Additions in 1.1 : - Added batch processing, see Usage.txt for more information. - Now the original bundle file gets closed properly when saving the modified one. - Fixed the detection of a running file operation so the program can't longer crash when fastly opening another bundle file while a modified bundle file gets saved. Additions in 1.2 : - Added Unity 5 support (until 5.0.0f4; 5.0.0p4 doesn't work but I'll get a new version out soon) - Added an Info button to view all assets in a bundle file. 1.2b fixes the TypeTree remover for some bundle files. Additions in 1.3 : - Added file format 0x0F support (so it works with all current Unity 5 versions). - Added class databases for all Unity asset file formats (one for Unity 4 and one for Unity 5). - Added a View Data button to view the data of the selected asset in a tree view (if the asset file format is known). Depending on the asset, it might take some time to load. - Added an option to view the asset file list of .assets files and their dependencies (open mainData to get more exact file names). It might take some time to load. Additions in 1.3b : - Made the AssetBundleExtractor work without having a mainData file in a specific directory (some debugging stuff which I forgot to remove). - Added asset dump export and raw export functionality. Additions in 1.4 : - Added asset importing functionality (from raw data or from asset dumps). - Added asset adding and removing functionality. To add a new asset to the file table, add it to the ResourceManager (in mainData) or AssetBundle (in any bundle file) asset. - Fixed many types in the Unity 5 type database. - Added a type database editor. Additions in 1.5a : - Fixed a bug that broke the type tree when writing assets files - Added a Plugin API and a Texture plugin - Fixed a bug when reading aligned arrays that are no strings (only affects Dump Export) - Cleaned up some of the code (so the functions that read an asset from bundle or .assets files use the same code for both) - Added the file id inside the asset list to PPtrs in the asset Tree View - Changed the AssetsBundle saving function to use the actual .assets file writing functions to prevent tree view remover issues Additions in 1.6 : - Cleaned up the asset tree view code. - Added a view asset button to PPtrs so you can directly view referred assets in the same tree view. - Fixed some asset writing bugs (caused by writing to the wrong file position). - Added a TextAsset plugin. Additions in 1.6b : - Fixed raw asset exporting (the output file was previously opened in text mode) - Updated classdata_0E.dat for Unity 5.1.1p3 (for previous Unity 5 versions, use the file from an earlier release) Additions in 1.6c : - Added a fallback to the file dialogs for Windows XP (even though I don't recommend using XP). Additions in 1.7 : - Fixed the TextAsset plugin. - Added an AudioClip plugin which can export Unity 5 sounds to uncompressed 16-bit WAV files using FMOD. See if you want to import sounds. Additions in 1.8 : - Added the -keepnames switch for batch extracting, which is useful for making a webplayer game a standalone game - Fixed the crash when trying to save a .assets if the target file is not writable - Fixed the color channels of some raw texture formats - Added Texture2D support for Unity 5.1 and newer, including support for reading/writing crunched textures - Fixed Texture2D editing if the encoding and the texture itself wasn't changed (before it always reencoded the texture which only took time) - Fixed exported texture's direction (converting Unity's 'bottom to top' to 'top to bottom') - Fixed the metadata size field when saving .assets (at least I think it is correct now) - Added colums to the asset list and sorting by these columns - Added an asset search by name and a goto asset dialog - Added support for asset batch exporting for all plugins (not batch importing) - Added a Mesh to .obj plugin (export) and a MovieTexture plugin (import/export) - Added support for Unity 4 AudioClip assets - Fixed the asset dump for MonoBehaviours (which still doesn't include the script-specific data) - Added a Unity 5.2.0f3 type database (which HAS to be used for new Texture2D assets) - Fixed the Unity 4 type database - Added .unity3d unpacking functionality (but not packing; if you want to use such a webplayer game, you can export it to a standalone one; I can give you instructions on how to do that) - Fixed the Info button for bundles (it now shows the asset list from the selected assets' point of view) - Improved the TreeView performance (quadratic vs. linear creation time) Additions in 1.8b : - Greatly improved the asset list creation performance - Fixed a minor memory leak in Texture2D (when converting the texture data fails, it now also frees the memory) Addition in 1.8c : - Fixed the UV channels for some meshes and fixed the V orientation. Additions in 1.8.1 : - Added Unity 5.3 bundle support (LZ4 and uncompressed tested, LZMA not tested) - Added a Unity 5.3.1p3 type database - Added LZMA (default) or LZ4 compression for type databases - Fixed bundle file operations after closing an info dialog - Fixed negative signed integer values in the dump (int8, int16, int32) - Fixed RGBA4444 Texture2D exporting Additions in 1.9 : - Created a type database package file format in order to automatically choose the right type database and to reduce the file sizes - Added support for many new texture formats (mainly mobile compressed ones and floating point) and fixed the 16bit formats - Added a compression quality selection when editing a