import os.path import shutil import subprocess import sys import urllib.request INSTALL_DIR = "~/.local/lib/arch-mojo" ARCH = "x86_64-linux-gnu" TEMP_DIR = "/tmp/mojo_libs" def print_help(): print("Usage: python3 [options]") print("Options:") print(" --dir <path> | -d <path> : Install directory") print(" --arch <arch> | -a <arch> : Architecture") print(" --help | -h : Display this help message") print(" --fedora | -f : Install Fedora libraries") exit(0) def get_rc_path() -> str: shell = os.getenv("SHELL") if shell is not None: match shell.split("/")[-1]: case "bash": return f"~/.bashrc" case "zsh": return "~/.zshrc" case "fish": return "~/.config/fish/" case _: sys.stderr.write(f"\033[91mError: Shell {shell} not supported\033[0m\n") exit(1) def print_failture_information() -> None: sys.stdout.write( "\n\033[41;37mTL;DR: If you see errors, ignore them or report them to " "https:// and restart your shell\033[0m\n") sys.stdout.write( "\n\033[91mPlease note that you might be seeing some errors about some components that weren't installed " "correctly\033[0m\n") sys.stdout.write( "\n\033[91mFor more information see here: " "\033[0m\n") sys.stdout.write( "\n\033[91mPlease do not report any installation errors to Modular, as this is not an official " "installation method\033[0m\n") sys.stdout.write( "\n\033[91mIf you encounter any issues, please report them to " "\033[0m\n") sys.stdout.write("It would also be nice if you starred the repo, thanks! ❤️\n") class MojoLibs: def __init__(self): self.install_dir = INSTALL_DIR self.arch = ARCH self.handle_args() self.install_dir = os.path.expanduser(self.install_dir) self.install_dir = os.path.expandvars(self.install_dir) os.makedirs(TEMP_DIR, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(self.install_dir, exist_ok=True) self.install_libs() print_failture_information() self.add_lib_path() def handle_args(self): skip_next = False def assert_next_arg(idx): if idx + 1 >= len(sys.argv[1:]): print("Error: Missing argument for " + sys.argv[idx]) exit(1) for i, arg in enumerate(sys.argv[1:]): if skip_next: skip_next = False continue if arg == "--dir" or arg == "-d": assert_next_arg(i) self.install_dir = sys.argv[i + 1] skip_next = True elif arg == "--arch" or arg == "-a": assert_next_arg(i) self.arch = sys.argv[i + 1] skip_next = True elif arg == "--help" or arg == "-h": print_help() elif arg == "--fedora" or arg == "-f": self.install_fedora() exit(0) else: print_help() def install_fedora(self): sys.stderr.write("Error: Fedora installation not supported yet\n") # TODO exit(1) def install_libs(self): print(f"Installing libraries to `{self.install_dir}` for `{self.arch}`") libncruses = "" libedit = "" # download deb libraries urllib.request.urlretrieve(libncruses, os.path.join(TEMP_DIR, "libncurses.deb")) urllib.request.urlretrieve(libedit, os.path.join(TEMP_DIR, "libedit.deb"))"cd {TEMP_DIR} && ar -vx libncurses.deb && tar -xf data.tar.xz", shell=True, check=True)"cd {TEMP_DIR} && ar -vx libedit.deb && tar -xf data.tar.xz", shell=True, check=True) try: os.makedirs(self.install_dir) except FileExistsError: pass # move the needed libraries shutil.copy(f"{TEMP_DIR}/lib/{self.arch}/", os.path.join(self.install_dir, "")) shutil.copy(f"{TEMP_DIR}/usr/lib/{self.arch}/", os.path.join(self.install_dir, "")) shutil.copy(f"{TEMP_DIR}/usr/lib/{self.arch}/", os.path.join(self.install_dir, "")) shutil.copy(f"{TEMP_DIR}/usr/lib/{self.arch}/", os.path.join(self.install_dir, "")) def add_lib_path(self): lib_path = os.getenv("LD_LIBRARY_PATH") # check if the path is already in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH if lib_path is not None: paths = lib_path.split(":") install_dir = os.path.abspath(self.install_dir) install_dir = os.path.expanduser(install_dir) install_dir = os.path.expandvars(install_dir) for p in paths: p = os.path.abspath(p) p = os.path.expanduser(p) p = os.path.expandvars(p) if p == install_dir: return path = get_rc_path() path = os.path.expanduser(path) shell = os.getenv("SHELL") command = None if shell is not None: if "fish" in shell: command = f"set -x LD_LIBRARY_PATH {self.install_dir} $LD_LIBRARY_PATH\n" else: # Default to Bash/Zsh syntax command = f"export LD_LIBRARY_PATH={self.install_dir}:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH\n" else: sys.stderr.write(f"\033[91mError: Unable to detect shell. Please manually add the following to your shell configuration:\n{command}\033[0m\n") return with open(path, "a") as f: f.write(command) if __name__ == "__main__": MojoLibs() print("Please restart your shell or re-soruce your shell configuration file")