# -*- org-adapt-indentation: nil; org-edit-src-content-indentation: 0; -*- #+TITLE: Developer and curator setup guide #+AUTHOR: Tom Gillespie # [[./setup.pdf]] #+OPTIONS: num:nil ^:nil #+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage[margin=1.0in]{geometry} #+STARTUP: showall * Introduction This is a general guide to bootstrapping and maintaining a complete development environment for working as a curator or developer on the NIF-Ontology, protc, sparc-curation, scibot, etc. For a general introduction to the SPARC curation process see [[./background.org]] The environment bootstrapped by running this file was originally developed on Gentoo, and is portable to other distributions with a few tweaks. Please report any bugs you find in this file or during the execution of any of the workflows described in this file to the sparc-curation GitHub [[https://github.com/SciCrunch/sparc-curation/issues][issue tracker]]. * Setup Setup takes about 3 hours. [[#one-shot][OS level setup]] takes about and hour, and [[#user][user setup]] takes about two hours. \\ *If you do not have root or sudo access or do not administer the computer* *you are following this guide on you should start at [[#user][user setup]].* If you do have admin access then do the [[#one-shot][OS level setup]] first and then come back to the [[#user][user setup]] once you are done. ** User :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: user :END: If you are already on a system that has the [[#one-shot][prerequisites]] installed start here. If you are not you will find out fairly quickly when the following commands fail. *** Git name and email These workflows make extensive use of git. Git needs to know who you are (and so do we) so that it can stash files that you change (for example this file, which logs to itself). Use the email that you will use for curation or development for this. You should not use your primary email account for this because it will get a whole bunch of development related emails. Run the following in a terminal replacing the examples with the fields that apply to you. #+BEGIN_SRC bash :eval never git config --global user.name "FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME" git config --global user.email "MY_NAME@example.com" #+END_SRC *** Bootstrapping [[./setup.org][this =setup.org= file]] You can run all the code in [[./setup.org][this =setup.org= file]] automatically using emacs [[https://orgmode.org/][org-mode]]. The easiest way to accomplish this is to install [[https://github.com/jkitchin/scimax][scimax]] which is an emacs starterkit for scientists and engineers that has everything we will need. The following steps will do this automatically for you. *All the code blocks in this Bootstrapping section need to be pasted into a terminal (shell) where you are logged in as your user.* *Run every code block in the order that they appear on this page. Do not skip any blocks.* *Read all the text between blocks. It will tell you what to do next.* When pasting blocks into the terminal (middles mouse, or =C-V= =control-shift-v= in the ubuntu terminal) if you do not copy the last newline of the blocks then you will have to hit enter to run the last command. # TODO emacs auto setup to be able to run this file #+NAME: setup-folders #+CAPTION: Set up the folder structure and clone this sparc-curation repository. #+BEGIN_SRC bash :exports code :eval never mkdir -p ~/.local/bin mkdir ~/bin mkdir ~/opt mkdir ~/git mkdir ~/files source .profile #+end_src Run the following block to clone this repository and the =scimax= repository. #+begin_src bash :exports code :eval never pushd ~/git git clone https://github.com/SciCrunch/sparc-curation.git popd pushd ~/opt git clone https://github.com/jkitchin/scimax.git popd #+END_SRC Run the following command to initialize texlive for your user. It is needed for scimax to install correctly. #+name: setup-texlive #+begin_src bash :exports code :eval never tlmgr init-usertree #+end_src Run the following commands to create the =scimax= command ( [[file:${HOME}/bin/scimax][~/bin/scimax]] on linux and macos, [[file:${HOME}/bin/scimax.ps1][~/bin/scimax.ps1]] on windows), and the config file [[file:${HOME}/opt/scimax/user/user.el][user.el]] that is needed for the rest of the process. # astoundingly powershell redirection and bash redirection have the same behavior for strings so it makes it # possible to work around the fact that the behavior is effectively mutually exclusive for strings passed as # arguments, all I can do is laugh at how dumb this is # NOTE: can't use line continuation here because it is different between powershell and posix #+name: tangle-setup-org #+begin_src sh :eval never echo '(defvar *path-to-setup.org* "~/git/sparc-curation/docs/setup.org")' > vars.el emacs --batch --load vars.el --load org --load ob-shell --eval '(org-babel-tangle-file *path-to-setup.org*)' --load ~/opt/scimax/user/user.el --eval '(org-babel-tangle-file *path-to-setup.org*)' rm vars.el #+end_src # yes we tangle twice here intentionally because user-config-path needs to be defined # before the second round of tangles can succeed When running the next block =scimax= will launch emacs an install a number of packages (DON'T PANIC). It is normal to see errors during this step. When everything finishes installing you should find yourself staring at next section of this file [[#per-user-setup][Per user setup]] and can continue from there in =scimax=. # NOTE: cannot use line continuation because it breaks posix/powershell portability #+name: scimax-bootstrap #+begin_src bash :exports code :eval never scimax --find-file ~/git/sparc-curation/docs/setup.org --eval "(add-hook 'window-setup-hook (lambda () (org-goto-section *section-per-user-setup*)))" #+end_src *** Per user setup :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: per-user-setup :END: You should now have this file open in =scimax= and can run the code blocks directly by clicking on a block and typing =C-c C-c= (control c control c). In the default =scimax= setup code blocks will appear as yellow or green. Note that not all yellow blocks are source code, some may be examples, you can tell because examples won't execute and the start with =#+BEGIN_EXAMPLE= instead of =#+BEGIN_SRC=. All the following should be run as your user in =scimax=. If you run these blocks from the command line be sure to run nameref:remote-exports first. When you run this block emacs will think for about 3 minutes as it retrieves everything. You can know that it is thinking because your mouse will be in thinking mode if you hover over emacs, and because in the minibuffer window at the bottom of the window there will be a message saying something to the effect of =Wrote /tmp/babel-nonsense/ob-input-nonsense=. If an error window appears when running this block just run it again. You can also run this block to update an existing installation. *After running this block you can move on to the [[#configuration-files][Configuration files]] section.