#! /usr/bin/env python3 import argparse import concurrent.futures import configparser import json import os import pathlib import pwd import re import socket import stat import subprocess import sys import tarfile import textwrap import time import urllib from contextlib import suppress from datetime import datetime from math import ceil from pathlib import Path from time import sleep try: import docker except ImportError: print('\nPlease install the Python Docker module (pip3 install docker)') print('\nAdditional information: https://github.com/senzing-garage/senzinggo\n') sys.exit(1) __all__ = [] __version__ = '1.6.7' # See https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0396/ __date__ = '2021-09-10' __updated__ = '2023-06-07' class Colors: # Standard colors RED = '\033[31m' GREEN = '\033[32m' YELLOW = '\033[33m' BLUE = '\033[34m' MAGENTA = '\033[35m' CYAN = '\033[36m' WHITE = '\033[37m' # Custom colors DARK_ORANGE = '\033[38;5;208m' # Other INFO = '\033[34m' WARN = '\033[38;5;208m' ERROR = '\033[31m' BOLD = '\033[1m' END = '\033[0m' DEFAULT = '\033[37m' DIM = '\033[02m' class LogCats: INFO = f'{Colors.INFO}INFO{Colors.END}' WARNING = f'{Colors.WARN}WARNING{Colors.END}' ERROR = f'{Colors.ERROR}ERROR{Colors.END}' # f-strings expressions don't allow backslash, use for formatting in f-strings class Format: NEWLINE = '\n' CURSOR_UP = '\033[F' def update_check_and_get(): """ Check version numbers """ with urllib.request.urlopen("https://api.github.com/repos/senzing-garage/SenzingGo/releases/latest", timeout=5) as rel_response: rel_ver = json.loads(rel_response.read())['name'] # Senzing follows release versions of x.y.z # Do they look as we expect? try: _ = int(__version__.replace('.', '')) _ = int(rel_ver.replace('.', '')) test_this = __version__.replace('.', '') test_rel = rel_ver.replace('.', '') except ValueError: logger(f'Either the version of this script {__version__} or the released version {rel_ver} don\'t contain all digits', LogCats.ERROR) logger('Cannot check if a new update is available or perform an update', LogCats.ERROR) return None, None, None, None else: if len(test_this) < 3 or len(test_rel) < 3: logger(f'Either the version of this script {__version__} or the released version {rel_ver} are not formatted as expected', LogCats.ERROR) logger('Cannot check if a new update is available or perform an update', LogCats.ERROR) return None, None, None, None this_ver_concat = int(test_this) rel_ver_concat = int(test_rel) return this_ver_concat, rel_ver_concat, __version__, rel_ver def update_check(): """ Check if update is available """ logger('Checking for an update...') this_ver_int, rel_ver_int, this_ver, rel_ver = update_check_and_get() logger(f'Current version: {this_ver} - Available version: {rel_ver}', LogCats.INFO) if not this_ver_int and not rel_ver_int: return if this_ver_int < rel_ver_int: return True return False def update(senz_root): """ Perform an update """ _, rel_ver, _, _ = update_check_and_get() if not rel_ver: return new_go_file = f'{senz_root}/python/SenzingGo.py_{rel_ver}' with urllib.request.urlopen("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/senzing-garage/senzinggo/main/SenzingGo.py") as rel_response: new_go = rel_response.read() with open(new_go_file, 'wb') as go: go.write(new_go) try: os.chmod(new_go_file, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IEXEC | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IWGRP | stat.S_IXGRP) except OSError as ex: raise ex else: logger(f'Updated version downloaded, replace SenzingGo.py with {new_go_file} and re-launch to use new version', msg_color=Colors.BLUE) def get_senzing_root(script_name): """ Get the SENZING_ROOT env var """ senz_root = os.environ.get('SENZING_ROOT', None) if not senz_root: if os.geteuid() == 0: logger(f'Running with sudo and SENZING_ROOT isn\'t set. Ensure setupEnv file is sourced and run with "sudo --preserve-env ./{script_name}"', LogCats.WARNING) else: logger('SENZING_ROOT isn\'t set please source the project setupEnv file to use all features', LogCats.WARNING) logger('Without SENZING_ROOT set, only --saveImages (-si) and --loadImages modes are available') return senz_root def get_host_name(tout=2): """ Attempt to get fully qualified hostname """ host_name = None logger('Collecting networking information...') # Test if on AWS and fetch AWS external hostname # https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/instancedata-data-retrieval.html # There is also the ec2-metadata tool that can report the instance data host_end_point = '' with suppress(Exception): host_url = urllib.request.urlopen(host_end_point, timeout=tout) public_host = host_url.read() return public_host.decode(), True # FQDN with suppress(Exception): host_name = socket.getfqdn(socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())) # Hostname if not host_name: with suppress(Exception): host_name = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname()) # Otherwise set to localhost, can be overridden with the -ho CLI arg if not host_name: logger('Unable to detect a hostname, using localhost, this could cause issues.', cat=LogCats.WARNING) logger('If networking issues arise, set a hostname or try using the --host (-ho) argument to specify host or ip address.', cat=LogCats.WARNING) host_name = 'localhost' return host_name, False def get_ip_addr(host_name, tout=2): """ Attempt to get IP address """ ipv4 = None # Test if on AWS and fetch AWS external IPV4 # https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/instancedata-data-retrieval.html # There is also the ec2-metadata tool that can report the instance data ipv4_end_point = '' with suppress(Exception): ipv4_url = urllib.request.urlopen(ipv4_end_point, timeout=tout) public_ipv4 = ipv4_url.read() return public_ipv4.decode() # Try easy method with suppress(Exception): ipv4 = socket.gethostbyname(host_name) # Try external method if not ipv4: with suppress(Exception): sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) sock.connect(("", 80)) ipv4 = sock.getsockname()[0] if not ipv4: logger('Unable to detect an IP address, using, this could cause issues.', LogCats.WARNING) logger('If networking issues arise please check if a valid IP address is assigned.', LogCats.WARNING) ipv4 = '' return ipv4 def ini_localhost_check(ini_file_name): """ Check the INI file doesn't use localhost localhost can't be used when the INI file is baked into a container, would be pointing to the container itself """ with open(ini_file_name, 'r') as inifile: for line in inifile: line_check = line.lstrip().lower() # Look for localhost in normal and cluster ini lines if (line_check.startswith('connection') or line_check.startswith('db_1')) and ('@localhost:' in line_check or '@' in line_check): logger('Connection string cannot use localhost or, use a hostname or ip address', LogCats.ERROR) logger(f'\t{line}') sys.exit(1) def convert_ini2json(ini_file_name): """ Convert INI parms to JSON for use in the Docker containers""" ini_json = {} cfgp = configparser.ConfigParser(empty_lines_in_values=False, interpolation=None) cfgp.optionxform = str cfgp.read(ini_file_name) for section in cfgp.sections(): ini_json[section] = dict(cfgp.items(section)) return ini_json def internet_access(url, retries=3, retries_start=None, tout=2, check_msg=False): """ Test for access to resources that are required""" if check_msg: logger('Checking for internet access and Senzing resources...') try: urllib.request.urlopen(url, timeout=tout) logger(f'{url} {Colors.GREEN}Available{Colors.END}') return True except (urllib.error.URLError, urllib.error.HTTPError, socket.timeout): if retries > 1: retries -= 1 retries_start = retries if not retries_start else retries_start sleep(1) internet_access(url, retries, retries_start, check_msg=False) if retries == retries_start: logger(f'{url} {Colors.WARN}Unavailable{Colors.END}') return False def get_api_spec(url, retries=10, tout=5): """ Get the REST API specification from the REST server """ retry = retries if retry == retries: logger('Fetching API specification from REST server') while retry > 0: try: api_spec_url = urllib.request.urlopen(url, timeout=tout) api_spec = api_spec_url.read() return api_spec except (urllib.error.URLError, urllib.error.HTTPError, ConnectionResetError): sleep_time = 5 * (retries - retry) if retry < ceil(retries/retry) else 5 logger(f'Waiting for API specification from REST server, pausing for {sleep_time}s before retry...') sleep(sleep_time) retry -= 1 except Exception as ex: logger('General error communicating with the REST server, cannot continue!', LogCats.ERROR) logger(ex, LogCats.ERROR) sys.exit(1) logger('Unable to connect to or fetch API specification from REST server, cannot continue!', LogCats.ERROR) sys.exit(1) def parse_versions(url): """ Parse the online Senzing Docker versions file into a dict to looking latest version numbers""" # #!