{ "homepage": "https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/grue", "promos": { "1.12.2-latest": "1.8.1", "1.12.2-recommended": "1.8.1", "1.12-latest": "1.3.5", "1.12-recommended": "1.3.5", "1.11.2-latest": "1.3.5", "1.11.2-recommended": "1.3.5", "1.11-latest": "1.3.3", "1.11-recommended": "1.3.3", "1.9.4-latest": "1.3.5", "1.9.4-recommended": "1.3.5", "1.9-latest": "1.3.5", "1.9-recommended": "1.3.5", "1.8.9-latest": "1.3.5", "1.8.9-recommended": "1.3.5" }, "1.12.2": { "1.8.1": "- Supporters list is now fetched on a separate thread", "1.8.0": "- Added support for Game Stages (the config file has two lists where you can specify stages where the Grue spawns and stages where it doesn't)", "1.7.0": "- Downgraded to Forge\n- Now runs on DarknessLib 1.1.0\n- Grue no longer spawns in pools of water that's more than a block deep", "1.6.0": "- Now uses DarknessLib\n- Removed the \"Dynamic Lights Mode\" and \"Dynamic Lights List\" config options (in favor of DarknessLib)\n- The Grue timer won't tick down when standing in soul sand\n- Dynamic Light is now added to the player's light level, instead of pausing the Grue timer when in dark places\n- Added a config option to go back to the old Dynamic Lights behavior", "1.5.0": "- Sounds now properly play on the server (also stops VanillaFix from \"crashing\" the client if installed)\n- Grue no longer spawns in peaceful\n- The Grue timer pauses when riding in a Minecart or Boat\n- Added support for Optifine's Dynamic Lights\n- The Dynamic Lights List now automatically scans for blocks that emit light before adding entries from the configurable list\n- Grue doesn't instantly damage you on contact when it spawns\n- The Grue now spawns wherever the spawn sound was played, rather than the player's location (unless they stood still, that is)\n- Added a config option to restore the old spawning behavior\n- Increased the movement speed of the Grue when following a target player (you could outrun them by walking)\n- Added a configurable biome whitelist for biomes where the Grue can spawn\n- Added a config option to turn the biome whitelist into a blacklist\n- Added an IMC message for biome whitelist overrides (\"registerBiomeWhitelistOverride\", to \"grue\", with a biome ID (ResourceLocation) converted to a String)\n- Added a configurable list of moon phases when the Grue will spawn during nighttime (if any values are set). Only affects dimensions with a day-night cycle!\n- Added a config option that toggles whether or not only a single Grue can spawn at a time (pausing the timer if a Grue is within 10 blocks of the player)\n- Added a config option for the amount of damage the Grue deals when Wimp Mode is enabled (no, you can't set it to 0)\n- Added a config option for defining the minimum light level at which the Grue can spawn\n- Added a config option for defining the maximum light level at which the Grue can spawn\n- Added a configurable list of dimension-specific overrides for the majority of the available config options\n- Removed the Daylight Grue (with the config options for min and max light levels you can achieve the same thing)", "1.4.0": "- Improved the skylight calculations (eg. if you have hardcore darkness installed, it will be dark enough for Grues to spawn at night, courtesy of Laike Endaril)\n- The light detection code no longer takes artificial light into account (so Grues can spawn in the Nether, among other dimensions)\n- The timer stops ticking if you're already dead, as does the displaying of warning messages\n- The warning message is now displayed above the hotbar, instead of the top left corner\n- Added a loot table for the Grue (have fun trying to kill them, it's empty)\n- Added a config option to turn the dimension whitelist into a blacklist\n- Added a config option to toggle whether or not to display the warning text in the chat instead of above the hotbar\n- Added a configurable grace period that temporarily stops the Grue timer for a few seconds on dimension change\n- Replaced the spawning sounds with new ones (with more genuine growls and more fake reverb)\n- Now runs on Forge" }, "1.12": { "1.3.5": "- Ported to 1.12" }, "1.11.2": { "1.3.5": "- The grue timer can now be reduced down to a single second, and increased up to a minute\n- Brightness calculations have been tweaked to take skylight into consideration (no more grues spawning under a tree)", "1.3.4": "- Added a configurable list for things to be considered as handheld light sources when Dynamic Lights is installed\n- The Grue timer doesn't run if you're in Spectator Mode\n- Ported to 1.11.2" }, "1.11": { "1.3.3": "- Ported to 1.11" }, "1.9.4": { "1.3.5": "- The grue timer can now be reduced down to a single second, and increased up to a minute\n- Brightness calculations have been tweaked to take skylight into consideration (no more grues spawning under a tree)", "1.3.4": "- Added a configurable list for things to be considered as handheld light sources when Dynamic Lights is installed\n- The Grue timer doesn't run if you're in Spectator Mode", "1.3.3": "- Reduced the amount of times the Grue spawning sound is played\n- Added a config option to set the height above ground at which you're considered airborne (so Grues no longer spawn in mid-air)\n- The Dimension Whitelist should now work correctly when more than a single dimension is whitelisted\n- Min and max and default values for numerical config options are now provided in the comments (in favor of those not using the config GUI)", "1.3.2": "- The warning message should no longer display when it isn't meant to\n- Both Grues now deal damage when colliding with Players", "1.3.1": "- Grues can now spawn in tight spaces where it's dark\n- Slightly reduced the bounding box size of the Grue\n- The game should no longer crash if too many sounds are played" }, "1.9": { "1.3.5": "- The grue timer can now be reduced down to a single second, and increased up to a minute\n- Brightness calculations have been tweaked to take skylight into consideration (no more grues spawning under a tree)", "1.3.4": "- Added a configurable list for things to be considered as handheld light sources when Dynamic Lights is installed\n- The Grue timer doesn't run if you're in Spectator Mode", "1.3.3": "- Reduced the amount of times the Grue spawning sound is played\n- Added a config option to set the height above ground at which you're considered airborne (so Grues no longer spawn in mid-air)\n- The Dimension Whitelist should now work correctly when more than a single dimension is whitelisted\n- Min and max and default values for numerical config options are now provided in the comments (in favor of those not using the config GUI)", "1.3.2": "- The warning message should no longer display when it isn't meant to\n- Both Grues now deal damage when colliding with Players", "1.3.1": "- Grues can now spawn in tight spaces where it's dark\n- Slightly reduced the bounding box size of the Grue\n- The game should no longer crash if too many sounds are played" }, "1.8.9": { "1.3.5": "- The grue timer can now be reduced down to a single second, and increased up to a minute\n- Brightness calculations have been tweaked to take skylight into consideration (no more grues spawning under a tree)", "1.3.4": "- Added a configurable list for things to be considered as handheld light sources when Dynamic Lights is installed\n- The Grue timer doesn't run if you're in Spectator Mode", "1.3.3": "- Reduced the amount of times the Grue spawning sound is played\n- Added a config option to set the height above ground at which you're considered airborne (so Grues no longer spawn in mid-air)\n- The Dimension Whitelist should now work correctly when more than a single dimension is whitelisted\n- Min and max and default values for numerical config options are now provided in the comments (in favor of those not using the config GUI)", "1.3.2": "- The warning message should no longer display when it isn't meant to\n- Both Grues now deal damage when colliding with Players", "1.3.1": "- Grues can now spawn in tight spaces where it's dark\n- Slightly reduced the bounding box size of the Grue" } }