* # FIXME why no output on first run? too many errors? # ANSWER i think it is because raco pkg install runs in alphabetical order #+CAPTION: You can run them all at once from this block. #+HEADER: :var REPOS=repos PYROOTS=py-roots RKTROOTS=rkt-roots #+BEGIN_SRC bash :results output :noweb yes :exports none :eval no-export <> <> <> <> <> <> #+END_SRC See [[#developer-setup-code][Developer setup code]] in the appendix for the source for this block. *** Configuration files :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: configuration-files :END: The config files for this section should have already been tangled to the correct locations when [[tangle-setup-org][setup.org was tangled]]. If you want to see their source it is contained in the [[#config-templates][Config Templates appendix]] If the basic configuration files have been tangled correctly you should be able to run this block with =C-c C-c= and get results. #+name: test-basic-config #+begin_src bash :results output drawer scig t brain #+end_src At this point installation is complete. *Congratulations!* *You should log out and log back in to your window manager* so that any new terminal you open will have access to all the programs you just installed. Logout on the default ubuntu window manager is located in the upper right. *When you log back in* run the following command to start at the next step. # Yes, this is a hilarious chicken and egg problem, I know. # NOTE: cannot use line continuation because it breaks posix/powershell portability #+NAME: launch-setup-org-2 #+CAPTION: Run the following to open this file in an executable form. #+BEGIN_SRC bash :exports code :eval never scimax --find-file ~/git/sparc-curation/docs/setup.org --eval "(add-hook 'window-setup-hook (lambda () (org-goto-section *section-accounts-and-api-access*)))" #+END_SRC When you exit emacs it may ask you if you want to save, say yes so that the logs of the install are saved. The [[#accounts-and-api-access][next section]] will walk you through the steps needed to get access to all the various systems holding different pieces of data that we need. *** Accounts and API access :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: accounts-and-api-access :END: At this point you should open your =secrets.yaml= file so that you can edit it as you work through the next section where you will get the various API keys that you will need to replace the fake values (seen in the template below). Direct links per platform are listed below. Clicking on the link will open it in another buffer. While editing the file you can save using the file menu, =C-x C-s= (emacs keys), or =:w= (vim keys). | Linux | [[file:${HOME}/.config/orthauth/secrets.yaml][~/.config/orthauth/secrets.yaml]] | | Macos | [[file:${HOME}/Library/Application Support/orthauth/secrets.yaml][~/Library/Application Support/orthauth/secrets.yaml]] | | Windows | [[file:${HOME}/AppData/Local/orthauth/secrets.yaml][~/AppData/Local/orthauth/secrets.yaml]] | _*When you are done* there should be *NO* entries with =*replace-me-with:= in the file._ The notation =(-> key1 key2 key3)= indicates a path in the =secrets.yaml= file. In a yaml file this looks like the block below. Replace the =fake-value= with the real value you obtain in the following sections. #+CAPTION: yaml view of =(-> key1 key2 key3)= #+BEGIN_SRC yaml :eval never key1: key2: key3: fake-value #+END_SRC **** Blackfynn Once you have a Blackfynn account on the sparc org go to your [[https://app.blackfynn.io/N:organization:618e8dd9-f8d2-4dc4-9abb-c6aaab2e78a0/profile/][profile]] and create an API key. Put they key in =(-> blackfynn sparc key)= and the secret in =(-> blackfynn sparc secret)=. While you are there you should also connect your ORCiD (button at the bottom of the page). **** Google API Enable the [[https://console.developers.google.com/apis/library/sheets.googleapis.com][google sheets API]] from the [[https://console.developers.google.com][google api dashboard]]. If you need other APIs you can enable them via the [[https://console.developers.google.com/apis/library][library page]]. *If you do not do this then at the end of the client flow you will receive a =invalid_clientUnauthorized= error.* The instructions below are probably incomplete/missing steps. \\ Useful docs for =(-> google api creds-file)= \\ https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/OAuth2 \\ https://developers.google.com/api-client-library/python/guide/aaa_oauth \\ You will need to get API access for an OAuth client. 1. https://console.developers.google.com/apis/credentials 2. create credentials -> OAuth client ID 3. Fill in the consent screen, you only need the Application name field. 4. Download JSON 5. Add the name of the downloaded JSON file to =(-> google api creds-file)=. 6. Run the following \\ =googapis auth sheets= and \\ =googapis auth sheets --readonly=. Those commands will run the auth workflow and create the file specified at =(-> google api store-file)= for you. During the process you will be taken to (or need to paste a link to) a google login page to confirm that you want to give the google API project you created access to your account. # TODO fix these instructions **** Google sheets Get the document ids for the following. - =(-> google sheets sparc-master)= - =(-> google sheets sparc-consistency)= - =(-> google sheets sparc-affiliations)= - =(-> google sheets sparc-field-alignment)= Document id matches this pattern =https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/{document_id}/edit=. **** protocols.io To get protocols.io API keys [[https://www.protocols.io/create][create an account]], login, and go to your [[https://www.protocols.io/developers][developer page]]. You will need to set the redirect uri on that page to match the redirect uri in the json below. Use the information from that page to fill in a json file with the structure below. Add the full path to that json file to =(-> protocols-io api creds-file)= in secrets.yaml like you did for the google json file. #+CAPTION: protocols.io creds-file.json template #+BEGIN_SRC js { "installed": { "client_id": "pr_live_id_fake-client-id<<<", "client_secret": "pr_live_sc_fake-client-secret<<<", "auth_uri": "https://www.protocols.io/api/v3/oauth/authorize", "token_uri": "https://www.protocols.io/api/v3/oauth/token", "redirect_uris": [ "https://sparc.olympiangods.org/curation/" ] } } #+END_SRC You will be prompted for your protocols.io email and password the first time you run. **** Hypothes.is As your user Install the hypothesis client in chrome. #+CAPTION: open chrome to hypothesis extension install page #+BEGIN_SRC bash :results none google-chrome-stable https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/hypothesis-web-pdf-annota/bjfhmglciegochdpefhhlphglcehbmek #+END_SRC To get Hypothes.is API keys [[https://web.hypothes.is/start/][create an account]], login, and go to your [[https://hypothes.is/account/developer][developer page]]. Add your the API key to =(-> hypothesis api user-default-hypothesis)= **** SciGraph For some use cases you will need access to the SciCrunch production SciGraph endpoint. [[https://scicrunch.org/register][Register for an account]] and [[https://scicrunch.org/account/developer][get an api key]]. Edit [[file:${HOME}/.config/pyontutils/config.yaml][config.yaml]] and update the =scigraph-api-key: path:= entry to point to =scicrunch api name-of-user-or-name-for-the-key=. Edit [[file:${HOME}/.config/orthauth/secrets.yaml][secrets.yaml]] and add the api key to =(-> scicrunch api name-of-user-or-name-for-the-key)=. ** Developer extras *** Python debugger settings **** POSIX