import os import shutil import subprocess import sys import urllib.request from getpass import getpass class Mojo(object): __slots__ = ( "args", "arch", "home", "working_dir", "mojo_lib_path_from_home", "mojo_lib_path", "install_global", "onlyMojo", "fedora", "skip_next_arg", "authenticated", "rc_path", "rc_file", "token", "modular" ) def __init__(self, args: list[str], home: str | None = "~"): self.args = args self.arch = "x86_64-linux-gnu" self.home = home if home is not None else "~" self.working_dir = "~/.local/arch-mojo" self.mojo_lib_path_from_home = ".local/lib/mojo" self.mojo_lib_path = f"{self.home}/{self.mojo_lib_path_from_home}" self.install_global = False self.onlyMojo = False self.fedora = False self.skip_next_arg = False self.authenticated = False self.rc_path = None self.rc_file = None self.token = "" self.modular = shutil.which("modular") is not None self.handle_args() self.is_authenticated() self.fedora_os() self.install_modular() self.ncurses() self.install_mojo() self.handle_rc() def _help(self) -> int: sys.stdout.write("Usage: python3 [options]\n") sys.stdout.write("Options:\n") sys.stdout.write(" --dir= | -d= : Set the working directory\n") sys.stdout.write(" --global | -g : Install the libs globally\n") sys.stdout.write(" --help | -h : Show this help message\n") sys.stdout.write(" --mojo | -m : Only install mojo (modular must be installed)\n") sys.stdout.write(" --fedora | -f : Install for fedora\n") sys.stdout.write(" --modular-token : Set the modular token\n") return 0 def is_authenticated(self) -> None: if self.modular: result =["modular", "config-list"], capture_output=True).stdout.decode("utf-8") self.authenticated = "" in result else: self.authenticated = False return None def handle_args(self) -> None: for arg in self.args: if self.skip_next_arg: self.skip_next_arg = False continue if arg.startswith("--dir="): self.working_dir = arg.split("=")[1] elif arg.startswith("-d="): self.working_dir = arg.split("=")[1] elif arg == "--global": self.install_global = True elif arg == "-g": self.install_global = True elif arg == "--mojo": self.onlyMojo = True elif arg == "-m": self.onlyMojo = True elif arg == "--fedora": self.fedora = True elif arg == "-f": self.fedora = True elif arg == "--modular-token": index = self.args.index(arg) + 1 if index >= len(self.args): sys.stdout.write("\nNo token provided") exit(1) elif self.token is not None: if self.token == "" or not self.token.startswith("mut_") or len(self.token) != 36: sys.stdout.write("\nInvalid token") exit(1) self.token = self.args[index] self.skip_next_arg = True elif arg == "--help" or arg == "-h": exit(self._help()) self.working_dir = self.working_dir.replace("~", self.home) if not self.working_dir.endswith("/"): self.working_dir += "/" if self.onlyMojo and not self.modular: sys.stdout.write("\nModular must be installed to install mojo") exit(1) try: os.makedirs(self.working_dir) except FileExistsError: pass def fedora_os(self) -> None: url = "" if self.fedora:"sudo dnf install binutils", shell=True) urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, f"{self.working_dir}/libtinfo.deb")"cd {self.working_dir} && ar -vx libtinfo.deb && tar -xf data.tar.xz", shell=True) if self.install_global: shutil.copy(f"{self.working_dir}/lib/{self.arch}/", "/usr/lib/") os.symlink("/usr/lib/", "/usr/lib/") else: os.mkdir(f"{self.mojo_lib_path}") shutil.copy(f"{self.working_dir}/lib/{self.arch}/", f"{self.mojo_lib_path}/") def install_modular(self) -> None: url = "" # install modular if not installed if not self.modular: # download PKGBUILD if not os.path.exists(f"{self.working_dir}/PKGBUILD"): urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, f"{self.working_dir}/PKGBUILD") else: os.remove(f"{self.working_dir}/PKGBUILD") urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, f"{self.working_dir}/PKGBUILD")"cd {self.working_dir} && makepkg -si", shell=True) # authenticate in modular if not self.authenticated: if self.token is None: self.token = os.getenv("MODULAR_TOKEN") if self.token is None: self.token = getpass("Please enter your Modular auth token: ") status ="LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:{self.mojo_lib_path} modular auth {self.token}", shell=True) if status.returncode != 0: sys.stdout.write(f"Failed to authenticate modular using token: '{self.token}'") exit(1) def ncurses(self) -> None: url1 = "" url2 = "" # download ncurses lib urllib.request.urlretrieve(url1, f"{self.working_dir}/libncurses.deb") urllib.request.urlretrieve(url2,f"{self.working_dir}/libedit.deb")"cd {self.working_dir} && ar -vx libncurses.deb && tar -xf data.tar.xz", shell=True)"cd {self.working_dir} && ar -vx libedit.deb && tar -xf data.tar.xz", shell=True) # copy libs if self.install_global: shutil.copy(f"{self.working_dir}/lib/{self.arch}/", "/lib/") shutil.copy(f"{self.working_dir}/usr/lib/{self.arch}/", "/usr/lib/") shutil.copy(f"{self.working_dir}/usr/lib/{self.arch}/", "/usr/lib/") shutil.copy(f"{self.working_dir}/usr/lib/{self.arch}/", "/usr/lib/") os.symlink("/lib/", "/lib/") os.symlink("/usr/lib/", "/usr/lib/") os.symlink("/usr/lib/", "/usr/lib/") os.symlink("/usr/lib/", "/usr/lib/") else: try: os.makedirs(f"{self.mojo_lib_path}") except FileExistsError: pass shutil.copy(f"{self.working_dir}/lib/{self.arch}/", f"{self.mojo_lib_path}/") shutil.copy(f"{self.working_dir}/usr/lib/{self.arch}/", f"{self.mojo_lib_path}/") shutil.copy(f"{self.working_dir}/usr/lib/{self.arch}/", f"{self.mojo_lib_path}/") shutil.copy(f"{self.working_dir}/usr/lib/{self.arch}/", f"{self.mojo_lib_path}/") def install_mojo(self) -> None: # install mojo mojo = shutil.which(f"{self.home}/.modular/pkg/packages.modular.com_mojo/bin/mojo") is not None if mojo: sys.stdout.write("Mojo is already installed... cleaning up")"{self.home}/.modular/pkg/packages.modular.com_mojo/bin/modular clean", shell=True) exit(0) else:"LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:{self.mojo_lib_path} modular install mojo", shell=True) # fix crashdb directory not found: os.makedirs(f"{self.home}/.modular/crashdb", exist_ok=True) def get_shell_path(self) -> str | None: path = input("\nPlease enter the path to your shell rc file (e.g. ~/.bashrc for bash) or press ENTER to skip:") if path == "": return None return path.replace("~", self.home) def get_shell(self, found=None, file=None): if found is not None: yn = input(f"\nFound {found} shell, add exports to {file}? [y/N/other]: ") yn = yn.lower() if yn == "y": return file elif yn == "n": return None elif yn == "other" or yn == "o": return self.get_shell_path() elif yn == "": sys.stdout.write("\nSkipping...") return None else: sys.stdout.write("\nInvalid input") return self.get_shell(found, file) else: return self.get_shell_path() def get_rc_path(self) -> str | None: shell = os.getenv("SHELL") if shell is not None: match shell.split("/")[-1]: case "bash": return self.get_shell("bash", f"{self.home}/.bashrc") case "zsh": return self.get_shell("zsh", f"{self.home}/.zshrc") case _: path = self.get_shell_path() if path == "": return None return path.replace("~", self.home) else: return self.get_shell() def print_manual_instructions(self) -> None: sys.stdout.write("\nPlease add the following lines to your shell rc file:") sys.stdout.write(f"\nexport LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:~/{self.mojo_lib_path_from_home}") sys.stdout.write("\nexport PATH=$PATH:~/.modular/pkg/packages.modular.com_mojo/bin/") def handle_rc(self) -> None: self.rc_path = self.get_rc_path() if self.rc_path is None: sys.stdout.write("\nSkipping rc file installation") mojo = shutil.which(f"{self.home}/.modular/pkg/packages.modular.com_mojo/bin/mojo") is not None if mojo: self.print_manual_instructions() exit(0) else: exit(1) else: with open(self.rc_path, "a") as self.rc_file: if self.rc_file is None: sys.stdout.write(f"\nCould not open {self.rc_path}, skipping...") self.print_manual_instructions() exit(0) # check if exports are already in rc file ld_path = os.getenv("LD_LIBRARY_PATH") path = os.getenv("PATH") if ld_path is None or not f"~/{self.mojo_lib_path_from_home}" in ld_path and not self.mojo_lib_path in ld_path: sys.stdout.write("wrote lib path") self.rc_file.write(f"export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:~/{self.mojo_lib_path_from_home}\n") if path is None or not "~/.modular/pkg/packages.modular.com_mojo/bin/" in path: if not f"{self.home}/.modular/pkg/packages.modular.com_mojo/bin/" in path: sys.stdout.write("wrote path") self.rc_file.write("export PATH=$PATH:~/.modular/pkg/packages.modular.com_mojo/bin/\n") sys.stdout.write(f"\nPlease restart your shell or run `source {self.rc_path}` to complete the installation\n") if __name__ == "__main__": Mojo(args=sys.argv, home=os.getenv("HOME")) sys.exit(0)