#!/usr/bin/env perl our $progname = 'shepherd'; my $version = '1.9.20'; # tv_grab_au # "Shepherd" # A wrapper for various Aussie TV guide data grabbers # # Use --help for command-line options. # # Shepherd is an attempt to reconcile many different tv_grab_au scripts and # make one cohesive reliable data set. It works by calling a series of # scripts that grab data from a large variety of sources, and then # analysing the resulting XML data sets and determining which of the many # is the most reliable. # Shepherd runs in 5 stages: # stage 1: Checks that all components are up-to-date, auto-updates if not. # stage 2: calls grabbers to fill in missing data # stage 3: calls reconciler to reconcile overlapping data and normalize # programme titles to our preferred title # stage 4: calls postprocessors to postprocess data # (e.g. flag HDTV programmes, augment with IMDb etc.) # stage 5: write final XMLTV out #BEGIN { *CORE::GLOBAL::die = \&my_die; } use strict; no strict 'refs'; use warnings; use lib 'references'; # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # --- required perl modules # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- our $standard_source_url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ShephedProject/shepherd/release/"; our $wiki = 'https://github.com/ShephedProject/shepherd/wiki'; &require_module("Cwd"); &require_module("LWP::UserAgent"); &require_module("Getopt::Long"); &require_module("Data::Dumper"); &require_module("XMLTV"); &require_module("XMLTV::Ask"); &require_module("POSIX", qw(strftime mktime getcwd)); &require_module("Compress::Zlib"); &require_module("Date::Manip"); &require_module("Algorithm::Diff"); &require_module("List::Compare"); &require_module("Digest::SHA"); &require_module("Fcntl"); our $have_Sort_Versions = &soft_require_module("Sort::Versions"); # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # --- Global Variables # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Shared with libraries: # our $CWD = &find_home; -d $CWD or mkdir $CWD or die "Cannot create directory $CWD: $!"; chdir($CWD); our $opt = {}; our $debug = 0; our $region; our $channels; our $opt_channels; our $components = { }; our $want_paytv_channels; our $pref_title_source; my $last_successful_run; my $last_successful_refresh; our $hd_to_sds; # # Not shared with libraries: # my $ARCHIVE_DIR = "$CWD/archive"; my $LOG_DIR = "$CWD/log"; my @options; my $mirror_site; # obsolete my $sources; my $last_successful_run_data; my $last_successful_runs; my $components_pending_install = { }; my $config_file = "$CWD/$progname.conf"; my $channels_file = "$CWD/channels.conf"; my $log_file = "$progname.log"; my $output_filename = "$CWD/output.xmltv"; my $sysid = time.".".$$; my $pending_messages = { }; my $starttime = time; my $any_data; my $lock; my $MAX_DAYS_HISTORY = 30; my $invoked = get_full_path($0); @{$hd_to_sds->{"ABC HD"}} = ("ABC1"); @{$hd_to_sds->{"7HD"}} = ("Seven","Southern Cross","SCTV Central","Central GTS/BKN","Golden West"); @{$hd_to_sds->{"Prime HD"}} = ("Prime"); @{$hd_to_sds->{"Nine HD"}} = ("Nine","WIN","NBN","Imparja"); @{$hd_to_sds->{"One HD"}} = ("One Digital"); @{$hd_to_sds->{"SBS HD"}} = ("SBS"); # grabbing my $gscore; my $days = 8; my $missing; my $missing_unfillable; my $timeslice; my $grabbed; my $gmt_offset; my $data_found_all; my $data_satisfies_policy; my $find_microgaps; my $writer; my $components_used = $^O." ".$progname."(v".$version.")"; # postprocessing my $langs = [ 'en' ]; my $plugin_data = { }; my $channel_data = { }; my $reconciler_found_all_data; my $input_postprocess_file = ""; # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # --- Policies # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # the following thresholds are used to control whether we keep calling grabbers or # not. my %policy; $policy{timeslot_size} = (2 * 60); # 2 minute slots $policy{timeslot_debug} = 0; # don't debug timeslot policy by default # PEAK timeslots - # between 4.30pm and 10.30pm every day, only allow a maximum of # 15 minutes "programming data" missing # if there is more than this, we will continue asking grabbers for more # programming on this channel $policy{peak_max_missing} = 15*60; # up to 15 mins max allowed missing $policy{peak_start} = (16*(60*60))+(30*60); # 4.30pm $policy{peak_stop} = (22*(60*60))+(30*60); # 10.30pm # NON-PEAK timeslots - # between midnight and 7.15am every day, only allow up to 6 hours missing # if there is more than this, we will continue asking grabbers for more # programming on this channel $policy{nonpeak_max_missing} = 7*(60*60); # up to 7 hours can be missing $policy{nonpeak_start} = 0; # midnight $policy{nonpeak_stop} = (7*(60*60))+(15*60); # 7.15am # all other timeslots - (7.15am-4.30pm, 10.30pm-midnight) # allow up to 60 minutes maximum missing programming $policy{other_max_missing} = 3*60*60; # up to 3 hrs max allowed missing # don't accept programmes that last for longer than 12 hours. $policy{max_programme_length} = (12 * 60 * 60); # 12 hours $policy{max_programme_length_opt_channels} = (18 * 60 * 60); # 18 hours # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # --- Setup # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- &get_command_line_options(1); &capabilities if ($opt->{capabilities}); &preferredmethod if ($opt->{preferredmethod}); &description if ($opt->{description}); $| = 1; print STDERR "$progname v$version ($^O)\n\n" unless ($opt->{quiet}); exit if ($opt->{version}); &help if ($opt->{help}); &dev_help if ($opt->{'dev-help'}); &check_user; &invoke_correctly; &read_config_file; &check_region; &read_channels_file; &check_channels unless ($opt->{configure}); &check_lock; &process_setup_commands; unless ($lock) { print STDERR "ERROR: Another instance of Shepherd is already running. Exiting.\n"; exit 33; } &get_command_line_options(0) if (defined $components->{$progname}->{default_cmdline}); &open_logfile unless ($opt->{nolog} or $opt->{update} or $opt->{configure}); # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # --- Update # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (!$opt->{skipupdate} and &update()) { &write_config_file; } if ($opt->{configure}) { &configure; } # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # --- Go! # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # If the previous run failed to complete, we'll have some pending stats: # deliver these. if (&report_stats) { &write_config_file; } &test_output_file; unless ($opt->{update}) { if (defined $opt->{reoutput}) { &log(2, "\nReturning cached output due to '--reoutput' flag.\n"); &output_data(1); exit(0); } if (defined $opt->{'refill-mythtv'}) { &refill_mythtv; exit(0); } if (defined $opt->{'reoutput-mythtv'}) { &refill_mythtv(undef, 1); exit(0); } &check_last_run; &calc_gmt_offset; &commence_stats; &calc_date_range; &start_tor; &grab_data("standard"); &grab_data("paytv") if (defined $want_paytv_channels); &grab_data("expanded"); # Use C2 grabbers to fill missing sub-titles $any_data = &reconcile_data; if ($any_data) { &postprocess_data unless ($opt->{skippost}); &output_data(); &finalize_stats; &report_stats; &describe_components_used; } else { &no_data; } &write_config_file; &stop_tor; if (defined $opt->{'refresh-mythtv'}) { &refill_mythtv(1); } } &log("Done.\n"); &close_logfile() unless $opt->{nolog}; exit (!$any_data); # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # --- Subroutines # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ----------------------------------------- # Subs: Updates & Installations # ----------------------------------------- sub update { my $made_changes = 0; &log("\nChecking for updates:\n"); # Sources # # Sources are where Shepherd looks for updates. Users can specify # new sources as mirrors in case Shepherd's default source becomes # unavailable, or for additional, unofficial functionality. my (%datalist, %network_errors); my $count = 0; foreach my $site (@$sources) { $count++; &log("Source #$count: $site\n"); my $data = fetch_file($site . 'status.csum?', undef, 1); if ((!$data) || (!($data =~ /\nEND\n/))) { &log(0, "Locking components owned by source $site due to network error.\n"); $network_errors{$site} = 1; next; } my @source_components; while ($data =~ /(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/g) { my ($progtype, $proggy, $latestversion, $csum1, $csum2) = ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5); if ($datalist{$proggy}) { &log(1, "Preferring previous source for $progtype $proggy\n"); } else { $datalist{$proggy} = { progtype => $progtype, latestversion => $latestversion, csum1 => $csum1, csum2 => $csum2, source => $site }; push @source_components, $proggy; } } &log(1, "Source #$count has " . scalar(@source_components) . " components (" . join(', ', @source_components) . ")\n"); } unless (keys %datalist) { &log("Skipping update.\n"); return 0; } &log("\n"); my %clist = %$components; foreach my $stage (qw( application reference grabber reconciler postprocessor )) { foreach my $c (keys %datalist) { my $proggy = $datalist{$c}; next unless ($proggy->{progtype} eq $stage); if ($components->{$c} and $components->{$c}->{source} and $components->{$c}->{source} ne $proggy->{source} and $network_errors{$components->{$c}->{source}} and 1) # /* the unavailable source is preferred */) { $proggy->{source} = $components->{$c}->{source}; $proggy->{csum1} = 'locked'; } if (update_component($c, $proggy->{source}, $proggy->{latestversion}, $stage, $proggy->{csum1}, $proggy->{csum2})) { $made_changes++; } delete $clist{$c}; } } # if user has set system to not update, then simply tell them if there are updates if ((defined $opt->{noupdate}) && ($made_changes)) { &log(2,"\n$made_changes components with pending updates, but --noupdate specified.\n". "It is recommended that you manually run --update at your earliest convenience,\n". "as these updates may be for critical bugfixes!\n\n"); &countdown(20); return 0; } # work out what components disappeared (if any) foreach (keys %clist) { unless ($components->{$_}->{disabled} or $network_errors{$components->{$_}->{source}}) { &log("\nDeleted component: $_.\n"); disable($_, 2); $made_changes++; } } $made_changes; } sub update_component { my ($proggy, $source, $latestversion, $progtype, $csum1, $csum2) = @_; my $ver = 0; $ver = $components->{$proggy}->{ver} if (defined $components->{$proggy} and -e query_filename($proggy,$progtype)); my ($result, $action, $component_csum); if ($components->{$proggy} and $components->{$proggy}->{disabled} and $components->{$proggy}->{disabled} == 1) { $action = 'DISABLED BY USER'; } elsif ($csum1 eq 'locked') { $action = 'SOURCE LOCKED'; } unless ($action) { $result = &versioncmp($ver, $latestversion); if (!defined $opt->{noupdate}) { $action = $result == -1 ? ($ver ? "UPGRADING" : "NEW") : $result == 1 ? "DOWNGRADING" : "up to date"; } else { $action = $result == -1 ? ($ver ? "UPDATE AVAILABLE" : "NEW COMPONENT") : $result == 1 ? "DOWNGRADE ADVISED" : "up to date"; } } # if component is up-to-date, check it still works and isn't tainted (modified) if (defined $result and $result == 0) { # check it still works my $test_result = 1; unless ($progtype eq 'application' or ($progtype eq 'reference' and $proggy !~ /^Shepherd\/.*\.pm$/)) { $test_result = test_proggy($proggy, $progtype, undef, 1); } if (!$test_result) { # broken $action = 'FAILED'; $plugin_data->{$proggy}->{failed_test} = 1; } else { # verify the component isn't tainted $component_csum = csum_file(query_ldir($proggy, $progtype)."/".$proggy); if ($component_csum ne $csum2) { # tainted $action = 'TAINTED'; } } } &log(sprintf "* %-54s%17s\n", ucfirst($progtype) . " $proggy" . ($ver ? " v$ver" : '') . ($opt->{debug} ? ' [' . &shortsource($source) . ']' : '') . "...", $action); if ($action eq 'FAILED') { &log(2," For details, run Shepherd with --check option.\n"); } if ($action eq 'TAINTED') { &log(2,"\nWARNING: Component '$proggy' ($progtype) has been modified/tainted\n". " - expected checksum: $csum2\n". " - actual checksum: $component_csum\n\n"); # are we running a manual update? if ($opt->{update}) { # yes - manually force the tainted module to be reinstalled $result = -1; &log("Forcing reinstall of $proggy due to existing component modified/tainted.\n". "If you DON'T wish this to happen CTRL-C now...\n"); &countdown(15); } else { # no - whinge about the tainted module $plugin_data->{$proggy}->{tainted} = 1; $plugin_data->{tainted} = 1; $components_used .= "[tainted]" if ($proggy eq $progname); &log(2,"Modifying Shepherd or its components is not recommended. If you have added\n". "functionality in some way, why not contribute it back? See the wiki at\n". "$wiki for details.\n\n". "If you wish to revert $proggy back to the standard module, run ".ucfirst($progname)."\n". "with --update manually.\n\n"); &countdown(10); &log(2,"\n\n"); } } return $result if (defined $opt->{noupdate}); my $was_reenabled = 0; # If this component was centrally disabled, re-enable it. if ($components->{$proggy}->{'disabled'} and $components->{$proggy}->{'disabled'} == 2) { &log("Centrally disabled component \"$proggy\" is now available again.\n"); &enable($proggy, 2); $was_reenabled = 1; } return $was_reenabled unless ($result); install($proggy, $source, $latestversion, $progtype, $ver, $csum1, $csum2); return 1; } sub csum_file { my $file = shift; my $sha1 = Digest::SHA->new(); open(F,"<$file") || return -1; $sha1->addfile(*F); close(F); return $sha1->hexdigest; } sub shortsource { my $source = shift; ($source =~ /(.*):\/+w*\.*(.*?)\//) ? $2 : $source; } sub install { my ($proggy, $source, $latestversion, $progtype, $oldver, $csum1, $csum2) = @_; my $config; my $rdir = ""; my $basedir = $CWD."/".$progtype."s"; my $ldir = query_ldir($proggy, $progtype); -d $basedir or mkdir $basedir or die "Cannot create directory $basedir: $!\n"; -d $ldir or mkdir $ldir or die "Cannot create directory $ldir: $!\n"; if ($proggy =~ m"(.*)/") { -d "$ldir/$1" or mkdir "$ldir/$1" or die "Cannot create directory $ldir/$1: $!\n"; } my $newfile = "$ldir/$proggy-$latestversion"; $rdir = $progtype . 's'; my $rfile = $source . "$rdir/$proggy"; # have we previously downloaded it but haven't been able to install it # (due to a failed test or failed dependencies or something like that)? if ((-e "$newfile") && (-s "$newfile") && (defined $components_pending_install->{$proggy}) && csum_file($newfile) eq $csum2) { &log("Appear to have previously downloaded $proggy v$latestversion.\n"); $config = Data::Dumper->Dump([$components_pending_install->{$proggy}->{config}], ["config"]); } else { &log("Downloading $proggy v$latestversion.\n"); return unless (fetch_file($rfile.'?', $newfile, 1, undef, $csum2)); # Make component executable chmod 0755,$newfile unless ($progtype eq 'reference'); } # Fetch config file $rfile .= ".conf"; $config = fetch_file($rfile.'?', undef, 1, undef, $csum1) if (!defined $config); return unless ($config); # everyone MUST have config files eval $config; if ($@) { &log("Config file $rfile was invalid, not updating this component: $@\n"); return; } if ($progtype eq 'reference' and $proggy !~ /^Shepherd\/.*\.pm$/) { $components->{$proggy}->{ready} = 1; } else { # test that the component works BEFORE we install it my $ready_test = test_proggy("$proggy", $progtype, $latestversion); if (!$ready_test) { &log("$proggy v$latestversion failed ready test - marking as a pending update.\n"); $components_pending_install->{$proggy}->{config} = $config; $components_pending_install->{$proggy}->{updated} = time; if (defined $components->{$proggy}) { $components->{$proggy}->{admin_status} = sprintf "update to version %s pending: %s", $latestversion, $components_pending_install->{$proggy}->{admin_status}; } return; } $components->{$proggy}->{ready} = $ready_test; } -d $ARCHIVE_DIR or mkdir $ARCHIVE_DIR or die "Cannot create directory $ARCHIVE_DIR: $!\n"; rename("$ldir/$proggy", "$ARCHIVE_DIR/$proggy") if (-e "$ldir/$proggy"); rename($newfile, "$ldir/$proggy"); &log(1, "Installed $proggy v$latestversion.\n"); $components->{$proggy}->{type} = $progtype; $components->{$proggy}->{ver} = $latestversion; $components->{$proggy}->{config} = $config; $components->{$proggy}->{source} = $source; $components->{$proggy}->{updated} = time; $components->{$proggy}->{admin_status} = sprintf "updated from v%s to v%s", ($oldver or 0), $latestversion; delete $components_pending_install->{$proggy} if (defined $components_pending_install->{$proggy}); # if the update was for the main app, restart it if ($proggy eq $progname) { &write_config_file; # special case for main app - we create a symlink also unlink("$CWD/tv_grab_au","$CWD/shepherd"); eval { symlink($progtype.'s/'.$proggy.'/'.$proggy,"$CWD/tv_grab_au"); 1 }; eval { symlink($progtype.'s/'.$proggy.'/'.$proggy,"$CWD/shepherd"); 1 }; &log("\n*** Restarting ***\n\n"); &close_logfile unless $opt->{nolog}; push(@options,"--quiet") if $opt->{quiet}; exec("$ldir/$proggy @options"); # this exits exit(0); } # If the update was for the channel_list reference, re-check # the validity of channels (and migrate if necessary). Otherwise we won't # use the new data until next run. &check_channels if ($proggy eq 'channel_list'); } sub test_proggy { my ($proggy, $progtype, $specific_version, $quiet) = @_; &log("Testing $progtype $proggy ... ") unless ($quiet); my $progname = query_filename($proggy, $progtype); $progname .= "-".$specific_version if ((defined $specific_version) && ($specific_version ne "")); my $exec; if ($progtype eq 'reference') { $exec = "perl -e 'require \"$progname\";'"; } else { $exec = $progname . ' ' . (&query_config($proggy, 'option_ready') or '--version'); } &log(1, "\nExecuting: $exec\n") unless ($quiet); my ($result,$resultmsg,$test_output) = call_prog($proggy, $exec,1,1,0, $progtype); &log(1, "Return value: $result\n") unless ($quiet); my $statusmsg; if ($result) { unless ($quiet) { &log("FAIL.\n\n".ucfirst($progtype) . " $proggy did not exit cleanly!\n"); # can we give any more details on why it failed? if ($test_output and $test_output =~ /Can't locate (.*) in \@INC/) { my $modname = $1; $modname =~ s#/#::#g; # turn / into :: $modname =~ s#\.pm##g; # remove .pm suffix $statusmsg = "Missing module \"$modname\""; &log("Probably failed due to dependency on missing module '".$modname."'\n"); } else { &log("It may require configuration.\n"); } &log(sprintf("\n<<<<<< output from $proggy was as follows:\n%s>>>>>> end output from $proggy\n\n",$test_output)); } # set proggy status accordingly unless ($statusmsg) { $statusmsg = sprintf "return code %d%s", $result, ($resultmsg eq "" ? "" : ", '$resultmsg'"); } $statusmsg = sprintf "FAILED (%s) on %s", $statusmsg, POSIX::strftime("%a%d%b%y", localtime(time)); } else { &log("OK.