if GetObjectName(myHero) ~= "Pantheon" then return end PrintChat("ShivAIO | Pantheon v1.2") PantheonMenu = Menu("Pantheon", "Pantheon") PantheonMenu:SubMenu("Combo", "Combo") PantheonMenu.Combo:Boolean("Q", "Use Q", true) PantheonMenu.Combo:Boolean("W", "Use W", true) PantheonMenu.Combo:Boolean("E", "Use E", true) PantheonMenu.Combo:Boolean("Items", "Use Items", true) PantheonMenu.Combo:Boolean("QSS", "Use QSS", true) PantheonMenu.Combo:Slider("QSSHP", "if my health % is lower than", 75, 0, 100, 1) PantheonMenu:SubMenu("Harass", "Harass") PantheonMenu.Harass:Boolean("Q", "Use Q", true) PantheonMenu:SubMenu("Farm", "Farm") PantheonMenu.Farm:Boolean("QLC", "Clear lane with Q", true) PantheonMenu.Farm:Boolean("ELC", "Clear lane with E", true) PantheonMenu:SubMenu("JungleClear", "Jungle Clear") PantheonMenu.JungleClear:Boolean("QJC", "Clear jungle with Q", true) PantheonMenu.JungleClear:Boolean("WJC", "Clear jungle with W", true) PantheonMenu.JungleClear:Boolean("EJC", "Clear jungle with E", true) PantheonMenu:SubMenu("Drawings", "Drawings") PantheonMenu.Drawings:Boolean("Q", "Draw Q Range", false) PantheonMenu.Drawings:Boolean("W", "Draw W Range", false) PantheonMenu.Drawings:Boolean("E", "Draw E Range", false) PantheonMenu.Drawings:Boolean("R", "Draw R Range", false) PantheonMenu:SubMenu("Autolevel", "Auto Level") PantheonMenu.Autolevel:Boolean("Autolvl", "Auto level", false) OnProcessSpell(function(unit, spell) if unit and unit == myHero and spell and spell.name=="PantheonE" then IOW:DisableOrbwalking() GoS:DelayAction(function () IOW:EnableOrbwalking() end, 1300) end end) OnLoop(function(myHero) if IOW:Mode() == "Combo" then local target = GetCurrentTarget() if CanUseSpell(myHero, _Q) == READY and GotBuff(myHero, "pantheonesound") < 1 and PantheonMenu.Combo.Q:Value() and GoS:ValidTarget(target, 600) then CastTargetSpell(target, _Q) end if CanUseSpell(myHero, _W) == READY and GotBuff(myHero, "pantheonesound") < 1 and GoS:ValidTarget(target, 600) and PantheonMenu.Combo.W:Value() then CastTargetSpell(target, _W) end local Eprediction = GetPredictionForPlayer(GoS:myHeroPos(),target,GetMoveSpeed(target),1200,390,600,100,false,true) if CanUseSpell(myHero, _E) == READY and PantheonMenu.Combo.E:Value() and GoS:ValidTarget(target, 600) and Eprediction.HitChance == 1 then IOW:DisableOrbwalking() CastSkillShot(_E,Eprediction.PredPos.x, Eprediction.PredPos.y, Eprediction.PredPos.z) end if GetItemSlot(myHero,3140) > 0 and PantheonMenu.Combo.QSS:Value() and GotBuff(myHero, "rocketgrab2") > 0 or GotBuff(myHero, "charm") > 0 or GotBuff(myHero, "fear") > 0 or GotBuff(myHero, "flee") > 0 or GotBuff(myHero, "snare") > 0 or GotBuff(myHero, "taunt") > 0 or GotBuff(myHero, "suppression") > 0 or GotBuff(myHero, "stun") > 0 or GotBuff(myHero, "zedultexecute") > 0 or GotBuff(myHero, "summonerexhaust") > 0 and 100*GetCurrentHP(myHero)/GetMaxHP(myHero) < PantheonMenu.Combo.QSSHP:Value() then CastTargetSpell(myHero, GetItemSlot(myHero,3140)) end if GetItemSlot(myHero,3139) > 0 and PantheonMenu.Combo.QSS:Value() and GotBuff(myHero, "rocketgrab2") > 0 or GotBuff(myHero, "charm") > 0 or GotBuff(myHero, "fear") > 0 or GotBuff(myHero, "flee") > 0 or GotBuff(myHero, "snare") > 0 or GotBuff(myHero, "taunt") > 0 or GotBuff(myHero, "suppression") > 0 or GotBuff(myHero, "stun") > 0 or GotBuff(myHero, "zedultexecute") > 0 or GotBuff(myHero, "summonerexhaust") > 0 and 100*GetCurrentHP(myHero)/GetMaxHP(myHero) < PantheonMenu.Combo.QSSHP:Value() then CastTargetSpell(myHero, GetItemSlot(myHero,3139)) end if GetItemSlot(myHero,3077) > 0 and PantheonMenu.Combo.Items:Value() and GotBuff(myHero, "pantheonesound") < 1 and GoS:ValidTarget(target, 400) then CastTargetSpell(target, GetItemSlot(myHero,3077)) --tiamat end if GetItemSlot(myHero,3074) > 0 and PantheonMenu.Combo.Items:Value() and