/usr/bin/env bash # # # Generated on 2021-10-05 by https://github.com/senzing-factory/dockerhub-util dockerhub-util.py version: 1.0.3 update: 2021-10-05 # # export SENZING_DOCKER_IMAGE_VERSION_ADMINER=1.0.0 # export SENZING_DOCKER_IMAGE_VERSION_APT=1.0.5.post1 # export SENZING_DOCKER_IMAGE_VERSION_APT_DOWNLOADER=1.1.3 try: # Read the versions data into a dict response = urllib.request.urlopen(url) page = response.read().decode().replace('export SENZING_', 'SENZING_') versions = {kv.split('=')[0]: kv.split('=')[1] for kv in [line for line in page.split('\n') if line.startswith('SENZING_')]} except urllib.error.HTTPError as ex: logger('Fetching latest versions, the server couldn\'t fulfill the request.', LogCats.ERROR) logger(f'Error code: {ex.code}') return False except urllib.error.URLError as ex: logger('Fetching latest versions, failed to reach a server.', LogCats.ERROR) logger(f'Reason: {ex.reason}') return False return versions def docker_checks(script_name): """ Perform checks for Docker """ logger('Performing Docker checks...') # Is Docker installed? try: dversion = subprocess.run(['docker', '--version'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, encoding='utf8') if 'podman' in dversion.stdout.lower(): logger('Podman is being used, this is unsupported this tool requires Docker: https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/', LogCats.ERROR) sys.exit(1) except FileNotFoundError: logger('Docker doesn\'t appear to be installed and is required: https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/', LogCats.ERROR) sys.exit(1) # Not launched as sudo, check if user can use docker without sudo if os.geteuid() != 0: # Will succeed if the user can use docker without sudo - e.g. in the docker group, docker running rootless check = subprocess.run(['docker', 'images'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, encoding='utf8') if check.returncode != 0: if 'permission denied' and 'socket' in check.stderr: logger(f'User cannot run Docker, run with "sudo --preserve-env ./{script_name}" or be added to the docker group', LogCats.ERROR) else: logger(check.stderr, LogCats.ERROR) sys.exit(1) def docker_init(url): """ Initialise a Docker client """ try: client = docker.DockerClient(base_url=url) except docker.errors.DockerException as ex: logger('Unable to instantiate Docker, is the Docker service running and Docker URL correct?', LogCats.ERROR) logger(ex, LogCats.ERROR) logger(f'Docker URL: {url}', LogCats.ERROR) sys.exit(1) return client def docker_image_exists(docker_client, image_name): """ Test if a Docker image already exists """ return True if docker_client.images.list(name=image_name) else False def pull_default_images(docker_client, docker_containers, no_web_app, no_swagger, check_health, dock_run_args): """ Docker pull the base set of images required for the tool Senzing Rest API server, Senzing Entity Search App, Swagger UI """ logger('Checking and pulling Docker images, this may take many minutes') images_to_pull = {} for key, image_list in docker_containers.items(): # Skip pulling images if CLI args request not to deploy if no_web_app and image_list['imagename'] == 'senzing/entity-search-web-app': continue if no_swagger and image_list['imagename'] == 'swaggerapi/swagger-ui': continue images_to_pull[key] = image_list['imagename'] + ':' + image_list['tag'] with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=len(images_to_pull)) as executor: future_pull = {executor.submit(docker_pull, docker_client, image, docker_containers[key]['msgcolor'], docker_containers[key]['msgcolor'], key): (key, image) for key, image in images_to_pull.items()} for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(future_pull): pull_success = future_pull[future] try: result, key = future.result() except docker.errors.DockerException as ex: logger(ex, cat=LogCats.ERROR, task_color=docker_containers[dock_run_args[0]['container']]['msgcolor'], task=pull_success[0]) if pull_success[0] == 'REST API Server': logger('Couldn\'t pull REST API Server image, can\'t continue without it!', LogCats.ERROR) sys.exit(1) else: docker_containers[key]['imagepulled'] = True docker_containers[key]['imageavailable'] = True if dock_run_args: with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=2) as executor2: future_run = {executor2.submit(docker_run, docker_client, docker_containers, check_health, **parms): parms for parms in dock_run_args} for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(future_run): pull_success = future_run[future] try: _ = future.result() except docker.errors.DockerException as ex: logger(ex, cat=LogCats.ERROR, task_color=docker_containers[dock_run_args[0]['container']]['msgcolor'], task=pull_success[0]) sys.exit(1) def docker_pull(docker_client, image, msg_color=Colors.DEFAULT, task_color=Colors.BLUE, key='SenzingGo'): """ Pull Docker images """ logger(f'Pulling image {image}...', msg_color=msg_color, task_color=task_color, task=key) try: for pull_resp in docker_client.api.pull(image, stream=True, decode=True): if pull_resp['status'][:7] == 'Status:': logger(pull_resp["status"][8:], msg_color=msg_color, task_color=task_color, task=key) return 'PULLED', key except (docker.errors.ImageNotFound, docker.errors.NotFound) as ex: logger('If the following error is image cannot be found, check free storage. Lack of storage can throw such an error.', LogCats.ERROR, task_color=task_color, task=key) logger(ex, LogCats.ERROR) raise def docker_net(docker_client, network_name, network_driver='bridge'): """ Create a Docker network for use by the project containers """ if not docker_client.networks.list(names=network_name): logger(f'Docker network {network_name} doesn\'t exist, creating...') try: docker_client.networks.create(name=network_name, driver=network_driver) except docker.errors.DockerException as ex: logger(f'{ex}', LogCats.ERROR) sys.exit(1) def docker_cont_list(docker_client, all_conts=True, cont_filters=None): """ Get a list of the current Docker containers """ cont_filters = {} if not cont_filters else cont_filters return docker_client.containers.list(all=all_conts, filters=cont_filters) def docker_run(docker_client, docker_containers, check_health, **kwargs): """ Create and run a container """ def status_wait(msg, color, check, cont_name, loop_cnt=20, t_sleep=5): """ Wait for container to become healthy if it reports health """ for r in range(loop_cnt): logger(msg, task_color=color, msg_color=color, task=container_key) cont_status = docker_client.containers.get(cont_name).status cont_attrs = docker_client.containers.get(cont_name).attrs if check == 'running' and cont_status == 'running': return check if check == 