRID:synonym "innominate substance", "nucleus of substantia innominata", "substantia innominata (Reil, Reichert)", "substantia innominata of Meynert", "substantia innominata of Reichert", "substantia innominata of Reil", "substriatal gray" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0009663, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002743 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002778 ] . UBERON:0003023 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "pontine tegmentum" ; NIFRID:synonym "dorsal pons", "dorsal portion of pons", "pars dorsalis pontis", "pars posterior pontis", "tegmental portion of pons", "tegmentum of pons", "tegmentum pontis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000064, UBERON:0004121, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000988 ] . UBERON:0003038 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "thoracic spinal cord" ; NIFRID:synonym "pars thoracica medullae spinalis", "segmenta thoracica medullae spinalis [1-12]", "thoracic region of spinal cord", "thoracic segment of spinal cord", "thoracic segments of spinal cord [1-12]", "thoracic spinal cord" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0005844, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000915 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0008231 ] . UBERON:0003040 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "central gray substance of midbrain", "Periaqueductal gray of midbrain" ; NIFRID:synonym "anulus aquaeductus", "anulus aqueductus cerebri", "anulus of cerebral aqueduct", "central (periaqueductal) gray", "central gray", "central gray of the midbrain", "central gray substance of the midbrain", "central grey", "central grey substance of midbrain", "CGMB", "griseum centrale", "griseum centrale mesencephali", "griseum periventriculare mesencephali", "midbrain periaqueductal grey", "pAG", "periaquectuctal grey", "periaqueductal gray", "periaqueductal gray matter", "periaqueductal gray of tegmentum", "periaqueductal gray, proper", "periaqueductal grey", "periaqueductal grey matter", "periaqueductal grey substance", "s. grisea centralis", "substantia grisea centralis", "substantia grisea centralis mesencephali" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0019267, UBERON:0035011, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001891 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001943 ] . UBERON:0003041 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "trigeminal nerve fibers" ; NIFRID:synonym "central part of trigeminal nerve", "fibrae nervi trigemini", "trigeminal nerve fibers", "trigeminal nerve tract" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0006134, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001645 ] . UBERON:0003100 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "female organism" ; NIFRID:synonym "female", "female human body" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000468 . UBERON:0003101 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "male organism" ; NIFRID:synonym "male", "male human body" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000468 . UBERON:0003102 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "surface structure" ; NIFRID:synonym "anatomical surface feature", "surface feature", "surface region", "surface structures" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000061 . UBERON:0003103 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "compound organ" ; NIFRID:synonym "organ" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000062 . UBERON:0003126 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "trachea" ; NIFRID:synonym "cartilaginous trachea", "tracheal tubule", "vertebrate trachea", "windpipe" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000117, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0007196 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001004 ] . UBERON:0003128 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "cranium" ; NIFRID:synonym "bones of cranium", "calvarium", "epicranial plate", "ossa cranii", "set of bones of cranium", "skeletal system of head", "skull minus mandible", "upper part of skull" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000075 . UBERON:0003129 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "skull" ; NIFRID:synonym "cranial skeleton", "skeletal system of head" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000075, UBERON:0010314, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000033 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0010323 ] . UBERON:0003133 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "reproductive organ" ; NIFRID:synonym "genital organ", "genitalia", "reproductive system organ", "sex organ" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000062, UBERON:0005156, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000990 ] . UBERON:0003134 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "female reproductive organ" ; NIFRID:synonym "female organism reproductive organ", "female organism reproductive structure", "female organism reproductive system organ", "female organism sex organ", "female reproductive gland/organ", "female reproductive system organ", "female sex organ", "reproductive organ of female organism", "reproductive structure of female organism", "reproductive system organ of female organism", "sex organ of female organism" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003133, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000474 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003100 ] . UBERON:0003135 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "male reproductive organ" ; NIFRID:synonym "male genital", "male organism reproductive organ", "male organism reproductive structure", "male organism reproductive system organ", "male organism sex organ", "male reproductive gland/organ", "male reproductive system organ", "male sex organ", "reproductive organ of male organism", "reproductive structure of male organism", "reproductive system organ of male organism", "sex organ of male organism" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003133, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000079 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003101 ] . UBERON:0003222 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "flexor digitorum superficialis" ; NIFRID:synonym "flexor digitorum superficialis muscle", "musculus flexor digitorum superficialis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004254 . UBERON:0003228 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "supinator muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "musculus supinator", "supinator", "supinator brevus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004254 . UBERON:0003234 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "extensor pollicis longus muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "extensor pollicis longis", "extensor pollicis longus", "musculus extensor pollicis longus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011024 . UBERON:0003296 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gland of diencephalon" ; NIFRID:synonym "diencephalon gland", "interbrain gland" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002530, UBERON:0004121, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001894 ] . UBERON:0003297 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gland of integumental system" ; NIFRID:synonym "integumental gland", "integumental system gland", "integumentary gland" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002530, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002416 ] . UBERON:0003335 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Serosa in colon", "serosa of colon" ; NIFRID:synonym "colon serosa", "colon serous membrane", "colonic serosa", "large bowel serosa", "large bowel serous membrane", "serosa of large bowel", "serous membrane of colon", "serous membrane of large bowel", "visceral peritoneum of colon" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001209, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001155 ] . UBERON:0003338 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ganglion of peripheral nervous system" ; NIFRID:synonym "peripheral nervous system ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000045, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000010 ] . UBERON:0003350 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "epithelium of mucosa" ; NIFRID:synonym "lamina epithelialis mucosa", "lamina epithelialis mucosae" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000483, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000344 ] . UBERON:0003386 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "smooth muscle of eye" ; NIFRID:synonym "ocular smooth muscle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001135, UBERON:0004121, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000019 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001015 ] . UBERON:0003403 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "skin of forearm" ; NIFRID:synonym "forearm skin", "lower arm skin", "lower segment of arm skin", "skin of antebrachial region", "skin of lower arm", "skin of lower segment of arm", "skin of zeugopod of arm" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002427, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002386 ] . UBERON:0003408 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gland of digestive tract" ; NIFRID:synonym "digestive tract gland", "gland of digestive tract", "gland of lower gastrointestinal tract", "gut gland", "lower gastrointestinal tract gland" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002530, UBERON:0013765, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001555 ] . UBERON:0003431 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "leg nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "nerve of leg" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003442, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000978 ] . UBERON:0003433 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "arm nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "brachial region nerve", "nerve of arm", "nerve of brachial region" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003441, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001460 ] . UBERON:0003438 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "iris nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "ciliary nerve", "nerve of iris" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001021 . UBERON:0003439 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nerve of trunk region" ; NIFRID:synonym "nerve of torso", "nerve of trunk", "torso nerve", "trunk nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001021, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002100 ] . UBERON:0003440 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "limb nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "nerve of limb" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001021, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002101 ] . UBERON:0003441 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "forelimb nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "fore limb nerve", "nerve of fore limb", "nerve of forelimb", "nerve of superior member", "nerve of upper extremity", "wing nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003440, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002102 ] . UBERON:0003442 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "hindlimb nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "hind limb nerve", "nerve of hind limb", "nerve of hindlimb", "nerve of inferior member", "nerve of lower extremity" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003440, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002103 ] . UBERON:0003443 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "thoracic cavity nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "cavity of chest nerve", "cavity of thorax nerve", "chest cavity nerve", "nerve of cavity of chest", "nerve of cavity of thorax", "nerve of chest cavity", "nerve of pectoral cavity", "nerve of thoracic cavity", "pectoral cavity nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001021 . UBERON:0003444 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "pelvis nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "nerve of pelvis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003825, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002355 ] . UBERON:0003463 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "trunk bone" ; NIFRID:synonym "bone of torso", "bone of trunk", "bone organ of torso", "bone organ of trunk", "torso bone", "torso bone organ", "trunk bone organ" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001474, UBERON:0005177, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002100 ] . UBERON:0003497 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "abdomen blood vessel" ; NIFRID:synonym "blood vessel of abdomen" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003835, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000916 ] . UBERON:0003509 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "arterial blood vessel" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001981, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004572 ] . UBERON:0003513 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "trunk blood vessel" ; NIFRID:synonym "blood vessel of torso", "blood vessel of trunk", "torso blood vessel" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001981, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002100 ] . UBERON:0003517 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "kidney blood vessel" ; NIFRID:synonym "blood vessel of kidney", "renal blood vessel" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003497, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002113 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0006544 ] . UBERON:0003519 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "thoracic cavity blood vessel" ; NIFRID:synonym "blood vessel of cavity of chest", "blood vessel of cavity of thorax", "blood vessel of chest cavity", "blood vessel of pectoral cavity", "blood vessel of thoracic cavity", "cavity of chest blood vessel", "cavity of thorax blood vessel", "chest cavity blood vessel", "pectoral cavity blood vessel" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001981 . UBERON:0003527 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "kidney capillary" ; NIFRID:synonym "blood capillary of kidney", "capillary of kidney", "capillary vessel of kidney", "kidney blood capillary", "kidney capillary vessel", "renal capillary" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001982, UBERON:0003517, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002113 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0006544 ] . UBERON:0003528 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "brain gray matter" ; NIFRID:synonym "brain grey matter", "brain grey substance", "gray matter of brain", "grey matter of brain", "grey substance of brain" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002020, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000955 ] . UBERON:0003531 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "forelimb skin" ; NIFRID:synonym "anteriormost limb skin", "fore limb skin", "skin of fore limb", "skin of forelimb", "skin of upper limb", "upper limb skin", "wing skin" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001419, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002102 ] . UBERON:0003532 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "hindlimb skin" ; NIFRID:synonym "hind limb skin", "lower limb skin", "skin of hind limb", "skin of hindlimb", "skin of lower extremity", "skin of lower limb" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001419, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002103 ] . UBERON:0003533 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "manual digit skin" ; NIFRID:synonym "digit of hand skin", "digit of terminal segment of free upper limb skin", "digitus manus skin", "finger skin", "fore limb digit skin", "hand digit skin", "skin of digit of hand", "skin of digit of terminal segment of free upper limb", "skin of digitus manus", "skin of finger", "skin of hand digit", "skin of terminal segment of free upper limb digit", "terminal segment of free upper limb digit skin" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001519, UBERON:0015249, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002389 ] . UBERON:0003535 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "vagus X nerve trunk" ; NIFRID:synonym "trunk of vagal nerve", "trunk of vagus nerve", "vagal nerve trunk", "vagal X nerve trunk", "vagus nerve trunk", "vagus neural trunk" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002464, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001759 ] . UBERON:0003544 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "brain white matter" ; NIFRID:synonym "brain white matter of neuraxis", "brain white substance", "white matter of brain", "white matter of neuraxis of brain", "white substance of brain" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002316, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000955 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000955 ] . UBERON:0003622 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "manual digit 2" ; NIFRID:synonym "2nd digit of hand", "2nd finger", "digit 2 of fore-paw", "finger 2", "fore digit II", "fore limb digit 2", "hand digit 2", "index finger", "manual digit II", "second digit of hand", "second finger" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0006049, UBERON:0019232, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002398 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0012141 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:5003622 ] . UBERON:0003623 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "manual digit 3" ; NIFRID:synonym "3rd digit of hand", "3rd finger", "digit 3 of fore-paw", "digitus medius", "finger 3", "fore digit III", "fore limb digit 3", "hand digit 3", "long finger", "manual digit III", "middle finger", "third digit of hand", "third finger" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0006050, UBERON:0019232, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002398 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0012141 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:5003623 ] . UBERON:0003644 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "kidney arterial blood vessel" ; NIFRID:synonym "kidney arterial system" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003509, UBERON:0003517, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002113 ] . UBERON:0003657 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "limb joint" ; NIFRID:synonym "joint of limb", "joint of limb skeletal system", "skeletal limb joint" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000982, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002101 ] . UBERON:0003661 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "limb muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "limb muscle organ", "limb skeletal muscle", "muscle organ of limb" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0014892, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002101 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004480 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001015 ] . UBERON:0003662 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "forelimb muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "arm muscle system", "fore limb muscle organ", "forelimb muscle organ", "free upper limb muscle", "muscle of free upper limb", "muscle of upper limb", "musculature of arm", "musculature of the arm", "upper limb skeletal muscle", "wing muscle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003661, UBERON:0014794, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002102 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004481 ] . UBERON:0003663 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "hindlimb muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "free lower limb muscle", "hind limb muscle organ", "hindlimb muscle organ", "inferior member muscle organ", "lower extremity muscle organ", "lower limb skeletal muscle", "muscle of free lower limb", "muscle of posterior limb", "muscle organ of hind limb", "muscle organ of hindlimb", "muscle organ of inferior member", "muscle organ of lower extremity" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003661, UBERON:0014795, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002103 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004482 ] . UBERON:0003683 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "rotator cuff" ; NIFRID:synonym "musculotendinous cuff", "rotator cuff", "tendinous cuff" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000477, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001467 ] . UBERON:0003692 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "acromioclavicular joint" ; NIFRID:synonym "acromioclavicular articulation", "articulatio acromioclavicularis", "scapuloclavicular articulation" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011108, UBERON:0016884, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001467 ] . UBERON:0003697 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "abdominal wall" ; NIFRID:synonym "abdominal wall proper", "layers of the abdominal wall", "paries abdominalis", "wall of abdomen", "wall of abdomen proper" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000060, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000916 ] . UBERON:0003703 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "extrahepatic bile duct" ; NIFRID:synonym "bile duct extrahepatic part", "extrahepatic biliary system" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002394 . UBERON:0003708 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "carotid sinus" ; NIFRID:synonym "carotid bulb", "sinus caroticus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001530 . UBERON:0003711 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "brachiocephalic vein" ; NIFRID:synonym "brachiocephalic venous tree", "innomiate vein", "innominate trunk", "innominate vein", "innominate veins", "vena brachiocephalica", "venae anonyma" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001638, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom RO:0002577 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0007204 ] . UBERON:0003712 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "cavernous sinus" ; NIFRID:synonym "cavernous", "cavernous sinus syndrome", "cavernous sinuses", "cavernus sinus vein", "parasellar syndrome", "sinus cavernosus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0005486 . UBERON:0003715 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "splanchnic nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "splanchnic nerves", "visceral nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0034729, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000013 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000013 ] . UBERON:0003716 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve", "recurrent laryngeal nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "inferior laryngeal nerve", "nervus laryngeus recurrens", "ramus recurrens", "recurrent laryngeal nerve from vagus nerve", "recurrent nerve", "vagus X nerve recurrent laryngeal branch" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011779, UBERON:0035642, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001759 ] . UBERON:0003721 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "lingual nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "lingual branch of trigeminal nerve", "trigeminal nerve lingual branch", "trigeminal V nerve lingual branch" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011779, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000375 ] . UBERON:0003724 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "musculocutaneous nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "casserio's nerve", "nervus musculocutaneus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001021, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001814 ] . UBERON:0003729 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "mouth mucosa" ; NIFRID:synonym "buccal mucosa", "mouth mucosa", "mouth mucous membrane", "mouth organ mucosa", "mucosa of mouth", "mucosal lining of mouth", "mucous membrane of mouth", "oral mucosa", "oral mucous membrane", "oral part of viscerocranial mucosa", "tunica mucosa oris" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000344, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000165 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001007 ] . UBERON:0003822 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "forelimb stylopod" ; NIFRID:synonym "arm", "brachial region", "brachium", "fore propodium", "forelimb propodium", "forelimb stylopodial element", "forelimb stylopodium", "proximal segment of free upper limb", "regio brachialis", "stylopod of arm", "stylopod of forelimb", "upper arm", "wing stylopod" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002472, UBERON:0008785, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001460 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002102 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002102 ] . UBERON:0003823 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "hindlimb zeugopod" ; NIFRID:synonym "crus", "crus of hindlimb", "hind epipodium", "hind limb middle limb segment", "hind limb zeudopodium", "hind limb zeugopod", "hindlimb epipodium", "hindlimb middle limb segment", "hindlimb zeudopodium", "hindlimb zeugopod", "hindlimb zeugopodium", "intermediate segment of free lower limb", "leg", "lower extremity middle limb segment", "lower extremity zeugopod", "lower leg", "middle limb segment of hind limb", "middle limb segment of hindlimb", "shank", "zeugopod of hind limb", "zeugopod of hindlimb" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002471, UBERON:0008784, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000978 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002103 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002103 ] . UBERON:0003824 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nerve of thoracic segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "nerve of thorax", "thoracic segment nerve", "thorax nerve", "upper body nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003439, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000915 ] . UBERON:0003825 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nerve of abdominal segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "abdominal segment nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003439, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002417 ] . UBERON:0003828 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "abdominal segment bone" ; NIFRID:synonym "abdominal segment of trunk bone", "abdominal segment of trunk bone organ", "bone of abdominal segment of trunk", "bone organ of abdominal segment of trunk" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003463, UBERON:0005173, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002417 ] . UBERON:0003829 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "urethra muscle tissue" ; NIFRID:synonym "urethral muscle layer" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004120, UBERON:0005090, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000057 ] . UBERON:0003830 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "thoracic segment muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "muscle organ of thorax", "thorax muscle organ", "upper body muscle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001774, UBERON:0005181, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000915 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004464 ] . UBERON:0003831 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "respiratory system muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "apparatus respiratorius muscle organ", "muscle organ of apparatus respiratorius", "muscle organ of respiratory system", "respiratory system muscle organ" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001630, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001004 ] . UBERON:0003832 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "esophagus muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "esophageal muscle", "esophagus muscle organ", "gullet muscle organ", "muscle organ of esophagus", "muscle organ of gullet", "muscle organ of oesophagus", "oesophagus muscle organ" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001630, UBERON:0005181, UBERON:0013765, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001043 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001096 ] . UBERON:0003833 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "abdominal segment muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "abdominal segment of trunk muscle organ", "muscle organ of abdominal segment of trunk" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001774, UBERON:0005173, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002417 ] . UBERON:0003835 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "abdominal segment blood vessel" ; NIFRID:synonym "abdominal segment of trunk blood vessel", "blood vessel of abdominal segment of trunk" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003513, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002417 ] . UBERON:0003839 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "forelimb joint" ; NIFRID:synonym "anteriormost limb joint of limb", "anteriormost limb limb joint", "fore limb joint of limb", "fore limb limb joint", "forelimb joint of limb", "forelimb limb joint", "joint of free upper limb", "joint of limb of anteriormost limb", "joint of limb of fore limb", "joint of limb of forelimb", "joint of limb of superior member", "joint of limb of upper extremity", "limb joint of anteriormost limb", "limb joint of fore limb", "limb joint of forelimb", "limb joint of superior member", "limb joint of upper extremity", "superior member joint of limb", "superior member limb joint", "upper extremity joint of limb", "upper extremity limb joint", "wing joint" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003657, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002102 ] . UBERON:0003841 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "autopod joint" ; NIFRID:synonym "autopod joint of limb", "autopod limb joint", "distal free limb segment joint of limb", "distal free limb segment limb joint", "joint of limb of autopod", "joint of limb of distal free limb segment", "limb joint of autopod", "limb joint of distal free limb segment", "paw joint" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003657, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002470 ] . UBERON:0003876 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "hippocampal field" ; NIFRID:synonym "hippocampal region", "hippocampus region", "hippocampus subdivision", "subdivision of hippocampus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002616, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002421 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001954 ] . UBERON:0003881 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "CA1 field of hippocampus" ; NIFRID:synonym "CA1", "CA1 field", "CA1 field of Ammon's horn", "CA1 field of cornu ammonis", "CA1 field of hippocampus", "CA1 field of the Ammon horn", "CA1 field of the hippocampus", "cornu ammonis 1", "field CA1", "field CA1 of hippocampus", "field CA1, Ammon's horn (Lorente de Ns)", "hippocampus CA1", "prosubiculum = distal ca1", "regio I cornus ammonis", "regio I hippocampi proprii", "regio superior", "regio superior of the hippocampus", "region 1 of Ammon's horn", "region CA1", "region i of ammon's horn", "region i of hippocampus proper" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003876, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001954 ] . UBERON:0003882 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "CA2 field of hippocampus" ; NIFRID:synonym "CA2", "CA2 field", "CA2 field of Ammon's horn", "CA2 field of cornu ammonis", "CA2 field of hippocampus", "CA2 field of the Ammon horn", "CA2 field of the hippocampus", "cornu Ammonis 2", "field CA2", "field CA2 of hippocampus", "field CA2, Ammon's horn (Lorente de Ns)", "hippocampus CA2", "regio ii cornus ammonis", "regio ii hippocampi proprii", "region 2 of Ammon's horn", "region CA2", "region II of ammon's horn", "region II of hippocampus proper" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003876, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001954 ] . UBERON:0003883 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "CA3 field of hippocampus" ; NIFRID:synonym "CA3", "CA3 field", "CA3 field of Ammon's horn", "CA3 field of cornu ammonis", "CA3 field of hippocampus", "CA3 field of the Ammon horn", "CA3 field of the hippocampus", "cornu Ammonis 3", "field CA3", "field CA3 of hippocampus", "field CA3, Ammon's horn (Lorente de Ns)", "hippocampus CA3", "regio hippocampi proprii III", "regio III cornus ammonis", "regio III hippocampi proprii", "regio inferior", "region 3 of Ammon's horn", "region CA3", "region III of ammon's horn", "region III of hippocampus proper" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003876, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001954 ] . UBERON:0003889 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "fallopian tube" ; NIFRID:synonym "fallopian tubes", "female paramesonephric duct", "mammalian oviduct", "paramesonephric duct of female", "salpinges", "salpinx", "tuba uterina", "uterine tube (sensu Mammalia)" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004120, UBERON:0013515, UBERON:0015212, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000993 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002355 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003975 ] . UBERON:0003891 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "stroma" ; NIFRID:synonym "stromal connective tissue" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000064 . UBERON:0003893 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "capsule" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000158 . UBERON:0003898 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "skeletal muscle tissue of trunk" ; NIFRID:synonym "skeletal muscle of torso", "skeletal muscle tissue of torso", "skeletal muscle tissue of trunk", "torso skeletal muscle", "torso skeletal muscle tissue", "trunk skeletal muscle", "trunk skeletal muscle tissue" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001134, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002100 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004479 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0013700 ] . UBERON:0003902 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "retinal neural layer" ; NIFRID:synonym "neural layer of retina", "neural retina", "neural retinal epithelium", "neuroretina", "stratum