v3.141.59 ========= * Restored remoteHost support * [Grid] Adding a test to check that remoteHost is properly read and set. * Fix mime-types of displayed content in help servlet. * Encourage people to access help over https. * Implement `WrapsElement` by `Select` element wrapper (#6616) * Version number is an even better approximation of π. v3.141.5 ======== * Default the number of threads assigned to the server to 200, which is what it was in 3.13.0 v3.141.0 ======== * Hub status should only count reachable proxies. Fixes #6494. * Deprecated the original Actions API in favour of the W3C approach. * Correct localisation of platform name (#6491) * Beta commands in SafariDriver for opening a new window or tab. * Clean up of internal of `Select` element wrapper (#6501) * Acknowledge that Mojave is a `Platform` (#6552) * Deleted many command-line options marked as deprecated some time ago. * Removed Selenium's own deprecated `Duration` and `Clock` classes in favour of those provided by the JRE. * Fixed WebDriverBackedSelenium servlet by registering a session finalization listener. * Installing Firefox extensions in the same form as they provided, either as a file or as a directory. With the release of Firefox 62 Mozilla discontinued support for unpacked sideloaded extensions in Release channel. Users must themselves choose proper format to use in their tests depending on the browser version they run tests in. * Prepended command names in https error response reports (#6321) * Removed the apache-backed httpclient. * Fixing regression in Grid: if -hubPort was specified through CLI params but not -hubHost, the node tried to register to http://null:hubPort. * Fixing regression in Grid by using browserTimeout again to set timeouts in the HttpClient. * Grid: adding image for Safari Technology Preview, fixes #6297 * Grid: Nodes and Hubs can now be started in any order, and configuration will be correct Fixes #3064. * Added a basic ServiceBuilder for Internet Explorer (#6181) * Version number is a better approximation of π. v3.14.0 ======= * Move or deprecate internal classes in java client * Introduce basic JPMS support. This is experimental. * The browser name of the Safari Tech Preview is not "safari" but "Safari Technology Preview". Who knew? * Deprecated our own `Clock` interface for `java.time.Clock` * Completely removed the GSON dependency. We now use reflection to try and find the class. * Tiny clean up to try and make Grid a little more performant. * Added new capabilities for safari driver: automaticInspection and automaticProfiling (#6095) This commit is from the "Fix a Bug, Become a Committer" workshop held at SeConf India. * Removed support for geckodriver 0.13. It is time. * Adding High Sierra to the platform set. Fixes #5969 * Enriching Hub Status to include Node info (#6127) * Fixing potential Zip Slip Vulnerability, see https://snyk.io/research/zip-slip-vulnerability * Allow temporary installation of FF extension (#1) (#5751) * Fix windowSize option in Firefox in Javascript (#6075) * Make ConnectionType searilize as integer (#6176) * Pass found elements to the EventListener's afterFind method (#6191) * Add native events under se:ieOptions. (#6183) v3.13.0 ======= * Introduced our own JSON parser and outputter, allowing GSON to be removed from our dependencies. * Exposing a `RemoteWebDriverBuilder` which can be used to construct instances of selenium when talking to servers that speak the w3c protocol. * Fixed loading of Grid hub and node config files. * Fixed `noProxy` handling in Grid. * Added bindings for custom ChromeDriver commands (GET_NETWORK_CONDITIONS, SET_NETWORK_CONDITIONS and DELETE_NETWORK_CONDITIONS) that allows client code to utilize built-in throttling functionality. (#3479) * Minimised data being encoded as JSON when serialising Java objects. * EventFiringWebDriver now fires events before and after `getText` and implements `HasCapabilities`. v3.12.0 ======= * Added `User-Agent` header to requests from Selenium to give remote ends more visibility into distribution of clients. * Remove GSON from how we coerce JSON to Java types. * Clean up the internals of Selenium's JSON handling, including deprecating places where GSON leaks from our APIs. * Grid assignes node to a random free port if not specified. explicitly. Fixes #5783. * Addressed concerns about backward compatibility of Grid's `-host` parameter. * Implemented WebStorage in ChromeDriver and FirefoxDriver. * Documentation clean up in `By`. * `before/afterGetScreenshotAs` added to to WebDriverEventListener. v3.11.0 ======= * Implemented `equals` and `hashCode` for `LoggingPreferences` * Deleted deprecated methods from `*Options` and `MutableCapabilities` * Converting an object to JSON now doesn't include the object's hash code. * Removed deprecated methods from `RemoteWebDriver`. * Switching Grid to use OkHttp rather than the Apache HttpClient. * Internal change to better use Selenium's abstractions for handing JSON in Grid. * Removed deprecated `GridRegistry.getHttpClientFactory` method. * Removed `Registry.getConfiguration` v3.10.0 ======= * Deprecate internal Duration in favor of java.time.Duration * Fix handling of IE capabilities in Grid Nodes. Fixes #5502 * Fix problem where Grid wasn't starting Safari sessions * Migrate Selenium Grid to reduce exporting GSON and Apache HttpClient as much to public APIs. * Migrate Grid to use Selenium's own abstractions where possible. This means that more of it is using OkHttp rather than the Apache HttpClient. * Fix an issue where RemoteProxy instances were causing an exception to be thrown if they weren't marked as a ManagedService. * Deleting ability to run html suites with selenium-server-standalone, users are adviced to use htmlrunner v3.9.1 ====== * OkHttp backed instances can now connect to servers requiring authorisation. Based on PR #5444 proposed by @valfirst. v3.9.0 ====== * Switched to OkHttp for all HTTP communication. The version used can be changed back to the Apache HttpClient by setting the `webdriver.http.factory` system property to `apache`. * Removed passthrough mode for the server. * Grid: (implementation note) Start migrating servlets used to be command handlers. * Upgraded every dependency to latest versions. * Added varargs methods to `ExpectedConditions` in order to avoid annoying `Arrays.asList`. * Better logging when new session creation errors. v3.8.1 ====== * Fixed Chrome mutator injecting null binary path into new session payload. * Added mutator that stips grid-specific capabilities hurting IE driver. * Fixed SafariOptions construction from plain Capabilities object. v3.8.0 ====== * Dropped support for PhantomJS, it's recommended to use headless Firefox or Chrome instead. * Node skips configurations that does not match current platform, no more IE slots on Linux-based nodes. * Introduced unique ids for node slot configurations. Hub injects UID of the matched configuration to the new request payload. Node mutates capabilities with matching config UUID only. This allows to have multiple configurations for the same browser in node config file. * Implemented matching of some browser-specific capabilities on Grid hub, namely "marionette" for Firefox (default is true) and "technologyPreview" for Safari (default is false). * "technologyPreview" capability is now honored again by SafariDriver. * Added initial support for managing Grid Hubs and Nodes via JMX * Removed `Alert.authenticate` and supporting classes * Better handling of configuring SafariDriver via capabilities. v3.7.1 ====== * Including httpcore in the packaged libs. * Sending geckodriver logs to stderr by default. The default log level is low enough that the log does not look polluted. Geckodriver does not allow to separate its own log from the browser logs, so messages from the browser log can appear in the log even on the lowest level. * Avoid sending the shutdown command to driver services that don't support it. * Add support for customizing the Grid Registry. v3.7.0 ====== * Firefox and Chrome binary paths specified in Grid Node configs are now honoured. * W3C spec compliant drivers need not return RGBA values for colours defined in CSS. * Minimise disk usage when starting new remote sessions. * SafariDriver and legacy FirefoxDriver can now be configured when using the remote server through Capabilities. Notably, this allows the Safari Technology Preview to be used if it's installed. * Implemented the ability to configure the firefox log target using the driver service builder or a system property. Logs are sent to the null output stream by default. Fixes #4136 * Simulate some w3c Actions commands using the old APIs. This allows a local end that only speaks the JSON Wire Protocol to use "Actions.moveTo" when communicating with a W3C compliant remote end. Apparently, people need this. * More fluent APIs in `*Options` classes. * Moving some safari config options from `SafariOptions` to the `SafariDriverService`. * In Grid and Remote, force the use of the legacy Firefox driver when marionette flag is set. * The protocol handshake now uses a `CapabilityTransform` to convert an JSON Wire Protocol capability to one or more w3c capabilities. These are located using the standard Java ServiceLoader framework. * The protocol handshake also uses a `CapabilitiesFilter` that extracts keys and values specific to a browser from a JSON Wire Protocol capabilities map. Again, these are loaded using the `ServiceLoader` framework. * `requiredCapabilities` are now no longer sent across the wire. * Fixed handling of unrecognized platform names returned by remote end. #4781 * Better error messages from the htmlrunner. * Migrated from using `DesiredCapabilities` to either `MutableCapabilities` or (preferably) `ImmutableCapabilities`. * Move building of locators to How enum v3.6.0 ====== * Remove direct dependency on HTMLUnit and PhantomJS from Maven artifacts. * All `*Option` classes now extend `MutableCapbilities` `new RemoteWebDriver(new ChromeOptions());` * Deprecating constructors that don't take strongly-typed `*Options`. * Improved exceptions when a `Wait` times out when using a `WrappedWebDriver`. * Added `Interactive` interface to EventFiringWebDriver. Fixes #4589 * Add options to start Firefox and Chrome in headless modes. v3.5.3 ====== Important note: * The new standalone server and Grid Node feature a "pass through" mode. If you see changes to the Selenium WebDriver "logging" APIs or automatic capture of screenshots on error (or if you want the old