'healthy' and cont_attrs['State']['Health']['Status'] == 'healthy': return check time.sleep(t_sleep) cont_status = docker_client.containers.get(cont_name).status cont_attrs = docker_client.containers.get(cont_name).attrs return cont_status if check == 'running' else cont_attrs['State']['Health']['Status'] # Get the container key to use at the end to set startedok status container_key = kwargs['container'] container_color = docker_containers[container_key]["msgcolor"] logger('Running...', msg_color=container_color, task_color=container_color, task=kwargs["container"], ) # Remove the container key from the args sent to the run, only used to set startedok del kwargs['container'] try: docker_client.containers.run(**kwargs) except docker.errors.APIError as ex: logger(f'{ex}', LogCats.ERROR) sys.exit(1) if check_health: if status_wait('Waiting for container to start...', container_color, 'running', kwargs['name']) == 'exited': logger(f'Container did not start successfully, status: {docker_client.containers.get(kwargs["name"]).status}', LogCats.ERROR, task=container_key) logger(f'Check the status and outcome with the command: {Colors.DEFAULT}"docker logs {kwargs["name"]}"{Colors.END}', LogCats.ERROR, task_color=container_color, task=container_key) sys.exit(1) if docker_client.containers.get(kwargs['name']).attrs.get('State').get('Health', None): if status_wait('Waiting for container to become healthy...', container_color, 'healthy', kwargs['name']) != 'healthy': logger(f'Container isn\'t healthy yet or failed, monitor with the command: {Colors.DEFAULT}"docker logs {kwargs["name"]}"{Colors.END}', LogCats.WARNING, task_color=container_color, task=container_key) else: logger('Started', msg_color=container_color, task_color=container_color, task=container_key) else: logger('This container doesn\'t report health', LogCats.INFO, msg_color=container_color, task_color=container_color, task=container_key) logger(f'Use the follow command to check status if any issues arise: {Colors.DEFAULT}"docker logs {kwargs["name"]}"{Colors.END}', LogCats.INFO, msg_color=container_color, task_color=container_color, task=container_key) logger('Presumed started!', LogCats.INFO, msg_color=container_color, task_color=container_color, task=container_key) if not check_health: logger('Started', msg_color=container_color, task_color=container_color, task=container_key) # If didn't exit assume all is well docker_containers[container_key]['startedok'] = True def containers_stop_remove(senzing_proj_name, docker_client, docker_containers, containers_remove, docker_network, startup_remove=False, forced_remove=False): """ Stop and optionally remove SenzingGo containers """ def container_remove(container): """ """ # Remove leading / https://github.com/docker/docker-py/pull/2634 cont_name = container.attrs['Name'].lstrip('/') cont_key = container.attrs['Config']['Labels']['SzGoContKey'] if cont_name in project_container_names: logger('Stopping...', msg_color=docker_containers[cont_key]["msgcolor"], task_color=docker_containers[cont_key]["msgcolor"], task=cont_key) try: container.stop() except docker.errors.APIError as ex: logger(f'Failed to stop container: {ex}', LogCats.ERROR) if containers_remove or startup_remove or forced_remove: logger('Removing...', msg_color=docker_containers[cont_key]["msgcolor"], task_color=docker_containers[cont_key]["msgcolor"], task=cont_key) try: # Remove volumes too container.remove(v=True, force=True) except docker.errors.APIError as ex: logger(ex, LogCats.ERROR) # Only lists running containers, all=True to return all logger('Looking for existing containers to remove') # Look for containers that match the project name, including any that are not running (all=True) containers = docker_cont_list(docker_client, all_conts=True, cont_filters={'name': senzing_proj_name}) # Base project container names project_container_names = [values['containername'] for values in docker_containers.values()] running_containers = [c.attrs['Name'].lstrip('/') for c in containers] # Don't print message if in startup and deleting any existing containers if not running_containers and not startup_remove: logger(f'No matching containers for {senzing_proj_name}, were they created with a different suffix with -ps (--projectSuffix)?') all_containers = docker_cont_list(docker_client, all_conts=True) if all_containers: logger('Available containers:') for cont in all_containers: logger(f'\t{cont.attrs["Name"].lstrip("/")}') return with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=3) as executor: future_rem = {executor.submit(container_remove, cont): cont for cont in containers} concurrent.futures.wait(future_rem) # Remove the network too if containers_remove: network_list = docker_client.networks.list(names=docker_network) # Should only be one item in the list as use names filter above on the network for the project if network_list: logger(f'Removing Docker network {network_list[0].attrs["Name"]}') with suppress(Exception): network_list[0].remove() def containers_info(docker_client, docker_containers, senzing_proj_name, host_name, rest_api_env): """ Get info for running containers, e.g. the url they are running on after startup information is lost Always show the command used for the REST Server """ def show_api_env(env): """ Show API Server command for reference """ logger(f'{Colors.BOLD}REST API Server environment variables:{Colors.END}', LogCats.INFO, msg_color=Colors.INFO) for e in env: logger(f'\t{e}') sys.exit(0) logger(f'Looking for containers matching {senzing_proj_name}...') containers = docker_cont_list(docker_client, all_conts=True, cont_filters={'name': senzing_proj_name}) if not containers: logger(f'There are currently no containers matching {senzing_proj_name}') show_api_env(rest_api_env) sys.exit(0) for name in [c.name for c in containers]: # name is used as a key in the NetworkSettings -> Ports JSON object and is needed to find the host port the container # was started on if name.startswith('SzGo-API-'): key = 'REST API Server' elif name.startswith('SzGo-WEB-'): key = 'Web App Demo' elif name.startswith('SzGo-Swagger-'): key = 'Swagger UI' else: # Only continue and list info for SenzingGo containers logger(f'Matching containers found for {senzing_proj_name}, but they don\'t appear to be for SenzingGo') sys.exit(0) status = docker_client.containers.get(name).attrs.get("State")["Status"] logger(f'{Colors.BOLD}{Colors.BLUE}Container:{Colors.END} {name}') logger(f' {Colors.BOLD}{Colors.BLUE}Image:{Colors.END} {docker_client.containers.get(name).attrs.get("Config").get("Image")}') if status == 'running': host_port = docker_client.containers.get(name).attrs.get("NetworkSettings").get("Ports")[ str(docker_containers[key]["containerport"]) + "/tcp"][0]["HostPort"] logger(f' {Colors.BOLD}{Colors.BLUE}URL:{Colors.END} http://{host_name}:{host_port}') logger('') show_api_env(rest_api_env) def container_logs(docker_client, logs_string=None): """ Get logs for one or more containers """ # Using filter there could be more than one container returned matching_containers = docker_cont_list(docker_client, cont_filters={"name": logs_string if logs_string else 'SzGo'}) if matching_containers: for cont in matching_containers: print(f'\n{Colors.GREEN}********** Start logs for {cont.name} **********{Colors.END}') print(f'\n{cont.logs().decode()}') print(f'\n{Colors.GREEN}********** End logs for {cont.name} **********\n{Colors.END}') else: logger('No matching container(s) to show logs for, use -i (--info) to see available containers') sys.exit(0) def list_image_names(docker_image_names, access, versions): """ Get a list of all Senzing image names, used when packaging a custom save images file """ if not access: logger('Unable to obtain the list of Senzing Docker images to