nervosum (retina)", "stratum nervosum retinae" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001781 . UBERON:0003909 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "sinusoid" ; NIFRID:synonym "endothelium of irregular blood filled space", "sinusoidal blood vessel", "sinusoidal blood vessel endothelium", "sinusoidal capillary", "sinusoidal endothelium" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001982, UBERON:2005260 . UBERON:0003914 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "epithelial tube" ; NIFRID:synonym "epithelial or endothelial tube" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000025, UBERON:0000483 . UBERON:0003920 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "venous blood vessel" ; NIFRID:synonym "segment of venous tree organ", "venous tree organ segment" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001981, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004582 ] . UBERON:0003928 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "digestive system duct" ; NIFRID:synonym "duct of digestive system", "duct of gastrointestinal system", "gastrointestinal system duct" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000058, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001007 ] . UBERON:0003937 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "reproductive gland" ; NIFRID:synonym "genitalia gland", "gland of genitalia", "gland of reproductive system", "reproductive gland", "reproductive system gland", "sex gland" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002530, UBERON:0005156, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000990 ] . UBERON:0003942 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "somatosensory system" ; NIFRID:synonym "somatic sensory system", "system for detection of somatic senses" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001032 . UBERON:0003943 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "fourth lumbar dorsal root ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "forth lumbar dorsal root ganglion", "fourth lumbar dorsal root ganglion", "fourth lumbar spinal ganglion", "L4 dorsal root ganglion", "L4 ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002836 . UBERON:0003947 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "brain ventricle/choroid plexus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004121, UBERON:0010000, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000955 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000955 ] . UBERON:0003962 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "pterygopalatine ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "g. pterygopalatinum", "Meckel ganglion", "Meckel's ganglion", "nasal ganglion", "palatine ganglion", "pterygopalatine ganglia", "sphenopalatine ganglion", "sphenopalatine parasympathetic ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001808 . UBERON:0003963 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "otic ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "Arnold's ganglion", "ganglion oticum", "otic parasympathetic ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001714, UBERON:0001808 . UBERON:0003964 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "prevertebral ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "collateral ganglia", "collateral ganglion", "pre-aortic ganglia", "preaortic ganglia", "prevertebral ganglion", "prevertebral plexuses", "previsceral ganglion", "three great gangliated plexuses" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001806 . UBERON:0003975 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "internal female genitalia" ; NIFRID:synonym "female internal genitalia", "internal female genital organ", "internal genitalia of female reproductive system", "organa genitalia feminina interna" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003134, UBERON:0004175, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000474 ] . UBERON:0003984 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "uterine tube infundibulum" ; NIFRID:synonym "infundibulum", "infundibulum of fallopian tube", "infundibulum of oviduct", "infundibulum of uterine tube", "infundibulum tubae uterinae" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0013515 . UBERON:0004001 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "olfactory bulb layer" ; NIFRID:synonym "cytoarchitectural part of olfactory bulb" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011215, UBERON:0022303, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002264 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002264 ] . UBERON:0004053 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "external male genitalia" ; NIFRID:synonym "external male genital organ", "male external genitalia", "organa genitalia masculina externa" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003135, UBERON:0004176, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000079 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000079 ] . UBERON:0004054 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "internal male genitalia" ; NIFRID:synonym "internal male genital organ", "male internal genitalia", "organa genitalia masculina interna" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003135, UBERON:0004175, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000079 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000079 ] . UBERON:0004069 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "accessory olfactory bulb", "Olfactory bulb accessory nucleus" ; NIFRID:synonym "accessory (vomeronasal) bulb", "accessory olfactory formation", "olfactory bulb accessory nucleus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002616, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom RO:0002577 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002264 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0005366 ] ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0107936, NLX:53, NLXANAT:20090453, UBERON:0004069 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId NLX:53, NLXANAT:20090453, UBERON:0004069 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0107936 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0004069 . UBERON:0004084 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "genital labium" ; NIFRID:synonym "genital labia", "labia", "labium" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0015212, UBERON:8480029, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000997 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0005056 ] . UBERON:0004085 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "labium majora" ; NIFRID:synonym "labia majorum", "labium majora", "labium majorum", "labium majus", "labium majus pudendi" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004084, UBERON:0004120 . UBERON:0004086 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "brain ventricle" ; NIFRID:synonym "brain ventricles", "cerebral ventricle", "region of ventricular system of brain" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003947, UBERON:0005358, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0005282 ] . UBERON:0004088 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "orbital region" ; NIFRID:synonym "content of orbital part of eye", "eye region", "ocular and peri-ocular region", "ocular region", "orbital content", "orbital part of eye", "orbital part of face" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001444, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001456 ] . UBERON:0004089 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "midface" ; NIFRID:synonym "lower face", "midface/lower face", "snout" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001444, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001456 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001456 ] . UBERON:0004105 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "subungual region" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000477, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001705 ] . UBERON:0004111 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anatomical conduit" ; NIFRID:synonym "foramen", "foramina", "opening", "ostia", "ostium" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0010000 . UBERON:0004119 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "endoderm-derived structure" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000061 . UBERON:0004120 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "mesoderm-derived structure" ; NIFRID:synonym "mesodermal derivative" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000061 . UBERON:0004121 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ectoderm-derived structure" ; NIFRID:synonym "ectodermal deriviative" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000061 . UBERON:0004130 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "cerebellar layer" ; NIFRID:synonym "cell layer of cerebellar cortex", "cytoarchitectural part of the cerebellar cortex", "gray matter layer of cerebellum", "layer of cerebellar cortex", "layer of cerebellum" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011215, UBERON:0016548, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002037 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002129 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002129 ] . UBERON:0004132 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "trigeminal sensory nucleus" ; NIFRID:synonym "sensory trigeminal nuclei", "sensory trigeminal nucleus", "sensory trigeminal V nucleus", "trigeminal sensory nucleus", "trigeminal V sensory nucleus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000126, UBERON:0002925, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002925 ] . UBERON:0004133 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "salivatory nucleus" ; NIFRID:synonym "salivary nucleus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0006331, UBERON:0009662, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000988 ] . UBERON:0004151 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "cardiac chamber" ; NIFRID:synonym "chamber of heart", "heart chamber" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000064, UBERON:0004120, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000948 ] . UBERON:0004175 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "internal genitalia" ; NIFRID:synonym "internal genitalia", "internal genitals", "internal reproductive organ", "internal sex organ" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003133 . UBERON:0004176 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "external genitalia" ; NIFRID:synonym "external genitalia", "external reproductive organ", "external sex organ" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003133, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000990 ] . UBERON:0004177 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "hemopoietic organ" ; NIFRID:synonym "haematological system organ", "haemopoietic system organ", "hematopoeitic or lymphoid organ", "hematopoeitic organ", "hematopoietic system organ", "lymph organ", "lymphoid organ", "organ of haematological system", "organ of haemopoietic system", "organ of hematopoietic system", "organ of organa haemopoietica", "organa haemopoietica organ" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000062, UBERON:0004120, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002390 ] . UBERON:0004186 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "olfactory bulb mitral cell layer" ; NIFRID:synonym "mitral cell body layer", "mitral cell layer", "mitral cell layer of the olfactory bulb", "OB mitral cell layer", "olfactory bulb main mitral cell body layer" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004001 . UBERON:0004211 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nephron epithelium" ; NIFRID:synonym "epithelial tissue of nephron", "epithelium of nephron", "nephron epithelial tissue" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004819, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001285 ] . UBERON:0004220 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "large intestine smooth muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "involuntary muscle of large intestine", "large intestine involuntary muscle", "large intestine non-striated muscle", "large intestine smooth muscle tissue", "non-striated muscle of large intestine", "smooth muscle of large intestine", "smooth muscle tissue of large intestine" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004221, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000059 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001169 ] . UBERON:0004221 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "intestine smooth muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "bowel involuntary muscle", "bowel non-striated muscle", "bowel smooth muscle", "bowel smooth muscle tissue", "intestinal muscularis", "intestinal smooth muscle", "intestine involuntary muscle", "intestine non-striated muscle", "intestine smooth muscle tissue", "involuntary muscle of bowel", "involuntary muscle of intestine", "non-striated muscle of bowel", "non-striated muscle of intestine", "smooth muscle of bowel", "smooth muscle of intestine", "smooth muscle tissue of bowel", "smooth muscle tissue of intestine" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004226, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000160 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001262 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000160 ] . UBERON:0004222 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "stomach smooth muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "gastric muscle", "gastric smooth muscle", "involuntary muscle of stomach", "involuntary muscle of ventriculus", "non-striated muscle of stomach", "non-striated muscle of ventriculus", "smooth muscle of stomach", "smooth muscle of ventriculus", "smooth muscle tissue of stomach", "smooth muscle tissue of ventriculus", "stomach involuntary muscle", "stomach muscle", "stomach non-striated muscle", "stomach smooth muscle tissue", "ventriculus involuntary muscle", "ventriculus non-striated muscle", "ventriculus smooth muscle", "ventriculus smooth muscle tissue" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004226, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000945 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001167 ] . UBERON:0004223 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "vagina smooth muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "involuntary muscle of vagina", "non-striated muscle of vagina", "smooth muscle of vagina", "smooth muscle tissue of vagina", "vagina involuntary muscle", "vagina non-striated muscle", "vagina smooth muscle", "vagina smooth muscle tissue", "vaginal smooth muscle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001135, UBERON:0005156, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000996 ] . UBERON:0004226 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gastrointestinal system smooth muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "smooth muscle tissue of gastrointestinal system" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001135, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0005409 ] . UBERON:0004234 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "iris smooth muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "involuntary muscle of iris", "iridial smooth muscle", "iris involuntary muscle", "iris non-striated muscle", "iris smooth muscle tissue", "non-striated muscle of iris", "smooth muscle of iris", "smooth muscle tissue of iris" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003386, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001606 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001769 ] . UBERON:0004243 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "prostate gland smooth muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "involuntary muscle of prostate", "involuntary muscle of prostate gland", "muscular tissue of prostate", "non-striated muscle of prostate", "non-striated muscle of prostate gland", "prostate gland involuntary muscle", "prostate gland non-striated muscle", "prostate gland smooth muscle tissue", "prostate involuntary muscle", "prostate non-striated muscle", "prostate smooth muscle", "prostate smooth muscle tissue", "smooth muscle of prostate", "smooth muscle of prostate gland", "smooth muscle tissue of prostate", "smooth muscle tissue of prostate gland", "substantia muscularis prostatae" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001135, UBERON:0008715, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002367 ] . UBERON:0004252 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "hindlimb stylopod muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "muscle of thigh", "thigh muscle", "upper leg muscle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001383, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000376 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004463 ] . UBERON:0004254 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "forelimb zeugopod muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "forearm muscle", "lower arm muscle", "muscle of forearm", "wing zeugopod muscle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001499, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002386 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004487 ] . UBERON:0004255 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "forelimb stylopod muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "muscle of arm", "muscle of upper arm", "skeletal muscle of upper arm", "upper arm muscle", "wing stylopod muscle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001499, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003822 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0014791 ] . UBERON:0004256 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "hindlimb zeugopod muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "calf muscle", "lower leg muscle", "muscle of leg" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001383, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003823 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0006067 ] . UBERON:0004262 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "upper leg skin" ; NIFRID:synonym "hind limb stylopod skin", "hindlimb stylopod skin", "skin of thigh", "skin of upper leg", "thigh skin" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001511, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000376 ] . UBERON:0004263 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "upper arm skin" ; NIFRID:synonym "arm stylopod skin", "skin of arm stylopod", "skin of upper arm" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002427, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003822 ] . UBERON:0004277 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "eye muscle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001630, UBERON:0004121, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000019 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000019 ] . UBERON:0004288 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "skeleton" ; NIFRID:synonym "set of all bones", "set of bones of body" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0034925, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001434 ] . UBERON:0004293 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "parasympathetic nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "nerve of parasympathetic nervous system" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001021, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom RO:0002577 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000011 ] . UBERON:0004295 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "sympathetic nerve trunk" ; NIFRID:synonym "nerve trunk of sympathetic nervous system", "nerve trunk of sympathetic part of autonomic division of nervous system", "sympathetic nervous system nerve trunk" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002464, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000013 ] . UBERON:0004452 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "carpal region" ; NIFRID:synonym "articulatio radiocarpea", "carpal limb segment", "carpal segment", "carpus", "carpus of fore-paw", "fore basipodium", "fore mesopodium", "hand mesopodium", "manus mesopodium", "regio carpalis", "wrist", "wrist region" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0006716, UBERON:0008785, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002398 ] . UBERON:0004456 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "entire sense organ system" ; NIFRID:synonym "sense organ system" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000467 . UBERON:0004463 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "musculature of hindlimb stylopod" ; NIFRID:synonym "muscle group of thigh", "musculature of thigh", "set of muscles of thigh", "thigh musculature" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004466, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000376 ] . UBERON:0004464 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "musculature of thorax" ; NIFRID:synonym "muscle group of thorax", "muscles of thorax", "musculi thoracis", "set of muscles of thorax", "thoracic musculature" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004479, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000915 ] . UBERON:0004465 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "musculature of neck" ; NIFRID:synonym "cervical muscles", "muscle group of neck", "muscles of neck", "musculi cervicis", "musculi colli", "neck musculature", "set of muscles of neck" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001015, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000974 ] . UBERON:0004466 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "musculature of leg" ; NIFRID:synonym "leg muscle system" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004482, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000978 ] . UBERON:0004469 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "musculature of back" ; NIFRID:synonym "muscle group of back", "muscles of back", "musculi dorsi", "set of muscles of back" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001015, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001137 ] . UBERON:0004470 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "musculature of pelvic girdle" ; NIFRID:synonym "muscle group of pelvic girdle", "muscle group of pelvis", "muscular system of pelvis", "pelvic girdle muscle system", "pelvic girdle muscles", "pelvic girdle musculature", "set of muscles of pelvic girdle", "set of muscles of pelvis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004479, UBERON:0014792, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001271 ] . UBERON:0004471 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "musculature of pectoral girdle" ; NIFRID:synonym "muscle group of pectoral girdle", "pectoral girdle muscles", "pectoral girdle musculature", "set of muscles of pectoral girdle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0014793, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001421 ] . UBERON:0004474 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "musculature of arm" ; NIFRID:synonym "arm muscle system", "arm musculature", "muscle group of arm", "set of muscles of arm" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004481, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001460 ] . UBERON:0004476 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "musculature of shoulder" ; NIFRID:synonym "muscle group of shoulder", "set of muscles of shoulder" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001015, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom RO:0002577 ] . UBERON:0004479 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "musculature of trunk" ; NIFRID:synonym "muscle group of trunk", "muscular system of trunk", "set of muscles of trunk" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001015, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002100 ] . UBERON:0004480 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "musculature of limb" ; NIFRID:synonym "limb muscle system", "limb musculature", "muscle group of limb", "set of muscles of limb" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007271, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002101 ] . UBERON:0004481 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "musculature of upper limb" ; NIFRID:synonym "free upper limb musculature", "muscle group of free upper limb", "musculature of free upper limb", "set of muscles of free upper limb" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004480, UBERON:0007269, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002102 ] . UBERON:0004482 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "musculature of lower limb" ; NIFRID:synonym "free lower limb musculature", "muscle group of free lower limb", "musculature of free lower limb", "set of muscles of free lower limb" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004480, UBERON:0007270, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002103 ] . UBERON:0004486 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "musculature of perineum" ; NIFRID:synonym "musculi perinei", "perineal muscles", "perineal muscles set", "set of perineal muscles" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004479, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002356 ] . UBERON:0004487 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "musculature of forelimb zeugopod" ; NIFRID:synonym "muscle group of forearm", "musculature of forearm", "set of muscles of forearm" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004474, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002386 ] . UBERON:0004488 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "musculature of pes" ; NIFRID:synonym "foot musculature", "muscle group of foot", "musculature of foot", "set of muscles of foot" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004482, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002387 ] . UBERON:0004489 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "musculature of manus" ; NIFRID:synonym "hand musculature", "muscle group of hand", "musculature of hand", "set of muscles of hand" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004481, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002398 ] . UBERON:0004518 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "muscle of vertebral column" ; NIFRID:synonym "vertebral column muscle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0014892 . UBERON:0004519 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "muscle of anal triangle" ; NIFRID:synonym "anal triangle muscle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002379, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0006867 ] . UBERON:0004529 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anatomical projection" ; NIFRID:synonym "anatomical process", "anatomical protrusion", "flange", "flanges", "lamella", "lamellae", "lamina", "laminae", "organ process", "papilla", "process", "process of organ", "processes", "processus", "projection", "projections", "protrusion", "ridge", "ridges", "shelf", "shelves", "spine" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0034768, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000062 ] . UBERON:0004535 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "cardiovascular system" ; NIFRID:synonym "CV system", "Herz und Gefaesssystem" ; rdfs:subClassOf PR:000050567, UBERON:0000467, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001009 ] . UBERON:0004537 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "blood vasculature" ; NIFRID:synonym "blood system", "blood vascular network", "blood vessel system", "blood vessels", "set of blood vessels" ; rdfs:subClassOf PR:000050567, UBERON:0002049, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004535 ] . UBERON:0004538 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left kidney" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002113 . UBERON:0004539 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right kidney" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002113 . UBERON:0004571 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "systemic arterial system" ; NIFRID:synonym "systemic arterial circulatory system" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007798, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004572 ] . UBERON:0004572 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "arterial system" ; rdfs:subClassOf PR:000050567, UBERON:0007798, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004535 ] . UBERON:0004573 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "systemic artery" ; NIFRID:synonym "systemic arterial subtree" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001637, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004571 ] . UBERON:0004582 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "venous system" ; NIFRID:synonym "vein system" ; rdfs:subClassOf PR:000050567, UBERON:0007798 . UBERON:0004590 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "sphincter muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "circular muscle", "sphincter" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001630 . UBERON:0004638 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "blood vessel endothelium" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004852, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001981 ] . UBERON:0004639 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "renal afferent arteriole" ; NIFRID:synonym "afferent arteriole", "afferent glomerular arteriole", "afferent glomerular arteriole of kidney", "arteriola glomerularis afferens", "arteriola glomerularis afferens renis", "kidney afferent arteriole" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001637, UBERON:0001980, UBERON:0003644, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom RO:0002577 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001229 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001229 ] . UBERON:0004640 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "renal efferent arteriole" ; NIFRID:synonym "arteriola glomerularis efferens capsulae renalis", "arteriola glomerularis efferens renis", "efferent arteriole", "efferent glomerular arteriole", "efferent glomerular arteriole of kidney", "kidney efferent arteriole" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001980, UBERON:0003644, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom RO:0002577 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001229 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001229 ] . UBERON:0004641 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "spleen capsule" ; NIFRID:synonym "capsula splenica", "capsule of spleen", "fibroelastic coat of spleen", "fibrous capsule of spleen", "Malpighian capsule", "splenic capsule", "tunica fibrosa (splen)(lien)", "tunica fibrosa splenica" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003893, UBERON:0004120, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002106 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002106 ] . UBERON:0004647 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "liver lobule" ; NIFRID:synonym "hepatic lobule", "lobules of liver", "lobuli hepatici", "lobuli hepatis", "lobulus hepaticus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000064, UBERON:0004119, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001280 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001280 ] . UBERON:0004665 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "muscular coat of seminal vesicle" ; NIFRID:synonym "muscle layer of seminal vesicle", "muscular coat of seminal gland", "muscular layer of seminal gland", "tunica muscularis (vesicula seminalis)", "tunica muscularis glandulae vesiculosae" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004120, UBERON:0005156, UBERON:0006660, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000998 ] . UBERON:0004676 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "spinal cord lateral horn" ; NIFRID:synonym "columna grisea intermedia medullare spinalis", "cornu laterale medullae spinalis", "intermediate gray column of spinal cord", "intermediate grey column of spinal cord", "lateral gray column of spinal cord", "lateral gray horn", "lateral gray matter of spinal cord", "lateral horn of spinal cord", "spinal cord intermediate horn", "spinal cord lateral horn" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0015212, UBERON:0016550, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002315 ] . UBERON:0004677 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "spinal cord gray commissure" ; NIFRID:synonym "area spinalis X", "central gelatinous substance", "central glial substance", "commissura grisea anaterior medullae spinalis", "commissura grisea posterior medulla spinalis", "gray commissure of spinal cord", "grey commissure", "grey commissure of spinal cord", "lamina 10", "lamina spinalis X", "lamina X", "lamina X of gray matter of spinal cord", "rexed lamina X", "Rexed's lamina X", "spinal area X", "spinal cord gray commissure", "spinal cord grey commissure", "spinal lamina X", "substantia gelatinosa centralis", "substantia gelatinosa spinalis", "substantia gelationsa centralis", "substantia gliosa (spinalis)" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0016570 . UBERON:0004679 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "dentate gyrus molecular layer" ; NIFRID:synonym "dentate gyrus molecular layer", "molecular layer of dentate gyrus", "molecular layer of the dentate gyrus", "stratum moleculare gyri dentati" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002304 . UBERON:0004681 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "vestibular system" ; NIFRID:synonym "equilibrioception system", "vestibular organ system", "vestibular system", "vestibulomotor system" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001032, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002105 ] . UBERON:0004684 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "raphe nuclei" ; NIFRID:synonym "nuclei raphes", "raphe cluster", "raphe nuclei", "raphe nuclei set", "raphe nucleus", "raphe of mesenchephalon", "set of raphe nuclei" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002616, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002275 ] . UBERON:0004703 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "dorsal thalamus" ; NIFRID:synonym "dorsal thalamus", "dorsal thalamus (Anthoney)", "dorsal tier of thalamus", "thalamus dorsalis", "thalamus proper", "thalamus, pars dorsalis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002616, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001897 ] . UBERON:0004708 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "paired limb/fin" ; NIFRID:synonym "girdle-associated appendage", "jointed paired lateral appendage", "limb or fin", "limb/fin", "paired appendage", "pectoral or pelvic appendage", "pelvic/pectoral appendage" ; rdfs:subClassOf PR:000050567, UBERON:0000026, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom RO:0002577 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0010707 ] . UBERON:0004709 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "pelvic appendage" ; NIFRID:synonym "hindlimb/pelvic fin", "pelvic appendage", "pelvic limb/fin", "posterior appendage", "posterior limb/fin", "posterior paired appendage" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004708, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0010709 ] . UBERON:0004710 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "pectoral appendage" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior appendage", "anterior limb/fin", "anterior paired appendage", "forelimb - pectoral fin", "forelimb or pectoral fin", "forelimb/pectoral fin", "pectoral limb/fin" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004708, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0010708 ] . UBERON:0004713 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "corpus cavernosum penis" ; NIFRID:synonym "cavernous body of penis", "corpus cavernosum", "corpus cavernosum of penis", "corpus cavernosum penis", "corpus spongiosum penis", "penile corpus cavernosum", "penis erectile tissue", "spongy body of male urethra", "spongy body of penis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004120, UBERON:0005156, UBERON:0006609, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000989 ] . UBERON:0004725 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "piriform cortex" ; NIFRID:synonym "area prepiriformis", "cortex piriformis", "eupalaeocortex", "olfactory pallium", "palaeocortex II", "paleopallium", "piriform area", "piriform lobe", "primary olfactory areas", "primary olfactory cortex", "pyriform cortex", "pyriform lobe", "regio praepiriformis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002616, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002894 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002894 ] . UBERON:0004732 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "segmental subdivision of nervous system" ; NIFRID:synonym "neuromere" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000063, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001016 ] . UBERON:0004733 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "segmental subdivision of hindbrain" ; NIFRID:synonym "hindbrain segment", "segment of hindbrain" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004121, UBERON:0004732, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002028 ] . UBERON:0004753 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "scapulocoracoid" ; NIFRID:synonym "coraco-scapular cartilage", "scapulo-coracoid cartilage", "scapulocoracoid cartilage", "scapulocoracoideum" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004765, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0007831 ] . UBERON:0004765 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "skeletal element" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000062, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001434 ] . UBERON:0004770 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "articular system" ; NIFRID:synonym "joint system", "set of all joints", "set of all joints of body", "set of joints of body" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0034925, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001434 ] . UBERON:0004780 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gastrointestinal system lamina propria" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000030, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004786 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0005409 ] . UBERON:0004782 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gastrointestinal system serosa" ; NIFRID:synonym "digestive system serosa", "digestive system serous membrane", "gastrointestinal system serous membrane", "serosa of digestive system", "serosa of gastrointestinal system", "serous membrane of digestive system", "serous membrane of gastrointestinal system" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000042, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0005409 ] . UBERON:0004785 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "respiratory system mucosa" ; NIFRID:synonym "apparatus respiratorius mucosa", "apparatus respiratorius mucosa of organ", "apparatus respiratorius mucous membrane", "laryngeal mucous membrane", "mucosa of apparatus respiratorius", "mucosa of organ of apparatus respiratorius", "mucosa of organ of respiratory system", "mucosa of respiratory system", "mucous membrane of apparatus respiratorius", "mucous membrane of respiratory system", "respiratory mucosa", "respiratory system mucosa of organ", "respiratory system mucous membrane", "respiratory tract mucosa" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000344, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001004 ] . UBERON:0004786 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gastrointestinal system mucosa" ; NIFRID:synonym "digestive tract mucosa", "gut mucosa", "gut mucuous membrane", "mucosa of gut" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000344, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001555 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0005409 ] . UBERON:0004797 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "blood vessel layer" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004120, UBERON:0004923, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001981 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0035965 ] . UBERON:0004802 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "respiratory tract epithelium" ; NIFRID:synonym "airway epithelium", "epithelial tissue of respiratory tract", "epithelium of respiratory tract", "respiratory epithelium", "respiratory tract epithelial tissue" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004807, UBERON:0005911, UBERON:0010499, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000065 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000072 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001004 ] . UBERON:0004804 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "oviduct epithelium" ; NIFRID:synonym "columnar epithelium of the fallopian tube", "columnar epithelium of the oviduct", "epithelial tissue of oviduct", "epithelium of fallopian tube", "epithelium of oviduct", "epithelium of uterine tube", "fallopian tube epithelium", "oviduct epithelial tissue" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000483, UBERON:0005156, UBERON:0012275, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000993 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003889 ] . UBERON:0004805 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "seminal vesicle epithelium" ; NIFRID:synonym "epithelial tissue of seminal gland", "epithelial tissue of seminal vesicle", "epithelium of seminal gland", "epithelium of seminal vesicle", "seminal gland epithelial tissue", "seminal gland epithelium", "seminal vesicle epithelial tissue" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004910, UBERON:0012275, UBERON:0034969, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000998 ] . UBERON:0004807 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "respiratory system epithelium" ; NIFRID:synonym "apparatus respiratorius epithelial tissue", "apparatus respiratorius epithelium", "epithelial tissue of apparatus respiratorius", "epithelial tissue of respiratory system", "epithelium of apparatus respiratorius", "epithelium of respiratory system", "respiratory system epithelial tissue" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000483, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001004 ] . UBERON:0004814 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "upper respiratory tract epithelium" ; NIFRID:synonym "epithelial tissue of upper respiratory tract", "epithelium of upper respiratory tract", "upper respiratory tract epithelial tissue" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004802, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001557 ] . UBERON:0004819 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "kidney epithelium" ; NIFRID:synonym "epithelial tissue of kidney", "epithelium of kidney", "kidney epithelial tissue", "renal epithelium" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000483, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002113 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002113 ] . UBERON:0004820 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "bile duct epithelium" ; NIFRID:synonym "biliary duct epithelium", "epithelium of bile duct", "epithelium of biliary duct" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0005911, UBERON:0034932, UBERON:0034969, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002394 ] . UBERON:0004832 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anal region skeletal muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "anal part of perineum skeletal muscle", "anal part of perineum skeletal muscle tissue", "anal region skeletal muscle tissue", "anal triangle skeletal muscle", "anal triangle skeletal muscle tissue", "skeletal muscle of anal part of perineum", "skeletal muscle of anal region", "skeletal muscle of anal triangle", "skeletal muscle tissue of anal part of perineum", "skeletal muscle tissue of anal region", "skeletal muscle tissue of anal triangle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001134, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001353 ] . UBERON:0004852 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "cardiovascular system endothelium" ; NIFRID:synonym "endothelia", "vascular endothelia" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001986, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004535 ] . UBERON:0004859 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "eye gland" ; NIFRID:synonym "eye-associated gland", "gland of eye" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002530, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000970 ] . UBERON:0004863 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "thoracic sympathetic nerve trunk" ; NIFRID:synonym "nerve trunk of sympathetic nervous system of thorax", "nerve trunk of sympathetic part of autonomic division of nervous system of thorax", "sympathetic nerve trunk of thorax", "sympathetic nervous system nerve trunk of thorax", "thoracic part of sympathetic trunk", "thoracic sympathetic chain", "thoracic sympathetic trunk", "thorax nerve trunk of sympathetic nervous system", "thorax nerve trunk of sympathetic part of autonomic division of nervous system", "thorax sympathetic nerve trunk", "thorax sympathetic nervous system nerve trunk" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004295, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000915 ] . UBERON:0004905 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "articulation" ; NIFRID:synonym "joint" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0034921, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004770 ] . UBERON:0004907 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "lower digestive tract" ; NIFRID:synonym "gut", "lower gastrointestinal tract", "lower GI tract" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004921, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0005409 ] . UBERON:0004908 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "upper digestive tract" ; NIFRID:synonym "upper gastrointestinal tract", "upper GI tract" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004921 . UBERON:0004909 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "epithelium of gonad" ; NIFRID:synonym "gonad epithelium", "gonadal epithelium", "gonadal sheath" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000483, UBERON:0005156, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000991 ] . UBERON:0004910 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "epithelium of male gonad" ; NIFRID:synonym "testis epithelium" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004909, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000473 ] . UBERON:0004916 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anal sphincter" ; NIFRID:synonym "anal region sphincter", "sphincter analia" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004590, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001353 ] . UBERON:0004917 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "urethral sphincter" ; NIFRID:synonym "sphincter muscle of urethra", "sphincter of urethra", "sphincter urethrae", "urethral sphincter muscle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003829, UBERON:0004590, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000057 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001556 ] . UBERON:0004919 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "external urethral sphincter" ; NIFRID:synonym "annulus urethralis", "external sphincter muscle of urethra", "external sphincter of urethra", "external urethral sphincter muscle", "m. urethralis", "musculus sphincter urethrae membranaceae", "urethralis", "urethralis muscle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004917, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom RO:0002577 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000057 ] . UBERON:0004921 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "subdivision of digestive tract" ; NIFRID:synonym "alimentary system subdivision", "gut section", "intestinal tract", "segment of intestinal tract", "subdivision of alimentary system" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0013522, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001555 ] . UBERON:0004923 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "organ component layer" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000064, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000060 ] . UBERON:0005006 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "mucosa of renal pelvis" ; NIFRID:synonym "kidney pelvis mucosa", "kidney pelvis mucosa of organ", "kidney pelvis mucous membrane", "kidney pelvis organ mucosa", "mucosa of kidney pelvis", "mucosa of organ of kidney pelvis", "mucosa of organ of pelvis of ureter", "mucosa of organ of renal pelvis", "mucosa of pelvis of ureter", "mucous membrane of kidney pelvis", "mucous membrane of pelvis of ureter", "mucous membrane of renal pelvis", "organ mucosa of kidney pelvis", "organ mucosa of pelvis of ureter", "organ mucosa of renal pelvis", "pelvis of ureter mucosa", "pelvis of ureter mucosa of organ", "pelvis of ureter mucous membrane", "pelvis of ureter organ mucosa", "renal pelvic mucosa", "renal pelvis mucosa", "renal pelvis mucosa of organ", "renal pelvis mucous membrane", "renal pelvis organ mucosa", "tunica mucosa pelvis renalis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000344, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001224 ] . UBERON:0005056 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "external female genitalia" ; NIFRID:synonym "external female genital organ", "external genitalia of female reproductive system", "female external genitalia", "organa genitalia feminina externa" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003134, UBERON:0004176, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000474 ] . UBERON:0005057 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "immune organ" ; NIFRID:synonym "immune system organ" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000062, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002405 ] . UBERON:0005058 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "hemolymphoid system gland" ; NIFRID:synonym "haemolymphoid system gland", "hemopoietic or lymphoid gland", "hemopoietic or lymphoid organ" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002530, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002193 ] . UBERON:0005090 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "muscle structure" ; NIFRID:synonym "muscle", "muscle element", "musculus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000061 . UBERON:0005156 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "reproductive structure" ; NIFRID:synonym "reproductive system element", "reproductive system structure" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0010000, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000990 ] . UBERON:0005162 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "multi cell part structure" ; NIFRID:synonym "cell part cluster", "multi-cell-component structure", "multi-cell-part structure" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000061 . UBERON:0005171 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "hepatic duct" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002394, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001173 ] . UBERON:0005172 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "abdomen element" ; NIFRID:synonym "abdomen organ" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0005173, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000916 ] . UBERON:0005173 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "abdominal segment element" ; NIFRID:synonym "abdominal segment organ" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0005177, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002417 ] . UBERON:0005174 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "dorsal region element" ; NIFRID:synonym "back organ", "dorsal region organ" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000062, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001137 ] . UBERON:0005175 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "chest organ" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0005181, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001443 ] . UBERON:0005177 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "trunk region element" ; NIFRID:synonym "trunk organ" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000062, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002100 ] . UBERON:0005178 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "thoracic cavity element" ; NIFRID:synonym "thoracic cavity organ" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002075, UBERON:0005181, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000915 ] . UBERON:0005179 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "pelvic region element" ; NIFRID:synonym "pelvic element", "pelvis organ", "pelvis region organ" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0005173, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002355 ] . UBERON:0005181 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "thoracic segment organ" ; NIFRID:synonym "upper body organ" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0005177, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000915 ] . UBERON:0005272 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "peritubular capillary" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003527, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom RO:0002577 ] . UBERON:0005273 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nail bed" ; NIFRID:synonym "nailbed" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0005275, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001705 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004105 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001705 ] . UBERON:0005275 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "dorsal skin of digit" ; NIFRID:synonym "dorsal digit skin", "skin of dorsal part of digit" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0015249, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002544 ] . UBERON:0005276 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "dorsal skin of finger" ; NIFRID:synonym "dorsal finger skin", "skin of dorsal part of finger", "subdivision of skin of dorsal part of finger" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003533, UBERON:0005275, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002389 ] . UBERON:0005278 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nail bed of finger" ; NIFRID:synonym "nail bed of finger" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0005273, UBERON:0005276, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002102 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002389 ] . UBERON:0005281 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventricular system of central nervous system" ; NIFRID:synonym "CNS ventricular system", "ventricle system", "ventricular system", "ventricular system of neuraxis", "ventriculi cerebri" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000467, UBERON:0004121, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001017 ] . UBERON:0005282 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventricular system of brain" ; NIFRID:synonym "brain ventricular system" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000467, UBERON:0004121, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000955 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0005281 ] . UBERON:0005290 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "myelencephalon" ; NIFRID:synonym "myelencephalon (medulla oblongata)" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004733, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002028 ] . UBERON:0005298 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "skin of clitoris" ; NIFRID:synonym "clitoris skin" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004120, UBERON:8480029, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002411 ] . UBERON:0005303 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "hypogastric nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "hypogastric nerve plexus", "hypogastric plexus", "nervus hypogastricus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001816 . UBERON:0005304 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "submucous nerve plexus" ; NIFRID:synonym "Henle's plexus", "Meissner's plexus", "meissner's plexus", "submucosal nerve plexus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000429, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002005 ] . UBERON:0005358 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventricle of nervous system" ; NIFRID:synonym "region of wall of ventricular system of neuraxis", "ventricular layer" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004923, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001016 ] . UBERON:0005360 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "inferior glossopharyngeal IX ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "extracraniale ganglion", "ganglion inferius (nervus glossopharygeus)", "ganglion inferius nervi glossopharyngei", "ganglion inferius nervus glossopharyngei", "ganglion of andersch", "ganglion petrosum", "glossopharyngeal inferior ganglion", "glossopharyngeal IX inferior ganglion", "glossopharyngeal nerve inferior ganglion", "glossopharyngeal nerve petrous ganglion", "inferior ganglion of glossopharyngeal nerve", "inferior glossopharyngeal ganglion", "inferior glossopharyngeal ganglion of the glossopharyngeal (IX) nerve", "ninth cranial nerve inferior ganglion", "petrosal ganglion", "petrous ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001701 . UBERON:0005362 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "vagus X ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "ganglion of vagus nerve", "gX", "right glossopharyngeal ganglion", "vagal ganglion", "vagus ganglion", "vagus neural ganglion", "vagus X" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0009127 . UBERON:0005363 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "inferior vagus X ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "ganglion inferius (nervus vagus)", "ganglion inferius nervi vagi", "ganglion inferius nervus vagi", "ganglion nodosum", "inferior ganglion of vagus", "inferior ganglion of vagus nerve", "inferior vagus ganglion", "inferior vagus X", "nodose ganglia", "nodose ganglion", "tenth cranial nerve nodose ganglion", "vagus nerve inferior ganglion", "vagus nerve nodose ganglion", "vagus X inferior ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0005362, UBERON:0010313 . UBERON:0005366 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "olfactory lobe" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0016526, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001893 ] . UBERON:0005370 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "hippocampus stratum lacunosum" ; NIFRID:synonym "lacunar layer of hippocampus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002305, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0007640 ] . UBERON:0005371 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "hippocampus stratum oriens" ; NIFRID:synonym "gyrus cuneus", "oriens layer of hippocampus", "oriens layer of the hippocampus", "polymorphic layer of hippocampus", "polymorphic layer of the hippocampus", "stratum oriens", "stratum oriens hippocampi" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002305 . UBERON:0005372 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "hippocampus stratum radiatum" ; NIFRID:synonym "radiate layer of hippocampus", "stratum radiatum", "stratum radiatum hippocampi", "stratum radiatum of the hippocampus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002305 . UBERON:0005375 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "spinal cord ventral column" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior column", "spinal cord anterior column", "ventral column" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0016550, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002180 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002318 ] . UBERON:0005376 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "olfactory bulb external plexiform layer" ; NIFRID:synonym "EPL", "external plexiform layer", "external plexiform layer of the olfactory bulb", "OB outer plexiform layer", "olfactory bulb main external plexiform layer" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0009950 . UBERON:0005377 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "olfactory bulb glomerular layer" ; NIFRID:synonym "glomerular layer", "glomerular layer of the olfactory bulb", "olfactory bulb main glomerulus", "stratum glomerulosum bulbi olfactorii" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004001 . UBERON:0005378 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "olfactory bulb granule cell layer" ; NIFRID:synonym "accessory olfactory bulb granule cell layer", "granule cell layer", "granule layer of main olfactory bulb", "main olfactory bulb granule cell layer", "main olfactory bulb, granule layer", "olfactory bulb main granule cell layer" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004001 . UBERON:0005381 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "dentate gyrus granule cell layer" ; NIFRID:synonym "dentate gyrus, granule cell layer", "DG granule cell layer", "granular layer of dentate gyrus", "granular layer of the dentate gyrus", "stratum granulare gyri dentati" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002304 . UBERON:0005384 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nasal cavity epithelium" ; NIFRID:synonym "nasal epithelium", "nasal mucosa" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003350, UBERON:0004814, UBERON:0019306, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001826 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000004 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004785 ] . UBERON:0005386 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "olfactory segment of nasal mucosa" ; NIFRID:synonym "olfactory area of nasal mucosa", "olfactory mucosa", "olfactory part of nasal mucosa", "olfactory zone of nasal mucosa", "pars olfactoria tunicae mucosae nasi" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001826, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0005725 ] . UBERON:0005388 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "photoreceptor array" ; NIFRID:synonym "light-sensitive tissue" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004923, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000970 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001016 ] . UBERON:0005390 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "cortical layer I" ; NIFRID:synonym "cerebral cortex, layer 1", "lamina molecularis isocorticis [lamina I]", "layer 1 of neocortex", "layer I of neocortex", "molecular layer", "molecular layer of cerebral cortex", "molecular layer of isocortex [layer i]", "molecular layer of neocortex", "neocortex layer 1", "neocortex layer I", "neocortex molecular layer", "neocortex plexiform layer", "plexiform layer", "plexiform layer of neocortex" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002301 . UBERON:0005391 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "cortical layer II" ; NIFRID:synonym "cerebral cortex, layer 2", "EGL", "external granular cell layer", "external granular layer", "external granular layer of cerebral cortex", "external granular layer of isocortex [layer II]", "external granular layer of neocortex", "external granule cell layer", "external granule cell layer of neocortex", "granule cell layer of cerebral cortex", "lamina granularis externa isocorticis [lamina ii]", "layer II of neocortex", "neocortex layer 2", "neocortex layer II" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002301 . UBERON:0005392 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "cortical layer III" ; NIFRID:synonym "cerebral cortex, layer 3", "external pyramidal cell layer", "external pyramidal cell layer of neocortex", "external pyramidal layer of cerebral cortex", "external pyramidal layer of isocortex [layer iii]", "external pyramidal layer of neocortex", "isocortex, deep supragranular pyramidal layer", "lamina pyramidalis externa", "lamina pyramidalis externa isocorticis [lamina iii]", "layer 3 of neocortex", "layer III of neocortex", "layer of medium-sized and large pyramidal cells", "neocortex external pyramidal cell layer", "neocortex layer 3", "neocortex layer III", "pyramidal layer" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002301 . UBERON:0005393 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "cortical layer IV" ; NIFRID:synonym "cerebral cortex, layer 4", "internal granular layer", "internal granular layer of isocortex [layer iv]", "internal granular layer of neocortex", "internal granule cell layer of neocortex", "lamina granularis interna isocorticis [lamina iv]", "layer 4 of neocortex", "layer IV of neocortex", "neocortex internal granule cell layer", "neocortex layer 4", "neocortex layer IV", "neocortical internal granule cell layer", "neocortical layer IV" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002301 . UBERON:0005394 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "cortical layer V" ; NIFRID:synonym "betz' cells", "cerebral cortex, layer 5", "deep layer of large pyramidal cells", "ganglionic layer", "ganglionic layer of cerebral cortex", "inner layer of large pyramidal cells", "internal pyramidal cell layer of neocortex", "internal pyramidal layer", "internal pyramidal layer of isocortex [layer v]", "internal pyramidal layer of neocortex", "isocortex, infragranular pyramidal layer", "lamina ganglionaris", "lamina pyramidalis interna", "lamina pyramidalis interna isocorticis [lamina v]", "layer 5 of neocortex", "layer V of neocortex", "neocortex internal pyramidal cell layer", "neocortex layer 5", "neocortex layer V", "neocortical layer 5", "neocortical layer V" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002301 . UBERON:0005395 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "cortical layer VI" ; NIFRID:synonym "cerebral cortex, layer 6", "fusiform layer", "isocortex, polymorph layer", "lamina multiformis", "lamina multiformis isocorticis [lamina vi]", "layer VI of neocortex", "multiform layer", "multiform layer of isocortex [layer vi]", "multiform layer of neocortex", "neocortex layer 6", "neocortex layer VI", "neocortex multiform layer", "neocortical layer 6", "neocortical layer VI", "pleiomorphic layer of neocortex", "spindle cell layer" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002301 . UBERON:0005399 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "male reproductive gland" ; NIFRID:synonym "accessory sex gland" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003937, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000079 ] . UBERON:0005401 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "cerebral hemisphere gray matter" ; NIFRID:synonym "cerebral gray matter", "cerebral grey matter", "cerebral hemisphere grey matter" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011300, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001869 ] . UBERON:0005403 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventral striatum" ; NIFRID:synonym "striatum ventral region", "striatum ventrale" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011300, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002435 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002435 ] . UBERON:0005408 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "circumventricular organ" ; NIFRID:synonym "circumventricular organ", "circumventricular organ of neuraxis", "CVO" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002616, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000955 ] . UBERON:0005409 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "alimentary part of gastrointestinal system" ; NIFRID:synonym "alimentary system", "alimentary tract", "gastro-intestinal system", "gastroenterological system", "gastrointestinal (GI) tract", "gastrointestinal system", "gastrointestinal tract", "GI tract" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000467, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001007 ] . UBERON:0005413 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "spinocerebellar tract" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001018, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002316 ] . UBERON:0005423 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "developing anatomical structure" ; NIFRID:synonym "developing structure", "developmental structure", "developmental tissue" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000465 . UBERON:0005434 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "cervical region" ; NIFRID:synonym "cervical region", "neck subdivision", "region of neck", "subdivision of neck" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011676, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000974 ] . UBERON:0005441 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "external intercostal muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "external intercostal muscle", "external intercostals", "intercostal muscle external layer", "intercostales externi", "intercostales externi muscle", "intercostales externi muscles", "intercostales externus", "intercostalis externus", "intercostals external", "intercostals external muscle", "musculi intercostales externi" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001111 . UBERON:0005442 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "abdominal external oblique muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "abdominal external