* Fix dev environment to run tests on Windows/MacOS (#15303)
* Fix sporadic build issue with selenium manager in msbuild
* Increment `WebDriver` towards nullability (#15228)
* Do not warn when passing in null driver paths to driver service (#15328)
* Add `SystemClock` singleton (#15285)
* Remove obsoleted members/types for 4.30 (#15342)
* Parse response before deserialization (#15268)
* Address some nullability warnings in driver options
* Make internal console writer more flexible via taking TextWriter only (#15346)
* Annotate nullability on most remaining types (#15257)
* Annotate CDP as AOT-unsafe (#14637)
* Fix placement of obsolete argument in ConsoleLogHandler
* Annotate nullability on more of `WebElement` (#15230)
* Annotate nullable reference types on CDP-generated code (#15255)
* Simplify and nullable annotate `DriverFinder` (#15232)
* Annotate nullability on `WebDriver.SessionId` (#15350)
* Enable nullability on remote file download APIs (#15351)
* Annotate nullability on elements and `WebDriver` (#15352)
* Annotate nullability on capabilities types (#15353)
* Enable Nullable Reference Types (#15354)
* Trim away CDP when publishing AOT apps (#15217)
* [bidi] Order command properties in json to simplify logs reading
* [bidi] Add SetFiles command in Input module (#15392)
* [bidi] Added UnhandledPromptBehavior for new session capability (#15391)
* [bidi] Encapsulate transport inside `Broker` (#15423)
* [bidi] Align `Scipt.LocalValue.Map` with spec (#15395)
* [bidi] Make `DisposeAsyncCore` protected
* [bidi] Make `LocalValue` types not nested (#15428)
* [bidi] Migrate RemoteValue to separate types (#15426)
* [bidi] Reuse RegExpValue in script Local/Remote values
* [bidi] Make `PartitionDescriptor` as not nested (#15435)
* [bidi] Make `UrlPattern` as not nested (#15434)
* [bidi] Make script `Target` as not nested (#15436)
* [bidi] Make `LogEntry` as not nested (#15432)
* [cdp] add support for 134 and remove 131
* [cdp] remove support for v85 since no longer required by Firefox
* [bidi] Make `BytesValue` not nested (#15433)
* [bidi] Make input `Actions` as not nested (#15437)
* [bidi] Make `ProxyConfiguration` as not nested (#15438)
* [bidi] Make `Locator` types as not nested (#15429)
* [bidi] Make `ClipRectangle` as not nested (#15431)
* [bidi] Make `RealmInfo` as not nested (#15444)
* [bidi] Make input `Origin` as not nested (#15445)

* Add CDP for Chrome 133 and remove 130
* [dotnet] [bidi] Add network SetCacheBehavior command (#15133)
* [dotnet] Annotate nullability on devtools event args (#15134)
* [dotnet] Annotate nullability for `DriverService` and chromium/safari services (#15101)
* [dotnet] Add nullability to `Command` type (#15147)
* [dotnet] Annotate nullable reference types on input devices (#14804)
* [dotnet] Annotate nullability on `SendingRemoteHttpRequestEventArgs` (#15148)
* [dotnet] Fix obvious code style formatting
* [dotnet] Address some build warnings (#15157)
* [dotnet] Enhance Print PageSize class to support for predefined well-known sizes (#15144)
* [dotnet] Improve bidi exception when it is not enabled (#15163)
* [dotnet] Annotate nullability on `DriverOptions` (#15167)
* [dotnet] Annotate nullability on `ChromiumOptions` (#15173)
* [dotnet] Annotate nullability on interactions (#15152)
* [dotnet] [bidi] Use JsonSerializerContext to be AOT friendly (#15162)
* [dotnet] Annotate nullability on chrome-based driver services (#15154)
* [dotnet] Simplify and modernize `DevToolsDomains.InitializeDomains` (#15198)
* [dotnet] Add nullability to Chromium configuration types (#15204)
* [dotnet] Allow UTF-16 tolerant string converter as a dictionary key (#15203)
* [dotnet] Fix webauth credential to allow nullable `rpID` (#15201)
* [dotnet] [bidi] Avoid polymorphic commands to be more statically easier (#15202)
* [dotnet] Optimize reflection in `JsonEnumMemberConverter` (#15205)
* [dotnet] Annotate nullability on firefox and chromium options (#15206)
* [dotnet] Annotate nullability on `Actions` type (#15208)
* [dotnet] Fix marionette host Firefox argument (#15153)
* [dotnet] Make it easier to read bidi logs
* [dotnet] Annotate nullability on `Navigate()` and `SwitchTo()` (#15211)
* [dotnet] Annotate nullability on Firefox profile (#15207)
* [dotnet] Annotate nullability on network interactions (#15209)
* [dotnet] Add nullability to `Manage()` (#15210)
* [dotnet] Remove Firefox CDP (#15200)
* [dotnet] Fully annotate nullability on `HttpCommandExecutor` (#15110)
* [dotnet] Annotate nullability on `SafariOptions`, error, and enums (#15219)
* [dotnet] Fix `JavaScriptEngine.ScriptCallbackBindings` not containing new bindings (#15221)
* [dotnet] Handle nullability on `WebElement` (#15225)
* [dotnet] Annotate nullability on `FirefoxDriverService` (#15220)
* [dotnet] Add nullability annotations to devtools domains (#15143)
* [dotnet] Annotate nullability on Domains (#15237)
* [dotnet] Add not-null `Response.Value` helper (#15243)
* [dotnet] Annotate nullability on `JavaScript` protocol (#15238)
* [dotnet] Annotate nullability on `Target` protocol (#15240)
* [dotnet] Annotate nullability on `Log` protocol (#15239)
* [dotnet] Annotate nullability on `JavaScriptEngine` and related types (#15218)
* [dotnet] Annotate nullability on `DevToolsSession` (#15244)
* [dotnet] [bidi] Support getting of client windows in browser module (#15241)
* [dotnet][bidi] Remove json serialization from transport layer (#15250)
* [dotnet][bidi] Add BrowsingContext.OnNavigationCommitted event (#15253)
* [dotnet][bidi] Use subscription id for events to unsubscribe (#15251)
* [dotnet][bidi] Add optional PromptUnload parameter when closing BrowsingContext and compiler helps (#15254)
* [dotnet] Annotate nullability on `DevTools` and event args (#15252)
* [dotnet] Annotate nullability on platform-specific WebDrivers (#15236)
* [dotnet] Add back in a public parameterless constructor to `HttpRequestData` (#15258)
* [dotnet] Simplify user creation of network types (#15267)
* [dotnet][bidi] Remove AsBiDiContextAsync helper to avoid disposal issue (#15279)
* [dotnet] Possibility to override underlying HttpClient/HttpClientHandler for all HTTP requests (#15283)
* [dotnet][bidi] Underlying local/remote script number as double (#15301)

* Add CDP for Chrome 132 and remove 129
* [dotnet] Add nullability annotations to print types (#14773)
* [dotnet] Propagate `IWebDriver.GetAttribute` obsoletion to `WebDriver` (#14802)
* [dotnet] Add nullability annotations to `ShadowRoot` (#14812)
* [dotnet] Fix `WebDriver.AuthenticatorId` to return proper state set by user (#14814)
* [dotnet] Add future-proofing note on `Base64UrlEncoder` (#14821)
* Run update_copyright script. No logical changes
* [dotnet] Add nullable reference annotations to `Platform` (#14834)
* [dotnet] Fix Virtual Authenticator removal, annotate NRT (#14822)
* [dotnet] Annotate Nullable Reference Types on `OpenQA.Selenium.Internal` (#14840)
* [dotnet] Annotate nullable reference types in internal logging (#14819)
* [dotnet] Address warnings with `ActionSequence.inputDevice` and use proper alternative (#14848)
* [dotnet] Add nullability annotations to `Proxy` (#14861)
* [dotnet] Modernize `Response` type (#14839)
* [dotnet] Add nullability to Logs API (#14875)
* [dotnet] Add nullability to `CookieJar` (#14874)
* [dotnet] Refactor away private constructor from `Response` (#14877)
* [dotnet] Add nullability to `Alert`s (#14669)
* [dotnet] [bidi] Convert RemoteRefrence to an interface
* [dotnet] [bidi] Convert RemoteObjectReference to an interface
* [dotnet] [bidi] Fix name of autodetect proxy configuration
* [dotnet] [cdp] Add more internal logs around CDP implementation (Related to #14903)
* [dotnet] Add nullability annotations to `SessionId` (#14841)
* [dotnet] Align WebDriver errors with specification (#14936)
* [dotnet] Add nullability to `IniFileReader` (#14929)
* [dotnet] Annotate nullability on command repository (#14888)
* [dotnet] Revert deprecation of GetAttribute method (#14956)
* [dotnet] Annotate `DriverServiceCommandExecutor` for nullability (#14942)
* [dotnet] Do not intercept exceptions from `ICommandExecutor.ExecuteAsync` (#14892)
* [dotnet] Move `Response` constructors towards immutability (#14998)
* [dotnet] Switch DevTools response JSON parsing to `JsonElement` (#14990)
* [dotnet] Utilize dedicated WebDriver Spec endpoint to get named cookie (#14957)
* [dotnet] Tolerate invalid UTF-16 strings in DevTools JSON response (#14972)
* [dotnet] Fix logging issue when log context level conflicts with logger already captured level (#15057)
* [dotnet] Safari driver supports /status endpoint (#15066)
* [dotnet] Simplify nuget package readme code example
* [dotnet] Guard for cookie deletion when name is empty (#15074)
* [dotnet] Add nullability to `FirefoxExtension` (#14964)
* [dotnet] Start adding nullable reference type annotations to the `Support` package (#14779)
* [dotnet] Finish nullability annotations on `Support` package (#15089)
* Update supported versions for Chrome DevTools

* Copyright dotnet (#13522)
* Add CDP for Chrome 131 and remove 128
* Add CDP deprecation warning for Firefox (#14759)
* Add ChromiumNetworkConditions to command serialization (#14716)
* Add Dictionary<string, string> as well-known types for json serialization
* Add more well-known dictionary types for capability json serialization
* Add reflection-based JSON serialization fallback to `Command`s (#14732)
* Allow `RemoteSessionSettings` to use any value for metadata (#14726)
* Deprecate WebElement.GetAttribute() (#14676)
* Enable NRT on exceptional types (#14672)
* Fix API docs static generation (#14651)
* Fix `RelativeBy.Near` and empty list return (#14737)
* Gracefully handle clashing device names in Actions (#14713)
* Make FirefoxProfile AOT-safe (#14742)
* Make Selenium Manager's AOT safety explicit (#14733)
* Modernize exception handling in tests via assert that throws (#14776)
* Propagate async throughout test setup and teardown (#14775)
* Remove JSON serialization from `.ToString()` methods (#14736)
* Solidify nullability of `PinnedScript` (#14708)
* Update dependency System.Text.Json to 8.0.5

* [bidi] Reveal browsing context module in bidi instance (#14684)
* Fix adding cookies when ReturnedCookie class is used (#14697)

* [bidi] Fix web socket communication for .net framework
* Don't include http headers in internal logs (#14546)
* Don't write trace log message when waiting until driver service is initialized (#14557)
* Support GetLog command by Remote Web Driver (#14549)
* Add more internal logs around CDP DevTools communication (#14558)
* Interactions with Selenium Manager are AOT compatible (#14481)
* Allow setting of PageDimensions and PageMargins in PrintOptions directly (#14593)
* Fix devtools check in `NetworkManager` to determine CDP is supported (#14638)
* Lazy-load Selenium manager binary location (#14639)
* [bidi] Second round of BiDi implementation (#14566)
* Add CDP for Chrome 130 and remove 127

* Add CDP for Chrome 129 and remove 126
* BiDi implementation (#14318)
* Add BiDi OriginalOpener in browsing context info
* [bidi] Forward subscription options in browser context for log module
* [bidi] Enable implicit ways to specify page ranges for printing
* Workaround using pre-processor directive (#14499)
* [bidi] Simplify browsing context type enumeration
* [bidi] Expose BiDi associated reference in browsing context
* [bidi] Rename entry point AsBidirectional to AsBiDirectional

* Migration from `Newtonsoft.Json` to `System.Text.Json` package (#14292)
* Add CDP for Chrome 128 and remove 125

* Log http requests/responses via internal DiagnosticsHttpHandler (#13978)
* Kick off sending of request and log it in parallel
* Return back protected synchronous Execute method in WebDriver
* Fixed calling quit after not successful new session (#14242)
* Add CDP for Chrome 12 and remove 124


* Have url property setter call navigation method instead of the other way around (#13960)
* Add asynchronous methods to Navigation class (#14051)
* Add preference to enable CDP in Firefox by default (#14091)
* Add CDP for Chrome 126 and remove 123


* Add CDP for Chrome 125 and remove 122
* Overwrite internal log file if it already exists (#13900)
* Align binary location property for FirefoxOptions with other options (#13901)


* Add CDP for Chrome 124 and remove 121
* Use correct devtools session id after reinitialization (#13768)
* Making Selenium Manager a thin wrapper (#13833)
  * This change has been made to make it easier to maintain and improve, the interface has
  changed and if users were invoking it, they might experience issues. Selenium Manager is
  still in beta and these type of changes are expected.
* Nightly dotnet builds are now pushed to GitHub packages


* Add CDP for Chrome 123 and remove 120
* Correct `ChromiumDriverService.AllowedIPAddresses` property name (#13626)
* Fixed parsing of the year in ConsoleApiCalledEventArgs cdp event args (Fixes #13654)
* Add dispose on constructor failure to ensure driver closes (#13673)
* Rename assembly prerequisites to AssemblyFixture
* Support setting timeouts in capabilities (#13698)
* Treat unsuccessful http responses as errored commands (#13608)
* Enable internal logging at trace level for unit tests (#13727)


* Add CDP for Chrome 122 and remove 119


* update parameter name to allowedIpAddresses and make whitelistedIpAddresses obsolete
* remove download url parameter from driver service constructor
* mark UseVerboseLogging obsolete for Edge service in favor of EnableVerboseLogging
* explicitly support passing the full path to driver in Service constructor
* Fix protocol cdp version for remote webdriver (#13507)
* Move initialization of error codes to static ctor
* Add DetachedShadowRoot exception for error response handling
* Add InsecureCertificate exception for error response handling
* Fix network response data encoding (#13576)
* Breaking change: `desiredCapabilities` was renamed to `capabilities` in RemoteWebDriver ctor


* Add csharp to Selenium Manager input for tracking (see #13288)
* Consider log handlers as null when not initiated
* Lazy initialization of log handlers when required
* Specify the dll as nuget content explicitly (#13332)
* Extract downloadable zip file in memory (#13277)
* Update references from desiredCapabilities to capabilities
* Don't output to user's console, rather use logging (Fixes #13410)
* Add function to enable halting targets until runtime.runIfWaitingForDebugger is invoked (#13330)
* Properly get selenium manager from bazel output (#13452)
* Remove deprecated DriverService constructors with options parameter
* Remove deprecated methods for toggling legacy protocol
* Remove deprecated class RemoteWebElement
* Improve logging performance when it is disabled (#13464)
* Add CDP for Chrome 121 and remove 118


* Allow output ofinternal log messages to file (#13249)
* Change a list of downloadable files to IReadOnlyList (#13265)
* Change date format for file log
* Improve file logging code smell (#13249)


* Fix nuget target framework (#13253)


* Update rules_dotnet  (#13117)
* Fix WSS scheme determination for DevTools connection (#13131)
* Remove System.Drawing.Common as package dependency (#12781)
* Add Runfiles support to bazel
* Added TargetAttached datastructure to DevTools Target (#13175)
* Allow overriding default Actions duration (#13229)
* Add internal logging (#13140)
* Add Chrome 120 and remove 117


* Do not set binary as empty string (#12738)
* Store the mutated element for the user not just the target id (#12948)
* Do not pack Selenium Manager binaries by consumer packages
* Fix driver service path determination when starting it directly
* Improve nuget packages metadata (#12873)
* Add CDP files for v119 and remove v116
* Implement file downloads (#12979)