\n") unless ($quiet); # mark as successful but only if previously unsuccessful # (we only mark it if it was previously unsuccessful otherwise a --check # will result in clearing out all of the admin_status fields) $statusmsg = sprintf "tested successfully on %s", POSIX::strftime("%a%d%b%y", localtime(time)) if ((defined $components->{$proggy}->{ready}) && (!$components->{$proggy}->{ready})); } # update status message if ($statusmsg) { if ($specific_version) { $components_pending_install->{$proggy}->{admin_status} = $statusmsg; } elsif (defined $components->{$proggy}) { $components->{$proggy}->{admin_status} = $statusmsg; } } return !$result; } sub enable { return &enable_or_disable('enable', @_); } sub disable { return &enable_or_disable('disable', @_); } sub enable_or_disable { my ($which, $proggy, $n) = @_; if ($proggy =~ /,/) { foreach (split(/,/, $proggy)) { &enable_or_disable($which, $_, $n); } return; } if ($proggy eq 'all') { foreach (keys %$components) { next if ($_ eq $progname); &enable_or_disable($which, $_, $n); } return; } return unless ($which eq 'enable' or $which eq 'disable'); unless ($components->{$proggy}) { &log("No such component: \"$proggy\".\n"); return; } if ($components->{$proggy}->{type} eq "application") { &log("Can't $which component: \"$proggy\".\n"); return; } if (($which eq 'enable') == !$components->{$proggy}->{disabled}) { &log("Already " . $which . "d: $proggy.\n"); return; } &log(ucfirst($which) . "d $proggy.\n"); if ($which eq 'enable') { delete $components->{$proggy}->{disabled}; } else { $n ||= 1; $components->{$proggy}->{disabled} = $n; } $components->{$proggy}->{admin_status} = sprintf "%s %s on %s", (($n and $n == 2) ? 'centrally' : 'manually'), $which . 'd', POSIX::strftime("%a%d%b%y", localtime(time)); } sub check { my $result; &log("\nTesting all components...\n\n"); foreach my $proggy (sort keys %$components) { my $progtype = $components->{$proggy}->{type}; if (!$progtype) { my $reason = $components->{$proggy}->{admin_status} || ''; printf "\n!!! %s: NOT INSTALLED! %s\n\n", $proggy, $reason; next; } next if ($progtype eq 'application'); next if ($progtype eq 'reference' and $proggy !~ /^Shepherd\/.*\.pm$/); next unless (defined $components->{$proggy}->{'type'}); my $try_count = 0; RETRY: $try_count++; $result = test_proggy($proggy, $components->{$proggy}->{type}); $components->{$proggy}->{ready} = $result; if ((!$result) && ($try_count < 2) && (query_config($proggy, 'option_config'))) { &log("Trying to configure '$proggy'\n"); call_prog($proggy, query_filename($proggy, $progtype) . " ". query_config($proggy, 'option_config')); goto RETRY; } } unless ($have_Sort_Versions) { &log("\n! Missing optional recommended module: Sort::Versions\n"); &log("! This may be required for full integration with MythTV.\n"); } &test_tor; } sub pending { return unless ($components_pending_install); my @pending; foreach (keys %$components_pending_install) { push @pending, $_; } unless (@pending) { &log("\nNo components are pending install.\n"); return; } &log("\nThe following components are pending install: " . join(', ', @pending) . ".\n\n" . "You may have missing Perl dependencies. To see errors,\n". "run: $progname --update or $progname --check\n"); # Exit with non-zero status so this sub can be used to # notify an external program (to email the owner, perhaps) # about pending installs. exit 1; } # Set this to a failure message as a default; if we complete successfully we'll change it. sub commence_stats { &add_pending_message($progname, 'FAIL', $sysid, $starttime, 0, $region, 'incomplete'); } sub finalize_stats { delete $pending_messages->{$progname}->{FAIL}; &add_pending_message($progname, "SUCCESS", $sysid, $starttime, (time-$starttime), $region, $components_used); # Remove any MISSING_DATA from Shepherd we don't bother reporting. if ($pending_messages->{$progname}->{MISSING_DATA}) { # We don't care about Day 6 or later my $stats_limit = $policy{starttime} - $policy{first_bucket_offset} + (6 * 86400); &log(1, "SHEPHERD: Not reporting Shepherd missing data later than " . localtime($stats_limit) . ".\n"); $pending_messages->{$progname}->{MISSING_DATA} =~ s/(\d+)-(\d+)/$1 >= $stats_limit ? '' : "$1-$2"/eg; # Clean up: drop duplicate commas, empty channel text $pending_messages->{$progname}->{MISSING_DATA} =~ s/(?{$progname}->{MISSING_DATA} =~ s/[ \w]+:\t?(?!\d)//g; # Anything left? unless ($pending_messages->{$progname}->{MISSING_DATA} =~ /\d{6,}/) { delete $pending_messages->{$progname}->{MISSING_DATA}; } } unless ($opt->{dontcallgrabbers}) { unless ($opt->{'autorefresh'}) { $last_successful_run = time; my $total_wanted = $plugin_data->{$progname}->{total_duration} + $plugin_data->{$progname}->{total_missing}; $last_successful_run_data = ($total_wanted ? 100* $plugin_data->{$progname}->{total_duration} / $total_wanted : 0); $last_successful_runs->{$last_successful_run} = $last_successful_run_data; } $last_successful_refresh = time; } } # If no grabbers returned data, don't report individual component failures but rather # an overall Shepherd failure. sub no_data { $pending_messages = undef; &add_pending_message($progname, 'FAIL', $sysid, $starttime, (time-$starttime), ($region or 0), 'no data'); } # Report any pending stats to main server. sub report_stats { my $postvars = build_stats(); return unless $postvars; if ($plugin_data->{tainted}) { &log("Not posting usage statistics due to TAINTED status\n"); } elsif ($opt->{nonotify} or $opt->{dontcallgrabbers}) { &log("Not posting usage statistics due to --" . ($opt->{nonotify} ? 'nonotify' : 'dontcallgrabbers' ) . " option.\n"); &log("Would have posted: ".Dumper($pending_messages)) if ($debug); } else { &log("Posting anonymous usage statistics.\n"); return 0 unless (fetch_file("https://shepherd.victory.id.au/report", undef, 1, $postvars)); } # successful post, clear out our pending messages $pending_messages = undef; return 1; # made changes } # gather pending messages sub build_stats { return unless (keys %$pending_messages); my $postvars = ""; my %postmsgs; # If Shepherd failed last run, just report that, not MISSING_DATA as well # (since the fact that we're missing data is almost certainly due to the # fact that we failed). if ($pending_messages->{$progname} and $pending_messages->{$progname}->{FAIL} and $pending_messages->{$progname}->{MISSING_DATA}) { delete $pending_messages->{$progname}->{MISSING_DATA}; } foreach my $component (keys %$pending_messages) { foreach my $msgtype ( 'SUCCESS', 'FAIL', 'stats', 'MISSING_DATA') { if ($pending_messages->{$component}->{$msgtype}) { $postmsgs{$component} .= urlify("\n".$component."\t") if (defined $postmsgs{$component}); $postmsgs{$component} .= urlify($msgtype."\t".$pending_messages->{$component}->{$msgtype}); } } } # shepherd first $postvars = "$progname=$postmsgs{$progname}"; # the rest foreach my $component (sort keys %postmsgs) { next if ($component eq $progname); $postvars .= sprintf "%s%s=%s", (length($postvars) > 0 ? "&" : ""), $component, $postmsgs{$component}; } return $postvars; } sub describe_components_used { &log("\nComponent summary: $components_used\n\n"); } # ----------------------------------------- # Subs: Utilities # ----------------------------------------- # versioncmp from Sort::Versions by Kenneth J. Albanowski # # We should really use the proper module, but we'll leave # the old copied code here for people who don't have it. # sub versioncmp( $$ ) { if ($have_Sort_Versions) { return &Sort::Versions::versioncmp(@_); } return -1 unless (@_ == 2 and $_[0] and $_[1]); my @A = ($_[0] =~ /([-.]|\d+|[^-.\d]+)/g); my @B = ($_[1] =~ /([-.]|\d+|[^-.\d]+)/g); my ($A, $B); while (@A and @B) { $A = shift @A; $B = shift @B; if ($A eq '-' and $B eq '-') { next; } elsif ( $A eq '-' ) { return -1; } elsif ( $B eq '-') { return 1; } elsif ($A eq '.' and $B eq '.') { next; } elsif ( $A eq '.' ) { return -1; } elsif ( $B eq '.' ) { return 1; } elsif ($A =~ /^\d+$/ and $B =~ /^\d+$/) { if ($A =~ /^0/ || $B =~ /^0/) { return $A cmp $B if $A cmp $B; } else { return $A <=> $B if $A <=> $B; } } else { $A = uc $A; $B = uc $B; return $A cmp $B if $A cmp $B; } } @A <=> @B; } sub get_full_path { my $path = shift; my $real = &Cwd::realpath($path); return $path if (!$real); return $real; } sub require_module { my ($mod, @imports) = @_; my $modname = $mod.".pm"; $modname =~ s/::/\//g; eval { require $modname; }; if ($@) { my $ubuntu_package_name = lc $mod; $ubuntu_package_name =~ s/::/-/g; &log("\n!!! ERROR: Mandatory module '$mod' not found.\n\n" . " On Ubuntu distributions, you may be able to install\n" . " this with the command:\n\n" . " sudo apt-get install lib" . $ubuntu_package_name . "-perl\n\n" . " Otherwise, try:\n" . " sudo cpan " . $mod . "\n\n" . "For more help, see the Wiki at ".$wiki."/Installation\n", 1); exit(1); } import $mod @imports; } sub soft_require_module { my ($mod, $flag_ref) = @_; my $modname = $mod . ".pm"; $modname =~ s/::/\//g; eval { require $modname; }; return 0 if ($@); # Failed return 1; } # check that user isn't root, warn them if they are! sub check_user { if ($< == 0) { &log(2, "WARNING:\n You are running ".ucfirst($progname). " as 'root' super-user.\n". " It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that you set your system to run ". ucfirst($progname)."\n from within a normal user account!\n\n", 1); &countdown(10); } } sub invoke_correctly { &log(1, "Home: $CWD\n"); my $wanted_prog = get_full_path(query_filename('shepherd','application')); if (($invoked ne $wanted_prog) && (!$opt->{configure})) { if (-e $wanted_prog) { &log("\n*** Application/user mismatch ***\n". " You invoked: $invoked\n". " Instead of : $wanted_prog\n" . "\n*** Restarting ***\n\n"); &close_logfile unless $opt->{nolog}; exec("$wanted_prog @options"); # This exits. exit(0); } &log("\n*** Installing Shepherd into $CWD ***\n\n" . "If this is not what you intend, CTRL-C now.\n"); &countdown(); } } # If the last run was successful and was less than 22 hours ago, refuse to run. # There's really no point calling shepherd more frequently than this. # # However, as of v1.9.0, we also do a "refresh" of the current day by default # if it's been less than 22 hours since the last full run, but more than 4 hours # since the last refresh. A refresh just updates the current day. # sub check_last_run { return if (!defined $last_successful_run); my $last_ran_secs_ago = time - $last_successful_run; &log(0,"\n".ucfirst($progname)." last successfully completed a full run ".pretty_duration($last_ran_secs_ago)." ago.\n"); return if ($last_ran_secs_ago > (22*60*60)); return if ($opt->{dontcallgrabbers}); # enforce hard limit my $num_runs = 0; my $earliest_run = time; foreach my $when (sort {$b <=> $a} keys %{$last_successful_runs}) { if (($when + (86400 * $MAX_DAYS_HISTORY)) < time) { delete $last_successful_runs->{$when}; # age out old entries next; } if ($when >= (time - (86400*7))) { $num_runs++; $earliest_run = $when if ($num_runs == 30); } } if ($num_runs >= 30) { &log(2, "\n*** ERROR: EXTREME OVERUSE ***\n\n". "Shepherd has run to completion more than 30 times in the last 7 days!\n". "To avoid overloading datasources, Shepherd will now exit.\n\n". "PLEASE NOTE: There is usually NO BENEFIT in running Shepherd more than once\n". "per day. Overuse can lead to datasources becoming unavailable for all users.\n\n". "TO AVOID THIS ERROR: Please do not run Shepherd more than once or twice per\n". "day. Shepherd is now in a locked state. To unlock Shepherd, wait \n". pretty_duration((7*86400)-(time-$earliest_run)). ". Alternately, you may reinstall Shepherd.\n\n". "Please do not abuse Shepherd. All users depend on your courtesy.\n\n"); exit(10); } if (defined $opt->{notimetest}) { &log(2, "\n** SPECIAL OPERATION **\n" . "Shepherd thinks it doesn't need to compile new data, as it\n" . "recently completed a successful run. Running anyway due to\n" . "--notimetest option. Please do NOT make a habit of this, as\n" . "it risks straining resources needed by all Shepherd users.\n\n"); &countdown(10); return; } &log("!! Will not re-run since last full run was less than 22 hours ago.\n"); if (!$last_successful_refresh or $last_successful_refresh < $last_successful_run) { $last_successful_refresh = $last_successful_run; } my $last_refreshed_secs_ago = time - $last_successful_refresh; if ($last_successful_refresh != $last_successful_run) { &log("\nShepherd last successfully refreshed " . &pretty_duration($last_refreshed_secs_ago) . " ago.\n"); } if ($last_refreshed_secs_ago > (4*60*60)) { if ($opt->{'days'} and $days != 1 and !$opt->{allowautorefresh}) { &log("!! Will not autorefresh due to user-supplied '--days' option.\n"); } elsif ($opt->{'noautorefresh'}) { &log("!! Will not autorefresh due to '--noautorefresh' option.\n"); } elsif ((localtime)[2] >= 23) { &log("!! Will not autorefresh due to lateness of current time (11PM+).\n"); } else { &log("\n*** Autorefreshing today's data! ***\n"); $days = $opt->{'days'} = 1; $opt->{'autorefresh'} = 1; unless ($opt->{'output'}) { $output_filename = "$CWD/refresh.xmltv"; &test_output_file(); } return; } } else { &log("!! Last refresh was less than 4 hours ago.\n"); } &log("\n!! Exiting to avoid wasting time and bandwidth.\n\n"); if (defined $opt->{'refresh-mythtv'}) { &log("Please try 'tv_grab_au --refill-mythtv' instead, to use cached data.\n"); } else { &log("If you wish Shepherd to re-output the data it gathered last full run,\n" . "use the --reoutput option (e.g. 'tv_grab_au --reoutput'). To do this\n" . "via mythfilldatabase, use 'mythfilldatabase -- --reoutput'. (Or,\n". "for older versions, 'mythfilldatabase --graboptions --reoutput'.)\n\n" . "If you wish to force Shepherd to re-compile guide data from scratch,\n" . "even though you seem to already have fresh data, use the --notimetest\n" . "option (e.g. 'tv_grab_au --notimetest'). However, this should ONLY be\n". "used for testing. If you call Shepherd too often with --notimetest,\n" . "it will lock down and refuse to run, to prevent straining resources\n" . "needed by all Shepherd users.\n"); } exit(0); } # Somehow some users are ending up with no region sub check_region { unless ($opt->{configure} or ($region and $region =~ /^\d+$/)) { &log(2, "No or invalid region set! " . ucfirst($progname) . " must be configured.\n"); $opt->{configure} = 1; $region = undef; } } # Make sure the user hasn't edited the config file to try to support # additional channels. This seems to happen reasonably often, and # (a) makes Shepherd waste time and bandwith looking for unsupported channels, # and (b) confuses our stats. sub check_channels { my @supported_channels = &read_official_channels($region); unless (@supported_channels) { &log("Skipping channel check.\n"); return; } my $checked_migration; foreach my $ch (keys %$channels) { unless (grep($_ eq $ch, @supported_channels)) { # check this isn't the result of a channel migration unless ($checked_migration) { &migrate_channels; $checked_migration = 1; redo; } # We may have removed it via migration next unless ($channels->{$ch}); &log("Ignoring unsupported channel for region $region: \"$ch\"\n"); delete $channels->{$ch}; if ($opt_channels->{$ch.'HD'}) { &log("Ignoring related HD channel: \"$ch" . "HD\"\n"); delete $opt_channels->{$ch.'HD'}; } } } if (defined $want_paytv_channels) { my @supported_paytv_channels = &read_official_channels($want_paytv_channels); unless (@supported_paytv_channels) { &log("Skipping paytv channel check.\n"); return; } my $checked_migration; foreach my $ch (keys %$opt_channels) { unless (grep($_ eq $ch, @supported_paytv_channels) || grep($_.'HD' eq $ch, @supported_channels)) { # check this isn't the result of a channel migration unless ($checked_migration) { &migrate_paytv_channels; $checked_migration = 1; redo; } # We may have removed it via migration next unless ($opt_channels->{$ch}); &log("Ignoring unsupported channel for $want_paytv_channels: \"$ch\"\n"); delete $opt_channels->{$ch}; } } } &migrate_hd_channels; &check_channel_xmltvids; } sub read_official_channels { my $reg = shift; return unless ($reg); my $fn = 'references/channel_list/channel_list'; unless (open (FN, $fn)) { &log("ERROR: Unable to open $fn!\n"); return; } while (my $line = ) { return split(/,/, $1) if ($line =~ /^$reg:(.*)/); } &log("ERROR: Unable to find region \"$reg\" in $fn\n"); } # This is called when we download a new channels_file reference. # We check the migration info in that file and rename any channels # as appropriate. sub migrate_channels { &log("Checking for channel migrations...\n"); my $fn = 'references/channel_list/channel_list'; unless (open (FN, $fn)) { &log("ERROR: Unable to open $fn!\n"); return; } my $write_config = 0; my $mflag = 0; while (my $line = ) { $mflag = 1 if ($line =~ /---migrate---/); next unless ($mflag); # Look for our region number before the first colon. # EG These all match region 126: # 126:TEN->SC10 # 126,254,255:TEN->SC10 # *:TEN->SC10 next unless ($line =~ /^[^:]*\b$region\b.*?:(.*)/ or $line =~ /^\*:(.*)/); my $migrations = $1; if ($migrations =~ /(.*?):(.*?):(.*)/) { my $to_region = $1; my $need_channel = $2; $migrations = $3; if (($need_channel =~ /^!(.*)$/ && !defined($channels->{$1})) || defined $channels->{$need_channel}) { &log("Migrating region \"$region\" to \"$to_region\".\n"); $region = $to_region; $write_config = 1; } else { next; } } my @migrations = split(/,/, $migrations); foreach (@migrations) { my ($from, $to) = split /->/; if ($channels->{$from}) { &log("Migrating channel \"$from\" to \"$to\".\n"); $channels->{$to} = $channels->{$from}; delete $channels->{$from}; $mflag = 2; if ($opt_channels->{$from.'HD'}) { $from .= 'HD'; $to .= 'HD'; &log("Migrating HD channel \"$from\" to \"$to\".\n"); $opt_channels->{$to} = $opt_channels->{$from}; delete $opt_channels->{$from}; } } } } if ($mflag == 2) { &log("Updating channels file.\n"); &write_channels_file; } if ($write_config) { &log("Updating config file.\n"); &write_config_file; } } sub migrate_paytv_channels { &log("Checking for paytv channel migrations...\n"); my $fn = 'references/channel_list/channel_list'; unless (open (FN, $fn)) { &log("ERROR: Unable to open $fn!\n"); return; } my $mflag = 0; while (my $line = ) { $mflag = 1 if ($line =~ /---migrate---/); next unless ($mflag); next unless ($line =~ /^$want_paytv_channels:(.*)/); my @migrations = split(/,/, $1); foreach (@migrations) { my ($from, $to) = split /->/; if ($opt_channels->{$from}) { &log("Migrating channel \"$from\" to \"$to\".\n"); $opt_channels->{$to} = $opt_channels->{$from}; delete $opt_channels->{$from}; $mflag = 2; } } } if ($mflag == 2) { &log("Updating channels file.