{ "homepage": "https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/the-beneath", "promos": { "1.12.2-latest": "1.7.1", "1.12.2-recommended": "1.7.1", "1.12-latest": "1.2.0", "1.12-recommended": "1.2.0", "1.11.2-latest": "1.4.2", "1.11.2-recommended": "1.4.2", "1.11-latest": "1.1.0", "1.11-recommended": "1.1.0", "1.10.2-latest": "1.4.2", "1.10.2-recommended": "1.4.2" }, "1.12.2": { "1.7.1": "- Supporters list is now fetched on a separate thread\n- Both oregen.json and blockdeco.json will now load their default if an error occurs during loading", "1.7.0": "- Other mods can now change the cave generation of The Beneath", "1.6.0": "- Added a config option to toggle whether or not other mods can interfere with the terrain generation inside The Beneath (rather than it being tied to the internal ore generator option)\n- The \"Lake Fluid Blocks\" list can now be updated on the client (through the config GUI) without needing to restart the game. Still requires a restart to take effect on servers, though\n- Added a config option to change what the terrain inside The Beneath is made from\n- Added a command to reload the Ore Generation and Block Decoration JSON files on the fly (/beneath reloadAll | reloadOres | reloadDeco)\n- Error logging actually logs the error now, instead of just mentioning when the error occurred", "1.5.1": "- Lake, stalagmite and stalactite generation no longer pokes holes through bedrock, making it possible to get on top or below the dimension\n- The damage and health multipliers can now be set to 1 as their minimum, instead of 2", "1.5.0": "- Added a third mode that disables the darkness damage (called 'none')\n- Added a config option to toggle the shadow hands that the shadows use to drag you into the darkness\n- Added Russian translation (courtesy of TimeConqueror)", "1.4.2": "- Teleporters no longer function outside the Overworld unless \"Additional Dimension Teleportation\" is enabled (as it was meant to be)", "1.4.1": "- Teleporting to/from The Beneath should no longer get you stuck in any walls\n- You can no longer teleport to The Beneath while riding something", "1.4.0": "- Restricted the Y-level you have to be in relation to the teleporter block (in order to ensure players always spawn on the platform)\n- The spawn platform inside The Beneath is now made out of Cobblestone instead of regular Stone\n- Added stalactites and stalagmites that generates throughout the dimension (both configurable)\n- Added an empty loot table to the Shadows", "1.3.0": "- Recompiled against 1.12.2\n- Now runs on Forge\n- The sky colors when the Night Vision potion effect is enabled can be changed in the config file\n- When initially teleporting into The Beneath, torches will spawn on the edges of the platform (can be toggled in the config file)\n- You can't use the teleporter unless you're within 2 blocks of it (so you don't accidentally fall 50 blocks to your imminent death when entering, instead of dying later)\n- The health and damage boost of mobs inside The Beneath can now be configured\n- Added a configurable list of fluid blocks to generate lakes with inside The Beneath\n- Added a config option to set the rarity of the aforementioned lakes\n- Things like Dirt, Gravel, and the various stone types now generate inside The Beneath (run before the ore generator, using a separate json file, named blockdeco.json)\n- Added a config option to disable the aforementioned decorator" }, "1.12": { "1.2.0": "- Ported to 1.12" }, "1.11.2": { "1.4.2": "- Teleporters no longer function outside the Overworld unless \"Additional Dimension Teleportation\" is enabled (as it was meant to be)", "1.4.1": "- Teleporting to/from The Beneath should no longer get you stuck in any walls\n- You can no longer teleport to The Beneath while riding something", "1.4.0": "- Restricted the Y-level you have to be in relation to the teleporter block (in order to ensure players always spawn on the platform)\n- The spawn platform inside The Beneath is now made out of Cobblestone instead of regular Stone\n- Added stalactites and stalagmites that generates throughout the dimension (both configurable)\n- Added an empty loot table to the Shadows", "1.3.0": "- The sky colors when the Night Vision potion effect is enabled can be changed in the config file\n- When initially teleporting into The Beneath, torches will spawn on the edges of the platform (can be toggled in the config file)\n- You can't use the teleporter unless you're within 2 blocks of it (so you don't accidentally fall 50 blocks to your imminent death when entering, instead of dying later)\n- The health and damage boost of mobs inside The Beneath can now be configured\n- Added a configurable list of fluid blocks to generate lakes with inside The Beneath\n- Added a config option to set the rarity of the aforementioned lakes\n- Things like Dirt, Gravel, and the various stone types now generate inside The Beneath (run before the ore generator, using a separate json file, named blockdeco.json)\n- Added a config option to disable the aforementioned decorator", "1.2.0": "- Fixed the text formatting for the config options where that was broken\n- The Darkness now actually checks if it's dark before trying to damage the player\n- Added a configurable crafting recipe for the Teleporter (can be enabled/disabled in the config, disabled by default)", "1.1.1": "- Ghost Teleporter block no longer appear if teleporting out from The Beneath with a Teleporter placed inside it\n- Ported to 1.11.2" }, "1.11": { "1.1.0": "- Ported to 1.11" }, "1.10.2": { "1.4.2": "- Teleporters no longer function outside the Overworld unless \"Additional Dimension Teleportation\" is enabled (as it was meant to be)", "1.4.1": "- Teleporting to/from The Beneath should no longer get you stuck in any walls\n- You can no longer teleport to The Beneath while riding something", "1.4.0": "- Restricted the Y-level you have to be in relation to the teleporter block (in order to ensure players always spawn on the platform)\n- The spawn platform inside The Beneath is now made out of Cobblestone instead of regular Stone\n- Added stalactites and stalagmites that generates throughout the dimension (both configurable)\n- Added an empty loot table to the Shadows", "1.3.0": "- The sky colors when the Night Vision potion effect is enabled can be changed in the config file\n- When initially teleporting into The Beneath, torches will spawn on the edges of the platform (can be toggled in the config file)\n- You can't use the teleporter unless you're within 2 blocks of it (so you don't accidentally fall 50 blocks to your imminent death when entering, instead of dying later)\n- The health and damage boost of mobs inside The Beneath can now be configured\n- Added a configurable list of fluid blocks to generate lakes with inside The Beneath\n- Added a config option to set the rarity of the aforementioned lakes\n- Things like Dirt, Gravel, and the various stone types now generate inside The Beneath (run before the ore generator, using a separate json file, named blockdeco.json)\n- Added a config option to disable the aforementioned decorator", "1.2.0": "- Fixed the text formatting for the config options where that was broken\n- The Darkness now actually checks if it's dark before trying to damage the player\n- Added a configurable crafting recipe for the Teleporter (can be enabled/disabled in the config, disabled by default)", "1.1.1": "- Ghost Teleporter block no longer appear if teleporting out from The Beneath with a Teleporter placed inside it", "1.1.0": "- The damage and health boost of mobs inside The Beneath should no longer spiral out of control and reach 5 digit numbers\n- Added a config option that allows you to stop mob spawning inside The Beneath\n- Added a config option for the Spawn Weight of the Shadows.\n- Grue is no longer required (but the mode will switch to darkness if set to grue while Grue isn't installed)\n- Now runs on Forge", "1.0.0": "- Initial release" } }