display', LogCats.ERROR) sys.exit(1) try: # Read the docker images json file from GitHub response = urllib.request.urlopen(docker_image_names) page = response.read().decode() except urllib.error.HTTPError as ex: logger('Fetching image names, the server couldn\'t fulfill the request.', LogCats.WARNING) logger(f'Error code: {ex.code}', LogCats.WARNING) return False except urllib.error.URLError as ex: logger('Fetching image names, failed to reach server.', LogCats.WARNING) logger(f'Reason: {ex.reason}', LogCats.WARNING) return False docker_image_names = json.loads(page) if not versions: logger('Using "latest" for version, the versions file wasn\'t available for reference', LogCats.INFO) # Display the image name (k) and either the version number if available or latest for k, v in docker_image_names.items(): print(f'{k}:{versions.get(v["environment_variable"], "latest") if versions else "latest"}') def get_timestamp(): """ Create timestamp """ return datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S") def save_images(docker_client, docker_containers, images, save_images_path, access_dockerhub, no_web_app, no_swagger): """ Package up base set or custom set of images to transfer and use on another system """ def save_image(i): """""" package_file = f'{package_path}/SzGoPackage-{i.replace("/", "-").replace(":", "-")}.tar' packaged_files.append(package_file) try: with open(package_file, 'wb') as sf: image_to_save = docker_client.images.get(i) logger(f'Saving {i} to {package_file}...') for chunk in image_to_save.save(named=True): sf.write(chunk) except (FileNotFoundError, IOError) as exx: logger(exx, LogCats.ERROR) sys.exit(1) avail_images_with_tag = [] packaged_files = [] images_to_pull = [] # Set package path depending on if default value (str) was used or a path was specified (list) package_path = save_images_path[0] if isinstance(save_images_path, list) else save_images_path if not access_dockerhub: logger('Cannot reach internet to pull images, can only package existing ones if available locally', LogCats.WARNING) # If a list of packages was specified pull them, otherwise no arguments on saveimages arg if len(images) > 0: # If have internet access perform pull for image in images: if access_dockerhub: img, _, tag = image.partition(':') if not tag: logger(f'{Colors.INFO}INFO{Colors.END}: Tag is missing from {image}, defaulting to "latest"') images_to_pull.append(image + ":latest") if not img: logger(f'{Colors.ERROR}ERROR{Colors.END}: Image is missing from {image}, can\'t pull!') sys.exit(1) images_to_pull.append(image) # If don't have internet access check if each image exists, if it doesn't error as can't complete the request else: try: docker_client.images.get(image) except docker.errors.ImageNotFound: logger(f'Image {image} isn\'t locally available to save, can\'t complete request.', LogCats.ERROR) sys.exit(1) with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=len(images_to_pull)) as executor3: future_pull = {executor3.submit(docker_pull, docker_client, img, Colors.DEFAULT, Colors.BLUE): img for img in images_to_pull} for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(future_pull): try: _, key = future.result() except Exception as ex: logger('Image failed to pull!', LogCats.ERROR) logger(ex, LogCats.ERROR) sys.exit(1) else: # future_pull[future] containers the image with tag avail_images_with_tag.append(future_pull[future]) # Normal packaging of the base images needed for rest, webapp, swagger else: images_newest_dict = {} if access_dockerhub: pull_default_images(docker_client, docker_containers, no_web_app, no_swagger, False, None) # Get a list of all images, only get the first tag entry [0] if there are > 1 tags images = [i.tags[0] for i in docker_client.images.list()] images.sort() # Use a dict to store only one image with the latest version from the sort, sort has latest version first # There could be multiple versions of an image on a system from earlier use or manual pulls, get the latest one for image in images: # There could be an image tagged to push to a local registry, e.g. localhost:5000/senzing/senzing-api-server:2.7.5 # ignore these if image.count(':') > 1: continue name, version = image.split(':') images_newest_dict[name] = version # Join the image name and version back into a unique list of images to package up avail_to_package = [k + ':' + v for k, v in images_newest_dict.items()] # If an image name without the tag is in the base set of images add it to be packaged # In this packaging mode only want the 3 base images for candidate_image in avail_to_package: if candidate_image.split(':')[0] in (docker_containers['REST API Server']['imagename'], docker_containers['Web App Demo']['imagename'], docker_containers['Swagger UI']['imagename']): avail_images_with_tag.append(candidate_image) if not avail_images_with_tag: logger(f'There are no locally available images to save', LogCats.ERROR) sys.exit(1) with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=len(avail_images_with_tag)) as executor: future_save = {executor.submit(save_image, image): image for image in avail_images_with_tag} concurrent.futures.wait(future_save) compressed_package = f'{package_path}/SzGoImages_{get_timestamp()}.tgz' logger(f'Compressing images to {compressed_package}...') # Add the image tar files to compressed tar and delete the image tar files try: with tarfile.open(compressed_package, 'w:gz') as tar: for name in packaged_files: # arcname to specify only the file name to tar not the entire dir structure tar.add(name, recursive=False, arcname=Path(name).name) os.remove(name) except FileNotFoundError as ex: logger(ex, LogCats.ERROR) sys.exit(1) logger(f'Move {compressed_package} to the system to load the images to', LogCats.INFO, msg_color=Colors.INFO) logger('Run this tool on the above system with --loadImages (-li) or Docker load commands to make them available', LogCats.INFO, msg_color=Colors.INFO) def load_images(docker_client, var_path, load_file_path): """ Load images that have previously been packaged u with save images """ def load_image(img_file): """""" logger(f'Loading image file {img_file.name}...') try: with open(img_file, 'rb') as lf: docker_client.images.load(lf) except FileNotFoundError as exx: logger(exx, LogCats.ERROR) sys.exit(1) except docker.errors.DockerException as exx: logger('Unable to instantiate Docker, is the Docker service running and Docker URL correct?', LogCats.ERROR) logger(exx, LogCats.ERROR) else: logger(f'Image file {img_file.name} loaded') extract_path = var_path / f'SzGo_Extract_{get_timestamp()}' file_to_extract = Path(load_file_path).resolve() # Uncompress tar file to retrieve the tar image files logger(f'Extracting Senzing Docker images from {file_to_extract}...') try: with tarfile.open(file_to_extract, 'r:gz') as tar: tar.extractall(path=extract_path) except FileNotFoundError as ex: logger(ex, LogCats.ERROR) sys.exit(1) with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=len(os.listdir(extract_path))) as executor: future_load = {executor.submit(load_image, image_file): image_file for image_file in os.scandir(extract_path)} concurrent.futures.wait(future_load) # Once completed remove the temp extract dir with suppress(Exception): os.remove(extract_path) def patch_ini_json(ini_json): """ Patch the INI file for use inside of container """ def type_connection_split(connection_string): """ """ try: dbt, conn = connection_string.split(':', 1) except ValueError: logger('Couldn\'t parse connection string and find the database type:', LogCats.ERROR) logger(connection_string, LogCats.ERROR) sys.exit(1) return dbt, conn def get_path(connection_string): """ """ _, conn = type_connection_split(connection_string) try: _, conn_str = conn.split('@', 1) except ValueError: logger('Couldn\'t parse connection