\n"); &write_channels_file; } } sub migrate_hd_channels { my $write = 0; # migrate to high definition channels foreach my $hdchannel (keys %$hd_to_sds) { if (!exists $channels->{$hdchannel}) { # annoyingly if they don't want 7HD this loops everytime foreach my $sdchannel (@{$hd_to_sds->{$hdchannel}}) { if (exists $opt_channels->{$sdchannel.'HD'}) { # there can be only one 7HD channel $channels->{$hdchannel} = $opt_channels->{$sdchannel.'HD'}; delete $opt_channels->{$sdchannel.'HD'}; &log("Migrating channel \"${sdchannel}HD\" to \"$hdchannel\".\n"); $write = 1; last; } } } } if ($write == 1) { &log("Updating channels file.\n"); &write_channels_file; } } # Ensure that every channel has a unique XMLTV ID sub check_channel_xmltvids { my $xmltvids = { }; &check_channel_xmltvids_loop($channels, $xmltvids); &check_channel_xmltvids_loop($opt_channels, $xmltvids); } sub check_channel_xmltvids_loop { my ($cref, $xmltvids) = @_; foreach my $ch (keys %$cref) { if ($xmltvids->{$cref->{$ch}}) { &log(sprintf "WARNING: dropping channel %s: XMLTV ID of \"%s\" conflicts with %s\n", $ch, $cref->{$ch}, $xmltvids->{$cref->{$ch}}); delete $cref->{$ch}; } else { $xmltvids->{$cref->{$ch}} = $ch; } } } sub query_grabbers { my ($conf, $val) = @_; return query_component_type('grabber',$conf,$val); } sub query_reconcilers { return query_component_type('reconciler'); } sub query_postprocessors { return query_component_type('postprocessor'); } sub query_component_type { my ($progtype,$conf,$val) = @_; my @ret = (); foreach (keys %$components) { if ($components->{$_}->{type} and $components->{$_}->{type} eq $progtype) { next if ($_ eq 'yahoo7widget'); if (defined $conf) { push (@ret, $_) if (query_config($_,$conf) eq $val); } else { push (@ret, $_); } } } return @ret; } sub query_name { my $str = shift; if ($str =~ /(.*) \[cache\]/) { return $1; } return $str; } sub query_filename { my ($proggy, $progtype) = @_; return query_ldir($proggy,$progtype).'/'.$proggy; } sub query_ldir { my ($proggy, $progtype) = @_; return $CWD.'/'.$progtype.'s' if ($proggy =~ /\.pm$/); return $CWD.'/'.$progtype.'s/'.$proggy; } sub query_config { my ($grabber, $key) = @_; $grabber = query_name($grabber); return undef unless ($components->{$grabber}); return $components->{$grabber}->{config}->{$key}; } sub countdown { my ($n, $contstring) = @_; $n ||= 10; $contstring ||= "Continuing"; &log(2, "You may wish to CTRL-C and fix this.\n\n$contstring anyway in:"); foreach (1 .. $n) { &log(2, " " . ($n + 1 - $_)); sleep 1; } &log(2, "\n"); } sub rotate_logfiles { # keep last 30 log files my $num; for ($num = 30; $num > 0; $num--) { my $f1 = sprintf "%s/%s.%d.gz",$LOG_DIR,$log_file,$num; my $f2 = sprintf "%s/%s.%d.gz",$LOG_DIR,$log_file,$num+1; unlink($f2); rename($f1,$f2); } my $f1 = sprintf "%s/%s",$LOG_DIR,$log_file; my $f2 = sprintf "%s/%s.1",$LOG_DIR,$log_file; rename($f1,$f2); } sub compress_file { my $infile = shift; my $outfile = sprintf "%s.gz",$infile; my $gz; if (!(open(INFILE,"<$infile"))) { warn "could not open file $infile for reading: $!\n"; return; } if (!($gz = gzopen($outfile,"wb"))) { warn "could not open file $outfile for writing: $!\n"; return; } while () { my $byteswritten = $gz->gzwrite($_); warn "error writing to compressed file: error $gz->gzerror" if ($byteswritten == 0); } close(INFILE); $gz->gzclose(); unlink($infile); } sub open_logfile { unless (-d $LOG_DIR or mkdir $LOG_DIR) { print "Cannot create directory $LOG_DIR: $!"; return; } &rotate_logfiles; &log(1, "Logging to: $log_file\n"); unless (open(LOG_FILE,">>$LOG_DIR/$log_file")) { print "Can't open log file $LOG_DIR/$log_file for writing: $!\n"; return; } my $now = localtime(time); printf LOG_FILE "$progname v$version started at $now\n"; printf LOG_FILE "Invoked as: $invoked ".join(" ",@options)."\n"; printf LOG_FILE "System ID: $sysid ($^O)\n\n"; my $old_log_file = $LOG_DIR."/".$log_file.".1"; compress_file($old_log_file) if (-f $old_log_file); } sub close_logfile { close(LOG_FILE); } # Optionally sent a loglevel as first arg: # 0: print to STDERR unless sent --quiet (default) # 1: print to STDERR if sent --debug, unless sent --quiet # 2: print to STDERR # In all cases, output will be printed to the logfile. To stop this, # use --nolog. sub log { my $loglevel = shift; my $entry; if ($loglevel =~ /^\d$/) { $entry = shift; } else { $entry = $loglevel; $loglevel = 0; } if ($loglevel == 2 or (!$opt->{'quiet'} and ($loglevel == 0 or $debug))) { print STDERR $entry; } print LOG_FILE $entry if (fileno(*LOG_FILE) and !$opt->{nolog}); } sub call_prog { my ($component,$prog,$want_output,$timeout,$display_output,$progtype) = @_; $timeout = 0 if (!defined $timeout); $want_output = 0 if (!defined $want_output); $display_output = 1 if (!defined $display_output); $progtype = $components->{$component}->{type} unless ($progtype); if ($components->{$component}->{default_cmdline}) { my $parameters = $components->{$component}->{default_cmdline}; $parameters =~ s/:/ /g; $prog .= " $parameters"; } my $prog_output = ""; chdir (query_ldir($component, $progtype)); my $perl_lib = sprintf "%s/references", $CWD; if (exists $ENV{PERL5LIB}) { $perl_lib = $perl_lib . $Config::Config{'path_sep'} . $ENV{PERL5LIB}; } my $exec = sprintf "PERL5LIB=\"%s\" %s 2>&1|", $perl_lib, $prog; unless (open(PROG,$exec)) { &log("warning: couldn't exec $component as \"$prog\": $!\n"); chdir $CWD; return(-1,"open failed",$prog_output); } &log("\n:::::: Output from $component\n") if ($display_output); my $msg; eval { local $SIG{ALRM}; if ($timeout > 0) { $timeout = 20 if ($timeout < 20); $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "alarm\n"; }; alarm $timeout; # set alarm } while() { $msg = $_; &log(": $msg") if ($display_output); $prog_output .= $msg if ($want_output); &add_pending_message($component, 'stats', $1) if ($msg =~ /^STATS: (.*)/); } alarm(0) if ($timeout > 0); # cancel alarm close(PROG); }; chdir $CWD; &log(":::::: End output from $component\n\n") if ($display_output); if ($@) { die unless $@ eq "alarm\n"; # propagate unexpected errors # timeout &log(ucfirst($component) . " ran for $timeout seconds, stopping it.\n"); close(PROG); } if ($? == -1) { &log("Failed to execute $component: $!\n"); return (-1,"Failed to execute",$prog_output); } if ($msg) { chomp $msg; $msg =~ s/(.*) at .*\/(.*)/$1 at $2/g; } if ($? & 127) { &log((sprintf "%s died with signal %d, %s coredump\n", ucfirst($component), ($? & 127), (($? & 128) ? "with" : "without"))); return (($? & 127), "Died:$msg", $prog_output); } return (0,"",$prog_output) unless ($? >> 8); return (($? >> 8), $msg, $prog_output); } sub fetch_file { my ($url, $store, $id_self, $postvars, $csum) = @_; my $request; # Need to drop cache-defeating final '?' if looking for local file $url = $1 if ($url =~ /^(file:\/\/\/.*)\?$/); &log(1, "Fetching $url.\n"); my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(); $ua->env_proxy; if ($id_self) { $ua->agent(ucfirst("$progname/$version")); } else { $ua->agent('Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322'); } if (defined $postvars) { $request = HTTP::Request->new(POST => $url); $request->add_content($postvars); } else { $request = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $url); } $request->header('Accept-Encoding' => 'gzip'); my $response = $ua->request($request); if ($response->is_success()) { if ($response->header('Content-Encoding') && $response->header('Content-Encoding') eq 'gzip') { $response->content(Compress::Zlib::memGunzip($response->content)); } # check the checksum if (defined $csum) { my $sha = Digest::SHA->new(); $sha->add($response->content); my $rcsum = $sha->hexdigest; if ($rcsum ne $csum) { &log("$url corrupt: expected checksum $csum but got ".$rcsum."\n"); return undef; } } if ($store) { open (FILE, ">$store") or (&log("ERROR: Unable to open $store for writing: $!.\n") and return undef); print FILE $response->content(); close FILE; # re-check checksum of saved file if we have a checksum to compare against if (defined $csum) { my $rcsum = &csum_file($store); if ($rcsum ne $csum) { &log("ERROR: file $store corrupt: expected checksum $csum but got ".$rcsum.".\n". " Maybe the filesystem is full? I/O error code was $!.\n"); return undef; } } return 1; } else { return $response->content(); } } &log("Failed to retrieve $url: " . $response->status_line() . "\n"); return undef; } sub add_pending_message { my ($component, $field, @rest) = @_; &log("SHEPHERD: Set pending message: $component $field @rest\n") if ($debug); my $iteration = 0; my $componentname = $component; if ($component ne $progname) { while (defined $pending_messages->{"$component-$iteration"}->{SUCCESS} or defined $pending_messages->{"$component-$iteration"}->{FAIL}) { $iteration++; last if ($iteration > 19); # just in case } $componentname = "$component-$iteration"; } $pending_messages->{$componentname}->{$field} = join("\t",@rest); } sub urlify { my $str = shift; $str =~ s/([^A-Za-z0-9])/sprintf("%%%02X", ord($1))/seg; return $str; } # Try to find a sensible place to put Shepherd files. Default is ~/.shepherd/ sub find_home { my $home = $ENV{HOME}; $home = undef if ($home eq '/' or $home eq ''); if (!$home and $ENV{USER}) { foreach ( "/home/$ENV{USER}", "/usr/home/$ENV{USER}", "/$ENV{USER}" ) { if (-o $_ and -d $_) { $home = $_; last; } } } if ($home) { $home =~ s'/$''; return "$home/.$progname"; } return "/opt/$progname"; } # ----------------------------------------- # Subs: Setup # ----------------------------------------- sub read_config_file { read_file($config_file, 'configuration'); &log(1,"System ID: $sysid\n"); # shepherd.conf bug fixes # 04/08/07 - added selectv_website $want_paytv_channels = 'Foxtel' if (defined $want_paytv_channels && $want_paytv_channels eq 1); # 29/08/07 - removed abc2_website as a preferred title source $pref_title_source = 'yahoo7widget' if (defined $pref_title_source && $pref_title_source eq 'yahoo7widget,abc2_website'); delete $components->{'abc2_website'} if (defined $components && defined $components->{'abc2_website'} && !defined $components->{'abc2_website'}->{'ver'}); # 27/06/08 - removed jrobbo as a preferred title source $pref_title_source = undef if (defined $pref_title_source && $pref_title_source eq 'jrobbo'); delete $components->{'jrobbo'} if (defined $components && defined $components->{'jrobbo'} && !defined $components->{'jrobbo'}->{'ver'}); # Migrate from 'mirror_site' to new 'sources' unless ($sources) { &log("Defining default source.\n"); &reset_sources; # Components with no source are assigned to $standard_source_url foreach (keys %$components) { $components->{$_}->{source} ||= $standard_source_url; } } if ($mirror_site) { print "Migrating mirrors to sources.\n"; foreach my $site (split (/,/, $mirror_site)) { $site = "$site/" unless ($site =~ /\/$/); push(@$sources, $site); } $mirror_site = undef; } } sub read_channels_file { read_file($channels_file, 'channels'); } sub read_file { my $fn = shift; my $name = shift; print STDERR "Reading $name file: $fn\n" unless ($opt->{quiet}); unless (-r $fn) { unless ($opt->{configure}) { print "\nNo $name file found.\n" . ucfirst($progname) . " must be configured: " . "configuring now.\n\n"; $opt->{'configure'} = 1; $opt->{'nolog'} = 1; } return; } local (@ARGV, $/) = ($fn); no warnings 'all'; eval <>; if ($@ and !$opt->{configure}) { warn "\nERROR in $name file! Details:\n$@"; &countdown(); } } sub write_config_file { write_file($config_file, 'configuration', [$region, $pref_title_source, $want_paytv_channels, $sysid, $last_successful_run, $last_successful_run_data, $last_successful_runs, $last_successful_refresh, $sources, $components, $components_pending_install, $pending_messages ], ["region", "pref_title_source", "want_paytv_channels", "sysid", "last_successful_run", "last_successful_run_data", "last_successful_runs", 'last_successful_refresh', 'sources', "components", "components_pending_install", "pending_messages" ]); } sub write_channels_file { write_file($channels_file, 'channels', [ $channels, $opt_channels ], [ 'channels', 'opt_channels' ]); } sub write_file { my ($fn, $name, $vars, $varnames) = @_; open (FN, ">$fn") or die "Can't write to $name file $fn: $!"; print FN Data::Dumper->Dump($vars, $varnames); close FN; &log(1, "SHEPHERD: Wrote $name file $fn.\n"); } sub get_command_line_options { my $use_argv = shift; if ($use_argv) { # Record so we can pass the unmodified args to components later @options = @ARGV; # Record so we can pass the unmodified args to components later push (@options,"") if ($#options == -1); # silence warnings if none # filter what options we don't pass on .. foreach (0..$#options) { next if (!$options[$_]); splice(@options,$_,2) if ($options[$_] =~ /^--config-file/); # don't pass on "--config-file (file)" next if (!$options[$_]); splice(@options,$_,1) if ($options[$_] =~ /^--quiet/); # never be quiet } } else { push(@ARGV,split(/:/,$components->{$progname}->{default_cmdline})); } Getopt::Long::Configure(qw/pass_through/); GetOptions($opt, qw( config-file=s help dev-help configure:s setpreftitle=s clearpreftitle capabilities preferredmethod description quiet notquiet version debug status desc show-config show-channels update noupdate skipupdate skippost disable=s enable=s component-set=s delete=s nolog nonotify notimetest check reset dontcallgrabbers days=i offset=i output=s nooutput randomize pending grabwith=s list-chan-names set-icons configure-mythtv refill-mythtv refresh-mythtv ancestry=s history sources addsource=s delsource=s mode=s daily reoutput reoutput-mythtv noautorefresh allowautorefresh list-title-translations change-title-translation:s% )); $debug = $opt->{debug}; $days = $opt->{days} if ($opt->{days}); $opt->{configure} = 1 if (defined $opt->{configure} and !$opt->{configure}); $output_filename = $opt->{output} if ($opt->{output}); delete $opt->{quiet} if (defined $opt->{notquiet}); } sub check_lock { $lock = (flock DATA, &Fcntl::LOCK_EX | &Fcntl::LOCK_NB); &log("Lock failed.\n") unless ($lock); } sub check_other_instance { if (!$lock) { &log("\n*** IN PROGRESS ***\nAnother instance of Shepherd is currently running.\n"); } } # Here we can specify which command-line options should call # subroutines of the same name. The field following each sub # name is a string that can contain a key for what action should # be performed following the sub: # W : write config file # S : print --status output # Shepherd will exit if at least one of these routines was # called. sub process_setup_commands { my %routines = ( enable => 'WS', disable => 'WS', 'delete' => 'WS', setorder => 'WS', check => 'WS', setpreftitle => 'W', clearpreftitle => 'W', 'reset' => 'W', 'component-set' => 'W', addsource => 'W', delsource => 'W', status => '', history => '', desc => '', 'show-config' => '', 'show-channels' => '', 'list-chan-names' => '', 'set-icons' => '', 'configure-mythtv' => '', 'pending' => '', ancestry => '', sources => '', 'list-title-translations' => '', 'change-title-translation' => '', ); my ($run, $write_flag, $status_flag); foreach my $func (keys %routines) { if (defined $opt->{$func}) { $run = 1; my $sub = $func; $sub =~ s/-/_/g; if (!$lock and $routines{$func} =~ /W/) { print "\nERROR: Cannot --$func while another instance of Shepherd is running.\n". "Please try again later.\n"; } else { &$sub($opt->{$func}); $write_flag = 1 if ($routines{$func} =~ /W/); $status_flag = 1 if ($routines{$func} =~ /S/); } } } return unless ($run); &write_config_file if ($write_flag); &status if ($status_flag); exit; } # if a preferred title source has been specified, add it to our config sub setpreftitle { my $arg = shift; $pref_title_source = $arg; &log("Added preferred title source: $pref_title_source\n"); 1; } # if requesting to clear preferred title and we have one, remove it sub clearpreftitle { &log("Removed preferred title source: $pref_title_source\n"); $pref_title_source = undef; 1; } sub reset { &log(2, "\nWARNING! The --reset argument will remove your established\n" . "title translation data. This may cause Shepherd to lose the\n" . "ability to keep show titles consistent with what you have seen\n" . "in the past!\n\n"); &countdown(20); my @r = query_component_type('reconciler'); foreach (@r) # Not that there should be more than one... { my $fn = query_ldir($_, 'reconciler') . '/' . $_ . '.storable.config'; &log("Removing $fn.\n"); unlink($fn) or &log("Failed to remove file! $!\n"); } if ($pref_title_source) { my @prefs = split(/,/, $pref_title_source); foreach my $grabber (@prefs) { if ($components->{$grabber}->{lastdata}) { &log( "Clearing lastdata for '$grabber' to trigger it to be called.\n"); delete $components->{$grabber}->{lastdata}; } } } } sub delete { my $proggy = shift; delete $components->{$proggy}; &log("\nDeleted component \"$proggy\"."); } # used to call a component in a manner so it can set some tunable parameter sub component_set { my $compset = shift; my $helpstr = "Format: --component-set :[:...]\n". " e.g.: --component-set oztivo:region=101\n". " --component-set oztivo:region=101:debug:config=default.conf\n\n"; my ($component, @args) = split(/:/,$compset); if (!defined $components->{$component}) { &log("\nError: No component called '$component'!\n$helpstr"); return; } my $arg = join(":",@args); if ((!defined $arg) || ($arg eq "")) { delete $components->{$component}->{default_cmdline}; &log("\n*** Cleared default options for $component. ***\n\n". "If you wish to set new options:\n$helpstr"); } else { $components->{$component}->{default_cmdline} = "--".join(":--",@args); &log("\nSet default options for $component to: --".join(" --",@args)."\n"); } } sub sources { my $arg = shift; if ($arg and $arg eq 'reset') { print "Resetting sources.\n"; &reset_sources; } print "Sources:\n". " # Source Can Update\n". "-------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; my $count = 1; foreach my $site (@$sources) { printf " %2d %-50s\n", $count, $site; $count++; } } sub addsource { my $source = shift; my ($site, $priority, @rest) = split(/,/, $source); if (@rest) { print "Warning: Ignoring unknown options: @rest\n"; } $site = "$site/" unless ($site =~ /\/$/); &delsource($site, 1); if (!$priority or $priority < 1 or $priority > @$sources) { $priority = @$sources; } else { $priority--; } splice (@$sources, $priority, 0, $site); &log("\nAdded source $site\n"); if (&fetch_file($site . 'status.csum?', undef, 1)) { &log("Source appears valid.\n"); } else { &log("\n*** WARNING: Source unreachable! ***\n\n"); } &sources; &log("\n*** PLEASE READ CAREFULLY! ***\n". "Adding a source allows the remote host to install and execute\n". "software on your system. Each time Shepherd runs (except when\n". "invoked with --noupdate), it will ask this host for updates.