oblique muscle", "external abdominal oblique", "external abdominal oblique muscle", "external oblique", "external oblique abdominal muscles", "external oblique abdominis", "external oblique abdominis muscle", "external oblique muscle", "m. obliquus externus abdominis", "oblique strength", "obliquus abdominis externus", "obliquus externus", "obliquus externus abdominis", "obliquus externus abdominis muscle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0035032, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0006635 ] . UBERON:0005445 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "segment of pes" ; NIFRID:synonym "foot region", "foot subdivision", "regio pedis", "segment of foot", "subdivision of foot" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0008784, UBERON:0012139, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002387 ] . UBERON:0005451 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "segment of manus" ; NIFRID:synonym "hand region", "hand subdivision", "regio manus", "segment of hand", "subdivision of hand" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0008785, UBERON:0012139, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002398 ] . UBERON:0005453 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "inferior mesenteric ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "ganglion mesentericum inferius" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0035769, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0035770 ] . UBERON:0005454 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "abdominal internal oblique muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "abdominal internal oblique", "abdominal internal oblique muscle", "internal abdominal oblique", "internal abdominal oblique muscle", "internal oblique", "internal oblique abdominal", "internal oblique abdominis", "internal oblique abdominis muscle", "internal oblique muscle", "musculus obliquus internus abdominis", "obliqui internus", "obliquus internus", "obliquus internus abdominis", "obliquus internus abdominis muscle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0035032, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0006635 ] . UBERON:0005461 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "levator scapulae muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "levator scapula", "levator scapulae", "levator scapulae muscle", "levator scapulæ", "musculus levator scapulae" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001482, UBERON:0004120, UBERON:0004518, UBERON:0034908, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0008713 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0013700 ] . UBERON:0005462 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "lower back" ; NIFRID:synonym "abdominal back", "back of abdomen", "dorsum of abdomen", "loin", "lombus", "lower back", "lumbar part of back", "lumbar region", "lumbar region of back", "lumbos", "posterior part of abdomen", "regio lumbalis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0009569, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001137 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002417 ] . UBERON:0005465 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "obturator nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "nervus obturatorius" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001021, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001815 ] . UBERON:0005476 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "spinal nerve trunk" ; NIFRID:synonym "spinal nerve (trunk)", "spinal neural trunk", "trunk of spinal nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002464, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001780 ] . UBERON:0005479 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "superior mesenteric ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "ganglion mesentericum superius", "superior mesenteric ganglia" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0035769, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0005488 ] . UBERON:0005486 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "venous dural sinus" ; NIFRID:synonym "cranial dural venous sinus", "dural sinus", "dural vein", "dural venous sinus", "s. durae matris", "venous dural", "venous dural sinus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004121, UBERON:0006615, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003711 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0010743 ] . UBERON:0005488 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "superior mesenteric plexus" ; NIFRID:synonym "plexus mesentericus superior", "superior mesenteric nerve plexus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000122, UBERON:0035771, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom RO:0002577 ] . UBERON:0005604 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "extrahepatic part of hepatic duct" ; NIFRID:synonym "extrahepatic part of the hepatic duct", "hepatic duct extrahepatic part" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002394, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003703 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0005171 ] . UBERON:0005616 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "mesenteric artery" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0012254 . UBERON:0005725 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "olfactory system" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0005726 . UBERON:0005726 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "chemosensory system" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001032 . UBERON:0005734 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "tunica adventitia of blood vessel" ; NIFRID:synonym "adventitia externa", "external coat", "tunica adventitia", "tunica adventitia of vessel", "tunica adventitia vasorum", "tunica externa vasorum" ; rdfs:subClassOf PR:000050567, UBERON:0004797, UBERON:0005742 . UBERON:0005742 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "adventitia" ; NIFRID:synonym "tunica advetitia", "tunica externa" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004923 . UBERON:0005764 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "acellular membrane" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000476, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000061 ] . UBERON:0005769 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "basement membrane of epithelium" ; NIFRID:synonym "basement membrane", "basement membrane of connective tissue", "membrana basalis" ; rdfs:subClassOf PR:000050567, UBERON:0005764, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000483 ] . UBERON:0005800 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "section of aorta" ; NIFRID:synonym "aortic section", "aortic segment", "portion of aorta", "segment of aorta" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004120, UBERON:0013522, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000947 ] . UBERON:0005806 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "portal system" ; NIFRID:synonym "portal venous system" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002049, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004535 ] . UBERON:0005807 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "rostral ventrolateral medulla" ; NIFRID:synonym "medulla pressor", "RVLM" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002616, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001896 ] . UBERON:0005838 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "fasciculus of brain" ; NIFRID:synonym "brain fasciculus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001019, UBERON:0011215, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000955 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002316 ] . UBERON:0005843 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "sacral spinal cord" ; NIFRID:synonym "pars sacralis medullae spinalis", "sacral segment of spinal cord", "sacral segments of spinal cord [1-5]", "segmenta sacralia medullae spinalis [1-5]" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0005844 . UBERON:0005844 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "spinal cord segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "axial part of spinal cord", "axial regional part of spinal cord", "segment of spinal cord", "spinal neuromeres" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001948, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002240 ] . UBERON:0005853 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "sacral spinal cord ventral column" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0016551, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0005843 ] . UBERON:0005881 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "autopodial extension" ; NIFRID:synonym "digit or predigit", "limb outgrowth" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000475, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002470 ] . UBERON:0005904 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "duct of male reproductive system" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000058, UBERON:0005156, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000079 ] . UBERON:0005906 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "serous sac" ; rdfs:subClassOf PR:000050567, UBERON:0000062 . UBERON:0005911 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "endo-epithelium" ; NIFRID:synonym "endoderm-derived epithelium", "endoepithelium" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000483, UBERON:0004119 . UBERON:0005913 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "zone of bone organ" ; NIFRID:synonym "bone organ zone" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0034944, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001474 ] . UBERON:0006003 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "integumentary adnexa" ; NIFRID:synonym "adnexae cutis", "body hair or bristle", "skin adnexa", "skin adnexal structure", "skin appendage" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000064, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002416 ] . UBERON:0006048 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "digit 1" ; NIFRID:synonym "autopod digit 1", "dewclaw", "digit I", "limb digit 1" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0019221, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:5006048 ] . UBERON:0006049 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "digit 2" ; NIFRID:synonym "autopod digit 2", "digit II", "limb digit 2", "second digit" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0019222, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:5006049 ] . UBERON:0006050 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "digit 3" ; NIFRID:synonym "autopod digit 3", "digit III", "limb digit 3", "third digit" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0019222, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:5006050 ] . UBERON:0006058 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "multi-limb segment region" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0010758 . UBERON:0006067 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "musculature of hindlimb zeugopod" ; NIFRID:synonym "leg musculature", "muscle group of leg", "set of muscles of leg" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004466, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003823 ] . UBERON:0006098 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "basal nuclear complex" ; NIFRID:synonym "basal ganglia", "basal ganglia (anatomic)", "basal nuclei", "basal nuclei of the forebrain", "corpus striatum (Savel'ev)", "ganglia basales" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007245, UBERON:0019264, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002743 ] . UBERON:0006107 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "basolateral amygdaloid nuclear complex" ; NIFRID:synonym "amygdalar basolateral nucleus", "amygdaloid basolateral complex", "basolateral amygdala", "basolateral amygdaloid nuclear complex", "basolateral complex", "basolateral nuclear complex", "basolateral nuclear group", "basolateral nuclei of amygdala", "basolateral subdivision of amygdala", "BL", "pars basolateralis (Corpus amygdaloideum)", "set of basolateral nuclei of amygdala", "vicarious cortex" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0005401, UBERON:0007245, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001876 ] . UBERON:0006108 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "corticomedial nuclear complex" ; NIFRID:synonym "amygdalar corticomedial nucleus", "CMA", "corpus amygdaloideum pars corticomedialis", "corpus amygdaloideum pars olfactoria", "corticomedial nuclear complex", "corticomedial nuclear group", "corticomedial nuclei of amygdala", "pars corticomedialis (Corpus amygdaloideum)", "set of corticomedial nuclei of amygdala" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0005401, UBERON:0007245, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001876 ] . UBERON:0006118 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "lamina I of gray matter of spinal cord" ; NIFRID:synonym "lamina i of gray matter of spinal cord", "lamina marginalis", "lamina spinalis i", "layer of Waldeyer", "layer of waldeyer", "rexed lamina I", "rexed lamina i", "rexed layer 1", "spinal lamina I", "spinal lamina i" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0016570, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002256 ] . UBERON:0006127 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "funiculus of spinal cord" ; NIFRID:synonym "spinal cord funiculus", "white column of spinal cord" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0006133, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002240 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002318 ] . UBERON:0006133 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "funiculus of neuraxis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000122, UBERON:0011215, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002316 ] . UBERON:0006134 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nerve fiber" ; NIFRID:synonym "nerve fibers", "nerve fibre", "neurofibra", "neurofibrum" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0005162, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom RO:0002577 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001019 ] . UBERON:0006331 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "brainstem nucleus" ; NIFRID:synonym "brain stem nucleus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002308, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002298 ] . UBERON:0006447 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "L5 segment of lumbar spinal cord" ; NIFRID:synonym "fifth lumbar spinal cord segment", "L5 segment", "L5 spinal cord segment" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007716 . UBERON:0006448 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "L1 segment of lumbar spinal cord" ; NIFRID:synonym "first lumbar spinal cord segment", "L1 segment", "L1 spinal cord segment" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007716 . UBERON:0006449 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "L3 segment of lumbar spinal cord" ; NIFRID:synonym "L3 segment", "L3 spinal cord segment", "third lumbar spinal cord segment" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007716 . UBERON:0006450 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "L2 segment of lumbar spinal cord" ; NIFRID:synonym "l2 segment", "L2 spinal cord segment", "second lumbar spinal cord segment" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007716 . UBERON:0006451 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "L4 segment of lumbar spinal cord" ; NIFRID:synonym "fourth lumbar spinal cord segment", "L4 segment", "L4 spinal cord segment" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007716 . UBERON:0006452 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "T4 segment of thoracic spinal cord" ; NIFRID:synonym "fourth thoracic spinal cord segment", "T4 segment", "T4 segment of spinal cord", "T4 spinal cord segment" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007715 . UBERON:0006453 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "T5 segment of thoracic spinal cord" ; NIFRID:synonym "fifth thoracic spinal cord segment", "t5 segment", "T5 spinal cord segment" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007715 . UBERON:0006454 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "T6 segment of thoracic spinal cord" ; NIFRID:synonym "sixth thoracic spinal cord segment", "t6 segment", "T6 spinal cord segment" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007715 . UBERON:0006455 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "T7 segment of thoracic spinal cord" ; NIFRID:synonym "seventh thoracic spinal cord segment", "t7 segment", "T7 spinal cord segment" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007715 . UBERON:0006456 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "T8 segment of thoracic spinal cord" ; NIFRID:synonym "eighth thoracic spinal cord segment", "t8 segment", "T8 spinal cord segment" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007715 . UBERON:0006457 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "T1 segment of thoracic spinal cord" ; NIFRID:synonym "first thoracic spinal cord segment", "t1 segment", "T1 spinal cord segment" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007715 . UBERON:0006458 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "T2 segment of thoracic spinal cord" ; NIFRID:synonym "second thoracic spinal cord segment", "t2 segment", "T2 spinal cord segment" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007715 . UBERON:0006459 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "T3 segment of thoracic spinal cord" ; NIFRID:synonym "t3 segment", "T3 spinal cord segment", "third thoracic spinal cord segment" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007715 . UBERON:0006460 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "S1 segment", "S1 segment of sacral spinal cord" ; NIFRID:synonym "first sacral spinal cord segment", "S1 segment", "S1 spinal cord segment" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007717 . UBERON:0006461 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "S2 segment", "S2 segment of sacral spinal cord" ; NIFRID:synonym "S2 segment", "S2 spinal cord segment", "second sacral spinal cord segment" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007717 . UBERON:0006462 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "S3 segment", "S3 segment of sacral spinal cord" ; NIFRID:synonym "S3 segment", "S3 spinal cord segment", "third sacral spinal cord segment" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007717 . UBERON:0006463 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "S4 segment", "S4 segment of sacral spinal cord" ; NIFRID:synonym "fourth sacral spinal cord segment", "S4 segment", "S4 spinal cord segment" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007717 . UBERON:0006465 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "T9 segment of thoracic spinal cord" ; NIFRID:synonym "ninth thoracic spinal cord segment", "t9 segment", "T9 spinal cord segment" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007715 . UBERON:0006466 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "T10 segment of thoracic spinal cord" ; NIFRID:synonym "t10 segment", "T10 spinal cord segment", "tenth thoracic spinal cord segment" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007715 . UBERON:0006467 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "T11 segment of thoracic spinal cord" ; NIFRID:synonym "eleventh thoracic spinal cord segment", "t11 segment", "T11 spinal cord segment" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007715 . UBERON:0006468 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "T12 segment of thoracic spinal cord" ; NIFRID:synonym "t12 segment", "T12 spinal cord segment", "twelfth thoracic spinal cord segment" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007715 . UBERON:0006469 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "C1 segment of cervical spinal cord" ; NIFRID:synonym "C1 cervical spinal cord", "C1 segment", "C1 spinal cord segment", "first cervical spinal cord segment" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007714 . UBERON:0006470 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "C8 segment of cervical spinal cord" ; NIFRID:synonym "C8 segment", "C8 spinal cord segment", "eighth cervical spinal cord segment" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007714 . UBERON:0006488 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "C3 segment of cervical spinal cord" ; NIFRID:synonym "C3 segment", "C3 spinal cord segment", "third cervical spinal cord segment" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007714 . UBERON:0006489 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "C2 segment of cervical spinal cord" ; NIFRID:synonym "C2 segment", "C2 spinal cord segment", "second cervical spinal cord segment" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007714 . UBERON:0006490 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "C4 segment of cervical spinal cord" ; NIFRID:synonym "C4 segment", "C4 spinal cord segment", "forth cervical spinal cord segment" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007714 . UBERON:0006491 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "C5 segment of cervical spinal cord", "C5 spinal segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "C5 segment", "C5 spinal cord segment", "fifth cervical spinal cord segment" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007714 . UBERON:0006492 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "C6 segment of cervical spinal cord" ; NIFRID:synonym "C6 segment", "C6 spinal cord segment", "sixth cervical spinal cord segment" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007714 . UBERON:0006493 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "C7 segment of cervical spinal cord" ; NIFRID:synonym "C7 segment", "C7 spinal cord segment", "seventh cervical spinal cord segment" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007714 . UBERON:0006497 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "interosseous muscle of pes" ; NIFRID:synonym "foot interosseous", "foot interosseus muscle", "interosseous muscle of foot", "interosseous of foot", "pes interosseous muscle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0006508, UBERON:0014378, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002387 ] . UBERON:0006499 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "dorsal pes interosseous muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "dorsal foot interosseus muscle", "dorsal interosseous muscle of foot", "dorsal interosseous of foot", "musculi interossei dorsalis pedis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0006497 . UBERON:0006502 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "plantar interosseous muscle of pes" ; NIFRID:synonym "musculi interossei plantares", "musculi interosseus plantaris", "plantar foot interosseus muscle", "plantar interosseous muscle of foot", "plantar interosseous of foot" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0006497 . UBERON:0006505 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "palmar interosseous muscle of manus" ; NIFRID:synonym "musculi interossei palmares", "palmar hand interosseus muscle", "palmar interosseous muscle of hand", "palmar interosseous of hand" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001502 . UBERON:0006508 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "interosseous muscle of autopod" ; NIFRID:synonym "interossei", "interosseous", "interosseus muscle", "m. interosseous" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003661, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0009877 ] . UBERON:0006514 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "pallidum" ; NIFRID:synonym "neuraxis pallidum", "pallidum of neuraxis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002020, UBERON:0003528, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002420 ] . UBERON:0006544 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "kidney vasculature" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002201, UBERON:0006876, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002113 ] . UBERON:0006555 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "excretory tube" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000025, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001008 ] . UBERON:0006562 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "pharynx" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior part of foregut", "pharyngeal tube" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004921 . UBERON:0006568 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "hypothalamic nucleus" ; NIFRID:synonym "nucleus of hypothalamus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0006569, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001898 ] . UBERON:0006569 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "diencephalic nucleus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002308, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001894 ] . UBERON:0006608 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "corpus cavernosum clitoridis" ; NIFRID:synonym "cavernous body of clitoris", "clitoral corpus cavernosum", "corpus cavernosum", "corpus cavernosum clitoridis", "corpus cavernosum of clitoris" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004120, UBERON:0005156, UBERON:0006609, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002411 ] . UBERON:0006609 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "corpus cavernosum" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0008324 . UBERON:0006615 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "venous sinus" ; NIFRID:synonym "blood sinus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003920 . UBERON:0006635 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior abdominal wall" ; NIFRID:synonym "ventral abdominal wall" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000475, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003697 ] . UBERON:0006637 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "celiac trunk" ; NIFRID:synonym "coeliac trunk", "coeliaco-mesenteric trunk", "Haller's tripus", "truncus coeliacus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004120, UBERON:0013522, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001640 ] . UBERON:0006660 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "muscular coat" ; NIFRID:synonym "muscular coat", "muscular layer", "muscularis", "muscularis externa", "muscularis layer", "muscularis propria", "transverse muscular fibers", "tunica externa", "tunica muscularis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004923, UBERON:0018260 . UBERON:0006676 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "muscularis mucosa" ; NIFRID:synonym "gut muscularis", "lamina muscularis mucosa", "laminar muscularis mucosa", "muscularis mucosae" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001135, UBERON:0004226, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001555 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004786 ] . UBERON:0006716 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "mesopodium region" ; NIFRID:synonym "carpus/tarsus", "mesopod", "mesopodial limb segment", "mesopodial segment" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002529, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002470 ] . UBERON:0006729 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "liver perisinusoidal space" ; NIFRID:synonym "Disse's space", "hepatic perisinusoidal space", "perisinusoidal space", "perisinusoidal space of Disse", "space of Disse", "spatium perisinusoideum" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000464, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004647 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004647 ] . UBERON:0006783 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "layer of superior colliculus" ; NIFRID:synonym "cytoarchitectural part of superior colliculus", "layer of optic tectum", "tectal layer" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011215, UBERON:0022303, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001945 ] . UBERON:0006786 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "white matter of superior colliculus" ; NIFRID:synonym "predominantly white regional part of superior colliculus", "white matter layer of superior colliculus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0006783, UBERON:0016549, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001945 ] . UBERON:0006794 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "visual processing part of nervous system" ; NIFRID:synonym "optic lobe" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011216, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001016 ] . UBERON:0006839 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "dorsal ramus of spinal nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "dorsal ramus", "posterior branch of spinal nerve", "posterior primary ramus", "posterior ramus of spinal nerve", "ramus posterior", "ramus posterior nervi spinalis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001021, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0005476 ] . UBERON:0006840 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nucleus of lateral lemniscus" ; NIFRID:synonym "lateral lemniscus nuclei", "lateral lemniscus nucleus", "nuclei lemnisci lateralis", "nuclei of lateral lemniscus", "nucleus of the lateral lemniscus", "set of nuclei of lateral lemniscus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002308 . UBERON:0006845 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "abductor muscle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0014892 . UBERON:0006851 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "renal cortex peritubular capillary" ; NIFRID:synonym "kidney cortex peritubular capillary" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0005272, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001225 ] . UBERON:0006853 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "renal cortex tubule" ; NIFRID:synonym "cortical tubule", "kidney cortex tubule" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007685, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001225 ] . UBERON:0006858 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "adrenal/interrenal gland" ; NIFRID:synonym "adrenal - interrenal gland", "adrenal gland - interrenal gland", "adrenal gland/interrenal tissue", "suprarenal gland - interrenal gland" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002368, UBERON:0004120, UBERON:0010313, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0010074 ] . UBERON:0006867 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anal part of perineum" ; NIFRID:synonym "anal region", "anal triangle", "regio analis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000064, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001353 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002356 ] . UBERON:0006868 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "seminal fluid secreting gland" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0005399, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0006947 ] . UBERON:0006876 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "vasculature of organ" ; NIFRID:synonym "organ vasculature", "set of blood vessels of organ" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002049, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000062 ] . UBERON:0006877 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "vasculature of liver" ; NIFRID:synonym "hepatic vascular element", "hepatic vasculature", "liver vascular element", "liver vascular system" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002201, UBERON:0006876, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002107 ] . UBERON:0006914 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "squamous epithelium" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000483 . UBERON:0006925 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "digestive system gland" ; NIFRID:synonym "digestive gland" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002368, UBERON:0013765, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001007 ] . UBERON:0006934 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "sensory epithelium" ; NIFRID:synonym "neuroepithelium" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000488, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000010 ] . UBERON:0006947 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "male genital duct" ; NIFRID:synonym "sperm duct", "sperm ducts" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000025, UBERON:0005904, UBERON:0015212, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004054 ] . UBERON:0006960 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ovary stroma" ; NIFRID:synonym "interstitial tissue of ovary", "ovarian stroma", "ovary stroma", "stroma of the ovary", "stroma ovarica", "stroma ovarii" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003891, UBERON:0005156, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000992 ] . UBERON:0006984 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anatomical surface" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0010199 . UBERON:0007037 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "mechanosensory system" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001032 . UBERON:0007100 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "primary circulatory organ" ; NIFRID:synonym "adult heart", "dorsal tube", "heart" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0015228 . UBERON:0007134 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "trunk ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "body ganglion", "trunk ganglia" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000045, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002100 ] . UBERON:0007177 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "lamina propria of mucosa of colon" ; NIFRID:synonym "colonic lamina propria", "lamina propria mucosae of colon", "lamina propria of colonic mucosa", "lamina propria of colonic mucous membrane" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011189, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000317 ] . UBERON:0007196 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "tracheobronchial tree" ; NIFRID:synonym "arbor tracheobronchialis", "tracheobronchial system" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000062, UBERON:0004119, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001558 ] . UBERON:0007204 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "brachiocephalic vasculature" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002049 . UBERON:0007245 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nuclear complex of neuraxis" ; NIFRID:synonym "cluster of neural nuclei", "neural nuclei", "nuclear