{ "cells": [ { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "### Animation\n", "\n", "GnuplotRB is able to create gif animations with several plots given as frames.\n", "This may be useful to show how function changes in time.\n", "\n", "#### Examples\n", "##### Changing heatmap" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 1, "metadata": { "collapsed": false }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/html": [ "" ], "text/plain": [ "# [\"map\", {:interpolate=>[8, 8]}], :palette => \"grey\"], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:matrix => true]>], @cmd=\"splot \">, # [\"map\", {:interpolate=>[8, 8]}], :palette => \"grey\"], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:matrix => true]>], @cmd=\"splot \">, # [\"map\", {:interpolate=>[8, 8]}], :palette => \"grey\"], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:matrix => true]>], @cmd=\"splot \">, # [\"map\", {:interpolate=>[8, 8]}], :palette => \"grey\"], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:matrix => true]>], @cmd=\"splot \">, # [\"map\", {:interpolate=>[8, 8]}], :palette => \"grey\"], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:matrix => true]>], @cmd=\"splot \">, # [\"map\", {:interpolate=>[8, 8]}], :palette => \"grey\"], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:matrix => true]>], @cmd=\"splot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:animate => {:delay=>30}]>" ] }, "execution_count": 1, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "require 'gnuplotrb'\n", "include GnuplotRB\n", "include Math\n", "\n", "def generate_heatmaps(initial)\n", " initial.map do\n", " Splot.new(\n", " [initial.shuffle, matrix: true],\n", " pm3d: ['map', interpolate: [8, 8]],\n", " palette: 'grey'\n", " )\n", " end\n", "end\n", "\n", "initial_heatmap = [\n", " [6, 5, 4, 3, 1, 0],\n", " [3, 2, 2, 0, 0, 1],\n", " [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0],\n", " [0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 3],\n", " [0, 0, 1, 2, 4, 3],\n", " [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5],\n", "]\n", "\n", "Animation.new(*generate_heatmaps(initial_heatmap), animate: { delay: 30 })" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "##### Periodic function" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 2, "metadata": { "collapsed": false }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/html": [ "" ], "text/plain": [ "# \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # \"Moving sinx\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:yrange => -2..2, :xrange => -5..5, :samples => 1000]>" ] }, "execution_count": 2, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "def periodic_plots\n", " count = 100\n", " timestep = 2 * PI / count\n", " count.times.map do |i|\n", " angle = i * timestep\n", " Plot.new([\"sin(x * 30 - 10 * #{angle}) * exp(-abs(x + 2 * sin(#{angle})))\", title: 'Moving sinx'])\n", " end\n", "end\n", "\n", "Animation.new(*periodic_plots, xrange: -5..5, yrange: -2..2, samples: 1000)" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "##### Trajectory plots" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 3, "metadata": { "collapsed": false }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/html": [ "" ], "text/plain": [ "# 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>], @options=Hamster::Hash[]>" ] }, "execution_count": 3, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "G = -9.8\n", "\n", "def generate_plots(initial, count, time)\n", " timestep = time.to_f / count\n", " xx = []\n", " yy = []\n", " vx = []\n", " vy = []\n", " tt = []\n", " x_extremum = [\n", " initial[:position][0] + initial[:velocity][0] * time,\n", " initial[:position][0]\n", " ]\n", " y_extremum = [\n", " initial[:position][1] + initial[:velocity][1] * time + (G * time ** 2) / 2,\n", " initial[:position][1]\n", " ]\n", " if initial[:velocity][1] < time * G.abs && initial[:velocity][1] > 0\n", " y_extremum << initial[:position][1] + (initial[:velocity][1] ** 2) / (2 * G).abs\n", " end\n", " v_extremum = [\n", " (initial[:velocity][1] + time * G).abs,\n", " initial[:velocity][0].abs,\n", " initial[:velocity][1].abs\n", " ]\n", " max_x = x_extremum.max\n", " min_x = x_extremum.min\n", " max_y = y_extremum.max\n", " min_y = y_extremum.min\n", " min_v = 0\n", " max_v = v_extremum.max\n", " min_t = 0\n", " max_t = time\n", " count.times.map do |i|\n", " t = i * timestep\n", " tt << t\n", " xx << initial[:position][0] + initial[:velocity][0] * t\n", " yy << initial[:position][1] + initial[:velocity][1] * t + (G * t ** 2) / 2\n", " vx << (initial[:velocity][0]).abs\n", " vy << (initial[:velocity][1] + G * t).abs\n", " trajectory = Plot.new(\n", " [[xx, yy], with: 'lines', lw: 2, title: \"Object's trajectory\"],\n", " [[[xx.last], [yy.last]], pointtype: 7, pointsize: 2, title: 'Object'],\n", " xrange: min_x..max_x,\n", " yrange: min_y..max_y,\n", " )\n", " velocity = Plot.new(\n", " [[tt, vx], with: 'lines', title: \"Velocity (x)\"],\n", " [[tt, vy], with: 'lines', title: \"Velocity (y)\"],\n", " xrange: min_t..max_t,\n", " yrange: min_v..max_v,\n", " )\n", " Multiplot.new(trajectory, velocity, layout: [2, 1])\n", " end\n", "end\n", "\n", "initial = {\n", " position: [-10.0, 3.0],\n", " velocity: [1.0, 3.0]\n", "}\n", "\n", "plots = generate_plots(initial, 100, 1)\n", "\n", "trajectory = Animation.new(*plots)" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "collapsed": true }, "source": [ "##### Specific options\n", "\n", "Animations has many specific options which you can find in Gnuplot's documentation (in section about gif terminal). Mostly used in GnuplotRB are:\n", " * *animate* (with suboptions *delay* and *loop*)\n", " * *size*\n", " * *background*\n", "\n", "So lets change delay of previous animation and enlarge the plot." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 5, "metadata": { "collapsed": false }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/html": [ "" ], "text/plain": [ "# 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>, # 1.0999999999999996..3.4591836734693877, :xrange => -10.0..-9.0], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Object's trajectory\", :with => \"lines\", :lw => 2]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:pointtype => 7, :pointsize => 2, :title => \"Object\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">, # 0..6.800000000000001, :xrange => 0..1], @datasets=Hamster::Vector[#, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (x)\", :with => \"lines\"]>, #, @options=Hamster::Hash[:title => \"Velocity (y)\", :with => \"lines\"]>], @cmd=\"plot \">], @options=Hamster::Hash[:layout => [2, 1]]>], @options=Hamster::Hash[:animate => {:delay=>20, :loop=>1}, :size => [640, 800], :background => \"#EDE8FF\"]>" ] }, "execution_count": 5, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "trajectory.options(animate: {delay: 20, loop: 1}, size: [640, 800], background: '#EDE8FF')" ] } ], "metadata": { "kernelspec": { "display_name": "Ruby 2.1.2", "language": "ruby", "name": "ruby" }, "language_info": { "file_extension": "rb", "mimetype": "application/x-ruby", "name": "ruby", "version": "2.1.2" } }, "nbformat": 4, "nbformat_minor": 0 }