GotBuff(myHero, "pantheonesound") < 1 and GoS:ValidTarget(target, 400) then CastTargetSpell(target, GetItemSlot(myHero,3074)) --hydra end end if IOW:Mode() == "Harass" then local target = GetCurrentTarget() if CanUseSpell(myHero, _Q) == READY and GotBuff(myHero, "pantheonesound") < 1 and PantheonMenu.Harass.Q:Value() and GoS:ValidTarget(target, 600) then CastTargetSpell(target, _Q) end end for i,unit in pairs(GoS:GetAllMinions(MINION_ENEMY)) do if IOW:Mode() == "LaneClear" then if GoS:ValidTarget(unit, 600) and GotBuff(myHero, "pantheonesound") < 1 and PantheonMenu.Farm.QLC:Value() and CanUseSpell(myHero, _Q) == READY then CastTargetSpell(unit, _Q) end local minionposition = GetOrigin(unit) if GoS:ValidTarget(unit, 600) and PantheonMenu.Farm.ELC:Value() and CanUseSpell(myHero, _E) == READY then IOW:DisableOrbwalking() CastSkillShot(_E,minionposition.x,minionposition.y, minionposition.z) end if GetItemSlot(myHero,3077) > 0 and PantheonMenu.Combo.Items:Value() and GotBuff(myHero, "pantheonesound") < 1 and GoS:ValidTarget(unit, 400) then CastTargetSpell(unit, GetItemSlot(myHero,3077)) --tiamat end if GetItemSlot(myHero,3074) > 0 and PantheonMenu.Combo.Items:Value() and GotBuff(myHero, "pantheonesound") < 1 and GoS:ValidTarget(unit, 400) then CastTargetSpell(unit, GetItemSlot(myHero,3074)) --hydra end end end for _,mob in pairs(GoS:GetAllMinions(MINION_JUNGLE)) do if IOW:Mode() == "LaneClear" then if CanUseSpell(myHero, _Q) == READY and GotBuff(myHero, "pantheonesound") < 1 and PantheonMenu.JungleClear.QJC:Value() and GoS:ValidTarget(mob, 600) then CastTargetSpell(mob, _Q) end if CanUseSpell(myHero, _W) == READY and GotBuff(myHero, "pantheonesound") < 1 and GoS:ValidTarget(mob, 600) and PantheonMenu.JungleClear.WJC:Value() then CastTargetSpell(mob, _W) end local mobPos = GetOrigin(mob) if CanUseSpell(myHero, _E) == READY and PantheonMenu.JungleClear.EJC:Value() and GoS:ValidTarget(mob, 600) then IOW:DisableOrbwalking() CastSkillShot(_E, mobPos.x, mobPos.y, mobPos.z) end if GetItemSlot(myHero,3077) > 0 and PantheonMenu.Combo.Items:Value() and GotBuff(myHero, "pantheonesound") < 1 and GoS:ValidTarget(mob, 400) then CastTargetSpell(mob, GetItemSlot(myHero,3077)) --tiamat end if GetItemSlot(myHero,3074) > 0 and PantheonMenu.Combo.Items:Value() and GotBuff(myHero, "pantheonesound") < 1 and GoS:ValidTarget(mob, 400) then CastTargetSpell(mob, GetItemSlot(myHero,3074)) --hydra end end end if PantheonMenu.Drawings.Q:Value() then DrawCircle(GoS:myHeroPos().x, GoS:myHeroPos().y, GoS:myHeroPos().z,GetCastRange(myHero,_Q),3,100,0xff0000ff) end if PantheonMenu.Drawings.W:Value() then DrawCircle(GoS:myHeroPos().x, GoS:myHeroPos().y, GoS:myHeroPos().z,GetCastRange(myHero,_W),3,100,0xff0000ff) end if PantheonMenu.Drawings.E:Value() then DrawCircle(GoS:myHeroPos().x, GoS:myHeroPos().y, GoS:myHeroPos().z,GetCastRange(myHero,_E),3,100,0xff0000ff) end if PantheonMenu.Drawings.R:Value() then DrawCircle(GoS:myHeroPos().x, GoS:myHeroPos().y, GoS:myHeroPos().z,GetCastRange(myHero,_R),3,100,0xff0000ff) end if PantheonMenu.Autolevel.Autolvl:Value() then local level = GetLevel(myHero) if level == 1 then LevelSpell(_Q) elseif level == 2 then LevelSpell(_W) elseif level == 3 then LevelSpell(_Q) elseif level == 4 then LevelSpell(_E) elseif level == 5 then LevelSpell(_Q) elseif level == 6 then LevelSpell(_R) elseif level == 7 then LevelSpell(_Q) elseif level == 8 then LevelSpell(_E) elseif level == 9 then LevelSpell(_Q) elseif level == 10 then LevelSpell(_E) elseif level == 11 then LevelSpell(_R) elseif level == 12 then LevelSpell(_E) elseif level == 13 then LevelSpell(_E) elseif level == 14 then LevelSpell(_W) elseif level == 15 then LevelSpell(_W) elseif level == 16 then LevelSpell(_R) elseif level == 17 then LevelSpell(_W) elseif level == 18 then LevelSpell(_W) end end end)