\n". "This is a serious security risk, and we STRONGLY RECOMMEND that\n". "you take steps to limit the damage a malicious source could do\n". "to your system. For more information, see:\n". " $wiki/Security\n" . "To remove a source, use \"--delsource \".\n"); } sub delsource { my ($source, $quietcheck) = @_; if ($source eq 'all') { print "Resetting sources.\n"; &reset_sources; return &sources; } $source = "$source/" unless ($source =~ /\/$/); for (my $i = 0; $i < @$sources; $i++) { my $site = $sources->[$i]; if ($source eq $site) { splice (@$sources, $i, 1); &reset_sources if (@$sources < 1); return if ($quietcheck); print "\nDeleted source: $source\n"; return &sources; } } unless ($quietcheck) { print "\nError: No such source: \"$source\"\n"; exit; } } sub reset_sources { $sources = [ $standard_source_url ]; } sub list_chan_names { require Shepherd::Configure; &Shepherd::Configure::list_chan_names; } sub list_title_translations { my $fn = "$CWD/reconcilers/reconciler_mk2/reconciler_mk2.alt_title.log"; if (-e $fn) { print "\nDisplaying title translation log: $fn\n"; system("less $fn"); print "\nThis output is from the file:\n $fn\n" . "You can find older log files like this in the same directory.\n\n" . "To edit a title translation, do this:\n" . " tv_grab_au --change-title-translation \"\"=\"\"\n" . "For more help and examples: tv_grab_au --change-title-translation\n"; exit; } else { print "ERROR: No log found for title translations!\n" . "It should exist here: $fn\n"; } } sub change_title_translation { my ($a) = @_; my ($from, $to); if ($a and ref $a and ref $a eq 'HASH') { ($from) = keys %$a; $to = $a->{$from}; } if (!$from) { print "\nShepherd often confronts a situation where the same show is listed under different\n" . "names in different data sources. These must be reconciled, or else your PVR will\n" . "think they are separate shows and not record them all. Shepherd guesses at which\n" . "is the correct, \"official\" title, but sometimes it gets it wrong and translates\n" . "show names in a sub-optimal way -- e.g. listing \"Brooklyn Nine-Nine (New Series\n" . "Premiere)\" for every episode instead of just \"Brooklyn Nine-Nine\".\n\n" . "If this is happening to you, you can tell Shepherd what you want the show\n" . "to be called. *** Note: ensure your PVR is set to record this name! ***\n\n" . "Usage:\n" . " tv_grab_au --change-title-translation\n" . " Display this help page\n\n" . " tv_grab_au --change-title-translation \"\"\n" . " tv_grab_au --change-title-translation \"Brooklyn Nine-Nine (New Series Premiere)\"\n" . " Display possible alternate titles for this show\n\n" . " tv_grab_au --change-title-translation \"\"=\"\"\n" . " tv_grab_au --change-title-translation \"Brooklyn Nine-Nine (New Series Premiere)\"=\"Brooklyn Nine-Nine\"\n" . " Change the show's official name\n\n" . " tv_grab_au --list-title-translations\n" . " List all known show titles\n\n"; exit; } if ($to) { print "\nChanging preferred show title from \"$from\" to \"$to\"\n"; } else { print "\nLooking up show \"$from\"...\n"; } my $comm = "$CWD/reconcilers/reconciler_mk2/reconciler_mk2 --no-log --change-title-translation \"$from\"=\"$to\""; call_prog('reconciler_mk2', $comm, 1, 0, 1, 'reconciler'); exit; } sub set_icons { require Shepherd::Configure; &Shepherd::Configure::set_icons; } sub configure_mythtv { require Shepherd::Configure; &Shepherd::Configure::configure_mythtv; } sub refill_mythtv { my ($refresh, $reoutput) = @_; require Shepherd::MythTV; my $t = time; if (!$refresh and (!$last_successful_run or $t - $last_successful_run > (24 * 3600))) { if ($last_successful_run) { &log("\nWARNING: Last successful run was " . &pretty_duration($t - $last_successful_run) . " ago, which is a pretty long time.\n"); } else { &log("\nWARNING: Shepherd doesn't seem to have ever run successfully,\n" . "so we may have no guide data to feed to MythTV.\n"); } &log("You may want to run 'tv_grab_au --refresh-mythtv' instead, to generate\n" . "fresh guide data.\n"); &countdown(10); } my $mythfilldatabase_exec; if (&Shepherd::MythTV::mythtv_version('0.25') >= 0) { # v0.25 or newer if ($reoutput) { $mythfilldatabase_exec = 'mythfilldatabase -- --reoutput'; } elsif (&Shepherd::MythTV::mythtv_version('0.27') >= 0) { # MythTV v0.27 deprecates '--update', wants '--only-update-guide' $mythfilldatabase_exec = "mythfilldatabase --only-update-guide --file --sourceid 1 --xmlfile $output_filename"; } else { # MythTV v0.25+ require '--file --sourceid ', not '--file ' $mythfilldatabase_exec = "mythfilldatabase --update --file --sourceid 1 --xmlfile $output_filename"; } } else { # v0.24 or older if ($reoutput) { $mythfilldatabase_exec = "mythfilldatabase --graboptions '--reoutput'"; } else { $mythfilldatabase_exec = "mythfilldatabase --update --file 1 $output_filename"; } } if ($mythfilldatabase_exec =~ /--(file|sourceid) 1/) { my @sources = &Shepherd::MythTV::mythtv_sources(); if (@sources > 0) { &log("\nYou seem to have MythTV channels on MythTV Source IDs: " . join(", ", @sources) . "\n"); if ($sources[0] != 1) { $mythfilldatabase_exec =~ s/--(file|sourceid) 1/--$1 $sources[0]/; } if (@sources > 1) { &log("\n**********************************\nPLEASE NOTE!!!\n" . "Your MythTV has channels on multiple Sources. You may need\n" . "to run ALL of the following commands yourself to update your\n" . "guide data. I will run the first one now but this will NOT update\n" . "any channels you have on the other sources! Alternately,\n" . "try feeding MythTV with 'tv_grab_au --reoutput-mythtv' instead.\n\n"); foreach my $sid (@sources) { my $str = $mythfilldatabase_exec; $str =~ s/--(file|sourceid) (\d)/--$1 $sid/; &log(" $str\n"); } &log("\n**********************************\n"); } } else { &log("Couldn't figure out your MythTV Source IDs.\n"); } } &log("Trying now...\n\nExecuting: $mythfilldatabase_exec\n\n". "-------------------mythfilldatabase output---------------------\n"); sleep 1; my $result = system("$mythfilldatabase_exec"); &log("-----------------end mythfilldatabase output-------------------\n\n"); if ($result) { &log("Hmm, that didn't seem to work (got a non-zero exit value!).\n"); if ($reoutput) { &log("Consider trying 'tv_grab_au --refill-mythtv', which does the same\n" . "thing, only using mythfilldatabase's --file option.\n\n"); } else { &log("Checking if you have multiple MythTV Sources setup, which would have\n" . "caused this problem...\n"); my @sources = &Shepherd::MythTV::mythtv_sources(); &log("You seem to have MythTV channels on MythTV Source IDs: " . join(", ", @sources) . "\n"); if (!@sources or (@sources == 1 and $sources[0] == 1)) { &log("Everything looks OK... don't know what the problem was.\n"); } else { &log("Please try executing the following commands:\n"); foreach my $sid (@sources) { next if ($sid == 1); my $str = $mythfilldatabase_exec; $str =~ s/--(file|sourceid) 1/--$1 $sid/; &log("\n $str\n"); } &log("Also: "); } &log("Consider trying 'tv_grab_au --reoutput-mythtv', which does the same\n" . "thing, only by feeding output directly to MythTV. This requires\n" . "that MythTV be already configured to use Shepherd as its default\n" . "grabber, however.\n\n"); } } &log("Shepherd: Hopefully your guide data has now been loaded into MythTV.\n" . " If not, please report it to the Shepherd mailing list,\n" . " including all of the above output.\n"); } sub ancestry { # Since this subroutine is optional and manually invoked, we won't # require users have the File::Find dependency until they need it. # It's probably a little annoying to suddenly realize you need # another module when you thought everything was installed, but # that's better than requiring all users have this dependency even # if they don't really need it. &require_module("File::Find::Rule"); # Step 1: figure out start and stop dates my $t = time; $opt->{'ancestry-zone'} = POSIX::strftime("%z", localtime($t)); print "Assuming local time zone is $opt->{'ancestry-zone'}.\n"; my ($start, $stop); if ($opt->{ancestry} =~ /(.*)\+(\d+):?(.*)/) { $opt->{'ancestry-start'} = Date::Manip::UnixDate("$1 $opt->{'ancestry-zone'}","%s"); $opt->{'ancestry-stop'} = $opt->{'ancestry-start'} + (60 * $2); $opt->{'ancestry-title'} = $3 if ($3); } unless ($opt->{'ancestry-start'} and $opt->{'ancestry-stop'}) { &log("\nSorry, I don't understand the argument sent to --ancestry.\n". "Format: --ancestry \"+[:title]\"\n". "Timestamp can be any of a variety of formats. Some examples:\n". " --ancestry 200706210800+30 (June 21 2007 8am-8:30am)\n". " --ancestry \"today 9pm+10\" (today 9pm-9:10pm)\n". " --ancestry \"midnight tomorrow+60\" (12am-1am tomorrow)\n". " --ancestry \"tuesday 8:28pm+10:news\" (also only shows with \"news\" in title)\n"); return; } my $dformat = "%A %e %B %Y %I:%M %p %z"; printf "Examining ancestry of data from %s to %s.\n", POSIX::strftime($dformat, localtime($opt->{'ancestry-start'})), POSIX::strftime($dformat, localtime($opt->{'ancestry-stop'})); print "Only looking for shows with \"$opt->{'ancestry-title'}\" in title.\n" if ($opt->{'ancestry-title'}); # Step 2: Figure out dates of interest of output files # # A little tricky because we only store the timestamp of when Shepherd's # last run finished, not when it started. print "Last successful run was " . pretty_duration($t - $last_successful_run) ." ago.\n" if ($last_successful_run); my $previous_run = (reverse sort keys %$last_successful_runs)[1] if (ref $last_successful_runs and keys %$last_successful_runs > 1); if ($previous_run) { print "Second-last successful run was " . pretty_duration($t - $previous_run)." ago.\n"; } else { $previous_run = $t - (24*60*60); print "No data on second-last successful run.\n"; } if ($last_successful_run and $last_successful_run - $previous_run > (6*60*60)) { $previous_run = $last_successful_run - (6 * 60 * 60); print "Setting cut-off point to 6 hours before end of last successful run.\n"; } print "Looking for output files more recent than " . pretty_duration($t - $previous_run) . " ago.\n"; # Step 3: gather files my @f = File::Find::Rule->file() ->name('output*.xmltv') ->mtime(">$previous_run") ->nonempty ->in('grabbers', 'reconcilers', 'postprocessors'); push @f, "output.xmltv" if (-e 'output.xmltv' and (stat 'output.xmltv')[9] > $previous_run); # Step 4: Process files via XMLTV callback foreach my $f (@f) { my $str; if ($f =~ /.*?\/(.*?)\/(.*)/) { $str = "$1: $2"; } else { $str = "Shepherd Final Output: $f"; } print "********************************************************************************\n"; printf "%*s\n", int((80 - length($str)) / 2) + length ($str), $str; XMLTV::parsefiles_callback(undef, undef, undef, \&ancestry_cb, $f); } } sub ancestry_cb { my $s = shift; my ($start, $stop) = ($s->{start}, $s->{stop}); $start .= " $opt->{'ancestry-zone'}" unless ($start =~ /\+\d{4}/); $stop .= " $opt->{'ancestry-zone'}" unless ($stop =~ /\+\d{4}/); $start = Date::Manip::UnixDate($start, "%s"); $stop = Date::Manip::UnixDate($stop, "%s"); return unless ($stop > $opt->{'ancestry-start'} and $start < $opt->{'ancestry-stop'}); my $title = (ref $s->{title} ? $s->{title}[0][0] : $s->{title}); return if ($opt->{'ancestry-title'} and $title !~ /$opt->{'ancestry-title'}/i); my $channame; foreach (keys %$channels) { if ($channels->{$_} eq $s->{channel}) { $channame = $_; $channame =~ s/\(.*?\)//g; last; } } $channame = $s->{channel} unless ($channame); my $subtitle = (ref $s->{'sub-title'} ? $s->{'sub-title'}[0][0] : $s->{'sub-title'}); printf "+ %-50s%s\n", "$title [$channame]", POSIX::strftime("%a %d/%m %I:%M%p", localtime($start)) . ' - ' . POSIX::strftime("%I:%M%p", localtime($stop)); print " \"$subtitle\"\n" if ($subtitle); print " $s->{start} - $s->{stop}\n"; } # ----------------------------------------- # Subs: Configuration # ----------------------------------------- sub configure { eval { require Shepherd::Configure; return &Shepherd::Configure::configure; }; if ($@) { &log("Error from Shepherd::Configure:\n-> $@\n"); return undef; } } # ----------------------------------------- # Subs: Status & Help # ----------------------------------------- sub show_config { &log("\nConfiguration\n". "-------------\n" . "Config file: $config_file\n" . "Debug mode : " . is_set($debug) . "\n" . "Output file: " . ($opt->{output} ? $opt->{output} : "None") . "\n" . "Region ID : $region\n"); show_channels(); &log("\n"); status(); &log("\n"); } sub show_channels { my $mchans = &retrieve_mythtv_channels; if ($mchans) { &show_mythtv_mappings($debug, $mchans); } else { &log(sprintf "\nYou have subscribed to %d standard channels and %d HDTV/PayTV channels.\n", scalar(keys %$channels), scalar(keys %$opt_channels)); &log("\nShepherd XMLTV IDs:\n"); &log(" Standard channels (priority):\n"); &log(" $_ -> $channels->{$_}\n") for sort keys %$channels; &log(" HDTV and PayTV channels (best-effort):\n"); &log(" $_ -> $opt_channels->{$_}\n") for sort keys %$opt_channels; } } sub is_set { my $arg = shift; return $arg ? "Yes" : "No"; } sub pretty_print { my ($p, $len) = @_; my $spaces = ' ' x (79-$len); my $ret = ""; while (length($p) > 0) { if (length($p) <= $len) { $ret .= $p; $p = ""; } else { # find a space to the left of cutoff my $len2 = $len; while ((substr($p,$len2,1) ne ' ') && ($len2 > 0)) { $len2--; } if ($len2 == 0) { # no space - just print it with cutoff $ret .= substr($p,0,$len); $p = substr($p,$len,(length($p)-$len)); } else { # print up to space $ret .= substr($p,0,$len2); $p = substr($p,($len2+1),(length($p)-$len2+1)); } # print whitespace $ret .= "\n".$spaces; } } return $ret; } sub pretty_date { my $t = shift; return "- " unless $t; my @lt = localtime($t); my @ltnow = localtime(); if (time - $t > 15768000) # 6 months or older { return POSIX::strftime("%d-%b-%y", @lt); # eg 18-Mar-05 } if (time - $t < 43200 # less than 12 hours ago or ($lt[4] == $ltnow[4] and $lt[3] == $ltnow[3])) # today { return POSIX::strftime("%l:%M%P ", @lt); # eg 10:45pm } return POSIX::strftime("%a %d-%b", @lt); # eg Mon 25-Dec } sub retrieve_mythtv_channels { print "\nAttempting Mysql connection to MythTV database mythconverg.\n"; my $mchans; eval { require Shepherd::MythTV; my $dbh = &Shepherd::MythTV::open_connection(); return unless ($dbh); # end eval $mchans = $dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT name,callsign,channum,xmltvid FROM channel;", { Slice => {} } ); &Shepherd::MythTV::close_connection; }; if ($@) { &log("Error trying to access MythTV database: $@\n"); return undef; } return $mchans; } sub show_mythtv_mappings { my ($show_xmltvids, $mchans) = @_; &log(sprintf "\nRegion %d. %d MythTV channels. %d Shepherd channels.\n\n", $region, scalar(@$mchans), scalar(keys %$channels) + scalar(keys %$opt_channels)); if ($show_xmltvids) { &log(" # MythTV Channel XMLTV ID Shepherd Guide Data\n". " -----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); } else { &log(" # MythTV Channel Shepherd Guide Data\n". " --------------------------------------------------------\n"); } my %xmltvids; map { $xmltvids{$channels->{$_}} = $_ } keys %$channels; map { $xmltvids{$opt_channels->{$_}} = $_ } keys %$opt_channels; my %unmapped = %xmltvids; foreach my $chan (sort { ($a->{channum} or 9999) <=> ($b->{channum} or 9999) || ($a->{name} or $a->{callsign} or '') cmp ($b->{name} or $b->{callsign} or '') } @$mchans) { my $mapped_to = $chan->{'xmltvid'} ? $xmltvids{$chan->{'xmltvid'}} || '-' : '-'; delete $unmapped{$chan->{'xmltvid'}} if ($mapped_to ne '-'); my $longname = $chan->{'name'}; $longname .= " ($chan->{callsign})" if ($chan->{'callsign'} and lc($chan->{'callsign'}) ne lc($chan->{'name'})); my $channum = $chan->{'channum'}; show_mythtv_mapping($channum, $longname, ($show_xmltvids ? $chan->{'xmltvid'} || '-' : undef), $mapped_to); } if (keys %unmapped) { foreach (keys %unmapped) { show_mythtv_mapping('', '-', ($show_xmltvids ? '-' : undef), $unmapped{$_}); } &log("\nWARNING! Unmapped guide data: " . join(', ', values %unmapped) . ".\n". " Shepherd is set to download guide data that no MythTV channel wants.\n". " Either map these to a MythTV channel, or do not subscribe to them!\n\n"); } } sub show_mythtv_mapping { my ($channum, $name, $xmltvid, $mapped_to) = @_; if ($xmltvid) { &log(sprintf "%4s %-30s %-20s <- %s\n", $channum, $name, $xmltvid || '-', $mapped_to ); } else { &log(sprintf "%4s %-30s <- %s\n", $channum, $name, $mapped_to); } } sub desc { my $lasttype = ''; my %qual_table = ( 3 => "Excellent", 2 => "Good", 1 => "Poor" ); foreach (sort { $components->{$a}->{type} cmp $components->{$b}->{type} } keys %{$components}) { if ($lasttype ne $components->{$_}->{type}) { $lasttype = $components->{$_}->{type}; &log("\n*** " . uc($lasttype) . "S ***\n"); } &log("\n$_ v$components->{$_}->{ver}" . "\n* " . pretty_print(query_config($_, 'desc'), 77) . "\n". "* Component source: " . $components->{$_}->{source} . "\n"); if ($lasttype eq 'grabber') { &log("* Data Quality: " . $qual_table{int(query_config($_, 'quality'))} . "\n"); &log("* Speed: " . (query_config($_, 'category') == 1 ? "Slow" : "Fast") . "\n"); my $ch = query_config($_, 'channels'); $ch = "All" if ($ch eq ''); $ch = "All except $1" if ($ch =~ /^\-(.*)/); &log("* Channels: $ch\n"); my $d1 = query_config($_, 'max_days'); my $d2 = query_config($_, 'max_reliable_days'); &log("* Days: " . ($d1 == $d2 ? $d1 : "$d2 to $d1") . "\n"); } } } sub status { foreach my $ctype ('grabber', 'reconciler', 'postprocessor') { &log("\n " . ($ctype eq 'grabber' ? " Enabled/\n". sprintf(" %-15s Version Ready Last Run Status", ucfirst($ctype)) : ucfirst($ctype)) . "\n --------------- ------- ----- ---------- -------------------------------------\n"); foreach (sort { ($components->{$b}->{lastdata} or 0) <=> ($components->{$a}->{lastdata} or 0) } query_component_type($ctype)) { my $h = $components->{$_}; &log(sprintf " %-16s%7s %1s/%1s%1s %11s %s\n", length($_) > 16 ? substr($_,0,14).".." : $_, $h->{ver}, $h->{disabled} ? 'N' : 'Y', $h->{ready} ? 'Y' : 'N', (defined $plugin_data->{$_}->{tainted} ? "!" : ""), pretty_date($h->{lastdata}), ((defined $h->{disabled} && $h->{disabled} == 2) ? "centrally disabled" : ($h->{laststatus} ? pretty_print($h->{laststatus},37) : ''))); } } if (defined $last_successful_run) { my $str = sprintf "Shepherd last ran successfully %s ago", pretty_duration(time - $last_successful_run); if (defined $last_successful_run_data) { $str .= sprintf " and acquired %2.2f%% of data", $last_successful_run_data; } $str .= ".\n"; if ($last_successful_refresh and $last_successful_refresh != $last_successful_run) { $str .= sprintf "Shepherd last autorefreshed %s ago.