behaviour back) you can do so by executing: `java -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.5.3.jar -enablePassThrough false` * Allow user-provided DriverProviders to override default providers in passthrough mode. * Fixes issue with W3C Actions not being properly filled when multiple input sources are used. * Platform that represent platform families ("WINDOWS", "UNIX", "MAC", and "IOS") return `null` from `Platform.getFamily`. * Handle null return values from chromedriver. Fixes #4555 * Synchronized "platform" and "platformName" capability values. Fixes #4565 * Add iOS `Platform`. * Fix wrapping of maps with null values. Fixes #3380 * Grid: Add new w3c compatible `status` endpoints for Hub and nodes. * Grid: Properly parse responses from upstream nodes that are not 200. Fixes issue where `NoSuchElementException` was mistaken for a `NoSuchSessionException`. * Grid: Handle re-encoding issue when transferring text from the endpoint node to the local end. v3.5.2 ====== Important note: * The new standalone server and Grid Node feature a "pass through" mode. If you see changes to the Selenium WebDriver "logging" APIs or automatic capture of screenshots on error (or if you want the old behaviour back) you can do so by executing: `java -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.5.2.jar -enablePassThrough false` * Avoid encoding numbers as floats rather then longs in JSON payloads. * New "pass through" mode supports file uploads again. * Added support for querying running sessions via the "/wd/hub/sessions" endpoint * Fix a NullPointerException when deserializing exceptions from a remote webdriver. * Handle the `macOS` as a valid platform name, as this is used by safaridriver. v3.5.1 ====== Important note: * The new standalone server and Grid Node feature a "pass through" mode. If you see changes to the Selenium WebDriver "logging" APIs or automatic capture of screenshots on error (or if you want the old behaviour back) you can do so by executing: `java -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.5.1.jar -enablePassThrough false` * Bump guava to version 23. This is work around an issue where maven will select guava's android variant if using a ranged selector. v3.5.0 ====== Note: Never pushed to maven due to problems resolving guava version. Important note: * The new standalone server and Grid Node feature a "pass through" mode. If you see changes to the Selenium WebDriver "logging" APIs or automatic capture of screenshots on error (or if you want the old behaviour back) you can do so by executing: `java -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.5.0.jar -enablePassThrough false` * Bump guava to version 22. * Add support for a new "pass through" mode. This allows a connection from your test's RemoteWebDriver, through the Grid Hub, to a Grid Node, and down to a DriverService and thence the browser to use the same WebDriver protocol (the Json Wire Protocol or the W3C one) end to end without translation. This mode can be disabled by starting the standalone server or Grid node with `-enablePassThrough false` * Pin Guava to version 21+. This fixes problems with lambdas being used as ExpectedConditions. * Start making *Option classes instances of Capabilities. This allows the user to do: `WebDriver driver = new RemoteWebDriver(new InternetExplorerOptions());` * Better handling of `getText` when confronted with a Shadow DOM * Better logging when using an Augmenter fails. * Make it easier to add new @FindBy annotations. * Attempt to kill processes before draining input, error, and output streams. This should reduce apparent hanging when closing Firefox in particular. * Grid will make use of W3C capabilities in prefernce to the JSON Wire Protocol ones. * Fixing boolean command line arguments (#3877) v3.4.0 ====== * Geckodriver 0.16 is strongly recommended * LiFT package is now available as a separate maven dependency. * Deprecated numerous constructors on RemoteWebDriver that are no longer useful. * `requiredCapabilities` are now being removed. Use `desiredCapabilities` instead. * Legacy Firefox support broken out into a `XpiDriverService`, but still relies on the same `webdriver.xpi` as before. * Better support for W3C endpoints v3.3.1 ====== * Better support for geckodriver v0.15.0. Notably, exceptions returned from the remote end are now unwrapped properly. * Fix a bug with the status page of the standalone server. * Deprecated `Capabilities.isJavascriptEnabled` v3.3.0 ====== * Support for geckodriver v0.15.0. * Deprecated seldom used FirefoxDriver constructors. * Added javadocs to show best way to create a new FirefoxDriver: ``` DesiredCapabilities caps = new FirefoxOptions() // For example purposes only .setProfile(new FirefoxProfile()) .addTo(DesiredCapabilities.firefox()); WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver(caps); ``` * Stream New Session capabilities to disk before use to avoid eating every byte of available memory. * Beginnings of local-end implementation of the w3c New Session capabilities. There's still some work to do. v3.2.0 ====== * Updated Guava to version 21 and started using Java 8 features. Users are recommended to update too. * Fix a problem starting Firefox caused by missing libraries * Experimental support for the W3C Action endpoints * Remove deprecated `FluentWait.until(Predicate)` method. This should make lambdas work properly with Wait instances now. * Bump htmlunitdriver version to 2.24 * [Grid] Allow for customisation of TestSlot (#3431) v3.1.0 ====== * Update how the WebDriverException gathers system info. Resolves an issue with slow-downs on OS X Sierra. * Update Wait and FluentWait for Java 8. Requires an update to the latest guava version 21.0 * Remove old marionette actions support. * Selenium server now understands a "-version" flag. * `WebElement.getText` now returns text from the Shadow DOM. * Implemented a more straightforward way to specify firefox binary in GeckoDriverService builder. * Firefox can now pick a channel to start from on Windows via `FirefoxBinary.Channel` * ChromeDriver now supports `NetworkConnection` interface. * htmlrunner bug fixes, in particular around `getValue`, and relative paths to the suite file. * Fixes to make htmlrunner work. * Removed native events from FirefoxDriver. * Truncate the string representation of capabilities for display purposes. * Implemented session storage for w3c codec. * Change server dependency to htmlunit 2.23.2. * [Grid] DefaultCapabilityMatcher now considers "browserVersion". * [Grid] Fix node registration issue for Se2.x nodes with -servlets. * [Grid] Windows nodes are no longer displayed as "mixedOS". * [Grid] browser version capability specified on node command line no longer parsed to a Number v3.0.1 ====== * Include ElementScrollBehavior enum in the release. * Add dependency on HTMLUnit to be included in the standalone server. * Grid new session requests pass original request through to the node without any modifications. * Fix NPE in htmlrunner when port is not specified. * FirefoxDriver (legacy) fix to cleanup temp filesystem on quit (#2914 #2908). v3.0.0 ====== IMPORTANT CHANGES * Firefox is only fully supported at version 47.0.1 or earlier. Support for later versions of firefox is provided by geckodriver, which is based on the evolving W3C WebDriver spec, and uses the wire protocol in that spec, which is liable to change without notice. * You may wish to choose an ESR release such as 45.4.0esr or earlier. * Firefox 47.0.0 is not supported at all. Other major changes: * Stability fixes in Grid. * All Grid nodes can now offer help. * Updated to the latest version of HtmlUnitDriver. * Re-enabled log gathering for the standalone server. * Firefox profile is passed to both the legacy FirefoxDriver and geckodriver. v3.0.0-beta4 ============ IMPORTANT CHANGES * Firefox is only fully supported at version 47.0.1 or earlier. Support for later versions of firefox is provided by geckodriver, which is based on the evolving W3C WebDriver spec, and uses the wire protocol in that spec, which is liable to change without notice. * You may wish to choose an ESR release such as 45.4.0esr or earlier. * Firefox 47.0.0 is not supported at all. Other major changes: * Remove OSS safaridriver in preference for Apple's own SafariDriver that ships as part of Safari 10. * [Grid] -nodeConfig (json) files have a new flatter format (#2789) * [Grid] Fix #2721, -nodeConfig (json) settings were not always applied * [Grid] Cleanup the api for RegistrationRequest -- will break compilation for people moving from 2.x -- removed the ability to change the GridNodeConfiguration reference via the RegistrationRequest object and removed all other setters * Include the selenium version in exceptions (again). * [HTML suite runner] Better flag compatibility with the 2.x selenium-server-standalone. * Fix #2727, combine -jettyThreads and -jettyMaxThreads (#2735) * [atoms] Cleaning up getAttribute dependencies, reducing size from 36K to 7K * Better support for the W3C webdriver wire codec. * Added ability to use FirefoxOptions when starting firefox. * Fixed a bug where the firefox profile was not being passed to the geckodriver. * SafariDriver's Technology Preview can be used if installed. v3.0.0-beta3 ============ * The HTML table runner can be downloaded as selenium-html-runner.jar. * leg-rc jar is no longer bundled into the main selenium jar. Instead, it needs to be downloaded separately. * Removed deprecated SessionNotFoundException in favour of the NoSuchSessionException. * Added a "protocol handshake" on starting a remote webdriver. We now log the wire dialect spoken (original as "OSS" and the version tracking the W3C spec as "W3C"). This may result in multiple calls to the new session endpoint on local end start up. * Removed command names ending with "*w3c" and instead handle this with different codecs. * Switch to using atoms for 'getAttribute' and 'isDisplayed' when communicating with a W3C remote end. v3.0.0-beta2 ============ * maven packaging fixes * Update GeckoDriver --port argument in all bindings * System property webdriver.firefox.marionette now forces the server in marionette or legacy firefox driver mode, ignoring any related Desired Capability * Grid fix NPE's on registration when -browser not specified v3.0.0-beta1 ============ IMPORTANT CHANGES * Minimum java version is now 8+ * The original RC APIs are only available via the leg-rc package. * To run exported IDE tests, ensure that the leg-rc package is on the classpath. * Support