* Fix add CDP files for v118 and remove v115

* Add CDP files for v118 and remove v115
* Normalize selenium manager path (#12823)
* Remove IdentityModel nuget from bazel workspace (#12834)
* Update `rules_dotnet` to the latest version (#12784)
* Rename strong assembly name (#12861)
* Fix ci dotnet build on github actions (#12863)
* Deprecate saving screenshots with different image formats (#12878)
* Remove tools folder not related to selenium (#12899)

* Fix bug in selenium manager paths to work on mac and linux
* Don't break devtools processing events thread in case of unexpected exception (#12820)

* Add CDP files for v117 and remove v114
* Stabilize cdp network monitoring via increasing default timeout (#12701)
* Configure await false to all awaitable invocations (#12664)
* Update cdp default command timeout in inline docs (#12707)
* Indicate end of output taken from selenium manager (#12744)
* Declare selenium manager binaries as content (#12711)
* Add browsing context methods for reload, screenshot and prompt
* Allow user to start service before creating driver (#12816)
* Remove Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens as dependency (#12777)

* No code changes; issue with 4.12.3 release

* Fix saving png screenshot as file (#12654)
* Correcting failures in CDP Network event tests
* Close dev tools session safely (#12660)
* Send data over cdp consecutively (#12666)
* Show output from selenium manager error stream (#12677)
* Return Task instead of wait it in generated CDP method invocations (#12672)
* Invoke console log api called event many times depending on count of args (#12669)
* Allow users to set Selenium Manager path by environment variable (#12752)

* No code changes; issue with 4.12.1 release

* Only target Netstandard 2.0 for release
* Fix bug for disposal of ClientWebSocket

* Add CDP files for v116 and remove v113
* Fix bug with driver location parsing as a file when no trailing slash (#12473)
* Improve performance in DriverFactory (#12497)
* Avoid async void events in CDP Network session (#12486)
* Rename methods in Actions class to follow .NET convention (#12439)
* Fix bug with Selenium Manager executing in new window (#12593)
* Simplify to only target .NET Standard 2.0 (#12608)
* DriverFinder executed in Driver constructor not Service constructor (#12534)
* Refactor WebScocket communication for BiDi (#12614)
* Avoid potential deadlocks for new dev tools sessions (#12592)
* Send data over cdp consecutively (#12591)

* Add CDP files for v115 and remove v112
* Improving .NET API docs
* Implementation of event wrapped shadow root element (#12073)
* Include generation of support project (#12193)
* Make WebDriver.csproj file more friendly with native pack command (#12235)
* Adding ignore process match for IE Mode across bindings (#12279)
* netcoreapp3.1 is deprecated
* Allow setting a different pointer, keyboard, or wheel on input device (#11513)
* Add move to location method to Actions (#11509)
* Add support for Safari Technology Preview (#12342)
* Use Selenium Manager to locate drivers on PATH (#12344)
* Allow running tests with Edge
* Add browser output from selenium manager to options (#12405)
* Fix error when we send non-base64 data for fetch command (#12431)
* Fix continueResponse method in CDP (#12445)

* Add CDP files for v114 and remove v111
* Remove Selenium RC and WebDriverBackedSelenium code (#12024)
* Improve compilation and publishing of Selenium Manager (#12045)
* Fix version reported by HTTP user agent (#12061)
* Support proxies for Selenium Manager (#12100)
* Deprecate UseLegacyProtocol in SafariDriverService
* Add links to documentation in error messages (#12157)
* Add custom error class for driver location and improve error logic (#12157)

* Add CDP files for v113 and remove v110
* Fallback result parsing of script execution to expected type (#11930)
* Using Selenium Manager in default service creation (#11994)
* Encoding process output (#11947)
* Generate API documentation (#11968)

* Add CDP files for v112 and remove v109
* Don't listen to error output stream from selenium manager to avoid messing up output (#11863)
* Selenium Manager get Browser Version from Options classes
* Selenium Manager use binary from Browser Options
* Throw a descriptive exception if the current dev tools version is not supported (#11876)
* Use ChangeType method to convert any object to boolean in WebElement properties (#11913)
* Use selenium manager in tests (#11871)

* Add CDP files for v111 and remove v108
* InvalidSelectorException now extends WebDriverException
* Using json output with Selenium Manager
* Include targets for projects building transitively (#11812)

* Add CDP files for v110 and remove v107
* IJavascriptEngine implements IDisposable where available (#11594)
* Updating Selenium Manager binaries for 4.8.1 release

* Add CDP files for v109 and remove v106
* Add comment with name of large JS executions (#11038)
* Extend invalid selenium manager process exit codes (#11361)

* Adding CDP files for v108 and removing v105
* Update Service classes to only use System.Net.Http.HttpClient (#11143)
* Add .NET 6 support (#11298)
* Add support for Selenium Manager to work with IE Driver
* Improve error handling with Selenium Manager

* Adding CDP files for v107 and removing v104
* Initial implementation of Selenium Manager
* allow select list class to work with disabled select elements again
* Bundle smg into nuget package and copy binaries to users output
* fix bug preventing installing addon from directory

* Fix bug preventing automatic detection of protocol version

* Add CDP support for v105, and remove v102
* Add CDP support for v106, and remove v103
* Update Select class to error when elements are disabled
* Add support for installing unsigned add-ons in Firefox
* Add return value for installing add-ons in Firefox

* Add CDP support for v104, and remove v101
* Removed obsolete TouchActions class
* Removed all methods marked obsolete from 4.0
* Updated Newtonsoft.Json to address security issue
* Implemented ability to run different versions of browser and driver for Chrome
* Implemented VirtualAuth support
* Fixed bug with unsuccessful http requests in session start
* Fixed bug checking whether driver supports DevTools
* Marked UseSpecCompliantProtocol obsolete and throwing error when user sets to false

* Added CDP support for v103, and remove v100
* Removed Element `GetProperty()` method
* Removed execute Chrome command methods
* Removed AddAdditionalCapability() methods from Browser Options classes
* Removed IFindsBy locator interfaces
* Removed HTML5 commands, interfaces and classes since not w3c supported
* Removed support for moving to top left of element due to inconsistencies

* Implement setting pointer event properties
* Add CDP support for v102, and remove v99
* Add performance to LogType
* Removed Opera classes
* Implemented Action Wheel Input and scrolling methods
* Allow RemoteWebDriver to access Selenium logs
* Fix bug where Actions class did not reset sequences after calling perform
* Add Pause action to Actions class

* Add Zenkaku/Hankaku key
* Allow Cookie name to be empty String when value not empty
* Only add websocket-port if connectToRunningBrowser is not set
* Add support for Chromium to cast desktop
* Add CDP support for v99, v100, v101 and remove v94, v95, v96

* add CDP support for v96 and remove v93
* Adding test configuration for Edge in IE Mode
* Refactor registration and execution of custom WebDriver commands

 * Refactored WebSocket handling of CDP. The handling of sending and receiving
   data via WebSocket for use with Chrome DevTools Protocol (CDP) messages was
   previously haphazard, and did not follow proper patterns of behavior with
   the .NET core WebSocket library. This commit reworks the WebSocket code to
   better fit the .NET processing model. The public API of the DevTools
   integration is largely unchanged. with the exception of the addition of the
   HasActiveDevToolsSession property to the IDevTools interface, allowing a
   user to query whether an active session exists without calling
 * Refactored how the driver behaves when a window is closed with
   driver.Close() that contains the page which is the target to which the
   DevTools session is attached. This should make that transition more
   seamless and prevent errors on attaching to a new target when the next
   DevTools command is issued.
 * Refactored Cookie constructors to allow SameSite cookies to not necessarily
   have the Secure flag set. This allows Chromium-based browsers that do not
   fully comply with SameSite cookies to work.

 * Prevented getting bodies of responses for redirects, as this causes an
   error in the DevTools protocol.
 * (on behalf of Brandon Walderman) Made adding browser-specific options for
   Chromium-based browsers more obvious.
 * (on behalf of Puja Jagani) Added constructor for creating a Cookie instance
   with all optional arguments. Fixes issue #9361.
 * Add infratructure for future support of previously unsupported interaction
 * Made SlowLoadableComponent more extensible. Fixes issue #9009.
 * (on behalf of elgatov) Made SlowLoadableComponent use UnableToLoadMessage
   property. Fixes issue #8550.
 * (on behalf of Brandon Walderman) Removed Edge Legacy options.
 * Added CDP support for Chromium 95.
 * Added ability to monitor DOM mutations.
 * Restored protected ElementFactory property for use by downstream projects.

 * Explicitly remove Expect header. When using the HttpClient class, the
   behavior for an HTTP POST request is different between .NET Framework and
   .NET Core. In the .NET Framework case, the client automatically adds an
   `Expect: 100-Continue` header. When the remote end does not send a 100
   response, the client hangs waiting for it. This change explicitly removes
   that header for all HTTP requests. Fixes issue #9277.

 * Fix TouchActions Flick overload
 * Fixing doc string for Network Conditions methods
 * Adding support for Firefox and Chromium Android options
 * Coercing return type of GetCastSinks() to proper datatype
 * implement ability to open Safari inspector
 * implement getting and setting permissions on Safari
 * implement getting the context of Firefox commands
 * implement ability for Chrome and Edge to set applicable permissions on browser
 * implement ability to launch chromium application
 * implement chrome and edge support for casting to devices
 * Add --websocket-port command line argument for geckodriver
 * Restore ability to add headers to WebDriver HTTP commands
 * Move UserAgent class to main namespace
 * mark deprecated chromedriver commands as obsolete and implement new preferred command
 * Add version-independent method for overriding user agent via CDP
 * Add Bidi-compliant webSocketUrl capability
 * Make CDP sessions autodetect close of initial attached target
 * Update supported version of CDP to 94, remove 92
 * Rename TerminateDevToolsSession to ResetDevToolsSession
 * Add ability to disconnect a CDP session
 * Add transformation for network responses via CDP

 * Set available versions of Chrome DevTools Protocol to 85, 92, and 93.
 * Enabled script pinning. This allows the user to add a snippet of JavaScript
   to a page that will be available on all subsquent pages, and not have to
   pass the script across the wire every time. For exceptionally large blobs
   of JavaScript, this may represent a significant savings in bandwidth and
   data sent to the remote end of the WebDriver protocol. This feature is
   currently only available for browsers that implement the Chrome DevTools
 * Added ability to use By object with relative locators. This change also
   marks RelativeBy.WithTagName as obsolete. Users should change their calls
   to `RelativeBy.WithLocator(By.TagName(...))`.
 * Allow network interception to handle duplicate response headers.
   Headers in HTTP responses may be repeated. The previous implementation
   of CDP network response handling did not take this into account. Now, if
   a response has duplicate headers, the values will be combined into a
   single header with the correct name, and a comma-separated list for the
   value. This is complaint with RFC2616. There is an exception for the
   Set-Cookie header, however, which is allowed to occur multiple times,
   but is not combinable as to the rules of the aforementioned RFC. To
   account for this, a new property on HttpResponseData has been added to
   list the cookie headers (the `CookieHeaders` property) as found in the
 * (on behalf of Nikolay Borisenko) Modified to dispose HttpRequestMessage
   and HttpResponseMessage when making HTTP calls across the wire.
 * Updated the InternetExplorerOptions class to match the existing capabilities
   of the IE driver.
 * Updatde the events in HttpCommandExecutor to allow the user to capture
   the commands sent to the remote end of a WebDriver session.
 * Fixed the PrintOptions class to handle page ranges. Fixes issue #9755.

 * 4.0.0b3 was skipped for the .NET bindings and not released publicly.
 * Added support for finding elements in shadow DOM. This feature adds
   support for the WebDriver protocol commands for finding elements
   located in a Shadow DOM. Please note that until a driver implementation
   (chromedriver, geckodriver, etc.) supports the end points documented in
   the specification, none of these methods will function at all.
 * (on behalf of doctor-house) Made HttpRequestData properties settable.
   Fixes issue #9456.
 * Added proxying of CDP commands via remote/grid.
 * Updated Chromium-based browsers to correctly inherit Options.
 * Refactored .NET bindings class inheritance hierarchy. This breaks the
   assumption that all browser-specific driver (ChromeDriver, FirefoxDriver,
   EdgeDriver, etc.) are all subclasses of RemoteWebDriver. This is no longer
   the case. The guidance for all users has always been to write your
   Selenium code using the IWebDriver interface, rather than the concrete
   implementation classes. If you have followed this guidance in your Selenium
   code, this change should be largely transparent to you. If you have used
   the implementation classes, this might be a breaking change.
 * (on behalf of Puja Jagani) Removed CDP version support for 86 and 87.
   Added CDP version support for 90 and 91.
 * (on behalf of Troy Walsh) Added screenshot support for
   EventFiringWebElement. Fixes issue #9258.
 * Made DriverService InitializationTimeout property public, and also allow
   the property to be settable. Fixes issue #9150.

 * (on behalf of Artur Nebot) Set EdgeOptions to start Chromium-based Edge
   by default. Fixes issue #9262.
 * Added support for CDP in Firefox. This currently only works for Firefox
   Nightly. To use this feature, set the EnableDevToolsProtocol property of
   FirefoxOptions to true.
 * Fixed network interception for use with browsers that support CDP.
 * Made DriverService.InitializationTimeout a public settable property. Fixes
   issue #9150.

 * Added ability to listen for JavaScript exceptions and callbacks for
   browsers implementing the Chromium DevTools Protocol.
 * Added the ability of a user to intercept and manipulate network traffic
   between the browser and the web site being automated. To use this feature
   at present, the browser being automated must support the Chromium DevTools
   Protocol, and the driver instance must implement the IDevTools interface.
   Attempting to use these features will cause an exception to be thrown at
   runtime if the driver is not capable of this communication. To access this
   feature, use the following code:

        // Assume "driver" is a valid IWebDriver instance
        INetwork network = driver.Manage().Network;

        // Set up monitoring information by adding handlers
        // and subscribing to events.

        // Begin monitoring by starting the monitor.
        await network.StartMonitoring();

   With this new functionality, users can do the following:
    * Monitor HTTP requests and responses between browser and web server
    * Add handlers to modify requests that meet user-defined criteria
    * Add handlers to supply responses for requests that meet user-defined
    * Add handlers to supply authentication credentials for sites using
      basic and digest authentication
 * Added ISupportsPrint interface to .NET to allow use of Print method.
 * Exposed command executor on .NET RemoteWebDriver via IHasCommandExecutor
 * Added support for full-page screenshot command to .NET Firefox driver.
 * Added support for environment capability to .NET FirefoxOptions.
 * Added spec-compliant properties and methods to .NET IWebElement. The W3C
   WebDriver Specification defines additional commands for web elements. This
   change introduces properties and methods for execution of those commands in
   the .NET language bindings. The added items on IWebElement are:

    * ComputedAccessibleLabel property: Allows the user to get the result of
      the accessible name and description computation for the accessible
      name of the element.
    * ComputedAccessibleRole property: Allows the user to get the result of
      the computation of the ARIA role for this element. Note that this
      property is subject to change its return type, as the specification
      needs clarification as to the return type.
    * GetDomProperty method: Allows the user to get the value of an
      IDL-defined property of the element. These properties are usually
      accessed via JavaScript. This method replaces the GetProperty method,
      which is now marked as obsolete, as it is being renamed to
      GetDomProperty for consistency in the Selenium API.
    * GetDomAttribute method: Allows the user to get the value of an
      attribute declared in the HTML markup of the element. This differs
      from the GetAttribute method, in that it _only_ returns declared
      attributes, whereas the GetAttribute method will return one of either
      a declared attribute or an IDL property of the element, without
      distinction between the two.
 * Added support for CDP versions 86, 87, 88, and v89.
 * (on behalf of elgatov) Enabled caching IWebElement before checking TagName
   is correct. When creating a SelectElement we must first check the
   WrappedElement tag is a <select> element and throw a
   UnexpectedTagNameException otherwise. Previously the WrappedElement was not
   cached so WebDriver API could be called up to three times: first to check
   the tag is not null, second to check it's value is select (ignoring case)
   and a third time as a parameter of UnexpectedTagNameException if any of the
   previous conditions failed. Fixes issue #8904.
 * Added Content-Type header to POST requests for .NET bindings
 * Added support for .NET 5
 * Enabled allowing the user to specify DevTools Protocol verison. his change
   introduces an overload to the `CreateDevToolsSession` method that will allow
   a user to request a specific version of the protocol to use instead of
   automatically detecting the version used by the browser being automated.
   While using this overload can in theory help a user avoid code changes with
   every browser update when their code relies on the concrete, browser-
   specific protocol domains, using this overload is still fraught with peril,
   and should be avoided in favor of the version-independent API the Selenium
   library provides. This change also cleans up some API details, removing,
   among other things, the `Start` method of the DevToolsSession object from
   the public-facing API. When the `CreateDevToolsSession` method is called,
   there is no need to start the session, as it is already started.