\n", &pretty_duration(time - $last_successful_refresh); } &log($str); } &log("\nPreferred titles from grabber '$pref_title_source'\n") if ($pref_title_source); &log("\nWARNING: [!] against components above indicate TAINTED components.\n\n") if (defined $plugin_data->{tainted}); &check_other_instance; } sub history { my @all_runs = (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %{$last_successful_runs}); if (scalar @all_runs == 0) { &log("\nNo runs recorded yet.\n\n"); return; } &log(sprintf "\nShepherd has run successfully %d times in the last %d days.\n\n", scalar(keys %$last_successful_runs), int((time - $all_runs[0]) / 86400)); if ($last_successful_refresh and $last_successful_refresh != $last_successful_run) { &log(sprintf "Shepherd last successfully autorefreshed %s ago (%s).\n\n", &pretty_duration(time - $last_successful_refresh), &pretty_date($last_successful_refresh)); } my $str; foreach my $when (sort {$b <=> $a} keys (%{$last_successful_runs})) { $str = ($str ? "$str," : 'History:'); my $append = sprintf " %s ago (%2.2f%%)", &pretty_duration(time - $when), $last_successful_runs->{$when}; if (length($str.$append) > 79) { &log("$str\n"); $str = ' '; } $str .= $append; } &log("$str.\n"); &check_other_instance; } sub capabilities { print "baseline\nmanualconfig\npreferredmethod\n"; exit 0; } sub preferredmethod { print "allatonce\n"; exit 0; } sub description { print "Australia\n"; exit 0; } sub help { print q{Info options: --help Hello! --dev-help Display advanced options --version Display version --status Display status --desc Display detailed status --history Display usage history --check Verify current installation --show-config Show setup details --show-channels Show subscribed channels --pending Show any pending component installs --ancestry Show origin of recent guide data (See "--ancestry help") Session options: --output Specify an output file (default: ~/.shepherd/output.xmltv) --days Retrieve days of data --offset Skip first days --reoutput Don't grab fresh data; just return cache --reoutput-mythtv Don't grab fresh data; feed cache to MythTV --refill-mythtv Don't grab fresh data; feed cache to MythTV via --file --refresh-mythtv Grab fresh data, then feed to MythTV via --file --noupdate Don't update Shepherd; just grab data --update Update Shepherd but don't grab data --skipupdate Don't update Shepherd or verify components; just grab data --skippost Don't run any postprocessors on data --noautorefresh Don't switch to autorefresh mode (which is "--days 1") --mode Quality (default), Efficiency or Speed --grabwith Run grabber(s) before any others (e.g. --grabwith sbsweb,abc_website) --debug Print debugging messages --quiet Don't print anything except errors --notquiet Override --quiet --nolog Don't write a logfile --nonotify Don't report anonymous usage statistics Configuration options: --configure Setup --configure-mythtv Create symlink & cron job to feed data to MythTV --disable Set component (or "all") as not to be used --enable Set component (or "all") as available for use --component-set Set default argument for component --configure Configure component --set-icons Download channel icons and update MythTV to use them --setpreftitle Set preferred 'title' source as grabber --clearpreftitle Clear preferred 'title' source --reset Remove all previous title translation data --list-title-translations Show how Shepherd is choosing between "official" and unofficial names for shows --change-title-translation ''='' Change a show's "official" name }; exit 0; } sub dev_help { print q{Developer options: These options are probably never useful to regular users. --dontcallgrabbers Don't call the grabbers, just process cached data --list-chan-names List official channel names --delete Delete a Shepherd component --randomize Use weighted random method of grabber selection --sources List Shepherd sources --addsource [,p] Add a Shepherd source (optional: priority #) --delsource Delete a Shepherd source (or 'all') }; exit 0; } # ----------------------------------------- # Subs: override handlers for standard perl. # ----------------------------------------- # ugly hack. please don't try this at home kids! sub my_die { my ($arg,@rest) = @_; my ($pack,$file,$line,$sub) = caller(0); # check if we are in an eval() if ($^S) { printf STDERR "* Caught a die() within eval{} from file $file line $line\n"; if ($arg){ print STDERR $arg; } else { print STDERR join("",@rest) } } else { printf STDERR "\nDIE: line %d in file %s\n",$line,$file; if ($arg) { CORE::die($arg,@rest); } else { CORE::die(join("",@rest)); } } } # ----------------------------------------- # Subs: Grabbing # ----------------------------------------- sub grab_data { my $grab_policy = shift; $grab_policy = "standard" if (!defined $grab_policy); $find_microgaps = 0; $missing_unfillable = undef; my $used_grabbers = 0; &log("\nSHEPHERD: Grabber stage ($grab_policy).\n"); &log("SHEPHERD: Seeking supplementary data for episode names ('sub-titles').\n") if ($grab_policy eq 'expanded'); &log("SHEPHERD: " . (($opt->{mode} and grep($_ eq lc($opt->{mode}), qw(efficiency speed))) ? ucfirst(lc($opt->{mode})) : 'Quality') . " mode.\n"); &analyze_plugin_data("",1,$progname); my ($grabber, $reason_chosen); while (my ($grabber, $reason_chosen) = choose_grabber($grab_policy)) { last if (!defined $grabber); $data_satisfies_policy = 0; $data_found_all = 0; $used_grabbers++; &log("\nSHEPHERD: Using grabber: ($used_grabbers) $grabber ($reason_chosen)\n"); my $iteration = query_iteration($grabber); my $output = sprintf "%s/grabbers/%s/%s-%d.xmltv", $CWD, $grabber, ($opt->{'autorefresh'} ? 'refresh' : 'output'), $iteration; my $comm = "$CWD/grabbers/$grabber/$grabber " . "--region $region " . "--output $output"; if (query_config($grabber, 'option_grabber_settings')) { $comm .= " " . query_config($grabber, 'option_grabber_settings'); } # Category 1 grabbers (i.e. slow ones) are requested to only fetch the timeslice # that we need. Category 2 grabbers are requested to get everything, since there's # very little cost in grabbing that extra data, and we can use it in the reconciler # to verify that everything looks OK. if (query_config($grabber, 'category') == 1) { &log("SHEPHERD: Asking $grabber for " . ($find_microgaps ? 'microgaps within ' : '') . display_best_timeslice()); # Shepherd internally considers Today == Day 0, but # grabbers expect Today == Day 1, so add 1. my $n = $timeslice->{stop} + 1; # Don't ask the grabber for more than it can provide. This is not # prevented earlier because we only checked whether the grabber can # return SOME data within the desired window. if ($n > query_config($grabber, 'max_days')) { $n = query_config($grabber, 'max_days'); } # Can we use --offset? if ($timeslice->{start} != 0 and query_config($grabber, 'option_days_offset')) { # We want to skip the first X days. We calculate X by taking the # start day that we want, which is $timeslice->{start}, adding 1 # to convert from Shepherd's "today is day 0" system, then deducting # 1 because we want to skip until the day before this. So: my $offset = $timeslice->{start}; $comm .= " " . query_config($grabber, 'option_days_offset') . " " . $offset; # 'option_days_offset' / 'option_offset_eats_days' # # Grabbers that can skip the first X days of data have the # 'option_days_offset' flag set in their .conf files. # # Of those grabbers that support --offset, there are two # slightly different interpretations: # # --offset 2 --days 3 # Interpretation 1: Grab data for day 3 only. # Interpretation 2: Grab data for days 3-6 (i.e. skip 2 days, # then grab 3 more). # # Most grabbers follow interpretation 1, and they have # 'option_offset_eats_days' set to indicate this. if (!query_config($grabber, 'option_offset_eats_days')) { $n -= $offset; } } $comm .= " " . query_config($grabber, 'option_days') . " " . $n; # Write a temporary channels file specifying only the channels we want my $tmpchans; foreach (@{$timeslice->{chans}}) { $tmpchans->{$_} = $channels->{$_}; } my $tmpcf = "$CWD/channels.conf.tmp"; write_file($tmpcf, 'temporary channels', [ $tmpchans ], [ 'channels' ]); $comm .= " --channels_file $tmpcf"; # Create gaps_file if we want less than (roughly) the full day if ($find_microgaps) { my $tmpgf = "$CWD/gaps.tmp"; my $gapstr = record_requested_gaps($tmpgf, $timeslice, $grabber); $comm .= " --gaps_file $tmpgf"; &log(1, "SHEPHERD: Asking $grabber to fill gaps: $gapstr\n"); } } else { &log("SHEPHERD: Asking $grabber for days " . ($opt->{offset} ? $opt->{offset} : 0) . " - " . ($days-1). " of all channels\n"); $comm .= " --days $days" if ($days); $comm .= " --offset $opt->{offset}" if ($opt->{offset}); $comm .= " --channels_file $channels_file"; } &record_requested_chandays($grabber, $timeslice); if ((defined $plugin_data->{tor_pid}) && (query_config($grabber, 'option_anon_socks'))) { $comm .= " ".query_config($grabber, 'option_anon_socks')." ".$plugin_data->{tor_address}; } $comm .= " --debug" if ($debug); $comm .= " @ARGV" if (@ARGV); my $retval = 0; my $msg; my $component_start = time; if ((defined $opt->{dontcallgrabbers}) && ($opt->{dontcallgrabbers})) { &log("SHEPHERD: not calling grabber because of --dontcallgrabbers option, but will instead use existing $output\n"); &log(1, "SHEPHERD: would have called: $comm\n"); } else { &log("SHEPHERD: Executing command: $comm\n"); if (-e $output) { &log(1, "SHEPHERD: Removing old output file: $output\n"); unlink($output) or &log("SHEPHERD: Failed to remove old output file: $output\n$!\n"); } ($retval,$msg) = call_prog($grabber,$comm,0,(query_config($grabber,'max_runtime')*60)); } my $component_duration = time - $component_start; if ($retval) { &log("Grabber exited with non-zero code $retval: assuming it failed.\n" . "Last message: \"$msg\"\n"); $components->{$grabber}->{laststatus} = "Failed (code $retval)"; $components->{$grabber}->{consecutive_failures}++; &add_pending_message($grabber,"FAIL", $retval.":".$msg, $component_start, $component_duration, $components->{$grabber}->{ver}, $components->{$grabber}->{consecutive_failures}); next; } # soak up the data we just collected &soak_up_data($grabber, $output, "grabber", $grab_policy); $components->{$grabber}->{laststatus} = $plugin_data->{"$grabber-$iteration"}->{laststatus}; # analyze the data that this grabber returned # (useful to detect individual components going bad and report them upstream) &analyze_plugin_data("grabber $grabber", 1, $grabber, $iteration); if ($plugin_data->{"$grabber-$iteration"}->{valid}) { $components->{$grabber}->{lastdata} = time; delete $components->{$grabber}->{consecutive_failures} if (defined $components->{$grabber}->{consecutive_failures}); &add_pending_message($grabber,"SUCCESS", $retval, $component_start, $component_duration, $components->{$grabber}->{ver}, ($plugin_data->{"$grabber-$iteration"}->{total_duration}/60) ); } else { $components->{$grabber}->{laststatus} = sprintf "Failed (%s)", $plugin_data->{"$grabber-$iteration"}->{failure_reason}; $components->{$grabber}->{consecutive_failures}++; &add_pending_message($grabber,"FAIL", '0:'.$plugin_data->{"$grabber-$iteration"}->{failure_reason}, $component_start, $component_duration, $components->{$grabber}->{ver}, $components->{$grabber}->{consecutive_failures}); # Don't report MISSING_DATA if the component failed delete $pending_messages->{"$grabber-$iteration"}->{MISSING_DATA}; } # check to see if we have all the data we want $data_satisfies_policy = &analyze_plugin_data("analysis of all grabbers so far",0,$progname); my $missing_before = convert_dayhash_to_list($missing); my $missing_after = convert_dayhash_to_list(detect_missing_data($grab_policy, 1)); my $list = List::Compare->new($missing_before, $missing_after); my @grabbed = $list->get_symmetric_difference(); &log("SHEPHERD: Filled " . scalar(@grabbed) . " channel-days with new data from $grabber.\n"); &log(1, "SHEPHERD: Channel-days acquired: " . join (', ', @grabbed) . ".\n"); # Record what we grabbed from cacheable C1 grabbers if (query_config($grabber, 'category') == 1 and query_config($grabber, 'cache')) { record_cached($grabber, @grabbed); write_config_file(); } # Force paytv to exit because analysis is only for freetv (could maybe move this higher) if ($grab_policy eq "paytv") { $data_satisfies_policy = 1; $data_found_all = 1; last; } last if ($data_found_all); if ($data_satisfies_policy and $grab_policy ne 'expanded') { $find_microgaps = 1; } } if ($used_grabbers == 0) { &log("SHEPHERD: No valid grabbers available for $grab_policy stage.\n"); } elsif (!$data_satisfies_policy) { &log("SHEPHERD: Ran through all grabbers but still have policy-violating gaps in data. :(\n"); } elsif (!$data_found_all) { &log("SHEPHERD: Unfillable micro-gaps exist in data.\n"); } } sub query_iteration { my $grabber = shift; my $i = 0; while (1) { return $i unless (defined $plugin_data->{"$grabber-$i"}); $i++; die "Insane infinite loop suspected!" if ($i > 15); } } # ----------------------------------------- # Subs: Intelli-random grabber selection # ----------------------------------------- sub choose_grabber { my $grabber_policy = shift; $missing = detect_missing_data($grabber_policy) if ($grabber_policy ne "paytv"); my $total; do { # while (!$total); if (defined $gscore) # Reset score hash { foreach (keys %$gscore) { $gscore->{$_} = 0; } } else # Create score hash { foreach (query_grabbers()) { unless (($components->{$_}->{disabled}) || (defined $plugin_data->{$_}->{failed_test})) { $gscore->{$_} = 0; if (query_config($_, 'category') == 1 and query_config($_, 'cache')) { $gscore->{$_ . ' [cache]'} = 0; } } } } if ($grabber_policy ne "paytv") { # no point calling these on paytv channels - paytv channels are always $opt_channels .. remove_missing_unfillable(); $timeslice = find_best_timeslice(); if ($timeslice->{chandays} == 0 && !$find_microgaps and $grabber_policy eq 'standard') { &log("SHEPHERD: No fillable timeslices, trying microgaps!\n\n"); $find_microgaps = 1; $missing = detect_missing_data($grabber_policy); remove_missing_unfillable(); $timeslice = find_best_timeslice(); } if ($timeslice->{chandays} == 0) { &log("SHEPHERD: No fillable timeslices!\n"); return undef; } &log("SHEPHERD: Best timeslice: " . display_best_timeslice()); } else { # if we are grabbing paytv, remove grabbers that can't provide paytv data foreach my $grabber (keys %$gscore) { # Only want grabbers of type 'paytv' or 'both' (undef == FTA) if (!query_config($grabber, 'type')) { delete $gscore->{$grabber}; } else { # can this grabber provide any channels we are interested in? my $channels_supported = query_config($grabber, 'channels'); unless (defined $channels_supported) { &log("WARNING: Grabber $grabber has no channel support " . "specified in config.\n"); $channels_supported = ''; } my $matching_channels = 0; if ($channels_supported) { if (($channels_supported =~/^-/)) { # find a non-matching channel foreach my $ch (keys %$opt_channels) { if ($channels_supported !~ /\b$ch\b/) { $matching_channels = 1; last; } } } else { # find a matching channel foreach my $ch (keys %$opt_channels) { if ($channels_supported =~ /\b$ch\b/) { $matching_channels = 1; last; } } } } else { # Empty string means we support all $matching_channels = 1; } delete $gscore->{$grabber} if ($matching_channels == 0); } } } $total = score_grabbers($grabber_policy); &log("SHEPHERD: Scoring grabbers on ability to efficiently provide needed data:\n"); &log("SHEPHERD: Only considering micro-grabbers.\n") if ($find_microgaps); foreach (sort { $gscore->{$b} <=> $gscore->{$a} } keys %$gscore) { next if ($_ =~ /\[cache\]/); my $score = $gscore->{$_}; my $cscore = $gscore->{"$_ [cache]"}; my $cstr = $cscore ? "(inc. $cscore cache pts) " : ""; $cstr .= "(already called)" if (($score == 0) && ($grabber_policy eq "paytv")); if ($opt->{randomize}) { &log(sprintf "%22s %6.1f%% %8d %s\n", $_, ($total ? 100* $score / $total : 0), "$score pts", $cstr); } else { &log(sprintf "%22s %8d pts %s\n", $_, $score, $cstr); } } if ($opt->{grabwith}) { my @a = split(/,/, $opt->{grabwith}); my $g; while ($g = shift @a) { $opt->{grabwith} = (@a ? join(',', @a) : undef); if ($components->{$g}->{disabled}) { &log("\nSkipping --grabwith grabber \"$g\": it is disabled.\n"); next; } &log("\nObeying --grabwith option: selecting grabber \"$g\".\n"); if ($components->{$g} and $components->{$g}->{type} eq 'grabber') { return(select_grabber($g, $gscore), "--grabwith policy"); } &log("Not a grabber: \"$g\".\n"); } } return undef if $grabber_policy eq "paytv" && !$total; if (!$total) { # $grabber_policy ne "paytv" &log("SHEPHERD: Unfillable timeslice.\n\n"); add_timeslice_to_missing_unfillable(); } } while (!$total); # $grabber_policy ne "paytv" # If the user has specified a pref_title_source -- i.e. he is # transitioning from a known grabber -- then we make sure it # has run at least once, to build the list of title translations. if ($pref_title_source) { my @prefs = split(/,/, $pref_title_source); foreach my $grabber (@prefs) { unless ($components->{$grabber}->{lastdata}) { &log("Need to build title translation list for transitional grabber $grabber.\n"); return(select_grabber($grabber, $gscore), "transitional for title translation") if ($gscore->{$grabber}); &log("WARNING: Can't run $grabber to build title translation list!\n"); } } } # If run with --randomize, then rather than always selecting the highest-scoring # grabber first we'll make a weighted random selection. if ($opt->{randomize}) { my $r = int(rand($total)); my $c = 0; foreach my $grabber (keys %$gscore) { next if (!$gscore->{$grabber} or $grabber =~ /\[cache\]/); if ($r >= $c and $r < ($c + $gscore->{$grabber})) { return(select_grabber($grabber, $gscore), "--randomize weighted policy"); } $c += $gscore->{$grabber}; } die "ERROR: failed to choose grabber."; } # Choose grabber with best score. If there are multiple grabbers with the # best score, randomly select one of them. my @sorted = sort { $gscore->{$b} <=> $gscore->{$a} } keys %$gscore; my @candidates = ( $sorted[0] ); my $c = 1; while ($c < @sorted and $gscore->{$sorted[$c]} == $gscore->{$sorted[0]}) { push @candidates, $sorted[$c] unless ($sorted[$c] =~ /\[cache\]/); $c++; } my $num_choices = grep (($gscore->{$_} and $_ !~ /\[cache\]/), @sorted); if (@candidates > 1) { &log("Multiple grabbers with best score: @candidates.\n"); return(select_grabber($candidates[int(rand(scalar(@candidates)))], $gscore), "equal best of $num_choices options, randomly selected from " . (scalar(@candidates)-1) . " peer" . (@candidates > 2 ? 's' : '')); } return(select_grabber($candidates[0], $gscore), $num_choices == 1 ? "only option" : "best of $num_choices options"); } sub select_grabber { my ($grabber, $gscore) = @_; &log(1, "Selected $grabber.