for Firefox is via Mozilla's geckodriver. You may download this from https://github.com/mozilla/geckodriver/releases * Support for Safari is provided on macOS (Sierra or later) via Apple's own safaridriver. * Support for Edge is provided by MS: https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/tools/webdriver/ * Official support for IE requires version 9 or above. Earlier versions may work, but are no longer supported as MS has end-of-lifed them. Other major changes: * New html-table runner backed by WebDriver. * Unused command line arguments are now no longer parsed. v2.53.0 ======= FINAL 2.X RELEASE. No more HtmlUnitDriver... Moved to a subproject https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/htmlunit-driver Java: * Query Selenium Server to retrieve actual running port. Fixes #1299 * Upgrading HtmlUnit to 2.20 * Java: Introducing NoSuchSessionException in the core API * Fixing memory leak in TemporaryFileSystem Fixes #1679 * Fixing rectangle dimension, and adding equals and hashCode * Java: Adding a new W3C-compatible string error code * Add support to listen "refresh" events. Fixes #1584 * extended ExpectedConditions with a list of new ones. New logic operators + conditions for css and html attributes * Java: Deleting webbit a test server Grid: * cleanup cycle needs to be persisted to allMap, since that's where it's read from in other places. this stuff needs some cleanup... * adding grid e2e distribution test * fix mixed content issue * when sorting nodes for consideration, also take into account last time accessed for a more even distribution across nodes over the lifetime of the grid. * Also fix using the RemoteProxy's getResourceUsageInPercent instead of calculating it in the sort. Fixes #1673 * make HttpClientFactory private methods protected to allow one to extend / override. v2.52.0 ======= Firefox: * Weakening platform restriction to enable 64-bit support * Fixing closed window handling in FF45 * Implementing a capability that disables overlapping checks - "overlappingCheckDisabled" WebDriver: * Fix deselecting options in fields * Treat a null response to getCookies as []. * Restore a isNativeEventsEnabled check. * Updating TestNG. * firefox: Throw error when element cannot be clicked * Include Windows 10 in the Platform enum. * adding selenium server pass throughs for W3C dialect of alert / window / cookie commands. * clearing a number input with invalid text, should actually clear it. * Add innerHTML attribute support to HtmlUnitDriver * Add textContent attribute support to HtmlUnitDriver * make RemoteMouse public, akin to RemoteKeyboard. Not sure why it wasn't made public when it was originally moved out of RWD. * Use platform-dependant line separator instead of hardcoded '\n'. * Safari should only specify MAC as platform in default desired capabilities * improve javadoc for FluentWait * Changing interface name to be more Java-ish * Update GeneratedJsTestServlet to work with test files that use Closure's module syntax. * Adding release-v3 crazyfun target * should be able to send keys to a content editable div that is initially empty * Implementing pure WebDriver grid server (v.3) * Making BrowserLauncherFactory non-static, to avoid global configuration, for better testability and configurability (per object, not globally) * Server: Moving shared classes to a more appropriate place out of the legacy server namespace * Deleting RemoteControlLauncher as it is just a couple of static methods to parse command line options, that should belong to the server. * Refactoring GridLauncher: replacing big switch with a map of simple launchers; it's a step toward decomposition of the GridLauncher and dynamic discovery of the elements that can be launched. * Refactoring GridLauncher build process * Decoupling node registration module (SelfRegisteringRemote) from concrete implementation of the server to be run on the node. * Refactoring grid node registration procedure to make server start/stop methods as simple as possible. * Breaking another dependency of Grid on RC server * Deleting fail-fast check of browser configuration, this breaks another Grid dependency on parts of RC server. The check must be performed in RC server (if ever). * Actually fix the Safari BUCK build * Monkey-patching W3C-compatible cookie serialization to fix Marionette. A more proper fix would be to change the parameters of a Command from Map to Object. * There is no need to create a profile for Marionette * removing prebuilt SafariDriver extension, bumping version number to 2.48 * Fixing tests for JsonToBeanConverter to avoid "error" key collision that has got new semantics in the standard * Stop exposing embedded jetty out of SeleniumServer * Breaking unwanted grid dependency on parts of RC server * Deleting JsonKey, it's a useless abstraction * Breaking unwanted grid test dependency on RC server (the removed attribute is not used actually) * Fixes #1140, #1334, #1263, #669, #1165, #1132, #1186, #1203, #1214, #1242 #1241, #1240, #1238, #1237 v2.48.2 ======= WebDriver: * Update fix for ChromeDriver to work with Marionette/Wires also. v2.48.1 ======= WebDriver: * Fix #1123, ChromeDriver doesn't start up. v2.48.0 ======= WebDriver: * java: add ExpectedConditions#numberOfWindowsToBe * Bump the buck version to the latest version. * fix maven build for jetty 9 * adding pom files for jetty 9 repakced jars and the empty-javadoc jar used to upload to maven central * Restoring use of queued thread pool in the hub * Deleting commented code * Fixing UploadServlet in test environment to conform to servlet-api 3.1 * Update jetty readme * Bump the Jetty version from 7 to 9 * Updating screenshot code to retain scroll bars in required directions. * Updating screenshot code to prevent resizing if window is large enough. * Removing superfluous comment that was causing javadoc build error in ci * fixing the remaining jdk 8 javadoc errors * Make the javadocs for java/server too. * fixing java command line options for 'go' MaxPermSize -> MetaspaceSize in java 8 * updating third party wicked good xpath to e33a3876a6d592b824942751d86ba5f2b08a3dc5 Fixes #1040 * Removing use of Windows hooks for taking screenshots in IE. * Firefox: fixing sendKeys for contentEditable elements, it should append to the existing text. * Buck version bumps * Update closure-library to 04a8ceefc6972511e669563d47abeca18b28092c * Firefox: implementing mouse doubleclick action via nsIDOMWindowUtils * Add FluentWait.withMessage with string supplier * Firefox: fixing events generated as a result of click on an element that disappears after the click. * Firefox: implementing mouse up/down actions via nsIDOMWindowUtils. This makes mouse actions "more native". In particular, if there are overlapping element at the click point, the driver will click the topmost element. * Safari: stop embedding the extension in the client libs, it should be downloaded and installed manually. * Deleting a couple of redundant casts * No need to cast, the variable has required type already * Deleting redundant logging to console in tests * HtmlUnit: Ignoring one more test * Disabling a test if JS is not enabled * HtmlUnit: Unignoring a magically working test * HtmlUnit: restoring backward compatibility after changes in getCurrentUrl semantics * WDBC: restoring backward compatibility after changes in getCurrentUrl semantics * Deleting native events from firefox driver * Deleting outdated assumes for unsupported Firefox version * Resorting tests for moveByOffset action * Firefox: don't dispatch keypress event if defaultPrevent() of the keydown event is called because KEY_FLAG_PREVENT_DEFAULT has no effect * Moving IE specific test to IE test suite * Firefox: throwing proper exception on an attempt to find an element in the deleted frame * Firefox: changing getCurrentUrl to return top level browsing context address (to conform to the standard) * Firefox: fixing page source for plain text pages * Adding information on the reasons to ignore tests * fix the client and server classpath * Move the servlet-api package for easier automated updates. * Renaming the Jetty7AppServer to remove the version number. * Fix up failing htmlunitdriver test. * Simulating window.getPosition and setPosition operations * Simulating switchTo().window by name * Fixing test to switch back to the original window after opening a new one. * Implementing standard-compliant window operations * Implementing standard-compliant getSize, getPosition and getPositionInView * Deleting marionette tcp connector * remove unused css transform code from location in view * use BasicHttpRequest instead of EnclosingRequest * htmlunit passes the httponly cookie test * fix maven dependency of htmlunit driver on the support package * don't replace a platform specified to the add browser method, like the TODO says * Simulating submit operation for standard compliant drivers * Making sendKeys more backward compatible (because i18n tests) * Change buils to builds * Unignoring marionette tests passed after sendKeys rework * Fixing getSize operation broken by copy-paste from getLocation * Reworking sendKeys to send characters one by one, this is standard compliant behavior * Making switchTo().window more standard compliant * Making getLocation and getSize standard compliant * Making timeout setting methods standard compliant * Fixing "no such alert" error mapping * Making findElement(s) commands standard compliant (except for link text locators) * java: fix log string for RemoteTargetLocator#defaultContent * Update check to see if we are speaking to a W3C remote end point * specificationLevel is defined in http://w3c.github.io/webdriver/webdriver-spec.html#capabilities * use exception message. no method overload exists for log.severe * Upgrade HtmlUnit 2.18 * ReflectionBackendDriverSupplier: two arguments Capabilities * HtmlUnitMouse: no need to .focus() * Fix HtmlUnitWebElement.getCssValue * AMO requires the max version be an actual release version number * Correcting IE driver build process to create executables runnable on Windows XP Fixes issue #936. * Improve comments and error message on scrolling_test#testScrollingAccountsForScrollbarWidths. * Java client side support for launch_app command of chromedriver: * Add "additionalCommands" support to DriverCommandExecutor. * Use directExecutor(). * Updating IE driver C++ code to use Visual Studio 2015. Grid: * Run grid tests using Buck. * removing '-debug' command line parameter for grid hub, it isn't used anywhere. * adding