def hello(ip, port, sockobj): # Receive the browser's HTTP request header, but we'll ignore it httpheader = sockobj.recv(512) response_body = "Hello World\

Hello World!

" # Send a simple HTTP header before the actual HTML sockobj.send("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: " + str(len(response_body)) + "\r\n\r\n" + response_body) # close my connection with this user sockobj.close() if len(callargs) > 1: raise Exception("Too many call arguments") # Running remotely: whenever this vessel gets a connection # on its IPaddress:Clearinghouseport it'll call hello elif len(callargs) == 1: port = int(callargs[0]) ip = getmyip() # Running locally: whenever we get a connection # on we'll call hello else: port = 12345 ip = '' server_socket = listenforconnection(ip, port) while True: try: ret_ip, ret_port, ret_socket = server_socket.getconnection() hello(ret_ip, ret_port, ret_socket) except SocketWouldBlockError: sleep(0.1)