complex" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002020 . UBERON:0007247 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nucleus of superior olivary complex" ; NIFRID:synonym "superior olivary complex nucleus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0006331, UBERON:0009662, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002128 ] . UBERON:0007251 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "preoptic nucleus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0006569, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001928 ] . UBERON:0007269 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "pectoral appendage musculature" ; NIFRID:synonym "pectoral fin muscle", "pectoral fin musculature" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007271, UBERON:0014793, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004710 ] . UBERON:0007270 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "pelvic appendage musculature" ; NIFRID:synonym "pelvic fin musculature" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007271, UBERON:0014792, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004709 ] . UBERON:0007271 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "appendage musculature" ; NIFRID:synonym "fin musculature" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001015, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000026 ] . UBERON:0007324 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "pancreatic lobule" ; NIFRID:synonym "lobulus pancreaticus", "pancreas lobe", "pancreatic lobule" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000064, UBERON:0004119, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000017 ] . UBERON:0007376 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "outer epithelium" ; NIFRID:synonym "epidermis", "epidermis (sensu Metazoa)", "hypoderm", "hypodermis", "outer epidermal layer", "outer epithelial layer" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003102, UBERON:0010371 . UBERON:0007414 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nucleus of midbrain tegmentum" ; NIFRID:synonym "tegmental nuclei", "tegmental nucleus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000125 . UBERON:0007415 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nucleus of midbrain reticular formation" ; NIFRID:synonym "mesencephalic reticular nucleus", "midbrain reticular formation nucleus", "midbrain reticular nucleus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0006331, UBERON:0007414, UBERON:0009661, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002639 ] . UBERON:0007521 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "smooth muscle sphincter" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004590 . UBERON:0007522 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "striated muscle sphincter" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004590 . UBERON:0007592 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ciliated columnar epithelium" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000485, UBERON:0007601 . UBERON:0007601 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ciliated epithelium" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000483 . UBERON:0007612 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "extensor digitorum communis" ; NIFRID:synonym "extensor communis", "extensor digitorum", "extensor digitorum communis muscle", "musculus extensor digitorum" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011024 . UBERON:0007614 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "extensor digiti minimi muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "extensor digiti minimi", "extensor digiti minimi (hand)", "extensor digiti quinti proprius", "musculus extensor digiti minimi" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011024 . UBERON:0007628 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "lateral septal complex" ; NIFRID:synonym "lateral septal area", "lateral septum", "lateral septum complex" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002663, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002435 ] . UBERON:0007629 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "medial septal complex" ; NIFRID:synonym "medial septum complex" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002663 . UBERON:0007631 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "accessory olfactory bulb glomerular layer" ; NIFRID:synonym "accessory olfactory bulb, glomerular layer", "AOB, glomerular layer", "glomerular layer of the accessory olfactory bulb" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011215, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004069 ] . UBERON:0007632 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Barrington's nucleus" ; NIFRID:synonym "Barrington nucleus", "nucleus of Barrington" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0006331, UBERON:0009662, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000988 ] . UBERON:0007633 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nucleus of trapezoid body" ; NIFRID:synonym "nuclei of trapezoid body", "nucleus corporis trapezoidei", "nucleus of the trapezoid body", "nucleus trapezoidalis", "set of nuclei of trapezoid body", "trapezoid gray", "trapezoid nuclear complex", "trapezoid nuclei", "Tz" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0006331, UBERON:0007247, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000988 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002128 ] . UBERON:0007634 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "parabrachial nucleus" ; NIFRID:synonym "parabrachial area", "parabrachial complex", "parabrachial nuclei" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0006331, UBERON:0009662, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000988 ] . UBERON:0007635 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nucleus of medulla oblongata" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0006331, UBERON:0009662, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001896 ] . UBERON:0007639 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Alveus", "hippocampus alveus" ; NIFRID:synonym "alveus", "alveus hippocampi", "alveus of fornix", "alveus of hippocampus", "alveus of the hippocampus", "CA2 alveus", "neuraxis alveus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011215, UBERON:0016549, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002421 ] . UBERON:0007640 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "hippocampus stratum lacunosum moleculare" ; NIFRID:synonym "lacunar-molecular layer of hippocampus", "stratum hippocampi moleculare et substratum lacunosum", "stratum lacunosum moleculare", "stratum lacunosum-moleculare" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002305, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001954 ] . UBERON:0007641 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "trigeminal nuclear complex" ; NIFRID:synonym "nuclei trigemini", "trigeminal nuclei" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007245, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom RO:0002577 ] . UBERON:0007651 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anatomical junction" ; NIFRID:synonym "anatomical junction", "junction" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000061 . UBERON:0007684 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "uriniferous tubule" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003914, UBERON:0004819, UBERON:0006555, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002113 ] . UBERON:0007685 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "region of nephron tubule" ; NIFRID:synonym "region of renal tubule", "renal tubule region" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001231, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001231 ] . UBERON:0007692 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nucleus of thalamus" ; NIFRID:synonym "nuclear complex of thalamus", "thalamic nucleus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0006569, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001897 ] . UBERON:0007702 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "tract of brain" ; NIFRID:synonym "brain tract", "landmark tracts" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001018, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000955 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002316 ] . UBERON:0007711 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "sixth cervical dorsal root ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "C6 dorsal root ganglion", "sixth cervical dorsal root ganglia", "sixth cervical dorsal root ganglion", "sixth cervical spinal ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002834 . UBERON:0007712 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "fourth thoracic spinal ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "fourth thoracic dorsal root ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002835 . UBERON:0007713 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "fourth sacral spinal ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "forth sacral dorsal root ganglion", "fourth sacral dorsal root ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002837 . UBERON:0007714 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "cervical subsegment of spinal cord" ; NIFRID:synonym "segment part of cervical spinal cord" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0005844, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002726 ] . UBERON:0007715 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "thoracic subsegment of spinal cord" ; NIFRID:synonym "segment part of thoracic spinal cord" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003038, UBERON:0005844, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003038 ] . UBERON:0007716 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "lumbar subsegment of spinal cord" ; NIFRID:synonym "segment part of lumbar spinal cord" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002792, UBERON:0005844, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002792 ] . UBERON:0007717 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "sacral subsegment of spinal cord" ; NIFRID:synonym "segment part of sacral spinal cord" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0005844, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0005843 ] . UBERON:0007767 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "dorsal premammillary nucleus" ; NIFRID:synonym "premammillary nucleus dorsal part" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002712 . UBERON:0007768 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventral premammillary nucleus" ; NIFRID:synonym "premammillary nucleus ventral part" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002712 . UBERON:0007769 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "medial preoptic region" ; NIFRID:synonym "medial preoptic area", "medial preopticarea" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002616, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001928 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002272 ] . UBERON:0007771 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "epidermis gland" ; NIFRID:synonym "epidermal gland", "gland of epidermis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002419, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001003 ] . UBERON:0007798 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "vascular system" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000465, UBERON:0000467, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004535 ] . UBERON:0007811 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "craniocervical region" ; NIFRID:synonym "cephalic area", "cephalic part of animal", "cephalic region", "head and neck", "head or neck" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000475, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000153 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0013702 ] . UBERON:0007823 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "appendage girdle region" ; NIFRID:synonym "fin girdle", "fin girdle region", "girdle", "girdle region", "limb girdle", "limb girdle region" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000475, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0010707 ] . UBERON:0007828 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "girdle bone/zone" ; NIFRID:synonym "girdle bone" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0010740, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0007823 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0010719 ] . UBERON:0007830 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "pelvic girdle bone/zone" ; NIFRID:synonym "bone of pelvic girdle", "pelvic girdle bone" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003828, UBERON:0004120, UBERON:0005179, UBERON:0005913, UBERON:0007828, UBERON:0010742, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0007832 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002091 ] . UBERON:0007831 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "pectoral girdle skeleton" ; NIFRID:synonym "cingulum pectorale", "pectoral girdle", "scapular girdle", "skeletal parts of pectoral girdle", "skeleton of pectoral girdle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0010719, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001421 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002091 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0012475 ] . UBERON:0007832 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "pelvic girdle skeleton" ; NIFRID:synonym "pelvic girdle", "pelvic girdle skeleton", "skeletal parts of pelvic girdle", "skeleton of pelvic girdle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004120, UBERON:0010719, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001271 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0012476 ] . UBERON:0008114 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "joint of girdle" ; NIFRID:synonym "girdle joint" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000982, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0007823 ] . UBERON:0008193 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "pneumatized bone" ; NIFRID:synonym "hollow bone", "os pneumaticum", "pneumatic bone" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001474 . UBERON:0008196 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "muscle of pectoral girdle" ; NIFRID:synonym "muscle of shoulder girdle", "pectoral girdle muscle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0010891, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001421 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004471 ] . UBERON:0008229 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "craniocervical region musculature" ; NIFRID:synonym "head muscles", "head or neck muscle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001015, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0007811 ] . UBERON:0008230 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "tibialis" ; NIFRID:synonym "tibialis muscle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000366, UBERON:0004256, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003823 ] . UBERON:0008231 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "dorsal thoracic segment of trunk" ; NIFRID:synonym "back of thorax", "dorsum of thorax", "posterior part of thorax", "thoracic back", "thoracic part of back", "upper back" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000475, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000915 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0011270 ] . UBERON:0008323 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "dorsal artery of clitoris" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001637, UBERON:0005156, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom RO:0002577 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002411 ] . UBERON:0008324 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "erectile tissue" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000479 . UBERON:0008331 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "clitoral smooth muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "clitoris smooth muscle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001135, UBERON:0005156, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002411 ] . UBERON:0008338 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "plantar part of pes" ; NIFRID:synonym "pelma", "planta", "plantar part of foot", "plantar region", "regio plantaris", "sole", "sole of foot", "sole of the foot", "soles of the feet" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0005445, UBERON:0008837, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002387 ] . UBERON:0008446 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "flexor pollicis longus muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "flexor pollicis", "flexor pollicis longus", "flexor pollicis muscle", "musculus flexor pollicis longus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004254, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002386 ] . UBERON:0008450 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "psoas muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "psoas" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0008549 . UBERON:0008454 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "rectus capitis posterior major" ; NIFRID:synonym "greater posterior rectus capitis", "musculus rectus capitis posterior major", "recti capitis posteriores major", "rectus capitis posterior major", "rectus capitis posterior major muscle", "rectus capitus posterior major", "rectus capitus posterior major muscle", "rectus posterior major" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002377, UBERON:0004518, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000974 ] . UBERON:0008455 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "rectus capitis posterior minor" ; NIFRID:synonym "lesser posterior rectus capitis", "musculus rectus capitis posterior minor", "recti capitis posteriores minores", "rectus capitis posterior minor", "rectus capitis posterior minor muscle", "rectus capitus posterior minor", "rectus capitus posterior minor muscle", "rectus posterior minor" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002377, UBERON:0004518, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000974 ] . UBERON:0008464 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "abductor hallucis muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "abductor hallucis", "musculus abductor hallucis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001498, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0008338 ] . UBERON:0008465 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "abductor pollicis brevis muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "abductor brevis", "abductor pollicis brevis", "musculus abductor pollicis brevis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001500, UBERON:0011534, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002398 ] . UBERON:0008521 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gluteus minimus" ; NIFRID:synonym "glutaeus minimus", "gluteus minimus", "gluteus minimus muscle", "gluteus profundus", "glutæus minimus", "musculus gluteus minimus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002000, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004470 ] . UBERON:0008529 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "piriformis muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "m.piriformis", "musculus piriformis", "piriform muscle", "piriformis", "piriformis muscle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002000, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004470 ] . UBERON:0008544 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "splenius cervicis" ; NIFRID:synonym "musculus splenius cervicis", "splenius cervicis muscle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002252 . UBERON:0008549 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "prevertebral muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "flexor muscle of vertebral column", "prevertebral muscle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004518 . UBERON:0008617 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "innermost intercostal muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "musculus intercostalis intimus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001111 . UBERON:0008713 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "pectoral girdle and thoracic body wall skeletal muscle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001134 . UBERON:0008715 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "muscle tissue of prostate" ; NIFRID:synonym "prostate gland muscle tissue", "prostate muscle tissue", "prostatic muscle", "prostatic musclular tissue" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000077, UBERON:0002385, UBERON:0005156, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002367 ] . UBERON:0008777 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "hypaxial musculature" ; NIFRID:synonym "hypaxial muscle", "hypaxial muscles" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004120, UBERON:0004479, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001774 ] . UBERON:0008779 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "subclavius" ; NIFRID:synonym "musculus subclavius", "subclavicular muscle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001495 . UBERON:0008784 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "lower limb segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "free lower limb segment", "free lower limb subdivision", "segment of free lower limb", "subdivision of free lower limb" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002529, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002103 ] . UBERON:0008785 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "upper limb segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "free upper limb segment", "free upper limb subdivision", "segment of free upper limb", "subdivision of free upper limb" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002529, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002102 ] . UBERON:0008810 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nasopalatine nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "naso-palatine nerve", "nasopalatine", "nasopalatine nerves", "nervus nasopalatinus", "Scarpa's nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011779, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000377 ] . UBERON:0008811 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "intromittent organ" ; NIFRID:synonym "aedeagus", "copulatory organ", "penis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003135, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000079 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000990 ] . UBERON:0008837 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "palmar/plantar part of autopod" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002529, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002470 ] . UBERON:0008846 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "skeletal ligament" ; NIFRID:synonym "articular larua", "articular ligament", "ligament", "true ligament" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000211, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001434 ] . UBERON:0008856 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "stomach muscularis externa" ; NIFRID:synonym "gastric muscularis", "muscle layer of stomach", "muscularis externa of stomach", "tunica muscularis (gaster)", "tunica muscularis gastris" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004120, UBERON:0018261, UBERON:0034933, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001167 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004222 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001135 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001167 ] . UBERON:0008857 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "stomach smooth muscle circular layer" ; NIFRID:synonym "circular layer of gastric muscularis", "circular muscle layer of stomach", "middle circular muscle layer of stomach", "stratum circulare (tunica muscularis)(gaster)", "stratum circulare gastris", "stratum circulare tunicae muscularis gastricae" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004120, UBERON:0012368, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0008856 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0008856 ] . UBERON:0008862 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "stomach smooth muscle inner oblique layer" ; NIFRID:synonym "inner oblique muscle layer of stomach", "oblique fiber layer of gastric muscularis", "oblique muscle layer of stomach" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004120, UBERON:0004923, UBERON:0034933, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0008856 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0008856 ] . UBERON:0008863 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "stomach smooth muscle outer longitudinal layer" ; NIFRID:synonym "longitudinal layer of gastric muscularis", "muscle layer 1 of stomach", "outer longitudinal muscle layer of stomach", "stratum longitudinale (tunica muscularis)(gaster)", "stratum longitudinale tunicae muscularis gastricae" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004120, UBERON:0012369, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0008856 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0008856 ] . UBERON:0008878 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "palmar part of manus" ; NIFRID:synonym "front of hand", "palm", "palm of hand", "palmar region", "regio palmaris" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0005451, UBERON:0008837 . UBERON:0008886 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "pulmonary vascular system" ; NIFRID:synonym "pulmonary circulatory system", "pulmonary system" ; rdfs:subClassOf PR:000050567, UBERON:0007798, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004535 ] . UBERON:0008930 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "somatosensory cortex" ; NIFRID:synonym "primary somatic sensory cortex", "somatic sensory cortex", "somatosensory area", "somatosensory areas", "somesthetic area" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0035014, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002581 ] . UBERON:0008933 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "primary somatosensory cortex" ; NIFRID:synonym "postcentral gyrus", "primary somatosensory area", "primary somatosensory cortex (area S1, areas 3,1,2)", "S1", "S1C", "somatosensory area 1" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0008930, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ilxtr:isDelineatedBy ; owl:someValuesFrom PAXRAT:794 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0016530 ] . UBERON:0008946 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "lung parenchyma" ; NIFRID:synonym "parenchyma of lung", "pulmonary parenchyma", "respiratory portion of lung" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000353, UBERON:0004119, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002048 ] . UBERON:0008987 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "renal parenchyma" ; NIFRID:synonym "kidney parenchyma", "parenchyma of kidney" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000353, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002113 ] . UBERON:0008993 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "habenular nucleus" ; NIFRID:synonym "ganglion habenulae", "habenular nuclei", "nucleus habenulae" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007692, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001904 ] . UBERON:0009009 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "carotid sinus nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "carotid branch of glossopharyngeal nerve", "Hering sinus nerve", "ramus sinus carotici", "ramus sinus carotici nervi glossopharyngei", "ramus sinus carotici nervus glossopharyngei", "sinus nerve of Hering" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011779, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001649 ] . UBERON:0009010 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "periurethral tissue" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000479, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001556 ] . UBERON:0009050 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nucleus of solitary tract" ; NIFRID:synonym "nuclei tractus solitarii", "nucleus of the solitary tract", "nucleus of the tractus solitarius", "nucleus of tractus solitarius", "nucleus solitarius", "nucleus tracti solitarii", "nucleus tractus solitarii", "nucleus tractus solitarii medullae oblongatae", "solitary nuclear complex", "solitary nucleus", "solitary tract nucleus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007635, UBERON:0011775, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002126 ] . UBERON:0009127 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "epibranchial ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "epibranchial ganglia" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001714, UBERON:0004121 . UBERON:0009132 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "peroneus" ; NIFRID:synonym "fibularis", "fibularis muscle", "peroneal muscle", "peroneal muscle group", "peroneal muscles", "peroneus muscle", "peronæus muscle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004256, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003823 ] . UBERON:0009551 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "distal segment of digit" ; NIFRID:synonym "digit tip", "distal digit segment", "tip of digit" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002529, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002544 ] . UBERON:0009564 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "distal limb integumentary appendage" ; NIFRID:synonym "hoof or claw", "hoof, claw or nail", "keratin plate", "keratin sheath", "unguis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004121, UBERON:0013703, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001003 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0009551 ] . UBERON:0009569 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "subdivision of trunk" ; NIFRID:synonym "region of trunk", "trunk subdivision" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000475, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002100 ] . UBERON:0009623 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "spinal nerve root" ; NIFRID:synonym "root of spinal nerve", "spinal neural root", "spinal root" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002211, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001780 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002240 ] . UBERON:0009630 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "root of thoracic nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "nerve root part of thoracic spinal cord", "thoracic nerve root", "thoracic neural root" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0009623 . UBERON:0009631 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "root of lumbar spinal nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "lumbar spinal nerve root", "lumbar spinal neural root", "nerve root part of lumbar spinal cord" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0009623 . UBERON:0009632 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "root of cervical nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "cervical neural root", "cervical spinal root", "nerve root part of cervical spinal cord", "root of cervical spinal nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0009623 . UBERON:0009633 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "root of sacral nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "nerve root part of sacral spinal cord", "root of sacral spinal nerve", "sacral neural root" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0009623 . UBERON:0009658 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "pancreaticoduodenal artery" ; NIFRID:synonym "arteriae pancreaticoduodenales", "pancreatico-duodenal artery" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001637 . UBERON:0009661 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "midbrain nucleus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002308, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001891 ] . UBERON:0009662 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "hindbrain nucleus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002308, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002028 ] . UBERON:0009663 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "telencephalic nucleus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002308, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001893 ] . UBERON:0009675 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "chorda tympani branch of facial nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "chorda tympani", "chorda tympani nerve", "corda tympani nerve", "facial VII nerve chorda tympani branch", "nervus corda tympani", "parasympathetic root of submandibular ganglion", "radix parasympathica ganglii submandibularis", "tympanic cord" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001785, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001647 ] . UBERON:0009773 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "renal tubule" ; NIFRID:synonym "renal tubule (generic)", "tubule of excretory system" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003914, UBERON:0006555, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001008 ] . UBERON:0009842 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "glandular acinus" ; NIFRID:synonym "acini", "acinus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0034922, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002530 ] . UBERON:0009856 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "sac" ; NIFRID:synonym "diverticulum", "pouch" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000061 . UBERON:0009870 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "zone of stomach" ; NIFRID:synonym "gastric zone", "region of stomach", "section of stomach" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004921, UBERON:0034944, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000945 ] . UBERON:0009877 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "metapodium region" ; NIFRID:synonym "cannon region", "equine cannon region", "metacarpal or metatarsal part of limb", "metacarpus/metatarsus", "metacarpus/metatarsus region", "metapodial segment", "metapodium" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002529, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002470 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0012140 ] . UBERON:0009911 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "lobule" ; NIFRID:synonym "lobulus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000063 . UBERON:0009912 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anatomical