edge icon for grid v2.47.0 ======= ** Java 7 is now requried, but you really should be on 8, since 7 is EOL ** WebDriver: * Supports native events for Firefox version 31 (immediately previous ESR). Native event support has been discontinued for versions of Firefox later than 33. Synthetic events tested on Firefox versions 31 (immediately previous ESR), 38 (immediately previous release and current ESR), and 39 (current release). * Beta Alert.AuthenticateUsing api implementation added, beta testing with IE. * Added TakesScreenshot to WebElement. * (provided by Microsoft) Added language bindings for Microsoft Edge browser * Make it possible for users to override how the Lock is obtained with Firefox. * (provided by Ahmed Ashour) Added implementation of Alert for HtmlUnit driver. * (provided by Ahmed Ashour) Fixed findElementByXPath for HtmlUnit driver to work for XML pages. * (provided by Ahmed Ashour) Fixed HtmlUnit driver to allow for manipulating elements in SVG documents. * (provided by Ahmed Ashour) Fixed HtmlUnit driver so that deleteAllCookies deletes cookies only for the current domain, matching other implementations. * (provided by Tamás Buka) Created an overload to ExpectedConditions.frameToBeAvailableAndSwitchToIt support to index and WebElement so that WebDriverWait can use this mode to switch frames. * (provided by Joshua Bruning) Allow access to local profiler logs. An exception may be thrown if the WebDriver server does not recognize profiler logs. In this case, the user should be able to see the local profiler logs. * (provided by Sergey Tikhomirov) Changed visibility of isDecoratableList method of DefaultFieldDecorator to protected for use with custom PageFactory implementations. * Froze javascript.enabled property in Firefox profiles * FIXED #426: (provided by Anand Jayaram) Default the hub port to 4444, if no port was provided. * FIXED #638: Disabled HTTP Public Key Pinning (HPKP) when the webdriver_accept_untrusted_certs capability is set. As of Firefox 39, Firefox ignores certificate overrides if the domain's certificate is pinned. * FIXED #644: (provided by Brett Randall) Modified ErrorHandler to tolerate non-Number lineNumber, and also attempts to safely parse a non-Number Object if it receives a non-Number. If absent or non-numeric it now continues to build the StackTraceElement (instead of aborting that frame) and uses the conventional -1 for lineNumber. * FIXED #658: Disable reading list info panel in Firefox. Server: * Added a guard that prevents starting "IE instead of Opera" (or some other unwanted browser that obviously does not match the desired capabilities). Previously if a new session request is forwarded to a node it results in a driver instance creation in any case. For example, let's suppose a user starts a node with -browser browserName=opera option, and there is no operadriver in the classpath. Then the user requests a new remote driver with browserName=opera. The hub forwards the request to the node, and the node attempts to find the "best matching" driver provider. As far as opera is not available, it can start any other browser. Because "best matching" does not imply matching. The new guard prevents this unwanted behavior. Grid: * Added support to grid for Microsoft Edge driver * (provided by Dima Kovalenko) Sort Grid Proxies in order of least busy to busiest. This should prevent situation where one node is running multiple sessions while several nodes are completely idle. RC: * Removed start of Firefox with -silent option to prevent crash in Firefox. IDE: * FIXED #570: Add ability to record elements that do not have href attributes. v2.46.0 ======= Important changes in this release: * Supports native events for Firefox version 31 (immediately previous ESR). Native event support has been discontinued for versions of Firefox later than 33. Synthetic events tested on Firefox versions 31 (immediately previous ESR), 37 (immediately previous release), and 38 (current release and current ESR). * Remove all support from both webdriver and RC for Presto-based Opera. Blink-based Opera is still supported! * Added beta Marionette driver (for Firefox OS and recent desktop releases). * Fixing critical selenium server error caused by a user registering a driver class compiled with a higher Java version than the server is running (eg: server runs with Java 7, but the driver is comopiled to target Java 8) * FirefoxDriver: now supported on OpenBSD (added by minusf@gmail.com) * HtmlUnitDriver: Updated to HtmlUnit 2.17. Requires Java 7 or above to work. Other notable changes: * Added ability to clear file input fields for Firefox. * Fix bug in Safari where Selenium updated the page under test in some circumstances. * HtmlUnit: do not disable mouse notifications when js is disabled, css is also related to this information (only partly implemented in HtmlUnit at the moment) * Updated htmlunitdriver to use htmlunit 2.17 * Upgraded commons-exec from 1.1 to 1.3 * Changed capability name from pageLoadingStrategy to pageLoadStrategy * FIX: Google Code issue #7749: Add Get/Set network connection commands to JsonHttpCommandHandler to be able to use commands in selenium grid. * Allow clients to specify TCP timeouts in the remote webdriver. * Allow the chrome binary passed in capabilities to have a higher priority than node configuration. * ChromeDriver: Added ability to pass whitelisted-ips option to the chromedriver * Implement lazy loopback detection. This provides ~10x speed improvement of selenium server startup. * Allow loading option descriptions from JSON file instead of Properties, allowing the server to manage order of options in the help message * SafariDriver: In SafariDriver's page script, copy window properties to goog.global. (provided by juangj@google.com) * Add a method toList that allows converting CompositeAction to JSON * FirefoxDriver: Skip the profile cleaning step when launching Firefox * Implement both integer (legacy) and string (standard) response status for the JSON wire protocol * FirefoxDriver: Disable https://wiki.mozilla.org/Advocacy/heartbeat Firefox 37+ feature in browser sessions started by FirefoxDriver. * FirefoxDriver: Added getters to FirefoxProfile to allow reading preset preference values * PageFactory: Changed default value of how part of @FindBy annotation from ID to UNSET, but treat them equivalent to ensure backward compatibility * PageFactory: Provide ability to use custom annotations. (Provided by Artem Koshelev) * Use DaemonExecutor from commons-exec instead of DefaultExecutor. Fixes Google Code issue 4734. (Provided by Richard Atkins) * FirefoxDriver and Java language bindings now handle both legacy and W3C specification dialects of element reference serialization in the JSON wire protocol. * FirefoxDriver: Don't force garbage collection in httpd.js for Firefox when connections are closed v2.45.0 ======= Important changes in this release: * Native events in Firefox relied on an API that Mozilla no longer provides. As such, fall back to synthesized events on recent Firefox versions. Other changes: * When Selenium is unable to interact with an element, such as the case when an element is missing or disabled, this change will output exactly how Selenium is attempting to locate the element, such as the XPath or id of the element. This greatly speeds up troubleshooting issues, as the exception message clearly states what element is broken/missing for common problems like an ElementNotFoundException. * improve ByCssSelector#toString * Remove automatic installation of the SafariDriver in Java. * Complete Selenium Java Server support for Blink based Opera * Upgrading PhantomJS driver * Pull HttpClient implementation details out of HttpCommandExecutor. * Fix issue 8254: Extensions were incorrectly transferred between Windows client and Linux grid node, because ZipEntry had incorrect name with '\' as separators. * Adding capabilities and browser type for Opera Blink, and configuring tests to run in Opera Blink * Adding support for Blink-based Opera to Java binding * Adding Yosemite platform * Allowing to set an arbitrary platform capability even if it can't be converted to Platform enum. Non-standard platform values can cause matching issues on Grid, but they can be usable for third-party Grid implementations * Taking XML namespaces into account when searching by XPath. Checked to work in Firefox. Chrome supports namespaces out of the box. Need to update IE and Safari drivers to use the updated atom and test them carefully. v2.44.0 ======= * Updating Native events to support Firefox 24, 31, 32 and 33 * Update calls to deprecated guava methods. * Remove the deprecated DatabaseStorage interface. And callers. Note that the browser implementations may still have an implementation of these interfaces, but nothing in the main project implements it so we should be okay. * Bump the version of guava to 18 * Bringing MarionetteConnection in line with the current marionette state (FF33) * Add new tests for some wait conditions Also add the ExpectedConditionsTest to the test suite. * Update FindBy annotations description * Moving last part of browserlaunchers package from client to server * Moving Proxies utility class to server * Moving LauncherUtils to the server * Moving utility method isScriptFile to the only class where it is needed * Deleting tests for removed deprecated classes * Moving more RC stuff to the server * Moving tests too * Moving proxy management stuff to the server, it is used in RC browser launchers only * Using asMap as well as toMap to convert an object to Json * Using JsonNull.INSTANCE instead of null * Removing deprecated classes * Log stacktrace. Adds more info on catch to be put into the log instead of just console. This will help debug issues when one has access to grid hub log but no access to console. * Remove unused static import of Ignore.Driver.HTMLUNIT. * Remove obsolete ChromeOptions code. * trim() HTTP response content because some drivers send back a response containing trailing null bytes, which the GSON parser does not like. * If JsonParser.parse() fails to parse a string obtained from a reflective call to a toJson() method, assume it is a primitive string. This is the case for, e.g., FirefoxProfile.toJson(), which returns a base64-encoded zip file. That string likely contains at least one '/', which the Gson parser rejects. * Fixing SessionId from json converter to better handle the case of null sessionId * Fix the Eclipse config. The new gson dependency wasn't