string on @:', LogCats.ERROR) logger(conn, LogCats.ERROR) sys.exit(1) conn_str_path = Path(conn_str).resolve().parent return str(conn_str_path) # Correct ini parms for inside container and volume args on docker run command(s) ini_json['PIPELINE']['SUPPORTPATH'] = '/opt/senzing/data' ini_json['PIPELINE']['CONFIGPATH'] = '/etc/opt/senzing' del ini_json['PIPELINE']['RESOURCEPATH'] # Detect if LICENSEFILE is set in ini parms and modify for inside container try: lic_file = ini_json['PIPELINE']['LICENSEFILE'] if lic_file: lic_file_name = Path(lic_file).name ini_json['PIPELINE']['LICENSEFILE'] = f'/etc/opt/senzing/{lic_file_name}' except KeyError: lic_file = None # Get the base connection string regardless of clustered mode or not base_conn_str = ini_json['SQL']['CONNECTION'] dbtype, connection = type_connection_split(base_conn_str) if dbtype.lower() == 'sqlite3': # If a cluster check each sqlite db file is in the same path, needed for mounting into Docker API server container # This tool doesn't support each db file in different locations if ini_json['SQL'].get('BACKEND', None) and ini_json['SQL']['BACKEND'].lower() == 'hybrid': # Get the unique set of cluster keys used in the ini [HYBRID] section, e.g. C1, C2 cluster_keys = [ini_json['HYBRID'][cluster_key] for cluster_key in ini_json['HYBRID']] unique_cluster_keys = list(set(cluster_keys)) # Get all the connection strings for each cluster key detected in [HYBRID], add base connection too # e.g. sqlite3://na:na@/home/ant/senzprojs/2_7_0-Release/var/sqlite/G2_RES.db try: cluster_conn_strs = [ini_json[cluster_key]['DB_1'] for cluster_key in unique_cluster_keys] except KeyError: logger('Couldn\'t locate DB path key DB_1 in the engine init parameters, please use the key DB_1 for the DB URL values', LogCats.ERROR) logger('e.g., "SQL": {"BACKEND": "HYBRID", "CONNECTION": "sqlite3://na:na@/senzproj/var/sqlite/G2C.db"}, "C1": {"CLUSTER_SIZE": "1", "DB_1": "sqlite3://na:na@/senzproj/var/sqlite/G2C_RES.db"},...', LogCats.ERROR) sys.exit(1) cluster_conn_strs.append(base_conn_str) # Get the path without the database file name for each connection string # e.g. /home/ant/senzprojs/2_7_0-Release/var/sqlite path_list = [get_path(path) for path in cluster_conn_strs] unique_path_list = list(set(path_list)) if len(unique_path_list) > 1: logger('When using a sqlite cluster, all database files must be in the same path:', LogCats.INFO) for path in unique_path_list: logger(f'\t{path}', LogCats.INFO) sys.exit(1) # The host path to mount in the docker run volume arg is the only value on the list after it was made unique host_path_for_volume = unique_path_list[0] # Not clustered else: host_path_for_volume = get_path(base_conn_str) # Replace the original path(s) with the path inside the container json_str = json.dumps(ini_json) ini_json_patched = json.loads(json_str.replace(host_path_for_volume, '/var/opt/senzing')) # Build the values to use in the volume argument for the mount to return mount_in_cont = [host_path_for_volume, {"bind": "/var/opt/senzing", "mode": "rw"}] return dbtype, ini_json_patched, mount_in_cont, lic_file # If not sqlite return the patched ini_json without meddling with connection strings return dbtype, ini_json, None, lic_file def mysql_check(senzing_root, lib_my_sql, db_type, senzing_support): """ Checks for MySql """ lib_mysql_path = Path(f'{senzing_root}/lib/{lib_my_sql}') if not lib_mysql_path.is_file(): print(textwrap.dedent(f'''\n\ {Colors.WARN}WARNING{Colors.END} To use MySQL with this tool {lib_my_sql} is required to be in {senzing_root}/lib/ This allows the API server to use it inside the container. Senzing cannot distribute this file, to use Senzing with MySQL this must be user installed. {lib_my_sql} may already be installed in this machine if you have installed the MySQL client. You can check with: sudo find / -name "libmysqlclient*" If located, copy {lib_my_sql} to {senzing_root}/lib/, for example: cp /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libmysqlclient.so.21 {senzing_root}/lib/libmysqlclient.so.21 If {lib_my_sql} wasn't found install the MySQL client libraries appropriate for your distribution and create the copy as above. For example, on Debian based systems: sudo apt install libmysqlclient21 {senzing_support} ''')) sys.exit(1) logger(f'Database type is {db_type} and {lib_my_sql} is available in {senzing_root}/lib', LogCats.INFO) def db2_check(args, senzing_support): """ Check for Db2 """ try: db2_cli_path = args.db2CliPath[0] except TypeError: print(textwrap.dedent(f'''\n\ {Colors.WARN}WARNING{Colors.END} When the database type is Db2 use the --db2CliPath (-db2c) argument to specify the location on this machine of the Db2 client CLI drivers. This allows the API server to use them inside the container. Senzing cannot distribute this installation, to use Senzing with Db2 this must be user installed. This path should be the location of the Db2 client CLI drivers where the directories such as /cfg and /lib are located, for example: /opt/IBM/db2_cli_odbc_driver/odbc_cli/clidriver https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/db2/11.5?topic=clients-data-server-drivers {senzing_support} ''')) sys.exit(1) db2_cli_path_lib = Path(f'{db2_cli_path}/lib') db2_cli_cfg_file = Path(f'{db2_cli_path}/cfg/db2dsdriver.cfg') if not db2_cli_path_lib.is_dir(): logger(f'{str(db2_cli_path)} doesn\'t appear to contain the expected directories such as /cfg and /lib', LogCats.ERROR) logger(f'Is {str(db2_cli_path)} the path that contains the Db2 client CLI drivers and directories such as /cfg and /lib?', LogCats.ERROR) logger(senzing_support, LogCats.INFO) sys.exit(1) if not db2_cli_cfg_file.is_file(): logger(f'{str(db2_cli_cfg_file)} doesn\'t appear to exist and is required.', LogCats.ERROR) logger(senzing_support, LogCats.INFO) sys.exit(1) with open(db2_cli_cfg_file, 'r') as cfgfile: for line in cfgfile: line_check = line.lstrip().lower() # Look for localhost in alias and name cfg lines if (line_check.startswith('1 project and containers docker_containers = \ {'REST API Server': { 'imagename': 'senzing/senzing-api-server', 'latestsuffix': 'SENZING_DOCKER_IMAGE_VERSION_SENZING_API_SERVER', 'containername': f'SzGo-API-{senzing_proj_name}', 'containerport': 8250, 'hostport': 8250, 'imagepulled': False, 'imageavailable': None, 'tag': None, 'startedok': None, 'msgcolor': Colors.GREEN }, 'Web App Demo': { 'imagename': 'senzing/entity-search-web-app', 'latestsuffix': 'SENZING_DOCKER_IMAGE_VERSION_ENTITY_SEARCH_WEB_APP', 'containername': f'SzGo-WEB-{senzing_proj_name}', 'containerport': 8081, 'hostport': 8251, 'imagepulled': False, 'imageavailable': None, 'tag': None, 'startedok': None, 'msgcolor': Colors.MAGENTA }, 'Swagger UI': { 'imagename': 'swaggerapi/swagger-ui', 'latestsuffix': 'SENZING_DOCKER_IMAGE_VERSION_SWAGGERAPI_SWAGGER_UI', 'containername': f'SzGo-Swagger-{senzing_proj_name}', 'containerport': 8080, 'hostport': 9180, 'imagepulled': False, 'imageavailable': None, 'tag': None, 'startedok': None, 'msgcolor': Colors.YELLOW } } # Don't allow argparse to create abbreviations of options - allow_abbrev szgo_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter, allow_abbrev=False, description=textwrap.dedent(f''' Utility to rapidly deploy Docker containers for REST API server, Entity Search App and Swagger UI Additional information: {SZGO_HELP} ''')) szgo_parser.add_argument('-c', '--iniFile', default=None, nargs=1, help=textwrap.dedent('''\ Path and file name of optional G2Module.ini to use. ''')) szgo_parser.add_argument('-ap', '--apiHostPort', type=int, default=docker_containers['REST API Server']['hostport'], nargs=1, metavar='PORT', help=textwrap.dedent('''\ Port number of the REST API server, default=%(default)s ''')) szgo_parser.add_argument('-wp', '--webAppHostPort', type=int, default=docker_containers['Web