# CHANGELOG ## [1.0.2] 2022-04-22 ### CHANGED - Corrected a problem for scenes with no walls ### ADDED - Added an additional check for ignoring/cleaning sounds that are not constrained by walls (they NEED to be constrained by walls) - Better debugging logs ## [1.0.1] 2022-04-20 ### CHANGED - Corrected some translations and improved code commenting ### ADDED - Debug setting, so you can see the inner workings of the module and troubleshoot your scenes ## [1.0.0] 2022-02-28 ### CHANGED - Added compatibility with v9, all other versions are not compatible now. ### ADDED - Better logging for debugging. End users not affected. ## [0.1.0] 2021-06-19 ### CHANGED - Better initialization of scripts and the new global `WHE` object ### ADDED - Gihub badges to README - A proper CHANGELOG file ## [0.0.4] 2021-06-05 ### CHANGED - Better event detection (opening doors) - Simpler logic will ignore far away, occluded sounds - Better support for async initialization of sound ### ADDED - GitHub workflow for easier release workflow ## [0.0.3] 2021-06-03 ### CHANGED - Cleaned a lot of code - Sounds now update in more events - A new logic for estimating muffling levels. See: ![Test cases for Muffling logic](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SebaSOFT/walls-have-ears/develop/mufflingLogic.jpg) ### FIXED - Remove cosnole logs ### ADDED - Added 4 levels of muffling ## [0.0.2-beta] 2021-06-02 ### CHANGED - Added some translations (pt, de) - Now compatible with 0.8.x ## [0.0.1-alpha] 2020-10-19 ### ADDED - First initial release