import * as moment from 'moment'; import { Bucket, DirectoryObject, graph, Plan, Planner, TaskAddResult, Group } from '@pnp/graph'; import { IGroup } from './IGroups'; import { IGroupMember, IMember } from './IGroupMembers'; import { IPlannerBucket } from './IPlannerBucket'; import { IPlannerPlan } from './IPlannerPlan'; import { IPlannerPlanDetails } from './IPlannerPlanDetails'; import { IPlannerPlanExtended } from './IPlannerPlanExtended'; import { ITask } from './ITask'; import { ITaskDetails } from './ITaskDetails'; import { ITaskProperty } from './ITaskProperty'; import { IUser } from './IUser'; import { MSGraphClient, SPHttpClient, SPHttpClientResponse } from '@microsoft/sp-http'; import { WebPartContext } from "@microsoft/sp-webpart-base"; import { PropertyPaneDynamicFieldSet } from "@microsoft/sp-property-pane"; import { SearchProperty, SearchQuery, SearchResults, SortDirection, sp, Web, PagedItemCollection, ChunkedFileUploadProgressData, FileAddResult } from '@pnp/pnpjs'; import { SPComponentLoader } from '@microsoft/sp-loader'; import { User } from '@pnp/graph/src/users'; import * as $ from 'jquery'; import { List } from 'office-ui-fabric-react'; import * as MicrosoftGraph from '@microsoft/microsoft-graph-types'; const DEFAULT_PERSONA_IMG_HASH: string = '7ad602295f8386b7615b582d87bcc294'; const DEFAULT_IMAGE_PLACEHOLDER_HASH: string = '4a48f26592f4e1498d7a478a4c48609c'; const MD5_MODULE_ID: string = '8494e7d7-6b99-47b2-a741-59873e42f16f'; const PROFILE_IMAGE_URL: string = '/_layouts/15/userphoto.aspx?size=M&accountname='; export default class spservices { private graphClient: MSGraphClient = null; public currentUser: string = undefined; constructor(public context: WebPartContext) { /* Initialize MSGraph */ sp.setup({ spfxContext: this.context }); graph.setup({ spfxContext: this.context }); this.currentUser =; } public async getTaskById(taskId: string): Promise { try { const task: ITask = await graph.planner.tasks.getById(taskId).get(); return task; } catch (error) { Promise.reject(error); } } /** * Gets user groups * @returns user groups */ public async getUserGroups(): Promise { let o365Groups: IGroup[] = []; try { this.graphClient = await this.context.msGraphClientFactory.getClient(); const groups = await this.graphClient .api(`me/memberof`) .version('v1.0') .get(); // Get O365 Groups for (const group of groups.value as IGroup[]) { const hasO365Group = group.groupTypes && group.groupTypes.length > 0 ? group.groupTypes.indexOf('Unified') : -1; if (hasO365Group !== -1) { o365Groups.push(group); } } return o365Groups; } catch (error) { Promise.reject(error); } } /** * Gets user plans by group id * @param groupId * @returns user plans by group id */ public async getUserPlansByGroupId(groupId: string): Promise { try { const groupPlans: IPlannerPlan[] = await graph.groups.getById(groupId).plans.get(); return groupPlans; } catch (error) { Promise.reject(error); } } /** * Gets user plans * @returns user plans */ public async getUserPlans(): Promise { try { let userPlans: IPlannerPlanExtended[] = []; const o365Groups: IGroup[] = await this.getUserGroups(); for (const group of o365Groups) { const plans: IPlannerPlan[] = await this.getUserPlansByGroupId(; for (const plan of plans) { const groupPhoto: string = await this.getGroupPhoto(; const userPlan: IPlannerPlanExtended = { ...plan, planPhoto: groupPhoto }; userPlans.push(userPlan); } } // Sort plans by Title userPlans = userPlans.sort((a, b) => { if (a.title < b.title) return -1; if (a.title > b.title) return 1; return 0; }); return userPlans; } catch (error) { Promise.reject(error); } } /** * Gets group photo * @param groupId * @returns group photo */ public async getGroupPhoto(groupId: string): Promise { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { try { let url: any = ''; const photo = await graph.groups.getById(groupId).photo.getBlob(); let reader = new FileReader(); reader.addEventListener( 'load', () => { url = reader.result; // data url resolve(url); }, false ); reader.readAsDataURL(photo); // converts the blob to base64 and calls onload } catch (error) { resolve(undefined); } }); } /** * Gets tasks * @returns tasks */ public async getTasks(): Promise { try { //const myTasks: ITask[] = await; let myTasks: ITask[] = []; this.graphClient = await this.context.msGraphClientFactory.getClient(); const results: any = await this.graphClient .api(`/me/planner/tasks`) .version('v1.0') .get(); return results.value; } catch (error) { throw new Error('Error on get user task'); } } /** * Gets group members * @param groupId * @returns group members */ public async getGroupMembers(groupId: string, skipToken: string): Promise { try { let groupMembers: IGroupMember; if (skipToken) { this.graphClient = await this.context.msGraphClientFactory.getClient(); groupMembers = await this.graphClient .api(`groups/${groupId}/members`) .version('v1.0') .skipToken(skipToken) .get(); } else { this.graphClient = await this.context.msGraphClientFactory.getClient(); groupMembers = await this.graphClient .api(`groups/${groupId}/members`) .version('v1.0') .top(100) .get(); } return groupMembers; } catch (error) { throw new Error('Error on get group members'); } } /** * Gets task details * @param taskId * @returns task details */ public async getTaskDetails(taskId: string): Promise { try { const taskDetails: ITaskDetails = await graph.planner.tasks.getById(taskId).details.get(); return taskDetails; } catch (error) { Promise.reject(error); } return null; } /** * Updates task as completed * @param taskId * @param etag * @returns task as completed */ public async updateTaskAsCompleted(taskId: string, etag: string): Promise { try { // await graph.planner.tasks.getById(taskId).update({percentComplete: 100}); this.graphClient = await this.context.msGraphClientFactory.getClient(); await this.graphClient .api(`planner/tasks/${taskId}`) .version('v1.0') .header(`If-Match`, etag) .patch({ percentComplete: 100 }); } catch (error) { throw new Error('Error get task Details'); } } /** * Updates task not started * @param taskId * @param etag * @returns task not started */ public async updateTaskNotStarted(taskId: string, etag: string): Promise { try { //await graph.planner.tasks.getById(taskId).update({percentComplete: 100}); await this.graphClient .api(`planner/tasks/${taskId}`) .version('v1.0') .header(`If-Match`, etag) .patch({ percentComplete: 0 }); } catch (error) { throw new Error('Error on update task progress'); } } /** * async getPlan planId:string :Promise */ public async getPlan(planId: string): Promise { try { const plan: Plan = await graph.planner.plans.getById(planId); const plannerPlan: IPlannerPlan = await plan.get(); return plannerPlan; } catch (error) { Promise.reject(error); } } public async updatePlannerDetailsProperty( plannerId: string, plannerDetailsPropertyName: string, plannerDetailsPropertyValue: any, etag: string ): Promise { try { let parameterValue: any; // Test typeof parameter switch (typeof plannerDetailsPropertyValue) { case 'object': parameterValue = JSON.stringify(plannerDetailsPropertyValue); break; case 'number': parameterValue = plannerDetailsPropertyValue; break; case 'string': parameterValue = `'${plannerDetailsPropertyValue}'`; break; default: parameterValue = `'${plannerDetailsPropertyValue}'`; break; } this.graphClient = await this.context.msGraphClientFactory.getClient(); await this.graphClient .api(`planner/plans/${plannerId}/details`) .version('v1.0') .header(`If-Match`, etag) .patch(`{${plannerDetailsPropertyName} : ${parameterValue}}`); // const _task: ITaskProperty = {[taskPropertyName] : taskPropertyValue}; // await graph.planner.tasks.getById(taskId).update(_task, etag); const plannerDetails: IPlannerPlanDetails = await this.getPlanDetails(plannerId); return plannerDetails['@odata.etag']; } catch (error) { console.log(error); throw new Error('Error on update planner Details'); } } /** * Adds task * @param taskInfo * @returns task */ public async updateTaskProperty(taskId: string, taskPropertyName: string, taskPropertyValue: any, etag: string): Promise { try { let parameterValue: any; // Test typeof parameter switch (typeof taskPropertyValue) { case 'object': parameterValue = JSON.stringify(taskPropertyValue); break; case 'number': parameterValue = taskPropertyValue; break; case 'string': parameterValue = `'${taskPropertyValue}'`; break; default: parameterValue = `'${taskPropertyValue}'`; break; } this.graphClient = await this.context.msGraphClientFactory.getClient(); const task = await this.graphClient .api(`planner/tasks/${taskId}`) .version('v1.0') .headers({["Prefer"]: "return=representation", ["if-Match"]: etag, ["Content-type"]: "application/json"}) .patch(`{${taskPropertyName} : ${parameterValue}}`); // const _task: ITaskProperty = {[taskPropertyName] : taskPropertyValue}; // await graph.planner.tasks.getById(taskId).update(_task, etag); // const task = await this.getTaskById(taskId); // return task2['@odata.etag']; return task; } catch (error) { console.log(error); throw new Error('Error on add task'); } } public async updateTaskDetailsProperty( taskId: string, taskPropertyName: string, taskPropertyValue: object | number | string, etag: string ): Promise { try { let parameterValue: any; // Test typeof parameter switch (typeof taskPropertyValue) { case 'object': parameterValue = JSON.stringify(taskPropertyValue); break; case 'number': parameterValue = taskPropertyValue; break; case 'string': parameterValue = `'${taskPropertyValue}'`; break; default: parameterValue = `'${taskPropertyValue}'`; break; } this.graphClient = await this.context.msGraphClientFactory.getClient(); const taskDetails = await this.graphClient .api(`planner/tasks/${taskId}/details`) .version('v1.0') .headers({["Prefer"]: "return=representation", ["if-Match"]: etag, ["Content-type"]: "application/json"}) .patch(`{${taskPropertyName} : ${parameterValue}}`); // const _task: ITaskProperty = {[taskPropertyName] : taskPropertyValue}; // await graph.planner.tasks.getById(taskId).update(_task, etag); //const taskDetails = await this.getTaskDetails(taskId); // return taskDetails['@odata.etag']; return taskDetails; } catch (error) { console.log(error); throw new Error('Error on update property Task, please try later.'); } } /** * Adds task * @param taskInfo * @returns task */ public async addTask(taskInfo: string[]): Promise { try { this.graphClient = await this.context.msGraphClientFactory.getClient(); const task = await this.graphClient .api(`planner/tasks`) .version('v1.0') .post({ planId: taskInfo['planId'], bucketId: taskInfo['bucketId'], title: taskInfo['title'], dueDateTime: taskInfo['dueDate'] ? moment(taskInfo['dueDate']).toISOString() : undefined, assignments: taskInfo['assignments'] }); //const task: TaskAddResult = await graph.planner.tasks.add( taskInfo['planId'], taskInfo['title'], taskInfo['assignments'], taskInfo['bucketId']); return task; } catch (error) { throw new Error('Error on add task'); } } public async deleteTask(taskId: string, etag:string): Promise { try { // await graph.planner.tasks.getById(taskId).update({percentComplete: 100}); this.graphClient = await this.context.msGraphClientFactory.getClient(); await this.graphClient .api(`planner/tasks/${taskId}`) .version('v1.0') .header(`If-Match`, etag) .delete(); } catch (error) { throw new Error(error); } } /** * Gets plan details * @param planId * @returns plan details */ public async getPlanDetails(planId: string): Promise { try { const plan: Plan = await graph.planner.plans.getById(planId); const plannerPlanDetails: IPlannerPlanDetails = await plan.details.get(); await this.getPlanBuckets(planId); return plannerPlanDetails; } catch (error) { throw new Error('Error on get planner details'); } } /** * Gets plan buckets * @param planId * @returns plan buckets */ public async getPlanBuckets(planId: string): Promise { try { const plan: Plan = await graph.planner.plans.getById(planId); const plannerBuckets: IPlannerBucket[] = await plan.buckets.get(); return plannerBuckets; } catch (error) { throw new Error('Error get Planner buckets'); } } /** * Gets user * @param userId * @returns user */ public async getUser(userId: string): Promise { try { const user: IMember = await graph.users.getById(userId).get(); return user; } catch (error) { throw new Error('Error on get user details'); } } /* public async getPhoto(userId: string): Promise { let photo: any = undefined; try { let photoBlob = await graph.users.getById(userId).photo.getBlob(); let groupPhotoUrl = window.URL; photo = groupPhotoUrl.createObjectURL(photoBlob); } catch (error) { return undefined; } return photo; } */ /** * Gets user photo * @param userId * @returns user photo */ public async getUserPhoto(userId): Promise { const personaImgUrl = PROFILE_IMAGE_URL + userId; const url: string = await this.getImageBase64(personaImgUrl); const newHash = await this.getMd5HashForUrl(url); if (newHash !== DEFAULT_PERSONA_IMG_HASH && newHash !