If you can use python3.7 (>=ubuntu-19.04) you can set the embedded debugger as follows. #+begin_src bash pip install --user pudb #+end_src Add the following to =~/.bashrc=. #+CAPTION: .bashrc extras #+begin_src bash export PYTHONBREAKPOINT=pudb.set_trace #+end_src **** Windows Sadly =pudb= doesn't support windows so we have to use =ipdb= instead. #+begin_src powershell pip install --user ipdb #+end_src Add the following to your powershell =$profile=. #+caption: powershell =$profile= extras #+begin_src powershell $Env:PYTHONBREAKPOINT = "ipdb.set_trace" #+end_src *** Prevent vim from removing xattrs [[file:${HOME}/.vimrc][~/.vimrc]] settings to prevent klobbering of xattrs #+CAPTION: .vimrc #+begin_src vimrc augroup HasXattrs autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile * let x=system('getfattr ' . bufname('%')) | if len(x) | call HasXattrs() | endif augroup END function HasXattrs() " don't create new inodes setlocal backupcopy=yes endfunction #+end_src ** One shot :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: one-shot :VISIBILITY: folded :END: These bits are os specific setup instructions that need to be run as =root=. They only need to be run once. *** Gentoo #+CAPTION: /var/lib/portage/world #+BEGIN_SRC text app-editors/emacs app-editors/gvim app-text/texlive dev-vcs/git dev-scheme/racket dev-lisp/sbcl www-client/google-chrome-stable #+END_SRC *** Ubuntu 18.10 cosmic cuttlefish (and presumably other debian derivatives) The following need to be run in a shell where you have root (e.g. via =sudo su -=). \\ # Remind me, why is an ssh server not provided by default!? #+CAPTION: Must be done locally as root prior to remote execution. \\ #+BEGIN_SRC bash :exports code :eval never apt install openssh-server net-tools #+END_SRC Add your ssh public key to [[file:${HOME}/.ssh/authorized_keys][~/.ssh/authorized_keys]] if you want to run this remotely. #+NAME: ubuntu-root-setup #+CAPTION: Can be run remotely as root. #+CAPTION: texlive-full is a big boy, minimal version is #+CAPTION: texlive texlive-luatex texlive-latex-extra \\ #+BEGIN_SRC bash :exports code :eval never wget -q -O - https://dl-ssl.google.com/linux/linux_signing_key.pub | apt-key add - echo 'deb [arch=amd64] http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/ stable main' \ >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list add-apt-repository ppa:plt/racket add-apt-repository ppa:kelleyk/emacs add-apt-repository ppa:pypy/ppa apt update apt install build-essential lib64readline-dev rxvt-unicode htop attr tree sqlite curl git apt install emacs26 vim-gtk3 texlive-full pandoc hunspell apt install librdf0-dev python3-dev python3-pip pypy3 jupyter racket sbcl r-base r-base-dev maven apt install inkscape gimp krita graphviz firefox google-chrome-stable xfce4 apt install nginx update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python python /usr/bin/python3 10 update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/pip pip /usr/bin/pip3 10 #+END_SRC Ubuntu struggles to set user specific PATHs correctly via =~/.profile= This code works when the user logs in. It does not work correctly if you =su= to the user. Not entirely sure why. Doesn't work on xfce either apparently. The absolute madness. #+NAME: user-home-paths #+CAPTION: Set user home PATHs for all users to simplify later steps #+CAPTION: FIXME for some reason if this block is treated a source block it kills html export !? #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE { cat < /etc/profile.d/user-home-paths.sh #+END_EXAMPLE Other software that you will probably need at some point but that is not packaged on ubuntu. - [[https://imagej.net/Fiji/Downloads][Fiji/ImageJ]] *** Windows **** Symlinks =augpathlib= makes extensive use of symlinks to store metadata for remote files that have not been downloaded. By default normal users cannot create symlinks on windows. The best way to fix this is by granting the user that will run sparcur permission to create symlinks (NOT to run the process as Administrator). Three relevant links: [[https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6260149/os-symlink-support-in-windows][stackoverflow]] [[https://superuser.com/questions/104845/permission-to-make-symbolic-links-in-windows-7][superuser]] [[https://dbondarchuk.com/2016/09/23/adding-permission-for-creating-symlink-using-powershell/][powershell script source]]. *You will need to log out and log back in for the setting to take effect.* You can use =gpedit.msc= to grant these permissions by adding the user by navigating the menu tree below. You can run =gpedit.msc= directly with =Win-r= or often =Win gpedit enter=. #+begin_example Computer configuration └── Windows Settings └── Security Settings └── Local Policies └── User Rights Assignment Create symbolic links #+end_example Alternately you can define and run the function below as Administrator. Run it as =addSymLinkPermissions("user-to-add")=. #+begin_src powershell function addSymLinkPermissions($accountToAdd){ Write-Host "Checking SymLink permissions.." $sidstr = $null try { $ntprincipal = new-object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount "$accountToAdd" $sid = $ntprincipal.Translate([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]) $sidstr = $sid.Value.ToString() } catch { $sidstr = $null } Write-Host "Account: $($accountToAdd)" -ForegroundColor DarkCyan if( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($sidstr) ) { Write-Host "Account not found!" -ForegroundColor Red exit -1 } Write-Host "Account SID: $($sidstr)" -ForegroundColor DarkCyan $tmp = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName() Write-Host "Export current Local Security Policy" -ForegroundColor DarkCyan secedit.exe /export /cfg "$($tmp)" $c = Get-Content -Path $tmp $currentSetting = "" foreach($s in $c) { if( $s -like "SECreateSymbolicLinkPrivilege*") { $x = $s.split("=",[System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries) $currentSetting = $x[1].Trim() } } if( $currentSetting -notlike "*$($sidstr)*" ) { Write-Host "Need to add permissions to SymLink" -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-Host "Modify Setting ""Create SymLink""" -ForegroundColor DarkCyan if( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($currentSetting) ) { $currentSetting = "*$($sidstr)" } else { $currentSetting = "*$($sidstr),$($currentSetting)" } Write-Host "$currentSetting" $outfile = @" [Unicode] Unicode=yes [Version] signature="`$CHICAGO`$" Revision=1 [Privilege Rights] SECreateSymbolicLinkPrivilege = $($currentSetting) "@ $tmp2 = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName() Write-Host "Import new settings to Local Security Policy" -ForegroundColor DarkCyan $outfile | Set-Content -Path $tmp2 -Encoding Unicode -Force Push-Location (Split-Path $tmp2) try { secedit.exe /configure /db "secedit.sdb" /cfg "$($tmp2)" /areas USER_RIGHTS } finally { Pop-Location } } else { Write-Host "NO ACTIONS REQUIRED! Account already in ""Create SymLink""" -ForegroundColor DarkCyan Write-Host "Account $accountToAdd already has permissions to SymLink" -ForegroundColor Green return $true; } } #+end_src **** ssh :optional: You can skip this if you will only be using the windows computer locally. In a local administrator powershell install OpenSSH. The rest can then be done