App Demo']['hostport'], nargs=1, metavar='PORT', help=textwrap.dedent('''\ Port number of the Search Web App demo, default=%(default)s ''')) szgo_parser.add_argument('-sp', '--swaggerHostPort', type=int, default=docker_containers['Swagger UI']['hostport'], nargs=1, metavar='PORT', help=textwrap.dedent('''\ Port number of Swagger UI, default=%(default)s ''')) szgo_parser.add_argument('-nwa', '--noWebApp', default=False, action='store_true', help=textwrap.dedent('''\ Don\'t deploy the Search Web App demo ''')) szgo_parser.add_argument('-nsw', '--noSwagger', default=False, action='store_true', help=textwrap.dedent('''\ Don\'t deploy the Swagger UI ''')) stop_group = szgo_parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() stop_group.add_argument('-s', '--contStop', default=False, action='store_true', help=textwrap.dedent(f'''\ Stop any Docker containers named *{senzing_proj_name} ''')) stop_group.add_argument('-r', '--contRemove', default=False, action='store_true', help=textwrap.dedent(f'''\ Stop and remove any Docker containers named *{senzing_proj_name} ''')) szgo_parser.add_argument('-i', '--info', default=False, action='store_true', help=textwrap.dedent('''\ Display info for running containers for this project ''')) szgo_parser.add_argument('-l', '--logs', type=str, const='SzGo', nargs='?', metavar='STRING', help=textwrap.dedent('''\ Display logs for running container(s), use partial string to match multiple containers, default=%(const)s ''')) # Use Suppress to not have in namespace unless specified szgo_parser.add_argument('-si', '--saveImages', default=argparse.SUPPRESS, nargs='*', metavar='IMAGE', help=textwrap.dedent(f'''\ Save {SCRIPT_STEM} Docker images for loading on another machine, e.g. air gapped systems Unless instructed by Senzing support no arguments are required. ''')) szgo_parser.add_argument('-sip', '--saveImagesPath', default=SENZING_VAR_PATH, nargs=1, metavar='PATH', help=textwrap.dedent('''\ Path for saving a Docker images package to, default=%(default)s ''')) szgo_parser.add_argument('-li', '--loadImages', type=str, nargs=1, metavar='FILE', help=textwrap.dedent(f'''\ File to load {SCRIPT_STEM} Docker images from to this machine, e.g. air gapped systems ''')) szgo_parser.add_argument('-aa', '--apiAdmin', default=False, action='store_true', help=textwrap.dedent('''\ Enable admin mode on the API Server ''')) szgo_parser.add_argument('-n', '--dockNet', type=str, default='szgo-network', nargs='?', metavar='NAME', help=textwrap.dedent('''\ Name of a Docker network to use, default=%(default)s ''')) szgo_parser.add_argument('-du', '--dockUrl', type=str, default='unix://var/run/docker.sock', metavar='URL', help=textwrap.dedent('''\ URL for Docker server, default=%(default)s ''')) szgo_parser.add_argument('-ho', '--host', type=str, default=None, nargs='?', help=textwrap.dedent('''\ Hostname, only use if tool can\'t determine correctly ''')) szgo_parser.add_argument('-ps', '--projectSuffix', type=str, default=senzing_proj_name, nargs=1, metavar='SUFFIX', help=textwrap.dedent('''\ Suffix to use for container names, default=%(default)s ''')) szgo_parser.add_argument('-db2c', '--db2CliPath', default=None, nargs=1, help=textwrap.dedent('''\ Path to Db2 client CLI driver when using a Db2 database as the Senzing repository ''')) szgo_parser.add_argument('-wh', '--waitHealth', default=False, action='store_true', help=textwrap.dedent('''\ Wait for health checking on containers starting, use if errors are reported during a run ''')) szgo_parser.add_argument('-u', '--update', default=False, action='store_true', help=textwrap.dedent('''\ Update check ''')) # Undocumented args - usage with guidance from Senzing support szgo_parser.add_argument('-il', '--imagesList', default=False, action='store_true', help=argparse.SUPPRESS) # Python version 3.8+ is required to use --apiServerEnv or --apiServerEnvExtend. They are ignored. extend_env = True if sys.version_info[0] >= 3 and sys.version_info[1] >= 8: # ./SenzingGo.py -ae SENZING_API_SERVER_ENABLE_ADMIN=false SENZING_API_SERVER_ALLOWED_ORIGINS=* SENZING_API_SERVER_CONCURRENCY=10 SENZING_API_SERVER_READ_ONLY=false SENZING_API_SERVER_DEBUG=false SENZING_API_SERVER_PORT=8250 SENZING_API_SERVER_BIND_ADDR=all SENZING_API_SERVER_INIT_FILE=/etc/opt/senzing/G2Module.ini_SzGo.json szgo_parser.add_argument('-ae', '--apiServerEnv', action='extend', default=None, help=argparse.SUPPRESS, nargs='+') # ./SenzingGo.py -ae SENZING_API_SERVER_QUIET=true szgo_parser.add_argument('-aex', '--apiServerEnvExtend', action='extend', default=None, help=argparse.SUPPRESS, nargs='+') else: extend_env = False szgo_parser.add_argument('-ad', '--apiServerDebug', default=False, action='store_true', help=argparse.SUPPRESS) szgo_parser.add_argument('-at', '--apiTag', type=str, default=None, help=argparse.SUPPRESS, nargs='?') szgo_parser.add_argument('-wt', '--webAppTag', type=str, default=None, help=argparse.SUPPRESS, nargs='?') szgo_parser.add_argument('-st', '--swaggerTag', type=str, default=None, help=argparse.SUPPRESS, nargs='?') szgo_parser.add_argument('-ij', '--iniToJson', default=False, action='store_true', help=argparse.SUPPRESS) szgo_parser.add_argument('-ijp', '--iniToJsonPretty', default=False, action='store_true', help=argparse.SUPPRESS) # If there are issues with the "latest" Docker images use the stable list instead szgo_parser.add_argument('-sd', '--stableDocker', default=False, action='store_true', help=argparse.SUPPRESS) args = szgo_parser.parse_args() if not extend_env: args.apiServerEnv = args.apiServerEnvExtend = None # Warning message printed by get_senzing_root(), if SENZING_ROOT isn't set only allow # save / load images mode (and non-documented images list) if not hasattr(args, 'saveImages') and not args.loadImages and not args.imagesList and not SENZING_ROOT: sys.exit(1) # If running in deployment mode process the INI file for use if not hasattr(args, 'saveImages') and not args.loadImages and not args.imagesList: # Import G2Paths after the get_senzing_root() check. G2Paths checks for SENZING_ROOT and exits if not set import G2Paths ini_file_name = pathlib.Path(G2Paths.get_G2Module_ini_path()) \ if not args.iniFile \ else pathlib.Path(args.iniFile[0]).resolve() G2Paths.check_file_exists_and_readable(ini_file_name) # Check ini file isn't using localhost for connection strings which won't work from within container ini_localhost_check(ini_file_name) # Convert G2Module.ini to JSON to pass to container ini_json = convert_ini2json(ini_file_name) # Convert INI to JSON, useful for using own REST API command if args.iniToJson or args.iniToJsonPretty: if args.iniToJson: print(json.dumps(ini_json)) if args.iniToJsonPretty: print(json.dumps(ini_json, indent=4)) sys.exit(0) # Build the env vars for the REST API Server, build early to use in other functions rest_api_env = [ f'SENZING_API_SERVER_ENABLE_ADMIN={"true" if args.apiAdmin else "false"}', 'SENZING_API_SERVER_ALLOWED_ORIGINS=*', 'SENZING_API_SERVER_CONCURRENCY=10', 'SENZING_API_SERVER_READ_ONLY=false', f'SENZING_API_SERVER_DEBUG={"true" if args.apiServerDebug else "false"}', 'SENZING_API_SERVER_PORT=8250', 'SENZING_API_SERVER_BIND_ADDR=all', f'SENZING_API_SERVER_INIT_FILE=/etc/opt/senzing/{ini_file_name.name + "_SzGo.json"}' ] # Allow user to completely override the API Server env vars if args.apiServerEnv: rest_api_env = args.apiServerEnv # Allow user to extend the API Server base env vars if args.apiServerEnvExtend: rest_api_env.extend(args.apiServerEnvExtend) # Attempt to get hostname and IP address, sleep if localhost and msg displayed within function(s) host_name, is_cloud = get_host_name() # Override hostname if specified if args.host: host_name = args.host ip_addr = get_ip_addr(host_name) if