# These are the defaults # Copy this file as "ruuvi-collector.properties" to the same directory as the collector application itself is and # uncomment the lines and change the values, if you need # Base url to connect to, including protocol, hostname or ip address, and port #influxUrl=http://localhost:8086 # InfluxDB Database to use for measurements #influxDatabase=ruuvi # InfluxDB measurement name to use for measurements #influxMeasurement=ruuvi_measurements # Username and password to use in influxdb. These can be ignored if you don't use authentication in InfluxDB. #influxUser=ruuvi #influxPassword=ruuvi # Minimum interval in milliseconds for measurements per measurement type per tag. # This is to avoid saving too many measurements especially with the default firmware which sends measurements every 0.5 seconds # For example 9900 means post at most one measurement type per tag per 9.9 seconds #measurementUpdateLimit=9900 # Limiting strategy, currently valid values: "default" and "defaultWithMotionSensitivity". # The default in both is to discard packets and only to save a packet every [measurementUpdateLimit] milliseconds # (see above). Additionally, the "defaultWithMotionSensitivity" strategy saves packets that exhibit sudden acceleration # changes. The exact threshold is configurable using the limitingStrategy.defaultWithMotionSensitivity.threshold # property. #limitingStrategy=default # Note, the value below has no effect if "default" has been set as the limiting strategy above. # Value of "1" corresponds to 1 G. The default is 0.05, i.e. 50 mG. #limitingStrategy.defaultWithMotionSensitivity.threshold=0.05 # Filtering for sources based on the source MAC address (blacklist or whitelist) # Valid values "none", "blacklist" and "whitelist". # none = Allows any source to be stored (default) # blacklist = Allows all sources EXCEPT those listed # whitelist = Allows ONLY sources that are listed in filter.macs # named = Allows ONLY sources that are listed in ruuvi-names.properties #filter.mode=none # Mac addresses to blacklist/whitelist. This has no effect if filter.mode is set to none #filter.macs=ABCDEF012345,F1E2D3C4B5A6 # Storage method, currently valid values: "influxdb", "legacy_influxdb", "prometheus" and "dummy" # influxdb = Recommended and default, this stores the values to InfluxDB into a single measurement # influxdb_legacy = The old format used by this collector on versions before 0.2.0, stores values into separate measurements. # NOTE: influxdb_legacy is no longer supported, you should use the new influxdb format and migrate old data, see CHANGELOG.md # dummy = Logs the measurements to the log rather than sending them anywhere, feasible for testing and development #storage.method=influxdb # A receiver identifier to tag values written by this instance to influxdb. # You could put in e.g. your host name or bluetooth receiver MAC here. #receiver= # Values to store, the collector is capable of calculating additional values from the values received from a tag, for example absolute humidity and dew point # Valid values "raw", "extended", "whitelist", "blacklist": # raw = Save only the raw values received from the tag. Ignores the storage.values.list property. # extended = In addition to the above, calculate additional values such as absolute humidity, dew point, total acceleration and air density. # Ignores the storage.values.list property. NOTE: the influxdb_legacy storage method does not support extended values # whitelist = Only the values given in the storage.values.list property are stored. (influxdb_legacy storage method not supported.) # blacklist = Only the values not given in the storage.values.list property are stored. (influxdb_legacy storage method not supported.) #storage.values=extended # See MEASUREMENTS.md for all the field names that can be used with storage.values.list. # Note that leaving this list empty while setting storage.values=whitelist results in an exception: no sensor data # would be stored with this combination. Setting storage.values=blacklist and leaving this list empty only results # in a warning, as that is essentially just the same as setting storage.values=extended -- nothing is banned. #storage.values.list = # # Advanced configuration - Change these only if you know what you are doing # # Commands for starting the BLE scanning and the dump. # The scan command is only executed, output and exit is ignored. Setting this blank will disable this command. # The dump command is executed and it's output is parsed, the collector will exit when/if this command ends # In general you want to change these only if you intend to use wrapper scripts or you need to use absolute paths to the executables #command.scan=hcitool lescan --duplicates --passive #command.dump=hcidump --raw # Retention policy to use (note: you must create it yourself) #influxRetentionPolicy=autogen # Use gzip, saves bandwidth at minimal CPU cost #influxGzip=true # Use batch mode, improved performance at the cost of increased delay for measurements to show up. Does not affect the timestamps. #influxBatch=true # Exit when InfluxDB connection is lost so systemd can take action (disabled by # default for backward compatibility, requires influxBatch to be false to take # effect due to limitations of the InfluxDB library) #exitOnInfluxDBIOException=false # Maximum number of datapoints and maximum time waited in milliseconds before sending a batch. Has no effect if batch mode disabled. #influxBatchMaxSize=2000 #influxBatchMaxTime=100