remotely. #+begin_src powershell Get-WindowsCapability -Online | ? Name -like 'OpenSSH*' Add-WindowsCapability -Online -Name OpenSSH.Client~~~~ Add-WindowsCapability -Online -Name OpenSSH.Server~~~~ Set-Service sshd -StartupType Automatic Start-Service sshd # add your ssh key to %programdata%\ssh\administrators_authorized_keys # disable password login in %programdata%\ssh\sshd_config Restart-Service sshd #+end_src **** Package manager For managing a windows development/curation environment I highly recommend using the [[https://chocolatey.org/][chocolatey]] package manager. [[https://chocolatey.org/install#install-with-powershellexe][Install chocolatey]]. #+begin_src powershell :exports code :eval never choco install ` autohotkey ` clisp ` emacs ` firefox ` GoogleChrome ` poshgit ` procexp ` python ` racket ` vim #+end_src Update system Path to include packages that don't add themselves. This needs to be run as administrator. #+begin_src powershell :exports code :eval never $path = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path", [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine) $prefix_path = "C:\Program Files\Racket;C:\Program Files\Git\cmd;C:\Program Files\Git\bin;" [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("Path", $prefix_path + $path, [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine) #+end_src If you are logged in remotely restarting sshd is the easiest way to refresh the environment so commands are in PATH. This is because new shells inherit the environment of sshd at the time that it was started. #+begin_src powershell :exports code :eval never Restart-Service sshd #+end_src You will need to reconnect to a new ssh session in order to have access to git and other newly installed commands. **** Manual install ***** texlive https://www.tug.org/texlive/windows.html https://www.tug.org/texlive/acquire-netinstall.html http://mirror.ctan.org/systems/texlive/tlnet/install-tl-windows.exe This takes quite a while, about 50 mins on a good connection with a fast computer. ***** protege https://github.com/protegeproject/protege-distribution/releases/latest ***** redland rdf tools http://librdf.org/raptor/INSTALL.html https://github.com/dajobe/raptor Unfortunately to get the latest version of these it seems you have to build them yourself. **** old :noexport: add to PATH so we can just link everything there =%HOMEPATH%\bin= =%APPDATA%\Python\Python37\Scripts= TODO =-l %HOMEPATH%/opt/scimax/init.el setup.org= in the shortcut ... also =%HOMEPATH%= for the start in ... *** OS X **** ssh :optional: You can skip this if you will only be using the osx computer locally. #+begin_src bash sudo systemsetup -setremotelogin on # scp your key over to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys # set PasswordAuthentication no in /etc/ssh/sshd_config # set ChallengeResponseAuthentication no in /etc/ssh/sshd_config sudo launchctl unload /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ssh.plist sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ssh.plist #+end_src **** Package manager [[https://brew.sh/][Install homebrew]]. #+begin_src bash :exports code :eval never /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/5ecca39372cffdc4c9fbacee6e22328a0dc61eac/install)" brew cask install \ emacs \ firefox \ gimp \ google-chrome \ inkscape \ krita \ mactex \ macvim \ protege \ racket brew install \ coreutils \ curl \ git \ htop \ hunspell \ libmagic \ pandoc \ postgres \ pyenv \ python \ redland \ rxvt-unicode \ sbcl \ sqlite \ tree #+end_src Add the following to your ~/.bash_profile #+CAPTION: .bash_profile #+begin_src bash :exports code :eval never # This file is sourced by bash for login shells. The following line # runs your .bashrc and is recommended by the bash info pages. [[ -f ~/.bashrc ]] && . ~/.bashrc #+end_src Add the following to your ~/.bashrc #+CAPTION: .bashrc #+begin_src bash :exports code :eval never export PATH=${HOME}/bin:${HOME}/Library/Python/3.7/bin:${PATH} #+end_src Run the following to symlink python3 to python #+begin_src bash :eval never mkdir ~/bin ln -s /usr/local/bin/python3 ~/bin/python ln -s /usr/local/bin/pip3 ~/bin/pip #+end_src * Workflows ** General *** Updating an installation :PROPERTIES: :VISIBILITY: folded :END: #+NAME: git-pull-all #+CAPTION: new features that you want to use? aka git pull all or =gpa= if implemented as a function #+BEGIN_SRC bash :results output :var REPOS=repos pushd ~/git for d in $(ls); do if [ -d $d/.git ]; then pushd $d; git pull || break; popd; fi; done popd #+END_SRC #+name: git-pull-all-windows #+begin_src powershell function Git-Pull-All { if($pwd.Path -eq $HOME) { pushd ~/git } foreach($p in Get-ChildItem -directory) { if($p.GetDirectories(".git")) { pushd $p; git pull; popd } } } #+end_src ** SPARC *** WARNINGS 1. *DO NOT USE* =cp -a= copy files with xattrs! \\ *INSTEAD* use =rsync -X -u -v=. \\ =cp= does not remove absent fields from xattrs of the file previously occupying that name! OH NO (is this a =cp= bug!?) *** Get data :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: get-data :VISIBILITY: folded :END: If you have never retrieved the data before run. #+CAPTION: first time per local network #+BEGIN_SRC bash :results none pushd ~/files/blackfynn_local/ spc clone ${SPARC_ORG_ID} # initialize a new repo and pull existing structure scp refresh -f spc fetch # actually download files spc find -n '*.xlsx' -n '*.csv' -n '*.tsv' -n '*.msexcel' # see what to fetch spc find -n '*.xlsx' -n '*.csv' -n '*.tsv' -n '*.msexcel'-f # fetch spc find -n '*.xlsx' -n '*.csv' -n '*.tsv' -n '*.msexcel'-f -r 10 # slow down you are seeing errors! #+END_SRC #+CAPTION: unfriendly refersh #+BEGIN_SRC bash :results none ls -Q | xargs -P10 -r -n 1 sh -c 'spc refresh -r 4 "${1}"' #+END_SRC #+CAPTION: friendly refersh #+BEGIN_SRC bash :results none find -maxdepth 1 -type d -name '[C-Z]*' -exec spc refresh -r 8 {} \; #+END_SRC #+CAPTION: find any stragglers #+BEGIN_SRC bash :results none find \( -name '*.xlsx' -o -name '*.csv' -o -name '*.tsv' \) -exec ls -hlS {} \+ #+END_SRC Open the dataset page for all empty directories in the browser. #+begin_src bash find -maxdepth 1 -type d -empty -exec spc pull {} \+ find -maxdepth 1 -type d -empty -exec spc meta -u --browser {} \+ #+end_src # temp fix for summary making folders when it should skip #+CAPTION: clean up empty directories #+BEGIN_SRC bash :results none find -maxdepth 1 -type d -empty -exec rmdir {} \; #+END_SRC Pull local copy of data to a new computer. Note the double escape needed for the space. #+BEGIN_SRC bash :results none :eval never rsync -X -u -v -r -e ssh ${REMOTE_HOST}:/home/${DATA_USER}/files/blackfynn_local/SPARC\\\ Consortium ~/files/blackfynn_local/ #+END_SRC =-X= copy extended attributes =-u= update files =-v= verbose =-r= recursive =-e= remote shell to use *** Fetch missing files :PROPERTIES: :VISIBILITY: folded :END: fetching a whole dataset or a subset of a dataset =spc ** -f= *** Export :PROPERTIES: :VISIBILITY: folded :END: #+CAPTION: export everything #+BEGIN_SRC bash pushd ${SPARCDATA} spc export popd #+END_SRC Setup as root #+begin_src bash :eval never mkdir -p /var/www/sparc/sparc/archive/exports/ chown -R nginx:nginx /var/www/sparc #+end_src #+name: &sparc-export-to-server-function #+CAPTION: copy export to server location, run as root #+BEGIN_SRC bash :eval never # export vs exports, no wonder this is so confusing >_< function sparc-export-to-server () { : ${SPARCUR_EXPORTS:=/var/lib/sparc/.local/share/sparcur/export} EXPORT_BASE=${SPARCUR_EXPORTS}/N:organization:618e8dd9-f8d2-4dc4-9abb-c6aaab2e78a0/integrated/ FOLDERNAME=$(readlink ${EXPORT_BASE}/LATEST) FULLPATH=${EXPORT_BASE}/${FOLDERNAME} pushd /var/www/sparc/sparc cp -a "${FULLPATH}" archive/exports/ && chown -R nginx:nginx archive && unlink exports ; ln -sT "archive/exports/${FOLDERNAME}" exports popd echo Export complete. Check results at: echo fill-in-the-url-here } #+END_SRC *** Export and report You can't run this directly because the venvs create their own subshell. #+begin_src bash :dir "/ssh:cassava-sparc:~/files/test2/SPARC Curation" :eval never # git repos are in ~/files/venvs/sparcur-dev/git # use the development pull code source ~/files/venvs/sparcur-dev/bin/activate spc pull # switch to the production export pipeline source ~/files/venvs/sparcur-1/bin/activate spc export #+end_src #+begin_src bash :dir /ssh:cassava|sudo:cassava <<&sparc-export-to-server-function>> sparc-export-to-server #+end_src #+begin_src bash :eval never function fetch-and-run-reports () { local FN="/tmp/curation-export-$(date -Is).json" curl https://cassava.ucsd.edu/sparc/exports/curation-export.json -o "${FN}" spc report all --sort-count-desc --to-sheets --export-file "${FN}" } fetch-and-run-reports #+end_src *** Reporting :PROPERTIES: :VISIBILITY: folded :END: turtle diff #+begin_src bash spc report changes \ --ttl-file https://cassava.ucsd.edu/sparc/archive/exports/2020-08-03T11:09:55,698159-07:00/curation-export.ttl \ --ttl-compare https://cassava.ucsd.edu/sparc/archive/exports/2020-07-31T02:01:25,430792-07:00/curation-export.ttl #+end_src #+CAPTION: reports #+BEGIN_SRC bash spc report completeness #+END_SRC #+CAPTION: reporting dashboard #+BEGIN_SRC bash spc server --latest --count #+END_SRC #+begin_src python keywords = sorted(set([k for d in asdf['datasets'] if 'meta' in d and 'keywords' in d['meta'] for k in d['meta']['keywords']])) #+end_src *** Queries **** Human datasets queries #+name: human-datasets-queries #+begin_src python :results output drawer :exports both :eval no-export import rdflib from pyontutils.core import OntResIri from pyontutils.namespaces import sparc, TEMP, dc, rdfs ori = OntResIri('https://cassava.ucsd.edu/sparc/exports/curation-export.ttl') g = ori.graph gns = g.namespace_manager def fmt(s, u): return f'[[{u}][{s.n3(gns)}]]' species = set([fmt(do, urih) for s, p, o in g if isinstance(o, rdflib.Literal) and ('human' in o.lower() or 'homo' in o.lower()) and p == sparc.animalSubjectIsOfSpecies for do in g[s:TEMP.hasDerivedInformationAsParticipant] for urih in g[do:TEMP.hasUriHuman]]) hlabel = set([fmt(s, urih) for s, p, o in g if isinstance(o, rdflib.Literal) and ('human' in o.lower() or 'homo' in o.lower()) and p == rdfs.label for urih in g[s:TEMP.hasUriHuman]]) htitle = set([fmt(s, urih) for s, p, o in g if isinstance(o, rdflib.Literal) and ('human' in o.lower() or 'homo' in o.lower()) and p == dc.title for urih in g[s:TEMP.hasUriHuman]]) htd = set([fmt(s, urih) for s, p, o in g if isinstance(o, rdflib.Literal) and ('human' in o.lower() or 'homo' in o.lower()) and (p == dc.title or p == dc.description) for urih in g[s:TEMP.hasUriHuman]]) counts = dict(species=len(human), label=len(hlabel), title=len(htitle), title_and_desc=len(htd)) [print(_ + r' \\') for _ in ['species n= ' + str(counts['species'])] + sorted(species) + ['label n= ' + str(counts['label'])] + sorted(hlabel) + ['title n= ' + str(counts['title'])] + sorted(htitle) + ['td n= ' + str(counts['title_and_desc'])] + sorted(htd)] #+end_src *** Archiving files with xattrs :PROPERTIES: :VISIBILITY: folded :END: =tar= is the only one of the 'usual' suspects for file archiving that supports xattrs, =zip= cannot. #+CAPTION: archive #+begin_src bash tar --force-local --xattrs -cvzf 2019-07-17T10\:44\:16\,457344.tar.gz '2019-07-17T10:44:16,457344/' #+end_src #+CAPTION: extract #+begin_src bash tar --force-local --xattrs -xvzf 2019-07-17T10\:44\:16\,457344.tar.gz #+end_src #+CAPTION: test #+begin_src bash find 2019-07-17T10\:44\:16\,457344 -exec getfattr -d {} \; #+end_src *** Other random commands **** Duplicate top level and ./.operations/objects :PROPERTIES: :VISIBILITY: folded :END: # TODO upgrade this into backup and duplication #+begin_src bash function sparc-copy-pull () { : ${SPARC_PARENT:=${HOME}/files/blackfynn_local/} local TODAY=$(date +%Y%m%d) pushd ${SPARC_PARENT} && mv SPARC\ Consortium "SPARC Consortium_${TODAY}" && rsync -ptgo -A -X -d --no-recursive --exclude=* "SPARC Consortium_${TODAY}/" SPARC\ Consortium && mkdir SPARC\ Consortium/.operations && mkdir SPARC\ Consortium/.operations/trash && rsync -X -u -v -r "SPARC Consortium_${TODAY}/.operations/objects" SPARC\ Consortium/.operations/ && pushd SPARC\ Consortium && spc pull || echo "spc pull failed" popd popd } #+end_src **** Simplified error report :PROPERTIES: :VISIBILITY: folded :END: #+CAPTION: simplified error report #+begin_src bash jq -r '[ .datasets[] | {id: .id, name: .meta.folder_name, se: [ .status.submission_errors[].message ] | unique, ce: [ .status.curation_errors[].message ] | unique } ]' curation-export.json #+end_src **** File extensions :PROPERTIES: :VISIBILITY: folded :END: ***** List all file extensions Get a list of all file extensions. #+begin_src bash find -type l -o -type f | grep -o '\(\.[a-zA-Z0-9]\+\)\+$' | sort -u #+end_src ***** Get ids with files matching a specific extension Arbitrary information about a dataset with files matching a pattern. The example here gives ids for all datasets that contain xml files. Nesting =find -exec= does not work so the first pattern here uses shell globing to get the datasets. #+begin_src bash function datasets-matching () { for d in */; do find "$d" \( -type l -o -type f \) -name "*.$1" \ -exec getfattr -n user.bf.id --only-values "$d" \; -printf '\n' -quit ; done } #+end_src ***** Fetch files matching a specific pattern Fetch files that have zero size (indication that fetch is broken). #+begin_src bash find -type f -name '*.xml' -empty -exec spc fetch {} \+ #+end_src **** Sort of manifest generation :PROPERTIES: :VISIBILITY: folded :END: This is slow, but prototypes functionality useful for the curators. #+begin_src bash find -type d -not -name 'ephys' -name 'ses-*' -exec bash -c \ 'pushd $1 1>/dev/null; pwd >> ~/manifest-stuff.txt; spc report size --tab-table ./* >> ~/manifest-stuff.txt; popd 1>/dev/null' _ {} \; #+end_src **** Path ids This one is fairly slow, but is almost certainly i/o limited due to having to read the xattrs. Maintaining the backup database of the mappings would make this much faster. #+begin_src bash # folders and files find . -not -type l -not -path '*operations*' -exec getfattr -n user.bf.id --only-values {} \; -print # broken symlink format, needs work, hard to parse find . -type l -not -path '*operations*' -exec readlink -n {} \; -print #+end_src **** Path counts per dataset #+begin_src bash for d in */; do printf "$(find "${d}" -print | wc -l) "; printf "$(getfattr --only-values -n user.bf.id "${d}") ${d}\n" ; done | sort -n #+end_src ** SODA Have to clone [[https://github.com/bvhpatel/SODA][SODA]] and fetch the files for testing. #+header: :var