# encoding: UTF-8 require 'thread' require 'net/http' require 'open-uri' require 'fileutils' require 'cgi' require 'json' require_relative 'wayback_machine_downloader/tidy_bytes' require_relative 'wayback_machine_downloader/to_regex' require_relative 'wayback_machine_downloader/archive_api' class WaybackMachineDownloader include ArchiveAPI VERSION = "2.3.2" attr_accessor :base_url, :exact_url, :directory, :all_timestamps, :from_timestamp, :to_timestamp, :only_filter, :exclude_filter, :all, :maximum_pages, :threads_count def initialize params @base_url = params[:base_url] @exact_url = params[:exact_url] @directory = params[:directory] @all_timestamps = params[:all_timestamps] @from_timestamp = params[:from_timestamp].to_i @to_timestamp = params[:to_timestamp].to_i @only_filter = params[:only_filter] @exclude_filter = params[:exclude_filter] @all = params[:all] @maximum_pages = params[:maximum_pages] ? params[:maximum_pages].to_i : 100 @threads_count = params[:threads_count].to_i end def backup_name if @base_url.include? '//' @base_url.split('/')[2] else @base_url end end def backup_path if @directory if @directory[-1] == '/' @directory else @directory + '/' end else 'websites/' + backup_name + '/' end end def match_only_filter file_url if @only_filter only_filter_regex = @only_filter.to_regex if only_filter_regex only_filter_regex =~ file_url else file_url.downcase.include? @only_filter.downcase end else true end end def match_exclude_filter file_url if @exclude_filter exclude_filter_regex = @exclude_filter.to_regex if exclude_filter_regex exclude_filter_regex =~ file_url else file_url.downcase.include? @exclude_filter.downcase end else false end end def get_all_snapshots_to_consider # Note: Passing a page index parameter allow us to get more snapshots, # but from a less fresh index http = Net::HTTP.new("web.archive.org", 443) http.use_ssl = true http.start() print "Getting snapshot pages" snapshot_list_to_consider = [] snapshot_list_to_consider += get_raw_list_from_api(@base_url, nil, http) print "." unless @exact_url @maximum_pages.times do |page_index| snapshot_list = get_raw_list_from_api(@base_url + '/*', page_index, http) break if snapshot_list.empty? snapshot_list_to_consider += snapshot_list print "." end end http.finish() puts " found #{snapshot_list_to_consider.length} snaphots to consider." puts snapshot_list_to_consider end def get_file_list_curated file_list_curated = Hash.new get_all_snapshots_to_consider.each do |file_timestamp, file_url| next unless file_url.include?('/') file_id = file_url.split('/')[3..-1].join('/') file_id = CGI::unescape file_id file_id = file_id.tidy_bytes unless file_id == "" if file_id.nil? puts "Malformed file url, ignoring: #{file_url}" else if match_exclude_filter(file_url) puts "File url matches exclude filter, ignoring: #{file_url}" elsif not match_only_filter(file_url) puts "File url doesn't match only filter, ignoring: #{file_url}" elsif file_list_curated[file_id] unless file_list_curated[file_id][:timestamp] > file_timestamp file_list_curated[file_id] = {file_url: file_url, timestamp: file_timestamp} end else file_list_curated[file_id] = {file_url: file_url, timestamp: file_timestamp} end end end file_list_curated end def get_file_list_all_timestamps file_list_curated = Hash.new get_all_snapshots_to_consider.each do |file_timestamp, file_url| next unless file_url.include?('/') file_id = file_url.split('/')[3..-1].join('/') file_id_and_timestamp = [file_timestamp, file_id].join('/') file_id_and_timestamp = CGI::unescape file_id_and_timestamp file_id_and_timestamp = file_id_and_timestamp.tidy_bytes unless file_id_and_timestamp == "" if file_id.nil? puts "Malformed file url, ignoring: #{file_url}" else if match_exclude_filter(file_url) puts "File url matches exclude filter, ignoring: #{file_url}" elsif not match_only_filter(file_url) puts "File url doesn't match only filter, ignoring: #{file_url}" elsif file_list_curated[file_id_and_timestamp] puts "Duplicate file and timestamp combo, ignoring: #{file_id}" if @verbose else file_list_curated[file_id_and_timestamp] = {file_url: file_url, timestamp: file_timestamp} end end end puts "file_list_curated: " + file_list_curated.count.to_s file_list_curated end def get_file_list_by_timestamp if @all_timestamps file_list_curated = get_file_list_all_timestamps file_list_curated.map do |file_remote_info| file_remote_info[1][:file_id] = file_remote_info[0] file_remote_info[1] end else file_list_curated = get_file_list_curated file_list_curated = file_list_curated.sort_by { |k,v| v[:timestamp] }.reverse file_list_curated.map do |file_remote_info| file_remote_info[1][:file_id] = file_remote_info[0] file_remote_info[1] end end end def list_files # retrieval produces its own output @orig_stdout = $stdout $stdout = $stderr files = get_file_list_by_timestamp $stdout = @orig_stdout puts "[" files[0...