texture (not for DXT) - Added a type database package editor - Added support for streamed Texture2D (starting with Unity 5.3) - Fixed bundle reading for Unity 5.3 bundles with LZMA - Fixed modifying bundles - Fixed batch exporting through plugins when there are multiple assets with the same name - Increased the opened file limit to 2048 to improve support for some mobile games with many .assets and split files - Added support for split .assets (only as a dependency of a non-split file) Additions in 2.0 : - Added a mod installer and mod installer editor, so any changes can directly be saved to a installer or a package file - Added the feature to reload a previous state from a package file - Allowed directly doing changes to assets in bundles to remove the need of exporting/importing the .assets file - Added support for opening multiple independent .assets files - Recreated the bundle file writer (it's now in AssetsTools along with BundleReplacer); I tested it a lot but it might still have some new issues - Fixed some issues when adding new assets - Added format 8 support (Unity 3.1+/also 3.0?) - Added type databases for Unity 3.4 - 5.4 - Added a "modified" indicator in the asset list, and made Export options directly see the changes - Added a plugin to export/import TerrainData to/from .raw, as supported by Unity - Added a plugin for 7dtd's umaplayer UMAMesh to .obj - Improved the Mesh plugin, with better support for U4 and U5 (hopefully it fixes most of the export issues) - Improved the AudioClip plugin's FMOD sound bank export, removing the sample granularity and the inflexible sample rate. - Added big endian readonly support; Writing would corrupt the file - Allowed the AudioClip plugin to export .m4a files as used in WebGL games - Improved asset search (direction, start from selection) - Added support for streamed Unity 4 AudioClips - Added more validity checks for .assets files, reducing freezes for invalid files - Added "Would you like to save" warnings - Fixed writing uncompressed type databases without huge null blocks - Added batch export for raw or dump files - Changed import raw to load the asset into memory if possible, not blocking the file anymore - Fixed some charset issues, UTF16 is now used instead of UTF8 on ANSI functions in some instances - Fixed some small memory leaks - Improved the type database and package editors and fixed some string to int related bugs - Fixed exporting v6 bundles with an uncompressed file table but with compressed blocks - Fixed exporting v6 bundles with the file table at the end - Fixed the MovieTexture plugin (not sure if it was already bugged in 1.9) - Fixed creating dumps of some assets, such as TerrainData - Added support for split .resource / .resS files - Fixed some cases where AudioClip/Texture2D can't export from .resource/.resS Addition in 2.0b : - Use the type package even for asset bundle file tables, seemingly the type information isn't always stored. Additions in 2.1 : - Add Unity 5.5 (format 16/17) .assets file support. - Add Unity 5.5.0f3 type database. - Fix hidden assets added with File->Add when closing the asset list and pressing Info again (for bundles) or when loading an installer package. - Add a dependency view dialog (View->Dependencies) that lists all listed .assets files with their absolute File IDs and their direct dependencies with relative File IDs. - Improve support for split .assets files, .split0 files can now be opened directly. - Add support for BC4,BC5,BC6H and BC7 texture formats (added in U5.5) with different compression settings and decompression. - Add file name suggestions for asset export options. - Fix writing some format 6 AssetBundles with UnityWeb header and flag 0x100 set. - Add a SubstanceArchive plugin that can export .sbsasm files but not the .xml file. - Calculate type hashes and fill out type tree when adding new asset types to format 16/17 files. - Small TextAsset plugin fixes. - Fix a possible crash when resolving a conflict caused by an installer package import in the installer maker. - API: Remove two console outputs in MakeTextureData and GetTextureData. - Fix exporting dumps of MonoBehaviours with no type tree stored in the .assets file. - Fix some potential issues when trying to locate streamed resources. Addition in 2.1b : - Fix a bug in writing the type information of Unity 5.5 .assets files. Addition in 2.1c : - Fix another bug in reading and writing the type information of Unity 5.5 .assets files. Additions in 2.1d : - Fix another bug in writing the type information of Unity 5.5 .assets files. - Fix a bug causing the last character of strings in asset dumps before \n or \r to be cut off. - Fixed the suggested file path name for the XP dialog fallback. - Improved performance of batch dump export. - Fix a bug causing ResourceManager names to be applied to File ID 0's assets if the .assets files that contain the targeted assets aren't loaded. Additions in 2.2 beta1 : - Add batch import support for raw assets, dumps, Texture2D, TextAsset, TerrainData and MovieTexture. - Add an option to retrieve MonoBehaviour type information from assemblies to create full dumps. - Add UABE JSON dump export/import and Unity JsonUtility compatible export. - Update plugins for 2017.1.* and 2017.2.*.