added. Now is :) Also switched a call in HtmlUnitWebElement to use guava rather than commons-lang since that's already included in the build configs for both Buck and CrazyFun. * Get the Buck build working again. * HtmlUnit: add text to the end of input fields. This makes the htmlunit driver work as the other drivers do. * HtmlUnit: Fix getAttribute for dynamic properties. * Enable Html5CapabilitiesTest for HtmlUnit * Fix classpath for running tests in eclipse This allows the htmlunitdriver tests to run in Eclipse. * Fixing broken CrossDomainRpcLoader * Implementing autoconverion of platform in Capabilities on write * Moving from org.json to gson because the license. Fixes issue 7956 * Revert "Bump the version of webbit to 0.4.15" * Optimizing finding multiple elements by id by using CSS selectors if available. Fixes issue 7682 * Fixing WDBS compatibility with IE5. Fixes issue 7938 * HtmlUnitDriver: Initial code cleanup. * Eclipse classpath fixes for htmlunit. * Deflake a test. v2.43.1 ======= * Fixing socketlock bug with reusing the same profile multiple times v2.43.0 ======= WebDriver: * Updating Native events to support Firefox 24, 31 and 32 * Add note on stale element checks and a WebElement represents a DOM element * Upgrade third party dependency JavaScript-XPath to 0.1.12 * Fix example code: "using(-Chrome)DriverExecutable" * Make event_firing_test.html pass in Firefox 24 ESR. * Fix an error propagation bug when a command fails from bad inputs. * Handle the case where a proxied element from PageFactory causes a FluentWait to timeout. * Integrating the Microsoft Internet Explorer driver implementation * Allow subclasses of HttpCommandExecutor to extend it at runtime. * Handle the case where executeScript returns an HTMLDocument. * IEDriver crashes in WaitUntilElementFocused() because of null pointer. Fixes issue #7577 * Deprecate the original RC interface in Selenium. As part of Selenium 3.0, we shall be moving the original RC interface to a legacy JAR that will be available as a separate download. As the first step in this process, the original "Selenium" interface is being marked as deprecated. * Run FirefoxDriver tests with Buck. * Bump timeout for tests since a suite is also a test. * Run htmlunit-driver tests with Buck. * Run the ignored tests printer with Buck. * Get org.openqa.selenium.SmallTests building with Buck. * Working around limitations in subpixel precision event handling. The bug/limitation where browser supports subpixel precision for elements but not for dispatched events was found in both modern Chrome (http://crbug.com/396380) and Firefox (?) browsers. (IE doesn't seem to be affected: before and including IE9 - no subpixel for elements and events; from ie10 - subpixel is supported for both elements and events). This test was lucky so far (mostly?) and didn't hit this issue, until Chrome 37 that enabled subpixel text scaling by default. This change makes *sure* elements have subpixel coordinates (if only browser supports'em) and then it makes sure this test doesn't fail because of that (while still testing selenium atoms). While there, I moved asserts from event handlers into the normal test flow so jsunit can properly attribute assertion failures to specific test methods. * Updating prebuilt libs for windows * Re-add the rubyzip jar * updating prebuilts for linux * Updating to gecko 32 * Log formatter should be able to work with empty keys array. Fixes issue 7357 * Fixing infinite read from socket. Fixes issue 7814 * WDBS: safe check for window.localStorage * Driver should operate cookies for the current frame, not the topmost one. Fixes issue 7799 in Firefox * Actually supporting promised Id for webdriver.WebElement. * Adding more checks for JS functions removed from IE11. Fixes issue 7803 * Fixing use of deprecated API in httpclient * Fixing use of deprecated API in guava * Update Closure library to head and compiler to the latest release * Implementing ability to use FirefoxDriver on a machine where localhost is not the first alias for Fixes issue 3280 * Handle null and empty paths the same as / * fixing maven build, adding reference to jetty-rc-repacked-5 * adding pom and info on uploading jetty-repacked-5 to maven central * Adding checks for JS functions removed from IE11. Fixes issue 7780 * Deleting what appears to be unused deps. * Add more options to the Builder API (every common, settable capability should be covered). * Require calling Builder.usingServer(url) to use a remote server. If this is not called, the builder will attempt to create a client locally, throwing an error if it can't (e.g. for IE). * Add browser specific constructors to simplify creating a client without the Builder. Fixes issue 7593 * Updating json-cpp lib and replacing mongoose web server with civetweb. * Safari is flaky. Reducing timeout to fail faster when we're going to fail. * Catch driver start-up failures. * Add explicit API for configuring log prefs rather than forcing users to rely on magic capability strings. * Clean up internal Firefox logging API. * Use LogLevelMapping to convert JSON wire protocol name to Level instance. * Make the jettyMaxThreads parameter actually be effective * Fix NullPointerException when File#listFiles() returns null. Fixes issue #1934 * Making WDBS.start command a no-op if it was instantiated with an already started driver. Fixes issue 3993 * Handling possible exception in stringification of window.location. Fixes issue 3908 * Modified IE driver server to more closely follow W3C spec This commit includes a number of changes designed to bring the IE driver into closer alignment with the W3C WebDriver specification. It provides no functional changes to the driver, nor does it change any external- facing API. The changes are: * Changed webdriver::Server to examine the response from the newSession command for the session ID rather than a two-stage process. The webdriver::Server::DispatchCommand method now calls the InitializeSession method directly when processing the newSession command. * Removed the now-obsolete webdriver::Server::CreateSession method. * Added a Serialize/Deserialize method pair on the webdriver::Command class (renaming the Populate method to Deserialize). * Revamped the serialization of webdriver::Command to use 'name' instead of 'command' for the command name. * Added a session ID member to the webdriver::Command object. * Modified the webdriver::Command object to no longer draw distinction between parameters passed in as part of the URL substitution and those passed in as part of the JSON payload in the body. * Modified webdriver::CommandHandler::ExecuteInternal (and all subclass implementations to use a single parameters map instead of the dual URL tokens/JSON payload parameters maps used previously. * Propagate webdriver_firefox_port preference to FirefoxDriver, was being ignored. Fixes issue 5172 * Adding a new selenium server option -logLongForm to log more details to the console. Fixes issue 6645 * Handling possible IllegalStateException while cleaning orphaned and timed out sessions. Fixes issue 6771 * Setting forwarded content for CommandListener afterCommand handler. Fixes issue 7443 * Fixing the list of extensions to search for an executable on Windows, and logging process startup errors. Fixes issue 7514 * Setting layout.css.devPixelsPerPx to 1.0 if native events are enabled only. Fixes issue 7445 * BODY element is always shown/displayed. related section in the W3C spec: https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/webdriver/raw-file/default/webdriver-spec.html#determining-if-an-element-is-displayed * Implementing switchToParentFrame support in atoms * Setting HtmlUnit to emulate FF24 by default * Updating HtmlUnit to 2.15 * Stop polluting the log with stacktraces. Fixes issue 7460 * Returning less specific platform info from firefox driver. Fixes issue 3354 * Adding driver info into TimeoutException thrown by WebDriverWait. Fixes issue 7429 * Implementing switchToParentFrame command for IE driver * Adding URL endpoint for switchToParentFrame v2.42.2 ======= WebDriver: * errorHandler needs to be instantiated. Fixing NPE with IEDriver Issue #7415 v2.42.1 ======= WebDriver: * resorting context endpoints, belong with mobile spec * re-added Context endpoints to java client * allow custom ErrorHandler for HTTPCommandExecutor * fixing toJSON of chrome options where equal options become unequal. v2.42.0 ======= WebDriver: * updating firefox prebuilts, thanks jleyba for fixing the build! * Use PRUnichar for Gecko < 29, char16_t otherwise. * Updating third_party/py/jython.jar to Jython 2.5.3 * Removing unused functions * Implementing more straightforward way to send keyboard events in synthesized mode. Fixes typing into number inputs and rich text editors (like tinymce) * Fixing interactions API in Firefox to be able to move mouse to elements in frames using native events. Fixes issue 7253 * Removing unused import * Refactoring: moving an auxiliary class from the top level to inner class * Removing outdated getValue command handler * Change ClearElement to be a subclass of WebElementHandler instead of WebDriverHandler * Removing outdated (unused) command constants * Fixing clicks on invisible elements in HtmlUnitDriver broken by ElementNotVisibleException being a subclass of InvalidElementStateException * Click after move with offset should use last mouse position * Adding new interface methods to the stubs * Preserve wrapped test function's string representation for Mocah's BDD interface. * Fixing IE driver to allow JavaScript objects with property names with spaces * Ignoring IE6-only test failure for CSS * Bump the hmltunit version to 2.14 * Remove a class of our which replicates HTTP status codes already given meaningful names in the standard JRE. * Updating version match for native libs in firefox plugin manifest file * Updating native events dll for FF28 * Implement ability to load driver providers using ServiceLoader. A user can add new providers or override existing ones. To use this ability a user should: * Refactoring the process of driver instances creation to use a new DriverProvider interface. DefaultDriverProvider wraps the current logic -- creating instances using reflection. This is a step to implement ability to load additional providers using ServiceLoader that can add new providers or override existing ones. * Ruby: Fix for extensions whose install.rdf uses an attribute for em:id (issue 5978) * fixes issue for locating newly installed chrome versions * Fixing IE driver crash when clicking on link that opens a new window. * Properly configure the http client in the presence of user credentials. * java json converter chooses Long (Number base class). Fixing RemoteNetworkConnection * SUPPORTS_BROWSER_CONNECTION was removed, missed a reference * Clean up use deprecated methods & classes. * ElementNotVisibleException is a type of InvalidElementStateException. * Tweak messaging on SafariDriver client page to better reflect what is happening. Also added a log message pointing users to the toolbar button that opens the driver log page. * Remove some no-op calls to deprecated functions. * Pull the logic for converting Command/Response pairs to and frame HTTP request/response pairs into a common codec instead of duplicating the logic on the client and server. * Change some tests to use Alert#accept() instead of Alert#dismiss() to get rid of alert dialogs. This is a workaround to ChromeDriver issue 764: * When running tests against the remote server, ignore two tests that use required capabilities. The remote server only supports desired capabilities on new session requests. * Update two tests to work when running with a remote server, where the original js error will be the root exception, but not necessarily the second error in the cause chain. * Test if we need to skip cookie tests for lack of a valid domain name before calling a method that asserts we have a valid domain name. * Convert HttpRequest/Response to POJOs; handle all conversion to and from HttpServletRequest/Response inside DriverServlet. * Every command handler returns ResultType.SUCCESS and those handlers that return an actual value do so through a level of indirection. This commit changes command handlers to just return results directly to the caller, making it possible to delete a lot of unnecessary code. * Move static resource serving code into DriverServlet. It is not part of the JSON wire protocol and including it in the command dispatcher complicates planned refactoring and other code cleanup. * Mobile - Network Connection implementation for Java and Python. * ChromeDriver 2.10.267517 binds to the loopback address instead of, so only attempt to connect using the loopback address. * Code comment changes for wait() * added task name to SCHEDULE_TASK event * Eclipse compiler update for Java 8 support * Updating naive user agent string checks to account for IE11 * Adding Windows 8.1 detection to Platform.extractFromSysProperty * retry a test failure if there was a 'sauce' issue, like we exceeded the total time a test session is allowed to take. * adding Windows 8.1 platform, so we can use it in saucelabs for IE11 testing * Remove deprecated functions on webdriver.promise.Promise class * Use templates with webdriver.promise.Promise to improve types documentation. * Loosen input type to webdriver.stacktrace.getStack_ to account for an rare condition in FF 28+ where the Error() constructor returns undefined (not sure what causes it, just know it happens) * Add ability to save an abitrary base64 string as a screenshot from a WebDriverJS test running in a browser. * When Firefox is configured to accept all SSL certs (which is the default behavior), we need to set a time offset to prevent Firefox from using HSTS (HTTP Strict Transport Security). If we don't do this, Firefox will pre-fetch the certs for sites that should always be accessed over HTTPS and allows Firefox to catch man-in-the-middle attacks. While this is A Good Thing for users, it prevents WebDriver from accepting self-signed certs for these domains (e.g. when they are accessed through a HTTPS proxy). * Remove unnecessary dependency on bouncycastle. * Making ChromeDriver directly implement the interfaces representing features it implements. * Updating build process for Firefox native events components to use gecko 29 SDK * Updating buck version to latest OSS release * Use addEventListener if possible. Fixes issue 6680 * Packaging webdriven selenium (emulator) to client-combined jar. Fixes issue 7206 * Don't use system path separators when computing URL paths. * Make Cookie serializable * Ignoring a test for HtmlUnitDriver that can't be run due to HtmlUnit restrictions * Allowing FindBy, FindBys, FindAll annotations on types * Minor cleanup FirefoxBinary.java * Adding Firefox native event version support to CHANGELOG * Adding version number to the capabilities returned by htmlunitdriver. Fixes issue 7110 * Implementing augmentation indicator as an annotation * Error handling for startSession is handled in the parent class now. * Remove deprecated functions. * Revert "Fixing Java 8 incompatibility caused by use of old jruby" because it breaks java 7 compatibility :( * Fixing Java 8 incompatibility caused by use of old jruby * Export logging API from main webdriver module. * Setting pixel density to be independent from OS settings. Fixes issue 6112 v2.41.0 ======= WebDriver: * Update to support native events for Firefox 28 (removed native event support for Firefox 26). Native events are now supported for the following Firefox versions: 17 (immediately previous ESR release) 24 (current ESR release) 27 (immediately previous release 28 (current release) * Fixed capabilities to be sent properly encoded. For instance, capabilities for mobile have copyright signs. * Renamed some commands in the Firefox driver to prepare for Selenium 3. This essentially means that we're mirroring the names of the commands in the function names within the driver. Also implemented handling a Selenium 3 style "sessionId" in a Command received by a Selenium 2 server. * Implemented support for switching context as described here: http://code.google.com/p/selenium/source/browse/spec-draft.md?repo=mobile#133. This feature will be used by mobile WebDriver users to switch between different contexts like the native or the webview UI element tree. The feature is end to end tested with latest Selendroid snapshot version (6a126ab). In the langauge bindings, this is implemented as a role-based interface. Subclasses of RemoteWEbDriver that need this should extend TargetLocator and use covariant return types to keep everything happy and sweet. * Removed InternetExplorerDriver constructor that accepts WindowsProxyManager as a parameter. Proxy management moved to IEDriverServer and WindowsProxyManager is used for RC only now. * Removed use of VK_ENTER since its been removed from Firefox. PUA code uses VK_RETURN now like Mozilla Tools. * Added switch to parent frame command to the wire protocol and API. * Added httpOnly flag to Cookie JSON object. * (on behalf of Tobias Lidskog): Added property for silencing chromedriver. The Java property "webdriver.chrome.silentOutput" is now used to set the default value for silent mode in chromedriver using the ChromeDriverService class. This is analogous to the existing system property for controlling verbose mode. * (on behalf of Yi Zeng): Updated download link to googleapis.com * Reduced the visibility of a deprecated class in the htmlunit driver. * Removed deprecated FirefoxProfile.setProxyPreferences method. * Removed deprecated ChromeOptions.setExperimentalOptions * FIXED: 4843: (on behalf of Jonatan Kronqvist): Regard all modifier keys in SingleKeyAction. An earlier commit added META, but COMMAND and LEFT_* were left out as they were misinterpreted as aliases, which they aren't (they onlyuse the enum definition to get the same character code of the keys). * FIXED: 5331: Added javadoc to JavascriptExecutor executeAsyncScript about the default timeout. Also added some extra information on troubleshooting common issues. * FIXED: 7014: Fixed parameters parsing. * FIXED: 7033: Fixed javadoc. WebDriverJS: * FIXED: 7105: Properly bind "this" for beforeEach/it/afterEach in mocha integration. Grid: * Modified to ignore exceptions during the clean-up process if failing to start a RemoteWebDriver instance. * FIXED: 6770: Setting a timeout when Jetty has low resources to prevent hub from hanging. * FIXED: 6771: If a session times out and the browser was never started, it should still be cleaned up on the hub side. BeforeRelease should then be a no-op and not throw. * FIXED: 6772: Added a configuration parameter to set the number of threads Jetty uses. Default is -1, which implements the current behavior (255 threads from Jetty's default settings) * FIXED 6773: Consuming the request in all cases to properly release resources. * FIXED: 6811: Clean up immediately if starting a driver or session errors in RemoteWebDriver. * FIXED: 6878: Actually pass the response body to CommandListener implementations, per the interface contract. * FIXED: 7047: Updated a grid timeout property that seems to have been overlooked in a previous cleanup. RC: * Added lost quotes in JSON format (RC). * Removed old version of Selenium RC emulation and leaving the new one in place. v2.40.0 ======= WebDriver: * Update to support native events for Firefox 27 (removed native event support for Firefox 25). * Removed the iPhone driver. Also leaving the atoms available, so that appium and iosdriver can use them. * Deleted the client side of the AndroidDriver. Note that the atoms are still left in place so that Selendroid can still be compiled. * Make the RemoteWebDriver implement TakesScreenshot. There's only one driver that doesn't implement the interface (the HtmUnitDriver) and this is the most common cause for using the Augmenter, which isn't very discoverable. * Imported PhantomJSDriver 1.1.0, removing 1.0.4 (previous version). * Implemented augmentation of previously augmented instances * Fixed JdkAugmenter's inability to add interfaces that are already implemented * Removed org.openqa.selenium.net.INetAddress, an unnecessary abstraction around java.net.InetAddress. * (on behalf of Tobias Lidskog) Add ability to send --silent flag to chromedriver. when building an inverted predicate. * Implemented part of advanced user interactions using injected atoms * Fixed HtmlUnitDriver to handle timeout exception on refresh. * Implemented page load timeouts in Firefox without stopping page loading. * Implemented pageLoadingStrategy capability in Firefox. * Migrated the WebDriverBackedSelenium to com.thoughtworks.selenium.webdriven. This also leaves behind a deprecated implementation of each of the key interfaces to ease migration for users. * Implemented proper error code for the case of invalid css selector empty class name, and compound class name in atoms. * Implemented alert and confirmation handling in WDBS (Java) * Throw