parent_folder="~/files/blackfynn_local/" #+header: :var path="./SPARC Consortium/The effect of gastric stimulation location on circulating blood hormone levels in fasted anesthetized rats/source/pool-r1009" #+begin_src python :dir ~/git/SODA/src/pysoda :results drawer output from pprint import pprint import pysoda from sparcur.paths import Path p = Path(parent_folder, path).expanduser().resolve() children = list(p.iterdir()) blob = pysoda.create_folder_level_manifest( {p.resolve().name: children}, {k.name + '_description': ['some description'] * len(children) for k in [p] + list(p.iterdir())}) manifest_path = Path(blob[p.name][-1]) manifest_path.xopen() pprint(manifest_path) #+end_src ** Developer See also the [[file:./developer-guide.org][sparcur developer guild]] *** Releases :PROPERTIES: :VISIBILITY: folded :END: **** DatasetTemplate Commit any changes and push to master. #+begin_src bash make-template-zip () { local CLEANROOM=/tmp/cleanroom/ mkdir ${CLEANROOM} || return 1 pushd ${CLEANROOM} git clone https://github.com/SciCrunch/sparc-curation.git && pushd ${CLEANROOM}/sparc-curation/resources zip -r DatasetTemplate.zip DatasetTemplate mv DatasetTemplate.zip ${CLEANROOM} popd rm -rf ${CLEANROOM}/sparc-curation popd } make-template-zip #+end_src Once that is done open /tmp/cleanroom/DatasetTemplate.zip in =file-roller= or similar and make sure everything is as expected. Create the GitHub release. The tag name should have the format =dataset-template-1.1= where the version number should match the metadata version embedded in [[file:../resources/DatasetTemplate/dataset_description.xlsx][dataset_description.xlsx]]. Minor versions such as =dataset-template-1.2.1= are allowed. Attach =${CLEANROOM}/DatasetTemplate.zip= as a release asset. Update https://github.com/Blackfynn/docs.sparc.science/blob/master/pages/data_submission/submit_data.md https://github.com/Blackfynn/docs.sparc.science/blob/master/pages/sparc_portal/sparc_data_format.md and with the new link. [[file:../../docs.sparc.science/pages/data_submission/submit_data.md][Link to the local copy.]] [[file:../../docs.sparc.science/pages/sparc_portal/sparc_data_format.md][Link to the local copy.]] *** Getting to know the codebase :PROPERTIES: :VISIBILITY: folded :END: Use =inspect.getclasstree= along with =pyontutils.utils.subclasses= to display hierarchies of classes. #+begin_src python :results output verbatim org from inspect import getclasstree from pyontutils.utils import subclasses from IPython.lib.pretty import pprint # classes to inspect import pathlib from sparcur import paths def class_tree(root): return getclasstree(list(subclasses(root))) pprint(class_tree(pathlib.PurePosixPath)) #+end_src #+RESULTS: #+begin_src org [(pathlib.Path, (pathlib.PurePath,)), [(pathlib.PosixPath, (pathlib.Path, pathlib.PurePosixPath)), [(AugmentedPath, (pathlib.PosixPath,)), [(CachePath, (AugmentedPath,)), [(PrimaryCache, (CachePath,)), [(BlackfynnCache, (PrimaryCache, XattrCache)), (SshCache, (PrimaryCache, XattrCache))], (SqliteCache, (CachePath,)), (SymlinkCache, (CachePath,)), (XattrCache, (CachePath, XattrPath)), [(BlackfynnCache, (PrimaryCache, XattrCache)), (SshCache, (PrimaryCache, XattrCache))]], (XattrPath, (AugmentedPath,)), [(LocalPath, (XattrPath,)), [(Path, (LocalPath,))], (XattrCache, (CachePath, XattrPath)), [(BlackfynnCache, (PrimaryCache, XattrCache)), (SshCache, (PrimaryCache, XattrCache))]]]]], (pathlib.PurePosixPath, (pathlib.PurePath,)), [(pathlib.PosixPath, (pathlib.Path, pathlib.PurePosixPath)), [(AugmentedPath, (pathlib.PosixPath,)), [(CachePath, (AugmentedPath,)), [(PrimaryCache, (CachePath,)), [(BlackfynnCache, (PrimaryCache, XattrCache)), (SshCache, (PrimaryCache, XattrCache))], (SqliteCache, (CachePath,)), (SymlinkCache, (CachePath,)), (XattrCache, (CachePath, XattrPath)), [(BlackfynnCache, (PrimaryCache, XattrCache)), (SshCache, (PrimaryCache, XattrCache))]], (XattrPath, (AugmentedPath,)), [(LocalPath, (XattrPath,)), [(Path, (LocalPath,))], (XattrCache, (CachePath, XattrPath)), [(BlackfynnCache, (PrimaryCache, XattrCache)), (SshCache, (PrimaryCache, XattrCache))]]]]]] #+end_src *** Viewing logs :PROPERTIES: :VISIBILITY: folded :END: View the latest log file with colors using =less=. #+begin_src bash less -R $(ls -d ~sparc/files/blackfynn_local/export/log/* | tail -n 1) #+end_src For a permanent fix for =less= add #+begin_src bash alias less='less -R' #+end_src *** Debugging terminal pipeline errors :PROPERTIES: :VISIBILITY: folded :END: You have an error! #+begin_src python maybe_size = c.cache.meta.size # << AttributeError here #+end_src Modify to wrap code #+begin_src python try: maybe_size = c.cache.meta.size except AttributeError as e: breakpoint() # << investigate error #+end_src Temporary squash by logging as an exception with optional explanation #+begin_src python try: maybe_size = c.cache.meta.size except AttributeError as e: log.exception(e) log.error(f'explanation for error and local variables {c}') #+end_src *** Dataset removed :PROPERTIES: :VISIBILITY: folded :END: If a dataset is removed, just move it manually to trash IF it is clear that it was supposed to be removed, otherwise to consult the curation team. You can confirm that it was actually removed by checking Blackfynn directly using DATASETID from the error trace. #+begin_src spc meta -u "$(spc goto ${DATASETID})" #+end_src Example trace. #+begin_src Future exception was never retrieved future: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python3.6/concurrent/futures/thread.py", line 56, in run result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs) File "/var/lib/sparc/git/pyontutils/pyontutils/utils.py", line 416, in generator = (lambda:list(limited_gen(chunk, smooth_offset=(i % lc)/lc, time_est=time_est, debug=debug, thread=i)) # this was the slowdown culpret File "/var/lib/sparc/git/pyontutils/pyontutils/utils.py", line 455, in limited_gen yield element() File "/var/lib/sparc/git/pyontutils/pyontutils/utils.py", line 376, in inner return function(*args, **kwargs) File "/var/lib/sparc/git/sparc-curation/sparcur/paths.py", line 1156, in refresh size_limit_mb=size_limit_mb) File "/var/lib/sparc/git/sparc-curation/sparcur/backends.py", line 816, in refresh old_meta = self.meta File "/var/lib/sparc/git/sparc-curation/sparcur/backends.py", line 872, in meta return PathMeta(size=self.size, File "/var/lib/sparc/git/sparc-curation/sparcur/backends.py", line 603, in size if isinstance(self.bfobject, File): File "/var/lib/sparc/git/sparc-curation/sparcur/backends.py", line 401, in bfobject bfobject = self._api.get(self._seed) File "/var/lib/sparc/git/sparc-curation/sparcur/blackfynn_api.py", line 795, in get thing = self.bf.get_dataset(id) # heterogenity is fun! File "/var/lib/sparc/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/blackfynn/client.py", line 231, in get_dataset raise Exception("No dataset matching name or ID '{}'.".format(name_or_id)) Exception: No dataset matching name or ID 'N:dataset:83e0ebd2-dae2-4ca0-ad6e-81eb39cfc053'. sparc@cassava:~/files/blackfynn_local/SPARC Consortium$ spc goto 'N:dataset:83e0ebd2-dae2-4ca0-ad6e-81eb39cfc053' Hackathon Team Materials sparc@cassava:~/files/blackfynn_local/SPARC Consortium$ mv Hackathon\ Team\ Materials ../.trash/ sparc@cassava:~/files/blackfynn_local/SPARC Consortium$ spc pull #+end_src * Variables :noexport: :PROPERTIES: :VISIBILITY: folded :END: If you make any changes to this section be sure to run =#+SRC= and =#+CALL:= blocks below. GitHub repositories #+NAME: tgbugs-repos | augpathlib idlib hyputils orthauth ontquery parsercomb pyontutils protc rrid-metadata rkdf orgstrap | #+NAME: sci-repos | NIF-Ontology scibot sparc-curation | #+NAME: other-repos | Ophirr33/pda zussitarze/qrcode | Repository local roots. The ordering of the entries matters. #+NAME: py-roots | augpathlib idlib pyontutils/htmlfn pyontutils/ttlser hyputils orthauth ontquery parsercomb pyontutils pyontutils/nifstd pyontutils/neurondm protc/protcur sparc-curation scibot | #+NAME: rkt-roots | qrcode/ pda/ protc/protc-lib protc/protc-tools-lib protc/protc protc/protc-tools rkdf/rkdf-lib rkdf/rkdf rrid-metadata/rrid NIF-Ontology/ | ** Make repos #+NAME: repos-code #+HEADER: :var trl=tgbugs-repos srl=sci-repos orl=other-repos #+BEGIN_SRC python :results value :eval no-export from itertools import chain urs = chain((('tgbugs', r) for tr in trl for rs in tr for r in rs.split(' ')), (('SciCrunch', r) for sr in srl for rs in sr for r in rs.split(' ')), (ur.split('/') for o_r in orl for urs in o_r for ur in urs.split(' '))) #print(trl, srl, orl) #print(list(urs)) # will express the generator so there will be no result out = [] for user, repo in urs: out.append(f'https://github.com/{user}/{repo}') return [' '.join(out)] #+END_SRC #+NAME: repos #+RESULTS: repos-code | https://github.com/tgbugs/augpathlib https://github.com/tgbugs/idlib https://github.com/tgbugs/hyputils https://github.com/tgbugs/orthauth https://github.com/tgbugs/ontquery https://github.com/tgbugs/parsercomb https://github.com/tgbugs/pyontutils https://github.com/tgbugs/protc https://github.com/tgbugs/rrid-metadata https://github.com/tgbugs/rkdf https://github.com/tgbugs/orgstrap https://github.com/SciCrunch/NIF-Ontology https://github.com/SciCrunch/scibot https://github.com/SciCrunch/sparc-curation https://github.com/Ophirr33/pda https://github.com/zussitarze/qrcode | ** Variables testing #+CAPTION: testing #+HEADER: :var REPOS=repos PYROOTS=py-roots RKTROOTS=rkt-roots #+BEGIN_SRC bash for repo in ${REPOS}; do echo ${repo}; done echo '-------------' for repo in ${PYROOTS}; do echo ${repo}; done echo '-------------' for repo in ${RKTROOTS}; do echo ${repo}; done #+END_SRC ** Remote exports code #+NAME: remote-exports-code #+CAPTION: export commands to set if running remotely via copy and paste #+HEADER: :var REPOS=repos PYROOTS=py-roots RKTROOTS=rkt-roots #+BEGIN_SRC bash :results output code example :exports results :eval no-export echo export REPOS="'" printf "$(echo ${REPOS} | tr ' ' '\n')" echo echo "'" echo export PYROOTS="'" printf "$(echo ${PYROOTS} | tr ' ' '\n')" echo echo "'" echo export RKTROOTS="'" printf "$(echo ${RKTROOTS} | tr ' ' '\n')" echo echo "'" #+END_SRC #+RESULTS: remote-exports-code #+begin_src bash export REPOS=' https://github.com/tgbugs/augpathlib https://github.com/tgbugs/idlib https://github.com/tgbugs/hyputils https://github.com/tgbugs/orthauth https://github.com/tgbugs/ontquery https://github.com/tgbugs/parsercomb https://github.com/tgbugs/pyontutils https://github.com/tgbugs/protc https://github.com/tgbugs/rrid-metadata https://github.com/tgbugs/rkdf https://github.com/tgbugs/orgstrap https://github.com/SciCrunch/NIF-Ontology https://github.com/SciCrunch/scibot https://github.com/SciCrunch/sparc-curation https://github.com/Ophirr33/pda https://github.com/zussitarze/qrcode ' export PYROOTS=' augpathlib idlib pyontutils/htmlfn pyontutils/ttlser hyputils orthauth ontquery parsercomb pyontutils pyontutils/nifstd pyontutils/neurondm protc/protcur sparc-curation scibot ' export RKTROOTS=' qrcode/ pda/ protc/protc-lib protc/protc-tools-lib protc/protc protc/protc-tools rkdf/rkdf-lib rkdf/rkdf rrid-metadata/rrid NIF-Ontology/ ' #+end_src * Appendix :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: appendix :END: ** Code *** Config Templates :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: config-templates :VISIBILITY: folded :END: =~/.config/pyontutils/config.yaml= #+name: pyontutils-config-defaults #+caption: [[file:${HOME}/.config/pyontutils/config.yaml][~/.config/pyontutils/config.yaml]] #+header: :export neither #+begin_src yaml :tangle (when (and (fboundp 'user-config-path) (not (file-exists-p (user-config-path "pyontutils/config.yaml")))) (user-config-path "pyontutils/config.yaml")) :mkdirp yes auth-stores: secrets: path: '{:user-config-path}/orthauth/secrets.yaml' auth-variables: curies: git-local-base: ~/git git-remote-base: google-api-creds-file: path: google api creds-file google-api-store-file: path: google api store-file google-api-store-file-readonly: path: google api store-file-readonly nifstd-checkout-ok: ontology-local-repo: ontology-org: ontology-repo: patch-config: resources: scigraph-api: https://scigraph.olympiangods.org/scigraph scigraph-api-key: scigraph-graphload: scigraph-services: zip-location: #+end_src =~/.config/sparcur/config.yaml= #+name: sparcur-config-defaults #+caption: [[file:${HOME}/.config/sparcur/config.yaml][~/.config/sparcur/config.yaml]] #+header: :export neither #+begin_src yaml :tangle (when (and (fboundp 'user-config-path) (not (file-exists-p (user-config-path "sparcur/config.yaml")))) (user-config-path "sparcur/config.yaml")) :mkdirp yes auth-stores: secrets: path: '{:user-config-path}/orthauth/secrets.yaml' auth-variables: blackfynn-organization: cache-path: export-path: hypothesis-api-key: hypothesis api default-user hypothesis-group: hypothesis group sparc-curation hypothesis-user: log-path: protocols-io-api-creds-file: protocols-io api creds-file protocols-io-api-store-file: protocols-io api store-file #+end_src =~/.config/orthauth/secrets.yaml= #+name: secrets-template #+caption: [[file:${HOME}/.config/orthauth/secrets.yaml][~/.config/orthauth/secrets.yaml]] #+header: :tangle-mode (identity #o600) #+begin_src yaml :tangle (when (and (fboundp 'user-config-path) (not (file-exists-p (user-config-path "orthauth/secrets.yaml")))) (user-config-path "orthauth/secrets.yaml")) :mkdirp yes blackfynn: sparc: key: *replace-me-with:your-blackfynn-api-key* secret: *replace-me-with:your-blackfynn-api-secret* google: api: creds-file: *replace-me-with:/path/to/creds-file.json* store-file: google-api-token-rw.pickle store-file-readonly: google-api-token.pickle sheets: sparc-consistency: *replace-me-with:document-hash-id* sparc-master: *replace-me-with:document-hash-id* sparc-affiliations: *replace-me-with:document-hash-id* sparc-field-alignment: *replace-me-with:document-hash-id* spc-reports: *replace-me-with:document-hash-id* spc-reports-preview: *replace-me-with:document-hash-id* anno-tags: *replace-me-with:document-hash-id* hypothesis: api: user-default-hypothesis: *replace-me-with:your-hypothesis-api-key* group: sparc-curation: *replace-me-with:sparc-curation-group-id* protocols-io: api: creds-file: *replace-me-with:/path/to/creds-file.json* store-file: protocols-io-api-token-rw.pickle #+end_src *** Bootstrap code :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: bootstrap-code :VISIBILITY: folded :END: **** user.el Tangle the following blocks with =C-c C-v C-t= in vanilla emacs or paste it into scimax's #+NAME: scimax-user-preload #+begin_src elisp :exports code :eval never :tangle ~/opt/scimax/user/preload.el ;; silence ob-ipython complaining about missing command ;; THIS CAN CAUSE RUNTIME ERRORS (setq ob-ipython-html-to-image-program "/dev/null") #+end_src #+NAME: scimax-user-config #+CAPTION: Needed to get sane behavior for executing this file out of the box. #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :exports code :eval never :noweb yes :tangle ~/opt/scimax/user/user.el ;; requires (require 'cl) ;; needed for case ;; org goto heading (defun org-goto-section (heading) "\`heading' should be a string matching the desired heading" (goto-char (org-find-exact-headline-in-buffer heading))) ;; workaround for powershell cmd windows braindead handling of strings (defvar *section-per-user-setup* "Per user setup") (defvar *section-accounts-and-api-access* "Accounts and API access") ;; recenter a line set using --eval to be at the top of the buffer (add-hook 'emacs-startup-hook (lambda () (recenter-top-bottom 0))) ;; line numbers so it is harder to get lost in a big file (when (>= emacs-major-version 26) (setq display-line-numbers-grow-only 1) (global-display-line-numbers-mode 1)) ;; open setup.org symlink without prompt (setq vc-follow-symlinks 1) ;; sane python indenting (setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil) (setq tab-width 4) (setq org-src-preserve-indentation nil) (setq org-src-tab-acts-natively nil) ;; don't hang on tlmgr since it is broken on ubuntu (setq scimax-installed-latex-packages t) ;; save command history (setq history-length t) (savehist-mode 1) (setq savehist-additional-variables '(kill-ring search-ring regexp-search-ring)) ;; racket (when (fboundp 'use-package) (use-package racket-mode :mode "\\.ptc\\'" "\\.rkt\\'" "\\.sxml\\'" :bind (:map racket-mode-map ("" . recompile-quietly)) :init (defun my/buffer-local-tab-complete () "Make \`tab-always-indent' a buffer-local variable and set it to 'complete." (make-local-variable 'tab-always-indent) (setq tab-always-indent 'complete)) (defun rcc () (set (make-local-variable 'compile-command) (format "raco make %s" (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name)))) (add-hook 'racket-mode-hook 'rcc) (add-hook 'racket-mode-hook 'hs-minor-mode) (add-hook 'racket-mode-hook 'goto-address-mode) (add-hook 'racket-mode-hook 'my/buffer-local-tab-complete) (add-hook 'racket-repl-mode-hook 'my/buffer-local-tab-complete))) ;; config paths (defun config-paths (&optional os) (case (or os system-type) ;; ucp udp uchp ulp (gnu/linux '("~/.config" "~/.local/share" "~/.cache" "~/.cache/log")) (darwin '("~/Library/Application Support" "~/Library/Application Support" "~/Library/Caches" "~/Library/Logs")) (windows-nt (let ((ucp "~/AppData/Local")) (list ucp ucp ucp (concat ucp "/Logs")))) (otherwise (error (format "Unknown OS %s" (or os system-type)))))) (eval-when-compile (defvar *config-paths* (config-paths))) (defun fcp (position &optional suffix) (let ((base-path (funcall position *config-paths*))) (if suffix (format "%s/%s" base-path suffix) base-path))) (defun user-config-path (&optional suffix) (fcp #'first suffix)) (defun user-data-path (&optional suffix) (fcp #'second suffix)) (defun user-cache-path (&optional suffix) (fcp #'third suffix)) (defun user-log-path (&optional suffix) (fcp #'fourth suffix)) ;; vim bindings if you need them ;; if undo-tree fails to install for strange reasons M-x list-packages C-s undo-tree ;; to manually install, mega gnu elpa weirdness (setq evil-want-keybinding nil) (when (fboundp 'use-package) (require 'scimax-evil)) #+END_SRC **** scimax launch scripts #+name: scimax-cmd-windows #+begin_src powershell :eval never :tangle (when (eq system-type 'windows-nt) "~/bin/scimax.ps1") emacs -q -l ~/opt/scimax/init.el $args #+end_src #+name: scimax-cmd-posix #+header: :shebang "#!/usr/bin/env bash" #+begin_src bash :eval never :tangle (when (not (eq system-type 'windows-nt)) "~/bin/scimax") :tangle-mode (identity #o755) emacs -q -l ~/opt/scimax/init.el $@ #+end_src *** Developer setup code :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: developer-setup-code :VISIBILITY: folded :END: #+NAME: environment-sanity-checks #+BEGIN_SRC bash :results output :eval no-export # implicit check for bash by being able to run this block at all # git check on the off chance that we made it here without cloning this repo git --version || exit 1 # python version check python -c "print('python ok') if __import__('sys').version_info.major >= 3 else __import__('sys').exit(1)" || exit 2 pip --version || exit 3 # git email check [[ -n "$(git config --list | grep user.email)" ]] || exit 4 #+END_SRC #+NAME: clone-repos #+CAPTION: Clone all required git repositories. #+HEADER: :var REPOS=repos #+BEGIN_SRC bash :results output :eval no-export pushd ~/git for repo_url in ${REPOS}; do git clone ${repo_url}.git 2>&1; done popd #+END_SRC #+NAME: python-setup #+CAPTION: Set up all python repositories so that they can be used from git. #+CAPTION: This also installs missing python dependencies to =~/.local/lib*/python*/site-packages=. #+HEADER: :var PYROOTS=py-roots #+BEGIN_SRC bash :results output :eval no-export [ -z $VIRTUAL_ENV ] || pip install --user wheel # if in a venv wheel will be missing pushd ~/git for repo in ${PYROOTS}; do pushd ${repo}; pip install --user --editable . 2>&1 || break; popd; done popd #+END_SRC #+NAME: racket-ontology #+CAPTION: Convert ontology and build as module for racket. #+CAPTION: This will take a bit of time to run. \\ #+BEGIN_SRC bash :results output :eval no-export ln -s ~/git/rkdf/bin/ttl-to-rkt ~/bin/ttl-to-rkt ln -s ~/git/rkdf/bin/rkdf-convert-all ~/bin/rkdf-convert-all pushd ~/git/NIF-Ontology git checkout dev rkdf-convert-all git checkout master popd #+END_SRC #+NAME: racket-setup #+CAPTION: Install racket packages and dependencies. \\ #+HEADER: :var RKTROOTS=rkt-roots #+BEGIN_SRC bash :results output :eval no-export pushd ~/git raco pkg install --skip-installed --auto --batch ${RKTROOTS} 2>&1 popd #+END_SRC *** Remote exports :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: appendix-remote-exports :VISIBILITY: folded :END: Paste the results of this block into your shell if you are running the code from this file by pasting it into a terminal. _*NOTE: DO NOT EDIT THE CODE BELOW IT WILL BE OVERWRITTEN.*_ #+CALL: remote-exports-code() #+NAME: remote-exports #+HEADER: :eval never #+RESULTS: #+begin_src bash export REPOS=' https://github.com/tgbugs/augpathlib https://github.com/tgbugs/idlib https://github.com/tgbugs/hyputils https://github.com/tgbugs/orthauth https://github.com/tgbugs/ontquery https://github.com/tgbugs/parsercomb https://github.com/tgbugs/pyontutils https://github.com/tgbugs/protc https://github.com/tgbugs/rrid-metadata https://github.com/tgbugs/rkdf https://github.com/tgbugs/orgstrap https://github.com/SciCrunch/NIF-Ontology https://github.com/SciCrunch/scibot https://github.com/SciCrunch/sparc-curation https://github.com/Ophirr33/pda https://github.com/zussitarze/qrcode ' export PYROOTS=' augpathlib idlib pyontutils/htmlfn pyontutils/ttlser hyputils orthauth ontquery parsercomb pyontutils pyontutils/nifstd pyontutils/neurondm protc/protcur sparc-curation scibot ' export RKTROOTS=' qrcode/ pda/ protc/protc-lib protc/protc-tools-lib protc/protc protc/protc-tools rkdf/rkdf-lib rkdf/rkdf rrid-metadata/rrid NIF-Ontology/ ' #+end_src