lobe" ; NIFRID:synonym "lobus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000063 . UBERON:0009918 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "retrotrapezoid nucleus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000125, UBERON:0007635, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001896 ] . UBERON:0009950 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "olfactory bulb plexiform layer" ; NIFRID:synonym "plexiform layer" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004001 . UBERON:0009951 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "main olfactory bulb" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002616, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002264 ] . UBERON:0009960 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "esophagus smooth muscle circular layer" ; NIFRID:synonym "circular muscle layer of esophagus", "esophagus smooth muscle circular layer", "inner circular muscle layer of esophagus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004120, UBERON:0012368, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001043 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002112 ] . UBERON:0009961 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "esophagus smooth muscle longitudinal layer" ; NIFRID:synonym "esophagus smooth muscle longitudinal layer", "longitudinal muscle layer of esophagus", "outer longitudinal muscle layer of esophagus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004120, UBERON:0012369, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002112 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003832 ] . UBERON:0010000 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "multicellular anatomical structure" ; NIFRID:synonym "multicellular structure" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000061 . UBERON:0010001 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "cell cluster organ" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000062, UBERON:0034922 . UBERON:0010009 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "aggregate regional part of brain" ; NIFRID:synonym "set of nuclei of neuraxis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0034923, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000955 ] . UBERON:0010011 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "collection of basal ganglia" ; NIFRID:synonym "basal ganglia", "basal ganglia set", "basal nuclei", "basal nuclei (basal ganglia)", "cerebral nuclei", "set of basal ganglia", "set of basal nuclei", "subcortical nuclei" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0010009, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000454 ] . UBERON:0010039 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "food storage organ" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0013765, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001555 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0005409 ] . UBERON:0010047 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "oral gland" ; NIFRID:synonym "buccal gland", "gland of oral opening", "gland of oral region", "mouth gland", "oral cavity gland", "oral region gland" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002365, UBERON:0003408, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000165 ] . UBERON:0010074 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "chromaffin system" ; NIFRID:synonym "argentaffin system", "chromaffin tissue" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0010313, UBERON:0011216, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000949 ] . UBERON:0010133 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "neuroendocrine gland" ; NIFRID:synonym "neuroendocrine system gland" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002368, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:8600018 ] . UBERON:0010134 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "secretory circumventricular organ" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0005408, UBERON:0010133, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000949 ] . UBERON:0010135 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "sensory circumventricular organ" ; NIFRID:synonym "humerosensory circumventricular organ", "humerosensory system", "humerosensory system organ", "sensitive circumventricular organs", "sensitive organs", "sensory circumventricular organs", "sensory CVOs" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0005408, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001032 ] . UBERON:0010147 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "male accessory sex gland" ; NIFRID:synonym "male accessory gland", "male accessory reproductive gland" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0005399, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000079 ] . UBERON:0010186 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "male urethral gland" ; NIFRID:synonym "gland of Littre", "gland of male urethra", "glandulae urethrales urethrae masculinae", "Littre's gland", "male urethra gland", "urethral gland (male)" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001338, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001333 ] . UBERON:0010191 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "aortic system" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011216, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004571 ] . UBERON:0010194 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "hepatic portal system" ; NIFRID:synonym "hepatic-portal system", "portal system of liver" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0005806 . UBERON:0010199 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "bona-fide anatomical boundary" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000466 . UBERON:0010225 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "thalamic complex" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007245, UBERON:0019269, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001894 ] . UBERON:0010230 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "eyeball of camera-type eye" ; NIFRID:synonym "bulbus oculi", "eye", "eye globe", "eyeball", "globe" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000020, UBERON:0004121, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000019 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000019 ] . UBERON:0010243 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "merocrine gland" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002365 . UBERON:0010313 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "neural crest-derived structure" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004121, UBERON:0010314 . UBERON:0010314 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "structure with developmental contribution from neural crest" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000061 . UBERON:0010323 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "cranial skeletal system" ; NIFRID:synonym "cranial skeleton", "cranium", "osteocranium" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000075, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0011137 ] . UBERON:0010363 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "endochondral element" ; NIFRID:synonym "endochondral replacement element" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004765 . UBERON:0010368 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "pulmonary lobule" ; NIFRID:synonym "lobulus pulmonis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004119, UBERON:0009911, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002048 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:8600017 ] . UBERON:0010369 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "secondary pulmonary lobule" ; NIFRID:synonym "lobulus pulmonis secondarius", "respiratory lobule" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0010368, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0008946 ] . UBERON:0010371 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ecto-epithelium" ; NIFRID:synonym "ectoderm-derived epithelium" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000483, UBERON:0004121 . UBERON:0010393 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "T cell domain" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0010394 . UBERON:0010394 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "lymphocyte domain" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0005057, UBERON:0010001, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002465 ] . UBERON:0010398 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "spleen marginal sinus" ; NIFRID:synonym "splenic marginal sinus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001959 . UBERON:0010403 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "brain marginal zone" ; NIFRID:synonym "brain marginal zone" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0005423, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000955 ] . UBERON:0010409 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ocular surface region" ; NIFRID:synonym "eye surface", "eye surface region", "ocular surface" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000063, UBERON:0004121, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000019 ] . UBERON:0010428 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "flat bone" ; NIFRID:synonym "os planum" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001474 . UBERON:0010467 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "teres muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "teres" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001482, UBERON:0034908 . UBERON:0010496 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "teres minor muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "musculus teres minor", "teres minor" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0010467, UBERON:0010891, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003683 ] . UBERON:0010498 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "pseudostratified columnar epithelium" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000485 . UBERON:0010499 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium" ; NIFRID:synonym "epithelium pseudostratificatum columnare ciliatum (trachea et bronchi)" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007592, UBERON:0010498 . UBERON:0010523 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "microcirculatory vessel" ; NIFRID:synonym "microcirculatory vessels" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000055, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002049 ] . UBERON:0010524 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "fibularis tertius" ; NIFRID:synonym "fibularis tertius", "fibularis tertius muscle", "musculus peroneus tertius", "peronaeus tertius", "peroneus digit V", "peroneus digiti minimi", "peroneus digiti quinti", "peroneus tertius", "peroneus tertius muscle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0009132 . UBERON:0010526 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "fibularis brevis" ; NIFRID:synonym "fibularis brevis", "musculus peroneus brevis", "peronaeus brevis", "peroneus brevis", "peroneus brevis muscle", "peronius brevis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0009132 . UBERON:0010538 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "paired limb/fin segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "limb/fin segment" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0010758, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004708 ] . UBERON:0010707 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "appendage girdle complex" ; NIFRID:synonym "appendage complex", "appendage-girdle complex", "appendage/girdle complex", "girdle plus limb or fin", "limb" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000475, UBERON:0015212 . UBERON:0010708 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "pectoral complex" ; NIFRID:synonym "pectoral appendage/girdle complex", "pectoral girdle plus anterior limb or fin", "pectoral girdle plus pectoral limb or fin", "upper limb", "upper limb and pectoral girdle", "upper limb and shoulder" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0010707, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000153 ] . UBERON:0010709 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "pelvic complex" ; NIFRID:synonym "lower limb", "lower limb and pelvic girdle", "lower limb and pelvis", "pelvic appendage/girdle complex", "pelvic girdle plus pelvic limb or fin", "pelvic girdle plus posterior limb or fin" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0010707, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000154 ] . UBERON:0010719 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "girdle skeleton" ; NIFRID:synonym "skeleton of girdle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0010912, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom RO:0002577 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002091 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0007823 ] . UBERON:0010740 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "bone of appendage girdle complex" ; NIFRID:synonym "bone of extended limb/fin region", "limb bone" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001474, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002091 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0010707 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002091 ] . UBERON:0010742 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "bone of pelvic complex" ; NIFRID:synonym "hindlimb bone" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0010740, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002091 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0010709 ] . UBERON:0010743 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "meningeal cluster" ; NIFRID:synonym "cerebral meninges", "cluster of meninges", "meninges" ; rdfs:subClassOf PR:000050567, UBERON:0034925, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001017 ] . UBERON:0010758 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "subdivision of organism along appendicular axis" ; NIFRID:synonym "appendage segment", "appendicular segment" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000475, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000026 ] . UBERON:0010890 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "pelvic complex muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "lower limb muscle", "muscle of lower limb", "muscle of pelvic girdle and leg", "pelvic girdle and hind limb muscles", "pelvic girdle or hind limb muscle", "pelvic girdle or posterior limb muscle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0014892, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0010709 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0014792 ] . UBERON:0010891 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "pectoral complex muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "muscle of pectoral girdle and limb", "muscle of pectoral girdle and wing", "muscle of upper limb", "pectoral girdle and fore limb muscles", "upper limb muscle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0014892, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0010708 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0014793 ] . UBERON:0010912 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "subdivision of skeleton" ; NIFRID:synonym "skeletal subdivision", "subdivision of skeleton (in vivo)" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011216, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000075 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004288 ] . UBERON:0010959 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "craniocervical muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "muscle of head and neck", "muscle of head or neck" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0014892, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0007811 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0008229 ] . UBERON:0011011 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "brachioradialis" ; NIFRID:synonym "brachioradialis muscle", "musculus brachioradialis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001482, UBERON:0001499, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001460 ] . UBERON:0011012 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "flexor pollicis brevis muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "flexor pollicis brevis", "musculus flexor pollicis brevis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001500, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002398 ] . UBERON:0011015 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "iliac fossa" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004120, UBERON:0005913, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001273 ] . UBERON:0011016 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "pyramidalis" ; NIFRID:synonym "musculus pyramidalis", "pyramidalis", "pyramidalis muscle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002461 . UBERON:0011022 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "flexor hallucis brevis muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "flexor digit I brevis", "flexor hallucis brevis", "flexor hallucis brevis muscle", "m.flexor hallucis brevis", "musculus flexor hallucis brevis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000366, UBERON:0014378, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002387 ] . UBERON:0011024 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "extrinsic extensor muscle of manus" ; NIFRID:synonym "extrinsic extensor muscle of hand" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000311, UBERON:0004254, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002386 ] . UBERON:0011043 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "obturator muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "obturator" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002000 . UBERON:0011048 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "obturator internus" ; NIFRID:synonym "internal obturator", "internus obturator", "musculus obturator internus", "musculus obturatorius internus", "obturator internus muscle", "obturatorius internus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011043, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004470 ] . UBERON:0011096 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "lacrimal nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "nervus lacrimalis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004121, UBERON:0011779, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000348 ] . UBERON:0011108 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "synovial joint of pectoral girdle" ; NIFRID:synonym "joint of shoulder girdle", "pectoral girdle joint" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002217, UBERON:0008114, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001421 ] . UBERON:0011137 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "axial skeletal system" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000075 . UBERON:0011139 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "synovial limb joint" ; NIFRID:synonym "synovial joint of free limb segment" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002217, UBERON:0003657, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002101 ] . UBERON:0011143 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "upper urinary tract" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011216, UBERON:0015212, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001008 ] . UBERON:0011144 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "adductor muscle of hip" ; NIFRID:synonym "adductor group (leg)", "muscle of adductor group" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0010890, UBERON:0011145, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0010709 ] . UBERON:0011145 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "adductor muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "adductor" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0014892 . UBERON:0011158 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "primary subdivision of skull" ; NIFRID:synonym "skull subdivision", "subdivision of skull" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000075, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003129 ] . UBERON:0011159 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "primary subdivision of cranial skeletal system" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000075, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0010323 ] . UBERON:0011173 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior division of bed nuclei of stria terminalis" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior division", "anterior nuclei of stria terminalis", "anterior part of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis", "bed nuclei of the stria terminalis anterior division", "bed nuclei of the stria terminalis, anterior division", "bed nuclei of the stria terminals anterior division", "bed nucleus of the stria terminalis anterior division", "bed nucleus of the stria terminalis anterior part", "bed nucleus of thestria terminalis anterior division" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002616, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001880 ] . UBERON:0011183 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "corpus spongiosum of penis" ; NIFRID:synonym "corpus cavernosum urethra", "corpus cavernosum urethrae", "corpus spongiosum", "spongiose body of penis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004120, UBERON:0005156, UBERON:0008324, UBERON:0009010, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000989 ] . UBERON:0011189 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "lamina propria of large intestine" ; NIFRID:synonym "lamina propria of mucosa of large intestine", "large intestinal lamina propria", "large intestine lamina propria" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004780, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000059 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001169 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001207 ] . UBERON:0011194 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ophthalmic plexus" ; NIFRID:synonym "ophthalmic nerve plexus", "ophthalmic plexus", "opthalmic plexus", "plexus ophthalmicus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001810 . UBERON:0011215 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "central nervous system cell part cluster" ; NIFRID:synonym "cell part cluster of neuraxis", "neuraxis layer" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004121, UBERON:0005162, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001017 ] . UBERON:0011216 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "organ system subdivision" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0010000, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000467 ] . UBERON:0011222 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "intra-ocular muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "intrinsic muscle of eyeball", "intrinsic ocular muscle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001630, UBERON:0004120, UBERON:0004277, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000019 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003386 ] . UBERON:0011249 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "appendicular skeletal system" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000075 . UBERON:0011270 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "dorsal trunk" ; NIFRID:synonym "back of trunk", "dorsal part of trunk", "dorsum of trunk", "trunk back" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0009569, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001137 ] . UBERON:0011299 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "white matter of telencephalon" ; NIFRID:synonym "predominantly white regional part of telencephalon", "telencephalic tract/commissure", "telencephalic tracts", "telencephalic white matter" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0019261, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001893 ] . UBERON:0011300 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gray matter of telencephalon" ; NIFRID:synonym "predominantly gray regional part of telencephalon" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0019264, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001893 ] . UBERON:0011326 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "superior laryngeal nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "nervus laryngealis superior", "nervus laryngeus superior", "superior laryngeal branch of inferior vagal ganglion", "superior laryngeal branch of vagus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011779, UBERON:0035642, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001759 ] . UBERON:0011380 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "female external urethral sphincter" ; NIFRID:synonym "compressor urethrae", "external urethral sphincter of female urethra", "musculus sphincter urethrae externus (urethra feminina)", "musculus sphincter urethrae externus urethrae femininae", "outer muscle layer of female urethra", "rhabdosphincter of female urethra", "sphincter urethrovaginalis", "striated muscle layer of female urethra", "urethrovaginal sphincter" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004919, UBERON:0005156, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000474 ] . UBERON:0011389 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "bulbospongiosus muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "bulbocavernosus", "bulbocavernosus muscle", "bulbocavernous", "bulbospongiosus", "musculus bulbospongiosus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002379, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002356 ] . UBERON:0011390 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "pudendal nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "internal pudendal nerve", "nervus pudendae", "nervus pudendales", "pudenal nerve", "pudendal" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003444, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000012 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002355 ] . UBERON:0011391 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "perineal nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "perineal branch of pudendal nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003444, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0011390 ] . UBERON:0011534 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "abductor pollicis muscle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003662, UBERON:0006845, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002102 ] . UBERON:0011595 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "jaw region" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000475, UBERON:0010314, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000165 ] . UBERON:0011645 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "iliofemoralis muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "iliofemoralis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001325 . UBERON:0011676 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "subdivision of organism along main body axis" ; NIFRID:synonym "axial subdivision of organism", "body segment", "main body segment" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000475, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0013701 ] . UBERON:0011775 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "vagus nerve nucleus" ; NIFRID:synonym "nodosal nucleus", "nucleus of vagal nerve", "nucleus of vagal X nerve", "nucleus of vagus nerve", "nucleus of Xth nerve", "tenth cranial nerve nucleus", "vagal nucleus", "vagal X nucleus", "vagus nucleus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000126, UBERON:0009662, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002028 ] . UBERON:0011777 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nucleus of spinal cord" ; NIFRID:synonym "spinal cord nucleus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000125, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002240 ] . UBERON:0011778 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "motor nucleus of vagal nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "motor nucleus of X", "motor nucleus X", "nucleus motorius of nervi vagi", "nX", "vagal lobe" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011775 . UBERON:0011779 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nerve of head region" ; NIFRID:synonym "cephalic nerve", "head nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001021, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000033 ] . UBERON:0011821 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "irregular connective tissue" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002384 . UBERON:0011822 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "dense irregular connective tissue" ; NIFRID:synonym "irregular dense connective tissue", "typus irregularis (textus connectivus collagenosus compactus)" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011821, UBERON:0011823 . UBERON:0011823 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "dense connective tissue" ; rdfs:subClassOf PR:000050567, UBERON:0002384 . UBERON:0011858 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "acinus of exocrine gland" ; NIFRID:synonym "exocrine gland acinus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0009842, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002365 ] . UBERON:0011867 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "extensor carpi radialis muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "extensor carpi radialis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001482, UBERON:0011024 . UBERON:0011892 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior uvea" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior part of uveal tract", "anterior uveal tract", "anterior vascular layer of the eyeball", "anterior vascular tunic of the eye", "ciliary body and iris", "Haller tunica vascula", "tunica vasculosa bulbosa", "vasculosa oculi", "ventral uveal tract" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000481, UBERON:0004121, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom NCBITaxon:6072 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001768 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001801 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001768 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001801 ] . UBERON:0011905 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "plantaris" ; NIFRID:synonym "musculus plantaris", "plantaris" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004256, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003823 ] . UBERON:0011924 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "postganglionic autonomic fiber" ; NIFRID:synonym "postganglionic autonomic fibre", "postganglionic nerve fiber" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003041, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0034728 ] . UBERON:0011926 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "postganglionic sympathetic fiber" ; NIFRID:synonym "postganglionic sympathetic fiber", "sympathetic postganglionic fiber" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011924, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0034729 ] . UBERON:0011929 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "postganglionic parasympathetic fiber" ; NIFRID:synonym "parasympathetic postganglionic fiber" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011924, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004293 ] . UBERON:0011968 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "radio-carpal joint" ; NIFRID:synonym "articulatio radiocarpea", "radiocarpal articulation", "radiocarpal joint", "wrist joint" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001491 . UBERON:0012069 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "epithelium-associated lymphoid tissue" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001744 . UBERON:0012102 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "buccal salivary gland" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001044, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001567 ] . UBERON:0012139 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "segment of autopod" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002529, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002470 ] . UBERON:0012140 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "digitopodium region" ; NIFRID:synonym "acropodium (Wagner)" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0012139 . UBERON:0012141 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "manual digitopodium region" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0005451, UBERON:0012140, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002398 ] . UBERON:0012170 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "core of nucleus accumbens" ; NIFRID:synonym "accumbens nucleus core", "accumbens nucleus, core", "core of nucleus accumbens", "core region of nucleus accumbens", "nucleus accumbens core", "nucleusa ccumbens core" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002616, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001882 ] . UBERON:0012171 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "shell of nucleus accumbens" ; NIFRID:synonym "accumbens nucleus shell", "accumbens nucleus, shell", "nucleus accumbens shell", "shell of nucleus accumbens", "shell region of nucleus accumbens" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002616, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001882 ] . UBERON:0012254 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "abdominal aorta artery" ; NIFRID:synonym "abdominal artery", "artery of abdomen" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004573, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001516 ] . UBERON:0012274 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "columnar epithelium" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000483 . UBERON:0012275 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "meso-epithelium" ; NIFRID:synonym "mesoderm-derived epithelium", "mesoepithelium" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000483, UBERON:0004120 . UBERON:0012354 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "acropodium region" ; NIFRID:synonym "acropodial limb segment", "acropodial region", "acropodial segment of autopod", "set of digits" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0012139, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0012140 ] . UBERON:0012367 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "muscle layer of intestine" ; NIFRID:synonym "intestinal muscularis propria", "muscularis externa of intestine", "smooth muscle of intestine" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0018261, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000160 