a more descriptive error when typing in certain types of input elements in Chrome. Starting with Chrome 33, certain types of input elements do not support the selection API (in fact, they throw when you try to access the property). This prevents us from fully simulating typing in the atoms. * FIXED: 2397: (on behalf of TommyBeadle) Fixed exception handling * FIXED: 3991: Add Keys.chord(Iterable) as a utility method. * FIXED: 4606: Stop web page loading after timeout. * FIXED: 4843: (on behalf of Jonatan Kronqvist) Keys.META is now regarded as modifier key in SingleKeyAction. Keys.META, Keys.COMMAND, Keys.LEFT_ALT, Keys.LEFT_CONTROL and Keys.LEFT_SHIFT are now also regarded as modifier keys in SingleKeyAction (because of their aliases). * FIXED: 5397: Disabled validation of cookies loaded from the browser. If the browser could parse the cookie we are to be able to provide this information to the user even if the cookie is inalid. * FIXED: 5859: Implemented keyDownNative, keyUpNative and keyPressNative in WDBS. These commands are implemented via Actions. * FIXED: 6512: When the host is unknown, make the HtmlUnitDriver return an error page. * FIXED: 6657: Make the LoggingPreferences implement Serializable. * FIXED: 6681: Preventing augmentation of subclasses of RemoteWebDriver. Fixes * FIXED: 6830: (on behalf of GeorgeKlinich) Urlencoding result returned by server implementation of WebDriverBackedSelenium. * FIXED: 6834: Creating sesion cookie if expiry is not set. Fixes issue 6834 * FIXED: 6947: Script timeout should get reset even when async callback is called synchronously. WebDriverJS: * For consistency with Closure's new promise API, use thenCatch() and thenFinally() instead of addCallback(), addErrback(), et al. * ResultType.EXCEPTION and ResultType.ERROR are handled the exact same way, so remove one of them and simplify some code. * Treat promise.fulfill/reject as no-ops instead of throwing if the promise has already been resolved. * Added some utility functions to simplify working with arrays of promises. * FIXED: 6826: Add support for custom locators in webdriverjs. Grid: * FIXED: 4589: Restrict the host where grid hub is listening if -host option is specified. * FIXED: 6445: Shorten string representation of capabilities in the hub log and grid console. RC: * Deprecated browser launchers for dead versions of firefox. v2.39.0 ======= WebDriver: * Update to support native events for Firefox 26. * Removed server side of iPhone driver. * Removed server-side of AndroidDriver and deprecating client side. WebDriverJS: * FIXED: 6686: Changed Deferred#cancel() to silently no-op if the deferred has already been resolved. v2.38.0 ======= WebDriver: * Update to support native events for Firefox 25. * Updated httpclient and httpcore maven dependencies * When moving the mouse relative to an element hidden in a parent's overflow region, that element must first be scrolled into view before the mouse move can be completed. * Removed WindowsProxyManager from InternetExplorerDriver, proxy management is implemented in IEDriverServer now. * The logging level for the FirefoxDriver's native components can now be set from the command line with the SELENIUM_LOG_LEVEL environment variable. Valid values are ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, and TRACE. If the value is not set, or an unrecognized value is specified, the log level will be set to FATAL (which was the previous behavior). * Implemented ability to return Date object from executeScript (Firefox only). * Fixed Firefox returning the actual state of nativeEvents. * Made it possible to switch the webdriver.xpi from the command line using a system property. * Removed hardcoded chromedriver version * SafariDriver WebElement#getTagName() should return a lowercase string. * If ChromeDriver fails to start, suppress any exceptions from the subsequent "clean-up" quit() so the error from start is not lost. * Added an alternate, and Android-friendly, implementation of the Augmenter that uses JDK interface proxies instead of cglib. This new implementation is available as org.openqa.remote.JdkAugmenter; the default Augmenter implementation still relies on cglib. * Prevented an infinite loop when computing overflow state when the documentElement has fixed position. * Improveed logging for UnixProcess#destroy(). * If an error is thrown while typing a key sequence, return that error to the client. Prior to this change, the driver would effectively hang. * Do not attempt to generate a key event if the target element is no longer attached to the DOM. nsIPressShell (which is used to dispatch events) will throw a generic NS_UNEXPECTED_ERROR if we fail to make this check. * FIXED: 3107: (On behalf of Ross Patterson) Preventing possible NPE. * FIXED: 4501: (On behalf of Robert Ambrus) Introduced a system property org.openqa.jetty.SocketListener.bufferSize that allows to set the size of the buffer Jetty uses for network communications. * FIXED: 4698: Added missing expected conditions. * FIXED: 5295: User defined element properties should be retrievable with getAttribute. * FIXED: 5900: Revamped the SafariDriver's internal networking. * FIXED: 6294: Implemented ability to switch to a frame by id or name in WDBS. * FIXED: 6358: Disabled Content Security Policy in Firefox. * FIXED: 6414: Fixed the way EventFiringWebDriver unwraps the underlying driver. * FIXED: 6431: Catch an exception thrown if the chrome executable is not found and stop chromedriver before propagating it. * FIXED: 6445: Shortened Firefox profile textual representation in capabilities. * FIXED: 6473: Implemented ability to pass --verbose option to chromedriver. WebDriver JS: * Always annotate errors for rejected promises * FIXED: 6284: Omit x/y offsets from the mouseMove command instead of defaulting to (0,0). * FIXED: 6471: Correctly document the contract on WebElement#getAttribute * FIXED: 6612: On Unix, use the default IANA ephemeral port range if unable to retrieve the current system's range. * FIXED: 6617: Checking for Error.captureStackTrace is sufficient to determine if an environment supports stack traces. This avoids unnecessarily triggering debuggers configured to halt when an error is thrown. * FIXED: 6627: Safely rebuild chrome.Options from a partial JSON spec. Grid: * FIXED: 6357: Added PhantomJS icon to the grid console. * FIXED: 6392: Removed misleading log messages. RC: * FIXED: 1666: Fixed typo in RegExp.test function name. * FIXED: 1758: Ignoring closed windows when collecting attributes from all windows (RC). * FIXED: 2508: Fixed screenshot size calculation for quirks mode (RC) * FIXED: 2845: Moved storedVars from test case level to test suite level. * FIXED: 3185: Fixed JSON converter (RC). * FIXED: 3270: Fixed switch to window by var= locator (RC). * FIXED: 5103: Fixed screenshooter in Firefox and Selenium RC, limiting the size of the screenshot to pevent failures. * FIXED: 6496: Enabled .htm and .xhtml extensions for test suites. v2.37.0 ======= * Fix Firefox native event support on Linux for 23 & 24. v2.36.0 ======= WebDriver: * Updated Firefox native event components to support Firefox 24. * Updated HtmlUnit to 2.13. * Updated HttpClient to 4.3. * Updated version of Guava to 15. * Updated version of wgxpath. * Return an empty string instead of "null" when the browserName and version capabilities are not set. * Stop propagation of the webdriver-evaluate custom event when executing user supplied JavaScript. Without this change, the event handler will trigger twice for async scripts, causing the driver to attempt to evaluate the user script twice, leading to unpredictable behavior. * Added a new pause action to the interactions API. * Improved support for using the HTML5 APIs through the remote server by augmenting the session driver before attempting to access HTML5 capabilities. If the driver does not support the requested feature, throw an UnsupportedCommandException instead of a ClassCastException. * Implemented elementScrollBehavior capability in FirefoxDriver. * Fixed getLocation to work on scrolled pages. * Fixed autoscrolling for elements located in frames. * Fixed drag-n-drop for elements in frames in Firefox with native events * Implemented SOCKS proxy support for FirefoxDriver * Fixed support for SVG documents in the atoms. * Fixed computing an element's container dimensions to account for the scrollbar size when scrolling * FIXED: 2670: Made subclasses of By serializable. * FIXED: 6200: Pass command line arguments to the Selenium server instead of to the JVM. * FIXED: 6293: Added more informative error message. * FIXED: 6346: Allow args to passed to the JVM using the jvmArgs option. Grid: * Added ability to fetch slotCounts from /grid/api/hub. The resource looks like this: { "slotCounts": { "total": 20, "free": 8 } } * Added ability to fetch newSessionRequestCount from the /grid/api/hub resource. v2.35.0 ======= WebDriver: * Updated Firefox native event components to support Firefox 23. * Removing deprecated interactions interfaces (Keyboard, Mouse, TouchScreen). * Updated operadriver to 1.4. * Introduced ie.setProxyByServer capability to select how IE browser proxy will be set up, either by old Java code using Windows registry or inside IEDriverServer using WinINet methods. This capability is marked as deprecated and will be removed in future versions. In the future, IE proxy settings will be set up only by IEDriverServer. Current default value of ie.setProxyByServer is false so Windows registry will be used for IE proxy setup. * Guarded around IE returning an empty object for the active element. * FIXED: 6055: Fixing "invalid xpath" issue, actually invalid NS resolver. WebDriver JS: * FIXED: 6079: The parent process should not wait for spawned driver service processes (chromedriver, phantomjs, etc.) v2.34.0 ======= WebDriver: * Updated Firefox native event components to support Firefox 22. * Update synthesized mouse implementation. Mouse moves are implemented using nsIDOMWindowUtils. * Finding libX11.so.6 in a slightly more intelligent way: Check that dlopen actually succeeds, if not found in one of the fixed paths, look in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH. * Added ExpectedConditions to check for the visibility of all WebElements in a List * Updated the wgxpath library. * Updated our copy of the Closure compiler and library to the most recent versions. * Updated the atoms library, including support for MS pointer events and refinements to element visibility tests. * Close all open connections