- Add type databases for 2017.1.0f3 and 2017.2.0f3. - Add a new dialog View->Containers. - Add a new column "Container" to the asset list to show assets grouped together properly. Base container assets can be searched for. - Add progress indicators for opening .assets files and batch export/import. - Improve performance massively for very large .assets files (opening files, selecting assets, removing assets, adding assets, plugin options). - Support RGB9e5Float HDR, RG16 and R8 texture formats (will still be converted from/to normal SDR RGBA32). - Add big endian write support (experimental). - Redo AssetsFileReader / AssetsFileWriter interfaces and add experimental support for more than 2045 files. - Improve streamed data file lookup.- Add mip map support to the Texture2D plugin. - Add compressed mesh support (experimental). - Add bundle compression support (LZMA only, experimental). - Add multithread DXT1/5 compression support. - Use type information to add valid assets with zeroed fields instead of empty ones. - Allow entering a type name instead of a type id for the Add Asset dialog. - Fix a bug writing .assets files that caused a missing field which in some cases caused further trouble. - Improve bundle decompression for LZ4 files by creating a streamed decompression interface. - Make AssetTypeInstance more strict on invalid assets or outdated type information (prevent out of memory crashes when trying to view or export dumps of some assets). - Rework the plugin interface. - Fix a bug importing .txt dumps with long lines. - Update the Texture2D edit dialog to and fix a couple of options to represent the asset format properly. - Change the default asset list window size. - Change the default name format for exports to allow UABE to find the files for batch import. - Make the plugin option list double-clickable. - Support longer engine version strings. - Hide removed assets from unsaved bundles. - Use comctrl32 6.0 for the progress indicators, which also changes the look of dialog controls. - Fix a couple of small memory leaks. - Fix a bug allowing UABE to close before saving bundles. Additions in 2.2 beta2 : - Add 2017.3.0f3 support (new class database, updated Texture and Mesh plugins). - Fix a memory issue for .txt dumps with many lines larger than 255 bytes. - Rework the dependency resolver to support external .assets or streamed data file references from inside a bundle. - Fix a crash when trying to compress some texture file formats with mip map support. - Fix mip maps of crunched textures. - Fix the container name to asset assignment with ResourceManager file tables that have names for multiple File IDs. - Fix a crash when an invalid File ID is entered in the Add dialog. Additions in 2.2 beta3 : - Add export support for rigged uncompressed meshes to Collada (.dae). - Add a type database for 2018.1.1f1. - Add support for DXT and ETC crunch formats (2017.3 and newer). - Fix issues importing .txt and .json dumps, and enforce exact float and double representations. - Fix exporting compressed meshes to .obj. - Fix issues when reading split files. - Only show texture formats supported by the file's Unity version. - Mod Installers : Automatically remove AssetsTools.dll, and (hopefully) fix the racing condition that caused the .exe to stay open sometimes. - Allow the MonoBehaviour type tree stealer to fail for some classes if others succeed. - Leave bundled .resource files uncompressed (File->Compress) to fix sound issues (untested!) - Add an export button for the View->Dependencies dialog. Additions in 2.2 beta4 : - Add Unity 2017.4 and 2018.2 support. - Add LZ4 compression support (experimental), and add a compression dialog for per-file settings. - Mesh plugin : Correct the orientation of bind poses and skeleton node transformations. Additions in 2.2 stable : - Add a new 'Add' option for MonoBehaviours. - Bundle replacer type information and hashes inside installer packages. - Add support for 2018.3; streamed mesh export is not tested. - Add a new console command 'applyemip' to apply installer packages. - Fix the file order in written bundles to stay the same. - Fix the serialized flag for bundles so it is not set on .resS files. - Write assets listed in the preload table before others. - Fix reading Mesh assets. - Fix the window focus after progress dialogs. - Improve the errors logged to progress dialogs and make them stay open if an error occured. - Improve the MonoBehaviour type retrieve tool for array and List fields. - Look for newly added MonoScripts when retrieving MonoBehaviour script info. - Fix writing bundles with an installer package loaded. - Fix writing multiple .assets files with an installer package loaded. - Fix a crash that may occur when adding a new asset in a bundle and reopening the 'Asset info' dialog. - Fix a crash when using assets that were added, removed and added again. - Fix locating script assemblies in 2018.2 and 3. Also added m_AssemblyName in MonoScript manually to 2018.2 and 3 type databases, since it was missing. - Allow setting the field version in the type database editor. - Fix removing version targets in the type database editor. - Fix version names in classdata.tpk. - Fix the file name extension for exported .obj meshes. - Improve classdata.tpk compression. Additions in 2.2 stable b : - Fix Mesh export (again). - Fix mip map generation for RGBA32 textures. Additions in 2.2 stable c : - Add class databases for 2018.4.5f1 and 2019.1.0f3 - Support the slightly changed Unity 2019 .assets file format. - The mod installer now uses a statically linked AssetsTools.dll to reduce file size and hopefully reduce the amount of false-positives. Additions in 2.2 stable d : - Add a class database for 2019.2.0f1. - Support the updated Unity 2019.2 .assets file format. - Make the mod installer close properly after a file dialog was opened.