@prefix : . @prefix BFO: . @prefix BIRNLEX: . @prefix CL: . @prefix definition: . @prefix EMAPA: . @prefix fma: . @prefix FMA: . @prefix GBIF: . @prefix GO: . @prefix ILX: . @prefix ilx.anno.hasBroadSynonym: . @prefix ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: . @prefix ilx.anno.hasExactSynonym: . @prefix ilx.anno.hasNarrowSynonym: . @prefix ilx.anno.hasRelatedSynonym: . @prefix ilx.hasDbXref: . @prefix ilx.hasDefinitionSource: . @prefix ilx.hasLaterality: . @prefix ilx.hasRole: . @prefix ilx.includeForSPARC: . @prefix ilx.includesTerm: . @prefix ilx.partOf: . @prefix ilx.relatedTo: . @prefix ilx.type: . @prefix ilxr: . @prefix ilxtr: . @prefix MA: . @prefix NCBITaxon: . @prefix NIFRID: . @prefix NLX: . @prefix NLXANAT: . @prefix NLXOEN: . @prefix NLXSUB: . @prefix NLXWIKI: . @prefix OBI: . @prefix obo: . @prefix oboInOwl: . @prefix owl: . @prefix PATO: . @prefix PAXRAT: . @prefix PAXSPN: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix replacedBy: . @prefix SAO: . @prefix SCR: . @prefix UBERON: . a owl:Ontology ; owl:versionIRI ; owl:versionInfo "2024-08-02T01:01:32,404604Z" . ### Object Properties ilx.hasDefinitionSource: a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "hasDefinitionSource" ; definition: "source of definition." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:relationship ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ilx.hasDefinitionSource: ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ilx.hasDefinitionSource: ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ilx.hasDefinitionSource: . ilx.includeForSPARC: a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "includeForSPARC" ; definition: "A relationship that binds a term to the required entities for the purposes required by SPARC, e.g., returning a term in response to a query for all relevant organ parts when it is not specified in the core ontology. We view this as a temporary and practical solution. At some points, all such terms will be contributed back to the core ontologies for proper engineering." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:relationship ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ilx.includeForSPARC: ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ilx.includeForSPARC: ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ilx.includeForSPARC: . ILX:0112773 a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "Efferent projection" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0112773 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0112773 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0112773 . ILX:0112794 a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "Partially overlaps with" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0112794 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0112794 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0112794 . ILX:0383242 a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "replacedBy" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0383242, replacedBy: ; ilxtr:hasExternalId replacedBy: ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0383242 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId replacedBy: . ILX:0739233 a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "crossProductOf" ; definition: "a product of multiple entities" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:relationship ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0739233 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0739233 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0739233 . ILX:0739238 a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "intersectionOfPartOf" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0739238 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0739238 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0739238 . ILX:0739265 a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "marksAnatomicalJunctionOf" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0739265 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0739265 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0739265 . ILX:0739272 a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "anatomicalJunctionOf" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0739272 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0739272 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0739272 . ### Annotation Properties ILX:0381449 a owl:AnnotationProperty ; rdfs:label "literatureCitation" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0381449 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0381449 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0381449 . ILX:0383241 a owl:AnnotationProperty ; rdfs:label "deprecated" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0383241 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0383241 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0383241 . ILX:0738303 a owl:AnnotationProperty ; rdfs:label "curatorSource" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738303 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738303 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738303 . ILX:0739239 a owl:AnnotationProperty ; rdfs:label "ApprovedBySAWG" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0739239 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0739239 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0739239 . ILX:0778161 a owl:AnnotationProperty ; rdfs:label "subClassOf" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0778161 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0778161 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0778161 . ILX:0793078 a owl:AnnotationProperty ; rdfs:label "withdrawn" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793078 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793078 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793078 . ILX:0793129 a owl:AnnotationProperty ; rdfs:label "anterior border of right lung" ; definition: "The anterior border of the lung is formed by the convergence of the mediastinal and costal surfaces." ; rdfs:subPropertyOf FMA:7309 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:annotation ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793129 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793129 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793129 . ILX:0793260 a owl:AnnotationProperty ; rdfs:label "Ontology" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId , ILX:0793260 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793260 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793260 . ILX:0793665 a owl:AnnotationProperty ; rdfs:label "hasSpeciesDifference" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793665 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793665 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793665 . ILX:0794912 a owl:AnnotationProperty ; rdfs:label "Original Ontology Label" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794912 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794912 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794912 . ### Classes BFO:0000004 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Independent continuant" ; NIFRID:synonym "substantial entity" ; definition: "A continuant that is a bearer of quality and realizable entity entities, in which other entities inhere and which itself cannot inhere in anything." ; rdfs:subClassOf ILX:0102514 ; ILX:0778161 BFO:0000002 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId BFO:0000004, ILX:0105405, NLXWIKI:IndependentContinuant ; ilxtr:hasExternalId BFO:0000004, NLXWIKI:IndependentContinuant ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0105405 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId NLXWIKI:IndependentContinuant . BFO:0000040 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Material entity" ; definition: "An independent continuant that is spatially extended whose identity is independent of that of other entities and can be maintained through time." ; rdfs:subClassOf BFO:0000004 ; ILX:0778161 BFO:0000004 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId BFO:0000040, ILX:0106552, NLXWIKI:MaterialEntity ; ilxtr:hasExternalId BFO:0000040, NLXWIKI:MaterialEntity ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0106552 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId NLXWIKI:MaterialEntity . BIRNLEX:2 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Organism" ; definition: "A material entity that is an individual living system, such as animal, plant, bacteria or virus, that is capable of replicating or reproducing, growth and maintenance in the right environment. An organism may be unicellular or made up, like humans, of many billions of cells divided into specialized tissues and organs." ; rdfs:subClassOf BFO:0000040 ; ilx.hasDbXref: NLXWIKI:birnlex_2 ; ILX:0778161 BFO:0000040 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId BIRNLEX:2, ILX:0108133, OBI:0100026 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId BIRNLEX:2, OBI:0100026 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0108133 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId BIRNLEX:2 . BIRNLEX:11 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Regional part of body system" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.hasDbXref: NLXWIKI:birnlex_11 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId BIRNLEX:11, ILX:0109834 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId BIRNLEX:11 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0109834 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId BIRNLEX:11 . BIRNLEX:972 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Regional part of thoracic spinal cord" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62420 ; ilx.hasDbXref: NLXWIKI:birnlex_972 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId BIRNLEX:972, ILX:0109869 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId BIRNLEX:972 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0109869 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId BIRNLEX:972 . BIRNLEX:1152 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Node Of Ranvier" ; definition: "Specialized supracellular structures found in myelinated axons at the gaps between the myelin sheaths. The Node of Ranvier consists of the axonal membrane at the gap, the surrounding myelin processes and additional components such as astrocytic processes or basal lamina, depending upon whether the Node occurs in axons in the peripheral or central nervous system." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.hasDbXref: NLXWIKI:birnlex_1152 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId BIRNLEX:1152, BIRNLEX:1152_2, ILX:0107637 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId BIRNLEX:1152, BIRNLEX:1152_2 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0107637 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId BIRNLEX:1152 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794712 . BIRNLEX:1284 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Regional part of sacral spinal cord" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62420 ; ilx.hasDbXref: NLXWIKI:birnlex_1284 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId BIRNLEX:1284, ILX:0109863 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId BIRNLEX:1284 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0109863 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId BIRNLEX:1284 . BIRNLEX:1505 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Regional part of cervical spinal cord" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62420 ; ilx.hasDbXref: NLXWIKI:birnlex_1505 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId BIRNLEX:1505, ILX:0109840 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId BIRNLEX:1505 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0109840 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId BIRNLEX:1505 . BIRNLEX:1602 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Regional part of lumbar spinal cord" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62420 ; ilx.hasDbXref: NLXWIKI:birnlex_1602 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId BIRNLEX:1602, ILX:0109852 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId BIRNLEX:1602 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0109852 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId BIRNLEX:1602 . FMA:3939 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "common carotid artery" ; definition: "A bilaterally paired branched artery that originates from the aortic arches and divides into and includes as parts the internal and external carotid arteries[cjm]." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.anno.hasBroadSynonym: "carotid artery" ; ilx.anno.hasExactSynonym: "carotid artery system", "common carotid artery", "trunk of common carotid tree" ; ilx.anno.hasRelatedSynonym: "a. carotis communis" ; ilx.hasDbXref: "CALOHA:TS-0116", "EHDAA2:0000217", "EHDAA:7331", "EMAPA:17855", "FMA:3939", "GAID:479", "MA:0001926", "MESH:D017536", "NCIT:C32352", "UMLS:C0162859", "VHOG:0000272", , , ; ilx.includeForSPARC: FMA:3941, FMA:4058 ; ILX:0794912 "common carotid artery plus branches" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:3939, ILX:0728066, UBERON:0001530 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:3939, UBERON:0001530 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0728066 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0001530 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794717 ; oboInOwl:hasBroadSynonym "carotid artery" ; oboInOwl:hasExactSynonym "carotid artery system", "common carotid artery", "trunk of common carotid tree" ; oboInOwl:hasRelatedSynonym "a. carotis communis" . FMA:3947 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "internal carotid artery" ; definition: "A terminal branch of the left or right common carotid artery which supplies oxygenated blood to the brain and eyes[MP]" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.anno.hasExactSynonym: "cranial carotid artery", "internal carotid" ; ilx.anno.hasRelatedSynonym: "arteria carotis interna", "ICA" ; ilx.hasDbXref: "AAO:0010219", "AAO:0011054", "BTO:0004697", "EFO:0001952", "EHDAA2:0000873", "EHDAA:408", "EHDAA:6389", "EMAPA:16328", "FMA:3947", "GAID:481", "MA:0001930", "MESH:D002343", "NCIT:C32836", "OpenCyc:Mx4rvYx8KZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA", "TAO:0005081", "UMLS:C0007276", "VHOG:0000267", "XAO:0000366", "ZFA:0005081", , , ; ilx.includeForSPARC: FMA:3949, FMA:4062 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:3947, ILX:0736647, UBERON:0001532 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:3947, UBERON:0001532 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0736647 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0001532 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794717 ; oboInOwl:hasExactSynonym "cranial carotid artery", "internal carotid" ; oboInOwl:hasRelatedSynonym "arteria carotis interna", "ICA" . FMA:5731 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "vagus nerve" ; definition: "The cranial nerve X that provides innervation to the right larynx and pharynx, as well as the thoracic and abdominal viscera" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.anno.hasBroadSynonym: "10n" ; ilx.anno.hasExactSynonym: "nervus vagus [x]", "tenth cranial nerve", "vagus", "vagus nerve [X]", "vagus nerve tree", "vagus X nerve" ; ilx.anno.hasRelatedSynonym: "CN-X", "cranial nerve X", "nerve X", "nervus vagus", "pneuomgastric nerve", "vagal nerve", "vagus nerve or its root" ; ilx.hasDbXref: "AAO:0010475", "BAMS:10n", "BAMS:Xn", "BTO:0003472", "EFO:0002549", "EMAPA:37797", "FMA:5731", "GAID:721", "galen:VagusNerve", "HBA:9337", "MA:0001106", "MBA:917", "MESH:D014630", "NCIT:C12812", "OpenCyc:Mx4rviHk2ZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA", "TAO:0000453", "UMLS:C0042276", "UMLS:C1305910", "VHOG:0000737", "XAO:0003097", "ZFA:0000453", BIRNLEX:801, , , , , ; ilx.includeForSPARC: FMA:6219, FMA:6220 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:5731, ILX:0733375, UBERON:0001759 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:5731, UBERON:0001759 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0733375 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0001759 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:18062, ILX:0793920 ; oboInOwl:hasBroadSynonym "10n" ; oboInOwl:hasExactSynonym "nervus vagus [x]", "tenth cranial nerve", "vagus", "vagus nerve [X]", "vagus nerve tree", "vagus X nerve" ; oboInOwl:hasRelatedSynonym "CN-X", "cranial nerve X", "nerve X", "nervus vagus", "pneuomgastric nerve", "vagal nerve", "vagus nerve or its root" . FMA:5859 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "cervical spinal nerve" ; definition: "The cervical nerves are the spinal nerves from the cervical vertebrae. Although there are seven cervical vertebrae (C1-C7), there are eight cervical nerves (C1-C8). All nerves except C8 emerge above their corresponding vertebrae, while the C8 nerve emerges below the C7 vertebra. (In the other portions of the spine, the nerve emerges below the vertebra with the same name. Dorsal (posterior) distribution includes the greater occipital (C2) and third occipital (C3). Ventral (anterior) distribution includes the cervical plexus (C1-C4) and brachial plexus (C5-C8) [WP,unvetted]." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.anno.hasExactSynonym: "cervical nerve", "cervical nerve tree", "cervical spinal nerve", "nervus cervicalis" ; ilx.hasDbXref: "BAMS:cern", "FMA:5859", "NCIT:C32299", "UMLS:C0228815", , , , , NLXANAT:20090207 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794590, ILX:0794591, ILX:0794592, ILX:0794595, ILX:0794598, ILX:0794601, ILX:0794604, ILX:0794607, ILX:0794610, ILX:0794613 ; ILX:0794912 "nerve of cervical vertebra" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:5859, ILX:0733509, UBERON:0000962 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:5859, UBERON:0000962 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0733509 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0000962 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794570 ; oboInOwl:hasExactSynonym "cervical nerve", "cervical nerve tree", "cervical spinal nerve", "nervus cervicalis" . FMA:5914 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nerve fiber" ; definition: "A threadlike extension of a nerve cell and consists of an axon and myelin sheath (if it is myelinated) in the nervous system. There are nerve fibers in the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system. A nerve fiber may be myelinated and/or unmyelinated. In the central nervous system (CNS), myelin by oligodendroglia cells is formed. Schwann cells form myelin in the peripheral nervous system (PNS). Schwann cells also make a thin covering in an axon without myelin (in the PNS). A peripheral nerve fiber contains an axon, myelin sheath, schwann cells and its endoneurium. There are no endoneurium and schwann cells in the central nervous system." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.anno.hasExactSynonym: "nerve fibre", "neurofibra", "neurofibrum" ; ilx.anno.hasRelatedSynonym: "nerve fibers", "neurofibra" ; ilx.hasDbXref: "BAMS:nfi", "FMA:5914", "MESH:A08.663.542", , ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794713 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:5914, ILX:0731175, UBERON:0006134 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:5914, UBERON:0006134 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0731175 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0006134 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794712 ; oboInOwl:hasExactSynonym "nerve fibre", "neurofibrum" ; oboInOwl:hasRelatedSynonym "nerve fibers", "neurofibra" . FMA:5915 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "myelinated nerve fiber" ; NIFRID:synonym "[]" ; definition: "Axons of neurons encased in a lipoproteinaceous material called myelin. (MeSH)" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.hasDbXref: "FMA:5915", "GAID:745", "MESH:A08.663.542.512", "NCIT:C12627", "UMLS:C0027750", , ; ilx.includeForSPARC: FMA:50722 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:5915, ILX:0727244, UBERON:0006135 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:5915, UBERON:0006135 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0727244 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0006135 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794712 . FMA:5916 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "unmyelinated nerve fiber" ; definition: "Nerve fiber with no myelin sheath." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.anno.hasExactSynonym: "non-myelinated nerve fiber" ; ilx.hasDbXref: "FMA:5916", "GAID:767", "MESH:A08.663.542.756", "NCIT:C33835", "UMLS:C0501409", , ; ilx.includeForSPARC: FMA:62977 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:5916, ILX:0735330, UBERON:0006136 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:5916, UBERON:0006136 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0735330 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0006136 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794712 ; oboInOwl:hasExactSynonym "non-myelinated nerve fiber" . FMA:6219 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Right vagus nerve" ; definition: "The right cranial nerve X that provides innervation to the right larynx and pharynx, as well as the thoracic and abdominal viscera" ; fma:synonym "Right vagus", "Right vagus nerve tree" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0793922 ; ILX:0739239 "TRUE" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6219, ILX:0789705 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6219 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0789705 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:6219 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:5731, FMA:6220 . FMA:6220 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Left vagus nerve" ; definition: "The left cranial nerve X that provides innervation to the right larynx and pharynx, as well as the thoracic and abdominal viscera" ; fma:synonym "Left vagus", "Left vagus nerve tree" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: FMA:6219 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6220, ILX:0785628 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6220 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0785628 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:6220 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:5731 . FMA:6222 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "cervical vagus nerve" ; definition: "The part of the vagus nerve trunk in the cervical region. [unvetted]." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794141, ILX:0794142 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0794912 "Cervical part of trunk of vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6222, ILX:0789914 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6222 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0789914 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:6222 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . FMA:6223 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "thoracic vagus nerve" ; definition: "The portion of the vagus nerve within the thorax, before it forms the esophageal plexus." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: FMA:18172, FMA:18174 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ILX:0794912 "Thoracic trunk of vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6223, ILX:0784729 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6223 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0784729 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:6223 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . FMA:6226 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior abdominal vagal trunk" ; definition: "A branch of the vagus nerve where the left vagus nerve splits as it passes through the esophageal hiatus to enter the abdominal cavity." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794367, ILX:0794368, ILX:0794369, ILX:0794370 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ILX:0794912 "Anterior vagal trunk" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6226, ILX:0793826 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6226 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793826 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:6226 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . FMA:6227 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior abdominal vagal trunk" ; definition: "A branch of the vagus nerve where the right vagus nerve splits as it passes through the esophageal hiatus to enter the abdominal cavity." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794371, ILX:0794372, ILX:0794373, ILX:0794374 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ILX:0794912 "Posterior vagal trunk" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6227, ILX:0793827 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6227 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793827 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:6227 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . FMA:6229 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "jugular ganglion" ; definition: "A swelling along the vagus nerve that contains cell bodies of the general sensory afferent neurons in the vagus nerve that provide innervation of the dura, parts of the auricle, external auditory meatus and external surface of the tympanic membrane. Also known as the jugular ganglion." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:5884 ; ilx.anno.hasBroadSynonym: "superior vagus X" ; ilx.anno.hasExactSynonym: "ganglion superius (nervus vagus)", "ganglion superius nervus vagi", "superior ganglion of vagus", "superior ganglion of vagus nerve", "superior vagus ganglion", "tenth cranial nerve jugular ganglion", "vagus nerve jugular ganglion", "vagus nerve superior ganglion" ; ilx.anno.hasRelatedSynonym: "gasserian ganglion", "jugular ganglion", "vagus X superior ganglion" ; ilx.hasDbXref: "EMAPA:17156", "FMA:6229", "MA:0001083", "VHOG:0000686", , ; ilx.includeForSPARC: FMA:53553, FMA:53554 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ILX:0794729 ILX:0773753, ILX:0793177, ILX:0793900 ; ILX:0794912 "superior vagus X ganglion" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6229, ILX:0736358, UBERON:0005364 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6229, UBERON:0005364 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0736358 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0005364 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:53472, ILX:0793920 ; oboInOwl:hasBroadSynonym "superior vagus X" ; oboInOwl:hasExactSynonym "ganglion superius (nervus vagus)", "ganglion superius nervus vagi", "superior ganglion of vagus", "superior ganglion of vagus nerve", "superior vagus ganglion", "tenth cranial nerve jugular ganglion", "vagus nerve jugular ganglion", "vagus nerve superior ganglion" ; oboInOwl:hasRelatedSynonym "gasserian ganglion", "jugular ganglion", "vagus X superior ganglion" . FMA:6230 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nodose ganglion" ; definition: "A swelling along the vagus nerve that contains visceral afferent cell bodies that innervate the heart, respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts and other abdominal organs. Also known as the nodose ganglion." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:5884 ; ilx.anno.hasBroadSynonym: "inferior vagus X" ; ilx.anno.hasExactSynonym: "ganglion inferius (nervus vagus)", "ganglion inferius nervi vagi", "ganglion inferius nervus vagi", "ganglion nodosum", "inferior ganglion of vagus", "inferior ganglion of vagus nerve", "nodose ganglion", "tenth cranial nerve nodose ganglion", "vagus nerve inferior ganglion", "vagus nerve nodose ganglion" ; ilx.anno.hasRelatedSynonym: "inferior vagus ganglion", "nodose ganglia", "vagus X inferior ganglion" ; ilx.hasDbXref: "EFO:0002516", "EHDAA2:0004622", "EMAPA:17155", "FMA:6230", "MA:0001082", "MESH:D009620", "VHOG:0000685", , ; ilx.includeForSPARC: FMA:53555, FMA:53556 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ILX:0794729 ILX:0773753, ILX:0793177, ILX:0793900 ; ILX:0794912 "inferior vagus X ganglion" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:deprecatedLabel "Nodose ganglion of the Vagus nerve" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6230, ILX:0727970, ILX:0738311, UBERON:0005363 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6230, UBERON:0005363 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0727970, ILX:0738311 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:6230, UBERON:0005363 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:53472, ILX:0793920 ; oboInOwl:hasBroadSynonym "inferior vagus X" ; oboInOwl:hasExactSynonym "ganglion inferius (nervus vagus)", "ganglion inferius nervi vagi", "ganglion inferius nervus vagi", "ganglion nodosum", "inferior ganglion of vagus", "inferior ganglion of vagus nerve", "nodose ganglion", "tenth cranial nerve nodose ganglion", "vagus nerve inferior ganglion", "vagus nerve nodose ganglion" ; oboInOwl:hasRelatedSynonym "inferior vagus ganglion", "nodose ganglia", "vagus X inferior ganglion" . FMA:6231 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Meningeal branch of vagus nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "meningeal branch of vagus", "Ramus meningeus (Nervus vagus)" ; definition: "A sensory branch of the right and left vagus nerve that arises from the superior ganglion ( jugular ganglion) and distributes to the dura mater in the posterior cranial fossa" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: FMA:53541, FMA:53542 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6231, ILX:0793828 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6231 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793828 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:6231 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . FMA:6232 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Auricular branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "A sensory nerve supplying the skin of the external acoustic meatus arising from the superior ganglion of the vagus nerve." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: FMA:53534, FMA:53535 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0739239 "TRUE" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6232, ILX:0793829 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6232 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793829 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:6232 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . FMA:6233 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "branch between vagus nerve and glossopharyngeal nerve" ; definition: "A branch between vagus nerve and glossopharyngeal nerve." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: FMA:53559, FMA:53560 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ILX:0794912 "Communicating branch of vagus nerve with glossopharyngeal nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6233, ILX:0793830 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6233 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793830 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:6233 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . FMA:6234 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "pharyngeal branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "A branch of the vagus nerve supplying motor innervation to pharyngeal structures. " ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.anno.hasExactSynonym: "pharyngeal branch", "pharyngeal branch of inferior vagal ganglion", "pharyngeal branch of vagus", "ramus pharyngealis nervi vagalis", "ramus pharyngeus", "tenth cranial nerve pharyngeal branch", "vagal pharyngeal branch", "vagus nerve pharyngeal branch" ; ilx.anno.hasRelatedSynonym: "ramus pharyngeus nervi vagi" ; ilx.hasDbXref: "FMA:6234", , ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0793987, ILX:0793988 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6234, ILX:0725793, UBERON:0000929 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6234, UBERON:0000929 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0725793 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0000929 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 ; oboInOwl:hasExactSynonym "pharyngeal branch", "pharyngeal branch of inferior vagal ganglion", "pharyngeal branch of vagus", "ramus pharyngealis nervi vagalis", "ramus pharyngeus", "tenth cranial nerve pharyngeal branch", "vagal pharyngeal branch", "vagus nerve pharyngeal branch" ; oboInOwl:hasRelatedSynonym "ramus pharyngeus nervi vagi" . FMA:6236 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Pharyngeal branch of vagus nerve to pharyngeal nerve plexus" ; definition: "A branch of the vagus nerve supplying motor innervation to the pharyngeal musculature" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: FMA:53635, FMA:53636 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0739239 "TRUE" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6236, ILX:0790524 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6236 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0790524 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:6236 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . FMA:6237 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Branch of vagus nerve to carotid body" ; definition: "A branch of vagus nerve to the carotid body" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; fma:synonym "Branch of vagus to carotid body", "Vagal branch to carotid body" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: FMA:53606, FMA:53607 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6237, ILX:0786059 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6237 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0786059 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:6237 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . FMA:6239 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "superior laryngeal nerve" ; definition: "A branch of the cervical vagus nerve that provides sensory innervation above vocal fold and motor innervation to the cricothyroid muscle.", "A branch of the vagus nerve (cranial nerve X) that gives rise to the internal and external laryngeal nerves." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.anno.hasExactSynonym: "nervus laryngealis superior", "nervus laryngeus superior", "superior laryngeal branch of inferior vagal ganglion", "superior laryngeal branch of vagus" ; ilx.hasDbXref: "BAMS:sln", "FMA:6239", , ; ilx.includeForSPARC: FMA:53530, FMA:53536 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0383242 FMA:6239 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ILX:0793078 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:deprecatedLabel "Superior laryngeal nerve" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6239, ILX:0731053, ILX:0793625, UBERON:0011326 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6239, UBERON:0011326 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0731053, ILX:0793625 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:6239, UBERON:0011326 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 ; oboInOwl:hasExactSynonym "nervus laryngealis superior", "nervus laryngeus superior", "superior laryngeal branch of inferior vagal ganglion", "superior laryngeal branch of vagus" . FMA:6240 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Internal branch of superior laryngeal nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "Internal laryngeal nerve", "Internal superior laryngeal nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: FMA:53539, FMA:53540 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731, FMA:6239 ; ILX:0794912 "Internal branch of the superior laryngeal nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:deprecatedLabel "internal branch of superior laryngeal nerve" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6240, ILX:0738373, ILX:0793561 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6240 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738373, ILX:0793561 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:6240 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . FMA:6243 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "External branch of superior laryngeal nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "External laryngeal nerve", "external superior laryngeal nerve" ; definition: "A branch of the superior laryngeal nerve that supplies innervation to the cricothyroid muscle, pharyngeal plexus, and pharyngeal constrictor" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: FMA:53537, FMA:53538 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731, FMA:6239 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6243, ILX:0793560 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6243 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793560 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:6243 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . FMA:6258 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "sympathetic trunk" ; definition: "One of a a paired bundle of nerve fibers plus ganglia that run from the base of the skull to the coccyx." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.anno.hasExactSynonym: "gangliated cord", "sympathetic chain", "sympathetic ganglionic chain" ; ilx.anno.hasRelatedSynonym: "truncus sympathicus" ; ilx.hasDbXref: "AAO:0010791", "BAMS:S", "BTO:0001834", "CALOHA:TS-2049", "EV:0100374", "FMA:6258", "XAO:0000211", , ; ilx.includeForSPARC: FMA:6259, FMA:6260 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6258, ILX:0730195, UBERON:0000407 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6258, UBERON:0000407 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0730195 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0000407 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794570 ; oboInOwl:hasExactSynonym "gangliated cord", "sympathetic chain", "sympathetic ganglionic chain" ; oboInOwl:hasRelatedSynonym "truncus sympathicus" . FMA:6467 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "superior cervical ganglion" ; definition: "Trunk ganglion which is bilaterally paired and located at the anterior end of the sympathetic ganglion chain." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.anno.hasExactSynonym: "superior cervical sympathetic ganglion" ; ilx.anno.hasRelatedSynonym: "ganglion cervicale superius", "SCG", "superior sympathetic cervical ganglion" ; ilx.hasDbXref: "BAMS:GSC", "BAMS:SCGn", "BTO:0001325", "EFO:0001945", "EHDAA:8943", "EMAPA:18441", "FMA:6467", "GAID:712", "MA:0001156", "MESH:D017783", "NCIT:C92213", "RETIRED_EHDAA2:0001946", "TAO:0001572", "UMLS:C0206257", "ZFA:0001572", , , ; ilx.includeForSPARC: FMA:6486, FMA:6487, FMA:59518 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6467, ILX:0725956, UBERON:0001989 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6467, UBERON:0001989 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0725956 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0001989 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794570 ; oboInOwl:hasExactSynonym "superior cervical sympathetic ganglion" ; oboInOwl:hasRelatedSynonym "ganglion cervicale superius", "SCG", "superior sympathetic cervical ganglion" . FMA:6468 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "middle cervical ganglion" ; definition: "the small ganglion located at the level of the cricoid cartilage of the laryngeal wall" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.anno.hasExactSynonym: "middle cervical sympathetic ganglion" ; ilx.anno.hasRelatedSynonym: "ganglion cervicale medium" ; ilx.hasDbXref: "BAMS:GMC", "BTO:0000359", "EHDAA:8941", "EMAPA:18440", "FMA:6468", "MA:0001155", "NCIT:C92212", "RETIRED_EHDAA2:0001180", "UMLS:C0228999", , , ; ilx.includeForSPARC: FMA:6488, FMA:6489 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6468, ILX:0726454, UBERON:0001990 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6468, UBERON:0001990 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0726454 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0001990 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794570 ; oboInOwl:hasExactSynonym "middle cervical sympathetic ganglion" ; oboInOwl:hasRelatedSynonym "ganglion cervicale medium" . FMA:6692 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "branch between auricular branch and facial nerve" ; definition: "An interconnecting branch between the auricular branch of vagus nerve and the posterior auricular branch of the facial nerve." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: FMA:53589, FMA:53590 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ILX:0794912 "Communicating branch of auricular branch of vagus nerve with posterior auricular nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6692, ILX:0786624 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6692 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0786624 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:6692 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . FMA:6695 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "branch of auricular branch to tympanic membrane" ; definition: "A sub-branch of the auricular branch of the vagus nerve innervating the posterior wall of the tympanic membrane" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; fma:synonym "Branch of auricular branch of vagus nerve to tympanic membrane" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: FMA:53596, FMA:53597 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ILX:0794912 "Vagal branch to tympanic membrane" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6695, ILX:0788968 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6695 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0788968 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:6695 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . FMA:6720 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "spinal accessory nerve" ; definition: "A cranial nerve that originates from neurons in the medulla and in the cervical spinal cord." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.anno.hasExactSynonym: "accessory nerve", "accessory nerve [XI]", "accessory XI", "accessory XI nerve", "cervical accessory nerve", "cranial nerve XI", "eleventh cranial nerve", "nervus accessorius [XI]", "pars spinalis nervus accessorius", "radix spinalis nervus accessorius", "spinal accessory nerve", "spinal accessory nerve tree", "spinal part of accessory nerve", "Willis' nerve" ; ilx.anno.hasRelatedSynonym: "accessory spinal nerve", "CN-XI" ; ilx.hasDbXref: "AAO:0010476", "BAMS:11n", "BAMS:XIn", "EHDAA2:0000106", "EHDAA:2855", "EMAPA:17265", "FMA:6720", "FMA:80284", "GAID:825", "HBA:9340", "MA:0001088", "MBA:717", "MESH:D000055", "NCIT:C32041", "OpenCyc:Mx4rwTEwI5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA", "UMLS:C0000905", "UMLS:C1305777", "VHOG:0000699", "XAO:0004214", BIRNLEX:812, , , , , ; ilx.includeForSPARC: FMA:50897, FMA:50899 ; ILX:0794912 "accessory XI nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6720, FMA:80284, ILX:0726635, UBERON:0002019 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6720, FMA:80284, UBERON:0002019 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0726635 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0002019 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794570 ; oboInOwl:hasExactSynonym "accessory nerve", "accessory nerve [XI]", "accessory XI", "accessory XI nerve", "cervical accessory nerve", "cranial nerve XI", "eleventh cranial nerve", "nervus accessorius [XI]", "pars spinalis nervus accessorius", "radix spinalis nervus accessorius", "spinal accessory nerve", "spinal accessory nerve tree", "spinal part of accessory nerve", "Willis' nerve" ; oboInOwl:hasRelatedSynonym "accessory spinal nerve", "CN-XI" . FMA:6872 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "great auricular nerve" ; definition: "A nerve arising from the second and third cervical nerves from the cervical plexus and innervating the skin over the parotid gland, the skin of part of the ear, the adjacent portion of the scalp, cheek, and angle of the jaw." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.anno.hasExactSynonym: "nervus auricularis magnus" ; ilx.anno.hasRelatedSynonym: "great auricular", "greater auricular nerve" ; ilx.hasDbXref: "FMA:6872", , ; ilx.includeForSPARC: FMA:59518, ILX:0794583, ILX:0794584 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6872, ILX:0732260, UBERON:0008833 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6872, UBERON:0008833 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0732260 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0008833 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794570 ; oboInOwl:hasExactSynonym "nervus auricularis magnus" ; oboInOwl:hasRelatedSynonym "great auricular", "greater auricular nerve" . FMA:6961 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "stellate ganglion" ; definition: "The inferior cervical ganglion is situated between the base of the transverse process of the last cervical vertebra and the neck of the first rib, on the medial side of the costocervical artery. Its form is irregular; it is larger in size than the middle cervical ganglion, and is frequently fused with the first thoracic ganglion. [WP,unvetted]." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.anno.hasExactSynonym: "variant cervical ganglion" ; ilx.anno.hasRelatedSynonym: "cervico-thoracic", "cervico-thoracic ganglion", "ganglion cervicale inferioris", "ganglion cervicale inferius", "stellate ganglion" ; ilx.hasDbXref: "BAMS:ICGn", "BTO:0000240", "EHDAA:8939", "EMAPA:18439", "FMA:6961", "MA:0001154", "NCIT:C92211", "RETIRED_EHDAA2:0000815", "UMLS:C0229000", , , ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794890, ILX:0794891 ; ILX:0794912 "inferior cervical ganglion" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6961, ILX:0734766, UBERON:0002440 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6961, UBERON:0002440 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0734766 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0002440 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794570 ; oboInOwl:hasExactSynonym "variant cervical ganglion" ; oboInOwl:hasRelatedSynonym "cervico-thoracic", "cervico-thoracic ganglion", "ganglion cervicale inferioris", "ganglion cervicale inferius", "stellate ganglion" . FMA:7088 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "heart" ; definition: "A myogenic muscular circulatory organ found in the vertebrate cardiovascular system composed of chambers of cardiac muscle. It is the primary circulatory organ." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.anno.hasExactSynonym: "chambered heart", "vertebrate heart" ; ilx.anno.hasNarrowSynonym: "branchial heart" ; ilx.anno.hasRelatedSynonym: "cardium", "Herz@de" ; ilx.hasDbXref: "AAO:0010210", "BILA:0000020", "BTO:0000562", "CALOHA:TS-0445", "EFO:0000815", "EHDAA2:0000738", "EHDAA:420", "EMAPA:16105", "EV:0100018", "FMA:7088", "GAID:174", "galen:Heart", "MA:0000072", "MAT:0000036", "MESH:D006321", "MIAA:0000036", "NCIT:C12727", "OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjvDpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA", "TAO:0000114", "UMLS:C0018787", "VHOG:0000276", "XAO:0000064", "ZFA:0000114", , , ; ilx.includeForSPARC: FMA:7096, FMA:7097, FMA:7098, FMA:7099, FMA:7100, FMA:7101, FMA:7164, FMA:7220, FMA:9461, FMA:10951, ILX:0739222, ILX:0778116, ILX:0778117, ILX:0793530, ILX:0793531, ILX:0793532, ILX:0793533, ILX:0793534, ILX:0793535, ILX:0793536, ILX:0793537, ILX:0793538, ILX:0793539, ILX:0793540, ILX:0793541, ILX:0793542, ILX:0793544, ILX:0793545, ILX:0793546, ILX:0793547, ILX:0793548, UBERON:0004851, UBERON:0006765, UBERON:0006766, UBERON:0009030, UBERON:0009032 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:7088, ILX:0732254, UBERON:0000948 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:7088, UBERON:0000948 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0732254 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0000948 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794717 ; oboInOwl:hasExactSynonym "chambered heart", "vertebrate heart" ; oboInOwl:hasNarrowSynonym "branchial heart" ; oboInOwl:hasRelatedSynonym "cardium", "Herz@de" . FMA:7131 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "esophagus" ; definition: "Tube that connects the pharynx to the stomach." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.anno.hasExactSynonym: "gullet", "oesophagus" ; ilx.hasDbXref: "AAO:0000145", "ANISEED:1235301", "BTO:0000959", "CALOHA:TS-0700", "EFO:0000835", "EHDAA2:0001285", "EHDAA:2937", "EMAPA:16833", "EV:0100069", "FMA:7131", "GAID:291", "galen:Esophagus", "MA:0000352", "MAT:0000048", "MESH:A03.365", "MIAA:0000048", "NCIT:C12389", "OpenCyc:Mx4rvVj9Q5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA", "TAO:0000204", "UMLS:C0014876", "VHOG:0000450", "XAO:0000127", "ZFA:0000204", , , ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0793091, ILX:0793098, ILX:0793099, ILX:0793100, ILX:0793101, ILX:0793102, ILX:0793103, ILX:0793122, ILX:0793179, ILX:0793180, ILX:0793181, ILX:0793182 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:7131, ILX:0735017, UBERON:0001043 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:7131, UBERON:0001043 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0735017 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0001043 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794717 ; oboInOwl:hasExactSynonym "gullet", "oesophagus" . FMA:7148 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "stomach" ; definition: "An expanded region of the vertebrate alimentary tract that serves as a food storage compartment and digestive organ. A stomach is lined, in whole or in part by a glandular epithelium." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.anno.hasNarrowSynonym: "stomach chamber" ; ilx.anno.hasRelatedSynonym: "anterior intestine", "gaster", "mesenteron", "ventriculus" ; ilx.hasDbXref: "AAO:0000579", "ANISEED:1235297", "BTO:0001307", "CALOHA:TS-0980", "EFO:0000837", "EHDAA2:0001915", "EHDAA:2993", "EMAPA:17021", "EV:0100070", "FMA:7148", "GAID:293", "galen:Stomach", "MA:0000353", "MAT:0000051", "MESH:A03.492.766", "MIAA:0000051", "NCIT:C12391", "OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjlqpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA", "TAO:0002121", "UMLS:C0038351", "VHOG:0000408", "XAO:0000128", , , ; ilx.includeForSPARC: FMA:14559, FMA:14560, FMA:14561, FMA:14572, FMA:14574, FMA:14581, ILX:0793085, ILX:0793086, ILX:0793087, ILX:0793088, ILX:0793089, ILX:0793092, ILX:0793093, ILX:0793094, ILX:0793095, ILX:0793096, ILX:0793097, ILX:0793098, ILX:0793099, ILX:0793100, ILX:0793101, ILX:0793102, ILX:0793103, ILX:0793104, ILX:0793105, ILX:0793106, ILX:0793107, ILX:0793108, ILX:0793109, ILX:0793110, ILX:0793111, ILX:0793112, ILX:0793113, ILX:0793114, ILX:0793115, ILX:0793116, ILX:0793117, ILX:0793118, ILX:0793119, ILX:0793120, ILX:0793123, ILX:0793124, ILX:0793125, ILX:0793126, ILX:0793127, ILX:0793128, ILX:0793135, ILX:0793136, ILX:0793137, ILX:0793138 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:7148, ILX:0736697, UBERON:0000945 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:7148, UBERON:0000945 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0736697 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0000945 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794717 ; oboInOwl:hasNarrowSynonym "stomach chamber" ; oboInOwl:hasRelatedSynonym "anterior intestine", "gaster", "mesenteron", "ventriculus" . FMA:7195 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "lung" ; definition: "Respiration organ that develops as an oupocketing of the esophagus." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.anno.hasExactSynonym: "pulmo" ; ilx.hasDbXref: "AAO:0000275", "AAO:0010567", "BTO:0000763", "CALOHA:TS-0568", "EFO:0000934", "EHDAA2:0001042", "EHDAA:1554", "EHDAA:2205", "EMAPA:16728", "EV:0100042", "FMA:7195", "GAID:345", "galen:Lung", "MA:0000415", "MAT:0000135", "MESH:D008168", "MIAA:0000135", "NCIT:C12468", "OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjKy5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA", "UMLS:C0024109", "VHOG:0000310", "XAO:0000119", , , ; ilx.includeForSPARC: FMA:7309, FMA:7310, ILX:0778118, ILX:0778119, ILX:0778120, ILX:0778121, ILX:0778122, ILX:0778123, ILX:0778124, ILX:0778125, ILX:0778126, ILX:0778127 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:7195, ILX:0726937, UBERON:0002048 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:7195, UBERON:0002048 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0726937 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0002048 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794717 ; oboInOwl:hasExactSynonym "pulmo" . FMA:7196 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "spleen" ; definition: "the organ that functions to filter blood and to store red corpuscles and platelets" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.anno.hasRelatedSynonym: "lien" ; ilx.hasDbXref: "AAO:0010395", "BTO:0001281", "CALOHA:TS-0956", "EFO:0000869", "EMAPA:18767", "EV:0100055", "FMA:7196", "GAID:1289", "galen:Spleen", "MA:0000141", "MAT:0000085", "MESH:A15.382.520.604.713", "MIAA:0000085", "NCIT:C12432", "OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjgw5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA", "TAO:0000436", "UMLS:C0037993", "VHOG:0000120", "XAO:0000328", "ZFA:0000436", , , ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0793680, ILX:0793681 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:7196, ILX:0735447, UBERON:0002106 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:7196, UBERON:0002106 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0735447 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0002106 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794717 ; oboInOwl:hasRelatedSynonym "lien" . FMA:7200 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "small intestine" ; definition: "Subdivision of digestive tract that connects the stomach to the large intestine and is where much of the digestion and absorption of food takes place (with the exception of ruminants). The mammalian small intestine is long and coiled and can be differentiated histologically into: duodenum, jejunem, ileum[WP,cjm,Kardong]." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.anno.hasExactSynonym: "small bowel", "small intestine" ; ilx.anno.hasRelatedSynonym: "anterior intestine", "intestinum tenue", "mid intestine" ; ilx.hasDbXref: "AAO:0010397", "BTO:0000651", "CALOHA:TS-0942", "EFO:0000841", "EMAPA:32834", "EV:0100072", "FMA:7200", "GAID:313", "galen:SmallIntestine", "MA:0000337", "MAT:0000047", "MESH:A03.492.411.620", "MIAA:0000047", "NCIT:C12386", "OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjlIJwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA", "TAO:0001323", "UMLS:C0021852", "VHOG:0000055", "XAO:0000130", "ZFA:0001323", , , ; ilx.includeForSPARC: FMA:7206, FMA:7207, FMA:7208 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:7200, ILX:0726770, UBERON:0002108 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:7200, UBERON:0002108 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0726770 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0002108 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794717 ; oboInOwl:hasExactSynonym "small bowel", "small intestine" ; oboInOwl:hasRelatedSynonym "anterior intestine", "intestinum tenue", "mid intestine" . FMA:7201 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "large intestine" ; definition: "A subdivision of the digestive tract that connects the small intestine to the cloaca or anus. Lacks or has few villi[Kardong]." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; fma:synonym "Large bowel" ; ilx.anno.hasRelatedSynonym: "intestinum crassum" ; ilx.hasDbXref: "AAO:0010396", "BTO:0000706", "CALOHA:TS-1306", "EFO:0000840", "EMAPA:19252", "EV:0100077", "FMA:7201", "GAID:306", "galen:LargeIntestine", "MA:0000333", "MESH:A03.492.411.495", "MIAA:0000046", "NCIT:C12379", "OpenCyc:Mx4rvVkF5pwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA", "UMLS:C0021851", "VHOG:0000054", "XAO:0000131", , , ; ilx.includeForSPARC: FMA:14541, FMA:14542, FMA:14544, FMA:14545, FMA:14546, FMA:14547, FMA:14548, FMA:15703 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:7201, ILX:0726552, UBERON:0000059 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:7201, UBERON:0000059 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0726552 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0000059 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794717 ; oboInOwl:hasRelatedSynonym "intestinum crassum" . FMA:7203 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "kidney" ; definition: "A paired organ of the urinary tract which has the production of urine as its primary function." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.anno.hasNarrowSynonym: "reniculate kidney" ; ilx.hasDbXref: "AAO:0000250", "BTO:0000671", "CALOHA:TS-0510", "EFO:0000929", "EMAPA:17373", "EV:0100096", "FMA:7203", "GAID:423", "galen:Kidney", "MA:0000368", "MAT:0000119", "MESH:D007668", "MIAA:0000119", "NCIT:C12415", "OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjlYpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA", "UMLS:C0022646", "XAO:0003267", , , ; ilx.includeForSPARC: FMA:7204, FMA:7205, FMA:17558 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:7203, ILX:0735723, UBERON:0002113 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:7203, UBERON:0002113 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0735723 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0002113 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794717 ; oboInOwl:hasNarrowSynonym "reniculate kidney" . FMA:7206 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "duodenum" ; definition: "The first part of the small intestine. At the junction of the stomach and the duodenum the alimentary canal is inflected. The duodenum first goes anteriorly for a short distance, turns dorsally, and eventually caudally, thus it is a U-shaped structure with two horizontal sections (a ventral and a dorsal one)." ; ilx.anno.hasRelatedSynonym: "proximal intestine", "upper intestine" ; ilx.hasDbXref: "AAO:0010402", "BTO:0000365", "CALOHA:TS-0214", "EFO:0000851", "EMAPA:18852", "EV:0100073", "FMA:7206", "GAID:284", "galen:Duodenum", "MA:0000338", "MAT:0000044", "MESH:A03.492.411.620.270", "MIAA:0000044", "NCIT:C12263", "OpenCyc:Mx4rv4LJDpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA", "UMLS:C0013303", "VHOG:0000052", "XAO:0000236", , , ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0793090, ILX:0793093, ILX:0793107, ILX:0793108, ILX:0793109, ILX:0793110, ILX:0793111, ILX:0793112, ILX:0793121 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:7206, ILX:0726125, UBERON:0002114 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:7206, UBERON:0002114 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0726125 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0002114 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7200 ; oboInOwl:hasRelatedSynonym "proximal intestine", "upper intestine" . FMA:7209 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ovary" ; definition: "the gonad of a female organism which contains germ cells" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.anno.hasExactSynonym: "animal ovary", "female gonad", "female organism genitalia gonad", "female organism genitalia gonada", "female organism reproductive system gonad", "female organism reproductive system gonada", "female reproductive system gonad", "female reproductive system gonada", "genitalia of female organism gonad", "genitalia of female organism gonada", "gonad of female organism genitalia", "gonad of female organism reproductive system", "gonad of female reproductive system", "gonad of genitalia of female organism", "gonad of reproductive system of female organism", "gonada of female organism genitalia", "gonada of female organism reproductive system", "gonada of female reproductive system", "gonada of genitalia of female organism", "gonada of reproductive system of female organism", "ovum-producing ovary", "reproductive system of female organism gonad", "reproductive system of female organism gonada" ; ilx.anno.hasRelatedSynonym: "ovaries", "ovarium" ; ilx.hasDbXref: "AAO:0000371", "BILA:0000125", "BSA:0000080", "BTO:0000975", "CALOHA:TS-0730", "EFO:0000973", "EHDAA2:0001360", "EHDAA:8124", "EMAPA:17962", "EV:0100111", "FBbt:00004865", "FMA:7209", "GAID:367", "MA:0000384", "MESH:D010053", "MIAA:0000125", "NCIT:C12404", "OpenCyc:Mx4rvVi9QJwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA", "TAO:0000403", "UMLS:C0029939", "VHOG:0000251", "XAO:0000258", "ZFA:0000403", , , ; ilx.includeForSPARC: FMA:7213, FMA:7214 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:7209, ILX:0726321, UBERON:0000992 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:7209, UBERON:0000992 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0726321 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0000992 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794717 ; oboInOwl:hasExactSynonym "animal ovary", "female gonad", "female organism genitalia gonad", "female organism genitalia gonada", "female organism reproductive system gonad", "female organism reproductive system gonada", "female reproductive system gonad", "female reproductive system gonada", "genitalia of female organism gonad", "genitalia of female organism gonada", "gonad of female organism genitalia", "gonad of female organism reproductive system", "gonad of female reproductive system", "gonad of genitalia of female organism", "gonad of reproductive system of female organism", "gonada of female organism genitalia", "gonada of female organism reproductive system", "gonada of female reproductive system", "gonada of genitalia of female organism", "gonada of reproductive system of female organism", "ovum-producing ovary", "reproductive system of female organism gonad", "reproductive system of female organism gonada" ; oboInOwl:hasRelatedSynonym "ovaries", "ovarium" . FMA:7330 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "lung hilum" ; definition: "A depression on the surface of the lung where the bronchus, blood vessels and nerves enter." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.anno.hasExactSynonym: "hilum of lung", "hilum pulmonis", "hilus of lung", "lung hilum", "pulmonary hilum", "pulmonary hilus" ; ilx.hasDbXref: "EMAPA:36005", "FMA:7330", "MA:0003099", "NCIT:C49282", "UMLS:C0225701", , , ; ilx.includeForSPARC: FMA:7456, FMA:9751 ; ILX:0794912 "lung hilus" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:7330, ILX:0736920, UBERON:0004886 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:7330, UBERON:0004886 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0736920 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0004886 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794616 ; oboInOwl:hasExactSynonym "hilum of lung", "hilum pulmonis", "hilus of lung", "lung hilum", "pulmonary hilum", "pulmonary hilus" . FMA:7334 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "superior lobe of the lung" ; definition: "A lobe of the lung that is closest to the head." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.anno.hasExactSynonym: "cranial lobe of lung", "lobus superior", "lobus superior pulmonis", "superior lobe of lung" ; ilx.hasDbXref: "FMA:7334", "galen:UpperLobeOfLung", "NCIT:C12285", "UMLS:C0225756", , ; ilx.includeForSPARC: FMA:7333, FMA:7370, ILX:0794722 ; ILX:0794912 "upper lobe of lung" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:7334, ILX:0737037, UBERON:0008948 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:7334, UBERON:0008948 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0737037 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0008948 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794717 ; oboInOwl:hasExactSynonym "cranial lobe of lung", "lobus superior", "lobus superior pulmonis", "superior lobe of lung" . FMA:7335 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "inferior lobe of the lung" ; definition: "The bottom most subdivision of either the right or left lung." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.anno.hasExactSynonym: "inferior lobe of lung", "lobus inferior", "lobus inferior pulmonis" ; ilx.hasDbXref: "FMA:7335", "galen:LowerLobeOfLung", "NCIT:C12287", "UMLS:C0225758", , ; ilx.includeForSPARC: FMA:7337, FMA:7371 ; ILX:0794912 "lower lobe of lung" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:7335, ILX:0731356, UBERON:0008949 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:7335, UBERON:0008949 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0731356 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0008949 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794717 ; oboInOwl:hasExactSynonym "inferior lobe of lung", "lobus inferior", "lobus inferior pulmonis" . FMA:7406 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "secondary bronchus" ; definition: "The lobar bronchus is the major airway within the respiratory tree that starts by division of the principal bronchi on both sides and ends at the point of its own subdivision into tertiary or segmental bronchi[GO]." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.anno.hasExactSynonym: "bronchi lobaris", "secondary bronchus" ; ilx.anno.hasRelatedSynonym: "lobar bronchi", "secondary bronchi" ; ilx.hasDbXref: "EHDAA:4955", "EHDAA:4963", "EHDAA:4977", "EHDAA:4985", "EHDAA:4993", "EHDAA:8175", "EHDAA:8187", "EHDAA:8203", "EHDAA:8213", "EHDAA:8225", "EMAPA:32696", "FMA:7406", "MA:0000437", "NCIT:C32998", "OpenCyc:Mx4rwQMLXJwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA", "UMLS:C0225653", , , ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794725, ILX:0794726 ; ILX:0794912 "lobar bronchus" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:7406, ILX:0732502, UBERON:0002183 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:7406, UBERON:0002183 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0732502 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0002183 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794717 ; oboInOwl:hasExactSynonym "bronchi lobaris", "secondary bronchus" ; oboInOwl:hasRelatedSynonym "lobar bronchi", "secondary bronchi" . FMA:7407 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "tertiary bronchus" ; definition: "The tertiary bronchi (also known as the segmental bronchi) arise from the secondary bronchi. The respiratory epithelium lining their lumen is surrounded by a layer of smooth muscle. This layer is composed of two ribbons of smooth muscle that spiral in opposite directions. The smooth muscle layer is surrounded by irregular plates of hyaline cartilage which help maintain the patency of the airway. Each of the tertiary bronchi serves a specific bronchopulmonary segment. There are 10 tertiary bronchi in the right lung, and eight in the left. The tertiary bronchi get smaller and divide into primary bronchioles. [WP,unvetted]." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.anno.hasExactSynonym: "tertiary bronchus" ; ilx.hasDbXref: "EHDAA:7043", "EHDAA:7049", "EHDAA:7058", "EHDAA:7064", "EHDAA:7070", "EMAPA:37739", "FMA:7407", "MA:0000439", "NCIT:C33526", "OpenCyc:Mx4rwQGFgZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA", "UMLS:C0444439", "VHOG:0001446", , , ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794727, ILX:0794728 ; ILX:0794912 "segmental bronchus" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:7407, ILX:0730384, UBERON:0002184 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:7407, UBERON:0002184 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0730384 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0002184 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794717 ; oboInOwl:hasExactSynonym "tertiary bronchus" . FMA:7647 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Spinal cord" ; NIFRID:synonym "Medulla spinalis", "SP", "Spinal marrow" ; definition: "Part of the central nervous system located in the vertebral canal continuous with and caudal to the brain; demarcated from brain by plane of foramen magnum. It is composed of an inner core of gray matter in which nerve cells predominate, and an outer layer of white matter in which myelinated nerve fibers predominate, and surrounds the central canal. (CUMBO).The caudal topographic division of the cerebrospinal axis. The usual criterion for distinguishing the two divisions in the adult is that the vertebrate brain lies within the skull whereas the spinal cord lies within the spinal (vertebral) column, although this is a difficult problem in practice; see Crosby et al. (1962, pp. 112-120). Definite knowledge of the spinal cord dates to Hippocrates in Fleshes (see translation by Potter, 1995, p. 139), and Galen (c162-c176) used the term specifically-see translation by De Lacy (1978, p. 85)." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:67498 ; ilx.anno.hasRelatedSynonym: "cerebro-cerebellar fissure", "cerebrocerebellar fissure", "fissura cerebro-cerebellaris", "fissura cerebrocerebellaris", "medulla spinalis", "SpC", "spinal cord structure", "spinal medulla" ; ilx.hasDbXref: "AAO:0010151", "BAMS:SP", "BAMS:Spinal", "BM:SpC", "BTO:0001279", "CALOHA:TS-0953", "DHBA:12890", "DMBA:17651", "EFO:0000110", "EHDAA2:0001255", "EHDAA:2863", "EMAPA:17577", "EV:0100316", "FMA:7647", "GAID:695", "MA:0000216", "MAT:0000183", "MESH:D013116", "MIAA:0000183", "NCIT:C12464", "OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjjk5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA", "TAO:0000075", "UMLS:C0037925", "VHOG:0000601", "XAO:0000020", "ZFA:0000075", BIRNLEX:1709, , , , , NLXWIKI:birnlex_1709 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: EMAPA:19554, FMA:6449, FMA:62421, FMA:62422, FMA:68864, FMA:68865, FMA:68866, FMA:68867, FMA:68868, FMA:68869, FMA:68871, FMA:71169, FMA:71170, FMA:71171, FMA:71172, FMA:71173, FMA:71174, FMA:71175, FMA:71176, FMA:71177, FMA:71178, FMA:71179, FMA:71180, FMA:71181, FMA:71182, FMA:71183, FMA:71184, FMA:71185, FMA:71186, FMA:71187, FMA:71188, FMA:71189, FMA:71190, FMA:71191, FMA:256625, FMA:256627, FMA:256629, FMA:256631, FMA:256633, FMA:256635, FMA:258416, ILX:0738432, PAXSPN:65, PAXSPN:79 ; ilx.partOf: NLX:158477 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId BIRNLEX:1709, FMA:7647, ILX:0110909, UBERON:0002240 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId BIRNLEX:1709, FMA:7647, UBERON:0002240 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0110909 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0002240 ; oboInOwl:hasRelatedSynonym "cerebro-cerebellar fissure", "cerebrocerebellar fissure", "fissura cerebro-cerebellaris", "fissura cerebrocerebellaris", "SpC", "spinal cord structure", "spinal medulla" . FMA:9604 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "adrenal gland" ; definition: "Either of a pair of complex endocrine organs near the anterior medial border of the kidney consisting of a mesodermal cortex that produces glucocorticoid, mineralocorticoid, and androgenic hormones and an ectodermal medulla that produces epinephrine and norepinephrine[BTO]." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.anno.hasExactSynonym: "glandula adrenalis", "glandula suprarenalis" ; ilx.anno.hasRelatedSynonym: "adrenal", "adrenal capsule", "adrenal medulla cell", "atrabiliary capsule", "epinephric gland", "epinephros", "glandula suprarenalis", "interrenal gland", "suprarenal capsule", "suprarenal gland" ; ilx.hasDbXref: "AAO:0010551", "BTO:0000047", "CALOHA:TS-0016", "EFO:0000238", "EMAPA:18426", "EV:0100135", "FMA:9604", "GAID:446", "galen:AdrenalGland", "MA:0000116", "MAT:0000071", "MESH:D000311", "MIAA:0000071", "NCIT:C12666", "OpenCyc:Mx4rvXYiz5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA", "UMLS:C0001625", "VHOG:0001141", "XAO:0000164", , , ; ilx.includeForSPARC: FMA:6630, FMA:7198, FMA:15629, FMA:15630, FMA:20117, FMA:20118, FMA:77570, ILX:0771304 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:9604, ILX:0731304, UBERON:0002369 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:9604, UBERON:0002369 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0731304 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0002369 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794717 ; oboInOwl:hasExactSynonym "glandula adrenalis" ; oboInOwl:hasRelatedSynonym "adrenal", "adrenal capsule", "adrenal medulla cell", "atrabiliary capsule", "epinephric gland", "epinephros", "glandula suprarenalis", "interrenal gland", "suprarenal capsule", "suprarenal gland" . FMA:9869 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "pericardium" ; definition: "The combination of pericardial sac (a double-walled sac containing the heart and the roots of the great vessels) plus fibrous pericardium." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.hasDbXref: "AAO:0010817", "BSA:0000090", "BTO:0000717", "CALOHA:TS-0761", "EFO:0000820", "EHDAA:5376", "EMAPA:16133", "EV:0100023", "FMA:9869", "GAID:569", "galen:Pericardium", "MA:0000099", "MAT:0000454", "MESH:D010496", "NCIT:C13005", "OpenCyc:Mx4rvoCLgJwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA", "RETIRED_EHDAA2:0001443", "TAO:0000054", "UMLS:C0031050", "VHOG:0001280", "XAO:0004182", "ZFA:0000054", , , ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794718, ILX:0794719, ILX:0794720, ILX:0794721 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:9869, ILX:0737007, UBERON:0002407 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:9869, UBERON:0002407 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0737007 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0002407 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794717 . FMA:9903 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Peripheral nervous system" ; NIFRID:synonym "PNS" ; definition: "The peripheral nervous system (PNS) is the part of the nervous system connected to the CNS which contains cranial nerves III - XII, spinal, peripheral and autonomic nerves. (CUMBO)" ; ilx.anno.hasBroadSynonym: "PNS" ; ilx.anno.hasExactSynonym: "pars peripherica", "systema nervosum periphericum" ; ilx.hasDbXref: "AAO:0000429", "BAMS:PNS", "BILA:0000081", "BTO:0001028", "CALOHA:TS-0808", "EFO:0000891", "EHDAA2:0001445", "EHDAA:2893", "EMAPA:16665", "EV:0100335", "FBbt:00005098", "FMA:9903", "GAID:715", "MA:0000218", "MAT:0000338", "MESH:D017933", "MIAA:0000338", "NCIT:C12465", "TAO:0000142", "UMLS:C0206417", "UMLS:C1305921", "VHOG:0000399", "XAO:0000178", "ZFA:0000142", BIRNLEX:1111, , , , , , NLXWIKI:birnlex_1111 ; ilx.hasRole: NLX:64503 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: FMA:6037, FMA:6262, FMA:6469, FMA:18176, FMA:19034, FMA:20117, FMA:20118, FMA:62980, FMA:68862, FMA:68864, FMA:68865, FMA:68866, FMA:68867, FMA:68868, FMA:68869, FMA:68870, FMA:68871, FMA:73915, FMA:74019, ILX:0738176, ILX:0738420, ILX:0738421, ILX:0738422, ILX:0738423, ILX:0738425, ILX:0738426, ILX:0738427, ILX:0738428, ILX:0738436, ILX:0738443, ILX:0738444, ILX:0739234, ILX:0739235, ILX:0739242, ILX:0739244, ILX:0739262, ILX:0739263, ILX:0739264, ILX:0739266, ILX:0739267, ILX:0739268, ILX:0739269, ILX:0739271, ILX:0739274, ILX:0739301, ILX:0739302, ILX:0739303, ILX:0739304, ILX:0739305, ILX:0777077, ILX:0777078, ILX:0777099, ILX:0777100, ILX:0777101, ILX:0777102, ILX:0777103, ILX:0777112, ILX:0777113, ILX:0777114, ILX:0777115, ILX:0777116, ILX:0777117, ILX:0777118, ILX:0777119, ILX:0777120, ILX:0777121, ILX:0777122, ILX:0777123, ILX:0777124, ILX:0777125, ILX:0777126, ILX:0777127, ILX:0784215, PAXSPN:23, UBERON:0011776 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId BIRNLEX:1111, FMA:9903, ILX:0108735, UBERON:0000010 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId BIRNLEX:1111, FMA:9903, UBERON:0000010 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0108735 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0000010 ; oboInOwl:hasExactSynonym "pars peripherica", "systema nervosum periphericum" . FMA:9922 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "T5 vertebra" ; definition: "The fifth thoracic vertebra counting from the top down. Note that members of this class are not necessarily homologous[ncit,modified]." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.anno.hasExactSynonym: "fifth dorsal vertebra", "fifth thoracic vertebra", "T5 vertebra" ; ilx.hasDbXref: "EMAPA:19546", "FMA:9922", "MA:0001442", "NCIT:C33727", "UMLS:C0459950", , ; ilx.includeForSPARC: FMA:16914 ; ILX:0794912 "thoracic vertebra 5" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:9922, ILX:0732146, UBERON:0004630 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:9922, UBERON:0004630 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0732146 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0004630 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794659 ; oboInOwl:hasExactSynonym "fifth dorsal vertebra", "fifth thoracic vertebra", "T5 vertebra" . FMA:10037 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "T10 vertebra" ; definition: "The tenth thoracic vertebra counting from the top down. Note that members of this class are not necessarily homologous[ncit,modified]." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.anno.hasExactSynonym: "T10 vertebra", "tenth dorsal vertebra", "tenth thoracic vertebra" ; ilx.hasDbXref: "EMAPA:19551", "FMA:10037", "MA:0001447", "NCIT:C33721", "UMLS:C0459955", , ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794704 ; ILX:0794912 "thoracic vertebra 10" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:10037, ILX:0732494, UBERON:0004634 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:10037, UBERON:0004634 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0732494 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0004634 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794659 ; oboInOwl:hasExactSynonym "T10 vertebra", "tenth dorsal vertebra", "tenth thoracic vertebra" . FMA:14543 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "colon" ; definition: "Last portion of the large intestine before it becomes the rectum." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:67498 ; ilx.anno.hasExactSynonym: "large bowel" ; ilx.anno.hasNarrowSynonym: "posterior intestine" ; ilx.anno.hasRelatedSynonym: "hindgut" ; ilx.hasDbXref: "AAO:0010400", "BTO:0000269", "CALOHA:TS-0158", "EFO:0000361", "EMAPA:18939", "EV:0100079", "FMA:14543", "GAID:309", "galen:Colon", "MA:0000335", "MAP:0000001", "MAT:0000526", "MESH:A03.492.411.495.356", "NCIT:C12382", "OpenCyc:Mx4rvgLEM5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA", "TAO:0000706", "UMLS:C0009368", "VHOG:0000648", "XAO:0000243", "ZFA:0000706", , , ; ilx.includeForSPARC: FMA:15042, FMA:15043, FMA:15044, ILX:0777112, ILX:0777113, ILX:0777114, ILX:0777115, ILX:0777116, ILX:0777117, ILX:0777118, ILX:0777119, ILX:0777120, ILX:0777121, ILX:0777122, ILX:0777123, ILX:0777124, ILX:0777125, ILX:0777126, ILX:0777127, ILX:0793083 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:14543, ILX:0736005, UBERON:0001155 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:14543, UBERON:0001155 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0736005 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0001155 ; oboInOwl:hasExactSynonym "large bowel" ; oboInOwl:hasNarrowSynonym "posterior intestine" ; oboInOwl:hasRelatedSynonym "hindgut" . FMA:15900 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "urinary bladder" ; definition: "distensible musculomembranous organ situated in the anterior part of the pelvic cavity in which urine collects before excretion[MP]." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.anno.hasBroadSynonym: "bladder" ; ilx.anno.hasExactSynonym: "vesica urinaria" ; ilx.anno.hasRelatedSynonym: "urocyst", "vesica" ; ilx.hasDbXref: "AAO:0000623", "BTO:0001418", "CALOHA:TS-1090", "EFO:0000290", "EHDAA2:0000174", "EHDAA:9328", "EMAPA:18321", "EV:0100098", "FMA:15900", "GAID:0000004", "galen:UrinaryBladder", "MA:0000380", "MAT:0000122", "MESH:A05.810.161", "MIAA:0000122", "NCIT:C12414", "OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjMmZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA", "UMLS:C0005682", "VHOG:0000740", "XAO:0000154", , , ; ilx.includeForSPARC: EMAPA:36077, EMAPA:36079, EMAPA:36080, EMAPA:36081, EMAPA:36084, FMA:15924, FMA:15936, ILX:0739248, ILX:0739249, ILX:0739250, ILX:0739251, ILX:0739253, ILX:0739254, ILX:0739255, ILX:0739257, ILX:0739276, ILX:0739278, ILX:0739279, ILX:0739280, ILX:0739281, ILX:0777128, ILX:0777129 ; ILX:0739238 ILX:0739276 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:15900, ILX:0735377, UBERON:0001255 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:15900, UBERON:0001255 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0735377 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0001255 ; oboInOwl:hasBroadSynonym "bladder" ; oboInOwl:hasExactSynonym "vesica urinaria" ; oboInOwl:hasRelatedSynonym "urocyst", "vesica" . FMA:16914 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "iliac crest" ; definition: "Is part of the pelvis on the edge of the wing of the ilium. Round in shape, dorsal to the pubis and ischium. Acts as structrure that muscles can attach too." ; ilx.hasDbXref: "EMAPA:37602", "FMA:16914", "MA:0003053", "NCIT:C103818", ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794705, ILX:0794905, ILX:0794906 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:16914, ILX:0729058, UBERON:0014437 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:16914, UBERON:0014437 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0729058 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0014437 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9922 . FMA:18061 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right brainstem rootlets" ; definition: "Rootlets arising from the brainstem that converge to form the right vagus nerve." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; fma:synonym "Right vagus neural rootlet" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: FMA:18062 ; ILX:0739239 "TRUE" ; ILX:0794912 "Rootlet of right vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:18061, ILX:0791793 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:18061 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0791793 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:18061 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:54592, ILX:0793907 . FMA:18062 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left brainstem rootlets" ; definition: "Rootlets arising from the brainstem that converge to form the left vagus nerve." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; fma:synonym "Left vagus neural rootlet" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ILX:0794912 "Rootlet of left vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:18062, ILX:0792721 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:18062 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0792721 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:18062 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:18061, FMA:54592, ILX:0793907 . FMA:23260 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Acromion" ; definition: "The lateral extension of the spine of the SCAPULA and the highest point of the SHOULDER." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.anno.hasExactSynonym: "acromion process", "scapular acromion" ; ilx.anno.hasRelatedSynonym: "acromion of scapula", "acromion of the scapula" ; ilx.hasDbXref: "AAO:0000826", "EMAPA:25119", "FMA:23260", "GAID:187", "MA:0002805", "MESH:D000174", "NCIT:C32048", "OpenCyc:Mx4rvmrF8pwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA", "UMLS:C0001209", "VSAO:0005067", , , ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794664, ILX:0794665 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:23260, , , ILX:0406253, UBERON:0002497 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:23260, , , UBERON:0002497 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0406253 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0002497 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794659 ; oboInOwl:hasExactSynonym "acromion process", "scapular acromion" ; oboInOwl:hasRelatedSynonym "acromion of scapula", "acromion of the scapula" . FMA:25202 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "shoulder" ; definition: "A subdivision of the pectoral complex consisting of the structures in the region of the shoulder joint (which connects the humerus, scapula and clavicle)." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.anno.hasExactSynonym: "shoulder region" ; ilx.anno.hasRelatedSynonym: "articulatio humeri" ; ilx.hasDbXref: "CALOHA:TS-2229", "EFO:0003068", "EHDAA2:0001834", "EHDAA:4180", "EHDAA:6228", "EMAPA:17421", "FMA:25202", "GAID:60", "galen:Shoulder", "MA:0000038", "MESH:D012782", "NCIT:C25203", "OpenCyc:Mx4rvViCM5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA", "UMLS:C0037004", "VHOG:0000342", , , ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794687, ILX:0794688 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:25202, ILX:0731007, UBERON:0001467 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:25202, UBERON:0001467 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0731007 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0001467 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794659 ; oboInOwl:hasExactSynonym "shoulder region" ; oboInOwl:hasRelatedSynonym "articulatio humeri" . FMA:25898 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "acromioclavicular joint" ; definition: "Axial level of the aortic hiatus marked on the anterior or posterior abdominal trunks of the vagus. -Noa" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.anno.hasRelatedSynonym: "acromioclavicular articulation", "articulatio acromioclavicularis", "scapuloclavicular articulation" ; ilx.hasDbXref: "FMA:25898", "GAID:249", "MESH:D000173", "NCIT:C32047", "OpenCyc:Mx4rwHhmSJwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA", "UMLS:C0001208", , , ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794660, ILX:0794661 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:25898, ILX:0734394, UBERON:0003692 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:25898, UBERON:0003692 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0734394 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0003692 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0743580, ILX:0794659 ; oboInOwl:hasRelatedSynonym "acromioclavicular articulation", "articulatio acromioclavicularis", "scapuloclavicular articulation" . FMA:27360 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "lung parenchyma" ; definition: "A parenchyma that is part of a lung." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.anno.hasExactSynonym: "respiratory portion of lung" ; ilx.anno.hasRelatedSynonym: "parenchyma of lung", "pulmonary parenchyma" ; ilx.hasDbXref: "EMAPA:35522", "FMA:27360", "MA:0003168", ; ilx.includeForSPARC: FMA:27363, FMA:27364 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:27360, ILX:0728453, UBERON:0008946 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:27360, UBERON:0008946 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0728453 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0008946 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794717 ; oboInOwl:hasExactSynonym "respiratory portion of lung" ; oboInOwl:hasRelatedSynonym "parenchyma of lung", "pulmonary parenchyma" . FMA:45659 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "lower urinary tract" ; NIFRID:synonym "[]" ; definition: "Subdivision of urinary system which consists of the urinary bladder and the urethra." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:49443 ; ilx.hasDbXref: "FMA:45659", "galen:LowerUrinaryTract", "MA:0002636", ; ilx.includeForSPARC: EMAPA:18995, EMAPA:28697, EMAPA:28753, EMAPA:28759, EMAPA:30917, EMAPA:30930, EMAPA:30944, EMAPA:30946, EMAPA:32269, EMAPA:36117, EMAPA:36140, EMAPA:36421, FMA:9704, FMA:15897, FMA:19673, ILX:0739258, ILX:0739259, ILX:0739260, ILX:0739261, ILX:0739277, ILX:0739282, ILX:0739283, ILX:0739306, ILX:0778142, ILX:0778143, ILX:0778154, ILX:0778155, ILX:0778156 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:45659, ILX:0725452, UBERON:0001556 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:45659, UBERON:0001556 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0725452 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0001556 . FMA:50870 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "glossopharyngeal nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "nerve IX" ; definition: "Cranial nerve that branches into the ramus communicans (to the skin), the pretrematic (to the walls of the pharynx and mouth, viscero-sensory fibers), and the larval post-trematic branch (lost in the adult)." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.anno.hasBroadSynonym: "9n" ; ilx.anno.hasExactSynonym: "glossopharyngeal IX", "glossopharyngeal IX nerve", "glossopharyngeal nerve [IX]", "glossopharyngeal nerve tree", "nervus glossopharyngeus", "nervus glossopharyngeus [ix]", "ninth cranial nerve" ; ilx.anno.hasRelatedSynonym: "CN-IX", "cranial nerve IX", "nerve IX", "nervus glossopharyngeus" ; ilx.hasDbXref: "AAO:0010474", "BAMS:9n", "BAMS:IXn", "BTO:0004979", "EHDAA2:0000709", "EHDAA:3733", "EMAPA:17268", "FMA:50870", "GAID:827", "HBA:9334", "MA:0001093", "MBA:808", "MESH:D005930", "NCIT:C12723", "OpenCyc:Mx4rwIr5X5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA", "TAO:0000668", "UMLS:C0017679", "UMLS:C1305752", "VHOG:0000701", "XAO:0003096", "ZFA:0000668", BIRNLEX:899, , , , , ; ilx.includeForSPARC: FMA:50892, FMA:50894 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId BIRNLEX:899, FMA:50870, ILX:0723837, UBERON:0001649 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId BIRNLEX:899, FMA:50870, UBERON:0001649 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0723837 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0001649 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794570 ; oboInOwl:hasBroadSynonym "9n" ; oboInOwl:hasExactSynonym "glossopharyngeal IX", "glossopharyngeal IX nerve", "glossopharyngeal nerve [IX]", "glossopharyngeal nerve tree", "nervus glossopharyngeus [ix]", "ninth cranial nerve" ; oboInOwl:hasRelatedSynonym "CN-IX", "cranial nerve IX", "nerve IX", "nervus glossopharyngeus" . FMA:50871 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "hypoglossal nerve" ; definition: "Cranial nerve that innervates the muscles of the tongue." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.anno.hasBroadSynonym: "12n" ; ilx.anno.hasExactSynonym: "cranial nerve XII", "hypoglossal nerve [XII]", "hypoglossal nerve tree", "hypoglossal XII", "hypoglossal XII nerve", "nervus hypoglossus [xii]", "twelfth cranial nerve" ; ilx.anno.hasRelatedSynonym: "CN-XII", "hypoglossal nerve/ root", "nerve XII", "nervi hypoglossalis", "nervus hypoglossus" ; ilx.hasDbXref: "AAO:0010477", "BAMS:12n", "BAMS:nXII", "BAMS:XIIn", "BTO:0003386", "EHDAA2:0000798", "EHDAA:2859", "EMAPA:17269", "FMA:50871", "GAID:828", "HBA:9343", "MA:0001094", "MBA:813", "MESH:D007002", "NCIT:C12732", "OpenCyc:Mx4rv9eWA5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA", "UMLS:C0020614", "VHOG:0000693", "XAO:0004215", BIRNLEX:820, , , , ; ilx.includeForSPARC: FMA:50901, FMA:50903 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:50871, ILX:0730771, UBERON:0001650 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:50871, UBERON:0001650 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0730771 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0001650 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794570 ; oboInOwl:hasBroadSynonym "12n" ; oboInOwl:hasExactSynonym "cranial nerve XII", "hypoglossal nerve [XII]", "hypoglossal nerve tree", "hypoglossal XII", "hypoglossal XII nerve", "nervus hypoglossus [xii]", "twelfth cranial nerve" ; oboInOwl:hasRelatedSynonym "CN-XII", "hypoglossal nerve/ root", "nerve XII", "nervi hypoglossalis", "nervus hypoglossus" . FMA:52586 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Endoneurium" ; definition: "The loose connective tissue within the perineurium that continues into nerve fascicles and surrounds individual fibers." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.hasDbXref: "EMAPA:37847", "FMA:52586", "NCIT:C32518", "UMLS:C0205888", , , , NLXANAT:090202, NLXWIKI:nlx_anat_090202 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794715, ILX:0794716 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:52586, ILX:0103786, NLXANAT:090202, UBERON:0000123 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:52586, NLXANAT:090202, UBERON:0000123 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0103786 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0000123 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794714 . FMA:52747 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "jugale" ; definition: "the quadrilateral bone that forms the prominence of the cheek" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.anno.hasExactSynonym: "cheek bone", "malar bone", "orbital bone", "os zygomaticum", "zygomatic bone" ; ilx.anno.hasRelatedSynonym: "jugal", "jugal bone", "jugale", "os zygomaticum", "os zygomaticus", "zygoma", "zygomatic" ; ilx.hasDbXref: "EMAPA:25111", "FMA:52747", "GAID:225", "MA:0001497", "MFMO:0000146", "VHOG:0001638", , ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794692, ILX:0794693 ; ILX:0794912 "jugal bone" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:52747, ILX:0729459, UBERON:0001683 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:52747, UBERON:0001683 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0729459 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0001683 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794659 ; oboInOwl:hasExactSynonym "cheek bone", "malar bone", "orbital bone", "zygomatic bone" ; oboInOwl:hasRelatedSynonym "jugal", "jugal bone", "jugale", "os zygomaticum", "os zygomaticus", "zygoma", "zygomatic" . FMA:52886 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "zygomatic process" ; definition: "The zygomatic process of the temporal bone is a long, arched process projecting from the lower part of the squamous portion of the temporal bone. It articulates with the zygomatic bone. This process is at first directed lateralward, its two surfaces looking upward and downward; it then appears as if twisted inward upon itself, and runs forward, its surfaces now looking medialward and lateralward." ; ilx.anno.hasExactSynonym: "processus zygomaticus", "processus zygomaticus ossis temporalis", "temporal bone zygomatic process", "temporal zygomatic process" ; ilx.anno.hasRelatedSynonym: "zygomatic appendage of temporal bone" ; ilx.hasDbXref: "EMAPA:19015", "FMA:52886", "MA:0002811", , ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794702, ILX:0794703 ; ILX:0794912 "zygomatic process of temporal bone" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:52886, ILX:0732164, UBERON:0004655 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:52886, UBERON:0004655 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0732164 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0004655 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794698 ; oboInOwl:hasExactSynonym "processus zygomaticus", "processus zygomaticus ossis temporalis", "temporal bone zygomatic process", "temporal zygomatic process" ; oboInOwl:hasRelatedSynonym "zygomatic appendage of temporal bone" . FMA:53310 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Buccal branch of facial nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; fma:synonym "Facial nerve buccal branch" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: FMA:53311, FMA:53312 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:53310, ILX:0792839 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:53310 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0792839 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:53310 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794570 . FMA:53365 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Marginal mandibular branch of facial nerve" ; definition: "Branch of facial nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794903, ILX:0794904 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:53365, ILX:0793705 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:53365 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793705 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:53365 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794570 . FMA:53396 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Cervical branch of facial nerve" ; definition: "The cervical branch of the facial nerve (VII) supplies the platysma muscle, among other functions. One branch descends to join the cervical cutaneous nerve from the cervical plexus. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cervical_branch_of_the_facial_nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794585, ILX:0794586 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:53396, ILX:0793703 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:53396 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793703 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:53396 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794570 . FMA:53472 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "vagus X ganglion" ; definition: "The group of sensory neuron cell bodies associated with the vagus nerve." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:5884 ; ilx.anno.hasBroadSynonym: "gX" ; ilx.anno.hasExactSynonym: "ganglion of vagus nerve", "right glossopharyngeal ganglion", "vagal ganglion", "vagus ganglion", "vagus neural ganglion" ; ilx.anno.hasRelatedSynonym: "vagus X" ; ilx.hasDbXref: "EMAPA:16798", "FMA:53472", "MA:0001081", "TAO:0007067", "VHOG:0000684", "ZFA:0007067", , ; ilx.includeForSPARC: FMA:6229, FMA:6230, ILX:0793935, ILX:0793936 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:53472, ILX:0729052, UBERON:0005362 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:53472, UBERON:0005362 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0729052 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0005362 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 ; oboInOwl:hasBroadSynonym "gX" ; oboInOwl:hasExactSynonym "ganglion of vagus nerve", "right glossopharyngeal ganglion", "vagal ganglion", "vagus ganglion", "vagus neural ganglion" ; oboInOwl:hasRelatedSynonym "vagus X" . FMA:53488 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "carotid sinus nerve" ; definition: "A sensory branch of the glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX) carrying signals from the baroceptors (blood pressure receptors) in the bifurcation of the carotid artery to the nucleus of the solitary tract (nucleus solitarius)." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.anno.hasExactSynonym: "carotid branch of glossopharyngeal nerve", "Hering sinus nerve", "ramus sinus carotici", "ramus sinus carotici nervi glossopharyngei", "ramus sinus carotici nervus glossopharyngei", "sinus nerve of Hering" ; ilx.hasDbXref: "BTO:0004978", "FMA:53488", , ; ilx.includeForSPARC: FMA:53508, FMA:53509 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:50870 ; ILX:0383242 FMA:53488 ; ILX:0738303 "36381" ; ILX:0793078 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:deprecatedLabel "Carotid sinus nerve" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:53488, ILX:0727396, ILX:0738314, UBERON:0009009 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:53488, UBERON:0009009 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0727396, ILX:0738314 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:53488, UBERON:0009009 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794570 ; oboInOwl:hasExactSynonym "carotid branch of glossopharyngeal nerve", "Hering sinus nerve", "ramus sinus carotici", "ramus sinus carotici nervi glossopharyngei", "ramus sinus carotici nervus glossopharyngei", "sinus nerve of Hering" . FMA:53508 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Right carotid sinus nerve" ; definition: "A sensory branch of the right glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX) carrying signals from the baroceptors (blood pressure receptors) in the bifurcation of the carotid artery to the nucleus of the solitary tract (nucleus solitarius)." ; fma:synonym "Carotid branch of right glossopharyngeal nerve" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794571, ILX:0794572, ILX:0794573 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:50870 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:53508, ILX:0786650 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:53508 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0786650 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:53508 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:53488 . FMA:53509 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Left carotid sinus nerve" ; definition: "A sensory branch of the left glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX) carrying signals from the baroceptors (blood pressure receptors) in the bifurcation of the carotid artery to the nucleus of the solitary tract (nucleus solitarius)." ; fma:synonym "Carotid branch of left glossopharyngeal nerve" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794574, ILX:0794575, ILX:0794576 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:50870 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:53509, ILX:0792731 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:53509 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0792731 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:53509 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:53488 . FMA:53559 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right branch between vagus nerve and glossopharyngeal nerve" ; definition: "A branch between right vagus nerve and right glossopharyngeal nerve." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0793937, ILX:0793938, ILX:0793939, ILX:0793940, ILX:0793941 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ILX:0794912 "Communicating branch of right vagus nerve with right glossopharyngeal nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:53559, ILX:0790506 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:53559 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0790506 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:53559 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:6233 . FMA:53560 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left branch between vagus nerve and glossopharyngeal nerve" ; definition: "A branch between left vagus nerve and left glossopharyngeal nerve" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0793942, ILX:0793943, ILX:0793944, ILX:0793945, ILX:0793946 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ILX:0794912 "Communicating branch of left vagus nerve with left glossopharyngeal nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:53560, ILX:0790685 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:53560 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0790685 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:53560 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:6233 . FMA:53593 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "branch of auricular branch of vagus nerve to floor of external acoustic meatus and pinna" ; definition: "A sub-branch of the auricular branch of vagus nerve innervating the floor of external acoustic meatus" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: FMA:53594, FMA:53595 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ILX:0794912 "Branch of auricular branch of vagus nerve to floor of external acoustic meatus" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:53593, ILX:0785937 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:53593 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0785937 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:53593 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . FMA:53600 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Cervical cardiac branch of vagus nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794165, ILX:0794171 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:53600, ILX:0793041 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:53600 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793041 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:53600 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . FMA:53606 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right branch of vagus nerve to ipsilateral carotid body" ; definition: "A branch of the right vagus nerve to the right carotid body." ; fma:synonym "Branch of right vagus nerve to right carotid body", "Branch of right vagus to right carotid body" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794099, ILX:0794100, ILX:0794101, ILX:0794102 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ILX:0794912 "Vagal branch to right carotid body" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:53606, ILX:0790433 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:53606 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0790433 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:53606 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:6237 . FMA:53607 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left branch of vagus nerve to ipsilateral carotid body" ; definition: "A branch of the left vagus nerve to the left carotid body." ; fma:synonym "Branch of left vagus nerve to left carotid body", "Branch of left vagus to left carotid body" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794103, ILX:0794104, ILX:0794105, ILX:0794106 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ILX:0794912 "Vagal branch to left carotid body" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:53607, ILX:0791085 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:53607 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0791085 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:53607 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:6237 . FMA:53631 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior esophageal communicating branch" ; definition: "A part of the esophageal nerve plexus located on the anterior surface of the esophagus." ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794376, ILX:0794377, ILX:0794378, ILX:0794379, ILX:0794380, ILX:0794381 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ILX:0794912 "Anterior esophageal nerve plexus" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:53631, ILX:0792199 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:53631 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0792199 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:53631 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794375 . FMA:53632 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior esophageal communicating branch" ; definition: "A group of nerve bundles on the posterior surface of the esophagus that is formed from branches of the right and left vagus nerve, with contributions from the sympathetic trunk." ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794382, ILX:0794383, ILX:0794384, ILX:0794385, ILX:0794386, ILX:0794387 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ILX:0794912 "Posterior esophageal nerve plexus" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:53632, ILX:0789876 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:53632 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0789876 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:53632 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794375 . FMA:54592 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Dorsal motor nucleus of vagus nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "10N", "dorsal efferent nucleus of vagus", "dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus", "dorsal motor nucleus of X", "dorsal vagal nucleus", "nucleus alaris" ; definition: "A cranial nerve nucleus for the vagus nerve in the medulla that lies under the floor of the fourth ventricle. It mostly serves parasympathetic vagal functions in the gastrointestinal tract, lungs, and other thoracic and abdominal vagal innervations. The cell bodies for the preganglionic parasympathetic vagal neurons that innervate the heart reside in the nucleus ambiguus.[WP,unvetted]." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:55676 ; ilx.anno.hasExactSynonym: "dorsal efferent nucleus of vagus", "dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus (vagal nucleus)", "dorsal motor nucleus of vagus X nerve", "dorsal vagal nucleus", "nucleus alaris" ; ilx.anno.hasRelatedSynonym: "dorsal motor nucleus", "dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus", "dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve", "dorsal motor nucleus of vagus", "dorsal motor nucleus of vagus nerve", "dorsal motor vagal nucleus", "dorsal nucleus of the vagus nerve", "dorsal nucleus of vagus nerve", "dorsal vagal nucleus", "nucleus alaris (Oertel)", "nucleus dorsalis motorius nervi vagi", "nucleus dorsalis nervi vagi", "nucleus posterior nervi vagi", "nucleus vagalis dorsalis", "posterior nucleus of vagus nerve", "vagus nucleus" ; ilx.hasDbXref: "BAMS:10", "BAMS:DMX", "BM:DX", "CALOHA:TS-2381", "DHBA:12550", "EHDAA2:0004649", "EMAPA:35291", "EV:0100287", "FMA:54592", "HBA:9545", "MA:0001036", "MBA:839", "NCIT:C32475", "UMLS:C0152401", "UMLS:C0926535", BIRNLEX:2642, , , , , , NLXWIKI:birnlex_2642 ; ilx.hasRole: FMA:54501 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: FMA:18061, FMA:18062, ILX:0794771, ILX:0794772 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:62004 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId BIRNLEX:2642, FMA:54592, ILX:0103451, UBERON:0002870 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId BIRNLEX:2642, FMA:54592, UBERON:0002870 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0103451 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0002870 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 ; oboInOwl:hasExactSynonym "dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus (vagal nucleus)", "dorsal motor nucleus of vagus X nerve" ; oboInOwl:hasRelatedSynonym "dorsal motor nucleus", "dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve", "dorsal motor nucleus of vagus", "dorsal motor nucleus of vagus nerve", "dorsal motor vagal nucleus", "dorsal nucleus of the vagus nerve", "dorsal nucleus of vagus nerve", "nucleus alaris (Oertel)", "nucleus dorsalis motorius nervi vagi", "nucleus dorsalis nervi vagi", "nucleus posterior nervi vagi", "nucleus vagalis dorsalis", "posterior nucleus of vagus nerve", "vagus nucleus" . FMA:55142 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ansa cervicalis" ; definition: "A loop of nerves that are part of the cervical plexus that lies superficial to the internal jugular vein in the carotid sheath. Branches from the ansa cervicalis innervate three of the four infrahyoid muscles, including the sternohyoid muscle, the sternothyroid muscle, and the omohyoid muscle." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.anno.hasExactSynonym: "ansa cervicalis" ; ilx.anno.hasRelatedSynonym: "ansa hypoglossi" ; ilx.hasDbXref: "BAMS:ancer", "EHDAA2:0000124", "EHDAA:6669", "FMA:55142", , ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794577, ILX:0794578 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:55142, ILX:0733768, UBERON:0005430 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:55142, UBERON:0005430 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0733768 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0005430 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794570 ; oboInOwl:hasExactSynonym "ansa cervicalis" ; oboInOwl:hasRelatedSynonym "ansa hypoglossi" . FMA:57718 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "infraorbital foramen" ; definition: "A foramen on the exterior of the maxilla that is continuous with the infra-orbital canal and is the conduit for the passage of the infraorbital nerve and artery." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.anno.hasExactSynonym: "foramen infraorbitale", "infra-orbital foramen", "infraorbital foramen" ; ilx.hasDbXref: "FMA:57718", "MFMO:0000054", ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794694, ILX:0794695 ; ILX:0794912 "infraorbital foramen of maxilla" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:57718, ILX:0735084, UBERON:0018407 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:57718, UBERON:0018407 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0735084 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0018407 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794659 ; oboInOwl:hasExactSynonym "foramen infraorbitale", "infra-orbital foramen", "infraorbital foramen" . FMA:62004 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "medulla" ; NIFRID:synonym "Afterbrain", "Bulb", "Epencephalon", "Metencephalon" ; definition: "The lower portion of the hindbrain and brainstem located between the pons and spinal cord. This structure contains several descending and ascending tracts, lower cranial nerve nuclei, a significant proportion of the reticular system of the brainstem and other structures (adapted from NCI Thesaurus).The topographic division of the cerebrospinal axis between pons and spinal cord. It was clearly described and illustrated for macrodissected adult humans by Piccolomini (1586, pp. 265, 269; his intracranial medulla oblongata), while the term medulla was used by Winslow (1733, Sect. X, p. 42) and Haller (1747, see translation by Mihles, 1754, pp. 287, 286), and more recently in the classic textbooks of for example Mettler (1948, p. 76) and Carpenter (1976, p. 60)." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.anno.hasBroadSynonym: "bulb", "medulla" ; ilx.anno.hasExactSynonym: "bulbus" ; ilx.anno.hasRelatedSynonym: "medulla oblonzata", "metepencephalon" ; ilx.hasDbXref: "AAO:0010486", "BAMS:Md", "BAMS:MY", "BM:Me", "BTO:0000041", "CALOHA:TS-0607", "DMBA:17352", "EFO:0000924", "EHDAA2:0001088", "EHDAA:7588", "EMAPA:17550", "EV:0100275", "FMA:62004", "GAID:590", "MA:0000206", "MAT:0000111", "MAT:0000367", "MBA:354", "MESH:D008526", "MIAA:0000111", "NCIT:C12442", "OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjxSJwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA", "OpenCyc:Mx4rwCqnXJwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA", "TAO:0000545", "UMLS:C0025148", "UMLS:C1269575", "VHOG:0000181", "XAO:0003100", "ZFA:0000545", BIRNLEX:957, , , , , , NLXWIKI:birnlex_957 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794907, ILX:0794908 ; ilx.partOf: NLX:158477 ; ilx.relatedTo: FMA:67687 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ILX:0794912 "Medulla oblongata" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:deprecatedLabel "Medulla" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId BIRNLEX:957, FMA:62004, ILX:0106736, ILX:0738301, UBERON:0001896 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId BIRNLEX:957, FMA:62004, UBERON:0001896 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0106736, ILX:0738301 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0001896 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794717 ; oboInOwl:hasBroadSynonym "medulla" ; oboInOwl:hasExactSynonym "bulbus" ; oboInOwl:hasRelatedSynonym "medulla oblonzata", "metepencephalon" . FMA:65514 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "branch of thoracic vagus nerve to esophagus" ; definition: "An esophageal branch from the thoracic trunk of the vagus nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794299, ILX:0794310 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ILX:0794912 "Esophageal branch of vagal trunk" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:65514, ILX:0790803 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:65514 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0790803 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:65514 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . FMA:78582 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Gastric branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The branch of the vagus nerve that provides parasympathetic preganglionic and sensory innervation of the stomach." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: FMA:272320, FMA:272326 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:78582, ILX:0791632 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:78582 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0791632 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:78582 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . FMA:272320 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Posterior gastric branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "A branch of the right vagus nerve that provides parasympathetic preganglionic and sensory innervation of the stomach." ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794398, ILX:0794399, ILX:0794400, ILX:0794401, ILX:0794402, ILX:0794403, ILX:0794404, ILX:0794405, ILX:0794406, ILX:0794407 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0739239 "TRUE" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:272320, ILX:0787250 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:272320 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0787250 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:272320 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:78582 . FMA:272326 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Anterior gastric branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "A branch of the left vagus nerve that provides parasympathetic preganglionic and sensory innervation of the posterior stomach." ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794388, ILX:0794389, ILX:0794390, ILX:0794391, ILX:0794392, ILX:0794393, ILX:0794394, ILX:0794395, ILX:0794396, ILX:0794397 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:272326, ILX:0787035 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:272326 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0787035 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:272326 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:78582 . FMA:294636 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "angle of the mandible" ; definition: "A process which protrudes from the ventral caudal angle of the mandible, and acts as the attachment of the digastric muscle." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; fma:synonym "Angle region of mandible", "Angle region of ramus of mandible", "Angular process of mandible", "Angular region of mandible", "Mandible angular process" ; ilx.anno.hasRelatedSynonym: "angle of mandible", "mandibular angle" ; ilx.hasDbXref: "FMA:294636", "MA:0002873", "MFMO:0000055" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794670, ILX:0794671 ; ILX:0794912 "mandible angular process" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:294636, ILX:0731790, UBERON:0006959 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:294636, UBERON:0006959 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0731790 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0006959 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794659 ; oboInOwl:hasRelatedSynonym "angle of mandible", "mandibular angle" . GO:0005605 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Basal Lamina" ; definition: "A thin sheet of proteoglycans and glycoproteins, especially laminin, secreted by cells as an extracellular matrix (Gene Ontology)." ; rdfs:subClassOf GO:0044421 ; ilx.hasDbXref: NLXWIKI:sao1397492660 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId GO:0005605, ILX:0101107, SAO:1397492660 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId GO:0005605, SAO:1397492660 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0101107 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId SAO:1397492660 . GO:0030424 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Axon" ; NIFRID:synonym "fiber", "Fiber," ; definition: "The long process of a neuron that conducts nerve impulses, usually away from the cell body to the terminals which are the site of storage and release of neurotransmitter (Gene Ontology)., Cell appendage of a neuron that consists of an axon hillock, an axon proper, axon collaterals and an axon terminal (FMA)" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.hasDbXref: ; ilx.partOf: ILX:0107497 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId GO:0030424, ILX:0101043, SAO:1770195789 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId GO:0030424, SAO:1770195789 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0101043 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId SAO:1770195789 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794712 . GO:0044421 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Extracellular Structure" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId GO:0044421, ILX:0104051, SAO:9117790637 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId GO:0044421, SAO:9117790637 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0104051 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId SAO:9117790637 . ILX:0100409 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Aggregate Object" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0100409, SAO:3826089237 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId SAO:3826089237 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0100409 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId SAO:3826089237 . ILX:0101839 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Cell" ; definition: "A material entity of anatomical origin (part of or deriving from an organism) that has as its parts a maximally connected cell compartment surrounded by a plasma membrane." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.hasDbXref: NLXWIKI:sao1813327414 ; ILX:0778161 BFO:0000040 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId CL:0000000, ILX:0101839, SAO:1813327414 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId CL:0000000, SAO:1813327414 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0101839 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId SAO:1813327414 . ILX:0102514 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Continuant" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0102514, NLXWIKI:Continuant ; ilxtr:hasExternalId NLXWIKI:Continuant ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0102514 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0102514 . ILX:0103720 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Electrophysiology concept" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0103720, NLXOEN:0001312 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId NLXOEN:0001312 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0103720 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0103720 . ILX:0103900 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Epithelial Cell" ; definition: "Cell that line the inner and outer surfaces of the body by forming cellular layers (epithelium) or masses (MSH)." ; rdfs:subClassOf ILX:0101839 ; ilx.hasDbXref: NLXWIKI:sao441624014 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0103900, SAO:441624014 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId SAO:441624014 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0103900 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId SAO:441624014 . ILX:0104003 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Excitatory" ; definition: "Said of a neuron, synapse, or synaptic potential that produces depolarization of the postsynaptic cell." ; rdfs:subClassOf PATO:0001238 ; ilx.hasDbXref: NLXWIKI:oen_0001145 ; ilx.hasRole: ILX:0103720 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0104003, NLXOEN:0001145 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId NLXOEN:0001145 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0104003 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0104003 . ILX:0104048 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Extracellular matrix" ; definition: "A system of insoluble protein fibrils and soluble complexes composed of carbohydrate polymers linked to protein molecules, i.e. proteoglycans, in the extracellular space. Insoluble protein fibrils are mainly of two types: collagen and elastin; the soluble polymers consist of long carbohydrate chains, linked to proteins." ; rdfs:subClassOf ILX:0100409 ; ilx.hasDbXref: NLXWIKI:nlx_subcell_20090513 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0104048, NLXSUB:20090513 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId NLXSUB:20090513 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0104048 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0104048 . ILX:0105486 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Inhibitory" ; definition: "A synapse in which an action potential in the presynaptic cell reduces the probability of an action potential occurring in the postsynaptic cell." ; rdfs:subClassOf PATO:0001238 ; ilx.hasDbXref: NLXWIKI:oen_0001143 ; ilx.hasRole: ILX:0103720 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0105486, NLXOEN:0001143 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId NLXOEN:0001143 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0105486 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0105486 . ILX:0107217 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Muscle Cell" ; NIFRID:synonym "myocyte" ; definition: "Mature contractile cells, commonly known as myocytes, that form one of three kinds of muscle. The three types of muscle cells are skeletal (muscle fibers), cardiac (myocytes, cardiac), and smooth (myocytes, smooth muscle). They are derived from embryonic (precursor) muscle cells called myoblasts (MSH)." ; rdfs:subClassOf ILX:0101839 ; ilx.hasDbXref: NLXWIKI:sao519252327 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0107217, SAO:519252327 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId SAO:519252327 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0107217 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId SAO:519252327 . ILX:0107497 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Neuron" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0107497, SAO:1417703748 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId SAO:1417703748 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0107497 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId SAO:1417703748 . ILX:0110412 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Schwann Cell" ; definition: "Neuroglial cells of the peripheral nervous system which form the insulating myelin sheaths of peripheral axons (MSH)." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.hasDbXref: NLXWIKI:sao408819766 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0110412, SAO:408819766 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId SAO:408819766 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0110412 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId SAO:408819766 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794712 . ILX:0110658 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Skeletal Muscle Cell" ; rdfs:subClassOf ILX:0111095 ; ilx.hasDbXref: NLXWIKI:sao1741889714 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0110658, SAO:1741889714 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId SAO:1741889714 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0110658 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId SAO:1741889714 . ILX:0111095 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Striated Muscle Cell" ; rdfs:subClassOf ILX:0107217 ; ilx.hasDbXref: NLXWIKI:sao82362520 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0111095, SAO:82362520 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId SAO:82362520 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0111095 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId SAO:82362520 . ILX:0111157 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Subcellular entity" ; NIFRID:synonym "cellular component" ; definition: "Entity derived from a cell or cells. The anatomical scale of these objects roughly corresponds to that which would be visible in high resolution light microscopy or conventional electron microscopy, e.g., nanometers to microns. Example: mitochondrion, dendrite, extracellular matrix." ; rdfs:subClassOf BFO:0000040 ; ilx.hasDbXref: NLXWIKI:nlx_subcell_100315 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0111157, NLXSUB:100315 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId NLXSUB:100315 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0111157 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId NLXSUB:100315 . ILX:0112264 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Vascular Cell" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0112264, SAO:197110912 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId SAO:197110912 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0112264 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId SAO:197110912 . ILX:0112265 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Vascular Endothelial Cell" ; NIFRID:synonym "Endothelial Cell" ; definition: "Cells that constitute the inner cellular lining of arteries, veins and capillaries." ; rdfs:subClassOf ILX:0112264 ; ilx.hasDbXref: NLXWIKI:sao1543450574 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0112265, SAO:1543450574 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId SAO:1543450574 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0112265 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId SAO:1543450574 . ILX:0485634 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Nerve Fibers" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId , , ILX:0485634 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId , ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0485634 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId . ILX:0489552 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Respiratory Mucosa" ; definition: "The mucous membrane lining the RESPIRATORY TRACT, including the NASAL CAVITY; the LARYNX; the TRACHEA; and the BRONCHI tree. The respiratory mucosa consists of various types of epithelial cells ranging from ciliated columnar to simple squamous, mucous GOBLET CELLS, and glands containing both mucous and serous cells." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId , , ILX:0489552 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId , ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0489552 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId . ILX:0490105 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Cytoplasmic Structures" ; definition: "Components of the cytoplasm excluding the CYTOSOL." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId , , ILX:0490105 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId , ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0490105 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId . ILX:0490306 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Anatomic Landmarks" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId , , ILX:0490306 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId , ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0490306 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId . ILX:0492026 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Extracellular Fluid" ; definition: "The fluid of the body that is outside of CELLS. It is the external environment for the cells." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId , , ILX:0492026 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId , ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0492026 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId . ILX:0738176 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Right atrial ganglionated plexus" ; definition: "A collection of ganglia interconnected by axon bundles identified mainly on the superior and the posterior surface of the right atrium." ; ilx.hasDefinitionSource: SCR:018709 ; ILX:0381449 "DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-57571-1", "DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-57571-1, doi:10.1002/(SICI)1097-0185(199702)247:2<289::AID-AR15>3.0.CO;2-L" ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738176 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738176 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738176 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9903 . ILX:0738177 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Aortic chemoreceptor" ; definition: "A sensory receptor that is distributed along the aorta, pulmonary arterial trunk, and subclavian arteries which detects chemical stimulus within the body." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738177 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738177 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738177 . ILX:0738178 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Aortic baroreceptor" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738178 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738178 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738178 . ILX:0738179 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Superior right atrial ganglionated plexus" ; definition: "A collection of ganglia interconnected by axon bundles located on the posterior surface of the right atrium adjacent to the junction of the superior vena cava and the right atrium." ; ilx.hasDefinitionSource: SCR:018709 ; ILX:0381449 "DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-57571-1, doi:10.1002/(SICI)1097-0185(199702)247:2<289::AID-AR15>3.0.CO;2-L" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738179 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738179 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738179 . ILX:0738180 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Posterior right atrial ganglionated plexus" ; definition: "A collection of ganglia interconnected by axon bundles on the posterior surface of the right atrium adjacent to the interatrial groove." ; ilx.hasDefinitionSource: SCR:018709 ; ILX:0381449 "DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-57571-1, doi:10.1002/(SICI)1097-0185(199702)247:2<289::AID-AR15>3.0.CO;2-L" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738180 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738180 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738180 . ILX:0738181 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Left atrial ganglionated plexus" ; definition: "A collection of ganglia interconnected by axon bundles mainly located on the superior surface of the left atrium, the posterior medial surface of the left atrium and the inferior and lateral aspect of the posterior left atrium." ; ilx.hasDefinitionSource: SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738181 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738181 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738181 . ILX:0738182 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Superior left atrial ganglionated plexus" ; definition: "A collection of ganglia interconnected by axon bundles identified on the posterior medial surface of the left atrium between the pulmonary veins." ; ilx.hasDefinitionSource: SCR:018709 ; ILX:0381449 "DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-57571-1, doi:10.1002/(SICI)1097-0185(199702)247:2<289::AID-AR15>3.0.CO;2-L" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738182 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738182 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738182 . ILX:0738183 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Posteromedial left atrial ganglionated plexus" ; definition: "A collection of ganglia on the posterior medial surface of the left atrium extending anteriorly into the interatrial septum." ; ilx.hasDefinitionSource: SCR:018709 ; ILX:0381449 "DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-57571-1, doi:10.1002/(SICI)1097-0185(199702)247:2<289::AID-AR15>3.0.CO;2-L" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738183 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738183 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738183 . ILX:0738184 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Posterolateral left atrial ganglionated plexus" ; definition: "A collection of ganglia interconnected by axon bundles on the posterior lateral surface of the left arterial base on the atrial side of the atrioventricular groove." ; ilx.hasDefinitionSource: SCR:018709 ; ILX:0381449 "DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-57571-1, doi:10.1002/(SICI)1097-0185(199702)247:2<289::AID-AR15>3.0.CO;2-L" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738184 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738184 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738184 . ILX:0738185 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Aortic root ganglionated plexus" ; definition: "A collection of ganglia interconnected by axon bundles surrounded by the aortic root fat and is intimately related to the nerves coursing along the coronary arteries, with its left component projected toward the origin of the circumflex coronary artery." ; ilx.hasDefinitionSource: SCR:018709 ; ILX:0381449 """DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-57571-1,doi:10.1002/(SICI)1097-0185(199702)247:2<289::AID-AR15>3.0.CO;2-L""" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738185 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738185 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738185 . ILX:0738186 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Ventricular ganglionated plexus" ; definition: "A collection of ganglia interconnected by axon bundles found in both ventricular bases particularly on the superior aspects of the ventricles, the interventricular grooves and the origins of the marginal arteries." ; ilx.hasDefinitionSource: SCR:018709 ; ilx.partOf: ILX:0793679 ; ILX:0381449 "DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-57571-1, doi:10.1002/(SICI)1097-0185(199702)247:2<289::AID-AR15>3.0.CO;2-L" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738186 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738186 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738186 . ILX:0738187 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Anterior descending ventricular ganglionated plexus" ; definition: "A collection of ganglia interconnected by axon bundles at the origin of the anterior descending coronary artery." ; ilx.hasDefinitionSource: SCR:018709 ; ILX:0381449 "DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-57571-1, doi:10.1002/(SICI)1097-0185(199702)247:2<289::AID-AR15>3.0.CO;2-L" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738187 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738187 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738187 . ILX:0738188 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Posterior descending ventricular ganglionated plexus" ; definition: "A collection of ganglia interconnected by axon bundles that follows the trajectory of the posterior descending coronary artery." ; ilx.hasDefinitionSource: SCR:018709 ; ILX:0381449 "DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-57571-1, doi:10.1002/(SICI)1097-0185(199702)247:2<289::AID-AR15>3.0.CO;2-L" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738188 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738188 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738188 . ILX:0738189 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Right acute marginal ventricular ganglionated plexus" ; definition: "A collection of ganglia interconnected by axon bundles adjacent to the right acute marginal coronary artery." ; ilx.hasDefinitionSource: SCR:018709 ; ILX:0381449 "DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-57571-1, doi:10.1002/(SICI)1097-0185(199702)247:2<289::AID-AR15>3.0.CO;2-L" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738189 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738189 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738189 . ILX:0738190 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Obtuse marginal ventricular ganglionated plexus" ; definition: "A collection of ganglia interconnected by axon bundles adjacent to the left marginal coronary artery." ; ilx.hasDefinitionSource: SCR:018709 ; ILX:0381449 "DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-57571-1, doi:10.1002/(SICI)1097-0185(199702)247:2<289::AID-AR15>3.0.CO;2-L" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738190 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738190 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738190 . ILX:0738286 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "root of aorta" ; fma:synonym "Aortic bulb", "Bulb of ascending aorta", "Root of aorta", "Supraaortic valve area" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:3740, ILX:0738286 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:3740 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738286 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:3740 . ILX:0738290 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "inferior cervical ganglion - middle cervical ganglion interganglionic segment of the sympathetic chain" ; definition: "Nerve fibers connecting the middle cervical ganglia and the inferior cervical ganglia in the sympathetic trunk." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:6258 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ILX:0383242 FMA:6942 ; ILX:0793078 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:deprecatedLabel "Interganglionic branch of inferior cervical ganglion to middle cervical ganglion" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6942, ILX:0738290, ILX:0788387, ILX:0793234 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6942 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738290, ILX:0793234 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:6942 . ILX:0738291 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "T1 - inferior cervical ganglion interganglionic segment of the sympathetic chain" ; definition: "Nerve fibers connecting the inferior cervical ganglia and the first thoracic sympathetic ganglia in the sympathetic trunk.", "Nerve fibers connecting the inferior cervical ganglia and the first thoracic sympathetic ganglia in the sympathetic trunk. Frequently, these two segments are fused to form the stellate ganglion, and in these cases there is no interganglionic segment." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:6258 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: "SAWG", , SCR:018709 ; ILX:0383242 FMA:6944 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ILX:0793078 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:deprecatedLabel "Interganglionic branch of inferior cervical ganglion to first thoracic ganglion" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6944, ILX:0738291, ILX:0793233 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6944 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738291, ILX:0793233 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:6944 . ILX:0738292 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "middle cervical ganglion - superior cervical ganglion interganglionic segment of the sympathetic chain" ; definition: "Nerve fibers connecting the sixth and seventh thoracic sympathetic ganglia in the sympathetic trunk.", "Nerve fibers connecting the superior cervical ganglia and the next closest ganglia, the middle cervical ganglia, inferiorly in the sympathetic trunk." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:6258 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ILX:0383242 ILX:0738292, ILX:0777095 ; ILX:0793078 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:deprecatedLabel "T6 - T7 interganglionic segment of the sympathetic chain" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738292, ILX:0784989, ILX:0793235 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738292, ILX:0793235 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738292 . ILX:0738293 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Ganglioglomerular nerve" ; definition: "The ganglioglomerular (GGN) sympathetic autonomic nerves that runs from the superior cervical ganglion to the carotid body. It is a branch of the external carotid nerve. https://doi.org/10.3389/fphys.2021.619688" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738293 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738293 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738293 . ILX:0738304 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Wall of arch of aorta" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:3768 ; ILX:0738303 "36381" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738304 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738304 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738304 . ILX:0738308 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "External branch of inferior laryngeal nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:6246 ; ILX:0738303 "36381" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738308 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738308 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738308 . ILX:0738309 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Internal branch of inferior laryngeal nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:6246 ; ILX:0738303 "36381" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738309 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738309 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738309 . ILX:0738312 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Aortic arch depressor nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ILX:0738303 "36381" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738312 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738312 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738312 . ILX:0738313 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Rami glomi carotici" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ILX:0738303 "36381" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738313 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738313 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738313 . ILX:0738316 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Aortic arch baroreceptors" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:3768 ; ILX:0738303 "36381" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738316 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738316 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738316 . ILX:0738317 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Laryngeal mechanoreceptors" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:55097 ; ILX:0738303 "36381" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738317 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738317 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738317 . ILX:0738318 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Epiglottic mechanoreceptors" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:55130 ; ILX:0738303 "36381" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738318 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738318 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738318 . ILX:0738319 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "T1-T2 intercostal muscle" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ILX:0738303 "36381" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738319 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738319 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738319 . ILX:0738324 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Phrenic nucleus of C4" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:77458 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:71182 ; ILX:0738303 "36381" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738324 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738324 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738324 . ILX:0738325 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Phrenic nucleus of C5" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:77458 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:71183 ; ILX:0738303 "36381" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738325 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738325 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738325 . ILX:0738329 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Bötzinger complex" ; definition: "A group of expiratory neurons located the most rostral end of the ventral respiratory group and contains neurons that inhibit most inspiratory neurons during expiration." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738329 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738329 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738329 . ILX:0738330 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "caudal ventral respiratory group" ; definition: "Groups of contralaterally projecting respiratory ‘upper motor neurons’ located in nucleus retroambiguus (expiration) and para-ambiguus (inspiration)" ; ilx.hasDefinitionSource: SCR:018709 ; ILX:0381449 "doi:10.1016/B978-0-7020-6294-0.00004-6" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738330 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738330 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738330 . ILX:0738331 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "parafacial respiratory group" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738331 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738331 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738331 . ILX:0738332 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "rostral ventral respiratory group" ; definition: "Groups of respiratory ‘upper motor neurons’ in the region of the nucleus ambiguus that regulate airway dilation involving the larynx, pharynx and tongue." ; ilx.hasDefinitionSource: SCR:018709 ; ILX:0381449 "doi:10.1016/B978-0-7020-6294-0.00004-6" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738332 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738332 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738332 . ILX:0738333 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Lamina IX of C2" ; definition: "Rexed lamina IX of the C2 segment of cervical spinal cord." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738333 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738333 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738333 . ILX:0738334 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Lamina IX of C3" ; definition: "Rexed lamina IX of the C3 segment of cervical spinal cord." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738334 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738334 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738334 . ILX:0738335 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nucleus intercalatus spinalis" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738335 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738335 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738335 . ILX:0738336 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nucleus intercalatus spinalis pars paraependymalis" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738336 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738336 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738336 . ILX:0738337 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Phrenic motor neuron" ; definition: "Somatic motor neurons in the upper cervical spinal cord that innervate the diaphragm via the phrenic nerve." ; ilx.hasDefinitionSource: SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738337 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738337 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738337 . ILX:0738338 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "lumbar motor neuron" ; definition: "motor neurons located in the lumbar spinal cord." ; ilx.hasDefinitionSource: SCR:018709 ; ILX:0381449 "DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-57571-1, doi:10.1002/(SICI)1097-0185(199702)247:2<289::AID-AR15>3.0.CO;2-L" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738338 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738338 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738338 . ILX:0738339 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Rexed Lamina VII of T2" ; definition: "Rexed lamina VII of the T2 segment of thoracic spinal cord." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738339 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738339 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738339 . ILX:0738340 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Rexed Lamina VII of T3" ; definition: "Rexed lamina VII of the T3 segment of thoracic spinal cord." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738340 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738340 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738340 . ILX:0738341 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "lacrimatory nucleus" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738341 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738341 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738341 . ILX:0738342 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "T1 paravertebral ganglion" ; definition: "A group of neuron cell bodies that lie bilaterally along the dorsal body wall ventrolateral to the first thoracic vertebral column." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738342 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738342 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738342 . ILX:0738343 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "T10 paravertebral ganglion" ; definition: "A group of neuron cell bodies that lie bilaterally along the dorsal body wall ventrolateral to the tenth thoracic vertebral column." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738343 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738343 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738343 . ILX:0738344 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "T11 paravertebral ganglion" ; definition: "A group of neuron cell bodies that lie bilaterally along the dorsal body wall ventrolateral to the eleventh thoracic vertebral column." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738344 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738344 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738344 . ILX:0738345 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "T12 paravertebral ganglion" ; definition: "A group of neuron cell bodies that lie bilaterally along the dorsal body wall ventrolateral to the first twelfth vertebral column." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738345 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738345 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738345 . ILX:0738346 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "T2 paravertebral ganglion" ; definition: "A group of neuron cell bodies that lie bilaterally along the dorsal body wall ventrolateral to the second thoracic vertebral column." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738346 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738346 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738346 . ILX:0738347 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "T3 paravertebral ganglion" ; definition: "A group of neuron cell bodies that lie bilaterally along the dorsal body wall ventrolateral to the third thoracic vertebral column." ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738347 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738347 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738347 . ILX:0738348 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "T4 paravertebral ganglion" ; definition: "A group of neuron cell bodies that lie bilaterally along the dorsal body wall ventrolateral to the fourth thoracic vertebral column." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738348 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738348 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738348 . ILX:0738349 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "T5 paravertebral ganglion" ; definition: "A group of neuron cell bodies that lie bilaterally along the dorsal body wall ventrolateral to the fifth thoracic vertebral column." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738349 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738349 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738349 . ILX:0738350 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "T6 paravertebral ganglion" ; definition: "A group of neuron cell bodies that lie bilaterally along the dorsal body wall ventrolateral to the sixth thoracic vertebral column." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738350 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738350 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738350 . ILX:0738351 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "T7 paravertebral ganglion" ; definition: "A group of neuron cell bodies that lie bilaterally along the dorsal body wall ventrolateral to the seventh thoracic vertebral column." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738351 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738351 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738351 . ILX:0738352 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "T8 paravertebral ganglion" ; definition: "A group of neuron cell bodies that lie bilaterally along the dorsal body wall ventrolateral to the eighth thoracic vertebral column." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738352 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738352 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738352 . ILX:0738353 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "T9 paravertebral ganglion" ; definition: "A group of neuron cell bodies that lie bilaterally along the dorsal body wall ventrolateral to the ninth thoracic vertebral column." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738353 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738353 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738353 . ILX:0738354 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior cusp of pulmonary valve" ; definition: "The triangular segments of the pulmonary valve that is attached to the anterior of the cardiac septum." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738354, obo:NCIT_C127673 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId obo:NCIT_C127673 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738354 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738354 . ILX:0738355 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "baroreceptors (Aortic arch)" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738355 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738355 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738355 . ILX:0738356 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "chemoreceptors" ; definition: "Sensory receptors that detect chemical stimulus within the body." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738356 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738356 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738356 . ILX:0738357 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "coronary sinus inlet" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738357 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738357 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738357 . ILX:0738358 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "inferior vena cava inlet" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738358 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738358 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738358 . ILX:0738359 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left anterior papillary muscle" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738359 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738359 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738359 . ILX:0738360 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left cusp of pulmonary valve" ; definition: "The triangular segments of the pulmonary valve that is attached to the left side of the cardiac septum." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738360 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738360 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738360 . ILX:0738361 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left fibrous ring" ; NIFRID:synonym "Left fibrous ring of heart" ; definition: "A band of elastic tissue that surrounds the bicuspid valve of the heart." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738361 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738361 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738361 . ILX:0738362 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left posterior papillary muscle" ; definition: "Nipple-shaped muscles, originating from the diaphragmatic wall of the left ventricle, and attaching to the posteromedial and anterior mitral valve leaflets via the and the chordae tendonae." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738362 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738362 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738362 . ILX:0738363 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right anterior papillary muscle" ; definition: "Nipple-shaped muscles, originating from the anterior wall, and attaching to the anterior and posterior tricuspid valve leaflets via the chordae tendinae." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738363 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738363 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738363 . ILX:0738364 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right fibrous ring" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738364 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738364 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738364 . ILX:0738365 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right posterior papillary muscle" ; definition: "Nipple-shaped muscles, originating from the inferior wall, and attaching to the posterior and septal tricuspid valve leaflets via the chordae tendinae." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738365 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738365 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738365 . ILX:0738366 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "root of pulmonary trunk" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738366 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738366 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738366 . ILX:0738367 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "superior vena cava inlet" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738367 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738367 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738367 . ILX:0738368 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "terminal crest" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738368 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738368 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738368 . ILX:0738369 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "inferior/lateral aspect of posterior left atrial ganglionated plexus" ; ILX:0383241 "True" ; ILX:0383242 ILX:0738184 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738369 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738369 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738369 . ILX:0738370 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventricular ganglionated plexuses (around coronary arteries)" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738370 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738370 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738370 . ILX:0738372 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "white communicating ramus of first thoracic spinal nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "T1 white ramus" ; definition: "Preganglionic sympathetic nerve fibers that connect the spinal nerve of the first thoracic spinal segment to the sympathetic trunk." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:14056 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738372, ILX:0785398 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738372 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738372 . ILX:0738374 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "External branch of superior laryngeal nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738374 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738374 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738374 . ILX:0738391 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Inferior cardiac nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "cardiac nerve" ; definition: "Cardiac branch of cervicothoracic ganglion to deep cardiac plexus (FMA)" ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738391 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738391 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738391 . ILX:0738396 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "intrinisic cardiac ganglionated plexus" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738396 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738396 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738396 . ILX:0738397 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "First thoracic nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "T1 Nerve ", "Thoracic spinal nerve 1" ; definition: "The thoracic spinal nerve 1 (T1) is a spinal nerve of the thoracic segment.[1]. It originates from the spinal column from below the thoracic vertebra 1 (T1). (from Wikipedia)" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:5860 ; fma:synonym "First thoracic spinal nerve" ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6037, ILX:0738397 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6037 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738397 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:6037 . ILX:0738401 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "epithelium of pelvic urethra of male" ; definition: "The epithelium of pelvic urethra of male (TS23-TS28) is the innermost layer of the pelvic urethra, a stratified epithelium lining the lumen. It is subdivided into dorsal and ventral. It is also subdivided into three epithelial cell layers; superficial, intermediate and basal cell layer of dorsal/ventral pelvic urethra. At TS23, the epithelium of dorsal pelvic urethra of male is also comprised of urogenital sinus ridge of male and rest of dorsal epithelium of pelvic urethra of male. The urogenital sinus ridge becomes the verumontanum in males from TS24. Cytokeratin 14 and Cadherin 1 are markers of all layers of the epithelium." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:305751 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId EMAPA:28697, ILX:0738401 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId EMAPA:28697 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738401 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId EMAPA:28697 . ILX:0738402 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "pelvic urethra of female" ; NIFRID:synonym "cranial urethra", "female urethra", "internal urethra" ; definition: "The pelvic urethra of female (PLUR) (syn: cranial urethra, internal urethra) (TS23-TS28) is part of urethra of female. Cranially joined to the bladder and caudally joined to the phallic urethra of female (TS23-TS27) which becomes the clitoral urethra (TS28). Comprised of epithelium (subdivided into 3 layers), mesenchymal layer (subdivided into lamina propria, muscularis mucosa, submucosa (TS25-28) and also contains mesenchymal pad of female (TS25-TS27)), muscle layer and adventitia. Also contains vasculature and nerve of pelvic urethra of female, and neural crest derivative of pelvic urethra of female (TS25-TS27). Also contains ventral epithelial bud of female and female urethral gland bud (TS24-TS26), which become urethral gland of female pelvic urethra (TS27), which develop from the epithelium of pelvic urethra of female. The pelvic urethra of female (TS28) also contains a rhabdosphincter as part of the muscle layer of pelvic uretha of female. In the TS28 male, the rhabdophincter is part of the prostatic urethra." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:305751 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId EMAPA:28753, ILX:0738402 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId EMAPA:28753 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738402 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId EMAPA:28753 . ILX:0738403 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ureter junction of bladder trigone" ; definition: "The anatomical junction between the ureter and the bladder trigone. This junction is located at the superior/rostral right and left angles of the base of the bladder trigone on the posterior aspect of the organ where the ureters merge with the bladder wall." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:305751 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: ; ilx.hasDefinitionSource: SCR:018709 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ILX:0739272 FMA:9704, FMA:15910 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId EMAPA:36080, ILX:0738403 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId EMAPA:36080 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738403 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId EMAPA:36080 . ILX:0738404 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "urothelium of bladder" ; NIFRID:synonym "epithelium of bladder" ; definition: "The urothelium of bladder (ubl) (syn: epithelium of bladder) (TS22-TS28) is the innermost layer of the bladder lining the bladder lumen, comprised of a stratified epithelium of three epithelial cell layers containing different epithelial cell types. Contains blood vessels and nerve of urothelium of bladder (TS22-28). Comprised of three cellular layers; superficial, intermediate and basal cell layers. Distinct epithelial cell types reside within the layers of urothelium and are stage dependant. It is possible to annotate urothelium cell layer without knowing the cell type. In the adult bladder, Krt5-expressing basal cells of bladder urothelium make up 90% of the mature urothelium, while intermediate and superficial cells of bladder urothelium each make up about 5%." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:305751 ; ILX:0383241 "Already exists here http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/UBERON_0004645" ; ILX:0383242 FMA:15936 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738404 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738404 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738404 . ILX:0738405 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventral bladder neck" ; definition: "The ventral bladder neck (TS22-TS28) is the ventral region of the narrow open end of the bladder, located between the ureter orifices and the opening of the pelvic urethra (the dorsal region of the bladder neck is the bladder trigone). Comprised of urothelium, lamina propria, detrusor muscle and adventitia of ventral bladder neck." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:305751 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId EMAPA:36079, ILX:0738405 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId EMAPA:36079 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738405 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId EMAPA:36079 . ILX:0738406 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "outer layer of bladder" ; definition: "The outer layer of bladder (olbl) (TS22-TS28) is the outermost layer of the bladder, subdivided into serosa of bladder (TS22-TS28) and adventitia of bladder (TS22-TS28). Most of the bladder is covered by serosa, a serous-fluid-secreting outer epithelial surface of the bladder in contact with the coelomic cavity. The fundus (or dome) is surrounded by serosa, the rest of the bladder, in contact with the adjacent connective tissue, is covered by adventitia. The adventitia refers to the outer part of the bladder that is not exposed to the peritoneal cavity but is a connective tissue layer that binds it to the adventitia of adjacent organs. The proportion of the bladder covered by serosa and adventitia is stage dependant, with adventita covering more of the bladder early in development, and the majority covered by serosa later in development. Contains nerve of bladder serosa/adventitia (TS22-TS28)." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:305751 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId EMAPA:36077, ILX:0738406 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId EMAPA:36077 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738406 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId EMAPA:36077 . ILX:0738407 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "urethral seam" ; NIFRID:synonym "urethral raphe" ; definition: "A solid epithelial cord present deep to the skin along the ventral midline of the penis. Represents a remnant of a developmental process that closes the urethra." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:305751 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: ; ilx.hasDefinitionSource: SCR:018709 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId EMAPA:36421, ILX:0738407 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId EMAPA:36421 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738407 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId EMAPA:36421 ; oboInOwl:hasBroadSynonym "ventral seam" . ILX:0738408 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "rhabdosphincter of male" ; NIFRID:synonym "striated muscle layer of prostatic urethra" ; definition: "The rhabdosphincter of male (syn: striated muscle layer of prostatic urethra) (TS28-28) is the striated muscle layer towards the outside of the prostatic urethra. Part of the prostatic urethra, part of the urethra of male. Marked by proteins expressed by skeletal muscle cells, such as skeletal muscle alpha actin (Acta1)." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:305751 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId EMAPA:32269, ILX:0738408 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId EMAPA:32269 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738408 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId EMAPA:32269 . ILX:0738409 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "penile urethra" ; NIFRID:synonym "external urethra of male" ; definition: "The penile urethra (PNUR) (syn: external urethra of male) (TS25-TS28) is comprised of epithelium of penile urethra. Epithelium of penile urethra (TS25-TS28) derived from epithelium of phallic urethra of male/female (TS21-TS24). The urethral plate epithelium of male (syn: distal urethral epithelium of male; urethral plate) completely canalises by TS25 and the plate is no longer present in males from TS25. By TS25, the penile urethra opens at the urethral meatus of penile urethra (syn: urethral opening of male) and the proximal urethral meatus has closed. The penile urethra is anatomically located, centrally within the penis and is surrounded by the tissue of the penis, therefore only the epithelial components are necessary parts of penile urethra." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:305751 ; ILX:0383242 FMA:19675 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId EMAPA:30944, ILX:0738409 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId EMAPA:30944 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738409 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId EMAPA:30944 . ILX:0738410 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "urethra junction of ventral bladder neck" ; definition: "The anatomical junction between the urethra and ventral bladder neck. This junction is in the region at the inferior aspect of the bladder where the urethra begins." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:305751 ; ilx.hasDefinitionSource: SCR:018709 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ILX:0739272 EMAPA:36079, FMA:19667 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId EMAPA:36084, ILX:0738410 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId EMAPA:36084 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738410 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId EMAPA:36084 . ILX:0738411 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "urethra junction with bladder trigone" ; definition: "The anatomical junction between the urethra and the bladder trigone. This junction is located at the apex of the bladder trigone where the urethra forms." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:305751 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: ; ilx.hasDefinitionSource: SCR:018709 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ILX:0739272 FMA:15910, FMA:19667 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId EMAPA:36081, ILX:0738411 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId EMAPA:36081 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738411 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId EMAPA:36081 . ILX:0738412 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "adventitia of prostatic urethra" ; definition: "The adventitia of prostatic urethra (TS28) is the outer connective tissue layer of the prostatic urethra. The prostatic urethra is not surrounded by an outer serous membrane or serosa." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:305751 ; ILX:0383242 FMA:74267 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId EMAPA:36140, ILX:0738412 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId EMAPA:36140 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738412 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId EMAPA:36140 . ILX:0738413 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "clitoral urethra" ; NIFRID:synonym "external urethra of female" ; definition: "The clitoral urethra (CLUR) (syn: external urethra of female) (TS25-TS28) is comprised of epithelium of clitoral urethra. Epithelium of clitoral urethra (TS25-28) derived from epithelium of phallic urethra of male/female (TS21-24). At TS25, the epithelium is subdivided into along its distal-proximal length into urethral plate epithelium (distal) and urethral tube epithelium (proximal). The urethral plate epithelium of female (syn: distal urethral epithelium of female; urethral plate of female) is no longer present from TS26. The clitoral urethra is open proximally at the proximal urethral meatus (present to P7) (syn: proximal urethral opening of female or urethral duct) located at the base of the clitoris. The proximal urethral meatus closes after birth (closed by P8). In adults and from birth, the urethra of female is open externally at the urethral meatus of clitoral urethra (syn: distal urethral opening of female) which is anatomically located within the clitoris. (This is different to humans, where the urethral opening is located between the clitoris and vagina). The clitoral urethra is anatomically located ventrally within the clitoris and is surrounded by the tissue of the clitoris, therefore only the epithelial components are necessary parts of clitoral urethra." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:305751 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId EMAPA:30917, ILX:0738413 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId EMAPA:30917 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738413 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId EMAPA:30917 . ILX:0738414 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "epithelium of penile urethra" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:305751 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId EMAPA:30946, ILX:0738414 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId EMAPA:30946 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738414 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId EMAPA:30946 . ILX:0738415 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "pelvic urethra of male" ; definition: "The pelvic urethra of male (PLUR) (TS23-TS28) is part of urethra of male. Cranially joined to the bladder and caudally joined to the phallic urethra of male (TS23-TS27) which becomes the penile urethra (TS28). Comprised of epithelium (subdivided into 3 layers), mesenchymal layer (subdivided into lamina propria, muscularis mucosa, submucosa (TS25-TS28) and also contains mesenchymal pad of male (TS25-TS27)), muscle layer and adventitia. Also contains vasculature and nerve of pelvic urethra of male, and neural crest derivative of pelvic urethra of male (TS25-TS27). Also contains ventral epithelial bud of male and male urethral gland bud (TS24-TS26), which become urethral gland of male pelvic urethra (TS27), which develop from the epithelium of pelvic urethra of male. The pelvic urethra of female (TS28) also contains a rhabdosphincter as part of the muscle layer of pelvic uretha of female. In the TS28 male, the rhabdophincter is part of the prostatic urethra." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:305751 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId EMAPA:18995, ILX:0738415 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId EMAPA:18995 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738415 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId EMAPA:18995 . ILX:0738416 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "rhabdosphincter of female" ; NIFRID:synonym "striated muscle layer of pelvic urethra of female" ; definition: "The rhabdosphincter of female (syn: striated muscle layer of pelvic urethra of female) (TS28) is the striated muscle layer towards the outside of the pelvic urethra of female. Part of the pelvic urethra, part of the urethra of female. Marked by proteins expressed by skeletal muscle cells, such as skeletal muscle alpha actin (Acta1)." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:305751 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId EMAPA:36117, ILX:0738416 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId EMAPA:36117 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738416 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId EMAPA:36117 . ILX:0738417 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "epithelium of pelvic urethra of female" ; definition: "The epithelium of pelvic urethra of female (TS23-TS28) is the innermost layer of the pelvic urethra, a stratified epithelium lining the lumen. It is subdivided into dorsal and ventral. It is also subdivided into three epithelial cell layers; superficial, intermediate and basal cell layer of dorsal/ventral pelvic urethra. At TS23, the epithelium of dorsal pelvic urethra of female is also comprised of urogenital sinus ridge of female and rest of dorsal epithelium of pelvic urethra of female. The urogenital sinus ridge becomes the sinovaginal bulb in females from TS24. Cytokeratin 14 and Cadherin 1 are markers of all layers of the epithelium." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:305751 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId EMAPA:28759, ILX:0738417 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId EMAPA:28759 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738417 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId EMAPA:28759 . ILX:0738418 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "epithelium of clitoral urethra" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:305751 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId EMAPA:30930, ILX:0738418 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId EMAPA:30930 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738418 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId EMAPA:30930 . ILX:0738419 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Schwann cell nucleus" ; definition: "Nucleus of a Schwann Cell" ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:62980, ILX:0738419 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:62980 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738419 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:62980 . ILX:0738420 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Myelinated axon of the peripheral nervous system" ; definition: "A myelinated nerve fiber in the peripheral nervous system" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:5915 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738420 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738420 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738420 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9903 . ILX:0738421 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Axon component of PNS myelinated axon" ; definition: "The surface of a PNS axon encompassed by a myelin layer" ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738421 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738421 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738421 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9903 . ILX:0738422 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Outer surface of blood vessel" ; definition: "The outer, ablumenal surface of a blood vessel wall" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:67473 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738422 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738422 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738422 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9903 . ILX:0738423 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Inner surface of blood vessel" ; definition: "Lumenal surface of blood vessel wall" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:67473 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738423 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738423 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738423 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9903 . ILX:0738425 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Unmyelinated axon of the peripheral nervous system" ; definition: "An unmyelinated nerve fiber in the peripheral nervous system" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:5916 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738425 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738425 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738425 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9903 . ILX:0738426 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Fascicle" ; definition: "A small bundle of nerve fibers nerve fibers surrounded by an epineurium at the peripheral surface" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738426 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738426 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738426 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9903, ILX:0794714 . ILX:0738427 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Non-biological empty space" ; definition: "Artificial space created during tissue handling, such as fixation and dehydration, that may shrink various tissue types differently." ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738427 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738427 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738427 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9903 . ILX:0738428 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Sub-fascicle" ; definition: "A structure within a fascicle of a nerve that is surrounded by a perineurium." ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738428 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738428 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738428 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9903 . ILX:0738429 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Cervical part of the trunk of left vagus nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "Cervical part of trunk of left vagus nerve", "Left cervical vagus", "Left cervical vagus nerve" ; definition: "The portion of the vagus nerve that passes inferiorly within the carotid sheath" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: "SAWG" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0383242 FMA:18176 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:deprecatedLabel "Left cervical vagus nerve" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:18176, ILX:0738429, ILX:0739771 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:18176 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738429, ILX:0739771 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:18176 . ILX:0738431 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "thirteenth thoracic spinal cord segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "T13 vertebra" ; definition: "The segment of the spinal cord that gives rise to the dorsal and ventral roots that coalesce to form the thirteenth thoracic spinal nerve." ; ilx.hasDefinitionSource: SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId EMAPA:19554, ILX:0738431 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId EMAPA:19554 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738431 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId EMAPA:19554 . ILX:0738432 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Sixth lumbar spinal cord segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "L6" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738432 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738432 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738432 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7647 . ILX:0738433 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Dome of the Bladder" ; definition: "The upper, convex surface of the bladder (NCI Thesaurus: http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/NCIT_C12332)" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ILX:0793665 "The definition of dome of the bladder differs across rodents and humans. In humans, the dome refers to a specific region as indicated by this definition, while in rodents, as per Janet Keast, it is meant to represent the part of the bladder that is not the neck (dome, fundus and trigone)." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738433, obo:NCIT_C12332 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId obo:NCIT_C12332 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738433 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738433 . ILX:0738434 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Thirteenth thoracic dorsal root ganglion" ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738434 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738434 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738434 . ILX:0738436 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior subdiaphragmatic vagus nerve" ; definition: "A nerve formed by the convergence of nerve bundles of the esophageal plexus that arise primarily from the left vagus nerve." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:5731 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: ; ilx.hasDefinitionSource: SCR:018709 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738436 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738436 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738436 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9903 . ILX:0738443 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Fascicle of vagus nerve" ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738443 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738443 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738443 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9903 . ILX:0738444 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "interscapular brown adipose tissue" ; NIFRID:synonym "iBAT" ; definition: "A collection of brown adipose tissue between the medial borders of the scapulae." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:20118 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: ; ilx.hasDefinitionSource: SCR:018709 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0738444, MA:0003062 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId MA:0003062 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738444 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0738444 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9903 . ILX:0739221 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "sixth lumbar dorsal root ganglion" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId EMAPA:25169, ILX:0739221 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId EMAPA:25169 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0739221 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId EMAPA:25169 . ILX:0739222 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "middle pulmonary vein" ; definition: "The vein that drains at least one lung and returns blood to the heart. The connection of the middle pulmonary vein to the left atrium sits between the connections of the left and right pulmonary veins when viewing the dorsal side of the heart. This vein has been documented to exist in mouse, rat, and rabbit. It may occur more broadly in those taxa." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:66643 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0739222 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0739222 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0739222 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7088 . ILX:0739232 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "perineurium of vagus nerve" ; definition: "A layer of thin, concentrically arranged cells with interspersed collagen that lies within the epineurium of the vagus nerve." ; ILX:0739238 FMA:5731, FMA:52585 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0739232 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0739232 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0739232 . ILX:0739234 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "perineurium of vagus nerve (inner edge)" ; ILX:0739238 ILX:0739232 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0739234 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0739234 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0739234 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9903 . ILX:0739235 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "perineurium of vagus nerve (outer edge)" ; ILX:0739238 ILX:0739232 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0739235 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0739235 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0739235 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9903 . ILX:0739241 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ansa subclavia" ; NIFRID:synonym "Subclavian loop" ; definition: "A nerve cord that connects the middle cervical and inferior cervical sympathetic ganglia, forming a loop around the subclavian artery." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:6468 ; fma:synonym "Nerve of Vieussens" ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6582, ILX:0739241 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6582 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0739241 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:6582 . ILX:0739242 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Ventral ansa subclavia" ; NIFRID:synonym "Ventral Ansa " ; definition: "Ventral part of the ansa subclavia, a branch of the middle cervical ganglion" ; ILX:0739238 FMA:6582 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0739242 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0739242 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0739242 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9903 . ILX:0739243 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Second thoracic nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "T2 Nerve", "Thoracic spinal nerve 2" ; definition: "The thoracic spinal nerve 2 (T2) is a spinal nerve of the thoracic segment.[1]. It originates from the spinal column from below the thoracic vertebra 2 (T2). (from Wikipedia)" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:5860 ; fma:synonym "Second thoracic spinal nerve" ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6169, ILX:0739243 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6169 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0739243 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:6169 . ILX:0739244 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Dorsal ansa subclavia" ; NIFRID:synonym "Dorsal Ansa" ; definition: "Dorsal part of the ansa subclavia, a branch of the middle cervical ganglion." ; ILX:0739238 FMA:6582 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0739244 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0739244 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0739244 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9903 . ILX:0739245 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Eighth cervical nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "C8 Nerve", "Eighth cervical nerve" ; definition: "The cervical spinal nerve 8 (C8) is a spinal nerve of the cervical segment.[1] It originates from the spinal column from below the cervical vertebra 7 (C7) From Wikipedia" ; fma:synonym "C8 spinal nerve", "Eighth cervical spinal nerve" ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6449, ILX:0739245 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6449 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0739245 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:6449 . ILX:0739246 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Third thoracic nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "T3 nerve", "Thoracic spinal nerve 3" ; definition: "The thoracic spinal nerve 3 (T3) is a spinal nerve of the thoracic segment. It originates from the spinal column from below the thoracic vertebra 3 (T3). (from Wikipedia)." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:5860 ; fma:synonym "Third thoracic spinal nerve" ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6171, ILX:0739246 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6171 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0739246 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:6171 . ILX:0739247 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "dorsal part" ; definition: "An anatomical region that is made up of point that closer to the dorsal pole than to the ventral pole of an anatomical region. Alternatively, a region that is dorsal to a plane orthogonal to the dorsal ventral axis and runs through the origin of the dorsal ventral axis." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0739247 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0739247 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0739247 . ILX:0739248 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Dorsal part of serosa of urinary bladder" ; ILX:0739238 FMA:15932, PATO:0001233 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0739248 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0739248 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0739248 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:15900 . ILX:0739249 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Ventral part of serosa of urinary bladder" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ILX:0739238 FMA:15932, PATO:0001196 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0739249 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0739249 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0739249 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:15900 . ILX:0739250 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Dorsal part of lumen of body of urinary bladder" ; ILX:0739238 ILX:0739252, PATO:0001233 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0739250 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0739250 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0739250 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:15900 . ILX:0739251 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Ventral part of lumen of body of urinary bladder" ; ILX:0739238 ILX:0739252, PATO:0001196 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0739251 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0739251 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0739251 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:15900 . ILX:0739252 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "lumen of body of urinary bladder" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0739252 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0739252 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0739252 . ILX:0739253 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Dorsal part of neck of urinary bladder" ; ILX:0739238 FMA:15912, PATO:0001233 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0739253 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0739253 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0739253 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:15900 . ILX:0739254 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Ventral part of neck of urinary bladder" ; ILX:0739238 FMA:15912, PATO:0001196 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0739254 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0739254 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0739254 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:15900 . ILX:0739255 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Dorsal part of lumen of neck of urinary bladder" ; ILX:0739238 FMA:17873, PATO:0001233 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0739255 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0739255 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0739255 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:15900 . ILX:0739256 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "lumen of neck of urinary bladder" ; fma:synonym "Cavity of neck of urinary bladder" ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:17873, ILX:0739256 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:17873 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0739256 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:17873 . ILX:0739257 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Ventral part of lumen of neck of urinary bladder" ; ILX:0739238 FMA:17873, PATO:0001196 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0739257 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0739257 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0739257 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:15900 . ILX:0739258 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Dorsal part of urethra" ; ILX:0739238 FMA:19667, PATO:0001233 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0739258 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0739258 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0739258 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:45659 . ILX:0739259 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Ventral part of urethra" ; ILX:0739238 FMA:19667, PATO:0001196 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0739259 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0739259 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0739259 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:45659 . ILX:0739260 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Dorsal part of lumen of urethra" ; ILX:0739238 FMA:19709, PATO:0001233 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0739260 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0739260 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0739260 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:45659 . ILX:0739261 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Ventral part of lumen of urethra" ; ILX:0739238 FMA:19709, PATO:0001196 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0739261 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0739261 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0739261 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:45659 . ILX:0739262 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Medial collateral projection" ; definition: "The projection of primary afferent axons that originate from the most medial portion of Lissauer's tract and project along the medial border of the dorsal horn towards the dorsal commissural nucleus." ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0000073 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0739262 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0739262 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0739262 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9903 . ILX:0739263 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Lateral collateral projection" ; definition: "The projection of primary afferent axons that originate from the most lateral part of Lissauer's tract and project along the lateral border of the dorsal horn towards the intermediolateral nucleus as well as the most lateral portion of lamina V." ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0739263 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0739263 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0739263 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9903 . ILX:0739264 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Junction between thoracic sympathetic nerve trunk and cervicothoracic ganglion" ; definition: "Origin of the nerve as it intersects with the cervicothoracic ganglion (stellate ganglion). Should be a single point at the center of the axonal bundle. Represented by a single point ( x, y, and z location)." ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ILX:0739265 FMA:6469, UBERON:0004295 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0739264 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0739264 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0739264 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9903 . ILX:0739266 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Junction between ventral ansa subclavia and cervicothoracic ganglion" ; definition: "Origin of the nerve as it intersects with the cervicothoracic ganglion (stellate ganglia). Should be a single point at the center of the axonal bundle. Represented by a single point ( x, y, and z location)." ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ILX:0739265 FMA:6469, ILX:0739242 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0739266 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0739266 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0739266 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9903 . ILX:0739267 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Junction between inferior cardiac nerve and cervicothoracic ganglion" ; definition: "Origin of the nerve as it intersects with the cervicothoracic ganglion (stellate ganglia). Should be a single point at the center of the axonal bundle. Represented by a single point ( x, y, and z location)." ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ILX:0739265 FMA:6469, ILX:0738391 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0739267 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0739267 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0739267 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9903 . ILX:0739268 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Junction between dorsal ansa subclavia and cervicothoracic ganglion" ; definition: "Origin of the nerve as it intersects with the cervicothoracic ganglion (stellate ganglia). Should be a single point at the center of the axonal bundle. Represented by a single point ( x, y, and z location)." ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ILX:0739265 FMA:6469, ILX:0739244 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0739268 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0739268 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0739268 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9903 . ILX:0739269 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Junction between gray communicating ramus to eighth cervical spinal nerve and cervicothoracic ganglion" ; definition: "Origin of the nerve as it intersects with the stellate ganglia. Should be a single point at the center of the axonal bundle. Represented by a single point ( x, y, and z location)." ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ILX:0739265 FMA:6449, FMA:6469 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0739269 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0739269 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0739269 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9903 . ILX:0739271 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gray communicating ramus of first thoracic nerve" ; definition: "Communicating nerve branching off of the first thoracic nerve to the chain ganglia." ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0739271 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0739271 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0739271 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9903 . ILX:0739274 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "fascicle of sciatic nerve" ; definition: "A small bundle of nerve fibers in the sciatic nerve" ; ILX:0739238 FMA:19034, ILX:0738426 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0739274 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0739274 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0739274 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9903 . ILX:0739275 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "body of urinary bladder" ; definition: "Depending on the species, the urinary bladder is comprised of 3 main parts: the body, fundus and neck. The body of the urinary bladder serves to collect urine. In rodents, the body is synonymous with the bladder dome." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:15900 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0739275 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0739275 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0739275 . ILX:0739276 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "serosa of body of urinary bladder" ; ILX:0739238 ILX:0739275 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0739276 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0739276 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0739276 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:15900 . ILX:0739277 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "serosa of neck of urinary bladder" ; ILX:0739238 FMA:15912 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0739277 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0739277 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0739277 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:45659 . ILX:0739278 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "dorsal part of serosa of body of urinary bladder" ; ILX:0739238 ILX:0739276, PATO:0001233 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0739278 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0739278 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0739278 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:15900 . ILX:0739279 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventral part of serosa of body of urinary bladder" ; ILX:0739238 ILX:0739276, PATO:0001196 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0739279 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0739279 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0739279 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:15900 . ILX:0739280 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "dorsal part of serosa of neck of urinary bladder" ; ILX:0739238 ILX:0739277, PATO:0001233 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0739280 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0739280 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0739280 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:15900 . ILX:0739281 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventral part of serosa of neck of urinary bladder" ; ILX:0739238 ILX:0739277, PATO:0001196 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0739281 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0739281 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0739281 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:15900 . ILX:0739282 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "serosa of urethra" ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0739282 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0739282 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0739282 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:45659 . ILX:0739283 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "dorsal part of serosa of urethra" ; ILX:0739238 ILX:0739282, PATO:0001233 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0739283 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0739283 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0739283 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:45659 . ILX:0739284 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "taenia mesocolica" ; NIFRID:synonym "taenia mesocolica of the taenia coli", "tenia mesocolica" ; definition: "One of the three tenia coli found in human from the ascending colon to the sigmoid colon. This tenia coli is named by reference to its topographical situation in relation to the transverse colon. It is situated on the posterosuperior surface of the transverse colon at the line of attachment of the transverse mesocolon. This relationship is not maintained on the ascending and descending portions but continuity of the tenia coli allows it to be traced along the ascending and descending colon from the transverse colon. (Meyers MA, Volberg F, Katzen B, Abbott G. Haustral anatomy and pathology: a new look. II. Roentgen interpretation of pathological alterations." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:15041 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: "Human microscopic anatomy: An atlas for students of medicine and biology. Berlin: Springer-Verlag" ; ILX:0381449 "doi:10.1148/108.3.505" ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:15042, ILX:0739284 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:15042 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0739284 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:15042 . ILX:0739285 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "taenia libera" ; NIFRID:synonym "free taenia", "taenia libera of the taenia coli", "tenia libera" ; definition: "One of the three tenia coli found in human from the ascending colon to the sigmoid colon. This tenia coli is named by reference to its topographical situation in relation to the transverse colon. It is the remaining free tenia coli that is not related to any mesenteric or omental attachment and is found on the posteroinferior aspect of the transverse colon. This relationship is not maintained on the ascending and descending portions but the continuity of the teniac coli allows it to be traced along the ascending and descending colon from the transverse colon." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:15041 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: "Human microscopic anatomy: An atlas for students of medicine and biology. Berlin: Springer-Verlag" ; ILX:0381449 "doi:10.1148/108.3.505" ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:15044, ILX:0739285 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:15044 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0739285 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:15044 . ILX:0739286 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "taenia omentalis" ; NIFRID:synonym "taenia omentalis of the taenia coli", "tenia omentalis" ; definition: "One of the three tenia coli found in human from the ascending colon to the sigmoid colon. This tenia coli is named by reference to its topographical situation in relation to the transverse colon. It runs along the anterosuperior surface of the transverse colon and is in relation to the line of attachment of the greater omentum extending inferiorly, and of the gastrocolic ligament above. This relationship is not maintained on the ascending and descending portions but the continuity of the tenia coli allows it to be traced along the ascending and descending colon from the transverse colon. (Meyers MA, Volberg F, Katzen B, Abbott G. Haustral anatomy and pathology: a new look. II. Roentgen interpretation of pathological alterations." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:15041 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: "Human microscopic anatomy: An atlas for students of medicine and biology. Berlin: Springer-Verlag" ; ILX:0381449 "doi:10.1148/108.3.505" ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:15043, ILX:0739286 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:15043 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0739286 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:15043 . ILX:0739287 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Coccygeus part of left inferior gluteal artery" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:21118, ILX:0739287 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:21118 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0739287 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:21118 . ILX:0739295 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Thirteenth thoracic ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "T13 sympathetic ganglion", "thirteenth thoracic sympathetic ganglion" ; definition: "A group of sympathetic postganglionic neuronal cell bodies that are connected to the thirteenth thoracic nerve by the gray ramus communicans." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:6471 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0739295 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0739295 . ILX:0739296 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "fifth lumbar sympathetic ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "fifth lumbar ganglion", "L5 sympathetic ganglion" ; definition: "A group of sympathetic postganglionic neuronal cell bodies that are connected to the sixth lumbar nerve by the gray ramus communicans." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0739296 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0739296 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0739296 . ILX:0739297 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "sixth lumbar sympathetic ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "L6 sympathetic ganglion", "sixth lumbar ganglion" ; definition: "A group of sympathetic postganglionic neuronal cell bodies that are connected to the sixth lumbar nerve by the gray ramus communicans." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0739297 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0739297 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0739297 . ILX:0739298 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gray communicating ramus of twelfth thoracic nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "T12 gray ramus" ; definition: "Communicating nerve connecting the twelfth thoracic nerve to the chain ganglia." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0739298 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0739298 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0739298 . ILX:0739299 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gray communicating ramus of sixth lumbar nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "L6 gray ramus", "L6 grey ramus" ; definition: "The postganglionic nerve fibers from the sixth lumbar sympathetic chain ganglion passing to the sixth lumbar spinal nerve. Not present in human" ; rdfs:subClassOf ILX:0794914 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0739299 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0739299 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0739299 . ILX:0739301 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Junction between gray communicating ramus of first thoracic nerve and cervicothoracic ganglion" ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ILX:0739265 FMA:6469, ILX:0739271 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0739301 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0739301 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0739301 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9903 . ILX:0739302 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Junction between gray communicating ramus of second thoracic nerve and cervicothoracic ganglion" ; definition: "Origin of the nerve as it intersects with the cervicothoracic ganglion (stellate ganglia). Should be a single point at the center of the axonal bundle. Represented by a single point ( x, y, and z location)." ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ILX:0739265 FMA:6469, ILX:0739303 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0739302 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0739302 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0739302 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9903 . ILX:0739303 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gray communicating ramus of second thoracic nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "T2 gray ramus" ; definition: "Communicating nerve branching off of the second thoracic nerve to the chain ganglia" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0739303 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0739303 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0739303 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9903 . ILX:0739304 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gray communicating ramus of third thoracic nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "T3 gray ramus" ; definition: "Communicating nerve branching off of the third thoracic nerve to the chain ganglia" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0739304 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0739304 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0739304 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9903 . ILX:0739305 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Junction between gray communicating ramus of third thoracic nerve and cervicothoracic ganglion" ; definition: "Origin of the nerve as it intersects with the cervicothoracic ganglion (stellate ganglia). Should be a single point at the center of the axonal bundle. Represented by a single point ( x, y, and z location)." ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ILX:0739265 FMA:6469, ILX:0739304 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0739305 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0739305 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0739305 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9903 . ILX:0739306 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventral part of serosa of urethra" ; ILX:0739238 ILX:0739282, PATO:0001196 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0739306 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0739306 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0739306 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:45659 . ILX:0739763 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Hyperlipidemia" ; definition: "Elevated levels of lipids in the blood." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0739763, obo:NCIT_C34707 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId obo:NCIT_C34707 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0739763 . ILX:0739766 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right cervical vagus nerve" ; definition: "The right vagal trunk within the cervical region traveling within the carotid sheath." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:18175, ILX:0739766 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:18175 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0739766 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:18175 . ILX:0739767 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior subdiaphragmatic vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0739767 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0739767 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0739767 . ILX:0739768 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left lateral cervical vagus nerve" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0739768 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0739768 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0739768 . ILX:0739769 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left medial cervical vagus nerve" ; definition: "Parasympathetic and sympathetic fibers that pass inferiorly between the left common carotid and left subclavian arteries." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0739769 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0739769 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0739769 . ILX:0739771 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Cervical part of the trunk of left vagus nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "Cervical part of trunk of left vagus nerve", "Left cervical vagus", "Left cervical vagus nerve" ; definition: "The portion of the vagus nerve that passes inferiorly within the carotid sheath" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: "SAWG" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0383242 FMA:18176 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:deprecatedLabel "Left cervical vagus nerve" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:18176, ILX:0738429, ILX:0739771 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:18176 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738429, ILX:0739771 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:18176 . ILX:0739772 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Ventral gastric branch of the abdominal vagus nerve" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0739772 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0739772 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0739772 . ILX:0740051 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "coccygeal spinal cord" ; NIFRID:synonym "coccygeal spinal cord segment" ; definition: "The most caudal segment of the spinal cord, which gives rise to the coccygeal dorsal and ventral roots." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62420 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId , ILX:0740051 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0740051 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId . ILX:0740315 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Inferior root of ansa cervicalis (swannt)" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId , ILX:0740315 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0740315 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794570 . ILX:0740468 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Superior root of ansa cervicalis (swannt)" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId , ILX:0740468 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0740468 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794570 . ILX:0740513 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Glossopharyngeal nerve trunk (swannt)" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId , ILX:0740513 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0740513 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId . ILX:0740795 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Cardiac plexus (swannt)" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId , ILX:0740795 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0740795 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794710 . ILX:0741779 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left lung (TA98)" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId , ILX:0741779 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0741779 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0741779 . ILX:0742280 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "zygomatic bone (TA98)" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId , ILX:0742280 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0742280 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0742280 . ILX:0742493 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "aortic hiatus (TA98)" ; NIFRID:synonym "aortic hiatus" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:3724 ; ilx.hasDbXref: "FMA:58288" ; ILX:0794729 ILX:0773753, ILX:0793177, ILX:0793900 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId , ILX:0742493 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0742493 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0742493 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793904 . ILX:0742694 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "distal (TA98)" ; NIFRID:synonym "distal" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.hasDbXref: "FMA:30327" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId , ILX:0742694 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0742694 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0742694 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794706 . ILX:0742825 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "lateral (TA98)" ; NIFRID:synonym "lateral" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.hasDbXref: "FMA:30332" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId , ILX:0742825 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0742825 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0742825 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794706 . ILX:0743185 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "carotid bifuration" ; NIFRID:synonym "carotid bifurcation" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:9658 ; ilx.hasDbXref: "FMA:50096" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0793905, ILX:0793906 ; ilx.partOf: ILX:0793904 ; ILX:0794729 ILX:0773753, ILX:0793177, ILX:0793900 ; ILX:0794912 "carotid bifurcation (TA98)" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId , ILX:0743185 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0743185 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0743185 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793904 . ILX:0743311 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "inferior vena cava (TA98)" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId , ILX:0743311 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0743311 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0743311 . ILX:0743483 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "transverse cervical nerve (TA98)" ; NIFRID:synonym "n. transversus cervicalis", "transverse cervical nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794898, ILX:0794899 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId , ILX:0743483 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0743483 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0743483 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794570 . ILX:0743544 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "base of lung (TA98)" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId , ILX:0743544 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0743544 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0743544 . ILX:0743580 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "mental protuberance (TA98)" ; NIFRID:synonym "mental protuberance" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.hasDbXref: "FMA:59430" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: FMA:25898 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId , ILX:0743580 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0743580 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0743580 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794659 . ILX:0743583 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "superior vena cava (TA98)" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId , ILX:0743583 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0743583 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0743583 . ILX:0743703 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "human body (TA98)" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId , ILX:0743703 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0743703 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0743703 . ILX:0743851 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "cardiac notch of the lung" ; NIFRID:synonym "cardiac notch of left lung" ; rdfs:subClassOf ILX:0741779 ; ilx.hasDbXref: "FMA:13157" ; ILX:0794912 "cardiac notch of left lung (TA98)" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId , ILX:0743851 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0743851 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0743851 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794717 . ILX:0743930 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior (TA98)" ; NIFRID:synonym "posterior" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.hasDbXref: "FMA:74533" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId , ILX:0743930 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0743930 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0743930 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794706 . ILX:0744203 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "zygomaticotemporal foramen (TA98)" ; NIFRID:synonym "zygomaticotemporal foramen" ; rdfs:subClassOf ILX:0742280 ; ilx.hasDbXref: "FMA:53170" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794690, ILX:0794691 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId , ILX:0744203 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0744203 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0744203 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794659 . ILX:0744300 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "grey ramus communicans (TA98)" ; NIFRID:synonym "grey ramus communicans" ; rdfs:subClassOf ILX:0744554 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId , ILX:0744300 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0744300 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0744300 . ILX:0744554 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "rami communicantes (TA98)" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId , ILX:0744554 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0744554 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0744554 . ILX:0744806 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "lungs (TA98)" ; NIFRID:synonym "lungs" ; rdfs:subClassOf ILX:0747957 ; ilx.hasDbXref: "FMA:68877" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId , ILX:0744806 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0744806 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0744806 . ILX:0745281 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "inferior (TA98)" ; NIFRID:synonym "inferior" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.hasDbXref: "FMA:74537" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId , ILX:0745281 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0745281 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0745281 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794706 . ILX:0745534 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "mastoid process (TA98)" ; NIFRID:synonym "mastoid process" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.hasDbXref: "FMA:52872" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794662, ILX:0794663 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId , ILX:0745534 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0745534 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0745534 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794659 . ILX:0745651 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "periarterial plexus (TA98)" ; NIFRID:synonym "periarterial plexus" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:5901 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId , ILX:0745651 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0745651 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0745651 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . ILX:0745824 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "superior (TA98)" ; NIFRID:synonym "superior" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.hasDbXref: "FMA:30337" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId , ILX:0745824 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0745824 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0745824 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794706 . ILX:0746000 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "sternal angle (TA98)" ; NIFRID:synonym "sternal angle", "sternal angle OF sternum" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.hasDbXref: "FMA:7547" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId , ILX:0746000 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0746000 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0746000 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794659 . ILX:0746007 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior (TA98)" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.hasDbXref: "FMA:74532" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId , ILX:0746007 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0746007 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0746007 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794706 . ILX:0746074 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "medial (TA98)" ; NIFRID:synonym "medial" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.hasDbXref: "FMA:49444" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId , ILX:0746074 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0746074 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0746074 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794706 . ILX:0746722 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "proximal (TA98)" ; NIFRID:synonym "proximal" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.hasDbXref: "FMA:30326" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId , ILX:0746722 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0746722 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0746722 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794706 . ILX:0747744 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "jugular notch of the manubrium" ; NIFRID:synonym "jugular notch", "jugular notch OF manubrium of sternum", "suprasternal notch" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.hasDbXref: "FMA:7542" ; ILX:0794912 "jugular notch (TA98)" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId , ILX:0747744 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0747744 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0747744 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794659 . ILX:0747957 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "respiratory system (TA98)" ; NIFRID:synonym "respiratory system" ; rdfs:subClassOf ILX:0743703 ; ilx.hasDbXref: "FMA:7158" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId , ILX:0747957 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0747957 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0747957 . ILX:0770414 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Chief cell of stomach" ; definition: "cell at the base of oxyntic glands that stores and secretes pepsinogen" ; ilx.hasDbXref: CL:0000155, FMA:62902 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0770414 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0770414 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0770414 . ILX:0770525 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Type I alveolar epithelial cell" ; ilx.hasDbXref: FMA:62500 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0770525 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0770525 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0770525 . ILX:0770759 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Lamina propria mucosae of descending colon" ; definition: "Part of lamina propria mucosae of descending colon" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.hasDbXref: FMA:15675 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:14547, FMA:15657 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0770759 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0770759 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0770759 . ILX:0771089 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Serosa of descending colon" ; definition: "A serous membrane that is part of a descending colon" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.hasDbXref: FMA:15025 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:14547, FMA:14990 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0771089 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0771089 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0771089 . ILX:0771304 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "hepatic plexus" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.hasDbXref: FMA:6632 ; ILX:0794912 "Hepatic nerve plexus" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0771304 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0771304 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0771304 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9604 . ILX:0771401 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Left ventricle" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0771401 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0771401 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0771401 . ILX:0772428 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Circular muscle layer of colon" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0772428, ILX:0793647 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0772428 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0772428 . ILX:0773136 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Myocardium of right atrium" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.hasDbXref: FMA:83531, UBERON:0003379 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:7096 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0773136 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0773136 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0773136 . ILX:0773346 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Intermediate bronchiole" ; ilx.hasDbXref: FMA:68850 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0773346 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0773346 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0773346 . ILX:0773760 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Circular muscle layer of descending colon" ; definition: "Part of circular muscle layer in colon" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.hasDbXref: FMA:15023 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:14547, ILX:0772428 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0773760 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0773760 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0773760 . ILX:0774068 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Capillary network of pancreas" ; ilx.hasDbXref: FMA:280898 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0774068 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0774068 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0774068 . ILX:0774266 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "T1 sympathetic ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "First thoracic ganglion" ; definition: "A group of sympathetic postganglionic neuronal cell bodies that are connected to the first thoracic nerve by the gray ramus communicans. The first thoracic ganglion is often fused with the inferior cervical ganglion to form the cervicothoracic or stellate ganglion." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:6471 ; ilx.hasDbXref: FMA:6474 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6474, ILX:0774266 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6474 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0774266 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:6474 . ILX:0774562 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Proximal half of duodenum" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0774562 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0774562 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0774562 . ILX:0774799 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Myocardium of left ventricle" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.hasDbXref: FMA:9558, UBERON:0006566 ; ilx.partOf: ILX:0771401 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0774799 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0774799 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0774799 . ILX:0774803 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Straight portion of distal convoluted tubule" ; ilx.hasDbXref: FMA:17722, UBERON:0001291 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0774803 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0774803 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0774803 . ILX:0774853 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Type II alveolar epithelial cell" ; ilx.hasDbXref: CL:0002063, FMA:62501 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0774853 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0774853 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0774853 . ILX:0774965 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Myocardium of right ventricle" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.hasDbXref: FMA:9535, UBERON:0006567 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:7098 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0774965 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0774965 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0774965 . ILX:0775551 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Myocardium of left atrium" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.hasDbXref: FMA:83532, UBERON:0003380 ; ilx.partOf: ILX:0775825 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0775551 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0775551 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0775551 . ILX:0775825 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Left atrium" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0775825 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0775825 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0775825 . ILX:0776034 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Epicardium of left atrium" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0776034 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0776034 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0776034 . ILX:0776070 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Longitudinal muscle layer of descending colon" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.hasDbXref: FMA:15022 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:14547, UBERON:8410061 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0776070 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0776070 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0776070 . ILX:0776228 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Segment of neuron" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0776228 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0776228 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0776228 . ILX:0776616 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "External carotid nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.hasDbXref: FMA:6579 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6579, ILX:0776616 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6579 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0776616 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:6579 . ILX:0777077 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "inner submucosal nerve plexus" ; NIFRID:synonym "inner submucosal plexus" ; definition: "A sparse network of ganglia on the luminal side of the submucosa of the intestine, close to the muscularis mucosae muscle, in larger mammals." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:21542 ; ilx.hasDefinitionSource: SCR:018709 ; ILX:0381449 , ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0777077 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0777077 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0777077 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9903 . ILX:0777078 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "outer submucosal nerve plexus" ; NIFRID:synonym "outer submucosal plexus" ; definition: "A dense network of ganglia in the submucosa, close to the circular muscle of the intestine in larger mammals." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:21542 ; ilx.hasDefinitionSource: SCR:018709 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:7199 ; ILX:0381449 "doi:10.1007/s00418-009-0657-2", "doi: 10.1002/1097-0185%2820010101%29262%3A1%3C71%3A%3AAID-AR1012%3E3.0.CO%3B2-A" ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0777078 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0777078 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0777078 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9903 . ILX:0777083 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "First coccygeal spinal cord segment" ; definition: "The segment of the spinal cord that gives rise to the dorsal and ventral roots that coalesce to form the first coccygeal spinal nerve which exits the spinal column above the first coccygeal vertebra in most mammals." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:256635 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0777083 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0777083 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0777083 . ILX:0777084 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Second coccygeal spinal cord segment" ; definition: "The segment of the spinal cord that gives rise to the dorsal and ventral roots that coalesce to form the second coccygeal spinal nerve which exits the spinal column above the second coccygeal vertebra in most mammals." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:256635 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0777084 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0777084 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0777084 . ILX:0777085 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Third coccygeal spinal cord segment" ; definition: "The segment of the spinal cord that gives rise to the dorsal and ventral roots that coalesce to form the third coccygeal spinal nerve which exits the spinal column above the third coccygeal vertebra in most mammals." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:256635 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0777085 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0777085 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0777085 . ILX:0777086 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "T12 - T13 interganglionic segment of the sympathetic chain" ; definition: "Nerve fibers connecting the twelfth and thirteenth thoracic sympathetic ganglia in the sympathetic trunk. Only present in some mammalian species." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:5890 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:deprecatedLabel "Interganglionic branch of twelfth thoracic ganglion to thirteenth thoracic ganglion" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0777086, ILX:0793198 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0777086, ILX:0793198 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0777086 . ILX:0777087 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "T13 - L1 interganglionic segment of the sympathetic chain" ; definition: "Nerve fibers connecting the thirteenth thoracic sympathetic ganglia and the first lumbar sympathetic ganglia in the sympathetic trunk. Only present in some mammal species." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:5890 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:deprecatedLabel "Interganglionic branch of thirteenth thoracic ganglion to first lumbar ganglion" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0777087, ILX:0793202 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0777087, ILX:0793202 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0777087 . ILX:0777088 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "L1 - L2 interganglionic segment" ; definition: "Nerve fibers connecting the first and second lumbar sympathetic ganglia in the sympathetic trunk" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:5890, FMA:62955 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ILX:0383242 ILX:0777088 ; ILX:0793078 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:deprecatedLabel "Interganglionic branch of first lumbar ganglion to second lumbar ganglion", "L1 - L2 interganglionic segment of the sympathetic chain" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0777088, ILX:0793162, ILX:0793244 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0777088, ILX:0793162, ILX:0793244 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0777088 . ILX:0777089 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "L2 - L3 interganglionic segment" ; definition: "Nerve fibers connecting the second and third lumbar sympathetic ganglia in the sympathetic trunk" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:5890 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ILX:0383242 ILX:0777089 ; ILX:0793078 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:deprecatedLabel "Interganglionic branch of third lumbar ganglion to fourth lumbar ganglion", "L2 - L3 interganglionic segment of the sympathetic chain" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0777089, ILX:0793164, ILX:0793245 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0777089, ILX:0793164, ILX:0793245 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0777089 . ILX:0777090 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "L3 - L4 interganglionic segment" ; definition: "Nerve fibers connecting the third and fourth lumbar sympathetic ganglia in the sympathetic trunk" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:6258 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ILX:0383242 ILX:0777090 ; ILX:0793078 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:deprecatedLabel "Interganglionic branch of third sacral ganglion to fourth sacral ganglion", "L3 - L4 interganglionic segment of the sympathetic chain" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0777090, ILX:0793168, ILX:0793246 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0777090, ILX:0793168, ILX:0793246 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0777090 . ILX:0777091 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "L4 - L5 interganglionic segment" ; definition: "Nerve fibers connecting the fourth and fifth lumbar sympathetic ganglia in the sympathetic trunk" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:5890, FMA:6258 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ILX:0383242 ILX:0777091 ; ILX:0793078 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:deprecatedLabel "L4 - L5 interganglionic segment of the sympathetic chain" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0777091, ILX:0793247 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0777091, ILX:0793247 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0777091 . ILX:0777092 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "L5 - L6 interganglionic segment" ; definition: "Nerve fibers connecting the fifth lumbar sympathetic ganglia and the first sacral sympathetic ganglia in the sympathetic trunk" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:5890 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ILX:0383242 ILX:0777092 ; ILX:0793078 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:deprecatedLabel "L5 - S1 interganglionic segment of the sympathetic chain" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0777092, ILX:0793249 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0777092, ILX:0793249 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0777092 . ILX:0777093 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "L6 - S1 interganglionic segment of the sympathetic chain" ; definition: "Nerve fibers connecting the sixth lumbar sympathetic ganglia and the first sacral sympathetic ganglia in the sympathetic trunk. Only present in some mammalian species." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:5890 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:deprecatedLabel "Interganglionic branch of sixth lumbar ganglion to first sacral ganglion" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0777093, ILX:0793204 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0777093, ILX:0793204 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0777093 . ILX:0777094 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "T1 - T2 interganglionic segment of the sympathetic chain" ; definition: "Nerve fibers connecting the first and second thoracic sympathetic ganglia in the sympathetic trunk." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:5890 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0777094 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0777094 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0777094 . ILX:0777095 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "T2 - T3 interganglionic segment of the sympathetic chain" ; definition: "Nerve fibers connecting the second and third thoracic sympathetic ganglia in the sympathetic trunk." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:5890 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:deprecatedLabel "Interganglionic branch of sixth thoracic ganglion to seventh thoracic ganglion" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0777095, ILX:0793156 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0777095, ILX:0793156 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0777095 . ILX:0777096 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "T3 - T4 interganglionic segment of the sympathetic chain" ; definition: "Nerve fibers connecting the third and fourth thoracic sympathetic ganglia in the sympathetic trunk." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:5890 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:deprecatedLabel "Interganglionic branch of third thoracic ganglion to fourth thoracic ganglion" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0777096, ILX:0793153 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0777096, ILX:0793153 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0777096 . ILX:0777097 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "T4 - T5 interganglionic segment of the sympathetic chain" ; definition: "Nerve fibers connecting the fourth and fifth thoracic sympathetic ganglia in the sympathetic trunk." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:5890 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:deprecatedLabel "Interganglionic branch of fourth thoracic ganglion to fifth thoracic ganglion" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0777097, ILX:0793154 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0777097, ILX:0793154 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0777097 . ILX:0777098 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "T5 - T6 interganglionic segment of the sympathetic chain" ; definition: "Nerve fibers connecting the fifth and sixth thoracic sympathetic ganglia in the sympathetic trunk." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:deprecatedLabel "Interganglionic branch of fifth thoracic ganglion to sixth thoracic ganglion" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0777098, ILX:0793155 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0777098, ILX:0793155 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0777098 . ILX:0777099 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nerve fibers of the inner submucosal nerve plexus" ; definition: "Nerve fibers in the inner submucosal nerve plexus of the intestine, in larger mammals" ; rdfs:subClassOf ILX:0485634 ; ilx.partOf: ILX:0777077 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0777099 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0777099 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0777099 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9903 . ILX:0777100 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ganglia of the inner submucosal nerve plexus" ; definition: "Cluster of neurons in the inner submucosal nerve plexus of the intestine, in larger mammals" ; ilx.partOf: ILX:0777077 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0777100 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0777100 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0777100 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9903 . ILX:0777101 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "junction between pulmonary valve and right ventricle" ; definition: "A single point on the left cusp of the pulmonary semilunar valve, close to the midline of the heart. Represented by a single point ( x, y, and z location)." ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ILX:0739265 FMA:7098, FMA:7246 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0777101 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0777101 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0777101 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9903 . ILX:0777102 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "junction between aortic valve and coronary vessel" ; definition: "A single point on the endothelium of the right cusp of the aortic semilunar valve leaflet, where the right coronary artery branches off the aorta. Represented by a single point (x, y, and z location)." ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ILX:0739265 FMA:7236 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0777102 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0777102 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0777102 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9903 . ILX:0777103 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "junction between superior vena cava and right atrium" ; definition: "A single point (x, y, and z location) denoting the superior vena cava and right atrium junction was determined by the ventral-most point by which the opening of the SVC connects with the muscle of the right atrium." ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ILX:0739265 FMA:7096 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0777103 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0777103 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0777103 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9903 . ILX:0777104 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "crux cordis" ; NIFRID:synonym "Crux of heart" ; definition: "An anatomical landmark on the heart. The junction of the interatrial and interventricular septa, the atrioventricular valves, and of the four chambers of the heart. Represented by a single point (x, y, and z location)." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:9658 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:7088 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:7220, ILX:0777104 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:7220 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0777104 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:7220 . ILX:0777112 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nerve fibers of the mucosa of ascending colon" ; definition: "The nerve fibers in the inner mucosa layer of the ascending colon." ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0777112 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0777112 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0777112 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9903, FMA:14543 . ILX:0777113 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nerve fibers of the mucosa of transverse colon" ; definition: "The nerve fibers in the inner mucosa layer of the transverse colon." ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0777113 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0777113 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0777113 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9903, FMA:14543 . ILX:0777114 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nerve fibers of the mucosa of descending colon" ; definition: "The nerve fibers in the inner mucosa layer of the descending colon." ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0777114 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0777114 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0777114 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9903, FMA:14543 . ILX:0777115 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nerve fibers of the mucosa of sigmoid colon" ; definition: "The nerve fibers in the inner mucosa layer of the sigmoid colon." ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0777115 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0777115 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0777115 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9903, FMA:14543 . ILX:0777116 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nerve fibers of the submucosa of ascending colon" ; definition: "The nerve fibers in the submucosa layer of the ascending colon." ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0777116 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0777116 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0777116 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9903, FMA:14543 . ILX:0777117 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nerve fibers of the submucosa of transverse colon" ; definition: "The nerve fibers in the submucosa layer of the transverse colon." ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0777117 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0777117 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0777117 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9903, FMA:14543 . ILX:0777118 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nerve fibers of the submucosa of descending colon" ; definition: "The nerve fibers in the submucosa layer of the descending colon." ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0777118 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0777118 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0777118 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9903, FMA:14543 . ILX:0777119 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nerve fibers of the submucosa of sigmoid colon" ; definition: "The nerve fibers in the submucosa layer of the sigmoid colon." ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0777119 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0777119 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0777119 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9903, FMA:14543 . ILX:0777120 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nerve fibers of the circular muscle layer of ascending colon" ; definition: "The nerve fibers in the inner circular muscle layer in the muscularis propria of the ascending colon." ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0777120 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0777120 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0777120 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9903, FMA:14543 . ILX:0777121 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nerve fibers of the circular muscle layer of transverse colon" ; definition: "The nerve fibers in the inner circular muscle layer in the muscularis propria of the transverse colon." ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0777121 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0777121 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0777121 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9903, FMA:14543 . ILX:0777122 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nerve fibers of the circular muscle layer of descending colon" ; definition: "The nerve fibers in the inner circular muscle layer in the muscularis propria of the descending colon." ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0777122 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0777122 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0777122 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9903, FMA:14543 . ILX:0777123 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nerve fibers of the circular muscle layer of sigmoid colon" ; definition: "The nerve fibers in the inner circular muscle layer in the muscularis propria of the sigmoid colon." ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0777123 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0777123 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0777123 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9903, FMA:14543 . ILX:0777124 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nerve fibers of the longitudinal muscle layer of ascending colon" ; definition: "The nerve fibers in the outer longitudinal muscle layer in the muscularis propria of the ascending colon." ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0777124 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0777124 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0777124 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9903, FMA:14543 . ILX:0777125 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nerve fibers of the longitudinal muscle layer of transverse colon" ; definition: "The nerve fibers in the outer longitudinal muscle layer in the muscularis propria of the transverse colon." ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0777125 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0777125 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0777125 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9903, FMA:14543 . ILX:0777126 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nerve fibers of the longitudinal muscle layer of descending colon" ; definition: "The nerve fibers in the outer longitudinal muscle layer in the muscularis propria of the descending colon." ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0777126 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0777126 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0777126 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9903, FMA:14543 . ILX:0777127 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nerve fibers of the longitudinal muscle layer of sigmoid colon" ; definition: "The nerve fibers in the outer longitudinal muscle layer in the muscularis propria of the sigmoid colon." ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0777127 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0777127 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0777127 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9903, FMA:14543 . ILX:0777128 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Dorsal part of urinary bladder lumen" ; definition: "The dorsal portion of the bladder lumen, including both the lumen of the body and the neck of the bladder." ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0777128 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0777128 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0777128 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:15900 . ILX:0777129 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Ventral part of urinary bladder lumen" ; definition: "The ventral portion of the bladder lumen, including both the lumen of the body and the neck of the bladder." ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0777129 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0777129 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0777129 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:15900 . ILX:0778116 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left atrium epicardium venous midpoint" ; definition: "Point at centre of pulmonary vein ostia on left atrium epicardium, on anterior/ventral side for rodents" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:9658 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ILX:0739265 ILX:0776034 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0778116 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0778116 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0778116 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7088 . ILX:0778117 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right atrium epicardium venous midpoint" ; definition: "Point at centre of inferior and superior vena cavae on right atrium epicardium" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:9658 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ILX:0739265 FMA:7281, ILX:0743311, ILX:0743583 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0778117 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0778117 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0778117 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7088 . ILX:0778118 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Ventral base of left lung" ; definition: "The ventral base of the left lung is the most ventral point at the oblique fissure of the left lung." ; rdfs:subClassOf ILX:0743544 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0778118 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0778118 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0778118 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7195 . ILX:0778119 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Apex of right lung accessory lobe" ; definition: "The apex of the accessory lobe is the highest superficial part of the accessory lobe in the right lung. It is located next to the heart and points cranially ." ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004890 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0778119 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0778119 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0778119 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7195 . ILX:0778120 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Medial base of left lung" ; definition: "The medial base of the left lung is the most medial point/corner sitting at the base of the left lung. It is close to the medial base of the right lung and pointing towards the right lung." ; rdfs:subClassOf ILX:0743544 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0778120 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0778120 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0778120 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7195 . ILX:0778121 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Medial base of right lung" ; definition: "The medial base of the right lung is the most medial point/corner sitting at the base of the right lung. It is close to the medial base of the left lung and pointing towards the left lung." ; rdfs:subClassOf ILX:0743544 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0778121 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0778121 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0778121 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7195 . ILX:0778122 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Ventral base of right lung" ; definition: "The ventral base of the right lung is the most ventral point sitting on the base of the right lung (In human, where the oblique fissure of the right lung is located. In rodent, where the ventral tip of the right lung is located)." ; rdfs:subClassOf ILX:0743544 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0778122 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0778122 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0778122 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7195 . ILX:0778123 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Ventral base of right lung accessory lobe" ; definition: "The ventral base of the accessory lobe is the most ventral point of the accessory lobe. It is adjacent to the ventral base of the right lung in rodents." ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004890 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0778123 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0778123 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0778123 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7195 . ILX:0778124 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "laterodorsal tip of middle lobe of right lung" ; definition: "The laterodorsal tip of the middle lobe of the right lung is the most lateral/distal point of the right lung sitting on the junction of the horizontal and oblique fissures of the right lung." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:7383 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0778124 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0778124 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0778124 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7195 . ILX:0778125 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "dorsal base of right lung accessory lobe" ; definition: "The dorsal base of the accessory lobe is the point sitting on the base of the accessory lobe, closest to the mediodorsal edge of the left lung." ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004890 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0778125 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0778125 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0778125 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7195 . ILX:0778126 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "dorsal base of left lung" ; definition: "The dorsal base of the left lung is the most dorsal point/corner sitting at the base of the left lung. It points dorsally." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:9658 ; ILX:0739238 FMA:86153, PATO:0001233 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0778126 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0778126 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0778126 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7195 . ILX:0778127 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "dorsal base of right lung" ; definition: "The dorsal base of the right lung is the most dorsal point/corner sitting at the base of the right lung. It points dorsally." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:9658 ; ILX:0739238 FMA:86152, PATO:0001233 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0778127 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0778127 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0778127 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7195 . ILX:0778138 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Basal zone of right lung" ; NIFRID:synonym "Right lung base" ; definition: "The inferior region of the right lung comprising the middle and inferior lobes." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:86152, ILX:0778138 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:86152 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0778138 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:86152 . ILX:0778139 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Basal zone of left lung" ; NIFRID:synonym "base of left lung", "Left lung base" ; definition: "The inferior region of the left lung comprising the inferior lobe." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:86153, ILX:0778139 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:86153 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0778139 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:86153 . ILX:0778142 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left ureter junction with bladder" ; definition: "The junction between the left ureter and the bladder. This junction is located at the bladder lumen where the left ureter merges with the bladder wall." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:9658 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ILX:0739265 FMA:15572, FMA:15900 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0778142 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0778142 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0778142 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:45659 . ILX:0778143 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right ureter junction with bladder" ; definition: "The junction between the right ureter and the bladder. This junction is located at the bladder lumen where the right ureter merges with the bladder wall." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:9658 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ILX:0739265 FMA:15571, FMA:15900 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0778143 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0778143 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0778143 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:45659 . ILX:0778154 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "urethra junction of dorsal bladder neck" ; definition: "The anatomical junction between the urethra and dorsal bladder neck. This junction is located at the dorsal part of the bladder lumen where the urethra begins." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:9658 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ILX:0739265 FMA:19667, ILX:0739253 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0778154 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0778154 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0778154 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:45659 . ILX:0778155 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "dorsal part of bladder" ; definition: "The dorsal portion of the whole bladder organ, including both the body and the neck of the bladder." ; ILX:0739238 FMA:15900, PATO:0001233 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0778155 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0778155 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0778155 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:45659 . ILX:0778156 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventral part of bladder" ; definition: "The ventral portion of the whole bladder organ, including both the body and the neck of the bladder." ; ILX:0739238 FMA:15900, PATO:0001196 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0778156 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0778156 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0778156 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:45659 . ILX:0784215 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "intraganglionic laminar endings" ; NIFRID:synonym "IGLEs" ; definition: "Vagal afferent nerve endings with branching, flattened processes that are found in the myenteric plexus of esophagus and stomach." ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0012453 ; ILX:0381449 , ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0784215 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0784215 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0784215 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9903 . ILX:0784378 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Ninth thoracic ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:6471 ; fma:synonym "Ninth thoracic sympathetic ganglion", "T9 sympathetic ganglion" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6482, ILX:0784378 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6482 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0784378 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:6482 . ILX:0784439 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gray communicating ramus of the fifth thoracic nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "gray communicating ramus of the fifth intercostal nerve", "T5 gray ramus", "T5 grey ramus" ; definition: "The postganglionic nerve fibers from the fifth thoracic sympathetic chain ganglion passing to the fifth thoracic spinal nerve." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:14055 ; fma:synonym "Gray communicating ramus of fifth thoracic anterior ramus", "Gray ramus communicans of fifth intercostal nerve" ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:11136, ILX:0784439 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:11136 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0784439 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:11136 . ILX:0784531 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Parenchyma of right lung" ; fma:synonym "Respiratory portion of right lung", "Right lung parenchyma", "Right pulmonary parenchyma" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:27363, ILX:0784531 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:27363 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0784531 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:27363 . ILX:0784569 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Tenth thoracic ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:6471 ; fma:synonym "T10 sympathetic ganglion", "Tenth thoracic sympathetic ganglion" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6483, ILX:0784569 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6483 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0784569 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:6483 . ILX:0784614 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventral root of the second cervical spinal cord segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior root of C2", "anterior root of second cervical spinal cord segment" ; definition: "The spinal root that arises from the ventral aspect of the C2 spinal segment of the spinal cord." ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0014634 ; fma:synonym "Anterior C2 root", "Anterior root of second cervical spinal nerve", "Ventral root of second cervical spinal nerve" ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:12949, ILX:0784614 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:12949 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0784614 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:12949 . ILX:0784721 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Eighth thoracic ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:6471 ; fma:synonym "Eighth thoracic sympathetic ganglion", "T8 sympathetic ganglion" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6481, ILX:0784721 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6481 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0784721 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:6481 . ILX:0784804 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventral root of the third thoracic spinal cord segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior root of T3", "anterior root of third thoracic nerve" ; definition: "The spinal root that arises from the ventral aspect of the T3 spinal segment of the spinal cord." ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0014617 ; fma:synonym "Anterior root of third thoracic spinal nerve", "Anterior T3 root", "Ventral root of third thoracic spinal nerve" ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:12898, ILX:0784804 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:12898 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0784804 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:12898 . ILX:0784822 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Right superior cervical ganglion" ; fma:synonym "Right superior cervical sympathetic ganglion" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6487, ILX:0784822 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6487 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0784822 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:6487 . ILX:0784989 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Interganglionic branch of superior cervical ganglion to middle cervical ganglion" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6603, ILX:0738292, ILX:0784989, ILX:0793235 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6603 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0784989 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:6603, ILX:0738292 . ILX:0785015 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventral root of the fourth cervical spinal cord segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior root of C4", "anterior root of fourth cervical spinal cord segment" ; definition: "The spinal root that arises from the ventral aspect of the C4 spinal segment of the spinal cord." ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0014634 ; fma:synonym "Anterior C4 root", "Anterior root of fourth cervical spinal nerve", "Ventral root of fourth cervical spinal nerve" ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:12951, ILX:0785015 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:12951 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0785015 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:12951 . ILX:0785067 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gray communicating ramus of eleventh thoracic nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "gray communicating ramus of the eleventh intercostal nerve", "T11 gray ramus", "T11 grey ramus" ; definition: "The postganglionic nerve fibers from the eleventh thoracic sympathetic chain ganglion passing to the eleventh thoracic spinal nerve." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:14055 ; fma:synonym "Gray communicating ramus of eleventh thoracic anterior ramus", "Gray ramus communicans of eleventh intercostal nerve" ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:11773, ILX:0785067 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:11773 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0785067 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:11773 . ILX:0785107 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Right cervical sympathetic trunk" ; fma:synonym "Right cervical part of sympathetic trunk", "Right cervical sympathetic chain" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6979, ILX:0785107 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6979 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0785107 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:6979 . ILX:0785119 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gray communicating ramus of fifth lumbar nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "L5 gray ramus", "L5 grey ramus" ; definition: "The postganglionic nerve fibers from the fifth lumbar sympathetic chain ganglion passing to the fifth lumbar spinal nerve." ; rdfs:subClassOf ILX:0794914 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:65914, ILX:0785119 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:65914 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0785119 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:65914 . ILX:0785210 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Right spinal accessory nerve" ; definition: "A cranial nerve that originates from neurons in the medulla and in the cervical spinal cord." ; fma:synonym "Right accessory nerve", "Right accessory nerve tree" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:6720 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:50897, ILX:0785210 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:50897 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0785210 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:50897 . ILX:0785398 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "White communicating ramus of first intercostal nerve" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:7045, ILX:0738372, ILX:0785398 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:7045 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0785398 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:7045, ILX:0738372 . ILX:0785421 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventral root of the first lumbar spinal cord segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior root of first lumbar nerve", "anterior root of L1" ; definition: "The spinal root that arises from the ventral aspect of the L1 spinal segment of the spinal cord." ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0024382 ; fma:synonym "Anterior L1 root", "Anterior root of first lumbar spinal nerve", "Ventral root of first lumbar spinal nerve" ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:12956, ILX:0785421 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:12956 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0785421 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:12956 . ILX:0785542 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gray communicating ramus of ninth thoracic nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "gray communicating ramus of the ninth intercostal nerve", "T9 gray ramus", "T9 grey ramus" ; definition: "The postganglionic nerve fibers from the ninth thoracic sympathetic chain ganglion passing to the ninth thoracic spinal nerve." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:14055 ; fma:synonym "Gray communicating ramus of ninth thoracic anterior ramus", "Gray ramus communicans of ninth intercostal nerve" ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:11765, ILX:0785542 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:11765 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0785542 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:11765 . ILX:0785692 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Lumbar ganglion" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6472, ILX:0785692 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6472 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0785692 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:6472 . ILX:0785733 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gray communicating ramus of second lumbar nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "L2 gray ramus", "L2 grey ramus" ; definition: "The postganglionic nerve fibers from the second lumbar sympathetic chain ganglion passing to the second lumbar spinal nerve." ; rdfs:subClassOf ILX:0794914 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:65911, ILX:0785733 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:65911 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0785733 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:65911 . ILX:0785804 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right meningeal branch of right vagus nerve" ; definition: "A sensory branch of the right vagus nerve that arises from the superior ganglion ( jugular ganglion) and distributes to the dura mater in the posterior cranial fossa" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ILX:0739239 "TRUE" ; ILX:0794912 "right meningeal branch of vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:53541, ILX:0785804 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:53541 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0785804 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:53541 . ILX:0785825 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gray communicating ramus of first lumbar nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "L1 gray ramus" ; definition: "The postganglionic nerve fibers from the first lumbar sympathetic chain ganglion passing to the first lumbar spinal nerve." ; rdfs:subClassOf ILX:0794914 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ILX:0383242 ILX:0739271 ; ILX:0793078 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:65910, ILX:0785825 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:65910 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0785825 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:65910 . ILX:0785867 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "coccygeal dorsal root ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "coccygeal spinal ganglion", "Cx dorsal root ganglion" ; definition: "One of the ganglia containing the cell bodies of sensory neurons located on coccygeal dorsal roots." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:5888 ; fma:synonym "Coccygeal dorsal root ganglion" ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6009, ILX:0785867 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6009 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0785867 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:6009 . ILX:0785879 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right auricular branch of right vagus nerve" ; definition: "A sensory nerve supplying the skin of the external acoustic meatus arising from the superior ganglion of the right vagus nerve." ; fma:synonym "Auricular branch of right vagus" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ILX:0794912 "Auricular branch of right vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:53534, ILX:0785879 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:53534 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0785879 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:53534 . ILX:0785896 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventral root of the seventh cervical spinal cord segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior root of C7", "anterior root of seventh cervical spinal cord segment" ; definition: "The spinal root that arises from the ventral aspect of the C7 spinal segment of the spinal cord." ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0014634 ; fma:synonym "Anterior C7 root", "Anterior root of seventh cervical spinal nerve", "Ventral root of seventh cervical spinal nerve" ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:12954, ILX:0785896 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:12954 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0785896 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:12954 . ILX:0785932 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gray communicating ramus of third lumbar nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "L3 gray ramus", "L3 grey ramus" ; definition: "The postganglionic nerve fibers from the third lumbar sympathetic chain ganglion passing to the third lumbar spinal nerve." ; rdfs:subClassOf ILX:0794914 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:65912, ILX:0785932 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:65912 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0785932 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:65912 . ILX:0785971 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventral root of the fifth sacral spinal cord segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior root of fifth sacral nerve", "anterior root of S5" ; definition: "The spinal root that arises from the ventral aspect of the S5 spinal segment of the spinal cord. Present in humans. Not present in some other animals" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0023623 ; fma:synonym "Anterior root of fifth sacral spinal nerve", "Anterior S5 root", "Ventral root of fifth sacral spinal nerve" ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:12965, ILX:0785971 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:12965 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0785971 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:12965 . ILX:0786016 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right buccal branch of facial nerve" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ILX:0794912 "Buccal branch of right facial nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:53311, ILX:0786016 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:53311 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0786016 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:53311 . ILX:0786049 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Fourth sacral ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:6473 ; fma:synonym "Fourth sacral sympathetic ganglion", "S4 sympathetic ganglion" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6555, ILX:0786049 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6555 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0786049 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:6555 . ILX:0786141 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Fifth thoracic ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:6471 ; fma:synonym "Fifth thoracic sympathetic ganglion", "T5 sympathetic ganglion" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6478, ILX:0786141 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6478 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0786141 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:6478 . ILX:0786163 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventral root of the eighth cervical spinal cord segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior root of C8", "Anterior root of eighth cervical nerve", "anterior root of eighth cervical spinal cord segment" ; definition: "The spinal root that arises from the ventral aspect of the C8 spinal segment of the spinal cord." ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0014634 ; fma:synonym "Anterior C8 root", "Anterior root of eighth cervical spinal nerve", "Ventral root of eighth cervical spinal nerve" ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:12955, ILX:0786163 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:12955 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0786163 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:12955 . ILX:0786219 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left branch between auricular branch and facial nerve" ; definition: "An interconnecting branch between the auricular branch of left vagus nerve and the left posterior auricular branch of the facial nerve." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ILX:0794912 "Communicating branch of auricular branch of left vagus nerve with left posterior auricular nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:53590, ILX:0786219 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:53590 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0786219 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:53590 . ILX:0786228 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Second thoracic ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:6471 ; fma:synonym "Second thoracic sympathetic ganglion", "T2 sympathetic ganglion" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6475, ILX:0786228 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6475 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0786228 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:6475 . ILX:0786272 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Fourth thoracic ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:6471 ; fma:synonym "Fourth thoracic sympathetic ganglion", "T4 sympathetic ganglion" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6477, ILX:0786272 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6477 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0786272 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:6477 . ILX:0786384 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventral root of the third cervical spinal cord segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior root of C3", "anterior root of third cervical spinal cord segment" ; definition: "The spinal root that arises from the ventral aspect of the C3 spinal segment of the spinal cord." ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0014634 ; fma:synonym "Anterior C3 root", "Anterior root of third cervical spinal nerve", "Ventral root of third cervical spinal nerve" ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:12950, ILX:0786384 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:12950 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0786384 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:12950 . ILX:0786539 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Right thoracic sympathetic trunk" ; fma:synonym "Right thoracic part of sympathetic trunk", "Right thoracic sympathetic chain" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6981, ILX:0786539 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6981 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0786539 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:6981 . ILX:0786664 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right thoracic vagus nerve" ; definition: "The portion of the right vagus nerve that forms the posterior vagal trunk innervates the intrinsic muscles of the larynx, and provides visceral sensation to the heart." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ILX:0794912 "Thoracic trunk of right vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:18172, ILX:0786664 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:18172 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0786664 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:18172 . ILX:0786692 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right branch of auricular branch to tympanic membrane" ; definition: "A sub-branch of the auricular branch of the right vagus nerve innervating the posterior wall of the right tympanic membrane" ; fma:synonym "Branch of auricular branch of right vagus nerve to tympanic membrane" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ILX:0739239 "TRUE" ; ILX:0794912 "Vagal branch to right tympanic membrane" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:53596, ILX:0786692 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:53596 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0786692 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:53596 . ILX:0786722 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Third thoracic ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:6471 ; fma:synonym "T3 sympathetic ganglion", "Third thoracic sympathetic ganglion" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6476, ILX:0786722 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6476 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0786722 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:6476 . ILX:0786761 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Right sympathetic trunk" ; definition: "The paired bundle of nerve fibers plus ganglia that run from the base of the skull to the coccyx along the right side of the spinal column" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:6258 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6259, ILX:0786761 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6259 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0786761 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:6259 . ILX:0786820 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Left middle cervical ganglion" ; fma:synonym "Left middle cervical sympathetic ganglion" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6489, ILX:0786820 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6489 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0786820 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:6489 . ILX:0786827 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left branch of auricular branch of left vagus nerve to floor of left external acoustic meatus and pinna" ; definition: "A sub-branch of the auricular branch of the left vagus nerve innervating the floor of left external acoustic meatus" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ILX:0794912 "Branch of auricular branch of left vagus nerve to floor of left external acoustic meatus" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:53595, ILX:0786827 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:53595 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0786827 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:53595 . ILX:0786888 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventral root of the third sacral spinal cord segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior root of S3", "anterior root of third sacral nerve" ; definition: "The spinal root that arises from the ventral aspect of the S3 spinal segment of the spinal cord." ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0023623 ; fma:synonym "Anterior root of third sacral spinal nerve", "Anterior S3 root", "Ventral root of third sacral spinal nerve" ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:12963, ILX:0786888 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:12963 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0786888 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:12963 . ILX:0786933 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Second lumbar ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; fma:synonym "L2 sympathetic ganglion", "Second lumbar sympathetic ganglion" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6541, ILX:0786933 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6541 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0786933 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:6541 . ILX:0786954 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right branch between auricular branch and facial nerve" ; definition: "An interconnecting branch between the auricular branch of right vagus nerve and the right posterior auricular branch of the facial nerve." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ILX:0794912 "Communicating branch of auricular branch of right vagus nerve with right posterior auricular nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:53589, ILX:0786954 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:53589 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0786954 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:53589 . ILX:0787009 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Twelfth thoracic ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:6471 ; fma:synonym "T12 sympathetic ganglion", "Twelfth thoracic sympathetic ganglion" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6485, ILX:0787009 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6485 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0787009 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:6485 . ILX:0787015 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Eleventh thoracic ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:6471 ; fma:synonym "Eleventh thoracic sympathetic ganglion", "T11 sympathetic ganglion" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6484, ILX:0787015 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6484 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0787015 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:6484 . ILX:0787023 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "White communicating ramus of lumbar nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "lumbar white ramus", "white communicating ramus of lumbar anterior ramus" ; definition: "Preganglionic sympathetic nerve fibers that connect the ventral primary rami of the spinal nerves of the lumbar spinal segments to the sympathetic trunk." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:5875 ; fma:synonym "White ramus communicans of lumbar spinal nerve" ; ILX:0739239 "true" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:16416, ILX:0787023 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:16416 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0787023 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:16416 . ILX:0787042 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "dorsal root of coccygeal nerve" ; definition: "The afferent sensory root of the coccygeal spinal nerves. At its distal end, the coccygael ventral root joins with the coccygeal dorsal root to form the coccygeal mixed spinal nerves." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:18131 ; fma:synonym "Dorsal root of coccygeal spinal nerve", "Posterior root of coccygeal spinal nerve" ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:12971, ILX:0787042 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:12971 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0787042 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:12971 . ILX:0787082 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gray communicating ramus of the first thoracic nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "gray communicating ramus of the first intercostal nerve", "T1 gray ramus" ; definition: "The postganglionic nerve fibers from the first thoracic chain ganglion passing to the first thoracic spinal nerve." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:14055 ; fma:synonym "Gray communicating ramus of first thoracic anterior ramus", "Gray ramus communicans of first intercostal nerve" ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:12220, ILX:0787082 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:12220 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0787082 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:12220 . ILX:0787157 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Left superior cervical ganglion" ; fma:synonym "Left superior cervical sympathetic ganglion" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6486, ILX:0787157 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6486 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0787157 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:6486 . ILX:0787520 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventral root of the third lumbar spinal cord segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior root of L3", "anterior root of third lumbar nerve" ; definition: "The spinal root that arises from the ventral aspect of the L3 spinal segment of the spinal cord." ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0024382 ; fma:synonym "Anterior L3 root", "Anterior root of third lumbar spinal nerve", "Ventral root of third lumbar spinal nerve" ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:12958, ILX:0787520 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:12958 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0787520 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:12958 . ILX:0787543 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left thoracic vagus nerve" ; definition: "A thoracic branch of the left vagus nerve that forms the anterior vagal trunk and innervates the smooth muscle of the esophagus." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ILX:0794912 "Thoracic part of trunk of left vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:18174, ILX:0787543 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:18174 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0787543 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:18174 . ILX:0787562 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gray communicating ramus of the third thoracic nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "gray communicating ramus of the third intercostal nerve", "T3 gray ramus", "T3 grey ramus" ; definition: "The postganglionic nerve fibers from the third thoracic sympathetic chain ganglion passing to the third thoracic spinal nerve." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:14055 ; fma:synonym "Gray communicating ramus of third thoracic anterior ramus", "Gray ramus communicans of third intercostal nerve" ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:11007, ILX:0787562 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:11007 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0787562 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:11007 . ILX:0787722 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventral root of the first thoracic spinal cord segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior root of first thoracic nerve", "anterior root of T1" ; definition: "The spinal root that arises from the ventral aspect of the T1 spinal segment of the spinal cord." ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0014617 ; fma:synonym "Anterior T1 root", "Ventral root of first thoracic spinal nerve" ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:7643, ILX:0787722 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:7643 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0787722 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:7643 . ILX:0787738 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Right superior laryngeal nerve" ; definition: "A branch of the right cervical vagus nerve that provides sensory innervation above vocal fold and motor innervation to the right cricothyroid muscle." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:53530, ILX:0787738 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:53530 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0787738 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:53530 . ILX:0787864 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Left spinal accessory nerve" ; definition: "A cranial nerve that originates from neurons in the medulla and in the cervical spinal cord." ; fma:synonym "Left accessory nerve", "Left accessory nerve tree" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:6720 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:50899, ILX:0787864 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:50899 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0787864 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:50899 . ILX:0787946 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gray communicating ramus of sixth thoracic nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "gray communicating ramus of the sixth intercostal nerve", "T6 gray ramus", "T6 grey ramus" ; definition: "The postganglionic nerve fibers from the sixth thoracic sympathetic chain ganglion passing to the sixth thoracic spinal nerve." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:14055 ; fma:synonym "Gray communicating ramus of sixth thoracic anterior ramus", "Gray ramus communicans of sixth intercostal nerve" ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:11655, ILX:0787946 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:11655 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0787946 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:11655 . ILX:0788022 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gray communicating ramus of thoracic nerve" ; definition: "The postganglionic nerve fibers from the thoracic sympathetic chain ganglia passing to the ventral primary rami of the thoracic spinal nerves." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:5876 ; fma:synonym "Gray communicating ramus of thoracic ventral ramus", "Gray ramus communicans of thoracic anterior ramus" ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:14055, ILX:0788022 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:14055 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0788022 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:14055 . ILX:0788026 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventral root of the eighth thoracic spinal cord segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior root of eighth thoracic nerve", "anterior root of T8" ; definition: "The spinal root that arises from the ventral aspect of the T8 spinal segment of the spinal cord." ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0014617 ; fma:synonym "Anterior root of eighth thoracic spinal nerve", "Anterior T8 root", "Ventral root of eighth thoracic spinal nerve" ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:12903, ILX:0788026 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:12903 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0788026 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:12903 . ILX:0788132 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left buccal branch of facial nerve" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ILX:0794912 "Buccal branch of left facial nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:53312, ILX:0788132 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:53312 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0788132 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:53312 . ILX:0788164 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Right internal branch of superior laryngeal nerve" ; definition: "A branch of the right superior laryngeal nerve that supplies sensory fibers to the larynx superior to the vocal folds." ; fma:synonym "Internal branch of right superior laryngeal nerve" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:53539, ILX:0788164 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:53539 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0788164 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:53539 . ILX:0788265 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventral root of coccygeal nerve" ; definition: "The efferent motor root of the coccygeal spinal nerves. At its distal end, the coccygael ventral root joins with the coccygeal dorsal root to form the coccygeal mixed spinal nerves." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:18131 ; fma:synonym "Anterior root of coccygeal spinal nerve", "Ventral root of coccygeal spinal nerve" ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:12923, ILX:0788265 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:12923 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0788265 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:12923 . ILX:0788315 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Third lumbar ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; fma:synonym "L3 sympathetic ganglion", "Third lumbar sympathetic ganglion" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6542, ILX:0788315 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6542 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0788315 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:6542 . ILX:0788326 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "coccygeal nerve trunk" ; NIFRID:synonym "mixed coccygeal spinal nerve" ; definition: "Trunk part of coccygeal spinal nerve, where dorsal and ventral roots meet to form the coccygeal spinal nerve, before branching off to dorsal and ventral rami." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:5929 ; fma:synonym "Coccygeal neural trunk", "Coccygeal spinal nerve trunk", "Trunk of coccygeal spinal nerve" ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6991, ILX:0788326 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6991 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0788326 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:6991 . ILX:0788387 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Interganglionic branch of middle cervical ganglion to inferior cervical ganglion" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6615, FMA:6942, ILX:0738290, ILX:0788387, ILX:0793234 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6615, FMA:6942 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0788387 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:6615, FMA:6942 . ILX:0788536 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gray communicating ramus of fourth lumbar nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "L4 gray ramus", "L4 grey ramus" ; definition: "The postganglionic nerve fibers from the fourth lumbar sympathetic chain ganglion passing to the fourth lumbar spinal nerve." ; rdfs:subClassOf ILX:0794914 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:65913, ILX:0788536 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:65913 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0788536 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:65913 . ILX:0788553 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventral root of the fourth sacral spinal cord segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior root of fourth sacral nerve", "anterior root of S4" ; definition: "The spinal root that arises from the ventral aspect of the S4 spinal segment of the spinal cord. Present in humans. Not present in some other animals" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0023623 ; fma:synonym "Anterior root of fourth sacral spinal nerve", "Anterior S4 root", "Ventral root of fourth sacral spinal nerve" ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:12964, ILX:0788553 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:12964 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0788553 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:12964 . ILX:0788670 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventral root of the tenth thoracic spinal cord segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior root of T10", "anterior root of tenth thoracic nerve" ; definition: "The spinal root that arises from the ventral aspect of the T10 spinal segment of the spinal cord." ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0014617 ; fma:synonym "Anterior root of tenth thoracic spinal nerve", "Anterior T10 root", "Ventral root of tenth thoracic spinal nerve" ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:12905, ILX:0788670 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:12905 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0788670 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:12905 . ILX:0788675 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventral root of the second lumbar spinal cord segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior root of L2", "anterior root of second lumbar nerve" ; definition: "The spinal root that arises from the ventral aspect of the L2 spinal segment of the spinal cord." ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0024382 ; fma:synonym "Anterior L2 root", "Anterior root of second lumbar spinal nerve", "Ventral root of second lumbar spinal nerve" ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:12957, ILX:0788675 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:12957 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0788675 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:12957 . ILX:0788758 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right jugular ganglion" ; definition: "A swelling along the right vagus nerve that contains cell bodies of the general sensory afferent neurons in the right vagus nerve that provide innervation of the dura, parts of the auricle, external auditory meatus and external surface of the tympanic membrane. Also known as the jugular ganglion." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:5884 ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ILX:0739239 "TRUE" ; ILX:0794729 ILX:0773753, ILX:0793177, ILX:0793900 ; ILX:0794912 "Superior ganglion of right vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:53553, ILX:0788758 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:53553 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0788758 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:53553 . ILX:0788771 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gray communicating ramus of seventh thoracic nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "gray communicating ramus of the seventh intercostal nerve", "T7 gray ramus", "T7 grey ramus" ; definition: "The postganglionic nerve fibers from the seventh thoracic sympathetic chain ganglion passing to the seventh thoracic spinal nerve." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:14055 ; fma:synonym "Gray communicating ramus of seventh thoracic anterior ramus", "Gray ramus communicans of seventh intercostal nerve" ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:11676, ILX:0788771 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:11676 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0788771 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:11676 . ILX:0788780 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Left superior laryngeal nerve" ; definition: "A branch of the left cervical vagus nerve that provides sensory innervation above vocal fold and motor innervation to the left cricothyroid muscle." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:53536, ILX:0788780 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:53536 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0788780 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:53536 . ILX:0788884 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventral root of the second sacral spinal cord segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior root of S2", "anterior root of second sacral nerve" ; definition: "The spinal root that arises from the ventral aspect of the S2 spinal segment of the spinal cord." ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0023623 ; fma:synonym "Anterior root of second sacral spinal nerve", "Anterior S2 root", "Ventral root of second sacral spinal nerve" ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:12962, ILX:0788884 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:12962 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0788884 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:12962 . ILX:0788945 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gray communicating ramus of the fourth thoracic nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "gray communicating ramus of the fourth intercostal nerve", "T4 gray ramus", "T4 grey ramus" ; definition: "The postganglionic nerve fibers from the fourth thoracic sympathetic chain ganglion passing to the fourth thoracic spinal nerve." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:14055 ; fma:synonym "Gray communicating ramus of fourth thoracic anterior ramus", "Gray ramus communicans of fourth intercostal nerve" ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:10972, ILX:0788945 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:10972 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0788945 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:10972 . ILX:0789109 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "First sacral ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; fma:synonym "First sacral sympathetic ganglion", "S1 sympathetic ganglion" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6552, ILX:0789109 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6552 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0789109 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:6552 . ILX:0789210 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left pharyngeal branch of left vagus nerve to pharyngeal nerve plexus" ; definition: "The branch of the left vagus nerve supplying motor innervation to the pharyngeal musculature" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ILX:0739239 "TRUE" ; ILX:0794912 "Pharyngeal branch of left vagus nerve to pharyngeal nerve plexus" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:53636, ILX:0789210 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:53636 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0789210 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:53636 . ILX:0789335 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventral root of the sixth cervical spinal cord segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior root of C6", "anterior root of sixth cervical spinal cord segment" ; definition: "The spinal root that arises from the ventral aspect of the C6 spinal segment of the spinal cord." ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0014634 ; fma:synonym "Anterior C6 root", "Anterior root of sixth cervical spinal nerve", "Ventral root of sixth cervical spinal nerve" ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:12953, ILX:0789335 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:12953 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0789335 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:12953 . ILX:0789339 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Pharyngeal branch of glossopharyngeal nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; fma:synonym "Glossopharyngeal nerve pharyngeal branch", "Ninth cranial nerve pharyngeal branch" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:50870 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:53486, ILX:0789339 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:53486 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0789339 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:53486 . ILX:0789344 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left auricular branch of left vagus nerve" ; definition: "A sensory nerve supplying the skin of the external acoustic meatus arising from the superior ganglion of the left vagus nerve." ; fma:synonym "Auricular branch of left vagus" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ILX:0794912 "Auricular branch of left vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:53535, ILX:0789344 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:53535 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0789344 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:53535 . ILX:0789473 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Left glossopharyngeal nerve" ; definition: "A cranial nerve that branches into the ramus communicans (to the skin), the pretrematic (to the walls of the pharynx and mouth, viscero-sensory fibers), and the larval post-trematic branch (lost in the adult)." ; fma:synonym "Left glossopharyngeal nerve tree" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:50870 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:50894, ILX:0789473 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:50894 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0789473 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:50894 . ILX:0789566 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right branch of auricular branch of right vagus nerve to floor of right external acoustic meatus and pinna" ; definition: "A sub-branch of the auricular branch of the right vagus nerve innervating the floor of right external acoustic meatus" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ILX:0794912 "Branch of auricular branch of right vagus nerve to floor of right external acoustic meatus" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:53594, ILX:0789566 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:53594 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0789566 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:53594 . ILX:0789655 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Second sacral ganglion" ; fma:synonym "S2l sympathetic ganglion", "Second sacral sympathetic ganglion" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6553, ILX:0789655 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6553 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0789655 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:6553 . ILX:0789730 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left branch of auricular branch to tympanic membrane" ; definition: "A sub-branch of the auricular branch of the left vagus nerve innervating the posterior wall of the left tympanic membrane" ; fma:synonym "Branch of auricular branch of left vagus nerve to tympanic membrane" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ILX:0794912 "Vagal branch to left tympanic membrane" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:53597, ILX:0789730 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:53597 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0789730 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:53597 . ILX:0789739 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "S5 sympathetic ganglion" ; definition: "A group of sympathetic postganglionic neuronal cell bodies that are connected to the fifth sacral nerve by the gray ramus communicans." ; fma:synonym "Fifth sacral sympathetic ganglion" ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6556, ILX:0789739 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6556 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0789739 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:6556 . ILX:0789760 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Left external branch of superior laryngeal nerve" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:53538, ILX:0789760 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:53538 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0789760 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:53538 . ILX:0789862 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "First lumbar ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "L1 sympathetic ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; fma:synonym "First lumbar sympathetic ganglion" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6540, ILX:0789862 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6540 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0789862 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:6540 . ILX:0789894 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventral root of the second thoracic spinal cord segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior root of second thoracic nerve", "anterior root of T2" ; definition: "The spinal root that arises from the ventral aspect of the T2 spinal segment of the spinal cord." ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0014617 ; fma:synonym "Anterior root of second thoracic spinal nerve", "Anterior T2 root", "Ventral root of second thoracic spinal nerve" ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:12897, ILX:0789894 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:12897 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0789894 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:12897 . ILX:0789947 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Sixth thoracic ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:6471 ; fma:synonym "Sixth thoracic sympathetic ganglion", "T6 sympathetic ganglion" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6479, ILX:0789947 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6479 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0789947 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:6479 . ILX:0789966 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventral root of the seventh thoracic spinal cord segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior root of seventh thoracic nerve", "anterior root of T7" ; definition: "The spinal root that arises from the ventral aspect of the T7 spinal segment of the spinal cord." ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0014617 ; fma:synonym "Anterior root of seventh thoracic spinal nerve", "Anterior T7 root", "Ventral root of seventh thoracic spinal nerve" ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:12902, ILX:0789966 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:12902 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0789966 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:12902 . ILX:0789968 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventral root of the fourth lumbar spinal cord segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior root of fourth lumbar nerve", "anterior root of L4" ; definition: "The spinal root that arises from the ventral aspect of the L4 spinal segment of the spinal cord." ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0024382 ; fma:synonym "Anterior L4 root", "Anterior root of fourth lumbar spinal nerve", "Ventral root of fourth lumbar spinal nerve" ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:12959, ILX:0789968 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:12959 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0789968 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:12959 . ILX:0790146 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventral root of the fifth thoracic spinal cord segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior root of fifth thoracic nerve", "anterior root of T5" ; definition: "The spinal root that arises from the ventral aspect of the T5 spinal segment of the spinal cord." ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0014617 ; fma:synonym "Anterior root of fifth thoracic spinal nerve", "Anterior T5 root", "Ventral root of fifth thoracic spinal nerve" ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:12900, ILX:0790146 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:12900 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0790146 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:12900 . ILX:0790201 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Left thoracic sympathetic trunk" ; fma:synonym "Left thoracic part of sympathetic", "Left thoracic sympathetic chain" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6982, ILX:0790201 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6982 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0790201 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:6982 . ILX:0790245 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Right hypoglossal nerve" ; definition: "Cranial nerve that innervates the muscles of the right half of the tongue" ; fma:synonym "Right hypoglossal nerve tree", "Right twelfth cranial nerve" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:50871 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:50901, ILX:0790245 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:50901 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0790245 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:50901 . ILX:0790255 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Tunica intima of inferior vena cava" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:14360, ILX:0790255 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:14360 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0790255 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:14360 . ILX:0790316 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left nodose ganglion" ; definition: "A swelling along the left vagus nerve that contains visceral afferent cell bodies that innervate the heart, respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts and other abdominal organs. Also known as the nodose ganglion." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:5884 ; ILX:0739239 "TRUE" ; ILX:0794729 ILX:0773753, ILX:0793177, ILX:0793900 ; ILX:0794912 "Inferior ganglion of left vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:53556, ILX:0790316 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:53556 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0790316 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:53556 . ILX:0790394 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Third sacral ganglion" ; fma:synonym "S3 sympathetic ganglion", "Third sacral sympathetic ganglion" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6554, ILX:0790394 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6554 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0790394 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:6554 . ILX:0790426 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Sacral ganglion" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6473, ILX:0790426 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6473 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0790426 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:6473 . ILX:0790472 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Fourth lumbar ganglion" ; definition: "A group of sympathetic postganglionic neuronal cell bodies that are connected to the fourth lumbar nerve by the gray ramus communicans." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:6472 ; fma:synonym "Fourth lumbar sympathetic ganglion", "L4 sympathetic ganglion" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6543, ILX:0790472 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6543 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0790472 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:6543 . ILX:0790482 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Seventh thoracic ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:6471 ; fma:synonym "Seventh thoracic sympathetic ganglion", "T7 sympathetic ganglion" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6480, ILX:0790482 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6480 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0790482 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:6480 . ILX:0790602 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventral root of the eleventh thoracic spinal cord segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior root of eleventh thoracic nerve", "anterior root of T11" ; definition: "The spinal root that arises from the ventral aspect of the T11 spinal segment of the spinal cord." ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0014617 ; fma:synonym "Anterior root of eleventh thoracic spinal nerve", "Anterior T11 root", "Ventral root of eleventh thoracic spinal nerve" ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:12906, ILX:0790602 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:12906 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0790602 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:12906 . ILX:0791062 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventral root of the sixth thoracic spinal cord segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior root of sixth thoracic nerve", "anterior root of T6" ; definition: "The spinal root that arises from the ventral aspect of the T6 spinal segment of the spinal cord." ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0014617 ; fma:synonym "Anterior root of sixth thoracic spinal nerve", "Anterior T6 root", "Ventral root of sixth thoracic spinal nerve" ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:12901, ILX:0791062 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:12901 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0791062 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:12901 . ILX:0791105 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gray communicating ramus of the second thoracic nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "gray communicating ramus of the second intercostal nerve", "T2 gray ramus" ; definition: "The postganglionic nerve fibers from the second thoracic sympathetic chain ganglion passing to the second thoracic spinal nerve." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:14055 ; fma:synonym "Gray communicating ramus of second thoracic anterior ramus", "Gray ramus communicans of second intercostal nerve" ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:11277, ILX:0791105 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:11277 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0791105 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:11277 . ILX:0791148 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventral root of the fifth lumbar spinal cord segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior root of fifth lumbar nerve", "anterior root of L5" ; definition: "The spinal root that arises from the ventral aspect of the L5 spinal segment of the spinal cord." ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0024382 ; fma:synonym "Anterior L5 root", "Anterior root of fifth lumbar spinal nerve", "Ventral root of fifth lumbar spinal nerve" ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:12960, ILX:0791148 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:12960 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0791148 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:12960 . ILX:0791167 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Left internal branch of superior laryngeal nerve" ; definition: "A branch of the left superior laryngeal nerve that supplies sensory fibers to the larynx superior to the vocal folds." ; fma:synonym "Internal branch of left superior laryngeal nerve" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:53540, ILX:0791167 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:53540 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0791167 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:53540 . ILX:0791560 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gray communicating ramus of eighth thoracic nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "gray communicating ramus of the eighth intercostal nerve", "T8 gray ramus", "T8 grey ramus" ; definition: "The postganglionic nerve fibers from the eighth thoracic sympathetic chain ganglion passing to the eighth thoracic spinal nerve." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:14055 ; fma:synonym "Gray communicating ramus of eighth thoracic anterior ramus", "Gray ramus communicans of eighth intercostal nerve" ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:11761, ILX:0791560 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:11761 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0791560 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:11761 . ILX:0791729 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Right glossopharyngeal nerve" ; definition: "A cranial nerve that branches into the ramus communicans (to the skin), the pretrematic (to the walls of the pharynx and mouth, viscero-sensory fibers), and the larval post-trematic branch (lost in the adult)." ; fma:synonym "Right glossopharyngeal nerve tree" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:50870 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:50892, ILX:0791729 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:50892 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0791729 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:50892 . ILX:0791765 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Left hypoglossal nerve" ; definition: "Cranial nerve that innervates the muscles of the left half of the tongue" ; fma:synonym "Left hypoglossal nerve tree", "Left twelfth cranial nerve" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:50871 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:50903, ILX:0791765 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:50903 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0791765 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:50903 . ILX:0791801 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Right middle cervical ganglion" ; fma:synonym "Right middle cervical sympathetic ganglion" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6488, ILX:0791801 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6488 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0791801 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:6488 . ILX:0791932 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventral root of the ninth thoracic spinal cord segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior root of ninth thoracic nerve", "anterior root of T9" ; definition: "The spinal root that arises from the ventral aspect of the T9 spinal segment of the spinal cord." ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0014617 ; fma:synonym "Anterior root of ninth thoracic spinal nerve", "Anterior T9 root", "Ventral root of ninth thoracic spinal nerve" ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:12904, ILX:0791932 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:12904 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0791932 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:12904 . ILX:0792048 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventral root of the twelveth thoracic spinal cord segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior root of T12", "anterior root of twelveth thoracic nerve" ; definition: "The spinal root that arises from the ventral aspect of the T12 spinal segment of the spinal cord." ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0014617 ; fma:synonym "Anterior root of twelfth thoracic spinal nerve", "Anterior T12 root", "Ventral root of twelfth thoracic spinal nerve" ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:12907, ILX:0792048 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:12907 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0792048 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:12907 . ILX:0792179 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left jugular ganglion" ; definition: "A swelling along the left vagus nerve that contains cell bodies of the general sensory afferent neurons in the left vagus nerve that provide innervation of the dura, parts of the auricle, external auditory meatus and external surface of the tympanic membrane. Also known as the jugular ganglion." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:5884 ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ILX:0794729 ILX:0773753, ILX:0793177, ILX:0793900 ; ILX:0794912 "Superior ganglion of left vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:53554, ILX:0792179 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:53554 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0792179 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:53554 . ILX:0792229 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Left cervical sympathetic trunk" ; fma:synonym "Left cervical part of sympathetic trunk", "Left cervical sympathetic chain" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6980, ILX:0792229 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6980 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0792229 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:6980 . ILX:0792263 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventral root of the fifth cervical spinal cord segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior root of C5", "anterior root of fifth cervical spinal cord segment" ; definition: "The spinal root that arises from the ventral aspect of the C5 spinal segment of the spinal cord." ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0014634 ; fma:synonym "Anterior C5 root", "Anterior root of fifth cervical spinal nerve", "Ventral root of fifth cervical spinal nerve" ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:12952, ILX:0792263 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:12952 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0792263 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:12952 . ILX:0792282 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Left sympathetic trunk" ; definition: "The paired bundle of nerve fibers plus ganglia that run from the base of the skull to the coccyx along the left side of the spinal column" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:6258 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6260, ILX:0792282 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6260 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0792282 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:6260 . ILX:0792358 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left meningeal branch of left vagus nerve" ; definition: "A sensory branch of the left vagus nerve that arises from the superior ganglion ( jugular ganglion) and distributes to the dura mater in the posterior cranial fossa" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ILX:0794912 "left meningeal branch of vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:53542, ILX:0792358 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:53542 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0792358 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:53542 . ILX:0792409 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gray communicating ramus of tenth thoracic nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "gray communicating ramus of the tenth intercostal nerve", "T10 gray ramus", "T10 grey ramus" ; definition: "The postganglionic nerve fibers from the tenth thoracic sympathetic chain ganglion passing to the tenth thoracic spinal nerve." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:14055 ; fma:synonym "Gray communicating ramus of tenth thoracic anterior ramus", "Gray ramus communicans of tenth intercostal nerve" ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:11769, ILX:0792409 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:11769 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0792409 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:11769 . ILX:0792433 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right nodose ganglion" ; definition: "A swelling along the right vagus nerve that contains visceral afferent cell bodies that innervate the heart, respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts and other abdominal organs. Also known as the nodose ganglion." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:5884 ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ILX:0739239 "TRUE" ; ILX:0794729 ILX:0773753, ILX:0793177, ILX:0793900 ; ILX:0794912 "Inferior ganglion of right vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:53555, ILX:0792433 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:53555 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0792433 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:53555 . ILX:0792444 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventral root of the first cervical spinal cord segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior root of C1", "anterior root of first cervical spinal cord segment" ; definition: "The spinal root that arises from the ventral aspect of the C1 spinal segment of the spinal cord." ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0014634 ; fma:synonym "Anterior C1 root", "Anterior root of first cervical spinal nerve", "Ventral root of first cervical spinal nerve" ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:12948, ILX:0792444 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:12948 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0792444 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:12948 . ILX:0792627 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "White communicating ramus of thoracic anterior ramus" ; definition: "Preganglionic sympathetic nerve fibers that connect the ventral primary rami of the spinal nerves of the thoracic spinal segments to the sympathetic trunk.https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-374247-6.50008-0" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:5875 ; fma:synonym "White communicating ramus of thoracic ventral ramus", "White ramus communicans of thoracic anterior ramus" ; ILX:0739239 "true" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:14056, ILX:0792627 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:14056 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0792627 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:14056 . ILX:0792655 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Parenchyma of left lung" ; fma:synonym "Left pulmonary parenchyma", "Respiratory portion of left lung" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:27364, ILX:0792655 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:27364 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0792655 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:27364 . ILX:0792814 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right pharyngeal branch of right vagus nerve to pharyngeal nerve plexus" ; definition: "The branch of the right vagus nerve supplying motor innervation to the pharyngeal musculature" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ILX:0794912 "Pharyngeal branch of right vagus nerve to pharyngeal nerve plexus" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:53635, ILX:0792814 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:53635 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0792814 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:53635 . ILX:0792838 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventral root of the fourth thoracic spinal cord segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior root of fourth thoracic nerve", "anterior root of T4" ; definition: "The spinal root that arises from the ventral aspect of the T4 spinal segment of the spinal cord." ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0014617 ; fma:synonym "Anterior root of fourth thoracic spinal nerve", "Anterior T4 root", "Ventral root of fourth thoracic spinal nerve" ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:12899, ILX:0792838 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:12899 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0792838 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:12899 . ILX:0792853 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventral root of the first sacral spinal cord segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior root of first sacral nerve", "anterior root of S1" ; definition: "The spinal root that arises from the ventral aspect of the S1 spinal segment of the spinal cord." ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0023623 ; fma:synonym "Anterior root of first sacral spinal nerve", "Anterior S1 root", "Ventral root of first sacral spinal nerve" ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:12961, ILX:0792853 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:12961 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0792853 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:12961 . ILX:0792879 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Right external branch of superior laryngeal nerve" ; definition: "A branch of the superior laryngeal nerve that innervates the right cricothyroid muscle." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:53537, ILX:0792879 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:53537 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0792879 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:53537 . ILX:0793082 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "celiac ganglion- superior mesenteric ganglion complex" ; NIFRID:synonym "coeliac-superior mesenteric ganglion complex", "CSMG" ; definition: "Clusters of sympathetic ganglion neurons in the upper abdomen located at the base of the celiac trunk and superior mesenteric arteries connected via short nerve trunks." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:5890 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793082 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793082 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793082 . ILX:0793083 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "luminal surface of the colonic mucosa" ; definition: "The surface of epithelium that is facing the lumen of the colon." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:24137 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: "Mabelle Lin", "SPARC Anatomy Working Group, RRID:SCR_018709" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:14984 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793083 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793083 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793083 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:14543 . ILX:0793085 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventral stomach" ; definition: "The half of stomach facing away from the back of the animal" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793085 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793085 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793085 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7148 . ILX:0793086 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "dorsal stomach" ; definition: "The half of stomach facing towards the back of the animal" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793086 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793086 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793086 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7148 . ILX:0793087 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "body-antrum junction along the greater curvature on serosa" ; definition: "The point at which the outer, serosal surface of the gastric body merges with the outer, serosal surface surface of the gastric antrum at the greater curvature of the stomach." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793087 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793087 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793087 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7148 . ILX:0793088 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "circular-longitudinal muscle interface of body of stomach along the gastric-omentum attachment" ; definition: "The interface between the circular and longitudinal muscle layers of the body of the stomach along its greater curvature where the greater omentum attaches to the stomach." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793088 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793088 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793088 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7148 . ILX:0793089 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "circular-longitudinal muscle interface of dorsal stomach" ; definition: "The interface between the circular and longitudinal muscle layers of the dorsal side of the stomach" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793089 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793089 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793089 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7148 . ILX:0793090 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "circular-longitudinal muscle interface of first segment of the duodenum along the gastric-omentum attachment" ; definition: "The interface between the circular and longitudinal muscle layers of the first segment of the duodenum that extends from the greater and lesser curvatures of the stomach." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793090 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793090 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793090 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7206 . ILX:0793091 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "circular-longitudinal muscle interface of esophagus along the cut margin" ; definition: "The interface between the circular and longitudinal muscle layers of the esophagus along the plane separating the esophagus into its dorsal and ventral side" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793091 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793091 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793091 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7131 . ILX:0793092 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "circular-longitudinal muscle interface of fundus of stomach along the greater curvature" ; definition: "The interface between the circular and longitudinal muscle layers of the fundus of the stomach along its greater curvature where the greater omentum attaches to the stomach." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793092 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793092 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793092 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7148 . ILX:0793093 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "circular-longitudinal muscle interface of gastroduodenal junction" ; definition: "The interface between the circular and longitudinal muscle layers at the junction between the stomach and the duodenum" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793093 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793093 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793093 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7148, FMA:7206 . ILX:0793094 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "circular-longitudinal muscle interface of pyloric antrum along the greater and lesser curvatures" ; definition: "The interface between the circular and longitudinal muscle layers of the antrum of the stomach along its greater and lesser curvature where the greater and lesser omenta attach to the stomach." ; ILX:0383241 "True" ; ILX:0383242 ILX:0793135, ILX:0793136 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793094 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793094 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793094 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7148 . ILX:0793095 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "circular-longitudinal muscle interface of pyloric canal along the greater and lesser curvatures" ; definition: "The interface between the circular and longitudinal muscle layers of the pyloric canal along the edge that is continuous with the greater and lesser curvatures of the stomach." ; ILX:0383241 "True" ; ILX:0383242 ILX:0793137, ILX:0793138 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793095 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793095 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793095 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7148 . ILX:0793096 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "circular-longitudinal muscle interface of stomach" ; definition: "The interface between the circular and longitudinal muscle layers of the stomach" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793096 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793096 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793096 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7148 . ILX:0793097 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "circular-longitudinal muscle interface of ventral stomach" ; definition: "The interface between the circular and longitudinal muscle layers of the ventral side of the stomach" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793097 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793097 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793097 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7148 . ILX:0793098 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "esophagogastric junction along the greater curvature on circular-longitudinal muscle interface" ; definition: "The point at which the circular-longitudinal muscle interface of the esophagus merges with the circular-longitudinal muscle interface of the stomach at the greater curvature of the stomach" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793098 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793098 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793098 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7131, FMA:7148 . ILX:0793099 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "esophagogastric junction along the greater curvature on luminal surface" ; definition: "The point at which the inner, epithelial surface of the esophagus merges with the inner, epithelial surface of the stomach at the greater curvature of the stomach." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793099 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793099 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793099 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7131, FMA:7148 . ILX:0793100 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "esophagogastric junction along the greater curvature on serosa" ; definition: "The point at which the outer, serosal surface of the esophagus merges with the outer, serosal surface of the stomach at the greater curvature of the stomach." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793100 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793100 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793100 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7131, FMA:7148 . ILX:0793101 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "esophagogastric junction along the lesser curvature on circular-longitudinal muscle interface" ; definition: "The point at which the circular-longitudinal muscle interface of the esophagus merges with the circular-longitudinal muscle interface of the stomach at the lesser curvature of the stomach." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793101 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793101 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793101 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7131, FMA:7148 . ILX:0793102 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "esophagogastric junction along the lesser curvature on luminal surface" ; definition: "The point at which the inner, epithelial surface of the esophagus merges with the inner, epithelial surface of the stomach at the lesser curvature of the stomach." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793102 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793102 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793102 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7131, FMA:7148 . ILX:0793103 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "esophagogastric junction along the lesser curvature on serosa" ; definition: "The point at which the outer, serosal surface of the esophagus merges with the outer, serosal surface of the stomach at the lesser curvature of the stomach." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793103 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793103 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793103 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7131, FMA:7148 . ILX:0793104 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "fundus-body junction along the greater curvature on circular-longitudinal muscle interface" ; definition: "The point at which the circular-longitudinal muscle interface of the gastric fundus merges with the circular-longitudinal muscle interface of the gastric body at the greater curvature of the stomach" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793104 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793104 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793104 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7148 . ILX:0793105 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "fundus-body junction along the greater curvature on luminal surface" ; definition: "The point at which the inner, epithelial surface of the gastric fundus merges with the inner, epithelial surface of the gastric body at the greater curvature of the stomach." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793105 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793105 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793105 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7148 . ILX:0793106 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "fundus-body junction along the greater curvature on serosa" ; definition: "The point at which the outer, serosal surface of the gastric fundus merges with the outer, serosal surface of the gastric body at the greater curvature of the stomach." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793106 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793106 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793106 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7148 . ILX:0793107 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gastroduodenal junction along the greater curvature on circular-longitudinal muscle interface" ; definition: "The point at which the circular-longitudinal muscle interface of the duodenum merges with the circular-longitudinal muscle interface of the stomach at the greater curvature of the stomach." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793107 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793107 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793107 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7148, FMA:7206 . ILX:0793108 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gastroduodenal junction along the greater curvature on luminal surface" ; definition: "The point at which the inner, epithelial surface of the duodenum merges with the inner, epithelial surface of the stomach at the greater curvature of the stomach." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793108 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793108 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793108 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7148, FMA:7206 . ILX:0793109 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gastroduodenal junction along the greater curvature on serosa" ; definition: "The point at which the outer, serosal surface of the duodenum merges with the outer, serosal surface of the stomach at the greater curvature of the stomach." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793109 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793109 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793109 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7148, FMA:7206 . ILX:0793110 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gastroduodenal junction along the lesser curvature on circular-longitudinal muscle interface" ; definition: "The point at which the circular-longitudinal muscle interface of the duodenum merges with the circular-longitudinal muscle interface of the stomach at the lesser curvature of the stomach." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793110 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793110 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793110 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7148, FMA:7206 . ILX:0793111 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gastroduodenal junction along the lesser curvature on luminal surface" ; definition: "The point at which the inner, epithelial surface of the duodenum merges with the inner, epithelial surface of the stomach at the lesser curvature of the stomach." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793111 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793111 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793111 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7148, FMA:7206 . ILX:0793112 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gastroduodenal junction along the lesser curvature on serosa" ; definition: "The point at which the outer, serosal surface of the duodenum merges with the outer, serosal surface of the stomach at the lesser curvature of the stomach." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793112 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793112 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793112 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7148, FMA:7206 . ILX:0793113 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "limiting ridge at the greater curvature on the circular-longitudinal muscle interface" ; definition: "The interface between the circular and longitudinal muscle layers at the junction between the corpus and fundus along the greater curvature of the stomach." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793113 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793113 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793113 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7148 . ILX:0793114 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "limiting ridge at the greater curvature on the luminal surface" ; definition: "The point on the surface facing the gastric lumen at the junction of the corpus and fundus along the greater curvature of the stomach." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793114 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793114 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793114 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7148 . ILX:0793115 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "limiting ridge at the greater curvature on serosa" ; definition: "The point on the outer surface of the stomach at the junction of the corpus and fundus along the greater curvature of the stomach." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793115 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793115 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793115 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7148 . ILX:0793116 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "limiting ridge on circular-longitudinal muscle interface" ; definition: "The interface between the corpus and fundus at the circular and longitudinal muscle layers of the stomach." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793116 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793116 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793116 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7148 . ILX:0793117 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "limiting ridge on luminal surface" ; definition: "body-antrum junction along the greater curvature on circular-longitudinal muscle interface" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793117 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793117 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793117 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7148 . ILX:0793118 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "limiting ridge on serosa" ; definition: "The boundary of the limiting ridge at the junction of the corpus and fundus on the outer surface of the stomach" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793118 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793118 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793118 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7148 . ILX:0793119 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "luminal surface of body of stomach" ; definition: "The inner, epithelial surface of the body of the stomach that faces the gastric lumen" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793119 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793119 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793119 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7148 . ILX:0793120 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "luminal surface of cardia of stomach" ; definition: "The surface of the cardia of the stomach which faces the stomach lumen" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793120 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793120 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793120 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7148 . ILX:0793121 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "luminal surface of duodenum" ; definition: "The inner, epithelial surface of the duodenum that faces its lumen." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793121 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793121 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793121 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7206 . ILX:0793122 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "luminal surface of esophagus" ; definition: "The inner, epithelial surface of the esophagus that faces its lumen" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793122 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793122 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793122 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7131 . ILX:0793123 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "luminal surface of fundus of stomach" ; definition: "The inner, epithelial surface of the gastric fundus that faces the stomach lumen." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793123 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793123 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793123 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7148 . ILX:0793124 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "luminal surface of pyloric antrum" ; definition: "The inner, epithelial surface of the pyloric antrum of the stomach which faces the gastric lumen." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793124 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793124 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793124 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7148 . ILX:0793125 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "luminal surface of pyloric canal" ; definition: "The inner, epithelial surface of the pyloric canal of the stomach that faces the gastric lumen" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793125 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793125 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793125 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7148 . ILX:0793126 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "luminal surface of stomach" ; definition: "The inner, epithelial surface of the stomach that faces its lumen" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793126 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793126 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793126 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7148 . ILX:0793127 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "body-antrum junction along the greater curvature on circular-longitudinal muscle interface" ; definition: "the circular-longitudinal muscle interface of the gastric body merges with the circular-longitudinal muscle interface of the gastric antrum at the greater curvature of the stomach." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793127 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793127 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793127 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7148 . ILX:0793128 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "body-antrum junction along the greater curvature on luminal surface" ; definition: "The point at which the inner, epithelial surface of the gastric body merges with the inner, epithelial surface of the gastric antrum at the greater curvature of the stomach." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793128 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793128 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793128 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7148 . ILX:0793130 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior border of left lung" ; definition: "anterior border of left lung is formed by the convergence of the mediastinal and costal surfaces." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:7310 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793130 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793130 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793130 . ILX:0793131 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Bodily liquid" ; definition: "Liquid components of living organisms. includes fluids that are excreted or secreted from the body as well as body water that normally is not." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:280556 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793131 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793131 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793131 . ILX:0793134 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Adventitia of primary bronchus" ; definition: "Outermost connective tissue layer of primary bronchus" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793134 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793134 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793134 . ILX:0793135 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "circular-longitudinal muscle interface of pyloric antrum along the greater curvature" ; definition: "The interface between the circular and longitudinal muscle layers of the antrum of the stomach along its greater curvature where the greater omenta attach to the stomach." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793135 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793135 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793135 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7148 . ILX:0793136 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "circular-longitudinal muscle interface of pyloric antrum along the lesser curvature" ; definition: "The interface between the circular and longitudinal muscle layers of the antrum of the stomach along its lesser curvature where the lesser omenta attach to the stomach." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793136 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793136 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793136 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7148 . ILX:0793137 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "circular-longitudinal muscle interface of pyloric canal along the greater curvature" ; definition: "The interface between the circular and longitudinal muscle layers of the pyloric canal along the edge that is continuous with the greater curvature of the stomach." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793137 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793137 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793137 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7148 . ILX:0793138 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "circular-longitudinal muscle interface of pyloric canal along the lesser curvature" ; definition: "The interface between the circular and longitudinal muscle layers of the pyloric canal along the edge that is continuous with the lesser curvatures of the stomach." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793138 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793138 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793138 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7148 . ILX:0793139 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "fourth coccygeal spinal cord segment" ; definition: "The segment of the spinal cord that gives rise to the dorsal and ventral roots that coalesce to form the fourth coccygeal spinal nerve." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793139 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793139 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793139 . ILX:0793140 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Bronchial muscularis" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:68413 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793140 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793140 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793140 . ILX:0793141 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "urethral rhabdosphincter" ; definition: "Superclass for rhabdosphincter of male EMAPA:32269 and rhabdosphincter of female EMAPA:36117. source: doi:10.1152/ajpregu.00111.2010" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:19667 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793141 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793141 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793141 . ILX:0793142 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Intravesical portion of ureter" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793142 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793142 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793142 . ILX:0793143 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Distal third of ureter" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793143 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793143 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793143 . ILX:0793144 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Proximal two thirds of ureter" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793144 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793144 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793144 . ILX:0793146 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventral root of the second coccygeal spinal cord segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior root of Cx2", "anterior root of second coccygeal nerve" ; definition: "The spinal root that arises from the ventral aspect of the Cx2 spinal segment of the spinal cord." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:18131 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793146 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793146 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793146 . ILX:0793147 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Gray communicating ramus of coccygeal nerve" ; definition: "The postganglionic nerve fibers from the coccygeal sympathetic chain ganglia passing to the ventral primary rami of the coccygeal spinal nerves. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-374247-6.50008-0" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:5876 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793147 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793147 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793147 . ILX:0793148 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "White communicating ramus of superior cervical ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:6261 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793148 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793148 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793148 . ILX:0793149 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Gray communicating ramus of superior cervical ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:6261 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793149 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793149 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793149 . ILX:0793150 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "White communicating ramus of middle cervical ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:6261 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793150 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793150 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793150 . ILX:0793151 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Gray communicating ramus of middle cervical ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:6261 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793151 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793151 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793151 . ILX:0793157 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Interganglionic branch of seventh thoracic ganglion to eighth thoracic ganglion" ; definition: "Nerve fibers connecting the seventh and eighth thoracic sympathetic ganglia in the sympathetic trunk." ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ILX:0383242 ILX:0793157 ; ILX:0793078 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:deprecatedLabel "T7 - T8 interganglionic segment of the sympathetic chain" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793157, ILX:0793236 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793157, ILX:0793236 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793157 . ILX:0793158 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Interganglionic branch of eighth thoracic ganglion to ninth thoracic ganglion" ; definition: "Nerve fibers connecting the eighth and ninth thoracic sympathetic ganglia in the sympathetic trunk." ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ILX:0383242 ILX:0793158 ; ILX:0793078 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:deprecatedLabel "T8 - T9 interganglionic segment of the sympathetic chain" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793158, ILX:0793237 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793158, ILX:0793237 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793158 . ILX:0793159 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Interganglionic branch of ninth thoracic ganglion to tenth thoracic ganglion" ; definition: "Nerve fibers connecting the ninth and tenth thoracic sympathetic ganglia in the sympathetic trunk." ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ILX:0383242 ILX:0793159 ; ILX:0793078 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:deprecatedLabel "T9 - T10 interganglionic segment of the sympathetic chain" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793159, ILX:0793238 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793159, ILX:0793238 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793159 . ILX:0793160 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Interganglionic branch of tenth thoracic ganglion to eleventh thoracic ganglion" ; definition: "Nerve fibers connecting the tenth and eleventh thoracic sympathetic ganglia in the sympathetic trunk." ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ILX:0383242 ILX:0793160 ; ILX:0793078 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:deprecatedLabel "T10 - T11 interganglionic segment of the sympathetic chain" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793160, ILX:0793239 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793160, ILX:0793239 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793160 . ILX:0793166 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Interganglionic branch of first sacral ganglion to second sacral ganglion" ; definition: "Nerve fibers connecting the first and second sacral sympathetic ganglia in the sympathetic trunk" ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ILX:0383242 ILX:0793166 ; ILX:0793078 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:deprecatedLabel "S1 - S2 interganglionic segment of the sympathetic chain" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793166, ILX:0793250 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793166, ILX:0793250 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793166 . ILX:0793167 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Interganglionic branch of second sacral ganglion to third sacral ganglion" ; definition: "Nerve fibers connecting the second and third sacral sympathetic ganglia in the sympathetic trunk" ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ILX:0383242 ILX:0793167 ; ILX:0793078 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:deprecatedLabel "S2 - S3 interganglionic segment of the sympathetic chain" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793167, ILX:0793251 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793167, ILX:0793251 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793167 . ILX:0793169 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Interganglionic branch of fourth sacral ganglion to first coccygeal ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:6258 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793169 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793169 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793169 . ILX:0793170 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "White communicating ramus of cervicothoracic nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:6258 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793170 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793170 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793170 . ILX:0793171 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Gray communicating ramus of cervicothoracic nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:6258 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793171 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793171 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793171 . ILX:0793172 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Cricoidal larynx" ; definition: "Segment of larynx spanning the cricoid cartilage" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793172 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793172 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793172 . ILX:0793173 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Thyroidal larynx" ; definition: "Segment of larynx spanning the thyroid cartilage" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793173 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793173 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793173 . ILX:0793174 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Thyrohyoidal larynx" ; definition: "Segment of larynx spanning the thyrohyoid membrane" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793174 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793174 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793174 . ILX:0793175 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Intragingival oral lining" ; definition: "Lining of oral cavity bound by the internal (i.e. medial and posterior) aspects of the gingivae" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793175 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793175 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793175 . ILX:0793176 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Extragingival oral lining" ; definition: "Buccal lining of oral cavity bound by the external (i.e. lateral and anterior) aspects of the gingivae and the lips" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793176 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793176 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793176 . ILX:0793178 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "intrapancreatic ganglia" ; definition: "Intrapancreatic ganglia are composed of pancreatic neurons, glial cells, and extrinsic and intrinsic nerve fibers. They are located over or alongside nerve trunks in the interlobular, acinar, or insular connective tissues, or within lobules and islets (from https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnins.2019.00021/full doi: 10.3389/fnins.2019.00021)" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:5889 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:7198 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793178 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793178 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793178 . ILX:0793179 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "distal point of lower esophageal sphincter serosa on the greater curvature of stomach" ; definition: "The point on the serosa of the esophagus where the most distal (aboral) edge of the lower esophageal sphincter coincides with the path along the greater curvature of the stomach." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793179 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793179 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793179 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7131 . ILX:0793180 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "distal point of lower esophageal sphincter serosa on the lesser curvature of stomach" ; definition: "The point on the serosa of the esophagus where the most distal (aboral) edge of the lower esophageal sphincter coincides with the path along the lesser curvature of the stomach." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793180 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793180 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793180 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7131 . ILX:0793181 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "proximodorsal midpoint on serosa of upper esophageal sphincter" ; definition: "The point on the serosa of the esophagus where the most proximal (oral) edge of the upper esophageal sphincter coincides with the dorsal midpoint of the esophagus." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793181 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793181 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793181 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7131 . ILX:0793182 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "proximoventral midpoint on serosa of upper esophageal sphincter" ; definition: "The point on the serosa of the esophagus where the most proximal (oral) edge of the upper esophageal sphincter coincides with the ventral midpoint of the esophagus." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793182 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793182 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793182 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7131 . ILX:0793199 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Interganglionic branch of eleventh thoracic ganglion to twelfth thoracic ganglion" ; definition: "Nerve fibers connecting the eleventh and twelfth thoracic sympathetic ganglia in the sympathetic trunk." ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ILX:0383242 ILX:0793199 ; ILX:0793078 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:deprecatedLabel "T11 - T12 interganglionic segment of the sympathetic chain" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793199, ILX:0793240 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793199, ILX:0793240 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793199 . ILX:0793207 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventral root of the thirteenth thoracic spinal cord segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior root of T13", "Anterior root of thirteenth thoracic nerve" ; definition: "The spinal root that arises from the ventral aspect of the T13 spinal segment of the spinal cord. Present in pigs, dogs and sheep. Not present in humans" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0014617 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793207 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793207 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793207 . ILX:0793208 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "white communicating ramus of second thoracic spinal nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "T2 white ramus" ; definition: "Preganglionic sympathetic nerve fibers that connect the spinal nerve of the second thoracic spinal segment to the sympathetic trunk." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:14056 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793208 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793208 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793208 . ILX:0793209 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "white communicating ramus of third thoracic spinal nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "T3 white ramus" ; definition: "Preganglionic sympathetic nerve fibers that connect the spinal nerve of the third thoracic spinal segment to the sympathetic trunk." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:14056 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793209 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793209 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793209 . ILX:0793210 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "white communicating ramus of fourth thoracic spinal nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "T4 white ramus" ; definition: "Preganglionic sympathetic nerve fibers that connect the spinal nerve of the fourth thoracic spinal segment to the sympathetic trunk." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:14056 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793210 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793210 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793210 . ILX:0793211 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "white communicating ramus of fifth thoracic spinal nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "T5 white ramus" ; definition: "Preganglionic sympathetic nerve fibers that connect the spinal nerve of the fifth thoracic spinal segment to the sympathetic trunk." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:14056 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793211 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793211 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793211 . ILX:0793212 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "white communicating ramus of sixth thoracic spinal nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "T6 white ramus" ; definition: "Preganglionic sympathetic nerve fibers that connect the spinal nerve of the sixth thoracic spinal segment to the sympathetic trunk." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:14056 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793212 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793212 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793212 . ILX:0793213 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "white communicating ramus of seventh thoracic spinal nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "T7 white ramus" ; definition: "Preganglionic sympathetic nerve fibers that connect the spinal nerve of the seventh thoracic spinal segment to the sympathetic trunk." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:14056 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793213 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793213 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793213 . ILX:0793214 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "white communicating ramus of eighth thoracic spinal nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "T8 white ramus" ; definition: "Preganglionic sympathetic nerve fibers that connect the spinal nerve of the eighth thoracic spinal segment to the sympathetic trunk." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:14056 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793214 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793214 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793214 . ILX:0793215 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "white communicating ramus of ninth thoracic spinal nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "T9 white ramus" ; definition: "Preganglionic sympathetic nerve fibers that connect the spinal nerve of the ninth thoracic spinal segment to the sympathetic trunk." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:14056 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793215 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793215 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793215 . ILX:0793216 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "white communicating ramus of tenth thoracic spinal nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "T10 white ramus" ; definition: "Preganglionic sympathetic nerve fibers that connect the spinal nerve of the tenth thoracic spinal segment to the sympathetic trunk." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:14056 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793216 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793216 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793216 . ILX:0793217 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "white communicating ramus of eleventh thoracic spinal nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "T11 white ramus" ; definition: "Preganglionic sympathetic nerve fibers that connect the spinal nerve of the eleventh thoracic spinal segment to the sympathetic trunk." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:14056 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793217 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793217 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793217 . ILX:0793218 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "white communicating ramus of twelfth thoracic spinal nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "T12 white ramus" ; definition: "Preganglionic sympathetic nerve fibers that connect the spinal nerve of the twelfth thoracic spinal segment to the sympathetic trunk." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:14056 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793218 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793218 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793218 . ILX:0793219 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "white communicating ramus of thirteenth thoracic spinal nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "T13 white ramus" ; definition: "Preganglionic sympathetic nerve fibers that connect the spinal nerve of the thirteenth thoracic spinal segment to the sympathetic trunk." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:14056 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793219 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793219 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793219 . ILX:0793220 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "white communicating ramus of first lumbar spinal nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "L1 white ramus" ; definition: "Preganglionic sympathetic nerve fibers that connect the spinal nerve of the first lumbar spinal segment to the sympathetic trunk." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:16416 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:12697, ILX:0793220 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:12697 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793220 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:12697 . ILX:0793221 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "white communicating ramus of second lumbar spinal nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "L2 white ramus" ; definition: "Preganglionic sympathetic nerve fibers that connect the spinal nerve of the second lumbar spinal segment to the sympathetic trunk." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:16416 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:12698, ILX:0793221 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:12698 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793221 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:12698 . ILX:0793222 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gray communicating ramus of the fourth cervical nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "C4 gray ramus", "C4 grey ramus" ; definition: "The postganglionic nerve fibers from superior cervical ganglion passing to the fourth cervical spinal nerve." ; rdfs:subClassOf ILX:0794915 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793222 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793222 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793222 . ILX:0793223 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gray communicating ramus of the fifth cervical nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "C5 gray ramus", "C5 grey ramus" ; definition: "The postganglionic nerve fibers from middle cervical ganglion passing to the fifth cervical spinal nerve." ; rdfs:subClassOf ILX:0794915 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793223 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793223 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793223 . ILX:0793224 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gray communicating ramus of the sixth cervical nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "C6 gray ramus", "C6 grey ramus" ; definition: "The postganglionic nerve fibers from middle cervical ganglion passing to the sixth cervical spinal nerve." ; rdfs:subClassOf ILX:0794915 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793224 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793224 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793224 . ILX:0793225 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gray communicating ramus of the seventh cervical nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "C7 gray ramus", "C7 grey ramus" ; definition: "The postganglionic nerve fibers from inferior cervical ganglion passing to the seventh cervical spinal nerve." ; rdfs:subClassOf ILX:0794915 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793225 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793225 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793225 . ILX:0793226 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gray communicating ramus of the eighth cervical nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "C8 gray ramus", "C8 grey ramus" ; definition: "The postganglionic nerve fibers from inferior cervical ganglion passing to the eighth cervical spinal nerve." ; rdfs:subClassOf ILX:0794915 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793226 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793226 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793226 . ILX:0793227 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gray communicating ramus of thirteenth thoracic nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "gray communicating ramus of the thirteenth intercostal nerve", "T13 gray ramus", "T13 grey ramus" ; definition: "The postganglionic nerve fibers from the thirteenth thoracic sympathetic chain ganglion passing to the thirteenth thoracic spinal nerve. Present in sheep and dog. Not present in humans" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:14055 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793227 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793227 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793227 . ILX:0793228 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gray communicating ramus of first sacral nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "S1 gray ramus", "S1 grey ramus" ; definition: "The postganglionic nerve fibers from the first sacral sympathetic chain ganglion passing to the first sacral spinal nerve." ; rdfs:subClassOf ILX:0794913 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:65986, ILX:0793228 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:65986 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793228 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:65986 . ILX:0793229 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gray communicating ramus of second sacral nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "S2 gray ramus", "S2 grey ramus" ; definition: "The postganglionic nerve fibers from the second sacral sympathetic chain ganglion passing to the second sacral spinal nerve." ; rdfs:subClassOf ILX:0794913 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:65987, ILX:0793229 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:65987 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793229 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:65987 . ILX:0793230 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gray communicating ramus of third sacral nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "S3 gray ramus", "S3 grey ramus" ; definition: "The postganglionic nerve fibers from the third sacral sympathetic chain ganglion passing to the third sacral spinal nerve." ; rdfs:subClassOf ILX:0794913 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:65988, ILX:0793230 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:65988 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793230 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:65988 . ILX:0793231 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gray communicating ramus of fourth sacral nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "S4 gray ramus", "S4 grey ramus" ; definition: "The postganglionic nerve fibers from the fourth sacral sympathetic chain ganglion passing to the fourth sacral spinal nerve. Present in mice, rat, and human." ; rdfs:subClassOf ILX:0794913 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:65989, ILX:0793231 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:65989 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793231 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:65989 . ILX:0793232 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gray communicating ramus of fifth sacral nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "S5 gray ramus", "S5 grey ramus" ; definition: "The postganglionic nerve fibers from the fifth sacral sympathetic chain ganglion passing to the fifth sacral spinal nerve. Present in human." ; rdfs:subClassOf ILX:0794913 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:65990, ILX:0793232 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:65990 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793232 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:65990 . ILX:0793233 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "T1 - inferior cervical ganglion interganglionic segment of the sympathetic chain" ; definition: "Nerve fibers connecting the inferior cervical ganglia and the first thoracic sympathetic ganglia in the sympathetic trunk.", "Nerve fibers connecting the inferior cervical ganglia and the first thoracic sympathetic ganglia in the sympathetic trunk. Frequently, these two segments are fused to form the stellate ganglion, and in these cases there is no interganglionic segment." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:6258 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: "SAWG", , SCR:018709 ; ILX:0383242 FMA:6944 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ILX:0793078 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:deprecatedLabel "Interganglionic branch of inferior cervical ganglion to first thoracic ganglion" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6944, ILX:0738291, ILX:0793233 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6944 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738291, ILX:0793233 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:6944 . ILX:0793234 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "inferior cervical ganglion - middle cervical ganglion interganglionic segment of the sympathetic chain" ; definition: "Nerve fibers connecting the middle cervical ganglia and the inferior cervical ganglia in the sympathetic trunk." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:6258 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ILX:0383242 FMA:6942 ; ILX:0793078 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:deprecatedLabel "Interganglionic branch of inferior cervical ganglion to middle cervical ganglion" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6942, ILX:0738290, ILX:0788387, ILX:0793234 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6942 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0738290, ILX:0793234 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:6942 . ILX:0793242 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "T12 - L1 interganglionic segment of the sympathetic chain" ; definition: "Nerve fibers connecting the twelfth thoracic sympathetic ganglia and the first lumbar sympathetic ganglia in the sympathetic trunk." ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793242 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793242 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793242 . ILX:0793248 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "L5 - L6 interganglionic segment of the sympathetic chain" ; definition: "Nerve fibers connecting the fifth and sixth lumbar sympathetic ganglia in the sympathetic trunk. Only present in some mammalian species." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:6258 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793248 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793248 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793248 . ILX:0793252 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "S3 - S4 interganglionic segment of the sympathetic chain" ; definition: "Nerve fibers connecting the third and fourth sacral sympathetic ganglia in the sympathetic trunk" ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ILX:0383242 ILX:0777090 ; ILX:0793078 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793252 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793252 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793252 . ILX:0793253 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "S4 - S5 interganglionic segment of the sympathetic chain" ; NIFRID:synonym "coccygeal spinal cord segment", "L7 segment", "L7 spinal cord segment" ; definition: "The most caudal segment of the spinal cord, which gives rise to the coccygeal dorsal and ventral roots." ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793253 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793253 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793253 . ILX:0793335 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "T5 sympathetic chain" ; definition: "Comprised of the sympathetic paravertebral ganglia and the interganglionic segments that are between the ganglia at the fifth thoracic vertebrae" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:6258 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793335 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793335 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793335 . ILX:0793336 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "T6 sympathetic chain" ; definition: "Comprised of the sympathetic paravertebral ganglia and the interganglionic segments that are between the ganglia at the sixththoracic vertebrae" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:6258 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793336 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793336 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793336 . ILX:0793337 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "T7 sympathetic chain" ; definition: "Comprised of the sympathetic paravertebral ganglia and the interganglionic segments that are between the ganglia at the seventh thoracic vertebrae" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793337 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793337 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793337 . ILX:0793338 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "T8 sympathetic chain" ; definition: "Comprised of the sympathetic paravertebral ganglia and the interganglionic segments that are between the ganglia at the eighth thoracic vertebrae" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793338 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793338 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793338 . ILX:0793339 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "T9 sympathetic chain" ; definition: "Comprised of the sympathetic paravertebral ganglia and the interganglionic segments that are between the ganglia at the ninth thoracic vertebrae" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793339 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793339 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793339 . ILX:0793340 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "T10 sympathetic chain" ; definition: "Comprised of the sympathetic paravertebral ganglia and the interganglionic segments that are between the ganglia at the tenth thoracic vertebrae" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793340 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793340 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793340 . ILX:0793341 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "T11 sympathetic chain" ; definition: "Comprised of the sympathetic paravertebral ganglia and the interganglionic segments that are between the ganglia at the eleventh thoracic vertebrae" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793341 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793341 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793341 . ILX:0793342 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "T12 sympathetic chain" ; definition: "Comprised of the sympathetic paravertebral ganglia and the interganglionic segments that are between the ganglia at the twelfth thoracic vertebrae" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793342 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793342 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793342 . ILX:0793343 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "T13 sympathetic chain" ; definition: "Comprised of the sympathetic paravertebral ganglia and the interganglionic segments that are between the ganglia at the thirteenth thoracic vertebrae" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793343 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793343 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793343 . ILX:0793344 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "L1 sympathetic chain" ; definition: "Comprised of the sympathetic paravertebral ganglia and the interganglionic segments that are between the ganglia at the first lumbar vertebrae" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793344 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793344 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793344 . ILX:0793345 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "L2 sympathetic chain" ; definition: "Comprised of the sympathetic paravertebral ganglia and the interganglionic segments that are between the ganglia at the second lumbar vertebrae" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793345 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793345 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793345 . ILX:0793346 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "L3 sympathetic chain" ; definition: "Comprised of the sympathetic paravertebral ganglia and the interganglionic segments that are between the ganglia at the third lumbar vertebrae" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793346 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793346 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793346 . ILX:0793347 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "L4 sympathetic chain" ; definition: "Comprised of the sympathetic paravertebral ganglia and the interganglionic segments that are between the ganglia at the fourth lumbar vertebrae" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793347 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793347 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793347 . ILX:0793348 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "L5 sympathetic chain" ; definition: "Comprised of the sympathetic paravertebral ganglia and the interganglionic segments that are between the ganglia at the fifth lumbar vertebrae" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793348 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793348 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793348 . ILX:0793349 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "L6 sympathetic chain" ; definition: "Comprised of the sympathetic paravertebral ganglia and the interganglionic segments that are between the ganglia at the sixth lumbar vertebrae" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793349 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793349 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793349 . ILX:0793350 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "S1 sympathetic chain" ; definition: "Comprised of the sympathetic paravertebral ganglia and the interganglionic segments that are between the ganglia at the first sacral vertebrae" ; rdfs:subClassOf ILX:0793766 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793350 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793350 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793350 . ILX:0793351 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "S2 sympathetic chain" ; definition: "Comprised of the sympathetic paravertebral ganglia and the interganglionic segments that are between the ganglia at the second sacral vertebrae" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793351 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793351 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793351 . ILX:0793352 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "S3 sympathetic chain" ; definition: "Comprised of the sympathetic paravertebral ganglia and the interganglionic segments that are between the ganglia at the third sacral vertebrae" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793352 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793352 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793352 . ILX:0793353 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "S4 sympathetic chain" ; definition: "Comprised of the sympathetic paravertebral ganglia and the interganglionic segments that are between the ganglia at the fourth sacral vertebrae" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793353 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793353 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793353 . ILX:0793354 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "S5 sympathetic chain" ; definition: "Comprised of the sympathetic paravertebral ganglia and the interganglionic segments that are between the ganglia at the fifth sacral vertebrae" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793354 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793354 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793354 . ILX:0793355 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Cervicothoracic - T2 interganglionic segment" ; definition: "Nerve fibers connecting the cervicothoracic ganglia and the second thoracic sympathetic ganglia in the sympathetic trunk." ; ILX:0793260 "FMA:6609" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793355 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793355 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793355 . ILX:0793356 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Middle cervical ganglion - Cervicothoracic interganglionic segment" ; definition: "Nerve fibers connecting the middle cervical ganglia and the cervicothoracic sympathetic ganglia in the sympathetic trunk." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793356 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793356 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793356 . ILX:0793357 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Thirteenth thoracic spinal cord segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "T13 segment", "T13 spinal cord segment" ; definition: "The segment of the spinal cord that gives rise to the dorsal and ventral roots that coalesce to form the thirteenth thoracic spinal nerve which exits the spinal column above the thirteenth thoracic vertebra in most mammals." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793357 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793357 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793357 . ILX:0793358 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Sixth lumbar spinal cord segment (duplicate)" ; NIFRID:synonym "L6 segment", "L6 spinal cord segment" ; definition: "The segment of the spinal cord that gives rise to the dorsal and ventral roots that coalesce to form the sixth lumbar spinal nerve which exits the spinal column above the sixth lumbar vertebra in most mammals." ; ILX:0793665 "Some species do not have an L6. According to https://www.spinalcord.com/blog/the-sixth-lumbar-vertebrae-the-anatomy-behind-the-rare-extra-bone, 90% of people do not have an L6." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793358 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793358 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793358 . ILX:0793359 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "thirteenth thoracic dorsal root ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "T13 dorsal root ganglia", "thirteenth thoracic spinal ganglion" ; definition: "The thirteenth thoracic dorsal root ganglion (or spinal ganglion; also known as a posterior root ganglion) is a cluster of sensory neuron cell bodies (a ganglion) in the thirteenth thoracic spinal nerve. Present in dog, sheep, and pig. Not present in human." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:6006 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793359 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793359 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793359 . ILX:0793360 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "sixth lumbar dorsal root ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "L6 dorsal root ganglia", "L6 dorsal root ganglion", "Sixth lumbar spinal ganglion" ; definition: "The sixth lumbar dorsal root ganglion (or spinal ganglion; also known as a posterior root ganglion) is a cluster of sensory neuron cell bodies (a ganglion) in the sixth lumbar spinal nerve. Present in some animals, not present in human." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:6007 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793360 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793360 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793360 . ILX:0793361 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "white communicating ramus of third lumbar spinal nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "L3 white ramus" ; definition: "Preganglionic sympathetic nerve fibers that connect the spinal nerve of the third lumbar spinal segment to the sympathetic trunk." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:16416 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:12699, ILX:0793361 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:12699 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793361 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:12699 . ILX:0793362 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "White communicating ramus of fourth lumbar anterior ramus" ; NIFRID:synonym "L4 white ramus" ; definition: "Preganglionic sympathetic nerve fibers that anteriorly connect the spinal nerve of the fourth lumbar segment of the spinal cord to the sympathetic trunk." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793362 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793362 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793362 . ILX:0793363 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Interganglionic branch of inferior cervical ganglion to vertebral ganglion" ; definition: "Nerve fibers connecting the superior cervical ganglia and the next closest ganglia, the middle cervical ganglia, inferiorly in the sympathetic trunk." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6943, ILX:0793363 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6943 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793363 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:6943 . ILX:0793530 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "outer surface of myocardium" ; definition: "The outermost 2-D surface of the myocardium where it meets the other tissue types in the heart wall." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:24137 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:9462 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793530 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793530 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793530 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7088 . ILX:0793531 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "outer surface of myocardium of left atrium" ; definition: "The outermost 2-D surface of the myocardium of left atrium where it meets the other tissue types in the heart wall." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:7088 ; ilx.partOf: ILX:0775551 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793531 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793531 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793531 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7088 . ILX:0793532 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "outer surface of myocardium of right atrium" ; definition: "The outermost 2-D surface of the myocardium of right atrium where it meets the other tissue types in the heart wall." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:7088 ; ilx.partOf: ILX:0773136 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793532 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793532 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793532 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7088 . ILX:0793533 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "outer surface of myocardium of left ventricle" ; definition: "The outermost 2-D surface of the myocardium of left ventricle where it meets the other tissue types in the heart wall." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:7088 ; ilx.partOf: ILX:0774799 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793533 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793533 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793533 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7088 . ILX:0793534 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "outer surface of myocardium of right ventricle" ; definition: "The outermost 2-D surface of the myocardium of right ventricle where it meets the other tissue types in the heart wall." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:24137 ; ilx.partOf: ILX:0774965 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793534 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793534 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793534 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7088 . ILX:0793535 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "luminal surface of left atrium" ; definition: "The innermost surface of the myocardium at organ scale, touching lumen of left atrium, treating endocardium thickness as negligible or as part of myocardium." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:24137 ; ilx.partOf: ILX:0775551 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793535 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793535 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793535 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7088 . ILX:0793536 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "luminal surface of right atrium" ; definition: "The innermost surface of the myocardium at organ scale, touching lumen of right atrium, treating endocardium thickness as negligible or as part of myocardium." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:24137 ; ilx.partOf: ILX:0773136 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793536 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793536 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793536 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7088 . ILX:0793537 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "luminal surface of left ventricle" ; definition: "The innermost surface of the myocardium at organ scale, touching lumen of left ventricle, treating endocardium thickness as negligible or as part of myocardium." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:24137 ; ilx.partOf: ILX:0774799 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793537 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793537 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793537 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7088 . ILX:0793538 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "luminal surface of right ventricle" ; definition: "The innermost surface of the myocardium at organ scale, touching lumen of right ventricle, treating endocardium thickness as negligible or as part of myocardium." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:24137 ; ilx.partOf: ILX:0774965 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793538 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793538 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793538 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7088 . ILX:0793539 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "luminal surface of left pulmonary vein" ; NIFRID:synonym "tunica intima of left pulmonary vein" ; definition: "The innermost surface of the left pulmonary vein." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:24137 ; ilx.partOf: UBERON:0009030 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793539 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793539 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793539 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7088 . ILX:0793540 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "luminal surface of middle pulmonary vein" ; NIFRID:synonym "tunica intima of middle pulmonary vein" ; definition: "The innermost surface of the middle pulmonary vein." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:24137 ; ilx.partOf: ILX:0739222 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793540 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793540 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793540 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7088 . ILX:0793541 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "luminal surface of right pulmonary vein" ; NIFRID:synonym "tunica intima of right pulmonary vein" ; definition: "This is what investigators should be digitizing, not \"right pulmonary vein\" which is a volumetric entity." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:24137 ; ilx.partOf: UBERON:0009032 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793541 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793541 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793541 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7088 . ILX:0793542 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "luminal surface of inferior vena cava" ; NIFRID:synonym "tunica intima of inferior vena cava" ; definition: "The innermost surface of the inferior vena cava." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:24137 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:321896 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793542 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793542 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793542 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7088 . ILX:0793543 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "luminal surface of superior vena cava" ; definition: "This is what investigators should be digitizing, not \"superior vena cava\" which is a volumetric entity." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:7088 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793543 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793543 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793543 . ILX:0793544 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "luminal surface of aorta" ; definition: "The 2-D surface of the aorta in contact with blood." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:24137 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:3734 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793544 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793544 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793544 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7088 . ILX:0793545 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "luminal surface of root of aorta" ; definition: "The 2-D surface of the aortic valve/root in contact with blood, subset of \"luminal surface of aorta\"." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:24137 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:3740 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793545 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793545 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793545 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7088 . ILX:0793546 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "luminal surface of pulmonary trunk" ; definition: "The 2-D surface of the pulmonary trunk in contact with blood." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:24137 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:8612 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793546 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793546 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793546 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7088 . ILX:0793547 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "luminal surface of root of pulmonary trunk" ; definition: "The 2-D surface of the pulmonary valve/root in contact with blood, subset of \"luminal surface of pulmonary trunk\"." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:24137 ; ilx.partOf: ILX:0738366 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793547 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793547 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793547 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7088 . ILX:0793548 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "outer surface of epicardium" ; definition: "The outermost 2-D surface of the heart where it meets the pericardial cavity, outside surface of all solid tissue in wall of heart." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:24137 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:9461 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793548 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793548 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793548 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7088 . ILX:0793549 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "general epicardium layer, or \"epicardium\"" ; definition: "Variable thickness layer comprising all solid tissue in the heart wall outside the myocardium, including the epicardial fat, other fibro-fatty tissue, containing vessels, nerves etc." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:7088 ; ILX:0383242 FMA:9461 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793549 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793549 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793549 . ILX:0793550 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "mediastinal ganglion" ; definition: "Autonomic ganglia residing on the dorsal aspect of the caudate border of the left bronchus, to the left of the median line and ventral to the esophagus and aorta." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.hasDefinitionSource: SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793550 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793550 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793550 . ILX:0793551 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gray communicating ramus of the first cervical nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "C1 gray ramus", "C1 grey ramus" ; definition: "The postganglionic nerve fibers from superior cervical ganglion passing to the first cervical spinal nerve." ; rdfs:subClassOf ILX:0794915 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793551 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793551 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793551 . ILX:0793552 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gray communicating ramus of the second cervical nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "C2 gray ramus", "C2 grey ramus" ; definition: "The postganglionic nerve fibers from superior cervical ganglion passing to the second cervical spinal nerve." ; rdfs:subClassOf ILX:0794915 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793552 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793552 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793552 . ILX:0793553 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gray communicating ramus of the third cervical nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "C3 gray ramus", "C3 grey ramus" ; definition: "The postganglionic nerve fibers from superior cervical ganglion passing to the third cervical spinal nerve." ; rdfs:subClassOf ILX:0794915 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793553 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793553 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793553 . ILX:0793555 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Atrial intrinsic cardiac ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "atrial ganglionated plexus" ; definition: "Autonomic ganglia residing on the dorsal surface of the atria. Classically regarded as parasympathetic postganglionic neurons, but may include cholinergic, adrenergic, and/or nitrergic cells receiving, principally, cholinergic innervation from the preganglionic parasympathetic neurons of the brainstem." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.partOf: ILX:0738396, UBERON:0035814 ; ILX:0739239 "Approved by SAWG on June 10, 2022. Definition provided by John Thompkins, UCLA." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793555 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793555 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793555 . ILX:0793556 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventricular intrinsic cardiac ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "Ventricular ganglionated plexus" ; definition: "Autonomic ganglia residing on the epicardial surface of the ventricles. The size, location, and chemical coding of the neuronal cell bodies varies among species." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.partOf: UBERON:0035814 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793556 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793556 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793556 . ILX:0793557 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "mediastinal ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793557 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793557 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793557 . ILX:0793558 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "distal stomach" ; definition: "The section of the stomach comprising the antrum and pylorus." ; ilx.partOf: FMA:7148 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793558 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793558 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793558 . ILX:0793559 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "bladder nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "nerve of bladder" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ILX:0793665 "The bladder nerve may only be a cohesive structure in some species" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793559 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793559 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793559 . ILX:0793562 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "internal branch of the inferior laryngeal branch of the vagus nerve" ; definition: "there's a left and right recurrent laryngeal nerve, but not inferior in FMA" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793562 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793562 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793562 . ILX:0793563 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "splenic nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "Splenic nerve plexus" ; definition: "An abundant network of interconnecting fibers originating from abdominal ganglia." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6634, ILX:0793563 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6634 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793563 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:6634 . ILX:0793564 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "oblique muscle layer of esophagus" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793564 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793564 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793564 . ILX:0793565 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Smooth muscle fiber of colon" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:15663, ILX:0793565 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:15663 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793565 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:15663 . ILX:0793566 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Goblet cell" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:13148, ILX:0793566 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:13148 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793566 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:13148 . ILX:0793567 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Enterocyte" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:62122, ILX:0793567 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:62122 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793567 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:62122 . ILX:0793568 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Chromaffin cell of adrenal medulla" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:69262, ILX:0793568 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:69262 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793568 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:69262 . ILX:0793569 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Systemic capillary" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:14122, ILX:0793569 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:14122 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793569 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:14122 . ILX:0793570 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "trachea parasympathetic ganglia" ; definition: "Parasympathetic ganglia associated with the trachea." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:5894 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:7394 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793570 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793570 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793570 . ILX:0793571 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "bronchus parasympathetic ganglia" ; definition: "Parasympathetic ganglia associated with the bronchi." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:5894 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:7409 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793571 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793571 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793571 . ILX:0793572 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "bronchiole parasympathetic ganglia" ; definition: "Parasympathetic ganglia associated with the bronchioles." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:5894 ; ilx.includesTerm: ILX:0793177 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:7410 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793572 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793572 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793572 . ILX:0793573 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "terminal bronchiole parasympathetic ganglia" ; definition: "Parasympathetic ganglia associated with the terminal bronchioles." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:5894 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:7411 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793573 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793573 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793573 . ILX:0793574 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "intracranial nerves" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793574 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793574 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793574 . ILX:0793575 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "blood vessel of pancreas" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793575 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793575 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793575 . ILX:0793576 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gray communicating ramus of twelfth thoracic nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "gray communicating ramus of the twelfth subcostal nerve", "Gray ramus communicans of subcostal nerve", "T12 gray ramus", "T12 grey ramus" ; definition: "The postganglionic nerve fibers from the twelfth thoracic sympathetic chain ganglion passing to the twelfth thoracic spinal nerve." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:14055 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:11648, ILX:0793576 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:11648 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793576 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:11648 . ILX:0793613 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Epithelium of pancreatic acinus" ; definition: "The outer cell layer of the pancreatic acinus, which is a functional unit of the exocrine pancreas producing digest enzymes." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:9639 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:16011 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793613 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793613 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793613 . ILX:0793615 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventral root of the sixth lumbar spinal cord segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior root of L6", "Anterior root of sixth lumbar nerve" ; definition: "The spinal root that arises from the ventral aspect of the L6 spinal segment of the spinal cord. Not present in humans. Present in some other animals" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0024382 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793615 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793615 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793615 . ILX:0793616 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Hypogastric ganglion" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793616 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793616 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793616 . ILX:0793617 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "T2 sympathetic chain" ; definition: "Comprised of the sympathetic paravertebral ganglia and the interganglionic segments that are between the ganglia at the second thoracic vertebrae" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:6258 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793617 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793617 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793617 . ILX:0793618 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "T3 sympathetic chain" ; definition: "Comprised of the sympathetic paravertebral ganglia and the interganglionic segments that are between the ganglia at the third thoracic vertebrae" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:6258 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793618 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793618 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793618 . ILX:0793619 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "T4 sympathetic chain" ; definition: "Comprised of the sympathetic paravertebral ganglia and the interganglionic segments that are between the ganglia at the fourth thoracic vertebrae" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:6258 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793619 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793619 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793619 . ILX:0793620 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "dura mater in the posterior cranial fossa" ; definition: "The fibrous membrane forming the outer of the three coverings that surrounds the brain within the cranial cavity; consists of two layers including the periosteal layer and the meningeal layer of the infratentorial compartment (posterior cranial fossa) that contains the CEREBELLUM and BRAIN STEM. It is formed by the posterior third of the superior surface of the body of the sphenoid (SPHENOID BONE), by the occipital, the petrous, and mastoid portions of the TEMPORAL BONE, and the posterior inferior angle of the PARIETAL BONE." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793620 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793620 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793620 . ILX:0793621 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "External carotid nerve plexus" ; NIFRID:synonym "fibers provided by http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/UBERON_0001989" ; definition: "Trunk ganglion which is bilaterally paired and located at the anterior end of the sympathetic ganglion chain" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:5901 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:67532, ILX:0793621 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:67532 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793621 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:67532 . ILX:0793622 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Medial pterygoid nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "internal pterygoid nerve" ; definition: "The medial pterygoid nerve (or internal pterygoid nerve) is a branch of the mandibular nerve (CN V3). It supplies the medial pterygoid muscle, the tensor veli palatini muscle, and the tensor tympani muscle." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:53056, ILX:0793622 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:53056 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793622 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:53056 . ILX:0793626 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventrolateral periaqueductal gray" ; definition: "The ventrolateral region of the periaqueductal gray that contributes to the regulation of defensive behavior and pain modulation." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:74510 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793626 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793626 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793626 . ILX:0793627 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "entroendocrine cell" ; NIFRID:synonym "G cell and Enterochromaffin-like cell are both enteroendocrine cells" ; definition: "Gastric enteroendocrine cells are found in the gastric glands, mostly at their base. The G cells secrete gastrin, post-ganglionic fibers of the vagus nerve can release gastrin-releasing peptide during parasympathetic stimulation to stimulate secretion. Enterochromaffin-like cells are enteroendocrine and neuroendocrine cells also known for their similarity to chromaffin cells secreting histamine, which stimulates G cells to secrete gastrin." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793627 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793627 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793627 . ILX:0793628 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Platelet-Derived Growth Factor Receptor Alpha" ; definition: "Platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha binds to certain isoforms of platelet-derived growth factors (PDGFs) and thereby becomes active in stimulating cell signaling pathways that elicit responses such as cellular growth and differentiation." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793628 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793628 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793628 . ILX:0793629 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Blood vessel of spleen" ; definition: "A blood vessel that is part of the spleen." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793629 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793629 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793629 . ILX:0793632 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "lumbar colonic nerve" ; definition: "Sympathetic (postganglionic) projections from the paravertebral ganglion to the colon." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793632 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793632 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793632 . ILX:0793641 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Arteriole in circular muscle layer of descending colon" ; definition: "An arteriole traversing the smooth muscular layer of the descending colon" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:63182 ; ilx.partOf: ILX:0773760 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793641 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793641 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793641 . ILX:0793642 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Arteriole in lamina propria of mucosa of descending colon" ; definition: "Arteriole traversing the lamina propria of mucosa of descending colon" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:63182 ; ilx.partOf: ILX:0770759 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793642 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793642 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793642 . ILX:0793643 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Arteriole in longitudinal muscle layer of descending colon" ; definition: "Arteriole traversing the longitudinal muscle layer of descending colon" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:63182 ; ilx.partOf: ILX:0776070 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793643 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793643 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793643 . ILX:0793644 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Arteriole in myenteric nerve plexus of descending colon" ; definition: "Arteriole traversing myenteric nerve plexus of descending colon" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:63182 ; ilx.partOf: ILX:0793657 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793644 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793644 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793644 . ILX:0793645 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Arteriole in serosa of descending colon" ; definition: "Arteriole traversing serosa of the descending colon" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:63182 ; ilx.partOf: ILX:0771089 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793645 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793645 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793645 . ILX:0793646 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Arteriole in submucous nerve plexus of descending colon" ; definition: "Arteriole traversing submucous nerve plexus of colon" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:63182 ; ilx.partOf: ILX:0793659 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793646 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793646 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793646 . ILX:0793655 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "myenteric nerve plexus of esophagus" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793655 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793655 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793655 . ILX:0793656 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "myenteric nerve plexus of stomach" ; definition: "Part of myenteric ganglionated nerve plexus located between the longitudinal and circular muscle layers of the stomach continuous with the myenteric nerve plexus of the esophagus and the small intestine." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:7148, FMA:63252 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793656 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793656 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793656 . ILX:0793657 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Myenteric nerve plexus of descending colon" ; definition: "The component of the myenteric ganglionated plexus in the descending colon." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:5901 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:14547, UBERON:8410058 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793657 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793657 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793657 . ILX:0793658 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "proximal stomach" ; definition: "The proximal region of the stomach containing the cardia, fundus and proximal region of the corpus." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: ; ilx.partOf: FMA:7148 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793658 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793658 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793658 . ILX:0793659 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Submucosal nerve plexus of descending colon" ; definition: "The component of the submucosal ganglionated nerve plexus in the descending colon." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:5901 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:14547, UBERON:8410059 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793659 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793659 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793659 . ILX:0793660 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "myenteric nerve plexus of lower esophagus" ; definition: "The component of the myenteric ganglionated nerve plexus that is located between the longitudinal and circular muscle layers of the lower esophagus and is continuous with the myenteric nerve plexus of the stomach." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:5901 ; ilx.partOf: ILX:0793655 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793660 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793660 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793660 . ILX:0793661 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left hemi-bladder" ; definition: "The left half of the urinary bladder sphere It contains the left ureter inlet on the bladder surface." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:15900 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793661 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793661 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793661 . ILX:0793662 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right hemi-bladder" ; definition: "The right half of the urinary bladder sphere, It contains the right ureter inlet on the bladder surface." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:15900 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793662 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793662 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793662 . ILX:0793663 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Arteriole in connective tissue of bladder neck" ; definition: "Arteriole traversing the connective tissue of bladder neck" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:63182 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:15912 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793663 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793663 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793663 . ILX:0793664 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Arteriole in connective tissue of bladder dome" ; definition: "Arteriole traversing the connective tissue of bladder dome" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:63182 ; ilx.partOf: ILX:0738433 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793664 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793664 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793664 . ILX:0793666 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "connective tissue of pancreas" ; definition: "Tissue that supports, protects, and gives structure to the pancreas." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:7198 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793666 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793666 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793666 . ILX:0793667 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "myenteric plexus of gastric antrum" ; definition: "Part of myenteric ganglionated nerve plexus located between the longitudinal and circular muscle layers of the gastric antrum, continuous with the myenteric nerve plexus of the stomach." ; rdfs:subClassOf ILX:0793656 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:14579 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793667 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793667 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793667 . ILX:0793668 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "myenteric plexus of proximal duodenum" ; definition: "Part of myenteric ganglionated nerve plexus located between the longitudinal and circular muscle layers of the poximal duodenum continuous with the myenteric nerve plexus of the small intestine" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.partOf: ILX:0774562, UBERON:8410063 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793668 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793668 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793668 . ILX:0793669 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "basement membrane of pancreatic acinus" ; definition: "The extracellular matrix that lines the basal side of epithelial and endothelial tissues. of the pancreatic acinus, the functional unit of the exocrine pancreas producing digest enzymes" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:63872 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:16011 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793669 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793669 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793669 . ILX:0793670 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "plexus in adventicia of inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery" ; definition: "Nerve fibers located in the adventicia of the inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:14805 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793670 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793670 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793670 . ILX:0793671 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "adventitia of superior mesenteric artery" ; definition: "Outermost layer of the superior mesenteric artery" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0005734 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:14749 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793671 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793671 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793671 . ILX:0793673 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Nerve plexus in adventitia of splenic artery" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:5901 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:14773 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793673 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793673 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793673 . ILX:0793674 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nerve plexus in adventitia of inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery" ; definition: "Nerve fibers located in the tunica adventitia of the inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:5901 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:14805 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793674 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793674 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793674 . ILX:0793675 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "adventitia of celiac trunk" ; definition: "The outermost layer of the celiac trunk artery" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0005734 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:14812 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793675 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793675 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793675 . ILX:0793676 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nerve plexus in adventitia of hepatic artery" ; definition: "Nerve fibers located in the tunica adventitia of the hepatic artery" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:5901 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:14769 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793676 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793676 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793676 . ILX:0793677 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "circular muscle of proximal duodenum" ; definition: "The middle layer of the muscularis; it is continuous with the circular layer of the duodenum" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.partOf: ILX:0774562 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793677 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793677 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793677 . ILX:0793678 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "longitudinal muscle layer of proximal duodenum" ; definition: "A longitudinal muscle layer of muscular coat that is part of a proximal duodenum smooth muscle." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.partOf: ILX:0774562 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793678 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793678 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793678 . ILX:0793679 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Cardiac ganglionated plexus" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793679 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793679 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793679 . ILX:0793680 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Perimarginal cavernous sinus" ; definition: "A perimarginal cavernous sinus is situated outside the marginal zone or directly adjacent to the lymphoid follicles, in areas where the marginal sinus is absent. The perimarginal cavernous sinus receives blood from the marginal sinus." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: "True" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:7196, FMA:50772 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793680 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793680 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793680 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7196 . ILX:0793681 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Marginal zone network" ; definition: "The network of vascular sinuses that begins with the radial arteriole and includes the marginal sinus and perimarginal cavernous sinus." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:7196 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793681 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793681 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793681 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7196 . ILX:0793684 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Wall of trachea" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:7470, ILX:0793684 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:7470 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793684 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:7470 . ILX:0793685 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Phrenic nucleus of C3" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793685 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793685 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793685 . ILX:0793686 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Intrinsic ganglion of the trachea" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793686 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793686 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793686 . ILX:0793687 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Intrinsic ganglion of the primary bronchus" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793687 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793687 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793687 . ILX:0793688 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Intrinsic ganglion of the primary bronchiole" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793688 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793688 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793688 . ILX:0793689 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Intrinsic ganglion of the terminal bronchiole" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793689 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793689 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793689 . ILX:0793690 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "endothelial vessel" ; definition: "An endothelium-lined conduit conveying blood or lymph" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793690 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793690 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793690 . ILX:0793691 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "lymphatic conduit" ; definition: "Any endothelium-lined conduit that conveys lymph including lymphatic vessels, lymph nodes, cisterna chyli, thoracis and lumbar ducts." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793691 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793691 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793691 . ILX:0793692 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Portion of cell" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793692 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793692 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793692 . ILX:0793693 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Pulmonary smooth muscle" ; definition: "Smooth muscle around the airways" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793693 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793693 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793693 . ILX:0793694 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "facial colliculus" ; definition: "The facial colliculus is an elevated area located on the pontine tegmentum (dorsal pons) in the floor of the fourth ventricle. It is formed by fibers from the facial motor nucleus of the facial nerve (cranial nerve VII) as they loop over the abducens nucleus. (Wikipedia)" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.partOf: NLX:70428 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:78480, ILX:0793694 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:78480 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793694 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:78480 . ILX:0793695 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "extracellular material" ; definition: "Material outside cells, including extracellular fluid and the extracellular matrix which it bathes" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793695 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793695 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793695 . ILX:0793696 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "blood cells" ; definition: "The cellular component of blood" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793696 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793696 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793696 . ILX:0793697 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Intermediolateral nucleus of second thoracic segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "T2 intermediolateral cell column", "T2 intermediolateral nucleus" ; definition: "Part of Intermediolateral nucleus located in the second thoracic spinal cord segment." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:73915 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793697 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793697 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793697 . ILX:0793698 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Intermediolateral nucleus of third thoracic segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "T3 intermediolateral cell column", "T3 intermediolateral nucleus" ; definition: "Part of Intermediolateral nucleus located in the third thoracic spinal cord segment ." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:73915 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793698 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793698 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793698 . ILX:0793699 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Intermediolateral nucleus of fourth thoracic segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "T4 intermediolateral cell column", "T4 intermediolateral nucleus" ; definition: "Part of intermediolateral nucleus located in the fourth thoracic spinal cord segment" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:73915 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793699 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793699 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793699 . ILX:0793700 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Intermediolateral nucleus of fifth thoracic segment" ; definition: "Part of Intermediolateral nucleus located in the fifth thoracic spinal cord segment" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:73915 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793700 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793700 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793700 . ILX:0793701 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Intermediolateral nucleus of sixth thoracic segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "T6 intermediolateral nucleus", "T6 intermediorlateral nucleus" ; definition: "Part of Intermediolateral nucleus located in the sixth thoracic spinal cord segment" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:73915 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793701 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793701 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793701 . ILX:0793702 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Greater petrosal nerve" ; definition: "Branch of facial nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:53417, ILX:0793702 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:53417 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793702 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:53417 . ILX:0793704 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Esophageal nerve plexus" ; NIFRID:synonym "oesophageal plexus" ; definition: "A group of nerve bundles on the surface of the esophagus that is formed from branches of the right and left vagus nerve, with contributions from the sympathetic trunk." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:5901 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6225, ILX:0793704 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6225 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793704 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:6225 . ILX:0793706 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Tympanic plexus" ; NIFRID:synonym "Jacobson's plexus" ; definition: """In the tympanic cavity, the tympanic nerve (a branch of CN IX) divides into branches which, along with sympathetic fibres from the carotid plexus, form the tympanic plexus. This plexus is located on the surface of the promontory. This tympanic plexus branches into: the lesser petrosal nerve (preganglionic parasympathetic axons to otic ganglion) sensory branches to the tympanic cavity The branches to the tympanic cavity provide sensory innervation to the mucosa of the tympanic cavity and the internal surface of the tympanic membrane. The cell bodies of these neurons are found in the superior ganglion of the glossopharyngeal nerve. (Wikipedia)""" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:5901 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:77533, ILX:0793706 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:77533 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793706 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:77533 . ILX:0793707 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Stapedius nerve" ; definition: "Branch of facial nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:53275, ILX:0793707 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:53275 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793707 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:53275 . ILX:0793708 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior corpus callosum" ; ILX:0383242 FMA:61948 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793708 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793708 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793708 . ILX:0793709 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "spinal blood vessel" ; definition: "Blood vessel in the spinal cord." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:50722 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793709 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793709 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793709 . ILX:0793711 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Communicating branch of zygomatic nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "Communicating branch to V1", "Communicating branch with zygomatic nerve" ; definition: "Communicating nerve between the zygomatic nerve and the lacrimal nerve. The lacrimal nerve is a branch of the ophthalmic, one of three divisions of the trigeminal nerve (CN V) (Wikipedia)." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793711 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793711 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793711 . ILX:0793712 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Zygomatic nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "Zygomatic branch of V2" ; definition: "The zygomatic nerve is a branch of the maxillary nerve, itself a branch of the trigeminal nerve (CN V). It travels through the orbit and divides into the zygomaticotemporal and the zygomaticofacial nerve. It provides sensory supply to skin over the zygomatic bone and the temporal bone. It also carries postganglionic parasympathetic axons to the lacrimal gland. It may be blocked by anaesthetising the maxillary nerve (Wikipedia)." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:52967, ILX:0793712 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:52967 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793712 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:52967 . ILX:0793713 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Deep petrosal nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "Sympathetic root of pterygopalatine ganglion" ; definition: "The deep petrosal nerve is a branch of the internal carotid plexus which runs through the carotid canal lateral to the internal carotid artery. It enters the cartilaginous substance which fills the foramen lacerum, and joins with the greater petrosal nerve to form the nerve of the pterygoid canal, also known as the Vidian nerve. The deep petrosal nerve carries postganglionic sympathetic axons to the pterygopalatine ganglion, which pass through without synapsing. These axons innervate blood vessels and mucous glands of the head and neck. The neuron cell bodies of the axons which form the deep petrosal nerve are found in the superior cervical ganglion. (Wikipedia)" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:67549, ILX:0793713 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:67549 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793713 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:67549 . ILX:0793714 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Mesenteric nerve" ; definition: "Nerve containing axons originating from mesenteric ganglia" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793714 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793714 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793714 . ILX:0793716 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "chordae tendineae of the tricuspid valve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793716 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793716 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793716 . ILX:0793717 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "chordae tendineae of the mitral valve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793717 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793717 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793717 . ILX:0793718 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "root of aorta" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793718 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793718 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793718 . ILX:0793721 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "azygous vein" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793721 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793721 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793721 . ILX:0793722 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Lesser petrosal nerve" ; definition: "The lesser petrosal nerve (also known as the small superficial petrosal nerve) is the general visceral efferent (GVE) component of the glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX), carrying parasympathetic preganglionic fibers from the tympanic plexus to the parotid gland. It synapses in the otic ganglion, from where the postganglionic fibers emerge. (Wikipedia)" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:53491, ILX:0793722 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:53491 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793722 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:53491 . ILX:0793723 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Auriculotemporal nerve" ; definition: "The auriculotemporal nerve is a branch of the mandibular nerve (CN V3) that runs with the superficial temporal artery and vein, and provides sensory innervation to various regions on the side of the head, including parasympathetic innervation of the parotid gland (Adapted from Wikipedia)" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:53000, ILX:0793723 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:53000 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793723 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:53000 . ILX:0793724 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "appendix" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793724 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793724 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793724 . ILX:0793725 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "epithelial stem cell" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793725 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793725 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793725 . ILX:0793726 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Suprapectinate anal canal" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793726 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793726 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793726 . ILX:0793727 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Infrapectinate anal canal" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793727 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793727 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793727 . ILX:0793728 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "skeletal muscle cell of the gastrointestinal tract" ; rdfs:subClassOf ILX:0110658 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793728 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793728 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793728 . ILX:0793729 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Lower esophageal sphincter" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0007652 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793729 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793729 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793729 . ILX:0793730 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "non-keratinized squamous epithelial cell" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:45569 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793730 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793730 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793730 . ILX:0793731 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gastric epithelium" ; NIFRID:synonym "epithelium of stomach" ; definition: "The inner layer of tissue lining the stomach, forming into tubular branched gastric glands." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:7148 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793731 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793731 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793731 . ILX:0793732 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "large intestine epithelial stem cells" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793732 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793732 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793732 . ILX:0793733 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "simple cuboidal epithelium of small intestine" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:45566 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793733 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793733 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793733 . ILX:0793734 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "myenteric ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "myenteric plexus ganglion" ; definition: "A ganglion located in the myenteric plexus" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:5884 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:63252 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793734 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793734 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793734 . ILX:0793735 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Myenteric ganglion of small intestine" ; definition: "A myenteric ganglion located in the myenteric plexus of the small intestine" ; rdfs:subClassOf ILX:0793734 ; ilx.partOf: UBERON:8410063 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793735 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793735 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793735 . ILX:0793737 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Nerve fiber from submandibular ganglion to submandibular gland" ; definition: "Post-ganglionic parasympathetic fiber bundles that arise from the submandibular ganglion and innervate the submandibular gland" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011929 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793737 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793737 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793737 . ILX:0793738 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Nerve fiber from submandibular ganglion to mouth mucosa" ; definition: "Post-ganglionic parasympathetic fiber bundles that arise from the submandibular ganglion and innervate the mouth mucosa" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011929 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793738 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793738 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793738 . ILX:0793739 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Nerve fiber from submandibular ganglion to sublingual gland" ; definition: "Post-ganglionic parasympathetic fiber bundles that arise from the submandibular ganglion and innervate the sublingual gland" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0011929 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793739 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793739 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793739 . ILX:0793741 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "pancreatic enteroendocrine cells" ; definition: "Specialized cells located in the islets of Langerhans of the pancreas with endocrine function." ; rdfs:subClassOf ILX:0103900 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793741 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793741 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793741 . ILX:0793742 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "pancreatic squamous cell" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793742 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793742 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793742 . ILX:0793743 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "pancreatic squamous epithelium" ; definition: "A simple or stratified flat epithelium in the pancreas." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793743 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793743 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793743 . ILX:0793744 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "acinar cells of the exocrine pancreas" ; definition: "Pyramidal shaped, glandular epithelial cells specialized for digestive enzyme secretion in the pancreas." ; rdfs:subClassOf ILX:0103900 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: "SAWG", ; ilx.partOf: FMA:7198 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793744 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793744 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793744 . ILX:0793745 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "pancreatic basement membrane" ; definition: "A layer of extracellular matrix, located at the basal surface of the pancreatic epithelium." ; rdfs:subClassOf ILX:0111157 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: "SAWG" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:7198 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793745 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793745 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793745 . ILX:0793746 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "biliopancreatic fluids" ; definition: "Mixture of bile and pancreatic juices that blends at the choledocho-pancreatic duct." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:280556 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: "SAWG" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:79646 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793746 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793746 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793746 . ILX:0793747 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Biliary tract goblet cell" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793747 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793747 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793747 . ILX:0793748 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "airway basal cell" ; rdfs:subClassOf ILX:0489552 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793748 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793748 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793748 . ILX:0793749 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "biliary duct canal of Hering epithelial tissue" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004820 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793749 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793749 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793749 . ILX:0793750 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "biliary duct biliary canaliculus epithelial tissue" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004820 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793750 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793750 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793750 . ILX:0793751 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "neck of gallbladder epithelial tissue" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0004820 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793751 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793751 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793751 . ILX:0793752 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "urinary transitional epithelium superficial layer dome cells" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793752 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793752 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793752 . ILX:0793753 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "urinary transitional epithelium intermediate cells" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793753 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793753 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793753 . ILX:0793754 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "urinary transitional epithelium basal layer stem cells" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793754 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793754 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793754 . ILX:0793755 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "urinary retroperitoneal adipose tissue" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793755 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793755 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793755 . ILX:0793756 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "intermediate layer urothelium" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793756 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793756 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793756 . ILX:0793757 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "superficial layer of urothelium" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793757 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793757 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793757 . ILX:0793758 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "fallopian tube mesothelial tissue" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793758 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793758 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793758 . ILX:0793759 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nonciliated columnar epithelium of fallopian tubes" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793759 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793759 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793759 . ILX:0793760 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ciliated columnar epithelial cell of fallopian tube" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793760 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793760 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793760 . ILX:0793761 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nonciliated columnar epithelial cell of fallopian tube" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793761 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793761 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793761 . ILX:0793762 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "intramural part of uterine (fallopian) tube" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793762 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793762 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793762 . ILX:0793763 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "muscle layer of uterine (fallopian) tube" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793763 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793763 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793763 . ILX:0793764 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Wall of bronchus" ; NIFRID:synonym "Bronchial wall", "Wall of bronchus" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:67480, ILX:0793764 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:67480 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793764 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:67480 . ILX:0793765 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Wall of bronchiole" ; NIFRID:synonym "Bronchiolar wall", "Bronchiole wall", "Wall of bronchiole" ; definition: "An anatomical wall that forms the bronchi tube and is composed of ciliated cuboidal epithelium and a layer of smooth muscle." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:82482 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:74655, ILX:0793765 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:74655 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793765 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:74655 . ILX:0793766 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "sympathetic chain segment" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793766 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793766 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793766 . ILX:0793767 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "salivary gland" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793767 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793767 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793767 . ILX:0793768 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "skin" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793768 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793768 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793768 . ILX:0793769 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "smooth muscle" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793769 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793769 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793769 . ILX:0793770 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "germinal center cells" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793770 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793770 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793770 . ILX:0793773 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "non-germinal center cells" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793773 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793773 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793773 . ILX:0793774 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "follicle cells" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793774 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793774 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793774 . ILX:0793775 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ovarian stroma cells" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793775 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793775 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793775 . ILX:0793776 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "exocrine glandular cells" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793776 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793776 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793776 . ILX:0793777 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "glandular cells" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793777 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793777 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793777 . ILX:0793778 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "mucosal lymphoid cells" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793778 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793778 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793778 . ILX:0793779 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ganglion cells" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793779 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793779 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793779 . ILX:0793780 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "stratum spinosum cell" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793780 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793780 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793780 . ILX:0793781 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Fibrohistiocytic cells" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793781 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793781 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793781 . ILX:0793782 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "red pulp of spleen cell" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793782 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793782 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793782 . ILX:0793783 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "white pulp cells" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793783 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793783 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793783 . ILX:0793784 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "preleptotene spermatocytes" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793784 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793784 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793784 . ILX:0793785 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "pachytene spermatocytes" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793785 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793785 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793785 . ILX:0793786 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "early or round spermatids" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793786 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793786 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793786 . ILX:0793787 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "spermatogonia cells" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793787 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793787 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793787 . ILX:0793788 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "non-ciliated epithelial cell" ; rdfs:subClassOf ILX:0103900 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793788 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793788 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793788 . ILX:0793791 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior pituitary cell" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793791 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793791 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793791 . ILX:0793795 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "glandular cell of thyroid" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793795 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793795 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793795 . ILX:0793796 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Spermatogenic Cell" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793796 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793796 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793796 . ILX:0793799 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Set of sacral parasympathetic nuclei" ; definition: "Set of parasympathetic nuclei in the sacral spinal cord" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793799 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793799 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793799 . ILX:0793800 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "S2 sacral parasympathetic nucleus" ; definition: "Parasympathetic nucleus located in the intermediate grey region of the spinal cord level S2." ; rdfs:subClassOf PAXSPN:80 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793800 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793800 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793800 . ILX:0793801 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "S3 sacral parasympathetic nucleus" ; definition: "Sacral parasympathetic nucleus located in the intermediate grey region of the spinal cord sacral level S3." ; rdfs:subClassOf PAXSPN:80 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793801 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793801 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793801 . ILX:0793802 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "S4 sacral parasympathetic nucleus" ; definition: "Sacral parasympathetic nucleus located in the intermediate grey region of the spinal cord sacral level S4." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793802 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793802 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793802 . ILX:0793803 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "inferior hypogastric nerve plexus ganglion" ; definition: "Ganglion that is part of the inferior hypogastric nerve plexus" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:6643 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793803 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793803 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793803 . ILX:0793804 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "L6 parasympathetic nucleus" ; NIFRID:synonym "parasympathetic nucleus of sixth lumbar segment" ; definition: "Parasympathetic nucleus located in the intermediate grey region of the spinal cord lumbar level 6 (rodent)." ; rdfs:subClassOf ILX:0793897 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793804 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793804 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793804 . ILX:0793805 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "S1 sacral parasympathetic nucleus" ; definition: "Sacral parasympathetic nucleus that is located in the intermediate grey region of the spinal cord level S1." ; rdfs:subClassOf PAXSPN:80 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793805 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793805 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793805 . ILX:0793806 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "prostatic nerve plexus" ; NIFRID:synonym "prostatic plexus" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:5901 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6647, ILX:0793806 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6647 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793806 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:6647 . ILX:0793809 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Clitoral cavernous nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "cavernous nerve of clitoris" ; definition: "The clitoral cavernous nerve is a parasympathetic nerve in the base of the pelvis that innervates the erectile tissues in the clitoris. It comprises a bundle of postganglionic parasympathetic axons arising from ganglia in the pelvis (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cavernous_nerves)." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793809 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793809 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793809 . ILX:0793811 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Intermediolateral nucleus of seventh thoracic segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "L7 Intermediolateral nucleus" ; definition: "Part of intermediolateral nucleus located in the seventh thoracic spinal cord segment" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:73915 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793811 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793811 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793811 . ILX:0793812 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Intermediolateral nucleus of eighth thoracic segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "T8 Intermediolateral nucleus" ; definition: "Part of intermediolateral nucleus located in the eighth thoracic spinal cord segment" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:73915 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793812 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793812 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793812 . ILX:0793813 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Intermediolateral nucleus of ninth thoracic segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "T9 Intermediolateral nucleus" ; definition: "Part of intermediolateral nucleus located in the ninth thoracic spinal cord segment." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793813 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793813 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793813 . ILX:0793814 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Intermediolateral nucleus of tenth thoracic segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "T10 Intermediolateral nucleus" ; definition: "Part of intermediolateral nucleus located in the tenth thoracic spinal cord segment." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:73915 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793814 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793814 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793814 . ILX:0793815 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Intermediolateral nucleus of eleventh thoracic segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "InT11 termediolateral nucleus" ; definition: "Part of Intermediolateral nucleus located in the eleventh thoracic spinal cord segment." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:73915 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793815 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793815 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793815 . ILX:0793816 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Intermediolateral nucleus of twelfth thoracic segment" ; definition: "Part of intermediolateral nucleus located in the twelfth thoracic spinal cord segment." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793816 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793816 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793816 . ILX:0793817 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Intermediolateral nucleus of thirteenth thoracic segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "T13 intermediolateral nucleus" ; definition: "Part of intermediolateral nucleus located in the thirteenth thoracic spinal cord segment." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793817 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793817 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793817 . ILX:0793818 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Intermediolateral nucleus of first lumbar segment" ; definition: "Part of Intermediolateral nucleus located in the first lumbar spinal cord segment." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: "SAWG" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:73915 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793818 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793818 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793818 . ILX:0793819 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Intermediolateral nucleus of second lumbar segment" ; definition: "Part of Intermediolateral nucleus located in the second lumbar spinal cord segment" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:73915 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793819 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793819 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793819 . ILX:0793820 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Intermediolateral nucleus of third lumbar segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "L3 intermediolateral nucleus" ; definition: "Part of Intermediolateral nucleus located in the third lumbar spinal cord segment. Not always present." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793820 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793820 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793820 . ILX:0793821 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "prevertebral sympathetic ganglion in abdominal aortic plexus" ; NIFRID:synonym "abdominal aortic plexus prevertebral sympathetic ganglion" ; definition: "A prevertebral sympathetic ganglion anterior to the vertebral column in the abdominal aortic plexus, normally located at the base of major branches of the abdominal aorta." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793821 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793821 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793821 . ILX:0793822 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Superior ovarian nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "SON" ; definition: "Sympathetic postganglionic nerve that innervates the rat ovary, the other being the ovarian plexus nerve. The SON originates from the celiac–superior mesenteric ganglia; runs together with the suspensory ligament and predominantly innervates steroidogenic cells, particularly the theca and interstitial cells; and provides the ovary with NE, NPY, and VIP." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793822 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793822 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793822 . ILX:0793823 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "major pelvic ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "MPG", "pelvic ganglion" ; definition: "The bilateral major pelvic ganglia are locations of postganglionic parasympathetic and sympathetic neurons innervating pelvic organs of rodents; the functionally equivalent structure in humans is the inferior hypogastric plexus, although humans and other larger species also have intramural parasympathetic ganglia in the walls of the organs" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:5884 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793823 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793823 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793823 . ILX:0793832 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ovarian nerve plexus" ; definition: "A parasympathetic ganglion located in the ovarian nerve plexus", "An anatomical nerve plexus that is composed of postganglionic sympathetic (adrenergic), parasympathetic (cholinergic) and visceral afferent fibers." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:5884, FMA:5901 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:deprecatedLabel "ovarian nerve plexus parasympathetic ganglion" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6638, ILX:0793832, ILX:0793833 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6638 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793832, ILX:0793833 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:6638 . ILX:0793833 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ovarian nerve plexus" ; definition: "A parasympathetic ganglion located in the ovarian nerve plexus", "An anatomical nerve plexus that is composed of postganglionic sympathetic (adrenergic), parasympathetic (cholinergic) and visceral afferent fibers." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:5884, FMA:5901 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:deprecatedLabel "ovarian nerve plexus parasympathetic ganglion" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:6638, ILX:0793832, ILX:0793833 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:6638 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793832, ILX:0793833 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:6638 . ILX:0793834 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "accessory pelvic ganglion" ; definition: """One of a cluster a cluster of very small ganglia, the accessory ganglia, which are considered to be functionally identical to the major pelvic ganglia, except that they provide little innervation of non-reproductive targets (Keast, Behavioural Brain Research 105 (1999) 81–92). Present in rodents""" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:5884 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793834 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793834 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793834 . ILX:0793850 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "seventh lumbar spinal cord segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "L7 segment", "L7 spinal cord segment" ; definition: "The segment of the spinal cord that gives rise to the dorsal and ventral roots that coalesce to form the seventh lumbar spinal nerve which exits the spinal column below the seventh lumbar vertebra in most mammals. Present in some animals such as pig, monkey, cat. Not present in humans." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:256657 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793850 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793850 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793850 . ILX:0793851 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "seventh lumbar dorsal root ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "L7 dorsal root ganglion", "seventh lumbar spinal ganglion" ; definition: "The seventh lumbar dorsal root ganglion (or spinal ganglion; also known as a posterior root ganglion) in species that have seven lumbar segments is a cluster of sensory neuron cell bodies (a ganglion) in the seventh lumbar spinal nerve." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:6007 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793851 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793851 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793851 . ILX:0793852 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "first coccygeal dorsal root ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "Cx1 dorsal root ganglion", "first coccygeal spinal ganglion" ; definition: "The first coccygeal dorsal root ganglion is a cluster of neurons (a ganglion) in the first coccygeal spinal nerve." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:6009 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793852 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793852 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793852 . ILX:0793853 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "second coccygeal dorsal root ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "Cx2 dorsal root ganglion", "second coccygeal spinal ganglion" ; definition: "The second coccygeal dorsal root ganglion is a cluster of neurons (a ganglion) in the second coccygeal spinal nerve." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:6009 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793853 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793853 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793853 . ILX:0793854 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "third coccygeal dorsal root ganglion" ; NIFRID:synonym "Cx3 dorsal root ganglion", "third coccygeal spinal ganglion" ; definition: "The third coccygeal dorsal root ganglion is a cluster of neurons (a ganglion) in the third coccygeal spinal nerve." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:6009 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793854 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793854 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793854 . ILX:0793855 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventral root of the seventh lumbar spinal cord segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior root of L7", "anterior root of seventh lumbar nerve" ; definition: "The spinal root that arises from the ventral aspect of the L7 spinal segment of the spinal cord. Not present in humans. Present in some other animals" ; rdfs:subClassOf UBERON:0024382 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793855 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793855 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793855 . ILX:0793856 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventral root of the first coccygeal spinal cord segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior root of Cx1", "anterior root of first coccygeal nerve" ; definition: "The spinal root that arises from the ventral aspect of the Cx1 spinal segment of the spinal cord." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:18131 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793856 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793856 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793856 . ILX:0793857 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "ventral root of the third coccygeal spinal cord segment" ; NIFRID:synonym "anterior root of Cx3", "anterior root of third coccygeal nerve" ; definition: "The spinal root that arises from the ventral aspect of the Cx3 spinal segment of the spinal cord." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:18131 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793857 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793857 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793857 . ILX:0793858 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gray communicating ramus of seventh lumbar nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "L7 gray ramus", "L7 grey ramus" ; definition: "The postganglionic nerve fibers from the seventh lumbar sympathetic chain ganglion passing to the seventh lumbar spinal nerve. Not present in human. Present in pig, monkey, and cat." ; rdfs:subClassOf ILX:0794914 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793858 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793858 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793858 . ILX:0793859 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gray communicating ramus of first coccygeal nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "Cx1 gray ramus", "Cx1 grey ramus" ; definition: "The postganglionic nerve fibers from the first coccygeal sympathetic chain ganglion passing to the first coccygeal spinal nerve." ; rdfs:subClassOf ILX:0793147 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793859 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793859 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793859 . ILX:0793860 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gray communicating ramus of second coccygeal nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "Cx2 gray ramus", "Cx2 grey ramus" ; definition: "The postganglionic nerve fibers from the second coccygeal sympathetic chain ganglion passing to the second coccygeal spinal nerve." ; rdfs:subClassOf ILX:0793147 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793860 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793860 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793860 . ILX:0793861 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gray communicating ramus of third coccygeal nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "Cx3 gray ramus", "Cx3 grey ramus" ; definition: "The postganglionic nerve fibers from the third coccygeal sympathetic chain ganglion passing to the third coccygeal spinal nerve." ; rdfs:subClassOf ILX:0793147 ; ilx.anno.hasDefinitionSource: , SCR:018709 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793861 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793861 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793861 . ILX:0793865 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Remak bundle" ; definition: "Collection of unmyelinated axons of the peripheral nervous system ensheathed by a Remak Schwann cell (PMID: 29096241)" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: FMA:15648 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793865 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793865 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793865 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794712 . ILX:0793897 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "lumbar parasympathetic nucleus" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793897 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793897 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793897 . ILX:0793903 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right A branch between vagus nerve and hypoglossal nerve" ; definition: "The first identified branch between right vagus nerve and right hypoglossal nerve during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ILX:0794729 ILX:0773753, ILX:0793177, ILX:0793900 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793903 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793903 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793903 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793909 . ILX:0793904 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "REVA Vascular Landmarks" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation termset, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC." ; rdfs:subClassOf ILX:0490306 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0742493, ILX:0743185, ILX:0793905, ILX:0793906, ILX:0794700 ; ILX:0794729 ILX:0773753, ILX:0793177, ILX:0793900 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793904 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793904 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793904 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793921 . ILX:0793905 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right carotid bifurcation" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:9658 ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ILX:0794729 ILX:0773753, ILX:0793177, ILX:0793900 ; ILX:0794912 "Right carotid artery bifurcation" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793905 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793905 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793905 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0743185, ILX:0793904 . ILX:0793906 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left carotid bifurcation" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:9658 ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ILX:0794729 ILX:0773753, ILX:0793177, ILX:0793900 ; ILX:0794912 "Left carotid artery bifurcation" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793906 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793906 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793906 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0743185, ILX:0793904 . ILX:0793907 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "brainstem rootlets" ; definition: "Rootlets arising from the brainstem that converge to form vagus nerve." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: FMA:18061, FMA:18062 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0739239 "TRUE" ; ILX:0794912 "Rootlet of vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793907 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793907 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793907 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . ILX:0793908 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Branch between vagus nerve and hypoglossal nerve" ; definition: "A branch between vagus nerve and hypoglossal nerve." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0793900, ILX:0793909, ILX:0793914 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0794729 ILX:0773753, ILX:0793177, ILX:0793900 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793908 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793908 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793908 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . ILX:0793909 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right branch between vagus nerve and hypoglossal nerve" ; definition: "A branch between right vagus nerve and right hypoglossal nerve. " ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0793903, ILX:0793910, ILX:0793911, ILX:0793912, ILX:0793913 ; ILX:0794729 ILX:0773753, ILX:0793177, ILX:0793900 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793909 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793909 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793909 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793908 . ILX:0793910 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right B branch between vagus nerve and hypoglossal nerve" ; definition: "The second identified branch between right vagus nerve and right hypoglossal nerve during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ILX:0794729 ILX:0773753, ILX:0793177, ILX:0793900 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793910 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793910 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793910 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793909 . ILX:0793911 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right C branch between vagus nerve and hypoglossal nerve" ; definition: "The third identified branch between right vagus nerve and right hypoglossal nerve during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ILX:0794729 ILX:0773753, ILX:0793177, ILX:0793900 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793911 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793911 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793911 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793909 . ILX:0793912 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right D branch between vagus nerve and hypoglossal nerve" ; definition: "The fourth identified branch between right vagus nerve and right hypoglossal nerve during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ILX:0794729 ILX:0773753, ILX:0793177, ILX:0793900 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793912 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793912 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793912 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793909 . ILX:0793913 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right E branch between vagus nerve and hypoglossal nerve" ; definition: "The fifth identified branch between right vagus nerve and right hypoglossal nerve during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ILX:0794729 ILX:0773753, ILX:0793177, ILX:0793900 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793913 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793913 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793913 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793909 . ILX:0793914 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Left branch between vagus nerve and hypoglossal nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0793915, ILX:0793916, ILX:0793917, ILX:0793918, ILX:0793919 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793914 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793914 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793914 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793908 . ILX:0793915 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left A branch between vagus nerve and hypoglossal nerve" ; definition: "The first identified branch between left vagus nerve and left hypoglossal nerve during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ILX:0794729 ILX:0773753, ILX:0793177, ILX:0793900 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793915 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793915 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793915 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793900, ILX:0793914 . ILX:0793916 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left B branch between vagus nerve and hypoglossal nerve" ; definition: "The second identified branch between left vagus nerve and left hypoglossal nerve during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ILX:0794729 ILX:0773753, ILX:0793177, ILX:0793900 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793916 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793916 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793916 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793900, ILX:0793914 . ILX:0793917 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left C branch between vagus nerve and hypoglossal nerve" ; definition: "The third identified branch between left vagus nerve and left hypoglossal nerve during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ILX:0794729 ILX:0773753, ILX:0793177, ILX:0793900 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793917 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793917 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793917 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793900, ILX:0793914 . ILX:0793918 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left D branch between vagus nerve and hypoglossal nerve" ; definition: "The fourth identified branch between left vagus nerve and left hypoglossal nerve during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ILX:0794729 ILX:0773753, ILX:0793177, ILX:0793900 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793918 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793918 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793918 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793900, ILX:0793914 . ILX:0793919 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left E branch between vagus nerve and hypoglossal nerve" ; definition: "The fifth identified branch between left vagus nerve and left hypoglossal nerve during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ILX:0794729 ILX:0773753, ILX:0793177, ILX:0793900 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793919 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793919 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793919 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793900, ILX:0793914 . ILX:0793920 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "REVA Vagus Structures" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation termset, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC." ; ilx.includeForSPARC: FMA:5731, FMA:6222, FMA:6223, FMA:6225, FMA:6226, FMA:6227, FMA:6229, FMA:6230, FMA:6231, FMA:6232, FMA:6233, FMA:6234, FMA:6236, FMA:6237, FMA:6239, FMA:6240, FMA:6243, FMA:6692, FMA:6695, FMA:7164, FMA:7465, FMA:13421, FMA:53472, FMA:53593, FMA:53600, FMA:54592, FMA:55304, FMA:58289, FMA:65514, FMA:78582, ILX:0745651, ILX:0793907, ILX:0793908, ILX:0793922, ILX:0793947, ILX:0793954, ILX:0793965, ILX:0793976, ILX:0793989, ILX:0793992, ILX:0794015, ILX:0794028, ILX:0794041, ILX:0794054, ILX:0794067, ILX:0794076, ILX:0794085, ILX:0794088, ILX:0794107, ILX:0794118, ILX:0794129, ILX:0794132, ILX:0794143, ILX:0794152, ILX:0794179, ILX:0794224, ILX:0794227, ILX:0794234, ILX:0794253, ILX:0794276, ILX:0794321, ILX:0794344, ILX:0794375, ILX:0794408, ILX:0794421, ILX:0794434, ILX:0794447, ILX:0794460, ILX:0794473, ILX:0794476, ILX:0794499, ILX:0794512, ILX:0794525, ILX:0794531, ILX:0794544, ILX:0794557, ILX:0794699, ILX:0794755, ILX:0794759, ILX:0794773, ILX:0794774, ILX:0794777, ILX:0794788, ILX:0794809, ILX:0794820, ILX:0794829, ILX:0794836, ILX:0794845, ILX:0794849, ILX:0794853, ILX:0794862, ILX:0794868, ILX:0794917 ; ILX:0794729 ILX:0773753, ILX:0793177, ILX:0793900 ; ILX:0794912 "REVA Vagus Structures" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793920 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793920 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793920 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793921 . ILX:0793921 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "REVA Vagus Terms Root" ; definition: "fake organ root for REVA vagus term hierarchy" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0793904, ILX:0793920, ILX:0794570, ILX:0794616, ILX:0794659, ILX:0794706, ILX:0794710, ILX:0794712, ILX:0794714, ILX:0794717, ILX:0794937 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793921 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793921 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793921 . ILX:0793922 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "unknown branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "A branch of the vagus nerve identified during dissection that has an unknown target. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0793923, ILX:0793929 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793922 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793922 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793922 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:6219, ILX:0793920 . ILX:0793923 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right unknown branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "A branch of the right vagus nerve identified during dissection that has an unknown target. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0793924, ILX:0793925, ILX:0793926, ILX:0793927, ILX:0793928 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793923 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793923 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793923 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793922 . ILX:0793924 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right A unknown branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The first branch of the right vagus nerve identified during dissection that has an unknown target. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0793925 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793924 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793924 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793924 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793923 . ILX:0793925 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right B unknown branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The second branch of the right vagus nerve identified during dissection that has an unknown target. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0793926 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793925 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793925 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793925 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793923, ILX:0793924 . ILX:0793926 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right C unknown branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The third branch of the right vagus nerve identified during dissection that has an unknown target. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0793927 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793926 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793926 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793926 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793923, ILX:0793925 . ILX:0793927 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right D unknown branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The fourth branch of the right vagus nerve identified during dissection that has an unknown target. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0793928 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793927 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793927 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793927 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793923, ILX:0793926 . ILX:0793928 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right E unknown branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The fifth branch of the right vagus nerve identified during dissection that has an unknown target. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0793929 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793928 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793928 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793928 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793923, ILX:0793927 . ILX:0793929 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left unknown branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "A branch of the left vagus nerve identified during dissection that has an unknown target. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0793930, ILX:0793931, ILX:0793932, ILX:0793933, ILX:0793934 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793929 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793929 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793929 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793922, ILX:0793928 . ILX:0793930 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left A unknown branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The first branch of the left vagus nerve identified during dissection that has an unknown target. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793930 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793930 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793930 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793929 . ILX:0793931 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left B unknown branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The second branch of the left vagus nerve identified during dissection that has an unknown target. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793931 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793931 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793931 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793929 . ILX:0793932 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left C unknown branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The third branch of the left vagus nerve identified during dissection that has an unknown target. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793932 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793932 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793932 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793929 . ILX:0793933 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left D unknown branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The fourth branch of the left vagus nerve identified during dissection that has an unknown target. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793933 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793933 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793933 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793929 . ILX:0793934 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left E unknown branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The fifth branch of left vagus nerve identified during dissection that has an unknown target. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793934 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793934 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793934 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793929 . ILX:0793935 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right vagal ganglion" ; definition: "The group of sensory neuron cell bodies associated with the right vagus nerve." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793935 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793935 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793935 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:53472 . ILX:0793936 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left vagal ganglion" ; definition: "The group of sensory neuron cell bodies associated with the left vagus nerve." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793936 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793936 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793936 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:53472 . ILX:0793937 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right A branch between vagus nerve and glossopharyngeal nerve" ; definition: "The first identified branch between right vagus nerve and right glossopharyngeal nerve during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793937 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793937 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793937 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:53559 . ILX:0793938 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right B branch between vagus nerve and glossopharyngeal nerve" ; definition: "The second identified branch between right vagus nerve and right glossopharyngeal nerve during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793938 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793938 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793938 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:53559 . ILX:0793939 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right C branch between vagus nerve and glossopharyngeal nerve" ; definition: "The third branch identified between right vagus nerve and right glossopharyngeal nerve during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793939 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793939 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793939 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:53559 . ILX:0793940 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right D branch between vagus nerve and glossopharyngeal nerve" ; definition: "The fourth branch identified between right vagus nerve and right glossopharyngeal nerve during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793940 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793940 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793940 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:53559 . ILX:0793941 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right E branch between vagus nerve and glossopharyngeal nerve" ; definition: "The fifth branch identified between right vagus nerve and right glossopharyngeal nerve during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793941 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793941 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793941 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:53559 . ILX:0793942 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left A branch between vagus nerve and glossopharyngeal nerve" ; definition: "The first identified branch between left vagus nerve and left glossopharyngeal nerve during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793942 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793942 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793942 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:53560 . ILX:0793943 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left B branch between vagus nerve and glossopharyngeal nerve" ; definition: "The second identified branch between left vagus nerve and left glossopharyngeal nerve during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793943 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793943 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793943 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:53560 . ILX:0793944 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left C branch between vagus nerve and glossopharyngeal nerve" ; definition: "The third branch identified between left vagus nerve and left glossopharyngeal nerve during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793944 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793944 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793944 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:53560 . ILX:0793945 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left D branch between vagus nerve and glossopharyngeal nerve" ; definition: "The fourth branch identified between left vagus nerve and left glossopharyngeal nerve during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793945 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793945 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793945 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:53560 . ILX:0793946 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left E branch between vagus nerve and glossopharyngeal nerve" ; definition: "The fifth branch identified between left vagus nerve and left glossopharyngeal nerve during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793946 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793946 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793946 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:53560 . ILX:0793947 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "branch between vagus nerve and superior root of ansa cervicalis" ; definition: "A branch between vagus nerve and descendens hypoglossi" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0793948, ILX:0793951 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0794912 "branch between vagus nerve and descendens hypoglossi" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793947 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793947 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793947 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . ILX:0793948 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right branch between vagus nerve and superior root of ansa cervicalis" ; definition: "A branch between right vagus nerve and right descendens hypoglossi" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0793949, ILX:0793950 ; ILX:0794912 "right branch between vagus nerve and descendens hypoglossi" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793948 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793948 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793948 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793947 . ILX:0793949 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right A branch between vagus nerve and superior root of ansa cervicalis" ; definition: "The first identified branch between right vagus nerve and right descendens hypoglossi nerve during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "right A branch between vagus nerve and descendens hypoglossi" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793949 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793949 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793949 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793948 . ILX:0793950 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right B branch between vagus nerve and superior root of ansa cervicalis" ; definition: "The second identified branch between right vagus nerve and right descendens hypoglossi nerve during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "right B branch between vagus nerve and descendens hypoglossi" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793950 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793950 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793950 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793948 . ILX:0793951 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left branch between vagus nerve and superior root of ansa cervicalis" ; definition: "A branch between left vagus nerve and left descendens hypoglossi nerve " ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0793952, ILX:0793953 ; ILX:0794912 "left branch between vagus nerve and descendens hypoglossi" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793951 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793951 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793951 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793947 . ILX:0793952 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left A branch between vagus nerve and superior root of ansa cervicalis" ; definition: "The first identified branch between left vagus nerve and left descendens hypoglossi nerve during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "left A branch between vagus nerve and descendens hypoglossi" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793952 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793952 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793952 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793951 . ILX:0793953 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left B branch between vagus nerve and superior root of ansa cervicalis" ; definition: "The second identified branch between left vagus nerve and left descendens hypoglossi nerve during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "left B branch between vagus nerve and descendens hypoglossi" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793953 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793953 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793953 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793951 . ILX:0793954 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "branch between vagus nerve and spinal accessory nerve" ; definition: "A branch between vagus nerve and spinal accessory nerve " ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0793955, ILX:0793960 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793954 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793954 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793954 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . ILX:0793955 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right branch between vagus nerve and spinal accessory nerve" ; definition: "A branch between right vagus nerve and right spinal accessory nerve " ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0793956, ILX:0793957 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793955 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793955 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793955 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793954 . ILX:0793956 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right A branch between vagus nerve and spinal accessory nerve" ; definition: "The first identified branch between right vagus nerve and right spinal accessory nerve during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793956 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793956 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793956 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793955 . ILX:0793957 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right B branch between vagus nerve and spinal accessory nerve" ; definition: "The second identified branch between right vagus nerve and right spinal accessory nerve during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0793958, ILX:0793959 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793957 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793957 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793957 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793955 . ILX:0793958 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right C branch between vagus nerve and spinal accessory nerve" ; definition: "The third branch identified between right vagus nerve and right spinal accessory nerve during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793958 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793958 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793958 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793957 . ILX:0793959 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right D branch between vagus nerve and spinal accessory nerve" ; definition: "The fourth branch identified between right vagus nerve and right spinal accessory nerve during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793959 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793959 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793959 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793957 . ILX:0793960 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left branch between vagus nerve and spinal accessory nerve" ; definition: "A branch between left vagus nerve and left spinal accessory nerve " ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0793961, ILX:0793962, ILX:0793963, ILX:0793964 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793960 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793960 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793960 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793954 . ILX:0793961 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left A branch between vagus nerve and spinal accessory nerve" ; definition: "The first identified branch between left vagus nerve and left spinal accessory nerve during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793961 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793961 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793961 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793960 . ILX:0793962 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left B branch between vagus nerve and spinal accessory nerve" ; definition: "The second identified branch between left vagus nerve and left spinal accessory nerve during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793962 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793962 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793962 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793960 . ILX:0793963 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left C branch between vagus nerve and spinal accessory nerve" ; definition: "The third branch identified between left vagus nerve and left spinal accessory nerve during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793963 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793963 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793963 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793960 . ILX:0793964 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left D branch between vagus nerve and spinal accessory nerve" ; definition: "The fourth branch identified between left vagus nerve and left spinal accessory nerve during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793964 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793964 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793964 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793960 . ILX:0793965 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "branch between vagus nerve and C1 spinal nerve" ; definition: "A branch between vagus nerve and C1 spinal nerve." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0793966, ILX:0793971 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793965 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793965 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793965 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . ILX:0793966 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right branch between vagus nerve and C1 spinal nerve" ; definition: "A branch between right vagus nerve and right C1 spinal nerve." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0793967, ILX:0793968, ILX:0793969, ILX:0793970 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793966 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793966 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793966 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793965 . ILX:0793967 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right A branch between vagus nerve and C1 spinal nerve" ; definition: "The first identified branch between right vagus nerve and C1 spinal nerve during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793967 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793967 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793967 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793966 . ILX:0793968 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right B branch between vagus nerve and C1 spinal nerve" ; definition: "The second identified branch between right vagus nerve and C1 spinal nerve during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793968 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793968 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793968 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793966 . ILX:0793969 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right C branch between vagus nerve and C1 spinal nerve" ; definition: "The third identified branch between right vagus nerve and right C1 spinal nerve during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793969 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793969 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793969 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793966 . ILX:0793970 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right D branch between vagus nerve and C1 spinal nerve" ; definition: "The fourth identified branch between right vagus nerve and right C1 spinal nerve during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793970 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793970 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793970 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793966 . ILX:0793971 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left branch between vagus nerve and C1 spinal nerve" ; definition: "A branch between left vagus nerve and left C1 spinal nerve. " ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0793972, ILX:0793973, ILX:0793974, ILX:0793975 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793971 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793971 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793971 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793965 . ILX:0793972 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left A branch between vagus nerve and C1 spinal nerve" ; definition: "The first identified branch between left vagus nerve and left C1 spinal nerve during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793972 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793972 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793972 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793971 . ILX:0793973 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left B branch between vagus nerve and C1 spinal nerve" ; definition: "The second identified branch between left vagus nerve and left C1 spinal nerve during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793973 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793973 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793973 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793971 . ILX:0793974 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left C branch between vagus nerve and C1 spinal nerve" ; definition: "The third identified branch between left vagus nerve and left C1 spinal nerve during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793974 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793974 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793974 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793971 . ILX:0793975 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left D branch between vagus nerve and C1 spinal nerve" ; definition: "The fourth identified branch between left vagus nerve and left C1 spinal nerve during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793975 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793975 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793975 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793971 . ILX:0793976 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "branch between vagus nerve and C2 spinal nerve" ; definition: "A branch between the right vagus nerve and the C2 spinal nerve." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0793977, ILX:0793982 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793976 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793976 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793976 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . ILX:0793977 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right branch between vagus nerve and C2 spinal nerve" ; definition: "A branch between right vagus nerve and right C2 spinal nerve." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0793978, ILX:0793979, ILX:0793980, ILX:0793981 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793977 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793977 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793977 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793976 . ILX:0793978 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right A branch between vagus nerve and C2 spinal nerve" ; definition: "The first identified branch between right vagus nerve and right C2 spinal nerve during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793978 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793978 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793978 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793977 . ILX:0793979 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right B branch between vagus nerve and C2 spinal nerve" ; definition: "The second identified branch between right vagus nerve and right C2 spinal nerve during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793979 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793979 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793979 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793977 . ILX:0793980 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right C branch between vagus nerve and C2 spinal nerve" ; definition: "The third identified branch between right vagus nerve and right C2 spinal nerve during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793980 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793980 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793980 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793977 . ILX:0793981 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right D branch between vagus nerve and C2 spinal nerve" ; definition: "The fourth identified branch between right vagus nerve and right C2 spinal nerve during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793981 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793981 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793981 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793977 . ILX:0793982 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left branch between vagus nerve and C2 spinal nerve" ; definition: "A branch between left vagus nerve and left C2 spinal nerve. " ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0793983, ILX:0793984, ILX:0793985, ILX:0793986 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793982 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793982 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793982 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793976 . ILX:0793983 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left A branch between vagus nerve and C2 spinal nerve" ; definition: "The first identified branch between left vagus nerve and left C2 spinal nerve during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793983 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793983 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793983 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793982 . ILX:0793984 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left B branch between vagus nerve and C2 spinal nerve" ; definition: "The second identified branch between left vagus nerve and left C2 spinal nerve during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793984 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793984 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793984 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793982 . ILX:0793985 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left C branch between vagus nerve and C2 spinal nerve" ; definition: "The third identified branch between left vagus nerve and left C2 spinal nerve during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793985 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793985 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793985 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793982 . ILX:0793986 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left D branch between vagus nerve and C2 spinal nerve" ; definition: "The fourth identified branch between left vagus nerve and left C2 spinal nerve during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793986 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793986 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793986 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793982 . ILX:0793987 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right pharyngeal branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "A branch of the right vagus nerve supplying motor innervation to pharyngeal structures." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793987 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793987 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793987 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:6234 . ILX:0793988 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left pharyngeal branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "A branch of the left vagus nerve supplying motor innervation to pharyngeal structures." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793988 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793988 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793988 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:6234 . ILX:0793989 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "branch between vagus nerve and sympathetic trunk" ; definition: "A branch between the vagus nerve and the sympathetic trunk" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0793990, ILX:0793991 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793989 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793989 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793989 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . ILX:0793990 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right branch between vagus nerve and sympathetic trunk" ; definition: "A branch between the right vagus nerve and the right sympathetic trunk" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ILX:0794912 "right branch between right vagus nerve and right sympathetic trunk" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793990 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793990 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793990 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793989 . ILX:0793991 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left branch between vagus nerve and sympathetic trunk" ; definition: "A branch between the left vagus nerve and the left sympathetic trunk" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ILX:0794912 "left branch between left vagus nerve and left sympathetic trunk" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793991 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793991 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793991 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793989 . ILX:0793992 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "branch between vagus nerve and superior cervical sympathetic trunk" ; definition: "A branch between vagus nerve and superior cervical sympathetic trunk " ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0793993, ILX:0794004 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793992 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793992 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793992 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . ILX:0793993 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right branch between right vagus nerve and right superior cervical sympathetic trunk" ; definition: "A branch between right vagus nerve and right superior cervical sympathetic trunk " ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0793994, ILX:0793995, ILX:0793996, ILX:0793997, ILX:0793998, ILX:0793999, ILX:0794000, ILX:0794001, ILX:0794002, ILX:0794003 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793993 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793993 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793993 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793992 . ILX:0793994 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right A branch between vagus nerve and cervical sympathetic trunk" ; definition: "The first identified branch between right vagus nerve and ipsilateral cervical sympathetic trunk during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793994 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793994 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793994 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793993, ILX:0794775 . ILX:0793995 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right B branch between vagus nerve and cervical sympathetic trunk" ; definition: "The second identified branch between right vagus nerve and ipsilateral cervical sympathetic trunk during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793995 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793995 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793995 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793993, ILX:0794775 . ILX:0793996 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right C branch between vagus nerve and cervical sympathetic trunk" ; definition: "The third identified branch between right vagus nerve and ipsilateral cervical sympathetic trunk during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793996 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793996 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793996 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793993, ILX:0794775 . ILX:0793997 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right D branch between vagus nerve and cervical sympathetic trunk" ; definition: "The fourth identified branch between right vagus nerve and ipsilateral cervical sympathetic trunk during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793997 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793997 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793997 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793993, ILX:0794775 . ILX:0793998 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right E branch between vagus nerve and cervical sympathetic trunk" ; definition: "The fifth identified branch between right vagus nerve and ipsilateral cervical sympathetic trunk during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793998 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793998 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793998 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793993, ILX:0794775 . ILX:0793999 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right F branch between vagus nerve and cervical sympathetic trunk" ; definition: "The sixth identified branch between right vagus nerve and ipsilateral cervical sympathetic trunk during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793999 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793999 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793999 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793993, ILX:0794775 . ILX:0794000 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right G branch between vagus nerve and cervical sympathetic trunk" ; definition: "The seventh identified branch between right vagus nerve and ipsilateral cervical sympathetic trunk during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794000 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794000 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794000 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793993, ILX:0794775 . ILX:0794001 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right H branch between vagus nerve and cervical sympathetic trunk" ; definition: "The eighth identified branch between right vagus nerve and ipsilateral cervical sympathetic trunk during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794001 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794001 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794001 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793993, ILX:0794775 . ILX:0794002 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right I branch between vagus nerve and cervical sympathetic trunk" ; definition: "The ninth identified branch between right vagus nerve and ipsilateral cervical sympathetic trunk during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794002 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794002 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794002 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793993, ILX:0794775 . ILX:0794003 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right J branch between vagus nerve and cervical sympathetic trunk" ; definition: "The tenth identified branch between right vagus nerve and ipsilateral cervical sympathetic trunk during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794003 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794003 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794003 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793993, ILX:0794775 . ILX:0794004 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left branch between left vagus nerve and left superior cervical sympathetic trunk" ; definition: "A branch between left vagus nerve and left superior cervical sympathetic trunk " ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794005, ILX:0794006, ILX:0794007, ILX:0794008, ILX:0794009, ILX:0794010, ILX:0794011, ILX:0794012, ILX:0794013, ILX:0794014 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794004 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794004 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794004 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793992 . ILX:0794005 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left A branch between vagus nerve and cervical sympathetic trunk" ; definition: "The first identified branch between left vagus nerve and ipsilateral cervical sympathetic trunk during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794005 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794005 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794005 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794004, ILX:0794776 . ILX:0794006 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left B branch between vagus nerve and cervical sympathetic trunk" ; definition: "The second identified branch between left vagus nerve and ipsilateral cervical sympathetic trunk during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794006 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794006 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794006 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794004, ILX:0794776 . ILX:0794007 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left C branch between vagus nerve and cervical sympathetic trunk" ; definition: "The third identified branch between left vagus nerve and ipsilateral cervical sympathetic trunk during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794007 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794007 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794007 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794004, ILX:0794776 . ILX:0794008 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left D branch between vagus nerve and cervical sympathetic trunk" ; definition: "The fourth identified branch between left vagus nerve and ipsilateral cervical sympathetic trunk during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794008 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794008 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794008 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794004 . ILX:0794009 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left E branch between vagus nerve and cervical sympathetic trunk" ; definition: "The fifth identified branch between left vagus nerve and ipsilateral cervical sympathetic trunk during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794009 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794009 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794009 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794004, ILX:0794776 . ILX:0794010 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left F branch between vagus nerve and cervical sympathetic trunk" ; definition: "The sixth identified branch between left vagus nerve and ipsilateral cervical sympathetic trunk during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794010 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794010 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794010 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794004, ILX:0794776 . ILX:0794011 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left G branch between vagus nerve and cervical sympathetic trunk" ; definition: "The seventh identified branch between left vagus nerve and ipsilateral cervical sympathetic trunk during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794011 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794011 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794011 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794004, ILX:0794776 . ILX:0794012 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left H branch between vagus nerve and cervical sympathetic trunk" ; definition: "The eighth identified branch between left vagus nerve and ipsilateral cervical sympathetic trunk during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794012 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794012 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794012 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794004, ILX:0794776 . ILX:0794013 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left I branch between vagus nerve and cervical sympathetic trunk" ; definition: "The ninth identified branch between left vagus nerve and ipsilateral cervical sympathetic trunk during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794013 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794013 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794013 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794004, ILX:0794776 . ILX:0794014 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left J branch between vagus nerve and cervical sympathetic trunk" ; definition: "The tenth identified branch between left vagus nerve and ipsilateral cervical sympathetic trunk during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794014 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794014 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794014 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794004, ILX:0794776 . ILX:0794015 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "branch between vagus nerve and inferior cervical sympathetic trunk" ; definition: "A branch between vagus nerve and inferior cervical sympathetic trunk " ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794016, ILX:0794022 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794015 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794015 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794015 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . ILX:0794016 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right branch between right vagus nerve and right inferior cervical sympathetic trunk" ; definition: "A branch between right vagus nerve and right inferior cervical sympathetic trunk " ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794017, ILX:0794018, ILX:0794019, ILX:0794020, ILX:0794021 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794016 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794016 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794016 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794015 . ILX:0794017 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right K branch between vagus nerve and cervical sympathetic trunk" ; definition: "The eleventh identified branch between right vagus nerve and right cervical sympathetic trunk during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794017 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794017 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794017 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794016, ILX:0794775 . ILX:0794018 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right L branch between vagus nerve and cervical sympathetic trunk" ; definition: "The twelfth identified branch between right vagus nerve and ipsilateral cervical sympathetic trunk during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794018 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794018 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794018 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794016, ILX:0794775 . ILX:0794019 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right M branch between vagus nerve and cervical sympathetic trunk" ; definition: "The thirteenth identified branch between right vagus nerve and ipsilateral cervical sympathetic trunk during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794019 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794019 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794019 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794016, ILX:0794775 . ILX:0794020 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right N branch between vagus nerve and cervical sympathetic trunk" ; definition: "The fourteenth identified branch between right vagus nerve and ipsilateral cervical sympathetic trunk during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794020 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794020 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794020 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794016, ILX:0794775 . ILX:0794021 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right O branch between vagus nerve and cervical sympathetic trunk" ; definition: "The fifteenth identified branch between right vagus nerve and ipsilateral cervical sympathetic trunk during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794021 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794021 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794021 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794016, ILX:0794775 . ILX:0794022 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left branch between left vagus nerve and ipsilateral cervical sympathetic trunk" ; definition: "left branch between left vagus nerve and ipsilateral cervical sympathetic trunk" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794023, ILX:0794024, ILX:0794025, ILX:0794026, ILX:0794027, ILX:0794947 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794022 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794022 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794022 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794015 . ILX:0794023 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left K branch between vagus nerve and cervical sympathetic trunk" ; definition: "The eleventh identified branch between left vagus nerve and ipsilateral cervical sympathetic trunk during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794023 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794023 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794023 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794022, ILX:0794776 . ILX:0794024 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left L branch between vagus nerve and cervical sympathetic trunk" ; definition: "The twelfth identified branch between left vagus nerve and ipsilateral cervical sympathetic trunk during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794024 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794024 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794024 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794022, ILX:0794776 . ILX:0794025 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left M branch between vagus nerve and cervical sympathetic trunk" ; definition: "The thirteenth identified branch between left vagus nerve and ipsilateral cervical sympathetic trunk during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794025 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794025 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794025 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794022, ILX:0794776 . ILX:0794026 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left N branch between vagus nerve and cervical sympathetic trunk" ; definition: "The fourteenth identified branch between left vagus nerve and ipsilateral cervical sympathetic trunk during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794026 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794026 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794026 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794022, ILX:0794776 . ILX:0794027 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left O branch between vagus nerve and cervical sympathetic trunk" ; definition: "The fifteenth identified branch between left vagus nerve and ipsilateral cervical sympathetic trunk during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794027 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794027 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794027 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794022, ILX:0794776 . ILX:0794028 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "branch between vagus nerve and thoracic sympathetic trunk" ; definition: "A branch between vagus nerve and thoracic sympathetic trunk " ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794029, ILX:0794035 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794028 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794028 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794028 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . ILX:0794029 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right branch between vagus nerve and thoracic sympathetic trunk" ; definition: "A branch between the right vagus nerve and right thoracic sympathetic trunk as identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794030, ILX:0794031, ILX:0794032, ILX:0794033, ILX:0794034 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794029 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794029 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794029 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794028 . ILX:0794030 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right A branch between vagus nerve and thoracic sympathetic trunk" ; definition: "The first identified branch between right vagus nerve and right thoracic sympathetic trunk during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794030 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794030 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794030 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794029 . ILX:0794031 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right B branch between vagus nerve and thoracic sympathetic trunk" ; definition: "The second identified branch between right vagus nerve and right thoracic sympathetic trunk during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794031 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794031 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794031 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794029 . ILX:0794032 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right C branch between vagus nerve and thoracic sympathetic trunk" ; definition: "The third identified branch between right vagus nerve and right thoracic sympathetic trunk during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794032 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794032 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794032 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794029 . ILX:0794033 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right D branch between vagus nerve and thoracic sympathetic trunk" ; definition: "The fourth identified branch between right vagus nerve and right thoracic sympathetic trunk during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794033 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794033 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794033 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794029 . ILX:0794034 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right E branch between vagus nerve and thoracic sympathetic trunk" ; definition: "The fifth identified branch between right vagus nerve and right thoracic sympathetic trunk during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794034 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794034 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794034 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794029 . ILX:0794035 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left branch between vagus nerve and thoracic sympathetic trunk" ; definition: "A branch between left vagus nerve and left thoracic sympathetic trunk as identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794036, ILX:0794037, ILX:0794038, ILX:0794039, ILX:0794040 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794035 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794035 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794035 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794028 . ILX:0794036 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left A branch between vagus nerve and thoracic sympathetic trunk" ; definition: "The first identified branch between left vagus nerve and left thoracic sympathetic trunk during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794036 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794036 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794036 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794035 . ILX:0794037 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left B branch between vagus nerve and thoracic sympathetic trunk" ; definition: "The second identified branch between left vagus nerve and left thoracic sympathetic trunk during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794037 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794037 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794037 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794035 . ILX:0794038 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left C branch between vagus nerve and thoracic sympathetic trunk" ; definition: "The third identified branch between left vagus nerve and left thoracic sympathetic trunk during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794038 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794038 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794038 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794035 . ILX:0794039 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left D branch between vagus nerve and thoracic sympathetic trunk" ; definition: "The fourth identified branch between left vagus nerve and left thoracic sympathetic trunk during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794039 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794039 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794039 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794035 . ILX:0794040 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left E branch between vagus nerve and thoracic sympathetic trunk" ; definition: "The fifth identified branch between left vagus nerve and left thoracic sympathetic trunk during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794040 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794040 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794040 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794035 . ILX:0794041 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "branch between vagus nerve and cervical sympathetic trunk and/or superior cervical ganglion" ; definition: "A branch between the vagus nerve and the cervical sympathetic trunk and/or superior cervical ganglion" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794042, ILX:0794048 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794041 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794041 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794041 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . ILX:0794042 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right branch between vagus nerve and cervical sympathetic trunk and/or superior cervical ganglion" ; definition: "A branch between the right vagus nerve and the ipsilateral cervical sympathetic trunk and/or ipsilateral superior cervical ganglion" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794043, ILX:0794044, ILX:0794045, ILX:0794046, ILX:0794047 ; ILX:0794912 "branch between right vagus nerve and right superior cervical sympathetic trunk and/or right superior cervical ganglion" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794042 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794042 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794042 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794041 . ILX:0794043 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right A branch between vagus nerve and cervical sympathetic trunk and/or superior cervical ganglion" ; definition: "The first branch between right vagus nerve and ipsilateral cervical sympathetic trunk and/or ipsilateral superior cervical ganglion identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "branch A between right vagus nerve and right superior cervical sympathetic trunk and/or right superior cervical ganglion" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794043 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794043 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794043 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794042 . ILX:0794044 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right B branch between vagus nerve and cervical sympathetic trunk and/or superior cervical ganglion" ; definition: "The second branch between right vagus nerve and ipsilateral cervical sympathetic trunk and/or ipsilateral superior cervical ganglion identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "branch B between right vagus nerve and right superior cervical sympathetic trunk and/or right superior cervical ganglion" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794044 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794044 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794044 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794042 . ILX:0794045 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right C branch between vagus nerve and cervical sympathetic trunk and/or superior cervical ganglion" ; definition: "The third branch between right vagus nerve and ipsilateral cervical sympathetic trunk and/or ipsilateral superior cervical ganglion identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "branch C between right vagus nerve and right superior cervical sympathetic trunk and/or right superior cervical ganglion" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794045 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794045 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794045 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794042 . ILX:0794046 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right D branch between vagus nerve and cervical sympathetic trunk and/or superior cervical ganglion" ; definition: "The fourth branch between right vagus nerve and ipsilateral cervical sympathetic trunk and/or ipsilateral superior cervical ganglion identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "branch D between right vagus nerve and right superior cervical sympathetic trunk and/or right superior cervical ganglion" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794046 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794046 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794046 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794042 . ILX:0794047 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right E branch between vagus nerve and cervical sympathetic trunk and/or superior cervical ganglion" ; definition: "The fifth branch between right vagus nerve and ipsilateral cervical sympathetic trunk and/or ipsilateral superior cervical ganglion identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "branch E between right vagus nerve and right superior cervical sympathetic trunk and/or right superior cervical ganglion" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794047 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794047 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794047 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794042 . ILX:0794048 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left branch between vagus nerve and cervical sympathetic trunk and/or superior cervical ganglion" ; definition: "A branch between the left vagus nerve and the ipsilateral cervical sympathetic trunk and/or ipsilateral superior cervical ganglion." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794049, ILX:0794050, ILX:0794051, ILX:0794052, ILX:0794053 ; ILX:0794912 "branch between left vagus nerve and left superior cervical sympathetic trunk and/or left superior cervical ganglion" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794048 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794048 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794048 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794041 . ILX:0794049 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left A branch between vagus nerve and cervical sympathetic trunk and/or superior cervical ganglion" ; definition: "The first branch between left vagus nerve and the ipsilateral cervical sympathetic trunk and/or ipsilateral superior cervical ganglion identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "branch A between left vagus nerve and left superior cervical sympathetic trunk and/or left superior cervical ganglion" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794049 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794049 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794049 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794048 . ILX:0794050 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left B branch between vagus nerve and cervical sympathetic trunk and/or superior cervical ganglion" ; definition: "The second branch between left vagus nerve and the ipsilateral cervical sympathetic trunk and/or ipsilateral superior cervical ganglion identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "branch B between left vagus nerve and left superior cervical sympathetic trunk and/or left superior cervical ganglion" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794050 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794050 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794050 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794048 . ILX:0794051 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left C branch between vagus nerve and cervical sympathetic trunk and/or superior cervical ganglion" ; definition: "The third branch between left vagus nerve and the ipsilateral cervical sympathetic trunk and/or ipsilateral superior cervical ganglion identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "branch C between left vagus nerve and left superior cervical sympathetic trunk and/or left superior cervical ganglion" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794051 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794051 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794051 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794048 . ILX:0794052 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left D branch between vagus nerve and cervical sympathetic trunk and/or superior cervical ganglion" ; definition: "The fourth branch between left vagus nerve and the ipsilateral cervical sympathetic trunk and/or ipsilateral superior cervical ganglion identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "branch D between left vagus nerve and left superior cervical sympathetic trunk and/or left superior cervical ganglion" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794052 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794052 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794052 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794048 . ILX:0794053 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left E branch between vagus nerve and cervical sympathetic trunk and/or superior cervical ganglion" ; definition: "The fifth branch between left vagus nerve and the ipsilateral cervical sympathetic trunk and/or ipsilateral superior cervical ganglion identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "branch E between left vagus nerve and left superior cervical sympathetic trunk and/or left superior cervical ganglion" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794053 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794053 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794053 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794048 . ILX:0794054 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "branch between vagus nerve and superior cervical ganglion" ; definition: "A branch between the vagus nerve and the superior cervical ganglion." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794055, ILX:0794061 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794054 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794054 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794054 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . ILX:0794055 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right branch between vagus nerve and superior cervical ganglion" ; definition: "A branch between the right vagus nerve and the right superior cervical ganglion." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794056, ILX:0794057, ILX:0794058, ILX:0794059, ILX:0794060 ; ILX:0794912 "right branch between right vagus nerve and right superior cervical ganglion" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794055 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794055 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794055 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794054 . ILX:0794056 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right A branch between vagus nerve and superior cervical ganglion" ; definition: "The first branch between right vagus nerve and right superior cervical ganglion identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "right branch A between right vagus nerve and right superior cervical ganglion" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794056 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794056 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794056 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794055 . ILX:0794057 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right B branch between vagus nerve and superior cervical ganglion" ; definition: "The second branch between right vagus nerve and right superior cervical ganglion identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "right branch B between right vagus nerve and right superior cervical ganglion" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794057 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794057 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794057 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794055 . ILX:0794058 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right C branch between vagus nerve and superior cervical ganglion" ; definition: "The third branch between right vagus nerve and right superior cervical ganglion identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "right branch C between right vagus nerve and right superior cervical ganglion" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794058 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794058 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794058 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794055 . ILX:0794059 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right D branch between vagus nerve and superior cervical ganglion" ; definition: "The fourth branch between right vagus nerve and right superior cervical ganglion identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "right branch D between right vagus nerve and right superior cervical ganglion" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794059 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794059 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794059 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794055 . ILX:0794060 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right E branch between vagus nerve and superior cervical ganglion" ; definition: "The fifth branch between right vagus nerve and right superior cervical ganglion identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "right branch E between right vagus nerve and right superior cervical ganglion" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794060 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794060 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794060 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794055 . ILX:0794061 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left branch between vagus nerve and superior cervical ganglion" ; definition: "A branch between the left vagus nerve and the left superior cervical ganglion" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794062, ILX:0794063, ILX:0794064, ILX:0794065, ILX:0794066 ; ILX:0794912 "left branch between left vagus nerve and left superior cervical ganglion" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794061 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794061 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794061 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794054 . ILX:0794062 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left A branch between vagus nerve and superior cervical ganglion" ; definition: "The first branch between left vagus nerve and the left superior cervical ganglion identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "left branch A between left vagus nerve and left superior cervical ganglion" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794062 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794062 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794062 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794061 . ILX:0794063 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left B branch between vagus nerve and superior cervical ganglion" ; definition: "The second branch between left vagus nerve and the left superior cervical ganglion identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "left branch B between left vagus nerve and left superior cervical ganglion" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794063 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794063 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794063 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794061 . ILX:0794064 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left C branch between vagus nerve and superior cervical ganglion" ; definition: "The third branch between left vagus nerve and the left superior cervical ganglion identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "left branch C between left vagus nerve and left superior cervical ganglion" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794064 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794064 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794064 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794061 . ILX:0794065 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left D branch between vagus nerve and superior cervical ganglion" ; definition: "The fourth branch between left vagus nerve and the left superior cervical ganglion identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "left branch D between left vagus nerve and left superior cervical ganglion" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794065 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794065 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794065 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794061 . ILX:0794066 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left E branch between vagus nerve and superior cervical ganglion" ; definition: "The fifth branch between left vagus nerve and the left superior cervical ganglion identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "left branch E between left vagus nerve and left superior cervical ganglion" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794066 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794066 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794066 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794061 . ILX:0794067 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "branch between vagus nerve and common carotid artery" ; definition: "A branch between vagus nerve and common carotid artery" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794068, ILX:0794072 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0794912 "branch of vagus nerve to common carotid artery" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794067 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794067 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794067 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . ILX:0794068 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right branch of vagus nerve to ipsilateral common carotid artery" ; definition: "A branch of the right vagus nerve to the right common carotid artery" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794069, ILX:0794070, ILX:0794071 ; ILX:0794912 "right branch of vagus nerve to right common carotid artery" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794068 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794068 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794068 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794067 . ILX:0794069 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right A branch of vagus nerve to ipsilateral common carotid artery" ; definition: "The first branch between right vagus nerve and right common carotid artery identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "right A branch of vagus nerve to right common carotid artery" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794069 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794069 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794069 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794068 . ILX:0794070 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right B branch of vagus nerve to ipsilateral common carotid artery" ; definition: "The second branch between right vagus nerve and right common carotid artery identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "right B branch of vagus nerve to right common carotid artery" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794070 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794070 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794070 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794068 . ILX:0794071 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right C branch of vagus nerve to ipsilateral common carotid artery" ; definition: "The third branch between right vagus nerve and right common carotid artery identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "right C branch of vagus nerve to right common carotid artery" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794071 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794071 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794071 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794068 . ILX:0794072 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left branch of vagus nerve to ipsilateral common carotid artery" ; definition: "A branch of the left vagus nerve to left common carotid artery" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794073, ILX:0794074, ILX:0794075 ; ILX:0794912 "left branch of vagus nerve to left common carotid artery" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794072 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794072 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794072 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794067 . ILX:0794073 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left A branch of vagus nerve to ipsilateral common carotid artery" ; definition: "The first branch between left vagus nerve and left common carotid artery identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "left A branch of vagus nerve to left common carotid artery" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794073 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794073 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794073 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794072 . ILX:0794074 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left B branch of vagus nerve to ipsilateral common carotid artery" ; definition: "The second branch between left vagus nerve and left common carotid artery identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "left B branch of vagus nerve to left common carotid artery" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794074 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794074 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794074 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794072 . ILX:0794075 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left C branch of vagus nerve to ipsilateral common carotid artery" ; definition: "The third branch between left vagus nerve and left common carotid artery identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "left C branch of vagus nerve to left common carotid artery" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794075 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794075 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794075 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794072 . ILX:0794076 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "branch of vagus nerve to internal jugular vein" ; definition: "A branch of the vagus nerve to the internal jugular vein. " ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794077, ILX:0794081 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794076 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794076 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794076 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . ILX:0794077 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right branch of vagus nerve to ipsilateral internal jugular vein" ; definition: "A branch of the right vagus nerve to the right internal jugular vein." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794078, ILX:0794079, ILX:0794080 ; ILX:0794912 "right branch of vagus nerve to right internal jugular vein" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794077 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794077 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794077 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794076 . ILX:0794078 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right A branch of vagus nerve to ipsilateral internal jugular vein" ; definition: "The first branch of the right vagus nerve to the right internal jugular vein identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "right A branch of vagus nerve to right internal jugular vein" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794078 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794078 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794078 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794077 . ILX:0794079 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right B branch of vagus nerve to ipsilateral internal jugular vein" ; definition: "The second branch of the right vagus nerve to the right internal jugular vein identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "right B branch of vagus nerve to right internal jugular vein" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794079 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794079 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794079 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794077 . ILX:0794080 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right C branch of vagus nerve to ipsilateral internal jugular vein" ; definition: "The third branch of the right vagus nerve to the right internal jugular vein identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "right C branch of vagus nerve to right internal jugular vein" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794080 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794080 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794080 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794077 . ILX:0794081 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left branch of vagus nerve to ipsilateral internal jugular vein" ; definition: "A branch of the left vagus nerve to the left internal jugular vein." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794082, ILX:0794083, ILX:0794084 ; ILX:0794912 "left branch of vagus nerve to left internal jugular vein" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794081 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794081 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794081 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794076 . ILX:0794082 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left A branch of vagus nerve to ipsilateral internal jugular vein" ; definition: "The first branch of the left vagus nerve to the left internal jugular vein identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "left A branch of vagus nerve to left internal jugular vein" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794082 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794082 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794082 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794081 . ILX:0794083 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left B branch of vagus nerve to ipsilateral internal jugular vein" ; definition: "The second branch of the left vagus nerve to the left internal jugular vein identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "left B branch of vagus nerve to left internal jugular vein" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794083 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794083 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794083 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794081 . ILX:0794084 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left C branch of vagus nerve to ipsilateral internal jugular vein" ; definition: "The third branch of the left vagus nerve to the left internal jugular vein identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "left C branch of vagus nerve to left internal jugular vein" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794084 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794084 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794084 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794081 . ILX:0794085 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "branch of vagus nerve to internal carotid artery" ; definition: "A branch of the vagus nerve to the internal carotid artery." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794086, ILX:0794087 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794085 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794085 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794085 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . ILX:0794086 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right branch of vagus nerve to ipsilateral internal carotid artery" ; definition: "The branch of the right vagus nerve to the internal carotid artery." ; ILX:0794912 "right branch of vagus nerve to right internal carotid artery" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794086 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794086 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794086 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794085 . ILX:0794087 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left branch of vagus nerve to ipsilateral internal carotid artery " ; definition: "The branch of the left vagus nerve to the internal carotid artery." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ILX:0794912 "left branch of vagus nerve to left internal carotid artery" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794087 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794087 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794087 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794085 . ILX:0794088 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "branch of vagus nerve to carotid bifurcation" ; definition: "A branch of the vagus nerve to the carotid bifurcation." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794089, ILX:0794094 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794088 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794088 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794088 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . ILX:0794089 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right branch of vagus nerve to ipsilateral carotid bifurcation" ; definition: "A branch of the right vagus nerve to the right carotid bifurcation." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794090, ILX:0794091, ILX:0794092, ILX:0794093 ; ILX:0794912 "right branch of vagus nerve to carotid bifurcation" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794089 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794089 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794089 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794088 . ILX:0794090 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right A branch of vagus nerve to ipsilateral carotid bifurcation" ; definition: "The first identified branch between right vagus nerve and right carotid bifurcation during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "right A branch of vagus nerve to carotid bifurcation" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794090 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794090 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794090 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794089 . ILX:0794091 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right B branch of vagus nerve to ipsilateral carotid bifurcation" ; definition: "The second identified branch between right vagus nerve and right carotid bifurcation during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "right B branch of vagus nerve to carotid bifurcation" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794091 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794091 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794091 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794089 . ILX:0794092 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right C branch of vagus nerve to ipsilateral carotid bifurcation" ; definition: "The third identified branch between right vagus nerve and right carotid bifurcation during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "right C branch of vagus nerve to carotid bifurcation" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794092 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794092 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794092 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794089 . ILX:0794093 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right D branch of vagus nerve to ipsilateral carotid bifurcation" ; definition: "The fourth identified branch between right vagus nerve and right carotid bifurcation during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "right D branch of vagus nerve to carotid bifurcation" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794093 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794093 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794093 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794089 . ILX:0794094 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left branch of vagus nerve to ipsilateral carotid bifurcation" ; definition: "A branch of the left vagus nerve to the left carotid bifurcation. [unvetted]" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794095, ILX:0794096, ILX:0794097, ILX:0794098 ; ILX:0794912 "left branch of vagus nerve to carotid bifurcation" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794094 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794094 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794094 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794088 . ILX:0794095 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left A branch of vagus nerve to ipsilateral carotid bifurcation" ; definition: "The first identified branch between left vagus nerve and left carotid bifurcation during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "left A branch of vagus nerve to carotid bifurcation" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794095 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794095 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794095 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794094 . ILX:0794096 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left B branch of vagus nerve to ipsilateral carotid bifurcation" ; definition: "The second identified branch between left vagus nerve and left carotid bifurcation during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "left B branch of vagus nerve to carotid bifurcation" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794096 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794096 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794096 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794094 . ILX:0794097 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left C branch of vagus nerve to ipsilateral carotid bifurcation" ; definition: "The third identified branch between left vagus nerve and left carotid bifurcation during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "left C branch of vagus nerve to carotid bifurcation" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794097 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794097 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794097 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794094 . ILX:0794098 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left D branch of vagus nerve to ipsilateral carotid bifurcation" ; definition: "The fourth identified branch between left vagus nerve and left carotid bifurcation during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "left D branch of vagus nerve to carotid bifurcation" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794098 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794098 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794098 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794094 . ILX:0794099 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right A branch of vagus nerve to ipsilateral carotid body" ; definition: "The first identified branch between right vagus nerve and right carotid body during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. " ; ILX:0794912 "right A branch of vagus nerve to carotid body" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794099 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794099 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794099 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:53606 . ILX:0794100 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right B branch of vagus nerve to ipsilateral carotid body" ; definition: "The second identified branch between right vagus nerve and right carotid body during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. " ; ILX:0794912 "right B branch of vagus nerve to carotid body" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794100 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794100 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794100 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:53606 . ILX:0794101 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right C branch of vagus nerve to ipsilateral carotid body" ; definition: "The third identified branch between right vagus nerve and right carotid body during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC." ; ILX:0794912 "right C branch of vagus nerve to carotid body" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794101 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794101 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794101 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:53606 . ILX:0794102 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right D branch of vagus nerve to ipsilateral carotid body" ; definition: "The fourth identified branch between right vagus nerve and right carotid body during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. " ; ILX:0794912 "right D branch of vagus nerve to carotid body" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794102 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794102 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794102 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:53606 . ILX:0794103 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left A branch of vagus nerve to ipsilateral carotid body" ; definition: "The first identified branch between left vagus nerve and left carotid body during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "left A branch of vagus nerve to carotid body" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794103 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794103 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794103 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:53607 . ILX:0794104 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left B branch of vagus nerve to ipsilateral carotid body" ; definition: "The second identified branch between left vagus nerve and left carotid body during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "left B branch of vagus nerve to carotid body" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794104 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794104 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794104 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:53607 . ILX:0794105 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left C branch of vagus nerve to ipsilateral carotid body" ; definition: "The third identified branch between left vagus nerve and left carotid body during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "left C branch of vagus nerve to carotid body" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794105 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794105 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794105 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:53607 . ILX:0794106 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left D branch of vagus nerve to ipsilateral carotid body" ; definition: "The fourth identified branch between left vagus nerve and left carotid body during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "left D branch of vagus nerve to carotid body" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794106 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794106 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794106 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:53607 . ILX:0794107 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "branch of vagus nerve to carotid sinus" ; definition: "A branch of the vagus nerve to the carotid sinus." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794108, ILX:0794113 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794107 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794107 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794107 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . ILX:0794108 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right branch of vagus nerve to ipsilateral carotid sinus" ; definition: "A branch of the right vagus nerve to the right carotid sinus." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794109, ILX:0794110, ILX:0794111, ILX:0794112 ; ILX:0794912 "right branch of vagus nerve to carotid sinus" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794108 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794108 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794108 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794107 . ILX:0794109 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right A branch of vagus nerve to ipsilateral carotid sinus" ; definition: "The first identified branch between right vagus nerve and right carotid sinus during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "right A branch of vagus nerve to carotid sinus" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794109 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794109 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794109 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794108 . ILX:0794110 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right B branch of vagus nerve to ipsilateral carotid sinus" ; definition: "The second identified branch between right vagus nerve and right carotid sinus during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "right B branch of vagus nerve to carotid sinus" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794110 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794110 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794110 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794108 . ILX:0794111 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right C branch of vagus nerve to ipsilateral carotid sinus" ; definition: "The third identified branch between right vagus nerve and right carotid sinus during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "right C branch of vagus nerve to carotid sinus" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794111 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794111 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794111 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794108 . ILX:0794112 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right D branch of vagus nerve to ipsilateral carotid sinus" ; definition: "The fourth identified branch between right vagus nerve and right carotid sinus during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "right D branch of vagus nerve to carotid sinus" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794112 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794112 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794112 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794108 . ILX:0794113 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left branch of vagus nerve to ipsilateral carotid sinus" ; definition: "A branch of the left vagus nerve to carotid sinus" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794114, ILX:0794115, ILX:0794116, ILX:0794117 ; ILX:0794912 "left branch of vagus nerve to carotid sinus" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794113 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794113 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794113 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794107 . ILX:0794114 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left A branch of vagus nerve to ipsilateral carotid sinus" ; definition: "The first identified branch between left vagus nerve and left carotid sinus during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "left A branch of vagus nerve to carotid sinus" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794114 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794114 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794114 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794113 . ILX:0794115 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left B branch of vagus nerve to ipsilateral carotid sinus" ; definition: "The second identified branch between left vagus nerve and left carotid sinus during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "left B branch of vagus nerve to carotid sinus" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794115 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794115 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794115 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794113 . ILX:0794116 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left C branch of vagus nerve to ipsilateral carotid sinus" ; definition: "The third identified branch between left vagus nerve and left carotid sinus during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "left C branch of vagus nerve to carotid sinus" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794116 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794116 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794116 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794113 . ILX:0794117 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left D branch of vagus nerve to ipsilateral carotid sinus" ; definition: "The fourth identified branch between left vagus nerve and left carotid sinus during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "left D branch of vagus nerve to carotid sinus" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794117 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794117 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794117 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794113 . ILX:0794118 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "branch between vagus nerve and carotid sinus nerve" ; definition: "A branch between vagus nerve and carotid sinus nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794119, ILX:0794124 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794118 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794118 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794118 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . ILX:0794119 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right branch between vagus nerve and carotid sinus nerve" ; definition: "A branch between the right vagus nerve and the right carotid sinus nerve" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794120, ILX:0794121, ILX:0794122, ILX:0794123 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794119 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794119 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794119 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794118 . ILX:0794120 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right A branch between vagus nerve and carotid sinus nerve" ; definition: "The first identified branch between right vagus nerve and right carotid sinus nerve during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794120 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794120 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794120 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794119 . ILX:0794121 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right B branch between vagus nerve and carotid sinus nerve" ; definition: "The second identified branch between right vagus nerve and right carotid sinus nerve during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794121 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794121 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794121 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794119 . ILX:0794122 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right C branch between vagus nerve and carotid sinus nerve" ; definition: "The third identified branch between right vagus nerve and right carotid sinus nerve during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794122 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794122 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794122 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794119 . ILX:0794123 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right D branch between vagus nerve and carotid sinus nerve" ; definition: "The fourth identified branch between right vagus nerve and right carotid sinus nerve during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794123 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794123 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794123 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794119 . ILX:0794124 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left branch between vagus nerve and carotid sinus nerve" ; definition: "A branch between the left vagus nerve and the left carotid sinus nerve." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794125, ILX:0794126, ILX:0794127, ILX:0794128 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794124 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794124 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794124 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794118 . ILX:0794125 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left A branch between vagus nerve and carotid sinus nerve" ; definition: "The first identified branch between left vagus nerve and left carotid sinus nerve during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794125 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794125 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794125 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794124 . ILX:0794126 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left B branch between vagus nerve and carotid sinus nerve" ; definition: "The second identified branch between left vagus nerve and left carotid sinus nerve during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794126 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794126 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794126 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794124 . ILX:0794127 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left C branch between vagus nerve and carotid sinus nerve" ; definition: "The third identified branch between left vagus nerve and left carotid sinus nerve during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794127 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794127 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794127 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794124 . ILX:0794128 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left D branch between vagus nerve and carotid sinus nerve" ; definition: "The fourth identified branch between left vagus nerve and left carotid sinus nerve during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794128 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794128 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794128 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794124 . ILX:0794129 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "branch between superior laryngeal nerve and carotid sinus nerve" ; definition: "A branch between the superior laryngeal nerve and the carotid sinus nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794130, ILX:0794131 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794129 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794129 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794129 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . ILX:0794130 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right branch between superior laryngeal nerve and carotid sinus nerve" ; definition: "A branch branch between the right superior laryngeal nerve and right carotid sinus nerve" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794130 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794130 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794130 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794129 . ILX:0794131 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left branch between superior laryngeal nerve and carotid sinus nerve" ; definition: "A branch between the left superior laryngeal nerve and the left carotid sinus nerve" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794131 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794131 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794131 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794129 . ILX:0794132 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "branch between vagus nerve and superior laryngeal nerve" ; definition: "A branch between the vagus trunk and 'a branch between the vagus trunk and the superior laryngeal nerve'. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794133, ILX:0794137 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0794912 "branch between superior laryngeal nerve and trunk of vagus" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794132 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794132 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794132 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . ILX:0794133 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right branch between vagus nerve and superior laryngeal nerve" ; definition: "A branch between the right vagus trunk and 'a branch between the vagus trunk and the superior laryngeal nerve'. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794134, ILX:0794135, ILX:0794136 ; ILX:0794912 "right branch between superior laryngeal nerve and trunk of vagus" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794133 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794133 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794133 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794132 . ILX:0794134 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right A branch between vagus nerve and superior laryngeal nerve" ; definition: "The first identified branch between the right vagus trunk and the right superior laryngeal nerve. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC.[unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "right A branch between superior laryngeal nerve and trunk of vagus" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794134 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794134 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794134 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794133 . ILX:0794135 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right B branch between vagus nerve and superior laryngeal nerve" ; definition: "The second identified branch between the right vagus trunk and the right superior laryngeal nerve. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC.[unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "right B branch between superior laryngeal branch of vagus nerve and trunk of vagus" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794135 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794135 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794135 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794133 . ILX:0794136 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right C branch between vagus nerve and superior laryngeal nerve" ; definition: "The third identified branch between the right vagus trunk and the right superior laryngeal nerve. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC.[unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "right C branch between superior laryngeal nerve and trunk of vagus" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794136 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794136 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794136 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794133 . ILX:0794137 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left branch between vagus nerve and superior laryngeal nerve" ; definition: "A branch between the left vagus trunk and 'a branch between the vagus trunk and the superior laryngeal nerve'. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794138, ILX:0794139, ILX:0794140 ; ILX:0794912 "left branch between superior laryngeal nerve and trunk of vagus" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794137 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794137 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794137 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794132 . ILX:0794138 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left A branch between vagus nerve and superior laryngeal nerve" ; definition: "The first identified branch between the left vagus trunk and the left superior laryngeal nerve. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC.[unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "left A branch between superior laryngeal nerve and trunk of vagus" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794138 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794138 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794138 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794137 . ILX:0794139 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left B branch between vagus nerve and superior laryngeal nerve" ; definition: "The second identified branch between the left vagus trunk and the left superior laryngeal nerve. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC.[unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "left B branch between superior laryngeal nerve and trunk of vagus" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794139 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794139 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794139 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794137 . ILX:0794140 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left C branch between vagus nerve and superior laryngeal nerve" ; definition: "The third identified branch between the left vagus trunk and the left superior laryngeal nerve. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC.[unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "left C branch between superior laryngeal nerve and trunk of vagus" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794140 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794140 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794140 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794137 . ILX:0794141 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right cervical vagus nerve" ; definition: "The part of the right vagus nerve trunk in the cervical region. [unvetted]." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ILX:0794912 "right cervical vagus nerve trunk" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794141 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794141 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794141 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:6222 . ILX:0794142 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left cervical vagus nerve" ; definition: "The part of the left vagus nerve trunk in the cervical region. [unvetted]." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ILX:0794912 "left cervical vagus nerve trunk" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794142 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794142 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794142 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:6222 . ILX:0794143 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "branch of vagus nerve to thymus" ; definition: "A branch of the vagus nerve to thymus" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794144, ILX:0794148 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794143 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794143 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794143 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . ILX:0794144 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right branch of vagus nerve to thymus" ; definition: "A branch between the right vagus nerve to the thymus identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794145, ILX:0794146, ILX:0794147 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794144 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794144 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794144 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794143 . ILX:0794145 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right A branch of vagus nerve to thymus" ; definition: "The first branch between right vagus nerve to the thymus identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794145 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794145 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794145 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794144 . ILX:0794146 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right B branch of vagus nerve to thymus" ; definition: "The second branch between right vagus nerve to the thymus identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794146 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794146 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794146 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794144 . ILX:0794147 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right C branch of vagus nerve to thymus" ; definition: "The third branch between right vagus nerve to the thymus identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794147 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794147 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794147 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794144 . ILX:0794148 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left branch of vagus nerve to thymus" ; definition: "A branch between the left vagus nerve to the thymus identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794149, ILX:0794150, ILX:0794151 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794148 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794148 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794148 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794143 . ILX:0794149 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left A branch of vagus nerve to thymus" ; definition: "The first branch between left vagus nerve to the thymus identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794149 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794149 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794149 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794148 . ILX:0794150 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left B branch of vagus nerve to thymus" ; definition: "The second branch between left vagus nerve to the thymus identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794150 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794150 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794150 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794148 . ILX:0794151 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left C branch of vagus nerve to thymus" ; definition: "The third branch between left vagus nerve to the thymus identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794151 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794151 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794151 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794148 . ILX:0794152 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "cervical cardiopulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "A branch of the vagus nerve to cardiopulmonary structures. " ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794153, ILX:0794159 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794152 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794152 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794152 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . ILX:0794153 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right cervical cardiopulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "A branch of right vagus nerve to cardiopulmonary structures identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. " ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794154, ILX:0794155, ILX:0794156, ILX:0794157, ILX:0794158 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794153 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794153 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794153 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794152 . ILX:0794154 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right A cervical cardiopulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The first branch of right vagus nerve to cardiopulmonary structures identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794154 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794154 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794154 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794153 . ILX:0794155 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right B cervical cardiopulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The second branch of right vagus nerve to cardiopulmonary structures identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794155 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794155 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794155 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794153 . ILX:0794156 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right C cervical cardiopulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The third branch of right vagus nerve to cardiopulmonary structures identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794156 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794156 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794156 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794153 . ILX:0794157 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right D cervical cardiopulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The fourth branch of right vagus nerve to cardiopulmonary structures identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794157 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794157 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794157 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794153 . ILX:0794158 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right E cervical cardiopulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The fifth branch of right vagus nerve to cardiopulmonary structures identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794158 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794158 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794158 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794153 . ILX:0794159 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left cervical cardiopulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "A branch of left vagus nerve to cardiopulmonary structures identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. " ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794160, ILX:0794161, ILX:0794162, ILX:0794163, ILX:0794164 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794159 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794159 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794159 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794152 . ILX:0794160 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left A cervical cardiopulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The first branch of left vagus nerve to cardiopulmonary structures identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794160 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794160 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794160 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794159 . ILX:0794161 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left B cervical cardiopulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The second branch of left vagus nerve to cardiopulmonary structures identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794161 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794161 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794161 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794159 . ILX:0794162 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left C cervical cardiopulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The third branch of left vagus nerve to cardiopulmonary structures identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794162 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794162 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794162 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794159 . ILX:0794163 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left D cervical cardiopulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The fourth branch of left vagus nerve to cardiopulmonary structures identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794163 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794163 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794163 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794159 . ILX:0794164 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left E cervical cardiopulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The fifth branch of left vagus nerve to cardiopulmonary structures identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794164 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794164 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794164 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794159 . ILX:0794165 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right cervical cardiac branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "Branch of right vagus nerve to cardiac structures that branches superior to the right clavicle - these branches arise from vagus at superior and inferior parts of neck. They are small and communicate with cardiac branches of the sympathetics. Can be traced to great or deep cardiac plexus (Feinstein)" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794166, ILX:0794167, ILX:0794168, ILX:0794169, ILX:0794170 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794165 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794165 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794165 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:53600 . ILX:0794166 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right A cervical cardiac branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The first branch of right vagus nerve to cardiac structures that branches superior to the right clavicle - these branches arise from vagus at superior and inferior parts of neck. They are small and communicate with cardiac branches of the sympathetics. Can be traced to great or deep cardiac plexus (Feinstein). This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794166 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794166 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794166 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794165 . ILX:0794167 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right B cervical cardiac branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The second branch of right vagus nerve to cardiac structures that branches superior to the right clavicle - these branches arise from vagus at superior and inferior parts of neck. They are small and communicate with cardiac branches of the sympathetics. Can be traced to great or deep cardiac plexus (Feinstein), This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794167 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794167 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794167 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794165 . ILX:0794168 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right C cervical cardiac branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The third branch of right vagus nerve to cardiac structures that branches superior to the right clavicle - these branches arise from vagus at superior and inferior parts of neck. They are small and communicate with cardiac branches of the sympathetics. Can be traced to great or deep cardiac plexus (Feinstein). This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794168 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794168 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794168 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794165 . ILX:0794169 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right D cervical cardiac branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The fourth branch of right vagus nerve to cardiac structures that branches superior to the right clavicle - these branches arise from vagus at superior and inferior parts of neck. They are small and communicate with cardiac branches of the sympathetics. Can be traced to great or deep cardiac plexus (Feinstein).This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794169 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794169 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794169 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794165 . ILX:0794170 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right E cervical cardiac branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The fifth branch of right vagus nerve to cardiac structures that branches superior to the right clavicle - these branches arise from vagus at superior and inferior parts of neck identified during dissection. They are small and communicate with cardiac branches of the sympathetics. Can be traced to great or deep cardiac plexus (Feinstein). This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794170 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794170 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794170 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794165 . ILX:0794171 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left cervical cardiac branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "Branch of left vagus nerve to cardiac structures that branches superior to the left clavicle - these branches arise from vagus at superior and inferior parts of neck. They are small and communicate with cardiac branches of the sympathetics. Can be traced to great or deep cardiac plexus (Feinstein)" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794172, ILX:0794173, ILX:0794174, ILX:0794175, ILX:0794176 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794171 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794171 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794171 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:53600 . ILX:0794172 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left A cervical cardiac branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The first branch of left vagus nerve to cardiac structures that branches superior to the left clavicle - these branches arise from vagus at superior and inferior parts of neck. They are small and communicate with cardiac branches of the sympathetics. Can be traced to great or deep cardiac plexus (Feinstein). This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794172 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794172 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794172 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794171 . ILX:0794173 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left B cervical cardiac branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The second branch of left vagus nerve to cardiac structures that branches superior to the left clavicle - these branches arise from vagus at superior and inferior parts of neck. They are small and communicate with cardiac branches of the sympathetics. Can be traced to great or deep cardiac plexus (Feinstein). This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794173 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794173 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794173 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794171 . ILX:0794174 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left C cervical cardiac branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The third branch of left vagus nerve to cardiac structures that branches superior to the left clavicle - these branches arise from vagus at superior and inferior parts of neck. They are small and communicate with cardiac branches of the sympathetics. Can be traced to great or deep cardiac plexus (Feinstein). This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794174 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794174 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794174 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794171 . ILX:0794175 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left D cervical cardiac branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The fourth branch of left vagus nerve to cardiac structures that branches superior to the left clavicle - these branches arise from vagus at superior and inferior parts of neck. They are small and communicate with cardiac branches of the sympathetics. Can be traced to great or deep cardiac plexus (Feinstein). This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794175 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794175 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794175 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794171 . ILX:0794176 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left E cervical cardiac branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The fifth branch of left vagus nerve to cardiac structures that branches superior to the left clavicle - these branches arise from vagus at superior and inferior parts of neck. They are small and communicate with cardiac branches of the sympathetics. Can be traced to great or deep cardiac plexus (Feinstein). This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794176 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794176 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794176 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794171 . ILX:0794177 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "(exclude) right thoracic part of trunk of vagus nerve" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794177 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794177 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794177 . ILX:0794178 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "(exclude) left thoracic part of trunk of vagus nerve" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794178 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794178 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794178 . ILX:0794179 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "thoracic cardiopulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "A branch of the thoracic vagus nerve to cardiopulmonary structures. " ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794180, ILX:0794191 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794179 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794179 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794179 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . ILX:0794180 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right thoracic cardiopulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "A branch of right thoracic vagus nerve to cardiopulmonary structures. " ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794181, ILX:0794182, ILX:0794183, ILX:0794184, ILX:0794185, ILX:0794186, ILX:0794187, ILX:0794188, ILX:0794189, ILX:0794190 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794180 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794180 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794180 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794179 . ILX:0794181 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right A thoracic cardiopulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The first branch of right thoracic vagus nerve to cardiopulmonary structures identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794181 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794181 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794181 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794180 . ILX:0794182 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right B thoracic cardiopulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The second branch of right thoracic vagus nerve to cardiopulmonary structures identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794182 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794182 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794182 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794180 . ILX:0794183 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right C thoracic cardiopulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The third branch of right thoracic vagus nerve to cardiopulmonary structures identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794183 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794183 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794183 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794180 . ILX:0794184 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right D thoracic cardiopulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The fourth branch of right thoracic vagus nerve to cardiopulmonary structures identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794184 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794184 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794184 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794180 . ILX:0794185 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right E thoracic cardiopulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The fifth branch of right thoracic vagus nerve to cardiopulmonary structures identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794185 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794185 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794185 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794180 . ILX:0794186 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right F thoracic cardiopulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The sixth branch of right thoracic vagus nerve to cardiopulmonary structures identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794186 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794186 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794186 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794180 . ILX:0794187 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right G thoracic cardiopulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The seventh branch of right thoracic vagus nerve to cardiopulmonary structures identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794187 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794187 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794187 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794180 . ILX:0794188 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right H thoracic cardiopulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The eighth branch of right thoracic vagus nerve to cardiopulmonary structures identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794188 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794188 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794188 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794180 . ILX:0794189 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right I thoracic cardiopulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The ninth branch of right thoracic vagus nerve to cardiopulmonary structures identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794189 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794189 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794189 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794180 . ILX:0794190 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right J thoracic cardiopulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The tenth branch of right thoracic vagus nerve to cardiopulmonary structures identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794190 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794190 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794190 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794180 . ILX:0794191 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left thoracic cardiopulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "A branch of left thoracic vagus nerve to cardiopulmonary structures. " ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794192, ILX:0794193, ILX:0794194, ILX:0794195, ILX:0794196, ILX:0794197, ILX:0794198, ILX:0794199, ILX:0794200, ILX:0794201 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794191 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794191 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794191 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794179 . ILX:0794192 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left A thoracic cardiopulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The first branch of left thoracic vagus nerve to cardiopulmonary structures identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794192 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794192 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794192 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794191 . ILX:0794193 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left B thoracic cardiopulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The second branch of left thoracic vagus nerve to cardiopulmonary structures identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794193 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794193 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794193 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794191 . ILX:0794194 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left C thoracic cardiopulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The third branch of left thoracic vagus nerve to cardiopulmonary structures identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794194 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794194 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794194 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794191 . ILX:0794195 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left D thoracic cardiopulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The fourth branch of left thoracic vagus nerve to cardiopulmonary structures identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794195 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794195 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794195 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794191 . ILX:0794196 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left E thoracic cardiopulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The fifth branch of left thoracic vagus nerve to cardiopulmonary structures identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794196 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794196 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794196 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794191 . ILX:0794197 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left F thoracic cardiopulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The sixth branch of left thoracic vagus nerve to cardiopulmonary structures identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794197 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794197 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794197 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794191 . ILX:0794198 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left G thoracic cardiopulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The seventh branch of left thoracic vagus nerve to cardiopulmonary structures identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794198 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794198 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794198 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794191 . ILX:0794199 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left H thoracic cardiopulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The eighth branch of left thoracic vagus nerve to cardiopulmonary structures identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794199 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794199 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794199 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794191 . ILX:0794200 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left I thoracic cardiopulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The ninth branch of left thoracic vagus nerve to cardiopulmonary structures identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794200 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794200 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794200 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794191 . ILX:0794201 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left J thoracic cardiopulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The tenth branch of left thoracic vagus nerve to cardiopulmonary structures identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794201 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794201 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794201 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794191 . ILX:0794202 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right thoracic cardiac branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "A cardiac branch of the right vagal trunk that provides innervation to the heart." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794203, ILX:0794204, ILX:0794205, ILX:0794206, ILX:0794207, ILX:0794208, ILX:0794209, ILX:0794210, ILX:0794211, ILX:0794212 ; ILX:0739239 "TRUE" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794202 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794202 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794202 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794849 . ILX:0794203 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right A thoracic cardiac branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The first identified cardiac branch of the right vagal trunk that provides innervation to the heart during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794203 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794203 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794203 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794202 . ILX:0794204 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right B thoracic cardiac branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The second identified cardiac branch of the right vagal trunk that provides innervation to the heart during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794204 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794204 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794204 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794202 . ILX:0794205 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right C thoracic cardiac branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The third identified cardiac branch of the right vagal trunk that provides innervation to the heart during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794205 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794205 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794205 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794202 . ILX:0794206 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right D thoracic cardiac branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The fourth identified cardiac branch of the right vagal trunk that provides innervation to the heart during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794206 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794206 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794206 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794202 . ILX:0794207 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right E thoracic cardiac branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The fifth identified cardiac branch of the right vagal trunk that provides innervation to the heart during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794207 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794207 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794207 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794202 . ILX:0794208 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right F thoracic cardiac branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The sixth identified cardiac branch of the right vagal trunk that provides innervation to the heart during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794208 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794208 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794208 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794202 . ILX:0794209 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right G thoracic cardiac branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The seventh identified cardiac branch of the right vagal trunk that provides innervation to the heart during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794209 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794209 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794209 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794202 . ILX:0794210 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right H thoracic cardiac branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The eighth identified cardiac branch of the right vagal trunk that provides innervation to the heart during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794210 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794210 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794210 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794202 . ILX:0794211 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right I thoracic cardiac branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The ninth identified cardiac branch of the right vagal trunk that provides innervation to the heart during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794211 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794211 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794211 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794202 . ILX:0794212 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right J thoracic cardiac branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The tenth identified cardiac branch of the right vagal trunk that provides innervation to the heart during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794212 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794212 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794212 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794202 . ILX:0794213 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left thoracic cardiac branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "A cardiac branch of the left vagal trunk that provides innervation to the heart." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794214, ILX:0794215, ILX:0794216, ILX:0794217, ILX:0794218, ILX:0794219, ILX:0794220, ILX:0794221, ILX:0794222, ILX:0794223 ; ILX:0739239 "TRUE" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794213 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794213 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794213 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794849 . ILX:0794214 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left A thoracic cardiac branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The first identified cardiac branch of the left vagal trunk that provides innervation to the heart during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794214 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794214 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794214 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794213 . ILX:0794215 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left B thoracic cardiac branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The second identified cardiac branch of the left vagal trunk that provides innervation to the heart during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794215 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794215 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794215 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794213 . ILX:0794216 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left C thoracic cardiac branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The third identified cardiac branch of the left vagal trunk that provides innervation to the heart during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794216 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794216 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794216 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794213 . ILX:0794217 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left D thoracic cardiac branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The fourth identified cardiac branch of the left vagal trunk that provides innervation to the heart during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794217 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794217 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794217 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794213 . ILX:0794218 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left E thoracic cardiac branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The fifth identified cardiac branch of the left vagal trunk that provides innervation to the heart during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794218 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794218 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794218 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794213 . ILX:0794219 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left F thoracic cardiac branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The sixth identified cardiac branch of the left vagal trunk that provides innervation to the heart during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794219 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794219 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794219 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794213 . ILX:0794220 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left G thoracic cardiac branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The seventh identified cardiac branch of the left vagal trunk that provides innervation to the heart during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794220 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794220 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794220 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794213 . ILX:0794221 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left H thoracic cardiac branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The eighth identified cardiac branch of the left vagal trunk that provides innervation to the heart during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794221 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794221 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794221 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794213 . ILX:0794222 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left I thoracic cardiac branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The ninth identified cardiac branch of the left vagal trunk that provides innervation to the heart during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794222 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794222 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794222 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794213 . ILX:0794223 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left J thoracic cardiac branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The tenth identified cardiac branch of the left vagal trunk that provides innervation to the heart during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794223 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794223 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794223 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794213 . ILX:0794224 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "recurrent laryngeal nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "recurrent laryngeal branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The branch of the vagus nerve that provides motor innervation the muscles of the larynx except for the cricothyroid muscle, and sensory innervation of the mucosa below the vocal folds." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794225, ILX:0794226 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0739239 "TRUE" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794224 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794224 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794224 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . ILX:0794225 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right recurrent laryngeal nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "right recurrent laryngeal branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The branch of the right vagus nerve that provides motor innervation the muscles of the larynx except for the cricothyroid muscle, and sensory innervation of the mucosa below the vocal folds." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ILX:0739239 "TRUE" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794225 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794225 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794225 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794224 . ILX:0794226 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left recurrent laryngeal nerve" ; NIFRID:synonym "left recurrent laryngeal branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The branch of the left vagus nerve that provides motor innervation the muscles of the larynx except for the cricothyroid muscle, and sensory innervation of the mucosa below the vocal folds." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ILX:0739239 "TRUE" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794226 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794226 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794226 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794224 . ILX:0794227 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "branch between recurrent laryngeal nerve and vagal trunk" ; definition: "A branch between the vagus nerve's main trunk and the recurrent laryngeal nerve after the RLN has branched from the vagus nerve main trunk. " ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794228, ILX:0794231 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0794912 "branch between recurrent laryngeal branch of vagus nerve and vagal trunk" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794227 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794227 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794227 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . ILX:0794228 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right branch between recurrent laryngeal nerve and vagal trunk" ; definition: "A branch between the right vagus nerve's main trunk and the right recurrent laryngeal nerve after the RLN has branched from the vagus nerve main trunk. " ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794229, ILX:0794230 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794228 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794228 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794228 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794227 . ILX:0794229 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right A branch between recurrent laryngeal nerve and vagal trunk" ; definition: "The first branch between the right vagus nerve's main trunk and the right recurrent laryngeal nerve after the RLN has branched from the vagus nerve main trunk identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794229 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794229 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794229 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794228 . ILX:0794230 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right B branch between recurrent laryngeal nerve and vagal trunk" ; definition: "The second branch between the right vagus nerve's main trunk and the right recurrent laryngeal nerve after the RLN has branched from the vagus nerve main trunk identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794230 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794230 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794230 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794228 . ILX:0794231 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left branch between recurrent laryngeal nerve and vagal trunk" ; definition: "A branch between the left vagus nerve's main trunk and the left recurrent laryngeal nerve after the RLN has branched from the vagus nerve main trunk. " ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794232, ILX:0794233 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794231 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794231 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794231 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794227 . ILX:0794232 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left A branch between recurrent laryngeal nerve and vagal trunk" ; definition: "The first branch between the left vagus nerve's main trunk and the left recurrent laryngeal nerve after the RLN has branched from the vagus nerve main trunk identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794232 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794232 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794232 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794231 . ILX:0794233 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left B branch between recurrent laryngeal nerve and vagal trunk" ; definition: "The second branch between the left vagus nerve's main trunk and the left recurrent laryngeal nerve after the RLN has branched from the vagus nerve main trunk identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794233 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794233 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794233 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794231 . ILX:0794234 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "cardiac branch of recurrent laryngeal nerve" ; definition: "A branch of the vagus nerve to cardiac structures (the heart/ carotids/ pericardium/ etc) that originates from the recurrent laryngeal branch." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794235, ILX:0794244 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794234 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794234 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794234 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . ILX:0794235 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right cardiac branch of recurrent laryngeal nerve" ; definition: "A branch of the right vagus nerve to cardiac structures (the heart/ carotids/ pericardium/ etc) that originates from the right recurrent laryngeal branch." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794236, ILX:0794237, ILX:0794238, ILX:0794239, ILX:0794240, ILX:0794241, ILX:0794242, ILX:0794243 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794235 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794235 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794235 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794234 . ILX:0794236 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right A cardiac branch of recurrent laryngeal nerve" ; definition: "The first branch of the right vagus nerve to cardiac structures (the heart/ carotids/ pericardium/ etc) that originates from the right recurrent laryngeal branch identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794236 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794236 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794236 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794235 . ILX:0794237 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right B cardiac branch of recurrent laryngeal nerve" ; definition: "The second branch of the right vagus nerve to cardiac structures (the heart/ carotids/ pericardium/ etc) that originates from the right recurrent laryngeal branch identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794237 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794237 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794237 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794235 . ILX:0794238 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right C cardiac branch of recurrent laryngeal nerve" ; definition: "The third branch of the right vagus nerve to cardiac structures (the heart/ carotids/ pericardium/ etc) that originates from the right recurrent laryngeal branch identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794238 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794238 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794238 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794235 . ILX:0794239 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right D cardiac branch of recurrent laryngeal nerve" ; definition: "The fourth branch of the right vagus nerve to cardiac structures (the heart/ carotids/ pericardium/ etc) that originates from the right recurrent laryngeal branch identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794239 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794239 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794239 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794235 . ILX:0794240 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right E cardiac branch of recurrent laryngeal nerve" ; definition: "The fifth branch of the right vagus nerve to cardiac structures (the heart/ carotids/ pericardium/ etc) that originates from the right recurrent laryngeal branch identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794240 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794240 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794240 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794235 . ILX:0794241 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right F cardiac branch of recurrent laryngeal nerve" ; definition: "The sixth branch of the right vagus nerve to cardiac structures (the heart/ carotids/ pericardium/ etc) that originates from the right recurrent laryngeal branch identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794241 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794241 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794241 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794235 . ILX:0794242 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right G cardiac branch of recurrent laryngeal nerve" ; definition: "The seventh branch of the right vagus nerve to cardiac structures (the heart/ carotids/ pericardium/ etc) that originates from the right recurrent laryngeal branch identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794242 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794242 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794242 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794235 . ILX:0794243 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right H cardiac branch of recurrent laryngeal nerve" ; definition: "The eighth branch of the right vagus nerve to cardiac structures (the heart/ carotids/ pericardium/ etc) that originates from the right recurrent laryngeal branch identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794243 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794243 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794243 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794235 . ILX:0794244 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left cardiac branch of recurrent laryngeal nerve" ; definition: "A branch of the left vagus nerve to cardiac structures (the heart/ carotids/ pericardium/ etc) that originates from the left recurrent laryngeal branch." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794245, ILX:0794246, ILX:0794247, ILX:0794248, ILX:0794249, ILX:0794250, ILX:0794251, ILX:0794252 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794244 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794244 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794244 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794234 . ILX:0794245 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left A cardiac branch of recurrent laryngeal nerve" ; definition: "The first branch of the left vagus nerve to cardiac structures (the heart/ carotids/ pericardium/ etc) that originates from the left recurrent laryngeal branch identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794245 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794245 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794245 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794244 . ILX:0794246 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left B cardiac branch of recurrent laryngeal nerve" ; definition: "The second branch of the left vagus nerve to cardiac structures (the heart/ carotids/ pericardium/ etc) that originates from the left recurrent laryngeal branch identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794246 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794246 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794246 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794244 . ILX:0794247 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left C cardiac branch of recurrent laryngeal nerve" ; definition: "The third branch of the left vagus nerve to cardiac structures (the heart/ carotids/ pericardium/ etc) that originates from the left recurrent laryngeal branch identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794247 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794247 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794247 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794244 . ILX:0794248 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left D cardiac branch of recurrent laryngeal nerve" ; definition: "The fourth branch of the left vagus nerve to cardiac structures (the heart/ carotids/ pericardium/ etc) that originates from the left recurrent laryngeal branch identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794248 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794248 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794248 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794244 . ILX:0794249 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left E cardiac branch of recurrent laryngeal nerve" ; definition: "The fifth branch of the left vagus nerve to cardiac structures (the heart/ carotids/ pericardium/ etc) that originates from the left recurrent laryngeal branch identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794249 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794249 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794249 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794244 . ILX:0794250 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left F cardiac branch of recurrent laryngeal nerve" ; definition: "The sixth branch of the left vagus nerve to cardiac structures (the heart/ carotids/ pericardium/ etc) that originates from the left recurrent laryngeal branch identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794250 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794250 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794250 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794244 . ILX:0794251 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left G cardiac branch of recurrent laryngeal nerve" ; definition: "The seventh branch of the left vagus nerve to cardiac structures (the heart/ carotids/ pericardium/ etc) that originates from the left recurrent laryngeal branch identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794251 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794251 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794251 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794244 . ILX:0794252 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left H cardiac branch of recurrent laryngeal nerve" ; definition: "The eighth branch of the left vagus nerve to cardiac structures (the heart/ carotids/ pericardium/ etc) that originates from the right recurrent laryngeal branch identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794252 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794252 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794252 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794244 . ILX:0794253 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "medial pulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "A branch of the vagus nerve that innervates the bronchi and lungs." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794254, ILX:0794265 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794253 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794253 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794253 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . ILX:0794254 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right medial pulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "A branch of the right vagus nerve that innervates the bronchi and lungs." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794255, ILX:0794256, ILX:0794257, ILX:0794258, ILX:0794259, ILX:0794260, ILX:0794261, ILX:0794262, ILX:0794263, ILX:0794264 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794254 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794254 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794254 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794253 . ILX:0794255 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right A medial pulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The first branch of the right vagus nerve that innervates the bronchi and lungs identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794255 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794255 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794255 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794254 . ILX:0794256 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right B medial pulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The second branch of the right vagus nerve that innervates the bronchi and lungs identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794256 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794256 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794256 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794254 . ILX:0794257 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right C medial pulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The third branch of the right vagus nerve that innervates the bronchi and lungs identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794257 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794257 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794257 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794254 . ILX:0794258 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right D medial pulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The fourth branch of the right vagus nerve that innervates the bronchi and lungs identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794258 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794258 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794258 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794254 . ILX:0794259 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right E medial pulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The fifth branch of the right vagus nerve that innervates the bronchi and lungs identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794259 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794259 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794259 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794254 . ILX:0794260 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right F medial pulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The sixth branch of the right vagus nerve that innervates the bronchi and lungs identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794260 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794260 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794260 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794254 . ILX:0794261 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right G medial pulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The seventh branch of the right vagus nerve that innervates the bronchi and lungs identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794261 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794261 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794261 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794254 . ILX:0794262 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right H medial pulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The eighth branch of the right vagus nerve that innervates the bronchi and lungs identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794262 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794262 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794262 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794254 . ILX:0794263 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right I medial pulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The ninth branch of the right vagus nerve that innervates the bronchi and lungs identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794263 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794263 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794263 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794254 . ILX:0794264 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right J medial pulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The tenth branch of the right vagus nerve that innervates the bronchi and lungs identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794264 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794264 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794264 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794254 . ILX:0794265 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left medial pulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "A branch of the left vagus nerve that innervates the bronchi and lungs." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794266, ILX:0794267, ILX:0794268, ILX:0794269, ILX:0794270, ILX:0794271, ILX:0794272, ILX:0794273, ILX:0794274, ILX:0794275 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794265 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794265 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794265 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794253 . ILX:0794266 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left A medial pulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The first branch of the left vagus nerve that innervates the bronchi and lungs identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted] " ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794266 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794266 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794266 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794265 . ILX:0794267 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left B medial pulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The second branch of the left vagus nerve that innervates the bronchi and lungs identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794267 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794267 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794267 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794265 . ILX:0794268 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left C medial pulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The third branch of the left vagus nerve that innervates the bronchi and lungs identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794268 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794268 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794268 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794265 . ILX:0794269 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left D medial pulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The fourth branch of the left vagus nerve that innervates the bronchi and lungs identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794269 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794269 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794269 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794265 . ILX:0794270 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left E medial pulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The fifth branch of the left vagus nerve that innervates the bronchi and lungs identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794270 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794270 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794270 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794265 . ILX:0794271 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left F medial pulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The sixth branch of the left vagus nerve that innervates the bronchi and lungs identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794271 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794271 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794271 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794265 . ILX:0794272 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left G medial pulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The seventh branch of the left vagus nerve that innervates the bronchi and lungs identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794272 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794272 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794272 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794265 . ILX:0794273 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left H medial pulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The eighth branch of the left vagus nerve that innervates the bronchi and lungs identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794273 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794273 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794273 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794265 . ILX:0794274 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left I medial pulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The ninth branch of the left vagus nerve that innervates the bronchi and lungs identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794274 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794274 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794274 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794265 . ILX:0794275 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left J medial pulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The tenth branch of the left vagus nerve that innervates the bronchi and lungs identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794275 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794275 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794275 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794265 . ILX:0794276 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "lateral pulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "A branch of the vagus nerve that innervates the bronchi and lungs. " ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794277, ILX:0794288 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794276 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794276 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794276 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . ILX:0794277 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right lateral pulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "A branch of the right vagus nerve that innervates the bronchi and lungs. " ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794278, ILX:0794279, ILX:0794280, ILX:0794281, ILX:0794282, ILX:0794283, ILX:0794284, ILX:0794285, ILX:0794286, ILX:0794287 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794277 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794277 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794277 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794276 . ILX:0794278 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right A lateral pulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The first branch of the right vagus nerve that innervates the bronchi and lungs identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794278 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794278 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794278 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794277 . ILX:0794279 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right B lateral pulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The second branch of the right vagus nerve that innervates the bronchi and lungs identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794279 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794279 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794279 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794277 . ILX:0794280 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right C lateral pulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The third branch of the right vagus nerve that innervates the bronchi and lungs identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794280 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794280 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794280 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794277 . ILX:0794281 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right D lateral pulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The fourth branch of the right vagus nerve that innervates the bronchi and lungs identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794281 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794281 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794281 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794277 . ILX:0794282 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right E lateral pulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The fifth branch of the right vagus nerve that innervates the bronchi and lungs identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794282 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794282 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794282 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794277 . ILX:0794283 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right F lateral pulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The sixth branch of the right vagus nerve that innervates the bronchi and lungs identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794283 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794283 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794283 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794277 . ILX:0794284 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right G lateral pulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The seventh branch of the right vagus nerve that innervates the bronchi and lungs identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794284 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794284 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794284 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794277 . ILX:0794285 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right H lateral pulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The eighth branch of the right vagus nerve that innervates the bronchi and lungs identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794285 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794285 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794285 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794277 . ILX:0794286 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right I lateral pulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The ninth branch of the right vagus nerve that innervates the bronchi and lungs identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794286 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794286 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794286 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794277 . ILX:0794287 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right J lateral pulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The tenth branch of the right vagus nerve that innervates the bronchi and lungs identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794287 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794287 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794287 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794277 . ILX:0794288 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left lateral pulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "A branch of the left vagus nerve that innervates the bronchi and lungs. " ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794289, ILX:0794290, ILX:0794291, ILX:0794292, ILX:0794293, ILX:0794294, ILX:0794295, ILX:0794296, ILX:0794297, ILX:0794298 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794288 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794288 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794288 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794276 . ILX:0794289 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left A lateral pulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The first branch of the left vagus nerve that innervates the bronchi and lungs identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted] " ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794289 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794289 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794289 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794288 . ILX:0794290 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left B lateral pulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The second branch of the left vagus nerve that innervates the bronchi and lungs identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794290 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794290 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794290 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794288 . ILX:0794291 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left C lateral pulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The third branch of the left vagus nerve that innervates the bronchi and lungs identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794291 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794291 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794291 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794288 . ILX:0794292 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left D lateral pulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The fourth branch of the left vagus nerve that innervates the bronchi and lungs identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794292 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794292 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794292 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794288 . ILX:0794293 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left E lateral pulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The fifth branch of the left vagus nerve that innervates the bronchi and lungs identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794293 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794293 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794293 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794288 . ILX:0794294 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left F lateral pulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The sixth branch of the left vagus nerve that innervates the bronchi and lungs identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794294 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794294 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794294 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794288 . ILX:0794295 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left G lateral pulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The seventh branch of the left vagus nerve that innervates the bronchi and lungs identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794295 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794295 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794295 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794288 . ILX:0794296 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left H lateral pulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The eighth branch of the left vagus nerve that innervates the bronchi and lungs identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794296 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794296 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794296 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794288 . ILX:0794297 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left I lateral pulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The ninth branch of the left vagus nerve that innervates the bronchi and lungs identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794297 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794297 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794297 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794288 . ILX:0794298 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left J lateral pulmonary branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The tenth branch of the left vagus nerve that innervates the bronchi and lungs identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794298 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794298 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794298 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794288 . ILX:0794299 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right branch of thoracic vagus nerve to esophagus" ; definition: "An esophageal branch from the thoracic trunk of the right vagus nerve" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794300, ILX:0794301, ILX:0794302, ILX:0794303, ILX:0794304, ILX:0794305, ILX:0794306, ILX:0794307, ILX:0794308, ILX:0794309 ; ILX:0794912 "right esophageal branch from thoracic vagus nerve trunk" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794299 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794299 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794299 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:65514 . ILX:0794300 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right A branch of thoracic vagus nerve to esophagus" ; definition: "The first esophageal branch from thoracic trunk of the right vagus nerve identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "right A esophageal branch from thoracic trunk of vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794300 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794300 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794300 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794299 . ILX:0794301 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right B branch of thoracic vagus nerve to esophagus" ; definition: "The second esophageal branch from thoracic trunk of the right vagus nerve identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "right B esophageal branch from thoracic trunk of vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794301 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794301 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794301 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794299 . ILX:0794302 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right C branch of thoracic vagus nerve to esophagus" ; definition: "The third esophageal branch from thoracic trunk of the right vagus nerve identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "right C esophageal branch from thoracic trunk of vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794302 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794302 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794302 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794299 . ILX:0794303 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right D branch of thoracic vagus nerve to esophagus" ; definition: "The fourth esophageal branch from thoracic trunk of the right vagus nerve identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "right D esophageal branch from thoracic trunk of vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794303 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794303 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794303 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794299 . ILX:0794304 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right E branch of thoracic vagus nerve to esophagus" ; definition: "The fifth esophageal branch from thoracic trunk of the right vagus nerve identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "right E esophageal branch from thoracic trunk of vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794304 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794304 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794304 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794299 . ILX:0794305 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right F branch of thoracic vagus nerve to esophagus" ; definition: "The sixth esophageal branch from thoracic trunk of the right vagus nerve identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "right F esophageal branch from thoracic trunk of vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794305 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794305 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794305 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794299 . ILX:0794306 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right G branch of thoracic vagus nerve to esophagus" ; definition: "The seventh esophageal branch from thoracic trunk of the right vagus nerve identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "right G esophageal branch from thoracic trunk of vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794306 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794306 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794306 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794299 . ILX:0794307 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right H branch of thoracic vagus nerve to esophagus" ; definition: "The eighth esophageal branch from thoracic trunk of the right vagus nerve identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "right H esophageal branch from thoracic trunk of vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794307 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794307 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794307 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794299 . ILX:0794308 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right I branch of thoracic vagus nerve to esophagus" ; definition: "The ninth esophageal branch from thoracic trunk of the right vagus nerve identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "right I esophageal branch from thoracic trunk of vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794308 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794308 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794308 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794299 . ILX:0794309 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right J branch of thoracic vagus nerve to esophagus" ; definition: "The tenth esophageal branch from thoracic trunk of the right vagus nerve identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "right J esophageal branch from thoracic trunk of vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794309 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794309 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794309 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794299 . ILX:0794310 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left branch of thoracic vagus nerve to esophagus" ; definition: "An esophageal branch from the thoracic trunk of the left vagus nerve" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794311, ILX:0794312, ILX:0794313, ILX:0794314, ILX:0794315, ILX:0794316, ILX:0794317, ILX:0794318, ILX:0794319, ILX:0794320 ; ILX:0794912 "left esophageal branch from thoracic vagus nerve trunk" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794310 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794310 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794310 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:65514 . ILX:0794311 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left A branch of thoracic vagus nerve to esophagus" ; definition: "The first esophageal branch from thoracic trunk of the left vagus nerve identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "left A esophageal branch from thoracic trunk of vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794311 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794311 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794311 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794310 . ILX:0794312 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left B branch of thoracic vagus nerve to esophagus" ; definition: "The second esophageal branch from thoracic trunk of the left vagus nerve identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "left B esophageal branch from thoracic trunk of vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794312 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794312 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794312 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794310 . ILX:0794313 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left C branch of thoracic vagus nerve to esophagus" ; definition: "The third esophageal branch from thoracic trunk of the left vagus nerve identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "left C esophageal branch from thoracic trunk of vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794313 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794313 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794313 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794310 . ILX:0794314 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left D branch of thoracic vagus nerve to esophagus" ; definition: "The fourth esophageal branch from thoracic trunk of the left vagus nerve identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "left D esophageal branch from thoracic trunk of vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794314 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794314 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794314 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794310 . ILX:0794315 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left E branch of thoracic vagus nerve to esophagus" ; definition: "The fifth esophageal branch from thoracic trunk of the left vagus nerve identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "left E esophageal branch from thoracic trunk of vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794315 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794315 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794315 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794310 . ILX:0794316 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left F branch of thoracic vagus nerve to esophagus" ; definition: "The sixth esophageal branch from thoracic trunk of the left vagus nerve identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "left F esophageal branch from thoracic trunk of vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794316 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794316 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794316 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794310 . ILX:0794317 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left G branch of thoracic vagus nerve to esophagus" ; definition: "The seventh esophageal branch from thoracic trunk of the left vagus nerve identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "left G esophageal branch from thoracic trunk of vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794317 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794317 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794317 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794310 . ILX:0794318 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left H branch of thoracic vagus nerve to esophagus" ; definition: "The eighth esophageal branch from thoracic trunk of the left vagus nerve identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "left H esophageal branch from thoracic trunk of vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794318 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794318 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794318 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794310 . ILX:0794319 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left I branch of thoracic vagus nerve to esophagus" ; definition: "The ninth esophageal branch from thoracic trunk of the left vagus nerve identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "left I esophageal branch from thoracic trunk of vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794319 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794319 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794319 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794310 . ILX:0794320 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left J branch of thoracic vagus nerve to esophagus" ; definition: "The tenth esophageal branch from thoracic trunk of the left vagus nerve identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "left J esophageal branch from thoracic trunk of vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794320 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794320 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794320 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794310 . ILX:0794321 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "esophageal branch of abdominal vagal trunk" ; definition: "An esophageal branch from abdominal trunk of the vagus nerve." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794322, ILX:0794333 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0794912 "esophageal branch from abdominal vagus nerve trunk" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794321 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794321 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794321 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . ILX:0794322 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior esophageal branch of abdominal vagal trunk" ; definition: "An esophageal branch from abdominal trunk of the left vagus nerve. " ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794323, ILX:0794324, ILX:0794325, ILX:0794326, ILX:0794327, ILX:0794328, ILX:0794329, ILX:0794330, ILX:0794331, ILX:0794332 ; ILX:0794912 "anterior esophageal branch from abdominal vagus nerve trunk" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794322 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794322 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794322 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794321 . ILX:0794323 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior A esophageal branch of abdominal vagal trunk" ; definition: "The first esophageal branch from abdominal trunk of the left vagus nerve identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "anterior A esophageal branch from abdominal trunk of vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794323 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794323 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794323 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794322 . ILX:0794324 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior B esophageal branch of abdominal vagal trunk" ; definition: "The second esophageal branch from abdominal trunk of the left vagus nerve identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "anterior B esophageal branch from abdominal trunk of vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794324 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794324 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794324 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794322 . ILX:0794325 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior C esophageal branch of abdominal vagal trunk" ; definition: "The third esophageal branch from abdominal trunk of the left vagus nerve identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "anterior C esophageal branch from abdominal trunk of vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794325 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794325 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794325 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794322 . ILX:0794326 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior D esophageal branch of abdominal vagal trunk" ; definition: "The fourth esophageal branch from abdominal trunk of the left vagus nerve identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "anterior D esophageal branch from abdominal trunk of vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794326 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794326 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794326 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794322 . ILX:0794327 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior E esophageal branch of abdominal vagal trunk" ; definition: "The fifth esophageal branch from abdominal trunk of the left vagus nerve identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "anterior E esophageal branch from abdominal trunk of vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794327 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794327 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794327 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794322 . ILX:0794328 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior F esophageal branch of abdominal vagal trunk" ; definition: "The sixth esophageal branch from abdominal trunk of the left vagus nerve identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "anterior F esophageal branch from abdominal trunk of vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794328 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794328 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794328 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794322 . ILX:0794329 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior G esophageal branch of abdominal vagal trunk" ; definition: "The seventh esophageal branch from abdominal trunk of the left vagus nerve identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "anterior G esophageal branch from abdominal trunk of vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794329 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794329 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794329 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794322 . ILX:0794330 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior H esophageal branch of abdominal vagal trunk" ; definition: "The eighth esophageal branch from abdominal trunk of the left vagus nerve identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "anterior H esophageal branch from abdominal trunk of vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794330 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794330 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794330 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794322 . ILX:0794331 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior I esophageal branch of abdominal vagal trunk" ; definition: "The ninth esophageal branch from abdominal trunk of the left vagus nerve identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "anterior I esophageal branch from abdominal trunk of vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794331 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794331 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794331 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794322 . ILX:0794332 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior J esophageal branch of abdominal vagal trunk" ; definition: "The tenth esophageal branch from abdominal trunk of the left vagus nerve identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "anterior J esophageal branch from abdominal trunk of vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794332 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794332 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794332 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794322 . ILX:0794333 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior esophageal branch of abdominal vagal trunk" ; definition: "An esophageal branch from abdominal trunk of the right vagus nerve." ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794334, ILX:0794335, ILX:0794336, ILX:0794337, ILX:0794338, ILX:0794339, ILX:0794340, ILX:0794341, ILX:0794342, ILX:0794343 ; ILX:0794912 "posterior esophageal branch from abdominal trunk of vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794333 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794333 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794333 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794321 . ILX:0794334 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior A esophageal branch of abdominal vagal trunk" ; definition: "The first esophageal branch from abdominal trunk of the right vagus nerve identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "posterior A esophageal branch from abdominal trunk of vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794334 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794334 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794334 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794333 . ILX:0794335 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior B esophageal branch of abdominal vagal trunk" ; definition: "The second esophageal branch from abdominal trunk of the right vagus nerve identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "posterior B esophageal branch from abdominal trunk of vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794335 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794335 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794335 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794333 . ILX:0794336 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior C esophageal branch of abdominal vagal trunk" ; definition: "The third esophageal branch from abdominal trunk of the right vagus nerve identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "posterior C esophageal branch from abdominal trunk of vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794336 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794336 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794336 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794333 . ILX:0794337 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior D esophageal branch of abdominal vagal trunk" ; definition: "The fourth esophageal branch from abdominal trunk of the right vagus nerve identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "posterior D esophageal branch from abdominal trunk of vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794337 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794337 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794337 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794333 . ILX:0794338 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior E esophageal branch of abdominal vagal trunk" ; definition: "The fifth esophageal branch from abdominal trunk of the right vagus nerve identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "posterior E esophageal branch from abdominal trunk of vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794338 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794338 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794338 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794333 . ILX:0794339 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior F esophageal branch of abdominal vagal trunk" ; definition: "The sixth esophageal branch from abdominal trunk of the right vagus nerve identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "posterior F esophageal branch from abdominal trunk of vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794339 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794339 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794339 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794333 . ILX:0794340 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior G esophageal branch of abdominal vagal trunk" ; definition: "The seventh esophageal branch from abdominal trunk of the right vagus nerve identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "posterior G esophageal branch from abdominal trunk of vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794340 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794340 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794340 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794333 . ILX:0794341 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior H esophageal branch of abdominal vagal trunk" ; definition: "The eighth esophageal branch from abdominal trunk of the right vagus nerve identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "posterior H esophageal branch from abdominal trunk of vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794341 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794341 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794341 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794333 . ILX:0794342 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior I esophageal branch of abdominal vagal trunk" ; definition: "The ninth esophageal branch from abdominal trunk of the right vagus nerve identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "posterior I esophageal branch from abdominal trunk of vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794342 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794342 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794342 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794333 . ILX:0794343 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior J esophageal branch of abdominal vagal trunk" ; definition: "The tenth esophageal branch from abdominal trunk of the right vagus nerve identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "posterior J esophageal branch from abdominal trunk of vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794343 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794343 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794343 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794333 . ILX:0794344 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "esophageal branch of esophageal plexus of vagus nerve" ; definition: "An esophageal branch from esophageal plexus branch of the vagus nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794345, ILX:0794356, ILX:0794863, ILX:0794864, ILX:0794865, ILX:0794866, ILX:0794867 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0794912 "esophageal branch from esophageal plexus of vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794344 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794344 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794344 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . ILX:0794345 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior esophageal branch from esophageal plexus of vagus nerve" ; definition: "An esophageal branch from esophageal plexus branch of the vagus nerve" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794346, ILX:0794347, ILX:0794348, ILX:0794349, ILX:0794350, ILX:0794351, ILX:0794352, ILX:0794353, ILX:0794354, ILX:0794355 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794345 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794345 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794345 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794344 . ILX:0794346 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior A esophageal branch from esophageal plexus of vagus nerve" ; definition: "An esophageal branch from esophageal plexus branch of the vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794346 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794346 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794346 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794345 . ILX:0794347 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior B esophageal branch from esophageal plexus of vagus nerve" ; definition: "An esophageal branch from esophageal plexus branch of the vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794347 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794347 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794347 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794345 . ILX:0794348 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior C esophageal branch from esophageal plexus of vagus nerve" ; definition: "An esophageal branch from esophageal plexus branch of the vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794348 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794348 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794348 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794345 . ILX:0794349 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior D esophageal branch from esophageal plexus of vagus nerve" ; definition: "An esophageal branch from esophageal plexus branch of the vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794349 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794349 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794349 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794345 . ILX:0794350 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior E esophageal branch from esophageal plexus of vagus nerve" ; definition: "An esophageal branch from esophageal plexus branch of the vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794350 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794350 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794350 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794345 . ILX:0794351 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior F esophageal branch from esophageal plexus of vagus nerve" ; definition: "An esophageal branch from esophageal plexus branch of the vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794351 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794351 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794351 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794345 . ILX:0794352 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior G esophageal branch from esophageal plexus of vagus nerve" ; definition: "An esophageal branch from esophageal plexus branch of the vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794352 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794352 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794352 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794345 . ILX:0794353 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior H esophageal branch from esophageal plexus of vagus nerve" ; definition: "An esophageal branch from esophageal plexus branch of the vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794353 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794353 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794353 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794345 . ILX:0794354 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior I esophageal branch from esophageal plexus of vagus nerve" ; definition: "An esophageal branch from esophageal plexus branch of the vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794354 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794354 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794354 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794345 . ILX:0794355 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior J esophageal branch from esophageal plexus of vagus nerve" ; definition: "An esophageal branch from esophageal plexus branch of the vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794355 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794355 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794355 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794345 . ILX:0794356 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior esophageal branch from esophageal plexus of vagus nerve" ; definition: "An esophageal branch from esophageal plexus branch of the vagus nerve" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794357, ILX:0794358, ILX:0794359, ILX:0794360, ILX:0794361, ILX:0794362, ILX:0794363, ILX:0794364, ILX:0794365, ILX:0794366 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794356 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794356 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794356 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794344 . ILX:0794357 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior A esophageal branch from esophageal plexus of vagus nerve" ; definition: "An esophageal branch from esophageal plexus branch of the vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794357 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794357 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794357 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794356 . ILX:0794358 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior B esophageal branch from esophageal plexus of vagus nerve" ; definition: "An esophageal branch from esophageal plexus branch of the vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794358 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794358 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794358 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794356 . ILX:0794359 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior C esophageal branch from esophageal plexus of vagus nerve" ; definition: "An esophageal branch from esophageal plexus branch of the vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794359 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794359 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794359 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794356 . ILX:0794360 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior D esophageal branch from esophageal plexus of vagus nerve" ; definition: "An esophageal branch from esophageal plexus branch of the vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794360 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794360 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794360 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794356 . ILX:0794361 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior E esophageal branch from esophageal plexus of vagus nerve" ; definition: "An esophageal branch from esophageal plexus branch of the vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794361 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794361 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794361 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794356 . ILX:0794362 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior F esophageal branch from esophageal plexus of vagus nerve" ; definition: "An esophageal branch from esophageal plexus branch of the vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794362 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794362 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794362 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794356 . ILX:0794363 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior G esophageal branch from esophageal plexus of vagus nerve" ; definition: "An esophageal branch from esophageal plexus branch of the vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794363 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794363 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794363 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794356 . ILX:0794364 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior H esophageal branch from esophageal plexus of vagus nerve" ; definition: "An esophageal branch from esophageal plexus branch of the vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794364 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794364 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794364 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794356 . ILX:0794365 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior I esophageal branch from esophageal plexus of vagus nerve" ; definition: "An esophageal branch from esophageal plexus branch of the vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794365 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794365 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794365 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794356 . ILX:0794366 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior J esophageal branch from esophageal plexus of vagus nerve" ; definition: "An esophageal branch from esophageal plexus branch of the vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794366 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794366 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794366 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794356 . ILX:0794367 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior A abdominal vagal trunk" ; definition: "The first identified branch of the vagus nerve where the left vagus nerve splits as it passes through the esophageal hiatus to enter the abdominal cavity during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "anterior A vagal trunk" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794367 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794367 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794367 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:6226 . ILX:0794368 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior B abdominal vagal trunk" ; definition: "The second identified branch of the vagus nerve where the left vagus nerve splits as it passes through the esophageal hiatus to enter the abdominal cavity during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "anterior B vagal trunk" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794368 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794368 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794368 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:6226 . ILX:0794369 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior C abdominal vagal trunk" ; definition: "The third identified branch of the vagus nerve where the left vagus nerve splits as it passes through the esophageal hiatus to enter the abdominal cavity during dissection.This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "anterior C vagal trunk" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794369 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794369 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794369 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:6226 . ILX:0794370 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior D abdominal vagal trunk" ; definition: "The fourth identified branch of the vagus nerve where the left vagus nerve splits as it passes through the esophageal hiatus to enter the abdominal cavity during dissection.This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "anterior D vagal trunk" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794370 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794370 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794370 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:6226 . ILX:0794371 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior A abdominal vagal trunk" ; definition: "The first identified branch of the vagus nerve where the right vagus nerve splits as it passes through the esophageal hiatus to enter the abdominal cavity during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "posterior A vagal trunk" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794371 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794371 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794371 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:6227 . ILX:0794372 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior B abdominal vagal trunk" ; definition: "The second identified branch of the vagus nerve where the right vagus nerve splits as it passes through the esophageal hiatus to enter the abdominal cavity during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "posterior B vagal trunk" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794372 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794372 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794372 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:6227 . ILX:0794373 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior C abdominal vagal trunk" ; definition: "The third identified branch of the vagus nerve where the right vagus nerve splits as it passes through the esophageal hiatus to enter the abdominal cavity during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "posterior C vagal trunk" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794373 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794373 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794373 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:6227 . ILX:0794374 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior D abdominal vagal trunk" ; definition: "The fourth identified branch of the vagus nerve where the right vagus nerve splits as it passes through the esophageal hiatus to enter the abdominal cavity during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "posterior D vagal trunk" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794374 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794374 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794374 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:6227 . ILX:0794375 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "esophageal communicating branch" ; definition: "A part of the esophageal nerve plexus located on the surface of the esophagus." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: FMA:53631, FMA:53632 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794375 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794375 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794375 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . ILX:0794376 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior A esophageal communicating branch" ; definition: "The first branching part of the esophageal nerve plexus located on the anterior surface of the esophagus identified during dissection.This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794376 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794376 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794376 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:53631 . ILX:0794377 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior B esophageal communicating branch" ; definition: "The second branching part of the esophageal nerve plexus located on the anterior surface of the esophagus identified during dissection.This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794377 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794377 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794377 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:53631 . ILX:0794378 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior C esophageal communicating branch" ; definition: "The third branching part of the esophageal nerve plexus located on the anterior surface of the esophagus identified during dissection.This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794378 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794378 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794378 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:53631 . ILX:0794379 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior D esophageal communicating branch" ; definition: "The fourth branching part of the esophageal nerve plexus located on the anterior surface of the esophagus identified during dissection.This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794379 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794379 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794379 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:53631 . ILX:0794380 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior E esophageal communicating branch" ; definition: "The fifth branching part of the esophageal nerve plexus located on the anterior surface of the esophagus identified during dissection.This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794380 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794380 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794380 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:53631 . ILX:0794381 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior F esophageal communicating branch" ; definition: "The sixth branching part of the esophageal nerve plexus located on the anterior surface of the esophagus identified during dissection.This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794381 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794381 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794381 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:53631 . ILX:0794382 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior A esophageal communicating branch" ; definition: "The first branching part of the esophageal nerve plexus located on the posterior surface of the esophagus identified during dissection.This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794382 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794382 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794382 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:53632 . ILX:0794383 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior B esophageal communicating branch" ; definition: "The second branching part of the esophageal nerve plexus located on the posterior surface of the esophagus identified during dissection.This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794383 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794383 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794383 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:53632 . ILX:0794384 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior C esophageal communicating branch" ; definition: "The third branching part of the esophageal nerve plexus located on the posterior surface of the esophagus identified during dissection.This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794384 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794384 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794384 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:53632 . ILX:0794385 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior D esophageal communicating branch" ; definition: "The fourth branching part of the esophageal nerve plexus located on the posterior surface of the esophagus identified during dissection.This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794385 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794385 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794385 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:53632 . ILX:0794386 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior E esophageal communicating branch" ; definition: "The fifth branching part of the esophageal nerve plexus located on the posterior surface of the esophagus identified during dissection.This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794386 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794386 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794386 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:53632 . ILX:0794387 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior F esophageal communicating branch" ; definition: "The sixth branching part of the esophageal nerve plexus located on the posterior surface of the esophagus identified during dissection.This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794387 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794387 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794387 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:53632 . ILX:0794388 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior A gastric branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The first branch of the left vagus nerve that provides parasympathetic preganglionic and sensory innervation of the posterior stomach identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794388 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794388 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794388 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:272326 . ILX:0794389 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior B gastric branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The second branch of the left vagus nerve that provides parasympathetic preganglionic and sensory innervation of the posterior stomach identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794389 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794389 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794389 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:272326 . ILX:0794390 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior C gastric branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The third branch of the left vagus nerve that provides parasympathetic preganglionic and sensory innervation of the posterior stomach identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794390 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794390 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794390 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:272326 . ILX:0794391 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior D gastric branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The fourth branch of the left vagus nerve that provides parasympathetic preganglionic and sensory innervation of the posterior stomach identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794391 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794391 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794391 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:272326 . ILX:0794392 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior E gastric branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The fifth branch of the left vagus nerve that provides parasympathetic preganglionic and sensory innervation of the posterior stomach identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794392 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794392 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794392 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:272326 . ILX:0794393 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior F gastric branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The sixth branch of the left vagus nerve that provides parasympathetic preganglionic and sensory innervation of the posterior stomach identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794393 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794393 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794393 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:272326 . ILX:0794394 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior G gastric branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The seventh branch of the left vagus nerve that provides parasympathetic preganglionic and sensory innervation of the posterior stomach identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794394 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794394 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794394 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:272326 . ILX:0794395 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior H gastric branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The eighth branch of the left vagus nerve that provides parasympathetic preganglionic and sensory innervation of the posterior stomach identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794395 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794395 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794395 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:272326 . ILX:0794396 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior I gastric branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The ninth branch of the left vagus nerve that provides parasympathetic preganglionic and sensory innervation of the posterior stomach identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794396 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794396 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794396 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:272326 . ILX:0794397 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior J gastric branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The tenth branch of the left vagus nerve that provides parasympathetic preganglionic and sensory innervation of the posterior stomach identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794397 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794397 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794397 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:272326 . ILX:0794398 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior A gastric branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The first branch of the right vagus nerve that provides parasympathetic preganglionic and sensory innervation of the anterior stomach identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794398 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794398 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794398 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:272320 . ILX:0794399 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior B gastric branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The second branch of the right vagus nerve that provides parasympathetic preganglionic and sensory innervation of the anterior stomach identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794399 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794399 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794399 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:272320 . ILX:0794400 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior C gastric branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The third branch of the right vagus nerve that provides parasympathetic preganglionic and sensory innervation of the anterior stomach identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794400 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794400 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794400 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:272320 . ILX:0794401 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior D gastric branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The fourth branch of the right vagus nerve that provides parasympathetic preganglionic and sensory innervation of the anterior stomach identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794401 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794401 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794401 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:272320 . ILX:0794402 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior E gastric branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The fifth branch of the right vagus nerve that provides parasympathetic preganglionic and sensory innervation of the anterior stomach identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794402 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794402 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794402 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:272320 . ILX:0794403 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior F gastric branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The sixth branch of the right vagus nerve that provides parasympathetic preganglionic and sensory innervation of the anterior stomach identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794403 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794403 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794403 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:272320 . ILX:0794404 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior G gastric branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The seventh branch of the right vagus nerve that provides parasympathetic preganglionic and sensory innervation of the anterior stomach identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794404 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794404 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794404 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:272320 . ILX:0794405 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior H gastric branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The eighth branch of the right vagus nerve that provides parasympathetic preganglionic and sensory innervation of the anterior stomach identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794405 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794405 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794405 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:272320 . ILX:0794406 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior I gastric branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The ninth branch of the right vagus nerve that provides parasympathetic preganglionic and sensory innervation of the anterior stomach identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794406 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794406 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794406 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:272320 . ILX:0794407 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior J gastric branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The tenth branch of the right vagus nerve that provides parasympathetic preganglionic and sensory innervation of the anterior stomach identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794407 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794407 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794407 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:272320 . ILX:0794408 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gastric branch of vagus nerve to lesser curvature of stomach" ; definition: "gastric branch of vagus nerve to lesser curvature of stomach" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794409, ILX:0794415 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794408 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794408 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794408 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . ILX:0794409 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior gastric branch of vagus nerve to lesser curvature of stomach" ; definition: "anterior gastric branch of vagus nerve to lesser curvature of stomach" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794410, ILX:0794411, ILX:0794412, ILX:0794413, ILX:0794414 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794409 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794409 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794409 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794408 . ILX:0794410 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior A gastric branch of vagus nerve to lesser curvature of stomach" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794410 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794410 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794410 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794409 . ILX:0794411 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior B gastric branch of vagus nerve to lesser curvature of stomach" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794411 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794411 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794411 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794409 . ILX:0794412 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior C gastric branch of vagus nerve to lesser curvature of stomach" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794412 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794412 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794412 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794409 . ILX:0794413 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior D gastric branch of vagus nerve to lesser curvature of stomach" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794413 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794413 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794413 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794409 . ILX:0794414 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior E gastric branch of vagus nerve to lesser curvature of stomach" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794414 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794414 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794414 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794409 . ILX:0794415 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior gastric branch of vagus nerve to lesser curvature of stomach" ; definition: "posterior gastric branch of vagus nerve to lesser curvature of stomach" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794416, ILX:0794417, ILX:0794418, ILX:0794419, ILX:0794420 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794415 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794415 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794415 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794408 . ILX:0794416 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior A gastric branch of vagus nerve to lesser curvature of stomach" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794416 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794416 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794416 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794415 . ILX:0794417 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior B gastric branch of vagus nerve to lesser curvature of stomach" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794417 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794417 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794417 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794415 . ILX:0794418 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior C gastric branch of vagus nerve to lesser curvature of stomach" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794418 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794418 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794418 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794415 . ILX:0794419 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior D gastric branch of vagus nerve to lesser curvature of stomach" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794419 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794419 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794419 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794415 . ILX:0794420 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior E gastric branch of vagus nerve to lesser curvature of stomach" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794420 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794420 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794420 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794415 . ILX:0794421 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gastric branch of vagus nerve to greater curvature of stomach" ; definition: "gastric branch of vagus nerve to greater curvature of stomach" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794422, ILX:0794428 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794421 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794421 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794421 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . ILX:0794422 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior gastric branch of vagus nerve to greater curvature of stomach" ; definition: "anterior gastric branch of vagus nerve to greater curvature of stomach" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794423, ILX:0794424, ILX:0794425, ILX:0794426, ILX:0794427 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794422 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794422 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794422 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794421 . ILX:0794423 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior A gastric branch of vagus nerve to greater curvature of stomach" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794423 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794423 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794423 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794422 . ILX:0794424 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior B gastric branch of vagus nerve to greater curvature of stomach" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794424 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794424 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794424 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794422 . ILX:0794425 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior C gastric branch of vagus nerve to greater curvature of stomach" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794425 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794425 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794425 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794422 . ILX:0794426 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior D gastric branch of vagus nerve to greater curvature of stomach" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794426 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794426 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794426 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794422 . ILX:0794427 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior E gastric branch of vagus nerve to greater curvature of stomach" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794427 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794427 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794427 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794422 . ILX:0794428 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior gastric branch of vagus nerve to greater curvature of stomach" ; definition: "posterior gastric branch of vagus nerve to greater curvature of stomach" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794429, ILX:0794430, ILX:0794431, ILX:0794432, ILX:0794433 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794428 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794428 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794428 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794421 . ILX:0794429 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior A gastric branch of vagus nerve to greater curvature of stomach" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794429 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794429 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794429 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794428 . ILX:0794430 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior B gastric branch of vagus nerve to greater curvature of stomach" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794430 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794430 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794430 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794428 . ILX:0794431 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior C gastric branch of vagus nerve to greater curvature of stomach" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794431 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794431 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794431 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794428 . ILX:0794432 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior D gastric branch of vagus nerve to greater curvature of stomach" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794432 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794432 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794432 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794428 . ILX:0794433 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior E gastric branch of vagus nerve to greater curvature of stomach" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794433 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794433 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794433 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794428 . ILX:0794434 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gastric branch of vagus nerve to fundus and cardia of stomach" ; definition: "gastric branch of vagus nerve to fundus and cardia of stomach" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794435, ILX:0794441 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794434 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794434 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794434 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . ILX:0794435 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior gastric branch of vagus nerve to fundus and cardia of stomach" ; definition: "anterior gastric branch of vagus nerve to fundus and cardia of stomach" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794436, ILX:0794437, ILX:0794438, ILX:0794439, ILX:0794440 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794435 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794435 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794435 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794434 . ILX:0794436 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior A gastric branch of vagus nerve to fundus and cardia of stomach" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794436 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794436 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794436 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794435 . ILX:0794437 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior B gastric branch of vagus nerve to fundus and cardia of stomach" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794437 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794437 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794437 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794435 . ILX:0794438 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior C gastric branch of vagus nerve to fundus and cardia of stomach" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794438 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794438 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794438 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794435 . ILX:0794439 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior D gastric branch of vagus nerve to fundus and cardia of stomach" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794439 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794439 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794439 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794435 . ILX:0794440 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior E gastric branch of vagus nerve to fundus and cardia of stomach" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794440 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794440 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794440 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794435 . ILX:0794441 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior gastric branch of vagus nerve to fundus and cardia of stomach" ; definition: "posterior gastric branch of vagus nerve to fundus and cardia of stomach" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794442 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794441 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794441 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794441 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794434 . ILX:0794442 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior A gastric branch of vagus nerve to fundus and cardia of stomach" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794443, ILX:0794444, ILX:0794445, ILX:0794446 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794442 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794442 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794442 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794441 . ILX:0794443 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior B gastric branch of vagus nerve to fundus and cardia of stomach" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794443 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794443 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794443 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794442 . ILX:0794444 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior C gastric branch of vagus nerve to fundus and cardia of stomach" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794444 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794444 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794444 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794442 . ILX:0794445 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior D gastric branch of vagus nerve to fundus and cardia of stomach" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794445 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794445 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794445 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794442 . ILX:0794446 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior E gastric branch of vagus nerve to fundus and cardia of stomach" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794446 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794446 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794446 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794442 . ILX:0794447 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gastric branch of vagus nerve to body of stomach" ; definition: "gastric branch of vagus nerve to body of stomach" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794448 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794447 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794447 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794447 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . ILX:0794448 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior gastric branch of vagus nerve to body of stomach" ; definition: "anterior gastric branch of vagus nerve to body of stomach" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794449, ILX:0794450, ILX:0794451, ILX:0794452, ILX:0794453, ILX:0794454 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794448 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794448 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794448 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794447 . ILX:0794449 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior A gastric branch of vagus nerve to body of stomach" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794449 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794449 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794449 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794448 . ILX:0794450 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior B gastric branch of vagus nerve to body of stomach" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794450 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794450 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794450 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794448 . ILX:0794451 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior C gastric branch of vagus nerve to body of stomach" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794451 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794451 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794451 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794448 . ILX:0794452 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior D gastric branch of vagus nerve to body of stomach" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794452 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794452 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794452 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794448 . ILX:0794453 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior E gastric branch of vagus nerve to body of stomach" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794453 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794453 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794453 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794448 . ILX:0794454 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior gastric branch of vagus nerve to body of stomach" ; definition: "posterior gastric branch of vagus nerve to body of stomach" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794455, ILX:0794456, ILX:0794457, ILX:0794458, ILX:0794459 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794454 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794454 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794454 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794448 . ILX:0794455 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior A gastric branch of vagus nerve to body of stomach" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794455 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794455 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794455 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794454 . ILX:0794456 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior B gastric branch of vagus nerve to body of stomach" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794456 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794456 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794456 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794454 . ILX:0794457 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior C gastric branch of vagus nerve to body of stomach" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794457 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794457 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794457 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794454 . ILX:0794458 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior D gastric branch of vagus nerve to body of stomach" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794458 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794458 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794458 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794454 . ILX:0794459 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior E gastric branch of vagus nerve to body of stomach" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794459 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794459 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794459 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794454 . ILX:0794460 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gastric branch of vagus nerve to pylorus of stomach" ; definition: "gastric branch of vagus nerve to pylorus of stomach" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794461, ILX:0794467 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794460 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794460 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794460 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . ILX:0794461 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior gastric branch of vagus nerve to pylorus of stomach" ; definition: "anterior gastric branch of vagus nerve to pylorus of stomach" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794462, ILX:0794463, ILX:0794464, ILX:0794465, ILX:0794466 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794461 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794461 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794461 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794460 . ILX:0794462 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior A gastric branch of vagus nerve to pylorus of stomach" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794462 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794462 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794462 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794461 . ILX:0794463 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior B gastric branch of vagus nerve to pylorus of stomach" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794463 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794463 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794463 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794461 . ILX:0794464 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior C gastric branch of vagus nerve to pylorus of stomach" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794464 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794464 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794464 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794461 . ILX:0794465 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior D gastric branch of vagus nerve to pylorus of stomach" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794465 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794465 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794465 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794461 . ILX:0794466 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior E gastric branch of vagus nerve to pylorus of stomach" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794466 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794466 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794466 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794461 . ILX:0794467 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior gastric branch of vagus nerve to pylorus of stomach" ; definition: "posterior gastric branch of vagus nerve to pylorus of stomach" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794468, ILX:0794469, ILX:0794470, ILX:0794471, ILX:0794472 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794467 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794467 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794467 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794460 . ILX:0794468 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior A gastric branch of vagus nerve to pylorus of stomach" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794468 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794468 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794468 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794467 . ILX:0794469 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior B gastric branch of vagus nerve to pylorus of stomach" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794469 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794469 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794469 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794467 . ILX:0794470 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior C gastric branch of vagus nerve to pylorus of stomach" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794470 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794470 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794470 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794467 . ILX:0794471 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior D gastric branch of vagus nerve to pylorus of stomach" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794471 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794471 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794471 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794467 . ILX:0794472 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior E gastric branch of vagus nerve to pylorus of stomach" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794472 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794472 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794472 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794467 . ILX:0794473 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "abdominal branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "abdominal branch of vagus nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794474, ILX:0794475 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794473 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794473 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794473 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . ILX:0794474 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior abdominal branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "anterior abdominal branch of vagus nerve" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794474 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794474 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794474 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794473 . ILX:0794475 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior abdominal branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "posterior abdominal branch of vagus nerve" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794475 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794475 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794475 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794473 . ILX:0794476 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "abdominal branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "non-gastric abdominal branch of vagus nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794477, ILX:0794488 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0794912 "non-gastric abdominal branch of vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794476 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794476 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794476 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . ILX:0794477 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior abdominal branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "anterior non-gastric abdominal branch of vagus nerve" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794478, ILX:0794479, ILX:0794480, ILX:0794481, ILX:0794482, ILX:0794483, ILX:0794484, ILX:0794485, ILX:0794486, ILX:0794487 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0794912 "anterior non-gastric abdominal branch of vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794477 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794477 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794477 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794476 . ILX:0794478 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior A abdominal branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0794912 "anterior A non-gastric abdominal branch of vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794478 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794478 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794478 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794477 . ILX:0794479 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior B abdominal branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0794912 "anterior B non-gastric abdominal branch of vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794479 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794479 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794479 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794477 . ILX:0794480 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior C abdominal branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0794912 "anterior C non-gastric abdominal branch of vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794480 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794480 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794480 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794477 . ILX:0794481 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior D abdominal branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0794912 "anterior D non-gastric abdominal branch of vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794481 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794481 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794481 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794477 . ILX:0794482 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior E abdominal branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0794912 "anterior E non-gastric abdominal branch of vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794482 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794482 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794482 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794477 . ILX:0794483 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior F abdominal branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0794912 "anterior F non-gastric abdominal branch of vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794483 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794483 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794483 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794477 . ILX:0794484 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior G abdominal branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0794912 "anterior G non-gastric abdominal branch of vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794484 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794484 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794484 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794477 . ILX:0794485 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior H abdominal branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0794912 "anterior H non-gastric abdominal branch of vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794485 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794485 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794485 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794477 . ILX:0794486 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior I abdominal branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0794912 "anterior I non-gastric abdominal branch of vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794486 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794486 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794486 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794477 . ILX:0794487 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior J abdominal branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0794912 "anterior J non-gastric abdominal branch of vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794487 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794487 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794487 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794477 . ILX:0794488 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior abdominal branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "posterior non-gastric abdominal branch of vagus nerve" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794489, ILX:0794490, ILX:0794491, ILX:0794492, ILX:0794493, ILX:0794494, ILX:0794495, ILX:0794496, ILX:0794497, ILX:0794498 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0794912 "posterior non-gastric abdominal branch of vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794488 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794488 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794488 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794476 . ILX:0794489 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior A abdominal branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0794912 "posterior A non-gastric abdominal branch of vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794489 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794489 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794489 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794488 . ILX:0794490 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior B abdominal branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0794912 "posterior B non-gastric abdominal branch of vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794490 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794490 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794490 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794488 . ILX:0794491 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior C abdominal branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0794912 "posterior C non-gastric abdominal branch of vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794491 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794491 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794491 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794488 . ILX:0794492 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior D abdominal branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0794912 "posterior D non-gastric abdominal branch of vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794492 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794492 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794492 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794488 . ILX:0794493 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior E abdominal branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0794912 "posterior E non-gastric abdominal branch of vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794493 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794493 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794493 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794488 . ILX:0794494 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior F abdominal branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0794912 "posterior F non-gastric abdominal branch of vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794494 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794494 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794494 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794488 . ILX:0794495 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior G abdominal branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0794912 "posterior G non-gastric abdominal branch of vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794495 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794495 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794495 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794488 . ILX:0794496 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior H abdominal branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0794912 "posterior H non-gastric abdominal branch of vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794496 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794496 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794496 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794488 . ILX:0794497 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior I abdominal branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0794912 "posterior I non-gastric abdominal branch of vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794497 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794497 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794497 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794488 . ILX:0794498 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior J abdominal branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0794912 "posterior J non-gastric abdominal branch of vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794498 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794498 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794498 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794488 . ILX:0794499 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "hepatic branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "hepatic branch of abdominal vagus nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794500, ILX:0794506 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0794912 "hepatic branch of abdominal vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794499 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794499 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794499 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . ILX:0794500 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior hepatic branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "anterior hepatic branch of abdominal vagus nerve" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794501, ILX:0794502, ILX:0794503, ILX:0794504, ILX:0794505, ILX:0794511 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0794912 "anterior hepatic branch of abdominal vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794500 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794500 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794500 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794499 . ILX:0794501 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior A hepatic branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0794912 "anterior A hepatic branch of abdominal vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794501 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794501 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794501 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794500 . ILX:0794502 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior B hepatic branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0794912 "anterior B hepatic branch of abdominal vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794502 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794502 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794502 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794500 . ILX:0794503 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior C hepatic branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0794912 "anterior C hepatic branch of abdominal vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794503 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794503 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794503 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794500 . ILX:0794504 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior D hepatic branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0794912 "anterior D hepatic branch of abdominal vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794504 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794504 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794504 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794500 . ILX:0794505 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior E hepatic branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0794912 "anterior E hepatic branch of abdominal vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794505 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794505 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794505 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794500 . ILX:0794506 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior hepatic branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "posterior hepatic branch of abdominal vagus nerve" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794507, ILX:0794508, ILX:0794509, ILX:0794510 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0794912 "posterior hepatic branch of abdominal vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794506 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794506 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794506 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794499 . ILX:0794507 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior A hepatic branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0794912 "posterior A hepatic branch of abdominal vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794507 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794507 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794507 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794506 . ILX:0794508 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior B hepatic branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0794912 "posterior B hepatic branch of abdominal vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794508 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794508 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794508 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794506 . ILX:0794509 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior C hepatic branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0794912 "posterior C hepatic branch of abdominal vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794509 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794509 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794509 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794506 . ILX:0794510 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior D hepatic branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0794912 "posterior D hepatic branch of abdominal vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794510 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794510 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794510 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794506 . ILX:0794511 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior E hepatic branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0794912 "posterior E hepatic branch of abdominal vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794511 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794511 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794511 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794500 . ILX:0794512 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "pancreatic branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "pancreatic branch of abdominal vagus nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794513, ILX:0794519 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0794912 "pancreatic branch of abdominal vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794512 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794512 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794512 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . ILX:0794513 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior pancreatic branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "anterior pancreatic branch of abdominal vagus nerve" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794514, ILX:0794515, ILX:0794516, ILX:0794517, ILX:0794518 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0794912 "anterior pancreatic branch of abdominal vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794513 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794513 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794513 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794512 . ILX:0794514 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior A pancreatic branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0794912 "anterior A pancreatic branch of abdominal vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794514 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794514 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794514 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794513 . ILX:0794515 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior B pancreatic branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0794912 "anterior B pancreatic branch of abdominal vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794515 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794515 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794515 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794513 . ILX:0794516 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior C pancreatic branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0794912 "anterior C pancreatic branch of abdominal vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794516 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794516 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794516 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794513 . ILX:0794517 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior D pancreatic branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0794912 "anterior D pancreatic branch of abdominal vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794517 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794517 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794517 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794513 . ILX:0794518 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior E pancreatic branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0794912 "anterior E pancreatic branch of abdominal vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794518 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794518 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794518 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794513 . ILX:0794519 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior pancreatic branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "posterior pancreatic branch of abdominal vagus nerve" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794520, ILX:0794521, ILX:0794522, ILX:0794523, ILX:0794524 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0794912 "posterior pancreatic branch of abdominal vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794519 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794519 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794519 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794512 . ILX:0794520 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior A pancreatic branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0794912 "posterior A pancreatic branch of abdominal vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794520 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794520 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794520 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794519 . ILX:0794521 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior B pancreatic branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0794912 "posterior B pancreatic branch of abdominal vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794521 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794521 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794521 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794519 . ILX:0794522 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior C pancreatic branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0794912 "posterior C pancreatic branch of abdominal vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794522 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794522 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794522 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794519 . ILX:0794523 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior D pancreatic branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0794912 "posterior D pancreatic branch of abdominal vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794523 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794523 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794523 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794519 . ILX:0794524 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior E pancreatic branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0794912 "posterior E pancreatic branch of abdominal vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794524 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794524 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794524 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794519 . ILX:0794525 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gallbladder branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "gallbladder branch of vagus nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794526, ILX:0794529 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794525 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794525 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794525 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . ILX:0794526 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior gallbladder branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "anterior gallbladder branch of vagus nerve" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794527, ILX:0794528 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794526 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794526 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794526 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794525 . ILX:0794527 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior A gallbladder branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794527 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794527 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794527 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794526 . ILX:0794528 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior B gallbladder branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794528 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794528 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794528 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794526 . ILX:0794529 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior gallbladder branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "posterior gallbladder branch of vagus nerve" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794530, ILX:0794881 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794529 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794529 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794529 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794525 . ILX:0794530 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior A gallbladder branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794530 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794530 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794530 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794529 . ILX:0794531 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "abdominal branch of the vagus nerve to celiac ganglion and celiac plexus" ; definition: "abdominal branch of the vagus nerve to celiac ganglion and celiac plexus" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794532, ILX:0794538 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794531 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794531 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794531 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . ILX:0794532 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior abdominal branch of vagus nerve to celiac ganglion and celiac plexus" ; definition: "A branch of the vagus nerve located where the right vagus nerve splits that provides parasympathetic input to the celiac plexus." ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794533, ILX:0794534, ILX:0794535, ILX:0794536, ILX:0794537 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0739239 "TRUE" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794532 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794532 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794532 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794531 . ILX:0794533 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior A abdominal branch of vagus nerve to celiac ganglion and celiac plexus" ; definition: "The first branch of the vagus nerve located where the right vagus nerve splits that provides parasympathetic input to the celiac plexus identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794675, ILX:0794678, ILX:0794681 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794533 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794533 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794533 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794532 . ILX:0794534 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior B abdominal branch of vagus nerve to celiac ganglion and celiac plexus" ; definition: "The second branch of the vagus nerve located where the vagus nerve splits that provides parasympathetic input to the celiac plexus identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794676, ILX:0794677 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794534 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794534 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794534 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794532 . ILX:0794535 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior C abdominal branch of vagus nerve to celiac ganglion and celiac plexus" ; definition: "The third branch of the vagus nerve located where the vagus nerve splits that provides parasympathetic input to the celiac plexus identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794535 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794535 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794535 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794532 . ILX:0794536 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior D abdominal branch of vagus nerve to celiac ganglion and celiac plexus" ; definition: "The fourth branch of the vagus nerve located where the vagus nerve splits that provides parasympathetic input to the celiac plexus identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794536 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794536 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794536 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794532 . ILX:0794537 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior E abdominal branch of vagus nerve to celiac ganglion and celiac plexus" ; definition: "The fifth branch of the vagus nerve located where the vagus nerve splits that provides parasympathetic input to the celiac plexus identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794537 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794537 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794537 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794532 . ILX:0794538 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior abdominal branch of vagus nerve to celiac ganglion and celiac plexus" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794539, ILX:0794540, ILX:0794541, ILX:0794542, ILX:0794543 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794538 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794538 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794538 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794531 . ILX:0794539 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior A abdominal branch of vagus nerve to celiac ganglion and celiac plexus" ; definition: "The first branch of the vagus nerve located where the right vagus nerve splits that provides parasympathetic input to the celiac plexus identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794539 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794539 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794539 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794538 . ILX:0794540 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior B abdominal branch of vagus nerve to celiac ganglion and celiac plexus" ; definition: "The second branch of the vagus nerve located where the vagus nerve splits that provides parasympathetic input to the celiac plexus identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794540 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794540 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794540 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794538 . ILX:0794541 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior C abdominal branch of vagus nerve to celiac ganglion and celiac plexus" ; definition: "The third branch of the vagus nerve located where the vagus nerve splits that provides parasympathetic input to the celiac plexus identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794541 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794541 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794541 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794538 . ILX:0794542 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior D abdominal branch of vagus nerve to celiac ganglion and celiac plexus" ; definition: "The fourth branch of the vagus nerve located where the vagus nerve splits that provides parasympathetic input to the celiac plexus identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794542 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794542 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794542 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794538 . ILX:0794543 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior E abdominal branch of vagus nerve to celiac ganglion and celiac plexus" ; definition: "The fifth branch of the vagus nerve located where the vagus nerve splits that provides parasympathetic input to the celiac plexus identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794543 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794543 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794543 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794538 . ILX:0794544 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "abdominal branch of vagus nerve to small intestine" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794545, ILX:0794551 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794544 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794544 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794544 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . ILX:0794545 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior abdominal branch of vagus nerve to small intestine" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794546, ILX:0794547, ILX:0794548, ILX:0794549, ILX:0794550 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794545 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794545 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794545 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794544 . ILX:0794546 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior A abdominal branch of vagus nerve to small intestine" ; definition: "The first branch of the vagus nerve that innervates the small intestine identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794546 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794546 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794546 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794545 . ILX:0794547 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior B abdominal branch of vagus nerve to small intestine" ; definition: "The second branch of the vagus nerve that innervates the small intestine identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794547 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794547 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794547 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794545 . ILX:0794548 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior C abdominal branch of vagus nerve to small intestine" ; definition: "The third branch of the vagus nerve that innervates the small intestine identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794548 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794548 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794548 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794545 . ILX:0794549 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior D abdominal branch of vagus nerve to small intestine" ; definition: "The fourth branch of the vagus nerve that innervates the small intestine identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794549 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794549 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794549 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794545 . ILX:0794550 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior E abdominal branch of vagus nerve to small intestine" ; definition: "The fifth branch of the vagus nerve that innervates the small intestine identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794550 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794550 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794550 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794545 . ILX:0794551 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior abdominal branch of vagus nerve to small intestine" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794552, ILX:0794553, ILX:0794554, ILX:0794555, ILX:0794556 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794551 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794551 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794551 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794544 . ILX:0794552 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior A abdominal branch of vagus nerve to small intestine" ; definition: "The first branch of the vagus nerve that innervates the small intestine identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794552 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794552 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794552 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794551 . ILX:0794553 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior B abdominal branch of vagus nerve to small intestine" ; definition: "The second branch of the vagus nerve that innervates the small intestine identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794553 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794553 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794553 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794551 . ILX:0794554 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior C abdominal branch of vagus nerve to small intestine" ; definition: "The third branch of the vagus nerve that innervates the small intestine identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794554 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794554 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794554 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794551 . ILX:0794555 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior D abdominal branch of vagus nerve to small intestine" ; definition: "The fourth branch of the vagus nerve that innervates the small intestine identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794555 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794555 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794555 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794551 . ILX:0794556 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior E abdominal branch of vagus nerve to small intestine" ; definition: "The fifth branch of the vagus nerve that innervates the small intestine identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794556 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794556 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794556 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794551 . ILX:0794557 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "abdominal branch of vagus nerve to large intestine" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794558, ILX:0794564 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794557 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794557 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794557 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . ILX:0794558 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior abdominal branch of vagus nerve to large intestine" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794559, ILX:0794560, ILX:0794561, ILX:0794562, ILX:0794563 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794558 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794558 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794558 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794557 . ILX:0794559 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior A abdominal branch of vagus nerve to large intestine" ; definition: "The first branch of the vagus nerve that innervates the large intestine identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794559 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794559 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794559 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794558 . ILX:0794560 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior B abdominal branch of vagus nerve to large intestine" ; definition: "The second branch of the vagus nerve that innervates the large intestine identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794560 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794560 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794560 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794558 . ILX:0794561 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior C abdominal branch of vagus nerve to large intestine" ; definition: "The third branch of the vagus nerve that innervates the large intestine identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794561 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794561 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794561 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794558 . ILX:0794562 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior D abdominal branch of vagus nerve to large intestine" ; definition: "The fourth branch of the vagus nerve that innervates the large intestine identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794562 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794562 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794562 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794558 . ILX:0794563 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior E abdominal branch of vagus nerve to large intestine" ; definition: "The fifth branch of the vagus nerve that innervates the large intestine identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794563 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794563 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794563 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794558 . ILX:0794564 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior abdominal branch of vagus nerve to large intestine" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794565, ILX:0794566, ILX:0794567, ILX:0794568, ILX:0794569 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794564 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794564 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794564 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794557 . ILX:0794565 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior A abdominal branch of vagus nerve to large intestine" ; definition: "The first branch of the vagus nerve that innervates the large intestine identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794565 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794565 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794565 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794564 . ILX:0794566 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior B abdominal branch of vagus nerve to large intestine" ; definition: "The second branch of the vagus nerve that innervates the large intestine identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794675, ILX:0794678, ILX:0794681 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794566 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794566 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794566 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794564 . ILX:0794567 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior C abdominal branch of vagus nerve to large intestine" ; definition: "The third branch of the vagus nerve that innervates the large intestine identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794676, ILX:0794677 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794567 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794567 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794567 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794564 . ILX:0794568 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior D abdominal branch of vagus nerve to large intestine" ; definition: "The fourth branch of the vagus nerve that innervates the large intestine identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794568 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794568 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794568 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794564 . ILX:0794569 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior E abdominal branch of vagus nerve to large intestine" ; definition: "The fifth branch of the vagus nerve that innervates the large intestine identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794569 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794569 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794569 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794564 . ILX:0794570 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "REVA Non Vagus Nerves" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation termset, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC." ; ilx.includeForSPARC: FMA:5859, FMA:6258, FMA:6467, FMA:6468, FMA:6720, FMA:6872, FMA:6961, FMA:50870, FMA:50871, FMA:53310, FMA:53365, FMA:53396, FMA:53488, FMA:55142, ILX:0740315, ILX:0740468, ILX:0743483, ILX:0794587, ILX:0794882, ILX:0794885, ILX:0794888, ILX:0794889, ILX:0794892, ILX:0794895, ILX:0794900 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794570 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794570 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794570 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793921 . ILX:0794571 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right A carotid sinus nerve" ; definition: "The first sensory branch of the right glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX) carrying signals from the baroceptors (blood pressure receptors) in the bifurcation of the carotid artery to the nucleus of the solitary tract (nucleus solitarius). This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC." ; ilx.partOf: FMA:50870 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794571 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794571 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794571 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:53508 . ILX:0794572 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right B carotid sinus nerve" ; definition: "The second sensory branch of the right glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX) carrying signals from the baroceptors (blood pressure receptors) in the bifurcation of the carotid artery to the nucleus of the solitary tract (nucleus solitarius). This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC." ; ilx.partOf: FMA:50870 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794572 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794572 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794572 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:53508 . ILX:0794573 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right C carotid sinus nerve" ; definition: "The third sensory branch of the right glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX) carrying signals from the baroceptors (blood pressure receptors) in the bifurcation of the carotid artery to the nucleus of the solitary tract (nucleus solitarius). This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC." ; ilx.partOf: FMA:50870 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794573 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794573 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794573 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:53508 . ILX:0794574 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left A carotid sinus nerve" ; definition: "The first sensory branch of the left glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX) carrying signals from the baroceptors (blood pressure receptors) in the bifurcation of the carotid artery to the nucleus of the solitary tract (nucleus solitarius). This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC." ; ilx.partOf: FMA:50870 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794574 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794574 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794574 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:53509 . ILX:0794575 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left B carotid sinus nerve" ; definition: "The second sensory branch of the left glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX) carrying signals from the baroceptors (blood pressure receptors) in the bifurcation of the carotid artery to the nucleus of the solitary tract (nucleus solitarius).This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC." ; ilx.partOf: FMA:50870 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794575 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794575 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794575 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:53509 . ILX:0794576 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left C carotid sinus nerve" ; definition: "The third sensory branch of the left glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX) carrying signals from the baroceptors (blood pressure receptors) in the bifurcation of the carotid artery to the nucleus of the solitary tract (nucleus solitarius).This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC." ; ilx.partOf: FMA:50870 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794576 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794576 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794576 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:53509 . ILX:0794577 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right ansa cervicalis" ; definition: "The loop of nerves that are part of the cervical plexus that lies superficial to the right internal jugular vein in the carotid sheath. Branches from the ansa cervicalis innervate three of the four infrahyoid muscles, including the sternohyoid muscle, the sternothyroid muscle, and the omohyoid muscle." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794579, ILX:0794581 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794577 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794577 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794577 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:55142 . ILX:0794578 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left ansa cervicalis" ; definition: "The loop of nerves that are part of the cervical plexus that lies superficial to the left internal jugular vein in the carotid sheath. Branches from the ansa cervicalis innervate three of the four infrahyoid muscles, including the sternohyoid muscle, the sternothyroid muscle, and the omohyoid muscle." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794580, ILX:0794582 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794578 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794578 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794578 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:55142 . ILX:0794579 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right superior root of ansa cervicalis" ; definition: "The superior root is composed of the fibers from the right anterior rami of spinal nerves C1 and C2. These fibers travel together with the right hypoglossal nerve behind the posterior belly of the digastric muscle, after which they branch off of the hypoglossal nerve and continue as the superior root of the right ansa cervicalis. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ansa_cervicalis" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794579 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794579 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794579 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794577 . ILX:0794580 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left superior root of ansa cervicalis" ; definition: "The superior root is composed of the fibers from the left anterior rami of spinal nerves C1 and C2. These fibers travel together with the left hypoglossal nerve behind the posterior belly of the digastric muscle, after which they branch off of the hypoglossal nerve and continue as the superior root of the left ansa cervicalis. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ansa_cervicalis" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794580 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794580 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794580 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794578 . ILX:0794581 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right inferior root of ansa cervicalis" ; definition: "The inferior root of the right ansa cervicalis is comprised of nerve fibers arising from right ventral rami of C2–C3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ansa_cervicalis" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794581 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794581 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794581 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794577 . ILX:0794582 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left inferior root of ansa cervicalis" ; definition: "The inferior root of the left ansa cervicalis is comprised of nerve fibers arising from left ventral rami of C2–C3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ansa_cervicalis" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794582 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794582 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794582 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794578 . ILX:0794583 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right great auricular nerve" ; definition: "The nerve arising from the second and third right cervical nerves from the cervical plexus and innervating the skin over the parotid gland, the skin of part of the ear, the adjacent portion of the scalp, cheek, and angle of the jaw." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794583 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794583 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794583 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:6872 . ILX:0794584 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left great auricular nerve" ; definition: "The nerve arising from the second and third left cervical nerves from the cervical plexus and innervating the skin over the parotid gland, the skin of part of the ear, the adjacent portion of the scalp, cheek, and angle of the jaw." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794584 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794584 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794584 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:6872 . ILX:0794585 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right cervical branch of facial nerve" ; definition: "The cervical branch of the right facial nerve (VII) supplies the platysma muscle, among other functions. One branch descends to join the cervical cutaneous nerve from the cervical plexus. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cervical_branch_of_the_facial_nerve" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794585 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794585 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794585 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:53396 . ILX:0794586 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left cervical branch of facial nerve" ; definition: "The cervical branch of the left facial nerve (VII) supplies the platysma muscle, among other functions. One branch descends to join the cervical cutaneous nerve from the cervical plexus. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cervical_branch_of_the_facial_nerve" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794586 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794586 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794586 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:53396 . ILX:0794587 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "cervical cutaneous nerve" ; definition: "Peripheral nerve, each instance of which consists of nerve fibers from some second and right cervical spinal nerves, and supplies skin of the anterolateral parts of some neck" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794588, ILX:0794589 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794587 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794587 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794587 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794570 . ILX:0794588 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right cervical cutaneous nerve" ; definition: "Peripheral nerve, each instance of which consists of nerve fibers from some second and third right cervical spinal nerves, and supplies skin of the anterolateral parts of some neck" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794588 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794588 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794588 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794587 . ILX:0794589 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left cervical cutaneous nerve" ; definition: "Peripheral nerve, each instance of which consists of nerve fibers from some second and third left cervical spinal nerves, and supplies skin of the anterolateral parts of some neck" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794589 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794589 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794589 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794587 . ILX:0794590 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right cervical spinal nerve" ; definition: "The right cervical nerves are the spinal nerves from the cervical vertebrae. Although there are seven cervical vertebrae (C1-C7), there are eight cervical nerves (C1-C8). All nerves except C8 emerge above their corresponding vertebrae, while the C8 nerve emerges below the C7 vertebra. (In the other portions of the spine, the nerve emerges below the vertebra with the same name. Dorsal (posterior) distribution includes the greater occipital (C2) and third occipital (C3). Ventral (anterior) distribution includes the cervical plexus (C1-C4) and brachial plexus (C5-C8) [WP,unvetted]. Comment: Innervates: sternohyoid muscle, sternothyroid muscle, omohyoid muscle" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5858 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794590 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794590 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794590 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:5859 . ILX:0794591 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left cervical spinal nerve" ; definition: "The left cervical nerves are the spinal nerves from the cervical vertebrae. Although there are seven cervical vertebrae (C1-C7), there are eight cervical nerves (C1-C8). All nerves except C8 emerge above their corresponding vertebrae, while the C8 nerve emerges below the C7 vertebra. (In the other portions of the spine, the nerve emerges below the vertebra with the same name. Dorsal (posterior) distribution includes the greater occipital (C2) and third occipital (C3). Ventral (anterior) distribution includes the cervical plexus (C1-C4) and brachial plexus (C5-C8) [WP,unvetted]. Comment: Innervates: sternohyoid muscle, sternothyroid muscle, omohyoid muscle" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5858 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794591 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794591 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794591 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:5859 . ILX:0794592 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "C1 spinal nerve" ; definition: "The cervical spinal nerve 1 (C1) is a spinal nerve of the cervical segment. C1 carries predominantly motor fibres, but also a small meningeal branch that supplies sensation to parts of the dura around the foramen magnum (via dorsal rami). It originates from the spinal column from above the cervical vertebra 1 (C1). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cervical_spinal_nerve_1" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794593, ILX:0794594 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5858 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794592 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794592 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794592 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:5859 . ILX:0794593 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right C1 spinal nerve" ; definition: "The right cervical spinal nerve 1 (C1) is a spinal nerve of the cervical segment. C1 carries predominantly motor fibres, but also a small meningeal branch that supplies sensation to parts of the dura around the foramen magnum (via dorsal rami). It originates from the spinal column from above the cervical vertebra 1 (C1). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cervical_spinal_nerve_1" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5858 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794593 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794593 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794593 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794592 . ILX:0794594 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left C1 spinal nerve" ; definition: "The left cervical spinal nerve 1 (C1) is a spinal nerve of the cervical segment. C1 carries predominantly motor fibres, but also a small meningeal branch that supplies sensation to parts of the dura around the foramen magnum (via dorsal rami). It originates from the spinal column from above the cervical vertebra 1 (C1). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cervical_spinal_nerve_1" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5858 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794594 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794594 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794594 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794592 . ILX:0794595 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "C2 spinal nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794596, ILX:0794597 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5858 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794595 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794595 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794595 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:5859 . ILX:0794596 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right C2 spinal nerve" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5858 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794596 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794596 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794596 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794595 . ILX:0794597 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left C2 spinal nerve" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5858 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794597 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794597 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794597 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794595 . ILX:0794598 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "C3 spinal nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794599, ILX:0794600 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5858 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794598 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794598 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794598 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:5859 . ILX:0794599 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right C3 spinal nerve" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5858 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794599 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794599 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794599 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794598 . ILX:0794600 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left C3 spinal nerve" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5858 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794600 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794600 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794600 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794598 . ILX:0794601 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "C4 spinal nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794602, ILX:0794603 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5858 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794601 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794601 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794601 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:5859 . ILX:0794602 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right C4 spinal nerve" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5858 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794602 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794602 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794602 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794601 . ILX:0794603 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left C4 spinal nerve" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5858 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794603 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794603 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794603 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794601 . ILX:0794604 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "C5 spinal nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794605, ILX:0794606 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5858 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794604 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794604 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794604 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:5859 . ILX:0794605 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right C5 spinal nerve" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5858 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794605 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794605 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794605 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794604 . ILX:0794606 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left C5 spinal nerve" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5858 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794606 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794606 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794606 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794604 . ILX:0794607 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "C6 spinal nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794608, ILX:0794609 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5858 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794607 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794607 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794607 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:5859 . ILX:0794608 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right C6 spinal nerve" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5858 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794608 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794608 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794608 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794607 . ILX:0794609 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left C6 spinal nerve" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5858 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794609 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794609 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794609 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794607 . ILX:0794610 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "C7 spinal nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794611, ILX:0794612 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5858 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794610 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794610 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794610 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:5859 . ILX:0794611 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right C7 spinal nerve" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5858 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794611 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794611 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794611 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794610 . ILX:0794612 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left C7 spinal nerve" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5858 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794612 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794612 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794612 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794610 . ILX:0794613 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "C8 spinal nerve" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794614, ILX:0794615 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5858 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794613 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794613 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794613 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:5859 . ILX:0794614 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right C8 spinal nerve" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5858 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794614 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794614 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794614 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794613 . ILX:0794615 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left C8 spinal nerve" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5858 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794615 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794615 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794615 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794613 . ILX:0794616 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "REVA Gross Anatomy Landmarks and Levels" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation termset, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC." ; ilx.includeForSPARC: FMA:7330, ILX:0794617, ILX:0794620, ILX:0794623, ILX:0794626, ILX:0794629, ILX:0794632, ILX:0794635, ILX:0794638, ILX:0794641, ILX:0794644, ILX:0794647, ILX:0794650, ILX:0794653, ILX:0794656 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794616 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794616 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794616 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793921 . ILX:0794617 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "level of superior border of jugular foramen on the vagus nerve" ; definition: "Axial level of the superior border of the jugular foramen marked on the trunk of the vagus nerve. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:9658 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794618, ILX:0794619 ; ILX:0794912 "level of superior border of jugular foramen on the trunk of the vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794617 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794617 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794617 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794616 . ILX:0794618 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right level of superior border of jugular foramen on the vagus nerve" ; definition: "Axial level of the right superior border of the jugular foramen marked on the trunk of the right vagus nerve. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:9658 ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ILX:0794912 "right level of superior border of jugular foramen on the trunk of the vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794618 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794618 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794618 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794617 . ILX:0794619 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left level of superior border of jugular foramen on the vagus nerve" ; definition: "Axial level of the left superior border of the jugular foramen marked on the trunk of the left vagus nerve. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:9658 ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ILX:0794912 "left level of superior border of jugular foramen on the trunk of the vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794619 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794619 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794619 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794617 . ILX:0794620 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "level of inferior border of jugular foramen on the vagus nerve" ; definition: "Axial level of the inferior border of the jugular foramen marked on the trunk of the vagus nerve.This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:9658 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794621, ILX:0794622 ; ILX:0794912 "level of inferior border of jugular foramen on the trunk of the vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794620 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794620 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794620 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794616 . ILX:0794621 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right level of inferior border of jugular foramen on the vagus nerve" ; definition: "Axial level of the right inferior border of the jugular foramen marked on the trunk of the right vagus nerve.This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:9658 ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ILX:0794912 "right level of inferior border of jugular foramen on the trunk of the vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794621 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794621 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794621 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794620 . ILX:0794622 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left level of inferior border of jugular foramen on the vagus nerve" ; definition: "Axial level of the left inferior border of the jugular foramen marked on the trunk of the left vagus nerve. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:9658 ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ILX:0794912 "left level of inferior border of jugular foramen on the trunk of the vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794622 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794622 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794622 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794620 . ILX:0794623 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "level of inferior border of cranium on the vagus nerve" ; definition: "Axial level of the inferior border of the cranium, directly inferior to the jugular foramen, marked on the trunk of the vagus nerve. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:9658 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794624, ILX:0794625 ; ILX:0794912 "level of inferior border of cranium on the trunk of the vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794623 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794623 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794623 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794616 . ILX:0794624 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right level of inferior border of cranium on the vagus nerve" ; definition: "Axial level of the right inferior border of the cranium, directly inferior to the jugular foramen, marked on the trunk of the right vagus nerve. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:9658 ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ILX:0794912 "right level of inferior border of cranium on the trunk of the vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794624 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794624 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794624 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794623 . ILX:0794625 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left level of inferior border of cranium on the vagus nerve" ; definition: "Axial level of the left inferior border of the cranium, directly inferior to the jugular foramen, marked on the trunk of the left vagus nerve. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:9658 ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ILX:0794912 "left level of inferior border of cranium on the trunk of the vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794625 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794625 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794625 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794623 . ILX:0794626 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "level of C1 transverse process on the vagus nerve" ; definition: "Axial level of the transverse process of C2 (vertebrae) marked on the trunk of the vagus nerve. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:9658 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794627, ILX:0794628 ; ILX:0794912 "level of C1 transverse process on the trunk of the vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794626 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794626 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794626 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794616 . ILX:0794627 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right level of C1 transverse process on the vagus nerve" ; definition: "Axial level of the right transverse process of C2 (vertebrae) marked on the trunk of the right vagus nerve. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:9658 ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ILX:0794912 "right level of C1 transverse process on the trunk of the vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794627 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794627 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794627 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794626 . ILX:0794628 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left level of C1 transverse process on the vagus nerve" ; definition: "Axial level of the left transverse process of C2 (vertebrae) marked on the trunk of the left vagus nerve.This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:9658 ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ILX:0794912 "left level of C1 transverse process on the trunk of the vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794628 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794628 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794628 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794626 . ILX:0794629 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "level of greater horn of hyoid on the vagus nerve" ; definition: "Axial level of the left or right greater horn of the hyoid marked on the trunk of the vagus nerve. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:9658 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794630, ILX:0794631 ; ILX:0794912 "level of greater horn of hyoid on the trunk of the vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794629 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794629 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794629 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794616 . ILX:0794630 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right level of greater horn of hyoid on the vagus nerve" ; definition: "Axial level of the right greater horn of the hyoid marked on the trunk of the right vagus nerve.This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:9658 ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ILX:0794912 "right level of greater horn of hyoid on the trunk of the vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794630 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794630 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794630 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794629 . ILX:0794631 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left level of greater horn of hyoid on the vagus nerve" ; definition: "Axial level of the left greater horn of the hyoid marked on the trunk of the left vagus nerve.This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:9658 ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ILX:0794912 "left level of greater horn of hyoid on the trunk of the vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794631 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794631 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794631 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794629 . ILX:0794632 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "level of laryngeal prominence on the vagus nerve" ; definition: "Axial level of the laryngeal prominence marked on the left or right trunk of the vagus nerve.This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:9658 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794633, ILX:0794634 ; ILX:0794912 "level of laryngeal prominence on the trunk of the vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794632 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794632 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794632 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794616 . ILX:0794633 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right level of laryngeal prominence on the vagus nerve" ; definition: "Axial level of the laryngeal prominence marked on the right trunk of the vagus nerve.This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:9658 ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ILX:0794912 "right level of laryngeal prominence on the trunk of the vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794633 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794633 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794633 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794632 . ILX:0794634 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left level of laryngeal prominence on the vagus nerve" ; definition: "Axial level of the laryngeal prominence marked on the left trunk of the vagus nerve.This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:9658 ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ILX:0794912 "left level of laryngeal prominence on the trunk of the vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794634 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794634 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794634 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794632 . ILX:0794635 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "level of angle of the mandible on the vagus nerve" ; definition: "Axial level of the left or right angle of the mandible marked on the trunk of the vagus nerve.This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:9658 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794636, ILX:0794637 ; ILX:0794912 "level of angle of the mandible on the trunk of the vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794635 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794635 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794635 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794616 . ILX:0794636 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right level of angle of the mandible on the vagus nerve" ; definition: "Axial level of the right angle of the mandible marked on the trunk of the vagus nerve. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:9658 ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ILX:0794912 "right level of angle of the mandible on the trunk of the vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794636 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794636 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794636 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794635 . ILX:0794637 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left level of angle of the mandible on the vagus nerve" ; definition: "Axial level of the left angle of the mandible marked on the trunk of the left vagus nerve.This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:9658 ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ILX:0794912 "left level of angle of the mandible on the trunk of the vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794637 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794637 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794637 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794635 . ILX:0794638 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "level of carotid bifurcation on the vagus nerve" ; definition: "Axial level of the left or right carotid bifurcation (the most lateral portion of the center of the Y fork) marked on the trunk of the vagus nerve.This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:9658 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794639, ILX:0794640 ; ILX:0794912 "level of carotid bifurcation on the trunk of the vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794638 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794638 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794638 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794616 . ILX:0794639 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right level of carotid bifurcation on the vagus nerve" ; definition: "Axial level of the right carotid bifurcation (the most lateral portion of the center of the Y fork) marked on the trunk of the vagus nerve.This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:9658 ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ILX:0794912 "right level of carotid bifurcation on the trunk of the vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794639 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794639 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794639 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794638 . ILX:0794640 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left level of carotid bifurcation on the vagus nerve" ; definition: "Axial level of the left carotid bifurcation (the most lateral portion of the center of the Y fork) marked on the trunk of the vagus nerve.This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:9658 ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ILX:0794912 "left level of carotid bifurcation on the trunk of the vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794640 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794640 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794640 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794638 . ILX:0794641 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "level of superior border of the clavicle on the vagus nerve" ; definition: "Axial level of the superior border of the clavicle, or where the trunk of the vagus intersects the supeiror border of the clavicle axial plane, marked on the trunk of the vagus nerve. -NoaThis is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:9658 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794642, ILX:0794643 ; ILX:0794912 "level of superior border of the clavicle on the trunk of the vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794641 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794641 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794641 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794616 . ILX:0794642 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right level of superior border of the clavicle on the vagus nerve" ; definition: "Axial level of the superior border of the clavicle, or where the trunk of the vagus intersects the supeiror border of the clavicle axial plane, marked on the trunk of the right vagus nerve.This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:9658 ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ILX:0794912 "right level of superior border of the clavicle on the trunk of the vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794642 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794642 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794642 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794641 . ILX:0794643 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left level of superior border of the clavicle on the vagus nerve" ; definition: "Axial level of the superior border of the clavicle, or where the trunk of the vagus intersects the supeiror border of the clavicle axial plane, marked on the trunk of the left vagus nerve.This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:9658 ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ILX:0794912 "left level of superior border of the clavicle on the trunk of the vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794643 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794643 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794643 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794641 . ILX:0794644 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "level of jugular notch on the vagus nerve" ; definition: "Axial level of the jugular or sternal notch marked on the trunk of the trunk of the vagus nerve. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:9658 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794645, ILX:0794646 ; ILX:0794912 "level of jugular notch on the trunk of the vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794644 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794644 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794644 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794616 . ILX:0794645 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right level of jugular notch on the vagus nerve" ; definition: "Axial level of the jugular or sternal notch marked on the trunk of the right trunk of the vagus nerve. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:9658 ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ILX:0794912 "right level of jugular notch on the trunk of the vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794645 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794645 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794645 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794644 . ILX:0794646 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left level of jugular notch on the vagus nerve" ; definition: "Axial level of the jugular or sternal notch marked on the trunk of the left trunk of the vagus nerve. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:9658 ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ILX:0794912 "left level of jugular notch on the trunk of the vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794646 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794646 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794646 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794644 . ILX:0794647 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "level of sternal angle on the vagus nerve" ; definition: "Axial level of the sternal angle marked on the trunk of the trunk of the vagus nerve.This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:9658 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794648, ILX:0794649 ; ILX:0794912 "level of sternal angle on the trunk of the vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794647 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794647 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794647 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794616 . ILX:0794648 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right level of sternal angle on the vagus nerve" ; definition: "Axial level of the sternal angle marked on the trunk of the right trunk of the vagus nerve.This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:9658 ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ILX:0794912 "right level of sternal angle on the trunk of the vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794648 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794648 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794648 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794647 . ILX:0794649 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left level of sternal angle on the vagus nerve" ; definition: "Axial level of the sternal angle marked on the trunk of the left trunk of the vagus nerve.This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:9658 ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ILX:0794912 "left level of sternal angle on the trunk of the vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794649 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794649 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794649 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794647 . ILX:0794650 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "1 cm superior to start of esophageal plexus on the vagus nerve" ; definition: "Axial level that is 1 cm superior to the start of the esophageal plexus marked on the trunk of the vagus nerve.This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:9658 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794651, ILX:0794652 ; ILX:0794912 "1 cm superior to start of ssophageal plexus on the trunk of the vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794650 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794650 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794650 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794616 . ILX:0794651 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right 1 cm superior to start of esophageal plexus on the vagus nerve" ; definition: "Axial level that is 1 cm superior to the start of the esophageal plexus marked on the right trunk of the vagus nerve.This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:9658 ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ILX:0794912 "right 1 cm superior to start of ssophageal plexus on the trunk of the vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794651 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794651 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794651 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794650 . ILX:0794652 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left 1 cm superior to start of esophageal plexus on the vagus nerve" ; definition: "Axial level that is 1 cm superior to the start of the esophageal plexus marked on the left trunk of the vagus nerve.This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:9658 ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ILX:0794912 "left 1 cm superior to start of ssophageal plexus on the trunk of the vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794652 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794652 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794652 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794650 . ILX:0794653 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "level of esophageal hiatus on the vagus nerve" ; definition: "Axial level of the esophageal hiatus marked on the anterior or posterior abdominal trunks of the vagus. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:9658 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794654, ILX:0794655 ; ILX:0794912 "level of esophageal hiatus on the trunk of the vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794653 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794653 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794653 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794616 . ILX:0794654 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right level of esophageal hiatus on the vagus nerve" ; definition: "Axial level of the esophageal hiatus marked on the anterior or posterior abdominal trunks of the right vagus. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:9658 ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ILX:0794912 "right level of esophageal hiatus on the trunk of the vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794654 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794654 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794654 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794653 . ILX:0794655 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left level of esophageal hiatus on the vagus nerve" ; definition: "Axial level of the esophageal hiatus marked on the anterior or posterior abdominal trunks of the left vagus. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:9658 ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ILX:0794912 "left level of esophageal hiatus on the trunk of the vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794655 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794655 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794655 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794653 . ILX:0794656 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "level of aortic hiatus on the vagus nerve" ; definition: "Axial level of the aortic hiatus marked on the anterior or posterior abdominal trunks of the vagus.This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:9658 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794657, ILX:0794658 ; ILX:0794912 "level of aortic hiatus on the trunk of the vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794656 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794656 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794656 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794616 . ILX:0794657 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right level of aortic hiatus on the vagus nerve" ; definition: "Axial level of the aortic hiatus marked on the anterior or posterior abdominal trunks of the right vagus.This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:9658 ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ILX:0794912 "right level of aortic hiatus on the trunk of the vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794657 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794657 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794657 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794656 . ILX:0794658 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left level of aortic hiatus on the vagus nerve" ; definition: "Axial level of the aortic hiatus marked on the anterior or posterior abdominal trunks of the left vagus.This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:9658 ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ILX:0794912 "left level of aortic hiatus on the trunk of the vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794658 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794658 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794658 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794656 . ILX:0794659 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "REVA Bony Landmarks" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: FMA:7575, FMA:9165, FMA:9187, FMA:9209, FMA:9248, FMA:9922, FMA:9945, FMA:9968, FMA:9991, FMA:10014, FMA:10037, FMA:10059, FMA:10081, FMA:12519, FMA:12520, FMA:12521, FMA:12522, FMA:12523, FMA:12524, FMA:12525, FMA:16950, FMA:23260, FMA:25202, FMA:25898, FMA:52747, FMA:57718, FMA:264776, FMA:294636, ILX:0743580, ILX:0744203, ILX:0745534, ILX:0746000, ILX:0747744, ILX:0794668, ILX:0794669, ILX:0794672, ILX:0794684, ILX:0794689, ILX:0794696, UBERON:0003997 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794659 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794659 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794659 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793921 . ILX:0794660 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right acromioclavicular joint" ; definition: "Axial level of the aortic hiatus marked on the posterior abdominal trunks of the vagus." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794660 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794660 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794660 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:25898 . ILX:0794661 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left acromioclavicular joint" ; definition: "Axial level of the aortic hiatus marked on the anterior abdominal trunks of the vagus." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794661 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794661 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794661 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:25898 . ILX:0794662 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right mastoid process" ; definition: "The mastoid process is a conical prominence projecting from the undersurface of the mastoid portion of the right temporal bone." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794662 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794662 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794662 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0745534 . ILX:0794663 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left mastoid process" ; definition: "The mastoid process is a conical prominence projecting from the undersurface of the mastoid portion of the left temporal bone." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794663 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794663 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794663 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0745534 . ILX:0794664 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right acromion" ; definition: "The lateral extension of the spine of the right scapula and the highest point of the right shoulder." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794664 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794664 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794664 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:23260 . ILX:0794665 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left acromion" ; definition: "The lateral extension of the spine of the left scapula and the highest point of the left shoulder." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794665 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794665 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794665 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:23260 . ILX:0794666 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right greater horn of the hyoid" ; definition: "The larger and more lateral of the paired processes on either side of the right hyoid bone" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794666 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794666 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794666 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder UBERON:0003997 . ILX:0794667 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left greater horn of the hyoid" ; definition: "The larger and more lateral of the paired processes on either side of the left hyoid bone" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794667 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794667 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794667 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder UBERON:0003997 . ILX:0794668 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right lateral portion of the body of the hyoid" ; definition: "Only used when greater horn of the hyoid is not available or accsesible. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794668 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794668 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794668 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794659 . ILX:0794669 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left lateral portion of the body of the hyoid" ; definition: "Only used when greater horn of the hyoid is not available or accsesible. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794669 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794669 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794669 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794659 . ILX:0794670 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right angle of the mandible" ; definition: "A process which protrudes from the ventral caudal angle of the right mandible, and acts as the attachment of the digastric muscle." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794670 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794670 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794670 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:294636 . ILX:0794671 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left angle of the mandible" ; definition: "A process which protrudes from the ventral caudal angle of the left mandible, and acts as the attachment of the digastric muscle." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794671 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794671 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794671 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:294636 . ILX:0794672 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "superior vagal-clavicular intersection" ; definition: "Where the vagus nerve (left or right) crosses the superior border of the clavicle bone. " ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:9658 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794673, ILX:0794674 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794672 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794672 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794672 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794659 . ILX:0794673 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right superior vagal-clavicular intersection" ; definition: "Where the right vagus nerve crosses the superior border of the clavicle bone. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:9658 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794673 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794673 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794673 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794672 . ILX:0794674 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left superior vagal-clavicular intersection" ; definition: "Where the left vagus nerve crosses the superior border of the clavicle bone. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:9658 ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794674 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794674 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794674 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794672 . ILX:0794675 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "head of T5 rib" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794675 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794675 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794675 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794533, ILX:0794566 . ILX:0794676 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "head of right T5 rib" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794676 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794676 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794676 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794534, ILX:0794567 . ILX:0794677 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "head of left T5 rib" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794677 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794677 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794677 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794534, ILX:0794567 . ILX:0794678 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "head of T6 rib" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794679, ILX:0794680 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794678 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794678 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794678 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794533, ILX:0794566 . ILX:0794679 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "head of right T6 rib" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794679 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794679 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794679 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794678 . ILX:0794680 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "head of left T6 rib" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794680 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794680 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794680 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794678 . ILX:0794681 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "head of T7 rib" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794682, ILX:0794683 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794681 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794681 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794681 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794533, ILX:0794566 . ILX:0794682 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "head of right T7 rib" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794682 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794682 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794682 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794681 . ILX:0794683 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "head of left T7 rib" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794683 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794683 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794683 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794681 . ILX:0794684 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "transverse process of C1" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794685, ILX:0794686 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794684 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794684 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794684 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794659 . ILX:0794685 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right transverse process of C1" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794685 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794685 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794685 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794684 . ILX:0794686 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left transverse process of C1" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794686 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794686 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794686 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794684 . ILX:0794687 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right shoulder" ; definition: "A subdivision of the pectoral complex consisting of the structures in the region of the right shoulder joint (which connects the humerus, scapula and clavicle)." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794687 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794687 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794687 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:25202 . ILX:0794688 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left shoulder" ; definition: "A subdivision of the pectoral complex consisting of the structures in the region of the left shoulder joint (which connects the humerus, scapula and clavicle)." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794688 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794688 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794688 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:25202 . ILX:0794689 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "L1 spinous process" ; definition: "A major part of a vertebra is a backward extending spinous process which projects centrally. This process points dorsally and caudally from the junction of the laminae. The spinous process serves to attach muscles and ligaments. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vertebra#Processes" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794689 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794689 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794689 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794659 . ILX:0794690 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right zygomaticotemporal foramen" ; definition: "Foramen in the zygomatic process near the fusion with the temporal process, the zygomaticotemporal nerve passes thruogh this foramen." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794690 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794690 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794690 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0744203 . ILX:0794691 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left zygomaticotemporal foramen" ; definition: "Foramen in the zygomatic process near the fusion with the temporal process, the zygomaticotemporal nerve passes thruogh this foramen." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794691 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794691 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794691 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0744203 . ILX:0794692 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right jugale" ; definition: "The quadrilateral bone that forms the prominence of the right cheek." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794692 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794692 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794692 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:52747 . ILX:0794693 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left jugale" ; definition: "The quadrilateral bone that forms the prominence of the left cheek." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: FMA:75752 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794693 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794693 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794693 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:52747 . ILX:0794694 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right infraorbital foramen" ; definition: "A foramen on the exterior of the right maxilla that is continuous with the infra-orbital canal and is the conduit for the passage of the infraorbital nerve and artery" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794694 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794694 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794694 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:57718 . ILX:0794695 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left infraorbital foramen" ; definition: "A foramen on the exterior of the left maxilla that is continuous with the infra-orbital canal and is the conduit for the passage of the infraorbital nerve and artery" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794695 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794695 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794695 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:57718 . ILX:0794696 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "center of zygomatic arch" ; definition: "Approximate center of the zygomatic arch, which is a bridge of bone that extends from the zygomatic and temporal processes to the maxilla. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. " ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:9658 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794697, ILX:0794698 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794696 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794696 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794696 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794659 . ILX:0794697 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "center of right zygomatic arch" ; definition: "Approximate center of the right zygomatic arch, which is a bridge of bone that extends from the zygomatic and temporal processes to the maxilla. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794697 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794697 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794697 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794696 . ILX:0794698 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "center of left zygomatic arch" ; definition: "Approximate center of the left zygomatic arch, which is a bridge of bone that extends from the zygomatic and temporal processes to the maxilla. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: FMA:52886 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794698 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794698 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794698 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794696 . ILX:0794699 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior margin of esophageal hiatus" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794699 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794699 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794699 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . ILX:0794700 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior margin of aortic hiatus" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:9658 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794700 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794700 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794700 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793904 . ILX:0794701 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "REVA Pre-dissection Landmarks" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation termset, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC." ; ILX:0794729 ILX:0773753, ILX:0793177, ILX:0793900 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794701 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794701 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794701 . ILX:0794702 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right zygomatic process" ; definition: "The zygomatic process of the right temporal bone is a long, arched process projecting from the lower part of the squamous portion of the temporal bone. It articulates with the zygomatic bone." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794702 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794702 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794702 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:52886 . ILX:0794703 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left zygomatic process" ; definition: "The zygomatic process of the left temporal bone is a long, arched process projecting from the lower part of the squamous portion of the temporal bone. It articulates with the zygomatic bone." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794703 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794703 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794703 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:52886 . ILX:0794704 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "C7 spinous process" ; definition: "The backward extending spinous process portion of the seventh cervical vertebrae which projects centrally. This process points dorsally and caudally from the junction of the laminae. The spinous process serves to attach muscles and ligaments. " ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794704 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794704 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794704 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:10037 . ILX:0794705 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "center of iliac crest" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:9658 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794705 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794705 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794705 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:16914 . ILX:0794706 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "REVA Orientations" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation termset, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC." ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0742694, ILX:0742825, ILX:0743930, ILX:0745281, ILX:0745824, ILX:0746007, ILX:0746074, ILX:0746722 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794706 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794706 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794706 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793921 . ILX:0794707 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "OrientationMarkerForRichard" ; definition: "A point on the anterior/superficial margin of the vagal trunk present in each image sample to be registered" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:9658 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794707 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794707 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794707 . ILX:0794708 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right marker for richard" ; definition: "A point on the anterior/superficial margin of the surface of the right vagal trunk present in each image sample to be registered" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794708 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794708 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794708 . ILX:0794709 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left marker for richard" ; definition: "A point on the anterior/superficial margin of the surface of the left vagal trunk present in each image sample to be registered" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794709 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794709 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794709 . ILX:0794710 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "REVA Connections and Plexi" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation termset, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC." ; ilx.includeForSPARC: FMA:5901, FMA:6629, ILX:0740795, ILX:0794711 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794710 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794710 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794710 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793921 . ILX:0794711 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anastomosis" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794711 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794711 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794711 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794710 . ILX:0794712 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "REVA Ultrastructure" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation termset, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC." ; ilx.includeForSPARC: BIRNLEX:1152, FMA:5914, FMA:5915, FMA:5916, GO:0030424, ILX:0110412, ILX:0793865 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794712 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794712 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794712 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793921 . ILX:0794713 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Fat" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794713 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794713 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794713 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:5914 . ILX:0794714 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "REVA Other structures" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation termset, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC." ; ilx.includeForSPARC: FMA:9640, FMA:12234, FMA:52585, FMA:52586, FMA:65132, ILX:0738426 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794714 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794714 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794714 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793921 . ILX:0794715 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "micro endoneurium" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794715 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794715 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794715 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:52586 . ILX:0794716 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "macro endoneurium / bulk endoneurium" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794716 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794716 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794716 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:52586 . ILX:0794717 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "REVA Neural Targets and Organs" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation termset, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC." ; ilx.includeForSPARC: FMA:3768, FMA:3939, FMA:3947, FMA:7088, FMA:7131, FMA:7148, FMA:7195, FMA:7196, FMA:7197, FMA:7200, FMA:7201, FMA:7202, FMA:7203, FMA:7209, FMA:7334, FMA:7335, FMA:7394, FMA:7406, FMA:7407, FMA:9604, FMA:9607, FMA:9869, FMA:27360, FMA:50801, FMA:62004, FMA:66326, FMA:79876, ILX:0743851, ILX:0794724 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794717 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794717 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794717 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793921 . ILX:0794718 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "pericardium of right atrum" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794718 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794718 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794718 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9869 . ILX:0794719 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "pericardium of left atrium" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794719 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794719 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794719 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9869 . ILX:0794720 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "pericardium of right ventricle" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794720 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794720 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794720 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9869 . ILX:0794721 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "pericardium of left ventricle" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794721 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794721 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794721 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9869 . ILX:0794722 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "middle lobe of the lung" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794722 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794722 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794722 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7334 . ILX:0794723 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "middle lobe of the right lung" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794723 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794723 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794723 . ILX:0794724 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "primary bronchus" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: FMA:7395, FMA:7396 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794724 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794724 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794724 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794717 . ILX:0794725 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "secondary bronchus of right lung" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794725 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794725 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794725 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7406 . ILX:0794726 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "secondary bronchus of left lung" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794726 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794726 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794726 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7406 . ILX:0794727 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "tertiary bronchus of right lung" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794727 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794727 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794727 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7407 . ILX:0794728 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "tertiary bronchus of left lung" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794728 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794728 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794728 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7407 . ILX:0794729 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "inTermSet" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794729 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794729 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794729 . ILX:0794739 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "gray communicating ramus" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:5876, ILX:0794739 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:5876 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794739 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId FMA:5876 . ILX:0794742 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "white communicating ramus" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId FMA:5875, ILX:0794742 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId FMA:5875 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794742 . ILX:0794755 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "branch of vagus nerve to trachea" ; definition: "Branch from the vagus nerve going to the trachea." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794756, ILX:0794757 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794755 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794755 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794755 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . ILX:0794756 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right branch of vagus nerve to trachea" ; definition: "Branch from the right vagus nerve going to the trachea. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:5731 ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794756 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794756 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794756 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794755 . ILX:0794757 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left branch of vagus nerve to trachea" ; definition: "Branch from the left vagus nerve going to the trachea. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:5731 ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794757 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794757 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794757 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794755 . ILX:0794759 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "branch between vagus nerve and \"branch between vagus nerve and superior laryngeal nerve\"" ; definition: "Branch between the vagus trunk and a 'branch between the vagus trunk and the superior laryngeal nerve'. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794801, ILX:0794805 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794759 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794759 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794759 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . ILX:0794771 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right dorsal motor nucleus of vagus nerve" ; definition: "A cranial nerve nucleus for the right vagus nerve in the medulla that lies under the floor of the fourth ventricle. It mostly serves parasympathetic vagal functions in the gastrointestinal tract, lungs, and other thoracic and abdominal vagal innervations. The cell bodies for the preganglionic parasympathetic vagal neurons that innervate the heart reside in the nucleus ambiguus.[WP,unvetted]." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ILX:0794912 "right dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794771 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794771 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794771 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:54592 . ILX:0794772 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left dorsal motor nucleus of vagus nerve" ; definition: "A cranial nerve nucleus for the left vagus nerve in the medulla that lies under the floor of the fourth ventricle. It mostly serves parasympathetic vagal functions in the gastrointestinal tract, lungs, and other thoracic and abdominal vagal innervations. The cell bodies for the preganglionic parasympathetic vagal neurons that innervate the heart reside in the nucleus ambiguus.[WP,unvetted]." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ILX:0794912 "left dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794772 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794772 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794772 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:54592 . ILX:0794773 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "cranial nerve bundle" ; definition: "The bundle of cranial nerves wrapped in epineurium in inferior to jugular foramen; includes X, XI, XII and sometimes IX" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794773 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794773 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794773 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . ILX:0794774 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "branch between vagus nerve and cervical sympathetic trunk" ; definition: "A branch between vagus nerve and the sympathetic trunk superior to the stellate ganglion (inferior cervical ganglion). This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794775, ILX:0794776 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794774 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794774 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794774 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . ILX:0794775 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right branch between vagus nerve and cervical sympathetic trunk" ; definition: "A branch between right vagus nerve and the sympathetic trunk superior to the stellate ganglion (inferior cervical ganglion). This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0793994, ILX:0793995, ILX:0793996, ILX:0793997, ILX:0793998, ILX:0793999, ILX:0794000, ILX:0794001, ILX:0794002, ILX:0794003, ILX:0794017, ILX:0794018, ILX:0794019, ILX:0794020, ILX:0794021, ILX:0794946 ; ilx.includesTerm: ILX:0794017, ILX:0794018, ILX:0794019, ILX:0794020, ILX:0794021 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794775 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794775 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794775 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794774 . ILX:0794776 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left branch between vagus nerve and cervical sympathetic trunk" ; definition: "A branch between left vagus nerve and the ipsilateral cervical sympathetic trunk. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794005, ILX:0794006, ILX:0794007, ILX:0794009, ILX:0794010, ILX:0794011, ILX:0794012, ILX:0794013, ILX:0794014, ILX:0794023, ILX:0794024, ILX:0794025, ILX:0794026, ILX:0794027, ILX:0794947 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794776 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794776 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794776 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794774 . ILX:0794777 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "branch between vagus nerve and a \"branch between vagus nerve and cervical sympathetic trunk\"" ; definition: "Branch between the vagal trunk and another branch of the vagus nerve that connects with the cervical sympahetic trunk. This is a branch to the already existing \"branch between vagus nerve and cervical sympathetic trunk\" Note that this term is actually \"superior cervical sympathetic trunk\" but we will likely change this after some discussion. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794778, ILX:0794783 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794777 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794777 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794777 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . ILX:0794778 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right branch between right vagus nerve and \"branch between vagus nerve and cervical sympathetic trunk\"" ; definition: "Branch between the right vagal trunk and another branch of the right vagus nerve that connects with the cervical sympahetic trunk. This is a branch to the already existing \"branch between vagus nerve and cervical sympathetic trunk\" Note that this term is actually \"superior cervical sympathetic trunk\" but we will likely change this after some discussion. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794779, ILX:0794780, ILX:0794781, ILX:0794782 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794778 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794778 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794778 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794777 . ILX:0794779 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right A branch between vagus nerve and \"branch between vagus nerve and cervical sympathetic trunk\"" ; definition: "The first branch identified between the right vagal trunk and another branch of the right vagus nerve that connects with the cervical sympahetic trunk. This is a branch to the already existing \"branch between vagus nerve and cervical sympathetic trunk\" Note that this term is actually \"superior cervical sympathetic trunk\" but we will likely change this after some discussion. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794779 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794779 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794779 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794778 . ILX:0794780 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right B branch between vagus nerve and \"branch between vagus nerve and cervical sympathetic trunk\"" ; definition: "The second branch identified between the right vagal trunk and another branch of the right vagus nerve that connects with the cervical sympahetic trunk. This is a branch to the already existing \"branch between vagus nerve and cervical sympathetic trunk\" Note that this term is actually \"superior cervical sympathetic trunk\" but we will likely change this after some discussion. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794780 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794780 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794780 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794778 . ILX:0794781 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right C branch between vagus nerve and \"branch between vagus nerve and cervical sympathetic trunk\"" ; definition: "The third branch identified between the right vagal trunk and another branch of the right vagus nerve that connects with the cervical sympahetic trunk. This is a branch to the already existing \"branch between vagus nerve and cervical sympathetic trunk\" Note that this term is actually \"superior cervical sympathetic trunk\" but we will likely change this after some discussion. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794781 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794781 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794781 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794778 . ILX:0794782 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right D branch between vagus nerve and \"branch between vagus nerve and cervical sympathetic trunk\"" ; definition: "The fourth branch identified between the right vagal trunk and another branch of the right vagus nerve that connects with the cervical sympahetic trunk. This is a branch to the already existing \"branch between vagus nerve and cervical sympathetic trunk\" Note that this term is actually \"superior cervical sympathetic trunk\" but we will likely change this after some discussion. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794782 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794782 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794782 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794778 . ILX:0794783 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left branch between left vagus nerve and left \"branch between vagus nerve and cervical sympathetic trunk\"" ; definition: "Branch between the left vagal trunk and another branch of the left vagus nerve that connects with the cervical sympahetic trunk. This is a branch to the already existing \"branch between vagus nerve and cervical sympathetic trunk\" Note that this term is actually \"superior cervical sympathetic trunk\" but we will likely change this after some discussion. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794784, ILX:0794785, ILX:0794786, ILX:0794787 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794783 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794783 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794783 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794777 . ILX:0794784 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left A branch between vagus nerve and \"branch between vagus nerve and cervical sympathetic trunk\"" ; definition: "The first branch identified between the left vagal trunk and another branch of the left vagus nerve that connects with the cervical sympahetic trunk. This is a branch to the already existing \"branch between vagus nerve and cervical sympathetic trunk\" Note that this term is actually \"superior cervical sympathetic trunk\" but we will likely change this after some discussion. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794784 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794784 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794784 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794783 . ILX:0794785 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left B branch between vagus nerve and \"branch between vagus nerve and cervical sympathetic trunk\"" ; definition: "The second branch identified between the left vagal trunk and another branch of the left vagus nerve that connects with the cervical sympahetic trunk. This is a branch to the already existing \"branch between vagus nerve and cervical sympathetic trunk\" Note that this term is actually \"superior cervical sympathetic trunk\" but we will likely change this after some discussion. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794785 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794785 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794785 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794783 . ILX:0794786 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left C branch between vagus nerve and \"branch between vagus nerve and cervical sympathetic trunk\"" ; definition: "The third branch identified between the left vagal trunk and another branch of the left vagus nerve that connects with the cervical sympahetic trunk. This is a branch to the already existing \"branch between vagus nerve and cervical sympathetic trunk\" Note that this term is actually \"superior cervical sympathetic trunk\" but we will likely change this after some discussion. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794786 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794786 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794786 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794783 . ILX:0794787 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left D branch between vagus nerve and \"branch between vagus nerve and cervical sympathetic trunk\"" ; definition: "The fourth branch identified between the left vagal trunk and another branch of the left vagus nerve that connects with the cervical sympahetic trunk. This is a branch to the already existing \"branch between vagus nerve and cervical sympathetic trunk\" Note that this term is actually \"superior cervical sympathetic trunk\" but we will likely change this after some discussion. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794787 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794787 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794787 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794783 . ILX:0794788 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "branch between vagus nerve and a 'branch between vagus nerve and thoracic sympathetic trunk." ; definition: "A branch between vagus nerve and a 'branch between vagus nerve and thoracic sympathetic trunk' as identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794789, ILX:0794795 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794788 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794788 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794788 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . ILX:0794789 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right branch between vagus nerve and and a 'branch between vagus nerve and thoracic sympathetic trunk'." ; definition: "A branch between right vagus nerve and a 'branch between vagus nerve and thoracic sympathetic trunk' as identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794790, ILX:0794791, ILX:0794792, ILX:0794793, ILX:0794794 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794789 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794789 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794789 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794788 . ILX:0794790 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right A branch between vagus nerve and a 'branch between vagus nerve and thoracic sympathetic trunk'" ; definition: "The first identified branch between right vagus nerve and a 'branch between vagus nerve and thoracic sympathetic trunk' during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794790 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794790 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794790 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794789 . ILX:0794791 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right B branch between vagus nerve and a 'branch between vagus nerve and thoracic sympathetic trunk'" ; definition: "The second identified branch between right vagus nerve and a 'branch between vagus nerve and thoracic sympathetic trunk' during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794791 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794791 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794791 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794789 . ILX:0794792 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right C branch between vagus nerve and a 'branch between vagus nerve and thoracic sympathetic trunk'" ; definition: "The third identified branch between right vagus nerve and a 'branch between vagus nerve and thoracic sympathetic trunk' during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794792 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794792 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794792 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794789 . ILX:0794793 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right D branch between vagus nerve and a 'branch between vagus nerve and thoracic sympathetic trunk'" ; definition: "The fourth identified branch between right vagus nerve and a 'branch between vagus nerve and thoracic sympathetic trunk' during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794793 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794793 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794793 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794789 . ILX:0794794 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right E branch between vagus nerve and a 'branch between vagus nerve and thoracic sympathetic trunk'" ; definition: "The fifth identified branch between right vagus nerve and a 'branch between vagus nerve and thoracic sympathetic trunk' during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794794 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794794 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794794 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794789 . ILX:0794795 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left branch between vagus nerve and a 'branch between vagus nerve and thoracic sympathetic trunk'" ; definition: "A branch between left vagus nerve and a 'branch between vagus nerve and thoracic sympathetic trunk' as identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794796, ILX:0794797, ILX:0794798, ILX:0794799, ILX:0794800 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794795 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794795 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794795 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794788 . ILX:0794796 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left A branch between vagus nerve and a 'branch between vagus nerve and thoracic sympathetic trunk'" ; definition: "The first identified branch between left vagus nerve and a 'branch between vagus nerve and thoracic sympathetic trunk' during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794796 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794796 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794796 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794795 . ILX:0794797 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left B branch between vagus nerve and a 'branch between vagus nerve and thoracic sympathetic trunk'" ; definition: "The second identified branch between left vagus nerve and a 'branch between vagus nerve and thoracic sympathetic trunk' during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794797 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794797 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794797 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794795 . ILX:0794798 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left C branch between vagus nerve and a 'branch between vagus nerve and thoracic sympathetic trunk'" ; definition: "The third identified branch between left vagus nerve and a 'branch between vagus nerve and thoracic sympathetic trunk' during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794798 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794798 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794798 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794795 . ILX:0794799 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left D branch between vagus nerve and a 'branch between vagus nerve and thoracic sympathetic trunk'" ; definition: "The fourth identified branch between left vagus nerve and a 'branch between vagus nerve and thoracic sympathetic trunk' during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794799 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794799 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794799 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794795 . ILX:0794800 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left E branch between vagus nerve and a 'branch between vagus nerve and thoracic sympathetic trunk'" ; definition: "The fifth identified branch between left vagus nerve and a 'branch between vagus nerve and thoracic sympathetic trunk' during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794800 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794800 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794800 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794795 . ILX:0794801 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right branch between vagus nerve and \"branch between vagus nerve and superior laryngeal nerve\"" ; definition: "A branch between the right vagus trunk and 'a branch between the vagus trunk and the superior laryngeal nerve'. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794802, ILX:0794803, ILX:0794804 ; ILX:0794912 "right branch between vagus nerve and \"branch between superior laryngeal nerve and trunk of vagus\"" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794801 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794801 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794801 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794759 . ILX:0794802 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right A branch between vagus nerve and \"branch between vagus nerve and superior laryngeal nerve\"" ; definition: "The first identified branch between the right vagus trunk and 'a branch between the vagus trunk and the superior laryngeal nerve'. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC.[unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "right A branch between vagus nerve and and \"branch between superior laryngeal nerve and trunk of vagus\"" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794802 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794802 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794802 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794801 . ILX:0794803 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right B branch between vagus nerve and \"branch between vagus nerve and superior laryngeal nerve\"" ; definition: "The second identified branch between the right vagus trunk and 'a branch between the vagus trunk and the superior laryngeal nerve'. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC.[unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "right B branch between vagus nerve and \"branch between superior laryngeal nerve and trunk of vagus\"" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794803 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794803 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794803 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794801 . ILX:0794804 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right C branch between vagus nerve and \"branch between vagus nerve and superior laryngeal nerve\"" ; definition: "The third identified branch between the right vagus trunk and 'a branch between the vagus trunk and the superior laryngeal nerve'. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC.[unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "right C branch between vagus nerve and \"branch between superior laryngeal nerve and trunk of vagus\"" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794804 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794804 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794804 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794801 . ILX:0794805 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left branch between vagus nerve and \"branch between vagus nerve and superior laryngeal nerve\"" ; definition: "A branch between the left vagus trunk and 'a branch between the left vagus trunk and the left superior laryngeal nerve'. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794806, ILX:0794807, ILX:0794808 ; ILX:0794912 "left branch between vagus nerve and \"branch between superior laryngeal nerve and trunk of vagus\"" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794805 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794805 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794805 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794759 . ILX:0794806 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left A branch between vagus nerve and \"branch between vagus nerve and superior laryngeal nerve\"" ; definition: "The first identified branch between the left vagus trunk and 'a branch between the left vagus trunk and the left superior laryngeal nerve'. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "left A branch between vagus nerve and \"branch between superior laryngeal nerve and trunk of vagus\"" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794806 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794806 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794806 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794805 . ILX:0794807 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left B branch between vagus nerve and \"branch between vagus nerve and superior laryngeal nerve\"" ; definition: "The second identified branch between the left vagus trunk and 'a branch between the left vagus trunk and the left superior laryngeal nerve'. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "left B branch between vagus nerve and \"branch between superior laryngeal nerve and trunk of vagus\"" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794807 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794807 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794807 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794805 . ILX:0794808 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left C branch between vagus nerve and \"branch between vagus nerve and superior laryngeal nerve\"" ; definition: "The third identified branch between the left vagus trunk and 'a branch between the left vagus trunk and the left superior laryngeal nerve'. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC.[unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "left C branch between vagus nerve and \"branch between superior laryngeal nerve and trunk of vagus\"" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794808 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794808 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794808 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794805 . ILX:0794809 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "branch between cervical vagus nerve and cervical vagus nerve" ; definition: "A branch between the cervical vagal trunk that returns to the cervical vagal trunk at a diferent level." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794810, ILX:0794815 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0794912 "branch between cervical vagus trunk and cervical vagus trunk" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794809 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794809 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794809 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . ILX:0794810 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right branch between cervical vagus nerve and cervical vagus nerve" ; definition: "A branch between the right cervical vagal trunk that returns to the right cervical vagal trunk at a diferent level ." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794811, ILX:0794812, ILX:0794813, ILX:0794814 ; ILX:0794912 "right branch between cervical vagus trunk and cervical vagus trunk" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794810 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794810 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794810 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794809 . ILX:0794811 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right A branch between cervical vagus nerve and cervical vagus nerve" ; definition: "The first identified branch between the right cervical vagal trunk that returns to the right cervical vagal trunk at a diferent level. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC.[unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "right A branch between cervical vagus trunk and cervical vagus trunk" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794811 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794811 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794811 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794810 . ILX:0794812 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right B branch between cervical vagus nerve and cervical vagus nerve" ; definition: "The second identified branch between the right cervical vagal trunk that returns to the right cervical vagal trunk at a diferent level. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC.[unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "right B branch between cervical vagus trunk and cervical vagus trunk" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794812 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794812 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794812 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794810 . ILX:0794813 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right C branch between cervical vagus nerve and cervical vagus nerve" ; definition: "The third identified branch between the right cervical vagal trunk that returns to the right cervical vagal trunk at a diferent level. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC.[unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "right C branch between cervical vagus trunk and cervical vagus trunk" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794813 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794813 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794813 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794810 . ILX:0794814 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right D branch between cervical vagus nerve and cervical vagus nerve" ; definition: "The fourth identified branch between the right cervical vagal trunk that returns to the right cervical vagal trunk at a diferent level. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC.[unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "right D branch between cervical vagus trunk and cervical vagus trunk" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794814 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794814 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794814 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794810 . ILX:0794815 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left branch between cervical vagus nerve and cervical vagus nerve" ; definition: "A branch between the left cervical vagal trunk that returns to the left cervical vagal trunk at a diferent level." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794816, ILX:0794817, ILX:0794818, ILX:0794819 ; ILX:0794912 "left branch between cervical vagus trunk and cervical vagus trunk" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794815 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794815 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794815 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794809 . ILX:0794816 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left A branch between cervical vagus nerve and cervical vagus nerve" ; definition: "The first identified branch between the left cervical vagal trunk that returns to the left cervical vagal trunk at a diferent level. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC.[unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "left A branch between cervical vagus trunk and cervical vagus trunk" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794816 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794816 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794816 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794815 . ILX:0794817 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left B branch between cervical vagus nerve and cervical vagus nerve" ; definition: "The second identified branch between the left cervical vagal trunk that returns to the left cervical vagal trunk at a diferent level. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC.[unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "left B branch between cervical vagus trunk and cervical vagus trunk" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794817 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794817 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794817 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794815 . ILX:0794818 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left C branch between cervical vagus nerve and cervical vagus nerve" ; definition: "The third identified branch between the left cervical vagal trunk that returns to the left cervical vagal trunk at a diferent level. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus trunk images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC.[unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "left C branch between cervical vagus trunk and cervical vagus trunk" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794818 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794818 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794818 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794815 . ILX:0794819 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left D branch between cervical vagus nerve and cervical vagus nerve" ; definition: "The fourth identified branch between the left cervical vagal trunk that returns to the left cervical vagal trunk at a diferent level. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC.[unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "left D branch between cervical vagus trunk and cervical vagus trunk" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794819 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794819 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794819 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794815 . ILX:0794820 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "branch between cervical vagus nerve and a 'branch between cervical vagus nerve and cervical vagus nerve'" ; definition: "A branch between the cervical vagal trunk and 'a branch between the cervical vagal trunk that returns to the cervical vagal trunk at a diferent level' identified during dissection." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794821, ILX:0794825 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0794912 "branch between cervical vagus trunk and a 'branch between cervical vagus trunk and cervical vagus trunk'" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794820 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794820 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794820 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . ILX:0794821 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right branch between cervical vagus nerve and a 'branch between cervical vagus nerve and cervical vagus nerve'" ; definition: "A branch between the right cervical vagal trunk and 'a branch between the right cervical vagal trunk that returns to the right cervical vagal trunk at a diferent level'." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794822, ILX:0794823, ILX:0794824 ; ILX:0794912 "right branch between cervical vagus trunk and a 'branch between cervical vagus trunk and cervical vagus trunk'" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794821 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794821 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794821 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794820 . ILX:0794822 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right A branch between cervical vagus nerve and a 'branch between cervical vagus nerve and cervical vagus nerve'" ; definition: "The first identified branch between the right cervical vagal trunk and 'a branch between the right cervical vagal trunk that returns to the right cervical vagal trunk at a diferent level' during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus trunk images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "right A branch between cervical vagus trunk and a 'branch between cervical vagus trunk and cervical vagus trunk'" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794822 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794822 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794822 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794821 . ILX:0794823 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right B branch between cervical vagus nerve and a 'branch between cervical vagus nerve and cervical vagus nerve'" ; definition: "The second identified branch between the right cervical vagal trunk and 'a branch between the right cervical vagal trunk that returns to the right cervical vagal trunk at a diferent level' during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus trunk images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "right B branch between cervical vagus trunk and a 'branch between cervical vagus trunk and cervical vagus trunk'" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794823 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794823 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794823 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794821 . ILX:0794824 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right C branch between cervical vagus nerve and a 'branch between cervical vagus nerve and cervical vagus nerve'" ; definition: "The third identified branch between the right cervical vagal trunk and 'a branch between the right cervical vagal trunk that returns to the right cervical vagal trunk at a diferent level' during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus trunk images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "right C branch between cervical vagus trunk and a 'branch between cervical vagus trunk and cervical vagus trunk'" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794824 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794824 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794824 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794821 . ILX:0794825 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left branch between cervical vagus nerve and a 'branch between cervical vagus nerve and cervical vagus nerve'" ; definition: "A branch between the left cervical vagal trunk and 'a branch between the left cervical vagal trunk that returns to the left cervical vagal trunk at a diferent level'." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794826, ILX:0794827, ILX:0794828 ; ILX:0794912 "left branch between cervical vagus trunk and a 'branch between cervical vagus trunk and cervical vagus trunk'" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794825 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794825 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794825 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794820 . ILX:0794826 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left A branch between cervical vagus nerve and a 'branch between cervical vagus nerve and cervical vagus nerve'" ; definition: "The first identified branch between the left cervical vagal trunk and 'a branch between the left cervical vagal trunk that returns to the left cervical vagal trunk at a diferent level' during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus trunk images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "left A branch between cervical vagus trunk and a 'branch between cervical vagus trunk and cervical vagus trunk'" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794826 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794826 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794826 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794825 . ILX:0794827 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left B branch between cervical vagus nerve and a 'branch between cervical vagus nerve and cervical vagus nerve'" ; definition: "The second identified branch between the left cervical vagal trunk and 'a branch between the left cervical vagal trunk that returns to the left cervical vagal trunk at a diferent level' during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus trunk images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "left B branch between cervical vagus trunk and a 'branch between cervical vagus trunk and cervical vagus trunk'" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794827 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794827 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794827 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794825 . ILX:0794828 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left C branch between cervical vagus nerve and a 'branch between cervical vagus nerve and cervical vagus nerve'" ; definition: "The third identified branch between the left cervical vagal trunk and 'a branch between the left cervical vagal trunk that returns to the left cervical vagal trunk at a diferent level' during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus trunk images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "left C branch between cervical vagus trunk and a 'branch between cervical vagus trunk and cervical vagus trunk'" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794828 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794828 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794828 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794825 . ILX:0794829 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "branch between thoracic vagus nerve and thoracic vagus nerve" ; definition: "A branch between the thoracic vagal trunk that returns to the thoracic vagal trunk at a diferent level." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794830, ILX:0794833 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0794912 "branch between thoracic vagus trunk and thoracic vagus trunk" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794829 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794829 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794829 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . ILX:0794830 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right branch between thoracic vagus nerve and thoracic vagus nerve" ; definition: "A branch between the right thoracic vagal trunk that returns to the thoracic vagal trunk at a diferent level." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794831, ILX:0794832 ; ILX:0794912 "right branch between thoracic vagus trunk and thoracic vagus trunk" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794830 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794830 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794830 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794829 . ILX:0794831 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right A branch between thoracic vagus nerve and thoracic vagus nerve" ; definition: "The first identified branch between the right thoracic vagal trunk that returns to the thoracic vagal trunk at a diferent level. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus trunk images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "right A branch between thoracic vagus trunk and thoracic vagus trunk" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794831 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794831 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794831 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794830 . ILX:0794832 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right B branch between thoracic vagus nerve and thoracic vagus nerve" ; definition: "The second identified branch between the right thoracic vagal trunk that returns to the thoracic vagal trunk at a diferent level. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus trunk images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "right B branch between thoracic vagus trunk and thoracic vagus trunk" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794832 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794832 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794832 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794830 . ILX:0794833 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left branch between thoracic vagus nerve and thoracic vagus nerve" ; definition: "A branch between the left thoracic vagal trunk that returns to the thoracic vagal trunk at a diferent level." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794834, ILX:0794835 ; ILX:0794912 "left branch between thoracic vagus trunk and thoracic vagus trunk" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794833 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794833 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794833 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794829 . ILX:0794834 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left A branch between thoracic vagus nerve and thoracic vagus nerve" ; definition: "The first identified branch between the left thoracic vagal trunk that returns to the thoracic vagal trunk at a diferent level. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus trunk images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "left A branch between thoracic vagus trunk and thoracic vagus trunk" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794834 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794834 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794834 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794833 . ILX:0794835 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left B branch between thoracic vagus nerve and thoracic vagus nerve" ; definition: "The second identified branch between the left thoracic vagal trunk that returns to the thoracic vagal trunk at a diferent level. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus trunk images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "left B branch between thoracic vagus trunk and thoracic vagus trunk" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794835 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794835 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794835 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794833 . ILX:0794836 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "branch between thoracic vagus nerve and 'branch between thoracic vagus nerve and thoracic vagus nerve'" ; definition: "A branch between the thoracic vagal trunk and 'a branch between the thoracic vagal trunk that returns to the right thoracic vagal trunk at a diferent level'." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794837, ILX:0794841 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0794912 "branch between thoracic vagus trunk and 'branch between thoracic vagus trunk and thoracic vagus trunk'" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794836 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794836 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794836 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . ILX:0794837 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right branch between thoracic vagus nerve and 'branch between thoracic vagus nerve and thoracic vagus nerve'" ; definition: "A branch between the right thoracic vagal trunk and 'a branch between the right thoracic vagal trunk that returns to the right thoracic vagal trunk at a diferent level'." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794838, ILX:0794839, ILX:0794840 ; ILX:0794912 "right branch between thoracic vagus trunk and 'branch between thoracic vagus trunk and thoracic vagus trunk'" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794837 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794837 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794837 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794836 . ILX:0794838 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right A branch between thoracic vagus nerve and 'branch between thoracic vagus nerve and thoracic vagus nerve'" ; definition: "The first identified branch between the right thoracic vagal trunk and 'a branch between the right thoracic vagal trunk that returns to the right thoracic vagal trunk at a diferent level' during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus trunk images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "right A branch between thoracic vagus trunk and 'branch between thoracic vagus trunk and thoracic vagus trunk'" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794838 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794838 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794838 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794837 . ILX:0794839 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right B branch between thoracic vagus nerve and 'branch between thoracic vagus nerve and thoracic vagus nerve'" ; definition: "The second identified branch between the right thoracic vagal trunk and 'a branch between the right thoracic vagal trunk that returns to the right thoracic vagal trunk at a diferent level' during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus trunk images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "right B branch between thoracic vagus trunk and 'branch between thoracic vagus trunk and thoracic vagus trunk'" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794839 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794839 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794839 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794837 . ILX:0794840 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right C branch between thoracic vagus nerve and 'branch between thoracic vagus nerve and thoracic vagus nerve'" ; definition: "The third identified branch between the right thoracic vagal trunk and 'a branch between the right thoracic vagal trunk that returns to the right thoracic vagal trunk at a diferent level' during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus trunk images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "right C branch between thoracic vagus trunk and 'branch between thoracic vagus trunk and thoracic vagus trunk'" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794840 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794840 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794840 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794837 . ILX:0794841 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left branch between thoracic vagus nerve and 'branch between thoracic vagus nerve and thoracic vagus nerve'" ; definition: "A branch between the left thoracic vagal trunk and 'a branch between the left thoracic vagal trunk that returns to the left thoracic vagal trunk at a diferent level'." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794842, ILX:0794843, ILX:0794844 ; ILX:0794912 "left branch between thoracic vagus trunk and 'branch between thoracic vagus trunk and thoracic vagus trunk'" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794841 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794841 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794841 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794836 . ILX:0794842 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left A branch between thoracic vagus nerve and 'branch between thoracic vagus nerve and thoracic vagus nerve'" ; definition: "The first identified branch between the left thoracic vagal trunk and 'a branch between the left thoracic vagal trunk that returns to the left thoracic vagal trunk at a diferent level' during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus trunk images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "left A branch between thoracic vagus trunk and 'branch between thoracic vagus trunk and thoracic vagus trunk'" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794842 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794842 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794842 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794841 . ILX:0794843 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left B branch between thoracic vagus nerve and 'branch between thoracic vagus nerve and thoracic vagus nerve'" ; definition: "The second identified branch between the left thoracic vagal trunk and 'a branch between the left thoracic vagal trunk that returns to the left thoracic vagal trunk at a diferent level' during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus trunk images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "left B branch between thoracic vagus trunk and 'branch between thoracic vagus trunk and thoracic vagus trunk'" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794843 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794843 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794843 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794841 . ILX:0794844 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left C branch between thoracic vagus nerve and 'branch between thoracic vagus nerve and thoracic vagus nerve'" ; definition: "The third identified branch between the left thoracic vagal trunk and 'a branch between the left thoracic vagal trunk that returns to the left thoracic vagal trunk at a diferent level' during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus trunk images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ILX:0794912 "left C branch between thoracic vagus trunk and 'branch between thoracic vagus trunk and thoracic vagus trunk" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794844 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794844 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794844 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794841 . ILX:0794845 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "cardiovascular branch of cervical vagus nerve" ; definition: "Branches to any vessel and/or heart emerging from cervical vagus" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794846, ILX:0794847 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0794912 "cardiovascular branch of cervical vagus trunk" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794845 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794845 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794845 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . ILX:0794846 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right cardiovascular branch of cervical vagus nerve" ; definition: "Branches to any vessel and/or heart emerging from right cervical vagus trunk" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ILX:0794912 "right cardiovascular branch of cervical vagus trunk" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794846 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794846 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794846 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794845 . ILX:0794847 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left cardiovascular branch of cervical vagus nerve" ; definition: "Branches to any vessel and/or heart emerging from left cervical vagus trunk" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ILX:0794912 "left cardiovascular branch of cervical vagus trunk" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794847 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794847 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794847 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794845 . ILX:0794848 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "(exclude) thoracic part of trunk of vagus nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794848 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794848 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794848 . ILX:0794849 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "thoracic cardiac branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "A cardiac branch of the vagal trunk that provides innervation to the heart." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794202, ILX:0794213, ILX:0794850 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794849 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794849 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794849 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . ILX:0794850 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "cardiovascular branch of thoracic vagus nerve" ; definition: "Branches to any vessel and/or heart emerging from thoracic vagus" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794851, ILX:0794852 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0794912 "cardiovascular branch of thoracic vagus trunk" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794850 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794850 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794850 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794849 . ILX:0794851 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right cardiovascular branch of thoracic vagus nerve" ; definition: "right branches to any vessel and/or heart emerging from thoracic vagus" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ILX:0794912 "right cardiovascular branch of thoracic vagus trunk" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794851 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794851 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794851 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794850 . ILX:0794852 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left cardiovascular branch of thoracic vagus nerve" ; definition: "left branches to any vessel and/or heart emerging from thoracic vagus" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ILX:0794912 "left cardiovascular branch of thoracic vagus trunk" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794852 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794852 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794852 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794850 . ILX:0794853 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "esophageal vagus trunk" ; definition: "The part of the vagus nerve trunk in the esophageal plexus, proximal or superior to the esophageal hiatus. This is a REVA annotation term." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794854, ILX:0794858 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794853 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794853 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794853 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . ILX:0794854 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior esophageal vagus trunk" ; definition: "The part of the anterior vagus nerve trunk in the esophageal plexus, proximal or superior to the esophageal hiatus. This is a REVA annotation term." ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794855, ILX:0794856, ILX:0794857 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794854 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794854 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794854 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794853 . ILX:0794855 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior A esophageal vagus trunk" ; definition: "The first identified part of the anterior vagus nerve trunk in the esophageal plexus, proximal or superior to the esophageal hiatus. This is a REVA annotation term." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794855 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794855 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794855 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794854 . ILX:0794856 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior B esophageal vagus trunk" ; definition: "The second identified part of the anterior vagus nerve trunk in the esophageal plexus, proximal or superior to the esophageal hiatus. This is a REVA annotation term." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794856 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794856 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794856 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794854 . ILX:0794857 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior C esophageal vagus trunk" ; definition: "The third identified part of the anterior vagus nerve trunk in the esophageal plexus, proximal or superior to the esophageal hiatus. This is a REVA annotation term." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794857 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794857 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794857 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794854 . ILX:0794858 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior esophageal vagus trunk" ; definition: "The part of the posterior vagus nerve trunk in the esophageal plexus, proximal or superior to the esophageal hiatus. This is a REVA annotation term." ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794859, ILX:0794860, ILX:0794861 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794858 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794858 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794858 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794853 . ILX:0794859 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior A esophagael vagus trunk" ; definition: "The first identified part of the posterior vagus nerve trunk in the esophageal plexus, proximal or superior to the esophageal hiatus. This is a REVA annotation term." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794859 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794859 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794859 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794858 . ILX:0794860 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior B esophageal vagus trunk" ; definition: "The second identified part of the posterior vagus nerve trunk in the esophageal plexus, proximal or superior to the esophageal hiatus. This is a REVA annotation term." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794860 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794860 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794860 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794858 . ILX:0794861 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior C esophageal vagus trunk" ; definition: "The third identified part of the posterior vagus nerve trunk in the esophageal plexus, proximal or superior to the esophageal hiatus. This is a REVA annotation term." ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794861 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794861 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794861 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794858 . ILX:0794862 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "branch of vagus nerve to diaphragm" ; definition: "Branch of the vagus nerve trunk to the diaphragm" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0794912 "branch of vagus nerve trunk to diaphragm" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794862 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794862 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794862 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . ILX:0794863 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "esophageal branch A of esophageal plexus of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The first identified esophageal branch from esophageal plexus branch of the vagus nerve during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794863 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794863 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794863 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794344 . ILX:0794864 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "esophageal branch B of esophageal plexus of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The second identified esophageal branch from esophageal plexus branch of the vagus nerve during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794864 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794864 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794864 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794344 . ILX:0794865 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "esophageal branch C of esophageal plexus of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The third identified esophageal branch from esophageal plexus branch of the vagus nerve during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794865 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794865 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794865 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794344 . ILX:0794866 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "esophageal branch D of esophageal plexus of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The fourth identified esophageal branch from esophageal plexus branch of the vagus nerve during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794866 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794866 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794866 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794344 . ILX:0794867 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "esophageal branch E of esophageal plexus of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The fifth identified esophageal branch from esophageal plexus branch of the vagus nerve during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794867 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794867 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794867 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794344 . ILX:0794868 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "diaphragmatic branch of the esophageal plexus of vagus nerve" ; definition: "Branch from the esophageal plexus of the vagus nerve to the diaphragm" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794869, ILX:0794875, ILX:0794923, ILX:0794924, ILX:0794925, ILX:0794926, ILX:0794927 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ILX:0794912 "diaphragmatic branch of the esophageal plexus" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794868 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794868 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794868 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . ILX:0794869 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior diaphragmatic branch from esophageal plexus of vagus nerve" ; definition: "An diaphramatic branch from esophageal plexus branch of the vagus nerve" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794870, ILX:0794871, ILX:0794872, ILX:0794873, ILX:0794874 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794869 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794869 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794869 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794868 . ILX:0794870 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior A diaphragmatic branch from esophageal plexus of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The first diaphramatic branch from esophageal plexus branch of the vagus nerve identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794870 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794870 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794870 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794869 . ILX:0794871 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior B diaphragmatic branch from esophageal plexus of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The second diaphramatic branch from esophageal plexus branch of the vagus nerve identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794871 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794871 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794871 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794869 . ILX:0794872 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior C diaphragmatic branch from esophageal plexus of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The third diaphramatic branch from esophageal plexus branch of the vagus nerve identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794872 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794872 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794872 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794869 . ILX:0794873 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior D diaphragmatic branch from esophageal plexus of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The fourth diaphramatic branch from esophageal plexus branch of the vagus nerve identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794873 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794873 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794873 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794869 . ILX:0794874 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior E diaphragmatic branch from esophageal plexus of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The fifth diaphramatic branch from esophageal plexus branch of the vagus nerve identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794874 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794874 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794874 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794869 . ILX:0794875 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior diaphragmatic branch from esophageal plexus of vagus nerve" ; definition: "An diaphramatic branch from esophageal plexus branch of the vagus nerve" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794876, ILX:0794877, ILX:0794878, ILX:0794879, ILX:0794880 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794875 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794875 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794875 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794868 . ILX:0794876 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior A diaphragmatic branch from esophageal plexus of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The first diaphramatic branch from esophageal plexus branch of the vagus nerve identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794876 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794876 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794876 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794875 . ILX:0794877 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior B diaphragmatic branch from esophageal plexus of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The second diaphramatic branch from esophageal plexus branch of the vagus nerve identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794877 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794877 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794877 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794875 . ILX:0794878 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior C diaphragmatic branch from esophageal plexus of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The third diaphramatic branch from esophageal plexus branch of the vagus nerve identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794878 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794878 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794878 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794875 . ILX:0794879 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior D diaphragmatic branch from esophageal plexus of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The fourth diaphramatic branch from esophageal plexus branch of the vagus nerve identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794879 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794879 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794879 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794875 . ILX:0794880 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior E diaphragmatic branch from esophageal plexus of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The fifth diaphramatic branch from esophageal plexus branch of the vagus nerve identified during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794880 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794880 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794880 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794875 . ILX:0794881 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "posterior B gallbladder branch of vagus nerve" ; definition: "This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794881 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794881 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794881 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794529 . ILX:0794882 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "branch of glossopharyngeal nerve" ; definition: "Branch that originates on the glossopharyngeal nerve (cranial nerve 9). This is a REVA annotation term." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794883, ILX:0794884 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794882 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794882 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794882 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794570 . ILX:0794883 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right branch of glossopharyngeal nerve" ; definition: "Branch that originates on the right glossopharyngeal nerve (cranial nerve 9). This is a REVA annotation term." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794883 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794883 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794883 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794882 . ILX:0794884 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left branch of glossopharyngeal nerve" ; definition: "Branch that originates on the left glossopharyngeal nerve (cranial nerve 9). This is a REVA annotation term." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794884 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794884 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794884 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794882 . ILX:0794885 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "branch of hypoglossal nerve" ; definition: "Branch that originates on the hypogossal nerve (cranial nerve 12). This is a REVA annotation term." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794886, ILX:0794887 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794885 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794885 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794885 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794570 . ILX:0794886 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right branch of hypoglossal nerve" ; definition: "Branch that originates on the right hypogossal nerve (cranial nerve 12). This is a REVA annotation term." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794886 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794886 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794886 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794885 . ILX:0794887 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left branch of hypoglossal nerve" ; definition: "Branch that originates on the left hypogossal nerve (cranial nerve 12). This is a REVA annotation term." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794887 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794887 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794887 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794885 . ILX:0794888 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "cervical sympathetic trunk" ; definition: "The sympathetic trunk (sympathetic chain) region superior to the inferior cervical ganglion (stellate ganglion)." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: FMA:6979, FMA:6980 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794888 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794888 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794888 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794570 . ILX:0794889 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "thoracic sympathetic trunk" ; definition: "The sympathetic trunk (sympathetic chain) region inferior to the inferior cervical ganglion (stellate ganglion)." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: FMA:6981, FMA:6982 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794889 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794889 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794889 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794570 . ILX:0794890 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right stellate ganglion" ; definition: "Third most superior or the most inferior cervical ganglion of the right sympathetic trunk (sympathetic chain). This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794890 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794890 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794890 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:6961 . ILX:0794891 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left stellate ganglion" ; definition: "Third most superior or the most inferior cervical ganglion of the left sympathetic trunk (sympathetic chain). This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794891 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794891 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794891 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:6961 . ILX:0794892 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "branch of carotid sinus nerve" ; definition: "Branch that originates on the carotid sinus nerve. This is a REVA annotation term." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794893, ILX:0794894 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794892 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794892 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794892 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794570 . ILX:0794893 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right branch of carotid sinus nerve" ; definition: "Branch that originates on the right carotid sinus nerve. This is a REVA annotation term." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794893 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794893 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794893 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794892 . ILX:0794894 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left branch of carotid sinus nerve" ; definition: "Branch that originates on the left carotid sinus nerve. This is a REVA annotation term." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794894 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794894 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794894 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794892 . ILX:0794895 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "branch of ansa cervicalis" ; definition: "Branch that originates on the ansa cervicalis. This is a REVA annotation term." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794896, ILX:0794897 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794895 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794895 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794895 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794570 . ILX:0794896 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right branch of ansa cervicalis" ; definition: "Branch that originates on the right ansa cervicalis. This is a REVA annotation term." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794896 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794896 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794896 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794895 . ILX:0794897 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left branch of ansa cervicalis" ; definition: "Branch that originates on the left ansa cervicalis. This is a REVA annotation term." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794897 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794897 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794897 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794895 . ILX:0794898 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right traverse cervical nerve" ; definition: "Rght cutaneous nerve of the neck originating from the nerve point of the neck and providing sensory innervation to cervical anterior skin of the neck. REVA annotation term." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ILX:0794912 "right transverse cervical nerve" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794898 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794898 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794898 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0743483 . ILX:0794899 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left transverse cervical nerve" ; definition: "Left cutaneous nerve of the neck originating from the nerve point of the neck and providing sensory innervation to cervical anterior skin of the neck. REVA annotation term." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794899 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794899 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794899 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0743483 . ILX:0794900 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "supraclavicular nerve" ; definition: "Cutaneous nerve of the neck originating from nerve point of the neck and providing sensory innervation to skin over the clavicle, shoulder and chest. REVA annotation term." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:65132 ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794901, ILX:0794902 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794900 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794900 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794900 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794570 . ILX:0794901 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right supraclavicular nerve" ; definition: "Right cutaneous nerve of the neck originating from nerve point of the neck and providing sensory innervation to skin over the clavicle, shoulder and chest. REVA annotation term." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794901 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794901 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794901 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794900 . ILX:0794902 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left supraclavicular nerve" ; definition: "Left cutaneous nerve of the neck originating from nerve point of the neck and providing sensory innervation to skin over the clavicle, shoulder and chest. REVA annotation term." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794902 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794902 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794902 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794900 . ILX:0794903 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right marginal mandibular branch of facial nerve" ; definition: "Motor branch of right facial nerve that targets the platysma, muscles of lower lip and chin. REVA annotation term." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794903 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794903 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794903 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:53365 . ILX:0794904 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left marginal mandibular branch of facial nerve" ; definition: "Motor branch of left facial nerve that targets the platysma, muscles of lower lip and chin. REVA annotation term." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794904 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794904 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794904 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:53365 . ILX:0794905 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right Iliac crest" ; definition: "Is part of the pelvis on the edge of the wing of the right ilium. Round in shape, dorsal to the pubis and ischium. Acts as structrure that muscles can attach to." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794905 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794905 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794905 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:16914 . ILX:0794906 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left Iliac crest" ; definition: "Is part of the pelvis on the edge of the wing of the left ilium. Round in shape, dorsal to the pubis and ischium. Acts as structrure that muscles can attach to." ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794906 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794906 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794906 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:16914 . ILX:0794907 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right medulla" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "right" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794907 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794907 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794907 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:62004 . ILX:0794908 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left medulla" ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794908 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794908 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794908 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:62004 . ILX:0794913 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "sacral gray ramus" ; definition: "The postganglionic nerve fibers from the sacral sympathetic chain ganglia passing to the ventral primary rami of the sacral spinal nerves. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-374247-6.50008-0" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:5876 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794913 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794913 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794913 . ILX:0794914 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "lumbar gray ramus" ; definition: "The postganglionic nerve fibers from the lumbar sympathetic chain ganglia passing to the ventral primary rami of the lumbar spinal nerves." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:5876 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794914 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794914 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794914 . ILX:0794915 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "cervical gray ramus" ; definition: "The postganglionic nerve fibers from the cervical sympathetic chain ganglia passing to ventral primary rami of the cervical spinal nerves." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:5876 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794915 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794915 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794915 . ILX:0794917 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "cardiac branch of the esophageal plexus of vagus nerve" ; definition: "Branch of the vagus nerve in the esophageal plexus to cardiac structures. " ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794918, ILX:0794919, ILX:0794920, ILX:0794921, ILX:0794922 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:5731 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794917 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794917 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794917 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . ILX:0794918 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "cardiac branch A of esophageal plexus of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The first identified cardiac branch from esophageal plexus branch of the vagus nerve during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794918 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794918 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794918 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794917 . ILX:0794919 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "cardiac branch B of esophageal plexus of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The second identified cardiac branch from esophageal plexus branch of the vagus nerve during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794919 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794919 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794919 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794917 . ILX:0794920 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "cardiac branch C of esophageal plexus of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The third identified cardiac branch from esophageal plexus branch of the vagus nerve during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794920 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794920 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794920 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794917 . ILX:0794921 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "cardiac branch D of esophageal plexus of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The fourth identified cardiac branch from esophageal plexus branch of the vagus nerve during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794921 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794921 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794921 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794917 . ILX:0794922 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "cardiac branch E of esophageal plexus of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The fifth identified cardiac branch from esophageal plexus branch of the vagus nerve during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794922 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794922 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794922 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794917 . ILX:0794923 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "diaphragmatic A branch of the esophageal plexus of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The first identified diaphragmatic branch from esophageal plexus branch of the vagus nerve during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794923 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794923 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794923 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794868 . ILX:0794924 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "diaphragmatic B branch of the esophageal plexus of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The second identified diaphragmatic branch from esophageal plexus branch of the vagus nerve during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794924 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794924 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794924 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794868 . ILX:0794925 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "diaphragmatic C branch of the esophageal plexus of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The third identified diaphragmatic branch from esophageal plexus branch of the vagus nerve during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794925 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794925 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794925 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794868 . ILX:0794926 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "diaphragmatic D branch of the esophageal plexus of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The fourth identified diaphragmatic branch from esophageal plexus branch of the vagus nerve during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794926 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794926 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794926 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794868 . ILX:0794927 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "diaphragmatic E branch of the esophageal plexus of vagus nerve" ; definition: "The fifth identified diaphragmatic branch from esophageal plexus branch of the vagus nerve during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794927 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794927 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794927 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794868 . ILX:0794937 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "REVA Tissue Landmarks" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794937 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794937 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794937 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793921 . ILX:0794946 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right P branch between vagus nerve and cervical sympathetic trunk" ; definition: "The sixteenth identified branch between right vagus nerve and ipsilateral cervical sympathetic trunk during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794946 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794946 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794946 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793177, ILX:0794775 . ILX:0794947 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left P branch between vagus nerve and cervical sympathetic trunk" ; definition: "The sixteenth identified branch between left vagus nerve and ipsilateral cervical sympathetic trunk during dissection. This is a REVA annotation term, created specifically for annotation of vagus nerve images generated as part of the experimental project funded by SPARC. [unvetted]" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0794947 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0794947 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0794947 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794022, ILX:0794776 . NCBITaxon:2759 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Eukaryota" ; NIFRID:synonym "Eucaryotae", "eucaryotes", "Eukarya", "eukaryote" ; definition: "An organism whose cells contain complex structures enclosed within membranes. Almost all species of large organisms are eukaryotes, including animals, plants and fungi, although most species of eukaryotic protists are microorganisms. The defining membrane-bound structure that sets eukaryotic cells apart from prokaryotic cells is the nucleus. The presence of a nucleus gives eukaryotes their name, which comes from the Greek ευ (eu, \"good\", \"noble\" & \"true\") and κάρυον (karyon, \"nut\" & \"kernel\"). Most eukaryotic cells contain other membrane-bound organelles such as mitochondria, chloroplasts and the Golgi apparatus. (Wikipedia)" ; rdfs:subClassOf BIRNLEX:2 ; ilx.hasDbXref: NLXWIKI:birnlex_399 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId BIRNLEX:399, ILX:0103976, NCBITaxon:2759 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId BIRNLEX:399, NCBITaxon:2759 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0103976 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId NCBITaxon:2759 . NCBITaxon:6072 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Eumetazoa" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:33208 ; ilx.hasDbXref: NLXWIKI:birnlex_569 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId BIRNLEX:569, ILX:0103978, NCBITaxon:6072 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId BIRNLEX:569, NCBITaxon:6072 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0103978 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId NCBITaxon:6072 . NCBITaxon:7711 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Chordata" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:33511 ; ilx.hasDbXref: NLXWIKI:birnlex_589 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId BIRNLEX:589, GBIF:44, ILX:0102135, NCBITaxon:7711 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId BIRNLEX:589, GBIF:44, NCBITaxon:7711 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0102135 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId NCBITaxon:7711 . NCBITaxon:7742 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Vertebrata" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:89593 ; ilx.hasDbXref: NLXWIKI:birnlex_212 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId BIRNLEX:212, ILX:0112412, NCBITaxon:7742 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId BIRNLEX:212, NCBITaxon:7742 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0112412 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId NCBITaxon:7742 . NCBITaxon:7776 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Gnathostomata" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:7742 ; ilx.hasDbXref: NLXWIKI:birnlex_201 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId BIRNLEX:201, ILX:0104698, NCBITaxon:7776 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId BIRNLEX:201, NCBITaxon:7776 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0104698 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId NCBITaxon:7776 . NCBITaxon:8287 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Sarcopterygii" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:117571 ; ilx.hasDbXref: NLXWIKI:birnlex_182 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId BIRNLEX:182, ILX:0110340, NCBITaxon:8287 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId BIRNLEX:182, NCBITaxon:8287 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0110340 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId NCBITaxon:8287 . NCBITaxon:9347 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Eutheria" ; NIFRID:synonym "Placentalia" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:32525 ; ilx.hasDbXref: NLXWIKI:birnlex_605 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId BIRNLEX:605, ILX:0103988, NCBITaxon:9347 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId BIRNLEX:605, NCBITaxon:9347 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0103988 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId NCBITaxon:9347 . NCBITaxon:9821 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Suidae" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0111243, NCBITaxon:9821 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId NCBITaxon:9821 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0111243 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId NCBITaxon:9821 . NCBITaxon:9822 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Sus" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:9821 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0739764, NCBITaxon:9822 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId NCBITaxon:9822 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0739764 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId NCBITaxon:9822 . NCBITaxon:9823 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Pig" ; NIFRID:synonym "pig", "Sus scrofa", "swine", "wild boar" ; definition: "A mammal of the artiodactyla order and genus sus." ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:9822 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0739765, NCBITaxon:9823 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId NCBITaxon:9823 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0739765 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId NCBITaxon:9823 . NCBITaxon:9825 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Domestic Pig" ; NIFRID:synonym "domestic pig", "Sus domestica", "Sus domesticus", "Sus scrofa domestica" ; definition: "A mammal of the artiodactyla order and genus sus." ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:9823 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0739770, NCBITaxon:9825 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId NCBITaxon:9825 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0739770 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId NCBITaxon:9825 . NCBITaxon:32523 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Tetrapoda" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:8287 ; ilx.hasDbXref: NLXWIKI:birnlex_387 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId BIRNLEX:387, ILX:0111643, NCBITaxon:32523 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId BIRNLEX:387, NCBITaxon:32523 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0111643 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId NCBITaxon:32523 . NCBITaxon:32524 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Amniota" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:32523 ; ilx.hasDbXref: NLXWIKI:birnlex_264 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId BIRNLEX:264, ILX:0100551, NCBITaxon:32524 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId BIRNLEX:264, NCBITaxon:32524 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0100551 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId NCBITaxon:32524 . NCBITaxon:32525 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Theria" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:40674 ; ilx.hasDbXref: NLXWIKI:birnlex_485 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId BIRNLEX:485, ILX:0111679, NCBITaxon:32525 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId BIRNLEX:485, NCBITaxon:32525 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0111679 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId NCBITaxon:32525 . NCBITaxon:33208 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Metazoa" ; NIFRID:synonym "Animalia" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:2759 ; ilx.hasDbXref: NLXWIKI:birnlex_561 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId BIRNLEX:561, GBIF:100351207, ILX:0106844, NCBITaxon:33208 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId BIRNLEX:561, GBIF:100351207, NCBITaxon:33208 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0106844 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId NCBITaxon:33208 . NCBITaxon:33213 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Bilateria" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:6072 ; ilx.hasDbXref: NLXWIKI:birnlex_610 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId BIRNLEX:610, ILX:0101278, NCBITaxon:33213 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId BIRNLEX:610, NCBITaxon:33213 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0101278 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId NCBITaxon:33213 . NCBITaxon:33316 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Coelomata" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:33213 ; ilx.hasDbXref: NLXWIKI:birnlex_606 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId BIRNLEX:606, ILX:0102337, NCBITaxon:33316 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId BIRNLEX:606, NCBITaxon:33316 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0102337 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId NCBITaxon:33316 . NCBITaxon:33511 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Deuterostomia" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:33316 ; ilx.hasDbXref: NLXWIKI:birnlex_272 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId BIRNLEX:272, ILX:0103158, NCBITaxon:33511 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId BIRNLEX:272, NCBITaxon:33511 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0103158 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId NCBITaxon:33511 . NCBITaxon:35497 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Suina" ; NIFRID:synonym "even-toed ungulates" ; definition: "Infraorder of cetartiodactyla" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:91561 ; ilx.hasDbXref: ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0111244, NCBITaxon:35497 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId NCBITaxon:35497 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0111244 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId NCBITaxon:35497 . NCBITaxon:40674 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Mammal" ; NIFRID:synonym "Mammalia" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:32524 ; ilx.hasDbXref: NLXWIKI:birnlex_252 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId BIRNLEX:252, GBIF:135316337, ILX:0106498, NCBITaxon:40674 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId BIRNLEX:252, GBIF:135316337, NCBITaxon:40674 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0106498 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId NCBITaxon:40674 . NCBITaxon:89593 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Craniata" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:7711 ; ilx.hasDbXref: NLXWIKI:birnlex_222 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId BIRNLEX:222, ILX:0102612, NCBITaxon:89593 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId BIRNLEX:222, NCBITaxon:89593 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0102612 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId NCBITaxon:89593 . NCBITaxon:91561 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Cetartiodactyla" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:314145 ; ilx.hasDbXref: NLXWIKI:birnlex_517 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId BIRNLEX:517, ILX:0102023, NCBITaxon:91561 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId BIRNLEX:517, NCBITaxon:91561 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0102023 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId NCBITaxon:91561 . NCBITaxon:117570 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Teleostomi" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:7776 ; ilx.hasDbXref: NLXWIKI:birnlex_193 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId BIRNLEX:193, ILX:0111564, NCBITaxon:117570 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId BIRNLEX:193, NCBITaxon:117570 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0111564 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId NCBITaxon:117570 . NCBITaxon:117571 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Euteleostomi" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:117570 ; ilx.hasDbXref: NLXWIKI:birnlex_188 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId BIRNLEX:188, ILX:0103987, NCBITaxon:117571 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId BIRNLEX:188, NCBITaxon:117571 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0103987 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId NCBITaxon:117571 . NCBITaxon:314145 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Laurasiatheria" ; rdfs:subClassOf NCBITaxon:9347 ; ilx.hasDbXref: NLXWIKI:birnlex_496 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId BIRNLEX:496, ILX:0106143, NCBITaxon:314145 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId BIRNLEX:496, NCBITaxon:314145 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0106143 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId NCBITaxon:314145 . NLX:62707 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Brain Subdivisions based on automated term selection" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0101443, NLX:62707 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId NLX:62707 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0101443 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId NLX:62707 . NLX:64503 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "CUMBO term" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0102661, NLX:64503 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId NLX:64503 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0102661 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId NLX:64503 . NLX:70428 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Dorsal pons" ; rdfs:subClassOf NLX:62707 ; ilx.hasDbXref: NLXWIKI:nlx_70428 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:67943 ; ILX:0381449 "PMID:1262547", "PMID:6619341", "PMID:6715573", "PMID:14566941", "PMID:20187136" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0103467, NLX:70428 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId NLX:70428 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0103467 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId NLX:70428 . NLX:143568 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Thyroarytenoid muscle" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0111730, NLX:143568 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId NLX:143568 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0111730 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId NLX:143568 . NLX:143975 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Rexed spinal cord parcellation scheme region" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0110102, NLX:143975 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId NLX:143975 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0110102 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId NLX:143975 . NLX:143976 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Rexed lamina II" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0110092, NLX:143976 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId NLX:143976 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0110092 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId NLX:143976 . NLX:158477 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Cerebrospinal axis" ; NIFRID:synonym "CSA" ; definition: "The hollow tubular division of the nervous system that lies in the median plane, dorsal to a notochord and flanked by a bilateral series of segmental muscles.It is the topographic division that corresponds to the vertebrate central nervous system." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:55676 ; ilx.hasDbXref: NLXWIKI:nlx_158477 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:7157 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0101999, NLX:158477 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId NLX:158477 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0101999 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId NLX:158477 . NLX:158496 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Cerebral nuclei" ; NIFRID:synonym "1809)", "1973)", "Basal ganglia (Warwick & Williams", "Cerebral ganglia (Reil", "CNU", "Corpus striatum (Willis" ; definition: "The ventral topographic division of the endbrain, with a basically nonlaminated architecture (Swanson, 2000).The general outlines of the cerebral nuclei were described for macrodissected adult humans by Bartholin (1651), and a basic distinction during embryogenesis between cerebral cortex and cerebral nuclei was stressed by Baer (1837) and Reichert (1859-1861). The most common synonym today for cerebral nuclei, which was clearly defined by Swanson (2000), is basal ganglia (Warwick & Williams, 1973)." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:55676 ; ilx.hasDbXref: NLXWIKI:nlx_158496 ; ilx.partOf: NLX:158477 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0101993, NLX:158496 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId NLX:158496 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0101993 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId NLX:158496 . PATO:0001196 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Ventral to" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0112359, PATO:0001196 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId PATO:0001196 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0112359 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId PATO:0001196 . PATO:0001233 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Dorsal to" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0103492, PATO:0001233 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId PATO:0001233 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0103492 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId PATO:0001233 . PATO:0001238 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Quality of related physical entities" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0100131, PATO:0001238 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId PATO:0001238 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0100131 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId PATO:0001238 . PAXSPN:23 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "dorsolateral fasciculus (paxspn)" ; NIFRID:synonym "DLF", "Dorsolateral fasciculus", "dorsolateral fasciculus (lissauer)", "dorsolateral fasciculus (paxspn)", "Tract of Lissauer" ; NIFRID:abbrev "dl" ; definition: "A small bundle of fibers running longitudinally in the white matter between the dorsolateral edge of the dorsal horn and the entrance of the dorsal roots. This is synonymous with the ‘Tract of Lissauer’ and contains both small diameter primary afferents and axons from neurons in the dorsal lamina providing intraspinal connections." ; ilx.hasDbXref: BIRNLEX:1267, FMA:72616, PAXRAT:274, UBERON:0002649 ; ilx.hasDefinitionSource: SCR:018709 ; ILX:0381449 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ILX:0778161 PAXSPN: ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0772919, PAXSPN:23 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0772919 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId PAXSPN:23 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9903 . PAXSPN:65 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "lumbar dorsal commissural nucleus (paxspn)" ; NIFRID:synonym "lumbar dorsal commissural nucleus", "lumbar dorsal commissural nucleus (paxspn)" ; NIFRID:abbrev "LDCom" ; definition: "A large cluster of round, oval, or spindle shaped neurons located in lamina VII of T11–L1 along the midline, in the dorsal gray commissure." ; ILX:0381449 , ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ILX:0778161 PAXSPN: ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0784294, PAXSPN:65 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0784294 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId PAXSPN:65 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7647 . PAXSPN:79 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "sacral dorsal commissural nucleus (paxspn)" ; NIFRID:synonym "sacral dorsal commissural nucleus", "sacral dorsal commissural nucleus (paxspn)" ; NIFRID:abbrev "SDCom" ; definition: "A large cluster of small neurons located in the grey matter dorsal to the central canal in the lower lumbar and sacral spinal cord." ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ILX:0778161 PAXSPN: ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0784250, PAXSPN:79 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0784250 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId PAXSPN:79 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7647 . PAXSPN:80 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "sacral parasympathetic nucleus" ; NIFRID:abbrev "sacral parasympathetic nucleus (paxspn)", "SPSy" ; ILX:0778161 PAXSPN: ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0784305, PAXSPN:80 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0784305 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId PAXSPN:80 . SCR:018709 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "SPARC Anatomical Working Group" ; NIFRID:synonym "SAWG" ; definition: "A group of anatomical experts who provide the necessary expertise and independent review of anatomical terminology used in SPARC" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0739291, SCR:018709 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId SCR:018709 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0739291 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId SCR:018709 . UBERON:0000073 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Regional part of nervous system" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId BIRNLEX:1157, ILX:0109857, UBERON:0000073 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId BIRNLEX:1157, UBERON:0000073 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0109857 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0000073 . UBERON:0000122 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "neuron projection bundle" ; definition: "A fasciculated bundle of neuron projections (GO:0043005), largely or completely lacking synapses." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:83115 ; ilx.anno.hasExactSynonym: "funiculus", "nerve fiber bundle", "neural fiber bundle" ; ilx.hasDbXref: "CARO:0001001", "FBbt:00005099", NLX:147821 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0726087, UBERON:0000122 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId UBERON:0000122 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0726087 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0000122 ; oboInOwl:hasExactSynonym "funiculus", "nerve fiber bundle", "neural fiber bundle" . UBERON:0001585 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "anterior vena cava" ; definition: "A vein that carries deoxygenated blood from the upper half of the body into the right atrium of the heart." ; ilx.anno.hasExactSynonym: "superior caval vein", "superior vena cava" ; ilx.anno.hasRelatedSynonym: "cranial vena cava", "precava", "vena cava superior", "vena maxima" ; ilx.hasDbXref: "BTO:0002683", "EHDAA2:0001962", "EHDAA:8726", "EMAPA:18417", "FMA:4720", "GAID:549", "galen:SuperiorVenaCava", "MA:0000481", "MESH:D014683", "NCIT:C12816", "UMLS:C0042459", "VHOG:0001195", , , ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0725354, UBERON:0001585 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId UBERON:0001585 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0725354 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0001585 ; oboInOwl:hasExactSynonym "superior caval vein", "superior vena cava" ; oboInOwl:hasRelatedSynonym "cranial vena cava", "precava", "vena cava superior", "vena maxima" . UBERON:0001948 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Regional part of spinal cord" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId BIRNLEX:1496, ILX:0109866, UBERON:0001948 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId BIRNLEX:1496, UBERON:0001948 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0109866 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0001948 . UBERON:0003997 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "greater horn of the hyoid" ; definition: "The larger and more lateral of the paired processes on either side of the hyoid bone[MP]" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.anno.hasExactSynonym: "cornu majus", "cornu majus ossis hyoidei", "cornua majora", "greater cornu", "greater cornua", "greater horn", "greater horn of hyoid", "greater horn of hyoid bone", "tyrohal", "tyrohals" ; ilx.anno.hasRelatedSynonym: "epibranchial", "epibranchial of gill arch I", "epibranchial of pharyngeal arch III", "greater cornua", "greater horn of the hyoid", "hyoid bone greater cornu", "hyoid bone long horn", "hyoid bone superior horn", "hyoid bone upper horn", "posterior horn of hyoid", "second horn of hyoid" ; ilx.hasDbXref: "EMAPA:18651", "FMA:59496", "MA:0002959", , ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794666, ILX:0794667 ; ILX:0794912 "hyoid bone greater horn" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0728966, UBERON:0003997 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId UBERON:0003997 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0728966 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0003997 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794659 ; oboInOwl:hasExactSynonym "cornu majus", "cornu majus ossis hyoidei", "cornua majora", "greater cornu", "greater horn", "greater horn of hyoid", "greater horn of hyoid bone", "tyrohal", "tyrohals" ; oboInOwl:hasRelatedSynonym "epibranchial", "epibranchial of gill arch I", "epibranchial of pharyngeal arch III", "greater cornua", "greater horn of the hyoid", "hyoid bone greater cornu", "hyoid bone long horn", "hyoid bone superior horn", "hyoid bone upper horn", "posterior horn of hyoid", "second horn of hyoid" . UBERON:0004222 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "stomach smooth muscle" ; definition: "smooth muscle tissue that is part of a stomach [Automatically generated definition]." ; ilx.anno.hasExactSynonym: "involuntary muscle of stomach", "involuntary muscle of ventriculus", "non-striated muscle of stomach", "non-striated muscle of ventriculus", "smooth muscle of stomach", "smooth muscle of ventriculus", "smooth muscle tissue of stomach", "smooth muscle tissue of ventriculus", "stomach involuntary muscle", "stomach non-striated muscle", "stomach smooth muscle tissue", "ventriculus involuntary muscle", "ventriculus non-striated muscle", "ventriculus smooth muscle", "ventriculus smooth muscle tissue" ; ilx.anno.hasRelatedSynonym: "gastric muscle", "gastric smooth muscle", "stomach muscle" ; ilx.hasDbXref: "BTO:0001818", "EMAPA:35823", "MA:0001627" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0727285, UBERON:0004222 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId UBERON:0004222 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0727285 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0004222 ; oboInOwl:hasExactSynonym "involuntary muscle of stomach", "involuntary muscle of ventriculus", "non-striated muscle of stomach", "non-striated muscle of ventriculus", "smooth muscle of stomach", "smooth muscle of ventriculus", "smooth muscle tissue of stomach", "smooth muscle tissue of ventriculus", "stomach involuntary muscle", "stomach non-striated muscle", "stomach smooth muscle tissue", "ventriculus involuntary muscle", "ventriculus non-striated muscle", "ventriculus smooth muscle", "ventriculus smooth muscle tissue" ; oboInOwl:hasRelatedSynonym "gastric muscle", "gastric smooth muscle", "stomach muscle" . UBERON:0004295 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "sympathetic nerve trunk" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0731729, UBERON:0004295 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId UBERON:0004295 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0731729 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0004295 . UBERON:0004820 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "bile duct epithelium" ; definition: "Any epithelium that lines one of the bile ducts." ; ilx.anno.hasExactSynonym: "biliary duct epithelium", "epithelium of bile duct", "epithelium of biliary duct" ; ilx.hasDbXref: "BTO:0000417", "MA:0001629", "NCIT:C43616", "UMLS:C1711208", ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0736131, UBERON:0004820 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId UBERON:0004820 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0736131 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0004820 ; oboInOwl:hasExactSynonym "biliary duct epithelium", "epithelium of bile duct", "epithelium of biliary duct" . UBERON:0004851 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "aorta endothelium" ; definition: "the thin layer of flat cells that line the aorta and form a barrier between circulating blood in the lumen and the rest of the vessel wall" ; ilx.anno.hasExactSynonym: "adult aorta endothelium", "endothelium of adult aorta", "endothelium of aorta", "endothelium of trunk of aortic tree", "endothelium of trunk of systemic arterial tree", "trunk of aortic tree endothelium", "trunk of systemic arterial tree endothelium" ; ilx.anno.hasRelatedSynonym: "aortic endothelium" ; ilx.hasDbXref: "BTO:0000394", "CALOHA:TS-0047", "EFO:0002597", "EMAPA:35134", "MA:0000701", "NCIT:C49190", "UMLS:C1706824", ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0726903, UBERON:0004851 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId UBERON:0004851 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0726903 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0004851 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7088 ; oboInOwl:hasExactSynonym "adult aorta endothelium", "endothelium of adult aorta", "endothelium of aorta", "endothelium of trunk of aortic tree", "endothelium of trunk of systemic arterial tree", "trunk of aortic tree endothelium", "trunk of systemic arterial tree endothelium" ; oboInOwl:hasRelatedSynonym "aortic endothelium" . UBERON:0004890 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right lung accessory lobe" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0728696, UBERON:0004890 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId UBERON:0004890 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0728696 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0004890 . UBERON:0005734 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "tunica adventitia of blood vessel" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0735863, UBERON:0005734 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId UBERON:0005734 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0735863 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0005734 . UBERON:0006765 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left anterior vena cava" ; ilx.anno.hasExactSynonym: "left superior vena cava" ; ilx.hasDbXref: "EMAPA:18418" ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0731981, UBERON:0006765 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId UBERON:0006765 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0731981 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0006765 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7088 ; oboInOwl:hasExactSynonym "left superior vena cava" . UBERON:0006766 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right anterior vena cava" ; definition: "Trunk of systemic vein which is formed by the union of the right and left brachiocephalic veins and terminates in the right atrium[FMA:4720]. The mouse has both left and right anterior vena cava. adult humans only have a right." ; ilx.anno.hasExactSynonym: "right superior vena cava" ; ilx.hasDbXref: "EMAPA:18419", "FMA:4720" ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0724962, UBERON:0006766 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId UBERON:0006766 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0724962 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0006766 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7088 ; oboInOwl:hasExactSynonym "right superior vena cava" . UBERON:0007652 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "esophageal sphincter" ; definition: "A sphincter that is part of an esophagus." ; ilx.hasDbXref: ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0727368, UBERON:0007652 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId UBERON:0007652 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0727368 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0007652 . UBERON:0008827 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "murine forestomach" ; definition: "A distinct rodent non-glandular region of the stomach which is demarcated from the glandular stomach by the limiting ridge (margo plicatus)." ; ilx.anno.hasBroadSynonym: "forestomach", "stomach non-glandular region" ; ilx.anno.hasRelatedSynonym: "anterior stomach", "antrum cardiacum", "proximal stomach" ; ilx.hasDbXref: "EMAPA:17627", "MA:0001606", "NCIT:C77956", "UMLS:C0033745", ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0729690, UBERON:0008827 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId UBERON:0008827 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0729690 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0008827 ; oboInOwl:hasBroadSynonym "forestomach", "stomach non-glandular region" ; oboInOwl:hasRelatedSynonym "anterior stomach", "antrum cardiacum", "proximal stomach" . UBERON:0009030 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "left pulmonary vein" ; definition: "Vein that drains left lung and returns blood to the heart." ; ilx.hasDbXref: "EMAPA:37165", "MA:0002207", "NCIT:C48946", "UMLS:C0226670", , ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0733186, UBERON:0009030 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId UBERON:0009030 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0733186 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0009030 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7088 . UBERON:0009032 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "right pulmonary vein" ; definition: "Vein that drains right lung and returns blood to the heart." ; ilx.hasDbXref: "EMAPA:37379", "MA:0002208", "NCIT:C48947", "UMLS:C0226669", , ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0729203, UBERON:0009032 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId UBERON:0009032 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0729203 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0009032 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7088 . UBERON:0011776 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Dorsal commissural nucleus" ; definition: "A continuous column of gray matter along the midline in the dorsal gray commissure that sends fibers to the hypogastric nerve." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:83686 ; ilx.anno.hasBroadSynonym: "spinal cord dorsal commissural nucleus" ; ilx.hasDbXref: "EMAPA:37748", "MA:0001128", NLX:144463, NLXWIKI:nlx_144463 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:7647 ; ILX:0739239 "True" ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0103430, NLX:144463, UBERON:0011776 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId NLX:144463, UBERON:0011776 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0103430 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0011776 ; ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9903 ; oboInOwl:hasBroadSynonym "spinal cord dorsal commissural nucleus" . UBERON:0011929 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "postganglionic parasympathetic fiber" ; definition: "A cholinergic axonal fiber projecting from a parasympathetic ganglion to an effector organ" ; ilx.anno.hasRelatedSynonym: "parasympathetic postganglionic fiber" ; ilx.hasDbXref: "MESH:A08.663.542.100.700", "NCIT:C12649", "UMLS:C0206252", , ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0732293, UBERON:0011929 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId UBERON:0011929 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0732293 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0011929 ; oboInOwl:hasRelatedSynonym "parasympathetic postganglionic fiber" . UBERON:0012453 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "nerve ending" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0736198, UBERON:0012453 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId UBERON:0012453 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0736198 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0012453 . UBERON:0014617 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Ventral nerve root of thoracic spinal cord" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId BIRNLEX:1606, ILX:0112318, UBERON:0014617 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId BIRNLEX:1606, UBERON:0014617 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0112318 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0014617 . UBERON:0014634 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Ventral nerve root of cervical spinal cord" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId BIRNLEX:958, ILX:0112315, UBERON:0014634 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId BIRNLEX:958, UBERON:0014634 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0112315 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0014634 . UBERON:0023623 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Ventral nerve root of sacral spinal cord" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId BIRNLEX:755, ILX:0112317, UBERON:0023623 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId BIRNLEX:755, UBERON:0023623 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0112317 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0023623 . UBERON:0024382 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Ventral nerve root of lumbar spinal cord" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId BIRNLEX:1266, ILX:0112316, UBERON:0024382 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId BIRNLEX:1266, UBERON:0024382 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0112316 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0024382 . UBERON:0035814 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "pericardial fat" ; definition: "The sum of epicardial and paracardial fat deposits." ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:62955 ; ilx.hasDbXref: "ZFA:0005765", ; ilx.partOf: FMA:9869 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0725334, UBERON:0035814 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId UBERON:0035814 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0725334 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0035814 . UBERON:0038727 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "juxta-intestinal mesenteric lymph node" ; definition: "mesenteric lymph node next to the intestine" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:12795 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:15701 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793683, UBERON:0038727 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId UBERON:0038727 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793683 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:0038727 . UBERON:8410058 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Myenteric nerve plexus of colon" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793652, UBERON:8410058 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId UBERON:8410058 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793652 . UBERON:8410059 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Submucous nerve plexus of colon" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793654, UBERON:8410059 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId UBERON:8410059 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793654 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:8410059 . UBERON:8410060 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Colon smooth muscle circular layer" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0772428, ILX:0793647, UBERON:8410060 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId UBERON:8410060 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793647 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0772428, UBERON:8410060 . UBERON:8410061 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Longitudinal muscle layer of colon" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0775554, UBERON:8410061 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId UBERON:8410061 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0775554 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:8410061 . UBERON:8410063 a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "myenteric nerve plexus of small intestine" ; definition: "Myenteric nerve plexus that is part of the small intestine" ; rdfs:subClassOf FMA:5901 ; ilx.partOf: FMA:63252 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:term ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793682, UBERON:8410063 ; ilxtr:hasExternalId UBERON:8410063 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793682 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId UBERON:8410063 . ### Axioms [] a owl:Axiom ; owl:annotatedSource FMA:7647 ; owl:annotatedProperty NIFRID:synonym ; owl:annotatedTarget "SP" ; ilxtr:synonymType . [] a owl:Axiom ; owl:annotatedSource FMA:9903 ; owl:annotatedProperty NIFRID:synonym ; owl:annotatedTarget "PNS" ; ilxtr:synonymType . [] a owl:Axiom ; owl:annotatedSource FMA:54592 ; owl:annotatedProperty NIFRID:synonym ; owl:annotatedTarget "10N" ; ilxtr:synonymType . [] a owl:Axiom ; owl:annotatedSource FMA:258416 ; owl:annotatedProperty NIFRID:synonym ; owl:annotatedTarget "GF" ; ilxtr:synonymType . [] a owl:Axiom ; owl:annotatedSource ILX:0738444 ; owl:annotatedProperty NIFRID:synonym ; owl:annotatedTarget "iBAT" ; ilxtr:synonymType . [] a owl:Axiom ; owl:annotatedSource ILX:0784215 ; owl:annotatedProperty NIFRID:synonym ; owl:annotatedTarget "IGLEs" ; ilxtr:synonymType . [] a owl:Axiom ; owl:annotatedSource ILX:0793082 ; owl:annotatedProperty NIFRID:synonym ; owl:annotatedTarget "CSMG" ; ilxtr:synonymType . [] a owl:Axiom ; owl:annotatedSource ILX:0793822 ; owl:annotatedProperty NIFRID:synonym ; owl:annotatedTarget "SON" ; ilxtr:synonymType . [] a owl:Axiom ; owl:annotatedSource ILX:0793823 ; owl:annotatedProperty NIFRID:synonym ; owl:annotatedTarget "MPG" ; ilxtr:synonymType . [] a owl:Axiom ; owl:annotatedSource NLX:158477 ; owl:annotatedProperty NIFRID:synonym ; owl:annotatedTarget "CSA" ; ilxtr:synonymType . [] a owl:Axiom ; owl:annotatedSource NLX:158496 ; owl:annotatedProperty NIFRID:synonym ; owl:annotatedTarget "CNU" ; ilxtr:synonymType . [] a owl:Axiom ; owl:annotatedSource PAXSPN:23 ; owl:annotatedProperty NIFRID:synonym ; owl:annotatedTarget "DLF" ; ilxtr:synonymType . [] a owl:Axiom ; owl:annotatedSource SCR:018709 ; owl:annotatedProperty NIFRID:synonym ; owl:annotatedTarget "SAWG" ; ilxtr:synonymType . ### Annotations EMAPA:18995 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:45659 . EMAPA:19554 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7647 . EMAPA:28697 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:45659 . EMAPA:28753 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:45659 . EMAPA:28759 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:45659 . EMAPA:30917 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:45659 . EMAPA:30930 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:45659 . EMAPA:30944 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:45659 . EMAPA:30946 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:45659 . EMAPA:32269 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:45659 . EMAPA:36077 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:15900 . EMAPA:36079 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:15900 . EMAPA:36080 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:15900 . EMAPA:36081 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:15900 . EMAPA:36084 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:15900 . EMAPA:36117 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:45659 . EMAPA:36140 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:45659 . EMAPA:36421 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:45659 . FMA:3768 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794717 . FMA:3941 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:3939 . FMA:3949 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:3947 . FMA:4058 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:3939 . FMA:4062 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:3947 . FMA:5901 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794710 . FMA:6037 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9903 . FMA:6225 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . FMA:6259 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:6258 . FMA:6260 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:6258 . FMA:6262 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9903 . FMA:6449 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7647 . FMA:6469 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9903 . FMA:6486 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:6467 . FMA:6487 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:6467 . FMA:6488 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:6468 . FMA:6489 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:6468 . FMA:6629 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794710 . FMA:6630 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9604 . FMA:6979 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794888 . FMA:6980 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794888 . FMA:6981 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794889 . FMA:6982 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794889 . FMA:7096 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7088 . FMA:7097 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7088 . FMA:7098 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7088 . FMA:7099 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7088 . FMA:7100 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7088 . FMA:7101 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7088 . FMA:7164 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7088, ILX:0793920 . FMA:7197 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794717 . FMA:7198 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9604 . FMA:7202 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794717 . FMA:7204 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7203 . FMA:7205 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7203 . FMA:7207 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7200 . FMA:7208 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7200 . FMA:7213 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7209 . FMA:7214 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7209 . FMA:7220 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7088 . FMA:7309 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7195 . FMA:7310 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7195 . FMA:7333 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7334 . FMA:7337 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7335 . FMA:7370 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7334 . FMA:7371 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7335 . FMA:7394 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794717 . FMA:7395 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794724 . FMA:7396 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794724 . FMA:7456 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7330 . FMA:7465 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . FMA:7575 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794659 . FMA:9165 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794659 . FMA:9187 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794659 . FMA:9209 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794659 . FMA:9248 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794659 . FMA:9461 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7088 . FMA:9607 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794717 . FMA:9640 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794714 . FMA:9704 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:45659 . FMA:9751 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7330 . FMA:9945 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794659 . FMA:9968 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794659 . FMA:9991 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794659 . FMA:10014 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794659 . FMA:10059 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794659 . FMA:10081 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794659 . FMA:10951 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7088 . FMA:12234 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794714 . FMA:12519 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794659 . FMA:12520 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794659 . FMA:12521 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794659 . FMA:12522 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794659 . FMA:12523 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794659 . FMA:12524 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794659 . FMA:12525 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794659 . FMA:13421 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . FMA:14541 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7201 . FMA:14542 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7201 . FMA:14544 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7201 . FMA:14545 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7201 . FMA:14546 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7201 . FMA:14547 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7201 . FMA:14548 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7201 . FMA:14559 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7148 . FMA:14560 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7148 . FMA:14561 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7148 . FMA:14572 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7148 . FMA:14574 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7148 . FMA:14581 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7148 . FMA:15042 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:14543 . FMA:15043 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:14543 . FMA:15044 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:14543 . FMA:15629 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9604 . FMA:15630 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9604 . FMA:15648 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793865 . FMA:15703 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7201 . FMA:15897 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:45659 . FMA:15924 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:15900 . FMA:15936 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:15900 . FMA:16950 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794659 . FMA:17558 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7203 . FMA:18172 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:6223 . FMA:18174 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:6223 . FMA:18176 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9903 . FMA:19034 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9903 . FMA:19673 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:45659 . FMA:20117 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9604, FMA:9903 . FMA:20118 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9604, FMA:9903 . FMA:27363 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:27360 . FMA:27364 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:27360 . FMA:50722 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:5915 . FMA:50801 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794717 . FMA:50892 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:50870 . FMA:50894 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:50870 . FMA:50897 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:6720 . FMA:50899 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:6720 . FMA:50901 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:50871 . FMA:50903 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:50871 . FMA:52585 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794714 . FMA:53311 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:53310 . FMA:53312 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:53310 . FMA:53530 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:6239 . FMA:53534 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:6232 . FMA:53535 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:6232 . FMA:53536 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:6239 . FMA:53537 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:6243 . FMA:53538 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:6243 . FMA:53539 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:6240 . FMA:53540 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:6240 . FMA:53541 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:6231 . FMA:53542 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:6231 . FMA:53553 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:6229 . FMA:53554 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:6229 . FMA:53555 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:6230 . FMA:53556 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:6230 . FMA:53589 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:6692 . FMA:53590 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:6692 . FMA:53594 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:53593 . FMA:53595 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:53593 . FMA:53596 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:6695 . FMA:53597 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:6695 . FMA:53635 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:6236 . FMA:53636 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:6236 . FMA:55304 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . FMA:58289 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0793920 . FMA:59518 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:6467, FMA:6872 . FMA:62421 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7647 . FMA:62422 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7647 . FMA:62977 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:5916 . FMA:62980 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9903 . FMA:65132 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794714 . FMA:66326 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794717 . FMA:68862 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9903 . FMA:68864 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7647, FMA:9903 . FMA:68865 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7647, FMA:9903 . FMA:68866 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7647, FMA:9903 . FMA:68867 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7647, FMA:9903 . FMA:68868 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7647, FMA:9903 . FMA:68869 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7647, FMA:9903 . FMA:68870 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9903 . FMA:68871 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7647, FMA:9903 . FMA:71169 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7647 . FMA:71170 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7647 . FMA:71171 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7647 . FMA:71172 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7647 . FMA:71173 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7647 . FMA:71174 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7647 . FMA:71175 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7647 . FMA:71176 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7647 . FMA:71177 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7647 . FMA:71178 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7647 . FMA:71179 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7647 . FMA:71180 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7647 . FMA:71181 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7647 . FMA:71182 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7647 . FMA:71183 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7647 . FMA:71184 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7647 . FMA:71185 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7647 . FMA:71186 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7647 . FMA:71187 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7647 . FMA:71188 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7647 . FMA:71189 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7647 . FMA:71190 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7647 . FMA:71191 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7647 . FMA:73915 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9903 . FMA:74019 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9903 . FMA:75752 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794693 . FMA:77570 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:9604 . FMA:79876 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794717 . FMA:256625 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7647 . FMA:256627 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7647 . FMA:256629 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7647 . FMA:256631 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7647 . FMA:256633 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7647 . FMA:256635 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7647 . FMA:258416 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder FMA:7647 . FMA:264776 ilxtr:includedForSPARCUnder ILX:0794659 . ILX:0773753 a ilxr:TermSet ; rdfs:label "Vagus nerve (TermSet)" ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0773753 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0773753 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0773753 . ILX:0793177 a ilxr:TermSet ; rdfs:label "SPARC Community (TermSet)" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0794946 ; ilxr:type ilx.type:TermSet ; ilxtr:hasExistingId ILX:0793177 ; ilxtr:hasIlxId ILX:0793177 ; ilxtr:hasIlxPreferredId ILX:0793177 . ILX:0793900 a ilxr:TermSet ; rdfs:label "left branch between vagus nerve and hypoglossal nerve" ; definition: "A branch between left vagus nerve and left hypoglossal nerve." ; rdfs:subPropertyOf ILX:0793177 ; ilx.hasLaterality: "left" ; ilx.includeForSPARC: ILX:0793915, ILX:0793916, ILX:0793917, ILX:0793918, ILX:0793919 ; ilx.includesTerm: BIRNLEX:1152, FMA:3768, FMA:3939, FMA:3941, FMA:3947, FMA:3949, FMA:4058, FMA:4062, FMA:5731, FMA:5859, FMA:5901, FMA:5914, FMA:5915, FMA:5916, FMA:6219, FMA:6220, FMA:6222, FMA:6223, FMA:6225, FMA:6226, FMA:6227, FMA:6229, FMA:6230, FMA:6231, FMA:6232, FMA:6233, FMA:6234, FMA:6236, FMA:6237, FMA:6239, FMA:6240, FMA:6243, FMA:6258, FMA:6259, FMA:6260, FMA:6467, FMA:6468, FMA:6486, FMA:6487, FMA:6488, FMA:6489, FMA:6629, FMA:6630, FMA:6692, FMA:6695, FMA:6720, FMA:6872, FMA:6961, FMA:6979, FMA:6980, FMA:6981, FMA:6982, FMA:7088, FMA:7096, FMA:7097, FMA:7098, FMA:7099, FMA:7100, FMA:7101, FMA:7131, FMA:7148, FMA:7164, FMA:7195, FMA:7196, FMA:7197, FMA:7198, FMA:7200, FMA:7201, FMA:7202, FMA:7203, FMA:7204, FMA:7205, FMA:7206, FMA:7207, FMA:7208, FMA:7209, FMA:7213, FMA:7214, FMA:7309, FMA:7310, FMA:7330, FMA:7333, FMA:7334, FMA:7335, FMA:7337, FMA:7370, FMA:7371, FMA:7394, FMA:7395, FMA:7396, FMA:7406, FMA:7407, FMA:7456, FMA:7465, FMA:7575, FMA:9165, FMA:9187, FMA:9209, FMA:9248, FMA:9604, FMA:9607, FMA:9640, FMA:9751, FMA:9869, FMA:9922, FMA:9945, FMA:9968, FMA:9991, FMA:10014, FMA:10037, FMA:10059, FMA:10081, FMA:12234, FMA:12519, FMA:12520, FMA:12521, FMA:12522, FMA:12523, FMA:12524, FMA:12525, FMA:13421, FMA:14541, FMA:14542, FMA:14544, FMA:14545, FMA:14546, FMA:14547, FMA:14548, FMA:14559, FMA:14560, FMA:14561, FMA:14572, FMA:14574, FMA:14581, FMA:15629, FMA:15630, FMA:15648, FMA:15703, FMA:16914, FMA:16950, FMA:17558, FMA:18061, FMA:18062, FMA:18172, FMA:18174, FMA:20117, FMA:20118, FMA:23260, FMA:25202, FMA:25898, FMA:27360, FMA:27363, FMA:27364, FMA:50722, FMA:50801, FMA:50870, FMA:50871, FMA:50892, FMA:50894, FMA:50897, FMA:50899, FMA:50901, FMA:50903, FMA:52585, FMA:52586, FMA:52747, FMA:52872, FMA:52886, FMA:53310, FMA:53311, FMA:53312, FMA:53365, FMA:53396, FMA:53472, FMA:53488, FMA:53508, FMA:53509, FMA:53530, FMA:53534, FMA:53535, FMA:53536, FMA:53537, FMA:53538, FMA:53539, FMA:53540, FMA:53541, FMA:53542, FMA:53553, FMA:53554, FMA:53555, FMA:53556, FMA:53559, FMA:53560, FMA:53589, FMA:53590, FMA:53593, FMA:53594, FMA:53595, FMA:53596, FMA:53597, FMA:53600, FMA:53606, FMA:53607, FMA:53631, FMA:53632, FMA:53635, FMA:53636, FMA:54592, FMA:55142, FMA:55304, FMA:57718, FMA:58289, FMA:59518, FMA:62004, FMA:62977, FMA:65132, FMA:65514, FMA:66326, FMA:75752, FMA:77570, FMA:78582, FMA:79876, FMA:264776, FMA:272320, FMA:272326, FMA:294636, GO:0030424, ILX:0110412, ILX:0738426, ILX:0740315, ILX:0740468, ILX:0740795, ILX:0742493, ILX:0742694, ILX:0742825, ILX:0743185, ILX:0743483, ILX:0743580, ILX:0743851, ILX:0743930, ILX:0744203, ILX:0745281, ILX:0745534, ILX:0745651, ILX:0745824, ILX:0746000, 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