host_name == 'localhost' or ip_addr == '': sleep(3) # Check Docker is installed, sudo access? if not args.update and not args.imagesList and not args.iniToJson and not args.iniToJsonPretty: docker_checks(SCRIPT_NAME) docker_client = docker_init(args.dockUrl) # Create Docker network if it doesn't exist if not args.contStop \ and not args.contRemove \ and not args.info \ and not args.logs \ and not hasattr(args, 'saveImages') \ and not args.loadImages \ and not args.iniToJson \ and not args.iniToJsonPretty \ and not args.update \ and not args.imagesList: docker_net(docker_client, args.dockNet) # Update if not args.update: try: if update_check(): logger('A new version of SenzingGo is available, to update: "./SenzingGo.py -u"', LogCats.INFO, msg_color=Colors.BLUE) except (urllib.error.URLError, urllib.error.HTTPError, socket.timeout) as ex: logger('Unable to check for update', LogCats.WARNING) logger(ex, LogCats.WARNING) if args.update: try: if update_check(): update(SENZING_ROOT) else: logger('Up to date or couldn\'t complete update checks', LogCats.INFO, msg_color=Colors.BLUE) except (urllib.error.URLError, urllib.error.HTTPError, socket.timeout) as ex: logger('Unable to perform update', LogCats.ERROR) logger(ex, LogCats.ERROR) sys.exit(1) else: sys.exit(0) # Set the project name and container names when projectSuffix is used, otherwise uses default from projectSuffix senzing_proj_name = args.projectSuffix if isinstance(args.projectSuffix, str) else args.projectSuffix[0] docker_containers['REST API Server']['containername'] = f'SzGo-API-{senzing_proj_name}' docker_containers['Web App Demo']['containername'] = f'SzGo-WEB-{senzing_proj_name}' docker_containers['Swagger UI']['containername'] = f'SzGo-Swagger-{senzing_proj_name}' # If the use of the stable Docker list is requested use it docker_versions_url = DOCKER_STABLE_URL if args.stableDocker else DOCKER_LATEST_URL # Check can reach net and access destinations of required resources? access_versions = internet_access(docker_versions_url, check_msg=True) access_dockerhub = internet_access(DOCKERHUB_URL) if args.imagesList: access_images_list = internet_access(DOCKER_IMAGE_NAMES) # Do clean up instead of deployment if args.contStop or args.contRemove: containers_stop_remove(senzing_proj_name, docker_client, docker_containers, args.contRemove, args.dockNet) sys.exit(0) # Always stop and remove any existing containers if not performing a non-deploy option # Different args could be used between runs, want them to take effect with a new container instance if not hasattr(args, 'saveImages') and not args.loadImages and not args.info and not args.logs and not args.imagesList: containers_stop_remove(senzing_proj_name, docker_client, docker_containers, args.contRemove, args.dockNet, startup_remove=True) # In deploying mode? if args.loadImages: load_images(docker_client, SENZING_VAR_PATH, args.loadImages[0]) sys.exit(0) # Show currently running container details and exit if args.info: containers_info(docker_client, docker_containers, senzing_proj_name, host_name, rest_api_env) # Show logs for a container, or set of containers if partial name string is supplied if args.logs: container_logs(docker_client, args.logs) # Warn about mismatching versions of images when manually specifying a tag if args.apiTag or args.webAppTag or args.swaggerTag: logger('Use custom tags with caution, unmatched image versions may cause incompatibilities and errors!', LogCats.WARNING) sleep(5) # Try and fetch the latest docker image versions versions = parse_versions(docker_versions_url) if access_versions else {} # Add the current pinned version numbers from docker_versions_url to the dictionary if available, else use latest docker_containers['REST API Server']['tag'] = versions[docker_containers['REST API Server']['latestsuffix']] if versions else 'latest' docker_containers['Web App Demo']['tag'] = versions[docker_containers['Web App Demo']['latestsuffix']] if versions else 'latest' docker_containers['Swagger UI']['tag'] = versions[docker_containers['Swagger UI']['latestsuffix']] if versions else 'latest' # If tags requested in CLI args override any previously discovered tags if args.apiTag: docker_containers['REST API Server']['tag'] = args.apiTag if args.webAppTag: docker_containers['Web App Demo']['tag'] = args.webAppTag if args.swaggerTag: docker_containers['Swagger UI']['tag'] = args.swaggerTag # Package images to use on another system if hasattr(args, 'saveImages'): save_images(docker_client, docker_containers, args.saveImages, args.saveImagesPath, access_dockerhub, args.noWebApp, args.noSwagger) sys.exit(0) # List images found on Senzing github if args.imagesList: list_image_names(DOCKER_IMAGE_NAMES, access_images_list, versions) sys.exit(0) # Check if images exist already, add to dictionary for reference avail_images = [] # Return list of repo names/tags, each could be tagged >1 and contain a list with >1 entries for i_list in [i.tags for i in docker_client.images.list()]: for image in i_list: avail_images.append(image.split(':')[0]) docker_containers['REST API Server']['imageavailable'] = True if docker_containers['REST API Server']['imagename'] in avail_images else False docker_containers['Web App Demo']['imageavailable'] = True if docker_containers['Web App Demo']['imagename'] in avail_images else False docker_containers['Swagger UI']['imageavailable'] = True if docker_containers['Swagger UI']['imagename'] in avail_images else False # If can reach Docker Hub always try and pull images, otherwise detect if might be able to continue with installed local assets if not access_dockerhub: logger('Cannot reach Senzing resources on the net, checking for available images', cat=LogCats.WARNING) # Need at minimum the rest api container! if not docker_containers['REST API Server']['imageavailable']: logger('Can\'t continue, can\'t access Docker Hub and no existing image for the REST API Server available', LogCats.ERROR) package_msg() sys.exit(1) else: logger('Cannot access Docker Hub but a REST API server image is available to use (minimum requirement)') # Find the newest tag for each available image and change the docker_containers['REST API Server']['tag'] for each image for k in docker_containers.keys(): # Only need to do this if an image is available if docker_containers[k]["imageavailable"]: images = docker_client.images.list(name=docker_containers[k]["imagename"]) images_to_sort = [] for image in images: # If there is > 1 images found remove latest to find the true 'latest' version and don't rely on the latest tag if len(images) > 1 and 'latest' in image.attrs["RepoTags"][0]: continue images_to_sort.append(image.attrs["RepoTags"][0]) images_to_sort.sort(reverse=True) _, tag = images_to_sort[0].split(':') docker_containers[k]['tag'] = tag # Fix ini parms for mounting inside container, when db type is sqlite also perform cluster checks and return an additional # mount to use to mount the sqlite file(s) into the container. db_type, ini_json_patched, sqlite_mount, license_file = patch_ini_json(ini_json) # Perform checks needed for mysql if db_type.lower() == 'mysql': mysql_check(SENZING_ROOT, LIB_MY_SQL, db_type, SENZING_SUPPORT) # Perform checks needed for Db2 if db_type.lower() == 'db2': db2_check(args, SENZING_SUPPORT) if db_type == 'mssql': logger('MSSQL databases are not supported currently, please contact support@senzing.com', LogCats.ERROR) sys.exit(1) if db_type == 'oracle': logger('Oracle databases are not supported currently, please contact support@senzing.com', LogCats.ERROR) sys.exit(1) # Write INI parms to file, could use init-json string but less secure # Writing to file inside the project allows only those authorised to use project to see connection string ini_json_file = str(ini_file_name) + '_SzGo.json' with