 * 4.0.0a6 was skipped for the .NET bindings and not released publicly.
 * Enabled the ability to push shipping releases to the NuGet repository
   from the Bazel command line.
 * Introduced a version-independent implementation of CDP for .NET. This
   version introduces a facade around Chromium's Developer Tools Protocol,
   which will present developers with a stable, version-independent API for
   the use cases most relevant to Selenium. It is still possible for users
   to have access to the version-specific API by calling the
   `GetVersionSpecificDomains<T>` method on the DevTools session object
   created when the user calls `IDevTools::CreateDevToolsSession`. Note
   that using this method will tie any consuming code to one and only one
   version of a Chromium-based browser, and the consuming code may need
   source-code changes and recompilation when new versions of the browser
   are released. Note that at this time, only local execution of CDP code
   is supported. Remote proxying of CDP calls through the Selenium Grid
   is planned, but not yet implemented. Also, certain helper methods to
   enable common desired scenarios for Selenium users that may be present
   in other language bindings still need to be created for .NET.
 * Enabled dynamic generation of the .NET API for the DevTools Protocol
   during the Bazel build process.
 * (on behalf of J.D. Purcell) Fixed SendKeys regressions related to multiple
   file uploading. Fixes issue #8635.
 * (on behalf of GFHuang) Make FluentWait.Until method cancellable, adding a
   CancellationToken argument to allow the user to cancel the wait.
 * (on behalf of Ivan Krutov) Modified to correctly close zip archive in file
   uploads for .NET.
 * (on behalf of Dvoryadkin Pavel) Modified to detect all files when uploading
   multiple files via RemoteWebDriver. Fixes issue #8540.
 * (on behalf of haqer1) Fixed typo in tests for visibility.
 * (on behalf of Brandon Walderman) Fixed browserName typo for Edge WebView2.
   Fixes issue #8455.
 * Updated custom Firefox profile generation, as the default WebDriver
   preferences JSON file for creating a custom Firefox profile was being
   referred to by the wrong resource identifier.
 * Updated .NET Bazel build process. This version makes changes to the
   .csproj files in the project to shell out to other Bazel targets for
   building non-.NET dependencies in the project. It also updates those build
   steps to be more friendly to non-Windows operating systems. These changes
   should also allow the .NET bindings to go from a clean directory in a new
   clone to a fully built and configured .NET bindings with properly embedded
   resources, providing that the machine is correctly configured to build the
   project from the command line with Bazel. This eliminates a barrier to
   entry with respect to using a .NET IDE (Visual Studio and Visual Studio
   for Mac) to build the bindings without taking some manual steps first
   (like building the JavaScript automation atoms and the web server for
   running tests against).
 * The .NET tests now support being run under both the .NET Framework
   and .NET Core. This also now allows the user to run the tests using
   Bazel, and can run against any of the supported browsers. By default,
   the tests run using .NET Core. On non-Windows OSes, this will use .NET
   Core by default, but if one explicitly wants to use the .NET Framework,
   it will use Mono to execute the tests (Mono must be installed for this
   to work). To run the tests at the command line, use the following command:

       bazel test //dotnet/test/common:<browser> --enable_runfiles

   where <browser> is one of the following values:

    * chrome
    * chromedev
    * firefox
    * firefoxnightly
    * ie
    * edge
    * edgelegacy
    * safari
    * safaritechpreview

   To specify to run the driver using the .NET Framework, append:

       --define framework=netfx

   to the command line.

   To specify where the browser driver (chromedriver, geckodriver,
   IEDriverServer, etc.) can be found, append the following to the
   command line:


   where <path> is the path to the executable.

 * Fixed Bazel build process to create correct assemblies.
 * (on behalf of Maciej Pakulski) Updated MakeHttpRequest to use TaskFactory
   for async tasks. MakeHttpRequest is an async method which is called in
   synchronous way. In order to avoid a deadlock (for example, when run
   using XUnit), we create a new task to run the async method. Fixes issue
 * Removed is operator in preference to as operator.
 * (on behalf of Jordan Mace) Added equals override to EventFiringWebElement.
 * (on behalf of Jordan Mace) Fixed binding spec compliance for ErrorResponse.
 * Added SameSite cookie information to .NET cookie handling.
 * (on behalf of Brandon Walderman) Updated to use a capability to switch
   engines for EdgeOptions and EdgeDriverService
 * Re-added Firefox preferences json file for legacy anonymous profile
 * (on behalf of Rami) Fixed typos in documentation strings and error
   message text for EdgeDriverService. Fixes issue #8098.
 * (on behalf of Jordan Mace) Updated to perform null check when calling
   Start on DriverService. Fixes issue #8074.
 * (on behalf of Mandar J Kulkarni) Fixed method documentation for
 * (on behalf of "trademark18") Fixed comments for Safari referencing.
 * (on behalf of Brandon Walderman) Removed vendor-specific names from
   ChromiumOptions base class. This makes the base ChromiumOptions class
   vendor-neutral, and also allows a custom browser name when using the
   EdgeOptions class.
 * (on behalf of Scott Sauber) Fix typo in summary documentation comment
   of down keys

 * (on behalf of Jan Trejbal) Fixed WebSocket message handler. This
   change fixes how responses are mapped to the request and propagated
   back to the caller, as well as correcting the use of Try* methods to
   check for return values.
 * (on behalf of Jan Trejbal) Fixed incorrectly used named parameters
   in string formatting. .NET Core does not support named parameters in
   string.Format(...), so this commit fixes that. Additionally, this
   fixes a logic error in DriverOptions.
 * Added support for relative locators. To use relative locators in
   .NET, take advantage of the new RelativeBy class to use with
   FindElement and FindElements. This change also marks the IFindsBy*
   interfaces (IFindsById, IFindsByName, etc.) as deprecated. The
   presence of individual methods for finding elements by each mechanism
   is an artifact of an older architecture, and with the standardization
   of the locator methods in the W3C WebDriver Specification, they are
   now just excess code, and will be deleted.
 * (on behalf of Stanley Hon) Updated EdgeOptions constructor to use new
   ms:edgeOptions capability name instead of goog:chromeOptions.
 * (on behalf of Stanley Hon) Updated EdgeOptions to allow specifying
 * Changed internal name of embedded resources in .NET assemblies.

 * Fixed retrieval of "Logs". Fixes issue #7390.
 * Added Reset method to Actions class.
 * Added ToString override to .NET PauseInteraction.
 * (on behalf of Nikolay Borisenko) Fixed to Handle TaskCanceled exception
   and re-throw it with timeout exception.
 * Added ability to install/uninstall Firefox add-ons.
 * Modified to throw more informative exception on invalid new session
 * (on behalf of jonasz.karfiol@gmail.com) Summary for Minimize method
 * (on behalf of YevgeniyShunevych) Optimized Actions.MoveToElement
   method by removing needless operations.

 * Added Chrome DevTools Protocol (CDP) support to .NET bindings. By
   casting a driver instance to IDevTools, users can now create sessions
   to use CDP calls for Chromium-based browsers. The DevTools API is
   implemented using .NET classes, and can send commands and listen to
   events raised by the browser's DevTools implementation. Please note
   that CDP domains listed as "experimental" in the protocol definition
   are not implemented at present. Additionally, the current API is to
   be considered highly experimental, and subject to change between
   releases until the alpha/beta period is over. Feedback is requested.
 * Updating logging prefs capability in .NET ChromiumOptions class.
   Setting the logging prefs option now correctly sends the
   `goog:loggingPrefs` capability to the driver.
 * Updated to allow .NET to disable W3C mode for Chrome 75+. Since
   Chrome/chromedriver 75 and above implement the W3C WebDriver
   Specification by default, the bindings now provide a way to
   execute using the legacy dialect of the protocol by setting the
   UseSpecCompliantProtocol property of ChromeOptions to false.
 * Added support for .NET legacy log API for drivers that support them.
   The logging APIs (`driver.Manage().Logs`) are not part of the W3C
   WebDriver Specification, and users should only use them for drivers
   that support the extension end points for the methods. Drivers that
   support these methods will be marked with the new ISupportsLogs
   interface, and the user can use a cast (using a non-throwing operator
   like the `is` or the `as` operator) to check whether the API is
   supported before attempting to call the logging methods. If the
   driver does not implement the interface, the logging methods will
   not throw (for now), but will return empty lists instead of valid
 * Removed the now-unused get/set window size/position end points.
 * Exposed event for after driver service process has started. This
   commit adds an event that fires after a driver service process has
   started and is ready to receive commands from the local end. The
   DriverServiceStartedEventArgs provides properties for the process ID, a
   StreamReader for stdout, and a StreamReader for stderr. Combined with
   the DriverServiceStarting event, the .NET bindings now allow the user
   to completely silently start a driver service executable, and to
   capture all of the diagnostic output written to the console by that
   driver service.
 * (on behalf of Long Ly) Added support for the new MicrosoftEdge.
   Extracting Chrome into a separate Chromium package since the new Edge
   is also Chromium-based. Add the ability for EdgeDriver to launch
   the new MicrosoftEdge using MSEdgeDriver without breaking any existing
   Edge tests.
 * (on behalf of Mathieu Langlois) Fixed FileUtilities.GetCurrentDirectory
   when used with reflection. Previously, calling this method using
   reflection would throw an exception with "The path is not of a legal
   form," because an empty string was being passed to
   System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName. Fixes issue #3447.
 * (on behalf of John Chen) Added support for ChromeDriver "append log" flag.
   ChromeDriver has a command line option to append to existing log file
   instead of overwriting it.
 * Updated Json.NET dependency to 12.0.2.
 * The .NET bindings build process has now fully transitioned to using the
   Bazel build system.

 * Updated supported .NET Framework versions. This version removes support for
   .NET Framework 3.5 and .NET Framework 4.0. Going forward, the minimum
   supported framework for the .NET language bindings is .NET 4.5. We will
   produce binaries for .NET Framework 4.5, 4.6, 4.7, and .NET Standard 2.0.
   While it would be theoretically possible to allow the .NET Standard binary
   to suffice for 4.6.1 or above, in practice, doing so adds many additional
   assemblies copied to the output directory to ensure compatibility, which is
   a suboptimal outcome. .NET Framework 4.7.1 is the first version that
   supports .NET Standard 2.0 without the need for these additional assemblies.
 * Updated bindings to be based on System.Net.Http.HttpClient. With the advent
   of .NET Core 2.0, the preferred mechanism for issuing HTTP requests is with
   the use of System.Net.Http.HttpClient. The .NET bindings could not use that
   class before because it was not supported on earlier versions of the .NET
   Framework. Now that support for those earlier versions has been removed, the
   bindings can take advantage of the more efficient communication mechanism.
 * Removed legacy OSS protocol dialect from the language bindings. This version
   removes support for the legacy OSS dialect of the wire protocol, supporting
   only the W3C Specification compliant dialect, including in the Actions and
   TouchActions classes. Users who require use of the OSS dialect of the
   protocol should use RemoteWebDriver in conjunction with the Java remote
   Selenium server.
 * Refactored DriverOptions class and subclasses. This commit deprecates
   the AddAdditionalCapability method in the driver-specific Options classes
   in favor of two methods. The first, AddAdditionalOption, adds a capability
   to the top-level, global section of a browser's desired capabilities
   section. The second method adds a capability to a browser's specific set of
   options. Accordingly, these methods are different for each browser's Options
   class (AddAdditionalChromeOption for ChromeOptions,
   AddAdditionalFirefoxOption for FirefoxOptions,
   AddAdditionalInternetExplorerOption for InternetExplorerOptions, etc.).

   Also, this version completes the removal of the DesiredCapabilities class by
   removing its visibility from the public API. All use cases that previously
   required adding arbitrary capabilities to a DesiredCapabilities instance
   should now be manageable by the browser-specific options classes. Moreover,
   the ToCapabilities method of the options classes now returns a read-only
   ICapabilities object. Users who find these structures insufficient are
   encouraged to join the project IRC or Slack channels to discuss where the
   deficiencies lie. Likewise, downstream projects (like Appium) and cloud
   providers (like SauceLabs, BrowserStack, etc.) that depend on the .NET
   language bindings for functionality should be aware of this change, and
   should take immediate steps to update their user-facing code and
   documentation to match.
 * Removed IHasInputDevices and IHasTouchScreen and implementations. The Mouse,
   Keyboard, and TouchScreen implementations in the .NET bindings were never
   intended to be used by user code. Instead, users are expected to use the
   Actions and TouchActions classes or the ActionBuilder class to create
   complex interactions with pages being automated. This change reinforces that
   behavior, making it explicit.
 * Removed legacy Firefox driver from bindings. In keeping with the Selenium
   support policy for versions of Firefox (current version, immediately
   previous version, current extended support release, and immediately previous
   extended support release), none of the current supported versions are able
   to use the legacy, browser extension-based driver. All supported versions of
   Firefox now use geckodriver. To that end, this commit removes the support
   for use of the legacy driver from the .NET bindings.
 * Removed deprecated IsTechnologyPreview property from SafariDriver.
 * Removed deprecated ExpectedConditions and PageFactory classes, as well as
   the supporting classes thereof.
 * Updated Json.NET dependency to 12.0.1
 * Enabled setting of SOCKS proxy version for proxies.
 * Added support for opening new browser windows. Since support has been added
   to the W3C WebDriver Specification for creating a new top-level browser
   context (a "new tab" or "new window"), this change implements the new
   command in the .NET language bindings. The method creates a new browser
   tab/window and switches to it. As an argument, the method takes a type hint
   to indicate what type of browser context the user wants (a tab or a window).
   Example usage:


   Note carefully, however, this type hint is only a suggestion. If a browser
   driver does not support creating new top-level browsers of the type desired
   by the user, it will still create the new top-level browser using whatever
   type it does support. This is perfectly compliant with the specification
   language for this command. As a concrete example, at the time of this
   commit, executing the above sample code against the IE driver will create
   a new top-level browser context, but as a window, not a tab, in spite of the
   fact that a new tab was explicitly requested. Even though the browser itself
   supports creation of new tabs, the driver does not. This will not be
   considered a valid bug, and issue reports claiming it is so will be
   summarily closed, possibly without comment.
 * Added Firefox-specific set context method. Geckodriver/Marionette allow the
   user to switch the execution context from the page being automated
   ("content" context) to the window surrounding and hosting the page ("chrome"
   context). This commit adds a SetContext method to FirefoxDriver to let users
   switch to the desired context. The method takes an enum value to prevent
   switching to invalid contexts. Note carefully that when switching out of
   "content" context, not all WebDriver commands will continue to be valid. The
   Selenium project does not check for the proper context before issuing
   commands to geckodriver, and the user is expected to know what context the
   execution is happening in once the new SetContext method is called.
 * Added additional properties for geckodriver command line. There are command
   line options in more recent geckodriver versions that the
   FirefoxDriverService didn't understand. This commit adds additional
   properties to the service class to enable those command line options.
 * Added event documentation comments.
 * Added wrapping quotes around file arguments for .NET driver services. There
   are several properties of driver services that refer to files or file paths.
   These arguments should be wrapped in double-quotes so as to support file
   names containing spaces. Fixes issue #6912.
 * Added the DriverProcessStarting event to the .NET DriverService object.
   This event gives users the ability to modify the ProcessStartInfo instance
   used to start the executable for the given DriverService. Possible use
   cases include being able to redirect the streams for stdin, stdout and
   stderr, or running the driver service executable as a different user
   context than the user currently logged into the machine.
 * Added constructor overload to DriverServiceCommandExecutor. This new
   constructor overload allows the user to supply their own HttpCommandExecutor
   (or a subclass) for local execution where the driver service executable
   exists locally, and the user wants the driver instance to own the process
   life cycle of the executable.
 * Implemented strictFileInteractability capability.
 * Allowed HttpCommandExecutor subclasses to set CommandInfoRepository. This
   allows subclasses of HttpCommandExecutor to properly update the
   CommandInfoRepository upon creating a new session. Please note that making
   the property setter protected should not be assumed as part of the permanent
   API contract. It may be removed at any time, without warning, and without
   following the standard project deprecation pattern.
 * Disabled log methods in the case of a spec-compliant driver. When calling
   driver.Manage().Logs.AvailableLogTypes for a driver that implements the W3C
   WebDriver Specification (where there is no corresponding end point), the
   bindings would throw a NullReferenceException, because the command does not
   exist in the command repository for spec-compliant remote ends. With this
   commit, the .NET bindings will not even attempt the remote call for spec-
   compliant sessions, returning empty lists instead. Fixes issue #5842.
 * Changed HttpCommandExecutor to throw more expressive exceptions.
 * Made Until<T> method of DefaultWait<T> virtual, and therefore overrideable.
 * Added IWrapsDriver to EventFiringWebElement
 * Created additional exception types, introducing JavaScriptException,
   MoveTargetOutOfBoundsException, and WebDriverArgumentException. These all
   descend from WebDriverException, but having these distinct exception types
   allows users to better distinguish between differing error conditions.
 * Moved IWrapsDriver and IWrapsElement from the OpenQA.Selenium.Internal
   namespace to the OpenQA.Selenium namespace. This should be a no-op for
   the vast majority of users, requiring only a recompile of code, given
   that both of these interfaces feature return types in the base namespace,
   meaning that users likely already have "using" statements for the root
   namespace in their source. If errors are encountered, changing the
   namespace in the code and rebuilding should resolve the error.
 * Removed custom zip archive code. Instead of using the custom ZipStorer
   class, we can now use the built-in .NET zip archive handling classes. This
   is possible because we no longer support .NET versions less than 4.5.

 * Bump version to a better approximation of pi.
 * Refined W3C-compliant ActionBuilder API for .NET.
 * Updated .NET RemoteSessionSettings to properly return capabilities by index.
 * Fixed RemoteWebElement.Equals to use remote call only if not W3C compliant.
 * Added WebDriverException for mouse move out of bounds error.
 * Modified the .NET test suite to properly ignore and unignore passing
.  and failing tests.
 * Adding method for executing Chrome DevTools command with result.
 * Added ability to use chromedriver in spec-compliant mode.

 * Refactored .NET capability handling. This version introduces a large and
   intrusive refactor of the .NET bindings' capability handling. It introduces
   a new class, `RemoteSessionSettings`, for use with creating remote sessions
   via `RemoteWebDriver`. Additionally, the `DesiredCapabilities` class is now
   marked as deprecated and will generate a compile warning on its use.

   Almost without exeception, users should not be using DesiredCapabilities in
   .NET. The browser-specific options classes provide functionality for adding
   any additional capabilities that would need to be sent to a remote end. One
   possible exception is when using RemoteWebDriver to connect to a remote
   server implementation, where the ToCapabilites method has been called,
   but the user wants to add additional capabilities, even though they could
   and should have been added before calling the method. In a future release,
   calling ToCapabilities will result in a read-only capabilities object, but
   recognizing that many users already have existing code that does this,
   moving immediately to make the returned object read-only is premature. For
   the moment, then, the SetCapabilty method is now marked as deprecated on
   DesiredCapabilities. In the next version of the .NET bindings, the return
   from ToCapabilities will be changed to return a read-only object.

   The RemoteSessionSettings class is designed for use cases where the user
   wants to create a remote session using RemoteWebDriver where all of the
   nodes in the session creation support the W3C WebDriver Specification
   dialect of the wire protocol. This class is designed to be used in
   conjunction with the browser-specific driver options classes for matching
   capabilities on the remote end.

   For single-browser cases, it is still possible (though unnecessary) to
   use a browser-specific driver options class (`ChromeOptions`,
   `FirefoxOptions`, etc.) by calling the `ToCapabilities()` method, but as
   previously mentioned, in the future, the capabilities returned will be
   read-only, and will not be able to be added to. Users who feel the need
   to modify the options class after converting to capabilities are encouraged
   to add the additional capabilites to the options class before the conversion
   by appropriate use of the `AddAdditionalCapability` method.
 * Exposed additional extension points to better control HTTP communications
   between the language bindings and the remote end implemention. For the
   .NET implementation of HttpCommandExecutor, we now expose a Proxy property
   for proxying requests between the .NET code and the remote end WebDriver
   implementation. Note carefully that this is entirely separate from the
   proxy used by the browser for monitoring communications between the browser
   and the server hosting the page being automated.

   Additionally, this change exposes the IsKeepAliveEnabled property to make
   it easier to set whether or not the "keep alive" header is sent when
   communicating between the language bindings and the remote end WebDriver

   Finally, for local use, the DriverServiceCommandExecutor now exposes a
   property to allow the user to set tho newly-exposed properties by allowing
   access to the internal HttpCommandExecutor of the driver service.
 * Added a workaround for Safari Tech Preview to send the proper browser name
   to the driver.
 * Added type-safe properties for Safari capabilities in .NET SafariOptions.
 * Marked .NET hardware manipulation interfaces deprecated.  The `Mouse`
   `Keyboard`, and `TouchScreen` properties were never intended for direct
   use in users' code. These interfaces, and the properties that reference
   them, are now being marked as deprecated. The correct way to simulate
   advanced user input is to use the `Actions` or `ActionBuilder` classes.
 * Removed long-deprecated local PhantomJS support from .NET, as well as
   other deprecated code.

 * Updated to fully remove use of internal CreateElement method in favor of
   a factory object.

 * (on behalf of Jake Durand) Replaced Chrome with Firefox in .NET
   documentation comments.
 * (on behalf of Michael Keeley) Modified to allow extension of
   RemoteWebElement for caching properties. This approach is not one with
   which the Selenium development team is entirely comfortable, and downstream
   projects are strongly encouraged to prefer composition over inheritance.
 * Reinstated ICommandExecutor descending from IDisposable. Now that the
   Appium project has implemented the methods required by an implementation
   of IDisposable, this change can be made upstream in the Selenium project.
   As this change has been rolled back once before to accommodate downstream
   projects, it will be incumbent upon them to update their libraries now, as
   it will not be rolled back again. In the case of Appium, this is merely
   awaiting a binary release; other downstream projects will be responsible
   for managing their own code changes and release schedule.
 * Removed legacy WebDriver extension when using Geckodriver. When a
   FirefoxProfile object is created in the .NET bindings, the legacy WebDriver
   extension is included in that profile by default. This includes the case
   where the user is using Geckodriver. When using Geckodriver, the legacy
   extension is doing nothing more than taking up space. This commit adds an
   internal method to detect when a FirefoxProfile object is being used with
   geckodriver, and removes the extension from the list of extensions in the
   profile before the profile is serialized to disk, and subsequently to a
   base64-encoded string for transmission over the wire to geckodriver. Fixes
   issue #6043.
 * Updated EdgeOptions to include type-safe properties for Edge-specific
 * Added property to force use of legacy protocol for Safari. Starting with
   Safari Technology Preview 58, and continuing with the driver released with
   Safari 12, the driver executable uses the W3C Specification dialect of the
   prototcol by default. It includes a command-line switch, however, to force
   the use of the legacy open-source project dialect of the protocol. This
   commit adds a property to the SafariDriverService object allowing users to
   set that command-line switch. Note that if this property (false by default)
   is set to true for a version of the driver that does not support the switch,
   it will cause errors. If set to false, the .NET bindings do not modify the
   safaridriver command line at all.
 * Fixed mouse movement in .NET. The previous commit to the mouse movement for
   .NET changed the optional element ID from `null` to the empty string. This
   is incorrect. If no element is specified in the move (for non-spec-compliant
   driver), omit the ID altogether.
 * Fixed null pointer exception for .NET on Safari with mouse movements.
 * (on behalf of Clay Martin) Fixed quit command for default state of Edge

 * Updated .NET escaping of CSS selectors for the find-by-ID and find-by-name
   cases. This is especially important for drivers that adhere to the W3C
   WebDriver Specification.
 * The .NET bindings no longer swallow exceptions for navigation to malformed
 * Added inadvertently omitted FirefoxDriver constructor for .NET.
   To maintain consistency with other drivers, we are adding a constructor
   that takes a FirefoxDriverService and a FirefoxOptions. All other drivers
   have a "service and options" constructor, making Firefox the outlier.
 * Updated use of command-line args for protocol selection for Edge in .NET.
   The UseSpecCompliantProtocol property of the EdgeDriverService object now
   is a nullable boolean instead of just a boolean. If the property is
   assigned a value (true or false), it will add the appropriate command-line
   argument ("--w3c" or "--jwp", respectively) to the executable command
   line. Users using versions of MicrosoftWebDriver.exe that do not support
   those command-line arguments should leave the property unset (as a null

 * Updated unhandled JavaScript errors to throw WebDriverException in .NET.
 * Added option for .NET EdgeDriverService to use W3C protocol dialect. The
   Microsoft Edge driver specifies the use of the W3C WebDriver Specification
   dialect of the JSON wire protocol via a command-line switch. This commit
   exposes that behavior in the form of a property on the EdgeDriverService
   object. Note that this command-line switch is only valid for versions of
   the driver executable for Windows 10 versions later than the 2018 Fall
   Creators' Update version (this is the code-named "Redstone 4", or "RS4"
   builds). Attempting to use this property with versions of
   MicrosoftWebDriver.exe before RS4 will result in errors, as the driver
   executable will not start properly with an unknown command-line switch.
   This commit also makes use of the fact that in RS4 and beyond, the driver
   executable is a feature that is installed in the OS, not a separate
   download, so the test projects have been updated to reflect this.
 * Added default value to .NET IE element scroll behavior option.
 * Changed 'unhandled error' status code to throw WebDriverException in .NET.
   Previously, this error code would throw an InvalidOperationException.
 * (on behalf of Christopher Wood) Fixed ExecuteScript and Actions to handle
   IWrapsElement appropriately. Using EventFiringWebDriver, element targets
   and args throw exceptions when calling ExecuteScript or Actions methods.
   This is fixed by casting as IWrapsElement and checking for wrapped elements
   first. Fixes issue #5810.
 * Refactored creation of RemoteWebElement to use a factory. Previously, the
   RemoteWebDriver class had a protected method called CreateElement that took
   the element ID as a parameter and returned a RemoteWebElement object. That
   approach is not flexible enough for some downstream projects that implement
   their own subclasses of RemoteWebDriver and RemoteWebElement. To rectify
   that, this commit replaces the calling of CreateElement with the use of a
   RemoteWebElementFactory class that handles the creation of
   RemoteWebElements. Note carefully that the CreateElement method still
   exists, so as to prevent compile-time errors for downstream consumers,
   that method is no longer called. If you are a user who has overridden that
   method as part of your project, you'll need to create an implementation of
   RemoteWebElementFactory that creates your custom subclass of
 * (on behalf of Jacob Kiesel) Fixed obscure window switching bug. This change
   fixes searching by window name if the current window handle becomes invalid
   and the name being switched to does not exist.
 * Fixed .NET HttpCommandExecutor event for RemoteWebDriver. This change moves
   the firing of the event raised before sending a remote HTTP request to
   before the setting of the request body. This allows the request settings to
   be properly set without throwing an exeception. This commit also renames
   the event and event args object to `SendingReomteHttpRequest` and
   `SendingRemoteHttpRequestEventArgs`, respectively. The previous event and
   event args are marked as deprecated for removal in a future release, and
   the previously named event is now a no-op, and will never be fired, even
   if a handler is attached.

 * Reverted change of ICommandExecutor interface to extend IDisposable. This
   change will reappear at some point. Downstream projects will need to
   implement a `public void Dispose()` method on any classes that implement
   ICommandExecutor to prevent breaking when this interface change is added
   again. Fixes issue #5768.

 * Added option to tell ChromeDriver to use the W3C WebDriver protocol dialect
   instead of the legacy open-source dialect.
 * (on behalf of Phillip Haydon) Updated doc strings for FirefoxDriver to
   no longer refer to ChromeDriver
 * Corrected remote URL for IWebElement.GetScreenshot() method.
 * Made ICommandExecutor interface extend IDisposable.
 * Fixed serialization of proxy autoconfig URLs. Fixes issue #5050.
 * Reverted .NET bindings to send spec-compliant new session for all browsers.
   Now that the Java remote server will correctly handle spec-compliant new
   session payload, even for browsers that are not yet spec-compliant, we can
   revert to the original behavior of sending both "capabilities" and
   "desiredCapabilities" properties with new session requests. Reverts commit
 * Modified to guard against assembly location being empty. When looking for
   supporting files on disk, the bindings look in the "current working
   directory" where the assembly is written. However, if the assembly has been
   embedded in an executable as a resource, and extracted into memory at
   runtime, the location will be blank. This commit prevents the exception
   being thrown, at the expense of possibly looking in the wrong directory.
 * Added locking for lazy-load of static dictionary. When running in parallel,
   there is a chance that multiple threads could attempt to populate a static
   dictionary used for translating error codes. This commit adds locking around
   the initialization of the static dictionary. Note that we are not using
   "double-check" locking, but the locking we use should be good enough. Fixes
   issue #3166.
 * (On behalf of John Chen) Fixed ChromeDriver NetworkConditions setter. The
   JSON object generated by the .NET version of ChromeDriver NetworkConditions
   setter had incorrect format, and was rejected by ChromeDriver.
 * Added sending a user-agent string for .NET remote HTTP requests to a remote
   end (Java standalone server, IEDriverServer.exe, chromedriver.exe,
   geckodriver.exe, etc.). Addresses #5657 for .NET.
 * Fixed .NET ChromeDriver network conditions commands URLs. Fixes issue #5693.
 * Added BeforeRemoteHttpRequest event to .NET RemoteWebDriver. This commit
   adds the ability for advanced users of the .NET bindings RemoteWebDriver
   class to modify the HTTP command sent from the .NET WebDriver code to the
   remote WebDriver server. Note carefully that this **DOES NOT** modify the
   HTTP request between the browser and the web server, and is not a mechanism
   for getting access to that HTTP request. Usage of this new event would look
   something like this:

   public void StartDriver()
       HttpCommandExecutor executor = new HttpCommandExecutor(
           new Url("http://localhost:4444/wd/hub"), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60));
       executor.BeforeRemoteHttpRequest += BeforeRemoteHttpRequestHandler;
       ICapabilities capabilities = new ChromeOptions().ToCapabilities();
       IWebDriver driver = new RemoteWebDriver(executor, capabilities);

   public void BeforeRemoteHttpRequestHandler(
       object sender, BeforeRemoteHttpRequestEventArgs e)
       // Note: WebRequest.DefaultWebProxy is an IWebProxy implementation.
       // This could be anything, from adding additional headers, to modifying
       // the content of the request. Use with extreme caution.
       e.Request.Proxy = WebRequest.DefaultWebProxy;
       e.Request.AutomaticDecompression = DecompressionMethods.GZip

