resource cpu .50 resource memory 20000000 # 20 Million bytes resource diskused 10000000 # 10 MB resource events 10 resource filewrite 10000 resource fileread 10000 resource filesopened 5 resource insockets 5 resource outsockets 5 resource netsend 10000 resource netrecv 10000 resource loopsend 1000000 resource looprecv 1000000 resource lograte 30000 resource random 100 resource messport 12345 # use for getting an NTP update resource messport 12346 resource connport 12345 call gethostbyname_ex allow call sendmess allow # the local port type call stopcomm allow # it doesn't make sense to restrict call recvmess allow # Allow listening on this port call openconn allow # allow connections to this port call waitforconn allow # allow listening on this port call socket.close allow # let's not restrict call socket.send allow # let's not restrict call socket.recv allow # let's not restrict # open and file.__init__ both have built in restrictions... call open allow # can write to junk_test.out call file.__init__ allow # can write to junk_test.out call file.close allow # shouldn't restrict call file.flush allow # they are free to use call allow # free to use as well... call allow # allow read call file.readline allow # shouldn't restrict call file.readlines allow # shouldn't restrict call allow # seek doesn't restrict call file.write allow # shouldn't restrict (open restricts) call file.writelines allow # shouldn't restrict (open restricts) call sleep allow # harmless call settimer allow # we can't really do anything smart call canceltimer allow # should be okay call exitall allow # should be harmless call log.write allow call log.writelines allow call getmyip allow # They can get the external IP address call listdir allow # They can list the files they created call removefile allow # They can remove the files they create call randomfloat allow # can get random numbers call getruntime allow # can get the elapsed time call getlock allow # can get a mutex