when stopping the SafariDriver server. * Fall back to a loopback address if the current machine does not have an external IP address (as will be the case when there is no internet connection). * Remove sizzle dependency from the firefox driver. We only needed this for versions of firefox prior to 3.5, which we no longer support. * Fixed Select.escapeQuotes method. * Added SafariOptions and support for custom Safari extensions. * Moved Mouse, Keyboard and TouchScreen to the interactions package where they belong. This has the benefit of also making our build files simpler once we delete the original versions which have been deprecated. * Deprecated the HasTouchScreen interface. * Fixed condition in Select.select_by_index method to fix case when selection is performed by index on a multiple select element. * Implemented an alpha version of a Marionette (WebDriver implemented natively in Firefox) driver. * Deprecated IPhoneDriver. * Added support for the HTML5 "hidden" attribute. If an element, or ancestor, has hidden attribute make, it is not shown. * FIXED: 2285: Allow setting default logLevel for standalone-server. * FIXED: 5609: Adding the ability to redirect firefox process output to file. * FIXED: 5669: Add Driver#remote_status for the Ruby remote driver. * FIXED: 5715: Adding toString method for the event firing webelement. WebDriver JS: * When capturing console output, guard against user scripts that redefine the console global. * Improved logging in the test client. * Use goog.labs.testing.assertThat for the assertThat library. * Improved stack trace handling * Defined a webdriver.Capabilities class for webdriverjs. * Added native ChromeDriver support to WebDriverJs. * Mark discarded tasks as cancelled to prevent hanging on asynchronously scheduled callbacks. * Include the webdriverjs tests in the built npm package. Updated the README with instructions for running the tests using npm. * Add native PhantomJS support to webdriverjs. Grid: * Update grid for change in behavior of WebDriver's new session command. * Fixed handling of JSON conversion errors at node. * FIXED: 5942: Fix hang of hub when node machine is not available. RC: * Fixed RC tests failing in Firefox beta builds. This has been fixed in two ways: * Rely on the automation atoms where possible. * Obtain the document and window from the element the event is firing from. In the course of fixing this, all but one usage of "triggerEvent" was replaced. Because of this, the method has been inlined to the last call site. * FIXED: 1646: UTF-8 encoded user-extensions.js support. v2.33.0 ======= WebDriver: * getText() ignores elements in the * Bundled OperaDriver version bumped to 1.3. * Added a FindAll annotation for the PageFactory to use. * Added a toString() implementation to Color. * Deleted the Selenium-backed WebDriver. * FIXED: 2218: IE >=9 versions triggerMouseEvent like other browsers. * FIXED: 2610: Implementing ability to specify path to the chrome executable in the node configuration file using chrome_binary capability. * FIXED: 2685: Increasing port range for Firefox to chose from when starting. * FIXED: 4790: Improvements made to Firefox startup in highly concurrent environments. * FIXED: 5045: Added support for fetching logs from SafariDriver. * FIXED: 5652: Adding unhandled alert text to the exception message. * Added LogType.PERFORMANCE, supported in chromedriver2 0.9+. WebDriver JS: * FIXED: 5511: Implement driver.manage().timeouts().pageLoadTimeout(ms) for WebDriverJs. * FIXED: 5632: It's now possible to create a new session with WebDriverJs when running in a browser. * Add a WebDriverJs client to the SafariDriver's logging window so it's possible to use WebDriver from the devtools REPL on that page. Grid: * Making "beta" console the default one, it's time to get out of beta status * Old console is now available at /grid/old/console/ * Addressed memory leaks caused by per-session logging. * FIXED: 3001: Making Selenium the default protocol if a node was started with "-role rc" option. RC: * FIXED: 3636: selenium.fireEvent works with the webdriver-backed selenium and IE. v2.32.0 ======= WebDriver: This release supports Firefox verions: 10esr, 17esr, 19, 20 * Let WindowsUtils.killPID() kill the whole process tree * Implementing support for implicit "submit" button type in HtmlUnitDriver. * bug fix for python hang with 302 response * Adding better support for SVG within Firefox. Has better scrolling to element and allows JavaScript execution * Fixing case of "no active element" for HtmlUnitDriver * WindowsUtils.kill() fix on Windows 8 * Updating HtmlUnit to 2.12 (and cssparser to 0.9.9) * Fixing illegal negative timeout values for HtmlUnitDriver, zero means infinite wait * Implementing pageLoadTimeout in HtmlUnitDriver * Allow users to specify a custom location for Safari's data directory using the "safari.dataDir" capability. * Fix for using DesiredCapabilities with WebDriverBackedSelenium * PhantomJS Driver bindings updated to 1.0.3 * Minimize the number of third party libraries used by the very heart of the remote webdriver server. * fix issue where server was appending '?null' to all forwarded requests * Issues fixed: 5293, 4902, 5283, 5278 v2.31.0 ======= (summary not created, check version history logs) v2.30.0 ======= WebDriver: * Fixing a bug introduced by a change in how we get already logged messages from the console service in firefox. This allows us to function with firefox 19 * FIXED: 1181: Improved loopback detection * FIXED: 1627: Implementing ability to use auto proxy in HtmlUnitDriver. * FIXED: 3652: moveToElement with offset should consider 0 as a valid value, not as "undefined". * FIXED: 3868: Better ephemeral port range selection. * FIXED: 4107: Added prebuilt version of the SafariDriver extension to the client jar. * FIXED: 4821: WebDriverBackedSelenium works when added to project via maven. * FIXED: 4940, 5075: Added iceweasel to list of firefox variants. * FIXED: 5022: Text node with overflow:hidden and height/width 0 to not be visible since we cant see them. * FIXED: 5030: Only send files to upload, not directories. * FIXED: 5079: FluentWait.until(Predicate) method does not propagate predicate message. * FIXED: 5109: We should show elements visible if there is a pixel visible. * Semi-private change: Changes in the Coordinate class. JS: * Update WebDriverJS to support parallel flows. This change renames several low-level classes and functions in the promise module: promise.Application -> promise.ControlFlow #schedule(string, function) -> #execute(function, [string]) #scheduleTimeout(string, number) -> #timeout(number, [string]) #scheduleWait(string, function, number, [string]) -> #wait(function, number, [string]) The old schedule* functions are still present, but will print a warning message if called. They will be removed in 2.31. RC: * Added ability to use relative path to an -htmlSuite file. * FIXED: 3498: Proxy based browsers are back to normal on HTTPS * FIXED: 5113: Implementing GET requests support for RC protocol. v2.29.0 ======= WebDriver: * Firefox 18 support. * IEDriver supports "requireWindowFocus" desired capability. When using this and native events, the IE driver will demand focus and user interactions will use SendInput() for simulating user interactions. Note that this will mean you MUST NOT use the machine running IE for anything else as the tests are running. * Use the "webdriver.remote.shorten_log_messages" system property to reduce the verboseness of ouput from executeScript and executeAsyncScript when using the RemoteWebDriver. * Switching HtmlUnitDriver default from FIREFOX_3_6 to FIREFOX_10 * SafariDriverExtension should restore Safari's previous settings on shutdown. * Bundled version of PhantomJSDriver bumped to 1.0.1 * Updated the version of guava-libraries used to 14. * Updated HtmlUnit to 2.11 * Deprecated XPathLookupException in favour of InvalidSelectorException * FIXED: 3602: Changing IE view port calculations to allow for always-present vertical scroll bar, and to test for horizontal scroll bar and adjust as required by page content. * FIXED: 4576: self registering proxy now check for user specified proxy id. * FIXED: 5010: icons in chrome newtab now correctly identified as being shown. RC: * FIXED: 4818: Make sure that each generated SSL cert has a unique ID associated with it. Project: * Moved to git. Most obvious in revision number in our exceptions. v2.28.0 ======= WebDriver: * "null" can now be passed to executeScript * .Net: Corrected FileUtilities.FindFile() to correctly return the current directory if the specified file is located there. * .Net: Introduces the Updating the CustomFinderType property to the .NET FindsByAttribute. This allows use of custom By subclasses in the PageFactory. The custom finder must be a subclass of By, and it must expose a public constructor that takes a string argument. * SafariDriver: better attempts to catch native dialogs from user defined onbeforeunload handlers. * Updating HtmlUnit to 2.11 * Added the PhantomJS bindings to the release. You'll still need to download PhantomJS itself separately. RC: * Implemented getAllWindowNames in WebDriverBackedSelenium * Implemented openWindow in WebDriverBackedSelenium to allow opening relative URLs v2.27.0 ======= WebDriver: * Added support for native events for Firefox 17. * Added support for ghostdriver (PhantomJS) * Adding new capability "enableElementCacheCleanup" to the IE driver. When set to true, the IE driver will clean the known-element cache of invalid elements after every page load. This is intended to keep memory usage down and improve performance. However, it is an intrusive change, so this capability is provided temporarily to allow disabling this behavior if problems arise. The default of this new capability is "true", meaning this behavior is turned on by default. * Added shift key handling to the synthetic keyboard actions. * Modifying scroll behavior in IE driver SendKeysCommandHandler to call Element::GetLocationOnceScrolledIntoView() instead of calling the DOM scrollIntoView() function. Should result in less page scrolling during test runs. * Checking if CSS transforms on elements, or their parents, are hiding them and therefore returning they arent visible. * Add not, refreshed, invisibilityOfElementWithText to ExpectedConditions. * Added support for new IE10 pointer events. * FIXED: 1543: Allowing equal sign in a cookie value. * FIXED: 2103, 3508: Modified to no longer hang on alerts triggered by onchange of