 * (On behalf of Samuel Bétrisey) Add support for Basic Access Authentication
   in .NET RemoteWebDriver. The username and password of the Uri wasn't used
   by the HttpWebRequest. Usage example:

   new RemoteWebDriver(new Uri("http://user:pass@example.com/wd/hub"),

 * (On behalf of "granak") Null cookie value fix. Cookies with empty string
   values would throw exceptions.
 * Enabled reconstitution of .NET FirefoxOptions from raw capabilities. This
   is a temporary measure until DesiredCapabilities is done away with for good.
   Fixes issue #4855.
 * Modified to write screenshots using the Save overload that takes a
   System.IO.FileStream object. Rather than using the Image.Save overload that
   takes a string containing the file name, we should use a FileStream. The
   FileStream object handles validating the existence of the path to which one
   is attempting to write, so this will avoid the cryptic GDI+ error that
   occurs if the file already exists. Additionally, the SaveAsFile method now
   does what it says on the tin, that the file will be overwritten if it
   already exists. Fixes issue #4645.
 * (On behalf of Sean Rand) Added overload argument to the
   SelectElement.SelectByText method. The XML summary informs that the method
   provides partial match ability on the options  by Text.  However this wasn't
   fully implemented so pushed the ability via a boolean to perform such a
   partial match on an options list. Fixes issue #3575.
 * (On behalf of Sean Rand) Added test playlists for each .NET test project in
   the repo. This is to help aid running of all tests in a specific project.
   Originally, this was intended to simply add a playlist for the support tests
   but adding playlists for all of the test projects is a better approach.
   Fixes issue #3805.
 * (On behalf of Arnon Axelrod) Added the new value of the element to the
   ElementValueChanged and ElementValueChanging event args. This commit also
   creates a new overload of OnElementChanging and OnElementChanged but also
   keeps the original overloads to preserve backward compatibility.
   Additionally, the original overloads are marked with the [Obsolete]
   attribute to let users know they should migrate to the new overloads.
 * Fixed proxy bypass address serialization for legacy .NET drivers. The W3C
   WebDriver Specification states that the list of addresses to bypass in a
   proxy configuration should be an array. The legacy OSS dialect of the
   protocol specifies it must be a string. This commit fixes the serialization
   for the non-spec-compliant case, serializing it as a semicolon-separated
   list. Fixes issue #5645.
 * Updating .NET to not propagate non-W3C compliant capability names. Fixes
   issue #5646.
 * Added new property for geckodriver --jsdebugger commmand line switch to
   FirefoxDriverService object.
 * (On behalf of Christopher Buttkus) Added LeftShift, LeftAlt, LeftControl,
   Command, and Meta as KeyDown/Up events for .NET
 * (On behalf of "vflame") Added ability to install Firefox addon using
   manifest.json. Firefox addons/extensions built with WebExtensions API have a
   manifest.json instead of install.rdf. When Selenium extract the addon/
   extension id, it only looked for install.rdf. This fix adds extracting the
   addon/extension id from the manifest.json in addition to install.rdf. Fixes
   issue #4093.
 * (On behalf of Yevgeniy Shunevych) Fixed AddEncodedExtension methods of
   ChromeOptions and OperaOptions
 * Updated .NET strong-named assembly build to correct package references.
   Fixes issue #5511.
 * Updated WebDriverBackedSelenium .csproj file to embed resources. This step
   was omitted when the build process for the .NET bindings was migrated from
   crazy-fun to Buck. Fixes issue #5528.
 * Streamlined Actions class. The Actions class will now throw an exception
   on instantiation if the IWebDriver instance passed into the constructor does
   not also implement IActionExecutor. This will help folks who wrap the
   standard WebDriver driver classes to be able to continue to work with the
   Actions class.

 * Added support for intercepted element clicks. This adds a new exception,
   `ElementClickInterceptedException` to indicate when an element is obscured
   by another element. This allows users to distinguish between different
   causes of elements not being clickable.
 * Marked .NET ExpectedConditions obsolete. Using the ExpectedConditions
   class provides no benefit over directly using lambda functions (anonymous
   methods) directly in one's code. Since the community appears to believe
   that an "official" repository of wait conditions is desireable, the
   existing code has been migrated to a new repository under a new organization
   on GitHub (https://github.com/DotNetSeleniumTools/DotNetSeleniumExtras).
   It is  hoped that this will encourage a volunteer from the community to take
   ownership of this code. Users should update their references and migrate
   their code to use `SeleniumExtras.ExpectedConditions`. This implementation
   will be removed from the .NET language bindings in a future release
 * Marked .NET PageFactory obsolete. The .NET implementation of PageFactory
   is deeply flawed. Additionally, using the PageFactory provides no benefit
   over other methods of Page Object creation in .NET. This is true for code
   verbosity as well, which is often the reason cited for wanting to use the
   PageFactory in .NET. The existing code has been migrated to a new repository
   under a new organization on GitHub
   (https://github.com/DotNetSeleniumTools/DotNetSeleniumExtras). It is hoped
   that this will encourage a volunteer from the community to take ownership
   of this code. Users should update their references and migrate their code
   to use `SeleniumExtras.PageFactory`. The implementation will be removed
 * Updated .NET Actions class to change element offsets for W3C mouse move.
   When the Actions class performs a mouse move that includes a reference to
   an element and an x-y offset, the offsets are calculated differently
   depending on whether the remote end adheres to the W3C WebDriver
   Specification. In the W3C case, the offsets are calculated from the center
   of the element. This differs from the legacy behavior, which calculates
   offsets from the top-left corner of the element. This change uses the
   language bindings to allow the user to optionally choose which origin to
   use, and by default calculates all offsets from the upper-left, if not
   specified. This normalizes the mouse move behavior across all types of
   remote ends.

 * Removed Proxy property from instance of HttpWebRequest in .NET. This
   fixes the case for .NET Core when running RemoteWebDriver by avoiding
   a platform-specific property of the ServicePoint object. This obviates
   the need for creating a custom IWebProxy implementation simply for fixing
   this issue, and prevents a bloat of the number of RemoteWebDriver
   constructors for creating an instance of that proxy object. While there
   may be a compelling use case for supporting an IWebProxy implementation
   for use with WebDriver to proxy communication between the language bindings
   and the driver, this use case is not it. Fixes issue #4770.
 * (on behalf of dnknitro)  Added no-cache header to HTTP GET command of
   RemoteWebDriver. When Selenium RemoteWebDriver is connecting to Selenium
   Server (e.g. SauceLabs) through HTTP proxy, same/repetitive HTTP commands
   can be cached by the proxy. This leads to unexpected and unwanted behavior
   that HTTP commands return cached and outdated data from the server (e.g.
   screenshots). Fixes issue #5404.
 * Removed support for timeline perf logging preference in .NET ChromeDriver.
   According to chromedriver bug #2034
   the enableTimeline performance logging preference is no longer accepted
   by chromedriver.exe. The .NET language bindings will no longer send that
   preference to the driver executable. Additionally, the peroperty setting
   the preference has been deprecated, and will generate a compile-time
   warning. The property will be remvoed in a future release. Fixes
   issue #5481.

 * Updated build process and packaging to correctly distribute strongly-
   named releases. Fixes issue #5254 (for real, this time). No functional
   changes whatsoever.

 * Added commands to get and set network conditions for Chrome in .NET.
   To get or set the network conditions, use the `NetworkConditions` property
   of the ChromeDriver object. This property gets or sets a
   ChromeNetworkConditions object which contains the proper values. Fixes
   issue #5338.
 * Readded CLSCompliant attribute to .NET assemblies. When converting from
   the prior build system to using Buck and the dotnet build tools, the
   assembly-level CLSCompliant attribute was removed. This commit restores
   the CLSCompliant attribute to the assembly manifests. Fixes issue #5324.
 * Removed check for leading hyphens in .NET FirefoxOptions AddArgument.
   In prior releases of geckodriver, it was a requirement that all arguments
   be preceeded by double hyphens ("--"). Geckodriver has now relaxed that
   restriction, and the .NET bindings need to keep up with that change. This
   commit removes the check for leading hyphens when calling AddArgument.
 * Fixed strong-named assembly references. In the move to using the `dotnet`
   build tools instead of calling the C# compiler directly, the creation of
   strong-named assemblies was broken with incorrect references being created.
   This commit fixes that problem. Fixes issue #5254.
 * Exposed HostName property for .NET DriverService class. Previously, the
   host name for a DriverService was hard-coded to be "localhost." This is
   normally acceptable, as a DriverService is only intended to be used
   locally, and most executables that are represented by a DriverService
   (chromedriver, geckodriver, IEDriverServer.exe, etc.) do not even allow
   connections from external machines for security reasons. However, there is
   a legitimate use case (.NET Standard 2.0) where a local IP address
   ("" or "::1") is preferrable to using the "localhost" moniker.
   This HostName property allows the user to specify that IP address. Note
   that the property defaults to "localhost," preserving previous behavior.

 * Updating .NET bindings setting of timeouts for spec-compliance. This
   also removes some obsolete API entry points that have been marked as
   deprecated for some months now. The properties of the ITimeouts object
   should be used.
 * Updated .NET Options classes to better support W3C Capabilities.
 * Added .NET constructors to FirefoxDriver to align with other browser

 * Made .NET Interactions device classes public. Fixes issue #3989.
 * Reversed the default for whether a generated capabilities payload
   when creating a new session is a spec compliant payload. Fixes issue

 * Removed internal use of deprecated construct in .NET bindings.
 * Added no-format override to .NET Screenshot class for saving file,
   which will save the image in a Portable Network Graphics (PNG)
 * Updating .NET bindings to not send incorrect W3C Firefox capabilities
   Previously, RemoteWebDriver would send the same capabilities dictionary
   using both the "desiredCapabilities" and "capabilities" properties when
   requesting a new remote session. In the case of the language bindings
   expressly requesting to use the legacy Firefox driver, the capabilities
   dictionary will include properties that are invalid for the W3C-compliant
   remote server. To resolve that issue, we will mask the explicit attempt by
   setting a property that causes the .NET RemoteWebDriver to send a
   legacy-only compatible new session request when explicitly requesting the
   legacy driver. Fixes issue #4637.
 * Added the output of .NET Standard 2.0 class libraries to the release
   artifacts, which will allow the bindings to be used against .NET Core 2.0.
   This addition marks the initial support of .NET Core in the Selenium .NET
   language bindings. Use of the .NET bindings against .NET Core should be
   considered experimental at this stage. The following issues are already
   known, and should not be reported:
    - Calls to localhost in .NET Core are slower than those in the full .NET
      Framework. This is due to internal differences in the .NET libraries
      themselves, and are not the fault of the bindings directly. See
      https://github.com/dotnet/corefx/issues/24104 for more details.
    - Attempting to save a screenshot to any graphics file format other than
      Portable Network Graphics (PNG) will throw an exception. .NET Core does
      not provide the image manipulation classes that the full .NET Framework
      does, and there are no production-ready third-party libraries that
      provide that functionality yet and also only rely on managed code. This
      concern is over and above the difficulties with adding dependencies to
      the language bindings.
    - When using the bindings against .NET Core, there is no PageFactory
      class available. This is not an oversight, nor is it a bug. The .NET
      PageFactory implementation requires use of classes that are not
      available in .NET Core. It is a non-trivial matter to add additional
      dependencies to the .NET bindings, so simply replacing those classes
      with a third-party library that is compatible with .NET Core is not a
      perfectly obvious option.
    - References to the .NET Standard 2.0 library versions provided in this
      and future releases are only valid when using NuGet package references.
      Simply copying the assembly and adding an assembly reference to the
      .NET Core 2.0 project will not work. This is by design of the .NET
      Core ecosystem, which is now entirely dependent on NuGet to propertly
      resolve dependencies.

 * Changed .NET ChromeOptions to use "goog:chromeOptions" as property name.
   This aligns with current chromedriver.exe expectations as well as with the
   W3C WebDriver Specification. It also means that the .NET bindings will now
   require 2.31 or later of chromedriver.exe.
 * Guarding against null return value from FindElements. Fixes issue #4555
   for .NET.
 * Updating serialization of Proxy for W3C-compliant drivers in .NET. Fixes
   issue #4574 for .NET.
 * Added support for W3C 'invalid argument' error code.
 * Added GetProperty method to IWebElement.
 * Added support for new new window commands (Minimize and FullScreen).
 * Updated .NET FirefoxOptions to not force specifying binary location. In
   the Marionette/Geckodriver case, the service executable can locate the
   Firefox executable on its own when looking in default installation
   locations. There is no need for the language bindings to go spelunking
   through the registry in that case any longer because the bindings do not
   have to directly launch the Firefox executable.
 * Committed initial support for .NET Core. This is only committed to the
   source repository; it is not yet released in any consumable binary form.
   This support will likely change significantly between now and when it is
   officially released. Please do not rely on it yet.

 * Added ability to detect spec-compliant capabilities in .NET. This
   release updates the .NET DesiredCapabilities class to allow the
   language bindings to construct the correct type of payload for the new
   session command before sending the command to the remote end. This will
   remove the burden from intermediate nodes (like the Java standalone server
   and grid) from incorrectly parsing a driver using the legacy protocol
   dialect (Edge, Safari, Chrome) and throwing an error on session creation.
   Fixes issue #4443.
 * Deprecated the static methods on the DesiredCapabilities class's methods
   for specific browsers in .NET. For over a year, the guidance for .NET
   users has been to use a browser-specific options class (FirefoxOptions,
   InternetExplorerOptions, etc.) to set specific capabilities for the driver
   to be instaniated. To use the options classes with the Java standalone
   remote server or grid, call the `ToCapabilities` method on the options
 * Removed deprecated screenshot methods. These have been deprecated
   since 3.1.0.
 * Removed IsJavaScriptEnabled property from DesiredCapabilities. Since
   virtually all driver implementations and all browsers support JavaScript
   and cannot run properly without it being enabled, this property is nearly
   useless. Use SetCapability("javascriptEnabled", true) if you require this

 * (on behalf of Matthew Lymer) Fixing the parsing of logging levels to match
   the values in the LogLevel enum. Fixes issue #4121.
 * Updated .NET DriverService to allow hard termination shutdown of
   exectuable.s Some driver services (geckodriver, safaridriver) don't support
   a shutdown HTTP end point. The base DriverSerivce class should allow for
   that, and not attempt to use one if it's known the service doesn't provide

 * Exposed new Interactions framework. This release introduces a new
   Interactions framework using the ActionBuilder class for creating advanced
   user interaction sequences in the .NET bindings. This framework is only
   designed to be used with remote ends that understand the W3C WebDriver
   Specification actions end point, and as such, there is no documentation
   or guidance for its use at present. Most users will continue to use the
   Actions class for now,bwhich works with both protocol dialects. Once most
   remote ends use the W3C dialect of the wire protocol, these classes will
   become more useful.
 * Fixed IAlert.SendKeys to send a string instead of a character array when
   communicating with remote ends that use the in the W3C Specification
   dialect of the wire protocol.
 * Now the "marionette" capability is only set for the case where the user
   wants to use the legacy Firefox driver. Starting with Geckodriver 0.16,
   this capability is not recognized as valid, since it violates the spec,
   and will not create a session if it's specified.
 * Updated InternetExplorerOptions to send IE-specific capabilities in a
   property named "se:ieOptions". This is the correct method for passing
   browser-specific capabilities according to the W3C WebDriver spec. This
   should be transparent for most users, but beginning with of the
   IE driver, this is the preferred mechanism for passing IE-specific
 * Added "acceptInsecureCerts" capability  for use with remote ends that
   adhere to the W3C WebDriver Specification. The default for the capability
   is true.
 * Updated FirefoxDriver(FirefoxOptions) constructor to allow the user to
   specify `UseLegacyImplementation = true` in the FirefoxOptions passed
   to the constructor and not be forced to have a copy of geckodriver
   available. Fixes issue #3597.
 * Updated bindings to properly use the W3C WebDriver Specification.

 * Fixed error return values from W3C spec-compliant remote ends
 * Fixed pointer actions duration in .NET to be an integer
 * Added ability to run .NET integration tests against Safari
   Technology Preview release
 * Fixed accounting for W3C spec-compliant response for new session
   command that contains a 'value' property.

 * Removed .NET Selenium RC language binding implementation. As
   announced previously, this release entirely removes the .NET
   implementation of the Selenium RC technology stack. The RC API still
   exists as part of WebDriverBackedSelenium, but is still marked as
 * Removed ability to set vendor implementation for IE driver. This
   property has been marked obsolete for awhile, but is now being removed.