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001262 ] . UBERON:0012368 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "circular muscle layer of muscular coat" ; NIFRID:synonym "circular muscle layer", "circular smooth muscle", "inner muscularis", "inner muscularis layer" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0034933, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0006660 ] . UBERON:0012369 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "longitudinal muscle layer of muscular coat" ; NIFRID:synonym "longitudinal muscle layer", "longitudinal smooth muscle", "outer muscularis", "outer muscularis layer" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0034933, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0006660 ] . UBERON:0012399 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "large intestine smooth muscle longitudinal layer" ; NIFRID:synonym "longitudinal muscle layer of zone of large intestine" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004120, UBERON:0012369, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004220 ] . UBERON:0012469 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "external anal region" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000481, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom NCBITaxon:6072 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001353 ] . UBERON:0012475 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "skeleton of pectoral complex" ; NIFRID:synonym "bones of upper limb", "ossa membri superioris", "pectoral complex skeleton", "set of bones of upper limb", "skeleton of anterior limb/fin and girdle", "upper limb skeleton" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0010912, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002091 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0010708 ] . UBERON:0012476 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "skeleton of pelvic complex" ; NIFRID:synonym "bones of lower limb", "lower limb skeleton", "ossa membri inferioris", "pelvic complex skeleton", "set of bones of lower limb", "skeleton of posterior limb/fin and girdle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0010912, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002091 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0010709 ] . UBERON:0012477 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "dorsal part of neck" ; NIFRID:synonym "back of neck", "hindneck", "nape", "nape of neck", "neck back", "nucha", "nuchal region", "posterior cervical region", "posterior neck region", "posterior part of neck", "regio cervicalis posterior" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0005434, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000974 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001137 ] . UBERON:0012648 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ampulla of fallopian tube" ; NIFRID:synonym "ampulla of fallopian tube", "ampulla of oviduct", "ampulla of the fallopian tube", "ampulla of uterine tube", "ampulla tubae uterinae", "uterine tube ampulla" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000064, UBERON:0004120, UBERON:0005156, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003889 ] . UBERON:0013199 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "stria of neuraxis" ; NIFRID:synonym "neuraxis stria", "neuraxis striae", "stria", "striae" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002316 . UBERON:0013232 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "serous acinus" ; NIFRID:synonym "acinus of serous gland" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011858, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000409 ] . UBERON:0013473 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "lower esophagus" ; NIFRID:synonym "distal part of esophagus", "esophagus distal third", "lower third of esophagus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004921, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001043 ] . UBERON:0013515 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "subdivision of oviduct" ; NIFRID:synonym "subdivision of fallopian tube", "subdivision of oviduct", "subdivision of uterine tube", "uterine tube zone", "zone of uterine tube" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0005156, UBERON:0013522, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000993 ] . UBERON:0013522 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "subdivision of tube" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000064, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000025 ] . UBERON:0013691 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "buttock" ; NIFRID:synonym "buttocks", "clunis", "gluteal part of pelvic girdle", "gluteal region", "regio glutealis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0015212, UBERON:0034929, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001271 ] . UBERON:0013700 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "axial musculature" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001015, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom RO:0002577 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0013701 ] . UBERON:0013701 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "main body axis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000475 . UBERON:0013702 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "body proper" ; NIFRID:synonym "body", "whole body" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000475, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0013701 ] . UBERON:0013703 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "integumentary projection" ; NIFRID:synonym "skin projection" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004529, UBERON:0006003, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002416 ] . UBERON:0013765 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "digestive system element" ; NIFRID:synonym "digestive organ", "digestive system organ" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000062, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001007 ] . UBERON:0013768 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "great vessel of heart" ; NIFRID:synonym "great vessel", "great vessel of thorax" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001981 . UBERON:0013776 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "skin of palmar/plantar part of autopod" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0015790, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0008837 ] . UBERON:0013777 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "skin of palm of manus" ; NIFRID:synonym "palmar skin of hand", "skin of palmar area of hand" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001519, UBERON:0013776, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001519 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0008878 ] . UBERON:0014277 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "piriform cortex layer 1" ; NIFRID:synonym "layer 1 of piriform cortex", "piriform cortex layer 1", "piriform cortex plexiform layer", "plexiform layer of piriform cortex", "pyriform cortex layer 1" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011215, UBERON:0022303, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004725 ] . UBERON:0014283 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "piriform cortex layer 3" ; NIFRID:synonym "layer 3 of piriform cortex", "piriform cortex layer 3" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011215, UBERON:0022303, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004725 ] . UBERON:0014284 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "endopiriform nucleus" ; NIFRID:synonym "endopiriform nucleus", "layer 4 of piriform cortex", "layer IV of piriform cortex" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0009663, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002023 ] . UBERON:0014375 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "intrinsic muscle of manus" ; NIFRID:synonym "intrinsic hand muscle", "intrinsic muscle of hand" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001500, UBERON:0035112, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002398 ] . UBERON:0014376 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "thenar muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "thenar compartment", "thenar eminence", "thenar muscle", "thenar muscles" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0014375 . UBERON:0014377 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "hypothenar muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "hypothenar", "hypothenar muscle", "hypothenar muscles" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0014375 . UBERON:0014378 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "intrinsic muscle of pes" ; NIFRID:synonym "intrinsic muscle of foot" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001498, UBERON:0035112, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002387 ] . UBERON:0014379 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "adductor hallucis muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "adductor hallucis", "adductor transversus hallucis", "contrahens I muscle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0014378 . UBERON:0014548 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "pyramidal layer of CA1" ; NIFRID:synonym "CA1 part of stratum pyramidale hippocampi", "CA1 pyramidal cell layer", "CA1 stratum pyramidale", "CA1 stratum pyramidale hippocampi", "field CA1, pyramidal layer", "stratum pyramidale of CA1", "stratum pyramidale of the CA1 field" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0035786, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002313 ] . UBERON:0014549 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "pyramidal layer of CA2" ; NIFRID:synonym "CA2 part of stratum pyramidale hippocampi", "CA2 stratum pyramidale hippocampi", "field CA2, pyramidal layer", "stratum pyramidale of CA2", "stratum pyramidale of the CA2 field" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0035787, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002313 ] . UBERON:0014550 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "pyramidal layer of CA3" ; NIFRID:synonym "CA3 part of stratum pyramidale hippocampi", "CA3 stratum pyramidale hippocampi", "field CA3, pyramidal layer", "stratum pyramidale of CA3", "stratum pyramidale of the CA3 field" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0035788, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002313 ] . UBERON:0014551 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "CA2 stratum oriens" ; NIFRID:synonym "CA2 part of stratum oriens", "CA2 stratum oriens", "oriens layer of CA2 field", "stratum oriens of the CA2 field" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0035787, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0005371 ] . UBERON:0014552 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "CA1 stratum oriens" ; NIFRID:synonym "CA1 part of stratum oriens", "CA1 stratum oriens", "oriens layer of CA1 field", "stratum oriens of the CA1 field" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0035786, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0005371 ] . UBERON:0014553 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "CA3 stratum oriens" ; NIFRID:synonym "CA3 part of stratum oriens", "CA3 stratum oriens", "oriens layer of CA3 field", "stratum oriens of the CA3 field" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0035788, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0005371 ] . UBERON:0014554 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "CA1 stratum radiatum" ; NIFRID:synonym "CA1 part of stratum radiatum", "CA1 stratum radiatum", "radiate layer of CA1 field", "stratum radiatum of the CA1 field" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0035786, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0005372 ] . UBERON:0014555 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "CA2 stratum radiatum" ; NIFRID:synonym "CA2 part of stratum radiatum", "CA2 stratum radiatum", "radiate layer of CA2 field", "stratum radiatum of the CA2 field" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0035787, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0005372 ] . UBERON:0014556 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "CA3 stratum radiatum" ; NIFRID:synonym "CA3 part of stratum radiatum", "CA3 stratum radiatum", "radiate layer of CA3 field", "stratum radiatum of the CA3 field" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0035788, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0005372 ] . UBERON:0014557 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "CA1 stratum lacunosum moleculare" ; NIFRID:synonym "CA1 part of stratum lacunosum moleculare", "CA1 stratum lacunosum moleculare", "lacunar-molecular layer of CA1 field", "stratum lacunosum moleculare of the CA1 field" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0035786, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0007640 ] . UBERON:0014559 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "CA3 stratum lacunosum moleculare" ; NIFRID:synonym "CA3 part of stratum lacunosum moleculare", "CA3 stratum lacunosum moleculare", "lacunar-molecular layer of CA3 field", "stratum lacunosum moleculare of the CA3 field" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0035788, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0007640 ] . UBERON:0014570 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "CA1 alveus" ; NIFRID:synonym "alveus of the CA1 field" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0035786, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0007639 ] . UBERON:0014571 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "CA3 alveus" ; NIFRID:synonym "alveus of the CA3 field" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0035788, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0007639 ] . UBERON:0014617 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Ventral nerve root of thoracic spinal cord" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior nerve root of thoracic spinal cord", "ventral nerve root of thoracic spinal cord" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0009630 . UBERON:0014631 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "dorsal gray commissure of spinal cord", "Spinal cord posterior gray commissure" ; NIFRID:synonym "commissura grisea posterior medullae spinalis", "dorsal gray commissure", "dorsal grey commissure of spinal cord", "posterior grey commissure of spinal cord", "spinal cord posterior gray commissure" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002315, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004677 ] . UBERON:0014634 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Ventral nerve root of cervical spinal cord" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior nerve root of cervical spinal cord", "ventral nerve root of cervical spinal cord" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002260, UBERON:0009632 . UBERON:0014791 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "musculature of forelimb stylopod" ; NIFRID:synonym "arm musculature", "muscle group of arm", "musculature of arm", "set of muscles of arm" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004474, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003822 ] . UBERON:0014792 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "musculature of pelvic complex" ; NIFRID:synonym "muscles of lower limb", "musculature of lower limb", "musculi membri inferioris" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001015, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0010709 ] . UBERON:0014793 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "musculature of pectoral complex" ; NIFRID:synonym "muscles of upper limb", "musculature of upper limb", "musculi membri superioris", "set of muscles of upper limb", "upper limb musculature" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001015, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0010708 ] . UBERON:0014794 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "pectoral appendage muscle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0010891, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004710 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0007269 ] . UBERON:0014795 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "pelvic appendage muscle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0010890, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004709 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0007270 ] . UBERON:0014847 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "vastus intermedius" ; NIFRID:synonym "cruraeus", "crureus", "intermediate great muscle", "intermediate vastus muscle", "musculus vastus intermedius", "vastus intermedialis", "vastus intermedius" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001377, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001377 ] . UBERON:0014891 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "brainstem white matter" ; NIFRID:synonym "brain stem white matter", "brainstem tract/commissure", "brainstem tracts", "brainstem tracts and commissures" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003544, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002298 ] . UBERON:0014892 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "skeletal muscle organ, vertebrate" ; NIFRID:synonym "skeletal muscle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001630, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom RO:0002577 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0018254 ] . UBERON:0015054 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "iliac endochondral element" ; NIFRID:synonym "iliac element", "iliac skeletal element" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004120, UBERON:0005179, UBERON:0010363, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0007832 ] . UBERON:0015152 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gland of ocular region" ; NIFRID:synonym "ocular gland", "orbital gland" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002530, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004088 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0035639 ] . UBERON:0015154 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "lateral gland of orbital region" ; NIFRID:synonym "lateral ocular gland", "lateral orbital gland" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0015152 . UBERON:0015173 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "helicine branch of uterine artery" ; NIFRID:synonym "arcuate artery of uterus", "helicine arteriole", "helicine artery of uterus", "rami helicini uterinae", "spiral arteries", "spiral artery" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0015177, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom RO:0002577 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001296 ] . UBERON:0015177 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "helicine artery" ; NIFRID:synonym "helicine arteries" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001637, UBERON:0005156, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000990 ] . UBERON:0015203 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "non-connected functional system" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0034923 . UBERON:0015204 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "glandular system" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0015203 . UBERON:0015212 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "lateral structure" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000061, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000465 ] . UBERON:0015228 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "circulatory organ" ; NIFRID:synonym "cardiac pump", "cardiac structure", "circulatory vessel", "heart", "heart or heart like organ" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003103, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001009 ] . UBERON:0015233 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nucleus of dorsal thalamus" ; NIFRID:synonym "dorsal thalamic nucleus", "nucleus of thalamus proper" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007692, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004703 ] . UBERON:0015234 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nucleus of ventral thalamus" ; NIFRID:synonym "ventral thalamic nucleus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007692, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001900 ] . UBERON:0015244 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "accessory olfactory bulb granule cell layer" ; NIFRID:synonym "accessory olfactory bulb, granular layer", "AOB, granular layer" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004001, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004069 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0005378 ] . UBERON:0015249 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "digit skin" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0015790, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002544 ] . UBERON:0015410 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "heart plus pericardium" ; NIFRID:synonym "heart/pericardium" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0005178, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004535 ] . UBERON:0015423 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "hilar portion of hepatic duct" ; NIFRID:synonym "hilar part of hepatic duct" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0005171, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0005604 ] . UBERON:0015432 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "accessory olfactory bulb mitral cell layer" ; NIFRID:synonym "accessory olfactory bulb, mitral layer" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004001, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004069 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004186 ] . UBERON:0015479 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "scrotum skin" ; NIFRID:synonym "scrotal skin", "skin of scrotum" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004120, UBERON:8480029, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001300 ] . UBERON:0015757 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "heterogeneous tissue" ; NIFRID:synonym "portion of heterogeneous tissue" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000479 . UBERON:0015787 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "upper respiratory conduit" ; NIFRID:synonym "respiratory conduit" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004111, UBERON:0004119, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001557 ] . UBERON:0015788 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "olfactory apparatus chamber" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004121, UBERON:0015787, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000004 ] . UBERON:0015790 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "autopod skin" ; NIFRID:synonym "paw skin" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001419, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002470 ] . UBERON:0015793 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "induseum griseum" ; NIFRID:synonym "gray stria of Lancisi", "gyrus epicallosus", "gyrus indusium griseum", "indusium griseum", "supracallosal gyrus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0013199, UBERON:0016536, UBERON:0016555, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002421 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002665 ] . UBERON:0015796 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "liver blood vessel" ; NIFRID:synonym "hepatic blood vessel" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000077, UBERON:0003497, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002107 ] . UBERON:0015800 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "taenia tectum of brain" ; NIFRID:synonym "taenia tecta", "taenia tectum", "tenia tecta", "tenia tectum" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0016536, UBERON:0016555, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002264 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002665 ] . UBERON:0015860 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "visceral abdominal lymph node" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002507 . UBERON:0016490 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "auditory system" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007037, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002105 ] . UBERON:0016493 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "palmaris longus muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "musculus palmaris longus", "palmaris", "palmaris longus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003662, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002102 ] . UBERON:0016508 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "pelvic ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "inferior hypogastric ganglion", "pelvic ganglia" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003964 . UBERON:0016526 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "lobe of cerebral hemisphere" ; NIFRID:synonym "cerebral cortical segment", "cerebral hemisphere lobe", "cerebral lobe", "lobe of cerebral cortex", "lobe parts of cerebral cortex", "lobes of the brain", "lobi cerebri", "regional organ part of cerebral cortex", "segment of cerebral cortex" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000064, UBERON:0004121, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001869 ] . UBERON:0016527 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "white matter of cerebral lobe" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002437, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0016526 ] . UBERON:0016529 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "cortex of cerebral lobe" ; NIFRID:synonym "cortex of cerebral hemisphere lobe", "cortex of lobe of cerebral hemisphere", "gray matter of lobe of cerebral hemisphere", "neocortical part of cerebral hemisphere" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0005401, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001950 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0016526 ] . UBERON:0016530 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "parietal cortex" ; NIFRID:synonym "cortex of parietal lobe", "gray matter of parietal lobe", "parietal lobe cortex", "parietal neocortex" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0016529, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001872 ] . UBERON:0016536 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "white matter of limbic lobe" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0016527, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002600 ] . UBERON:0016548 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "central nervous system gray matter layer" ; NIFRID:synonym "CNS gray matter layer", "CNS grey matter layer", "gray matter layer of neuraxis", "grey matter layer", "grey matter layer of neuraxis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0022303 . UBERON:0016549 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "central nervous system white matter layer" ; NIFRID:synonym "CNS white matter layer", "white matter layer", "white matter layer of neuraxis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0022303 . UBERON:0016550 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "spinal cord column" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011215, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002240 ] . UBERON:0016551 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "subdivision of spinal cord ventral column" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0016550, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0005375 ] . UBERON:0016555 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "stria of telencephalon" ; NIFRID:synonym "telencephalon stria" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011299, UBERON:0013199, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001893 ] . UBERON:0016570 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "lamina of gray matter of spinal cord" ; NIFRID:synonym "rexed lamina" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011215, UBERON:0022303, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002315 ] . UBERON:0016576 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "lamina V of gray matter of spinal cord" ; NIFRID:synonym "lamina 5", "lamina spinalis V", "lamina V", "neck of the dorsal horn", "rexed lamina V", "Rexed's lamina V", "spinal lamina V" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0016570, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0016610 ] . UBERON:0016578 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "lamina VII of gray matter of spinal cord" ; NIFRID:synonym "lamina 7", "lamina spinalis VII", "lamina VII", "rexed lamina VII", "Rexed's lamina VII", "spinal lamina VII" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0016570, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002257 ] . UBERON:0016580 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "lamina IX of gray matter of spinal cord" ; NIFRID:synonym "rexed lamina IX", "spinal lamina IX" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0016570, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002257 ] . UBERON:0016610 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nucleus proprius of spinal cord" ; NIFRID:synonym "nucleus proprius", "nucleus proprius columnae posterioris", "nucleus proprius cornu dorsalis", "nucleus proprius dorsalis", "nucleus proprius medullae spinalis", "nucleus proprius of the spinal cord", "proper sensory nucleus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002315, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002256 ] . UBERON:0016632 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "isthmus of fallopian tube" ; NIFRID:synonym "isthmus of oviduct", "isthmus of uterine tube", "isthmus tubae uterinae", "uterine tube isthmus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003889, UBERON:0004120, UBERON:0013515, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003889 ] . UBERON:0016848 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "retroambiguus nucleus" ; NIFRID:synonym "nucleus retroambigualis", "nucleus retroambiguus", "retroambiguus nucleus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007635 . UBERON:0016850 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nucleus of phrenic nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "nucleus nervi phrenici", "nucleus of phrenic nerve", "nucleus of the phrenic nerve", "nucleus phrenicus columnae anterioris medullae spinalis", "phrenic neural nucleus", "phrenic nucleus", "phrenic nucleus of anterior column of spinal cord" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011777 . UBERON:0016884 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "shoulder joint" ; NIFRID:synonym "joint of shoulder region" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000982, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001467 ] . UBERON:0017618 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "extensor pollicis brevis muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "extensor pollicis", "extensor pollicis brevis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011024 . UBERON:0017642 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "communicating branch of spinal nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "rami communicantes", "rami communicantes of spinal nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001021, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0005476 ] . UBERON:0017672 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "abdominal viscera" ; NIFRID:synonym "abdominal viscera", "abdominal viscera set", "set of abdominal viscera" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002075, UBERON:0005172, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000916 ] . UBERON:0018237 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "dorsal column-medial lemniscus pathway" ; NIFRID:synonym "DCML", "DCML pathway", "dorsal column", "dorsal column tract", "dorsal column-medial lemniscus pathway", "dorsal column-medial lemniscus system", "dorsal column-medial lemniscus tract", "medial lemniscus tracts", "posterior column pathway", "posterior column-medial leminscus pathway", "posterior column-medial lemniscus system", "posterior column/medial leminscus pathway" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000122 . UBERON:0018238 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "dorsal column nucleus" ; NIFRID:synonym "dorsal column nuclei" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007635, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001896 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0018237 ] . UBERON:0018254 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "skeletal musculature" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000061, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000383 ] . UBERON:0018257 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "submucosa of digestive tract" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000009, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001555 ] . UBERON:0018260 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "layer of muscle tissue" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004923 . UBERON:0018261 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "muscular coat of digestive tract" ; NIFRID:synonym "muscular layer of digestive tract", "muscularis externa of digestive tract", "tunica externa of digestive tract", "tunica muscularis of digestive tract" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0006660, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001555 ] . UBERON:0018412 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "vidian nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "nerve of pterygoid canal", "nerve of the pterygoid canal", "pterygoid canal nerve", "vidian nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011779, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001647 ] . UBERON:0018675 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "pelvic splanchnic nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "nervi erigentes", "nervi pelvici splanchnici", "nervi splanchnici pelvici", "nn erigentes", "pelvic splanchnic nerve", "pelvic splanchnic parasympathetic nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003715, UBERON:0004293, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000011 ] . UBERON:0018676 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "renal nerve plexus" ; NIFRID:synonym "plexus renalis", "renal plexus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001816 . UBERON:0018679 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "thoracic splanchnic nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003715, UBERON:0003824, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004863 ] . UBERON:0018680 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "greater