# GithubReleaseNotifier Kanboard Plugin to create task when github release. # Requirements * Kanboard >= 1.0.37 * Github webhooks configured for a project # Installation You have the choice between 3 methods: 1. Install the plugin from the Kanboard plugin manager in one click 2. Download the zip file and decompress everything under the directory plugins/GithubWebhook 3. Clone this repository into the folder plugins/GithubWebhook Note: Plugin folder is case-sensitive. # Documentation ## Github Configuration 1. Go to your repository setting **Webhooks** 2. Then Add webhook. 3. **Payload URL** you can found in **Kanboard Project Setting (Integrations)** 4. Click **Let me select individual events.** Radio , make sure Releases Checkbox is selected. 5. Click **Add webhook** green button. ## Kanboard Configuration 1. Go Kanboard Action Panel 2. Add new Action 3. Select **Create a task to column from an external provider (从外部创建任务并指定栏目)** Next 4. Select **Github: Release** events 5. You may want to set the column which the task is created too, Go **Kanboard Project Setting (Integrations)** 6. Save Now the task will be automatically create when github release.