 * Note that this will be the final release containing Selenium RC language
   bindings for .NET. Users still relying on the RC API will be able to
   continue to do so using WebDriverBackedSelenium, or by converting their
   code to use WebDriver proper. Selenium RC has been deprecated for over
   six years, and the .NET Selenium RC language bindings have not been
   updated with a code change other than a version bump in nearly that long.
 * Prepared Screenshot object for removal of direct dependency on
   System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat. The dependency still exists for now,
   but is no longer exposed in the public API.
 * Updated specification compliance for windows and timeouts APIs. The
   language bindings now properly implement the local end of the W3C
   WebDriver specification for getting and setting window size and position,
   and for getting and setting timeouts. It also marks as obsolete the
   methods for the ITimeouts interface in favor of properties, since the
   specification supports getting as well as setting timeouts.
 * Enabled execution of project's .NET tests from within Visual Studio. It
   is now possible to execute .NET tests from within the Visual Studio IDE.
   To enable this functionality, you must install the NUnit 3 Test Adapter
   plug-in. To change the browser against which the tests are executed,
   modify the dotnet/test/common/App.config file.
 * Updated .NET upload tests to work no matter working directory
 * Updated project to use NUnit 3.6.0
 * Initial development of .NET implementation of W3C spec actions command.
 * Refactored wire protocol serialization of IWebElements.
 * Removing custom code for geckodriver since it now implements a status end

 * Updated build process to include atoms resources in strong-named assemblies.
   Fixes issue #3137.

 * Major release of the .NET bindings for Selenium. Selenium RC classes
   and interfaces (DefaultSelenium and ISelenium) have officially been
   marked with the Obsolete attribute. Please move to Selenium WebDriver
 * Geckodriver is now the default mechanism for automating Firefox. This
   is Mozilla's implementation of a driver for that browser, and is
   required for automating Firefox versions 48 and above.
 * The IE driver no longer actively supports IE 7 or 8. Only IE 9, 10, and
   11 are actively supported.
 * The legacy driver for Safari maintained by the Selenium project is no
   longer supported. This release includes support for Apple's Safari
   driver, for Safari 10, available on macOS 10.11 ("El Capitan") and 10.12
 * Updated to conform to the latest options schema for geckodriver. This
   release expects geckodriver.exe v0.11.1 or later.
 * Marked InternetExplorerDriverService.Implementation property as
   deprecated. The Microsoft (vendor) implementation is no longer maintained
   and will not be updated. As it never had feature parity with the open-
   source implementation, the property is now unnecessary, and the feature
   will be removed from IEDriverServer.exe in a future release.

 * Modified to use automation atoms for getAttribute and isDisplayed in .NET
   for W3C remote ends
 * Added ability to set additional command line arguments for geckodriver

 * Updated GetAttribute shim for GetAttribute method for W3C protocol remote
 * Modified parameter name in SendKeys to alert for W3C protocol remote

 * The Mozilla-provided Marionette-based FirefoxDriver is now the default
   implementation for automating Firefox. Additionally, this aligns the
   FirefoxDriver class with other browser-specific implementations, using
   a FirefoxOptions class for setting options for the browser session.
   Constructors of FirefoxDriver directly referencing FirefoxProfile or
   FirefoxBinary have been marked as deprecated, and will be removed in a
   future release.

 * This will be the final full release in the 2.x series. There may be
   small point releases going forward, but future development will
   concentrate on 3.0.
 * (on behalf of arnonaxelrod) Added an overload of ExecuteJavaScript
   extension method that doesn't accept a generic argument and doesn't
   return a value.
 * (on behalf of mohammadsavadkuhi) Corrected argument name in
   exceptions thrown by DefaultWait<T>.
 * Corrected trace categories for Chrome perf logging prefs in .NET.
 * Added device metrics to Chrome options for mobile emulation.
 * Removed .NET type-safe option for setting IE cookie capability. The
   'ie.validateCookieDocumentType' has been obsolete since 2.47 of WebDriver.
   This commit marks the 'ValidateCookieDocumentType' property of the
   'InternetExplorerOptions' object as obsolete, and no longer sends that
   capability to the driver. This property will be removed in a future
   version of the .NET bindings.

 * Updated Firefox driver to include ability to disable overlapping element
   check. This includes a new constant for the name of the capability.
 * Provided an implementation of the local-end logging API.
 * Provided type-safe option to allow disabling of full-page screenshots when
   using the IE driver.
 * (on behalf of Glib Briia) Updated support library's SelectElement class to
   better handle <select multiple='multiple'> elements.

 * Updated Firefox driver which includes fixes for the clicking in overlapped
   elements. In keeping with project support policy for Firefox, This driver
   has been tested with Firefox 44 (current release), 43 (immediately prior
   release), 38 (current ESR release), and 31 (immediately prior ESR release).
 * Refactoring .NET driver Options classes to descend from common class. This
   commit introduces a common base class for driver-specific type-safe Options
   classes (e.g., ChromeOptions, InternetExplorerOptions, etc.). This will
   help pave the way to eliminate needing to know the name or expected type
   of arbitrary capabilities in a future release.
 * Removed the incorrect ChromeOptions method introduced in 2.50.0.
 * Added ability to add traceCategories to performance logging preferences in
   ChromeOptions. Fixes issue #1591.

 * Changed ChromeOptions to have correct EnableMobileEmulation API.

 * Updated embedded Firefox driver with new click algorithm
 * Added type-safe options .NET for recently added Chrome capabilities.
   This includes adding type-safe capabilities for 'mobileEmulation',
   'perfLoggingPrefs', and 'windowTypes' to ChromeOptions class.
 * (on behalf Edward Ned Harvey) Updated ChromeDriverService to locate
   Chrome driver executable in a cross-platform way.
 * Removed deprecated PageFactory code.
 * Updated implementations of EWebDriver.PageSource property and
   IAlert.SendKeys method for spec-compliant browsers.
 * Updated implementations for finding by ID, class name, and tag name
   for consistency between languages and for compatibility with spec-
   compliant drivers.
 * Removed the redundant IllegalLocatorException.

 * Updated .NET PageFactory to allow frame switching with located elements.
   Previously, if you located a `<frame>` or `<iframe>` element using the
   PageFactory attributes, you could not switch to it. This change allows one
   to use `driver.SwitchTo().Frame(element)` with the element found via the
 * Added workaround for Windows 10 major version number encountered when
   executing via NUnit 3.
 * Issue #1316: (on behalf of Chris Block) Enhance check for value types to
   exclude Nullable in extension methods. The System.Nullable type is a value
   type that can be assigned the null value. This change checks for types
   wrapped with Nullable and does not throw when they are encountered.
 * Exposed session ID property on RemoteWebDriver. Users can now cast their
   driver instance to IHasSessionId to access the SessionId property, which
   returns a SessionId object. To use the SessionId object with external
   tools, simply call the ToString() method on the instance. Note that
   relying on the SessionId for anything is probably a Bad Thing, because it
   introduces a leak in the abstraction of a driver. Please do not use this
   property; its introduction is the Wrong Approach, but it's being exposed
   at the insistence of a selection of users.
 * Adding support for whitelisted-ips argument for Chrome and IE driver

 * Release containing fix to Firefox driver bug when clearing input fields of
   type number.

 * Various updates in communicating with remote ends using the W3C dialect of
   the JSON wire protocol.
 * (on behalf of petruc) Added HTML5 functionality to .NET bindings. The .NET
   bindings now include the ability to access appCache status, local and
   session storage, and geolocation. Each feature has a role-based marker
   interface (IHasApplicationCache, IHasWebStorage, or IHasLocationContext),
   and the implementation has a boolean property to query if the driver
   supports that feature. Attempting to use the feature for a driver which
   does not support it will throw an exception.
 * Issue #1120: Fixed deserialization of date-time data from remote ends.
 * Issue #1186: Safari should only specify MAC as platform in default desired

 * Supports native events for Firefox version 31 (immediately previous ESR).
   Native event support has been discontinued for versions of Firefox later
   than 33. Synthetic events tested on Firefox versions 31 (immediately
   previous ESR), 38 (current ESR), and 40 (immediately previous release),
   and 41 (current release).
 * Refactored JSON deserialization for responses.
 * Modified SwitchTo().Frame(string) to use client-side code instead of a
   direct wire protocol call.
 * Added support for the W3C Specification dialect of the JSON wire protocol
 * Added initial support for Mozilla's Marionette implementation of the
   Firefox driver.

 * Supports native events for Firefox version 31 (immediately previous ESR).
   Native event support has been discontinued for versions of Firefox later
   than 33. Synthetic events tested on Firefox versions 31 (immediately
   previous ESR), 38 (immediately previous release and current ESR), and 39
   (current release).
 * (provided by Microsoft) Added language bindings for Microsoft Edge browser.
 * Added support for authentication dialogs in the .NET bindings.
 * Replaced DotNetZip with ZipStorer library. Adds the ability to use the .NET
   bindings with Firefox on Linux and OS X via Mono. The replacement library
   uses the internal System.IO.Compression classes along with custom code for
   reading and writing the central director structure of .zip files. The
   resulting .zip files created may be slightly larger than those produced via
   DotNetZip, but we will sacrifice that small size difference in exchange for
   cross-platform usability.
 * Fixing cookie parsing error in .NET bindings. The JSON response for cookie
   expiration date is a number, not an integer. The .NET bindings were not
   handling the fact that a floating point number could be included in the JSON
   object as an expiration time.
 * Added support to .NET bindings for HTTP-only cookies.
 * Added ITakesScreenshot to .NET RemoteWebElement for spec compatibility Note
   that no driver implements this at present, so attempting to use this within
   any test will result in a NotImplementedException.
 * Fixed dynamic assembly generation for .NET PageFactory for .NET 3.5.

 * Supports native events for Firefox version 31 (immediately previous ESR).
   Native event support has been discontinued for versions of Firefox later
   than 33. Synthetic events tested on Firefox versions 31 (immediately
   previous ESR), 37 (immediately previous release), and 38 (current release,
   and current ESR).
 * (on behalf of Darrin Cherry) Modified ExpectedConditions class to more
   closely mimic the one provided by Java.
 * Added ToString override to Platform class. Fixes issue #580.
 * Removed Firefox profile cleaning step when launching Firefox. Firefox used
   to require launching to clean up potential issues with the anonymous
   temporary profile that we use with the driver. This is no longer the case.
 * Added type safe support to InternetExplorerOptions for page load strategy.
 * Added ability to get wrapped IWebElement from SelectElement. When using a
   SelectElement wrapper class to manipulate <select> elements, the user
   previously had to keep a separate reference to the IWebElement representing
   the actual element. The SelectElement class now implements IWrapsElement,
   exposing the WrappedElement property, which gives the user the ability to
   access the underlying IWebElement. Fixes issue #350.
 * (on behalf of clz.livio) Added additional PhantomJS command-line options.
   Added the ProxyAuthorization property and SslCertificatesPath property to
   the PhantomJSDriverSerivce class. These translate to the --proxy-auth and
   --ssl-certificates-path command line options on PhantomJS respectively.
 * (on behalf of clz.livio) Improved DriverService to check response on
   startup. A driver using a driver service will now throw a WebDriverException
   if it cannot start the driver service, or if the service executable returns
   an invalid response. Note that the checks for the validation of the
   repsonses is minimal, checking for the Content-Type header and that the
   response code is a 200.
 * (on behalf of Sergey Tikhomirov) Refactored PageFactory implementation,
   including a number of changes to make it more extensible and more robust.

   First, instead of the hand-rolled proxy classes that had been used
   previously, this refactor introduces proxy objects based on
   System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy, which allows for more
   flexibility in the types of objects proxied.

   Second, this refactor now allows users to provide their own implementation
   engines for examining attributes of Page Object classes and determining
   what course to take. To create a new implementation the user must provide
   an implementation of the IPageObjectMemberDecorator interface, which
   determines which attributes to examine fields and properties for, and how
   to create the proxy objects assigned to the members.

   Third, this refactor introduces a new IElementLocator interface to Page
   Object implementations, and deprecates the IElementLocatorFactory
   interface. The IElementLocator interface is substantially similar to the
   now-deprecated IElementLocatorFactory, but requires implementations to
   provide a property to retrieve the ISearchContext implementation used to
   actually find elements. The implications of this change are that
   IElementLocator implementations will need to keep a reference to the
   IWebDriver or IWebElement they are using. Recommended practice is for this
   context to be passed in via a the IElementLocator implementation's
   constructor, and this technique is demonstrated in the source code to the
   two implementations provided in the regular .NET language bindings

   Finally, this commit also introduces a breaking change in
   IElementLocatorFactory. Developers of classes that implement this
   interface will now be required to implement the CreateLocator method,
   which will return a valid IElementLocator implmentation. This is to
   prepare for the removal of the IElementLocatorFactory interface and its
   implmentations in a future release.
 * Added FindsByAllAttribute to .NET PageFactory implementation. This allows
   the user to specify that an element must match the criteria of all of the
   FindsBy attributes a property or field is marked with in order to be found
   by the PageFactory. Previously, a class member marked with multiple FindsBy
   attributes would find an element matching any of the attributes' criteria.
   Because of the nature of this change, you cannot use FindsBySequence and
   FindsByAll on the same class member. Attempting to do so will result in an
   exception when InitElements is called.
 * (on behalf of Immanuel Hayden) Added support for ByAll, finding elements
   matching all locators.
 * (on behalf of Chris Block) Changed ExecuteJavaScript extension method for
   converting result, so that it now validates that the ExecuteJavaScript
   extension method will correctly detect if the script result is convertable
   to the generic type.
 * (on behalf of Yi Zeng) Added constructor overload which takes in single
   DriverService parameter. This pattern was already implemented in
   PhantomJSDriver, but not yet in ChromeDriver and InternetExplorerDriver.
 * Added ability to add custom wire protocol commands in .NET bindings. This
   allows projects that use a WebDriver-like JSON-over-HTTP wire protocol to
   add additional end points for their use. It does this by exposing (and
   renaming) a formerly internal method on the singleton CommandInfoRepository
   class. To add additonal commands, one would call the TryAddCommand method,
   which is now public. Fixes Google Code issue #8594.
 * Added ability to handle W3C spec compliant element serialization.
 * (on behalf of Eberhard Beilharz) Made PhantomJS driver more cross-platform
   aware. On Linux the filesystem is case-sensitive and executables don't end
   with ".exe". This change modifies the PhantomJSDriver to search for
   "phantomjs" on Unix systems while keeping the filename "PhantomJS.exe" on
   Windows. This allows to use the default constructor of the PhantomJSDriver
   class on Linux. Previously using the default c'tor resulted in an error that
   "PhantomJS.exe" can't be found.

 * Supports native events for Firefox versions 31 (current ESR), and
   24 (immediately previous ESR). Native event support has been discontinued
   for versions of Firefox later than 33.
 * Removed automatic installation of SafariDriver extention for .NET.
   From this point forward, users are expected to manually install the
   SafariDriver extension into their Safari installation in order to drive
   the browser. This is due to Apple's changes in architecture for Safari
 * Added initial implementation of .NET bindings OperaDriver. The .NET
   bindings will now support the Chromium-based Opera driver without
   requiring the use of the Java remote WebDriver server. This driver will
   work with Opera 26 and above, and requires the download of the Opera
   driver executable. Code cleanup and refactoring will take place under a
   separate commit. Note that there is still no support in the .NET bindings
   for the Presto-based Opera without using the remote server, nor is there
   likely to be.
 * Added option to not delete anonymous Firefox profile in .NET. This change
   adds an option to the .NET FirefoxProfile class so that the driver will
   not delete the anonymous profile created by the driver. Since the driver
   cannot and should not use an existing profile in situ because of the
   multiple instance automation case, this change means that modifications
   applied to the anonymous profile can be retained and used in future
   anonymous profiles. The implication is that the user can now make
   modifications to a profile, and retain those profile modifications (e.g.,
   cookies) into other future profiles, simulating persistent changes over
   multiple browser launches. Fixes issue #7374.
 * Introduced type safe option in InternetExplorerOptions to set the
   capability to disable check of mime type of the doucment when setting
   cookies. When setting cookies, there is a check in the IE driver to
   validate that the page in the browser is, in fact, an HTML page. Despite
   the fact that omitting this check can cause unrecoverable crashes in the
   driver, there is demand for a mechanism to disable this check for older,
   legacy versions of Internet Explorer. Fixes issue #1227.

