{ "version": "1.1.1", "description": "Volta is a hassle-free way to manage your JavaScript command-line tools", "homepage": "https://volta.sh/", "license": "BSD-2-Clause", "notes": [ "To use volta tab-completions, add following code to your PowerShell PROFILE:", "", "(& volta completions powershell) | Out-String | Invoke-Expression" ], "url": "https://github.com/volta-cli/volta/releases/download/v1.1.1/volta-1.1.1-windows.zip", "hash": "5ad9bf1eee764edf2e341a3b616206bb4fb0449e1856ea6c7dbd646c912f2a1c", "installer": { "script": [ "function UpdateExeFile([String] $original, [String] $file, [Switch] $Removal) {", " if (Test-Path \"$persist_dir\\appdata\\bin\\$file\") { # persist new volta shims", " Remove-Item \"$persist_dir\\appdata\\bin\\$file\" -Force", " Copy-Item \"$dir\\$original\" \"$persist_dir\\appdata\\bin\\$file\"", " } else { # or create new shims", " if (!(Test-Path \"$persist_dir\\appdata\\bin\")) {", " New-Item -Path \"$persist_dir\\appdata\\bin\" -ItemType Directory | Out-Null", " }", " Copy-Item \"$dir\\$original\" \"$persist_dir\\appdata\\bin\\$file\"", " }", " if ($Removal) {", " Remove-Item \"$dir\\$original\" -Force", " }", "}", "@('node', 'npm', 'npx', 'pnpm', 'yarn') | ForEach-Object {", " UpdateExeFile 'volta-shim.exe' \"$_.exe\"", " $content = \"@echo off`n`\"%~dpn0.exe`\" %*\"", " Set-Content \"$persist_dir\\appdata\\bin\\$_.cmd\" $content -Encoding ascii", "}", "@('volta', 'volta-migrate', 'volta-shim') | ForEach-Object {", " UpdateExeFile \"$_.exe\" \"$_.exe\" -Removal", "}" ] }, "env_add_path": "appdata\\bin", "env_set": { "VOLTA_HOME": "$dir\\appdata" }, "persist": "appdata", "checkver": { "github": "https://github.com/volta-cli/volta" }, "autoupdate": { "url": "https://github.com/volta-cli/volta/releases/download/v$version/volta-$version-windows.zip" } }