\n"); if (query_config($grabber, 'category') == 2) { # We might want to run C1 grabbers multiple times # to grab various timeslices, but not C2 grabbers, # which should get everything at once. delete $gscore->{$grabber}; } return $grabber; } # Grabbers earn 1 point for each slot or chanday they can fill. # This score is multiplied if the grabber: # * is a category 2 grabber (i.e. fast/cheap) # * is a category 1 grabber that has the data we want in a cache # * can supply high-quality data # Very low quality grabbers score 0 unless we need them; i.e. they're backups. sub score_grabbers { my $grabber_policy = shift; my ($total, $key); my $bestdq = 0; # Compare C2 grabbers against the raw missing file, because we'll get # everything. But compare C1 grabbers against the timeslice, because we'll # only ask them for a slice. This goes for the [cache] and regular C1s. foreach my $grabber (keys %$gscore) { # for each slot, say whether we can fill it or not -- that is, # whether we support this channel and this day #. my $hits = 0; my $cat = query_config($grabber, 'category'); my $dq = query_config($grabber, 'quality'); if ($cat == 1) { $key = cut_down_missing($grabber); # &log(1, "Grabber $grabber is Category 1: comparing capability to best timeslice.\n"); } else { $key = $missing; # &log(1, "Grabber $grabber is Category 2: comparing capability to all wanted channels and days.\n"); } if ($grabber_policy eq 'expanded' and ($cat != 2 or !&query_config($grabber, 'has_subtitles'))) { $hits = 0; } elsif (!supports_region($grabber)) { # &log(1, "Zeroing $grabber due to no region support\n"); $hits = 0; } elsif (($find_microgaps) and (!query_config($grabber, 'micrograbs'))) { # &log(1, "Zeroing $grabber due to non-micrograbbing\n"); $hits = 0; } elsif ($grabber =~ /\[cache\]/) { $hits = find_cache_hits($grabber, $key); } elsif ($grabber_policy eq "paytv") { foreach my $day (($opt->{offset} ? $opt->{offset} : 0) .. $days-1) { my $val = supports_day($grabber, $day); next unless ($val); foreach my $ch (keys %$opt_channels) { $hits += $val * &supports_channel($grabber, $ch, $day); } $hits = 1 if ($hits > 0 and $hits < 1); } } else { foreach my $day (sort keys %$key) { my $val = supports_day($grabber, $day); next unless ($val); # &log(1, "Day $day:"); foreach my $ch (@{$key->{$day}}) { $hits += $val * &supports_channel($grabber, $ch, $day) } $hits = 1 if ($hits > 0 and $hits < 1); } } $dq -= 0.8 if (!&query_config($grabber, 'has_subtitles')); my $score = 0; if ($grabber =~ /\[cache\]/) { # Bonus is on a sliding scale between 1 and 2 depending on # % of required data in cache $score = $hits; } elsif ($hits) { if ($opt->{mode} and lc($opt->{mode}) eq 'efficiency') { $score += 1000 * ($cat - 1); $score += 400 * ($dq - 1); $score += $hits; $score -= 0.2 * $hits if (&query_config($grabber, 'has_noncritical_gaps')); } elsif ($opt->{mode} and lc($opt->{mode} eq 'speed')) { $score += 2000 * ($cat - 1); $score += 100 * ($dq - 1); $score += $hits; $score -= 0.1 * $hits if (&query_config($grabber, 'has_noncritical_gaps')); } else # Quality mode { $score += 1000 * ($dq - 1); $score += 500 * ($cat - 1); $score += $hits; $score -= 0.2 * $hits if (&query_config($grabber, 'has_noncritical_gaps')); } } if ($debug) { my $str = sprintf "Grabber %s can supply %d chandays", $grabber, $hits; $str .= sprintf(" (cat: %d, DQ: %d): %d pts", $cat, $dq, $score) if ($hits); &log(1, "$str.\n"); } if ($score and query_config($grabber, 'option_anon_socks') and !defined $plugin_data->{tor_pid}) { # &log(1, "Grabber $grabber needs Tor to run efficiently: reducing score.\n"); $score = int($score/10)+1; } $gscore->{$grabber} += $score; $total += $score; if ($grabber =~ /\[cache\]/) { $gscore->{query_name($grabber)} += $score; } if ($score and $dq > $bestdq) { $bestdq = $dq; } } # Eliminate grabbers of data quality 1 if there are any better-quality # alternatives. (Only need to do this with 'randomize' option, since otherwise # we will always pick the highest score.) if ($opt->{randomize}) { foreach (keys %$gscore) { if (query_config($_, 'quality') == 1 and $bestdq > 1) { $total -= $gscore->{$_}; $gscore->{$_} = 0; # &log(1, "Zeroing grabber $_ due to low data quality.\n"); } } } return $total; } # Return 1 if the grabber can provide data for this channel, # 0.5 if it supports it unreliably, and 0 if it doesn't support # it at all May optionally be sent 'day' arg, which allows # specific checking to see if the channel is supported for that # day number. # # Note that Shepherd considers today to be Day 0, so a grabber # that says it can grab 7 days of data supports Day 0 to Day 6. sub supports_channel { my ($grabber, $ch, $day) = @_; my $val = 1; # If grabber has 'max_reliable_days_per_channel' specified, and # we're looking at a channel and day that's outside that, we'll # never return more than a value of 0.5. my $mdpc = query_config($grabber, 'max_reliable_days_per_chan'); $val = 0.5 if ($mdpc and defined $day and $mdpc->{$ch} and $day >= $mdpc->{$ch}); # If grabber has a 'max_days_per_chan' specified that includes # the channel we're looking at, return 0 if we're outside it and # 1 if we're within it (or 0.5 if modified by the previous check). $mdpc = query_config($grabber, 'max_days_per_chan'); return ($day >= $mdpc->{$ch} ? 0 : $val) if ($mdpc and defined $day and $mdpc->{$ch}); $ch =~ s/ /_/g; # Does this grabber have any channel support exceptions? If so, # see if the wanted channel is listed for our region. my $exceptions = query_config($grabber, 'channel_support_exceptions'); if ($exceptions and $exceptions =~ /\b$region:(-?)\S*\b$ch\b/) { return ($1 ne '-' ? $val : 0); } # No special regional exemptions, so check the main support string. my $channels_supported = query_config($grabber, 'channels'); unless (defined $channels_supported) { &log("WARNING: Grabber $grabber has no channel support " . "specified in config.\n"); $channels_supported = ''; } return $val unless ($channels_supported); # Empty string means we support all my $match = ($channels_supported =~ /\b$ch\b/); $exceptions = ($channels_supported =~/^-/); return ($match != $exceptions ? $val : 0); } # Returns 1 if the grabber supports our set region, else 0 sub supports_region { my ($grabber) = @_; my $rsupport = query_config($grabber, 'regions'); return 1 unless ($rsupport); # Empty string means full support my $match = ($rsupport =~ /\b$region\b/); my $exceptions = ($rsupport =~/^-/); return ($match != $exceptions); } # Return 0 if the grabber can't provide data for this day, # 1 if it can reliably, and 0.5 if it can unreliably. # # Note that a max_days of 7 means the grabber can retrieve data for # today plus 6 days. sub supports_day { my ($grabber, $day) = @_; return 0 unless ($day < query_config($grabber, 'max_days')); return 0.5 if ($day >= query_config($grabber, 'max_reliable_days')); return 1; } sub find_cache_hits { my ($grabber, $key) = @_; $grabber = query_name($grabber); return 0 unless ($components->{$grabber}->{cached}); my $hits = 0; foreach my $day (keys %$key) { next unless (supports_day($grabber, $day)); my $date = substr(DateCalc("today", "+ $day days"), 0, 8); foreach my $ch (@{$key->{$day}}) { next unless (supports_channel($grabber, $ch, $day)); $hits++ if (grep(/^$date:$ch$/, @{$components->{$grabber}->{cached}})); } } return $hits; } # Build a dayhash of what channel/day data we're currently missing. # Only policy-violating holes count unless $find_microgaps is set. sub detect_missing_data { my ($grabber_policy, $quiet) = @_; my $m = { }; &log("SHEPHERD: Hunting for microgaps!\n") if ($find_microgaps and !$quiet); foreach my $ch (keys %$channels) { # is this channel missing too much data? if ($find_microgaps) { my $lastday = -1; foreach my $line (@{$channel_data->{$ch}->{analysis}->{missing_all}}) { $line =~ /^#(\d)/ or die "Bad line $line"; my $day = $1; unless ($day == $lastday) { push (@{($m->{$day})}, $ch); $lastday = $day; } } } elsif ($grabber_policy eq 'expanded') { # Search our guide data for any channel-days that were filled # by grabbers that don't support sub-titles. foreach my $day (@{($channel_data->{$ch}->{analysis}->{day})}) { next unless ($day and keys %$day); my $str; foreach my $plugin (keys %$plugin_data) { next unless ($plugin =~ /^(.*)-\d+$/); my $pluginname = $1; next unless ($components->{$pluginname} and $components->{$pluginname}->{type} eq 'grabber'); if ($plugin_data->{$plugin}->{analysis}->{$ch}->{day}->[$day->{num}]->{have}) { # This grabber has supplied some data for this channel-day if (&query_config($pluginname, 'has_subtitles')) { # The grabber supports subtitles if (!$plugin_data->{$plugin}->{analysis}->{$ch}->{day}->[$day->{num}]->{missing}) { # A subtitle-supporting grabber supplied this channel-day; # no need for further data. $m->{$day->{num}} = [ grep($_ ne $ch, @{$m->{$day->{num}}}) ]; delete $m->{$day->{num}} unless (@{$m->{$day->{num}}}); undef $str; last; } # Otherwise this grabber didn't fill the whole day, so # we still should seek data } else { # The grabber that supplied data doesn't support sub-titles; # add this channel-day to our list of holes. $str = "May lack episode names: $ch day $day->{num} (filled by $pluginname)\n"; push(@{($m->{($day->{num})})}, $ch); } } } &log(1, "SHEPHERD: $str") if ($str); # If we get this far, it's a 'suspect' channel-day } } elsif (!$channel_data->{$ch}->{analysis}->{data_ok}) { foreach my $day (@{($channel_data->{$ch}->{analysis}->{day})}) { next unless ($day and keys %$day); push(@{($m->{($day->{num})})}, $ch) unless ($day->{day_ok}); } } } my @chans; foreach my $day (keys %$m) { $m->{$day} = [ sort @{$m->{$day}} ]; foreach my $ch (@{$m->{$day}}) { push (@chans, $ch) unless (grep ($_ eq $ch, @chans)); } } &log(sprintf "SHEPHERD: Need %d channel-days of data (%d channels across %d days).\n", scalar(keys %$m) * @chans, scalar(@chans), scalar(keys %$m) ) if (keys %$m and !$quiet); return $m; } # Find the largest timeslice in the current $missing dayhash; i.e. # something like "Days 4 - 6 of ABC and SBS." This works by iterating # through the days and looking for overlaps where consecutive days # want the same channels. sub find_best_timeslice { my ($overlap, $a); my $slice = { 'chandays' => 0 }; foreach my $day (($opt->{offset} ? $opt->{offset} : 0) .. $days-1) { consider_slice($slice, $day, $day, @{$missing->{$day}}); $overlap = $missing->{$day}; foreach my $nextday (($day + 1) .. $days-1) { last unless ($missing->{$nextday}); $a = Algorithm::Diff::LCS($overlap, $missing->{$nextday}); last unless ($a and @{$a}); consider_slice($slice, $day, $nextday, @{$a}); $overlap = $a; } } return $slice; } sub consider_slice { my ($slice, $startday, $stopday, @chans) = @_; my $challenger = ($stopday - $startday + 1) * scalar(@chans); return unless ($challenger > $slice->{chandays}); # We have a winner! $slice->{start} = $startday; $slice->{stop} = $stopday; $slice->{chans} = [ @chans ]; $slice->{chandays} = $challenger; } sub remove_missing_unfillable { foreach my $day (keys %{$missing_unfillable}) { next if !defined $missing->{$day}; foreach my $ch (@{$missing_unfillable->{$day}}) { @{$missing->{$day}} = grep($_ ne $ch, @{$missing->{$day}}); } } } sub add_timeslice_to_missing_unfillable { foreach my $day ($timeslice->{start} .. $timeslice->{stop}) { foreach my $ch (@{$timeslice->{chans}}) { push(@{$missing_unfillable->{$day}}, $ch) unless grep($_ eq $ch, @{$missing_unfillable->{$day}}); } } } sub display_best_timeslice { return sprintf "day%s of channel%s %s (%d channel-day%s).\n", ($timeslice->{start} == $timeslice->{stop} ? " $timeslice->{start}" : "s $timeslice->{start} - $timeslice->{stop}"), (@{$timeslice->{chans}} > 1 ? 's' : ''), join(', ', @{$timeslice->{chans}}), $timeslice->{chandays}, $timeslice->{chandays} == 1 ? '' : 's'; } # Creates temporary gaps file suitable for passing to grabbers with # --gaps_file option, and records the requested buckets for later # analysis by analyze_plugin_data(). sub record_requested_gaps { my ($fn, $timeslice, $grabber) = @_; my $gaps; my $gapstr = ''; # Clear any previously-set gaps delete $plugin_data->{$grabber}->{requested_gaps}; my $timeslice_epoch_start = $policy{starttime} + ($timeslice->{start} * 24 * 60 * 60); my $timeslice_epoch_end = $policy{starttime} + (($timeslice->{stop} + 1) * 24 * 60 * 60); foreach my $ch (@{$timeslice->{chans}}) { my $missinglist = $channel_data->{$ch}->{analysis}->{missing_all_epoch}; my @a = split(/,/, $missinglist); foreach my $period (@a) { $period =~ /(\d+)-(\d+)/; my ($gap_start, $gap_end) = ($1, $2); if ($gap_start < $timeslice_epoch_end or $gap_end > $timeslice_epoch_start) { # we want this period push (@{$gaps->{$ch}}, $period); # record as requested for (my $etime = $gap_start; $etime <= $gap_end; $etime += $policy{timeslot_size}) { my $bucket = ($etime - $policy{starttime}) / $policy{timeslot_size}; push @{$plugin_data->{$grabber}->{requested_gaps}->{$ch}}, $bucket; } } } $gapstr .= "$ch:" . join(',', @{$gaps->{$ch}}) . ' ' if ($gaps->{$ch}); } write_file($fn, 'temporary gaps file', [ $gaps ], [ 'gaps' ]); return $gapstr; } # Record what a cacheable C1 grabber has just retrieved for us, # so we know next time that this data can be grabbed quickly. sub record_cached { my ($grabber, @grabbed) = @_; &log(1, "SHEPHERD: Recording cache for grabber $grabber.\n"); my $gcache = $components->{$grabber}->{cached}; $gcache = [ ] unless ($gcache); my @newcache; my $today = strftime("%Y%m%d", localtime); # remove old chandays foreach my $chanday (@$gcache) { $chanday =~ /(\d+):(.*)/; if ($1 >= $today) { push (@newcache, $chanday); } } # record new chandays foreach my $chanday (@grabbed) { push (@newcache, $chanday) unless (grep(/^$chanday$/, @newcache)); } $components->{$grabber}->{cached} = [ @newcache ]; } # Takes a dayhash and returns it as a list like this: # ( "20061018:ABC", "20061018:Seven", ... ) sub convert_dayhash_to_list { my $h = shift; my @ret; foreach my $day (keys %$h) { my $date = substr(DateCalc("today", "+ $day days"), 0, 8); foreach my $ch (@{$h->{$day}}) { push (@ret, "$date:$ch"); } } @ret = sort @ret; return \@ret; } # If we're about to re-try a grabber, make sure that we're not asking # it for the same data. That is, prevent a broken C1 grabber causing # an infinite loop. sub record_requested_chandays { my ($grabber, $slice) = @_; &log(1, "SHEPHERD: Recording timeslice request; will not request these chandays " . "from $grabber again.\n"); # Clear out anything set previously delete $plugin_data->{$grabber}->{requested_data}; my @requested; for my $day ($slice->{start} .. $slice->{stop}) { foreach my $ch (@{$slice->{chans}}) { push @requested, "$day:$ch"; $plugin_data->{$grabber}->{requested_data}->{$ch}[$day] = 1; # &log(1, " requesting ch $ch on day $day\n"); } } if ($grabbed->{$grabber}) { push @{$grabbed->{$grabber}}, @requested; } else { $grabbed->{$grabber} = [ @requested ]; } } # If this grabber has been called previously, remove those chandays # from the current request -- we don't want to ask it over and over # for a timeslice that it has already failed to provide. sub cut_down_missing { my $grabber = shift; $grabber = query_name($grabber); my $dayhash = {}; # Take the timeslice and expand it to a dayhash, while pruning # any chandays that have previously been requested from this # grabber. foreach my $day ($timeslice->{start} .. $timeslice->{stop}) { my @chans; foreach my $ch (@{$timeslice->{chans}}) { unless ($grabbed->{$grabber} and grep($_ eq "$day:$ch", @{$grabbed->{$grabber}})) { push (@chans, $ch) } } $dayhash->{$day} = [ @chans ] if (@chans); } return $dayhash; } # ----------------------------------------- # Subs: Analyzing data # ----------------------------------------- # interpret xmltv data from this grabber/postprocessor sub soak_up_data { my ($pluginname, $output, $plugintype, $stage) = @_; $components_used .= sprintf " + %s(v%s)", $pluginname, $components->{$pluginname}->{ver}; $components_used .= "[tainted]" if (defined $plugin_data->{$pluginname}->{tainted}); if ($plugintype eq "grabber") { if ((defined $stage) && ($stage eq "paytv")) { $components_used .= "[ptv]"; } else { $components_used .= "[m]" if ($find_microgaps); } } my $plugin = $pluginname; if ($plugintype eq 'grabber') { $plugin .= '-' . query_iteration($pluginname); } if (! -r $output) { &log("SHEPHERD: Error: plugin '$pluginname' output file '$output' does not exist\n"); $components_used .= "[failed_notfound]"; $plugin_data->{$plugin}->{failure_reason} = 'no XMLTV output'; return; } my $this_plugin = $plugin_data->{$plugin}; &log("SHEPHERD: Started parsing XMLTV from '$pluginname' in '$output' .. any errors below are from parser:\n"); eval { $this_plugin->{xmltv} = XMLTV::parsefiles($output); }; &log("SHEPHERD: Completed XMLTV parsing from '$pluginname'\n"); # Note: as far as I can tell, XMLTV will ALWAYS return an {xmltv} field, even # if it was unable to parse the file, which makes this little block useless if (!($this_plugin->{xmltv})) { &log("WARNING: Plugin $pluginname didn't seem to return valid XMLTV!\n"); $components_used .= "[failed_invalid]"; $plugin_data->{$plugin}->{failure_reason} = 'invalid XMLTV'; return; } $this_plugin->{name} = $pluginname; $this_plugin->{valid} = 1; $this_plugin->{output_filename} = $output; my $xmltv = $this_plugin->{xmltv}; my ($encoding, $credits, $chan, $progs) = @$xmltv; # explicitly track unparsable dates, excessive durations, etc foreach ( qw( programmes total_duration progs_with_invalid_date progs_too_long progs_too_short progs_with_unknown channel progs_outside_window progs_optional progs_tba)) { $this_plugin->{$_} = 0; } my $seen_channels_with_data = 0; # # first iterate through all programmes and see if there are any channels we don't know about # my %chan_xml_list; foreach my $ch (sort keys %{$channels}) { $chan_xml_list{($channels->{$ch})} = $ch; } foreach my $ch (sort keys %{$opt_channels}) { $chan_xml_list{($opt_channels->{$ch})} = $ch; } foreach my $prog (@$progs) { if (!defined $chan_xml_list{($prog->{channel})}) { $this_plugin->{progs_with_unknown_channel}++; &log((sprintf " - WARNING: plugin '%s' returned data for unknown channel '%s': ignored.\n",$pluginname,$prog->{channel})); $chan_xml_list{($prog->{channel})} = 1; # so we warn only once } } # iterate thru channels foreach my $ch_xmlid (sort keys %chan_xml_list) { my $seen_progs_on_this_channel = 0; my $ch = $chan_xml_list{$ch_xmlid}; # iterate thru programmes per channel foreach my $prog (@$progs) { next if ($prog->{channel} ne $ch_xmlid); my $t1 = &parse_xmltv_date($prog->{start}); # Deduct 1 second from end time, so that a show that finishes at # 2AM is considered to finish at 1:59.59AM, and does not fill # the 2AM - 2:05AM bucket. my $t2 = &parse_xmltv_date($prog->{stop}) - 1; if (!