 * Supports native events for Firefox versions 33 (current), 32 (immediately
   previous release), 31 (current ESR), and 24 (immediately previous ESR).
 * Rolled back improper spec compliance for finding elements.
 * Fixed WebDriverBackedSelenium compatibility with IE5. Fixes issue #7938.

 * Point-release to correct version resources in .NET bindings assemblies. No
   functional changes.

 * Supports native events for Firefox versions 32 (current), 31 (immediately
   previous release and current ESR), and 24 (immediately previous ESR).
 * Integrated the Microsoft Internet Explorer driver implementation into the
   .NET bindings. By setting the Implementation property of the .NET bindings'
   InternetExplorerDriverService class, the user can now force the driver to
   use the Microsoft implementation. Note that the default is to use the
   existing open-source implementation based on the Automation Atoms.
   Over time as the Microsoft implementation matures, this will be switched to
   use the Microsoft implementation, first by default, then exclusively.

   To use the Microsoft implementation, the user must have the August 2014
   updates to Internet Explorer installed through Windows Update, and must
   install the IE Web Driver Tool for Internet Explorer 11 download from
   Microsoft (http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=44069).
 * Added safe check for window.localStorage in .NET WebDriverBackedSelenium
   implementation. Patch provided by Timofey Vasenin.
 * Implemented pluggable element locator factories for .NET PageFactory. This
   change allows the user to specify a custom IElementLocatorFactory for
   locating elements when used with the PageFactory. This gives much more
   control over the algorithm used to locate elements, and allows the
   incorporation of things like retries or handling of specific exceptions.
 * Issue #7367: Set Json.NET to ignore dates when parsing response values.
 * Issue #7419: Added support for SwitchTo().ParentFrame() in .NET bindings.
   This brings the .NET bindings into parity with other languages.
 * Belatedly removed long-obsolete .NET tests for AndroidDriver.

 * Supports native events for Firefox versions 29 (current), 28 (immediately
   previous), 24 (current ESR), and 17 (immediately previous ESR)
 * Updated Json.NET dependency to version 6.0.2.
 * Refactored JSON serialization of cookies.

 * Supports native events for Firefox versions 28 (current), 27 (immediately
   previous), 24 (current ESR), and 17 (immediately previous ESR)
 * Removed deprecated AndroidDriver
 * Added excludeSwitches to the list of known Chrome options
 * Implemented ITakesScreenshot in RemoteWebDriver base class instead of
   in browser-specific subclasses.
 * Refactored usage of command executors. We now use the same algorithm for
   creating and using a "command executor" for all current driver
   implementations. This removes some of the differences between Firefox and
   other implementations. It also prepares the way for unifying the
   construction of drivers using a common base Options class.

 * Supports native events for Firefox versions 27 (current), 26 (immediately
   previous), 24 (current ESR), and 17 (immediately previous ESR)
 * Issue #1175: Implemented ByIdOrName in .NET support package.
 * Issue #3283: Escaping backslashes when writing Firefox preferences to
   profile in .NET
 * Issue #3719: No longer redirecting console output for Firefox. This
   information was largely unused by anyone, and the implementation had a
   chance to produce deadlocks when reading from the console output stream for
   stdout and stderr.
 * Issue #4248: Added exception handling in .NET WebDriverBackedSelenium.
 * Issue #5692: Fixed when cookie expiration date received by .NET exceeds
   maximum DateTime value. When receiving a cookie via the JSON wire protocol,
   the expiration date is represented as the number of seconds after
   12:00:00 AM January 1, 1970 GMT. When a number greater than or equal
   253402300800, this is larger than the maximum value of .NET's DateTime
   value. This change catches the ArgumentOutOfRangeException and forcibly sets
   the expiration to DateTime.MaxValue (12:59:59 PM December 31, 9999 GMT).
 * Issue #5755: Exposing property on .NET PhantomJSDriverService to specify IP
   address on which to listen for connections. When specifying a port on which
   PhantomJS should listen for WebDriver commands, the user has the option to
   also specify an IP address to which to bind to listen. This commit exposes
   that ability. It also exposes the ability to specify a Selenium Grid hub
   with which this instance of PhantomJS should register as a node.
 * Issue #6343: (on behalf of Ulrich Buchgraber) Make .NET DefaultWait stop
   swallowing original exception stack trace.
 * Issue #6699: Exposing process ID of service executable in .NET DriverService
   class. This allows the user to attempt to add the process to a Windows job
   object if they so desire, which will automatically kill child processes when
   the parent process is exited. Note that job objects are subject to security
   restrictions when used on Windows Vista or later.
 * Issue #6860: Updating .NET SafariDriver browser launch code. The initial
   start page from the temp directory that launches the WebSocket is loaded in
   Safari via a command line parameter. If the path contains a space, the load
   will fail. This is fixed by surrounding the temp file name with quotes.
 * Issue #6870: Updated FirefoxDriver constructor for ICapabilities. This
   allows the user to pass an ICapabilities object to the Firefox driver
   constructor and have specific capabilities used in driver instantiation.
 * Issue #6935: Changing .NET random temp file generation to be truly random.
   The .NET bindings now use GUIDs as part of the file names for files and
   directories created in the temp directory. This is to work around potential
   collisions in random number generation encountered when using the .NET
   Random class, particularly in different processes. GUIDs are used as their
   generation in the .NET Framework is optimized for performance.
 * Issue #6966: Changed .NET WebDriverBackedSelenium OpenWindow to mimic Java.
   The JavaScript evaluated by the .NET WebDriverBackedSelenium OpenWindow
   command handler should return a null value from the eval() of the
   JavaScript to open the window. This is what the Java implementation does,
   and this commit brings the .NET implementation into line with that.
 * Updated .NET PhantomJS driver to be able to execute code in the PhantomJS
   context. This allows the user to execute PhantomJS-specific commands using
   the PhantomJS JavaScript API.
 * Updated .NET bindings to use webdriver.json for default Firefox profile.
   Other language bindings have been using a common JSON file containing the
   default profile setting for the anonymous Firefox profile used by the
   Firefox driver. The .NET bindings now do the same.
 * Now provide an option to hide command prompt window for driver service
   executables (IEDriverServer.exe, chromedriver.exe, etc.) in .NET bindings.
 * Modified to allow user to specify name of driver service executable in .NET.
   We now give an overload to CreateDefaultService for ChromeDriverService,
   PhantomJSDriverService, and InternetExplorerDriverService to allow the
   user to specify the name of the service exectuable. This is particularly
   useful for non-Windows platforms where the executable does not end with
   '.exe'. It also allows the user to rename the executable to a name of
   their choosing and still be able to use it from the .NET bindings.
 * Added a type safe option for IE to use ForceUseShellWindowsApi.
 * Updated .NET ChromeOptions to include latest options for Chrome. Also fixed
   the AddAdditionalCapability method to correctly add additional options to
   the chromeOptions object passed to chromedriver.exe, instead of to the top-
   level of the capabilities object. Adding new top-level capabilities is
   handled by a new overload of AddAdditionalCapability that contains a boolean
   argument to indicate that the capability should be added to the root of the
   capabilities object. This handles the 80% case where new "experimental"
   options are added by the chromedriver team.
 * Implemented FindsBySequence attribute for .NET PageFactory. This new
   attribute allows the user to mark a field or property in a page object such
   that any FindsBy attributes set on the member are used in sequence, as
   specified by the Priority property. Note that when not specifying a Priority
   value, or specifying multiple FindsBy attributes with the same Priority
   value, the behavior is undefined.
 * Fixed cleaning up leftover temp directory when using SafariDriver.

 * Supports native events for Firefox versions 26 (current), 25 (immediately
   previous), 24 (current ESR), and 17 (immediately previous ESR)
 * Deprecated .NET AndroidDriver class. Going forward, the recommended approach
   is to use a third-party implementation for Android, such as Selendroid
   (http://selendroid.io/) or Appium (http://appium.io/).
 * Added experimental IWebDriver extension methods to .NET support classes.
   This commit adds extension methods to IWebDriver, which can be used to
   reduce the amount of type casting that must be done to access
   functionality not provided by the base IWebDriver interface. The following
   methods were added:

    * TakeScreenshot() - does not require a cast to ITakesScreenshot, and has
      support for working directly with instances of RemoteWebDriver.
    * ExecuteJavaScript<T>() - does not require a cast to
      IJavaScriptExecutor, and will automatically cast the result to the type
      specified by the generic type parameter (T).

   These extension methods should be considered experimental. To use them
   requires a reference to WebDriver.Support.dll, and adding a using clause
   for OpenQA.Selenium.Support.Extensions.

 * Supports native events for Firefox versions 25 (current), 24 (immediately
   previous and current ESR), and 17 (immediately previous ESR)
 * Issue #6383: Adding method GetCSSCount to ISelenium.
 * Issue #6418: Updated .NET path manipulation when launching Firefox process.
 * Issue #6453: Adding type-safe properties for new command-line arguments of
 * Issue #6457: Disabled keep-alive header on .NET driver service startup/
   shutdown requests.

 * Supports native events for Firefox versions 24 (current and current ESR),
   23 (immediately previous), and 17 (immediately previous ESR)
 * Issue #6163: Refactored .NET DriverService-based shutdown code. Moved
   waiting for the driver service process to end to immediately after sending
   the shutdown HTTP request. Waiting to catch the exception for a failed HTTP
   request due to a closed socket is very expensive. This cuts shutdown time
   for a driver service executable to about 33% of what it used to be for the
   IE driver, with larger savings for Chrome and PhantomJS.

 * Supports native events for Firefox versions 24 (current and current ESR),
   23 (immediately previous), and 17 (immediately previous ESR)
 * Added ability to set additional ChromeOptions in the .NET bindings. This
   allows the ability to set user profile preferences and local state
   preferences using the ChromeOptions class. The new AddUserProfilePreference
   and AddLocalStatePreference methods correspond to the "prefs" and
   "localState" capabilities documented in the chromedriver documentation. Note
   that the values passed in to these methods must be JSON-serializable, and no
   validation is done on these values at present. We now also allow setting the
   "detach" capability, which allows the user to specify that Chrome remain
   running after chromedriver.exe has quit.
 * Removed support for the obsolete chrome.binary and chrome.switches
 * Changed the command line arguments to chromedriver.exe to include two
   hyphens, instead of one (e.g., "--silent" instead of "-silent").
 * Issue #6163: Fixed quoting of cmd argument contains space for PhantomJS.
 * Added ability to set Chrome extensions by using base64 encoded strings.
   Previously, you could only install extensions by using a path to a .crx
   file. Now you can embed the extension as a base64-encoded string, without
   having it persisted to the disk at all.

 * Supports native events for Firefox versions 23 (current), 22 (immediately
   previous), 17 (current ESR), and 10 (immediately previous ESR)
 * Issue #4506: (on behalf of Aaron Evans) Remove trailing slashes from baseUrl
   in .NET to prevent double slashes in URL. This change is in the .NET
   WebDriverBackedSelenium API.
 * Removed unnecessary ProxyJsonConverter class.
 * Updating InternetExplorerOptions documentation for UsePerProcessProxy

 * Supports native events for Firefox versions 22 (current), 21 (immediately
   previous), 17 (current ESR), and 10 (immediately previous ESR)
 * Added support for ie.ensureCleanSession capability to .NET bindings. The
   .NET bindings do this by means of the EnsureCleanSession property on the
   InternetExplorerOptions object. When set to true, this property instructs
   the IE driver to clear the system cache for all instances of Internet
   Explorer, even those already running when the driven instance is launched,
   so care should be used when setting this property. The property defaults to
 * Added type-safe Proxy property to .NET InternetExplorerOptions class. Also
   added support for the ie.usePerProcessProxy capability via the
   UsePerProcessProxy propery.
 * Issue #5999: Rearranged command line generated for PhantomJS. This
   rearranges the order of arguments so that PhantomJS command line arguments
   appear before the GhostScript main.js file (if any).
 * Added JSON serialization info for .NET Proxy class. Also added Proxy
   property to ChromeOptions class for type-safe adding of proxy to Chrome
 * Added ability to set external GhostDriver implementation in .NET bindings.
   Previously, it was not possible to set the path to the GhostDriver
   JavaScript implementation in the .NET bindings; the user was forced to use
   the implementation embedded in the PhantomJS executable. This change now
   mimics the Java language bindings in functionality.
 * Moved .NET IE driver command-line args into capabilities. This is to sync up
   the .NET bindings with of IEDriverServer.exe.
 * Allow using global capability types for .NET InternetExplorerOptions.

 * Supports native events for Firefox versions 21 (current), 20 (immediately
   previous), 17 (current ESR), and 10 (immediately previous ESR)
 * Issue #5549: Modified to use indexer for putting entry in .NET Firefox
   Profile preferences Dictionary. Was previously using the .Add() method of
   the Dictionary, which would throw an exception if the key already existed.
 * Updated InternetExplorerDriverService to allow using new command line
   options for IEDriverServer.exe

 * Removed strong-naming from released assemblies. No functional changes.

 * Supports native events for Firefox versions 20 (current), 19 (immediately
   previous), 17 (current ESR), and 10 (immediately previous ESR)
 * Issue #4629: Modified .NET Firefox driver to only look to connect to IPv4
   addresses. The ConnectToBrowser() method always created IPv4 addresses to
   initially addresses for connection, this would throw an exception.
 * Issue #5306: Fixing .NET PageFactory WebElementProxy to call wrapped
   element's FindElements method.
 * Changed FirefoxBinary timeout property to use TimeSpan. Using TimeSpan
   allows more flexibility for the user to set, and does not hard-code
   milliseconds as the unit of measure. This commit introduced overloads of the
   appropriate exposed properties and methods, marking those taking a long as
   obsolete. The obsolete members will be removed in a future version.
 * Do not send chrome.binary capability if the property is null. This will
   properly allow the bindings to start the default Chrome installation when
   using chromedrive2.
 * (on behalf of GeoffMcElhanon) Added support to pass arguments to PhantomJS.
   The PhantomJSDriverService now has type-safe properties for all of the
   command-line switches supported by PhantomJS. These can be passed directly
   on the command line, or can be serialized into a JSON file for passing with
   the --config command line switch to PhantomJS.
 * Removed arbitrary limit on argument types for executing JavaScript.

 * Issue #5221: Entirely removed the dependency on Castle.Core.dll for .NET
   support library. Using the Castle DynamicProxy has been nothing but a thorn
   in the side of users of WebDriver.Support.dll. This change implements
   hard-coded "proxy" objects the .NET PageFactory implementation. Hopefully,
   this will resolve the issues the PageFactory for everyone. Nevertheless,
   there is every possibility that will entirely break the PageFactory in some
   unforseen way for some subset of users, despite the fact that all of the
   tests (both unit and browser-based tests) pass. If that is the case, feel
   free to file issues, if the issues include code samples that reproduce the
 * Fixed .NET WebDriverBackedSelenium NuGet packaging. Package was lacking
   dependencies on other Selenium NuGet packages.

 * Issue #5257: Fixed assemblies merged with ILMerge on .NET 4.0 when built on
   a machine with .NET 4.5 installed.