== DEFAULT_IMAGE_PLACEHOLDER_HASH) { return 'data:image/png;base64,' + url; } else { return 'undefined'; } } /** * Get MD5Hash for the image url to verify whether user has default image or custom image * @param url */ private getMd5HashForUrl(url: string) { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { const library: any = await this.loadSPComponentById(MD5_MODULE_ID); try { const md5Hash = library.Md5Hash; if (md5Hash) { const convertedHash = md5Hash(url); resolve(convertedHash); } } catch (error) { resolve(url); } }); } /** * Load SPFx component by id, SPComponentLoader is used to load the SPFx components * @param componentId - componentId, guid of the component library */ private loadSPComponentById(componentId: string) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { SPComponentLoader.loadComponentById(componentId) .then((component: any) => { resolve(component); }) .catch(error => {}); }); } /** * Gets image base64 * @param pictureUrl * @returns image base64 */ private getImageBase64(pictureUrl: string): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let image = new Image(); image.addEventListener('load', () => { let tempCanvas = document.createElement('canvas'); (tempCanvas.width = image.width), (tempCanvas.height = image.height), tempCanvas.getContext('2d').drawImage(image, 0, 0); let base64Str; try { base64Str = tempCanvas.toDataURL('image/png'); } catch (e) { return ''; } base64Str = base64Str.replace(/^data:image\/png;base64,/, ''); resolve(base64Str); }); image.src = pictureUrl; }); } /** * Searchs users * @param searchString * @returns users */ public async searchUsers(searchString: string): Promise { try { this.graphClient = await this.context.msGraphClientFactory.getClient(); const returnUsers = await this.graphClient .api(`users`) .version('v1.0') .top(100) .filter(`startswith(DisplayName, '${searchString}') or startswith(mail, '${searchString}')`) .get(); return returnUsers.value; } catch (error) { throw new Error('Error on search users'); } } public async getGrouoUrl(groupId): Promise { try { this.graphClient = await this.context.msGraphClientFactory.getClient(); const returnGroupInfo = await this.graphClient .api(`groups/${groupId}/sites/root`) .version('v1.0') .get(); return returnGroupInfo.webUrl; } catch (error) { console.log(error.message); throw new Error('Error get group Url'); } } public async getSharePointFiles(groupId: string, sortField: string, ascending: boolean): Promise> { try { // let libraryUrl: string = await this.getGroupDocumentLibraryUrl(groupId); const groupUrl: string = await this.getGrouoUrl(groupId); const web = new Web(groupUrl); const defualtDocumentLibrary = await web.defaultDocumentLibrary.get(); const results: PagedItemCollection = await web.lists .getById(defualtDocumentLibrary.Id) 'Title', 'File_x0020_Type', 'FileSystemObjectType', 'File/Name', 'File/ServerRelativeUrl', 'File/Title', 'File/Id', 'File/TimeLastModified' ) .top(8) .expand('File') .orderBy(`${sortField}`, ascending) .getPaged(); return results; } catch (error) { throw new Error('Error on read files from Documents ' + error.message); } } /** * Gets group document library url * @param groupId * @returns group document library url */ public async getGroupDocumentLibraryUrl(groupId: string): Promise { try { this.graphClient = await this.context.msGraphClientFactory.getClient(); const returnGroupDriveInfo = await this.graphClient .api(`groups/${groupId}/sites/root/drive`) .version('v1.0') .get(); return returnGroupDriveInfo.webUrl; } catch (error) { console.log(error.message); throw new Error('Error get group default Document Library'); } } public ValidateEmail(mail: string): boolean { if (/^\w+([\.-]?\w+)*@\w+([\.-]?\w+)*(\.\w{2,3})+$/.test(mail)) { return true; } return false; } public async uploadFileToSharePoint(documentLibrary: string, webUrl: string, fileName: string, fileB64: any): Promise { try { const web = new Web(webUrl); documentLibrary = documentLibrary.replace(location.origin, ''); console.log(documentLibrary); const rs: FileAddResult = await web.getFolderByServerRelativeUrl(documentLibrary).files.addChunked( fileName, fileB64, (data: ChunkedFileUploadProgressData) => { console.log('File Upload chunked %', data.currentPointer / data.fileSize); return data.currentPointer / data.fileSize; }, true ); return rs; // const rs:FileAddResult = await web.getFolderByServerRelativeUrl(documentLibrary).files.add(fileName,fileB64,true); } catch (error) { console.log(error); } } }