$t1 || !$t2) { &log((sprintf " - WARNING: plugin '%s' returned programme data with invalid timestamp format: \"%s\": can't parse.\n", $pluginname,(!$t1 ? $prog->{start} : $prog->{stop}))) if (!$this_plugin->{progs_with_invalid_date}); $this_plugin->{progs_with_invalid_date}++; next; } my $this_duration = $t2 - $t1; # skip if on required channel and too long OR extra long provided title isn't 'close' if (((defined $channels->{$ch} && $this_duration > $policy{max_programme_length}) || ($this_duration > $policy{max_programme_length_opt_channels})) && ($prog->{title}->[0]->[0] !~ /\bclose\b/i)) { &log((sprintf " - WARNING: plugin '%s' returned programme data with duration exceeding limit (%dh%dm): ignored.\n", $pluginname, int($policy{max_programme_length} / 3600), int(($policy{max_programme_length} % 3600) / 60))) if (!$this_plugin->{progs_too_long}); $this_plugin->{progs_too_long}++; next; } if ($this_duration < 1) { &log(sprintf "- WARNING: plugin '%s' returned programme data with invalid duration (%s to %s): ignored.\n", $pluginname, $prog->{start}, $prog->{stop}); $this_plugin->{progs_too_short}++; next; } # Don't count shows that are simply 'To Be Advised' # These will be dropped by the reconciler if ($prog->{title}->[0]->[0] =~ /^to be advised$/i or $prog->{title}->[0]->[0] =~ /^tba$/i) { $this_plugin->{progs_tba}++; next; } # store plugin-specific stats $this_plugin->{programmes}++; $this_plugin->{total_duration} += $this_duration; $seen_progs_on_this_channel++; $this_plugin->{earliest_data_seen} = $t1 if (!defined $this_plugin->{earliest_data_seen}); $this_plugin->{earliest_data_seen} = $t1 if ($t1 < $this_plugin->{earliest_data_seen}); $this_plugin->{latest_data_seen} = $t2 if (!defined $this_plugin->{latest_data_seen}); $this_plugin->{latest_data_seen} = $t2 if ($t2 > $this_plugin->{latest_data_seen}); # only analyze / check against policy if its a non optional channel if (defined $channels->{$ch}) { # programme is outside the timeslots we are interested in. if ($t1 > $policy{endtime} or $t2 < $policy{starttime}) { $this_plugin->{progs_outside_window}++; next; } # store channel-specific stats $channel_data->{$ch}->{programmes}++; $channel_data->{$ch}->{total_duration} += $this_duration; # store timeslot info my $start_slotnum = 0; $start_slotnum = int(($t1 - $policy{starttime}) / $policy{timeslot_size}) if ($t1 >= $policy{starttime}); my $end_slotnum = ($policy{num_timeslots}-1); $end_slotnum = int(($t2 - $policy{starttime}) / $policy{timeslot_size}) if ($t2 < $policy{endtime}); $this_plugin->{progs_outside_window}++ if ($end_slotnum < $start_slotnum); &log((sprintf "DEBUG: ch '%s' prog start '%s' stop '%s' storing into timeslots %d-%d (%s-%s)\n", $ch, $prog->{start}, $prog->{stop}, $start_slotnum, $end_slotnum, POSIX::strftime("%a%e%b%H:%M", localtime($policy{starttime}+($start_slotnum * $policy{timeslot_size}))), POSIX::strftime("%a%e%b%H:%M", localtime($policy{starttime}+($end_slotnum * $policy{timeslot_size}))))) if $policy{timeslot_debug}; # add this programme into the global and per-plugin timeslots table for this channel foreach my $slotnum ($start_slotnum..$end_slotnum) { $channel_data->{$ch}->{timeslots}[$slotnum]++; $this_plugin->{timeslots}->{$ch}[$slotnum]++; $this_plugin->{slots_filled}++; } } else { $this_plugin->{progs_optional}++; } } $seen_channels_with_data++ if ($seen_progs_on_this_channel > 0); } # print some stats about what we saw! &log((sprintf "SHEPHERD: %s '%s' returned data for %d channels, %d programmes, %dd%02dh%02dm%02ds duration, %s%s\n", ucfirst($plugintype), $pluginname, $seen_channels_with_data, $this_plugin->{programmes}, int($this_plugin->{total_duration} / 86400), # days int(($this_plugin->{total_duration} % 86400) / 3600), # hours int(($this_plugin->{total_duration} % 3600) / 60), # mins int($this_plugin->{total_duration} % 60), # sec (defined $this_plugin->{earliest_data_seen} ? POSIX::strftime("%a %e %b %H:%M - ", localtime($this_plugin->{earliest_data_seen})) : 'no data'), (defined $this_plugin->{latest_data_seen} ? POSIX::strftime("%a %e %b %H:%M", localtime($this_plugin->{latest_data_seen})) : ''))); $this_plugin->{laststatus} = sprintf "%dch/%dpr/%dhrs %s-%s", $seen_channels_with_data, $this_plugin->{programmes}, int($this_plugin->{total_duration} / 3600), (defined $this_plugin->{earliest_data_seen} ? POSIX::strftime("%a%d%b", localtime($this_plugin->{earliest_data_seen})) : 'no'), (defined $this_plugin->{latest_data_seen} ? POSIX::strftime("%a%d%b", localtime($this_plugin->{latest_data_seen})) : 'data'); if (!$this_plugin->{slots_filled} and !&query_config($pluginname, 'type')) { # Call this a failure if there was some kind of weirdness. If # the grabber genuinely couldn't retrieve any shows for the # requested period, that's MISSING_DATA, but if it did and # we couldn't understand them, that's a FAIL. if ($this_plugin->{progs_with_invalid_date} or $this_plugin->{progs_too_long} or $this_plugin->{progs_too_short} or $this_plugin->{progs_outside_window} or $this_plugin->{progs_with_unknown_channel} or $this_plugin->{progs_optional}) { $this_plugin->{valid} = 0; $components_used .= '[failed_unparseable]'; $this_plugin->{failure_reason} = sprintf "Unparseable: %d ch, %d shows, %d dur, %d slots, %d invalid_date, %d too_long, %d too_short, %d outside_window, %d unknown_channel, %d optional, earliest_seen: %d, latest_seen: %d, policy_start: %d, policy_end: %d", $seen_channels_with_data, $this_plugin->{programmes}, $this_plugin->{total_duration}, $this_plugin->{slots_filled}, $this_plugin->{progs_with_invalid_date}, $this_plugin->{progs_too_long}, $this_plugin->{progs_too_short}, $this_plugin->{progs_outside_window}, $this_plugin->{progs_with_unknown_channel}, $this_plugin->{progs_optional}, $this_plugin->{earliest_data_seen}, $this_plugin->{latest_data_seen}, $policy{starttime}, $policy{endtime} ; } } $plugin_data->{$plugin} = $this_plugin; } # analyze grabber data - do we have all the data we want? # this can analyze either the cumulative data from ALL plugins ($proggy="shepherd") # or can analyze the data from one specific plugin sub analyze_plugin_data { my ($analysisname, $quiet, $proggy, $iteration) = @_; &log("SHEPHERD: $analysisname:\n") unless $quiet; my $total_channels = 0; my $plugin_epoch_missing_data = ""; my $overall_data_ok = 1; # until proven otherwise my $total_missing = 0; my $total_data = 0; my $plugin = $proggy; $plugin .= "-$iteration" if (defined $iteration); # iterate across each channel foreach my $ch (sort keys %{$channels}) { # if we're analyzing data for a grabber and it doesn't support this channel, skip it if (($proggy ne $progname) && ($components->{$proggy}->{type} eq "grabber") && (supports_channel($proggy, $ch, 1) == 0)) { &log(1, (sprintf "DEBUG: analysis of channel %s for plugin %s skipped since plugin doesn't support channel\n", $ch, $proggy)); next; } $total_channels++; my $data; my $lastpol = ""; $data->{data_ok} = 1; # unless proven otherwise $data->{have} = 0; $data->{missing} = 0; for my $slotnum (0..($policy{num_timeslots}-1)) { my $bucket_start_offset = ($slotnum * $policy{timeslot_size}); # work out day number of when this bucket is. # number from 0 onwards. (i.e. today=0). # for a typical 7 day grabber this will actually mean 8 days of data (0-7) # with days 0 and 7 truncated to half-days my $day = int(($bucket_start_offset + $policy{first_bucket_offset}) / 86400); $day += $opt->{offset} if ($opt->{offset}); if (!defined $data->{day}->[$day]) { $data->{day}->[$day]->{num} = $day; $data->{day}->[$day]->{have} = 0; $data->{day}->[$day]->{missing} = 0; $data->{day}->[$day]->{missing_peak} = 0; $data->{day}->[$day]->{missing_nonpeak} = 0; $data->{day}->[$day]->{missing_other} = 0; $data->{day}->[$day]->{day_ok} = 1; # until proven otherwise # day changed, dump any 'already_missing' data &dump_already_missing($data, $proggy); } # we have programming data for this bucket. great! process next bucket if ((($proggy eq $progname) && (defined $channel_data->{$ch}->{timeslots}[$slotnum]) && ($channel_data->{$ch}->{timeslots}[$slotnum] > 0)) || (($proggy ne $progname) && (defined $plugin_data->{$plugin}->{timeslots}->{$ch}[$slotnum]) && ($plugin_data->{$plugin}->{timeslots}->{$ch}[$slotnum] > 0))) { # if we have missing data queued up, push it now &dump_already_missing($data, $proggy); &dump_already_missing_period($data->{day}->[$day],$lastpol) if ($lastpol ne ""); $data->{day}->[$day]->{have} += $policy{timeslot_size}; $data->{have} += $policy{timeslot_size}; next; } # some grabbers take HOURS to run. if this bucket (missing data) is for # a time period now in the past, then don't include it next if (($bucket_start_offset + $policy{starttime}) < time); # we don't have programming for this channel for this bucket &log((sprintf "DEBUG: missing timeslot data for ch '%s' bucket %d (%s)\n", $ch, $slotnum, POSIX::strftime("%a%e%b%H:%M", localtime($policy{starttime}+($slotnum * $policy{timeslot_size}))))) if $policy{timeslot_debug}; if (($proggy ne $progname) && ($components->{$proggy}->{type} eq "grabber")) { # if we're analyzing data for a grabber and it doesn't have data for this # channel on this day, don't record it as missing data if: # 1. grabber doesn't reliably support this day # 2. we didn't _request_ the data for this channel/day (C1 grabbers only) # 3. grabber doesn't reliably support this channel my $ignore_missing = 0; # don't ignore missing unless proven otherwise # 1. ignore if it exceeds 'max_reliable_days' for this grabber if (supports_day($proggy,$day) != 1) { $ignore_missing++; &log((sprintf "DEBUG: analysis of plugin '%s' skipping missing data channel '%s' for day %d due to max_reliable_days\n", $proggy, $ch, $day)) if ($policy{timeslot_debug}); } # 2(a). ignore if we didn't request data for channel/day (C1 grabbers) if ((query_config($proggy, 'category') == 1) && (!defined $plugin_data->{$proggy}->{requested_data}->{$ch}[$day])) { $ignore_missing++; &log((sprintf "DEBUG: analysis of plugin '%s' skipping missing data channel '%s' for day %d due to not requested\n", $proggy, $ch, $day)) if ($policy{timeslot_debug}); } # 2(b). ignore if we didn't request this gap (C1 grabbers) if ($find_microgaps and &query_config($proggy, 'category') == 1 and grep ($_ ne $slotnum, @{$plugin_data->{$proggy}->{requested_gaps}->{$ch}})) { $ignore_missing++; &log((sprintf "DEBUG: analysis of plugin '%s' skipping missing data channel '%s' due to bucket %d being outside requested gap\n", $proggy, $ch, $slotnum)) if ($policy{timeslot_debug}); } # 3. ignore if this grabber can't reliably supply this channel if (supports_channel($proggy,$ch,$day) != 1) { $ignore_missing++; &log((sprintf "DEBUG: analysis of plugin '%s' skipping missing data channel '%s' for day %d due to cannot-supply\n", $proggy, $ch, $day)) if ($policy{timeslot_debug}); } if ($ignore_missing > 0) { # if we have missing data queued up, push it now &dump_already_missing($data, $proggy); &dump_already_missing_period($data->{day}->[$day],$lastpol) if ($lastpol ne ""); next; } } if (($proggy ne $progname) && ($components->{$proggy}->{type} ne "grabber")) { # if we're analyzing data for a reconciler/postprocessor and it doesn't have # data for a timeslot, only record that as an error if the source data _was_ # previously available in the 'overall' data if ((!defined $channel_data->{$ch}->{timeslots}[$slotnum]) || ($channel_data->{$ch}->{timeslots}[$slotnum] == 0)) { &log((sprintf "DEBUG: analysis of plugin '%s' skipping missing data channel '%s' for day %d due to not-in-overall-data\n", $proggy, $ch, $day)) if ($policy{timeslot_debug}); next; } } # work out the localtime of when this bucket is my $bucket_seconds_offset = ($bucket_start_offset + $policy{first_bucket_offset}) % 86400; # store details of where we are missing data if (!defined $data->{already_missing}) { $data->{already_missing} = sprintf "#%d/%02d:%02d", $day, int($bucket_seconds_offset / 3600), int(($bucket_seconds_offset % 3600) / 60); $data->{already_missing_epoch} = $policy{starttime} + $bucket_start_offset; } $data->{already_missing_last} = $bucket_seconds_offset + $policy{timeslot_size} - 1; $data->{already_missing_last_epoch} = $policy{starttime} + $bucket_start_offset + $policy{timeslot_size} - 1; $data->{day}->[$day]->{missing} += $policy{timeslot_size}; $data->{missing} += $policy{timeslot_size}; # work out what policy missing data for this bucket fits into my $pol; if (($bucket_seconds_offset >= $policy{peak_start}) && (($bucket_seconds_offset+$policy{timeslot_size}) <= $policy{peak_stop})) { $pol = "peak"; } elsif (($bucket_seconds_offset >= $policy{nonpeak_start}) && (($bucket_seconds_offset+$policy{timeslot_size}) <= $policy{nonpeak_stop})) { $pol = "nonpeak"; } else { $pol = "other"; } &dump_already_missing_period($data->{day}->[$day],$lastpol) if (($lastpol ne $pol) && ($lastpol ne "")); $lastpol = $pol; $data->{day}->[$day]->{"missing_".$pol} += $policy{timeslot_size}; $data->{day}->[$day]->{"already_missing_".$pol."_start"} = $bucket_seconds_offset if (!defined $data->{day}->[$day]->{"already_missing_".$pol."_start"}); $data->{day}->[$day]->{"already_missing_".$pol."_stop"} = $bucket_seconds_offset + $policy{timeslot_size} - 1; $data->{day}->[$day]->{day_ok} = 0 if ($data->{day}->[$day]->{missing_peak} > $policy{peak_max_missing}); $data->{day}->[$day]->{day_ok} = 0 if ($data->{day}->[$day]->{missing_nonpeak} > $policy{nonpeak_max_missing}); $data->{day}->[$day]->{day_ok} = 0 if ($data->{day}->[$day]->{missing_other} > $policy{other_max_missing}); $data->{data_ok} = 0 if ($data->{day}->[$day]->{day_ok} == 0); $overall_data_ok = 0 if ($data->{data_ok} == 0); } # finished all timeslots in this channel. # if we have missing data queued up, push it now &dump_already_missing($data, $proggy); # fill in any last missing period data foreach my $day (@{($data->{day})}) { &dump_already_missing_period($day,"peak"); &dump_already_missing_period($day,"nonpeak"); &dump_already_missing_period($day,"other"); } my $statusstring = sprintf " > ch %s: %s%s\n", $ch, $data->{have} ? ($data->{missing} ? ($data->{data_ok} ? "PASS (within policy thresholds)" : "FAIL (missing data exceeds policy thresholds):") : "PASS (complete)") : "FAIL (no data):", $data->{have} ? ", have " . pretty_duration($data->{have}) : ''; # display per-day missing data statistics foreach my $day (@{($data->{day})}) { next unless ($day->{missing}); $statusstring .= sprintf "\t".(strftime("%a %e %b",localtime($policy{starttime} + (($day->{num} - ($opt->{offset} or 0)) * 86400)))).": missing "; if ($day->{have}) { $statusstring .= pretty_duration($day->{missing}) . ": "; # do we have any data for this day? $statusstring .= "peak ".join(", ",(@{($day->{missing_peak_table})})) if (($day->{missing_peak}) && ($day->{missing_peak})); $statusstring .= sprintf "%snon-peak %s", ($day->{missing_peak} ? " / " : ""), join(", ",(@{($day->{missing_nonpeak_table})})) if (($day->{missing_nonpeak}) && ($day->{missing_nonpeak})); $statusstring .= sprintf "%sother %s", (($day->{missing_peak} + $day->{missing_nonpeak}) > 0 ? " / " : ""), join(", ",(@{($day->{missing_other_table})})) if (($day->{missing_other}) && ($day->{missing_other})); } else { $statusstring .= "entire day"; } $statusstring .= "\n"; } &log($statusstring) unless $quiet; $data->{statusstring} = $statusstring; $plugin_epoch_missing_data .= sprintf "%s:%s\t",$ch,$data->{missing_all_epoch} if (defined $data->{missing_all_epoch}); $total_missing += $data->{missing}; $total_data += $data->{have}; if ($proggy eq $progname) { delete $channel_data->{$ch}->{analysis} if (defined $channel_data->{$ch}->{analysis}); $channel_data->{$ch}->{analysis} = $data; } else { delete $plugin_data->{$plugin}->{analysis}->{$ch} if (defined $plugin_data->{$plugin}->{analysis}->{$ch}); $plugin_data->{$plugin}->{analysis}->{$ch} = $data; } } &log((sprintf " > OVERALL: [%2.2f%%] %s\n", ($total_data + $total_missing > 0 ? (100 * $total_data / ($total_data + $total_missing)) : 0), ($total_missing ? ($overall_data_ok ? "PASS (within policy thresholds)" : "FAIL (exceeds policy thresholds)") : "PASS (complete)"))) unless $quiet; if ($plugin_epoch_missing_data ne '') { &add_pending_message($proggy, 'MISSING_DATA', $plugin_epoch_missing_data) unless ($plugin_data->{tainted}); } elsif ($proggy eq $progname) { delete $pending_messages->{$progname}->{MISSING_DATA}; } if ($proggy eq $progname) { $plugin_data->{$progname}->{total_missing} = $total_missing; $plugin_data->{$progname}->{total_duration} = $total_data; $data_found_all = ($total_missing ? 0 : 1); $data_satisfies_policy = $overall_data_ok; } return $overall_data_ok; # return 1 for satisifies policy, 0 for need more } # helper routine for filling in 'missing_all' array sub dump_already_missing { my ($d, $proggy) = @_; if (defined $d->{already_missing}) { if (defined $d->{already_missing_last}) { $d->{already_missing} .= sprintf "-%02d:%02d", int($d->{already_missing_last} / 3600), int(($d->{already_missing_last} % 3600) / 60); } push(@{($d->{missing_all})}, $d->{already_missing}); $d->{already_missing_epoch} .= sprintf "-%d",$d->{already_missing_last_epoch}; # Don't report noncritical data holes in grabbers we know have those. # # Two things to note here: # 1. We can only do this for individual grabbers, not Shepherd overall; # $plugin_data -> 'missing_all_epoch' is used for further analysis # at the Shepherd & channel levels, not just stats reporting. # 2. Normally we flag data as '$ignore_missing++' in &analyse_plugin_data, # but that loops through individual buckets: it knows whether each # bucket is filled or not but not how large each gap is. unless (&query_config($proggy, 'has_noncritical_gaps') and &is_noncritical_gap($d->{already_missing_epoch})) { $d->{missing_all_epoch} .= "," if (defined $d->{missing_all_epoch}); $d->{missing_all_epoch} .= $d->{already_missing_epoch}; } delete $d->{already_missing}; delete $d->{already_missing_last}; delete $d->{already_missing_epoch}; delete $d->{already_missing_last_epoch}; } } # helper routine for filling in per-day missing data # specific to peak/nonpeak/other sub dump_already_missing_period { my ($d,$p) = @_; my $startvar = "already_missing_".$p."_start"; my $stopvar = "already_missing_".$p."_stop"; if (defined $d->{$startvar}) { push(@{($d->{"missing_".$p."