 * Issue #1320: Refactoring .NET Firefox driver's Executable class. The class
   will now better handle custom paths to the Firefox executable.
 * Issue #5160: Fixed .NET WebDriverBackedSelenium wait functions. Wait
   functions in the .NET WebDriverBackedSelenium now will wait until the
 * Issue #5211: Allow extraction of IEDriverServer components to custom
   directory in .NET. The .NET bindings were passing an incorrect command-line
   switch to IEDriverServer.exe for the location to extract embedded library
 * Introduced new IE attachBrowserTimeout capability to .NET bindings.
 * Blocked ability to set FileDetector for browser-specific drivers in .NET.
   Most of the server-components (chromedriver.exe, IEDriverServer.exe,
   WebDriver Firefox extension) do not understand how to handle the
   FileDetector property. They simply approach all file upload as uploading
   from the local machine. If you need to upload remotely, use an instance of
   the RemoteWebDriver class.

 * Issue #5032: Fixed .NET FileUtilities.FindFile() to expand environment
   variables and search for invalid characters in PATH directories.
 * Issue #5089: Made connection to Firefox extension locked by socket lock in
 * Issue #5141: Corrected reversed logic in port assignment for .NET
   SafariDriver's WebSocket server.
 * Issue #5177: Now using ILMerge for WebDriver.Support.dll. The support
   library will no longer require an explicit dependency on Castle.Core in its
   NuGet package.
 * Updated .NET dependencies. Json.NET to 4.5r11; Castle.Core to 3.2.0.
 * Added more diagnostics for failed HTTP requests in .NET bindings. This is an
   attempt to help diagnose the root cause of issue #3719. Please note that it
   makes no effort whatsoever to "fix" the issue. This is simply hoping to
   provide more information for those who have run into that issue, and see if
   all occurrances have the same root cause.
 * Only adding environment variables for Firefox process if they do not already
 * Properly passing requireWindowFocus capability when set in .NET bindings.
   Previously, this capability could be set in InternetExplorerOptions, but
   it was not being passed through to the driver session.
 * Deprecated Alert property of UnhandledAlertException in favor of AlertText
 * Updated .NET bindings to use embedded Safari extension. Separate extension
   build and installation no longer required.
 * Updated registry search for Firefox executable in the .NET bindings.

 * Rebuilt to get embedded Firefox extension with correct version. The
   extension in 2.29.0 had a version of "2.28" instead of "2.29". This has now
   been corrected.

 * Implemented use with lists for the FindsByAttribute in the .NET bindings.
   Note that fields and properties decorated with the FindsBy attribute must be
   either IWebElement or IList<IWebElement>.
 * Exposed RequireWindowFocus option for Internet Explorer driver in .NET
   bindings. This is still an experimental feature, and should be used with
   extreme care.
 * Added guard for EnablePersistentHoverCapability in .NET
 * Added type safe ability via InternetExplorerOptions to enable/disable the
   persistent hover capability in the .NET bindings for the IE driver.

 * Introduced the CustomFinderType property to the .NET FindsByAttribute. This
   allows use of custom By subclasses in the PageFactory. The custom finder
   must be a subclass of By, and it must expose a public constructor that takes
   a string argument. To use a custom finder with the FindsByAttribute, use the
   following syntax:

       [FindsBy(How = How.Custom,
                Using = "customCriteria",
                CustomFinderType = typeof(MyCustomBySubclass))]

   Using How.Custom without specifying a CustomFinderType, or using a
   CustomFinderType that either does not descend from By or does not have a
   proper constructor will throw an exception.

 * Corrected FileUtilities.FindFile() to correctly return the current directory
   if the specified file is located there. This fixes an issue where driver
   service executables (IEDriverServer.exe and chromedriver.exe) would not be
   found if placed in the same directory as the WebDriver.dll assembly,
   breaking previous behavior.

 * Issues #3508 and #2103: Modified to no longer hang on alerts triggered by
   onchange of <select> elements or by onsubmit of <form> elements.
 * Issue #4865: Changed DesiredCapabilities.Safari() to return
   DesiredCapabilities instead of ICapabilities.
 * Implemented rudimentary path searching for executable-based drivers (such
   as IE, Chrome, and PhantomJS).
 * Finally made the .NET PhantomJSDriver public. It still requires a PhantomJS
   built from the trunk of that project, at least until PhantomJS 1.8 is
   released in late December.
 * Implemented touch screen actions for the .NET bindings.
 * Added ability to add experimental or additional capabilities for which there
   are not yet type safe options to the .NET InternetExplorerOptions and
   ChromeOptions classes.
 * Removed necessity for path to GhostDriver's main.js for the .NET
   PhantomJSDriverService in favor of a command line switch (GhostDriver is now
   internal to PhantomJS).
 * Turned off use of the Expect-100 header for the HttpWebRequests.
 * Added various StyleCop changes.
 * Added support for file uploads to a remote WebDriver server.
 * Added a missing method to the Actions API.

 * Issue #4526: Bumping .NET HttpWebRequest service point connection limit to
 * Prevent firefox from updating, checking and warning for extension and plugin
 * Handled the case where a JSON Wire Protocol error response contains a null
   value for the message property. Also guarded against null values in other
   members of the error response.
 * Added .NET implementation of PhantomJSDriver, as a headless option for .NET
   users. This driver requires PhantomJS and GhostDriver. Since the GhostDriver
   project isn't ready to be used just yet, these classes are marked with
   "internal" visibility. When the GhostDriver project is ready, these classes
   will be made public. Also including test enhancements for use with
 * Made keep-alive configurable on .NET HttpCommandExecutor and
 * Shortcut trying to convert element to ILocatable if an Action in the .NET
   bindings is called specifically with a null value for element.
 * Added the LibraryExtractionPath propery to InternetExplorerDriverService to
   be able to set the location to which the support library of the
   IEDriverServer.exe is extracted.
 * Implementing SuppressInitialDiagnosticInformation property on DriverService
   to allow users of standalone driver servers to suppress the display of the
   initial information from the console via the -silent switch.
 * Updated .NET Actions class to accept IWebDriver objects that implement
   IWrapsDriver as well as IHasInputDevices. Similarly, actions now can take
   IWebElement objects that implement IWrapsElement as well as ILocatable. This
   allows the use of EventFiringWebDriver objects directly without casting in
   end-user code.
 * Changing the disposal semantics of the .NET bindings to more closely match
   the .NET Framework disposal semantics. This means that calling Dispose() on
   a driver is equivalent to calling Quit(), which enables usage of the using()
 * Replaced throwing of System.TimeoutException with throwing
   WebDriverTimeoutException, which now descends from WebDriverException.
 * Added .NET InternetExplorerOptions.UnexpectedAlertBehavior property to
   specify how unexpected alerts are handled by the IE driver.
 * Updated the .NET deployment build to use ILMerge, which merges the dependent
   assemblies into the main WebDriver.dll assembly. This also removes
   dependencies on NuGet packages for the core WebDriver.dll assembly.
 * Updated .NET UnhandledAlertException to include a reference to the Alert not
 * Expose setting the port for DriverService-based drivers.
 * Removed visibility of Finder property for FindsByAttribute. This will never
   work because of .NET's rules around attribute parameter types.
 * Made .NET 4.0 the default of the .NET bindings for development and
 * Updated constructor to .NET Actions class to check that driver parameter
   implements IHasInputDevices.

 * Updated InternetExplorerOptions to allow users to set the IgnoreZoomLevel
 * Exposed constructors in ChromeDriver and InternetExplorerDriver that allow
   passing a DriverService object. This gives the user more control over the
   properties of the DriverService.
 * Updated exception thrown by .NET SafariDriver when a connection to the
   driver is not created within 45 seconds.
 * Cleaned up documentation comment warning on build of the .NET implementation
   of WebDriverBackedSelenium.

 * Updated Json.NET version to 4.5r7. Also changing NuGet packaging to no
   longer rely on specific package version of dependencies.
 * Updated FxCop/StyleCop global warning suppressions file.
 * Updated InternetExplorerDriverService to be able to manipulate the command
   line switches using strongly-typed properties of the object.
 * Added elementScrollBehavior capability to allow users to specify how
   elements scroll into the viewport for interaction. Default behavior is
   unchanged (the capability is set to 0), but can be set to scroll to align
   to the bottom of the viewport by setting the capability to 1. This commit
   includes an addition to the InternetExplorerOptions of the .NET bindings.
 * Fixed element finding and table handling in .NET WebDriverBackedSelenium.

 * Issue #4070: Updated OpenQA.Selenium.Support.PageObjects.FindsByAttribute so
   that overridden operators correctly handle the null case.

 * Removed the embedded IE server from the .NET bindings. From now on, you
   *must* use the IE standalone server with .NET.
 * Removed unneeded polling for parent.lock file on anonymous Firefox profile
   in temp directory.

 * Issue #4015: Not all browser driver implementations understand the generic
   set timeouts HTTP endpoint of the JSON wire protocol, instead responding to
   the deprecated specific endpoints for each timeout.

 * Issue #3242: Added Android to Platform enumeration.
 * Issue #3870 (code supplied by KellySummerlin): Added ByChained support to
   the WebDriver.Support assembly. Also created  additions to the .NET
   PageFactory to allow decorating members with multiple instances of
   FindsByAttribute, including ordering of the attributes.
 * The .NET IE driver implementation now looks for the IE standalone server.
   Please note that if you do not set the option in InternetExplorerOptions
   to use the legacy server, the constructor *will* throw an exception. There
   is no automatic fallback to using the embedded .dll, because there's no
   standard way in the .NET framework to alert the user to a condition that
   needs attention at runtime, and guarantee it will be seen.
 * Implemented ability to set page load timeout in the .NET bindings.
 * Added tests to .NET bindings to align more closely with Java.
 * Updated .NET bindings InternetExplorerOptions to allow the user to disable
   native events for IE. Note that actually doing this is not recommended as of
   this release.
 * Added .NET version of LoadableComponent and SlowLoadableComponent to the
   WebDriver.Support assembly (code supplied by KellySummerlin).
 * Trivially refactored the constructors of "service-based" drivers for .NET
 * Made .NET unit tests more friendly to non-Windows operating systems (using
 * Updated .NET Safari driver to conform to the new message format in r16716.
 * Implemented an InitialBrowserUrl property in InternetExplorerOptions to
   allow the user to customize the page loaded when IE launches. This can be
   used in conjunction with IntroduceInstabilityByIgnoringProtectedModeSettings
   property to set the initial Protected Mode zone of the browser. However,
   this is still by far a second-best choice, and the first choice should
   *always* be to actually set the Protected Mode settings of each zone. If a
   user is using this property, only a "best effort" at support will be given.
 * Allow user-defined installation path for Safari in the SafariDriver.
 * Changed .NET DesiredCapabilities.Android() to correctly assign a platform
   value of Android.

 * Issue #3329: Fixed .NET EventFiring WebDriver to switch to a frame using the
   wrapped element.
 * Updated NoSuchFrameException, NoSuchWindowException, and
   NoAlertPresentException to properly descend from NotFoundException
   in the .NET bindings.
 * Modifying .NET PageFactory so that elements marked with the FindBy
   attribute can be used with the interactions API.
 * Updated Json.NET dependency to 4.5r1 and NuGet.exe to 1.7.
 * Changed the name of the standalone IE driver server from
   InternetExplorerDriver.exe to IEDriverServer.exe
 * Removed recently added restore window command from .NET bindings.
 * Extracted FindFreePort method in .NET to a common utility class.
 * Landed the .NET SafariDriver. Woot!
 * Added a WebSocket server implementation.
 * Implemented window maximize and restore WebDriver commands for the .NET
 * Fixed .NET FirefoxExtension to allow for parallel installation of extensions
   into profiles being run by parallel tests.
 * Fixed .NET RemoteWebDriver to translate a single null deliberately passed in
   as a script arg into an arg array containing the null.
 * Upped service point connection limit for Selenium RC command processor
 * Removed deprecated constructors on .NET bindings InternetExplorerDriver

 * No changes specific to the .NET bindings.

 * No changes specific to the .NET bindings.

 * NuGet dependency release. No functional changes to the project.

 * Updated .NET WebDriver.Support assembly to depend on Castle Windsor 3.0
 * Updated to JSON.NET to 4.0r6
 * Refactored ChromeDriverService to be a subclass of a base DriverService
   class, designed to allow any JSON Wire Protocol-compliant standalone server
   executable to be used as a service. This adds all required work for the
   .NET bindings to begin using the standalone IE remote server.
 * Enable CODE_ANALYSIS flag for Debug builds so that standalone FxCop can
   take advantage of GlobalSuppressions.cs.
 * Added help text to the exception message for WebDriverBackedSelenium, in
   the case that the Start() method has not been called on the instance.

 * Issue #3172: Updated the .NET PageFactory to traverse the inheritance tree
   to find custom attributes.
 * Reverted the .NET remote Command object to return an empty string
   instead of an empty JSON object ("{}") when the command has no parameters.
 * Introduced ChromeOptions class for use with the ChromeDriver. This makes
   obsolete calling constructors on ChromeDriver that take an ICapabilities
 * Added toolkit.telemetry.enabled and toolkit.telemetry.rejected to the
   default profile used by the FirefoxDriver.

 * Made By, Cookie and Screenshot .NET classes serializable.
 * Slightly modifying build output to be more informative when building
   .NET bindings from within the Visual Studio IDE.
 * Explicitly setting socket.ExclusiveAddressUse = true when attempting to
   find a free port for the .NET bindings' FirefoxDriver.
 * Updating the .NET remote Command object to return an empty JSON object
   ("{}") instead of an empty string when the command has no parameters.
 * Implementing the /sessions and /status commands for the IE driver and the
   .NET bindings.
 * Check elements' internal IDs for equality before making RPC call to
   determine IWebElement equality in .NET.
 * Removed unused JSON wire protocol command values from the .NET bindings.

 * Added support for window positioning and sizing API to IE.
 * Introduced DefaultWait class to WebDriver.Support assembly, to allow fully
   configurable waits.
 * Added IRotatable interface for driving client browsers supporting rotation.
 * Introduced experimental ExpectedConditions class to WebDriver.Support
   assembly, providing methods to use to wait for commonly-experienced

 * Implemented iPad desired capability.
 * Updated Json.NET version to 4.0r4

 * Do not use "which" to find Firefox on Windows in the .NET bindings.
 * Pass '-foreground' to the firefox binary. Ensures focus by default on OS X.

 * Added experimental IWindow interface for controling size and position of
   browser windows.

 * Updated to be consistent with other language bindings. Change to java
   server to allow use of safariproxy driver type. No functional changes.

 * Added "extensions.autoDisableScopes" to default Firefox profile
 * Removes the deprecated SendModifierKey command, replacing it with
 * Added IntroduceInstabilityByIgnoringProtectedModeSettings to
   InternetExplorerDriver to make setting capabilities easier when
   bypassing the Protected Mode settings check of the IE driver

  * Look up private parent fields when using the support classes PageFactory.
  * Preparing RemoteWebDriver to understand upcoming URI changes to JSON wire
  * protocol.

  * Added interactions methods for .Release(), ClickAndHold(), and
    DoubleClick() which take no arguments
  * Added ClickAt() implementation in WebDriverBackedSelenium

  * No functional changes

  * Issue 2349: Fixed memory leak in PageFactory
  * Issue 2356: Fixed P/Invoke signatures for native .NET 4.0 projects
  * Issue 2385: Added protected AddAction method on Actions class to allow
    subclasses to insert IAction implementations into action chain.
  * Disabled Firefox profile setting "browser.safebrowsing.malware.enabled" by

  * No functional changes, providing .NET 4.0 binaries and updates to NuGet
    packaging only.

  * Bringing .NET SelectElement support class in line with Java Select class
  * WebDriver.SwitchTo().Alert() now throws an exception when no alert present.
  * InvalidSelectorException now thrown when XPath selector syntax is

  * No functional changes, updates to NuGet packaging only.

  * Adding InvalidSelector error code.
  * Default to field/property name if no Using is specified in PageFactory.
  * Replaced reference to Ionic.Zip.Reduced.dll with Ionic.Zip.dll to match up
    NuGet packages.

  * Added protected constructors and properties to make it easier to subclass
    By for custom element finders.

  * Adding first pass at .NET implementation of proxy management.
  * Modifying .NET build process to sign assemblies. Building the .NET bindings
    through the IDE or through the command line will now produce signed
  * Updating .NET bindings JSON.NET from 3.5 to 4.0.