open(pathlib.Path(ini_json_file), 'w') as f: json.dump(ini_json_patched, f) # If running with sudo - for Docker - chown the file to the user after sudo creates it. This prevents permissions # errors if a user starts with sudo then no longer needs sudo to run docker, e.g. was added to docker group if os.geteuid() == 0: try: uid = pwd.getpwnam(os.getenv("SUDO_USER")).pw_uid gid = pwd.getpwnam(os.getenv("SUDO_USER")).pw_gid os.chown(ini_json_file, uid, gid) except OSError as ex: logger(f'Cannot change ownership on {ini_json_file}', LogCats.ERROR) logger(ex, LogCats.ERROR) sys.exit(1) # Change permissions for user read and write try: os.chmod(ini_json_file, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR) except OSError as ex: logger(f'Cannot set permissions on {ini_json_file}', LogCats.ERROR) logger(ex, LogCats.ERROR) sys.exit(1) # REST Server - this is the minimum container to start, can be started without others api_host_port = args.apiHostPort[0] if isinstance(args.apiHostPort, list) else args.apiHostPort # Mounts from the project to the container api_volumes = { f'{SENZING_ROOT}/etc/G2Module.ini_SzGo.json': {'bind': '/etc/opt/senzing/G2Module.ini_SzGo.json', 'mode': 'ro'}, f'{SENZING_ROOT}/etc/cfgVariant.json': {'bind': '/etc/opt/senzing/cfgVariant.json', 'mode': 'ro'}, f'{SENZING_ROOT}/etc/customGn.txt': {'bind': '/etc/opt/senzing/customGn.txt', 'mode': 'ro'}, f'{SENZING_ROOT}/etc/customOn.txt': {'bind': '/etc/opt/senzing/customOn.txt', 'mode': 'ro'}, f'{SENZING_ROOT}/etc/customSn.txt': {'bind': '/etc/opt/senzing/customSn.txt', 'mode': 'ro'}, f'{SENZING_ROOT}/etc/defaultGNRCP.config': {'bind': '/etc/opt/senzing/defaultGNRCP.config', 'mode': 'ro'}, f'{SENZING_ROOT}/etc/stb.config': {'bind': '/etc/opt/senzing/stb.config', 'mode': 'ro'} } # Not present by default, check if is present addr_cfg = Path(f'{SENZING_ROOT}/etc/addr.config') if addr_cfg.is_file(): api_volumes[f'{SENZING_ROOT}/etc/addr.config'] = {'bind': '/etc/opt/senzing/addr.config', 'mode': 'ro'} # Was LICENSEFILE in G2Module.ini, if not see if a g2.lic is present if license_file: api_volumes[license_file] = {'bind': f'/etc/opt/senzing/{Path(license_file).name}', 'mode': 'ro'} else: g2_lic = Path(f'{SENZING_ROOT}/etc/g2.lic') if g2_lic.is_file(): api_volumes[str(g2_lic)] = {'bind': '/etc/opt/senzing/g2.lic', 'mode': 'ro'} # If db type is sqlite add extra mount for sqlite file(s) into container if sqlite_mount: api_volumes[sqlite_mount[0]] = sqlite_mount[1] # If db2 type is Db2 add extra mount for the required CLI drivers if db_type == 'db2': api_volumes[args.db2CliPath[0]] = {'bind': '/opt/IBM/db2/clidriver', 'mode': 'rw'} disp_pack_msg = False # REST run_args = [{ # Docker module docs say can pass a list, doesn't work. Entrypoint for image already specifies the jar to launch "container": "REST API Server", "detach": True, "environment": rest_api_env, # Set hostname for use by the web app env var SENZING_API_SERVER_URL "hostname": docker_containers["REST API Server"]["containername"], "image": docker_containers["REST API Server"]["imagename"] + ":" + docker_containers["REST API Server"]["tag"], "labels": {"SzGoContKey": "REST API Server"}, "name": docker_containers["REST API Server"]["containername"], "network": args.dockNet, # Order is: cont: host "ports": {docker_containers["REST API Server"]["containerport"]: api_host_port}, "remove": False, "tty": True, # Get the ID of the user, this ensures the correct uid if starting as sudo --preserve-env # The container uses this uid for files such as G2C.db and write operations "user": f'{pwd.getpwnam(os.getenv("SUDO_USER")).pw_uid if os.getenv("SUDO_USER", None) else pwd.getpwnam(os.getenv("USER")).pw_uid}', "volumes": api_volumes, }] # Web App web_app_host_port = args.webAppHostPort[0] if isinstance(args.webAppHostPort, list) else args.webAppHostPort if not args.noWebApp: run_args.append({ "container": "Web App Demo", "detach": True, # Use Docker name of the container as the hostname - as per "docker inspect szgo-network" # Can't rely on the hostname reported by the OS here. This host name is used inside the # container and if the host name is localhost the entity search app tries to find the API # Server within itself "environment": [ f'SENZING_API_SERVER_URL=http://{docker_containers["REST API Server"]["containername"]}:{docker_containers["REST API Server"]["containerport"]}', 'SENZING_WEB_SERVER_PORT=8081' ], "image": docker_containers['Web App Demo']['imagename'] + ':' + docker_containers['Web App Demo']['tag'], "labels": {"SzGoContKey": "Web App Demo"}, "name": docker_containers['Web App Demo']['containername'], "network": args.dockNet, "ports": {docker_containers['Web App Demo']['containerport']: web_app_host_port}, "remove": False, "tty": True }) pull_default_images(docker_client, docker_containers, args.noWebApp, args.noSwagger, args.waitHealth, run_args) # Try and get the API specification for Swagger, acts as test if it's up correctly too api_spec = get_api_spec(f'http://{host_name}:{api_host_port}/{SZGO_REST_SPEC}') # Dump the specification as JSON for Swagger from the rest server with open(f'{SENZING_ROOT}/var/{SZGO_REST_JSON}', 'w') as spec_file: # Only want the data section from the response - not the metadata json.dump(json.loads(api_spec)['data'], spec_file) # Swagger # Run after API Server is up, the API spec is needed and read from the API Server swagger_host_port = args.swaggerHostPort[0] if isinstance(args.swaggerHostPort, list) else args.swaggerHostPort if not args.noSwagger and docker_containers['Swagger UI']['imageavailable']: docker_run(docker_client, docker_containers, args.waitHealth, container='Swagger UI', detach=True, environment=[f'SWAGGER_JSON=/var/tmp/{SZGO_REST_JSON}'], image=docker_containers['Swagger UI']['imagename'] + ':' + docker_containers['Swagger UI']['tag'], labels={"SzGoContKey": "Swagger UI"}, name=docker_containers['Swagger UI']['containername'], network=args.dockNet, ports={docker_containers['Swagger UI']['containerport']: swagger_host_port}, remove=False, tty=True, volumes={f'{SENZING_VAR_PATH}/{SZGO_REST_JSON}': {'bind': f'/var/tmp/{SZGO_REST_JSON}', 'mode': 'ro'}} ) else: if not args.noSwagger: logger('Can\'t access web resources or no existing Swagger Docker image exists, can\'t start Swagger container.', LogCats.WARNING, task='Swagger UI') disp_pack_msg = True docker_containers['Swagger UI']['startedok'] = False if disp_pack_msg: package_msg() api_server_url = f'http://{host_name}:{api_host_port}' api_server_ip = f'http://{ip_addr}:{api_host_port}' if not args.noWebApp and docker_containers['Web App Demo']['startedok']: entity_search_url = f'http://{host_name}:{web_app_host_port}' entity_search_ip = f'http://{ip_addr}:{web_app_host_port}' else: entity_search_url = '--noWebApp (-nwa) used or an error occurred' entity_search_ip = Format.CURSOR_UP if not args.noSwagger and docker_containers['Swagger UI']['startedok']: swagger_url = f'http://{host_name}:{swagger_host_port}' swagger_ip = f'http://{ip_addr}:{swagger_host_port}' else: swagger_url = '--noSwagger (-nsw) used or an error occurred' swagger_ip = Format.CURSOR_UP print(textwrap.dedent(f''' {docker_containers['REST API Server']['msgcolor']}{Colors.BOLD}REST API Server:{Colors.END} {api_server_url} {api_server_ip} {docker_containers['Web App Demo']['msgcolor']}{Colors.BOLD}Web App demo:{Colors.END} {entity_search_url} {entity_search_ip} {docker_containers['Swagger UI']['msgcolor']}{Colors.BOLD}Swagger UI:{Colors.END} {swagger_url} {swagger_ip} {Colors.INFO + 'INFO:' + Colors.END + ' Appear to be running on a cloud system, ensure access to resources and ports are open!' + Format.NEWLINE if is_cloud else Format.CURSOR_UP} {Colors.BLUE}{Colors.BOLD}Help:{Colors.END} {SZGO_HELP} ''')) if __name__ == '__main__': main()