splanchnic nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "greater thoracic splanchnic nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0018679 . UBERON:0018681 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "lesser splanchnic nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "lesser thoracic splanchnic nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0018679 . UBERON:0018683 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "lumbar splanchnic nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "lumbar splanchnic nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003715 . UBERON:0018707 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "bladder organ" ; NIFRID:synonym "bladder" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000489, UBERON:0009856 . UBERON:0019042 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "reproductive system mucosa" ; NIFRID:synonym "genital mucosa" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000344, UBERON:0005156, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000990 ] . UBERON:0019201 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gemellus muscle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004252 . UBERON:0019202 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "inferior gemellus muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "gemellus inferior", "gemellus inferior muscle", "inferior gemellus", "musculus gemellus inferior" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0019201 . UBERON:0019203 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "superior gemellus muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "cemellus superior", "gemellus superior", "gemellus superior muscle", "musculus gemellus superior", "superior cemellus", "superior cemellus muscle", "superior gemellus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0019201 . UBERON:0019207 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "chorioretinal region" ; NIFRID:synonym "chorioretina", "choroid and retina", "retinachoroid", "retinachoroidal region" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000481, UBERON:0004121, UBERON:0010314, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom NCBITaxon:6072 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0010230 ] . UBERON:0019221 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "digit 1 or 5" ; NIFRID:synonym "lateral digit", "outer digit", "outermost digit" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002544 . UBERON:0019222 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "digit 2, 3 or 4" ; NIFRID:synonym "medial digit", "mesoaxial digit" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002544 . UBERON:0019231 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "manual digit 1 or 5" ; NIFRID:synonym "lateral finger", "lateral manual digit", "outer manual digit", "outermost manual digit" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002389, UBERON:0019221, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002398 ] . UBERON:0019232 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "manual digit 2, 3 or 4" ; NIFRID:synonym "medial manual digit", "mesoaxial manual digit", "mesoxaxial finger" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002389, UBERON:0019222, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002398 ] . UBERON:0019258 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "white matter of hindbrain" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003544, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002028 ] . UBERON:0019261 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "white matter of forebrain" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003544, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001890 ] . UBERON:0019263 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gray matter of hindbrain" ; NIFRID:synonym "gray matter of the hindbrain" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003528, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002028 ] . UBERON:0019264 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gray matter of forebrain" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003528, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001890 ] . UBERON:0019267 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gray matter of midbrain" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003528, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001891 ] . UBERON:0019269 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gray matter of diencephalon" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0019264, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001894 ] . UBERON:0019291 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "white matter of metencephalon" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0019258, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001895 ] . UBERON:0019292 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "white matter of pons" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0014891, UBERON:0019291, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000988 ] . UBERON:0019293 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "white matter of pontine tegmentum" ; NIFRID:synonym "pontine white matter tracts", "predominantly white regional part of pontine tegmentum", "substantia alba tegmenti pontis", "white matter of pontile tegmentum", "white substance of pontile tegmentum" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0019292, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003023 ] . UBERON:0019304 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "sensory organ epithelium" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000483, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000020 ] . UBERON:0019306 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nose epithelium" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0010371, UBERON:0019304, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000004 ] . UBERON:0019319 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "exocrine gland of integumental system" ; NIFRID:synonym "integumental exocrine gland", "integumental system exocrine gland" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002365, UBERON:0003297, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002416 ] . UBERON:0022278 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nucleus of pudendal nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "nucleus of Onuf", "Onuf's nucleus", "pudendal neural nucleus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011777, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom RO:0002577 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002257 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0005853 ] . UBERON:0022300 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nasociliary nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "nasal nerve", "nasociliary", "nasociliary nerve", "nervus nasociliaris" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004121, UBERON:0011779, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000942 ] . UBERON:0022301 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "long ciliary nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "long ciliary nerve", "nervi ciliares longi" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003438, UBERON:0004121, UBERON:0011779, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0022300 ] . UBERON:0022302 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "short ciliary nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "lower branch of ciliary ganglion", "nervi ciliares breves", "nervi ciliares brevis", "short ciliary nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003438, UBERON:0004293, UBERON:0010313, UBERON:0011779, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002058 ] . UBERON:0022303 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Cell layer", "nervous system cell part layer" ; NIFRID:synonym "lamina", "layer" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0005162, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001016 ] ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0101849, NLX:149357, UBERON:0022303 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId NLX:149357, UBERON:0022303 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0101849 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0022303 . UBERON:0022317 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "olfactory cortex layer 1" ; NIFRID:synonym "layer 1 of olfactory cortex", "olfactory cortex plexiform layer" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011215, UBERON:0022303, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002894 ] . UBERON:0022318 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "olfactory cortex layer 2" ; NIFRID:synonym "layer 2 of olfactory cortex" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011215, UBERON:0022303, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002894 ] . UBERON:0022326 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "molecular layer of dorsal cochlear nucleus" ; NIFRID:synonym "dorsal cochlear nucleus molecular layer", "MoC" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011215, UBERON:0022303, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002829 ] . UBERON:0022347 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "dentate gyrus molecular layer inner" ; NIFRID:synonym "DG inner stratum moleculare", "inner layer of dentate gyrus molecular layer" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002304, UBERON:0022303, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004679 ] . UBERON:0022350 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "visceral serous membrane" ; NIFRID:synonym "visceral wall of serous membrane" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004120, UBERON:0004923, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000042 ] . UBERON:0022351 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "parietal serous membrane" ; NIFRID:synonym "cavity lining", "parietal wall of serous membrane" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004120, UBERON:0004923, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000042 ] . UBERON:0022434 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "primary superior olive" ; NIFRID:synonym "superior olive" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007245, UBERON:0019263, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002128 ] . UBERON:0022469 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "primary olfactory cortex" ; NIFRID:synonym "primary olfactory areas" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002616, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002894 ] . UBERON:0023623 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Ventral nerve root of sacral spinal cord" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior nerve root of sacral spinal cord", "ventral nerve root of sacral spinal cord" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0009633 . UBERON:0023934 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "olfactory bulb main glomerular layer" ; NIFRID:synonym "olfactory bulb main glomerular layer" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0005377, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0009951 ] . UBERON:0024382 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Ventral nerve root of lumbar spinal cord" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior nerve root of lumbar spinal cord", "ventral nerve root of lumbar spinal cord" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0009631 . UBERON:0029636 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "lumbar spinal cord gray matter" ; NIFRID:synonym "lumbar spinal cord gray matter" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002315, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002792 ] . UBERON:0033483 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Lumbar spinal cord gray commissure", "lumbar spinal cord gray commissure" ; NIFRID:synonym "lumbar spinal cord gray commissure" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0014631, UBERON:0029636, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002792 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0029636 ] . UBERON:0034713 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "cranial neuron projection bundle" ; NIFRID:synonym "cranial nerve fiber bundle", "cranial nerve fiber tract", "cranial nerve or tract", "neuron projection bundle from brain" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000122, UBERON:0015212, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom RO:0002577 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000033 ] . UBERON:0034728 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "autonomic nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "nervus visceralis", "visceral nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011779, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002410 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0036264 ] . UBERON:0034729 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "sympathetic nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001021, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom RO:0002577 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000013 ] . UBERON:0034736 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "coracoclavicular ligament" ; NIFRID:synonym "accessory ligament of acromioclavicular joint" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0008846, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003692 ] . UBERON:0034768 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "morphological feature" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000061, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000468 ] . UBERON:0034769 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "lymphomyeloid tissue" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0015757 . UBERON:0034908 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "scapular muscle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0014892 . UBERON:0034921 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "multi organ part structure" ; NIFRID:synonym "anatomical cluster" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0010000 . UBERON:0034922 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "cell cluster" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0010000 . UBERON:0034923 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "disconnected anatomical group" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000465 . UBERON:0034925 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anatomical collection" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000465 . UBERON:0034929 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "external soft tissue zone" ; rdfs:subClassOf PR:000050567, UBERON:0010000, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000475 ] . UBERON:0034932 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "epithelium of biliary system" ; NIFRID:synonym "biliary epithelium", "biliary system epithelium", "biliary tract epithelium" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000483, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002294 ] . UBERON:0034933 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "layer of smooth muscle tissue" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0018260 . UBERON:0034944 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "zone of organ" ; NIFRID:synonym "organ region with floating fiat boundary", "organ sector", "organ zonal region", "organ zone" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000064 . UBERON:0034969 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "epithelial layer of duct" ; NIFRID:synonym "duct epithelium", "ductal epithelium" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003914, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000058 ] . UBERON:0034978 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "paraganglion (generic)" ; NIFRID:synonym "paraganglia" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0010001, UBERON:0010313 . UBERON:0034979 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nonchromaffin paraganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0034978 . UBERON:0034984 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nerve to quadratus femoris" ; NIFRID:synonym "nerve to quadratus femoris", "nerve to the quadratus femoris", "nerve to the quadratus femoris and gemellus inferior", "nerve to the quadratus femoris muscle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001021, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0034986 ] . UBERON:0034986 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "sacral nerve plexus" ; NIFRID:synonym "plexus sacralis", "sacral plexus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001815 . UBERON:0034987 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "lumbar nerve plexus" ; NIFRID:synonym "femoral plexus", "lumbar plexus", "plexus lumbalis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001815 . UBERON:0035011 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "central gray substance" ; NIFRID:synonym "central gray", "central gray substance", "central grey", "central grey substance", "griseum centrale", "griseum periventriculare", "stratum griseum centrale", "substantia grisea centralis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002020 . UBERON:0035014 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "functional part of brain" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002616 . UBERON:0035032 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "abdominal oblique muscle" ; NIFRID:synonym "oblique abdominal muscle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002461, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0006635 ] . UBERON:0035044 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "olfactory cortex layer 3" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011215, UBERON:0022303, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002894 ] . UBERON:0035109 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "plantar nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "nerve, plantar" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003431, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001323 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002103 ] . UBERON:0035110 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "lateral plantar nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "external plantar nerve", "nervus plantaris lateralis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0035109 . UBERON:0035111 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "medial plantar nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "internal plantar nerve", "nervus plantaris medialis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0035109 . UBERON:0035112 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "intrinsic muscle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0014892 . UBERON:0035207 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "deep fibular nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "deep peroneal nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003431, UBERON:0035652, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001324 ] . UBERON:0035258 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "mons pubis" ; NIFRID:synonym "mons", "mons veneris", "public mound" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000475, UBERON:0005156, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000997 ] . UBERON:0035526 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "superficial fibular nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "superficial peroneal nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003431, UBERON:0035652, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001324 ] . UBERON:0035553 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left cardiac chamber" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004151, UBERON:0015212 . UBERON:0035554 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right cardiac chamber" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004151, UBERON:0015212 . UBERON:0035639 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ocular adnexa" ; NIFRID:synonym "accessory parts of orbital region", "accessory visual structures", "accessory visual structures set", "adnexa oculi", "adnexal parts of orbital region", "appendage of eye", "appendages of the eye", "eye adnexa", "set of accessory visual structures", "structurae oculi accessoriae" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0034921, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004088 ] . UBERON:0035642 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "laryngeal nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001021 . UBERON:0035652 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "fibular nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "peroneal nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001021 . UBERON:0035769 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "mesenteric ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003964, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0035771 ] . UBERON:0035770 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "inferior mesenteric nerve plexus" ; NIFRID:synonym "inferior mesenteric plexus", "plexus mesentericus inferior", "plexus nervosus mesentericus inferior" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000122, UBERON:0035771, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom RO:0002577 ] . UBERON:0035771 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "mesenteric plexus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001816 . UBERON:0035772 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "aortic plexus" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001816 . UBERON:0035783 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ganglion of ciliary nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001808, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004088 ] . UBERON:0035786 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "layer of CA1 field" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002305, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003881 ] . UBERON:0035787 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "layer of CA2 field" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002305, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003882 ] . UBERON:0035788 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "layer of CA3 field" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002305, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003883 ] . UBERON:0035814 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "pericardial fat" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0035818 . UBERON:0035818 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "visceral fat" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001013 . UBERON:0035820 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "peritoneal sac" ; NIFRID:synonym "peritoneal component" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002075, UBERON:0005906 . UBERON:0035965 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "wall of blood vessel" ; NIFRID:synonym "blood vessel wall", "vascular wall" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000060, UBERON:0004120, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001981 ] . UBERON:0035973 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nucleus incertus" ; NIFRID:synonym "central Gray pars 0", "central Gray part alpha", "charles Watson. - 5th ed.)", "Inc", "NI", "NI, CG0, CGalpha, CGbeta", "nucleus incertus (Streeter)" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000125, UBERON:0006331, UBERON:0009662, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003023 ] . UBERON:0036014 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gluteal sulcus" ; NIFRID:synonym "gluteal crease", "gluteal fold", "horizontal gluteal crease", "sulcus glutealis" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007651, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001137 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002355 ] . UBERON:0036172 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "palmaris brevis" ; NIFRID:synonym "musculus palmaris brevis", "palmaris brevis muscle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0014377 . UBERON:0036174 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "flexor digiti minimi brevis of hand" ; NIFRID:synonym "flexor brevis minimi digiti muscle (hand)", "flexor digiti minimi brevis muscle", "flexor digiti minimi brevis muscle of hand", "flexor digiti quinti brevis muscle (hand)", "musculus flexor digiti minimi brevis (manus)" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0014377 . UBERON:0036176 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "opponens digiti minimi of hand" ; NIFRID:synonym "musculus opponens digiti minimi (Manus)", "opponens digiti minimi", "opponens digiti minimi (hand)", "opponens digiti minimi muscle of hand", "opponens digiti quinti" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0014377 . UBERON:0036216 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "tympanic nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "jacobson%27s nerve", "nerve of jacobson", "tympanic", "tympanic branch", "tympanic branch of the glossopharyngeal" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011779, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001649 ] . UBERON:0036264 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "zygomaticotemporal nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "ramus zygomaticotemporalis (Nervus zygomaticus)", "ramus zygomaticotemporalis nervus zygomatici", "zygomaticotemporal", "zygomaticotemporal branch", "zygomaticotemporal branch of zygomatic nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011779, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000377 ] . UBERON:0036295 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "renal pelvis/ureter" ; NIFRID:synonym "renal pelvis and ureter", "renal pelvis plus ureter" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000477, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0011143 ] . UBERON:0038727 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "juxta-intestinal mesenteric lymph node" ; NIFRID:synonym "mural mesenteric lymph node", "para-intestinal mesenteric lymph node" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002509 . UBERON:1000023 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "spleen pulp" ; NIFRID:synonym "Malpighian corpuscles", "pulp of spleen", "splenic pulp" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000064, UBERON:0004120, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:1000024 ] . UBERON:1000024 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "parenchyma of spleen" ; NIFRID:synonym "splenic parenchyma" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000353, UBERON:0004120, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002106 ] . UBERON:2005260 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "fenestrated capillary" ; NIFRID:synonym "fenestrated blood vessel endothelium", "fenestrated capillary vessel" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001982, UBERON:0004638 . UBERON:3000961 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "external integument structure" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0003102, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002199 ] . UBERON:4200013 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "flexor surface" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:4200230, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002495 ] . UBERON:4200230 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "surface of bone" ; NIFRID:synonym "bone surface" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0006984, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001474 ] . UBERON:5001463 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "manual digit 1 plus metapodial segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "manual digit 1", "manual digit 1 ( phalanges plus metapodial) plus soft tissue", "manual digit 1 digitopodial subdivision", "manual digit 1 ray", "manual digit I plus metapodial segment" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:5002389, UBERON:5006048, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002398 ] . UBERON:5002389 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "manual digit plus metapodial segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "manual digit", "manual digit ( phalanges plus metapodial) plus soft tissue", "manual digit digitopodial subdivision", "manual digit ray" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:5002544, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002102 ] . UBERON:5002544 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "digit plus metapodial segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "digit", "digit ( phalanges plus metapodial) plus soft tissue", "digit digitopodial subdivision", "digit ray" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000475, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0012140 ] . UBERON:5003622 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "manual digit 2 plus metapodial segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "manual digit 2", "manual digit 2 ( phalanges plus metapodial) plus soft tissue", "manual digit 2 digitopodial subdivision", "manual digit 2 ray", "manual digit II plus metapodial segment" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:5002389, UBERON:5006049, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002398 ] . UBERON:5003623 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "manual digit 3 plus metapodial segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "manual digit 3", "manual digit 3 ( phalanges plus metapodial) plus soft tissue", "manual digit 3 digitopodial subdivision", "manual digit 3 ray", "manual digit III plus metapodial segment" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:5002389, UBERON:5006050, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002398 ] . UBERON:5006048 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "digit 1 plus metapodial segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "digit 1", "digit 1 ( phalanges plus metapodial) plus soft tissue", "digit 1 digitopodial subdivision", "digit 1 ray", "digit I plus metapodial segment" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:5002544 . UBERON:5006049 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "digit 2 plus metapodial segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "digit 2", "digit 2 ( phalanges plus metapodial) plus soft tissue", "digit 2 digitopodial subdivision", "digit 2 ray", "digit II plus metapodial segment" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:5002544 . UBERON:5006050 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "digit 3 plus metapodial segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "digit 3", "digit 3 ( phalanges plus metapodial) plus soft tissue", "digit 3 digitopodial subdivision", "digit 3 ray", "digit III plus metapodial segment" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:5002544 . UBERON:8410010 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "fimbria of fallopian tube" ; NIFRID:synonym "fimbria of uterine tube", "fimbriae of fallopian tube", "fimbriae of uterine tube" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004120, UBERON:0013515, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0003889 ] . UBERON:8410058 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Myenteric nerve plexus of colon" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002439, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001155 ] . UBERON:8410059 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Submucous nerve plexus of colon" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0005304, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001155 ] . UBERON:8410061 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Longitudinal muscle layer of colon" ; NIFRID:synonym "smooth muscle longitudinal layer of colon" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0012399, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001155 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004220 ] . UBERON:8410063 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "myenteric nerve plexus of small intestine" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002439, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0002108 ] . UBERON:8410081 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "blood microvessel" ; NIFRID:synonym "microvasculature", "microvessel" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001981, UBERON:0010523 . UBERON:8440004 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "laminar subdivision of the cortex" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011215, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0001950 ] . UBERON:8440015 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "noradrenergic cell groups" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0002616 . UBERON:8450001 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "egg follicle" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000064, UBERON:0005156, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000992 ] . UBERON:8450002 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "excretory system" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000467 . UBERON:8480029 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "skin of external genitalia" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000014, UBERON:0005156, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0004176 ] . UBERON:8480069 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "temporofacial region" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001444 . UBERON:8600017 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "bronchopulmonary segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "lung segment" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000063, UBERON:0004119, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty partOf: ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000101 ], [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty RO:0002433 ; owl:someValuesFrom UBERON:0000101 ] . UBERON:8600018 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "neuroendocrine system" ; NIFRID:synonym "NES" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000467 . ### Annotations ilxtr:cardiac-interganglionic-nerve rdfs:label "cardiac interganglionic nerve" . ilxtr:parcellationLabel rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0001062 . ilxtr:Phenotype rdfs:subClassOf BFO:0000016 . ilxtr:vago-sympathetic-trunk rdfs:label "vago-sympathetic trunk" . overlaps: rdfs:label "overlaps" . SAO:1224657022 rdfs:subClassOf BFO:0000040 . ### Serialized using the ttlser deterministic serializer v1.2.2