_table"})}, sprintf "%02d:%02d-%02d:%02d", int($d->{$startvar} / 3600), int(($d->{$startvar} % 3600) / 60), int($d->{$stopvar} / 3600), int(($d->{$stopvar} % 3600) / 60)); delete $d->{$startvar}; delete $d->{$stopvar}; } } # Don't bother reporting small gaps when we already know that this # grabber tends to have them. # # It's actually difficult to say exactly which gaps are critical # (or policy-violating), because our analysis operates on a # per-day basis, not per-gap -- for example, four 5-minute gaps # in prime time is a policy violation, even though each individual # gap isn't. So our solution is not perfect: we are simply # disregarding SMALL gaps, regardless of how many there are. # # A gap is considered non-critical if it's: # (a) in peak time and less than 15 minutes long; or # (b) in nonpeak time and less than 30 minutes long; or # (c) in other time and less than 25 minutes long sub is_noncritical_gap { my $gap = shift; return 0 unless ($gap =~ /(\d+)-(\d+)/); my $zero_hr = $policy{starttime} - $policy{first_bucket_offset}; my $gap_start = (($1 - $zero_hr) % 86400); my $gap_stop = (($2 - $zero_hr) % 86400); my $diff = $gap_stop - $gap_start; if ($gap_start <= $policy{peak_stop} and $gap_stop >= $policy{peak_start}) { # PEAK return ($diff < 15*60); } elsif ($gap_start <= $policy{nonpeak_stop} and $gap_stop >= $policy{nonpeak_start}) { # NONPEAK return ($diff < 30*60); } else { # OTHER return ($diff < 25*60); } } # given a duration (seconds), return it in a pretty "{days}d{hr}h{min}m" string # and indication of whether the duration is over its threshold or not sub pretty_duration { my ($d,$crit) = @_; my $s = ""; $s .= sprintf "%dd",int($d / (60*60*24)) if ($d >= (60*60*24)); $s .= sprintf "%dh",int(($d % (60*60*24)) / (60*60)) if (($d % (60*60*24)) >= (60*60)); $s .= sprintf "%dm",int(($d % (60*60)) / 60) if (($d % (60*60)) >= 60); $s .= sprintf "%ds",int($d % 60) if (($s eq "") && ($d > 0)); $s .= "no" if ($s eq ""); if (defined $crit) { $s .= "[!]" if ($d > $crit); } return $s; } # work out date range we are expecting data to be in sub calc_date_range { $policy{starttime} = time; # set endtime as per $days less 1 day + hours left today $policy{endtime} = $policy{starttime} + ((60*60*24)*($days-1)) + (86400 - (($policy{starttime} + $gmt_offset) % 86400)); # normalize starttime to beginning of next bucket $policy{starttime} += ($policy{timeslot_size} - ($policy{starttime} % $policy{timeslot_size})); # work out how many seconds into a day our first bucket starts $policy{first_bucket_offset} = ($policy{starttime} + $gmt_offset) % 86400; # normalize endtime to end of previous bucket $policy{endtime} -= ($policy{endtime} % $policy{timeslot_size}); # if we are working with an --offset, apply it now. $policy{starttime} += (86400 * $opt->{offset}) if ($opt->{offset}); # work out number of buckets $policy{num_timeslots} = ($policy{endtime} - $policy{starttime}) / $policy{timeslot_size}; &log((sprintf "DEBUG: policy settings: starttime=%d, endtime=%d, first_bucket_offset=%d, gmt_offset=%d, strftime_tz=%s\n", $policy{starttime}, $policy{endtime}, $policy{first_bucket_offset}, $gmt_offset, (strftime("%z", localtime(time))))) if ($policy{timeslot_debug}); } sub calc_gmt_offset { # work out GMT offset - we only do this once if (!$gmt_offset) { # work out our gmt offset my $tzstring = strftime("%z", localtime(time)); $gmt_offset = (60*60) * int(substr($tzstring,1,2)); # hr $gmt_offset += (60 * int(substr($tzstring,3,2))); # min $gmt_offset *= -1 if (substr($tzstring,0,1) eq "-"); # +/- } } # strptime type date parsing - BUT - if no timezone is present, treat time as being in localtime # rather than the various other perl implementation which treat it as being in UTC/GMT sub parse_xmltv_date { my $datestring = shift; my @t; # 0=sec,1=min,2=hour,3=day,4=month,5=year,6=wday,7=yday,8=isdst my $tz_offset = 0; if ($datestring =~ /^(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})/) { ($t[5],$t[4],$t[3],$t[2],$t[1],$t[0]) = (int($1)-1900,int($2)-1,int($3),int($4),int($5),0); ($t[6],$t[7],$t[8]) = (-1,-1,-1); # if input data has a timezone offset, then offset by that if ($datestring =~ /\+(\d{2})(\d{2})/) { $tz_offset = $gmt_offset - (($1*(60*60)) + ($2*60)); } elsif ($datestring =~ /\-(\d{2})(\d{2})/) { $tz_offset = $gmt_offset + (($1*(60*60)) + ($2*60)); } my $e = mktime(@t); return ($e+$tz_offset) if ($e > 1); } return undef; } # ----------------------------------------- # Subs: Reconciling data # ----------------------------------------- # for all the data we have, try to pick the best bits! sub reconcile_data { &log("\nReconciling data:\n\n"); my $num_grabbers = 0; my $input_files = ""; my @input_file_list; # when reconciling & postprocessing, increase the thresholds of how much # missing data we permit. # generally, if a postprocessor or reconciler breaks, it'll return # no data rather than 'most' data. $policy{peak_max_missing} *= 3; $policy{nonpeak_max_missing} *= 1.5; $policy{other_max_missing} *= 3; &log("Preferred title preferences from '$pref_title_source'\n") if ((defined $pref_title_source) && ($plugin_data->{$pref_title_source}) && ($plugin_data->{$pref_title_source}->{valid})); &log("Preference for whose data we prefer as follows:\n"); foreach my $proggy (sort { $components->{$b}->{config}->{quality} <=> $components->{$a}->{config}->{quality} } query_grabbers()) { next if ($components->{$proggy}->{disabled}); next if (defined $plugin_data->{$proggy}->{failed_test}); foreach my $plugin (keys %$plugin_data) { next unless (($plugin =~ /^$proggy-\d+$/) and ($plugin_data->{$plugin}) and ($plugin_data->{$plugin}->{valid})); $num_grabbers++; &log((sprintf " %d. %s (%s)\n", $num_grabbers, $proggy, $plugin_data->{$plugin}->{output_filename})); $input_files .= $plugin_data->{$plugin}->{output_filename}." "; push(@input_file_list,$plugin_data->{$plugin}->{output_filename}); } } if ($num_grabbers == 0) { &log("ERROR! Nothing to reconcile! No valid grabber data!\n"); return 0; } foreach my $reconciler (sort { $components->{$a} <=> $components->{$b} } query_reconcilers()) { next if ($components->{$reconciler}->{disabled}); next if (defined $plugin_data->{$reconciler}->{failed_test}); next if (!$components->{$reconciler}->{ready}); $reconciler_found_all_data = &call_data_processor("reconciler",$reconciler,$input_files); if ((!$reconciler_found_all_data) && ($data_found_all)) { # urgh. this reconciler did a bad bad thing ... &log("SHEPHERD: XML data from reconciler $reconciler appears bogus, will try to use another reconciler\n"); } else { &log("SHEPHERD: Data from reconciler $reconciler looks good\n"); $input_postprocess_file = $plugin_data->{$reconciler}->{output_filename}; } last if ($input_postprocess_file ne ""); } if ($input_postprocess_file eq "") { # no reconcilers worked!! &log("SHEPHERD: WARNING: No reconcilers seemed to work! Falling back to concatenating the data together!\n"); my %w_args = (); $input_postprocess_file = "$CWD/input_preprocess.xmltv"; my $fh = new IO::File ">$input_postprocess_file" || die "could not open $input_postprocess_file for writing: $!\n"; %w_args = (OUTPUT => $fh); XMLTV::catfiles(\%w_args, @input_file_list); } return 1; } # ----------------------------------------- # Subs: Postprocessing # ----------------------------------------- sub postprocess_data { # for our first postprocessor, we feed it ALL of the XMLTV files we have # as each postprocessor runs, we feed in the output from the previous one # Shepherd checks the "completeness" of the data that comes out of a postprocessor & automatically # reverts back to the previous postprocessor if it was shown to be bad # first time around: feed in reconciled data ($input_postprocess_file) &log("\nSHEPHERD: Postprocessing stage:\n"); foreach my $postprocessor (sort { $components->{$a} <=> $components->{$b} } query_postprocessors()) { next if ($components->{$postprocessor}->{disabled}); next if (defined $plugin_data->{$postprocessor}->{failed_test}); next if (!$components->{$postprocessor}->{ready}); my $found_all_data = call_data_processor("postprocessor",$postprocessor,$input_postprocess_file); if ($found_all_data) { # accept what this postprocessor did to our output ... &log("SHEPHERD: accepting output from postprocessor $postprocessor, feeding it into next stage\n"); $input_postprocess_file = $plugin_data->{$postprocessor}->{output_filename}; next; } # urgh. this postprocessor did a bad bad thing ... &log("SHEPHERD: XML data from postprocessor $postprocessor rejected, using XML from previous stage\n"); } } # ----------------------------------------- # Subs: Postprocessing/Reconciler helpers # ----------------------------------------- sub call_data_processor { my ($data_processor_type, $data_processor_name, $input_files) = @_; &log("\nSHEPHERD: Using $data_processor_type: $data_processor_name\n"); my $out = ($opt->{'autorefresh'} ? 'refresh' : 'output'); my $output = sprintf "%s/%ss/%s/%s.xmltv",$CWD,$data_processor_type,$data_processor_name, $out; my $comm = sprintf "%s/%ss/%s/%s",$CWD,$data_processor_type,$data_processor_name,$data_processor_name; $comm .= " --region $region" . " --channels_file $channels_file" . " --output $output"; $comm .= " --days $days" if ($days); $comm .= " --offset $opt->{offset}" if ($opt->{offset}); $comm .= " --debug" if ($debug); $comm .= " @ARGV" if (@ARGV); $comm .= " --preftitle ".$plugin_data->{$pref_title_source}->{output_filename} if (($data_processor_type eq "reconciler") && (defined $pref_title_source) && ($plugin_data->{$pref_title_source}) && ($plugin_data->{$pref_title_source}->{valid})); $comm .= " $input_files"; &log("SHEPHERD: Executing command: $comm\n"); if (-e $output) { &log(1, "SHEPHERD: Removing old output file: $output\n"); unlink($output) or &log("SHEPHERD: Failed to remove old output file: $output\n$!\n"); } my $component_start = time; my ($retval,$msg) = call_prog($data_processor_name,$comm,0,(query_config($data_processor_name,'max_runtime')*60)); my $component_duration = time - $component_start; if ($retval) { &log("$data_processor_type exited with non-zero code $retval: assuming it failed.\n" . "Last message: $msg\n"); $components->{$data_processor_name}->{laststatus} = "Failed ($retval)"; $components->{$data_processor_name}->{consecutive_failures}++; &add_pending_message($data_processor_name,"FAIL", $retval.":".$msg, $component_start, $component_duration, $components->{$data_processor_name}->{ver}, $components->{$data_processor_name}->{consecutive_failures}); return 0; } delete $components->{$data_processor_name}->{conescutive_failures}; # # soak up the data we just collected and check it # YES - these are the SAME routines we used in the previous 'grabber' phase # but the difference here is that we clear out our 'channel_data' beforehand # so we can independently analyze the impact of this postprocessor. # if it clearly returns bad data, don't use that data (go back one step) and # flag the postprocessor as having failed. after 3 consecutive failures, disable it # # clear out channel_data foreach my $ch (keys %{$channels}) { delete $channel_data->{$ch}; } # process and analyze it! &soak_up_data($data_processor_name, $output, $data_processor_type); my $have_all_data = 0; if ((defined $plugin_data->{$data_processor_name}) && (defined $plugin_data->{$data_processor_name}->{valid})) { $have_all_data = &analyze_plugin_data("$data_processor_type $data_processor_name",0,$data_processor_name); } if ($have_all_data) { $components->{$data_processor_name}->{laststatus} = $plugin_data->{$data_processor_name}->{laststatus}; $components->{$data_processor_name}->{lastdata} = time; delete $components->{$data_processor_name}->{consecutive_failures} if (defined $components->{$data_processor_name}->{consecutive_failures}); &add_pending_message($data_processor_name,"SUCCESS", $retval, $component_start, $component_duration, $components->{$data_processor_name}->{ver}, 0); } else { $components->{$data_processor_name}->{laststatus} = "missing data: ".$plugin_data->{$data_processor_name}->{laststatus}; $components->{$data_processor_name}->{consecutive_failures}++; &add_pending_message($data_processor_name,"FAIL", $retval.":".$msg, $component_start, $component_duration, $components->{$data_processor_name}->{ver}, $components->{$data_processor_name}->{consecutive_failures}); } return $have_all_data; } # We test out ability to write to the output file early, since if # that fails there's no point continuing. sub test_output_file { my $fh = new IO::File(">>$output_filename") or die "Can't open $output_filename for writing: $!"; $fh->close; } sub output_data { my $reuse_cached_output = shift; my $output_cache_copy = sprintf "%s/%s.xmltv", $CWD, ($opt->{'autorefresh'} ? 'refresh' : 'output'); if ($reuse_cached_output) { # re-use existing cached output $input_postprocess_file = $output_cache_copy; &log("Using cached data from $output_cache_copy\n"); } if (&Cwd::realpath($output_filename) eq &Cwd::realpath($input_postprocess_file)) { # nothing to do - the input is the same as the output } else { &log("Storing final output in $output_filename.\n"); my %writer_args = ( encoding => 'ISO-8859-1' ); my $fh = new IO::File(">$output_filename") || die "Can't open $output_filename for writing: $!"; $writer_args{OUTPUT} = $fh; $writer = new XMLTV::Writer(%writer_args); $writer->start( { 'source-info-name' => "$progname v".$components->{$progname}->{ver}, 'generator-info-name' => $components_used } ); XMLTV::parsefiles_callback(undef, undef, \&output_data_channel_cb, \&output_data_programme_cb, $input_postprocess_file); $writer->end(); $fh->close; # copy final output to our cache copy as well if (&Cwd::realpath($output_filename) ne &Cwd::realpath($output_cache_copy) and !$reuse_cached_output) { &log("Making copy of output for cache in $output_cache_copy.\n"); unlink($output_cache_copy); if (open(F1,"<$output_filename") and open(F2,">$output_cache_copy")) { while () { print F2 $_; } close(F1); close(F2); } else { &log("ERROR: Unable to copy data from $output_filename to $output_cache_copy: $!\n"); } } else { &log("Cached output is stored in $output_cache_copy.\n"); } } if (!$opt->{'nooutput'} and ($reuse_cached_output or !$opt->{'output'})) { &log("\nPrinting XMLTV output to STDOUT in 5 seconds...\n"); sleep 5; my $fh = new IO::File("< $output_filename") || die "Can't open $output_filename for reading: $!"; print <$fh>; $fh->close; } } sub output_data_channel_cb { my $c = shift; $writer->write_channel($c); } sub output_data_programme_cb { my $prog=shift; $writer->write_programme($prog); } # ----------------------------------------- # Subs: Tor support # ----------------------------------------- sub start_tor { # do we have any components requesting the use of tor? my $want_tor = 0; foreach (query_grabbers()) { unless (($components->{$_}->{disabled}) || (defined $plugin_data->{$_}->{failed_test})) { $want_tor++ if (query_config($_, 'option_anon_socks')); } } return if ($want_tor == 0); # try to find tor my $searchpath = ".:/usr/sbin:".$ENV{PATH}; my $found_tor; foreach my $dir (split(/:/,$searchpath)) { if ((-x "$dir/tor") && (-f "$dir/tor")) { $found_tor = "$dir/tor"; last; } } if (!defined $found_tor) { &log("\nWARNING: $want_tor components wanted to use Tor but could not find it.\n"); &log("This may cause data collection to run slower than it otherwise would.\n"); return; } # we'll run our own local copy of Tor exclusively for shepherd my $tordir = $CWD."/tor"; if (!-d $tordir) { if (!mkdir $tordir) { &log("\nWARNING: Could not create $tordir, Tor not started!\n"); &log("This may cause data collection to run slower than it otherwise would.\n"); return; } } &log("\nStarting Tor ($found_tor) in the background (wanted by $want_tor components).\n"); my $pid = fork; if (!defined $pid) { # failed &log("Failed to start $found_tor: $!\n"); return; } elsif ($pid > 0) { # parent sleep 2; # wait a few seconds for Tor to start # test that it is running if (!kill 0, $pid) { &log("Tor doesn't seem to be running on pid $pid anymore, ignoring Tor option.\n"); } else { &log("Tor appears to have successfully started (pid $pid).\n"); $plugin_data->{tor_address} = ""; $plugin_data->{tor_pid} = $pid; } } else { # child exec $found_tor,"SocksListenAddress","","MaxCircuitDirtiness","30","DataDirectory",$tordir; exit(1); # we won't reach this } } sub stop_tor { if (defined $plugin_data->{tor_pid}) { # INTR sig stops tor kill 2,$plugin_data->{tor_pid}; } } sub test_tor { &start_tor; return if (!defined $plugin_data->{tor_pid}); # no components require it &log("\nSome components want to use Tor.\n". "Testing that it is working by connecting to www.google.com via Tor...\n\n"); sleep 10; use LWP::Protocol::http; my $orig_new_socket = \&LWP::Protocol::http::_new_socket; # override LWP::Protocol::http's _new_socket method with our own local($^W) = 0; *LWP::Protocol::http::_new_socket = \&socks_new_socket; # test that it works my $retries = 0; my $data; while ($retries < 10) { $retries++; &log("Connecting to www.google.com (try $retries) ... "); $data = &fetch_file("http://www.google.com/"); last if (($data) && ($data =~ /Google/i)); sleep 10; } if (($data) && ($data =~ /Google/i)) { &log("\nSUCCESS.\nTor appears to be working!\n"); } else { &log("Tor doesn't appear to be working. Suggest you look into this!\n"); } *LWP::Protocol::http::_new_socket = $orig_new_socket; &stop_tor; sleep 2; } ############################################################################## # our own SOCKS4Aified version of LWP::Protocol::http::_new_socket sub socks_new_socket { my($self, $host, $port, $timeout) = @_; my ($socks_ip,$socks_port) = split(/:/,$plugin_data->{tor_address}); local($^W) = 0; # IO::Socket::INET can be noisy my $sock = $self->socket_class->new( PeerAddr => $socks_ip, PeerPort => $socks_port, Proto => 'tcp'); unless ($sock) { # IO::Socket::INET leaves additional error messages in $@ $@ =~ s/^.*?: //; &log("Can't connect to $host:$port ($@)\n"); return undef; } # perl 5.005's IO::Socket does not have the blocking method. eval { $sock->blocking(0); }; # establish connectivity with socks server - SOCKS4A protocol print { $sock } pack("CCnN", 0x04, 0x01, $port, 1) . (pack 'x') . $host . (pack 'x'); my $received = ""; my $timeout_time = time + $timeout; while ($sock->sysread($received, 8) && (length($received) < 8) ) { select(undef, undef, undef, 0.25); last if ($timeout_time < time); } if ($timeout_time < time) { &log("Timeout ($timeout) while connecting via SOCKS server\n"); return $sock; } my ($null_byte, $req_status, $port_num, $ip_addr) = unpack('CCnN',$received); &log("Connection via SOCKS4A server rejected or failed\n") if ($req_status == 0x5b); &log("Connection via SOCKS4A server because client is not running identd\n") if ($req_status == 0x5c); &log("Connection via SOCKS4A server because client's identd could not confirm the user\n") if ($req_status == 0x5d); $sock; } ############################################################################## # For self-locking __DATA__