-1].each do |file| puts file.to_json + "," end puts files[-1].to_json puts "]" end def download_files start_time = Time.now puts "Downloading #{@base_url} to #{backup_path} from Wayback Machine archives." puts if file_list_by_timestamp.count == 0 puts "No files to download." puts "Possible reasons:" puts "\t* Site is not in Wayback Machine Archive." puts "\t* From timestamp too much in the future." if @from_timestamp and @from_timestamp != 0 puts "\t* To timestamp too much in the past." if @to_timestamp and @to_timestamp != 0 puts "\t* Only filter too restrictive (#{only_filter.to_s})" if @only_filter puts "\t* Exclude filter too wide (#{exclude_filter.to_s})" if @exclude_filter return end puts "#{file_list_by_timestamp.count} files to download:" threads = [] @processed_file_count = 0 @threads_count = 1 unless @threads_count != 0 @threads_count.times do http = Net::HTTP.new("web.archive.org", 443) http.use_ssl = true http.start() threads << Thread.new do until file_queue.empty? file_remote_info = file_queue.pop(true) rescue nil download_file(file_remote_info, http) if file_remote_info end http.finish() end end threads.each(&:join) end_time = Time.now puts puts "Download completed in #{(end_time - start_time).round(2)}s, saved in #{backup_path} (#{file_list_by_timestamp.size} files)" end def structure_dir_path dir_path begin FileUtils::mkdir_p dir_path unless File.exist? dir_path rescue Errno::EEXIST => e error_to_string = e.to_s puts "# #{error_to_string}" if error_to_string.include? "File exists @ dir_s_mkdir - " file_already_existing = error_to_string.split("File exists @ dir_s_mkdir - ")[-1] elsif error_to_string.include? "File exists - " file_already_existing = error_to_string.split("File exists - ")[-1] else raise "Unhandled directory restructure error # #{error_to_string}" end file_already_existing_temporary = file_already_existing + '.temp' file_already_existing_permanent = file_already_existing + '/index.html' FileUtils::mv file_already_existing, file_already_existing_temporary FileUtils::mkdir_p file_already_existing FileUtils::mv file_already_existing_temporary, file_already_existing_permanent puts "#{file_already_existing} -> #{file_already_existing_permanent}" structure_dir_path dir_path end end def download_file (file_remote_info, http) current_encoding = "".encoding file_url = file_remote_info[:file_url].encode(current_encoding) file_id = file_remote_info[:file_id] file_timestamp = file_remote_info[:timestamp] file_path_elements = file_id.split('/') if file_id == "" dir_path = backup_path file_path = backup_path + 'index.html' elsif file_url[-1] == '/' or not file_path_elements[-1].include? '.' dir_path = backup_path + file_path_elements[0..-1].join('/') file_path = backup_path + file_path_elements[0..-1].join('/') + '/index.html' else dir_path = backup_path + file_path_elements[0..-2].join('/') file_path = backup_path + file_path_elements[0..-1].join('/') end if Gem.win_platform? dir_path = dir_path.gsub(/[:*?&=<>\\|]/) {|s| '%' + s.ord.to_s(16) } file_path = file_path.gsub(/[:*?&=<>\\|]/) {|s| '%' + s.ord.to_s(16) } end unless File.exist? file_path begin structure_dir_path dir_path open(file_path, "wb") do |file| begin http.get(URI("https://web.archive.org/web/#{file_timestamp}id_/#{file_url}")) do |body| file.write(body) end rescue OpenURI::HTTPError => e puts "#{file_url} # #{e}" if @all file.write(e.io.read) puts "#{file_path} saved anyway." end rescue StandardError => e puts "#{file_url} # #{e}" end end rescue StandardError => e puts "#{file_url} # #{e}" ensure if not @all and File.exist?(file_path) and File.size(file_path) == 0 File.delete(file_path) puts "#{file_path} was empty and was removed." end end semaphore.synchronize do @processed_file_count += 1 puts "#{file_url} -> #{file_path} (#{@processed_file_count}/#{file_list_by_timestamp.size})" end else semaphore.synchronize do @processed_file_count += 1 puts "#{file_url} # #{file_path} already exists. (#{@processed_file_count}/#{file_list_by_timestamp.size})" end end end def file_queue @file_queue ||= file_list_by_timestamp.each_with_object(Queue.new) { |file_info, q| q << file_info } end def file_list_by_timestamp @file_list_by_timestamp ||= get_file_list_by_timestamp end def semaphore @semaphore ||= Mutex.new end end