# This is the configuration file for MusicBot. Do not edit this file using Notepad. # Use Notepad++ or a code editor like Visual Studio Code. # For help, see: https://just-some-bots.github.io/MusicBot/ [Credentials] # Your Discord bot account token. Required to run the bot. Token = bot_token # The bot supports converting Spotify links and URIs to YouTube videos and # playing them. You can either enter your own Spotify developer app credentials # below, or the bot will use public credentials to communicate with Spotify. Spotify_ClientID = Spotify_ClientSecret = [Permissions] # This option determines which user has full permissions and control of the bot. # Only one user can be the bot's owner. You can generally leave this as "auto". OwnerID = auto # This option determines which users have access to developer-only commands. # You should leave this blank unless you know what you are doing. DevIDs = # This bot ignores other bots by default. You can add other bot's IDs here to # allow MusicBot to listen to their messages. BotExceptionIDs = [Chat] # Determines the prefix that must be used before commands in the Discord chat. # e.g if you set this to *, the play command would be triggered using *play. CommandPrefix = ! # Restricts the bot to only listening to certain text channels. # Space-separated list of text channel IDs. BindToChannels = # Setting this to "yes" will allow the MusicBot to work in any channel on servers # which do not have a "bound" channel set above. AllowUnboundServers = no # Allows the bot to automatically join voice channels on startup. # Space-separated list of voice channel IDs. AutojoinChannels = # If set to "yes", the bot will send a DM to the user who requested a song when their # song begins to play, rather than posting a message in the text channel. DMNowPlaying = no # Disable now playing messages for entries automatically added by the bot, via the autoplaylist. DisableNowPlayingAutomatic = no # Force the bot to send "now playing" messages in specific text channels. # If this is empty, the bot will send the messages in the channel where the song was requested. NowPlayingChannels = # If "yes", delete the "now playing" messages after a small period of time. DeleteNowPlaying = no [MusicBot] # The volume of the bot's audio output, between 0.01 and 1.0. DefaultVolume = 0.25 # The number of people voting to skip in order for a song to be skipped successfully, # whichever value is lower will be used. Ratio refers to the percentage of undefeaned, non- # owner users in the channel. SkipsRequired = 4 SkipRatio = 0.5 # Determines if downloaded videos will be saved to the audio_cache folder permanently. # If "yes", videos will not be re-downloaded if queued again, at the cost of hard-drive space. SaveVideos = yes # Never purge videos from cache if they are listed in the auto playlist file. # Only applies while SaveVideos option is enabled. StorageRetainAutoPlay = yes # Set a time limit for stored files. Set to 0 to disable. # Files which aren't used for this period of time will be removed. # On Linux/Mac, this uses last-access time. On Windows, file-creation time is used. # Only applies when SaveVideos option is enabled. StorageLimitDays = 0 # Set a size limit for the entire cache. Set to 0 to disable. # Accepts exact number of bytes or a shorthand notation like 20 MB # When storage exceeds this size, files with older access/creation times are removed first. # Only applies when SaveVideos option is enabled. StorageLimitBytes = 0 # Mentions the user who queued a song when it starts to play. NowPlayingMentions = no # Automatically joins the owner's voice channel on startup, if possible. The bot must be on # the same server and have permission to join the channel. AutoSummon = yes # Start playing songs from the autoplaylist.txt file after joining a channel. This does not # stop users from queueing songs, you can do that by restricting command access in permissions.ini. UseAutoPlaylist = yes # Sets if the autoplaylist should play through songs in a random order when enabled. If no, # songs will be played in a sequential order instead. AutoPlaylistRandom = yes # Pause the music when nobody is in a voice channel, until someone joins again. AutoPause = yes # Automatically cleanup the bot's messages after a small period of time. DeleteMessages = no # If this and DeleteMessages is enabled, the bot will also try to delete messages from other # users that called commands. The bot requires the 'Manage Messages' permission for this. DeleteInvoking = no # Regularly saves the queue to the disk. If the bot is then shut down, the queue will # resume from where it left off. PersistentQueue = yes # Determines what messages are logged to the console. The default level is INFO, which is # everything an average user would need. Other levels include CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, # DEBUG, VOICEDEBUG, FFMPEG, NOISY, and EVERYTHING. You should only change this if you # are debugging, or you want the bot to have a quieter console output. DebugLevel = INFO # Specify a custom message to use as the bot's status. If left empty, the bot # will display dynamic info about music currently being played in its status instead. StatusMessage = # Write what the bot is currently playing to the data//current.txt FILE. # This can then be used with OBS and anything else that takes a dynamic input. WriteCurrentSong = no # Allows the person who queued a song to skip their OWN songs instantly, similar to the # functionality that owners have where they can skip every song instantly. AllowAuthorSkip = yes # Enables experimental equalization code. This will cause all songs to sound similar in # volume at the cost of higher processing consumption when the song is initially being played. UseExperimentalEqualization = no # Enables the use of embeds throughout the bot. These are messages that are formatted to # look cleaner, however they don't appear to users who have link previews disabled in their # Discord settings. UseEmbeds = yes # The amount of items to show when using the queue command. QueueLength = 10 # Remove songs from the autoplaylist if an error occurred while trying to play them. # If enabled, unplayable songs will be moved to another file and out of the autoplaylist. # You may want to disable this if you have internet issues or frequent issues playing songs. RemoveFromAPOnError = yes # Whether to show the configuration for the bot in the console when it launches. ShowConfigOnLaunch = no # Whether to use legacy skip behaviour. This will change it so that those with permission # do not need to use "skip f" to force-skip a song, they will instead force-skip by default. LegacySkip = no # Leave servers if the owner is not found in them. LeaveServersWithoutOwner = no # Use command aliases defined in aliases.json. UseAlias = yes # Use an alternate way to display the results from search command. SearchList = no # Set the amount of search results returned by default. DefaultSearchResults = 3 # Allow per-guild command prefix override via 'setprefix' command. EnablePrefixPerGuild = no # Specify a custom message to use as the bots embed footer. CustomEmbedFooter = # Sets if you'd like the bot to deafen when joining a voice channel. SelfDeafen = yes # Sets if the bot should leave a voice channel when it becomes empty. LeaveInactiveVC = no # Sets how long the bot should wait before leaving a voice channel that is inactive. # Only applies if LeaveInactiveVC is enabled. # Time can be set in seconds or as a duration phrase containing any of: day, hour, minute, second # Examples: # .5 hours, 1 day, 77min # Default value is 300 seconds. LeaveInactiveVCTimeOut = 300 # Sets if if the bot should leave immediately once all songs have finished playing. LeaveAfterSong = no # Set a period of seconds that a player can be paused or not playing before it will disconnect. # This setting is independent of LeaveAfterQueueEmpty. # Time can be set in seconds or using duration as described in LeaveInactiveVCTimeOut # Set to 0 to disable. Default value is 0. LeavePlayerInactiveFor = 0 # Round robin queue # When enabled the bot will automatically rotate between user requested songs. RoundRobinQueue = no [Files] # Path to your i18n file. Do not set this if you do not know what it does. i18nFile = # A folder path where you want to store downloaded media files. It can be left empty. # This directory will be created if it does not exist. # Default folder is named "audio_cache" in the current working directory. # This directory is used for temporary storage even if SaveVideos is disabled. AudioCachePath =